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No. 7320
File: 1546985524735.jpeg (112.9 KB, 750x881, 291083E3-5709-4278-92AC-38DBB0…)

>>7319Yes. Jason Isaacs too.
No. 7321
File: 1546986837731.jpg (99.75 KB, 750x1000, jin-kazama-tekken-mobile-2017-…)

You plebs, not real people. Husbandos.
Jim Kazama can pin me down and do whatever he wants. I'd love to hear him talk dirty to me. I want him wear the gloves too.
No. 7323
File: 1546989654167.jpeg (534.98 KB, 1922x2001, 05B38154-7A96-42BF-9B21-7CA48A…)

>>7318Uhh, well I bought dead by daylight two weeks ago and honestly… I didn’t think I would consider anyone my husbando….but Micheal Myers happened.
No. 7324
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Leon Kennedy but only from RE4
No. 7325
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>>7321I love his edgy devil form and his sweet half uncle
No. 7326
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>>7324I see a lot of people who dislike his looks in the remake, but i think he's pretty hot
No. 7327
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No. 7328
File: 1546992084177.png (178.78 KB, 350x358, blake.png)

Probably the most obscure one on this site
No. 7332
>>7328>most obscureI raise you my husbando being a character I created.
Peak husbando-ism, doesn't get better than that.
No. 7334
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i would die for this man
No. 7335
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look i know voltron is a shit-tier fujoshi magnet but i just really, really want to dom lance
No. 7336
File: 1547006650434.jpg (64.56 KB, 743x1076, keithics___voltron_x_ffxv_by_s…)

>>7335also keith is cute too
No. 7337
File: 1547008180470.png (110.01 KB, 500x486, tumblr_ob0l2tgGvU1rhyck2o1_r2_…)

Spark is soooo hot
No. 7338
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No. 7339
File: 1547011533328.png (681.13 KB, 675x1200, tumblr_o2k1czLOm11r2yje9o1_r1_…)

I love Maccready…I have way too many husbandos, might make a chart showing my top ones when I'm not lazy…
No. 7340
File: 1547011726475.jpeg (818.8 KB, 1125x2155, F59166CA-5F02-4222-AEE5-34204F…)

Vasco is so cute I love strong teddy bear men
No. 7341
File: 1547012350126.gif (2 MB, 640x480, fry.gif)

i've had a thing for him since i was a little kid and i still think his dumb face is adorable.
No. 7342
File: 1547019927779.png (1.2 MB, 1174x667, akiyama.PNG)

I want Shun Akiyama to fuck me with his clothes on while being tipsy. His breath smelling like cigarettes and whiskey. His slightly hairy chest dripping with tiny beads of sweat as he pulls up my skirt and fondles my breasts from behind me… god, that five o clock shadow rubbing against my cheeks…
No. 7343
File: 1547030184972.jpg (96.04 KB, 632x663, Miles.jpg)

Edgeworth has been my number one husbando for 10+ years and no man will ever take his place in my heart.
No. 7347
File: 1547067633798.jpg (424.41 KB, 1280x1771, tumblr_pedjfbjHVs1utnjhmo7_128…)

I'm so fucking ashamed but I've been thinking a lot about Levi. I recently started reading Attack on Titan again (I dropped it when the coup arc started) and as I expected it's a trainwreck and at this rate I'm only reading it for him.
No. 7348
File: 1547069051658.jpg (68.95 KB, 424x512, c74d978029a9ba06fdd0d18e39c0c0…)

I want him to handle me the way he handles his 86. I want to live for him.
No. 7349
File: 1547074664280.png (243.56 KB, 512x496, Fernand_Echoes.png)

I'm not even sorry.
No. 7350
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No. 7351
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I wouldn't mind me doming me hard, ngl. I love him so much, kek.
Maybe Encyclopedia Dramatic was right about my husbando. I wanna do kinky stuff with him.
No. 7352
File: 1547130558803.jpg (145.49 KB, 958x638, wallendrance.jpg)

I wish .hack was more popular, forever crying about lack of merch or even fanart/fanfiction.
My heart cannot go on like this, I need more of him in my life
No. 7353
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>>7350my canon is solavellan but let's be real. Cullen is best boi, best romance 10/10
No. 7354
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No. 7355
File: 1547138645793.jpg (634.75 KB, 800x711, 9274620174639.jpg)

Well, actually I'm way too old for this vampire shit. But I'm digging him so hard. fml
No. 7356
File: 1547139241195.jpg (18.86 KB, 425x240, Crisis-Core-Final-Fantasy-VII-…)

hurt me
No. 7360
>>7358CC would have been better with no Gackt self-insert.
There is defintely a huge risk that the remake could be wanky and have none of the original spirit - if it ever comes out.
No. 7361
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>>7355Lmao me too anon, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. I like listening to the CD dramas too…reji is my favorite haha…ayato is hot too though
No. 7362
File: 1547155499222.png (358.73 KB, 602x959, XY_Wikstrom.png)

Pokemon has so much sexy guys
No. 7365
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>>7334God damn it anon I came in here to post him.
No. 7367
File: 1547179591286.png (122.12 KB, 454x288, Travis Moe Transparent.png)

I love this stupid loser.
No. 7368
File: 1547179965135.png (2.66 MB, 1936x4662, chara.png)

#1 husbando for so many years
No. 7370
File: 1547181767005.jpg (518.47 KB, 1920x1576, sweetdaddyholyshit.jpg)

He looks his best in TEW2 with the face scruff. I fucking love ragged looking dads. God i just want to ride his face in to the sunset.
No. 7371
File: 1547188983059.jpg (78.92 KB, 700x421, red-dead-redemption-2-5af01147…)

john will always be best boi
No. 7372
File: 1547206478760.jpg (173.58 KB, 620x617, 859431433085943.jpg)

>>7369>love me a good asshole with glasses guy.I used to hate shitty anime glasses guys, but I guess I'm a convert as Ichinomiya is my husband now. The type make great subs.
No. 7375
File: 1547291032481.png (837.02 KB, 889x1218, Godot_Portrait.png)

Godot can slurp my coffee anytime
No. 7377
File: 1547296620894.jpg (728.85 KB, 1000x1806, Nikkari.Aoe.full.2144438.jpg)

My love. Too bad he isn't real. Just in 2.5D.
No. 7378
File: 1547308879169.jpg (103.27 KB, 900x1240, 267a2d5103fc5535acc38016b9d7eb…)

>>7343>>7375These two are a couple of hotties but for some reason I also ended up crushing on this spiky haired dork and no one ever talks about husbando-ing him (from what I've seen).
No. 7379
File: 1547322190714.jpg (55.64 KB, 600x600, Vaas_3.jpg)

I'm still not over how they did my boy(friend) dirty by killing him off so quickly. I could listen to his crazy tirades forever.
No. 7381
File: 1547351166474.jpg (434.56 KB, 842x631, Kyoya_Ootori_with_a_drink.jpg)

>>7372Always been a big fan of shitty glasses guys. Kyoya Ootori was my first at 12 kek. Also what is that fine collection of lines from, I'm not up to date on weeb shit.
No. 7383
File: 1547397182766.jpg (130.24 KB, 596x811, ilikeike.jpg)

He's so strong and sexy
No. 7384
File: 1547398191629.gif (1.76 MB, 540x635, 687474703a2f2f7468656861736874…)

tell me how you got all those scars
No. 7385
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>>7380He is Nikkari Aoe from Touken Ranbu. A dude manifested from a sword that can cut down ghosts. And also short, cute, horny AND cool if you ask me. Here is an official pic of him chilling in winter.
No. 7387
File: 1547428593912.png (1.25 MB, 1080x964, JIN.PNG)

>>7384I really don't like many older scruffy looking men but Geralt is an EXCEPTION. I love his sense of wit.
Also I want to sperg about Jin Kazama again, he looks so good in this outfit. I want to unbutton it for him while we make out.
No. 7388
File: 1547489322981.jpg (431.98 KB, 1100x632, dazai.jpg)

I'm embarrassed
No. 7390
File: 1547500015398.gif (1.78 MB, 500x444, tumblr_o39jhc7bmC1svkfqgo1_500…)

I love him… He loves his friends and family and yearns to be connected to people. But one thing I hate is that the fanbase portrays him as the perfect chad all from just one scene.
No. 7391
File: 1547502673849.png (1.17 MB, 1095x1500, tumblr_nj5ab2VTcy1r3qiawo1_r2_…)

>>7390That's just the western fans though. It's like when they portray the p3 protagonist as an edgy emo when he's a teenage boy with depression for very good reasons who actually can be sassy or happy, or when they constantly portray Yukari as a hateful bitch when she's one of the least stupid characters of the game.
No. 7392
File: 1547506988510.jpg (321.64 KB, 650x690, 25194335_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>7391Yeah, you're right. It's also the same fans who usually want to deny the fact that Yu and Yosuke don't have deeper feelings for each other than friendship. Why not accept both the bromance and possibility of a romance?
No. 7393
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… please don't ask
No. 7394
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Where my mentally unstable bitches at?
No. 7395
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>>7324Same, He was the only reason that I started playing RE4 (but I kept playing for the cool story…the castle part with Salazar is fantastic imo). I've always think that he looks like a younger version of David Bowie.
No. 7398
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>>7394>>7396For a second I thought that was Bigby lol
No. 7400
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>>7398Would let Bigby tear it up, tbh
No. 7402
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>>7401I don't keep up with shoe. is she so delusional as to somehow believe her anthro-potato-sack of a boyfriend compares with the walking, talking, chainsmoking bicep that is Bigby Wolf?
No. 7403
>>7341I’ve had a crush on Fry since I was a teenager. Despite being really dumb and apparently having bad hygiene, he’s really sweet and fun. His love for Leela also warms my cold, black heart. Most guys aren’t like that.
>>7320This pic set reminds me that Emma Watson’s mouth really bothers me, for some reason.
No. 7404
File: 1548205248192.gif (2.78 MB, 540x468, majima_goro.gif)

