File: 1546981366033.jpg (59.5 KB, 1200x675, DF0Vaw0WAAEmZGB.jpg)

No. 105242
File: 1546985524735.jpeg (112.9 KB, 750x881, 291083E3-5709-4278-92AC-38DBB0…)

>>105241Yes. Jason Isaacs too.
No. 105247
File: 1546986837731.jpg (99.75 KB, 750x1000, jin-kazama-tekken-mobile-2017-…)

You plebs, not real people. Husbandos.
Jim Kazama can pin me down and do whatever he wants. I'd love to hear him talk dirty to me. I want him wear the gloves too.
No. 105257
File: 1546989654167.jpeg (534.98 KB, 1922x2001, 05B38154-7A96-42BF-9B21-7CA48A…)

>>105230Uhh, well I bought dead by daylight two weeks ago and honestly… I didn’t think I would consider anyone my husbando….but Micheal Myers happened.
No. 105260
File: 1546990644539.png (92.69 KB, 175x486, Leon_S._Kennedy.png)

Leon Kennedy but only from RE4
No. 105261
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>>105247I love his edgy devil form and his sweet half uncle
No. 105262
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>>105260I see a lot of people who dislike his looks in the remake, but i think he's pretty hot
No. 105264
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No. 105266
File: 1546992084177.png (178.78 KB, 350x358, blake.png)

Probably the most obscure one on this site
No. 105277
>>105266>most obscureI raise you my husbando being a character I created.
Peak husbando-ism, doesn't get better than that.
No. 105280
File: 1546997802003.jpg (114.48 KB, 850x581, Spider-Man_IntoTheSpider-Verse…)

i would die for this man
No. 105283
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look i know voltron is a shit-tier fujoshi magnet but i just really, really want to dom lance
No. 105284
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>>105283also keith is cute too
No. 105287
File: 1547008180470.png (110.01 KB, 500x486, tumblr_ob0l2tgGvU1rhyck2o1_r2_…)

Spark is soooo hot
No. 105292
File: 1547009605733.jpg (7.68 KB, 480x360, humanshrek.jpg)

No. 105295
File: 1547011533328.png (681.13 KB, 675x1200, tumblr_o2k1czLOm11r2yje9o1_r1_…)

I love Maccready…I have way too many husbandos, might make a chart showing my top ones when I'm not lazy…
No. 105296
File: 1547011726475.jpeg (818.8 KB, 1125x2155, F59166CA-5F02-4222-AEE5-34204F…)

Vasco is so cute I love strong teddy bear men
No. 105299
File: 1547012350126.gif (2 MB, 640x480, fry.gif)

i've had a thing for him since i was a little kid and i still think his dumb face is adorable.
No. 105304
File: 1547019927779.png (1.2 MB, 1174x667, akiyama.PNG)

I want Shun Akiyama to fuck me with his clothes on while being tipsy. His breath smelling like cigarettes and whiskey. His slightly hairy chest dripping with tiny beads of sweat as he pulls up my skirt and fondles my breasts from behind me… god, that five o clock shadow rubbing against my cheeks…
No. 105317
File: 1547030184972.jpg (96.04 KB, 632x663, Miles.jpg)

Edgeworth has been my number one husbando for 10+ years and no man will ever take his place in my heart.
No. 105378
File: 1547067633798.jpg (424.41 KB, 1280x1771, tumblr_pedjfbjHVs1utnjhmo7_128…)

I'm so fucking ashamed but I've been thinking a lot about Levi. I recently started reading Attack on Titan again (I dropped it when the coup arc started) and as I expected it's a trainwreck and at this rate I'm only reading it for him.
No. 105381
File: 1547069051658.jpg (68.95 KB, 424x512, c74d978029a9ba06fdd0d18e39c0c0…)

I want him to handle me the way he handles his 86. I want to live for him.
No. 105387
File: 1547074664280.png (243.56 KB, 512x496, Fernand_Echoes.png)

I'm not even sorry.
No. 105427
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No. 105428
File: 1547096132967.jpg (55.17 KB, 587x839, c1683c002cc73ea999fc622a2fe847…)

