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No. 73916
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These stupid eyebrows, i hate them so much
No. 73918
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I hate this shit, overdrawn anus lips
No. 73919
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>Giant knitted infinity scarves
>Ombre hair
>Nose piercings
>Quote/butterfly/birds/stars tattoos
>Sharpie brows
>Brown knee high boots
No. 73920
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Black and white or black and red hair layered in this way.
No. 73921
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Obnoxiously weeby clothing. I didn't mind at first but now I want to punch something every time I see this shit.
No. 73926
>>73920Who even does that anymore though?
I guess I've seen some older women (mid to late 20s) who still look like that, but it's not a "fashion" just trashy people who still think its 2004
No. 73930
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>>73928Never mind, see this pic. It is not sized for ants.
No. 73931
>>73924backed, eyeliner is like stupid easy. plus if you're going to brag and try to stunt on other women why chose something that lame
see also >eyebrow game
No. 73934
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Poop lips are the worst. Why do you want to look like you just ate shit?
No. 73937
>>73916This too. Why.
I also have a co worker that matches her eye-shadow to what she's wearing.
No. 73938
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I know a lot of people are really into it right now, but I have an seething hatred for ombre and balayage hair color. It looks kinda cute in photos as long as it's styled. Seeing it in person, it's jarringly unnatural, kinda like the chunky highlight trend. Everyone and their dog has it where I live.
No. 73944
>>73938Ombre only looks good if the two colors that are blended aren't massively different. Going from dark brown to dark blonde looks like crap, but dark brown to something like a dark burgundy can look good. It also looks better on curled hair then straight. Natural or not, don't have stick straight hair and ombre.
>brown bootsWhen the equestrian look first became fashionable it wasn't bad, but now that everyone has boots from that trend it looks tacky. I saw this while wearing black knee high boots, but I'm at work and we had over a foot of snow. I don't think I've worn brown ones in years…
No. 73945
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God I hate this haircut on men, most often than not it looks extremely greasy and gross. The Justin Bieber bowlcut looked better than this.
No. 73947
>>73928I'm tired of the dd/lg clothing trend. I just want cute pastel colored clothing without "daddy" or "fuck me" written on it.
other things i hate
>fucking beards on men. they all look terrible>most things sold by omighty>ombreit looks good when done properly, but most "ombre" is just people with their roots grown out
>super thick contour>white girls using makeup to look more ethnic>>73945I'm a sucker for this style on men ):
No. 73950
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>>73945Are you me? Brendon Urie is the prime example for this. His hair was really cute when he has kind of long side burns and shaggy cut, but as soon as 2010/2011-ish hit, he did the whole shaved side and his hair just looks like shit to me when it was so thick and beautiful when it was longer and not shaved.
No. 73952
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Should have mentioned this one earlier as well.
>Aegyo salIt is is not kawaii, and does not make you look like your favorite ulzzang or kpop idol. It looks like shit 99.9% of the time, and like you are having a bad allergic reaction to the pile of coke you did the night before. Before anyone says "it looks best on Asians," here is a photo of an Asian to prove you wrong.
>>73944Brown boots really aren't that bad, it is just that women insist on buying the cheapest, plastic-looking ones from F21, and they look terrible. That, and it seems to be a uniform these days.
>>73933I rather see Tumblr shit. At least I can get a good laugh from the really bad styles on Tumblr.
No. 73953
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>>73950I think I might be! Yes, anon! Brendon back before original Panic! broke up was super qt.
No. 73954
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>>73934This and black lips are the worst right now. Black lipstick use to be cool when it was a rare sight on some goth kid. Now everyone and their mom wears it, I hate it.
No. 73955
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>>73953Marry me, anon! Yeah, I kind of fell out not too long after Ryan and Jon left. I think the final nail was after Smith left in 2015. It sucks now.
>>73951Oh, forgot the name. I apologize. yeah, undercuts look okay on some guys, just like some guys look better with a little facial hair, but it's gotten so trendy and makes most dudes look douchey and less classy.
No. 73963
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>>73934It looks good on black/brown skin IMO. It's fucking retarded on white skin, though.
No. 73968
>>73964Good, at least now you have outed yourself as trash.
Do you have a shaved side as well, basic bitch?
No. 73970
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>>73952>Aegyo sallol /r/asianbeauty was freaking out over a tabloid article bashing it. The asspain was hilarious.
>>73967Aegyo sal is the crease most people get when they smile. I agree false ones generally look like shit but it's slightly different from eyebags.
I saved a couple of webms of plastic girls which I personally think aegyo sal looks decent on, though you guy will probably disagree. No. 73971
>>73969I'm too guilty of the "not getting a box of hair dye" lol…
I colored my hair brown on a whim and I love it to the point where I'm determined to keep it this color, but now that I'm out of the country… keeping that up is a bit difficult lol. A lot of dyes in Japan seem to be semi-permanent and I really don't want shit that's going to wash out… (unless some kind Japan anons can recommend me where to get permanent dyes/japanese permanent dye brands because google isnt helping much)
My most recent touch up, I accidentally bought the wrong box that was a bit darker than the original box I used, so my black roots are less noticeable this time around but… I want it back to slightly lighter and to touch up my roots regardless ugh.
No. 73972
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This shit. It needs to stop. The most annoying aesthetic ever are the trendy hypefags wearing this shit.. usually paired with a kardashian caked makeup job and fake pointy nails. Gross.
No. 73973
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>>73972Fuck, the photo is too small, sorry guys I didn't realize I saved the wrong size.
No. 73974
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This stupid horizontal hairline that all mexican men have
No. 73976
Circle lenses make you look like a soulless alien. Eyes are the window to the soul. 99% of lenses are super unrealistic and just make you look dead inside.
No. 73982
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Kardashian butt implant trend.
I don't mind a bigger and nicely shaped booty, but these humongous implant asses just look ugly and not proportional.
No. 73987
>>73978I like cat eyed make up but I don't see why everyone who does it needs to make a fucking make up tutorial about it. It's so easy jesus.
Also why do weebs always make "kawaii doll eye make up" videos where its circle lenses + cat eye + lashes + shimmer base eye shadow? ugh
No. 73988
>>73961eww crop tops are so grody
I don't want to see your rolls whether you're skinny or fat
No. 73992
>>73958She did it half way but didn't taper it properly.
I'm very much a black lip junkie, but I've known I look good with it since I was 12. Most Just look horrible.
No. 73993
>>73991Right now it's
>>73972 kind of clothing, bondage related accessories (leather chokers with the hoop), baggy light jeans with holes in them, and doc martins.
Makeup wise it's thick eyebrows, usually done with a brow pomade, thick winged eyeliner, cut crease eyeshadow, cream contouring and highlighting, and matte liquid lips.
No. 73994
>>73990I'm a sucker for a small lip ring.(Just one though.) I don't get these metal faces with dimple pierces,lip and nose and cheek ones as well. it's too fucking much.
I used to have a lip ring and put it back in occasionally when I miss it. One ring on the face isn't too bad, but when people have like 3+, it's insane.
No. 74006
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pointy toe pumps. Ive always hated them.
No. 74008
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>>74005Eh, I don't think keeping armpit hair is necessarily for attention. Body hair is natural. I usually shave mine for cleanliness, but I sometimes keep the hair when I am too lazy to do anything.
What is attention whore-y is purposely raising your arms in photos and dyeing your armpit hair to show off what a ~proud liberated womyn~ you are.
No. 74010
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Anything nikkitutorials does. She's making people think that this looks good and that it's a proper way to wear makeup. She isn't talented despite everyone sucking her tit.
No. 74012
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>>74010I thought I was the only one who hates this basic bitch, her makeup is so cakey. She makes herself look like a drag queen.
No. 74013
>>73989It looks terrible on Asians too though. Fucking aegyo sal, circle lenses, gradient lips, pale skin, thick straight eyebrows, and super skinny frame make them all look like Aliens. ESPECIALLY, in person.
But at the same time I'm realising that every single trend ever has been mentioned in this thread….
No. 74016
>>74005uhh how? armpit hair is usually very small amount. why bother shaving it? women didnt shave until the war a few decades anyway. it's kind of bullshit to expect a woman to shave off what grows naturally and guys can be hairy gorillas. It's her choice.
(personally, i have sensitive skin so bad that it flakes and bleeds with any shaving cut, so i stopped years ago because I like my health over what westerners consider 'beauty.')
No. 74020
>>74017know them feels… I hate the stark black limbal rings I see on so many circle lense designs. they look really unnatural and cartoony.
I don't normally buy blue lenses, but I wear circle lenses every day and most people don't seem to notice it because I don't buy huge/animu ones. My favorites are the Beaucon Shimmers/Naturals, the Neo Lucky Clover series, and the EOS Ice. Out of all of those, EOS probably has the most vivid color, but the design is gradated in a way so that it blends into your natural iris. My most recent order also included the Angelic Eye Mesmerizes, which although larger than I prefer, also has practically no limbal ring in the design.
No. 74029
>>74028>being this vainI wear t-shirt and leggings and no makeup at all all day erryday lmao u
triggered yet?
No. 74030
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>>74028really? id LOVE to hear more about what a special snowflake you are. do go on!
No. 74031
>>74029Sorry I don't hate myself? No, I'm not
triggered, sounds like you are though.
>>74030Nah, this thread isn't about me. It's about the ugly ass shit faggots wear.
No. 74034
>>74033lmao I wasn't actually the one talking to you until
>>74029 but w/e helps you sleep at night
No. 74043
>>74041Ask yourself the same question, you fucking moron.
>>74012She's been doing the same damn gross caked makeup for years. I remember back in 2010 she had been doing her face exactly like she does now. She has no creativity, skill, insight.. nothing. She hasn't grown at all or developed any skill yet everyone thinks she's great. Deff a no-no trend.
No. 74044
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>>74043>>74042>>74040 No. 74050
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No. 74051
>>74050Creepy weaboo w shit taste.
Okay, moving on..
No. 74052
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>>74051There's no need to be this upset
No. 74054
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Blue, green, purple. Basically any pastel lipstick
No. 74055
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>>74052>>74053Let's stay on topic.
No. 74056
>>74055Heed your own advice
>>74031 >>18118
No. 74059
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>>74058you can't seem to let go even when she implied that you should both chill out.
No. 74061
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Both of you, stop.
No. 74064
>>74059There really was no reason for her to come back after more than 15 minutes of peace to hypocritically preach the rules about "being nice" after posting gore and throwing personal insults at other posters herself. If she didn't post
>>74055 the "argument" would've already stopped anyways. I seriously hope this isn't samefagging again, anon.
>>74062I'm guessing asians because they're skinny and have very little ass? Then any skinny girl can pull it off.
No. 74068
>>74062>jeans that ride up my ass and coochuhhh get better fitting jeans?
why would you want to go out in public feeling like you're not wearing pants anyway?
No. 74069
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>>73962Yeah she ain't but shes got huge downy eyebags.
It's probably been mentioned ITT about 10 times now but i hate the ridiculously huge ass trend in Murica right now, that's not to say i don't like ass but these asses look pretty horse-like.
No. 74075
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>scuba knit fabric (pic related, those pleats look so shitty)
>thin textureless polyester
>thin jersey knit
What happened to using cotton fabric or even poly-cotton blends? Even rayon would be a step up. I dont mind the thin, slick polyester for some things, but not for everything, especially pieces that require stiffness. I dont think I'll ever like scuba knit or jersey fabric
No. 74077
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>>Winged eyeliner
>>Septum rings
>>Taupe/Beige lipstick
>>Snapback caps
>>Shemaghs (pic related)
>>Ugg boots
No. 74079
>>74077>shemaghswhat? who the fuck still wears these, 2007 is calling
>>74078not that anon but I still see a lot of uggs and ugg-like equivalents. it's mostly asian girls who wear them where I am.
anyway my list:
>birkenstock sandals>knee-high boots with flat soles look dumb to me>undercuts, shitty haircuts in general>super thick eyebrow trend No. 74082
>>74081Every alt-fashion girl I know of has one these days, it's definitely a current trend.
Five years ago, Monroe piercings were the trend, five years before that it was spider-bites… now it's septum rings.
No. 74085
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>>74081>>74082I actually want to get a very folk-y and traditional indian nose piercings, which is both nostrils and septum. Yes I am indian. Most of the at fashion girls wearing real or fake septum rings are wearing ones styled after indian ones anyway because no one looks good with a plain hoop in their nose.
No. 74092
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>>74087>>74090You ok anon? Did someone ITT mention a trend that you like?
No. 74097
>>74008>>74009I might be in the minority but if someone doesn't feel like shaving their armpit I'd rather see a colored hair (blue, pink, light blond) rather than ugly ass dark hairs like dudes.
Bonus point if it goes with the hair color so it looks like you're legit pink-haired. Dunno, it just looks better to me, it's the least offensive fashion faux pas.
No. 74098
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It isn't necessarily a fashion per-say, although it is clearly fashionable….but the whole 'crystal healing' 'align your chakra' and all of that mumbo jumbo is really annoying. A lot of these people are all of a sudden pagan or wicca out of nowhere just because they like the 'aesthetic'.
Same with Luciferianism. For some reason it's fashionable to look like a 13 year old who just discovered satanism.
>Crop tops
>Cage style undergarments
>Ouija boards
>pastel 'goth' in general.
No. 74101
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>>73947>fucking beards on men. they all look terribleSo much.
If you have a beard because you're lazy, ok, whatever. If you have a beard because it's in style or you think it makes you more attractive, 49/50 times it looks terrible on you and you should just shave it off or go scruff.
Sometimes I feel like it's only those who don't have one could benefit from one, and those that do just need to drop it.
I'm reminded of the episode of Modern Family where it's Jay's birthday, and Phil is hanging out with him and his buddies, and one of them advises Phil to grow a beard. He does, and I think it makes him look more attractive. This is not the case for most people though.
No. 74103
>>74101Some dudes look great in a beard. But probably either because they look worse without, or great regardless.
What I hate more is patchy beards, shave that shit right off.
No. 74105
>>74101>Sometimes I feel like it's only those who don't have one could benefit from one, and those that do just need to drop it. Then those that do would have it, and would need to drop it. You're illogical and need to stop thinking anyone cares about your pleb tier opinion.
Annoying pretentious cunts are the ones who care so much about whether men have beards or not. What next, men a certain height or men with a certain eye colour need to have surgery or contact lenses?
Go back to tumblr.
No. 74108
>>74105>What next, men a certain height or men with a certain eye colour need to have surgery or contact lenses?It is just a beard, first of all. Nobody is talking about surgical alterations. Many women shave their whole bodies, but you don't hear them bitching like whiny cunts.
Second, similar shit already goes on with women where men would pressure their girlfriends to get breast or ass implants.
So stop crying about women not liking your neckbeard. Nobody feels bad that you are lazy and choose to look like shit.
No. 74112
>>74108I'm a woman not a man. I'm glad beards aren't popular because ot seperates out insecure beta subhumans and other chaff from real men.
Enjoy your little boy faces.
No. 74113
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This hairstyle. This. fucking. hairstyle. It drives me to psychotic levels of rage. And bright red lipstick too.
>>73924>MustachesIt's fucking 2016 and someone still thinks it's quirky and funny?
No. 74117
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>>74112>seperates out insecure beta subhumans and other chaff from real menIt is the opposite. Those who go on about beards being the epitome of masculinity think a beard will hide their betaness. I generally don't mind beards, but beard culture and this "real men have beards!1!" bs needs to stop.
And if a man looks like a little boy with a bare face, that means has a weak ass jawline. Some men grow out beards to hide their babyfaces.
No. 74120
>>74105Eyecolor and height doesn't impact me making out with a man. The last thing I want to deal with is making out with a guy with gross ass food in his beard that hides his nonexistant chin.
And men with beards are always the first guys to shit on women with pubes. Fuck that noise.
Groomed, trimmed beards aren't even whats popular right now. The trend is a hipster caveman that goes past the neck. Thats disgusting and just reminds me of duck dynasty. Enjoy fucking redneck men.
No. 74125
>>74112And I'm Britney Spears.
>beards aren't popularnow I know this is bait.
No. 74128
>>74123This so much.
Sexy strong jaw with no beard>>>>>>>>chinless faggot with a beard
No. 74131
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This shitty material that makes every thing shiny.
Themed leggings.
People who insist on wearing clothing that has potleaves all over it.
Over drawn lips.
No. 74136
>>74135You hate….dyed hair?
You must be fun at parties.
No. 74137
>>74136I mean super crazy tumblr stuff that makes your roots turn green after a few days
it also is usually an indicator of trouble/damage
No. 74138
>>74137Ah, that makes a lot more sense.
I'm not really bothered by ~ombre~ hair if it's done well, I've seen some very beautiful women with it, but when you couple it with the dumblr styles and awful makeup it looks absolutely terrible.
No. 74142
>>74137Oh yeah, drug stores started selling pastel L'Oreal too. I haven't seen anyone attempt yet. I do wonder if you can tone with it or should I just get manic panic?
No. 74145
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>>73914Adult women with little girl pigtails
No. 74155
>>74145I think you can pull them off if you look right, low pigtails can look okay, and IMO you seriously need a full fringe and side pieces to make it look right or else it just looks awkward and super childish.
High pigtails that stay close to the head and are curled can look nice as well.
No. 74156
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This stupid ass hairstyle.
No. 74159
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This haircut on guys
No. 74163
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This kind of makeup. It's just hideous. These bitches always look like Kim K clones and I hate those lips.
No. 74175
>>74173I left race entirely out of my initial comment, so I don't know why you're getting butt hurt. I said 'darker skin'. That also includes tanned white girls who highlight with white when they shouldn't be.
It doesn't look good. White as a highlight only works if you're pale.
No. 74180
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>>74176>>74177Thanks for agreeing with me! I think anon might've been trying to bait me or something… or if they're one of the ones who get offended when you don't like something that they do.
No. 74182
>>74178I have a long scratch on my arm from an accident where dirt got under my skin (I was a kid and didn't know how to treat it properly)
iono why I'm saying this here, it doesn't really count as a tattoo does it? Does this stick and poke shit count as a tattoo?
No. 74186
>>73930At first I didn't understand what could be so bad, but now I'm really embarrassed for the girls in that pic. Is it the lighting are all they are pleather boots? Are they all cosplaying the same character? What is going on?
List of things I hate:
>all around black eyeliner and bleached, fried, hairNothing really says white trash like this look.
>fatties with their eyeliner on point, on queef or whateverDraw attention to the fact that you're an obnoxious tubblrina, why not?
>fatties with a huge gut and no tits & ass going MUH PASTEL BUTCH STYLEJesus no. Butch is GI Jane, ripped girls. Not PCOS tubblrinas with rolls.
tl;dr hate try hard fatties on queef.
No. 74195
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I'm getting a diploma and the basic bitches who rock up to class in sweatpants, flip flops, and generally grotty shit drives me nuts.
They were all told on day one 'act like the classroom is the place you want to work. This is a professional environment.'
And they wear sweatpants and lipstick.
No. 74199
These girls from class only get worse tbh. At least three of them do not own any closed shoes and wear these strappy or open toed ballet flats day in day out.
Our weather gets to 3 degrees Celsius and lower and the puddles around campus are often ankle deep. They still wear their stupid shoes daily and still whinge when they have cold wet feet after a smoke break.
>>74198>>74196Full faces of makeup and ten dollar sweatpants. They don't even understand that its weird. They're some of the dumbest women I've ever met tbh.
No. 74201
>>74132all of my tights slide off my waist and just hang around my ass. I'm jelly of bitches who can actually wear those without having to pull them up every ten seconds.
>>74196ngl I used to do this all the time. Now I just wear less makeup so I look less retarded
No. 74204
>>74201From my experience it's cheap tights/leggings that do this. The better quality ones I have def don't do this as they have a waistline that curves properly to anticipate a butt.
>>74198What's the actual dress code? My last work place we all basically wore leggings as pants because fuck it's retail and good leggings are meant for moving around in, but we weren't supposed to be unless we had a dress/skirt on.
No. 74205
>>74117>[My beard] is a great conversation pieceMan I hate this shit. My ex had a full beard and getting stopped by random dudes going "whoa nice beard bro!!" was dumb as hell. Being known as "the guy with the beard" doesn't seem anymore cool than being known as "the fat chick" or "the black guy".
>>74120>men with beards are always the first guys to shit on women with pubesI grew that shit out so I could at least get back at him with some pube hair in the mouth, for all the times I've gotten a beard hair in my mouth when making out
No. 74207
>>73970/r/asianbeauty is shit.
They bash EVERYONE who say anything against precious south korea too.
like ratzilla (girl who translates japanese skin and makeup products) said she didnt like cushions and people on reddit went apeshit
No. 74208
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>>73995you do realize Kim doesnt fit the beauty standards and everyone think she's ugly right?
this is a nice big butt
No. 74210
On white, black, asian, it doesnt matter.
they all make you look like aliens and it's creepy.
Lenses make your eyes look souless.
people need to stop this trend.
you dont need circle lenses to look kawaii
No. 74211
>>74016because it's not feminine and just disgusting.
men and women are different. women arent supposed to have armpit hair while men can.
it's just the way it is.
No. 74215
>>74211Isn't body hair actually MORE hygienic than shaving? Not going to stop me from shaving, but calling it "disgusting" is a poor argument.
>>74212Fucking choked on my water lol.
>>74199Usually when I see someone with full makeup in lazy clothes, if it's the end of the day then I just assume they were dressed up for a specific class/event and then changed for their end-of-day lectures, because I've done the same thing, but I at least wipe off my lipstick so that I don't look entirely mismatched. If that's just how they dressed for the day, then yeah, that's fucking dumb.
>>74212 No. 74217
File: 1454991328572.jpg (71.88 KB, 636x382, why.jpg)

