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No. 87957
File: 1461541202781.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.26 KB, 395x313, CHZGP7AWgAAQcqY.jpg)

Wtf does she cut with?
No. 87976
>>87952Holy shit, I forgot about her. If anyone wants to know what the fuss is about, just search "coldnessinmyheart" in google images, and prepare to be completely mortified.
There were quite a few people on tumblr who posted NSFL images of self-harm around the time she was on there too. I wonder what happened to all of them.
Coldnessinmyheart was a very special case though. I can't even begin to comprehend the things she did to herself. From what I can tell, people think she might be dead.
Any other former self-harmers here? Would anyone be interested in a self-harm support thread in /g/ or something? No. 87977
>>87972> isn't a lot of info, she's basically disappeared from the net and most stuff about her is scattered around various places. AFAIK, her tumblr doesn't even exist anymore.
I don't want to save the pics of her self harm on my computer, you're going to have to look those up for yourself. It's highly disturbing though.
No. 87978
>>87977The kiwi thread is kind of informative, but it was written by a bunch of edgelords.
Here's pics if you want to see them:
> No. 87979
File: 1461547531452.jpeg (Spoiler Image,25.22 KB, 500x375, downloadfile.jpeg)

Doesn't she feel pain????
No. 87985
>>87979what the fuck!??? and here I am freaking out over a tiny surgery wound not healing
she must had some medical knowledge to do shit like this. How come they don't pass out from shock or blood loss? they don't fear infections? severed nerves? cutting an artery?
mind= blown
No. 88013
>>87985I think there's a pic of one of her cuts looking pretty infected and she seemed aware of that on the caption.
I feel really sorry for her, how sick can you be to do something like that to yourself? I used to self harm but what she does is just unfathomable to me.
No. 88030
I regret clicking this so much.
This is even worse than the pictures of quirky's vag.
No. 88071
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OP here, well since we're posting pics anyway here's the whole IMGUR album. Warning: most disturbing and horrific thing on the internet. also found a pic of her face and her ex boyfriend.
No. 88080
>>88071What's with the tiny rectangle?
Slightly OT but i met a girl that looked like this at a party once and fml I got really fucking drunk and managed to talk to her about it. I still feel like utter shit about it, poor girl looked like she wanted to sink into the ground when my drunk ass talked to her about it.
She even had cuts in her face and on her boobs.
No. 88091
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>>88088I hope she recovered.
No. 88196
>>87979I don't understand anything about this photo. Mainly I don't understand how you wouldn't bleed to death, or die from … you know, like, being cut right the fuck open.
Jesus H Motherfucking Christ.
No. 88490
>>88484you do realize that it's common sense to be polite to other people and not point out their disfigurements, right?
oh wait, you're here, so you probably just have a raging case of autism. fag
No. 88598
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>>88182So you do weird shit and people cannot make fun of you for it? I understand if she was born with it or if someone else did it but if you yourself did it you deserve to get bullied every fucking day.
No. 88626
>>88598This is actually a pretty ignorant thing to say lol.
Yes, there are "cutters" who do it for attention and have a few cat scratches. But in a case to this degree, even cases of lesser degree, slicing your body open is an addiction like any other debilitating mental illness, for example anorexia. I sure as hell will not make fun of an anorexic simply for being anorexic.
I know an ex-mutilator that only did it in places people can't see but have millions of overlapping scars on their upper arms, they won't even take their jacket off during the summer out of shame and humiliation. Shit must suck. Don't be an ass, grow up a little.
No. 88638
>>88634Also, it's important to note that mental healthcare in third world countries is not that popular, for both financial and cultural/social reasons, so diagnosis for most mental illnesses - and therefore statistics - are not always available, nor are they representative of that country or region as a whole.
I wrote a research paper on mental illness in Africa a couple months ago, actually. People who say shit like "Third world African nations are actually the happiest!", or think that depression, BPD, bi-polar disorder, etc are non-existent fake illnesses made up by entitled westerners are very naive.
No. 88641
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>>88634>They were not poor and had access to food. now fuck off.
