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No. 80173
>>80148 Asian girls???? In what world do you live in? It's not the "culture" of any Asian girl unless she's Japanese and even calling it their culture is a far reach lol
There are all types of races in the gyaru scene. You guys aren't in the scene why so you wouldn't know.
Anyway back to OP,
>>80130 you do realize gyaru is more wearable than lolita right… Like there are casual styles that look similar to clothes you can get at regular malls. And just because there's drama doesn't mean everything we touch turns into drama. I'm living a pretty drama free life and I'm dressing in gyaru usually.
No. 80175
>>80130because the niche factor makes them feel unique and speshul uwu
it also feeds their ego that they're more trendy and "ahead" of their peers
No. 80207
>>80148Gyaru and Lolita are Japanese fashions. ""Asia"" as a whole did not create it, so what's up with the generalizations? And Lolita is heavily inspired by traditional European fashion, so there is that.
It's just a fashion. It isn't some sacred garment. Who cares who gets into it? Japanese people don't give a shit about some gaijin wearing alt-fashion.
No. 80234
>>80233you're confused why someone over the age of 16 has the time…to wear clothes?
what teenager would have the money to spend on these fashions anyway, they are pricey. unless their parents fun their habits, japanese fashions aren't something you can get into until you have your own income.
anyway, OP, they are just clothes. it isn't that deep. only a fraction of the people who wear the stuff participate in the online drama.
No. 80239
>>80238I don't see why you can't just be feminine in western fashion. There are tons of ways to be cute and feminine in western fashion.
You aren't
triggering anyone. You're just marking yourself out as a weeb.
No. 80241
Fucking robots, we know you don't "get" females and shit but can you fuck off back to you containment thread?
>>80227 don't you have a fake katana to mount in your wall or something?
No. 80244
>>80242>when you look cute and feminine in western fashion you get called white trash and shit by othersI've never, ever heard this.
Something tells me you want to parade around in garish sweet lolita like some sort of overgrown baby. The reason people mock you isn't because it's feminine but because it looks childish.
By the way, it would also look garish and childish to a western woman 100 years ago too.
No. 80300
>>80130>why do white girlsStop. Anyone can get inspiration from any fashion style.
>weird niche "scenes"This is cracking me up for some reason. I think your idea of alternative fashion is really Western and probably limited.
>no real frame of reference for themWhat does that even mean? If you knew anything about lolita or even gyaru, you'd understand they've got a ton of rules to follow by.
>But shit like lolita and gyaru I don't understand at all.Yes, we know.
>The entire social scene within these tiny niche things seems totally poisonous, moreover they're huge money pits for clothes you can't really wear normally, and despite some people claiming otherwise it seems to be so drama ridden that it makes the con scene look friendly.People have hobbies and there's plenty of wearable fashion in both gyaru and lolita. You're clearly like a cosplayer or something by how you talk. Do you not understand cosplay is a "money pit" and also "clothes you can't really wear normally"? Gyaru and lolita are at least legitimate fashion styles meant to be worn on multiple occasions, not a clunky outfit made of worbla, meant to be worn for a weekend and some photoshoots.
As for "so drama ridden it makes the con scene look friendly", you have to understand the pool of people in these is smaller, so maybe drama appears magnified. It's just like cosplay scenes where you gotta keep away from drama whores and stick with the good people. You know, like almost any other thing.
No. 80328
>>80298If there's nothing new then that means it's dying bro.
Ageha already died once won't surprise me if it's dead again by the end of the year.
No. 80409
>>80408Keep telling yourself that wanting to be a Japanese person in a niche Japanese fashion subculture to the point you imitate them 1:1 is normal.
I bet you think the average white girl likes k-pop too, lol.
No. 80425
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>>80239Left on pic related is Forever21(one of the most popular western brands), right is Ank Rouge(himekaji brand, himekaji is a substyle of gyaru). Those are very different feminine styles.
Western fashion overall is more mature and sexy than jfashion (with the exception of most gyaru substyles). Many girls are drawn to ultra girly styles and find Western fashions too boring or too sexy. Although even sexier gyaru substyles like agejo, oneegyaru, and kuro have more interesting details and prints you don't find in Western fashion. Also gyaru makeup and hair is girlier.
The point is that Jfashions have a girlier vibe than even the most feminine Western fashions. The closest you can get to jfashions with Western fashions is vintage 40s and 50s stuff, which still has a different vibe.
>tl;dr: Jfashions are girlier and more detailed, Western fashions are more mature or sexy No. 80431
>>80425i actually love the dress on the right, especially with the red wool jacket… i think i'm going to see if i can find a white dress and a red jacket similar to this. do you have any more similar pictures or brands like this?
i don't know anything about jfashion.
No. 80446
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>>80431I dont know what brands are used in pic related sadly.
These brands have cute printed dresses and cute cardigans. But the color schemes might be different. They all require a shopping service though and dont ship overseas (except Liz Lisa and dreamv)
-Candy Stripper Lisa(resold through Tokyo Otaku Mode which ships internationally) (ships internationally, carries cheaper brands)
>>80436Sure, you can find a few pieces that work and they actually have a lot of accessories that work but even in a few years they won't be at the level of Ank Rouge or Liz Lisa. Most of the clothing lacks cutesy details like bows, ruffles, puffed sleeves, etc. They also dont have any unique prints, only basic florals. But they're not trying to target super girly girls, they want to have a broad appeal and they stick to trends.
No. 80456
>>80130Lolita, gyaru, etc. is just clothes. I don't see why there's a need to get so worked up about it. People have different taste in clothes just like they have different taste in music. It doesn't really matter who's wearing which clothes as long as they're not indecently exposed in public.
Then again, I don't do fashion communities (too busy with school to do join one), so I can't really speak for the lolita and gyaru comms. I think the reason people join them is to meet people with a common interest. IMO that's a pretty normal thing to want.
No. 172288
>>80227Sage for necro and blogpost
But I'd like to point out that there are lolitas who do dream of going to Versailles or Venice. I am one, and you're never alone when it comes to these things. Only reason I'd want to go to Tokyo is to buy shit. I'm marrying an European guy, only speak European languages, and barely watch any anime. I'm such a weeb right?