>>73914>hudabeauty and her shit trends >colour correcting with red lipstick>colour correction concealer being too pasty or too dark for whoever's using it>fucking hudabeauty and her neck contouring and tape-contouring trends>people with short forehead contouring their forehead>grotesque contouring>clown contouring>contouring using concealers that have warm undertones>FUCKING HUDABEAUTY On the weeaboo end of the pile
>dolly makeup. BEATING A HORSE ALREADY DEAD AND TURNING INTO A ZOMBIE>puppy eyeliners on non-asian girls>intensely white aegyo-sal highlighting, especially on darker skin>extra thick and extra huge gyaru lashes (always hated them)>thick black eyeliner trying to look like Azn Waifus DesuThis one isn't a makeup trend but still weeby as fuck
>squinting eyes really hard in selfies to get the uguu~ chinku eyesu~ and tagging the selfies as 'I look so azn desu xDDD'. (literal tag thats used on dumblr. You can search for it tbh and laugh at the weebs)God…..I rage everyday…. and this isnt the full, extensive list of the shit trends I hate, tbh
No. 74218
File: 1454991521210.png (18.65 KB, 260x390, I JUST..... WHAT FOR .png)

>>74217Another pic because I'm still incredulous like… WHAT DID THIS EVEN ACHIEVE? WHY?
No. 74219
File: 1454994083370.png (53.32 KB, 383x368, Screen-Shot-2013-04-30-at-12.4…)

>>74217Does the red lipstick thing even work? I mean, the whole point of color-correcting is that you use a color that's on the opposite spectrum of the color you want to diminish (which is why pastel green works to diminish redness and yellow covers bruises, etc.), so what exactly is the red meant to accomplish? Covering up…veins…?
No. 74224
>>74219Red pigment doesn't help to hide or illuminate dark eye circles but peach coloured colour correction does. It neutralizes or 'cancels' out your discoloured skin, if it has blue or green undertone to it. Personally, for me colour correction works more than concealing with concealer same shade as my skin because my dark eye circles are green-hued. Hate Jackie Aina but she explains it up really well here.
No. 74225
>>74217>>74218And this is the tape contouring I was talking about like wtf? Why?
Like dear god, kill me already.
No. 74228
File: 1455012458069.jpg (109.09 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mcfq9aCAOL1rjgv94o1_128…)

It's an old school technique to help cover tattoos. I foolhardily got a tattoo when I was 18 and my grandma did this to cover it up for my sister's wedding. Anyone putting it on under their eyes is a damn idiot though.
No. 74230
File: 1455038154966.png (588.54 KB, 853x480, 449.png)

>>74225This looks so unnatural why is this a thing? Hell why is contour and highlighting even a thing, still?
I get when it's a bit of bronzer on the cheekbones, i do that every day. But using 30 different foundations or even these shitty cream contouring kits is SO extra, and it can't be healthy for your skin considering the amount of product is being piled on.
Highlighting just looks fucking retarded more often than not. Good example is pic related.
No. 74235
File: 1455054900852.png (241.21 KB, 500x411, tumblr_n6q7v0AsdT1qkrdp6o1_500…)

The problem with these makeup trends is that everyone is doing them all at once.
You can't contour heavily AND highlight AND do strong eyebrows AND "bake" AND "strobe" AND do heavy eyeliner AND do kylie jenner lips.
You pick one, two at the most, and leave it at that.
No. 74240
File: 1455071484639.jpg (123.61 KB, 960x960, 995555_600503623341222_1573418…)

Stuff I think it played out
>Louboutins>Those high-waisted skirt/croptop combos (pic related)>Gradient brows (only look good on like a few people who have natural brows like that)>Grey hair>Ombre hair unless it just looks like natural high lights No. 74241
File: 1455072929258.jpg (33.97 KB, 320x320, 11272969_1660946974141256_2115…)

>>74203Not to mention, even drag queens are well aware of the limitations of contouring/highlighting techniques. Most queens work at night and know that this makeup does little good in the daylight when your natural highlights and shadows are more obvious and cancel out the fake ones made of makeup. I feel like the illusion works best in videos and photographs and is just not for everyday wear.
No. 74242
File: 1455075592831.jpg (17.32 KB, 631x412, nikki.jpg)

>>74230I hate how girls are basically wearing full drag make up now
No. 74243
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>>74242there's something about her that reminds me of this picture
No. 74250
>>74249I think what makes me the most annoyed about that article is the tryhard lingo.
Like you know when people try to talk in memes?
This is like talking in tumblr.
No. 74255
>>74249I love how they couldn't even be arsed to come up with descriptions for half of these.
>this beautiful choppy mess>this modern masterpieceand my favorite
>these tiny slits that’ll simply destroy anyone No. 74258
>>74249All of these haircuts look like SHIT and more than half of them won't even look like that after your first wash.
The second one (the platinum pixie cut) looks like it would look like trash as soon as your dark roots grow in.
No. 74260
File: 1455189473801.jpg (149.25 KB, 810x1282, IMG_20160211_154607.jpg)

These spider-looking eyelashes which are dominating instagram.
No. 74263
File: 1455204358917.png (1.09 MB, 598x600, enhanced-872-1453928625-29.png)

Fucking any kind of shaved heads on women who pair it with feminine makeup/fashion. It clashes so bad, and honestly, looks shit on everybody because it makes you look like you have an egg head.
No. 74264
>>74260Lashes like this look horrible irl. I can seem to walk out of the house with lashes on because I always feel like the look over done. Normal lashes look good for pictures though.
>>74263I'm really done with side shaves. I thought it about it once about 2 years ago, but now it's run rampant and most girls look like shit with it. And the growing out phase looks horrible too.
No. 74268
File: 1455232222017.jpg (148.15 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>74262I tried matte lipsticks back in the fall and my God why are they so popular? All of them (I got different brands) made my lips feel like they were dying of dehydration. Not to mention like you said within a few minutes my lips look like a chaffed asshole.
No. 74269
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>>73941Ombre is better than the classic highlights lel
No. 74270
File: 1455236377566.jpg (197.49 KB, 846x1024, ombre-hair.jpg)

