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No. 74578
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Skype and Whatsapp for communication with my international Internet friend group. Google Docs to write between my laptop and my phone. Myfitnesspal because I'm anorexic trash. Stockfish for playing chess against a computer engine. Tumblr and Neko Atsume.
Don't use any other apps besides the stock iPhone ones. I don't really see the appeal; all I do on my phone is read and write.
No. 74580
>>74568Honestly I never use photo editing apps on my phone lol…I prefer selfies without filters and if I have a lot of zits I guess I'd remove them lol. But i rarely make selfies so i dont need those apps i think.
I just use safari, reminders, youtube, sometimes twitter&instagram to lurk my timeline, mymedia, notes (school, i use notes as a pen) and onedrive (because i just got myself a windows laptop…i barely use lol). Oh, and once in a while I check out my my t-mobile app lel. And if I need to travel and I dont know where the fuck im going i like to use the navigation app or a navigation app for busses and trains.
As for games I downloaded a bunch but I never played them…if you want to waste space download alpaca world, neko atsume and skychasers. If you dont have your iphone jailbroken and download a lot of files on your phone, download mymedia, best app for such stuff tbh.
No. 74586
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Petatto Calendar is really cute! But I think you're not able to download it anymore. Coletto Calendar is an equally cute alternative.
I also like Selene for period tracking and Odekake to measure my steps, CocoPpa for customizing my home screen, and Bestie, BeautyCam, and Rakuga Cute for photo editing.
I love cute weeby things obviously.
No. 74608
>>74607I think thats neko atsume
>>74578Youre anorexic because you have a fitness app…
No. 74610
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Anyone play Notice Me Senpai?
It's pretty much a clone of Neko Atsume, but I think it's really cute and fun nonetheless.
No. 74611
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No. 74612
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>>74611I need more games.
No. 74614
>>74609Thank you! I doesn't appear at my store, that's why I didn't knew what it was. Well, I'll just have to update the game, because I really need that item now.
To stay on topic, my apps are neko atsume, duolingo (used it for a couple of days), whatsapp, sky map, ub reader, the tvshow time app, instagram and a thing that lets you know how much you've walked (I never use it though)
No. 76191
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>lineplay (+ line and line camera)
>MtG life counter
>manga reader
>episode (it's so trashy but so enjoyable)
>an otome game
>bonza and a few other word/puzzle games
that's all I use. my iphone isn't active any longer so it's just a glorified wifi device now. I usually just use it to talk to friends through skype, waste my own time, or supplement my hobbies.
No. 76253
>>76236I'm the anon right above that post. Which other Japanese study apps do you use? I already have the NHK app.
By the way, I've been told that you could only use an SD card for photos, music, videos, etc, but not apps, or at least not all of them. Don't know if it's true but I only managed to transfer all my pictures, music and videos in my SD card.
No. 76259
>>76253Nah you can move most apps to an sd card
t. done this for a lot of mine
No. 76263
>>76259help, what exactly does "t." mean? i keep seeing people using it as short for "
triggered. [type of
triggered people]", but that doesnt make sense in this context
No. 76269
>>76263It's finnish for "Regards"
For example someone posts "Donald Trump is a conman and not a serious candidate!"
And someone will reply t. Jeb Bush
Or if someone is complaining about racism or sexism people might reply t. redditor or tumblrina
How I used it is pretty wrong tbh, but I meant it as to show that I am someone who has moved apps to my sd card
No. 76270
>>76269Just want to add it's not a direct translation to "Regards." But it gets the point across
It could also be taken as "Yours truly" and other things like that
No. 76530
>>76236Here are the ones I use, they're fairly simple.
>Obenkyo>Learn Japan>Kanji Draw>Kanji Reader>Tae Kim's Gudie to Learning Japanese (Title is Bunpou Gaido.)>N4/N3 Quiz (Just search Japanese N4 or something and it'll show up.)My personal fav is Obenkyo and Kanji Draw.