I wouldn't mind me doming me hard, ngl. I love him so much, kek.
Maybe Encyclopedia Dramatic was right about my husbando. I wanna do kinky stuff with him.
No. 105471
File: 1547130558803.jpg (145.49 KB, 958x638, wallendrance.jpg)

I wish .hack was more popular, forever crying about lack of merch or even fanart/fanfiction.
My heart cannot go on like this, I need more of him in my life
No. 105472
File: 1547131775619.jpg (273.83 KB, 730x730, _tarot_card__solas_x_sariah_la…)

>>105427my canon is solavellan but let's be real. Cullen is best boi, best romance 10/10
No. 105476
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No. 105477
File: 1547138645793.jpg (634.75 KB, 800x711, 9274620174639.jpg)

Well, actually I'm way too old for this vampire shit. But I'm digging him so hard. fml
No. 105479
File: 1547139241195.jpg (18.86 KB, 425x240, Crisis-Core-Final-Fantasy-VII-…)

hurt me
No. 105485
>>105482CC would have been better with no Gackt self-insert.
There is defintely a huge risk that the remake could be wanky and have none of the original spirit - if it ever comes out.
No. 105488
File: 1547145114045.jpg (59.91 KB, 960x544, 1781915_481396691970290_927524…)

>>105477Lmao me too anon, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. I like listening to the CD dramas too…reji is my favorite haha…ayato is hot too though
No. 105505
File: 1547155499222.png (358.73 KB, 602x959, XY_Wikstrom.png)

Pokemon has so much sexy guys
No. 105515
File: 1547166176920.jpg (194.61 KB, 770x1037, pizza_time_by_sassygreninja_dc…)

>>105280God damn it anon I came in here to post him.
No. 105527
File: 1547179591286.png (122.12 KB, 454x288, Travis Moe Transparent.png)

I love this stupid loser.
No. 105528
File: 1547179965135.png (2.66 MB, 1936x4662, chara.png)

#1 husbando for so many years
No. 105530
File: 1547181767005.jpg (518.47 KB, 1920x1576, sweetdaddyholyshit.jpg)

He looks his best in TEW2 with the face scruff. I fucking love ragged looking dads. God i just want to ride his face in to the sunset.
No. 105537
File: 1547188983059.jpg (78.92 KB, 700x421, red-dead-redemption-2-5af01147…)

john will always be best boi
No. 105552
File: 1547206478760.jpg (173.58 KB, 620x617, 859431433085943.jpg)

>>105529>love me a good asshole with glasses guy.I used to hate shitty anime glasses guys, but I guess I'm a convert as Ichinomiya is my husband now. The type make great subs.
No. 105659
File: 1547291032481.png (837.02 KB, 889x1218, Godot_Portrait.png)

Godot can slurp my coffee anytime
No. 105663
File: 1547296620894.jpg (728.85 KB, 1000x1806, Nikkari.Aoe.full.2144438.jpg)

My love. Too bad he isn't real. Just in 2.5D.
No. 105679
File: 1547308879169.jpg (103.27 KB, 900x1240, 267a2d5103fc5535acc38016b9d7eb…)

>>105317>>105659These two are a couple of hotties but for some reason I also ended up crushing on this spiky haired dork and no one ever talks about husbando-ing him (from what I've seen).
No. 105698
File: 1547322190714.jpg (55.64 KB, 600x600, Vaas_3.jpg)

I'm still not over how they did my boy(friend) dirty by killing him off so quickly. I could listen to his crazy tirades forever.
No. 105723
File: 1547351166474.jpg (434.56 KB, 842x631, Kyoya_Ootori_with_a_drink.jpg)

>>105552Always been a big fan of shitty glasses guys. Kyoya Ootori was my first at 12 kek. Also what is that fine collection of lines from, I'm not up to date on weeb shit.
No. 105755
File: 1547397182766.jpg (130.24 KB, 596x811, ilikeike.jpg)

