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No. 101084
Talk about skin stuff here. Old thread is at 1200+ posts.
Last thread:
>>45776Anyone have any experience with rosacea? I'm wondering if I have it. I'm fair skinned and have always flushed easily, but the last couple years I flush very intensely and my cheeks always feel like they're burning, and recently it's been getting even more painful. I'm on a 4 month waiting list for a derm even with a referral and not sure how to cope in the meantime.
No. 101168
>>101147jesus christ one more time I read about nasolabial folds here, I an hero
It's mostly genetic and won't magically disappear, unless you have shitty skincare. Improve it and they may stop being so prominent; use better moisturizers, incorporate stuff like hialuronic acid, aloe gel and oils into your skincare, don't drink alcohol, drink more water, get enough sleep, don't tan. When I started paying more attention to my routine, my skin improved overall - along with my folds.
If this doesn't help, try to work on your self-image rather than getting botox, coz it's rarely enough and you'll find something else
No. 101208
>>101203I felt at home on lolcow when i didn’t need to look up what nasolabial folds were since I obsessed over having them as a teenager lmao
Any other anons on accutane right now? I just started my 2nd course yesterday.
No. 101212
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Since somebody named Brigitte Bardot as an example for nasolabial folds… Even the most beautiful women of the world don't look completely smooth without retouching.
No. 101246
>>101245Birth control cleared up like 70% of it, but I still break out every month :/
A derm/doctor could possibly help you out since it's hormonal
No. 101251
>>101249anon, if it's hormonal then there's no other solution that getting your hormones right. Don't buy expensive shit for
the skin because your problem isn't exactly your skin, you know.
Birth control is a good cheat way to go around it. Did you have the actual tests what hormones are fucking you up? Check this shit and then get on your meds or change your diet accordingly
No. 101252
>>101251I've been on 2 different birth control pills (Yaz and Diane45) and sadly neither of them had any effect on my acne. I was on Yaz for 7 months and now have been on Diane45 for 6.
I'm not 100% sure it's hormonal but suspect it is because it gets worse on my period every month. Like I always have acne, but every time my period hits I get even more. I think I'll take your advice and ask for a hormone test. Do I just tell my doctor that, that I want them tested? Or is there a specific test I should be requesting?
No. 101257
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>>101220How long have you been on your 2nd course anon? I’m so happy it’s working for you!
My first course didn’t work out because I was having a weeklong tension headache and the derm ordered me to stop. I’m paranoid of headaches now and hope I will be able to finish this time. Have you had any bad/persistent headaches, or headaches in general?
No. 101513
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>>101464I've used Retin-A (tretinoin) 0.025% cream for the past 5+ years. I love it. I went through the initial "purge" and peeling process so long ago I barely remember it tbh. My skin looks really nice when I drink enough water kek
No. 101518
>>101514Ita & I've never heard that. I don't know if it's true. I use it all over my face and I've only ever
noticed the pores on the apples of my cheeks if that helps at all? I'm pretty sure they're normal.
No. 101836
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Just wanted to say that if you're looking for an awesome retinol cream Elizavecca Milky Piggy is potent af. I can't even use it more than three times a week, but the results are so fantastic that I don't think I need to. It's also only $16.50 on Amazon so it's not too expensive either. It's really gooey and thick so only use a little or be prepared to feel like you're in a bukkake vid lol. Lasts a super long time because of that though.
No. 102524
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My skin used to be perfect. I never got pimples except for the occasional period pimple. It was neither dry or oily, just perfect.
Last summer something changed. I got bangs and my forehead got a shit ton of pimples which is probably from the bangs. What I don't get is why my whole face suddenly got oily at the same time. My nose literally is soaked in oil after being outside for an hour?! I've got red splotches on my cheeks and tiny pimples all over my cheeks and forehead.
Does anyone know what might have triggered this skin change and what to do about it? I want my perfect skin back ;_;
No. 102567
>>102524>>102536I don't agree, definitely don't wash your hair daily if you don' need to.
There's a chance it may be the shampoo and because of bangs it gets to your face; never let it stream down your face. Wash and rinse with your head down, so there's no contact hair-product.
To be frank though, there may be no specific reason for your skin to become worse. It happens often, especially in early and mid twenties. People even get full-blown cystic acne out of a sudden, after having perfect skin in their teens.
Just invest in some solid skincare and try to manage the damage from there. If good skincare won't help, then it's hormonal and you should check it out with your gyno/derma.
No. 102609
>>102524you go through a slight hormone change in your mid 20s. around the time i turned 25, my cystic acne settled down more than usual and focused itself more around my jaw rather than my forehead and nose. i've had bangs a majority of my life and still do, so bangs might not be the issue.
like other anon said, it might be your shampoo as well as a hormone change.
No. 102837
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>>102836I use this one, I get eczema on my hands sometimes and this works well. You can also slather Vaseline on your hands and night and wear old socks over your hands, which seals in the moisture. Hope this helps.
No. 102900
>>102856eucerin or excipial with 10% urea is good but doesn't smell pleasant.
I put it on wet skin after showering.
head and shoulders shampoo on dry skin for 10min also helps. And buffy by lush sometimes. And don't shower too hot.
No. 103315
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Anyone use this stuff? Have you gotten any results?
No. 103316
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>>103315I have some lighter smile lines, similar to the before picture here. I'm 26, so I know it's probably normal to start having signs of aging, but I'm freaking out. I don't have the money for actual fillers right now.
No. 103323
>>103319Thanks for the recs!
>>103320It was on a list of recommended products I found… Kek Did I mention that I'm desperate?
No. 103326
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Is there any way to deal with blackheads and whiteheads?
I can't think of anything that I'm doing to cause them. I only wear makeup on my lips, lashes, and eyebrows. I cleanse and moisturize with non-comedogenic stuff. I change my pillow cases religiously. I've had big patches of them on my forehead and cheeks before I even hit puberty. All of my skin is super dry and if I don't use eucerin intensive repair every day my entire body will be overcome with KP and ingrown hairs. Is there a pill or something that I should be taking to make my skin calm down?
No. 103383
>>103326oh fuck what a
triggering image, my hands are trembling with the urge to squeeze that shit
No. 103689
>>103316lmao that different lighting.
>>103315moisturizers don't get rid of wrinkles. it's a temporary effect. get on retin-a.
No. 103774
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Does anyone have any reccomendations for textured skin? Maybe my foundation just sucks (it shouldn’t, it’s good quality) but I’ve been working really hard on my skin, been using curology with good results and not touching/picking/ etc and my texture looks somewhat better but when I take a photo with makeup I feel like it’s disgustingly highlighted almost. I know acids are usually the solution, but I don’t want to layer too much on and irritate my skin. My curology mix is pictured.
No. 103941
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Notice fo those with eczema:
I had it for years. All over, specially my hands. after years of trial and error, I found out that the pic related ingredients were the common denominator. They're banned in some countries bc of the harsh effects on skin. Theyre usually in all beauty products; shampoo, soaps and lotions. I have recommendations for products without them, if anyone needs.
No. 103955
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I have this weird problem, I don't know anybody else who has it and I can't seem to find anything on the internet.
Basically, after I move my forehead (frown, emote with my eyebrows) or nasolabial area (smile)… they get red. The longer I do any movement with those areas, the redder they become, and they end up getting even creased (full on creases like the left picture in
>>103316, even deeper sometimes). The creases/folds and redness fade away after some minutes, but it's fucking weird and I try to keep my face as neutral as possible to avoid getting this phenomenon in public.
I hate it. Tried to google it, but I could only find some people experiencing the same after having used Accutane. I've never used Accutane though, I have oily skin and I moisturize twice a day.
Is botox/filler the only solution? I want to be able to emote though… I just want to be able to frown, smile and laugh for minutes without looking weird
No. 103965
>>103961The wrinkles only form after I smile/move my forehead for 10+ seconds, I don't have them usually. I always use sunscreen. Based on what I've read (the people having this issue after Accutane) I think my skin is somehow oily and dry at the same time, and incredibly sensitive.
Will ask my derm for retin-a
No. 103972
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>>103955Samefag, I've found something in case someone else has the issue in pic related (not me, saved from reddit) and needs the info I'm gonna drop it here.
I've been told to try retin-a, drink at least 70 oz of water daily, and use a more powerful moisturizer (I've been advised with the Etude House Collagen one). Let's see what happens!
No. 104108
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>>103316>>103955These look and sound more like dehydration issues and natural lines everyone one gets after emoting than actual sagging. Like anons have suggested use moisturiser retin-a and drink a lot more water, water helps mine disappear and plump up the next day if I haven't been drinking enough. Also try a micro needle pen or roller to build more collagen in the area.
Anons please don't get fillers for Nasolabial folds. It never works and ends up adding too much volume to your lower face which makes you look older. Fillers also draw water as they are hyaluronic acid based, this makes your face unnaturally swollen and start to sag as you stretch the pocket, then you'll need to keep adding more and more filler. Many doctors refuse to inject the nasolabial area for this reason. Try radio frequency if you want to do a non invasive treatment.
There have been studies that when people look at your face to guess your age they look at whether you have a lot of volume in your lower face, ie mouth and jowl area, not your wrinkles, if there is a lot of volume there then you look older, the last thing you want to be doing is adding more volume in the lower face area because fillers cause swelling.
No. 104110
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>>104004I have the same problem on my forehead. Try covering the areas with these cosrx patches it helps it to heal and reminds me to stop when I feel the patches there.
No. 104130
>>104125I used to have strawberry legs but I started using an italy towel, red stridex pads every other day, dry brushing my skin and layering coconut oil under aveeno daily moisturiser and they went away. Made my legs so smooth. I think the red stridex pads helped the most. Also use a mens shaver with 3 blades for the legs and bikini line, I find they get a closer shave than the female ones.
For the bikini line I find shaving sideways and coconut oil straight after helps but patch test first.
No. 104163
>>104162I use nivea pure and natural day cream which moisturizes but dries into my skin pretty nicely, is cheap, and hasn't caused a breakout. Although if you're a greasy person it will happen regardless in my experience. Even when my skin is dry as the desert I'm oily within 6 hours.
Everyone has different skin though!
No. 104194
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Wondering if anyone here has tried Curology?
Asking because I'm 20 and up until about a month ago, I hadn't had any issues with acne since I was 16. Then I started breaking out something fierce on my forehead. I had 3 cystic pimples that have lessened (but not totally gone away) and then just other general zits there. They all mainly start an inch above my eyebrows and then stop about half an inch from my hairline. I have had blunt bangs for about 4 years but have recently decided to grow them out, and so I'm wondering if that could have anything to do with the persistent breakout?
I used Neutrogena Deep Clean cleanser when I was on my period, as I always do, and it usually kills the breakout. It didn't this time. Now that my period is over, I've gone back to using African Black Soap and CeraVe PM moisturizer at night. In the morning I'll cleanse with Glossier's Milk Jelly cleanser and moisturize with CeraVe's AM moisturizer.
However, nothing is changing and so I've decided to give Curology a try. The bottle has not arrived yet. There's no tretinoin in my trial formula from them but I figure they'll add it for the next bottle if I ask.
No. 104200
>>104194hey! i tried curology, but i quit bc too expensive lol. i liked it! i might have been a bit sensitive to the niamacide in my formula, but you can customize it.
i recommend to not use african black soap, it can be too harsh, but it's great for the body.
some good, gentle cleansers are simple moisturizing face wash, vanicream face wash, cerave sa, and bliss makeup melt cleanser (which is a dupe for glossier!)
also, the culprit might be your shampoo or conditioner! especially if it has coconut oil in it, or silicon. maybe try free and clear/ vanicream brand?
also, to every1 in this thread, not to sound like a shill, but i LOVE!!!
chagrin valley soap!!!!!! gr8 stuff!!!!!!! its great because i'm allergic to several preservatives. its like lush, but cheap, family owned and better quality. also, not full of lavender oil, peppermint and coconut for you sensitive gals.
also check out r/skincareaddiction and r/asianbeauty.
No. 104216
>>104179But the ingredient list for that specific product doesn't include any aluminum or paraffinum. I'm missing it, I'm no chemist and it may be under another name or something.
No. 104343
>>104305i agree with
>>104321 this happens to me when my feet get wet or sweaty in socks and sounds like your symptoms.
No. 104346
>>104321>>104343Can that take affect 3 days after contact to the allergen/irritant? I agree now after panicking it does seem pretty out there that it could be Tinea since I've had many a wet feet over the years and never gotten a bad itch. My mother did suggest I may have an allergy to the glue used in my cheap-o new boots that dissolved a bit when they leaked.
Either that or psoriasis, which I'm also prone to and get around this time of year but always jump to something worse. I thought it was scabies last year kek.
>>104342It was actually 3 days before my symptoms, so I don't think so (luckily).
No. 104358
>>104216it's not the classic nivea though, it's some aloe vera series which consists of completely different stuff.
Still, a lot of
problematic ingredients. Alcohol Denat. is something to avoid in your creams, and it's very high on third place. Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil is highly comedogenic. Same with Dicaprylyl Ether, you can't go more comedogenic than that. It has a lot of ingredients that create occlusion, which is nice for the winter but along with the comedogenic ingredients it's bound to cause some acne.
And it has not only Parfum, which can be irritating for some people, but 2 other fragrance ingredients.
+ what
>>104254has said.
Better just avoid nivea altogether.
No. 104362
>>104360that really depends on your skin type, tbh. i'm heavily into korean skincare, here are some of my fave moisturizers:
- dr. jart ceramidin moisture cream
- benton snail bee steam cream
- mizon hyaluronic acid ultra suboon cream
No. 104378
>>104360I'm really digging CeraVe moisturizing lotion. It's the EU version so I think it's a bit different from the US formulation.
I also really like Meishoku Ceracolla Perfect Gel. I only use it at night time, but when I wake up my face feels really soft. It's a Japanese moisturizer.
No. 104513
I've been dealing with very persistent acne for almost two years now. I don't know if it's a product I'm using, or if it's a hormonal thing, or something else. Is there a "best" way to figure this out?
I've heard to just go back to cleanser, toner, and moisturizer but I'm not sure if those products might be breaking me out.
Right now I'm using:
- Micellar water (cleanser)
- Witch hazel (toner)
- Stridex pads
- Cosrx Natural BHA Returning A-Sol (at night)
- The Ordinary 10% Lactic Acid HA (at night)
- Cosrx Oil-Free Ultra Moisturizing Lotion (moisturizer)
For reference, I have oily skin. I break out on my forehead, sides of my face, and now on my nose just this month. It seems like I break out worse around ovulation but I honestly think I'm always breaking out and probably just looking for some sort of explanation.
I wash my pillow cases & sheets constantly, always clean my phone, never touch my face, etc. If you couldn't already tell, I'm seriously so fucking stressed constantly trying to fix my skin. Is there any advice that anyone can offer? I can't take hormonal BC pills due to other medications that I have to take.
No. 104516
>>104513I see one big oopsie - using micellar water as cleanser. So you basically don't wash your face, which can be a big factor to breaking out.
Micellar water is for removing makeup. It's not a cleanser! Don't believe what producents write on the label, it's outdated as hell. It can't work as a lone cleanser. If you don't wash it off with a proper cleansing product, all the dirt collected by the micelles stays on your face. If you have a lot of pimples, you're just spreading the bacteria and all the bad stuff everywhere on your face.
If it doesn't help, if you'll still have a constant severe acne, you need to go to the dermatologist and get meds. Even the best skincare won't help in some cases.
No. 104519
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Has anyone tried the Physiogel AI Anti-irritation Calming Cream? I've been trying to look for a good moisturiser and wanted to purchase Oilatum repair cream but apparently they discontinued producing it. Now I've found this product with very similar ingredients.
No. 104892
>>104888Everybody ages Anon, no need to be insecure about as something as small as wrinkles when they're bound to happen. There's a thing called overdoing it and I don't want to go over that boundary.
I accepted being pale when I was more of a hermit. The paleness of my skin is not healthy looking at all. I've started making changes. I want to embrace change and not fear it so much. I hope you can as well.
As a side note, my doctor has me taking Vitamin D and has advised me to get outside more as it'll help she said.
Anyone with experience on tanning I'd still love the help. I know tanning isn't 100% good for you but I don't want to overdo it.
No. 104935
>>104892Okay, so I’ll give you dangerous advice. I live in an area that gets very little sun outside of the summer, so once summer hits I’ll lay outside in the sun for 20 minute increments a few times. I still use sunscreen because you’ll still tan even with a sunscreen. I also wear sunglasses, eyes are fragile.
Yes, purposefully tanning is dangerous and bad for your skin. So is eating junk food, drinking alcohol, smoking, and wearing products with too much fragrance in it. There’s a risk to everything we do, but it’s up to you to decide if being tan is worth that risk. Going outside in the summer for any period of time puts you at risk for a tan, sunscreen or not. The only way to completely avoid it would be to wear a hat, long sleeves, and a parasol every time you go out, which I’m sure some pale-chans on here do but it’s not realistic.
No. 104955
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>>104952The point of staying inside isn't being pale, it's avoiding cancer and, if you're vain like me, wrinkles and sunspots. So many older white women have the most ugly speckled skin from being the sun, not an attractive healthy looking tan.
No. 104965
>>104959That’s cool for you living in an Asian majority area, but most people don’t live in areas where behavior is the norm. I’ve also seen advice given on lolcow in other skincare threads to avoid going outside at all and even putting special film on windows to block out UV rays. I’m with anon
>>104952, living your life stuck inside because you’re afraid of wrinkles is a waste.
No. 104966
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>>104965>>104952Do you think that skin cancer is a meme or something lol? It's fine to spend time outside in the sun, but laying out
just to get a tan is stupid, and increases your risk of skin cancer.
From the CDC:
>A tan does not indicate good health. A tan is your skin’s response to injury, because skin cells signal that they have been hurt by UV rays by producing more pigment. Any change in skin color after UV exposure (whether it is a tan or a burn) is a sign of injury, not health. Over time, too much exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancers including melanoma (the deadliest type of skin cancer), basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. UV exposure can also cause cataracts and cancers of the eye (ocular melanoma). Every time you tan, you increase your risk of getting skin cancer.I don't think ending up like pic related is worth it, honestly. Just use fake tan if you want to be tan so badly
No. 104985
>>104971>>104966>>104966first of all, i am not the anon who asked about tanning and i said nothing about pale skin being sickly or an indicator of health. all i did was give anon advice about tanning, that it can happen even if you wear sunscreen and if she wants to do it, then its her prerogative.
the only reason i brought up doing outside activities was because of what
>>104959 said about the ladies in her area not going hiking, or biking or doing summer sports due to the fear of tanning.
