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No. 72085
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I have problems making friends in general, but found it's easier to make friends with guys because I have a lot more in common. Plus, I feel a little intimidated by other girls, so there's that too.
I'd honestly like having some girl friends, but I wasted my teenage years on 4chan instead of learning social skills, so I have no idea how to act around people. Being here is the best I can do.
Did you check out the Friend Finder thread? You might be able to find some other girls there that might be close by or willing to chat.
No. 72092
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>>72085>but I wasted my teenage years on 4chan instead of learning social skills, so I have no idea how to act around peopleI wish I could go back
No. 72112
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This might sound gay but I specifically put a post up about having a little network for girls who play games and I picked them out, added them to a Skype chat and they've been wonderful. They're much more social than me but I feel comfortable around them. Not a lot of them game as much as I do and I'm still scared of playing with anyone other than my boyfriend or his friends but idk, they're supportive and since they're girls we can talk about girl stuff and give advice on relationship problems and whatnot.. It's really nice. I long for an irl friendship though. Being able to change clothes together and help each other with makeup and cook for them if they get sick.. idk I just want a girl friend that's like my boyfriend but with a vagina I guess so I can have someone who understands me.
Do I sound weird? A lot of girls intimidate me as well and I have yet to really find girls who game in my town. Then again, I'm a huge neet since I moved in the middle of high school and got shy and didn't know how to socialize and now Im just awkward as shit. the school I was dropped into happened to be swarmed with cliques too.. individually the girls can be nice but as a group they're fucking catty. I just wish I could find a girl who has similar interests so we could play together and go outside together. I want to go shopping, go on road trips or just have a girls night out for once
No. 72116
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Also a bit related I have been reading this cute manga about a girl who suffers from social anxiety. It's called 'Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu'. I recommend it!
No. 72118
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>>72092Me too. I honestly didn't give a shit back then and thought I'd say that way. If I had only known that someday I'd want to try being a functioning person.
>>72112You don't sound weird. I had one close girl friend when I was a preteen and we used to do all that girly, close stuff together all the time. It was really nice to have a friendship like that, and it really sucked when she moved on in life.
We had known each other since we were like 7, so we grew up together, at the same pace, and had the same interests. I feel like I'll never have that sort of thing again, because I can't help but think most women are so much more "adult" than me. It's intimidating as hell.
>>72113I'm in the same boat. As odd as it sounds, I feel like a child compared to most girls here. Maybe a lot of people here don't have their shit together like I imagine though.
>>72116Thanks for the recommendation. Looks cute! I doubt anything will be as relatable as "Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!" though.
No. 72121
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>tfw you'll never have a get together with a group of girl friends and play DnD or some Steam games>>72112I feel the same way. I want to do cute, girly things with another girl and be super close so bad.
I have the opposite problem from a lot of you itt where I sperg out when I talk to guys so I can't even make friends with them. I'm super nervous when talking to new people in general and I can't stand it.
No. 72162
Yup. I had a female friend all through primary, who broke up with me (and I took it hard) once we moved to different secondary schools.
In secondary school I had 2 separate female best friends, both turning out to be romantically interested in me, to sort of ditch me when I found out and expressed I wasn't interested, probably really contributed.
I have 2 male best friends, both more effeminate than masculine (not gay though). One has another female best friend, and sometimes we all hang out together. I try my best to act the same around her, and I include her in things, the banter etc. It was recently revealed to me that she thinks I hate her, and I have no idea what I've done wrong.
Every so often, quite rarely really, I'll come across a person I just "click" with. I'll say things I wouldn't dream of most of the time, because it could be socially unacceptable or whatever. Questions that really get to know the person and witty replies just roll off the tongue. And they're always male, and they're usually doing something in IT or engineering related, more feminine leaning, and again I don't know why that is.
As great as my friends are, sometimes I'll get that craving. I don't hold back in regards to period pain, but then there's things they'll just never be able to do. I'd like to go out clubbing, to properly talk about boyfriends and everyday sexism in a way they wouldn't know. I'm a fan of fashion and makeup, and I don't even know if girls talk about that stuff, I assume they do?