He's so strong and sexy
No. 105757
File: 1547398191629.gif (1.76 MB, 540x635, 687474703a2f2f7468656861736874…)

tell me how you got all those scars
No. 105759
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>>105718He is Nikkari Aoe from Touken Ranbu. A dude manifested from a sword that can cut down ghosts. And also short, cute, horny AND cool if you ask me. Here is an official pic of him chilling in winter.
No. 105785
File: 1547428593912.png (1.25 MB, 1080x964, JIN.PNG)

>>105757I really don't like many older scruffy looking men but Geralt is an EXCEPTION. I love his sense of wit.
Also I want to sperg about Jin Kazama again, he looks so good in this outfit. I want to unbutton it for him while we make out.
No. 105825
File: 1547489322981.jpg (431.98 KB, 1100x632, dazai.jpg)

I'm embarrassed
No. 105840
File: 1547500015398.gif (1.78 MB, 500x444, tumblr_o39jhc7bmC1svkfqgo1_500…)

I love him… He loves his friends and family and yearns to be connected to people. But one thing I hate is that the fanbase portrays him as the perfect chad all from just one scene.
No. 105842
File: 1547502673849.png (1.17 MB, 1095x1500, tumblr_nj5ab2VTcy1r3qiawo1_r2_…)

>>105840That's just the western fans though. It's like when they portray the p3 protagonist as an edgy emo when he's a teenage boy with depression for very good reasons who actually can be sassy or happy, or when they constantly portray Yukari as a hateful bitch when she's one of the least stupid characters of the game.
No. 105846
File: 1547506988510.jpg (321.64 KB, 650x690, 25194335_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>105842Yeah, you're right. It's also the same fans who usually want to deny the fact that Yu and Yosuke don't have deeper feelings for each other than friendship. Why not accept both the bromance and possibility of a romance?
No. 105848
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… please don't ask
No. 106268
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Where my mentally unstable bitches at?
No. 106275
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>>105260Same, He was the only reason that I started playing RE4 (but I kept playing for the cool story…the castle part with Salazar is fantastic imo). I've always think that he looks like a younger version of David Bowie.
No. 106284
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>>106268>>106277For a second I thought that was Bigby lol
No. 106290
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>>106284Would let Bigby tear it up, tbh
No. 106297
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>>106295I don't keep up with shoe. is she so delusional as to somehow believe her anthro-potato-sack of a boyfriend compares with the walking, talking, chainsmoking bicep that is Bigby Wolf?
No. 106298
>>105299I’ve had a crush on Fry since I was a teenager. Despite being really dumb and apparently having bad hygiene, he’s really sweet and fun. His love for Leela also warms my cold, black heart. Most guys aren’t like that.
>>105242This pic set reminds me that Emma Watson’s mouth really bothers me, for some reason.
No. 106307
File: 1548205248192.gif (2.78 MB, 540x468, majima_goro.gif)

>>106297I don't usually like older men but damn, he can get it.
(And also Majima no matter what age but that's because hes…Majima) <3
No. 106311
>>106268FUCK YES
I fantasize about being captured by him and he rapes and kills me on camera.
Either that or he puts the shock collar on me and I get to stay in his house forever.
No. 106313
I fucking hate majority of MAJIMA fans because most of them are fujos, but they can never make me stop loving him. It's too strong.
No. 106323
File: 1548226164695.gif (2.98 MB, 295x370, 06708D37-4491-4148-BA1F-4993EF…)

i love this Cowboy Game Pixel Man™ way too much.
No. 106332
File: 1548238582538.png (971.51 KB, 805x1136, hc1.png)

he's like the kind of husbando you want to beat the shit out of, but you also love him so much.
No. 106349
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>>106323same anon same
I would die for arthur
and I haven't finished my first play through yet (on chapter 6 but I accidentally spoiled myself so I know the ending ugh) but im so excited to start my second play through already
No. 106363
>>106307i love yakuza 0 majima the best. i would die for him
i don’t like him in the rest of the games, tho. majima goes from being literal perfection to a tokyo cringe compilation
No. 106380
File: 1548304316262.jpg (68.72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

