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No. 70555
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No. 70635
>>70632This is easily in my top 10 reaction images of all time
I use it so often snd it makes me laugh
No. 70665
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No. 70682
>>70679Here's my pet theory:
There are a lot of layers to the manosphere, and with each layer the rhetoric gets more extreme. This kind of helps to divide the casuals from the fanatics. Like, trp and its theories are pretty well known by now. A person could find that info easily by "accident", and get sucked in.
But by the time we get to these guys from the OP, we've gone through so many "layers" to even access the information, you would have to believe it or you would have been turned away by the nature of the more visible layers. Its like each layer of the manosphere is a sieve, but the guys from OP come from such a obscure corner of the internet, that they are these tiny grains of concentrated crazy. Some of them believe having a job falls into the feminist plot of trying to control men through taxes. And nothing you say could convince them otherwise. They are either extremely mentally ill, or they are the real "true believers" who found their niche where their beliefs aren't questioned (like they straight-up believe it).
If these guys were just trolling, I think they'd go to a corner of the internet with more people to bait (like /r/theredpill). With the limited amount of activity in these forums, I think these are the guys who actually believe this shit. They probably have more mental baggage than all of us combined.
No. 70696
>>70679I have personally seen people (men and women) make terrible relationship choices. I'm sure many of you have too. For example someone getting involved with a drug user. It's frustrating to see someone make bad choices but then can it seem like they are doing it deliberately or even maliciously if you let anger get the better of you. Maybe they are ignoring red flags, disregarding advice from friends and family, etc.
Now obviously I've seen people make good choices too. But if you wilfully concentrated on the bad and one sex only I can see such a belief developing eventually.
>>70682Is it a sieve or does each layer further radicalise people? The same applies to fetishists.
No. 70703
>>70696>sieve or layers?I think either analogy works but I kind of fucked up explaining it.
It is like a sieve that seperates the "normals" from the "fanatics". The more fanatical you are, the more likely it is for you to slip through, and reach the next sieve. So there are less and less normiess with each sieving.
Or each layer is more extreme than the next, and these guys are like the final layer of crazy.
No. 70704
>>70702Or like how he knows that he would have a wife and kids if he was in the past.
Okay, sure he might. But what's he going to do? Build a time machine? What's the solution, here?
No. 70709
>>70704But he wouldn't. You think a family would marry off their daughter with a pussy who couldn't provide for her? Like any of this pussies could provide for several children and their wives working 12 hours a week with little to no money left for themselves or their internet connections.
But good point about the time machine. "Incels" only like to point out impossible options so they don't have to do anything about their current situation.
No. 70754
>>70751That reminds of a guy called stardust on youtube who says that the only reason why men work is to attract women. Of course he is unemployed. But at the same time he always cites various male scientists and mathematicians throughout history as evidence of men being superior to women. Were all those guys working just to impress women too?
He is obsessed with Mass Effect but forgets that a bunch of men had to work pretty hard to make that not to mention design and build his computer and supply the electricity.
It really illustrates how much of it is about making excuses for laziness or personal failings. All of this shit is way more insulting and embarrassing to normal men than it is to women in my opinion.
No. 70756
>>70754This reminds me of a redpill-tier 'writer' I read back in the day, wish I remembered his name… guy basically said women have no true soul, interests, or hobbies and everything a woman did was in order to attract males. Schopenhauer used to say the same thing.
Funny to see men saying the exact opposite now. Wonder if the previous ones were projecting their own obsession about women?
Though I think it's more likely these guys are just losers devoid of any drive and they rationalize this by saying men work in order to attract women - and since women "nowadays" are disrespectful feminist sluts, it's not worth doing anything, hence their NEETness. Perhaps in an attempt to guilt women into submission? "If you don't shut up and serve men, all men will stop doing great things and society will collapse!"
Probably not, they're not that smart. Still fascinating to observe, I love analyzing crazy people.
No. 70767
>>70756I think stardust is fairly isolated in that world. Most still fantasise about becoming a big shot business man by utilising their allegedly superior understanding of human nature.
