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No. 73484
>>73481Do Americans follow Eurovision?
That German Jamie-Lee girl is a self-proclaimed Asian wannabe. Hopefully Tumblrinas won't find out about her lol.
No. 73605
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>My favourite song for the UK didn't win
No. 73646
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>last year my country sent a band of retarded (and I mean actually mentally retarded) guys to perform a 2-minute horrible, shitty, pointless punk song because all the SJWs wanted to show how ~tolerating~ and ~supportive~ we are and ~really stick it to the European snobs~
>nobody in Europe even realizes they're handicapped and end up just being confused by the act and forgetting about it right away
>this goes on for weeks in the headlines and everyone who dares to suggest to say it was just a shitty song gets lynched immediately
No. 73715
>>73605We always fuck ourselves over.
>>73646How did people not realise they were retarded? When they first came on stage I was like "oh these guys are gonna get the sympathy vote". I guess the fact they totally bombed shows that people didn't realise.
No. 74626
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No. 74749
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This nutjob was selected by our broadcasting company to represent Germany this year, but they dropped him after a huge shitstorm and had to pull a new competition out of their asses pretty fast. So I guess that's how we ended up with that weeb.
Last year the guy that won the preselection shat his pants and declined and that Lena-lookalike was announced as winner instead (and then failed miserably). And that's pretty much how it goes every year, everything ever since Lena won was shit, and Lena herself is a huge cunt tbh.
It's embarassing how much of a sucker I am for the ESC. And I wish my country could send something half decent for once.
No. 74818
>>74749Remember when you sent this freshly-waxed nightmare and bought Dita Von Teese a plane ticket for good measure?
Dem eyebrows.
No. 74850
>>74818I was whole-heartedly agreeing with you until I watched this video.
…but look at his pants.
look at them.
No. 76235
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Let Poland win. Just let us have this one thing. We've had to deal with he partitions of Poland, WWII and the Holocaust, and soviet control… just let us have this one thing. We even busted out best tiddies in 2014, and yet, no winning :—(
No. 76248
>>76235kek did u hear the girl they selected?she sounds super bad live
of course we wont win
No. 77736
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Now that Dolly Style failed Melfest again (lets be fair, were they gonna win against Samir and Viktor), do you think they'll be going to a different path?
Are they going to try be the new hit idols in Japan or are they actually smart enough to just to what they're doing?