No. 88642
>>88638>'money doesn't buy happiness!!'It
triggers me like no other when people say shit like this, and it's derivatives. Being poor fucking sucks.
Sage for blogpost.
No. 88645
>>88641By using that line of text, you have like two possible points (both of which are fucking retarded):
>1. Anorexic people are supposed to be poor and have no access to food, therefore these anorexic people in third world countries are not really anorexic.This is fucking stupid, and I don't think I need to explain why.
>2. Third world countries are all poor and starving. If you live in [x] country and are not poor and starving, you actually live in a first world country by extension somehow!You're fucking idiotic, third world does not necessarily mean poor and starving. I was born in and still live in one, for fuck's sake.
All in all, you're wrong lmao.
No. 88646
>>88642No arguments there. But if you have brain problems, you will still have brain problems even if you have access to all sorts of indispensable resources and aren't also struggling just to live.
That's the worst thing about mental illness, really.
No. 88648
>>88647>I am poor, live in a third world countryHow "poor" can you be when you not only have access to internet, but have the free time to use that access to dick around on Chinese cartoon message boards?
I've seen actual poverty, and the average person walking down the street where I live most definitely does not shitpost on chan forums when he/she could be working, taking care of family members, studying, etc.
>but im also really really fatAnd?
>I was just quoting the text.Then what was your point behind "Now fuck off"?
>if you're rich or normal of course you can develop first world problems in a third world country.Then they're not "first world problems" anymore, are they? Just fuck off.
No. 88651
>>88647>How "poor" can you be when you not only have access to internet, but have the free time to use that access to dick around on Chinese cartoon message boards? I've seen actual poverty, and the average person walking down the street where I live most definitely does not shitpost on chan forums when he/she could be working, taking care of family members, studying, etc.I am studying and working pretty hard tbh it's exhausting
If you really want to know how poor I am, I share the same shitty room as my mum and siblings and it drives me crazy, seeing how other people have their own room I sometimes insult my mum and then I feel guilty lol even though I work my butt. We dont have a refridgerator for example but we do have many other priviliges I guess. I am here to forget the pain I have but I really did not try to be a dick itt. Ok maybe you dont deserve to be bullied every day but such people really does piss me off.
>And?I eat a lot thus have access to food but I will never develop first world problems. I was just clarifying that I meant poor people who have access to food.
>Then what was your point behind "Now fuck off"?Poor people (with access to food) will rarely develop anorexia nor will they engage in selfharm
>Then they're not "first world problems" anymore, are they? Just fuck offYes they are. Just because the MINORITY in a third world country are not poor and do shitty things like cutting doesn't mean they dont have first world problems. They are still unicorns, just like being rich in the first place.
I work hard to keep this internet bitch so dont tell me to fuck off :^).
No. 88656
>>88651>I eat a lot thus have access to food but I will never develop first world problems.You have easy access to food to the point where you're overweight, use the internet recreationally, and speak English semi-fluently. Sounding pretty first world to me. Mental illness/eating disorders are not "first world problems" in the least.
>Poor people (with access to food) will rarely develop anorexia nor will they engage in selfharmProof? If you had said there's no evidence that poor people develop anorexia or self harm the same amount as normal or rich people, that would've made sense, but you outright saying they don't develop it or develop it "rarely" is just wrong and retarded.
>Yes they are. Just because the MINORITY in a third world country are not poor and do shitty things like cutting doesn't mean they dont have first world problems. They are still unicorns, just like being rich in the first place.What makes you sure they're unicorns? Because you personally don't suffer? In fact, poor people have less of a chance of ever getting treated or have anything other than their immediate poverty/physical needs noticed if/when they are sick mentally.
No. 88682
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>>88598nothin personnel, kid
No. 90178
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Close up of arm
No. 90210
>>90191So you'd murder an innocent person and go to prison for the rest of your life because they were self harming?
I think you've got bigger problems than her m8.
No. 90217
>>87979It's weird, I think if I saw this knowing that was a dead body it wouldn't be as horrifying. Something about knowing she's alive and willingly did this to herself and took a fucking picture of it is so incredibly disturbing.
I can look at pictures of people's heads caved in and not flinch but this is just…fucked.