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No. 69212
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If you live in the US, one easy way to find dirt on people is to check your state's court records. Anything illegal that they've gotten caught doing will be on there.
From speeding tickets to drug possession.
Best way to find them is googling "[state] court records" and trying the results at .gov addresses.
'Search By Party' and put in the persons first and last name. The results should even have physical descriptions of the person, so you can make sure it's actually them.
No. 69223
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>>69207just some more info i live in canada and im 19 and shes 18 we are both in university but go to different ones
No. 69225
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>>69214i know i fucked it up but i m not messaging her anymore and she still has me on fb instead of blocking me for some reason
No. 69226
>>69223>19can't believe it.
it's not that you're crazy. you probably like to be able to call yourself LOL SO CRAZY!!! it's just so petty that i can't wrap my head around it. it's stupid. if anyone found out you were trying to psychologically damage this girl they wouldn't fear you…they would laugh at you. it's completely pathetic.
so many girls like to imagine they are some kind of psychological super villain when really they are just immature. i used to day dream about getting back at the popular kids when i was 12 too!
No. 69227
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>>69226im the opposite of a psychological super villain thats why im asking for advice, and yes i know im being super petty and immature about this i already mentioned it in the op
No. 69232
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>>69230i dont expect it too solve any of my problems but itll make me feel good even if its just for a moment and i want that
No. 69235
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>>69233im a straight girl so no
No. 69237
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>>69236i though my post clearly screamed petty girlvsgirl drama
No. 69267
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No. 69268
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No. 69272
>>69271 There's no way OP will ever beat 'Mary' because 'Mary' doesn't seem to be hateful vermin who thinks asking for /r9k/esque advice is a good idea.
'Mary' triumpfs once again OP. Maybe in your next lifetime…
No. 69284
>>69235Oh ya. Its a robot. This whole thing screams "the girl I've been stalking has rejected me and now I must destroy her".
Let me guess, she's a former friend from high school who went to a different university than you, and is drifting away. I bet robot-kun either proclaimed his love in the creepiest way, or blew up at her over something, and she told his old social circle.
No. 69448
>>69446It's also a robot thing.
I suspect it even more so because only a man would choose to post this box bodied white trash.
No. 69453
>>69448Might be that as well. Just found the resemblance funny.
(Sage for my own random thoughts)