The funny thing is he sees men who do work as losers. It's the same as a stoner going on about "the man" and how everyone else is just a "cog in the machine".
I can say with total certainty that any successful people I know who work in a technical field do it because they like it. It is their profession and it's very fulfilling. The more crazy NEETs don't know anyone with a job like that so they never see the real world.
I suppose there is no sane, responsible voice in their entire world. Yes, it is fun to read but I personally take a hands off approach. I reckon actually debating with them would be a one way ticket to crazy town.
No. 70838
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Dramatic much?
No. 70839
>>70767>Most still fantasise about becoming a big shot business manYup. They're just so crazy insecure they don't try, because trying means you can fail, whereas not trying leaves them free to believe in that amazing potential. "It's not worth it, women are sluts" is just how they justify not trying.
>he sees men who do work as losersOf course he does, if he believed they actually like what they do his little comfort zone would not be so comfortable anymore. They MUST be doing it for women, so they're losers.
Kinda like mothers who don't like it when other women don't have kids and accuse them of being selfish, or not as happy as moms, or not as responsible. The mere existence of a person who's happy doing something other than what you do implies that it is not really the objectively, absolutely correct thing to do. It's a threat, basically.
You're a lot saner than me, I've tried to debate with them many times. Because I've been on 4chan for so many years, read so many of their KV laments, blogs, books etc – I thought I knew them enough to make concessions where concessions were needed, that perhaps because I knew their thought process I'd be able to show them how irrational it is.
I had no success. Ever. To be honest, it's not entirely their fault, they don't have enough reading/intellectual baggage to understand how social and moral changes happen
(and tbh neither do most feminists and SJWs, which is why I don't consider myself a feminist anymore even though I agree with most of their sane ideas).
No. 70914
>>70875As far as I remember, it depended on the family's status. Higher caste woman marrying into lower, the guy paid; lower into higher, daddy paid. In some societies the man's family was the one to pay, because the woman moved in with the man and worked - which means her parents no longer had her help, and needed/deserved the money as a payment for their loss.
Europe just really wanted to keep their women useless. And that's only in the higher castes/aristocracy, peasant women always had to both work and care for children. Things aren't all that different, it's just that we focus more on the lives of the rich and important and think it's how it was like for everyone. It wasn't.
No. 70952
>>70914>Europe just really wanted to keep their women useless.Which is why the Chinese are aborting all the female babies?
>Things aren't all that different, it's just that we focus more on the lives of the rich and important and think it's how it was like for everyone. It wasn't.Read the wiki article on Dowrys, places its still commonly practiced is in places like Pakistan, hardly rich or european.
No. 71065
>>71038You're using Wikipedia as a reliable source. You think the Chinese prove that women are useless, disregarding any of their social conventions that could be the cause for the abortion of girls. You couldn't grasp my argument about the rich and basically implied everyone in poor countries is equally poor and there is no middle class/rich people (when there obviously is, if only in comparison to the other people where they live). l
You're also relying on a truism: "women are useless, that's why they're not allowed to contribute to society. And we don't let them contribute to society because they're useless." It's an argument that does not stand by itself.
It's what I said in this post
>>70839, you're too stupid and uneducated, it makes you legitimately incapable of understanding. Not to mention the fact that your views are all based around emotion - even IF you were capable of comprehension, you still wouldn't be convinced because you abandoned rationality altogether.
Hope that life of resentment works or for you.
No. 71100
>>71065>le wikipedia memeYou know those numbers surrounded by brackets? If you click (or even mouseover) them, they provide you with a source.
>social conventionsAs I said before, being unable to carry a patrilineal bloodline.
>middle class>in pakaistanyou're getting desperate now
>truismAnd its not that they're unable to contribute to society, its as I said before, that they're a liabilities who if left to their own devices, will whore it up and just create more mouths for the patriarch to feed. why do you think the men make them walk around in burkas?
>emotionRight, i'm the one being emotional by throwing tantrums.