I'd like to do all those basic bitch things, like have a day of shopping with lunch and starbucks, actually get recommendations on what to buy, paint each others nails, in fact have a beauty day! Go to a spa. If I'm having boyfriend troubles actually act on cheering me up, not trying to find a logical solution. I mean usually I'm all for trying to find the solution, but when I'm upset enough I just want to forget about it until I'm in a better state of mind.
What a self pitying rant, sorry.
No. 72166
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Slight cross-post from the secrets thread, but my interactions tend to follow a cycle
>start off okay, making jokes and talking for a while
>then I stop interacting with them because of my own self doubts/depression
>don't really speak to them that often again
I only have 3 close friends because of this
And I want to talk to my crush on a deeper level beyond just discussing music/movies
No. 72173
No. 72186
I don't have friends, but I really want some. I used to hang out with two weeb girls at school (one of them was ugly as shit, looked like a fucking bear or yeti, and the other one was an abused autist who did disgusting things with the ugly one.)
The thing is, I suck at making friends and keeping them. I've had like 4 groups of internet friends, and I blocked the first, I don't speak with the second, the third one is dying slowly, and the third one is full of boring people and/or people who secretly hate me. My biggest wish is having friends in real life, but that's never gonna happen because I find them boring and pretend I care about them, or because they hate me for being an annoying bitch most of the time. Also, I've never been able to relate emphatically with anyone. I've tried, but I just can't. They're tedious people, and I really want to be friends with them and I'm good at pretending, but I just get so bored and I stop.
No. 72196
>>72193This, this, this.
When you're working all day it's really hard to make friends and even though I do like my co-workers I don't hang out with them. I have a total to two people I would count as friends besides my man and one of them lives out of state. The other one is a full time working mother like me so we both find it difficult to find time to hang out. I want female friends pretty badly too but I'm such an introvert. Even if I do push myself to make the first move and try to establish a rapport with someone it never seems to stick? I don't know how to describe it. It's like we have fun bantering at the time but no one seems to want to continue talking after that or want to hang out. I have no idea what's wrong with me.
No. 72204
>>72195We're talking friends and not beta orbiters here
Why would you want a bunch of orbiters?
No. 72242
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I feel like i'm too try hard and that turns people away from me , like i once made a big playlist for this guy and it took me so long to make and i don't think he really cared. And i ruined my sleep pattern staying up till 4am to talk to my only friend.
But in the end i have no one , i was hoping i could try the friend finder on the cgl if that works.
No. 72349
>>72217It's a weird thing.
I have 2 male friends, and they've been nothing but platonic. I remember I broke up with my first boyfriend, heavily lonely and I actually hit on one, which he politely declined (saying that he got I was lonely, but not only was he not interested, but it wasn't the solution), then a little later they performed a literal song and dance to cheer me up, we played whatever games I wanted, watched whatever movies I wanted, stood by me whenever I was being a brat about things, just amazing friends without it being weird. Had them for about 9 years now, so it's the norm to me.
But I've had plenty of misses. I've had friendships of a few months cut off because I told them I wasn't interested romantically, which would break my heart. I really invested in them emotionally.
The OTHER weird thing is I so so rarely see similar platonic relationships between men and women elsewhere. Sure, I know men with female best friends, but almost all have dated them in the past. I know one that also kissed one outwith dating, afterwards.
Like, what kind of friendship is that, probably littered with moments of sexual tension, the idea that you know what they look like naked? It fucking weirds me out, if I dated one of those two friends, it'd either be dating, and leave it entirely once the relationship is over, because the dynamic would be fucked.
No. 72380
>>72373I don't get along with girls very well. Even since being a young teen I've found the conversation really boring and I don't feel I hae much in common with them. This is as a "friend" thing. I'm bi and so obviously I can get on with
some females.
I prefer the company of guys because quite a lot of my interests are "male", my taste in films, books, pop culture…
I'm really not interested in talking about relationships and babies. I don't like the competitiveness females have with each other to be more sexually attractive or w/e their problem is.
I especially love when best male friends open up their feelings and problems to me. It gives me an insight into "male feelings". I love my best male friend to bits more than I've ever felt with a female friend.
No. 72389
>>72380Girls around their teens/early 20s talk about babies all the time?
No. 72412
>>72382>It's only a competition if you make it a competition.This so hard.