No. 76795
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(usually I have labels turned off on my homescreen)
-dashchan. Wish it has a lolcow module.
-popup widget in conjunction with nova launcher to mimic action launcher's "shutter" feature. Nova is prettier than action and permanent widgets take up too much space on the homescreen and I don't like having more than one homescreen.
-adaway, xposed, lucky patcher, blackmart: there was only ever once I paid for software and that was in 2000. Am I a shitty person? Guess so. Too bad the phone needs to rooted for the first 3.
-netease music: it's like free spotify for the chinese and you can even download songs though more and more songs are being removed. I think there's an english translation of it on XDA.
-twilight: the least annoying blue light filter I could find. But still it displays an persistent notification. I block that in app settings and use the widget instead.
-moovit: if you travel by bus and google maps' data for your area is crappy/nonexistent, perhaps this app will do a better job depending on where you are.
No games. Get bored with every single one I try too quickly.
No. 76962
>>76960Sorry, I meant what file type? If it's .pdfs I've tried a lot of dedicated ebooks readers but always come back to adobe because others render like ass. with Moon+ she can choose her own color/texture for the texts and backgrounds so that might be better if she reads in the dark, adobe's white on black mode is too stark for my liking, you can use a screen dimmer/blue light filter to address that however.
If anybody knows some hidden gems for ebooks readers I'd like to know also
No. 77083
>>76417Yeah it's a pretty cute game and I have a lot of time to waste in public transport. I couldn't unlock the last 2 wives.
>>76530I guess kanji draw and kanji reader are dictionaries? I already have an electronic dictionary so I guess I should only get the other apps.
No. 77092
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I really want to join Lineplay, does anyone have feel like sharing an invit code? That would be cool.
No. 77101
>>77092Sure why not. I swing between being addicted and not touching it for months, here you go anon.
No. 77108
>>77101Thank you!
I always go back and forth with being invested in those kind of games too.
No. 84947
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>Lovelive eng and Lovelive jp
>Moe Can Change
>Dream Girlfriend
>1b Wives
>other social media
Basically I'm just a weeaboo, not really into games all that much if it isn't dress up or involves my waifus
No. 86142
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I have always wanted to create my own pet game/app that incorporates my favorite things about the simulator genre, namely the kawaii pets with stats, accessorizing and decorating, dressable avatars and little immersible mini-games/adventures. What makes brands like Tamagotchi still so strong and others like Neopets eventually fall off?
No. 86169
>>86153Asides from physical interaction with my friends FB is the main way I speak to them. So it's pretty much just been reduced to messenger for me. Then Twitter is for procrastinating and just tweeting silly things that cross my mind and looking at the shitty @dory accounts. Instagram is like a photo album for me where I can post cute selfies or photos with my friends & bf. Snapchat is like "hey look at me i'm going out tonight and look hot" or "hey look at how good my life is at this exact second." I don't use whatsapp.
I guess social media is kind of narcissistic because we all expect people to give a fuck about what we post.
No. 105881
>>105875I'd love this as well. I need something to push me to be better with money
I'll look around, see if i can find us something neat
No. 105890
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>>105875I used pic related for a little while and it's really cute, but I quickly got tired of having to manually input totals.
Though, I'm a student so my income and expenses are totally random..this might be actually fun/useful for someone meticulous, with a steady income and real expenses
No. 106466
>>86153For me it's because not everyone prefers and uses the same apps/websites. I used to use skype daily but now I use line for my rl friends. I had a viber before but I don't talk to the friends who used it back then anymore and it was a shit app anyway. I have a fb because everyone else does so they expect me to use it just in case, but I barely go on fb nowadays. I use tumblr for fandom shit and to talk to friends I made there and twitter is to get news about video game releases directly on my tl. I'll probably delete my fb soon because I hate he site and I wish I could also delete my skype but it's tied to one of my email adresses. A bunch of friends asked me to get instagram and a snapchat but I don't see how I could use it personally so no.
