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No. 85849
>>85847Have you not learnt to ignore childish bullying and avoid people not worth your time? Or to take jealousy as a compliment? Grow up.
Also sounds like you were jealous of her popularity and ability to appeal over social media, does it really matter?
No. 85855
>>85849Actually she turned into a troll herself and roasted a lot of people because her little group of dickriders parised her and called her savage, anything for popularity I guess. She had a lot of self esteem issues and took it out on everyone else just to make herself feel like a queen. Just knocked her down a few pegs that's all.
>>85853Lmao that's cold. It's so strange how people get so infatuated with a complete stranger online, kind of sad how the next gen. is going to think online relationships are normal, ha-ha.
No. 85859
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so this isn't exactly trolling but it is a secret. until now i guess. anyways i had this really intense dream from a first person point of view of my girlfriend making out with this other girl. i always saw this other girl as my arch-nemesis romantic rival and the dream kind of fucked with my head for a while. it was intensely vivid, i can still remember seeing the detail in the irises of arch-nemesis as i moved in to kiss her from the point of view of my girlfriend.
i was super suspicious of my girlfriend cheating on me with this other girl, tried to push it away and ignore the fear because i wanted things to work out but in the end i just couldn't shake the image of her moving in for a kiss with this other girl. so i installed a keylogger on our shared laptop and got her facebook password. i anticipated finding something incriminating involving the chick but instead i found a facebook message from the BOYFRIEND of my arch-nemesis in question, where my girlfriend and this dude were talking about a recent kiss. i still don't know what the fuck was happening but i was horrified
i never mentioned it because i would have to bring up that i logged into her FB but i was always super paranoid and jelly when she hung out with people alone after that happened. we weren't together much longer. kinda sucks because i fucked relations with my family to be with her because they were disgusted with me being a lesbian.
this was a long time ago so it's ok now though. if you guys remember socialmoth i used to post anonymous but really obvious linkin park stuff directed at arch-nemesis girl. oddly enough last time i saw my arch-nemesis a lot of that anger had dissolved between us and we just shared a bowl together in the dark on a porch swing. life is goofy
No. 85883
>>85859Checking up on people is never a good thing because if youre a jealous person you'll find something incriminating one way or another, even if it's not and if you confront someone about it they'll shit on you for not trusting them.
I would've just asked her where the relationship was going, ask if she was happy and then they usually spill it all. If she lied to you then you tell her what you did and at that point it doesn't matter if you checked up on them because they're liars and cheaters…
Still sucks that it happened tho sorry dude
No. 85894
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>>85883yes you are absolutely right. finding something incriminating left me between a rock and a hard place. hindsight is 20/20 and i would like to do it all again better sometimes. all in all everything is good bruh, everything worked out fine
No. 86063
I have a client that is one of those Instagram "brand girls" who gets paid for sponsorship and brand whoring because they have a shitload of followers. The kind where they photograph themselves out for a run with a specific water bottle from a specific company, or where they're sat at home eating a subscription based box of assorted nuts captioned "WOW I LOVE THESE NUTS FROM @shamelessplugnuts, I CAN REALLY FEEL THEM CLEANSING ME FROM THE INSIDE".
Anyway I retouch her photos for her and you guys would not believe how different these photos look in the beginning. Everything is changed, and I mean everything. I cut and paste different areas of the photo and highlight them to bring them to greater focus, I liquify her hair for more volume, remove any spots or scars or stretchmarks, even her eyelashes gets shooped. Outdoors photo? The entire shot gets filters up the ass and increased vibrance to make it look like it was a beautiful, warm day so that you associate the brand with beauty and warmth, when in actuality it was pissing it down. Even the lens flare I occasionally add is fake.
The actual branding you have to pay specific attention to, sometimes even pasting and blending in a vector of the companies brand logo over the original picture to make it really "pop".
By the time I'm finished with that shit not even her clothes are the some fucking colour.
So, moral of the story is, don't believe those photos of doe-eyed, wistful looking starlets gazing out through the screen whilst grasping a cup of "Skinee Noodles" or some shit. They all look like shit irl.