No. 71320
>>70839If they see someone come in trying to argue they will likely deliberately antagonise you. So it's not a real debate anyway. Then it just turns into trolling.
>>71061Only certain types of people need a community. A normal person doesn't need online reinforcement. Because of that pretty much all communities will be crazy.
No. 71325
>>70914Women in Europe always had more liberty than women in non-European societies.
The idea there was this subjugation of women characterized by its uniformity prior to the 20th century is bullshit. Roman women could divorce their husbands on grounds of domestic abuse as far back as the mid Republic (250BC).
Show me where these laws existed in a single non-European society prior to the mid to late 20th century.
No. 71428
>>70679It's a defense mechanism. Robots and the like have to form these convoluted views of the world that allow themselves to believe that nothing is their fault. The truth would crush them so they find ways to deny it.
There's also just a bunch of jealousy that has turned into anger. They see other men getting women, but not them so they blame the women. After a time, women in their minds become basically pure evil, much like how feminists view men. Everything at that point can be blamed on women, no matter how illogical.
No. 71632
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Some of this stuff is horrifying.
No. 71650
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>>71646Pic related. If you think non fetishists desire Asian men in considerable numbers you've been on the chans too long.
No. 71657
>>71654>uh…do you mind to explain?Sure. The vast majority of white women find Asian men undesirable relative to other races.
And the sorts of crap asianmasculinity spout unfortunately isn't too uncommon among Asian American men.
No. 71660
>>71657Uh…you mean "Asians" on Internet forums, or actual American Asians in real life?
Once you get off the internet it's easier to see that the world is not a subreddit.
No. 71662
>>71660Pls. You're telling me to not live on the Internet when you believe that only a tiny minority of white women who prefer asian guys are weebs and the rest are all normal?
I'm sick of Asian men mocking white men by calling our women whores. To think I used to feel sorry for these fucks for their ineptitude with women when I was younger. Embittered, entitled little confucians. Especially the Koreans.
No. 71702
>>71662I think anon was saying that the stereotypes you hear about online aren't set in stone IRL.
I'm white as a toilet and for example, the hottest guy at my workplace is an Asian guy. He is gorgeous, and really funny.
No. 71710
>>71698That's what you'd hope she was saying, since it's true.
Nasty as fuck fetishes driven by hatred of one's own group man. Reminds me of this girl I used to know who got married to a Korean and basically had to acquiesce to his and his family's wishes, of course it was never enough since she could never really be a "real Korean". The end of that kind of thinking is just being miserable. But that's what marrying into an Asian family means, you have to respect their culture but they give yours the middle finger.
No. 71711
>>71702How is that contrary to online stereotypes?
The online stereotype of you at a glance would be that you're a white girl on a really, really weeby imageboard and as a result it's not surprising at all that you prefer asian dudes.
No. 73531
>>70705How about rapists? The wikipedia entry on "Black matriarchy", where I thought I'd find at least something positive, just one thing, is full of Bill Cosby quotes.
I wonder if he raped all those women because he really, really hates his mother.
No. 74332
Jesus fuck. Do you know how women treated me when I did work? Much worse than after anything else I said to them. They were like rabid dogs once they heard I worked.
Jesus fuck.
The whole reason why I don't work is because being a provider doesn't matter anymore. Just ask yourself if women should marry men just because they worked.
Well, guess what? That's how civilized societies worked. There was no need for seduction. Everyone was guaranteed a wife because that's how people survived.
You idiot.
No. 74340
>>70679Because modern Western women are attracted to immorality and stupidity. So they want to mate with scum who will not take care of the kids and actively avoid men who would take care of the kids. They simply see that men with most kids are men who don't take care of them in the modern world.
As for rape, Western women like thugs and many thugs rape. So these women tend to like rapists. Nothing too complicated about this.
No. 74344
>>74337I'm a guy but this attitude is actually really alien to western civilization. Yeah, the father had paternal potestas that could coerce his daughter into dating a viable marriage candidate, especially if you were upper class. But even then, the daughter still had to at least theoretically consent. Hell, even if you go back to Rome, wives had the right of divorce and Plutarch says that Cato (an extremely conservative man) described a man who beat his wife and daughter as something that "laid hands on the holiest of holy things".