>It's fine to spend time outside in the sun, but laying out just to get a tan is stupid, and increases your risk of skin cancer. What is the difference between saying you're going to wear some sunscreen and spend some time outside to read/walk/run/swim and just saying you're going to go outside and spent time in the sun? do you think you don't tan if you're doing something else or something? its the same risk whether you're going outside to lay in the sun and do nothing or if you're going outside to do chores.
No. 104987
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>>104968Fellow aus anon? But yes, fuck risking melanoma just to give the illusion of health. I'd rather actually being healthy, this slogan is stuck in my head forever from the ad campaign kek.
No. 104993
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>>104987It's so crazy to me that tanning beds and tanning in general is promoted so heavily where I live. We need this public safety campaign. A popular, local tanning salon where I live made a Facebook post and did the paid sponsor thing to have it shown on everyone's timeline. I commented some facts about the extremely negative effects of tanning/tanning beds just as an FYI for anyone thinking about doing it and they instantly deleted my comment and blocked me. Almost every woman I know tans yearly at a salon and they all use shit like pic related.
No. 105015
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>>105008Hope she thinks surgery and chemo are relaxing too.
No. 105022
>>105020No one in this thread has said that about people who don’t want to tan?
>>104992There isn’t a single sunscreen that blocks out 100% of the sun so it’s impossible to avoid exposure to UVA and UVB. You’re going to get damage and sun exposure anyway, even with religious applications.
No. 105028
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Not sure if this is 100% the right thread but I'm gonna ask this here anyway.
I'm naturally very pale, near alabaster skincolor. I've always hated it because I get a lot of negative comments on it (Did you not leave your room this summer, you look like a corpse/sickly pale, girl get a tan etc.) I don't really tan in the sun. A few years ago I got so fed up with it that I spend a few days in a row extremely irresponsible tanning: no sunscreen, lots tanning oil, sunbathing when the sun was at it's highest etc. I got the tiniest bit of a tan that year. I did something similiar the next year again.
I extremely regret tanning that irresponsibly, not just for health reasons and pre-mature skin aging but also because now 2-3ish years later, the tan is still there. It's like some parts have become permanently darker. I can tell the skin on my upper arms, shoulders, and mid-thigh to feet is darker than the parts that didn't get much/any sun exposure. Albeit it's still very light and anyone else might not even notice, I notice it and it bothers me endlessly.
How do I go back to my original skincolor? I dislike my pale ass skin but at least having an even skin color everywhere is better than this patchy mess.
No. 105029
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Can someone spoon feed to me what kind of moisturizer or repairing oils I should use with my retin-a 0.025% cream? Been using it for years but idk what else I should be doing to preserve my skin or lessen any negative effects the retin-a might bring. There are so many different opinions online I am overwhelmed!
No. 105031
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>105029 samefag
This is the moisturizer I use on my face now. I love it bc it feels like water and absorbs nicely without being greasy. Don't know dick about skincare so I'm worried it may not be good for me despite how well it seems to work. I use Pond's Cold Cream Cleanser as a face wash.
No. 105059
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Does anyone here use Vitamin C serums like pictured? I have been for a few months now, between toner and moisturize, and I haven't really noticed any difference. I was hoping it would help with a couple hyperpigmentation spots.. but nah. I've tried 3 different ones, sigh.
I am starting to think I would need like a laser treatment, anyone have any experience with that? I've never had any cosmetic procedure and I feel like I would be so embarrassed going in. I'm already kinda self conscious about it, which in itself makes me feel vain and ashamed.
No. 105217
>>105032Is there a particular ingredient in Cerave that is beneficial?
Can you do acid exfoliants with retin-a?
Ty anon!
No. 105226
>>105217Ceramides and no fragrance and other bullshit ingredients.
Not at the same time, no. Do actives in the morning or alternate night routines.
No. 105233
>>105059Anon why don’t you try a mild glycolic essence? Don’t go full on 10% peel or you’ll burn but you can try a brightening essence?
I use Caudalie’s Brightening Essence lotion every other day at night. It’s gentle, and it makes your skin tighter and brighter. I had a really bad stress related breakout and it’s the only thing that won’t irritate my skin that’s fading my hyperpigmentation. Wear sunscreen of course during the day, and don’t mix it with anything else like retrinol or a stronger acid.
No. 105243
>>105233>Wear sunscreen of course during the dayBecause of the Caudalie’s Brightening Essence lotion or do you mean in general?
Not that anon, btw.
No. 105499
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i got this mask from lush, rudolph, and it did wonders for my acne, but apparently it was just a seasonal product. they make similar ones, like the cupcake mask, but i'm allergic to peppermint so i gotta make my own. anyways.
the orange oil in this - can i just get normal orange essential oil at the store and mix it in my own masks?
No. 105526
>>105499Howdy anon! I'd recommend using products with kaolin or bentonite clay. Those are the ingredients that do the heavy lifting, personally, I'm not a huge lush fan, they put too much filler and random stuff in it. I would try out bentonite clay (cheap on amazon) mixed with apple cider vinegar. I also personally like Origins Clear Improvement mask, and Majestic Pure Dead Sea mud mask. Best of luck!
Also, might as well shill Differin while I'm here. I love Differin! It made a big difference for me!
No. 105531
>>105059Have you already tried retinol or even a scar gel? Those may help, although most of the hyperpigmentation I've dealt with is from scarring, so idk if that matters in my recommendations. I've heard rosehip oil can help too but that's vitamin C so…
I just started using vit C serum and my skin does already look better, but last night I did like a skin care meganight where I did a mask as well so it could've been that. Will have to see how it goes long term.
No. 105562
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Anyone tried Muddy Body masks before? Here are the ingredients of the detox one. I wanted at some point to do my own using this pic, but gave up because I had to make purchases from multiple places and it seemed tedious… So I just continued with my Clinique clay mask.
No. 105580
>>105548don't do them anon, they make your pores more prominent in long run by wearing them out which in turn will make sebucous filaments/blackheads more prominent too
try bha exfoliant instead, Paula's choices 2% bha liquid honestly changed my life
No. 105637
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What about mud masks? how good are they or damaging?
Would I still damage my skin even if I use the charcoal mask every once and a while?
What could I use in replace of a charcoal mask? in regards to masks?
The charcoal mask to the left is what I have and am using currently
No. 105643
>>105637no, charcoal is a meme. there's no science behind it.
i recommend bentonite clay like the aztec healing clay
No. 105658
>>105637>>105643charcoal is not a meme, what?, but honestly I doubt it works well in masks, there's probably not too much of it/it's not "clean", if you really want to use it just make it yourself. I find it very good for scalp.
As anon above said, clays. Bentonite, kaolin, green, ghassoul, whatever will be fine, try them out and find the best one for your skin. Just don't buy anything in tubes etc, buy "raw" clay to prepare at home yourself. There's no better stuff.
No. 105683
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>>105643Yeah, I disagree. I make my own basic charcoal masks (not pull off, just rinse) and they suck oil out of my pores like nothing else. I use probably once a week and follow normal cleansing daily.
No. 106051
>>106035You might like micellar water. They’re designed for sensitive skin.
I have atopic skin and this doesn’t irritate. Get a good one from places like Avene or Bioderma.
Also, if your skin is dry don’t use foaming cleansers. You need to focus on milk, cream, or balm cleansers. Don’t exfoliate too much, and don’t use hot water to rinse your face. I would also look for unscented products and formulas which repair your skin.
No. 106211
>>106209the only for certain proven thing to prevent wrinkles (except for sunscreen) is tretinoin which requires a prescription.
i would use a salicylic acid cleanser like cerave renewing sa cleanser once a day. if you have persistent acne along your jaw line i would recommend getting your hormone levels checked out as well.
No. 106219
>>106035I have super sensitive skin that breaks
out with most products. I would suggest trying out Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser! The first time I used this cleanser my face became clear in under a week, probably because the cleanser is specifically formulated to have little to no irritants. I highly recommend it.
No. 107055
>>106969that's the first thing you learn in any beauty school/major. This anon is right.
Eye serum - that might be different, for example whitening the dark circles. But in general eye creams are just a way to get more money out of you
No. 107056
>>106969that's the first thing you learn in any beauty school/major. This anon is right.
Eye serum - that might be different, for example whitening the dark circles. But in general eye creams are just a way to get more money out of you
No. 107090
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Can someone tell me if this is a good lotion to use long-term on my face? I also use retin-a 0.025% cream nightly.
Dimethicone 1.2%, Water glycerin, distearyldimonium chloride, petrolatum, isopropyl palmitate, cetyl alcohol, avena sativa (oat) kernel flour, benzyl alcohol, allantoin, sodium chloride.
Re: eye cream, I caved and bought "Burt's Bees® .5 oz. Intense Hydration Eye Cream" and while it costs fucking $20, it really is nice and gentle and works really well without burning or blurring my eyesight. It smells incredible too. I know Burt's Bees isn't the bastion of skin care it touts itself as, but I am very pleasantly surprised at the quality of this cream.
I started using it bc my eyeshadow was patchy and gross on my eyelids bc the skin was dry. It works!
Also I started putting retin-a nearer to my eyes because I read that it's actually okay to do. Is this true? Kek i fuckin' hope so bc it looks great.
Also also I'm so excited to try The Ordinary's AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution. Been using retin-a for years now and I realized I still have ever so slightly textured skin bc physical exfoliation (like with those rotating face brush things and washcloths) was not cutting it. Hopefully I won't die bc this is literally babby's first (By myself anyway. One time I got a salicylic acid peel at the dermatologist).
Sorry for the novel.
No. 107095
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>>107089NTA but this one? There are a few formulations, I think, so I just want to be sure before I pull the
trigger. Ty anon
No. 107104
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>>107101I had terrible skin full of pimples and oat milk lotion helped
Also rosehip oil makes scars a little less prominent but it will take a while to make them go completely away
No. 107232
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>>106931I like A’Pieu products because they’re not expensive and, in my experience, they’ve been pretty gentle. You can order them from Yesstyle or even a Missha store if you have one in your area (am also in EU and there’s a Missha store here, but I order online because it’s easier and shipping is free.)
This product is 9 euros, for example.
No. 107236
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>>105499>>105526update: i got the essential oils and they are fabulous. my masks are now raw honey, bentonite clay, matcha tea, rosehip oil, cocoa powder, and now with tangerine oil, orange oil, and cocoa absolute, they are so nice. mix that up in a shotglass, put it in the fridge for a bit, and you've got two masks for the shower.
i got the oils from MysticMomentsUK on etsy, they've got really cheap raw skincare ingredients. took almost a month to get here but shoutout to them.
between that, and let the good times roll and bunny moon from lush, my acne has just totally up and disappeared. feelsgoodman.
No. 107311
>>107236Eek, be careful with that stuff anon. My coworker is a huge essential oil person and she used some pre-mixed combo of essential oils on her face and her face blew up like a balloon. It took probably 2 months for for the swelling and redness to totally go away.
Obviously that's a really specific instance and she had an allergic reaction of some sort, but seeing her face still scared me off of the stuff forever.
No. 107323
>>107311NTA but you're supposed to dilute them
a lot or they will clog up your skin.
No. 107355
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i've been using Bliss skincare stuff for a while because the packaging stood out to me when i was looking for some new stuff to try, and i really like some of their products. i bought quite a few things and still want to try some other ones. I think atm I have their lip scrub, clay mask, watermelon overnight face mask, whipped face mask, makeup remover, and their exfoliator. my favorites are the exfoliator and watermelon face mask, everything else was just meh and i wouldn't buy again, but they have a lot of stuff i want to try still.
No. 107468
>>107462chemical exfoliators (aha and/or bha), but you have to go slow at first, but idk if a month is enough time for them to have a noticeable effect? it also depends on your skin.
i have an awful and gross habit of picking my skin (sometimes ripping tiny pieces off) if i get acne. my hyperpigmentation from that disappears extremely fast and i think chemical exfoliators and vitamin c play a big part in it. sadly, skin stuff also depends on your genes. some people "heal" faster than others.
good luck though!
No. 107472
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to anons who consider lip fillers:
try a hyaluronic acid serum!
I apply 3-4 layers of hada labo lotion followed by chapstick every night and my lips look a lot bigger and plumper, to the point where people notice.
It's not permanent but It's very much visible and looks more natural + you can just do it along with the rest of your routine.
No. 107474
>>107472That Dior lip maximizer works too, believe it or not. When I was using it, my coworker said my lips look poutier and fuller.
Way better than that Buxom brand I kept buying.
No. 107632
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>>107621I have this one, I think it's the moist one.
Other serums like The Ordinary hyaluronic acid serum should work since the HA is what binds water under your skin.
But make sure to seal it in with chapstick since it can pull moisture out of the air and dry you out.
No. 107635
>>107632that shit is the bomb. i recently switched from it to the one in the orange bottle that has "premium" on the label and has done much better for my skin, though. it's a bit thicker and may take a little longer to dry, but definitely keeps my skin hydrated with the small amount, especially with my lips.
i'd recommend anons go for either, though, and one bottle goes a long way.
No. 107658
>>107632I'm a different anon but hell yes, I have this! So I also use an AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution 2x per week and Ceravae moisturizer. And retin-a for the record…
Should I use the Ceravae lotion with the Hada Labo serum? Should one go first onto my skin? Should I use
only one or the other in a day?
I really really appreciate the advice itt. I'm extremely overwhelmed by the articles and other info about skincare. Tysm anons
No. 107664
>>107462Stop the vitamin c, it loses its potency after a certain period and doesn't work. It has to be super fresh for it to do anything. Use a niacinimide serum instead.
I used to have the same problem as you. Aha/bha toner, niacinimide serum, manuka honey moisturizer, and sunscreen (don't skip the sunscreen ever!) will get rid of hyperpigmentation and reduce/get rid of acne.
No. 107678
>>107658You can use both, hada labo first probably since it's thinner.
But listen to your skin, if things are too moist and you feel like theres a shiny layer on your skin that won't absorb that can be the perfect environment for funal infections.
No. 107835
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>>107827Same anon you’re replying to, tried to take a photo. Excuse my gross neck.
No. 107839
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>>107835I get the same shit anon, they're papules. Basically infected pimple areas that never come to a head and never pop because they're deep into the skin. The infection is inflammation and not pus like a whitehead. I get them behind my ears and sometimes on my back hairline.
Worse yet mine take weeks to go away because I have a pale complexion so even after the bumps settle I have hyper-pigmented spots there for even longer.
Try treating it with a benzyl peroxide wash and lotion.
No. 107856
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>>107839off topic but the blackhead part actually shows sebaceous filaments
No. 107869
>>107864Forearms? That doesn't sound right at all. Definitely ditch those pyjamas, you can stick to layering a bathrobe, blankets and a hot water bottle in the cold. Make sure you're washing all your houseclothes and sheets regularly but a break out like that could even be an allergy to your bodywash or something.
I always get worse back/shoulder skin in the winter just from piling on the layers and never seeing the sun, but your case seems extreme. If it doesn't clear up I'd suggest a doctor
No. 107873
>>107869My mistake, I meant upper arms. It looks like a trail of small pimples, all close to each other, and they can itch sometimes.
Right now I'm putting on a cotton tshirt before the pyjama shirt so that it doesn't touch my skin directly, and it's less bad but it's not completely gone… I'm going to ditch the fleece soon, since it seems to be the culprit
No. 107965
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I feel like I already posted here asking for advice, but maybe the post didn't come through, cause I don't see it anywhere….
Do anons have any advice for a really dehydrated forehead? I have those lines and I thought that they are wrinkles but it seems like they are from dehydration because the skin is so parched. What do I do?
No. 108018
Does the CeraVe cream in the tub aggravate acne at all? Been using it and it doesn't seem to be, but I'm breaking out and don't want to make it worse.
Am gonna cut back on bad foods/dairy/sugar and drink green tea, but this seems hormonal. I got a couple of deep, cystic or nodule spots and they're really bothering me, every time I kill one of them another pops up and they seem to be worse. I'm using adapalene/benzoyl peroxide and clindamyacin, wash with a hand brush and gentle cleanser, spinning brush a couple times a week, and sometimes use a quick spot cream too, but idk if that helps since these seem deep.
Any tips besides what I'm doing? Also am getting eczema so I have to be careful and keep my skin balanced, fuck combo skin.
>>107965Besides water and retinoid, etc, I actually recommend the cream I was asking about: the CeraVe moisturizer in the tub is pretty good. Maybe try layering some oils as well. The other anons are all right about their suggestions.
>>107728Not really unless your skin is irritated by something in it. Do you have sensitive skin or any allergies?
No. 108130
>>108123What kind of acne scars are you talking about? If they're pinky kind left after it heals, it does fade away, but slowly. You want to use an AHA (and use sunscreen) as it'll help shed away the skin cells there.
If they're the ice pick, hole-y kind of ones, you'll have to get laser treatment.
No. 108159
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>>108130Yeah… They look like that. Nothing so-disgusting but i putted a spoiler just in case! They bother me alot, honestly. I would have to get laser treatment anyways as far as i understand? Is it even… Alright to have them, thinking about it. They bother me alot looking-wise because of the fact how much media makes everything perfect which makes me hate myself everytime i look in the mirror. Rip. Could you recc any AHA-like stuff? My skins oily n acne-prone, something like that. Been using La roche effaclar for few months now and my skin seems much better than before.
No. 108161
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Been using pic related for a while and my skin seems to love it. However I have to put on quite a bit of product for my skin not to feel too tight and my skin still absorbs it all and it doesn't seem to be enough. I end up using it up pretty fast. I also drink around 2L of water daily and have a healthy diet so I'm not sure why tf my skin feels so dry?? It's also getting warmer, temperatures are above 0.