>>7402I don't usually like older men but damn, he can get it.
(And also Majima no matter what age but that's because hes…Majima) <3
No. 7405
>>7394FUCK YES
I fantasize about being captured by him and he rapes and kills me on camera.
Either that or he puts the shock collar on me and I get to stay in his house forever.
No. 7406
I fucking hate majority of MAJIMA fans because most of them are fujos, but they can never make me stop loving him. It's too strong.
No. 7409
File: 1548226164695.gif (2.98 MB, 295x370, 06708D37-4491-4148-BA1F-4993EF…)

i love this Cowboy Game Pixel Man™ way too much.
No. 7410
File: 1548238582538.png (971.51 KB, 805x1136, hc1.png)

he's like the kind of husbando you want to beat the shit out of, but you also love him so much.
No. 7413
File: 1548264928507.gif (2.22 MB, 500x298, tumblr_p840ye9Hjs1rsntc8o1_500…)

>>7409same anon same
I would die for arthur
and I haven't finished my first play through yet (on chapter 6 but I accidentally spoiled myself so I know the ending ugh) but im so excited to start my second play through already
No. 7414
>>7404i love yakuza 0 majima the best. i would die for him
i don’t like him in the rest of the games, tho. majima goes from being literal perfection to a tokyo cringe compilation
No. 7416
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>>7415In Yakuza 4 and 5 he starts to mellow out compared to 1 through 3. I liked seeing his soft side in 4 the most. He was mysterious, but definitely had a set plan.
Minami though…
No. 7417
>>7411i'm the anon that posted the pic of hux and
>>7412 is kinda right, lmao. they built him up decently in TFA but in TLJ he was cast aside as almost a comic relief character. we got reason to believe he's going to make some big bad comeback in the next film but i wouldn't get my hopes up.
he's a stupid idiot shithead but i love him for it.
No. 7418
File: 1548389819055.jpg (85.84 KB, 1280x720, Space-Dandy-Essential-06.jpg)

did someone say stupid idiot shithead?
No. 7419
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No. 7420
>>7419Never thought I'd see my dickhead ex's art posted on here.
>>7409Oh Arthur… I'm not used to seeing him with hair but I loved him with a shaved head and mutton chops!
No. 7424
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>>7422damn is he onision or what? good riddance anon kek
No. 7426
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not sure if this counts but here is my husband (female)
No. 7427
File: 1548673401358.jpg (446.49 KB, 800x1200, 54530662_p1_master1200.jpg)

>>7348Oh shit, I'm not the only Lonely Driver!~
No. 7430
>>7426We have a thread for female characters too.
>>7429Drama CD called Namidame.
No. 7431
File: 1548680228261.png (163.26 KB, 316x400, wocky.png)

>>7378I like him the most in his younger (Dahlia-era) and older forms.
I've been replaying the games again and the whole series sure is an excellent husbando factory.
No. 7433
File: 1548817403216.png (3.7 MB, 1160x2510, Hercules_Character.png)

Best Disney husbandos?
No. 7436
File: 1548837129807.jpg (41.99 KB, 650x488, HADES.jpg)

>>7433This hunk.
I used to pretend to have sex with Hades as a child and imaginary Hades had 4 pillows to support his head while I made out with him.
No. 7438
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No. 7444
File: 1548935480051.jpg (125.29 KB, 1143x1061, taboo boy.jpg)

No. 7445
File: 1548940300277.png (145.03 KB, 397x386, Demyx_B_5★_KHUX.png)

Now that Kingdom Hearts 3 is out, I'm reminded of my favorite Organization XIII member, Demyx. I love his stupid mullet.
No. 7447
File: 1548945909761.jpg (16.67 KB, 500x278, Izaya's_Switchblade.jpg)

Help me I feel like I'm 14 again
No. 7449
>>7448he looks like a 14 year old kid drawn by an edgy weeaboo.
I don't get how you can be attracted to characters who are drawn in a style this shitty, but to each their own
No. 7452
>>7449Honestly I don't care about his design, it's the character himself that's hot.
But yeah he's the living definition of edgy.
No. 7453
>>7451is this like the weeb version of "only dogs like bones" or whatever?
"real women don't like doodles!
No. 7454
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>>7453No, I am repulsed by the chara design in Durarara and the character's personality in general.
No. 7458
File: 1548971585252.png (725.23 KB, 1180x941, Shinra-Kishitani-Ep04.png)

>>7456>>7454You're both wrong.
No. 7460
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I've accepted it at this point
No. 7465
File: 1549001529204.gif (1.03 MB, 500x280, 3602EFDA-C2B1-40B4-8C81-71DBDE…)

First and still best husbando
No. 7468
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No. 7470
File: 1549019340723.png (636.38 KB, 853x1067, Kovu.png)

>>7433I had a huge crush on Kovu when I was a kid.
I sure am glad it didn't turn me into a furry though.
No. 7472
File: 1549046832030.png (208.29 KB, 500x500, 5b2.png)

id let him manipulate me
No. 7475
File: 1549049318582.png (650.11 KB, 900x1285, tumblr_mxcscoMzKj1s79rkko2_128…)

it's fucking 2019 and i'm still into him
No. 7483
>>7481Characters in costume at disney = fursuits
Disney originated the whole thing. i agree in all seriousness
No. 7485
File: 1549419298714.jpg (29.77 KB, 480x480, sangwoon.jpg)

say what u want about killing stalking but murderous chad dom is a hottie
No. 7486
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>>7485this has to be the worst one. Anon what's hot about a rapist that will chain you up and break your legs?
No. 7491
File: 1549496649908.png (1.52 MB, 1059x1059, Garrus.png)

Being a teenager was confusing times.
No. 7492
File: 1549502622555.jpg (347.28 KB, 1920x1080, garrus1.jpg)

>>7491Fuck, you have no idea how excited I was when ME2 made that a real option. I was always disappointed with the fact that we couldn't in ME1…boring ass romance options.
No. 7494
File: 1549504113259.png (39 KB, 848x470, Iimage.png)

No. 7496
File: 1549506059671.jpg (85.62 KB, 450x640, Yuri.Lowell.697824.jpg)

Playing Vesperia since it just got remastered for PC. I live for long haired cuties
No. 7497
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Cute android husbando
No. 7498
File: 1549509012212.gif (726.68 KB, 500x258, tumblr_o19zswxJ9x1uyku5so1_500…)

I really wish Joker was a romance option
No. 7499
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>>7498Ugh, so did I!! Good taste, anon.
No. 7502
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This degenerate shitter.
No. 7503
File: 1549583945485.png (588.65 KB, 520x472, 1221.PNG)

i like joseph but old joseph has the biggest daddy energy
No. 7506
File: 1549631514135.png (365.68 KB, 900x918, DAHQi7XUwAAK8wc.png)

Stupid sexy hairy purple cyborg aliens.
No. 7507
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I’ve been into anime since I was twelve and I’m ashamed to admit that Mirai Trunks is the hottest character in all of anime to me
No. 7508
File: 1549653270406.gif (499.29 KB, 500x200, lvjj84npQI1qgwjmxo1.gif)

skyrim bae
still kinda butthurt that he kept ignoring me after i finished the quest line. bethesda, why can't i marry him????
No. 7510
File: 1549673380303.png (515.63 KB, 700x735, C-A5XW_VYAArPnJ.png)

>>7509I know you. You are lucid dreaming anon. I envy your Sendak dream.
Good luck trying to score with Lotor in your dreams, by the way.
No. 7511
File: 1549673837719.jpg (9.75 KB, 307x228, DBZGSM4.jpg)

>>7507same. also gohan when he was the great saiyaman.
No. 7516
File: 1549713342010.jpg (37.02 KB, 397x639, 4603808-5515011646-44414.jpg)

>>7334>>7363>>7418>>7465>>7383Good taste
I don't know how snake/big boss hasn't been brought up yet.
No. 7518
>>7515Kek when I first started reading KS I read all of the available chapters in one day too. I know it’s just supposed to be edgy yaoi but the storyline is actually interesting.
>>7516I’ve never played MGS but Big Boss is one of my favorite vidya men
No. 7519
File: 1549756321564.png (408.33 KB, 540x550, morgan.png)

i know he's already been posted but i finished the game and i will say it: i would die for arthur morgan.
No. 7521
File: 1549848945038.jpg (73.6 KB, 1200x628, 0_Fh-rR5Ea166IBs1__.jpg)

I've always had a small thing for Dean from The Iron Giant.
No. 7524
File: 1549902165947.png (514.06 KB, 453x584, leonbelmont.png)

Beautiful, noble and in need of a new wife.
No. 7526
File: 1550033030375.png (488.95 KB, 760x1000, tumblr_on186xsTeT1rl0s2xo1_128…)

He's pretty obscure but I'm quite smitten with Artemy Burakh/The Haruspex from Pathologic
No. 7527
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>>7491>>7492ok which one of you is this
No. 7528
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No. 7533
File: 1550193312726.gif (156.27 KB, 600x369, leon.gif)

>>7529he's a cutie, don't see how he looks botched.
I do miss his RE4 face model though. Doubting it will be brought back since they're moving on to motion capture.
No. 7534
File: 1550196551244.png (211.06 KB, 930x930, Souda.Kazuichi.png)

>>7532ntayrt, but google says it's Souda from Danganronpa
No. 7535
>>7531What is it about him that looks so off-putting, I know it's there but it's hard to put into words? Hyper realism? It seems like every company is doing that and it fucking sucks.
>>7533There's something about RE4's Leon that is irresistible to me. I think it's how smoldering his eyes look. That and the high collared shirt.
No. 7536
File: 1550218258146.jpg (66.64 KB, 1280x720, resi-4-1.jpg)