You're basically describing Confucian/Sinosphere civilizations and attributing their characteristics to the West. The women have always had comparatively more freedom here and the idea you have to physically make a woman desire you has been viewed as a good thing, which is why our myths are full of the idea of the
man winning the woman over. "Pass exams -> Get girl" is a Confucian/East Asian as fuck.
Before you lay into me, my attitude is very conservative/right-wing generally.
No. 74347
" But even then, the daughter still had to at least theoretically consent"
Yes, and this is what these women would gladly do. They'd be marrying upstanding young men who were in their social class. They'd love it.
As for the abuse thing, you seem to misunderstand my views. I am not for a husband having the right to abuse women. So it's normal that these women could divorce men. In fact, modern Western women love abusers and stick with them much more than Roman women did.
As for the Chinese, I don't know a lot about the Chinese. I mention Ancient Athens and Roman Republic as successful societies, not China.
And, no, I'm not for the "pass the test, ge a wife" thing. In fact, I'm mocking by asking them why it even fucking matters if I work when women don't want me anyway. Well, the answer these freaks have is that I "support myself" but that doesn't answer the question about why I should even invest in society when I lack a wife. Nobody sane would ever expect this from a man who isn't aromantic or asexual.
No. 74349
>>74347>In fact, modern Western women love abusers and stick with them much more than Roman women did.I think the fundamental problem is that women aren't taught what men are really like from an early age now. Time was, a father would sit his daughter down and explain to her the lengths men would go to to get sex, how devious men can be, how a man can pretend to be in love with a girl for months just to get into her pants.
Women went into the world with a natural aversion to the reality of male thirst and instinct. These days, because we preach biological equality, it's the opposite. Women enter the world thinking men are just like they are, and take them at their word. Combined with the more trusting nature of women, and the more emotional side of them, this is a recipe for being played until jaded.
I'm telling my daughter as soon as she's old enough just to simply not trust men until they give her a very good reason to.
>I mention Ancient Athens and Roman Republic as successful societies, not China. Ok, but understand your attitudes sound kind of… Asiatic sometimes. I get you are bitter for whatever reason, but actually women's nature is very endearing when you cut beneath the crap.
No. 74369
>>74332>>74337>>74339>>74340>>74347>>74348Omfg he's here. Does that mean that interpol will be watching this thread?
Hi interpol!
No. 74371
>>74348So is this you?>basking in your delusionstake your own advice, lol
No. 74385
>>74383>>74384Ok, but you can help break the cycle by not mocking him.
Just suggest viable routes for him to get help.
Women are supposed to be empathetic after all.
No. 74386
>>74385>women are supposed to be empatheticAnd he believes that we all want to be raped.
We also aren't therapists. You can't expect an image board to coddle the guy who is infamous for thinking that he deserves a wife if he had a job. He thinks that women want to be raped. He believes in a global conspiracy to enslave men through taxes. We aren't the first people he's shitposted at. He's been told to get help millions of times, but he also thinks that the mental health system is a global anti-male conspiracy.
No. 74389
>>74382It's not my job to be kind to every nutjob out there. Who has the time and energy for that?
Should I fuck every conspiracy manlet just so they stop hating women? Besides, no skin off my nose. What's he going to do other than rant online wasting time on his shitty blog and periodically creep normie women out? I doubt he's the next gym shooter.
No. 74391
>>74388Should a "Western" woman actually decide to enter a relationship with Marjan, Marjan would already have a set of requirements she would have to meet in order to be considered his girlfriend or spouse. In a nutshell, the woman would have to completely give up her personal freedom and dignity and literally become a hostage of Marjan.
He wants to make sure that he "[has] all her credit card numbers" and that "[he]'d know all about her tiniest details", so he can make sure that "she's destroyed when she tries to leave [him]"
Jesus Christ Superstar, this guy is insanely insecure.
Marjan can you tell us more about your abandonment issues?
