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No. 97146
>>97145Thank you!
I know this is a place to talk shit. But seriously. She's dead now. Have some humanity and respect
No. 97153
>>97148>>97152Fuck you both.
Where are the mods? lock this lock and ban these edgy niggas.
No. 97154
>>97153People have different interests, faggot.
If gore talk upsets you so much gtfo imageboards
No. 97177
>>97155>>97153>>97159There's literally nothing interesting about her other than she can sing,which isn't even that interesting in itself cause millions of people have great voices. She's no different than any other singing YouTuber or singing contestant. The thread says thoughts on her death and people did exactly that. Did you expect everyone to say "This is so terrible I can't BELIEVE a psychotic murderer preyed upon an innocent celebrity! How is this possible!!so sad".
Obviously I don't want a video for some type of edgy satisfaction out of watching someone get shot.There's just so few details on this story,I want to know how many people were actually at the signing?how did this guy manage to slip through securities fingers with 2 guns and a knife and blend in or was he already caught by security and did it in a struggle?was there any warning as to what he did and if he couldve been stopped?how fast was her brothers reaction to tackling him?How the hell was he pinned down yet still managed to shoot himself dead?how the fuck did he manage to get 5 shots in anyways and why didn't someone notice him taking out a weapon and stop him before a shot was fired?if he was participating in the signing how was he acting before hand ? Fuck I could care less about seeing gore because I can't even look at it,there's just too many questions I have.
Stop whining if you dont want to see a video like that you don't have to watch it.its not like its a completely foreign concept to an imageboard,or the internet in general.Or better yet get off the thread unless you'd like to actually contribute.
No. 97179
>>97177Don't exactly have answers to all of these, but I do have a couple.
It's been said that there was legitimately NO security whatsoever. No security guards, and no metal detector. Anyone could've gotten in there with anything if they'd damn well please. As well, when it comes to the guy having been "pinned down," he more than likely wasn't. He was tackled to the ground, and likely still had his hands free. It was more than likely a reactionary thing. He'd been caught, so he was done and killed himself before his weapons could be taken from him.
No. 97194
Op = idiot.
Put it in the News General next time instead of creating an entirely new, completely unnecessary thread for a single topic.