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No. 90138
>>90120You should try it!
1 tip: Don't go fighting the first boss with the broken sword you get in the beginning. Run past it the first time you encounter it, there's a door on the left. You'll find a proper weapon to fight with it later on.
I've seen many people not even getting past the first boss, because they try fighting it with the broken sword and then get frustrated and quit.
No. 90145
>>88968Oh man I'm so glad someone else does RP DS.
I made this Lady Knight who has been put through so much shit she fights dirty with cheats and has no honour as long as she gets the kill. I cheese a lot of the enemies with bow and rapier combo. It's so much fun.
No. 90147
Reminds me of everyone who played Majora's Mask and couldn't get past the beginning.
No. 90164
>>90141Well it is a good idea to start with the first game, since it's just so great. Plus it kind of sets the stage of the theme in all of the installments. Time and space is kind of relative in the dark souls universe, so the storyline is a bit complicated.
I've mentioned that most people like the first one the most.
No. 90269
>>90145Hell yeah, it makes me feel more interested in the game, because I'm not just watching
player character kill
monster with 806 health, I'm watching an adventure take place
No. 90340
>>90164The first one is the most comfy.
When i played dark souls for the first time and found knight solaire hollow and had to kill him, i was so sad^ he was my favorite i liked him so much and wanted to keep fighting bosses with him. I sad quit and started all over just to save solaire.
No. 90409
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I love snuggly the crow!
'You, you.
Give me, warm.
Give me, soft.'
'You, you! Me me Pickle-pee! Me, me Pump-a-rum!'
So adorable and comforting in the unforgiving world of dark souls.
No. 90821
>>90819I think its called herald.
Has a healing miracle and a spear, I leveled up mine, took a faith based sword and uses healing/status effect curing miracles. pretty good
No. 90931
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>>90823Phase 2 felt harder to me because you had to get through phase 1 just to start learning his phase 2 move set, and I would usually have pretty low estus by the time he got to phase 2 until I got phase 1 down pat. It was a really hard fight, it took me about 3 days of sporadic tries before I was able to beat him.
I have a rule about not summoning in my first playthrough, but I'll definitely summon for him ng+. It's a cool fight but holy shit was I in despair.
No. 91115
>>91054>>91062I went thief and had a lot of fun. You get uchi early, and there are a lot of good dex weapons. If you want ebin bleed though like in Dark Souls 1, I recommend putting some points into luck.
If you're really not liking it, you can respec pretty early into the game and you can do it 5 times per playthrough.
No. 91547
I love Pat but c'mon. You overlevelled the fuck out of it and everything is now easy for you duh. His latest video had me eyerolling but he almost got done in by zombies so lol
No. 91754
>>91497I could never get into TBFP. For Souls specifically, ENB is really the only youtuber I can watch. Afro's pvp videos are funny but his lp is so boring, lobos's challenges are pretty interesting but they seem like a chore to him, vaati is a plagiarist, and everyone else won't shut the fuck up about "hurrrr dark souls is so hard right guys lol praise the sun."
Memes honestly killed souls, the fan base is cancerous as fuck.
No. 92579
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Literally my first time playing any kind of Dark Souls game, got into DS3 because bf recommended it. Now I'm beating bosses easier than he is which is something I'm secretly proud of.. That aside the Anri quest broke my heart a bit..
I really wanna get Bloodborne but I don't wanna spend megabucks on a PS4 just for the game. I wish they'd port it to PC…
No. 192127
would someone coop with me in dark souls 3?
please ;_;
And yes, I love dark souls, played all of the three, the second one with the dlcs is my favourite despite it getting the worst rep. I still enjoy dark souls 3, haven't played ringed city, so I started a new build and hopefully will reach it soon.
I kind of dislike the pvp aspect of ds3.
> I really wanna get Bloodborne but I don't wanna spend megabucks on a PS4 just for the game. I wish they'd port it to PC…Me too. I consider buying the game because dark souls is atm the only game I enjoy playing and it's been so for a longer time. Since ps now will apparently have ps4 games available this autumn, maybe there's a possibility to play it then?