So I'm wondering if it would be alright to just switch to some aloe vera gel? I feel like I could get more of it for a similar price, but I'm not sure how moisturizing it is.
No. 108174
>>108159different anon, you can look into micro needling. Get it done professionally though, it’s less expensive then laser.
I did it myself on my strechmarks and it reduced them significantly.
No. 108186
Any recommendations for retinoid brands/products?
>>108159Have you thought about using a Vitamin C? It's been helping reduce my cystic acne scarring pretty quickly.
No. 108676
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I know this thread is probably aimed more towards facial skincare, but…my feet are SO DRY and I don't know how to fix it. I'm especially embarrassed of them because I've started doing yoga and everyone has such cute pedicured feet and mine are crusty as fuck. I use pic related daily then moisturize and put socks on and it doesn't help. I also do epsom salt soaks on weekends and really go to town with the exfoliator. On the occasions I can afford a real pedicure, the results don't last long. I don't walk outside barefoot or anything and wear socks more often than not so I don't get why I have such gross feet.
No. 108683
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>>108676Try a babyfoot peel, anon. I have thick callouses just like you and even regular sanding with that Scholl thing falls short. It's safe to to do a chemical foot peel once every 30-60 days (depending on how sensitive your skin is), but be warned, it can get pretty gnarly. Your foot will look like a snake shedding its skin. But it's worth it, it doesn't hurt and you'll get results.
No. 108759
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>>108683Nayrt but I tried pic related and absolutely nothing happened. I used it exactly as described but the only effect was that my feet felt a bit soggy directly afterwards, like with a regular foot bath. There was no shedding or peeling whatsoever at any point afterwards.
Does this mean I have Foot Skin Of Steel or should I try a different brand?
No. 108938
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Ack, so I have a rash on the crease of my right elbow and I don't know why I have it. The rash exists only on my right arm but nowhere else. It occurred probably a month ago but it never bothered me until this week. It's itchy only when I scratch it or if I do things that bend my arm. I tried putting some no name brand lotion on my arm yesterday but I think that made it worse… I don't think I have any skin disorders other than acne on my face (lol) so I'm not sure why this is happening or what exactly this type of rash is. Any ideas?
Spoilerd pic because it's groce.
No. 108947
>>108939I put on some raw, organic shea but it's still red, but not as itchy..
>>108943Does the percentage matter? Canada doesn't sell anything higher than 0.01% or something like that without a prescription.
>>108945How do you know if it's fungal?
No. 109108
>>108161Hyaluronic acid and glycerin are both humectants. This means they work by absorbing moisture like a sponge from the environment. If you're in a dry climate onto dry skin, it will absorb moisture from the skin instead, making it ever drier and more parched.
Make sure when you use it you apply it to damp skin, then put something occlusive on after to lock in the moisture.
No. 109111
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>>108947I only found out through the lab results after removing it surgically. My dermatologist thought it might be skin cancer (the rash made a birthmark next to it look weird and i'm a high risk patient)
> mfw i found out i could've just put cream on it No. 109393
>>109372Same. The eyebrow part is a little birthmark but around my mouth and nose is always a bit red.
Google says it could be zinc deficiency or perioral dermatitis.
No. 109458
Has anyone tried this? the sebaceous filaments on my nose aren't even that bad but I want to try this just because it sounds so goddamned satisfying.
>Apply your BHA product. (If you have dry or dehydrated skin, you may want to limit your BHA and the rest of this process to only the areas of your face where your SFs are most visible.) Because BHAs are oil soluble, they’ll be able to penetrate deep into the sebum filling up your pores, loosening the gunk to make it easier to remove with the following steps. Wait 20-25 minutes to allow the BHA to do its job.>Without washing off the BHA, apply your clay mask. Wait for however long the clay mask instructions specify.>Rinse off your clay mask with tepid to lukewarm water. Be careful with your water temperature here, as both your BHA and clay mask can be quite drying, and you don’t want to overdry your skin by throwing hot water at it on top of that. Dry your face.>Apply your cleansing oil or carrier oil. Wait 15 minutes. The oil will help draw the gunk in your pores to the surface.>Gently massage your face or areas you’re treating for 2-3 minutes. If all has gone well, at this point you’ll feel tiny little grains coming out of your pores! These are the clogs that have been making your pores more visible. Many people call them “grits,” and getting grits out of your face is an amazingly satisfying feeling. Do not apply too much pressure to your skin or massage for longer than 5 minutes, tops. Doing so can result in broken capillaries, and those can’t be fixed without pricey laser treatments. Don’t worry if you don’t feel the grits. Some people don’t, either because the clogs are too small or because there wasn’t enough sebum and dead skin buildup to create grits. Even if you don’t feel any coming out, this process is still clearing your pores and reducing their appearance.>After the oil massage, emulsify and rinse off your cleansing oil or wash off your carrier oil as usual. Continue with your regular skin care routine.From here: No. 109466
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what’s an affordable alternative to purity made simple by philosophy?
the large size isn’t sold within the eu and the smaller bottles are expensive for the amount.
i want something that’s gentle enough to use on the eyes like this cleanser is. it’s my holy grail and i’m salty i can’t access the big size anymore.
No. 109469
>>109372NTA but I've had eczema around one of my eyes for a while and I'm starting to wonder if there's something in the air where I live that's making me react, or if it's the weather. I've stopped wearing almost any makeup and switched to washing my bedding with gentle detergent…
I may try Benadryl, any other anons suffering from some sort of reaction or with eczema ITT?
No. 110646
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Can face masks be harmful if I get it in the hair area?
Drying out some important roots or whatever? Thanks.
No. 110673
>>110646depends on the mask and your scalp. E.g. salty ocean water does dry skin but can help with certain scalp issues (as long as you don't have a dry scalp). In that sense, a dead sea mud mask getting there maybe isn't bad.
Then again, I'd rather be safe than sorry and there are masks with tons of ingredients, some of which are really aggressive that I wouldn't put near my hairline. Watching your skin and how it feels after applying anything is important, too.
No. 110785
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Is this a good sunscreen for daily use, to prevent aging+sun damage?
At the moment, I don't really have access to the east asian brands that a lot of people online recommend.
No. 110810
>>110785It's what my dermatologist recommended to me but I didn't like the smell and the texture. I think it stung a bit too (esp. after exfoliation) if I recall correctly but they might have changed the formula.
Also it was hard for me to apply makeup on top of it since it would give me a chalky appearance with creases and now they're saying you have to apply sunblock thickly so that could be an issue if you want to wear makeup with it.
I wasn't a fan of it despite that my dermatologist suggested it. If you are going to buy it and they have different sizes, try the small one first.
I wish I could recommend you a different one but honestly I haven't used sunblock in years.
Here's an article about how to apply sunblock though: No. 110871
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Any experiences on using regular grocery store items as skincare products? I'm kinda on a budget and I've been looking for affordable and accessible alternatives. So far I've been using green tea as a toner, honey and sugar as a face scrub, sunflower oil (I used to use olive oil but apparently it's not good for the skin's moisture barrier) just all over as a "moisturizer", sometimes mixed with sea salt and used as a body scrub. I'm especially trying to get rid of some dehydration lines on my forehead, so I'm interested to see if the green tea and sunflower oil combination will do anything there.
No. 110883
>>110871Sugar will destroy your skin, my mother looks 20 years older because she did sugar scrub masks during her teens.
Don’t do it
DYIskincare in reddit is the way to go
No. 110922
>>110890baking soda is super alkaline, be careful with that. Tbh I'd think superfine sugar would be better than baking soda
>>110916Its not gonna destroy your skin but it can dry you out, people who are on strong actives or topical antibiotics can have issues with strong cleansers overstripping their skin or irritating it when it is delicate. If it works for you that's fine but popular consensus has moved towards recommending milder cleansers. Aside from that though Clean and Clear has products that aren't very modern and are usually very harsh. They still sell those high alcohol content toners for instance and other really harsh acne treatments despite gentler, efficacious alternatives existing now.
No. 110976
>>110964I used to have bumps all over my legs from shaving - this is how I solved it.
Make sure you are always shaving in a warm room (avoid goosebumps). Next - stop using shaving cream. Instead try something smoother or more lubricating. Conditioner, body butter and certain oils (the types that won’t clog pores) have worked for me. You just need to rinse your razor off more often. Don’t apply too much pressure and shave it short motions rather than long dragging motions.
Afterwards (if you didn’t use it earlier) apply lotion or body butter to your shaven skin. You don’t want it to dry out and get irritated.
Also a sharp razor is an important part of avoiding ingrown hair. So is exfoliating.
Hope this made sense! My English is especially bad in the morning.
No. 111049
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I have a weird indentation in my right cheek, about half an inch under my orbital bone, curving with the bone. It looks like a wrinkle underneath the typical eye socket crease. If I scrunch my cheeks up, I can feel the indent even more, like it's in the muscle.
What the hell is this and how can I get rid of it? Is it a weird wrinkle, or could it be from physical trauma? I had a pretty bad black eye around half a year ago and I think the crease showed up around that time. I can't find anything at all online though…
Picture attached; put some filters on it to make it stick out more because my phone camera doesn't pick it up. It's the line in the middle. Trust me in that it's really noticable IRL.
No. 111052
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>>111049Second pic from a more straight angle. With my already prominent eye bags the extra crease makes it look like I have shark gills on one side of my face. Fml.
No. 111064
>>111058I'm 23, and I haven't lost any weight.
I guess it does match fat loss under the skin that comes with aging. Now that you bring it up, that has to be what it is. Never even crossed my mind, didn't think that would effect me so young when I don't smoke or drink or anything.
Thanks for responding. Don't really want to do cosmetic procedures; think I'm too young for it and it's also just not something I would invest in for something so relatively small. Maybe when I'm a lot older. For now, going to try using retinol and stepping up my antioxidant intake.
No. 111095
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This shit is a miracle in a jar if you have dehydrated skin.
No. 111096
>>111095personally I wouldn't use it, haven't seen a face cream with more silicones than this one. So it makes the skin look extremely nice but suffocates it and the bacteria grows. Wouldn't recommend if one's prone to acne.
Laureth-7 is potentially dangerous, it can release the by-product that causes cancer.
No. 111172
>>111171Basically, retinoids are a bit milder, whereas retinOLs are stronger. People tend to prefer retinoids because they're not as irritating but gives the same results as retinols.
You're right! There is a lot of different info out there, but the gist of retinoids/retinols is that they increase skin cell turnover, which kills off old, dead skin cells and generate new skin cells, collagen, etc. That being said, it can sometimes make your skin "release" all the clogged oil that was trapped before the old skins were turned over, etc. Does that make sense?
I'm not too sure, to be honest, as everyone's skin is a bit different. I personally haven't really noticed a purging, but it has been really helpful to decrease those pesky, hormonal, cystic acne.
Right now, I'm using TO's 2% retinol with squalane, and my skin hasn't been irritated, but that could be because I have continually used a retinoid. If you're just starting, wear a moisturizer first and then apply the retinoid after. Don't use it everyday; use it every other day (or even less) just so your skin gets used to it.
No. 111173
>>111172Thank you so much for the detailed answer, anon! Now I understand it a lot better lol
Can I ask which brand of retinoid you've used before?
No. 111299
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>>110785Does your dermatologist know the PPD of that sunscreen? "Broad spectrum" is pretty vague. And I agree with
>>110810. I've used that sunscreen before and "Ultra Sheer" and "Dry-touch" are complete and utter lies.
I live in bumfuck New Zealand and get my Jap sunscreens from Ebay. Haven't had any problems thus far.
>>110789Be better than Biore, anon.
No. 111300
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>>111173>>111171You should also not mix acids (AHA/BHA) with it. I use
The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion every other evening and it is not drying out my skin at all.
>>111297BHA and AHA products indeed make your skin more even and help with blackheads/big pores. I think Paula’s Choice still is the holy grail, it’s just soo expensive. I recently tried some other products because of that and still went back to PC. The products arrived one week ago and I am already in love with my skin again.
I don’t really like the COSRX BHA/AHA products. They are just not very effective. Their only good product is the Triple C Lightning Liquid imho, which I love. But if you’re a beginner and don’t have huge skin problems, you’ll perhaps like them. If not, try PC or The Ordinary, which has some great products as well and is really affordable.
No. 111310
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I have been using Biologique Recherche Lotion P50 non-phenol formula for about a month now and holy shit it is life changing. I thought it was going to do nothing and was only hype but it has changed my skin completely. My stubborn red spots from acne are gone completely and my skin feels so soft. Light wrinkles I had around my mouth are barely visible. I haven't gotten a single zit in weeks
It's expensive but 100% worth it IMO. You can get a small bottle which will last anywhere from 1-3 months depending on how often you use it and how much you use for about $30.
No. 111343
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I recently got a couple of the Rohto Skin Aqua Tone Up UV Essence and while it's decent I felt it hasn't quite lived up to the skin tone changing hype. And while the texture isn't anywhere near terrible, it kind of pales in comparison to many other Japanese sunscreens including Biore. Anyone else tried this? What's the verdict?
No. 111363
>>111333"Avoid overprocessed foods,dairy, and grains"
It targets all the food groups that cause acne lol. Besides you don't have to strictly follow it, it's just a good rule to follow.
No. 111365
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>>111364Whoops I posted without attaching the picture. Here's what they look like.
No. 111382
>>111365I've been using Retin-A 0.1% for about a year now and the only thing that fixed my wrinkles on my forehead was Botox.
In any case, I don't think Retin-A can fix your forehead wrinkles when you scrunch up like that, but it may lessen some of the ones at rest.
No. 111395
>>111365You might want to look into matrixyl, since those look like dynamic wrinkles rather than the static kind.
Deciem makes affordable ones.
No. 111458
>>111452etude house airy sun milk: sure if that's what you're looking for but I love mine
No. 111482
>>111473Go to Olive Young, get:
Hada Labo's Gokujun Cleansing Oil
Is Tree's Hyaluronic acid toner
Hada Labo's Rohto Gokujun Perfect Gel
and for masks, the Mediheal brand as well as the boH brand masks.
I have the same issues and my skin went from dull as shit with clogged pores to glowing and clear within 2 weeks.
I also recommend TonyMoly's black tea foaming cleanser as it doesn't leave me feeling dry.
No. 111584
>>111523Sounds like you need an occlusive. Vaseline is one you might already have at home (and true vaseline is non comedogenic). Or look into cerave's moisturizing cream. Oils are a good idea too.
Try googling different kinds of occlusives. Only thing is because a lot of them are heavy and will make you look oily, you might just wanna use them before you go to bed instead of during the day.
No. 111641
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>>111589I'd say to use clindamycin less, start by once a day.
No. 111695
>>111589I'd omit the Aztec clay mask since it's so strong and drying. The scrubs are really not that bad but you might be interested in the newer st Ives scrubs with hydrated silica, they can be gentler than sugar scrubs.
You can buffer retin-a, meaning you apply lotion first and then the retin-a on top of the moisturizer. I think applying it every 3 days like that is a good way for beginners to ease into it.
Gonna be honest but I've had such good results from retin a alone that I'd suggest cutting back on the clindamycin instead. Instead of applying nightly apply it only during the day using your retin-a at night.
No. 111728
>>111641Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it out and see how it works out.
>>111695Do you care to elaborate on what results you've had with Retin-A? I'm interested to know how it's helped other people since I've only been using it for like three weeks but haven't noticed anything yet except my skin peeling. I've been breaking out on my chin/jaw where I typically hardly break out in comparison to my forehead.
No. 111737
>>111734I just started using Paula's Choice calming facial toner, it's specifically made for sensitive and very dry skin. It doesn't dry out my skin and leaves a sort of silky hydrated feel different from any other toner I've used. Also go for moisturizers without any fragrance if you aren't already, and the least amount of harsh chemicals the better. I have pretty sensitive/reactive + dry skin and am super picky about what I can use and I usually find richer non fragranced stuff works best.
I've tried First Aid Beauty's ultra repair cream and now I use paula's choice retinol barrier repair moisturizer (not sure if you wanna use a retinol on top of accutane though). FABs moisturizer is pretty gentle and has colloidal oatmeal in it iirc which helps to sooth the skin even more, it's a more creamy not as thick moisturizer. It kinda leaves this weird feeling on my skin for me though so I go in with an occlusive afterwards when I do use it just to seal everything in and help it sink in a little better. Cerave's moisturizing cream is super rich and thick and will help keep the moisture from leaving your skin if you use it after moisturizer, occlusives like this aren't really meant to soak into the skin like a normal moisturizer though so it's more of a nighttime final step kinda thing.
Oils aren't a bad idea either. Grapeseed and evening primrose sooth my skin SO well when it's flaring up or especially dry.
No. 111755
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How much do you guys usually pay for microneedling?
I talked to an aesthetician and they told me that for my acne scars (very very mild, just a lot of PIH) I need 8mm needles and anesthetics. Is that bull? They recommended a peeling that would cost me 700 bucks instead.
Should I talk to someone else?
No. 112385
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>>112336I never even considered this, wow! My skin has been getting drier and drier since I added HA to my routine and I literally never thought it could be causing it, I'm so dumb…thanks anon!
I break out at the fucking drop of a hat so most moisturizers terrify me, but I really need to give it a shot. Any recommendations for a moisturizer I can pop on over it?
No. 113057
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Any recommendations for self-tanner that won’t have me looking like Donald Trump? I’m one of those ghostly pale people that can’t even find makeup fair enough at the drugstore (NARS Siberia for reference). I want to foray into fake baking but not sure I’m willing to dish $50/month or whatever it costs to go do it professionally, and even if I did I have no idea where I’d begin.
No. 113058
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>>113048Oops forgot to attach!
No. 113059
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>>113057I'd look into one of those fake tan moisturizers like the ones Jergens makes (pic related). I think it gives a natural look without being cheeto dusty and definitely the most cost effective option
No. 113060
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>>113059have you had any issue with streaking or missing spots? i've been actually considering the jergen's wet skin+firming for fair skin but i'm not sure if i need to go all out and get like the mitt and all that? i know you need to exfoliate beforehand at least.
No. 113141
>>113139I only do it in the evening to be on the safe side. I don't have acne anymore but I'll take the occasional pimple over dry skin any day, anti aging is more of a priority now.
