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No. 8214


No. 8215


fuck off :)

No. 8219

i have seen you try to make threads a few times here and on stamrose and i think on pull and i'm fairly certain you are the girl in the pics.

please turn your life around now.

No. 8220

who even is this and why is she here?

No. 8221

it is some little girl who wants to get in on the living doll/aidoru thing.

she self-posts on these imageboards to get publicity. she has a youtube channel where she does shitty makeup and cosplay tutorials but she doesn't even talk, there's literally no drama or anything, just a kid who wants to be internet famous, and it's so annoying when i see her pop up.

No. 8228

She looks retarded, its even worse to see her moving. That's all I have to say.

No. 8233

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how'd she get 900 likes on facebook? and dat nose

No. 8236

Maybe because she keeps getting posted to places like these, despite not being interesting, despite no one caring, which means maybe she self posts?

No. 8237

she claims to be 18 despite it being obvious she's like 11 or 12 just looking at her looks and interests.

she really has no idea what she's trying to get herself into.

No. 8238

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if you go to this guy's page he is like a 40-something looking preacher.


No. 8332

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She kinda looks like EvaXephon. I tried to find a photo where the similarity would be more apparent but it's harder to find his gay-ass Gaia posts than it used to be.

Found a 26-part Soul Calibur erotica fanfic though…

No. 8350

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holy shit this is creepy, visit her? her parents look like the type of Hispanic parents that know fuck all how the internet works and are probably completely unware of all of this

No. 8357

There's something wrong with your existence when a wannabe-chan that's 13 is more attractive than you, kid.

No. 8386

most likely a self post

No. 8388

Is there a way to contact her parents though?

No. 8390

I found her mother's facebook. But I looked through her posts and it looks like this girl is in fact 19 years old. Her mother wished her happy birthday in a post from December, and the spanish commenters didn't note anything weird about the age. I was gonna send her mother a message, but since she's an adult, should I?

In a post 2013 she talks about a incident where a girl from her town was raped and killed, and sounds very upset about it. So she probably wouldn't be happy that her daughter is befriending all these old creeps.

No. 8391

She seriously doesn't look 19, dude. Her birthday might be correct, but the year different and no one cared enough to say anything.
I'd tell her mom anyway, adult or no.

No. 8392

it literally says "today she turns 19 years old", and like 8 commenters who seem to know that family personally didn't say anything about it. I know what you mean, she looks fucking 11. I guess I'll send the message anyway

No. 8393

She's not 19. There's no way. You can tell by the way she dresses (like an actual kid, not a sexualized idea of a kid) and her interests (big time rush is a nickelodeon boy band, for instance). The childish way she approaches the "living doll" fad. It's just really clear she's not some loli-looking 19 year old to me.

If my mom had seen that she would have probably just said "hey your birthday is wrong on facebook, you should change it" and that's it. Either way she's got old dudes creeping on her and I don't think her mom would like that even if she WERE 19.

No. 8397

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it was actually her mom who posted the birthday thing, on her own personal facebook. it says
>Today, December 21st summer begins, and it’s the birthday of my daughter Gimena… she turns 19 years old.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

btw Argentina is in the southern hemisphere, so summer begins in december.

No. 8398

Maybe she has a mental retardation

No. 9959


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