>>105890I just downloaded it, it looks really useful so thanks for the recommendation! I tend to treat myself way to often even though I'm a student and I don't have a job so hopefully it'll help me stop spending money for no good reason.
No. 106575
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>>77092I used to play Line Play but they fucked this game up - deleted animated gems gachas, face shop eyes and many more.
No. 107019
>>106575I stopped playing Line Play because their gacha shop oversight is ridiculous. I used to play this every day for over a year or two. I even paid real money to buy some in game currency because I was so happy with their fairness of this game (that you could play without ever spending anything and still fully get almost everything).
One time, I had saved up something like 100,000 gems over a few months. I was looking through the gachas, and I think when I was trying to scroll down accidentally pressed the 90,000 prize where you get multiple prizes (not sure on that number, it was a long time ago so I don't remember)? There was no confirmation button and no way to cancel. It just happened automatically. So here I was after months of saving with the ugliest items from a gacha I didn't even like or want! I tried to contact Line to see if I could resolve this and they totally ignored me, didn't even bother to reply. I just feel there should be some confirmation button after such a huge ridiculous purchase when it's so easily pressed. I was so angry and upset I totally stopped playing it :(
No. 117295
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robot unicorn attack 2 is the only mobile game i can stand playing and not get bored. it has blind guardian and erasure for tunes. good shit
No. 117310
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I'm pretty much an avid app gamer and I love finding some hidden gems that are well suited on the phone. The one polished game I've found for multiplayer is game of dice and I'm sad not many people know of it. I've played it for a year now and they constantly update and give away a lot of free stuff. It's an amazing board game for handhelds- I actually find it more enjoyable than the actual digital board games like Mario party for the 3ds. I also think that every person should have an NDS emulator on their phone (Drastic emulator) it's well worth it for the hundreds of NDS games at the palm of your hands.
No. 117399
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does anyone play Tiny tower/pocket planes? they are so cute and addictive. I used to play tiny tower 3 years ago and I have returned this summer and the game became even more awesome.
No. 117400
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My phone is a cheap 4go one, and I recently deleted my snapchat, instagram and tumblr accounts, now I only use twitter. I also deactivated a bunch of google apps, but I still barely have enough memory on my phone, it's frustrating. It's not like I wanted to have a bunch of games on my phones, just some apps to listen to music or watch anime or useful stuff like the kanahei accounting book. I can't even download Pokémon Go. You think a 8go phone would be enough, or should I get a 16go one? I store my files, pictures and videos in a memory card btw.
No. 117406
>>117400If you have a removable memory card just invest in a bigger one fam. I have a 32gb microSD card that i keep all my music on.
By default, apps you download save to the internal memory (built into the phone), but you can move them to the external memory (the card you put in the phone).
>assuming you use android, i don't really know what you mean by 4go/8go No. 117423
>>117408Ah no anon you can! you just have to do it manually.,news-21279.htmlIf you can't follow this, try googling your specific samsung phone along with 'move apps to sd card', someone out there will have made a tutorial, but it should be a very similar process.
No. 117523
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These apps are for Android.
> Tinfoil for Twitter
> Face Slim
Wrapper apps for facebook & twitter that look like the full-sized privacy raping monstrosities, but really are just loading the mobile version of the web page underneath a WebView. If you have resource problems caused by the facebook app or are just concerned about them sucking up all the data from your phone sensors all the time, look into Face Slim. I'm not sure if it's on the Play Store, I get it off F-Droid, a FOSS-only play store. "Tinfoil for Facebook" is almost exactly the same, but I kept having some issues uploading pics with it.
> XiiaLive Pro
I listen to a lot of internet radio streams (, because I like variety and hearing the newest tracks. Trying to find a good app for playing them is, the words of Donald Trump, a "disaster". Most have shitty interfaces made in 6 hours and pop up full screen ads every few minutes. Eventually I found XiiaLive. It has a beautiful UI, tons of options, easy station discovery.. You couldn't ask for more. I saved up for a few weeks so I could buy the Pro version.
