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No. 92936
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I had sleep paralysis once and I saw the heavily reported dark figure standing in the corner of my room watching me.
I'll never forget the feeling of that night. You know when you can just 'feel' that something is watching you? Eyes boring deep holes into your back and all your instincts are screaming at you to turn around or escape? I couldn't turn my body to look away, so I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it, convince myself it was just an overly dark shadow, but I could feel it all the same.
Most people say it's just an unusual psychological phenomena, and I really hope that's the case.
How strange and unusual it is that this is a shared experience amongst humans globally for thousands of years now. Kind of makes you ponder on the existence of things such as demons and spirits.
It looked pretty much exactly like picture related, only the edges of the figure seemed to bleed into the walls. I really, really hope I imagined it.
No. 92938
>>92936On my last night of living with my parents, for whatever reason I slept for a really, really long time. In a dream I couldn't wake up and I felt hands yanking my body and lifting my clothes, but I couldn't scream to my little sister for help no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. It was terrifying. I'm never prone to nightmares either.
Thinking about it still makes me sick because part of me thinks my step dad sexually assaulted me.
No. 92950
I grew up in the forests of east coast. The woods were always a big part of my life, in fact, my earliest memory were walking in the woods behind my house with my grandfather. In some places the trees were very dense, sometimes to the point where not much light came through. I lived literally down the road from a large national park.
My dad would take me and my sisters on hikes here often.
By the time I was 15, my parents let me go on hikes by myself, we didn't have bears or any dangerous animals and I had a fairly good sense of direction and always took my phone with me. Most of the trails were well marked too.
One day in the fall, when I was 16, I was heading back after a hike. It was about 4 or 4:30 and the sun had started to set. The park closed at dark but it wasn't like it was crawling with rangers who would kick you out at dark. And this park was enormous. I had taken a trail that had taken me further from home than I ever had before so it was taking me longer than usual to get back.
By the time I was on the trail that was within a mile of my house, the sun was almost completely set. I could barely see the trail. As I was climbing up a bank after crossing a creek, I heard an odd noise. Like a ton of deer all running at the same time. Whitetail deer were extremely common there and I thought they were cute, so I looked in the direction of the noise.
I saw what I thought at first was the silhouette of a buck, maybe 40 feet away from the trail.
But something was wrong about it.
It was too tall, too skinny, and its joints looked wrong. The way it was moving looked unnatural and jerky.
I couldn't make out many details with the light level and how far away it was
Something about this deeply disturbed me and I went home as fast as I could without looking back
No. 92952
>>92948 said. Sorry to act all "no fun allowed" but really, that really just means we all share the same fears, which isn't all that strange considering we're the same species. After all almost everyone fears the dark, too.
No. 92999
>>92952Yeah, or, like, DEMONS.
No. 93028
A friend was studying to be a doctor, and there's an exam where the students must identify all parts of internal organs from a corpse. A day before the exam, after her part time job, she came to check the morgue, where the exam would take place, since she's new to the campus. In there, she met an old man and chat with him for a while. He told her that he heard of the exam multiple times and gave her tips and tricks for passing the test, so she assumed he must have worked there. The next morning, she's really shocked to find that the old man that she chatted last night, was in fact, the corpse for the exam! She tried to suppress the eerie feeling but fortunately, she passed the test. Apparently, there is an urban legend at the campus that sometimes the corpses from the morgue would come alive and such, not in a zombie way though, and she's not the first one who have experienced that.
No. 93033
>>93028Can we at least try to make these believable? Ones that seem possible like
>>92950 are actually creepy/scary.
No. 93040
>>93038I had to look that up and
>In Algonquian folklore, the wendigo or windigo is a cannibal monster or evil spirit native to the northern forests of the Atlantic CoastI did live in an area that was once inhabited by Algonquin tribes ha
I feel like being raised in the woods shaped a lot of my fears. I have a major fear of being watched/stalked, and I'm pretty sure this came from being in the car as my parents drove me home at night and the headlights of the car would catch the reflective eyes of animals and that's all that you'd see of them.