>>74269Yeah but most people weren't doing it like your pic but more like pic related.
No. 74271
>>74213>>74214i'm not a robot considering i'm a woman you dumbass.
any woman that doesnt shave is disgusting.
sure, dont shave, but dont expect people to not judge you.
don't cry because someone said it was disgusting. it's fucking manly. why would you want to be like a dude?
No. 74272
>>74216>Women didn't start shaving really until a few decades ago either way, women always (during fucking centuries) removed their hair.
being hairless isnt a new thing.
it is unfeminine and that's a fact, while finding it disgusting or good is an opinion
No. 74273
>>74268matte lipsticks are shit.
99% of women wearing those always have super dry lips.
No. 74275
>>74274i'm 100% sure i have a vagina anon.
i'm just tired of seeing women acting like they're smashing gender roles and beauty standards just for not shaving their fucking armpits
No. 74276
>>74268Are those graveyardgirl/Bunny's swatches? Her lips are dry as fuck all the time and those look really similar.
Some matte lipsticks are a shit but as long as you scrub and moisturize your lips properly they don't look like ass.
No. 74279
>>74276No that's not Bunny, the teeth are too white.
I do like matte lipsticks, but they are a pain esp if you don't take care of your lips before hand. I just stay away from most liquid formulas during the winter and use more cream based formulas, they tend to be less drying. Main thing about them is that they are long wearing, which is why they are everywhere. Honestly stick to Nyx's matte lip creams and you'll be fine. Just don't use Transylvania tho, that shit's patchy af.
No. 74281
>>74279My thoughts exactly.I figured it wasn't Bunny either because her teeth was too straight and white. Bunny has disgusting hick looking teeth.
Does anyone have any recommended ways to wear matte lipsticks without drying your lips bad? I only own some NYX and Jeffree star stuff at the moment.
No. 74287
File: 1456018533544.jpg (103.5 KB, 960x960, 4789000.jpg)

Anyone else think this shit looks uncanny valley as hell?
Everyone raved over it, but I think it looks really off and just weird somehow.
No. 74292
>>74287Ugly before and after. How unfortunate. This look is terrible on naturally pretty girls, what one earth possessed her to do this? And the fucking HAIR too. And also
>>74289 for fuck's sake
No. 74294
File: 1456117623223.jpg (108.1 KB, 640x640, 11429731_794027810711210_20482…)

Personally I hate the aegyo-sal trend. It looks okay if you have natural eye fat, but purposely 'making' the eye fat?? It looks gross tbh. Snowflake Wengie in the photo.
And here's the example of a woman explaining how to make those aegyo-sal in your face: still think her before photo is better.
No. 74300
>>74287This would actually look somewhat okay if her eyebrows weren't drawn so high, it makes her face look disproportionate.
Also that stupid butthole face.
No. 74302
File: 1456353845878.jpg (277.17 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg)

I HAAAAAATE this fucking man bun trend on guys. It makes their head look like an onion.
No. 74305
>>74287it aint the make up
its the girl
No. 74308
File: 1456367011330.jpg (78.56 KB, 387x493, 635584314783981082380475668_tu…)

>>74302They have the potential to be acceptable on an incredibly small number of extremely handsome men, but almost every single guy who tries it just ends up making himself look like a damn fool. Also it's even worse when they barely have any hair to make a "bun" with like in the pic you posted. It's more like a man nub.
No. 74309
File: 1456367093072.jpg (102.57 KB, 640x960, wtfisthis.jpg)

Hate this trend of baggy shirts and scarves.
No. 74310
>>74308Man nub is my new favorite phrase.
No. 74311
File: 1456372112682.png (806.07 KB, 1200x675, 072215-music-drake-ghostwriter…)

>>74302I hate all the stupid horizontal hairlines and douche beards that are getting popular with the plebs, pic related it looks fucking gay.
No. 74323
>>74311It looks more stranger danger than gay though ayy lmao
i know y'all can't deny ;)))
No. 74324
>>74322Definitely. I pluck mine a little where the stray hairs are, but I've never plucked them to be thin. Mostly because I was too young for that trend. I'm 23 now, so when that was in during the early 2000s, I was like… 10 or so. Still, I was aware of it and it made me feel bad about my thicker brows.
I'm going to go ahead and add shaved off, then drawn back on eyebrows to list of make-up trends I despise. It's not really mainstream -yet-, but it looks fucking stupid and you can definitely tell fake brows when you see them irl.
No. 74325
>>74324I never really touched my brows until I really started to do make up more, but I never over groomed them because I have not a whole lot of brow hair, so I let them grow a bit longer then most should, to get a fuller look. I do groom them for shape otherwise, I just like not having to use as much product to make them look nice.
>shaved off browsfrom what I can tell, only hardcore goths into heavy make up seem to do this, and they do pretty extreme looks anyway. I can't see it ever being completely mainstream because the brow hair may never grow back. I remember an older women my mom was friends with who shaved off her brows out of frustration and they never grew back, so then she penciled them back in with purple liner for some reason. It confused me as an 8 year old, it still confuses me now.
No. 74327
File: 1456618846946.jpg (63.88 KB, 720x960, jesus.jpg)

Why can't people understand that these drawn on eyebrows look like shit?
She looks like a ventriloquist dummy.
No. 74333
File: 1456665686169.jpg (925.44 KB, 2988x5312, hjYrWqo.jpg)

What do you call these types of glasses? They look so hideous. They just ruin the look and I assume anyone wearing them is an annoying cunt.
Also, big/thick framed "hipster glasses in general I don't get.
No. 74359
File: 1456669323103.jpg (45.31 KB, 578x578, cat-eye-sunglasses-1.jpg)

>>74333Cat eye, and they ONLY look good as sunglasses. Especially on round faces.
I don't get why so many dumblerinas even wear these, they're glasses for round faces, like asians have. It looks horrible on their long horse maws.
No. 74398
File: 1456672783581.jpeg (34.85 KB, 228x320, image.jpeg)

>>74359You can pull off everything as long if you're pretty. Asians aren't as pretty as white girls so why do you think they could pull off cat glasses?
I am btw not a disgusting white girl I just think white people are the prettiest lol
No. 74403
>>74359Thanks, and yeah, the woman in your pic looks good in the pair she's wearing.
It's like they're purposely trying to look ugly, but then put all this effort into their makeup. I don't get it. And of course the source of that pic had a load of idiots telling her how "fierce" the glasses looked.
That's another thing that makes me cringe, when people talk about how their "wings are sharp enough to kill a man" or their "lips are red like the blood of enemies". So damn edgy.
No. 74407
>>74402I grew up in a place with 99% white people (I'm half white) and I don't find that to be true.
There were plenty of pretty girls, and plenty of … less aesthetically blessed girls. Same as any other country I've been too.
The main difference in attractiveness I've noticed, is mainly a factor of poverty and obesity. For example, somewhere like Spain I remember as having more attractive woman than the US as they were generally much less fat, and more than third world countries where half the people are starving on the streets.
No. 74471
>>74326I'm so sick of all of this.
>boys wearing excessive makeup>people with shitty skin doing tutorials instead of laying off and treating their damn acneAnd now I have to see people putting foundation on their ears and boys wearing long ass acrylic nails? Wtf.
No. 74478
>>74399Don't hate them as much as OP, but can't say I'm fond of them either.
Don't mind a thick brow at all (mine are naturally thick too), but those are a step too close to the instagram drawn on style for me. I like a more natural, but still neat look.
No. 74509
>>74399I have thick eyebrows myself so… no.
Its the stupid fade out shape, and there is such a thing as TOO groomed.
No. 74528
File: 1456693899448.jpeg (70.49 KB, 1772x1181, image.jpeg)

>>74523Lets wear normal glasses amirite those vogue glasses are stupid xD
No. 74546
File: 1456695082665.jpeg (167.93 KB, 1024x637, image.jpeg)

>>74533No, I wear contact lenses. But it pisses me off when people pretend "hipster glasses" aren't the norm now. They're modern and much better looking then…the glasses I used to wear…we all used to wear…
But if I'd ever buy glasses they'd be those cat eye glasses. Don't pretend they are not cute.
No. 74556
>>74546>Don't pretend they are not cute.>cuteReally?
They're popular right now for sure, but like someone else on this thread said, they just scream "bitchy librarian" to me
No. 74564
File: 1456696868847.jpg (118.13 KB, 500x589, image.jpg)

>>74546But they aren't cute. I am tired of seeing dumb bitches wearing these oversized glasses or 3D glasses with the lenses punched out when their vision is fine. They take up space on your face and look hideous on most people. The ones who look sort of okay with them are good-looking to begin with, and will most likely look better without them.
As soon as some other shitty thing becomes trendy, then everyone is going to say that new shit is "cute," forgetting how "cute" their Uncle Terry glasses are. And such is the cycle of being a hopeless trendfag.
No. 74616
>>74564I disagree, simply because I love the vintage style. So what glasses are good enough for you then? And I'm sorry to say this but vintage style glasses are here to stay and they will stay forever because they are worn by both men and women. Are you perhaps a robot? You should know that men wear such glasses too these days. It's rare to find someone wearing 2005 glasses.
Either way a girl always looks better without glasses.
>>74566They are timeless. They will only change a bit but just like denim, they are timeless.
>>74600Here's your reply.
No. 74633
File: 1456704715659.jpg (80.67 KB, 640x640, 11378975_1173934429288376_1219…)

>Not him, but I think it's more just a case of pattern recognition. Sort of like how tattoos tell you someone is a risk-taker, probably comparatively more sexual etc.
delete this
No. 74634
>>74616Um, okay? Not everyone who disagrees with you is a robot. I wish farmers would get that through their heads once and for all, just like how multiple people disagreeing with you is not samefagging.
They are hideous and overdone, imo. As if having the opinion that thick bulky frames is not cute is sooo out there that you can only be a disgusting manchild to dislike them. lmao.
No. 74637
File: 1456705408445.jpeg (40.86 KB, 300x270, image.jpeg)

>>74634I thought that you were a robot because that meme attacks only women. Men wear these glasses as well.
Well, if you are blind then a "thick bulky frames" is the best and these days only option. I mean they are glasses they will never look good.
Pic related; frames I absolutely hate
No. 74644
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>>74640P-p-perhaps I'm sensitive about it because I am willing to start wearing glasses as my eyes need rest from the lenses. The only frames I like atm are pic related.
>>74638the shape annoys me more than the color
No. 74657
File: 1456712566684.jpg (21.63 KB, 350x197, pedoglasses.jpg)

>>74644don't get those glasses ffs
it's not just because they're associated with SJWs. they're unflattering on everyone. they're for grandmas… the female equivalent of "pedo glasses"
No. 74668
File: 1456714726473.jpg (113.59 KB, 1000x583, victoria-beckham-233611_w1000.…)

>>74556I like them personally, I think they're really endearing. Everyone else tells me they look horrible though.
I usually wear contact lenses, but I also own problem glasses (thick nerdy rims) and normal glasses. I like wearing my problem glasses around the house, they look funny and cute. It's hard to explain.
Wouldn't wear them outside tho. I have no idea why SJWs spend their lives wearing them, they're not exactly comfortable or easy to wear. They get snagged in stuff easily and are very bulky.
No. 74677
>>74397A makeup and fashion thread belongs in /g/. A makeup and fashion
hate thread belongs in /b/. Please see the rules for /g/ at
No. 74747
>>74637I actually kinda like those glasses. Mostly the more rectangular/less rounded ones though, and I can see how they might be unflattering.
Really though, glasses are as uncomfortable as fuck, I wear my contacts whenever I can. I regret waiting until I was 17 to switch to contacts, they're so much more comfortable and easy.
No. 74750
>>74684what does people of color have to do with anything
most sjws are white fatties who DEFEND pocs thinking they are saints
most who are into the poc comm and shit like to throw shade at white people for the most part lmao
No. 74791
>>74750Oh my god you're so fucking dumb LMAO.
PCOS is not POC you retard.
No. 74905
File: 1456784865315.jpg (21.41 KB, 206x275, 1453528922048.jpg)

The entirely of this bitch's face, including the granny radfem glasses.
No. 74958
>>74905Genuine question. Why are radfems and SJWs so fond of this style of makeup/fashion?
The pinup style is a throwback to the 50s, an era that they love to hate. If female standards of beauty are set by men, why would you wear the cat eyeliner/red lipstick/victory curls they apparently love fapping to?
Seriously, I hang out on makeup/cosmetics forums, and every time this subject comes up, everyone goes up in arms about unfair standards perpetuated by the "patriarchy". (Are you so oppressed that the patriarchy is the reason why you spend half your tiny paycheck on MAC and Too Faced? Okay…)
I would honestly be glad to learn that there is some kind of logic behind this beyond "we want to blame someone else because we can't own up to our own choices".
No. 74962
>>74958I really want to know why so many SJW and goddesswhales go for the 50's rockabilly look as well.
Maybe its because they think they are curvy, and the fashion of that era was designed to accentuate a curvy feminine figure?
Maybe they're all bitter as fuck and just want to be cute housewives but know that they're too lumpy so they throw their patriarchy tantrums and pretend to hate traditional femininity?
Maybe its a "look how different and quirky I am teehee not like the other girls" ploy, an they're just poorly disguising it with fake feminism?
No. 75009
>>75002Ugh I hate that meme. Women were skinny in the fifties too, and Marilyn wore a modern size 2. Not 22.
Do people really look at Tess Holliday and go yeah, she and Mae West cod have traded clothes!
No. 75397
File: 1456867656253.jpg (75.97 KB, 363x610, w516ih-l-610x610-sweater-pullo…)

Grandma fashion, especially collars, these fucking collars. Rather drown in a pit of burning snot then wear these things.
>makeup that makes your lips look like inflated assholes with a yeast infection, ex gradient lips, overdrawn etc
>"on fleek"
>Tyler Oakley
>Marine themed tattoos jesus
No. 75483
File: 1456874952111.jpg (185.63 KB, 2481x1551, PkjIz62.jpg)