I did just buy Ponds cold cream though and I'm amazed at how rich and moisturizing it is when you cleanse with it, so I might use it in the mornings.
No. 113142
>>113139I personally use a cleanser and exfoliator at night with a night cream, then I use a face wipe in the morning before I apply a moisturiser + sunscreen. :)
It is possible to wash your face too much.
No. 113147
>>113139honestly it's more important that you keep your hands out of your face, hydrate externally and internally and change your pillowcase every week. avoid sls's and alcohol in skincare products and get a water based moisturizer, since silicone based can be really rough on your skin.
for minimizing your pores appareance, i would recommend either a lactid acid (5% at most) or a BHA acid. i use mine from time to time and my pores are tiny, so it's a good exfoliator, you don't really need a face scrub or things like that.
when it comes to oils, they can hydrate even better when layering with a moisturizer, as to look in the hydration. essentials oils are a no go and stay away from anything with perfume in it. rose hip oil and safflower oil are cheap and last for a long time. just use them 2-3 times a week.
and you shouldn't really wash your face with anything but water in the morning, as you'll rid the skin of its natural oils and dry it out faster.
i only wash my face in the evening where i can take my time and really go into depth and use the serums and oils as i need.
No. 113176
>>113147Thanks for all of these tips! If you had to choose between the lactic acid and BHA which one do you recommend? Also, do you apply it over your entire face or just the areas that are prone to having more noticeable pores? I tried an acid exfoliator once (Strata Soft Touch AHA) and it dried out my skin horribly so I'm kinda nervous about trying acids again… I hear so many good things about them though and I'd do anything at this point to minimize the appearance of my pores.
Thanks for the oil recommendations I'll look into them.
No. 113184
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>>113176NTA but I swear by the AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution by TheOrdinary and I've seen a huge difference with my pores. They have an inexpensive lactic acid too, but it can be a lot harsher (in my experience). I have keratosis pilaris on my arms and use their lactic acid solution for that, but it's too harsh for my face.
No. 113187
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>>113185I use the 10% LA from TheOrdinary (it's a small bottle but it's only like $7 so that's nice) and another lifesaver (for me) is using an exfoliating cloth/towel in the shower. The one in the pic is what I use and they're like $5 on amazon, but be forewarned it is an intense exfoliant lol they might have slightly smoother grains if you're concerned about it being too rough, but it really helps the KP (for me). I use the original Hempz body lotion after the LA dries but I don't think that really makes a difference in my skin, you just want to make sure you're moisturizing after exfoliating and I like the smell of it lol. If you're really sun sensitive I would use a sunscreen lotion after the LA instead because all of those acids make you more prone to burning, etc.
No. 113205
>>113142What face wipe do you use?
What do other anons use? I am looking for something that won't be too irritating as I am acne prone but I feel like I need to wash my face in the morning before sunscreen and makeup but feel like I have to wash my face to do this…
No. 113238
>>113176you're welcome! i use a lactid acid from the ordinary and sometimes i like to use some witch hazel serum if my skin feels unclear. i apply it all over my face and down my neck, i don't wash it off or anything. at first you do have to build up a tolerance, so you start off 2 times a week with it on for like 1 hour, then cleanse. it only takes a few times for your skin to be able to tolerate it fx overnight and such.
snail serum and hyaluronic acid/serums are wonders for any skin and i can also recommend carrot oil for a deep moisturizing feeling.
No. 113261
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Guys, does this work?
No. 113293
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>>113261I haven't used this, but can vouch for Mario Badescu's drying lotion which I assume has the same intended effect (get pimples to go away). It's priced similarly.
No. 113381
I've been mostly following Byrdie's skincare routine for combination skin [ ] with pretty great results, especially as I've ditched all parabens, silicones, sulfates, etc.
I want to move beyond the basic cleanse-tone-moisturize and start to add the aha/bha serum and the retinol/retinoid, as I start to age. Does anyone have any advice on paraben-free, sulfate-free, etc/all natural products of this nature? And which work best with combination skin?
Also is that aztec clay mask a meme or not?
No. 113383
>>113348Biore watery gel sunscreen
Nivea Sun Protect Super Water Gel SPF 50/PA+++
I use nivea right now.
>>113381Aztec claymask works but it will clog your drain. I don't think it's needed unless you have acne or something. AHA / BHA should help keep your skin clear if you have a bit of blackheads.
I have combination skin as well. The rule of thumb is to know not all areas of your face need the same treatment or moisture.
No. 113440
>>113396I have problems with my forehead too, it's prone to dryness in the middle and oiliness at the hairline. I think it's just naturally like that, but I also assume it's partly because of my hair. Obviously it can get greasy, and I use dry shampoo in my bangs which I think is causing some dryness in my skin too.
Sorry no real answers for you, I'm just doubling up on the moisturizing.
No. 113446
>>113396>bumps like goosebumps Those are clogged pores, most likely. Maybe it's only on your forehead because only this area is prone to clogging for you. If it's also dry it's probably your
problematic area in general. Check your skincare - do you use a lot of cosmetics with comedogenic ingredients(clogging)? Do you use too much of anti-acne "for oily skin" products with alcohol in it(over-drying the skin)?
Try moisturizing more intensely, for example use hialuronic acid before moisturizer (or mix the two). Drink more water, less alcohol, eat less sweets/sugar. And for the bumps to disappear faster, use acid exfoliants like AHA/BHA peeling from The Ordinary (but remember to use sun protection if you don't already).
No. 113773
idk if any of you had the same experience as i am but i need another opinion besides my own that is really shady and can be dangerous to an extent to the client or patient.
Okay, so I have a nasty breakout and have had acne for my entire teen years so i was introduced to this dermatologist two years ago and while i was hesitant i was willing to change my face to a cleaner and less of a trash look.
Anyways, she recommended a lot of products and so my mom and i was willing to buy all of those if it helps but once i saw the packaging of the products i became hesitant. The bottles were white, a simple paper glued to it with names cream and lotions and etc but there weren't a list of ingredients, any indication that the product was safe to use and etc.
While I was reluctant to use it, my mother forced me and a few weeks later it bear great results. My face was clear, less oily that it used be and etc. However, as months passed by and my face was acne free. The products became irritating to use, like it burns my face and sometimes turns it red. I even have to sit down and close my eyes because it was unbearable for a few second then i apply it once again.
I managed to stop using the products the dermatologists gave me, never even bothering to come back for another appointment. Idk why im spouting all of this but i guess i need to let it all out in my chest.
I bought drugstore products since then and while it's a trial and error kind of situation i began to learn more and more about skincare and etc. So yeah, thanks for reading or not.
No. 113821
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Is there a good body sunscreen? I might be working outside again at my summer job and I want to prepare myself just in case it gets too hot for me to wear my uv hoodie from uniqlo.
I know Riemann helped me last summer, but I didn't like how it stained clothes. I'm eyeing the supergoop because it comes in a large size. It may be a bit pricy for the biggest size, but it's cheaper compared to the bottles of Riemann I spent on last summer.
No. 113961
>>113821The 2019 ratings aren't in yet, but the Consumer Reports sunscreen ratings from last year are how I decided.
I bought all three recommended sunscreens from 2018.>All the recommended products scored 81 or higher overall and were rated excellent or very good for UVA and UVB protection:>La Roche-Posay Anthelios 60 Melt-in Sunscreen Milk SPF 60 ($36, or $7.20 an ounce, score of 100).>Equate Sport Lotion SPF 50 ($5, or 63 cents an ounce, score of 99). Also a ''best buy.">BullFrog Land Sport Quik Gel SPF 50 ($8.50, or $1.70 cents an ounce, score of 95)The La Roche-Posay was purchased for my face, but I ended up hating the feel and use the Biore Sarasara Perfect Milk. It's fine for the rest of the body, but pricey compared to the other options.
I bought the Equate Sport and the Bullfrog for myself, my brother, and my boyfriend. They both preferred the Bullfrog because the texture is unlike most sunscreens, and not greasy. I like both and will use the Equate more often in the morning because I have a huge pump bottle in the bathroom. It's a little greasy like any lotion, but nothing awful. It's fine for keeping your hands and other skin protected. None of the sunscreens have been difficult to get out in the wash, and I've never had to use any stain treatment.
No. 113993
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>>113821idk if this is available outside of sweden but this is hands-down my new favorite sunscreen — it’s gentle enough to use on the face, the mousse doesn’t streak or make you feel greasy and absorbs quickly + is easy to distribute evenly, and the bottle lasts for a really really long time. it’s been a lifesaver for me.
i use the kids’ version because i’m extra sensitive and the bottle is bigger but there’s an adult version too.
No. 114302
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>>114293tbh, I use the back of my index fingers in a
trigger hold to squeeze like in pic related (only example I could find to explain what I mean) I use them like you would the tips of your index fingers. it feels a bit more hygienic to me but I don't know. If it's really small pimple, I gently squeeze with q-tips. I know it's better to just leave them but they heal faster when I pop them so cbf waiting and I haven't had scarring before but that's just me.
No. 114329
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>>114327I'm really into this stuff lately. It has a white cast which I personally like a lot since I have a fair but sometimes uneven skintone. The non-spf Cetaphil daily moisturizer is also very nice imo.
No. 114470
>>114293I do the
>>114302 thing as well just with tissue wrapped around my fingers, and apply tea tree or whatever afterwards. Mine also dont go away unless I pop the stupid things. Sometimes if I'm worried that the stuff will seep out i put a tiny band aid on it, especially when I sleep
>>114367Where is it anon? I get those sort of things on my chin around period time or something similar, like a welt, with my allergies.
On another note, my skin was great for months and then I got this insanely stubborn patch of awful and noticable spots of varying sizes on the side of my chin. I tried EVERYTHING and couldnt get them to subside, another one would pop up within a few hours and it was so annoying. I ended up finding a master sheet on how you can actually have fungal acne rather than bacterial. I am an anon from the hair thread who has sebhorreic dermatitis, basically permanently in the beginning stage of dandruff where your scalp is oily and waxy as fuck. Which is exactly what also happened to my face. Now I use anti dandruff mens shampoo on my hair and my face and I shit you not, it's going away. Turns out theres a list of stuff like fatty acids and most oils you need to avoid for it, and shit like zinc and squalene is great. If you have stubborn acne I'm gonna link the blog here because I'm so fucking grateful I stumbled on it and it's really thorough on products even started using a thin layer of vaseline as an occlusive, something I would never have done before, and it's fantastic
No. 114489
>>114476Do you live in a really dry climate? You could look into getting a humidifier for your room to get some moisture. And of course drink lots of water.
Something that worked really well for me was applying a few thin layers of hyaluronic acid to my lips at night and then sealing it in with Aquaphor.
No. 114503
>>114476your toothpaste might be too strong for your lips. try switching to a toothpaste without sulfates and see if that helps!
not sure if you've used it before, but aquaphor lip therapy (i think that's what it's called) is really great. i use it every night and i live in a dry climate.
No. 114545
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>>114544Splurge: Paula’s choice retinol serum
Budget: ordinary retinol 1% (they have different percentages depending on your skin)
No. 114556
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Any of you anons try this face wash? I bought it last night and for the first use I really like it! My skin has been hectically dry lately, even with putting moisturizer on it (I think it's because my other cleanser was specifically for acne, but my acne has calmed significantly since I bought it half a year ago.) I'm just curious to know your experiences with it!
No. 114716
>>114713Hit or miss, it worked for me for about a month but the month after that I still had a hormonal breakout and monster cramps/flow.
It really is the sort of thing you have to try yourself. Hope it ends up working for you!
No. 114736
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Posting this from my phone so hopefully the image shows.
But I have discoloration above my mouth, near my nostrils just like the picture above. I hate foundation/makeup but want to be more confident with my bare face as the redness really stands out against my super pale skin. Other than this, my skin on my bare face is pretty even except for my deep eye circles as a result of genetics.
Is there any way to get this area more even? Like a product that could potentially lighten this area specifically?
And I guess also, maybe if there’s something that might lighten purple circles under ones eyes. I know my bone structure is probably to blame but if I can minimize the prominence of my under eyes without resorting to filler or makeup then even the smallest difference would make me so happy.
No. 114909
>>114736The eye circle caused by deep set eyes/low facial fat around eyes… you can circumvent with plumping products under the eye but nothing will work as well as fillers.
The redness depends on what it is caused by. Seborrheic dermatitis is a pretty common culprit for that and there's a fuckton of literature on what can be done about it.
Basically you're gonna need antifungals and stop using things that could be feeding the fungus on your face. Fun!Might also be sensitivity or surface redness, but it being around the nose makes me think it's SB.
No. 114933
So I've tried everything OTC related to skincare since I was a teenager, tried the anti-fungal shampoo on face, tried an elimination diet for a month, and my acne hasn't budged. In over a decade, it hasn't gotten worse, it hasn't gotten better, it just cycles through like 5-10 zits on each side under my cheekbones. It's not lifestyle because I change pillowcases every two days after flipping once, I wash towels every two days, I change the sheets and wipe down stuff I touch every week. It's not touching because I rest my hands under my chin, and I don't get acne there. I am so so so frustrated. I've put off seeing a dermatologist because I have no insurance, but I guess I have to save up and go. Should I tell them what I've eliminated as possibilities? I'm guessing it's both hormonal and genetic since my dad had really bad acne too, should I tell them my suspicions? Or would it just not be helpful to their diagnosing process? I'm nervous about the cost too..
No. 114938
>>114933I hate to say it because I'm avoiding it myself (currently trying antifungal routine), but accutane might be your only choice. It's a miracle for many although it dries you out and may
trigger depression amongst other risks.
So yes, save up for the derm if it's that meaningful for you.
No. 114956
>>114909Fillers are like my last resort but I know my dark circles are bad since concealers do not help my dark circles at all. It’s clearly a bone structure issue :(
Also for the seborrheic dermatitis thing, it looks like that’s a peeling condition. What i have is just darkened pinkish/reddish skin around the area. Generally I don’t even break out there but I want to lighten the area so it doesn’t stand out so much compared to the rest of my face.
Is there a good lightening product for pigmentation?
No. 114961
>>114958Hi anon, I'm intrigued..
How long does it last?
Have you had to get it re-done yet?
No. 114965
>>114956Nah it doesn't have to get to the peeling stage, sometimes it's just blotchy and sometimes it comes with some skin colored bumps etc. It is usually at least a little itchy though.
If you're 100% sure it's just pigmentation then you can look into exfoliating with an AHA and brightening the area with vitamin C. You'll need religious sunscreen usage if you do decide to use brightening actives, do bear that in mind. Rosehip oil and sea buckthorn oil are both said to be good for evening out coloring though oils are very YMMV. Vitamin C always works afaik.
No. 114966
>>114956Nah it doesn't have to get to the peeling stage, sometimes it's just blotchy and sometimes it comes with some skin colored bumps etc. It is usually at least a little itchy though.
If you're 100% sure it's just pigmentation then you can look into exfoliating with an AHA and brightening the area with vitamin C. You'll need religious sunscreen usage if you do decide to use brightening actives, do bear that in mind. Rosehip oil and sea buckthorn oil are both said to be good for evening out coloring though oils are very YMMV. Vitamin C always works afaik.
No. 114990
>>114956Wtf anon are you me? I have that same problem of redness around my nose and also really bad dark circles that are a result of bone structure.
There's a really good article on reddit's asianbeauty subreddit about fungal acne, maybe it's time we both give it a try and see how we feel?
For dark circles, the only thing that helps is a salmon-based concealer. I reeealllly love Pixi's under eye corrector under my foundation. Of course you're still gonna have that "line" from your bone structure, but tbh almost every single guy I've dated has cited that as one of my most attractive features. Emilia Clarke even has 'em and looks bomb!
No. 115044
>>114965It's not SD then. I'll take your suggestion though and report back after trying some remedies out.
Do any of you guys have a suggested AHA that doesn't have filler comedogenic stuff in it? My skincare routine is super simple and it's done wonders for my skin but I'm terrified of adding stuff and breaking out again.
>>114990I'm gonna try out that concealer. Also I tried Nizoral Shampoo and tried an anti-fungal routine but didn't notice any difference. I think it's just the coloring of my skin there so I'm probably going to try out something that will brighten the area like vitamin C.
No. 115295
Idk where is best to ask this, here or makeup thread, but how do you anons pack for international travel? I'm going to be away from home for a few months, and I have a lot of products at home that I like to switch up. I have some travel size bottles I can put products into, but I don't want to pack too much stuff. At the same time I know this stuff goes bad after a while, so I want to use it up, and I'll be in the sun and don't want to have to rebuy stuff in a foreign country. I'm planning on blending my hemp seed and argan oil in one, a body lotion in another, and a spray bottle of witch hazel, and taking my moisturizing cream, a small mask kit, some rose water, and sunscreen. My prescriptions can go carryon so idc. Plus I need to take makeup stuff too and maybe my cleanser. Is this overkill or does it sound similar to what you do?
No. 115310
>>115295Depends what sort of travel. If you're moving around the whole time and have to carry it around with you, it's probably overkill tbh… idk your skin though, is it gonna freak out without masks and rose water and witch hazel etc? But if you're in one spot the whole time, you may as well just keep whatever regime you have at home.
I only travel for a few weeks at a time so I tend to just simplify my routine to cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen because I hate overpacking and extra weight. I only need travel sized cleanser and body lotion, I buy a specific The Ordinary moisturizer that comes in a small tube, and I use smallish Japanese sunscreen bottles. Oh and I bring the little hydrocolloid pimple patches just in case.
No. 115335
>>115332If you aren't using them already, I've read that glycolic acid exfoliation or peels can help with collagen production. And they're safe to use with rosehip oil and if you have dry skin.
I got mine for scars but it's also started to minimize some fine lines and big pores as well.
No. 115923
>>115468 sound strange but I started using this a few weeks ago and my skin has never been better. Less oily (but not dry), pores are cleaner, and it's the only cleanser I can use twice a day that doesn't dry out my skin. For reference my skin type is also dehydrated and I'm prone to acne. Since I started using this my skin keeps improving.
Not sure where you live but where I'm from you can sometimes find this in travel size bottles. The regular size is only around $7 though and if it doesn't work out for you it makes a great hand soap since it's not drying on the skin. Highly recommend giving this a shot!