>>7535The hyper realism is a
valid complaint. I think saying Remake Leon looks botched because of his facial contours is picky AF but the hyper realistic textures are a more reasonable criticism IMO. I think it is more noticeable with Claire though. I suppose enough people will disagree with this but I like my games to look like
videogames and excessive texture and detail isn't appealing to me
I thought Resident Evil 4 had really nice skin textures on all the (normal) human characters. Very soft and matte looking, and I prefer the muted color palette they used for Leon's skin and hair. He also has more tired looking eyes (which I like).
No. 7537
File: 1550224513263.jpg (104.2 KB, 1280x720, 521c8495-fac3-45f4-805a-711851…)

>>7536I think they did their best to make leon look realistic yet similar to the previous games.
My only complaint would be that remake's hair color sometimes looks straight up gray
No. 7539
File: 1550226467411.jpg (110.56 KB, 800x504, leon.jpg)

>>7538The one place I think they really messed up on is the lips. His new lips don't have any texture, reminiscent of lip injections. In 4 the fullness of the lips is concentrated in the center while in the remake the whole perimeter of his lips look fuller.
Interestingly though the face model looks pretty damn close to RE4 Leon (but younger). I wonder why the in game model doesn't look more like 4's game model given the real actor looks close.
No. 7540
File: 1550232168629.gif (999 KB, 245x250, giphy.gif)

>>7539Looks nothing like each other to me. The first thing I noticed that was different was the nose, face shape, and eye area. Ah well, I'll choose the merchant over leon at this point
No. 7543
>>7540Hey now the merch can get it, he's always prepared, is mysterious, has a deep voice.
Imagine the merch dramatically opening his coat to reveal a plethora of sex toys
No. 7545
File: 1550430861263.png (1.27 MB, 1200x800, junkrat.png)

not sure why
No. 7547
File: 1550445653977.jpg (163.22 KB, 668x885, 65749179_p6.jpg)

Hendrik is cute! Cuuuuuute!
No. 7548
File: 1550459978965.jpg (42.99 KB, 700x396, oh god oh fuck.jpg)

>>7545i relate to this to a lesser extent, but i love roadhog more.
something about roadhog makes me think he'd be a sweet boyfriend. i don't even care if he's got a scarred-up face underneath that mask, either - if anything, that just makes me love him that much more.
No. 7549
File: 1550481190580.gif (1.77 MB, 268x150, e44c1fc8bbe3d471a163b332b7eaf5…)

Why the FUCK hasn't Prince Sidon been posted?
He's the husbando to end all husbandos.
No. 7551
File: 1550508772351.png (274.24 KB, 750x778, rayman.png)

I've had a crush on him since I played the first game as a kid in the nineties.
No. 7552
>>7550What, because he didn't go into Vah Ruta with Link? It only happens that way for meta reasons and you know it.
It's a video game. You're supposed to do in alone. Remember how annoying it was when the Zora princess "helped" you with the Jabu Jabu dungeon in OoT?
Anyway, Sidon would be super generous, come on. Do I need to bring up the two dicks thing?
Also, people have non-sexual reasons for liking characters. Sidon is really sweet and earnest? He's so excitable, like a golden retreiver. Also I love his sharp teeth abd cat eyes.
No. 7555
File: 1550516156296.png (1.21 MB, 1580x1200, 742d549ac12843994ef71765848120…)

had a dream we were getting married
No. 7556
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>>7555Impeccable taste, anon.
No. 7559
File: 1550568030423.jpg (77.69 KB, 710x1000, 7ef81d8732b24e82da5353a1b4307b…)

>>7556>>7557i unironically like his pretentious dub voice better than the japanese
i'm so sorry sugita, i just can't stop thinking of gintoki
No. 7560
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No. 7566
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I hope the anime won't suck
No. 7568
File: 1551126213800.jpg (44.67 KB, 1280x720, Okabe.jpg)

I hate myself for this
No. 7569
File: 1551126524750.jpg (15.58 KB, 736x311, help.jpg)

>>7332have had a crush on him since i watched the movie. it hurts.
No. 7570
File: 1551126649096.jpg (354.43 KB, 1920x1090, ohno.jpg)

a more recent crush. he's from a comedy anime but his personality is just… adorable
No. 7573
File: 1551210614313.png (244.91 KB, 565x683, Chapter_Cover_003.png)

I love Hoozuki because he doesn't judge a woman by her looks and says traps r gay and he is handsome and so on
>>7570very nice. I hate that Teruhashi girl, the show would be better without her.
Also the chuunibyou kid is qt as well.
No. 7574
>>7573Oh, kaido! Yeah he's adorable c:
Teruhashi is annoying, but useful for my secret self-insertion because she's entertaining when mad abt it uhuhuhu
>inb4 im a degeneratei already know
No. 7575
File: 1551215071355.jpg (45.59 KB, 225x350, kaido.jpg)

>>7574woops dropped the pic
No. 10566
File: 1551355926520.jpg (46.8 KB, 1080x608, 50485545_355522468368444_15233…)

I admit that KH3 turned out to be pretty fucked up in the end, but Axel/Lea in HD blew me away. I've always had a thing for him, but now he's just .. oof. Beautiful.
No. 10625
File: 1551419592622.gif (2.93 MB, 450x268, tumblr_pki2vy0lcG1w1vq2jo8_500…)

Machine Connor…
No. 10626
File: 1551423028340.jpeg (214.41 KB, 1000x1186, 8CE91B65-5B09-4D14-B2F9-1D8557…)

I would do fucking anything for the iron bull and if you wouldn’t do the same you’re a coward and a fool.
No. 10627
File: 1551423151887.jpeg (79.1 KB, 500x760, 9A56E41C-1689-4CA8-8278-CECDB6…)

Doubleposting, but Sado is also walking sex and would also take care of your pets. A
No. 10631
File: 1551429178709.gif (1020.83 KB, 500x294, died.gif)

Vincent from Catherine.
I don't know why I'm so autistic about the combo of fluffy hair + chin scruff. even SHAGGY has it going on imo
No. 10659
File: 1551458094216.gif (2.69 MB, 540x282, 1514821758_tumblr_oxu8268shh1v…)

ok i know he's a damn robot but i'm absolutely crazy for cayde-6
No. 10662
File: 1551459423058.jpg (385.83 KB, 1920x1080, Turian_Ark_Not_Dead_Yet.jpg)

>>10659He is so cute, the light flickering on his cheeks almost looks like he is blushing. I love masked/alien faced characters like this, like Turians from Mass Effect, I didn't even play that game but they are so cute. I love their faces, especially their mouth shape. Also they wear cool armor.
No. 10664
File: 1551460142814.jpg (46.53 KB, 455x400, Nihilus.jpg)

While we're being weird Darth Nihilus has got some really nice meat on him despite being a gaping wound in The Force.
This picture isn't the best but he's got really beefy arms and shoulders. Every other guy in the game looked misshapen and dumb so of course those were the ones that hit on you.
No. 10666
File: 1551463289341.png (183.66 KB, 1109x832, screen-shot-2018-04-11-at-9013…)

>>10659he is a qt3.14
I've got it bad for the Netflix Lost in Space reboot robot
even tho i've never watched it haha whoops No. 10680
File: 1551489645191.jpg (243.55 KB, 1100x832, Adachi Smoking.jpg)

Adachi has been my one and only husbando for 6 years straight and I have no plans to change that.
No. 10690
File: 1551505344916.png (1.81 MB, 1258x2100, Link-the-legend-of-zelda-38939…)

Link was my first 2d crush, and I'm still thirsty for him after all these years
Especially TP Link
No. 10699
File: 1551537006932.jpg (71.3 KB, 368x558, Zedd2.jpg)

I used to think Lord Zedd was hot
No. 10702
File: 1551547148009.gif (2.82 MB, 409x409, 32344492_379218599263267_66520…)

>>10690Seconded. Link is a fucking
snacc. He's the perfect mix of butch and femme.
No. 10705
File: 1551552171848.gif (816.83 KB, 500x367, 1496342997_Spik Spegel.gif)

Best man
No. 10725
File: 1551572998353.jpg (49.84 KB, 1272x530, tumblr_messaging_pnrjpn17kg1tz…)

Watched the movie 5 times because of this douche
No. 11906
File: 1551715515052.jpeg (27.55 KB, 178x200, AEF31BF3-6042-4BB9-A5A4-C1B3FB…)

Forever my husbando, we’ve been going strong since 2013 <3
No. 11909
File: 1551715624609.jpg (92.33 KB, 540x540, tumblr_panf5mgeMP1rpl94uo1_540…)

I knew about all the Reigen thirst BEFORE I started watching Mob…but here I am falling for it…I am ashamed.
No. 11921
File: 1551718624801.png (181.6 KB, 500x437, GOODSHIT.png)

Best boy tbh
>>11909>I am ashamedAnon pls don't be he's a good character
No. 12683
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I can't help myself, I'm so in love with him…
No. 12702
File: 1551744901770.png (105.4 KB, 300x300, thumb_large_33cac5c83d6ae3f35e…)

the fact that i actually end up listening to those cd drama like asmr of him is a huge sign of desperate and thirsty… it's less cringy than reading a reader x him on wattpad… god, no.
No. 12713
File: 1551745779920.jpg (63.37 KB, 1170x658, syndrome_the_incredibles_3.jpg)

No. 12720
File: 1551746100772.png (232.56 KB, 400x400, 9EB113DF-17DF-464F-A39A-21959B…)

>>12706Same here anon. He’s so sweet and everything I wish guys were lol …tall, fit, loyal, handsome as fuck, likes cats as a bonus
No. 12768
File: 1551763608386.jpeg (57.66 KB, 513x768, 5389F79E-75EF-4853-AD9E-E7C53F…)