>>75397Gradient lips look like a butthole, but try telling that to the koreaboos.
Gradient brows are tacky as hell.
I would really like to watch the idiot who coined the term "on fleek" die in a fire.
Overly matte lips in ridiculous colors don't belong anywhere outside of a fashion editorial.
You can contour and highlight as much as you like. It won't change the fact that you're overweight and have a double chin.
Crop tops. With the pudge hanging out. IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER.
Whatever this haircut is called (pictured). Does anyone think this style looks
good? Why do so many Asian guys have this hair? Just WHY? Also, Ivan Lam creeps me the fuck out and I'm trying to get YouTube to stop recommending me his videos.
No. 75577
File: 1456889249818.jpg (51.42 KB, 634x498, 4321.jpg)

>>74333i call them the
trigger glasses
every feminist has had them on atleast once
No. 75600
>>75483The girl who made on fleek viral is named Peaches Monrooee (?) On Vine. Apparently it's slang for on point where she lives.
trends that I wish would die:
• heavy contouring/highlighting. Leave that for the Queens pls
• over highlighting. I love highlighting my cheekbones, but some people go overboard (amrezy) and it's horrifying at times. I love OTT makeup, but I have my limits.
• over lining. Again, leave it to the queens. If you have no lips, fine. You just look stupid irl
• nikkietutorials. I thought I was the only one who thought she was a talentless landwhale. Her makeup is all the same. Just different colored eyeshadow themes
• brown lipsticks on people who
think it looks good on them. Pale white girls (ex. Jkissa, JackyOh, Nikkie)
• that fucking 'transition shade' shit. Everyone's eyeshadow has that blur of orangey brown to blend it out and it doesn't matter what color scheme it is. It really bothers me.
• I actually like undercuts on males only. Males. Not girls, and not fakebois. I prefer it when the shaved portion grows out though. It looks better on brunettes. Blondes look as if they're balding.
• superbly short khakis (the ones that come in salmon, lilac, or baby blue) on boys. What is the point…you look like the gays you make fun of.
• leggings/oversized shirt. That stuff looks so ugly. It'll be black leggings and some random ass t shirt. I get that you're being lazy but you look as though you just tumbled out of bed. They don't wear oversized sweaters where I'm at….just random bass fishing t shirts or long sleeve thermals.
• anything pastel
• pink lipstick on black girls. My people embarrass me. (Look at dollhouse pink by wet n wild. That's what I'm talking about). They like to look as though they just kissed a hot stove..
• gender/sexuality bullshit. Just go. Heteroflexible/homoflexible is tumblr for bisexual attention whore. We know.
This is what I can think of ATM.
No. 75602
>>75594Oh please wayne goss and those other gurus that complain about these trends commit those sins themselves
<s>I highly am suspecting that everyone who hates these trends are doing them too </s>
No. 75616
>>75594I refuse to watch Wayne Goss because his videos are so damn gimmicky.
>>75600There is a girl in one of my glasses who wears winged eyeliner + poop brown lipstick every day. She's whiter than white and it looks extra awful on her.
No. 75687
>>75616Same anon from ^
I agree. I only watch reviews from him, if that.
>>75624Sadly, they do.
No. 75718
>>75685That's because he's kind of crap at dramatic makeup. It's been awhile since I watched him, but the beginning of the end of my sub with him was when he did and awful smokey eye on that one chick he used as a model for awhile that was uneven and not properly blended, and looked nothin like the look he was supposedly recreating. He does a lot of click bait and it's so bothersome. Just watch Lisa Eldrige for her no make up make up, she does a mich better job explaining, unlike Goss who will explain in 5 videos for no reason.
Oh and I actually think Jackie Aina and madeyewlook did better jobs at explaining how stupid makeup trends are by joking about them.
No. 75807
File: 1456945367166.jpg (186.43 KB, 850x566, 1.-Bare-lips-pre-statement.jpg)

To everyone here who hates overlining: I don't have very clear lip contours, pic related. My upper lip basically fades out. I started overlining long before the trend since it seems to suit my real discolored lip shape. do you think I should stop?
No. 75818
>>75802off topic but
gurl i live in cheltenham
hit me up
No. 75858
>>75845Well it could have helped her a bit seeing as she had a lot of acne and her makeup made her face look jarring
>>75818If you see a girl in a black coat + glasses with a purple walking cane, say hi it'll be fine. I'll be in town on Sunday.
No. 75866
>>75807Overlining rarely looks good because, even if the colour of your lip fades into the colour of your skin, the shape and texture is still different so it's still clear that you're drawing outside of your actual lips. No matter how good a person is at applying makeup, it always gives them a "can't colour inside the lines look" imo.
Just line your lips properly to define them. It's not a case of overlining or not lining them at all. You can line them by actually following the shape of your own mouth. Draw on your actual lips and don't draw on the skin around your mouth.
No. 75957
>Undercuts for women, for guys are pretty hot, i hate undercuts for girls because i recall the tumblrinas or fakebois>these big ass drawn eyebrows>too much contouring and lips, so gross>big asses and tits that look not proportionate>t-shirts with written "mental", "bitch", "cunt" or other tryhard offensive stuff>pastel or neon colored lips, most of the time look horrible>>75600I'm with you about the undercuts, it's my favourite hairstyle for men especially with mid length or longer, but for girls it's a big no especially when used into too feminine fashion styles or japanese girly fashion.
I like when people crossdress but i hate this genderfluid shit, why they don't wear just boyish things while being girls instead to be fakebois?I mean tomboys?Ugh. I smell also a bit of misogynism.
No. 76166
>>75594I like them both (I mean Goss's video titles are hilariously clickbaity, but the content isn't too bad imo), but I think it's partly because Jackie is just more likeable and funny.
Though yeah, some def get super sensitive and "how dare you critizise MY MAKEUP" about it
No. 76562
>>75807the color may fade out but you cant still see where the lip shape actually ends
stay within your lip shape and its fine
No. 77055
>>77049photoshop I'd say. But I see a girl with thin legs and big bubble butt in the gym almost daily, its not impossible.
sage for ot
No. 77149
>>75806I was going by the thumbnail at first and thought "how are these shitty?"
Fucking Goss.
No. 78861
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I absolutely hate calvin klein underwear for women and any other similar styled writing on band style.
I'm not sure why but I find them gross. I hate looking at them.
No. 78864
File: 1457485786193.jpg (226.81 KB, 960x960, 3428173_wifi2.jpg)

O-mighty is a goldmine of edgy overpriced shit that I hate 90% of.
The main offenders being a crap crop top with words on usually something like "pizza slut" or "my pussy my choice" or just whatever retard would wear this…
I don't get it at all, it's dreadful.
No. 78936
>>78861Urban Outfitters has their underwear and holy shit is it made out of cheapest plastic material.
This is my favorite random thread. Even if I like some of the hated trends in here, I feel great just reading the hate for the trends I'm fucking sick of.
No. 78952
>>75600>TRANSITION SHADESI don't remember eyeshadow tutorials from 2009 using transition shades and the eye makeup looked just fine if not similar to using (yet another) color. Its called
No. 78978
>>73926>older women>mid to late 20slol what?
don't worry bitch, you'll get there there too very soon
No. 79086
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>Fred perry
Just barfed in my mouth a little
No. 79352
Fatties are ALWAYS into that vintage 50s look… just because they have "curves". Fuck off, they weren't meant for your kind of curves. Does my fucking head in seeing their lard squelched into one of those pretty polka dresses, giant elephant calves in the tights and fat fuck off feet squished in peep toe heels. Then cat eyed glasses to top it off and their chunky fuck arms in those cardigans.
No. 79355
>>79352omg this is the perfect description.
Curvy is Bettie Page, not Beth Ditto.
No. 79441
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i hate this nail shape
it's always the worst cunts sporting this nail shape
No. 79468
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Everything about Martina from EYK's hairstyle. I can't believe the makeover pic is the same person.
No. 79645
>>79441>tfw you had that nail shape for a few monthstbh, I wanted claws.
I'd like to imagine that if I smacked someone for riding my ass then I could draw blood.
No. 79739
File: 1457674641958.jpg (271.37 KB, 600x800, baseball-hat-styles[1].jpg)

has anyone been noticing this trend of people taking time to make their outfits, hair, and makeup look good, but then put on a baseball cap for no reason?
No. 79801
File: 1457703859319.gif (132.97 KB, 311x366, dNVvntX.gif)

>mfw Ive loved cat eye glasses since I was a child, from watching the movie Grease>wear glasses since the age of 8, never able to find cat eye style since it wasn't fashionable >suddenly cat eye glasses everywhere, huge SJW/radfem trendDammit why does tumblr have to ruin everything
No. 79820
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>>79499The part I love is that Jen was doing Park Bom's look on Martina's face. Korean make up doesn't generally look good on European faces, but Jen is one of those few yt beauty gurus who knows what she's fucking doing despite not being a professional make up artist.
No. 79974
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Watercolour tattoos. About 1% look good, the rest are a fucking mess.
No. 79989
File: 1457746203550.jpg (53.85 KB, 1500x750, 1500x750.jpg)

well what are good-looking glasses?
glasses trends change like crazy, anything outside of thick frames are gonna look either dated or for old people
i'm planning on getting these in a couple months, I think Warby Parker has nice frames and they're cheap so I might get 2 pair
No. 79992
>>79989Warby Parker's selection is damn good. My local store is always filled to the brim with people, though, so it's hard to browse.
My friend has these thick blue/clear plastic frames that look ridiculous on their own. But when he puts them on, I want to jump his hipster bones, they look fucking cute on him.
No. 80260
>>79989>well what are good-looking glasses?anything that suits the face properly. and that means taking in all factors of style vs face shape, frame thickness, color, etc. if you take all of those into account then you can have situations like
>>79992 where the right face can make ugly glasses look good
No. 80660
>>80378Wait, what?
Oh heavens is this in Europe?
No. 80778
>>79742>well, gosh, don't you just sound like a real tuff grrl, yourself~ it must be cool to be psychic.
ngl, I think everyone should get 'em at least once just for the benefit of their sex life. don't knock it before you try it.
No. 80972
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>>80829They do look really cute though. Might be worth a try just to see. I can totally imagine poking an eye out with them though.
No. 80978
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>>80975>>80956Different folks different strokes?
No. 80997
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>>80987The world would be a very boring place if we all looked the same.
No. 81008
>>80829the key is not to be too rough with them, unless the guy is into that.
>>80832it's half the way that they look, because if you like playing the aggressive/dominant role in bed (or just want to try it out for a little while) then they're a great accessory and will really help get you/your partner into the mood. The other half is the tips. You don't have to sink your claws into him right away–even if you're into being vicious, it's better if you save that for actual intercourse, when the endorphins cocktail is kicking in. I usually had the most fun with them during foreplay, like warning my partner not to move in a sexy/dangerous way and then using my mouth & 'claws' to work over their erogenous zones, starting from the neck and going down. Obv. it depends on the guy's preference, but for most of them, a very light touch is all that's needed to produce the kind of erection you could club a baby seal to death with.
>>80998we mean
'yeah, well, you know, that's just like your opinion man'
You don't have to like them, but you have to admit that you're projecting pretty hard if you're jumping to the conclusion that anyone who has these nails are clearly just tryhard edgelords/hoodrats/club trash/whatever.
No. 83938
File: 1459296706830.jpg (87.55 KB, 683x1024, GalaxyPurpleSkaterDress2-6-WEB…)

Scuba knit shit for anything other than a scuba suit or swim suit. I also have a deep hatred for these cheap ass skater dresses. I can't tell whether it's this specific cut, the tacky prints, the fabric, or the combination of all three. It's like costume level.
Cheating and posting the ugliest one I could find
No. 83939
>>83375Ugg boots, North Face jacket, skinny jeans, Coach bag, shitty eyeliner.
It's like it's still 2006.
No. 83961
File: 1459313461089.jpeg (31.55 KB, 236x310, image.jpeg)

Whatever this tumblr style is, I hate it with the burning intensity of a thousand suns. These girls always look so conceited. Stop with the floppy hat and circle glassses.
No. 83971
>>83938I can instantly tell what kind of person someone is if they wear scuba knit. It looks fucking awful, and isn't flattering on anyone. It emphasises every lump you have, even if you're thin. Also agree on those disgusting skater dresses, worn exclusively by girls who are ~sooo kwerkee guize XD~. In general, I want to burn anything that's made from a cotton/polyester/elastane blend.
I think people really underestimate the difference that fabric can make to something, or they don't care because they want what's cheapest. It really
triggers me seeing stuff in stores that's paper thin and will probably tear after one wash.
No. 83999
>>83970I've seen it in person on several people and it could look great or bad but a lot depends on skin tone. People with warmer tones do not look good with silver hair.
>>83998Truth right here. Once everyone jumps on the same fashion bandwagon the people who started the trend have already moved on to better things.
No. 84047
>>84036Are you me?
tbh I'd rather buy some cheap walmart tank than spend a bunch on a shitty napkin-tier shirt.
No. 84121
File: 1459396049264.jpg (20.82 KB, 300x300,…)

