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No. 67085
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I'm semi obsessed with Lily cole, so I'll post moar of her
No. 67086
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No. 67087
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I dun care if the world thinks she's ugly, she's uber coot to me
No. 67089
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No. 67093
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Lindsey Wixson
No. 67096
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No. 67097
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No. 67098
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>>67090As a huge fan of her look, I completely agree, but that's not what the public reception of her seems to have been
there are literally thousands of comments on the net of people saying she looks like an alien, ugly and freakish. People saying she's too ugly to be a model (as if beauty is what matters) etc. What I find ironic is that these same people calling Lily ugly tend to be overweight, mediocre and boring. Not to mention probably hypocritical since surely they'd describe themselves as someone who doesn't think "looks matter".
lol I'm
triggered maybe you missed the drama, but she was a big thing with her 'look' back in the doll faced model wave, after gemma ward's fame hype
No. 67102
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Forgot her name.
No. 67104
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shaun ross
still more black than shaun king kek
No. 67105
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>>67100Nope, that's Joy Adenuga.
No. 67107
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>>67101IMO she's very beautiful, plus OP did say
>Unusual, pretty in a strange way, or just plain ugly, everything goes. Sooo
Anyway, I think Nastya Kumarova is pretty striking too
No. 67108
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>>67105she's absolutely stunning! I'm in love! N….no homo!
No. 67110
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>>67106Asha looks nothing like that, anon. Wtf?
I do think Asha looks slightly similar to
>>67096 though
No. 67111
File: 1454865028181.jpg (85.2 KB, 612x612, Nastya-Kumarova (1).jpg)

>>67107I love her. Albino princess <3
If I were a fashion designer, she would be one of the models I would use. She makes white clothing look amazing
No. 67112
>>67108whats unusual about her?
she looks like an average pretty person
No. 67113
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>>67111Yeah. She looks like she's made of snow
No. 67114
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Does Loving Gemma make me a pedolesbian?
No. 67115
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>>67112Meh. She's some big shot SK internet celeb. She got her look with surgery I believe. Forgot the name.
No. 67116
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Obvious answer but Chantelle Winnie
No. 67117
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I don't know who this is, but she looks like moot.
No. 67118
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No. 67120
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Moffy the cross eyed model. I think some big name signed her recently (louis vuitton?)
No. 67123
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>>67117apparently her name is irina kravchenko
poor girl
No. 67124
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>>67105>>67108I fucked up, that's the name of the makeup artist.
Her Tumblr blog is here tho:
No. 67126
File: 1454865769353.jpg (53.96 KB, 649x865, Andrej Pejic.jpg)

Andrej. Actually a dude.
No. 67130
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No. 67132
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No. 67133
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>>67129London is way more black though?…Certain areas of London are majority black you know. It's not like on TV lol
No. 67135
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No. 67136
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Casey legler FTM trans
No. 67137
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>>67133That's still a very, very low population overall. You haven't seen that many black people, anon, you should just quit.
No. 67139
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No. 67141
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No. 67142
File: 1454866386411.gif (25.87 KB, 403x332, black_african.gif)

tower hamlets and a lot of north london eg. dalston is mostly african, british black and carribean, but ok
have you actually lived there yourself anon? I'm curious
No. 67143
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I hate how hot he is
No. 67144
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No. 67145
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Devon Aoki
isn't she mixed race? I forgot, she was big in the 90s but I never see her these days
is she still doing victorias secret?
No. 67147
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>>67144she's gorgeous, reminds me of this indian girl I know in RL.
No. 67148
>>67142…That's still 3% out of the whole of the UK. Can you into numbers?
Anyway, I'm going to stop derailing now.
No. 67151
File: 1454866663408.jpg (Spoiler Image,311.75 KB, 713x1000, 1416643054555.jpg)

