No. 7644
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Are you the QUEEN?????
No. 10200
I get this. I'll also get really involved in one image of myself/one hobby and dedicate every moment of myself to that for a few weeks, until one day I just wake up and I'm bored. It usually cycles between fitness/spirituality/appearance/geek hobbies. I'll either snap from one to the other or I'll just be bored and lose interest in everything for a while until something springs back up.
I'm super accepting, so I have a lot of different tastes. I guess that kind of contributes to it. For me it feels like I can look around at other people and see that they're clearly "stoner, gamer, and rock fan", and that's who they are all of the time. I can't really relate to that, because I can't narrow myself down.
On top of that I feel out of place in a lot of my interests, because I have add, memory issues, and I'm pretty. I really love gaming and anime, but it's rare that I'll even remember the characters names (even after several seasons), and much less the details of the plot. I just feel like I look like a fake "geek girl" to people, when all I want to do is find a friend who can relate.
Sometimes I'll just sit down and try to write out all of the things I like to get a better sense of self, but I'll freeze up and forget the specific things I enjoy. Oh well.
No. 10201
>>10200I'm exactly the same way, anon, down to the memory issues, having problems listing my favorite things and cycling between different interests.
Also, I find it really hard to get into popular things. If a book or show or movie is hyped up, it feels pretty much impossible to get myself to see what all the fuss is about.