What the fuck is up with this tacky tassel trend? I see them on shirts and swimsuit bottoms in stores, but I've never actually seen anyone wearing this. They look so cheap too. Like, the tassels are always made of this cheap ass looking synthetic material.
No. 84145
>>84036>>84047I've seen people argue that it's made like that for the purpose of layering, so you wouldn't end up looking too bulky.
Buuut you're still grossly overpaying for shit quality garment that's gonna rip as soon as you put it in the washer. Not to mention a lot of clothes that are supposed to be durable end up just the same. Fuck that, I'll stick to thrifting.
No. 84154
>>74077>>74079aw man…I've been wearing those scarfs forever and I didn't even realise they went out of style….well, I do now haha.
I still love them though, I love Arab culture, they're warm and comfy and I can wear them as indoor scarf since I'm always cold at my neck.
>>84121This style and the tassels would be ok if it wasn't so synthetic.
No. 84175
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>>84173I always read "heaux" as "huuuuu" and my mind immediately flashes to Hard Gay.
No. 84177
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>>84122Don't be a fag, wear what you like. The thread is about trends/styles/makeup individual people hate. It's just like, one opinion man.
No. 84280
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>>79346>too pale, washed out looking type of paleWhen will the companies behind these groups realize how bad this look is?
No. 84290
>>79801I relate deeply.
>wore wire frames as a kid>hated them and thought I looked like a nerd>changed them to "invisible" frames in early teens>feel even worse plus they kept bending and breaking>don't qualify for lasik and contacts feel super uncomfortable, FML>well if I can't hide it might as well own it>finally try out big black plastic frames>fuck I actually feel cute and bold, SOLD>even bf likes them, I finally feel ok with my shitty eyesight>a few months later the term "hipster frames" starts floating around>suddenly get flak for what nobody gave half a shit about before>people suggesting I switch to the frames I previously wore and hated>asshats assuming my cylinders are only there to appear "quirky" and "nerdy">decide to flaunt them even harder out of sheer spiteLuckily it's pretty much died out now. Outlasted them all
No. 84313
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Whenever I see these cheap dresses being referred to as cosplay.
No. 84658
Sorry I just upgraded to a new phone and it looks like all the work I did on my autotcorrect on my old one didn't transfer over with my data backup. Fuck.
No. 84661
>>84659Payless, eBay, Amazon, Walmart.
eBay and Amazon obviously for the cuter, shiny ones. Payless and Walmart for the not shiny, more comfortable ones waitresses and such like to wear. Maybe it's just where I live but it's super easy to find them offline since they're considered a standard work shoe. If you're looking for ~kawaii~ ones by certain brands I can see why you would have that problem but otherwise it's hard to fuck up a simple Mary Jane shoe.
No. 84925
File: 1459891370569.gif (2.4 MB, 275x275, 1459890169754.gif)

Those fucking snapchat filters. I see the stupid dog thing on so many profile pics. Just why?
Also when people write "bae", I read it as "bä" which you say in German instead of "ew". (ä sounds like the "a" in hand)
No. 84930
>>79352have you ever noticed that their oleaginous ham hocks even resemble hooves when squeezed into pumps
it is almost uncanny
No. 84950
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>>84655>loafers with the school uniformThere's old art of Asuka wearing loafers. So it's not wrong.
No. 84967
File: 1459921598552.jpg (107.81 KB, 767x960, 12923258_10206531290507748_662…)

This girl I went to high school with got her daughter's nails done for her THIRD birthday.
No. 85610
>>85536Not even close.
>>85585Nah, that doesn't work either.
Their just trying to make odango/double buns sound more snowflakey.
No. 85674
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>>84950>>84953Loafers are also a pretty common choice of footwear for Japanese schools as well.
No. 85693
>>73954This is going to sound special snowflake as fuck, but I used to get made fun of for black lips and now those same people are wearing black lips.
I've always been inspired by really dramatic makeup. Like drag queens, club kidz, 80s goth etc. So i don't mind current trends. I just wish people would blend their fucking contour. You're not painting for the back stage, you're getting fucking groceries. BLEND
No. 86279
>>86278Most of the time they come out brunette or a lighter brown. Never seen one with blonde hair yet, I know it's the gaijin hunters dream tho.
Asians just do not suit blonde hair. It looks washed out and doesn't suit their eye/features.
No. 86293
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Betty Page bangs.
I rarely ever see this look good on ANYBODY and the result for most people is a giant forehead. Fucking stop.
No. 86305
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I absolutely hate that leg/butt contouring is becoming a thing now, there's going to be so many marks everywhere from people who don't seal that shit and it just looks silly.
No. 86311
>>86310Damn…I was actually a little excited for a moment there. Although to shouldn't be encouraging retarded behavior.
I wonder if our princess will ever return?
No. 86312
My phone autocorrects everything
No. 86317
>>86315Shit I just realized my mistake.
I. I should not be encouraging retarded behavior. Not you. My apologies, anon.
No. 86399
>>86311SHES BACK
No. 86436
>>86306>>86309>>86310>>86311>>86315>>86399Stop feeding her the attention she so desperately craves, retards.
Don't discuss her on this site.
No. 86450
>>86448ewwwww I forgot that … Sorry Admin sama for confusing you with a lame ass janitor ewwwwwwwwww
I miss the real admin sama
No. 86901
File: 1461034005615.png (1.55 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160418-184445.png)

Thisss! I'm sorry what is that nose contour?! and the eyebrows are so close together. I'm tired of clone basic bitch makeup.
No. 96291
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I'm looking for a place to rent and I came across this girl. There is so much shop but also waaaaay too much clown/drag highlighting goin on
No. 96339
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>>96324I hate hipster Gandalf beards so hard. I can't watch AlphaOmegaSin on Youtube without wanting to cut that fugly beard off.
>>73970(OT but if anyone could tell me what the song in this webm is I will be your anon bff forever <3)
No. 96353
>>96339Isn't he a metal head?
It kind of sticks.
No. 96417
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Oversized t-shirts, Nike shorts and toms (or those dad-at-a-barbecue sandals). I live in Texas so idk if it's common elsewhere, but that outfit bothers me because of how dumpy it looks.
No. 96420
>>96417looks like they're just going to the gym/doing sports. I don't really consider this to be outfits
do people just wear this when hanging around and not exercising?
No. 96422
>>96417This is one of the reasons why I'm glad to be out of college. It's terrible. Then in the winter they swap out the Nike shorts for leggings and a red zipper.
>>96419>>96420No, they wear it just because. It's typically sorority girls (no, not stereotyping, their shirts typically have their letters on them).
No. 96423
>>96422Shit. Cut out some words.
*leggings and boots with a red zipper
No. 96435
>>96425I'm from Texas too anon, and I feel your pain.
Don't forget the bedazzled jeans with huge buckles paired with nasty old tank tops. Usually paired with some zebra stripped bag trimmed with hot pink fabric with their first initials on it. These are usually the same people with 10 bedazzled designer crosses on their living room wall. Why the hell is everything studded here.
No. 96494
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>>96435Yes! These bedazzled jeans paired with cowboy boots and some ugly huge rhinestone purse or an animal print or Vera Bradley tote with their initials. To me it's kinda funny when they touch up their roots and a week later you can see their dark brown roots come in.
I think we're bonding, anon.
No. 96499
>>96494Oooh… high school-era me had some Miss Me's featuring rhinestone crosses. To be fair, they're very comfortable jeans, but I don't think they're worth the cost.
I love that Texas anons are coming out of the woodworks because I have so many pent up feelings about our terrible trends.
No. 96506
>>96499Louisiana here. Our trends are awful too. Goddamn "boutique" swag the upper middle class bitches wear looks so bad imo. You know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm sure.
Also, fuck Southern Belle shirts.
No. 96579
>>96578Omg I know what you mean about the boutique stores that close down within a year and then a new one opens! There's an "old town" area where I live and there's a boutique that always has a different name but sells the same stuff. None of the chunky jewelry is flattering AND it's expensive for some odd reason.
The alternate outfit for these girls are those branch camo print shirts/hoodies and Miss Me jeans.
No. 96674
>>96672lol, right? Anyone can go to the mall and pick up Michael Kors.
Come back when you got a custom Birkin bag hand-stitched for you in Paris ya basic twat. /snob
No. 96675
>>96672What irks me the most about people who carry those bags is that if they'd just paid a little extra, or even the same price in some cases, they'd be able to buy quality bags from non-meme brands. Michael Kors is such poor quality, fast fashion bullshit. Some of his copies aren't subtle at all.
I hate Tiffanys, and it's always bought by the same basic bitches who buy those MK etc. bags too. You have a Return to Tiffanys sterling silver necklace? Congratulations for overpaying for sterling silver and a blue box, you tacky basic bitch. What a waste of money.
No. 96682
>>96677Marc by Marc Jacobs, Mulberry, Alexander Wang, Rebecca Minkoff (debatable), Sophie Hulme. I have always been a huge advocate of MBMJ, the bags are really great for the price.
Buying from consignment stores is another option too, but there's always the danger of getting something that's fake, and the fakes are getting better.
Net-a-porter are having their S/S sale right now, which you might be interested in. There's usually some pretty good deals. Farfetch always have a bunch of stuff on sale too. I love Farfetch a lot, the novelty of buying from tiny boutiques around the world is great.
No. 96694
>>96682i generally think that marc jacobs (especially mbmj) is basic bitch tier but i have to say that i have a leather mbmj bag that is perfect. its amazing quality and looks brand new after 4 years and i pretty much use it daily. i always try and switch bags but i keep coming back to this one.
i also like miu miu but it can be expensive
No. 96695
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>>96682I don't really like Rebecca Minkoff, she has the most blatant Chanel rip-offs.
I really like MBMJ as well.
The attached is exactly what I am talking about.
No. 96718
>>96675MK watches actually aren't too bad quality-wise. My friend got one several years ago and still hasn't had to replace the battery. It's really pretty too, brown and not too gaudy. Meanwhile mine stops working approximately once a year.
In my country everyone and their dog wears Guess, MK isn't as popular.
No. 96721
File: 1465454532962.jpg (177.53 KB, 700x1050, louis-vuitton-menswear-ss16-01…)

>>96718MK watches imo are the only nice things from his brand. I'm so tired of MK everything, but I would buy a watch. I haven't seen Guess in so long! No one where I live has designer outside of MK, LV, Coach, or Gucci, and those are all shitty brands now. Coach has always been shit to me for some reason, it comes off as the brand that rich coke fiends and white trash would buy. I hate the print, just like I hate the LV print. So tacky. Now I won't lie, I actually did like the ss16 menswear they released.
No. 96723
>>96694MJ/MBMJ is definitely basic bitch tier, nothing too innovative, but it's kind of nice in a way. He stays in his lane, and does well in it. My daily is a MBMJ too, what colour is yours?
>>96695Is it the filter or does that box look old as fuck? Did she dig it out of the closet just to take that photo? And of course this tacky bitch would own something that says 'live, laugh, love' on it.
No. 96760
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>>96723>>96694>>96682I have a few MBMJ items and honestly I really like them. Just super basic staples. I'm using this one today, it's just a basic tote bag you can throw on the floor or just stick books in or something. It's my "I'm lazy and casual af" today bag. I've had this for 4 years and it's still going strong
No. 97108
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Tights under shorts.
No. 97120
>>97108I'm self conscious of my legs but also live in a 100 degree weather. I have no other choice.
Usually I wear black shorts tho, jeans shorts look bad.
No. 97174
File: 1465717299929.jpeg (318.83 KB, 1122x1123, image.jpeg)

Lace up tops and body con stuff, so dated and cheap looking. The whole Essex/Kardashian wannabe thing, really.
Oh, and not make up or fashion but fucking Diptyque candles too.
No. 97181
File: 1465720966738.jpg (126.35 KB, 980x490, 64D6V9x.jpg)

Controversial maybe, but I think Queen Elizabeth looks the worst out of all worlds female monarchs. She's always dressed as a right frump.
No. 97183
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>>73914The whole wealthy kids dressing like a poverty striken 90s person with their oversized sweatshirts, huge round glasses and awful fitting stone denims.
No. 97185
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>>97184All cool gals do, anon. On Wednesdays they wear pink.
No. 97243
File: 1465758871882.jpg (319.81 KB, 1024x582, 71524695.jpg)

>>97181The Queen has no choice but to wear really loud, attention grabbing colours to official events (unless it is a funeral of course). She is required to stand out in a crowd, which is why she wears the colourful outfits and matching hats.
The British royals have and had quite a few very pretty dresses, from big designers to gifts from other courts. But at most events in the public, the Queen must wear an easy to identify outstanding outfit/colur scheme, and now that she is getting older I suppose she prefers more simple cuts.
But as said she wore some beautiful dresses and outfits.
No. 97322
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>>97183I went to a gay strip club where some of the dancers wore huge 90s glasses which I guess was supposed to be ironic. (I know Napoleon dynamite takes place in the 70s but it was like that lol)
No. 97333
>>97322I don't think it's set in the '70s. I think its just late 90s/early 2000's midwest.
On another note, I hate everything about normcore. You are going out of your way to be boring. Why?
No. 97335
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"Gladiator" boots. Looks good on NO ONE and I'll be really happy to see them die.
No. 97336
>>97333Because le ironic hipsters.
>tfw have a common hair and eye colour, could pass for a local literally anywhere in Europe and the New World, am super bland and agreeable and have the most generic name in the world, wear lots of grey, don't really excel in anythingBeing boring and average sucks
No. 97337
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>>97335FUGLY and cheap looking.
No. 97368
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>>96723I think she did dig it out just to take the photo, and she did it again.
Like honestly, it's so cringeworthy.
No. 97371
File: 1465799402183.jpg (44.55 KB, 601x591, lolmoongf.JPG)

A girlfriend of a really, really ugly Dota 2 player (who made about $500,000 from tournaments) bragged about him buying this for her.
1. If he has made 500k, I would expect at least something more high end.
2. If you are going to be so bitchy as to brag that he bought you something, at least make it worth bragging about.
3. He is really going to need to up his spending - he is very ugly.
>>97128Especially the basic brown LV print ones. Given the amount of fakes on the market, I'm sure they are fake.
No. 97374
File: 1465799662979.jpg (38.55 KB, 463x596, hollyannaeree.JPG)

This is seriously ugly. I hate this style of clothing plus the color plus the fabric.
She literally looks like she is wearing a poop bodysuit. The poop color trend really needs to die.
No. 97396
>>97374It really looks like shit. And propably even worse without posing your body carefully (and most likely photoshop).
It's so ugly that I wouldn't even wear it on a lazy sunday.
No. 97422
>>97371He probably went to the mall and picked that out, kek. To top it off, that bag looks tiny. If he's ugly and rich, I'd be asking for Hermes.
>>97374That colour belongs in a retirement home. Disgusting. Also I bet these kind of outfits result in really bad cameltoe.
No. 97663
>>97461LOL but central asians are asian so what's your point???
>>97595There are Mongols in Mongolia with light hair and eyes.
And are 100% asians only asians?? You sound ignorant. And none of us are white btw.
No. 97664
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>>97595I mean are you gonna tell me this mongol kid is white and not asian according to your logic?
No. 97717
File: 1466013879214.jpg (53.67 KB, 500x654, tumblr_neevgwMTHO1r0ew34o1_500…)