> SmartNews
I spend about 4 hours a day in this app. It's the perfect news aggregator and reader. It displays article headlines from a variety of mostly top-notch sources, and then when you click one, it pops up a reader view ("Smart View") where you can strip all ads and unrelated content out so you are just reading the article text and maybe a couple related pics. Highly addictive (and recommended) if you like staying on top of current events. I wrote to them and they claimed they aren't doing user tracking of articles read. I think there might be a Japanese version too.
> Piktures
There are thousands of fucking pic gallery apps now. I didn't want to use Google's Photos, and the built-in Gallery was lacking in features. This one does a lot and aggregates things nicely.
> Progression
/fit/-approved exercise tracking app. It has a lot of exercise plans built in, and you can add your own routines. It syncs with Google Fit and Google Drive. I can't imagine lifting weights without it. Say you are doing planks. It has a timer that will buzz when you need to change positions.
> Pocket Casts
Best app for podcasts discovery and listening.
> SnapChat
A selfie-sharing app for teenagers valued at twenty billion US dollars. I desperately want to understand this, so I had a Millenial I know walk me through it. She demonstrated that you can take selfies, add some pretty cheesy overlays, and then force your friends to look at them, or just add them to your evaporating "Story", where no one except your stalker and BFF will look at them. I still don't get it. Like, I get that it would be fun to send goofy pics back and forth. For a few days.
> Instagram
Start with a picture of your dinner plate. Swipe right for artistic creativity. Add the face-meltingly banal "lol", "so cute!", "wish i was there!" youtube-tier comments and some cringey used-only-once-ever hashtags, and spray it all out a chaotic, yet conformative fire hose. This is social media? I can't distinguish ads from normie posts. If you like "creative" pictures of concrete walls, plates of food, legselfies, and your favorite celebrity with his arm around someone, this is for you.
But wait, there's more!
> Xposed Modules
> Identiconizer!
Been looking for something like this forever. It generates (once, and on-the-fly!) random bitmap icons for your contacts pictures. No more lame ass white silhouette for everyone you don't have a pic for.
> MinMinGuard
Blocks In-app ads. Like the ones that take up the lower half of the screen in games? Gives you back the space that was stolen. Made by some weeb.
> MoonPhase
Shows an image of the moon (full, half, etc) in your statusbar. See upper right of pic. It's a full moon (super moon!) tonight.
> Resolver Activity Prefs
Changes that "Open With?" dialog that is so annoying. I have it set to just always display a list of browsers, for instance. Instead of that "now and forever" option.
> XSSID Indicator
Displays the name of the current Wifi/Cell network in the statusbar. So fucking useful for making sure you are connected to wifi and not your mobile provider, using up data. See red redacted part of pic. I can't reveal my SSID or you might stalk me.
Defeats all stupid Snapchat restrictions related to picture saving. Autosave-on-view. You can add in custom filters too if you want.
> Youtube AdAway
Take a guess.
No. 117525
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>>117523Go to bed Richard
No. 117526
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>>117525>that awful homescreen>stallman liftinghm…
No. 117606
>>117524garmin fitness band is connected to it all day. displays notifications like SMS and emails. also, i connect to my car stereo and headphones to stream music. bluetooth is in use more than it is not, and it would be more of a hassle to constantly turn it on and off than just leave it on. battery drain is not a concern.
i dont have it in discovery mode all day like your mom :/
No. 117607
>>117526awful homescreen? That is a picture of the servers, pleb!
>>117528i'm privacy-conscious, not a terrorist pedo. Besides Chrome, i have Firefox with NoScript (yes it exists for mobile but you gotta search for it) and Tor. Security is a spectrum. You know what a spectrum is, right?
>>117584It's just your basic Google Calendar widget. I used to use Sunrise, but I think Google or someone bought them and rolled up their functionality into their product. Sunrise no longer has any notable features that make it better than basic gCal.
No. 117611
>>117607sounds like you
triggered, robot.