Going on 10+ years
I know he doesn’t have much of a canon personality but it’s hinted at just enough for him to be exactly my type.
No. 12794
>>7563Leon seems to have been many a girl's first crush.
I'd be interested in seeing if they'd ever remake RE4 with updates textures on Leon's RE4 face model.
No. 12869
>>7494Tiger is a super qt!
I don’t know anything about T&B but let me tell you that everyone I’ve met who ever liked that anime was always pleasant to be around.
No. 12902
File: 1551809578837.png (889.05 KB, 1400x700,…)

I rarely get into husbandos but damn, this one with the long hair, quitting smoking really got my heart.
No. 12932
File: 1551814055320.png (1.98 KB, 156x156, rando.png)

He's so pure
No. 13036
File: 1551857724894.png (280.95 KB, 500x469, tumblr_nm434wsWdM1tpfyz5o1_500…)

>>10705i actually think watching cowboy bebop at a young age gave me a smoking fetish
thank god it doesn't extend to real life
No. 13067
File: 1551885648576.png (77.6 KB, 483x455, tumblr_pldwlnYZXK1rcbkkgo1_128…)

Best boy. Absolutely adorable in-game as well.
No. 13201
>>13195Dark souls.
praise the sun\[T]/
No. 13268
File: 1551991243554.jpg (2.5 MB, 3264x3264, husbandoss.jpg)

i obviously have a type as you can see from the pics.
I get so obssessed with male characters that look like a real manly man but are VERY KIND, witty, respectfull and would never hurt or think bad about woman(exactly like Ethan chandler from penny dreadfull).
I sometimes get so fucking depressed because i know i could never find a man like this in real life.
No. 13321
File: 1552020192138.jpg (56.51 KB, 630x630, 2113535_1.jpg)

14-year-old me or so was legitimately in love with Zoro
No. 13322
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>>13321Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi, too. Teenage hormones are one hell of a drug
No. 13323
File: 1552020908088.png (35.28 KB, 256x256, Roronoa-Zoro-icon.png)

>>13321I just remember being embarassed about it and that it just
happened that I fell in love with the grass-haired man. I think I was even embarassed in front of
him because he was so cool and I just a lame teenager
No. 13416
File: 1552055600082.jpg (46.22 KB, 466x466, 51VsOhJchxL._SX466_.jpg)

>>13335That's the actor Charlie Hunnam playing Arthur.
The pic is from the movie King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.
No. 13425
File: 1552059072741.jpeg (98.2 KB, 612x868, C643937A-8C97-4EE6-AC96-FE3407…)

>>12683>>12702Step aside plebs this is the best boy from the entire series
No. 14776
File: 1552139318033.png (960.62 KB, 852x772, nice.png)

>>7494yeeeeeeees. Origami Cyclone is so qt as well despite his weirdo eyebrows
No. 14834
File: 1552164009887.png (570.27 KB, 540x610, vdmc5.png)

Has anyone married V and his pussy pillow lips yet?
No. 14835
File: 1552165176303.jpg (408.86 KB, 1262x1290, 1548282705104.jpg)

>>14813Kek it's ok to have basic taste anon, no need to get angry
>>7334Honestly, can't go wrong with Parker
No. 14836
File: 1552165954316.jpeg (252.75 KB, 750x405, FAB77972-2BCD-4940-B743-12D1FB…)

my favourite misunderstood edgy boi. i’m still pissed that the kh3 creators completely ditched the backstory they wrote for him
No. 14838
File: 1552171915683.jpg (93.39 KB, 620x947, 2g21nzxtr8x01.jpg)

>>10705>>13036Supposedly hes based off this guy
No. 14843
File: 1552177726162.png (682.95 KB, 868x678, kano.png)

Really looking forward to seeing this nasty asshole getting his ass kicked again
One of my top husbandos tbh
No. 14926
File: 1552192352489.jpg (257.92 KB, 776x1080, 1551587303435.jpg)

I want vergil to judgement nut inside me
No. 14943
>>14834Looks like he wants to listen to Atreyu and play tony hawks underground and gives no head. Sorry anon
>>14926Looks like he'll give head. Noice
No. 14958
>>14943What are you basing this on? Anyone who thinks Vergil is a good lover must not be a DMC fan or blinded by his looks
>>14926I mean, who wouldn't want to make babies with this ideal father of the year? Kek
No. 16866
File: 1552370976716.gif (3.73 MB, 500x278, tumblr_pmpk26v0yl1qzhf3uo2_500…)

>>15482I would normally agree but this particular edgy emo kid did something to me
No. 16954
File: 1552406282036.png (78 KB, 261x500, The Ghoulfather from Yo-Kai Wa…)

No. 20073
File: 1553018243760.jpg (47.02 KB, 922x1199, DdOk1yyU8AE23fz.jpg)

I think about him all the time
No. 20324
File: 1553065826982.gif (2.66 MB, 500x417, 424.gif)

I fucking love this cutie. I haven't had a crush on a vg character in years but DMC5 basically reawakened the crush I had on Nero back when I was like 12.
>hwn love and protect you and turn to you for advice in his time of need
>ywn go on devil-hunting adventures with him, only admiring him from afar because he's in a long-term stable relationship
why live
No. 20325
File: 1553066467392.jpg (98.76 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

Was in love with this fuck when I was 12. I'm almost ashamed.
No. 20641
File: 1553250886190.png (366.6 KB, 595x1038, 7QxW7jc.png)

Am I a furry now?
No. 20660
File: 1553265724033.jpeg (40.64 KB, 512x458, DB7C0BED-E426-4066-A8FB-0DFE69…)

his thicc eyebrows and menacing expressions make me feel things
No. 20669
File: 1553274198757.png (1.52 MB, 1366x768, 1552745307721.png)

>>20324Same here anon. I have never played a DMC game but after seeing how fucking cute Nero is in 5 I couldn't help but start. He was cute in 4 but god this smug, chad look does something for me. I also love how he is so edgy around everyone but becomes sweet and awkward around Kyrie. What a perfect boi.
No. 20671
File: 1553277439218.gif (429.14 KB, 500x458, ikNNNvX.gif)

>>20662Makoto Hanamiya from Kuroko no Basket
Not a major character, but appreciated every second of his screentime
No. 20681
File: 1553280754549.gif (1.54 MB, 540x372, 9d628053-be4a-4aa2-877f-12aa40…)

>>20669Same here lol
Him and new Leon are super cute
No. 21639
File: 1553292888320.jpeg (133.14 KB, 1280x770, 5D086A88-2309-4E50-8CB2-1CB5B4…)

God this render has me in some type of way.
No. 21680
File: 1553323089049.jpg (97.08 KB, 449x640, aomine.jpg)

>>20680haikyuu is actually my fav sports anime, although kuroko isn't bad, it's by the same studio and even if i dont like it as much as haikyuu i cant deny that its entertaining - plus great character design and animation
also love aomine
No. 21691
File: 1553332374836.png (219.64 KB, 1012x1557, 0002 - x2.png)

>>21680Thanks for the reminder to post my own basketball husbando.
No. 21693
File: 1553334309720.jpg (9.03 KB, 225x225, index.jpg)

>>21691The og best boi. Even though I've always been a Sendoh kinda gal.
No. 21695
File: 1553334797134.jpg (583.74 KB, 1920x1080, 1420226684801.jpg)

>>21693Inoue draws such beautiful characters, I think the majority of them are husbando worthy based on art alone
No. 21698
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>>21695Agreed. He's an incredible artist.
No. 21715
File: 1553349268205.jpg (23.07 KB, 225x350, 311594.jpg)

mob is qt
he recently dethroned my husbando of 8 years, karkat
No. 21726
File: 1553362468777.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 6263B346-A2E4-44A4-8BFD-D6A992…)

Harry’s cute fucking emotional abusive ass from Outlaw Star. He was my first ever husbando and the reason why pretty boys are my weakness.
No. 21751
File: 1553377609874.jpg (75.26 KB, 500x445, tumblr_owgt3jvOh41r3ydbpo1_500…)

>>21695I would have sex with both of these men. I love how elegant and erotic they look. Inoue is one of my favorite artists.
No. 21752
File: 1553378579341.jpg (230.03 KB, 861x1236, 71TY7kJBo9L.jpg)

>>21695>>21698Thanks for posting this artist anons, I've been looking into his work and enjoy how elegant yet still masculine his male characters are.
No. 21766
File: 1553389105429.png (2.22 MB, 1130x1476, a116fb71-9452-4850-8915-19cf7d…)

>>21715I love mob as a son
Reigen is mad sexy though. I read a post about pegging him and now I keep thinking about it…
No. 21769
File: 1553390802191.jpg (304.52 KB, 750x1103, Vagabond v01 155.jpg)

>>21752Conveniently enough he's also amazing at writing, Vagabond and Slam Dunk are among the best manga ever.
No. 21771
File: 1553392908122.jpeg (103.58 KB, 743x780, 1CC569E3-32AF-4332-A83E-6DB1C7…)

This probably explains my trash dating life, but I still can’t get over Kaiba. Especially after they made him ripped in Dark Side of Dimensions. This cocky, tall freak has my heart but he would probably rather fuck the pharaoh
No. 21777
>>21771Hnnggg me too Anon, ugh imagine Kaiba begging you for it… My first husband -heart eyes-
>>21766Reigen can fucking get it, love this sleazy motherfucker
No. 21781
File: 1553401334233.jpeg (971.62 KB, 3840x1600, v.jpeg)

I want this edge lord to fuck me up something fierce. Nero is my boy but god damn I can't stop fantasizing about V.
No. 21790
File: 1553407653501.gif (2.54 MB, 500x280, V-devil-may-cry-41806786-500-2…)

>>21781yes anon. I was worried I'd hate him based on the first trailer I saw him in but he's edgy in a fun way. His scan model is a total babe, Capcom chose well.
No. 21809
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>>7370speaking of TEW
No. 21830
File: 1553438394749.png (936.63 KB, 1243x855, JBVAL.PNG)

