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No. 72393
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Sexy Zexy, by far
No. 72398
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>>72376Spencer was adorable!
For me though, it was Zack Morris: hands down!
No. 72407
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Occasionally my mom will tell me the story of how she once overheard me saying "I love you Tommy" in my sleep when I was very young. I watched a lot of Rugrats so presumably I had a mad crush on this fine, adventurous fella.
No. 72431
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i had a lesbo crush on stephanie from lazy town
i can't be the only one……
No. 72434
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>>72407I had a crush on the dad kek
No. 72435
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Fly from "Help I'm a fish".
No. 72440
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Integra Hellsing. Wanted her and wanted to be her.
No. 72447
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Honestly though I can't be the only one. This faggot woke up my womanhood when I was a young, budding weeb in elementary school.
No. 72450
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had the biggest crush on teenage Son Goten when I was 11
No. 72455
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>>72447you're not alone anon, I also had a crush on lan, chaud (HIS FIRST NAME IS EUGENE???)
but i actually had a crush on basically every male character (i grew up as a tomboy surrounded by boys but i was a repressed girly girl). i didn't like the awkward naive boys, young anon only had a thing for the mature men! extra points if they were dark and mysterious! for example, i liked kaiba and yami yugi and HATED normal yugi, he was too young for 6 year old me!
above all of the many crushes i had though, for some reason i had a special place in my heart for picollo. picollo related.
No. 72460
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In late middle school I was basically in love with Zac Efron after I watched HSM with a few friends. I even had one of those dog tag necklaces with his face on it…It's a shame he's pretty meh now
No. 72468
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>>72460I was in 6th grade when that era of disney channel happend and when the suite life permiered mine was cole sprouse. No fucking shame lol
No. 72470
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>>72450>>72455The hottest DBZ character, let's be honest here.
Also 1st and final form Frieza and Perfect Cell, but that may just be me. How an androgynous space Hitler and a bug man with a god complex captured my young heart, I'll never know.
No. 72471
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>>72470A+ taste, anon. But personally, I ugly cry over Trunks-kun.
I have a special place in my
cunt heart for anime pretty boys wielding swords.
No. 72473
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>>72398I wish I was a teen in the 80s or 90s sometimes. Zack Morris still looks the same but many actors didn't age well.
No. 72477
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Pretty sure I had a lady crush on Mulan when I was 7-8
I even took a pair of scissors and chopped off my hair like she did
No. 72482
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>>72471I regularly flitted between wanting Trunks babies and wanting this guy when i was a tween
No. 72485
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>>72444Kek that you ask. I don't know, I couldn't give you a straight answer, it's just as confusing for me. I guess it was a mix of his voice (how could you resists that, his sort of attitude towards things/overall personality, and those rugged looks. It's probably worrying that a little girl had a crush on the father character in their mid-thirties, but I turned out fine. I'm not even into dd/lg stuff. Apparently he's based on the show's creator though….hmm
No. 72486
>>72485Yeah, that's what I thought. He's very typically fatherly.
What's your own dad like?
No. 72491
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When I was 13 my biggest crush was Zuko from avatar the last airbender…and I still love him tbh
No. 72492
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When I was 13 my crush was this egdy little tit sucker.
I watched too much wierd ecchi for my age.
No. 72501
>>72498You don't have to qualify it, tons of women find the image of a guy being a good, loving father attractive/cute.
Not your fault tumblr fetishists have turned pretty much everything into a fetish.
No. 72675
Had a lot of cartoon crushes. My first one was probably Hyoga from Saint-Seiya. Then it was Ranma, Danny phantom and TJ from Recess (my girl crush was Ashley)
>>72491omg yes
No. 72678
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No. 72681
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I had childhood crushes on Ash Ketchum, Jimmy Neutron, Zim from Invader Zim, and I think Haku from Spirited Away. The crush on Ash lasted until my teen years, even though it was creepy since he is technically only ten years old.
I used imagine cringy shit like I was a Mary Sue self-insert in each respective show/movie ("super-skilled magical girl/Pokemon trainer/whatever with all of their powers, but even stronger!") and the characters loved me immediately. Thank goodness I was too shy to write fanfics or post shitty art on DeviantArt, so I don't have to look back in shame at my autism circulating on some corner of the Internet somewhere.
No. 72703
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God… I was a faggy little child. This started when I first played through Pokemon Red, I thought Lance was THE SHIT.
Later it was Kai from Beyblade.
No. 72766
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Is it bad?