Spoilered for nudity.
No. 67152
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>>67148I wasn't talking about the rest of the UK tho? I said london?…
TBH I'm not interested in derailing either, so let's agree to disagree.
No. 67155
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No. 67157
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No. 67159
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No. 67160
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My fave ATM contestant. She totally embodies a pixie/nymph. She looks otherworldly.
No. 67163
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andrej had a sex change btw
No. 67165
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>>67164I agree. He was gorgeous, now he's just another tranny
No. 67166
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Tyelna 0_____0
No. 67170
>>67165that's my ideal body type right there
skinny and androgynous
No. 67173
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No. 67174
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>>67084Sasha Pivovarova looks unusual to me
No. 67213
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I'm so thirsty for Adonis Bosso
No. 67349
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>>67084Heh, I kinda like Lindsey Wixson. I have lips like hers, which might be the reason. I don't like her walk that much, and she tries too hard to get into politics. I love her editorials though
No. 67389
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>>67333lol you do have a point
No. 67393
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this polish model. Forgot her name aaa
No. 67394
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>>67143fuck, me too
But isn't it Andreja Pejic now?
idk, I'm kinda torn on this model because I remember back in the beginning when Pejic would tell interviewers "I wear girls clothing, but I'm still a boy." It was a lot more interesting.
No. 67396
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>>67393ah, she's Magdalena frackowiak
No. 67408
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>>67084Tanya Dziahileva has one of the most weird looking faces I've seen, too
No. 67418
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she doesn't really count as a model…though technically she models for products…valeria the crazy hippie ukrainian
No. 67420
File: 1454882283250.jpg (20.05 KB, 300x450, 2009-11-08-monique.JPG)

Always forget her name. Brazilian model she is.
She looks like a little baby deer caught in the headlights
No. 67426
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>>67423walking is hard kek
No. 67427
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I love devon <3
No. 67428
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this thread is severely lacking in Daphne Groeneveld
No. 67429
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No. 67437
>>67429She looks like an expensive purebred bulldog.
Not a bad thing, I like it.
No. 67457
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Not as much "weird" as her face is uncommon, I guess.
Yana Obodets is hands down my favourite Russian girl
No. 67459
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No. 67467
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yumi something
No. 67468
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No. 67540
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No. 67663
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Kelly Mittendorf is very neanderthallic, I really like her face she look like a real catwoman.
No. 67664
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>>67663she is also very versatile, this editorial is my favorite of her.
No. 67666
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>>67107She does amazing photos, but …..
No. 67688
>>67687She's quite un-PC. She wouldn't get on well with non-white Americans lel.
I like her for that fact tbh.
Westerners are not butthurt, except if they are liberal.
No. 67698
>>67688I'm a chink and I find that funny. I remember this kid thing I used to do:
"My dad is Chinese, so he looks like this:"
pull eyes apart and up, so your eyes are squinting upwards"My mom is Japanese, so she looks like this:"
pull both eyes down, so they squint downwards"So I look like this!"
now pull one eye up and the other downYou're bound to get a laugh. Well it seemed funnier at the age of seven
SJW are always going to find something to get butthurt over on my behalf.
>I consider that to be the real microaggression No. 67707
>>67666Considering that she likes Japan I would've expected her to know better.
This gesture would make more sense towards Koreans.
No. 67708
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I love her derpy face
No. 67709
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No. 67729
>>67666She hates black people, too.
Kind of a pity, but she's a bitter Russian chick. You can't really expect better.
No. 67733
>>67731No? I never said that. Sounds like you're just projecting tbh.
She's bitter all around. Read the /pol/ threads, she talks about hating Russia and thinking it's a bad country, and also about being shit on over her albinism and made to feel ugly her whole life.
She talked about hating black people, too. Don't get me wrong, she's very pretty, but personality-wise she a shit tbh.
No. 67804
>>67803For the most part.
Actually most of the disagreement with UR's stewardship comes from the right though. People who dislike all the internal migration from the Caucuses to European Russia.
No. 67828
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No. 67831
>>67729She never said she hates black people wtf
Why do you hate russians lol
No. 67857
>>67831>What do you think about black people?>They disgust me.Then she mentions hating having albinism, and someone asks "If you had the chance to be reborn without albinism, and instead be born as a black girl, would you be okay with it?" and she was like "Never, I'd rather kill myself".
Did you even read the thread?
No. 67860
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>>67854Just wait a couple decades. You'll get your white hair!
Natalie's lopsided mouth runs in the family, I think her sister and mom both have that 24/7 smirk going on. I also find it incredible that she looks so youthful well into her mid-30's.
No. 67861
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>>67836I personally think Cara's biggest problem is her personality. She has no class; she doesn't deserve to be a (super?)model. Then again, that kind of model is a dying breed.
A few years back, I used to diligently read a gossip forum populated by a number of models, and very few people in the business liked her as a person. They really used to look up to Vlada Roslyakova, for her grace and diligent work ethic.
No. 67887
File: 1454972279841.jpg (144.74 KB, 743x1069, 1438387088483.jpg)