I had the biggest crush on these idiots when I was a kid, especially Jhonny
No. 21849
File: 1553452486895.jpg (155.64 KB, 1200x1200, 1553149312277.jpg)

>>14834>>14955>>16866>>21781>>21790Looks like everyone and their mom wants the V. I don't blame you.
No. 21863
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No. 21909
File: 1553486163306.png (927.24 KB, 615x764, Lucien_Lachance_Card_Art.png)

Yeahhhhh…. Still obsessed years later
No. 21911
File: 1553486461002.jpg (2.01 MB, 2560x1707, trump-win.jpg)

my nibba trump(husbandos are 2D)
No. 21915
File: 1553500536474.png (226.21 KB, 392x371, 002f7b4049e547b8c23e340e270cef…)

haha I was aware of ffxv years ago but i recently had taken interest on the game but fuck… this man took my heart and ripped it into shreds, especially in his thirty year old look… and i cannot lie, i'm jelly on luna. She dig that man in the afterlife.
No. 21942
File: 1553527005015.jpg (60.42 KB, 1024x576, 1553500941651m.jpg)

No. 21982
>>21973On a dumb thread on /v/
I couldn't just keep it to myself
No. 22004
File: 1553561078847.jpg (84.13 KB, 511x710, DGJTc2ZUQAAvVNL.jpg)

I wish it weren't, but the Soulsborne series is like a husband factory for me.
No. 22007
File: 1553562914824.jpg (80.16 KB, 1000x600, 21654d25e512ea9ae5ad984ec94715…)

>>21942kyrie's a lucky woman.
>>22004hell yes anon, Alfred is such a qt
No. 22014
File: 1553566817563.jpg (126.44 KB, 869x1200, DsrO9vSW0AI0Y-s.jpg)

>>22007Nice. I really like how polite and innocent he is despite all that homicidal rage bubbling underneath. I also like characters with martyr complexes like him.
No. 22075
File: 1553616362683.png (120.27 KB, 471x750, tumblr_p9pxnrCgxO1ro5yi5o2_r1_…)

damn you stupid sexy doctor
wish he wasn't a fucking sadist
No. 22105
File: 1553637294859.jpeg (63.39 KB, 360x520, 518C5D17-86A9-4F76-8533-046C4C…)

Slightly embarrassed about this because he doesn’t even have any facial features in most of the official artwork lmao. Still find him attractive even after all these years since I first played OFF though.
No. 22110
File: 1553641350705.gif (890.7 KB, 500x281, oof.gif)

Been picking husbandos since I was like 5 years old but spider daddy is the strongest one so far.
No. 22112
File: 1553644491000.jpg (179.29 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_pozff8sBns1rduu1vo1_128…)

A little (NSFW) treat for the other V fans in the thread.
It's some of his breathing and grunts compiled together. No. 22113
File: 1553645017164.png (99.2 KB, 300x204, 300px-Vash-the-Stampede-Trigun…)

i binged the anime like 5 times. 99% it was his fault
No. 22114
File: 1553645025146.jpg (261.02 KB, 826x1200, 69862530_p0_master1200.jpg)

girls is it weird to wanna fuck your own cells?
No. 22122
File: 1553653519052.png (600.21 KB, 1051x802, b5962eddcc00a8fc46e2fc578c4fa6…)

Basically all non-cdi links are cute but oracle of seasons/ages link and link's awakening link are tied for my fave links and botw is a close second
No. 22125
File: 1553662085980.png (179.74 KB, 850x478, 39465547675_39e83cc82c_o.png)

Please God let me kiss Majima
No. 22245
File: 1553771797050.jpg (397.57 KB, 750x1000, 2-2.jpg)

>>7414If you don't stop talking shit about my idiot husband living his best life I'm going to find you IRL and fight you
No. 22256
File: 1553775229948.jpg (17.13 KB, 236x330, 547458282024b20a7beb97a9eabb72…)

>>22245Makes two of us then.
No. 22303
File: 1553794204984.jpg (24.64 KB, 428x494, 8e9feb98b41a90cf4cb2ed1b5ab251…)

this is a hot take but…possibly the best boy in existence
No. 22356
File: 1553833390891.jpeg (96.79 KB, 1000x570, CAD301ED-F209-4BDC-ADCD-EFC69E…)

middle aged widower still got it
No. 22500
>>22447I didn't used to be into a lot of older husbandos, especially the more grizzly and masculine ones until I aged either, anon. When I was like 15 I was purely into bishounens but once I hit 19-20 I began appreciating the older, masculine spectrum of husbandos.
and voice is a big factor for me too. if a character has a sexy voice in addition to what I see as a sexy appearance it's a selling factor for me
No. 23229
File: 1554131739906.gif (1.76 MB, 500x500, tumblr_pmz9qjSlel1xgxpzko1_r1_…)

>tfw no hot powerful elf mage bf
why live
No. 23252
File: 1554143121501.gif (791.42 KB, 473x293, tumblr_ntxvhgVJrq1u1ry24o2_500…)

No. 23400
File: 1554226358339.gif (1.2 MB, 435x250, IdealShinyCreature-small-1.gif)

fuck I love his don't give a fuck attitude
No. 23422
File: 1554233144516.jpg (497.83 KB, 1280x1163, waifu.jpg)

I just find something about his voice so adorable.
No. 23475
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underrated haikyuu jerk
he even has a tongue piercing
No. 23484
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>>23400He's tied with dulse for my favorite SuMo pokedude
No. 23493
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No. 23522
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White Blood Cell is sweet and a hard worker dedicated to protecting you. He is also hot and already inside you uwu
Him and Red Blood Cell are super cute together though NGL. Its not the deepest most developed romance but no potential pairing haw made me 'awww' so hard in years.
No. 23583
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>>7318Tyler Chase from the Trauma Center series, specifically his Under The Knife art… idk. just handsome
No. 23926
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I've had a crush on him since I was SIX. Absolutely no reason for me to be having these feelings toward a psycho dragon-fucker but the heart wants what it fucking wants I guess.
>tfw you will never be a huge wise powerful dragon with a cute psycho human bf
why live
No. 23927
>>23926You played/was allowed to see that crazy game when you were 6?!
Agree though, Caim was handsome and Angelus was cool.
No. 24273
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>>23484>>23400Faba is my favorite husbando from Gen 7
No. 24277
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yes papa, leave me in our big manor to ROT
No. 24288
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I actually prefer Mori when he's in shaggy doctor mode over his vampire cape ensemble with the ponytail. He's hot either way but he looks more natural like this. I wish they'd kept him looking like this for longer than a few scenes.
Most of the Bungou Stray Dogs guys sans Akutagawa (yikes) are unfairly hot, tho. It is a treasure trove of attractive bishies.
No. 24298
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I didn't really like the anime but i watched every episode cause i thought he was cute lol
No. 24420
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>>24298Good taste anon!
Not a Tokyo Ghoul fan either but the manga and anime are full of wasted design potential on a husbando and waifu level.
No. 24818
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I had the biggest hots for Shigure, Hatori, Kyo, Hatsuharu, and the rooster guy from Fruits Basket when I was like 12-13, it's still one of my fav manga of all time. I'm so happy to see it getting rebooted with an updated art style oof, bout fucking time
No. 25513
>>25442Me too anon, me too.
Also, pretty fucking excited for Bloodlines 2.
No. 25543
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I was just watching an art restoration video and this scene from The Girl who Leapt Through Time popped into my head. Chiaki's whole deal made my heart hurt.
No. 25544
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No. 25629
File: 1555181587071.jpg (69.74 KB, 551x1003, D24p1DPVAAAxWxo.jpg)