I used to think boxer braids were pretty until basic bitches ruined them.
No. 97723
>>97680if you consider tiny/squinty eyes to be an "asian feature", then yes, less informed people might think finns have "asian features"
tbh I don't see it. the "finns are mongols" meme probably came up because they don't quite look like their scandinavian neighbors and speak a weird language that's different from theirs (and the rest of europe)
do people think estonians are asian?
No. 97757
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>>97422I know, right? He would have to cough up way more than such a basic bitch bag. He is seriously fugly, and this is coming from someone who tends to fuck with asian guys.
No. 97798
>>97717Were you the one that posted this on /fa/? Kek.
>>97789…definitely going to need Hermes. She did him extra dirty with that filter.
No. 97822
>>97782Reminds me when buzzfeed/tumblr got all "appropriation" at white people having dreadlocks. Seriously any human hair can matt and turn into dreads if you don't brush it, dreadlocks are the hairstyle of early man. Do they get
triggered looking at history books of primitive humans appropriating their modern hairstyle!
No. 97823
>>97128God, I see those long champ bags everywhere at school. My sister-in-laws are twins and they both have them. They say they just wanted a professional looking bag and they see all the pharmacists using them during their rotations.
>>96672Kek, you're a funny bitch. More commentary from you please.
No. 97824
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>>97371No wonder she's bragging.
No. 97826
File: 1466075934277.jpg (79.67 KB, 680x611, WPWkrxj.jpg)

>>73914People wearing green bomber jackets as if they are a 70s skin
No. 97833
>>97822African dreads and white people's dreads are inherently different and have different ways of being made/styled.
Just leaving your hair to get matted won't give you dreadlocks, anon.
No. 97843
>>97839Well yes, that's generally what people do in a shoe collection video.
The effects are a lame attempt to look artsy and 'minimalist' though, and the jumping looks awkward as fuck because she didn't slow it down enough
No. 97870
>>97828Not the same anon
but yeah I'm getting sick of bombers too
No. 97873
>>97335hate them with a passion
always remind me of chavs
No. 97874
>>97183White upper class cambridge students who think they're well hard for trying a bit of weed and alcohol
Reminds me of that ep of skins
No. 97876
>>97870I was just wondering cause I'm in America and idk this movement.
I like bombers, just not the green quilted ones. Zara has a great selection of none basic ones.
No. 97887
>>97876mmmmm anon
even in the UK keep seeing them
No. 97888
>>97877kek I'm half black anon and trust me weave just dragged your hair out.
i personally think its easier to have natural hair and weave is just laziness
No. 97890
>>97877the "good hair" thing is a disease in the black community anon
please please ignore them
when they say "good hair" they mean either mixed hair like mine or looser curls/hair that drops
No. 97894
>>97887No, I meant the skins part but I realize you meant skinhead, right?
I see them a lot here too but it's just the stupid quilted, olive ones.
>>97890I see. But one of them does have the loose-ish curls and not kinky hair.
>>97888>>97892That is just…devastating. What is the other alternative? How bad are the braids they put in?
No. 97919
>>97894>That is just…devastating. What is the other alternative? How bad are the braids they put in?the real alternative is learning how to deal with and treat that kind of hair.
weaves and tight braids are pulled tight on the scalp and cause breakage, and stress on the hair follicles and the hairline. chemical relaxers are also awful and extremely damaging, but still in wide use, even with children sometimes. over the years and early onset balding and hair/scalp damage occurs. black women are better off purchasing expensive wigs for the price of touching up your weave every so often.
I'm only half black and have very "good hair". But I think kinky hair can be beautiful if treated right. Unfortunately compared to other hairtypes that can be as little as "shower and out the door" in terms of maintenance, a lot of people would rather the quick, devastating, fix.
No. 97922
>>96417Midwest. It's how basic suburban white girls in high school and college dress when they've got sports practice.
It's way better though I think than the skinny jeans/north face fleece/uggs/coach bag/starbies in one hand and iphone in the other constantly look that the non-sporty girls wear.
>>97108Every girl wore this when I lived in Scotland a few years ago. It doesn't bother me that much. People want to wear shorts I guess and it's like 10 degrees c out year round.
>>97120I used to be like you and just wear tights with everything, all the time, because I've got lots of scarring on my legs, but at some point you've just got to say "enough" and just let them scars show. And that point for me is when it's like 80 degrees out.
shit i hate right now though
>"galaxy" print everywhere. ok, first of all it's usually a goddamn nebula that the print is of, and secondly that shit is old hat already.>basic bitches doing black/odd coloured lips. as a former goth who got hell for wearing black lippie in high school, it bugs me how the same sort of basic bitches that would've bullied me in school have now latched on to all manner of goths shit.>neon. again, this shit's been trendy for years, and it hurts to look at.>kylie jenner lips>pot leaves on clothes. usually on the people who are most vocal about how they're being discriminated against merely for smoking something that's all natural and bullshit. like bitch you're not being discriminated against for smoking herb, you're just having eyes rolled at you for being fucking screechy about it and wearing all that. >super tight topknot hairstyles. it just looks bad, and also google "traction alopecia" cos that's where you're headed if you keep doing your hair like that.There's more, but this is probably most hated for me right now.
No. 97926
>I'm half black>I think it's easier just to wear natural hairI'm 100% salty. braids/weave will always be easier to manage for fully black girls with kinks instead of curls.
they're both refered to as protectivery styles for a reason
No. 97939
>>97935Another thing I forgot to mention, which may only be a female tattoo artist thing is when they wear a rolled up paisley patterned handkerchief around their heads to frame their bangs. It drives me MAD and the tie at the top style especially looks terrible and like they're a country girl knockoff.
Look at any female tattoo artist, they've done it at some point or another, usually with pigtails. It's ugly as FUCK.
I have so much rage for tattoo artist fashion.
No. 97951
>>97935>There's also this thing going on in our area of girl wanting their pronouns tattood on their wrists. It's so laughable. One in particular wanted both "ze" and "she," so she could circle whichever one she felt like that day lmao. Fucking tumblr.Is this for real? It sounds like a joke. At least I wish it would be a joke.
How do people like that function in real life? What if they ever get a job? Imagine them at the job interview, prouldy showing off their pronoun tatoo and explaining when/how to know which one to use. Honestly I'd think they're legit retarded.
No. 97969
>>97936Yeah but you remembered. <3 WTF tho… guys (and other girls) expect girls to be 10/10 perfect all the time, but then dress like slobs and we're supposed to be ok with it.
No my irrational hatred for polo shirts comes from it being part of 2 different school uniforms and my first job (supermarket lol)'s uniform. Plus the first boy i dated in high school wore them, like, voluntarily, in a sort of business casual typa way. The fabrics always have the worst textures, and they're just ugly.
No. 97992
File: 1466191281471.png (645.84 KB, 797x595, jeffree.png)

anyone who brags about jeffree star makeup and kylie jenner shit should be embarrassed of themselves
>>97792I didn't notice the filter, but you''re right - it's like she has accepted that she is only dating him for the attention/basic bitch bags.
>>97396>>97418You guys are just ~*JELUS*~ of Holly's totally natural, unphotoshopped body!
No. 98067
>>98061So… plural "she" can't be a "they"……
okay anon
No. 98070
File: 1466222099886.png (444.44 KB, 797x585, cringe2.png)

>>98019It is seriously embarrassing. Like, you have nothing else in your life? Buying overpriced shit by idiotic people? This is what makes you feel good about yourself?
No. 98073
>>98070>>97992>>98000My best friend wants this Kylie lip kit, she just can't bring herself to buy it because she so thoroughly hates the kardashians and everything they represent (yeah, she's one of those but I love her w.e) and she literally doesn't believe that any of the "dupes" are as good as these, for whatever reason.
I just wanna buy her those exact colors of that stuff in whatever brand bottle they come in so she can let it fucking goooo
No. 98086
>>98082>"ellas" is specifically feminineI know you're trying to be linguistically correct, but do you think any sjw willing to get their pronouns
tattooed actually care beyond making a statement? And that the sjw statement is that any male is awful?
It's likely because I know of ADF that using 'ellas' for 'they' doesn't strike me as odd. He is an autistic lolcow turned sjw tranny. He had 'she' and 'they' tattooed on himself, before getting 'involved' in his 'latinX' heritage (equivalent of 1/235 cherokee) that he decided to also get the Spanish language pronouns tattooed. He translated them as 'ella' and 'ellas'. He believes he is a strong woman of color so OF COURSE he chose 'ellas'. And OF COURSE the translation is weird. He doesn't actually know any Spanish.
But if you want to get down and dirty with it, referring to a group of girls as "they" doesn't NOT make sense in English. It's perfectly fine. And having an argument that 'plural 'she'' can't be translated as 'they' is retarded.
No. 98092
>>98086>>97998>>97997The dammed shall roam this earth.
No, seriouly, I'm starting to become a tinfoilhat faggot thanks of this sudden rise of "respect MUH pronouns ciscum!!" And bullshit, it's getting just too ridiculous for it to be just a tumblr meme.
No. 98121
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I swear, I know at least 20 different girls irl who all look like this - straight black bangs, piercings (usually nose and lip) and, winged eyeliner. It drives me crazy because it makes them all look the same.
No. 98167
File: 1466272881193.jpg (349.1 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0344.JPG)

I really hate flats, for some reason.
No. 98169
>>98167Don't, they can look really nice if you get the ones with arch support, a bit of a heel (not a proper one but something like brogues have) and no toe cleavage.
They look like absolute shit on everyone who buys the cheap ones because they stretch and get ruined easily by their nasty pancake feet.
No. 98180
>>98169maybe I should have said ballet flats. especially the shitty ones with shirring on the sides or whatever it is.
I still hate them. Everyone here who wears flats are fatties too so it just looks like a bunch of dumpy midgets trudging around.
Those nice ones you describe only look okay with trousers.
No. 98181
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>>98169I just want to say, I hated ballet flats for years because of this. However, I was visiting some religious family a couple years back and needed a good pair of shoes that could be wore casually and at church. I got these at DSW and almost didn't get them because of the $30-40 price tag (ikik, I was a broke teen at the time). Most of my shoes were like $7 at the time lol. But these made me start wearing shoes with support. Bless. You can hate them if you want, there is definitely more attractive shoes, but if you spend a little money they can be pretty good quality. Saying that, a fat person with wide, fat feet are almost always going to destroy their shoes.
No. 98205
>>98070It makes me laugh considering Kylie's LipKits are the same exact formula as Colourpop's matte liquid lipsticks. They're even made in the same factory.
No. 98277
>>98205It's not the same formula, it has the same ingredient but not in the same quantity, making it not the same formula. the colors are not the same either.
No. 98528
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Mostly i just really hate people doing over the top looks with nothing cohesive going on, graphic liner and glitter and its all applied "within the lines" so to speak but theres no visual balance whatsoever. Like, bold eyes overdone lips same weird contour and then same weird greasy highlight instead of like, actually making the look balanced and emphasizing only specific features so the model looks….pretty and feminine? But dont tell these girls that or else they'll flip their shit and call you busted looking/bitter because you wear natural/soft/not drag contour makeup and "dont have the artistic skill to be fleeky" or something twittery
No. 98590
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>>98528The over the top highlighting is what really gets me. How can someone think THIS looks "glowy" or even flattering in ANY way? It looks like you're fucking greasy.
No. 98671
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>>74114This. When they weren't a huge thing a few years ago I really thought they were cute and wanted them for myself, but jesus now they're just all over the place on every shitty awkward tumblrcore coord. Fuck fashion indeed.
As for myself I can't stand the fuckboy haircut and beard look on men. I swear the guys who have this haircut are always the smuggest pieces of shit ever. It's called the fuckboy haircut for a reason.
No. 98672
>>97371Ugh, a Michael Kors bag just screams basic bitch who thinks she's rich because she owns a MK that isn't even a high end brand, it's just not a cheap Chinese store brand. The bags aren't even that nice looking and the MK logo print is so fucking tacky.
>>97723Actually, according to genetic studies Finns have more Asian genes than other Europeans. The Finno-Ugric tribes originally came from the east side of Russia so that figures. The "Finns are mongoloids" meme came from Hitler himself who thought them as such, and of course the Swedish overlords.
No. 98694
>>98672MK bags are shitty utility bags for basic bitches who can't afford luxury.
>>98691The tacky outrageous shit usually is posted because they want to prove they're ahead of other wealthy people following their insta or just outside their circle.
What's a nice and normal luxury to others is already boring to them. They want to stand out. So they need new weirder or more expensive experiences and items to insta.
No. 98696
>>98692Well somebody really has it in for Americans.
IMHO nouveau riche Chinese are far worse.
No. 98699
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>>98696Definitely, I saw one posting a selfie where they were literally burning tons of money and I wanted to punch them so hard.
Also one bought like 4 gold apple watches for their dog.
No. 98700
>>98696Oh don't get me started on them, they're something else entirely. They'll buy anything and everything you offer them if you convince them they'll be the envy of their friends for owning it. The difference is they're just clueless most of the time, not intentionally rude or demanding. Americans are different in that they think paying a lot of money for a nice hotel room or restaurant allows them to piss down the staff's mouths and nitpick every little thing because 'I paid good money for this, it better be perfect'.
>>98692Don't have many exciting stories tbh, most of the time it's people shitting on me for not magically fixing something clearly useless to them for the sake of being a cunt and waving their money around like it means something to me personally.
One time a fella brought a gaggle of local Jehovah's Witnesses to the hotel room thinking they were maintenance guys. And today I had to clean up after someone who'd downed the entire minibar in one sitting and then tried to drown himself in the bathtub (and failed). He also pissed and vomited on the carpets. In a luxury hotel. Then yelled at my coworker for 'making him late for a meeting'. And finally a lady with the world's fakest lips who tipped me 2 euro cents for doing my job, because 'she knew we don't get paid much' (we get paid a lot, otherwise nobody would be doing this).
No. 98771
>>98758I've noticed too. There is a thread about it in the /g and
if you diss them you're considered fat and ugly.
I like the aesthetic but at the same time all of them look the same. All pout too much, all have the same eyes and eyebrows going on. I wear make up myself but not to the extent. Also I'm sick to fuck of contouring, it's so ugly.
Don't get me wrong make up is impressing and its good how its done. But they all do look alike.
The alt-grrrl tumblr "im so goff" look is annoying too. Again they all look alike and strive to be the little emily the strange I'm so misunderstood image.
No. 98772
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>>98771>>98758It makes me miss the 2004 era of just natural bubble gum make up
No. 98774
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>>98772I was just going to say that! I love the early 00's so much, it was all so bright and fun but still natural. Pic related because Paris was the queen of that era.
No. 98777
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>>98774>>9877600's fashion was also super fucking trashy honestly… But in a good way. It's probably just my nostalgia speaking, but i also love how mismtched everything was, as if the important thing was that there was a theme to it. Everything looks so cheap and misplaced that it indirectly creates an aesthetic in itself in some convoluted meta-way.
No. 98789
>>97919>>97894I've actually had two bald spots because my mom put a relaxer on my scalp when I was three and the chemical burns mad two very large and noticeable bald spots on my head
After moving out, I stopped for the first time and have been wearing it naturally for a little over a year. It's disgusting to look at and I can't help but feel resentful towards my mom, but jeez, I can see why she did it.
Kinky natural hair is loads different from curly hair. I've tried so many things and it still looks and feels terrible, especially since it's still not long enough to cover the bald spots.
Feels bad, man
No. 98810
File: 1466705252028.jpeg (32.05 KB, 288x600, black-skater-dress-h&m-5.jpeg)