No. 93299
>>93290>>93282Anon specifically said east coast
I have a story of my own I'll put in another post
No. 93303
Before I start telling my story, I want to establish some facts about my experience and dispel some myths about LSD:
I am not sure how many micrograms I took or how pure what I took was
LSD for the most part, does not cause you to see random shit, in fact most of the effect is just becoming incredibly susceptible to suggestion (both internal and external), such as that weird thing you thought you saw out of the corner of your eye becoming incredibly real, and the hallucinations are pretty minor and get worse with paranoia
I was diagnosed with anxiety which definitely affected my experience.
So when I was 17, I did LSD in an attempt to impress some kids (I was a dumb teen ok we all did stupid things in high school)
I took it at a friend's house. I hung out with them for a while and had a lot of fun and laughed and laughed
After I went home and was alone, that's when all hell broke loose.
I looked into the mirror and my reflection seemed wrong. It didn't seem like me. I was trapped in my room because I kept arguing with myself whenever I tried to leave.
My paranoia spiraled out of control and when I turned off the lights, the shadows moved and looked like people. LSD causes wakefulness but I was so tired when I got home that I was dipping in and out of sleep. I couldn't tell what I was seeing and what was a dream. I saw shadow people everywhere, sitting on my bed, on my chest, grabbing at me. I couldn't move. I couldn't wake up.
No. 94281
I have many scary stories but there is one (it was just a dream, but still..) that creeps me out a lot.
I had a recurring dream for awhile. I would wake up in my bed and the lights would be out (when I dream I'm usually dream in a movie like way where I am watching myself. But in my dreams I'm also never "myself", I'm always other people, so to wake up in a dream and be me makes it EXTREMELY real). I'm scared of the dark, so I would get out of my bed and stand up. I would start walking towards the light switch but as soon as I started do I describe this? It feels as if my soul, the very center of me being, is being pulled back towards my bed. I can only say this is the eeriest, most unsettling feeling I have ever had in my life.
I continue to try to pull myself towards the switch, but the feeling is too strong and I get sucked back into my bed by that force feeling that feels like it's sucking out my soul and I wake up. In my dream. Again. And it repeats with me getting a little farther each time, collapsing on the floor and screaming for my mom, someone, anyone. Get sucked back into the bed, wake up in dream again, get farther, repeat.
I've had nightmares of very extremely grotesque situations, paranormal shit, and so on. I also have many experiences with paranormal shit and overall creepy shit in general, but I will save those stories for another time…
No. 94305
Four women in my family have seen ghosts or have had experience with the paranormal.
Grandmother: During the 1960s after coming to the UK from the Caribbean she and her two kids, my grandfather got this house. It used to be a monastery apparently for nuns. Weird shit went on like taps, footsteps, coughing and imprints on the wall. My aunt was around 4 back then and she remembers getting up in the middle of the night for the toilet, the toilet was downstairs and they also had one out back. She recalls going down there and using it. Then after she went out she saw a body hanging there from the staircase. It must have been a reenactment of what happened from before? She screams and the whole family woke up. The body wasn't there but my grandmother also saw it one night coming back from a late shift. They moved soon after.
Great grandmother: In the early 60's here in the UK she worked as a nurse. Also attending the dead with another assistant where they would clean up the bodies, made sure they looked presentable for funerals. My grandmother said her mother was chatting with her assistant/co-worker whatever and as the co-worker was sorting something out on the chair like folding sheets. My great grandmother turns to the dead woman in the bed and notices a figure standing on the other side of the bed. It was an old man, he looked at my grandmother half transparent and he gave her a smile. Just a quick nod and when she blinked he was gone. She freaked out and told the co-worker, they hadn't even heard anyone come into the work because the door was locked. They suspected it may have been the dead woman's husband or relative.