>>14834YES. I'm not even into Devil May Cry and I'm thinking of getting the game just for V. He is basically my 2d dream man.
>>22112Thank you anon. This is truly a blessing.
No. 25735
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Red rich orc is my #1
No. 25807
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garou from one punch man.. i cannot wait to see him in s2
No. 26143
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I think I have a weakness for floppy brown hair
No. 26244
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I'm so fucking thirsty for all of em
No. 26256
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rin okumura is too underrated
No. 26296
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my thirst for many the adult men in persona is real and tangible
No. 26358
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Cutest husbando coming through (Sebastian from Stardew).
Does anyone know any other cute goth bois? There's not a lot in fiction, the closest is usually just generic edgy villains and stuff.
No. 26400
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>tfw I will never enslave a cute fairy demon twink with a bowlcut and a cool scarf
Cu Chulainn is cute too and great in battle but I don't like to let best boy evolve ;-;
No. 26435
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moana’s ancestor made me feel things when i watched the movie - strong, kind, good leader, fine af…
No. 26462
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>>26455The demon Setanta from the SMT series
No. 26594
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need myself a JJ anime
No. 26754
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metal bat is the only man i need
No. 27070
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I will never find a man who looks and has a personality similar to makotos and that makes me emo.
there wasn’t enough of him in s3 and I will never forgive Kyoani, hopefully s4 will be better
No. 27184
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>>26594I kinda hated myself for thinking so, but he was the hottest guy in YOI. Imagine being married to this level of ego though.
No. 27216
>>27215You have no idea, kek.
Those are his initials!
No. 27273
>>27184The only guy in all of anime that genuinely looks like a white fuckboy lmao
And that tat…why
No. 27604
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Not what I conventionally go for, but I love his vampiric look. The fact that he got a small shirtless scene is icing on the cake.
No. 28359
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No. 28539
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They did him so dirty in S2. At least his VA is pretty great.
No. 28587
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the doctor from the Persona 5 rerelease is so good looking. Goddammit Atlus, don't do this to me.
No. 28609
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>>28359is it possible to play yakuza 0 without falling in love with majima
i don't understand how they made a character so likeable
No. 28884
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No. 28886
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>>28609>is it possibleNo.
No. 28892
I just realized you specified 0 but seriously PLAY THEM ALL especially Kiwami 2, for the conclusion of the Majima/Makoto story.
No. 28934
>>28886god damn i just want to get kicked out of a burger king with him
life rlly be fucking with me that bad
No. 29219
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>>23522>>22114All the white blood cells are cute tbh, but I have a special soft spot for U2048
No. 29221
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>>7318I wanna go on a cute amusement park date with him!
No. 29263
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>>7502oh god anon, same
and in the same vein…. Shane from Stardew Valley
i have shamefully shit taste in husbandos
No. 29489
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>>29325jeez moralfag anons if you spent more time defending actual social justice and not fictional animated characters you might get something done
No. 29535
>>29509Pretty sure there was just one specific obsessive troll in the sonfu thread.
>>29514I wish it did, there are trolls around who posts both anti and pro loli/shota.
No. 29680
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>>29514yeah it's not like most of these dudes are shotas, most of them are adults or late teens so I fail to see where there's this hoard of shotaloli anons sexualizing 10 year olds
No. 30127
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Olgierd was cool but then I met this old man. geez, he's old.
I'm pretty ashamed
No. 30458
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hard pick between him and Gilbert but I'm going to have to go with the messy guy
No. 30512
>>30127Don't be ashamed.
Kind ot but I wish there was a female version like that in a video game or a movie, elderly, yet still elegant and intelligent, and of course likable.
No. 30528
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>>30525I can't unsee it now
No. 30609
>>30605might as well
>>>/g/112005>>>/g/112212i originally posted the persona villains in the men you're ashamed to fuck thread
im still ashamed but might as well admit it
No. 30868
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Zaregoto needs a full series
No. 30869
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>>30127regis is such a babe, the scene where he goes into a blood frenzy was weirdly hot for me
on the subject of witcher 3
>when i say i want a goth bf this is what i mean No. 30870
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pls no bully for samefagging but this is my other favourite edgy bf
No. 30871
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scars can be sexy
No. 30906
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Raeger the wholesome chef husbando from Story of Seasons
No. 30919
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I just want to foof his hair
No. 30945
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genuinely concerned i will never be attracted to a real man the way i am to him
he literally has the most perfect voice. sometimes i listen to his karaoke songs and it makes me feel like a middle-aged mom listening to josh groban or whatever but that's just the way it is.
No. 30971
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>>30945I love him so much, he's so awkward and perfect. Yakuza 0 was full of qts.
>ywn flirt with him until he gets really uncomfortable and tries to run away No. 31037
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No. 31142
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No. 31144
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Not gonna lie Groose can kickstart the gerudo race with me
No. 31172
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No. 31208
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No. 31590
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link is PERFECT
No. 31596
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I think I have a thing for coaches. Eek.
No. 31770
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>>31172oh my fucking god anon i thought this fandom was dead. god damn i really liked this game (and series). pic related cause im a basic bitch.
im so tired of atlus focusing on persona, give us another trauma center game dammit.
No. 31837
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>>31770yeah I love persona but they need to focus on different games. now the OG SMT is dead they should refocus on other series, I'm surprised they even remade Catherine, it's the last thing I expected them to do. the first Catherine, Trauma Center and earlier Persona were my intro to atlus. I know Persona is their cash cow but could they please give their other games some more love now that they've revitalized Catherine please please please
No. 32668
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>>7318kinda shameful to be honest, but i just finished playing lisa the painful and lisa the joyful and got like the biggest crush on rando. i'm not really into fictional characters or muscular dudes, but something about a tall buff guy who is actually really gentle and stutters and tries hard to be a good brother got me so hard. it's pretty much the polar opposite of me but yeah, a weird videogame crush to have i admit.
No. 32690
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Had to shell out for a 3DS because of this dorky motherfucker. I have a strong weakness for bully characters that are all bark and too over-the-top to really be threatening.
Butch DeLoria from Fallout 3 was my gateway.
>>32668Rando is top-tier adorable ngl
No. 32694
>>32689It's a tranny though.
>>32668gap moe really is the best. I love guys like that that look tough but are really nice guys.
No. 32709
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Would ditch everyone to live with Aymeric in Ishgard
No. 32711
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Every video game I am cursed to only fall for characters that aren't options as love interests.
No. 32758
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I can't remember how many times i've watched the bbc series
No. 32760
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>>32758One more pic because I love <3
No. 32763
>tfw no detective robosexThen my second choice was Deacon… ladies have slim pickings in FO4. Ended up going with Curie because she a cute.
No. 32792
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>>32758God yess, just finished the book and the show wrecked me. Probably the best "I love you" stare from an actor lol
I really liked Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy too, he was such a "cuter" version. But I wish they choose someone else to play Liz since I dislike Knightley.
No. 32883
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>>32758i must battle your best darcy with my best rochester!
1. tim
2. fassy
3. jayston
toby stephens plz go
No. 33416
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i'm reading jojo and like… i want to fuck killer queen. i want this stand to be my live-in pet/boyfriend like the thing in the shape of water. i love it so much. am i a furry?
No. 33445
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I want to make love with Majima
No. 33454
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much as I love aizawa where's the love for the tall 1-beefcake man
No. 33455
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>>33454also Endeavor is pretty attractive too but hoo boy is he a piece of shit
No. 33511
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No. 33666
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>>29221Me too anon, me too.
No. 33670
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Dio can scrape my face against the pavement
No. 33671
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>>33670Speaking of Jojo villains…
No. 33715
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>>7318this is one man i will call daddy. period.
No. 33717
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okay last one
No. 33942
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love me some devilish emo boy who looks like he's still stuck in 2009
No. 33944
>>33670part 1 dio
and also caesar was the ultimate husbando
No. 33946
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i have a type and it's bug-eyed scaly boys
how did my fantasies get quenched more than twice i will never know
No. 33987
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Millicent will always be canon in my heart because it makes Hux even more of a dork.
He deserved better writing but I'll embrace him for the plot punching bag he is.
No. 34049
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>>33946Any of Doug Jones's monsters could get it, but he's lovely outside of his makeup too.
Saru was the only thing that kept me watching the latest Star Trek series.
No. 34057
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i'd love to be the woman for his double suicide wish
No. 34105
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>>34055Just post your 2d furry fap fodder and quit bitching. you sound angry at something else.
Anyway, yans are banans
No. 34115
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> 2dthe op image is literally shrek anon.
No. 34116
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I'd forget about the main story quest just to find the best items to give to him.
No. 34122
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>>34119Might i direct you to the vent thread?
>Go to /ot/ and stop shitting up the 2D thread No. 34137
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Damn as long as they're a fictional character, who gives a fuck? Never thought I'd see infighting about 2D vs 3D lmao
Just let me have my shit taste men in peace
No. 34140
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>>34137on a side note I'm not sure where jrpgfag husbandos lie on the threshold between 2d and 3d tbh but I love them and I love them nasty
No. 34191
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While we on nasty dudes…
That's probably the only character that is in the true husbando territory for me, but he's got me good. I have so much merch of Hanamiya I basically made a shitty weeb shrine to stop it spreading all over my flat.
No. 34193
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>>34186pancake akechi is probably the first guy from p5 I fell for, the rest are just collateral, including the shameful ones
>>34191oh yessss I mentioned him way upthread. I love thick brows and dark hair but the personality is what solidified him as husbando material for me
I used to have a Nanase Haruka collage shrine in my room when Free! first came out, I even had it laminated ffs
No. 34195
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>>34193Yeah, I just read the thread and saw him posted. Absolutely based taste,
nonnie. He looks like a perfect blend of everything I find attractive in men and I am also damaged enough to fall for people who would destroy me every single time.
I am extremely ashamed, but I would let him break my legs and would probably ask for more.
No. 34196
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V from DMC5
No. 34199
>>34196Yes. Just um, yes. I really like how thirsty this thread is for V.
Not my husbando though, think I would get much more gratification from seeing him fucked by someone else. Just ruin him for me, I'll watch.
No. 34204
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>>34195Sadist husbandos are the way to go
I also love seeing characters who aren't usually sadistic or cruel (seemingly "nice boys") show their mean or angry sides
No. 34211
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Only 1999 anime Hisoka
No. 34215
>>34196V is such a good boy.
considering he's Vergil's human side.>>34199I'd watch him get fucked by Nero.
No. 34229
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Obscure husbando here. I'm such a slut for long hair. And movie references.
No. 34260
>>7409>>7413Wow I'm not alone. Didn't think I could fall that hard for a cowboy.
>>34229Sorry about Deadpool 2.
I can't pick between my cosmic comic guys.
No. 34261
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2D 3D who cares, as long as it's fictional it's husbando material.
I'm gonna really miss Overkill.
No. 34281
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I always fall for the buff dudes with hearts of gold. Mirio is absolute boyfriend material.
No. 34303
>>34260Killing him off was just a gag. Shatterstar's actor said that he would be appearing in more stuff and that the death wasn't actually canon.
I think Fox realized that they stepped in it by killing him, because Shatterstar has a strong cult gay following.
No. 34334
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damn Bungou Stray Dogs for giving me a continuous supply of husbandos
No. 34336
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Had I known there'd have been such a whiney response to a shopped pic I would've just scoped for fanart.
Someone else even posted him months ago and the first posts consist of real men but go off I guess.
No. 34339
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>>7409Such a good boah. Never fell for a game character the way i did for Arthur Morgan.
No. 34342
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>>34338>>34281Reminds me of vault boy.
Telltale is a shit company but their interpretation of the joker is one of my favorites. i never had it in me to make my bruce mean to him.
No. 34349
>>34267But the cute boys and attractive men threads are for real people.
I don't even know the actors name. I just like the character.
No. 34353
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I love every version of him.
No. 34395
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My number one piece of shit. May he rot in hell, but damn do I love him so.
No. 34418
File: 1559725108211.png (18.29 KB, 268x220, tumblr_inline_p6tvpaCtra1rp5x0…)