No. 117618
>>117607You know there's literally no difference to google whether you have google photos on your phone or not since they gather all of your personal info through play services anyway.
You have all the inconveniences of being a freetard and the botnet as well. Literally worst of both worlds. Why bother?
No. 117626
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who kairosoft here?
No. 117717
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>>117716Whoa, are you becoming defensive or are you always the condescending asshole you currently are? Either way I'll stop trying to talk sense into your superiority complex-infested ass and will just laugh at your refusal to believe your half-assed tinfoilery are utterly useless.
t. replaced play services with microg
No. 120410
>>77092that looks so much like pet society!
anyone remembers that game? it was on facebook when i was younger and i fucking miss it
No. 185978
>>120410I remember it! I am also 4 months too late to reply.
Anyways, pet society isn't exactly the same as lineplay but you've probably figured that out by now.
No. 185992
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welp now that this thread is bumped, anyone play duel links?
No. 186017
>>186001LINE (the chat app) is great. I love the stickers, there are so many.
Unfortunately, I feel like few westerners use LINE. I only know one person irl who has it but she rarely uses it. I use it so I can keep in contact with some people I play a specific game with.
No. 186022
I only use telegram and clover
I'm a happy camper
>>186017Don't mean to shill, but telegram has some pretty great stickers. Lots of LINE ones ported over too because stickers are user created
No. 186364
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>>186001the home screen theme app is pretty adorable
No. 190361
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>>190331i plan to get a galaxy s8 next and I REALLY want sweet phone cases anon!! mostly a silicon or rubber rilakkuma one, pic related
No. 190385
>>105881Its not cutesy but Mint is absolutely AMAZING.
My favorite beauty apps:
>Beautycamwe all know.
>MeituHas some pretty good eye enlarging, slimming, etc. The filters are great too.
>FacetuneYou have to pay a couple of dollars but holy shit its great if you learn to use it right. Its what most famous insta girls use.
>Youcam MakeupTheir built in makeup is shit but I use their eyelashes and eyeliner sparingly and it can completely change a picture to being really amazing.
>Snowcute snapchat inspired filters that dont suck
>Wazeif you live in the US and drive this app will save your life. I havent used google maps in months.
>QooApp For android, lets you download CN/JP mobile games
>Google Opinion RewardsDOWNLOAD THIS SHIT. Its an official google app, based on places you go and places you use your card it sends you small 2-3 question surveys to help improve google results. You get google play credit for answering the surveys. Its only 25-50 cents per survey but if you DONT LIE (because google knows if youre lying and will stop sending them) you canget a survey per day and it really adds up and you can use it to treat yourself to a paid app once a month without spending money.
The questions are usually just a list of stores, and it asks which you went to and what day. It'll then ask you to rate the experience at that store, or rate something else within the store. Ive also got questions about youtube videos ive watched like "which of the following ads do you remember seeing in the last 24 hours" tl;dr its official google surveys that get you small amounts of play store credit that really ads up for little effort
I wish I had room for more apps but my phone is a non expandable 32GB :( I need to figure out a way to free up space by using a secondary device for music or something
No. 190791
>>190790most likely not, its like trying to use pizza hut vouchers at mcdonalds
but you could try contacting them
No. 192338
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Do you guys have any recommendations for cute selfie apps? I was looking at Facetune, but it's kind of expensive.
As for apps I use, I got an iPhone recently, but I haven't spent much time with ios. The only games I have are Galaxian HD and Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links. I wish it was easier to play GBA games, like you can on androids.
No. 192547
Make-up plus
No. 192571
>>192569different flavors. strange journey's storyline is intensely brutal and the choices you get at the end are… let's just say nowhere near happy or rewarding. devil survivor is more light-hearted, 1 especially is almost like a half-step between persona and the hardcore brutality of some of the other mainline games.
OT from the mobile part of this thread, but if you have a computer that can run an emulator, get a PS2 emulator and you can play persona 3, 4, and SMT: nocturne to see what you like, roms are free online. vita emulator will let you do p3 portable too.