Is it me, or are there only two choices in fashion - especially in summer - either super short so that it barely covers your ass, or maxi dress?
I have nothing against short dresses, but they are getting ridiculously short. I'm not even very tall, I'm 168cm yet most dresses are so short on me I'd be ashamed to wear them in broad daylight. How am I supposed to move or sit down? Sure, they look good on the stock photo, but as said irl, they don't seem practical at all to me.
I just want a dress with a little more length that I can just throw on without having to worry about my ass hanging out. Not to mention that now in summer, I can't really wear tights and my upper thighs are covered in stretchmarks and cellulite, so I'd love a little length.
Only other options seem to be the maxi dress (usually too long for me, and since I'm not tall enough look silly on me) or sometimes if you are lucky, you get these midi dresses which are usually just long enough to look unflattering on you and make you look like a dwarf wearing a dress that's too big.
I just want a simple dress… Why is that so hard?
No. 98820
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>>98810A fucking Men.
I've been looking for a dress like pic related for months, and there's always something wrong with it. I need it in a warm autumn colour like beige, brown, cream brown or forest green but it's always either too short, made out of a shitty material like poly chiffon or has fucked up sleeves (the latest trend seems to be 'cold shoulder' and Bardot-sleeve dresses). Or has some retarded laceup details on the back, or is completely backless, or looks boxy with those fugly side slits that go up to your tits. I wanna cry.
No. 98866
>>98810I agree with you anon. I used to find these dresses nice when I was 17-18 but now in my 20's they're a bit… bit childish. Even little girls aren't dressed them!
>>98820Same here, I want more clothes which are pretty, feminine not too Kim K because I'm sick to fuck of body cons and shit you see off Missguided.
Why can't the UK have cute yet grown up ass clothes like some Japanese brands such as Jill stuart, Titty & Co and Snidel.
No. 98886
>>98810Anon I know Modcloth kind of has rep for being ridiculous nowadays, but a lot of their styles fall at a reasonable length.
If you steer clear of their crazier patterns or more overtly pin-up styles (unless you like that stuff)
I've found them to be great for basic dresses that hit at or just above the knee. Also you can go really cutesy if that's your thing.
No. 99109
>>98810I'm 175cm and I've had good luck with finding skirts and dresses in Zara which are between mid-thigh and slightly over the knee.
They're still pretty rare though, so I prefer buying skirts instead of dresses because I get more outfits out of them
No. 99280
>>98810>>98818>>98820Have you guys looked at websites that cater to Mormon women? They have modest knee length or midi dresses that are still cute. They're more expensive than H & M or other high street shops though.
Like this, for example:'ve been able to find proper dresses in more adult-oriented or career-oriented places - Ann Taylor/ the loft, banana republic, that sort of thing. The materials used these days are often crap though, i agree. Stores are asking for $80 and giving us polyester and no lining, ugh.
No. 99322
>>98592the real problem is when they don't take the damn weave out for months and everything looks all nappy.
>>98772This. The instagram hoe look is too overplayed and makes everyone look old. I prefer a natural look, and so do most normal people.
instagram hoe makeup irl never looks fucking good.
No. 99341
>>99322>the real problem is when they don't take the damn weave out for months and everything looks all nappy.Actually, the problem is that certain girls don't like/don't want to take care of their hair so they hide it under weaves with the guise of "protective styling"
So it come out dry (aka nappy), but really, hair that was just taken out of weave can look like it's in good shape if taken care of.
No. 99594
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These sets must be one of the key definitions of basic bitch.
No. 99617
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Heavy contouring and over drawn lips have been mentioned a million times already but this girl…. Ugh!!! She used to be pretty cute but then she started turning her upper lip into a mustache.
IG: angelcasimiro
No. 99668
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>>99617All I see is this.
No. 99684
>>99681I used to collect Bratz. Idk why they appealed to me so much when I was little, but I just loved playing with them. My mom didn't think Bratz were pretty, but today she jokes that at least I didn't grow up in the "Monster High" time. I'm in my 20s now.
Maybe Instahoes are girls my age who also grew up playing Bratz and they're trying to look like them now.
No. 99718
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I see a lot of guys wearing weird patterns around where I live and I'm just like… why
No. 100119
File: 1467372124501.jpg (123.54 KB, 600x831, Denise-Vanity-Matthew-1985-The…)

>>98777That looks awful. Even the 80s was better based on makeup and aesthetic alone
No. 100124
>>100122Mixed-chan here.
Anon just embrace it there is no point fighting your hair. Have you seen that black model recently? she's getting quite popular. She has an afro, quite light and tiny face? Just be happy with your hair anon.
No. 100126
>>100124I don't mind it. It's just hard to take care of. At least it's breast length though I guess
Btw, can you post a pic of her? idk who she is
No. 100175
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This wierd trend of clothing which literally screams that you are "so goth" or "such a geek" or "such an otaku" etc and its funny given how basic it is yet really high priced.
And something that crosses over with it,something else which gets me is, will try and explain, is how some people go batshit over basic clothing. Like pic related, i have seen b4 girls wearing previously mentioned slogan shirts with like, tights and platform boots and get comments like "OMG LOVE THIS "SO FASHIONABLE" etc and im like-shes just wearing a shirt and tights? I guess i dont know much about fashion.
No. 100176
File: 1467416656226.jpg (63.14 KB, 750x750, why beard why.jpg)

I got matched to a guy similar, ie he had flowers in his beard. That on its own was the worst part i saw some images the other day and annoyed i didnt save-but these guys i think do this to come off as non threatening because when you go into their profiles they tend to be into the more darker fucked up bdsm shit and this is a way of them i guess trying to get laid. aint fooling me.
No. 100183
File: 1467421323362.jpg (178.74 KB, 960x1280, beard_umbrellas.jpg)

>>100176I know right. I had to get the fuck off okcupid because these assholes were everywhere, including TONS of guys who literally wear fedoras and dress up in suits. Umbrella beards is a thing too.
No. 100199
File: 1467428541581.jpg (403.45 KB, 1500x1101, fuckin hipsters.jpg)

as someone living in a hipster-friendly city, I wish the beard trend would go away. beards have their place, on lumberjacks and wizards. every weedy white boy I know thinks he can grow a full beard and they all look patchy and gross, most of the time they don't even properly groom. I'm not a fan of heavy facial hair begin with but it wounds my soul when every single dude I swipe past on tinder has the same gross unnecessary mound of facial hair. so many halfway decent faces obscured. I know it's not up to me how dudes style their faces but god damn
No. 100201
>>84290That you, Kate?
>>98772All I want is the fresh faced Lindsay look from Mean Girls. Cute, effortless. (the 90s fashion can just stop though)
>>99668I almost thought this was a KimK doll before I remembered about Bratz.
No. 100215
File: 1467451134628.jpg (48.41 KB, 500x485, watercolor tattoos designs ide…)

>>97935Please someone explain to me fucking tattoo trends. How can you choose something just because it's fashionable/popular when it's FUCKING FOREVER??? It used to be geometrical/very simple patterns but now it's like a rainbow watercolor splash thing. At least that's what I keep seeing all over my dashboard. But won't any other tattoo look completely out of place next to this pinterest vomit? Plus it seems like an absolute bitch to touch up and will most likely age badly.
I just don't understand tattoo scene, I guess. Pretty on paper doesn't automatically make a great tattoo.
No. 100223
>>100199Then don't date them?
I'm sure there are enough decent looking white guys without facial hair to go around.
No. 100283
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Keep seeing this shit pop up on Twitter.
They insta hoe make up is going a bit far now…
No. 100284
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>>100283If this is 2016 god help whats to come in 2017
No. 100308
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What ever the fuck this is
No. 100761
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>>100283Where did this trend of duds wearing full on makeup start? MannyMUA? Fuck that insufferable cunt.
No. 100768
File: 1467856007853.jpg (12.54 KB, 500x385, bigboss-smile.jpg)

>>100742I appreciate you too, babe.
>>100761Male MUAs are always so fucking insufferable. They get extra praise for being 'omg a guy who can put on highlighter!! WERK IT'
I'm done with that shit.
No. 100836
>>100807Something something ~gender binary~
idc if a dude wears makeup but come on…they're not special just because they wear tacky Instahoe tier lipsticks. so much asskissing
No. 101002
>>100939A.) you don't use the term projection right. Do you even know what it means retard?
B.) you responded to a post that was five months old, yet again.
Look who the fattest bitch on lolcow really is newfag <3
No. 101596
File: 1468026794510.jpg (23.03 KB, 600x337, Cleo-Toms-Space-Buns.jpg)

>Space buns
>Dark makeup on white skin
>minimal tattoos to get the "I'm a trasgressive girl in a quirky way"
No. 103522
>>100284Hopefully a meteor hitting earth.
God everyone looks the same. The only difference over all of this is lipstick and hair colour.
No. 103524
>>101610lol I think they're really cute but only when the hairstyle isn't half up. When it's like
>>101596 it makes me angry for some reason lmao.
No. 103554
File: 1468828801354.jpg (112.68 KB, 600x1027, High-Waisted-Jeans-Street-Styl…)

>>103527Agreed. Something about the placement of crop tops PLUS high waisted jeans look bad. It's better to wear a loose top over high waisted jeans.
Very few people make it look good.
No. 103854
File: 1469033301657.jpg (423.57 KB, 1280x1278, tumblr_o9lnyrbsA01qg3lgxo1_128…)

Thanks Tumblr
No. 103898
>>103854It looks like a goblin that just discovered anime.
Also there's something about the lips/cheeks puffing out thats gross (looks like they're gunna vomit). Plus the eyebrows look like they were colored with a marker.
I so badly want to see dot eyebrows done well…
No. 103928
>>96675late af to the party but MK's copies are so obvious that I can't even tell if he has original ideas anymore. his designs are pretty much direct copies of his competitors like copying Kate Spade's Maise or MCM's backpacks.
>>96721Coach is cheap looking af. whenever I think of Coach, I can only image one kind of person wearing it: a super tanned soccer mom with bleach blonde hair and claw nails wearing bedazzeled, light wash boot cut jeans, and platform flip flops.
No. 105788
File: 1470118354967.jpg (78.33 KB, 610x610, 1dx7jq-l-610x610-ice cream-can…)

stupid patterns like these, i wish they'd go out of style
No. 105799
>>105794I think she means those tacky/hipstery patterns like the cats/foods/emojis/cartoony shit.
I don't mind it but I hate it when it's doubled up like that. If it was just the top with black pants or something I'd tolerate it.
No. 105805
>>105788Who the fuck wears these? I don't think I've seen anyone outside of tumblr wearing that shit.
I also hate how some of them have a nice cut but the pattern kills it
No. 108935
File: 1472770247966.png (704.63 KB, 707x768, collage-2016-09-02.png)

90's fashion that won't fucking go away, any instagram makeup trend, faggy shirts, FUCKING CREEPERS, all these ironic statement shit, "cute but psycho" yeah im sure you're super peachy and quirky.
Oh and if i see any human being wearing that'merica flag sweater I just assume theyre a overall bad person and has no personality whatsoever.
No. 109336
>>108935I always thought creepers were the ugliest fucking shoes ever, even when I was heavily into a Hot Topic goffick/punk/good charlotte phase in high school and they're supposed to go with that trend.
90s fashion and 90s nostalgia in general is just dumb too. Like people in their late 20s who are all like "OMG 90S BEST DECADE EVER SO WISH WE COULD GO BACK TO THAT EVERYTHING TODAY IS TRASH" it's just like ok, we get it, you had a happy childhood in the 90s, no responsibilities, unlimited tv, vidya, able to listen to whatever music you wanted, and now you're an adult with a shitty job and you just want to be a kid again. Usually the ones I know who are deepest into 90s shit were spoilt brats as kids and now are thrust into the adult world and can't cope, and maybe i don't get the culture nostalgia because my tv/music/vidya intake was heavily restricted back then on account of having snobs for parents and being "gifted" and having to be shielded from all the "stupid" aspects of the world, but like… I look back on shows from the 90s now and just think "…eh, s'okay i guess". Just ok and not something great and fantastic that needs to be revived fullforce tbh, and today's not that terrible either tbh.
No. 110451
>>109336 You get the dumb nostalgia with any retro trend though. A few years ago with the vintage bubble it was all '50s were amazing wimmen were REAL WIMMEN with curves and tattoos and class', completely ignoring all of the social issues of the 50s. At least with the 90s nostalgia, the 90s really was a time of economic prosperity and attainable dreams for many. I can understand young people want to capture that feeling now that we instead have no hope of ever owning houses etc
Also creepers are comfy as fuck
No. 110546
File: 1474134193593.jpg (9.34 KB, 236x236, 22d51a7ac48eda81f1026c48d9fc43…)

