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No. 78442
>>78430The show gets kind of preachy with the morals sometimes, also the characters cry a little to much to be just a kids show, but out of that, it's okay, not "zomg best show evah", but just okay, nothing special.
Tumblr is another story and when you get down to it, the community in that site ruins everything and I mean everything so… Meh, after the Zamii drama I would like to think I've seen everything that tumblr can spawn from it's bowels. Let's hope they don't succeed in killing anyon.
No. 78699
>>78692- a neckbeard who probably religiously watches moe anime
Anyway, I think show is pretty nice, the sort of show I wish was around when I was a kid. The art and color schemes are really well done. Quite a few sequences are blatantly lifted from anime (i.e. the swordfight scene with Holo-pearl was exactly one swordfight scene from Utena),but hey, cultural exchange or whatever. It kind of feels like they're pandering more and more to their grown up nerd audience as time goes by, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. It's overall a decent show, with good worldbuilding, art, and developing story.
No. 78722
>>78703No offense, but we don't need negative people like you here. You're not only shallow, but stupid. What you said is objectively incorrect, and the fact that you don't understand that proves you have a very basic understanding of the world around you.
Either that or you're trolling. I pray you're trolling. Though, with the recent wave of r9k MUH DIK morons and tumblerinas, that's a tall order.
No. 78738
>>78736Yes, 3 different people just decided to reply to a half an hour old post within minutes of each other. What a strange coincidence.
Please stop watching cartoons.
No. 78740
>>78738Jesus christ, man, who cares if they watch cartoons. Why does it
trigger you so much.
No. 78763
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>>78738Just out of curiosity, do you think comics are all for children too? Do you think all cartoons are for children and when they contain things of substance or so called "adult" themes, then there's a smokescreen which automatically prevents people from
seeing or hearing the substance?
Personally, I think the wisest book in the world brings less to the mind of an idiot that the dumbest tv show to the mind of a genius. So a truly intelligent person could come up with better ideas and overanalyse the shit out of dora the explorer while you're still going to be a pretentious twat, after reading ulysses instead
No. 78765
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>>78738>>78703>>78669>>78692Perfect timing, now I get to use this meme
No. 79109
>>78612I hated Steven at first, I could barely stand watching the show because of him
But then I watched the whole thing through once more and kind of learned to appreciate him, but he's definitely not one of my favorite characters
I actually really like the show, it's one of my favorites, and I think it has some great ideas.
I'm not in the fandom, though. tumblr fandoms are nearly always trash. I completely gave up on it when I heard they nearly drove a kid to suicide over fucking fan art.