>>34338>weird buff tin tinThat's the best part. I like tin tin and vault boy too. Except this one is buff, so he's even better! Dumb ass goody-two-shoes buff dudes will be the death of me.
No. 34448
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>>34440You say "gay" like it's something bad, anon-chan.
I'm a lesbian and I posted my straight crush husbando itt, so I think you're fine. No. 34449
File: 1559746162105.jpeg (201.62 KB, 897x890, kurapika.jpeg)

>>34448I'm mostly memeing, but god he's so hot in that disguise. He's the only anime boy I've ever liked. The sort of hate-filled glares the mangaka always draws him in pierce my soul.
No. 34557
File: 1559828929029.jpg (198.1 KB, 1000x1200, DnrfDRVVsAAByhV.jpg)

speaking of bnha characters i really really love overhaul and i look forward to seeing him in s4!!!!!!!!! he's literally going to make the story nth times better, but the entire fandom seems to hate him for his crimes (but won't hesitate to dickride other villains who have done worse)
No. 34590
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Gaming center onii-chan from Sailor Moon.
No. 34737
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All Might and Aizawa could wreck me any day.
I've gotten such a huge teacher kink lately and I don't know where it came from.
>>34557Overhaul is pretty good too. I'm with you anon.
No. 34740
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Don't play overwatch anymore but I always thought this dumbass edgelord was kinda hot
No. 34749
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>>34737I've had a weird husbando teacher kink for years, but they have to be at least considered attractive to me for them to join the list.
I really hate it because some of them are godawful and not at all attractive in personality. The BNHA teachers are good guys.
Which reminds me, I need more Vlad King…
No. 34764
File: 1559942527960.png (644.83 KB, 1280x1280, vladdyboi.png)

>>34749I'm with you. Also most characters drawn with any form of stubble are usually a yes for me as long as they're not creeps. I guess I just like mature characters in general.
Vlad is v good. You have fabulous taste.
God I could sperg about BNHA husbandos all day honestly.
No. 34773
File: 1559945323743.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.63 KB, 1920x1080, LORUirN.jpg)

>>34764Twice's unmasked form was cute to me too, I was thoroughly surprised by what he looked like (and that he got half his own episode!)
I've found that I like more masculine characters as I get older, although I still like pretty boys, tall beefcake men never hurt. Never.
No. 34788
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Ugly rat boy but I still thirst over him lmao
No. 34789
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i love this abomination
No. 34811
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>>34418good post
>>34764>God I could sperg about BNHA husbandos all day honestly.Same, I fucking love all the teacher and villan characters.
Deadass would do Fatgum in either of his form because I love big boiz.
No. 34821
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>>34788Kinda want to adopt him and try to make his life less a disaster. Kinda want to fuck him. So yeah.
>>34789Oooh, I see you're a woman of culture. He's strikingly similar looks-wise to my other husbando, Illumi Zoldyck, who is kinda a human abomination too, despite not being an actual eldritch monster in the shape of a person. They have similar personality quirks too, being apathetic and odd.
And also being too overpowered for their canon. No. 34875
File: 1559985664623.png (944.05 KB, 1157x707, 3379A92D-F31A-484E-9B13-23CF54…)

>>34821im wanting to watch all of hxh even if it takes me a fucking eternity hopefully i'll get there
theres another good looking fella who appears in the latest season of bsd with similar unruly black hair although i prefer lovecraft in terms of personality
No. 34885
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>>34557It's such a shame the MHA fandom is full of faggotry. I truly do enjoy the series. Best of luck to you anon.
>>34788Absolute good taste anon
>>34749Dare i say, top tier kink? I love all might but only when he's all beef. I really can't resist beefcakes in any 2d media honestly
No. 34959
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No. 34963
File: 1560042499717.png (259.41 KB, 500x375, F66A4E09-4652-4303-80F5-00FC4F…)

surprised I haven't seen him. I've always had a crush on Trent
No. 34966
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Sanji was my first One Piece husbando but then this man came along and stole his spot.
No. 34992
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>>34360>>34364>>34448>>34449Yall are fucken based as hell. Kurapika is hot and I would smash the hell out of that shit.
Speaking of Togashi, Kurama is fucking hot, too. I bet he smells like flowers.
No. 34993
File: 1560068947040.png (Spoiler Image,629.4 KB, 540x1025, C0E194F2-AD3E-415D-993A-03A6CC…)

all the pillar men are swole but KARS
No. 35145
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I really like the idea of being crushed between these two.
No. 35283
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since there are some anons talking about death note in /ot/ i'd like to add that teru mikami is one attractive fella and deserved better
No. 35294
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Platonic husbando because I'm a lesbo, but Zeke is the absolute best and I love him.
No. 35595
File: 1560414553829.gif (5.07 MB, 497x280, raw.gif)

I'd step all over him and let him destroy my insides. Bestest boy in sf
No. 35712
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And I thought I was immune to edgy characters, I was wrong.
No. 35738
File: 1560497348813.png (1.68 MB, 1280x1826, kirishima.png)

He's manly without being a chauvinist. Perfect.
I own like three plushies of him.
No. 35900
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>>35712During the first 3 episodes I thought the edgy fangirls were creepy and they wanted to be the uwu special girl who loves him even behind the mask like the girl in the game
but then Sally became an adult and got hot in a grungey-sweet way and im mad ive never had a cute grunge bf No. 35929
>>35900Ah I see you are an anon of culture as well. I'm not a huge fan of edgy characters but god I have such a soft spot for him.
He's just a super cool and nice dude in the game. I fully admit that I would 100% kiss his mangled ass face.
>tfw no qt irl grunge bfStill bitter about Ash getting him fried No. 36032
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No. 36034
File: 1560651931751.gif (499.23 KB, 500x268, 1497825778944.gif)

I'm a cold bitch but Seiji from Mimi wo Sumaseba is the only 2D male character that made my heart flutter
No. 36092
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>>35294Chadren in the house
No. 36107
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sasuke's so extremely overrated but i can't stop being in love with him
No. 36119
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>>36032 anon you have great taste
but the things I’d do to fatgum, oh my god
I so cannot wait til the next season
No. 36120
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I want to dom him so fucking bad
No. 36155
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Not Diavolo, just him.
No. 36168
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I've seen some Bravowives on /co/, I'm sure you are here, show yourselves!
What is the appeal of Johnny Bravo?
No. 36172
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No. 36174
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No. 36188
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Hopefully this won't spark another debate on Crona's gender.
>>36172>>36174Idk what this is but I'm putting a stop to it.
No. 36200
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>>36174>>36172unfunny. but here's your (you) I guess.
No. 36265
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I think about him everyday.
No. 36321
>>36229The interview matters more than the dub. The original creators usually have zero control over the English dub, and iirc even the dub director said using "he" was an abitrary choice.
I always thought it made more sense for Crona to be male. Medusa clearly wanted a daughter, which is why Crona is dressed femininely. In the anime, when Crona is separated from his mom, he dresses more boyish. Also, in Japanese he uses "boku" which is more commonly used by men.
I'm glad Soul Eater came out before all the Tumblr gender bullshit got popular. Nowadays you'd probably get a bunch of retards calling him "they" and saying he's "agender".
No. 36325
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I can't believe I haven't posted him yet, he has been my crush since YoI aired
Anyway, Yuuri best boy.
No. 36343
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how is ertegun 42 years old
No. 36361
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Why do I love him so much girls?
No. 36378
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>>36361MGS4 Raiden is shit Raiden.
Rules of Nature that shit or GTFO.
No. 36400
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>>36361>>36378All Raidens are best Raidens. Except for Revengeance Raiden, because this game is a turd. So I guess all Kojima fathered Raidens are best.
No. 36472
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>>36378Oh dont get me wrong, I love all Raidens, I have a special place in my heart for MGRR Raiden. I just think he looks beautiful in MGS as well.
>>36399Maybe he could have a artificial one installed or something lol. That's the magic of being a cyborg, they can be upgraded!
No. 36535
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>mfw actually get kinda jealous seeing pictures of him with zelda
No. 36544
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>>36400>MGR>BadYour pleb taste can fuck right off.
No. 36546
>>36535I feel this
Link is so perfect, 3d men just can’t compete.
Zelda is a qt too though No. 36575
File: 1561014613268.jpg (81.17 KB, 899x889, asb_johnny_joestar_manga_color…)

I love Johnny so much. 10/10 would sit on his face.
>>33715>>33716>>33717Idk if I'd even want to fuck Guts I'd probably just be like do you want something to eat mf?? Some soup?? You can sleep on my couch if you want.
No. 36577
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i hate this stupid fucking clown. why did he have to ruin my life
No. 36596
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sweet mask from onepunch man should have no business being this sexy
No. 36650
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tfw no qt underweight stalker bf
No. 36675
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Kamoshidas an absolutely repugnant villain and the P5 fandom hates him, but he's attractive to me for some reason and every time I see his stupid face I smile like a fucking idiot
No. 36770
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I… would kill a man for him. Sweet boy.
>>36679That's what I think of Anons who want to fuck Hisoka tbh
No. 36802
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>>36679samefag here- ngl anon I like plenty of normal and good boys but there's also just a gross amount of villains who
trigger my daddy issues and I really don't know why. im not excusing what he does by liking him or anyone else who does something similar though, ofc I acknowledge its wrong, I'm not like those weirdos who stan irl serial killers and shit
No. 36880
File: 1561152260223.jpg (176.13 KB, 848x1200, DkCzdMKX0AA3Xce.jpg)

