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No. 98713
>>98666>Satan approvesHere you go anon, from the ForeverKailyn thread: Tess Holliday, fatass extraordinaire named her new baby Bowie Juniper Holliday
No. 98770
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>>98713The fucking Star Trek inspired ones holy shit!
"Ye shud' naem yer daughter after that one pretty lady fella from one 'o dem Trek Star series. Think shey was called 'Judziah Datz' or sumthin'."
No. 99134
>>99107A politician in my country named his daughters Vera Faith and Nada Hope. Basically Faith Faith and Hope Hope. Also it sounds even more tacky here because we don't even have middle or double barrelled names except for MAYBE Anna-Maria.
Then again he's a known cokehead and criminal.
No. 99175
>>99107But have you heard of Christiano Laminni?
Fucking dalmatians…
No. 99194
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Naming child after dogs……… wow
No. 99256
>>99221I love ASOIAF and I think Arya is a genuinely beautiful name for a girl but I'd never name my daughter that, just because its fucking mean to give your child a pop culture name. Especially the faggots naming their daughters Khaleesi. Its a title not a name.
Those children are going to grow up the butt of some stupid joke, and hate it forever.
Who wouldnt laugh their ass off if they ever met a little Drogo or Podrick.
No. 99257
>>99221I love ASOIAF and I think Arya is a genuinely beautiful name for a girl but I'd never name my daughter that, just because its fucking mean to give your child a pop culture name. Especially the faggots naming their daughters Khaleesi. Its a title not a name.
Those children are going to grow up the butt of some stupid joke, and hate it forever.
Who wouldnt laugh their ass off if they ever met a little Drogo or Podrick.
No. 99828
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Former /cgl/ tripfag s0nicfreak wanted to prove she was a hardcore Sonic the Hedgehog fan via her poor baby's name, so she named her daughter after the series creator.
No. 99837
>>99828That's really unfortunate. At least she has a normal middle name to change to/go by instead, I suppose.
I once read an article about some parents that had their kid taken away because they named it Tallulah Does The Hula In Hawaii.
I'm pretty there was a legit neo-nazi couple who got a lot of shit for literally naming their kid Joy Aryan Nation or something. I think they literally named their 2nd kid after Hitler too.
No. 99939
If you want to see crazy names, go on lesbian dating apps.
>>99937I saw a girl on there named "Unique", another named "Justus", and "Shalianne". So bad.
No. 100003
>>99998Mercedes is actually a pretty name that was ruined by the car, such as many names have been ruined. I used to think Isis was pretty too, but now it's something else.
I know people naming their kids Bentley though. Now
that is tragic.
No. 100006
>>100003I have no issiue with the name Mercedes, it's more the ignorant people that only associate with a car brand. The name comes from one of the virgin Mary's titles and is popular with catholics.
Isis is also another beautiful name, don't let Daesh taint it. There are also many women and girls called Swastika, it is a name meaning luck/well being and has been used for at least 12 thousand years.
No. 100009
>>100003Whenever I think of Mercedes, I think of the little fairy girl from Odin Sphere.
Isis is a genuinely pretty name with a great origin but it's now permanently associated with terrorists. Nutella refused to print a jar for a little girl during their custom label campaign just because her name is Isis.
At least Bentley is better than Ferrari…