>>106366In Yakuza 4 and 5 he starts to mellow out compared to 1 through 3. I liked seeing his soft side in 4 the most. He was mysterious, but definitely had a set plan.
Minami though…
No. 106386
>>106338i'm the anon that posted the pic of hux and
>>106348 is kinda right, lmao. they built him up decently in TFA but in TLJ he was cast aside as almost a comic relief character. we got reason to believe he's going to make some big bad comeback in the next film but i wouldn't get my hopes up.
he's a stupid idiot shithead but i love him for it.
No. 106469
File: 1548389819055.jpg (85.84 KB, 1280x720, Space-Dandy-Essential-06.jpg)

did someone say stupid idiot shithead?
No. 106534
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No. 106543
>>106534Never thought I'd see my dickhead ex's art posted on here.
>>106323Oh Arthur… I'm not used to seeing him with hair but I loved him with a shaved head and mutton chops!
No. 106562
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>>106546damn is he onision or what? good riddance anon kek
No. 106614
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not sure if this counts but here is my husband (female)
No. 106713
File: 1548673401358.jpg (446.49 KB, 800x1200, 54530662_p1_master1200.jpg)

>>105381Oh shit, I'm not the only Lonely Driver!~
No. 106721
>>106614We have a thread for female characters too.
>>106715Drama CD called Namidame.
No. 106722
File: 1548680228261.png (163.26 KB, 316x400, wocky.png)

>>105679I like him the most in his younger (Dahlia-era) and older forms.
I've been replaying the games again and the whole series sure is an excellent husbando factory.
No. 106898
File: 1548817403216.png (3.7 MB, 1160x2510, Hercules_Character.png)

Best Disney husbandos?
No. 106925
File: 1548837129807.jpg (41.99 KB, 650x488, HADES.jpg)

>>106898This hunk.
I used to pretend to have sex with Hades as a child and imaginary Hades had 4 pillows to support his head while I made out with him.
No. 106970
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No. 107061
File: 1548935480051.jpg (125.29 KB, 1143x1061, taboo boy.jpg)

No. 107066
File: 1548940300277.png (145.03 KB, 397x386, Demyx_B_5★_KHUX.png)

Now that Kingdom Hearts 3 is out, I'm reminded of my favorite Organization XIII member, Demyx. I love his stupid mullet.
No. 107071
File: 1548945909761.jpg (16.67 KB, 500x278, Izaya's_Switchblade.jpg)

Help me I feel like I'm 14 again
No. 107080
>>107079he looks like a 14 year old kid drawn by an edgy weeaboo.
I don't get how you can be attracted to characters who are drawn in a style this shitty, but to each their own
No. 107085
>>107080Honestly I don't care about his design, it's the character himself that's hot.
But yeah he's the living definition of edgy.
No. 107086
>>107083is this like the weeb version of "only dogs like bones" or whatever?
"real women don't like doodles!"
No. 107087
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>>107086No, I am repulsed by the chara design in Durarara and the character's personality in general.
No. 107116
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>>107110>>107087You're both wrong.
No. 107124
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I've accepted it at this point
No. 107144
File: 1549001529204.gif (1.03 MB, 500x280, 3602EFDA-C2B1-40B4-8C81-71DBDE…)

First and still best husbando
No. 107147
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No. 107154
File: 1549019340723.png (636.38 KB, 853x1067, Kovu.png)

>>106898I had a huge crush on Kovu when I was a kid.
I sure am glad it didn't turn me into a furry though.
No. 107169
File: 1549046832030.png (208.29 KB, 500x500, 5b2.png)

id let him manipulate me
No. 107173
File: 1549049318582.png (650.11 KB, 900x1285, tumblr_mxcscoMzKj1s79rkko2_128…)

it's fucking 2019 and i'm still into him
No. 107223
>>107196Characters in costume at disney = fursuits
Disney originated the whole thing. i agree in all seriousness
No. 107481
File: 1549419298714.jpg (29.77 KB, 480x480, sangwoon.jpg)

say what u want about killing stalking but murderous chad dom is a hottie
No. 107492
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>>107481this has to be the worst one. Anon what's hot about a rapist that will chain you up and break your legs?
No. 107558
File: 1549496649908.png (1.52 MB, 1059x1059, Garrus.png)

