File: 1407822926366.jpg (434.9 KB, 1334x2000, june.jpg)

No. 830
File: 1407827078848.jpg (32.84 KB, 297x258, corset.jpg)

I actually like June, but I don't see why all these guys are going to such great lengths to deny that her tits are fake.
>has the same big boobs
hahahaha holy shit unichan
No. 835
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No. 841
File: 1407855995022.jpg (15.78 KB, 301x228, fake.jpg)

real or fake? discuss.
No. 844
File: 1407889665138.png (21.03 KB, 640x480, lol.png)

This is an artistic depiction of this thread and the last thread and any thread where anyone says that June has fake tits, lol
No. 848
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No. 855
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No. 861
Ugly whores with saggy tits or fixed them with surgery. I'm jealous of lots of bitches, but these three aren't any of em.
No. 862
>>859>>858>>857>>856Can you samefag any harder? Get over the fact that several women can tell the difference between real and fake titties. Sure, June's pretty but her tits look plastic like Barbie's.
This is just as pathetic as the neckbeards that white knight Jessica Nigri saying that her silicone tits are real just "because she said so." The only difference here is that June is pretty while JNig looks like an ugly, aged, pornstar caked in 50 layers of makeup.
No. 863
File: 1408008233220.jpg (60.2 KB, 680x510, b89.jpg)

I don't see Loli/Dolores hating on June. She usually doesn't attack other girls (hardcore feminist).
No. 874
File: 1408310724454.jpg (11.88 KB, 275x183, kathy.jpg)

No, I'M Kathy!
No. 879
>>850Aside from that, the quality of that picture is pretty low. It's also dark.
No. 884
>>880Kathy is Dolores aka Lolichan aka's a pretty staunch feminist and does a lot of MFC modeling now and shitposts on Unichan constantly. She does butt into Unichan threads to argue feminist viewpoints all the time, including while anonymous, which is why people are accusing her of samefagging.
Even if this thread is probably not all her, she's probably posted at least a few times in it.
No. 893
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They are so delusional, I can't even. Who in here is saying she promotes an "unrealistic beauty standard?" Most people in this thread are just saying "I have nothing against her, but those are fake as fuck." OMG U SO JEALOUS HI KATHY. On that note, why does her having implants ruin her for you? You like they way they look, it's not like they'll look any different if you find out they're fake. My tits are perky and hot, but goddammit, I know what real tits look like. The only tits these people see are in porn, that's the only possible explanation for this lever of autism. If boobs are perfectly spherical, then chances are they are fake. Real boobs are just fat. Even if boobs are super perky, the top of them wouldn't be as round as the bottom, it's just gravity.
Here, up your autism.
No. 897
>>896Hmmm, I don't recall.
>>895>>KathyNah, my tits are perky and beautiful. They look great against my flat, 24inch belly. I'm sorry you've never seen tits in person, it doesn't make Junes any less fake. Accusing me of being some fat whore no one cares about? You won the argument, 10/10.
No. 926
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No. 265462
File: 1530742465967.jpg (36.06 KB, 500x512, 9gag 145.jpg)

I love June and I feel like I've stumbled into the fucking twilight zone with this site…I have no idea what's going on I swear.
But those tits…