>>67836she has fucking awful teeth.
>>67861Cara is a huge cunt bitch, let it go
No. 67888
>>67861God she is so beautiful.
Her father should never let any man touch her.
No. 67904
>>67888That would be horrible
No one deserves to be locked up in a tower (aside from criminals)
>>67902My opinion is if someone proclaims that they're
not even the slightest bit racist, I won't trust a single word coming out of their mouth
No. 67910
>>67904Pretty sure most people aren't "disgusted" by an entire race of humans they probably haven't even met a large amount of (considering Russia probably has like 3 black people), but that's besides the point.
She's a very bitter person, not just in terms of her opinions on race, but in general, end of.
No. 67923
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>>67912But not all black people are criminals (or deserve to be blamed for those that are). There's really no justifying it, it's her opinion and it's a shit-tier one.
Anyway, back to models
No. 67956
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>>67905Better to die free than live in a gilded cage.
>Not sure if this is a model, but I find her freckles cute No. 67980
File: 1454990530265.jpg (49.18 KB, 386x496, 1426108220839.jpg)

>>67966stay on topic or go make your own racism thread
No. 67981
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>>67861How she has fallen.
No. 68044
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>>67981wow this is sad, poor baby vlada
Have some Marnie Harris, shes my all time favourite! Points for being even more stunning IRL and a sweetie.
No. 68046
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>>68044I have a sizeable girlcrush TBH
No. 68207
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Lily Mcmenamy, proof that nepotism is still alive and well.
No. 68978
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I oromise you I am not obsessed with azns but devon aoki and the albinos in this thread are the only weird looking people to me.
No. 68980
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Her fans are the type of people who would claim kim kardashian is ugly, even though before surgery she was quite pretty and in the 2007-2010 era she was perfection.
No. 69282
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>>69280Being pretty doesn't make her less trashy.
No. 69837
>>68973butthurt americunt detected
whine some more hamburger fatty
No. 69840
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No. 69841
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No. 69848
>>69834If you had white eyelashes you wouldnt be pretty either
You dont have white eyelashes and you still aren't pretty. Burn bitch.
No. 69890
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No. 69906
>>69892I just called Nasty ugly dumb cunt.
>>69889Suck my clit hoe
No. 69922
>>69919>>69920>>69921White eyelashes are the culprit. Like I said.
And on the last photo: that eyeliner is fcked up. But I still see white eyelashes. She needs brown mascara.
No. 69955
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>>69906Stop throwing your spaghetti around anon. Plz.
No. 69964
>>69922I dunno man, she just has pretty unfortunate facial structure imo.
She still looks cool with her coloring though.
No. 69970
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Connie Chiu
No. 69995
>>69967True. Their hair looks like a bad dye job and their skin is never as pale as an every day ginger.
>>69919The only strikingly pretty part of her is her eyelashes. I think white eyelashes are gorgeous.
No. 70013
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>>69977it's Fatima Siad, but they do look similar, I think they're both from Somalia
No. 70017
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>>70013I'm white and even I dont think they look alike…
No. 70112
>>70111Maybe the West Africans you are used to seeing
Somalians basically look Caucasian with dark skin
Hardly uncommon
No. 70121
>>70115Yup. Africa is a huge continent and there are way more ethnicities than the West Africans we commonly see in the US
Only things in common many of the ethnicities have is dark skin
>>70117If by mixed you mean Somali/Ethiopian then sure
No. 70134
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The queen (not pt) Elizabeth Taylor!
Her face is so perfect!
No. 70292
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Creepy Chan will always be my favourite model
No. 70311
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>>70134there is nothing unusual about her. She has an extremely classical beauty.
An interesting hollywood beauty would be katharine hepburn IMO.
No. 70312
>>70292She is so beautiful it's actually quite painful. Soft white skin, big eyes etc.
Beautiful girl. Hope she settles down and has a ton of children.
No. 70316
>>70312you guys are so fucking creepy
>>69841It looks like she has no eyes in this pic lol
No. 70323
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>>70312>>70093>>67888>>67905Really want these creepy fucks from /r9k/ and /pol/ to fuck the fuck off tbh
No. 70327
>>70316>you guys are so fucking creepylol wut?
No. 70331
>>70311No, she is what Hollywoods finds ideal but no one has the beauty of Elizabeth Taylor naturally or irl. She is like this naturally, thats why she is unusual. Dont piss a fangirl off.
>>70323carribean beauty/10
But she is still pretty, is she from the islands?
No. 70334
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>>70323r u jelly or something? chill
No. 70336
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No. 70340
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gabby westbrook, not really 'unusual' but she does have a very youthful look, and I just love her features. They can look really striking with the right light and makeup
No. 70341
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No. 70342
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>>70279To be honest, I don't see why she's so popular, apart from the shaved head thing. Is she trying to be a princess steampunk?
She looks nice and all, but why is the media acting like she's the most beautiful black woman? Iman looked far better. At least iman had some interesting features. This is just…Meh…But that's just my opinion.
No. 70344
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Marina Nery, real life anime eyes
No. 70345
>>70331I don't give a fuck if this piss you off.
I just think she has a generic pretty doll face and she doesn't have her place here.
Her beauty isn't even that exceptional there are plenty of equally as beautiful girl in the world.
>>70340Same for her, btw she is as beautiful as elizabeth taylor. Everything is in the right place, still her features stand out more because there is the little "wrong" thing wich make her more interesting.
Sorry for the autistic rant.
No. 70346
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No. 70347
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Alek Wek
No. 70349
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No. 70350
File: 1455470042033.jpg (90.21 KB, 633x950, 000000440190-issa_lish-fit.jpg)

