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No. 96813
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>>96789I didn't know who she was, I just watched one of her videos and
>"OH GOSH! I forgot to wash and moisturize my face!">whips out a fucking baby wipeHoly shit lmao
No. 96914
>>96913Yes, I love her historic themed videos.
It shows she has a real understanding of the art and social history of cosmetics.
No. 97005
>>96998I think it's because it looks like growths, like some sort of fungal nail disease.
I know they were just having fun and playing about but damn if it doesn't give me the shivers
No. 97016
>>97010wow.. Is she actually suggesting you put this on your skin? It sounds like the best way to instantly get awful skin.
Also holy hell she's not subtle about her endorsements is she?
No. 97049
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>>97048She looks like PatrickStarr with lighter skin in this lol
No. 97099
>>97050People who are excited to get their period are the dumbest shits ever.
>>97054Yeah, aside from that being unhygienic… I don't get it. Having your period every month sucks a lot, but it isn't complex to take care of or deal with.
No. 97332
>>97252Wow I love this woman, thanks for linking it. She's so straight to the point and not loud and exaggerated.
Found my new favourite makeup reviewer.
No. 97334
>>97332I like her too, although I sort of side eye her for calling Jeffree Star out for bullying and being a general dick, and having a sub par make up line, all the while sucking Lime Crime/ Doe Deere's dick. Everyone has a
problematic fave I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 97382
>>97252Wow. I honestly love her brutal honesty. I had issues with the "I'm Nude" lipstick when it came out and even sent the company an email about it. They told me the formula was solid and that maybe i was using it wrong.
(It was patchy and peely for me as well, so glad I am not the only one.) I am not a JS supporter and tired of so many basic bitches kissing his ass.
No. 97423
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>>97413What pissed me off about the palette is that people tried to justify the shitty color choices by saying "if you break it down into quads they're totally cohesive!!!"
ONE quad (second from left) is cohesive and the far right quad sort of goes together, but the other two quads are still ugly fucking messes that pretty much nobody could put a look together with.
I get that since it's his palette it can be a little self-indulgent but to sell something that has a bunch of shades which no one will use just rubs me the wrong way, especially when he knows how all of his fans will buy literally anything he puts out there. Jeffree is a money grubbing whore in the worst possible way.
No. 97436
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>>97423That palette looks like shit and after watching
>>97252 review, it smears like shit too.
I never liked JS from back in his scenequeen Myspace days, but knowing that he has basically never changed his tune is worse. He is still rude, racist and sexist. He thinks because he's openly gay, he can call women bitches and cunts. He is violent too. I wouldn't put it past him to hit a woman because she stepped on his overpriced shoes.
I would never support him and I will let my friends know who do buy his makeup about his attitude and hopefully they'll learn something about his lack of ethics.
No. 97473
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>>97440>>97441Would be interesting but most of those people besides JS don't really do anything. Would be nice to have a thread to reminence.
Basically the biggest drama JS was part of was in his friendship triangle with Audrey and Hannah Beth. They all had a messy falling out which was broadcasted all over Myspace and a lot of "he said she said" BS. Jeffree probably instigated most of it. It was just a lot og stupid HS drama, but Jeffree has always been crude, with calling people cunts and mimicking black urban slang/ behavior (typical gay man things tbh). But he was in his early 20s and clearly never really grew out of it.
No. 97474
>>97440He's basically the epitome of the Privileged Queen stereotype.
Flamboyantly gay and aggressive, thinks he's the shit, uses AAVE as if the gays created it but is obviously racist as shit, only hangs out with people who will further his career or are just as obsessed with looks as he is, quick to lash out and will never apologize for being wrong.
If you watch
>>97252 you can see a rundown of his more recent shit (not all of it), and add in just general myspace drama scene BS.
No. 97475
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>>97441Jac Vanek seems to be doing good for herself, she does a podcast with 2 of her friends (funny thing is they all dated the guitarist for Panic! At the Disco back when). Also she still has he clothing company, but all of her shit is basic bitch tshirts with shit like "WIFI N COFFEE<3" on them going for $50+ prices.
No. 97477
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>>97475>Dated 2006 Ryan rossI will always envy that. She dated him at his prime too.