Being a teenager was confusing times.
No. 107562
File: 1549502622555.jpg (347.28 KB, 1920x1080, garrus1.jpg)

>>107558Fuck, you have no idea how excited I was when ME2 made that a real option. I was always disappointed with the fact that we couldn't in ME1…boring ass romance options.
No. 107564
File: 1549504113259.png (39 KB, 848x470, Iimage.png)

No. 107567
File: 1549506059671.jpg (85.62 KB, 450x640, Yuri.Lowell.697824.jpg)

Playing Vesperia since it just got remastered for PC. I live for long haired cuties
No. 107569
File: 1549508758082.jpg (101.47 KB, 1280x720, Connor.jpg)

Cute android husbando
No. 107570
File: 1549509012212.gif (726.68 KB, 500x258, tumblr_o19zswxJ9x1uyku5so1_500…)

I really wish Joker was a romance option
No. 107572
File: 1549510273182.jpg (159.86 KB, 1200x800, 221ad9695e769e2e836daf0537e1bd…)

>>107570Ugh, so did I!! Good taste, anon.
No. 107610
File: 1549557855180.png (142.07 KB, 420x420, 2017e54439f0938eaff65018fa5791…)

This degenerate shitter.
No. 107645
File: 1549583945485.png (588.65 KB, 520x472, 1221.PNG)

i like joseph but old joseph has the biggest daddy energy
No. 107687
File: 1549631514135.png (365.68 KB, 900x918, DAHQi7XUwAAK8wc.png)

Stupid sexy hairy purple cyborg aliens.
No. 107690
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I’ve been into anime since I was twelve and I’m ashamed to admit that Mirai Trunks is the hottest character in all of anime to me
No. 107707
File: 1549653270406.gif (499.29 KB, 500x200, lvjj84npQI1qgwjmxo1.gif)

skyrim bae
still kinda butthurt that he kept ignoring me after i finished the quest line. bethesda, why can't i marry him????
No. 107733
File: 1549673380303.png (515.63 KB, 700x735, C-A5XW_VYAArPnJ.png)

>>107708I know you. You are lucid dreaming anon. I envy your Sendak dream.
Good luck trying to score with Lotor in your dreams, by the way.
No. 107734
File: 1549673837719.jpg (9.75 KB, 307x228, DBZGSM4.jpg)

>>107690same. also gohan when he was the great saiyaman.
No. 107766
File: 1549713342010.jpg (37.02 KB, 397x639, 4603808-5515011646-44414.jpg)

>>105280>>105513>>106469>>107144>>105755Good taste
I don't know how snake/big boss hasn't been brought up yet.
No. 107769
>>107748Kek when I first started reading KS I read all of the available chapters in one day too. I know it’s just supposed to be edgy yaoi but the storyline is actually interesting.
>>107766I’ve never played MGS but Big Boss is one of my favorite vidya men
No. 107822
File: 1549756321564.png (408.33 KB, 540x550, morgan.png)

i know he's already been posted but i finished the game and i will say it: i would die for arthur morgan.
No. 107900
File: 1549848945038.jpg (73.6 KB, 1200x628, 0_Fh-rR5Ea166IBs1__.jpg)

I've always had a small thing for Dean from The Iron Giant.
No. 107957
File: 1549902165947.png (514.06 KB, 453x584, leonbelmont.png)

Beautiful, noble and in need of a new wife.
No. 108063
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He's pretty obscure but I'm quite smitten with Artemy Burakh/The Haruspex from Pathologic
No. 108113
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>>107558>>107562ok which one of you is this
No. 108228
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No. 108251
File: 1550193312726.gif (156.27 KB, 600x369, leon.gif)

>>108229he's a cutie, don't see how he looks botched.
I do miss his RE4 face model though. Doubting it will be brought back since they're moving on to motion capture.
No. 108254
File: 1550196551244.png (211.06 KB, 930x930, Souda.Kazuichi.png)