No. 116007
>>115985From personal experience SqualAne (NOT olive derived and not squalEne.) is the best one. No color, absorbs well, fungal acne safe, doesn't clog anything in my experience, and I'm hella clog prone. I also like rosehip and sea buckthorn fruit oil but they both stain the skin and you will look bright yellow. Jojoba is said to be good, as is sweet almond oil. Mineral is also always an option. You could also go for something like Aquaphor or Vaseline. Whatever occlusive works for you skin, which you'll need to mainly test to see if it works fine. Patch testing is good to do.
Personally I let my shower run hot so the bathroom is nice and misty (i guess a humidifier would work too lel), then i wash my face as normal, with lukewarm water. I very lightly pat with a towel (just to get some excess water off) and then I drop 4-6 drops of squalane on my palm and rub it on my wet face. Similar to how you'd apply baby oil straight after the shower on a wet body. I'll massage and gently press the oil in and stay in the misty bathroom for a few minutes, until it all settles.
You can definitely add a humectant as well, but do bear in mind, it's just attracting moisture to the outer dead layers of skin. It does even out texture and plump it up though so could be worthwhile if you've got uneven-ness there. If you're flaking despite the occlusive and humectant, it might just be that you need to exfoliate a little. Or your cleanser/water is too harsh. There are some creams that claim to plump the skin and while they do often include humectants they also have irritants which
trigger your immune response and that swells the skin. It's not dangerous but it's not a benefit of "hydration", it's something else entirely.
Basically skincare is a huge mess and it's hard to pin down what is causing what cause there are too many variables and no two humans live in the same exact conditions. Yay.
No. 116271
>>116267yeah, that is true, in a dry environment they will draw the moisture from your face to the environment, however, you can reverse this if you apply them on a slightly damp face. bit impossible though if you also have an acne medication step or something else that
needs to go directly on the skin before the humectant layer.
oh also I don't recommend the ordinary's 2% HA, not sure why that was, but it gave me a rash all over. tbf i do have a very sensitive skin.
No. 116297
>>116264Yeah I’m moisturizing. My routine is ordinary hydraulic acid and surface hydration in the morning and before bed. I always wash my face before then too with drunken elephants cantaloupe face wash.
Also to the other anon asking about the BC pill, I think it helps a lot because before I took it my acne was x1000 times worse and now I just get chin acne around my period. I tried to get a better stronger pill but my doc said to try acne cream combined with the lowest BC pill dosage. I’m thinking of getting a stronger pill because I don’t want my skin to age from Tactuo and Biacna
No. 116838
>>116836i use tunemakers.there's have a japanese beauty shop in my town, but it looks like it's available online as well. not shilling the shop since they are a bit pricy, but this looks like a pretty competent guide.
> essence on that page is listed as "moisturizing lotion" i have the water type. and i also have a few of their serums, the yuzu which is anti aging (not on the site i linked) and the hyaluronic acid for dryness.
i hope that helps!
No. 117149
>>117036A silicone-containing primer that fills pores (but put under the eye) and then a light layer of concealer might do a better job than thick concealer. The idea is that the cracks get filled with the silicone and then the concealer is just there to even out color and polish.
Plumping products in general will give you temporary but noticeable wrinkle dispersion. They all work differently but the most common technology they employ is either attracting moisture or harmlessly irritating the skin so the immune system
triggers and slightly swells the area.
Exfoliation or those needle facials are said to help with wrinkles, though I haven't looked into those methods at all.
No. 117382
I'm same as
>>117036 anon except i don't smoke. just shitty genetics and stress. Any products to recommend that have retinol OTC and have good reviews? Also, any recs on which exfoliants that are safe for use under the eye? I'm 26 and desperate
No. 117399
>>117036>>117382I come from a family with dark circles and my mom swears by Laura Mercier concealer: for treatments, what
>>117149 said is right, but what I do for myself is use heavy oils and creams, and hyaluronic acid/vitamin c should help. I usually use straight oils like coconut, argan, or hempseed, or use Alba Botanica Un-Petroleum. I have used eye creams but have found using CeraVe cream or straight oils have worked fine for my needs. Their eye cream is pretty cheap though and I liked it a lot.
I've heard the Paula's Choice retinol serum is good. I use prescription strength so it may be a bit too strong for under my eyes, I stick with the vit c/hyarulonic serum or use eye masks if I want a boost. Other anons also recommend The Ordinary for serums/products. I use prescription retinoids so I can't really provide firsthand experiences for OTC. What you need to do is stimulate collagen production and lock in moisture. The skin under the eyes is delicate so be mindful of how rough you are on it…however, microdermabrasion or gentle exfoliation done properly could help.
No. 117501
>>114962>>114961Not that anon but I've had my under eyes done twice. Mine lasted around two years the first time, but it can depend on your metabolism (mine is pretty slow).
Depending on how severe yours are/how fast your body metabolises the filler, you probably will have to get them re-done at some point but it's worth it.
As for pain, I had mine done with a needle and it didn't really hurt at all. You can't feel the filler under your skin, everything feels normal.
In my experience it did not completely get rid of my dark circles but it did make a very noticeable improvement. Mine were terrible though.
Make sure you do your research and go to a doctor with positive reviews - check realself.
No. 117811
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A few weeks ago I tripped and cut my knee open, it's now pink like this, how do I heal it so it doesn't scar?
No. 117858
>>117788Same!!! I got them done and I'm so glad I did. The best part is only needing it done about once a year. I feel like eyes are the first sign of aging. My under eyes have always been deep and hollow looking even with concealer and a good skincare routine. Nothing helps it when it is genetic. I'm 26 now and it started getting bad and depression wasn't helping them either (constantly tired and eyes burning). Sometimes I still get darkness under there but it took away the rings I used to have and I just love it now. Gonna super recommend like the other anons.
I just got off of birth control and my skin has been breaking out every month. I've been using the curology thing and it has been helping except for the hormonal break outs so I just messaged them and she updated my formula but I haven't finished my current formula yet. She also gave me good recommendations and mentioned the spearmint tea. I actually used to drink it and I feel like it helped but couldn't keep it up. So I had the good idea of just buying a spearmint supplement off amazon (and it's only about $6). So I can't wait to see how my skin clears up (hopefully, but I'm optimistic about it)
No. 117913
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>>117841It's like water for my skin
No. 117959
>>117933Damn, I just kmew posting that lotion here would reveal it's actually trash.
>I hate how all moisturizers use dimethicone because they want to trick us into thinking their products are effective.Can you elaborate anon? Tia
No. 117989
>>117965>>117968So to be blunt, these products will not help retain skin elasticity, look, and health?
Do you guys have any decent drugstore recommendations? I'm so sad that my beloved lotion is crap but I can't say I'm surprised.
No. 118047
>>118006>>118025Aveeno anon here and this is very interesting! That's kinda why I asked in
>>117989 if the dimethicone is actually negatively affecting my skin or if it's just personal preference. I guess I'll continue to use it after washing my face and applying makeup in particular, and perhaps use a more restorative lotion at night? Thanks for the info anons
No. 118052
Double posting but here is a tldr of the video in
>>118006silicone-based products and oil-free moisturizers:
>non-toxic with 0 reports of negative effects in humans to date>lightweight compared to other moisturizing agents (mineral oil, petroleum)>soften edges of and flatten skin cells, allowing top layer of skin to lie down smoothly, adding luminosity>slows transdermal(? I'm a noob) water loss, aka retains moisture>less occlusive than mineral oil and petroleum, not ideal for dry skin, but good for people with oily skin>water insoluable - stays on skin to retain moisture>low allergy, do not exacerbate acne>often in trentnoin cream bc the active ingredients in such products are drying, silicone helps keep moisture and heal acne>less of an oily cast >mixes with our sebum on skin and makes us look less greasy (this is true from my personal experience too)Sounds pretty good to me… What is the drawback?
In 10 years I'll come back and let you guys know how I fare lol
No. 118217
>>118165The only thing you should really be putting on following a derma roll is something very much "non-active" and moisturizing like hyaluronic acid. Your skin is super sensitive after a roll and you should treat it kind of like a wound. As the other anon said, retinol would be a bit harsh.
The scaly texture is normal, I've experienced it before if I go to hard/fast with the roller or if I accidentally overexfoliate at any point in my routine. Just keep up the (gentle) moisturizer and you'll be back to normal within a few days, promise.
No. 118574
>>118555bioderma shill
>>102272 reporting back again, still stand by this moisturiser, think it could work for oilier skin too as it's so lightweight. for a bit cheaper one, yes to carrots night cream
could also work as I've currently switched to that for money saving reasons and I feel it being bit drying for me on it's own (sorta makes your face feel as if you've put classic Nivea creme on if you know what I mean). both are as non comedogenic as can be and I haven't gotten any breakouts still and cerave used to give me cystic acne for comparison lol.
No. 118621
>>118560Thanks for the rec, I'll look it out.
>>118574I've actually used Bioderma Sensibio before, didn't cause me any breakout and it was pretty good but felt a bit greasy. Is the Hydrabio one any different?
Since I'm at it, I'm gonna ask my fellow oily skin anons ITT: is there anything to make it better, aside from temporary fixes like powder? I'm in the same situation as
>>113047 and it's seriously annoying.
No. 118662
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I mostly use Lacura to wash my face since it hydrates my face, I really should wash my face more since it's always dry.
>I think it's a good fave cleaner.
No. 118751
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>>118743Pic related is a gel, so it washes off more easily.
No. 118760
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>>118744Not a bad idea. I just bought Garnier's Ombrelle in picrelated today, it seems like it's easier to get off than my previous paste-like sunscreens so far. I've even tried shit like Etude's Sunprise mild airy on my legs (yep the tiny face spf) and that was a complete nightmare to take off. Aveeno's mineral one is also super difficult to remove. I'll try adding a tiny bit of oil to the body wash but I'm a bit spooked by the idea still lol.
Also broke out in a horrid heat rash on my legs today and I want to kms.
No. 118782
>>118660I got acne strictly on my cheeks, face was totally clear everywhere else. I was very clean.
It was 100% hormonal, didn't stop until I went to the dermatologist and went on some mild medication. Off medication now, no more acne because my hormones balanced out in this stage in my life.
No. 118830
>dry/combination/acne pronethat's just every type of skin kek
No. 118837
>>118830stop being a shitlord if you can't help her.
>>118828what price range do you want, anon? just off the top of my head i can recommend tonymoly tony lab AC control serum. it's pretty good for even sensitive skin.
No. 118842
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>>118830>that's just every type of skin kekHmm…yeah combination includes dry and oily patches. Who would have thought? Wow you're so witty and clever lmfao you fucking turbo loser.
No. 118880
>>118828Moisturizers… so like oil adding, maybe a little occlusive, but not too heavy on the already-oily parts? I've used Mizon Black Snail with some success, but it's easy to use too much. The Mizon pink tube is also fine if it's seasonal dryness. Stratia Liquid Gold is my HG but if you're very dry that may not be enough. If you want a thick cream just to hold serums and oils in place, I know it hasn't been popular for a few years, but the TCFS Pumpkin Sleeping Pack does it for me. The Hada Labo milks aren't bad either, the Premium is good too, and I've heard great things about the Benton Snail Bee stuff, but I'm allergic to propolis, so try it out I guess?
Idk, let me know if you have any ingredient sensitivities and I can try to find you something.
No. 119111
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to all my oily-skinned, acne-prone anons, i think i found a very good cleanser! it's about $50 so it is a bit pricey. i've been using it for a few months now and i haven't broken out or dehydrated my skin yet. it foams so well you just need to use a tiny speck for your entire face. it also smells very yummy. cruelty free and vegan. i highly recommend it!
Water, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Panthenol (Vitamin B5),Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Butylene Glycol, Brassica Oleracea(Kale) Leaf Extract, Spinacia Oleracea (Spinach) Leaf Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea)Leaf Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Medicago Sativa (Alfalfa) Extract,Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Extract, Natural Fragrance, Lecithin, HydroxypropylMethylcellulose, Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Chlorophyll.
>shit i can't pronounce half of these ingredients; are any of these problematic?
No. 119146
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Anyone have any experience with dealing with scab-picking? I already pick my pimples(bad and disgusting already) and then once it starts to crust and dry, I start peeling the red skin/scab off. Is there any way to get rid of them with moisturizing/exfoliating?
How do people deal with acne? Do you just let it calm down? Is it still red even if you don't pick it?
my skin looks like pic related, less severe though.
No. 119176
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whenever i shave my legs, this specific area gets extremely itchy. i use tons of shave gel and i barely touch my legs, even trying to go with the grain. the rest of my legs are fine, but it's only these specific areas on the shin that get super itchy. does that sound like eczema or something to you guys? i don't see any physical signs of a skin condition but they even itch through an eczema-specific cream i put on them. it drives me crazy and i have marks on my legs from itching so much i break the skin, ugh.
No. 119199
>>102505biore aqua uv gel
nivea water gel (cheaper)
>>102376layer up on ceramides, kiku sake toner is great
most importantly, drink water
>>103326Try BHA, paulas choice and stridex can do the job
drink more water, acne there stems from dehydration
>>119111No cleanser is worth $50 lmao
>>119146It would be less painful if your skin is moisturized so you won't pick. Try the scnic honey ampoule to help heal your scars and acne.
>>119176just moisturize after, happens to me too sometimes
No. 119214
>>119176Oh man, me too. I have a massive scrape up one shin from how hard I scratched recently, it sucks.
I use cocoa butter after shaving but maybe I should use a milder moisturizer. Though it doesn't happen all the time, I feel like it's worse in winter when I wear long pants. Maybe heat or contact affect it?
No. 119255
>>119244Not necessarily. Whether or not a product is "good" depends on its ingredients, and if the ingredients are a good match for your skin type. If you're in your 20s you don't even need to consider anti aging so you could just get by with the cheaper stuff. For cleansers it could be as low as like 10-30.
I'm 24 rn with combo skin and I personally use the cosrx cleanser which is just under 15 on Amazon.
No. 119353
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Recommendations for healing face scars?
I got chicken pox as a adult early this year. I had my vaccinations as a kid, but i was that lucky 10% to get it as an adult…
I've been using The Ordinary's 0.2% retinol (i might be a bit mixed up of the percentage) to spot treat the scars and it's been working pretty well, as well as using sunscreen in the daytime. The scars are healed, but they're kinda.. crater like.
Is there anything else that can help? Anyone have the same experience?
No. 119955
>>119715All you really need is for it to be fragrance free. I don't think the rest of the ingredients really matter, since detergents generally use the same chemicals to wash your stuff effectively.
>>119757Mine fucks up if I skip some stuff as well. Even just staying indoors all day builds up enough garbage for my skin to get irritated by. Exfoliation I can absolutely do without, but I have to wash my face and moisturize. Plus it feels good to do skincare at night before bed! I bring my products with me when I plan to stay over somewhere.
No. 120208
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Does anybody have any recommendations for night creams / lotions that are also anti-aging and moisturizing?
I've done well so far staying out of the sun & putting on sunscreen everyday and using an alpha hydroxy cream (pic shown).
However, I use the alpha hydroxy cream sparingly, because I've heard of pushing the rate of cell turnover is bad for the skin. The rest of the time, I've been using the Egyptian magic cream but I feel like it's too greasy and because I toss & turn when I sleep, my pillowcases get gross quickly.
I did try the CeraVe night lotion for a while back but I've notice that there's some kind of ingredient in it that gives my skin white bumps all over my skin every time I use it.
No. 120210
>>120191If you wear waterproof or heavy makeup it's worth trying out. If you skin tolerates oil, it'll probably appreciate the extra help.
I prefer micellar water+microfiber cloth personally.
No. 120223
>>120215Are those good for combo skin with very dry cheeks? I hate that super dry, squeaky clean feelings I can get from some cleansers.
I bought the Klavuu Pearlisation Oil Cleanser and it has mineral oil in it and some people are saying it's bad while others say it's just a myth. What's the truth?
No. 120266
>>120236Nivea's the one I'm using, it's even the rosy one! I think it is working since it only dries up after a night's sleep but during the day I end up smudging or taking it off to eat (I can't stand the greasy feeling of things on my lips). I never really considered skin care for the lips before but I'll consider a lip mask, some of them look fun to do.
>>120238I usually don't drink enough, but even when I have dozens of glasses a day to deal with the heat it doesn't change much. Do you think it's okay to use other kinds of acids? I have some products from The Ordinary, but not hyaluronic.
No. 120278
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i don't know what it is about this moisturizer (Neutrogena hydro boost water gel) that does my skin so good. i tried switching to a cheaper face lotion a while ago but my skin started flaking like a motherfucker. i caved and went back to this water gel, and my skin is perfect again! i love it but i'm also mad at how expensive it can be at some stores. sigh
No. 120449
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i bought this a month ago and always stored it away from light - now i'm on holiday and left it out in my room for a 4 days. i just read you're supposed to buy in in a light blocking container and this is not so optimal… can i still use this? i mean the bottle is kinda hazy and it wasn't in direct sun light…
No. 120592
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I'm freaking out a bit. I've been doing sugar scrubs twice a week for years now, probably since I was 15 (21 now), but people keep saying they're bad for you, even in this thread. They make my skin super soft and smooth, so I kept doing them. I usually just mix (white) sugar with water and scrub my face with that in the shower. Do they really age your skin? People always assume I'm underage, so I don't think they have aged me so far. Are there any studies on this? I'm horrified of premature aging, so this is very worrying.
No. 120644
>>120640There's nothing you can to make them go away. They will fade and become hardly noticeable in time, but they're literally deep tissue scars. Dermarolling is a shit meme, don't buy into it. You could also get laser or peel to fade them faster, if they really bother you. Otherwise, aside from getting a tummy tuck, they're with you for life.
Also if you JUST had a baby give yourself a break. No one's stomach looks good after that.
No. 120664
>>120662so the next day they're completely gone?
I'm assuming it will get better after a few times but I was planning on seeing my bf this weekend and the red bumps are just embarrassing lol
No. 120782
Recs for best balm for chronically-dry lips? I'm on medication that dehydrates me slightly so I'm always feeling dried out. I drink tons of water and pee every ten minutes, but my old Burts Bees is only just keeping it at bay.