No. 74394
>>74393It is almost impossible to talk about him without him appearing and shitting it up.
He used to be quite active on tumblr because of it.
Its also the reason why he has so many threads on kiwi farms.
No. 74396
>>74332>Do you know how women treated me when I did work?Correlation is not causation
So, what's your solution to all of your misery? Are you going to build a time machine and go back to the medieval times?
No. 74517
>>74515you probably don't have that serial killer glint in your eyes. see
>>74516 to see why women who value living avoid him.
No. 74554
>>74517I don't like the idea of ascribing it to something physically wrong with him, since it will just feed his confirmation bias more and make him even more unhinged.
I did laugh though.
>>74553Difficult not to prefer someone of your own race when dating I find. There are lots of little innocuous things you assume are universal, behavioral ticks, your way of reading someone's emotions etc, that vary greatly between races.
No. 74901
>>74899I didn't read what they were in reply to, but it jogged my memory of something I remember reading about how same-race preference in women becomes more pronounced during ovulation.
>>74900I never said that, all I referenced was what I mentioned above.
No. 74907
>>74904ah right, in terms of stuff like "game" you mean?
Yeah I can see why that would be funny.
I find it fascinating we have these in-built preferences for our own kind on a biological level though. I guess it makes sense.
No. 74908
>>74907They aren't as hardwired as these guys think. Women don't lose their minds and must adhere to these behaviors when ovulating. You can't even tell if a woman is ovulating by looking at her. So I'm always scared when people bring up this shit around incels because the next thing you know, they're using it as ammo for why women don't want them.
It just seems like perfect conspiracy fodder.
No. 74909
>>74908When I say in-built I don't mean they're these hard-coded things impenetrable to outside influence. I mean they're sort of equivalent to tendencies, inclinations, or something of that sort.
Certainly they can be changed, as the fact consuming a large amount of trashy Asian media makes many impressionable people prefer Asians as partners, and consuming large amounts of trashy Black media likewise.
No. 74918
>>74909FUCK I knew you were that guy who was going to start bitching about women loving Asian/black men.
I knew it.
No. 74919
>>74918>womenI didn't say anything about women… I said:
>"makes many impressionable people"I.e. men and women.
No. 74945
>>74937If you prefer white guys, why does it
trigger you anon?
No. 75888
>>75865Oh, he's had sex. But I guess it didn't count.
His current obsession seems to be that married women/western women need to die.
No. 75889
>>75888Thought so. I can remember some girl reaching out to him.
Actually that happens a lot. Women's sympathy for these guys is often a lot greater than they themselves realize. Too sympathetic one might say.
No. 75891
>>75862"You will not succeed. I will not forget, ever. Understand? I will not forget.
You got what you preached in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013. Now it is over.
Get it in your thick fucking head - I WILL NOT FORGET THE LESSON.
You are
This part creeps me out so much.
No. 75970
>>74946>>74937Why did God make you retarded?
>>74553He's a legit nutter. Quite impressive actually. Most aren't as dedicated as him, and don't keep blogs. They just passively aggressively whine. At least he's a keyboard warrior.
No. 76093
>>75970I fear that he is going to reach a tipping point where the blogs and online rants won't be enough to relieve his anger, and he does something dangerous IRL.
I mean he assaulted his parents for not understanding his loveshyness~. He stripped naked in front of a court house and screamed to the heavens about his suffering. He has acted out IRL because of his mental illness.
No. 76131
Like this guy can't be a troll. He has been too delusional for too long. He sticks to the same usernames and references his own blog a lot, so he has no problem with anonymity. He has an IRL criminal history and his blogs have gotten consistently more delusional over time.
This is real.
No. 76146
>>76145I'm sure he is on some kind of watchlist. He threatened to murder-suicide a woman several years ago. It was reported and he was arrested.
I'm truly not sure how to even report him.
No. 76456
>>76400He really hasn't changed, has he?
His beliefs have changed a bit though.
No. 85746
>>85729Have you seen /r/ForeverUnwanted or /r/ForeverFucked?
They are spreading like mold.