>>72078>>72361If you're around a bunch of girls that don't share your interests, the problem isn't that they're girls, the problem is that they don't share your interests.
No. 72448
When I was around 13-16 I had so much trouble making friends with girls because most girls I knew were not interested in nerdy/traditionally "male" stuff like I was and were more concerned with .. typical girly stuff I guess. Then I found girls outside of the school classroom and suddenly the gender ratio of my friends went straight to 90% female. I'm now well over 20 and I find making friends with other girls a lot more natural than males. I guess I had my shallow prejudices bothering me too much.
I've noticed that guys sadly almost always are interested you in a sexual or a romantic way when you're thinking of them as just friends and they tend to ditch you the moment they get a girlfriend or realize you're not putting out. So most of the trustworthy guy friends I have are the boyfriends of my female friends.
>>72360>For me it's not about gender as much… just personality. Goes for anyone.Pretty much this.
No. 72457
>>72112>idk I just want a girl friend that's like my boyfriend but with a vagina I guess so I can have someone who understands me. ;-; me too anon, i think that's why i cant have a boyfriend for so long, i lose my attraction to them and then i have to break up with them because i know it wont come back… like i love my guy friends dearly but like, without sounding like AWW GAWSH IM SO IRRESISTIBLE AND CANT HAVE A PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP WITH A DUDE like, it's not the same you know? i trust my guy friends and love them all like brothers (and they love me the same) but there's things i cant do with them because of our biological differences… i wish i had a cool girlfriend who loved vidya, shopping, memes, watching tv shows, girl stuff, and all that. also most guys dont really enjoy gossip as much as girls. and i've never gone clubbing and i would love to go on a girls night…
i went to an all girls' school for the last couple of years of high school and i made friends there but we're just friends really. i love them and they love me but we're way too different to have a deep relationship. like, we can hold a conversation but like it's not as good as it is with my male friends, you know? i have to put a bit more effort into it while with my other guy friends it just comes naturally and after laughing so hard that my cheeks hurt i realize we've been talking for like three hours.
reading all of this really makes me feel better, i really hope i can find someone like any of you irl, i just want a girl i can chill with. girls intimidate me and i feel like a treat them too nicely kind of like how a lot of guys will treat girls, you know?
No. 72500
I've never had male friends, ever. The only guy in my friend circle back in school was a closeted gay guy who was more "one of the girls" rather than a boy to us.
I can't interact with males at all. I just don't know how to talk to them. Even if some of my hobbies are male-friendly, like gaming or animu, I never manage to hold a conversation or make friends with them. The only men I ever got closer to where the guys I dated (which I all met more or less drunk on parties, or on dating apps) and my boyfriends. My current one is probably the only male person I interact with outside of family or work.
Men intimidate me and always make me feel like I am being judged by them. There's something about or inside me that seems to make me incomatible with most of them, ever.
With girls, it is more easy to interact with, but still hard to make friends. The only real friend I made at uni was a girl, but we didn't even meet at the Uni- she was in the Lolita comm of my state and it turned out we just attend the same university.
I think my problem is that I just don't act well with normies in general, be it a boy or girl. Over the years I managed to get less socially awkward and at least have some smalltalk or be able to bear another person's presence without crazy anxiety, but friends with similar interest? My hobbies are watching animu, collecting animu merch, drawing animu, wearing kawaii expensive Japanese fashion and reading classical literature from the last centuries or other obscure books most people don't care about. That's not much to connect with for most people. I actually started to watch TV series like Game of Thrones just so that I have something "normal" to talk about with people.
No. 72728
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>there are other anons that are really upset about splitting with their best friend
Hooooly shit I'm glad I'm not the only one. I had this one best friend during my childhood that I was with constantly but in the end I was the one who ended the friendship in high school. Even though it's been a long time I occasionally wonder about what they're doing now or if it would've been different if I hadn't fucked up. I don't think I've ever had another friend like them, I'm sure it's nostalgia/my adolescence getting to me but it's just stuck for so long.
