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No. 79003
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oh boy,
I was on exchange and my family took a short holiday over the christmas/new years period to go to Florida Disney. This meant I had to live with the district co-ordinator for a week or so.
This lady was a heartless bitch, she expected us gaijin-kids to always be perfectly behaved and know all the traditional (outdated in my opinion) intricacies of Japanese life. For example, she would make the exchange students sit seiza at the dinner table but there was no such requirement for her husband or live-at-home son. She would also complain to the National Co-ordinator, who was an even bigger bitch, behind our backs.
Anyway, I was due to meet with some other exchange students in town and the co-ordinator had gone out with her shitty family somewhere. I had put on my shoes and was ready to go when I discovered she had locked me in the house. She had shown me how to open the front door but no matter how much I tried that thing was not opening.
The time of meeting was growing nearer and the stupid bitch wouldn't pick up her phone. So naturally, I started to panic. The only other option for exit was the sliding doors down the (dusty) hall. What I did next is something you should never do in Japan.
I walked down that hall, with SHOES on.
So everything seemed fine and dandy, I rode my bike into town and enjoyed a few mindless hours with my friends. Then the texts started. She sent a message to the most fluent student saying something like "Do you know where anon-chan is? A very bad thing has happened at home, she must return right now"
I get back on my bike, shitting it the whole way, wondering what on earth had happened. When I get there she runs out and starts yell-asking me if I had walked in the house with shoes on. Turns out I had left some prints in the dust and she had immediately assumed that they had been robbed and was on the verge of calling the cops.
Entirely my fault, the NC had a good talking to me and I had to do the whole "I have made a terrible mistake, my life is a lie and would seipukku in order to repent for the trouble I caused".
Now when people say "Did you know it's rude to wear shoes inside in Japan" I chuckle "Do I ever"
Pic related, the DC enjoying some well earned naps. Anyone would be a bitch if they had to put up with Gaijin kids as a job for +15 years.
No. 79241
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I've posted the whole story on /trv/ a while back and screen-capped for future use. This is a small sample of what being in Japan with my now official mother in law was like.
No. 366917
what kind of stories, its too vague.
Im sure ive seen yakuza but never felt a little worried. However ive noticed japanese with tattoos often stand near foreigners on the train. Once on the train there were a group of us, maybe 5-7 with blonde and red hair, clearly forigners… and japanese guy who looked like a typical american gangster stereotype (face tattoos, baggy pants, bandana in pocket) got on and stood directly in front of us. Most of the japanese moved seats or left the train but we just sat there. He didnt seem to look at us or anything. Just trying to mind his business and not scare off everyone. It was crazy imo to see the typical tear drop tattoos on his face and prison tattoos on his hands. No idea if he was japanese american, a musician, yakuza or what.
>>79282sans the shiba inu part, that sounds like my mom in europe/every non english speaking country. Add in her name dropping other countries shes been to and how they compare to whichever one shes in at the moment.
Sub paying for toilet usage or water at restaurants for kneeling too.
Luckily my inlaws dont know english very well and we dont bother translating her half the time, otherwise id feel more embarrassed.
No. 367237
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Has anyone been to Disneysea? That was the reason (besides weebshit) I went to Japan with my bf this past summer, and it was absolutely amazing
No. 367934
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>>79315I just saw this and it made me sad. She would have been the kawaiiest cowgirl the world has ever seen. I miss her so much.
No. 368326
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I've been to Japan twice and honestly it was so much fun.
what I love the most was their kindness. Here's some of the highlights:
>sitting in a park in my kimono wearing yukata like a true Nipponese
>minding my own business, reading Meiji-era haiku and munching on a matcha flavored kitkat
>sakura blossom falls on my head from the cherry tree above
>almost burst into tears because I can't handle the volatileness of its beauty
>tiny grandpa with a cane approaches me
>talks to me in Japanese because he mistook me for an irl Geisha I guess
>I never formally studied Japanese but could understand most of what he said from watching undubbed anime with subtitles the true fan that I am
>"Don't cry my beautiful beikoku no hime!"
>we end up talking for an hour or so
>I mention I used to be in the air force and he thanks me for my service
>he was so kind and said that he was honored that I had come to Japan out of all countries
>before we part ways he picks a cherry blossom and braids it into my hair
Miss you tiny cherry blossom grandpa!
>it was raining all of a sudden and I didn't have an umbrella
>while walking towards a ryokan to get some food and escape the rain Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service flies by
>in the ryokan, a (super fucking pretty) Japanese guy approaches me
>he is amazed to see a foreigner appreciating true Japanese cuisine
>we too end up talking for hours drinking sake and eating our kaiseki
>he is the spawn of an ancient Samurai clan and invites me into his family's castle
>spend the night together in the castle, just me, him (he was super fucking pretty btw) and his cute shiba inu called Moomin
>we have hot tentacle sex like straight out of an ero-manga, his tongue game is top-tier too
>when we watch the sun rise from the top of the highest tower he kisses me and says he wants me to be his wife
>I decline because I'm not ready to settle yet and also afraid his traditional family would never accept me
>He was super fucking pretty though
Pic related, it's him.