File: 1463467767962.jpg (1.07 MB, 2106x1973, image.jpg)

No. 92739
Men take anabolic steroids, which shorten their life span and over time shut down their organs, all to look good for women?
And what do women do? Wear make-up? Eat less?
Wow you sure have it hard. You're so brave.
No. 92751
File: 1463477674930.jpg (132.49 KB, 1280x960, 1462921857986.jpg)

mods are asleep, post cats
No. 92752
File: 1463477695602.webm (2.23 MB, 404x720, 20160419_055218.webm)

No. 92755
File: 1463478102263.webm (1.54 MB, 480x360, cock v pussy.webm)

No. 92796
>>92740Fatty detected
>>92741Autism detected
>>92743Yes they are retard. Men are always looking for "anabolic effects"
Steroid abuse is VERY VERY VERY Common. Very prevent in sport too.
>>92753>the men I've slept with represent the willingness of every man to wear a comdomAbsolute autism
>>92791Why are women autistic?
>>92792S T R A W M A N