Yeah, what's really ironic is Brendon Urie's wife (Sarah) buys Jac's merch (or does Jac send it to her for free advertisement??) Either way… Bitch has a decent ride now. She's ugly as fuck due to all the drinking and drugs, but she seems to be doing well for herself selling the most basic of bitches shirts and accessories. I would never pay $60 for a shirt like that though-holyhell.
No. 97491
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>>97473>>97441A reminisce thread would be very interesting! As I said, since I wasn't into any of that stuff I feel like I may have missed out on some lolworthy stuff. Maybe a /b/ thread would be better for it?
No. 98940
>>98906Didn't the "bullying" (parody video, not actual taunting… Can't say the same for Ann)video start when Xiao kinda promoted V, and then (mostly likely) Margo went haywire, blocked Xiao, and talked shit about her while using Venus's accounts?
And according to Xiao, Marge tried to bribe her friends to stop speaking to her..? (take all of this with a grain of salt as it was her words against Margo's over exaggerated version)
While petty, I'd probably do a parody video too.
Oh and friends or not, Venus was easy to mimic and "bully" as she /was/ a stereotypical weeab to the T.
No. 99116
>>98938>JellyI'm not a weeb so I don't find the idea of living in Japan with a strange man who can't speak my language and having no family to speak of particularly attractive.
Perhaps you do though.
No. 103250
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Not youtube, but Makeup related. This looks like SHIT but its getting so many compliments, lol.
No. 104792
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What do you guys think of Glam and Gore?
No. 105135
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>>97735She piles up pale as fuck poweder and concealer around her eyes for "additional glow" but it just looks so. fucking. weird. Also her level of highlighter is just beyond pretty. I understand she doesn't aim for a natural look but….gurl…don't do that. Its weird.
Also. Her hair is propably the most annoying thing in the world especially when she it combs it back reeeesaaally thightly.
Just wanna rip it off her head when its like this
No. 105157
>>105135I don't like her "aesthetic" at all, her thumbnails look awful, and I find the whole wearing the equivalent of theatre/drag makeup being normalised weird as it looks so out of place for day wear.
I was watching a Goss makeu artist video where he commented on bad trends, such as putting highlighter all down your nose to the tip and that seems to be her style.
Compared to an artist like Lisa Eldridge who always looks good without piling on the war paint so you looks like a drag artist.
No. 105196
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>>105135Like what made her think this was a good thumbnail? Why is under her eyes paper white? It doesn't match her face/skin and looks completely awful.
No. 105204
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Emilysusanah is literally the WORST. She never blends her "contour" (notice the hairline), she sucks at applying eyeshadow. And those fucking horrendous nails. Half the comments on her videos are making fun of her
No. 105759
>>105746omfg her makeup is so hard to look at
i dont wanna be mean like everyone in the thread calling her pigface etc but why would she do that on purpose
No. 108169
>>108081Her looks are so unwearable. I can't believe she's only 22. And then, after putting however many products on her face, for some reason she puts zero effort into her hair - it's either a wig, grotty extensions or just her limp, ratty real hair carelessly pulled into a high pony tail for a nice, jarring contrast.
As for you tubers I do like - nailogical is a guilty pleasure. Her personality seems genuine, even if she does lay the holosexual shit on a little thick, and she doesn't pretend to be some amazing nail guru. She's "comfy" to watch I guess.
No. 108182
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>>108180>>108169Here's what she looked like in 2012(?), she looks way better with this kind of makeup instead of the drag shit
No. 108216
>>108214I'm assuming the stuff she does for YT is way more trendy and done for the views and money. While the actual stuff she does is more toned down.
Would make sense. I'd love to see her portfolio, do you have a link?
No. 108219
>>108182Holy shit doesn't even look like the same person. I think she's gotten lip fillers too, then, in her upper lip? It's easier to tell before she puts makeup on.
Weird. What the hell happened to this girl?
No. 108224
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>>96987I watch nailogical from time to time since I'm a huge sucker for holo. I like that she focuses solely on statement nails and admits to not knowing jack shit about makeup, when she could easily get praise for crappy tutorials and get free stuff due to her popularity.
But don't get me fucking started on graveyardgirl. She's the most obnoxious human being alive yet just won't leave my yt recommendations. Shrill, painfully unfunny and forced. And how the fuck did such a ratchet looking woman become a goddamned beauty guru??? Her teeth are just nasty, hair is never styled and she usually wears some tattered old t-shirts. Yet she apparently earns bank and even got her own makeup line??? I guess being disgusting makes her "relatable" and "down-to-earth"? But to me she's the crazy frog of youtube muas.