My mother: She used to do cleaning office jobs at night before I was born. There was a creepy looking old building she had to clean for covering some other cleaner. It was around 10PM at night and she told me she always felt cold in the rooms, especially the hallway. As if a draft was coming through but the kitchen window was always shut, it was an old window too and looked difficult to pry open due to age. Plus the whole place was grimey anyway she said. But as she was cleaning, almost done and being mind everyone has gone home. No one else was in the building. She passes by an office on the end, the door was open and as she passes it. In the corner of her eye she saw a man in grey. Business man in a grey suit and he looked slightly see through she said. She fully turns at him and she is just standing there behind his desk staring at her. Then she walks on and she is sure no one else is in that building. She goes back to that office and no one is there. She didn't even finish the job, got off and left.
Grandmother: She went to a physic when she was around 25-26.. She didn't know the old blind woman was physic as my grandmother had to deliver something to her. But the physic just said randomly "Are you okay? I know it must be difficult for you, your mother is very sick isn't she?" and my grandmother was shocked she knew. So they made conversation, got chatting over tea and the old woman says "By the way there is a little girl here" it was only those two there and "Her name is Anna" and my grandmother froze completely. The physic told her how this girl was holding flowers, in a dress and smiling.
I learnt that my grandmother had a baby before my mother and apparently this baby died (I cried when I found this out because I never knew and it broke my heart). No one apart from my grandmother and her sister knew about the baby? (I've never asked my grandmother much about this… too much of a sensitive subject). Then the physic told my grandmother about seeing three hearts. Nothing else. She just said in a year or two to come three hearts will become a very bad thing. It was like a warning. So my grandmother kept it in mind.
Years later my grandmother's mother (the same one who saw the ghostly man) died of a heart attack. The ring she wore had these three ruby red hearts on it. My grandmother never wanted that ring after that and instead my great aunt took it instead to save the pain.
The physic woman died years before too. So it wasn't as if my grandmother could ever go back to her. But that old woman was right.
No. 94309
When I was a little girl I used to live in a closed-off neighborhood that had a park on the bottom of a hill. This was back in the 90's when kids used to play all over the street and park unsupervised with no prob. Well, I used to ride my bike every day around the entire neighborhood after school, including riding a few laps inside the park and then riding up the hill back home. One particular afternoon I decided to ride straight down the hill and spend my time in the park, just playing around with the swings and riding my bike around the running track and taking a sip of water at the water fountain. This particular park had a single gazebo right in the middle of the park where all the water fountains and bathrooms were. Well, I rode down the hill and made it to the park and noticed it was completely deserted. Being a dumb kid, I thought this was not dangerous at all and in fact awesome cuz I had the entire park to myself. I rode deep into the park and stopped at the empty gazebo to take a sip of water and just talk to myself and ride my bike in circles until I got bored. As I was just messing around, I suddenly felt a sense of dread, as if someone was there watching me or something. I kinda got scared and ran to my bike and went down to the track to ride some laps and ride the scare away. The only problem was that I had to pass through the gazebo again to exit the park and go up the hill again. The park was still empty and the sun was going down, so I had no choice but to go through with it. Being a dumb curious kid, I wanted to be brave and check the gazebo again, so I parked my bike and started sneaking around the bathrooms and water fountains. As I turned around the corner of the gazebo, my gaze was lowered cuz scared, and the first thing I saw was a watch. The watch was on a hairy arm that belonged to a man. I saw worn jeans. I saw sneakers. The sneakers were not touching the floor. I screamed as loud as I could and scrambled to my bike and ran as fast as I could, riding all the way up the hill I could never ride all the way up and ran into the kitchen where my mom was, bawling uncontrollably. A few days later I overheard my parents talking in the couch. They were complaining that they couldn't believe the park was still open to the public after the man a few blocks away hung himself in the park's gazebo.
No. 94343
>>94305Stories from family members are always so interesting. Especially the one about the psychic.
>>94309I can't imagine how traumatizing this must have been omg.
No. 94348
>>94343Hi anon,
Yeah I found that story my grandmother told me very… I couldn't believe it. It freaked me out and made me cry at the same time.