Aquaphor need not apply. Imo it's pretty overrated. It's just petroleum jelly in a tube and didn't help any more than others.
>>120278I bought this because everyone loves it so much and it taught me that I'm sensitive to silicone. All my usual acne areas were clogged within two weeks of regular use.
No. 120863
>>120855Happens a lot, it's just bad luck. Try to play with how you're epilating to see when you get less cut offs, from example mine works best after a really hot shower and well dried legs but some work better under the shower if they have a water mode.
I completely avoid shaving so if it happens usually I'll either get a tweezer and take care of the hair (if it's quite dark) or just leave it, who cares about a few hairs.
No. 120894
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I have a terrible fear of moisturizer.
My acne was super bad and sensitive growing up so I constantly put drying products on my face so that I wouldn't get acne… Now I'm worried that I've permanently damaged my skin into aging earlier. Currently using pic related but I'm still terrified that my acne will immediately come back!
No. 120901
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>>120894i was the same way but unfortunately clinique products break me out too
i definitely think gel cremes are the way to go though and along with
>>120900 's suggestion, i'm a trader joes moisturizer shill so i recommend their gel moisturizer
No. 120911
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>>120894I hate moisturisers too for similar reasons, except i'm a greasy mess. Benton aloe soothing gel is that only thing i like.
No. 120975
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My nose looks like a damn strawberry because of how enlarged my pores are. How do I shrink them to a normal size at least? I've heard of laser, but I'm open to any suggestion.
No. 120977
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>>120975have you tried any aha or bha chemical peels?
i've been using this from paula's choice lately and it's been helping the noticeable pores on my nose a lot.
unfortunately a lot of that is genetics so you might have to go the way of the laser when it's all said and done, but it's worth trying.
No. 121542
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>>121337Whoops, forgot the pic lol
No. 121981
>>121978Thanks, just wanted a confirmation.
Would it be possible to go past my skin tone and get lighter? I'm not really looking to do this, so if I should switch to a normal sunscreen once I'm even, let me know.
No. 122830
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Any of you anons use derma smooth? My doctor prescribed it, but I'm kind of scared of the side effects. Its my first steroid, so I'm paranoid in general. Also my it's partly for moderate eczema on my armpit, but it says dont put on armpits. Can I put it on my back?
No. 123105
Here to say Blistex has saved my crusty lips. I don’t think the menthol in similar products really does anything but I found the tingling helped me judge whether I applied it to every spot (which might be the point but it’s still neat!) now I’m gonna reply to some old ass comments and ask: any anons know what to do about ‘chicken skin’? I have it on my neck and my upper arm skin like the strawberry problem some anons describe but I dont even shave there.
>>113184The smell and color remind me of pickled beetroots but hey, it actually does something to the pores/black heads on my nose. It’s much better than cheap drugstore nose strips. My skin is combo oily in the T zone which I use their niacinimide for which worked really well for me. I must have bought 4 or 5 bottles of it by now amd I can make it last for months.
>>113047 maybe this anon should try it, my skin is never that oily but I used to come home every day with a shining nose even if I tried to cover it with product.
And I hope this works for someone: I used to make DIY facemasks out of stuff, one day I made a coffee paste with the really powder granules and tried it and I’m convinced it made my dark circles 90% less visible but I don’t have eye bags, just temporary smudges from lack of sleep so idk if caffeine would work on genetic pigmentation there
No. 123106
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>>105028Samefagging to an old post but I use kojic acid soap and recommended it to my pasty Irish friend who said she had a weird tan around her ankles and the soap "worked in like a week".
Does anyone else use kojic acid soap/can vouch for it here? Or tell me if it’s actually really bad for me? I’ve been using it for like 3 years now and it took me from A5 to B3 on this chart (was trying to get rid of a tan because I refused sunscreen for years over the texture) and unlike some people it didn’t dry me out or make me react, at least after the first week.
No. 123354
>>123347You might not need to cleanse twice a day especially if you're not using a gentle product, stripping your skin of moisture is not helpful even though it seems counter intuitive when you're getting pimples. Do you use any other products? Moisturizer and sun screen are the bare minimum along with a cleanser but if you're serious about improving your skin, read (and the rest of the subreddit in general).
No. 123387
>>123354>>123357I'm using Boots Botanical cream cleanser, toning spray, and facial oil. At night I use the cream and toner, then use The Ordinary lactic acid solution and azaleic acid suspension instead of oil. I'm trying to clear spots, but also improve texture and elasticity because I'm nearly 30 and have not been kind to my skin over the years. It definitely shows.
>>123364I just don't know how to fix it at this point. I wish I'd been more dedicated when it first started going shit…
No. 123394
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>>123347>>123357>>123364Are you guys talking about something like pic related?
No. 123425
>>123347 and yes, that's what I was talking about. Lots of little pits that just never go away. Just means that dirt and oil is constantly getting trapped. So frustrating.
No. 123431
>>123425Oh, I was referring to those tiny white bumps. I thought it might be something similar when 'sandpaper' was mentioned.
Does anyone know what the bumps are?
No. 123432
>>123431They look like sebaceous plugs. When you squeeze them do white plugs or strings ooze out?
The only way to treat it is with exfoliation and moisturizer.
No. 123463
>>123431Fuck, sorry. The white things are so tiny I didn't see them until I came back, read your comment, and maximised the photo to look for them!
>>123428Yeah, I've been a habitual picker since my teens and it's destroyed my skin texture.
No. 123636
>>123616>>123626this, i use shiseido senka mineral water uv essence, since they reformulated biores watery essence
all of the products i use are from his list and it has helped me immensely
No. 123670
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>>123656Have you looked at the Canmake Mermaid Gel UV, it was mentioned in another thread not too long ago. I'm pretty sure it is alcohol free and fragrance free. I use it every day and absolutely love it. Great for an everyday primer too just really makes my skin pop.
No. 123705
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have anyone tried any of the pure and care serums? I´ve got a small bunch, but it can sometimes take time to see results when it comes to skin. My main problem are my huge pores (my skin literally looks like orange peels), and they're constantly clogged bc of my oily skin. Constant blackheads that are super hard to get rid of. I feel a bit alone, bc no products seems to help at all and the only way to get rid of them is to squeeze them out. I'm currently testing the 2% BHA serum, hoping it will easy it up a. bit
No. 124117
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Do LED beauty devices really work? I've seen one piece led masks and the sticks advertised all over the place. Apparently this shit will magically solve every skin problem you have! Is there even scientific proof to back the claims?
No. 124192
so i recently tried to replace my curology formula (azelalic acid 4%, cindamycin 1%, zinc 0.25%) with the ordinary products, as my skin isn't having any of the same troubles i needed curology for + i can't justify the price now.
i'm 21 and my main skincare concerns currently are dullness and my veiny, dark under-eye circles. my skin is combination. after a lot of research into their products, i finally bought: glycolic acid 7% toner, "buffet", niacinimide 10% + zinc 1%, hyaluronic acid 2% + b5, caffeine solution 5% + egcg, and one of their vitamin c suspensions.
the only problem i have is how many new products i have and i'm a bit lost on what order to apply them in, mainly the serums. i know to apply toner right after cleansing, and to apply vitamin last, before moisturizer, and never alongside the niacinimide. i just worry that i won't apply the serums in the right "order" so to speak. any opinions?
No. 124233
>>124211Have you considered that it may be fungal acne? It tends more towards being on the body.
>don't let hair or shampoo ever touch body in the shower>salicylic acid>cut out dairyThe last one was the cause for me and now my back is clear which it hasn't been for YEARS. Chest was fungal though.
Good luck anon! I know bacne (and assne) hurt like hell and feel for anyone suffering with it.
No. 124237
>>124236Depends on severity, but using nizoral as a "mask" a couple times a week and/or applying sulfur ointment with an otherwise fungal safe routine should do it for most.
Big list of fungal safe products on this page: cleared up my chest which was borderline body horror level disgusting to start with. Although my face fungus is hanging on harder (I'm also this
>>124119 anon) so drugs are sadly what I'm resorting to.
No. 124283
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Anyone tried led eye thing?
No. 124287
>>124272>>124251Have you two tried AHAs? And using non-comedogenic products only?
It sounds like closed comedones to me.
No. 124322
>>124287I've been through a bottle of lactid acid before, that's an AHA right? That didn't do anything for the bumps.
I know not to slap coconut oil for example on my face but I'm not sure how to check if my store-bought products are non-comedogenic.
No. 124387
Is there an age where it's abnormal for you to still have issues with acne? I'm 23, which isn't old, but I can't stand the thought of dealing with this into my 30s. I've been seeing a dermatologist for years now. Starting to consider accutane but given my issues with depression and the monthly pregnancy tests/two forms of birth control, I'm scared, and I also don't know if my dermatologist will prescribe it if he hasn't in something like five years of seeing him? It feels like whenever my acne gets better, I start getting cysts or they pop up all over me. This time it was fucking body acne and small zits on my cheeks/jawline, both places I have never really gotten it on. The body acne mostly fucked off after my teens and very early 20s. I've taken low-dose antibiotics that would make this a little better for a while, but I'm also prone to yeast infections, so that sucks too.
I just want this to end, holy fuck, why do I still get acne this bad if I'm using prescription topicals?
No. 124397
>>124361I also don't wear foundation, just concealer for
problematic areas. Haven't found better shit than Maybelline Affinitone concealer - it blends with your skin like no other, perfect for no foundation look. I don't use powder etc, it sticks to skin alright
No. 124398
>>124361I also don't wear foundation, just concealer for
problematic areas. Haven't found better shit than Maybelline Affinitone concealer - it blends with your skin like no other, perfect for no foundation look. I don't use powder etc, it sticks to skin alright
No. 124800
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>>124192 and deciem did get back to me with a recommended routine, which is fine, but i find that my serums are really prone to pilling, especially with either of my day moisturizers (both have spf). i've spoken with a friend who also uses their products and she says the hyaluronic acid pills up on her, too. since my skin type is combo i think i can get away with just not using it anymore.
i'm probably not going to use the vitamin c serum anymore since it pills, too. i'd try their azelalic acid (one of my old curology formula's components) if half the reviews didn't complain of pilling.
No. 124886
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>>124800so i've had the same issues with deciem's serums pilling up, and what i have found that helps immensely is using a water-based mosturizer/spf after applying the serums. i don't use their spf because it's way too heavy for me.
this korean moisturizer is working great for me on top of their serums and pretty much prevents them pilling (i'm assuming because of something to do with the water content). ~$15USD on Amazon. only bad thing is it's not waterproof so be careful using vitamin c under it if you'll be sweating. nice thing is it also has HA and niacinamide.
Water,Butylene Glycol, Butyloctyl Salicylate, Glycerin,Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate,Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Acrylates Copolymer, Silica,1,2-Hexanediol, Niacinamide,Dibutyl Adipate,Ethylhexyl Triazone,Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Cetearyl Olivate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Sorbitan Olivate, Glyceryl Stearate, Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Sorbitan Stearate, Centella Asiatica Extract, Madecassoside, Asiaticoside, Madecassic Acid, Asiatic Acid, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-di-t-butyl Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, Disodium EDTA, Adenosine, Hyaluronic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Tocopherol
No. 124888
>>124777What about applying the wax though like how do you get the insides of your labia too
Idk how to explain it but like there's hair in the folds too and I have to pull my labia to get to that hair when I shave and I can't imagine properly putting wax on there
No. 125159
>>114736I have redness in very specific areas of my face and it drives me crazy. Below the corners of my lips, nostrils, and outer corners of my eyes. Any redness stands out like a sore thumb because im very pale.
I have shitty teeth that make me drool sometimes, so could the lip redness just be yeast? There are so many different things it could be its confusing.
Ive tried applying nivea cream nightly and after showers and it worked for a few weeks but it still flares up.
No. 126169
>>126146if you have sensitive and/or acne prone scan, rough exfoliants and sugar can make the problem worse, but people are probably overreacting to show off how much they know about skincare.
it's kind of like people into nails acting HORRIFIED to see a rough cuticle on a manicure or something.
No. 126609
>>126608get some sort of antibacterial cream like germolene or streptocide or whatever you have at your location to prevent it getting infected, germolene also numbs the area a bit so it's my fav. otherwise just repent your sins and hope for the best. if you have aloe gel, can try layering that on top as a cooling layer for your own comfort but tbh layering shit will do the opposite of help.
source: long history of picking
No. 126675
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I'm a complete beginner when it comes to skincare and I'd appreciate some pointers
my skin type is acne prone, maybe combination? I have an oily forehead and nose but my cheeks and chin can get dry patches I guess. my skin looks awful with bb cream or foundation on top of it (very bumpy. I just don't know the first thing about exfoliation) my main issue is small closed comedones on my cheeks and chin, and the odd whitehead. but generally feeling like I never truly exfoliate properly
my current routine below (pls no bully)
I've been doing the oil cleanse method for a few years and I like it. I use low comedogenic grapeseed oil (but thinking of moving to jojoba then I remove the oil with trilogy cream cleanser
(I think I need something less oily here to help remove the initial oil, cause this cleanser has rosehip seed oil in it) I give my face a kind of gentle scrub with a flannel at this point
once I'm done I either use a rosehip seed oil to moisturise or the ordinary's natural moisturising factors + HA (which I just finished) I also often add diluted tea tree oil into my moisturiser cause my face always does better acne wise when I include this. I don't put anything else on my skin and I wear makeup less than once a month.
any recommendations for products? especially a cleanser and a…. exfoliant of some sort? cruelty free options if possible. bonus point if vegan too. thank you!
No. 126689
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>>126679my closed comedones are like this pic and do look kind of like milia, they seem to be reasonably deep in the skin but I can 'pop' them and really stringy, thin pus comes out (sorry for tmi). I've actually tried a Paula's Choice things in the past and liked them so I'll look into the bha exfoliant - thanks for the recc! would this be classed as an exfoliant?
I already bought some jojoba oil lol oop, but I can always use it to moisturise my body. I'll keep an eye out for hempseed because I do want to continue my oil cleansing
thanks for reminding me about spf! I've heard good things about biore but they're not cruelty free unfortunately, which is a must for me :( thanks for your recc anyway though! my main issue (after the dreaded white cast) with spf is stinging of the eyes tbh. I've not managed to find one that doesn't hurt my eyes if I get a tiny bit in them during the day :(
No. 126690
>>126680thanks for your reccs, I've heard great things about Pixi glow tonic and I'm into the Ordinary since they're reasonably inexpensive and easy to find.
would using a glycolic acid be safe to use at the same time as the Paula's Choice bha exfoliant another anon reccomended, or would that be overkill?
No. 126723
>>126689yeah, I had those same things but mostly on my forehead! still idk whether they'd be classified as emilia or no. so annoying bc you could never pop them and they just sat there. But yeah, saint Paula took them away kek. Yes, it does count as an exfoliant bc it's a mild acid essentially. I don't think it's recommended to use both at once? But check it w a more reputable source lol
Jojoba was perfectly fine too, I just found I couldn't use it during the day as it would be
too oily you know what I mean? Hempseed absorbs much quicker. But then again if you're in the northern hemisphere, perfect timing for winter lol
For sunscreen you could try eltamd? I don't remember which one I had but it's a physical black and while it does leave a white cast, it had no comedogenic ingredients, I think they're also cruelty free! I changed to biore bc elta's was like over 20 quid for a thing and like am not that rich haha
No. 126756
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>>126723yeah from what I've read I shouldn't use both at the same time! I might try one for a period of time and see how it turns out.
I know what you mean about being TOO oily. luckily I only ever cleanse that way (w. oil) at night so I'm not to fussed about being a greaseball while I'm home lol. I will definitely keep hempseed in mind for the future though.
yeah eltamd is pricy, at least on amazon - it's like £35 lmao. thanks anyway anon. I'm also looking into Paula's Choice spf (again pricy but easy to find in the uk), luckily they do samples so I'm gonna try a few of them. thanks again for all your insight anon
No. 126758
>>126756Fucking hell, 35£ is extra steep, I got mine like 2-3 years ago and it was 23 quid or so back then and I already felt like committing a sin of some sort when buying it kek.
Looking forward to your report on paula's choice sunscreen, I frankly didn't know they made that but I'm interested!
No. 127065
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Hey guys, so I think I have a mixture of dry and oily skin. I have a huge habit of picking at my face and I recently got acne scars. Im 16, and I just wanna know how i can clear up my face and maybe lighten my acne scars a little? I tried black african soap, and it made my face break out. Ive been using a characol japanese face soap my mom got me, and it's been working pretty well, but I broke out again when i got on my period again.
No. 127073
>>127065We have pretty similar skin. What helped me was ditching traditional face cleansers and using Bioderma's micellar water (pink cap, sensitive skin) morning and night. I go over my face twice in the evening to make sure my sunscreen is fully removed.
I use Derma E's Tea Tree & Vitamin E cream all over my face twice a day. To help fade acne scars, I use Skin Food Fix's "MSM cream" (you can buy this on Etsy.)
Remember to use sunscreen daily otherwise the scars will get darker! I hope this helps you out. Also quick note I don't wear any makeup so if you wear a lot of makeup this routine might not work for you. Anyway my skin is super clear and healthy now after using this routine for a few weeks so I just thought I would share.
No. 127091
>>127050i have this same exact problem but my acne is still popping up with the scaliness & dried skin flakes. its super gross.
i told my dermatologist and she said to just apply moisturizer 30 minutes before the acne cream. this just gives me more acne and i still get scaly skin. you're supposed to get used to it within 1-3 months but if the scaliness persists, give it up. it'll only get worse like mine.
what do i do? i've been thinking about getting stronger birth control to prevent cystic acne around my chin/jaw/cheek area. right now i'm on ortho tri-cyclen (the mini-pill).
No. 127484
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I live in the states and whenever I visit Japan my hair and skin just starts looking & feeling amazing. My skin isn't horrible but I have some issues with dryness, a tiny bit of acne, and skin texture, but it completely goes away and my skin is so close to perfect in Japan. Same goes for my hair- usually a little coarse and dry, in Asia, perfect, everyday is a good hair day. I would pay good money for these perfect skin days to last in the US.