No. 108279
>>108169I love SimplyNailLogical tbh. She doesn't really do anything super unique and she's rather honest about her lack of skills and when she has 0 idea what she's doing in a video.
I also respect the fact that she still works some office job, even though she could make a living off of YT at this point. And she seems to be a decent role model for the young people that follow her.
No. 108305
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>>108225>thinking 16 is maturepic related
Anyway, bunny has the same effect on me as the gains gremlin, every time I see either one I can't focus on anything other than imagining how gross they both smell. If you don't want to wear makeup all the time that's fine, but at least brush your hair and stop angling the camera to look up your nose and at your shitty teeth
No. 108776
>>108279I think she answered a while back in a video that she got a masters in criminology which was something she always wanted to do and YT was just a hobby. I feel even if she gets even bigger she's not going to dump a career she studied years for over a hobby. She might in the future but at the moment, I think she's going to stay as she is.
Her snapchats pretty nice though. It's mostly with her and Her boyfriend playing with their cats most of the time and it's pretty chill.
>>108231I want to love Bunny so much because her personality is so bubbly and can be strange (sometimes when she does the tv product videos it gets a little odd) but I can only take her in short bursts (maybe 5 minutes then I'm done for the week) because her voice will eventually annoy the shit out of me.
No. 109340
>>97735>tfw you get the latest Ulta circular in the mail and there she is doing a collab with Too Facedeew.
Well, time to go burn down Ulta then, amirite?
No. 109341
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>>109340pic related.
"Go big or go goth"
fuck this bandwagoning shit.
No. 109409
>>109356Means someone fucked up.
"Go goth or go home" would've been better, but it would've still been jumping on a trend lol.
No. 109458
>>109341…I thought going big WAS a goth thing?
That's some mixed up sentence
No. 197359
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never heard of Heidi Somers before but is she seriously exploiting auchwitz to increase views on your youtube for your own fucking vanity …fuck this ugly cunt
No. 197503
>>197451Ever been to France? French women are so so ugly.
They think they are a lot more beautiful than they actually are. In fact, I think this is their real 'beauty' secret. Confidence is key. If you bullshit people into thinking you are beautiful and act like snooty high maintenance bitch, maybe they'll start believing it.
No. 198013
>>197451I'm getting reeeeally tired of this so-called 'French girl chic' they're all peddling for views. Her and Justine Leconte are getting really annoying with the whole 'I'm French! That means I'm the top authority on fashion and makeup by default!' schtick.
>>197503Tbh the confidence thing is universally true regardless of where you're from, but I don't think French women are particularly ugly, or attractive, or snooty for that matter (maybe in Paris? idk). You want snooty, go to Italy. If you don't lick their arses and praise everything Italian 24/7 they don't even want to talk to you.
French women do however have some of the most gargantuan noses I've seen in my life. It's not the norm or the average by a long shot and most still look normal, but Lord Jesus when they grow 'em it's like they don't know when to stop.
No. 198025
>>198015common anon, dont you know?
bleached skin is beautiful.
No. 198048
>>198032Baguette-fag here.
Actually, she's your typical basic big city bitch (Paris): condescending and vain.
Hiding behind "muh brand" and "so chic" but there are none so conformist and bland.
sage for crappy english
(sorry farmers, I'm trying to improve and reading here helps a lot)
No. 198068
>>198032>>197503I haven't gotten that vibe and I don't think she's ugly (even though her mouth is gross), but I mean even if she is ugly what's she supposed to do? Cry in a corner and wear a paper bag over her head and a potato sack on her body because ugly girls shouldn't talk about fashion and beauty? She's not allowed to be confident because she's ugly? Idgi.
She's basic as hell, that's true, but the way some people here think ugly people, French or not, should act is just weird… Look at all the threads on /g/ or here where girls are BAWWing about their looks and talking about all the plastic surgery they want to have… imo that's a lot more pathetic.
No. 198880
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i post my own makeup on insta but i'm not glam or anything, more weird, i just like to have fun and have an excuse to indulge my insomnia. i'd never have the balls to post a pic here though.
>>97548lmao this girl is best friends with chloe khan. who if you havent already heard of, she's that chav who got booted off x factor, had a load of scandals and sugar daddies and camming things and now is pic related