No. 96391
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No. 96414
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>people saying this is b8
> went to school for engineering and this was literally me
>only 1 other girl and she was surrounded by guys at all times and never talked to me once
>tried to make friends with guys at first but they got repulsed and thought I was flirting with them
>group of guys used to bully me by putting their feet up in the empty seats beside me >I hate feet so I had to move or I wouldn't be able to concentrate
>They'd come in late and sit behind me whenevever possible
>Had 5-6 classes a day and they did this for years.
No. 96431
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>Work field are 90% people age 45-70
>Majority of them are lone men
>They either treat me like their granddaughter, or try to hit on me
>Old ladies treat me like shit
>One of them always would bitch and moan about how everyone even the boss gave me special treatment because I was the prettier one (wtf)
>I'm a 3/10 without social skills
>The other 10% who are around my age wouldn't even bother look at me
>8/10 crush treats me like a stranger
I better lose all hopes and start embracing my ugliness