My skin and hair care doesn't change when I'm abroad at all. My diet doesn't change too much in Japan (if anything it's a little worse because I eat more sugar).
Could it be water hardness? And if so, is there some way to "soften" my water? Any other theories are very welcome.
No. 127491
>>127484When my (ex)bf went to Japan his acne was magically almost gone and after being back for a week or two it started coming back. He said that they don't use as much soap there and I wondered if maybe the soap he was using at home dried his skin out and gave him zits or something like that. I have no idea though.
Also you'd probably need a water filter for that. There are ones for faucets, but I don't know about shower heads.
No. 127492
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Just wondering if anyone else used either of these two? Had a glowing recommendation from a friend, and using them in tandem (niacinamide for the AM and vit C for the PM) have been fantastic for my fine line face wrinkles, I'm smooth as ever. The Vit C burns like a motherfucker though so definitely be mixing that with some decent moisturizer (it's suggested to apply moisturizer on top of the niacinamide too~)
No. 127507
>>127484It's crazy you say that because I was just in Japan for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I had the complete opposite reaction, my skin was the worst it's been since I was a young teenager, I had at least 4 or 5 large painful pimples at a time the entire time I was there and I have no idea why because my skincare routine was exactly the same as at home and I never missed any steps. As soon I got back home within a couple days I had no acne at all and I haven't gotten but one pimple since I've been back home. I'm also from the US. I don't think it has anything to do with the water to be honest.
>>127492I've used the niacinamide for a couple of years now and it's incredible but I use it for acne and oily skin rather than wrinkles.
No. 127622
>>127528You should try checking this out
>>123670. I have it too and think it works great, and I love how it has no fragrance
No. 127653
>>127643If your eczema is caused by malassezia try products from this list (the title says fungal acne but many conditions can be caused by malassezia, including eczema): if you have the time read this article about malassezia, it helped understand a lot of things I was doing wrong: it helps!
No. 127657
>>127652I have not, I'm a bit of a make up baby and haven't heard those words before. Is there a particular type/brand of those you would recommend I try
>>127653You know, I have never actually thought to try and find out what's causing my eczema, I will check these out, thank you
No. 127658
>>127657i personally have 0 experience w cold cream so i cannot recommend specific products, but i have heard it is good for people with dry skin. with micellar water, i usually go for the pink garnier one, no complaints, but my skin is not
that dry but rather acne-prone and sensitive.
No. 127706
>>127643Just a heads up about the micellar water mentioned
>>127658I bought it when I ran out of my old micellar water that was discontinued and it wreaked havoc on my dry skin. It didn't have any immediate adverse effects, but after 4-5 days, my skin was so flaky and sensitive, especially on my eyelids. It took almost a month for my skin to fully recover after I discontinued use.
My boyfriend tried to use it because he didn't want to waste anything and I have sensitive skin where he doesn't, but it dried him out too.
I don't have anything to suggest otherwise though. I still haven't found another makeup remover that works for me.
No. 127727
>>127657>>127706If you specifically want miscellar water maybe try the bioderma sensibio h2o? It's the one I've seen most recommended for sensitive skin and also for retinol users.
And if nothing else works, pure mineral oil is a great makeup remover because it's very neutral and doesn't interact with skin at all. The problem is that you need to wash it off with another cleanser/gentle soap because it just sits over your skin.
No. 127920
>>127782You might be using it too much of it and/or too often? Tretinoin is the mildest retin-a product afak. Your skin will be sensitive for ~month but should get used to it over time. I usually start w/ once a week until the side effects go away.
If you have Amazon prime try Aromatica 95% aloe cream (the one that's EWG rated). It's not as emollient but it should be soothing.
No. 127939
>>127752If you don't have any zits on those areas and your skin isn't too sensitive, try microdermabrasion. If you want something a bit more gentle try exfoliating the skin, physical and chemical exfoliation would work, it might take a while to see which products are right for your skin type.
Moisturising and drinking water regularly also helps a lot.
No. 127971
>>127920I was trying to apply it every 3 days but I'll change it to once a week instead. Thank you.
Tretinoin is more aggressive than retinol, that's why it's prescription only in most countries. That'd explain why my skin is being so crazy.
Thanks for the rec!
No. 128008
>>127528I use Suntegirty tinted SPF 30. It's the only physical sunscreen that doesn't break me out and doesn't have a really bad white tint. I wasn't sure if the SPF was high enough either so I've been using Supergoop SPF 45 powder on top of it which is just ok. If anyone has any reccs for more mattifying SPF powders lmk
>>127971Sorry I meant the mildest RX retinoid, but that actually might be adapalene. IDK, I "graduated" to tazarotene and I've never used any OTC products. Hope things get better!
No. 128018
>>127782Try using unscented diaper rash cream, the zinc in it is skin calming and can help burning/ peeling that comes with intro to retinoids.
For the first 3-4 weeks I used adapalene all but two of my products burned but it got better, your skin can take a full cycle (shedding -> new skin cells = 30ish days) or more to get used to it.
>>127972Most over the counter retinols can be used everyday once you've introduced them into your routine.
No. 128047
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So, out of nowhere i get those ingrown fucks that you can’t pop like a normal zit, like 4 of them at same time at my cheek area. First I was patient and tried getting them to go away on their own, but you know ya girl drank her dumb bitch juice and just went apeshit on them after a week of waiting. Now the biggest one is bleeding obviously but is there anything else I can do next time this happens?
No. 128050
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I have sensitive and dry skin and the only parts of my face that get oily are my forehead and nose. I use blotting sheets to help with my oily problem, but I’m not sure what facial cleanser and moisturizer to use since the last products I used either made my skin drier and peeled, or burn. I just use water to wash my face and occasionally I’ll use a face mask.
So to those of you with the same type of skin I have:
>What are some of your favorite products to use and would recommend?
No. 128052
>>128050I have pretty oily forehead and nose. I don't know if it's this that helps specifically, but I use an exfoliating face scrub every night. Something like this:
Do you keep your makeup on all day? I notice if I keep it on too long my face gets oilier.
No. 128126
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I posted this in the PS thread but it’s locked. Can anyone tell me what happened to her face? Her rapid descent into hideousness terrifies me to my core
No. 128155
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So, I probably deserve this as I should’ve been more careful, but I tried the ordinary salicylic acid to get rid of 2 stubborn pimples and I got some kind of chemical burn. NOT as bad as in pic related but like 2cm blister looking shit where I put a drop on each pimple.
So yeah, learned my lesson, is there anything I can do to speed up healing process?
No. 128167
>>128155I would definitely stop using any actives/exfoliating products for now. Simplify your routine to cleansing, moisturizer, and sunscreen.
If you feel discomfort or pain, I really like Aquaphor Healing Ointment.
No. 128241
>>127752vit c is supposed to be helpful. I think retinol might be as well? I have pigmentation from burns/cuts or scars and vitamin c serum has helped fade it. I've used scar creams as well, and retinol, those also seemed to work. I think the creams may have vit c and some other stuff in it, but I was using it for fresher scars and cuts so ymmv there
>>128221my derm always recommended using retin-A on scars, and unless I'm wrong about red stretch marks, you're in the sweet spot where you still have a chance to fade them. rosehip oil may help with the stretch marks as well. I believe they use it with burn patients. once they become white/raised I think lasers are the only option that definitely work (maybe microdermabrasion or peels?) But that's more intensive and you need to really consider your budget and needs. >>128222's advice is good too, make sure you stay moisturized most of all and silicone is supposed to be great!
No. 128402
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>>127528Nivea Sun Water Gel for Kids. I liked it even more than the often-recommended Biore UV Watery Essence, which I personally found kinda drying. It really feels like nothing is on my skin.
No. 128643
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Anyone know any quick and affordable ways I can get rid of this butt acne? It doesn’t hurt and there are just a few pimples here and there. I used to not have this, wtf is going on?
No. 128675
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>>128643wipe a pad on your ass every night or morning
No. 129136
>>128693Idk how long you tried benzoyl for, but I really had to stick with it for a long time before I got any results.
I had to go through two months of applying 10% twice a day (5% did not do shit) with horrific side effects (burning skin, red and irritated, my skin literally peeling off in patches the size of my fingernails) BUT it did eventually clear up and the sideeffects almost completely stopped. Now I use every other day/every two days to maintain and I'm acne-free most of the time. (the acne does come back when I stop using it unfortunately)
No. 129224
I have severe boxcar/rolling scars (pitted acne scars) on my cheeks, chin, and temples and am unbelievably insecure about them. Despite doing endless research on my own and speaking to various dermatologists in person, I am still at a complete loss as to how to go about treating them.
One derm recommended several sessions of (very expensive) laser treatments; however, he admitted that the probability of them healing fully was extremely low. Another derm suggested chemical peels, in combination with microneedling OR fillers. The latter appeals to me the most, but I’m also concerned about the fillers looking obvious/strange.
I’ve also spoken to numerous people who have tried all of the above and been met with no success, which has just left me feeling even more confused and hopeless. I’m on an incredibly tight budget and can’t afford to experiment willy-nilly. Has anyone else with pitted scarring had any of these treatments done? If so, what was your experience like, and how were the results?
As an aside, I apparently had the worst case of cystic acne that my doctors had ever seen as a teenager and had to do three rounds of Accutane over the course of four years. Thankfully, my skin appears to have since calmed down, save for the occasional zit. Other than the area around my eyes growing dry in the winter, it’s fairly balanced at this point. I’m not sure if any of this information matters in regard to treatment methods, but I figured that I’d throw in it, just to be safe.
No. 129429
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Skincare thots pls help me,
My skin has always been relatively clear although this past year I keep getting repeated zits on my chin. There's usually only one or two at a time but pretty much as soon as they heal up after a few days another one appears and I really want to get rid of them. I'm thinking what could help with them is by switching my face wash but I'm not sure what the good stuff is. At the moment I use clean and clear deep action face wash which I've used since high school to prevent acne but it obviously isn't working as well as it used to, any recommendations to replace it? I was also thinking about using a water/oil based cleanser rather than a wash as it would likely be softer on the skin although I'm not sure how much difference that would make to get rid of the pimples.
No. 129514
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my face: around the mouth, along my jaw, my chin looks like this and itchy. i've been to a dermatologist, she called them acne and gave me skin-drying face-wash, a moisturiser that does nothing, and a cream from la roshe posay that i do find soothing. i find the areas to be very dry, itchy. sometimes they get too badi especially when i scratch them. but they're not acne, i don't think, they never go above the skin and they don't feel like they have anything in them.
my skin was usually mixed-oily: nose extremely oily (even now) but chin-forehead dry. i never had any acne problems, i probably had 3 pimples on my face in my whole life.
what is this? what kind of ingredients would help this issue? pls recommend ingredients instead of products, i might not find them here.
No. 129557
>>129514This sounds a lot like Perioral Dermatitis. The only thing that helped me get rid of mine was to not use any products (makeup, skincare products etc) on the affected areas for like a month.
I would be careful with putting new products on it because that might actually make it worse..
No. 129563
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>>129516>>129557thanks anons. i also think it might be Perioral Dermatitis. i'll go to my dermatologist one more time, see what she says, and if she still gives me things that dry out my skin, i'll just find a solution myself.
No. 129566
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How do i get rid of black heads?
They are so noticeable and it makes me feel so gross.
No. 129570
>>129566I just squeeze out the ones on my nose kek. Just make sure to wash your face and hands before and after. It's risky because if you squeeze too hard you could harm your skin but it's the only way I know.
p.s. great image I'm saving it
No. 129572
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>>129566A skincare routine with salicylic acid and pore strips.
No. 129592
>>129573much of the science in this article is like the opposite of how it actually works. plus, they cited studies that have to do with trauma and not dermarolling.
dermarolling has been used in dermatology for decades now, and is based in science. read articles that actually reference microneedling. No. 129979
What does everyone think of vampire facials? I really don't wanna be rude but how come Barbara Sturm has bottled the fountain of youth if she looks older than most 48 year olds I know? I judge her skin on her IG btw, not her photoshopped photos
No. 129981
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>>129979She doesn't look bad for 48 at all, but it looks like obvious botox to me. Her forehead is completely smooth compared to everywhere else.
The article gives some overall good advice that everyone knows (SPF good, inflammation bad), but her products are ridiculously overpriced with mediocre reviews.
No. 129984
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sorry for the awful picture and messy look, i'm camping right now
has anyone ever experienced anything like this around their eyes? it never goes away, only gets worse if i don't sleep well. it goes around both my eye sockets. i've never managed to find anything alike online. (my nose is a little burnt dont mind that). any advice to make it go away? sorry if this is the wrong thread.
No. 129997
>>103316is it overkill to start using differin gel as a preventative aging measure because i'm underweight and it's given me some fine lines
i'm 20
No. 130003
>>129984what specifically are you talking about? pigmentation? it's not super noticeable.
i think you're healthy, it's just luck of the draw. that said, perhaps vit c would help brighten the area but i'm no expert.
enjoy your camping trip anon, don't forget your sunscreen!
No. 130052
>>129981Check her ig photos anon, she looks bad there. And even then, I know plenty of 48 year olds who have better skin than her and they don't use her overpriced shit.
Last question itt I promise: What do you think of light therapy?
No. 130075
>>127782Been using tretinoin for about a month and a half now, applying it only once a week, and my skin is having the same reaction as the first time I applied it, if anything the burning sensation has diminished just a bit. I don't feel like I have gone through a big purge though.
But every week without fail, about two or three days after I apply tretinoin my skin peels off heavily. Gentle exfoliation doesn't get rid of the nasty peelies all over my face, heavy exfoliation burns too much to do and also does pretty much anything I apply during those couple of days.
I've been making sure to apply less than a pea sized amount, I only do it once a week over a moisturizer cream (I let the moisturizer absorb for 40 minutes before applying tretinoin).
Also been using sunscreen and heavy moisturizers for day and night. I use a gente exfoliating cream every 3 days otherwise my face is a peely mess almost all week. I don't experience much redness nor texture, it's just the peeling skin that drives me crazy, I can't apply foundation at all during those days.
Is this just how life on tretinoin is like? Or should I give my skin more time to adjust?
No. 130170
>>130099Have you noticed any improvement after using Murad?
Also, is anyone knowledgable about Bellafill? (I’m
>>129224.) it seems like it’d be the ideal solution in a situation like mine, but the reviews are all over the place.
No. 130327
>>130321Sorry, but 0.3mm is way too small to have any effect on stretchmarks (unless theyre on your face which is unlikely.) If anything, your stretchmarks have faded naturally.
The serum sounds pretty good though.
>>130319I recommend 1.0 to 1.5 mm for your hips and butt. These longer ones can cause discomfort however and you cannot do it as often. Maybe 5 - 6 weeks between each session.
No. 130329
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Does weed give you smile lines?
No. 130330
I have very oily skin and I've been memed into buying a skin product from a girl that claimed it "fixed her oily skin".
The product in question is an oil that contains argan oil, sweet almond oil, grapeseed oil, meadowfoam oil, vitamin E and bisabolol. I've previously read that oily skin is just really dehydrated so it produces more sebum to make up for it, so this girl confirmed that applying an oil would rebalance the situation. It wasn't very expensive so I thought yeah, let's try.
I wonder if it's meant to work from the first application? I'm at the second application and it looks just like when I use my usual moisturizer, I've read that it was supposed to be absorbed by the skin but after an hour or two I can see that it's still oily as ever, even more probably.
Is my skin just impenetrable? Is it a lost cause? I don't even know what to use anymore, nothing works. I wish I had dry skin, at least with that it's easier.
No. 130334
>>130330Did you use a lot of oil? I find that using 2 drops for my entire face is enough. It also could be that the oil you are using just doesn't absorb well into the skin. I would suggest trying oil-free moisturisers, maybe something with hyaluronic acid.
However, I think it's possible that your oily skin is genetic so your skin might not be oily because of dehydration and that's why the oil didn't help.
No. 130338
>>130334Hmm, I used more than two drops… I'll try using only two for my entire face tonight.
The oil should absorb well according to other reviews I've read for the same product, and I don't know if my skin type is genetic since neither my mom, my sister or my dad have it.
Thanks for the advice, I hope it'll work. I'm finally acne-free, so now I'm focusing on my oily skin that's really bothering me. In the mornings it seriously looks like I've stuck my face into an oiled up fryer.
No. 130389
>>130344Thanks! Last night I tried with only a couple of drops, and even though my face looked oily as fuck after a couple of hours until I went to bed, this morning it seemed to be mostly absorbed. This morning I tried with two drops and a damp face and my face is looking less oily than usual. M-Maybe it's really going to improve it.
Last question, what should I do with the moisturizer? Should I apply it before the oil, afterwards or not use it at all since the oil is already moisturizing by itself?
No. 130432
>>130427It's so hard to remember skincare stuff like that, I have a spreadsheet with a list of products and just add notes in there because I'd forget otherwise. The only thing I have written down about things on your list is that you should avoid using with vitamin C with niacinamide, and vit C provides extra sun protection so it's good to use in the morning.
But I've used all those products except the rose hip seed oil, never had any problem with using them day or night in general. I find the real routine issues start when you use actives and retinoids, which you aren't. Maybe get a different moisturizer for night? I love TO's moisturizer but it's a pretty small tube, I actually only use it while I'm traveling because I'd rather buy a big thing of cerave so I can slather my face at night.
No. 130446
>>130427This might help you: can also email them so they make a routine for you
No. 130456
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Not sure if it belongs here.
Is bikini waxing a meme or is it actually better than shaving/epilating? Does it hurt a lot? Is the actual procedure as embarassing as it seems from stories on the internet?
I am considering getting my first wax ever and I'd like to hear some honest opinions before I actually do it.
No. 130504
>>130427I'm no expert, but I have some of these, and I do niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, rosehip oil or whatever oil, moisturising factors and then a non-theordinary moisturiser.
Afaik the general rule is thinnest solution to the thickest but I'm interested to know if you email them and get a routine
No. 130754
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I'm a fucking retard, is this an actual cleanser or just makeup remover?
No. 130787
>>130684The Origins charcoal mask actually helped me quite a bit, but you have to use it 2-3 times a week for it to really make a difference in oily skin. Once a week and you probably won’t notice any changes.