No. 72733
I want girl friends but all my close ones are boys. I had a bff for years but she had serious emotional issues, was an embarrassingly weeby, jumped on every bandwagon possible, refused to admit her bulmia/ED, and was just overall very selfish. I realized she was not a good friend and I made the hard choice to cut her from my life. I doubt she even cared. She got a new bff pretty quickly. I didnt want to deal with girls after dealing with her. That was about 4 years ago.
After about a year from breaking it off, a new girl got hired at my then job (GameStop) and we hit it off. We got closer and were bffs for 2 years. We decided to move in together with our boyfreinds and then she turned into a pyschopath. Like, she got in fights with me cuz I bought Hunts ketchup (for myself, she had her own) instead of Heinz. I got it because it was at the dollar store. She stopped talking to everyone in the house after she decided she hated our patio furniture so much that she cussed out my now fiance, my brother who was visiting, me, and her own bf about it. She bit her bf on the shoulder so hard she left him a scar and he got sent to jail for a week because he hit her to get her to stop the biting. They obviously broke up and she moved out. I can go on and on about her. Pretty damn sure she had borderline personality disorder amongst other stuff.
I want girl friends but shit, having a shitty bff for so long and then getting a crazy one afterwards just makes me want to stay away at the same time. Do non-crazy girls exist?
TL:DR. Turned out I had a shit friend, tried again and new girl bff was fucking crazy. Fuck girls, but I still want girl friends.
No. 72880
Personally I always had problems making friends in general for a bunch of reasons I couldn't control (parents trying to make me as sheltered as possible, kids being assholes and snobbish, etc) until I started college. I guess I could be called a tomboyish girl and my friends are all like that, we're a group of fujoshi who can talk about anything and everything together, it's pretty cool that we didn't meet each other in middle school because we were all embarrassing weebs back then. For me it's the reverse, I get along easily with girls but I don't have any guy friends because I don't know many guys in the first place and the few ones I know make me uncomfortable because they're assholes or creeps. And for the ones who are decent, I'm a bit scared of men because of personal stuff.
>>72733Holy shit your second bff is crazy as fuck. Good thing you managed to get out of this relationship, same thing for her ex bf, too. There are a lot of normal girls just as there are a lot of normal guys, it's really just a matter of luck.
No. 73343
>>72880Oh yea I'm so glad she's gone. I do wonder about her. She has the potential to end up dead somewhere and I don't really want that, even though I don't like her.
And yea, I guess I've just been lucky with guys mostly being cool. I just started a new job a few months ago as a teacher at an elementary school. Most teachers seem caught up in their families and work. My grade level the ladies are all about 20 years older than me, but I'm hoping once I get to know some other grade levels better because they have ladies my age. I'm just shy and you hardly ever see other grade level teachers around during the school day. Here is to hoping I can make some work friends that I can hang out with outside of work.
No. 109519
>>72167>replying to 6 month old postYeah, but it's different. My level of "friend" is probably a lot higher than the average person, and it's likely that they feel we're "friends", while I feel we are still "friendly acquaintances", which makes them see me as distant or something or makes me not try too hard/share stuff about myself because "we aren't friends yet".
But I'm actually generally fine with having an abysmally small friend count, or just going out and doing things by myself. I just kinda wish society would stop trying to make me feel bad about myself for it.
No. 113082
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How are you supposed to make friends anyways?
No. 113107
>>113103Obviously the problem is me. I plan to improve some aspects of me which should help.
I live in a rich area and go to a rich school that I got into via scholarship.
Most of the girls here look nice, dress very well, and are in sororities. I don't dress well and I'm not into greek life at all. I look pretty weird on the outside sometimes and my social awkwardness doesn't help. Ever since going to this school I've had a particularly hard time.
I've had no problems making friends who are a little on the weird side, girls who are more introverted or quiet or more "understanding" to someone having quirks (being socially akward). Sadly a lot of these girls that I've been friends over the years were also not interested in makeup much or clothes much. I did make some nice female acquaintances in anime club, but they don't care about any makeup, skincare, or fashion at all.
And yeah I did have to end up dropping her, although we shared some interests in makeup and clothes she was constantly into being with her 'sisters' more and more and it was frustrating watching her get into shitty relationships over and over again. She was also a huge partier and I hated going to those frat parties, the people there were not very pleasant. By basic I didn't mean her interests were all bad, if anything I am a "basic" girl but she didn't care about much beyond like 2 things which became boring to me.