>>108249ntayrt, but google says it's Souda from Danganronpa
No. 108259
>>108235What is it about him that looks so off-putting, I know it's there but it's hard to put into words? Hyper realism? It seems like every company is doing that and it fucking sucks.
>>108251There's something about RE4's Leon that is irresistible to me. I think it's how smoldering his eyes look. That and the high collared shirt.
No. 108269
File: 1550218258146.jpg (66.64 KB, 1280x720, resi-4-1.jpg)

>>108259The hyper realism is a valid complaint. I think saying Remake Leon looks botched because of his facial contours is picky AF but the hyper realistic textures are a more reasonable criticism IMO. I think it is more noticeable with Claire though. I suppose enough people will disagree with this but I like my games to look like
videogames and excessive texture and detail isn't appealing to me
I thought Resident Evil 4 had really nice skin textures on all the (normal) human characters. Very soft and matte looking, and I prefer the muted color palette they used for Leon's skin and hair. He also has more tired looking eyes (which I like).
No. 108271
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>>108269I think they did their best to make leon look realistic yet similar to the previous games.
My only complaint would be that remake's hair color sometimes looks straight up gray
No. 108273
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>>108272The one place I think they really messed up on is the lips. His new lips don't have any texture, reminiscent of lip injections. In 4 the fullness of the lips is concentrated in the center while in the remake the whole perimeter of his lips look fuller.
Interestingly though the face model looks pretty damn close to RE4 Leon (but younger). I wonder why the in game model doesn't look more like 4's game model given the real actor looks close.
No. 108277
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>>108273Looks nothing like each other to me. The first thing I noticed that was different was the nose, face shape, and eye area. Ah well, I'll choose the merchant over leon at this point
No. 108450
>>108277Hey now the merch can get it, he's always prepared, is mysterious, has a deep voice.
Imagine the merch dramatically opening his coat to reveal a plethora of sex toys
No. 108484
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not sure why
No. 108493
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Hendrik is cute! Cuuuuuute!
No. 108519
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>>108484i relate to this to a lesser extent, but i love roadhog more.
something about roadhog makes me think he'd be a sweet boyfriend. i don't even care if he's got a scarred-up face underneath that mask, either - if anything, that just makes me love him that much more.
No. 108535
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Why the FUCK hasn't Prince Sidon been posted?
He's the husbando to end all husbandos.
No. 108544
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I've had a crush on him since I played the first game as a kid in the nineties.
No. 108545
>>108541What, because he didn't go into Vah Ruta with Link? It only happens that way for meta reasons and you know it.
It's a video game. You're supposed to do in alone. Remember how annoying it was when the Zora princess "helped" you with the Jabu Jabu dungeon in OoT?
Anyway, Sidon would be super generous, come on. Do I need to bring up the two dicks thing?
Also, people have non-sexual reasons for liking characters. Sidon is really sweet and earnest? He's so excitable, like a golden retreiver. Also I love his sharp teeth abd cat eyes.
No. 108553
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had a dream we were getting married
No. 108564
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>>108553Impeccable taste, anon.
No. 108613
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>>108564>>108568i unironically like his pretentious dub voice better than the japanese
i'm so sorry sugita, i just can't stop thinking of gintoki
No. 109098
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No. 109219
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I hope the anime won't suck
No. 109226
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I hate myself for this
No. 109228
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>>105277have had a crush on him since i watched the movie. it hurts.
No. 109229
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a more recent crush. he's from a comedy anime but his personality is just… adorable
No. 109295
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I love Hoozuki because he doesn't judge a woman by her looks and says traps r gay and he is handsome and so on
>>109229very nice. I hate that Teruhashi girl, the show would be better without her.
Also the chuunibyou kid is qt as well.
No. 109306
>>109295Oh, kaido! Yeah he's adorable c:
Teruhashi is annoying, but useful for my secret self-insertion because she's entertaining when mad abt it uhuhuhu
>inb4 im a degeneratei already know
No. 109307
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>>109306woops dropped the pic