idk why but she is my type
No. 70352
File: 1455470273201.jpg (876.83 KB, 1000x1357, xiao-wen-ju-10.jpg)

>>70350Her eyes are very nice. Xiao Wen Ju remains as the cootest asian model though.
No. 70353
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>>70351I found some saucy pics of your waifu anon. She has this alien look to her, I love it.
No. 70356
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>>70354who is your waiffu anon
this is my waiffu
No. 70360
>>70351>Implying you can see any of this shit of this ugly pic >>70134She doesn't stand out to me.
>WaiffuI'm going to vomit in my mouth
No. 70361
File: 1455471254702.png (675.25 KB, 521x548, 1446597380990.png)

>>70334Jelly of what? I'm not attacking the models (they're beautiful), I'm attacking your creepy tradfem-tier opinions.
Go outside.
>>70327Just tired of you shitting up this site with your autism
No. 70364
File: 1455471431602.jpg (61.92 KB, 396x594, Zac Posen Runway Fall 2010 MBF…)

No. 70365
File: 1455471479471.jpg (22.34 KB, 406x423, Kelly_Mittendorf_Pr.JPG)

>>70363cara is so basic, but at least she brought natural brows back, so I thank her for that
No. 70380
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>>70368oh lawd don't remind me. It's why quirky
triggers me so much. Markers in her eyebrows and hashtag FAT GURRRL SLAY EYEBROW GAME
Speaking of quirks, I should check up on her thread and snapchat, OT
No. 70468
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>>70362I love Allison! Forever salty that she never won ANTM even though she made it to the final two TWICE. Tyra is a fucking hater.
No. 70473
File: 1455497066892.jpg (207.13 KB, 1280x960, Devon-aoki-miho-sin-city-sin-c…)

>>70356Was she in the first Sin City movie? Cuz she has such a beautiful and unique face. Love her lips.
No. 70647
File: 1455519245864.png (15.78 KB, 691x597, 1405914544912.png)

>>70468basically the only successful person who ever earned a -Chan nickname
>/tv/ when her first topless shoot was released No. 70649
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>>70472this picture made the rounds on /b/ back in 2005-2007
No. 73254
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>>70472No offense, but how old are you?
No. 73255
File: 1456355607340.jpg (47.45 KB, 564x845, 5ce07056126b974624d9bbba8e4f4e…)

No. 73293
File: 1456363897854.jpg (99.46 KB, 650x975, ALLEYANDREA_06.jpg)

No. 73295
File: 1456364175533.jpg (68.41 KB, 600x900, snout waif.jpg)

i want to one day know her name
No. 73310
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>>73261>>73264>>73265>>73266>>73267>>73271My friend! You can highlight and respond to multiple posts in one post! What a time to be alive!
No. 85468
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Although with hair she'd be an 8/10
No. 85525
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>>85468She was beautiful. Didn't age well, though. And she's not a model.