I have a basic plan for improving myself/getting female friends:
> going to doctor next week to work on my anxiety issues
> going to start dressing more feminine and cute
> try to strike up conversations with girls in my class or at the school cafeteria line
> sit in the front of the class near the other girls and participate in conversation with themIn my dream world I'd find a girl who is very into anime, video games, and online forums but also loves makeup, shopping, skincare, talking about boys, and generally has good manners.
No. 113141
>>113107>In my dream world I'd find a girl who is very into anime, video games, and online forums but also loves makeup, shopping, skincare, talking about boys, and generally has good mannersI feel you. I'm not super girly but I like skin care, doing my nails, and some other feminine shit I think it would be nice to host a girls night in and do that stuff, but I'm friends with mostly dudes. I personally don't like wearing makeup or dressing too feminine, but I like talking about aesthetic and fashion in general and would like someone to share that with.
No. 113260
>>113141I totally feel the same: I don't look very girly but i actually am interested in skin care, make up and the likes! Sometimes I think if i would look prettier, put more effort in how I look, maybe i would have it easier to find somebody. But at my uni the normal (ugly?) also have friends, because they seem less arrogant/more approachable?
Everybody here keeps on talking how making male friends is so much easier, but i personally can talk to them even less…
No. 113261
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truth be told girls scare the shit out of me. I would love to have a group of close girlfriends that I could just meet up for coffee with and talk to but Im too chickenshit and awkward IRL.
No. 113266
>>113107hello anon, are you me? It'd be great to have a group of girl friends, or even 1 online female friend who's into anime/vidya/image boards and girly shit. I've tried to dress more girly and take more pride in the way I look, but at the end of the day I feel like I'm some sort of weird alien masquerading as a girl.
like I'm missing out on something and all the normal girls think I'm weird. I also have resting bitch face and almost every "normie" female friend I made felt th need to compete with me.
my "best friend" has been doing things like copying what I do with my hair, feeling the need to one up me with boyfriends, even working out since I got in fitness, and it's weird.
I feel like everytime I want to talk to her about something exciting (my life is boring so exciting things to me are things like dying my hair or getting better at martial arts) she'll one up me.
I've stopped talking to her as much but I miss having a female friend I can talk to about girly stuff.(well actually, she didn't even care about girly shit outside of skincare and boys, so no fashion or makeup gossip) I know my boyfriend doesn't give a fuck about new makeup palettes or Jeffrey star drama, and neither do my male friends so it sucks.
I just want to have some female friends that I can giggle with about obnoxious shit, or have her come over and we can give eachother facials and dance around to pop music in.
at this point, even having a female friend I can talk to on kik or whatsapp would be cool.
No. 113268
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I have no female friends because some years ago imageboards fucked me up and made me think all women are vapid whores and I was ~not like other girls~.
Some 3 years ago I realized how stupid I was for thinking "I was not one of them" but I still haven't gotten quite close to any females besides this one girl on internet. I am not really interested in making any more friends though. I am very reclusive and my habits are weird. I find it difficult to commit to a friendship because I don't want to be judged.
No. 113281
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>>73031this would be cool.
but i'm a dude.
i won't join out of courtesy.
No. 113313
>>113289oh shit yeah. insane girls are probably less difficult to deal with than the normies honestly lol. it's like talking to a brick wall.
i sometimes wonder why it's so difficult to connect. i guess i got lucky with my last group of friends.
No. 114094
>>113289I stay away from the crazies and have had luck finding a few female friends who are nice and non-normies (though in my case normie is a relative term). I don't discriminate against girls who are a little bit 'weird' since I'm a bit socially awkward myself, and I honestly don't mind talking to anyone but certain types of people honestly look a bit grossed/weirded out by me.
Lots of my friends can be considered 'normies' in that they're not into any alternative subculture or niche hobby in particular but they're really level-headed and like to talk about things other than their latest venture to the gym and don't call each other 'babe' or 'sweetie'.
With everyone else I honestly have nothing to talk about. All they do is go to parties, talk about their fiancé/boyfie/fwb, talk about the gym and 'eating right' etc.