No. 72768
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When I was 4 years old, I thought Casper (from the 1995 film) was my main squeeze. My mom still wont stfu about it till this day
No. 72771
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No. 72774
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When I was 6 I had a HUGE obsession with The Lion King. It got to the point where I would walk around on all four's while playing with friends, sit like a lion during cross-cross-apple-sauce time, and do a lion roar at random. I also use to tell everyone Simba was my husband. I was a weird kid.
No. 72809
(Even tho leo looks like a lesbian wiff a dick)
No. 72818
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Yup. I made the mistake of telling my friends about this horrible crush, so now without fail, I get something Randall related every Christmas and birthday.
No. 72832
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I don't know man.
I was like 6 or something
No. 72838
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I will never marry Lyle La Mira. Childhood dreams crushed.
No. 72839
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My first ever celeb crush. I was like 10 and i even had one of those letter necklaces with his name on it omfg.
No. 72847
>>72818I am sorry, farmer, but that is hilarious. If I were your friend, I'd be giving you hell for it, too.
…so do you keep the Randall merch or toss it?
No. 72854
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No comment
No. 72884
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Princess Eilonwy in the Black Cauldron movie was the first time I remember feeling weird down there and I'd want my mom to put the movie on all the time. I liked the movie, but it was mainly so I could see her
Later on I also had a thing for Vicky from Fairly Odd Parents
No. 72895
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Not only was he my fave of the Magic Knight Rayearth boys but he definitely kickstarted my obsession of faceless/blind bang guys.
No. 72900
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I grew up watching this movie, I've seen it so many times I know almost all the dialogue. LoL
No. 72903
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This guy right here. I was obsessed with Lost Boys as a kid, I wanted to be Star so bad.
No. 72910
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This fucker and Jake Long from the american dragon.
I remember Arnold being my imaginary friend but then things got real and he became my boyfriend. Yep
No. 72912
>>72910Oh no not football head!!
Lol jk I thought he was cute too
No. 72930
>>72900>>72903I love you 80s, anons!! This is my fucking childhood, right here.
>best vampire No. 72936
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My older brother used to watch a lot of aqua teen hunger force and I fancied Frylock.
I was 8 years old and I had a fucking crush on a box of fries.
No. 72938
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>>72936Yeah, but that silky voice.
No. 72941
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I was 5 and I was in love.
No. 72947
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No. 72949
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This guy.
No. 73025
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that episode where he kisses kyra on the cheek was too much for a 7 year old to handle
No. 73028
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Almost two decades later, I still have a thing for sneering evil overlords in leather and boots. Mmm.
No. 73230
>>73225He's probably the only cartoon character I had a crush on that I really wished to be real.
>>73227Certainly. I love Ginko from Mushishi for the same reason.
No. 73231
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No. 73236
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All of these DBZ posts remind me of my girl crush on Android 18, I thought that I was gonna look like her when I got older since I had the same features as her
seeing her get absorbed by cell sparked my disgraceful vore fetish (that I really don't have anymore) I cringe thinking about that now…
No. 73317
>>73314It's cause Krillin is funny and a good person, I think.
I also have a huuge girl crush on Android 18. She's 100% perf.
No. 73318
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sasuke is really cool
No. 73754
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>>73318Sakura, the beautiful.
No. 73825
>>73318>>73754Kowagaruna Naruto
Saoto mamore
No. 76031
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I was weirdly attracted to Steve from Married With Children. I guess if you squint he kinda looks like Anthony Perkins.
No. 76035
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I like Jack Sparrow when I was a kid (not Johnny Depp, just his character). But HOLY FUCK did I have a lot of anime crushes in middle school.
I had a huge crush on Abel from Trinity Blood. When I got Nintendogs I named my puppy Abel and basically every male character or animal Abel. I still like feminine guys with long hair.
Also I really liked Ikuto from Shugo Chara in my emo phase. Aaaaand that's when I discovered doujinshi…
No. 76147
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I had a thing for this edgey little shit. I just knew I could give him the love he deserves!
No. 76150
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No. 76169
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>>73243>>76155glad to see some taste.
No. 76177
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when i was REALLY young.
also diddy kong, bugs bunny, babby dragon ball goku, and ash ketchum.
No. 76258
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>>76147omg me too. so angsty
this guy needs snuggles too
No. 77646
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Mine was Mewtwo. I don't know… He was so manipulative and anti-hero, and his voice in the movie was so nice. I wanted to get married to him.
Along with Mewtwo, I also had crushes on Scar from Lion King, the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, the disney version of Robin Hood, Jack Skellington, Edward Scissorhands, Batman, etc. The list is waaaaay too long, and weird.
I was a strange kid.
No. 77658
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