>>130754Just from reading the bottle, it looks like a cleanser that also removes makeup. Are the ingredients on the back?
No. 130806
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>>130787Yea, anything specific to look out for?
No. 131137
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Any recommendations for a an affordable skin brightening cream or serum? I want to even my skin tone but without fading my freckles. (they're my only good quality)
No. 131408
>>131137melano cc vitamin c serum?
depends on what kind of toner you are using, water based? hydrating toner?
>>131400 No. 131568
>>131408a-anon thank you for taking the time to reply to me but i don't understand what your words mean
>>131424ohh that's what i had read too, thank you anon
>>131425thank you!
No. 131647
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>>131588I use this silicone facial brush in combination with Shiseido's "Perfect Whip" cleanser and it leaves my face super squeaky clean. This brush is, I believe, a knockoff of another way more expensive one called Foreo Luna. brand: No. 131761
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My eyelids keep changing from normal with a low, deep crease (bottom), to high up with a shallow crease (top). What most determines this is my sleeping, 99% of the time I wake with almost hooded eyelids, but if I stay up til 3AM they’ll look like Cher’s eyes. I don’t know how long this has been going on, but I noticed that they’re starting to get like the top really quick, like within 2-3 hours after waking up, and it makes my whole eye area ugly. Sleeping bad does worsen it, but it happens anyway even if I sleep great.
They usually feel heavy and very dry when they’re like that. I don’t and have never had a skin care routine, so would a moisturizer, or particular eye cream stop this? Maybe even eyelid tape?
No. 131766
>>131761I have something like this as well. I find that on days I maintain a good skincare and cleansing routine and a healthy diet with plenty of water and get plenty of sleep, my crease is higher and tighter. On days I don't take care of my skin well my crease sits lower and a little bit more saggy (which I don't like).
I wouldn't use tape, it eventually stretches your skin and promotes sagginess.
>>131763For me cutting out dairy for a large part was enough. I was consuming half a liter of milk every morning when my skin was at it's worst. When I stopped doing doing that, my skin calmed down rapidly. I also live with my parents and only consume the dairy they put in dinner now and I eat yoghurt a few times a week.
No. 131776
>>131761I have exactly the same issue! My eyes look fine usually, but when I'm exhausted or tired you can immediately tell because my eyes look like yours in the top photo.
I honestly don't think it's something we can change though.. if anything it might have something to do with nutrition or our diet that rather than with skincare. I'd love to know how to stop this from happening though!
No. 131782
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>>131781Where in Europe? I'm in Germany and I like the DM house brand Sundance sunscreen, it's like 4 euro for 50 ml. I've gone through a couple bottles of their 50 SPF one for sensitive skin in pic related, there are probably better sunscreens out there but for the price and convenience I'd recommend. Only thing is that it leaves a hint of a white cast so if you have darker skin it might be an issue.
They also have a formula in an orange bottle that's supposed to be for oily skin, but it's only 30 SPF instead of 50 and is scented unlike the sensitive skin one. I just bought this one the other day to try it out and honestly I like the feel of it on my skin better. I don't normally break out from fragranced products though, YMMV.
No. 131788
oof, never mind then. I guess you could look into buying Asian sunscreens? You should be able to get stuff like the Biore watery essence on ebay or Amazon with free international shipping for like 8-10 euro.
No. 131814
>>131761I haven't got any advice but wanted to say the shape of my lids changes like that for the same reasons. I find it's due to fluid/water retention that makes my eyes puffier (and therefore they crease differently), especially if I haven't drank much water before a long sleep.
>>131781Nivea UV face shine control? If you're okay with shopping online and waiting a few weeks until it's delivered you might want to try East Asian sunscreens. I just bought Canmake Mermaid Skin (among others) and that was £7 for 40g.
>>131807Are you thinking of areolar glands? Google images is shit, try which is a gallery full of natural, non-augmented breasts. Really opened my eyes to how much variation there is without it being a medical "problem".
No. 131815
>>130400tfw this was me but nobody (you)'d me.
>>131781Tell me about it. I was in big bazar and even a sunscreen gel that was on sale in a fricken dollar tree tier store costed €12,50!
No. 131856
I've been finding washing my face with just water sometimes keeps my skin plump.
No. 131899
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Just received the vitamin c serum that I ordered, opened it and holy shit it literally smells like sewage…Has anyone tried the Purito Pure Vitamin C Serum before? Is it supposed to smell like this?
No. 131908
>>131899I don't think so. I don't use that brand but i quickly googled a review and it quotes "It has a mild citrus scent, but not in an overpowering sense."
Check the expiration date and research for more reviews, if there was a significant scent someone would definitely point it out.
No. 131934
>>131930No? If it's manufactured properly it'll work. What kind of Mickey Mouse misinformation is this?
Melano CC is a good example of a C serum that works wonders.
No. 131987
>>131936It has like a 2 month shelf life depending on what the other anon mentioned. The melano cc vitamin c serum has a self life of a year though because it has a protective foil packaging and it's very easy to use.
l-abcorbic acid shouldn't smell pleasant in theory either. The melano cc I have is oderless or kind of like oranges while my timeless vitamin c smells like shit but is much more potent and irritating sometimes.
>>131941Thank you for mentioning this! I believe L-absorbic. is also the kind with the most studies to back it up.
No. 131989
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Just wanted to throw a little PSA up here! I know other anons have mentioned to stay away from Nivea but I didn't really listen because I had success with it in the past for winter/dry skin. Well I was using it for about a week and holy shit, all of the sudden I have probably the most severe rash I've ever had on my face. Itchy raised little bumps everywhere.. so itchy! Luckily they weren't too red but it has completely changed the texture of my face. It almost reminds me of like poison ivy or some kind of allergic reaction, I'm talking probably 50-100 little bumps.. lol it sucks. I don't have sensitive skin and I've never experienced anything like this. Now I've cut out all products and have just been applying aloe hoping for this to calm down.
No. 132335
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thoughts on pixi's glow tonic? everyone creams their panties over this but is it worth the hype? has anyone else tried anything from their skincare line that they recommend?
No. 132491
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Anons, how do I get rid of acne scars? The pigmentation kind. I've been trying for two months now and they're still there all over my cheeks I hate them. I've been exfoliating and using vitamin c serum, along side my regular skincare routine. I have no idea what to do I just wanna be able to go out without wearing foundation and crying bc of it
No. 132528
>>132491Anon, I would be very careful taking up on >>132493's advice for dermarolling. Dermatologist's debate it's safety, research well if you decide to go for it.
Also don't take up on >>132510's advice, coconut oil is highly comedogenic. It clogs your pores. You shouldn't be using coconut oil on your face, especially if you have acne prone skin.
Make sure you wear sunscreen every single day. It won't heal your pigmentation by itself, but at least the sun won't darken them either.
No. 132540
>>132491Vitamin C, AHAs or BHAs or retinoids take your pick. Tretinoin worked for me. Also wear SPF everyday, even if it's cloudy.
You have to keep in mind that it takes months for them to fade away.
No. 132627
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Does anyone have any experience with the Yes To tomato cleansing stuff? I've only used the mud mask but it works so damn well I'm thinking of switching up my routine a little. I'm just not sure if the other products are worth it and I'm spooked I'll ruin my face after getting rid of most of the hyperpigmentation on my face. My cleanser is alright, nothing special though.
No. 132675
>>132666i don't think you can reverse fine lines with skincare honestly, a lot of people say you can but i have yet to see decent results. however i'd recommend a light chemical peel or a product similar, like a lactic acid, just don't burn your face off
>>132670Probably nothing. i would def recommend the ordinary, but if you have sensitive acne prone skin or dry skin make sure you don't overdo it, i have scars from one of their products from jumping up my percentage too high and then picking at spots. my mistake, the product worked really well otherwise.
No. 132685
>>132666Instead of using weak useless retinoids go get the real deal (trerinoin or adapalene or tazarotene).
Also you will need strong moisturizers an a good sunscreen. I also use resveratrol because I was recommended to do so but idk about its effectiveness.
I have a single fine line between my eyebrows and I'm really happy at how much it has faded on tretinoin. I'm not against getting preventive botox and hyaluronic acid fillers in the near future though, when I hit peak retinoid.
Maybe your fine lines won't completely disappear solely with retin a but I can guarantee you will notice a big difference. Good luck anon, be kind to your skin.
No. 132710
>>132709sage for doublepost, captain retard here didn't notice someone already asked about fine lines…I
do have a prescription retinoid but my eyes are a bit sensitive so I'm unsure what's the best thing to do for my eyes. Forgot to say that.
No. 132730
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I use the ordinary's glycolic toner and just bought their AHA 30% + BHA 2% peeling solution but not used it yet. I plan to use the peeling solution once a week and the toner everyday, except the peeling solution day.
are these two safe to use together in this way?
No. 132782
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>>131647I bought one of these on your recommendation anon, and within two days my skin has changed dramatically and I'm so happy! I've spent a small fortune on skincare and I've never had such noticeable results. Thought I'd share this lil guy I found on Amazon because he is A D O R A B L E. Flannels are dead to me now.
No. 132847
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Have any of you tried these vitamins and if so have they worked? I'm thinking of getting pic related. saged because slightly ot i guess
No. 132877
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>>132875Ok, I'm high on crack, so how would you exactly clean pic related?
lol you been scrubbing yo skin with a nasty ass bacteria bomb and your months (if not years) old dead skin.
No. 132880
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>>132879>>132877I’ve been using the boie USA body scrubber and it’s been pretty cool! Would recommend is anti-microbial and super easy to clean. I also have similar looking scrubby for my face that’s super gentle and works well with all my cleansers
No. 132881
>>132880This is what I'm using and it's a lot better + the gloves. My feet are so soft and so are my legs. Need something for my back tho, those tinsel-loofahs will run out sooner or later.
>>132879Yeah, no, I shall not be using these rubbish things no more.
No. 132925
>>132906I had cystic acne for years, and tried a ton of different medicines. First many different antibiotics, topical creams like tretinoin and clindamycin, accutane, more antibiotics, and now finally spironolactone. If your tretinion stopped working, see your dermatologist about what else to try. hopefully you dont have the same issues as me, but nothing topical ever helped my hormonal cystic acne, only accutane (which then it came back after) and now finally spironolactone.
>>132919I'm in the minority of people who went on accutane who had their acne come back sadly. It also permanently gave me extremely dry skin. I'm on spironolactone now and it controls it, but if I go without it for more than a week my cystic acne is back with a vengeance. sigh.
No. 132970
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I've been using TO's lactic acid 5% for over three weeks, once per week now and it's giving me cystic acne. The last time I had this happen was when I used a salicylic acid toner, so I guess it's actually breaking me out?
What can I replace the AHA with since I only use a mild cleaners, niacinamide, moisturizer and spf?
No. 132992
>>132991Maybe your skin is dehydrated so it produces extra oil
But if you can afford it, go to a derm, it's better than speculating
No. 133005
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>>132991>>132993I second what this anon said about the oil cleanse method. I have oily skin and big pores and the oil cleanse method has helped me to balance things out, at least oil wise, for large pores I think you would need to use a chemical exfoliant with BHA (anons correct me if I'm wrong pls!)
in oil cleansing there's something known as the dissolution theory which means an oil can help dissolve other oil, which could be great for you. these two links have been super helpful for me on the topic choosing an oil make sure you go for one low on the comedogenic scale, to minimise the chances of a break out. the two I've used are grapseed oil and jojoba oil (both 2 on the scale) and had no breakouts. good luck!
No. 133016
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Do any anons have experience with redness and chemical exfoliants? I have these red patches on my lower cheeks like in the attached picture and wanted to start using one The Ordinary's products (specifically the AHA + BHA peeling solution). Would this be safe to use or would it make the redness worse?
No. 133017
>>132991To be specific, use a DOUBLE cleansing method, not just oil, since it blocks pores.
I'm oily too and I double-cleanse with the softymo speedy oil (amazing) and the Cerave cleanser (ok). Like other anons said your skin is probably dehydrated so try using products that will help with that. The mediheal nmf masks are fantastic as well.
No. 133028
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Anyone have been dealing with something like picrel? Since highschool I started to get more and more of "acne" on my arms, outer thighs and back. I have been trying steroid ointments and antibiotics already with little to no positive result. After all these years I am 90% sure it's related to food. The thing is, in that case I would usually expect stomach pain as well, but there is barely any recently. When I had food poisoning and barely ate anything (mostly rice with tomato soup) my arms started to heal and there were no new bumps. I also have been recently diagnosed with Hashimoto and as far as I know, autoimmune diseases may bring new allergies/food intolerances. I really want to fix it after all these years and not be ashamed of showing my arms/body.
No. 133032
>>132919>>132925Thanks, I'll get my GP to refer me to a dermatologist. She might know of another topical to recommend me first or if I should just go on meds. It's really annoying because it's almost only on my jaw/chin and mouth-area I get it. I'm just so over it now. I don't want to look like this forever.
I had some trouble with ovarian cysts on one of my ovaries so I was wondering if it could be PCOS but none of the gynos/doctors I talk to about it can agree on whether I have it or not (maybe because I'm not overweight and have facial hair idk) so I guess I'll never know.
>>133028Oh hey, I have Hashimotos too. To be honest I think some degree of skin issues is just part of this illness. I've struggled either with dryness, flushness/redness or acne (body and face) on and off ever since I got it. I think there needs to be more research into the illness as many have "good thyroid levels" with this illness but still experience symptoms. Have you tried cutting out various food groups and seeing what could calm it? The info is really confusing but some swear on cutting certain things like gluten/dairy or following a certain diet like low-carb, paleo etc. Also I know it's subjective but I don't think your skin is that bad at all. I understand the feeling but you shouldn't have to hide your skin if you don't want to.
No. 133043
>>133021i wouldn't use aloe. it can cause irritation as well and i would play it safe in your case.
just use a good, rich moisturizer without any harsh fragrances in it and let your skin heal. it will take some time.
No. 133180
>>133049I’m running out of my current skin care regimen. It was the first one I ever had, so I started cheap. My skin is oily, mild hormonal acne, with dry tired eyes (the most
problematic part of my face, so a good eye cream or something to hydrate that would be great). Any recommendations for what I should replace each of these with? I was thinking of going a bit more expensive, like in the 30-40$ range this time, if there are better products to compare to this.
Cleanser: deep clean nuetrogena $7
Moisturizer: hydro boost nuetrogena $15
Serum: Truskin vitamin c serum $20
Toner: Thayers Witcher hazelnut toner $8
Eyes: Avenova eyelid and eyelash cleanser $30
Cleansing Brush: Olay cleansing brush $20
Mask: Aztec healing clay mask $9
i was thinking of replacing the truskin vitamin c serum with one of The Ordinary products?
No. 133300
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Is this cleanser good? I need a new one, and I keep seeing that people adore it but I am paranoid. It seems to be fitting my skin: its acne prone and combi.
No. 133540
highly recommend the "reverse cleansing method" for those who don't feel clean with a gentle cleanser. wash the oiliest parts of the face like the nose or chin first, and wash the cheek area last. in total it should be a 45 second to 1 min process. lukewarm water always
>>133535depends if you have oily or drier skin. drier skins can get away with just a splash of water on the face in the morning before moisturizing. ive seen some girls with normal to dry skin use hydrating toner on a cotton pad to "cleanse" in the morning
No. 133582
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>>133520I use this one, it has some nice ingredients like urea, vitamin e and hyaluronic acid in it
No. 133921
>>133918i use retinol in squalane 1% and can definitely tell the difference when i stop and start using it
do you moisturize properly? remember that actives support the functioning of your skin, and your skin can only heal and protect itself when it has lots of moisture. using hyaluronic acid and using cerave cream helped me a lot, used to have lots of acne and used to be scared of making it too moist/oily
No. 133960
>>133921The retinoid already feels so greasy that I don't want to put a moisturizer on top as well.. Also really don't like going to bed with a face covered in greasy sticky products getting it all over my sheets and hair tbh
But I wonder, how long had you been using retinol before seeing a result?
No. 133964
>>133960embrace the grease! though you should try doing skincare an hour or two before bed to let everything soak in
it takes 6-8 weeks usually for the first signs to show. maybe the concentration you're using is too low? i added vit c powder + moisturizer in the morning and i feel like my spots and dark/red marks heal faster now
No. 133968
>>133918anon it took 3-4 months for the granactive retinoid to start showing results for me too.
for context, i have really oily skin, blackheads, acne scars, deepening smile lines etc. it took a while, and like you i hated moisturizing as well because of how greasy it all made me feel.
one thing you can consider is using your retinoid with the Buffet (from TO too, just make sure you don't use the one with additional 1% copper peptides), and just stick it out for a couple more months. my spots heal a lot faster now, there's visible difference in the skin plumpness and wrinkles, the texture is much better, and my acne has improved to the point that i don't even get period pimples anymore.
trust me, you'll get there. consistency is key!
what do you do in the AM? like
>>133964 said, you may want to add something to help with the acne in your morning routine too.
No. 134070
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Does anyone here use the Simple skincare toner? I can’t put as much money as I’d like to on my skincare routine right now and this seems to be a good option. There’s a lot of positive reviews for it, but I’d like to know what you guys think of it.
No. 134211
What kind of ingredients cause burning sensations? My eyes sting a lot when I put anything other than plain nivea cream on them, so I can't put on spf protection, but I would really want to since I want to keep wrinkles at bay. But I don't want to spend money on a cream that will sting.
>>133746I use acetilsalicylic acid solution in water, it really helps a lot. I tried using salicylic acid solution and granactive retinoid from the Ordinary but they barely did anything. Now I just buy aspirin and dissolve it in water, much cheaper and more effective
No. 135140
>>135137Lactic acid and niacinamide
And we need a new thread, this one's not getting bumped
No. 136375
>>136064Basically stopped smoking since quarantine in my country which makes it 3 weeks, I used to be a heavy social smoker. My skin was super dry then,but now looks more hydrated minus the T zone that is still oily. I got back my before smoking skin. Few pimples scars I had started to fade. So did discoloration.oh and it's bouncy like my face isn't sagging anymore and I don't look old (27)
Anyway. No specific skin care. Just dove bar soap here and there if I remember. Lot of sleep and home cooked food. Hope I helped