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No. 88186
Legitimate question that i hope is approached in an intelligent manner (it won't be), but why is sjw such a derogatory term on image boards?
I get some people go overboard, like misanderists and "down with cis". But i consider social justice to be the betterment of the world and being equal despite race, gender, creed, orientation, etc. So i don't consider those other people to be for social justice. They're just another kind of prejudice.
However, i don't belive things like black Lives matter, trans rights, and anti-rape culture are in the same category.
What are your opinions on sjws and social justice movements? What's the line between, say, a misanderist and a feminist or a transperson and fake trans?
No. 88202
>>88186SJW is a derogatory term because most posters on 4chan are nerdy males. Fact. Also, another reason is because SJWs are ridiculous, even those who aren't extreme, with their double standards. It makes people rage. That's what I think at least.
>black lives matterscode word for "black people should be able to resist the police"
>anti-rape cultureI guess this one should not be opposed but on no image board but lolcow rape is somehow taken very seriously because most posters are female probably.
>trans rightthey have rights as any human being as in that they should not be assaulted or killed but i do not support them as i think supporting them is like fueling someone with an ED.
As for the rapeculture part, what people here dont understand that this is not tumblr or your typical mainstream news website where people often post with their real names/not so unanonymously. People who post on image boards are anonymous thus they often say what they have on their mind. Also even though that imo not everyone on 4chan is racist and homophobic today's society would still consider them so simply because they say words like nigger and faggot even though they truly are not racist. So yeah that might let you think that we're all racists there if you're a "normie" and evil if you're a "sjw"
I'm not pro-rape culture, but what I hate is being obnoxious about it. Plus it must
trigger victims to hear about it all the time on tumblr. I also think the anti-rape SJWs are retarded and ruined many lives of innocent men and women.
But we're living in a society filled with double standards, remember that. Also the SJW culture on 4chan is rapidly rising so be happy tbh.
No. 88226
>>88223Transsexuality is a mental disorder. The suicide rate alone attests to that.
I think a lot of liberals are just embarrassed that the go-to figures of fun are no longer southern baptist christians, but people cut from the same cloth as them.
No. 88230
>>88226I agree transsexuality is a mental disorder, but probably 75% of all imageboard users have at least one mental disorder. It doesn't mean they should be treated as less than human, and we're not really ones to talk. I think it's also pretty obvious why someone would feel suicidal if they were transgender. I know I sure as fuck would.
People with major depression probably have a suicide rate as high, or higher. They should still be treated with sympathy rather than derision.
No. 88233
>>88230Their disorder is encouraged and feted by libtards, you are enabling people who want to mutilate themselves for the sake of a sexual fetish.
Don't you feel a sense of shame for doing this? Just so you can status signal your enlightenment to other libtards?
No. 88238
>>88233Calm down faggot. Don't assume my political stances or what things I "enable".
I don't think that it's generally "encouraged" by liberals, at least not any more than homosexualty is encouraged. It's back-patted, but not encouraged. You see that sort of "oh wow gee I'm so proud you should be so proud you're so brave!!!!!!" from a lots of liberals, like when gays started coming out in the years where it was still pretty taboo, but encouragement is different.
It is definitely encouraged and even pushed by "open minded non-binary" tumblr types, where gender and sex are basically seen as an illusory construct. And I think a lot of them do do it for social kudos and out of social pressure. These people are a completely different breed though, and aren't worth arguing with or about.
All that said, a large portion of transgender people do not do it as a sexual fetish (even though research has shown that some do). Other research has shown that some people have an irregular exposure to androgens and estrogens as a fetus, and that this might be tied to later issues of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality. I'm sure there are probably a myriad of potential causes.
No. 88243
>>88242>what do you call someone who believes in an oppressive white patriarchal power structure but in the name of equality and non-violence does not wish to act to alienate white menA moderate leftist.
>What do you call someone who believes that homosexuality and transsexuality are wrong but is all for allowing same-sex marriage and SRS/hormone therapy because they believe in individual freedom?A moderate social conservative.
No. 88298
>>88243What do you call someone who wants Japanese style immigration laws in Europe?
A nazi.
No. 88300
>>88241My point? Leelah was treated pretty good but the rest of the world literally not margo style bullied his poor parents who already had to deal with the death of their crazy son.
I can bet ya that 100% of the bullies were not /pol/tards. Or racists. Or even radical blacks. They were plain liberal leftists who "fight for justice". Yeah. Bullying the parents.
No. 88495
>>88428I don't believe you. Go to Paris and look at the state of the place. On the metro it's like a fucking African city. And that's just the city center. Holy shit the suburbs/banieulue…
Paris used to be such a beautiful place. Makes me so mad. London isn't much better. Marseilles is full of shitskins. Likewise for Birmingham.
No. 88512
>>885081970s actually since that's when France liberalised its immigration laws.
And that's kind of my point. Many Maghrebis are second and third gen and still trash. In before this is the fault of French people somehow.
No. 88529
>>88528Changing the racial makeup of a population by 20% in the space of 40 years is fairly huge. That's larger than the combined effect of all the migrationary chaos that accompanied the end of the Western Roman Empire (Ostrogoths, Visigoths etc).
Not to mention it isn't slowing down. In another 40 years France may be just 50% white, if that.