I can't stand the hairstyle of girl's wearing bun's on the very top of their head (a top knot basically), but it's also a half up-half down style. It's like… okay, you're trying to look somewhat put together, but then that messy top knot looks so stupid.
No. 110547
File: 1474135080377.jpg (74.69 KB, 560x415, rs_560x415-150507095136-1024.k…)

>>110546I think it can look cool when the bun is more to the back of the head, but directly on top? Awful.
No. 110561
>>110546God, I hate that shit too
it looks retarted
No. 110564
File: 1474159303161.png (846.28 KB, 606x597, d2a23012d8cfeaa7075a6f49f51fe2…)

>>110546I'm sick of Khloe Kardashian, she was the ugliest Kardashian sister until she got an ass that looks cartoonish, now shes a look to aspire to?? bcaus THICC THO
No. 110590
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These brows. Like, why do they fade in? Looks sooo weird.
No. 110596
File: 1474217413634.jpg (50.3 KB, 587x587, hur.JPG)

>>110564Kardashian sluts have most retarded ass shapes and yet every media outlet is trying to promote is as *~GOALZ~*
Speaking of which, I hate this new GOALZ trend. Everytime I see someone typed ~SQUAD GOALZ~ ~BODY GOALZ~ ~RELATIONSHIP GOALZ~ I fucking want to choke them.
No. 110602
>>110596I love big butts but this looks really unnatural. I wonder how much of it is muscle.
And yes, agreed on the "goalz" crap.
Almost all of the "new slang" words are annoying especially "slay" and "yas" that everyone keeps using
No. 110625
File: 1474238753128.jpeg (49.17 KB, 736x490, image.jpeg)

not sure if this counts but if i see one girl with harley quinn accessories (dip dyed hqir, pudding necklace, daddy's lil monster shirt) i'm gonna choke out a bitch. the movie was shit and these girls know it.
No. 110651
>>110625same, it's bad enough when marketing tactics manifest IRL but it's
triggering if it's about something that's not even good.
+ they probably never picked up a comic book in their life
No. 110805
File: 1474523177974.jpg (19.26 KB, 236x382, 1f52c557f8002243af15f5fb2fafc5…)

Whatever the hell this trend is with having grown out brown roots with bleached blonde hair. This goes for ombre too which in my opinion also looks disgusting and dirty. If you can't manage the upkeep and bleach your roots biweekly-a month then just dye your hair back to brown. I don't understand what the fuck is the issue. It doesn't look 'effortlessly cute' which is probably what these dumb bitches think is the vibe that they're giving off.
No. 111096
File: 1474836019329.jpg (141.17 KB, 269x747, tumblr_n3cqgl1JRl1tnqtjoo1_500…)

I just really hate fairykei, lolita and everything like that. And I like pastel colours, it's the clutter of supposed "detail" that I hate, and the wigs even more than that. I have no problem with the simplified aethetic bullshit because it's less cluttered and usually nicely shaped, it makes me think "well still it's better than lolita fags and fairy kei". I've always hated lolita too, and i found out about it like 10 years ago and my dislike has just gotten worse because of tumblr. I don't know what is worse tbh, those baggy fairy kei oversized tees that look good on nobody or the print tights and shit. I also have started to hate bangs on girls all together and neon hair and dyed black/dark brown hair. Also short hair seems to look bad on _everyone no matter what sex and gender. Also non front lace wigs in general, and all wigs in neon colours make me puke.
No. 111116
>>110805Seconded. Just makes you look broke. Ombré has grown on me but only if it's blended really well and the colors don't suck. Otherwise it looks like you've been growin your roots out for half a year.
Also really tired of the gradient brows. I think it's already been said in this thread before but it's getting to the point where it's more rare to see girls with their natural brow hairs than blocked out brows with the stupid fade.
No. 111122
>>110564wait was Khloe the fat one or the tiny one that looks like a rat? also wtf are those butt implants? ew.
i just don't get why the kardashians are a thing.
No. 111140
File: 1474893644908.jpg (1.16 MB, 822x766, festival glitter.jpg)

I have a few.
Firstly pic related. Festivals, glitter, great, but this plain C around the temple is fucking abysmal. And every girl I've seen posting pictures from a festival has had it. Do a bowie stripe, make a forehead band or even blend this chunky mess out down the cheek or incorporate it in to your equally shitty eyeshadow. Thank god festival season is over.
Also, tends to be a younger girl thing, but caked foundation with NOTHING ELSE. With no blush or bronzer, no eye makeup. Usually the shit overdone or plain line eyebrows, but it makes them look like a cheap doll. If you want to cover the skit skin you have at least try and make it more natural.
I hate almost every brow trend right now. I'm so grateful for mine, they're the best genetics i inherited. Also strobing, as other people have mentioned. Highlighter must not be abused.
No. 111516
File: 1475305910242.jpg (25.59 KB, 500x372, 6f32c51b219e80cba546e2d14b3e71…)

>>110626>sudden influx of "muh daddy" fetish lifestyleGod, I hate that shit so much
No. 112210
File: 1476121536469.jpg (43.73 KB, 621x779, ew.jpg)

I hate cosplayer fashion. I don't mean the actual cosplays themselves, I am talking about what the majority of weeb cosplayers wear on their days away from cosplaying. They always seem to wear relatively cute clothes but ruin it with shitty makeup and horrible wigs.
Pic related because this yoke keeps coming up on my feed.
No. 112213
File: 1476127334005.jpg (293.67 KB, 800x800, 37839202972829200#.jpg)

I know ppl are gonna hate me for this, but I really really dislike the silver hair trend. Most people can't pull off the color and it just looks so damn fugly in person, especially when it's not toned right and splotchy. Even when it's done right, I see a lot of ppl walk around in Hollywood and Beverly hills with this hair, it just looks so damn off.
No. 112214
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>>112213I like the color but tbh not everyone can pull it off. It's even worse if they do it at home and it looks like gray/silver straw
Pernally, I'm getting annoyed with the whole edgy-insta-goth trend. It's the instaho style just darker + accessories with edgy quotes on them. And also drawing stuff between your brows etc like pic related. It can be nice if it's subtle but otherwise, no.
No. 112384
File: 1476318655936.jpg (75.31 KB, 750x750, 14717440_182979815443895_25659…)

>>100283Can't avoid this shit now.
No. 112390
>>112384Genuinely cannot tell if male or female.
The future is so bright.
No. 112396
What is with all these cheap drugstore or sephora brands promoting the tackiest shit, even toofaced promotes the drag queen instahoe look, it just doesn't look good. I hate this ugly ass jeffree star/beauty guru/drag queen instahoe look that seems to be everywhere I turn, even 2 or 3 years ago youtube beauty gurus wore normal amounts of makeup, now they just slather it on like clowns. It's like the more you can cake on the better, there's no talent or skill required anymore, especially for men, just look/act as gay as possible and you're guaranteed a fanbase, you don't even need to know shit about male makeup, just do the same shit the instahoes do and you'll have a fanbase. It's gross, when will this shit die down, it's only the brands that try and pander to rich teenagers that do it too, you never see heavy contouring and ugly faded brows in chanel or ysl. They do makeup that actually looks good in person and not like stripes of mud.
I hate to sound really weeby but I much prefer the more natural makeup that larme models wear (inb4 "doesn't look good on white people", I am asian also) It's a decent amount of makeup, but it doesn't make you look like a fucking clown, also they mostly use highend brands mixed with cheaper japanese brands, so they aren't bombarded with ads like
>>112384 which look like shit (how politically correct do we have to be, this looks like shit, men shouldn't wear shit like this unless it's drag, he looks like a sim) If men want to wear makeup they need to learn to do makeup that suits their faces and accentuates their features but then again it seems like no one does that these days, they just cake the same shit on that every beauty guru/instahoe does and they all look like shit.
No. 112411
>>112396I was just noticing this shit the other day
was in the drugstore makeup section at target because NYX has a really nice matte liquid liner i wanted and I kept noticing all of these like 2012 pastel goth trend lipstick colors, like fucking maybelline or covergirl or some really basic brand had black and lavender lipsticks and it all felt really forced and dated.
also i realized how every makeup brand has contour kits now and most of the ones I noticed were in super yellow looking colors. it pains me knowing there are even more dusty ass bronzed clown looking girls who put that cheap shit on completely wrong and are convinced they have cheekbones now
No. 112415
File: 1476340969655.jpg (12.71 KB, 349x75, 1476318655936.jpg)

>>112384Are the freckles real? They look as fake as the overdrawn eyebrows.
So sad that this counts as "good" makeup these days. Even with the best photographers and editing that foundation still looks cakey as hell.
Also this person either has really fucky eyes or whichever monkey was in charge of the photoshop really dropped the ball.
No. 112416
>>112384Its such lame insincere marketing.
He's not even good at makeup, you can see the foundation looks rough, eyebrows are huge and unbalanced, lips are badly overdrawn in this photoshopped photo.
Wayne Goss in the only famous male makeup artist I can stand.
No. 112420
>>112384His eyebrows legitimately look like he cut them out rectangles in felt and glued them on his face.
ALSO, I fucking hate the fake freckles trend with a God damn passion. Every time I see fake freckles I wanna scream and immediately scrub their face with the fucking asphalt outside. Maybe my rage is because I grew up with a decent amount of freckles (not covered but more than a few) and I was relentlessly teased for it in school.
No. 112441
>>112384>17-year-old New York-based makeup artist James Charles don't quit your dayjob
or, i guess in this case, do
No. 112473
>>112470All of their products are garbage for real. There are plenty of drug store brands I use and think are good but CG isn't one of them. It was shit when I was in high school and it's shit now.
What fucking look is that guy even going for? Girl trying to look like a guy trying to look like a girl? They couldn't even airbrush him a little? Nothing about that photo is flattering. I bet the instathots worship his "technique" though.
No. 112482
>>74075eww yes, I totally agree
I once ordered a skater skirt online and had no idea it would be 100% polyester
I wore that skirt once and then tossed it out, it's the most annoying fabric of fabrics
No. 112504
>>112415freckles are fake
eyes are contacts
No. 112524
>>112411Even MAC is bringing out all the weird colours in their permanent range now, they used to have like the black lipstick for black friday that was really exclusive etc. but now it's just a common thing for every brand to sell? Like I understand around halloween season but anyone with any sense of what looks remotely good isn't gonna buy that shit, only 14 year olds or the people that suck up to jeffree star shit. Black isn't that weird since goth has always been around but all the weird rainbow colours are really 2012 esque and I'm not sure why it's suddenly become a thing now, those shades look good on NO ONE. I guess it's because drugstore brands want to appeal to the kinds of teenagers that sre into quirky social media makeup (eg. Jefree star, Kat von D) I always see it in stores and think who even buys this shit? Pixielocks?
>>112416Wayne Goss isn't much better tbh,he just hoards makeup lol, and steals other MUA's techniques and acts like it's the most revolutionary thing, and all the 14 year old ~aspiring makeup artists~ eat that shit up. The only thing that sets him apart from other youtube MUA's is that he's a different kind of obnoxious, but he actually knows how to do male makeup instead of just doing makeup like a instahoe and pretending it's good. That and he's not afraid to make videos about the shitty trends. I still don't think he's a good MUA though, he just did the training but he has no portfolio or clients, it just seems really shady. His whole selling point was that he was a practicing MUA, but he only hoards makeup and uses it on himself lol.
No. 112587
File: 1476548245632.jpg (56.22 KB, 480x480, 98e95a7130d6f23bd8312076dfebc6…)

I've found it, the worst hairstyle ever. Space buns + dual braids + loose hair underneath
No. 112608
>>112587At least she has enough hair to do it lol
But seriously, what the fuck
Most of the new trends seem to be more retarded than usual
No. 112632
File: 1476577610965.jpg (119.39 KB, 518x777, 23fc9632e35273cbf0dfc91f5e402f…)

I did it, i found the most 2016 picture ever. It's all there:
>ambiguously brown girl with obvious contour, massive lips and caveman eyebrows
>balayaged hair with that stupid pineapple 'hun' on her head
No. 112635
>>112632Nah, her lips are big but the 2016 insta look requires overlined butthole lips, not just big lips.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but she looks too natural for the instathot trend.
No. 112818
File: 1476708388930.jpg (190.45 KB, 564x1153, d0f78f01aecf9e24119f3f88b36eca…)

Moon phases, arrows, feathers, mandalas… stop it pinterest
No. 112872
File: 1476747397536.jpg (62.5 KB, 250x333, favorite-disney-princess-belle…)

ugghhh i hate this bun trend when will it diiieeee
No. 112957
File: 1476848013072.jpg (14.69 KB, 275x266, 1454041896886.jpg)

>>741428 months later and that baw still made me laugh
No. 113226
File: 1477069262324.jpg (72.67 KB, 931x597, dragg.JPG)

The sudden "Drag Queen" makeup trend that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon with.
No. 113227
>>74124Actually this
I have a couple Killstar pieces myself but I always skip the jumbled up religious shit they plaster everywhere and add an alien head for good tacky measure.
If they kept it to a theme such as a specific religious sect I might be more okay with it, but it looks like shit currently.