No. 192808
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Does anyone here use any closet apps? There are so many I don't know wich to choose.
No. 224368
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I can't remember if we had another thread besides this one for apps, but do any anons play Minion Forest? It's adorable and I wish I had people to play it with.
No. 224390
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This is it. I guess I'm pretty boring.
Also have Fatsecret for calorie counting and Clue for period tracking, but I leave those off the home screen so no one sees them when I'm using my phone lol.
No. 224446
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>>224442Try RO: idle poring. It's addictive and community seems nice.
No. 224456
I feel like I have way too many looking at some of the posts here lmao. I love the convenience of apps, downside is that my phone storage is always 90% full.
>Camera apps (A Color Story, VSCO, Line Camera)
>File Managment (Dropbox, Google Docs, Google Drive)
>Messengers (FB Messenger, WhatsApp, Line)
>Games (Pocket Camp, Pokemon Go (yeah, go ahead and laugh), Neko Atsume, Mystic Messenger)
>Music/Podcast Apps (Spotify, Soundcloud, Audible, Stitcher)
>Travel (Train schedule, Google Maps, Translate)
>Life Managment (Clue, Budgeting App, System Cleaning, flashlight, TV series guide)
>A bunch of russian learning apps
>Webcomic Apps (Tapas, Lezhin)
>Dev Stuff (Google Cardboard, Unity Remote)
Also Line Deco because I'm kawaii trash and want all my home screen icons to look like cute cats
No. 225427
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>>224446ooooh I used to play so much RO and loved it!!! Downloading this now to try it. Thanks for the suggestion anon, I totally forgot about it.
Does anyone play The Arcana? It's an otome/dating sim game. I downloaded it and when I did some research about it, it seemed very tumblr-ish but now I'm kinda invested in the story and it seems pretty well written up until now. Not much interaction though, just a lot of reading.
No. 229593
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>>74648A guy in my schools geology club just told me to download it. I still dont see why you would use it over group texting.
No. 229729
I can't stop playing Utapri these days. I watched the 1st season of the anime right before it was available outside of Japan so I'm really enjoying it. The only problem I have is that it takes too long to unlock new songs.
>>229657I also stopped playing Animal Crossing for the same reason. I was playing it non stop and then I just never launched the app ever again.
No. 229857
>>229657MM is such a cash trap.
>be me>hear good things about MM so i download it>fine with shit being time gated without money>go hard romancing 707>get stuck with…yoosung???>google it>have to buy turbo deep mode to romance anyone good >ok whatever ill go with yoosung>get bad end because i didn't have enough hearts invested in him because i spent most of them on 707 the first half of the game.REEEEEEE
No. 232619
>>230214Not that anon but is this true? Can you provide a link? Cause I like DDG
>>229857This had me dying
My stupid phone has the smallest internal storage imaginable so I'm very limited and always have to delete stuff even after a root
>Chrome (had the best browsing experience with that one)>IG (mainly to expand my observation of cows, send stuff back and forth with a friend to go through random profiles when I'm really really bored)>whatsapp as main messenger (cause everyone has it but I hate it)>telegram as second messenger (high privacy and a lot more features, unfortunately only bf uses it too)>ebay (cause I'm a cheapskate)>youtube (in combination with ps4)>duolingo (for language learning)>waze (car navigation)>pinterest >etsy (for selling) No. 232661
File: 1520461797810.png (7.05 MB, 3825x1916, IMG_1900.png)

Besides the basic apps (skype,discord,messenger etc), I play Love Nikki alot! It is sooo addicting. It's a dress up game where you battle other players in styling contests, there is a story mode, you can also have your own house, guilds, create and customize clothes. It's perfect.
No. 232766
Habit Tracker
Habit hub
No. 232785
>>232687I use the following websites when I play, also go on love nikki reddit : free to drop any questions here, I play it so much when I commute to work / college.
>>232739The house is free, some furniture costs diamonds, extra house levels cost diamonds too.