Mirnatius, the tsar from the book Spinning Silver, is so damn cute.
I absolutely love this kind of arrogant frivolous character that's actually secretly suffering, gets beat around by literally everyone, and then get's saved into submission by a heroine. I have no idea if it's out of empathy, mothering instinct or sadism, but I do love me some suffering husbando.
No. 36914
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No. 36917
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>>36802why did you edit ushiwaka to look so ugly
No. 36930
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>>36917Relax anon it's just a meme image and I didn't edit it
No. 36931
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zice cream zundaes
No. 36974
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No. 37080
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>>36650I want to lick his eye bags
No. 37485
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>>37122I think they both look fine physically but I really fucking despise killing stalking so neither of them are husbando material at all to me
No. 37503
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Because I am otome trash and I cannot help my bias towards hot-blooded, loyal boys.
No. 37528
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>>37518he's second best boy, understandable.
No. 37702
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best boy for 5 years. game is amnesia: memories
No. 37739
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please let me marry reigen. i love this useless scam artist
No. 37745
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>>37744what makes him so perfect
No. 37765
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he's just so handsome and polite (but still kind of a little shit sometimes)
No. 38192
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I would kill and die for this fucking idiot
No. 38221
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>>38192Disco inferno bby
God I love sharky, but I also have a major weakness for the seed brothers too
No. 38224
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>>38221Is that a Church of Scientology book?
No. 38399
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No. 38474
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>>38221>>38270>tfw you will never get captured by the Seeds and be forced to listen to their monologues while they invade your personal spaceWhy even live
>>38224Damn, I wonder if the resemblance was intentional.
No. 38499
>>38399isnt he 16 though?
i had a massive crush on him when i read the original manga when i was like 14 lol
No. 38567
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I'm so weak to temperamental assholes. Help me
No. 38580
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>>7318i want to bully Gene so fucking badly
No. 38601
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the only reason why i am still playing this cringy otome game at the age of 21
No. 38647
File: 1561992997782.jpg (970.21 KB, 1002x1624, Basic-Peking_Duck.jpg)

i don't normally like feminine men but something about peking duck (in the silly mobile game food fantasy) is hot to me. he has BDE
No. 38660
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Can't wait for the second game to come out!
No. 38698
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>>38660God, Damien is such an asshole, but I go for him every time, even if I try to romance someone else. He's also the only one I am able to go to prom every time without fail. I guess we were meant to be.
I just like arson and unnecessary mindless violence.
No. 38738
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>>38567He looks a lot like Akira from Devilman Crybaby.
No. 38763
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just played an odd little game called hylics, am weirdly attracted to the mc. i would bang this moonman.
No. 38764
File: 1562046200282.jpg (618.39 KB, 650x1625, Hoshi.full.1284561.jpg)

>>38763Not familiar with that game but still, would ship him with a star man I am oddly attracted to
No. 38810
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the haikyuu third years own my heart, they are so pretty
No. 38819
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>>38810Hard agree anon, ESPECIALLY Suga.
No. 38842
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Akihito Kanbara, my absolute fav
No. 39281
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>>36880I actually ending up reading this book because of this post. Did Mirnatius remind anyone else of Howl? Although he was way meaner.
No. 39481
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No. 39482
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No. 39483
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No. 39637
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unironically, yes
No. 39755
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in love with the chonky robot from upcoming borderlands 3. hopefully they don't pull some lame tumblr shit and make him "nonbinary". i want him to be a boybot.
No. 39757
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No. 39802
File: 1562857245849.jpeg (614.87 KB, 2048x2048, 6DA531AD-B94E-4AB6-AF83-888FB9…)

david and walter from the alien prequels. especially david in prometheus, he was SO cute and pure when he was alone on the ship! i wanna give him head rubs like the engineer did. tfw no emotionally volatile/repressed robot bf/s
No. 39901
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No. 39980
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Only when he's alive
No. 40045
>>40005There is nothing in the OP that says no real people.
And some were posted earlier in the thread with no one complaining.
Get over it, people have different tastes.
No. 40193
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I'm ashamed of myself.
No. 40372
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A bit ashamed that my current husbando is from a fucking mobage of all things, but I have a huge thing for old men and they are so rare in weeb works.
>tfw he has so few het porn
No. 40508
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Never got the concept of husbandos, until I saw him. He is everything I want in life
No. 40512
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Speaking of fate, the formal dress cards certainly are… something
No. 40515
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I'd suck the soul out of this man you don't even know, i love him so much
No. 40530
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I’d love to have some close quarters cuddling with him
No. 40543
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i found this while reading tokyo tarareba girls. so which one of us sent this letter in?
No. 40736
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this fucking bitch. i love slutty anime boys. luckily this is basically just my fiance.
No. 40759
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this fucking crackhead
No. 41035
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>>36770Can’t find that other James anon but hey I found some fanart you might both like (1/2)
No. 41087
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No. 41108
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I'm embarassed about this husbando tbh
But like. He's voiced by Donald Glover. And he's a vampire!
No. 41196
>>41087Snufkin is cute but
I bet you he smells real bad tho
No. 41208
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>>41196Nayrt, but I don't think he'd smell that bad. Maybe musty or earthy, but I'm into that shit.
I actually had a crush on Shufkin as a kid when I read the books.
Then I got to the japanese version of the cartoon and his voice… does something weird to me. It's so pleasant, calms me down instantly. Speaking about apathetic (probaly smelly) sad men voiced by Koyasu Takehito - picrelated is a premium husband.
Moa even said he was supposed to sound like Snufkin.
No. 41262
>>41208This fucker.
I dl’d this game at 1am to play with a friend because "hey we’re feeling down, I like birds, this looks like a comedy otome, it’s perfect". I went after this fat megane because he was hot and I thought I could handle a bit of spoop but I didn’t know this game would fuck me up that badly!! It looks like a comedy, I thought I was getting pervy doctor not guro doctor but when he gave off those mad vibes I guess curiosity got the better of me, and this ohoho-ing fat loaf called me out on it too. My friend got to see my head cut off in real time and after 2 hours we put the game away and never touched it again.
No. 41263
>>41262Oh and fuck him for roasting my second choice too
I either land crazy psychopaths or the foreign flirty one who always fucks off abroad so we can’t be together in these games, fml.
No. 41275
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its been nine years…im so glad megamind is on netflix now.tumblr got their grubby little hands on it and they're going to transheadcanon him and whatnot. oof. remember the onceler fandom? that was back when tumblr was actully less toxic than it is now. i will enjoy my blue boyfriend in peace thank u kindly.
that roxanne ritchi is one lucky gal huh…tfw when no supervillain bf whos down for tying you up :(
No. 41295
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Good job blizzard, i fell for it. Hook, line and sinker. I'm in love. I'm still not forgiving you for pulling a JK Rowling on my husbando 76 though.
No. 41296
>>41262>>41263I am sorry anon, but you made me laugh. I adore people's reactions to Hatoful.
I also think that everyone bewildered should play the BBL route. It explains why dear doctor is this way and he finally gets his comeuppance. Kinda. Though it's literal psychological horror by that point.
Creepy doctors are my jam and my type. I was so pissed when I found out you can't date Yujin in Nameless.
No. 41353
>>41296It’s cool, that was my reaction like 4, 5-ish years ago? I haven’t touched it since. I look back on the memory and laugh at how furiously angry we got at a game for not meeting our expectations (and also for being 0% healing type at all), but we did spend a chunk of that night fumbling around with the installation. My buddy went for the sleepy teacher and I remember vague confusion and disappointment. Then we read wtf was up with the mourning dove and decided "yeah no this is definitely no Tokimeki Memorial".
But these days sometimes I do want an order of "just fuck me up fam" and I’m still maybe curious enough about the good doctor to play through some of that. It looks like it gets BLish overtones though, I’m not really into that. If it’s like 10% BL, 45% birds and 45% WTF and 70% tears then we’re good though.
Also I will avenge sweet Yuuya by
eating Shuu because
his hair reminds me of cocoa and his purple shirt reminds me of Cadbury bar wrappers >:( …fuck that’s a nice design, his glasses are even my favourite colour. No. 41360
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leon thirst hours turning into leon thirst life
No. 41380
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>>41353Ooooh, Nanaki is an entirely different can of worms. I love him a LOT. His entire route is a lie though. It's not Shuu's "I am clearly creepy and you're getting exactly what you asked for from trying to date me", no, he's just straight up lying to you. BBL touches on that too, but if you want his full story, play Holiday Star. He's arguably as fucked up as dear doctor.
BBL was fairly tame for me,
despite body horror, people (well, birds) dying horrible deaths and implied genocide. It was all anime-villain-nonsense to me.
Holiday Star has a story entirely about
psychologically manipulating a depressed person into committing suicide for your personal gain. And THAT fucked me up. Too real.
I really wish I didn't know much about the game before playing it and the darker parts were a surprise. I still didn't know the extent of fucked up I was getting into. Frankly, if the game had more "special effects" like, for example, Doki Doki Literature Club, it would have been even better, much more popular and more widely recognized. Most people don't even know there's a true route that explains all the weird fuckery that happens and are, as your friend, confused and disappointed. BBL is entirely optional and can only be found if you're a co,pletionist, which most people are not, since dating games are usually played just for the routes of characters you're interested in.
And it's ok to be disappointed, because at it's core, it's barely even an otome. More than half of the characters don't really date you even if you're successful in romancing them. And like… there's barely even romancing.
Really, every bird is some way of fucked up. Besides Oko-san, who's truly a joke character, Azami, who's just wholesome but barely dateable and maybe Sakuya, who's just got a fucked up family. Hell, even Yuuya
straight up killed a person.Like in most horror games, the actual story is spread out quite thinly though. To get the full extent you have to play both games in full and read mangas at least. The guidebook has some more of the backstories. The only things that are entirely optional to the lore are the CD Dramas and the fantasy AU, though they add nice flavouring, esp the AU which kinda repackages the horror into a different setting, but it's really underdeveloped.
Wow. I'm a hato nerd. That's a lot I just typed, holy shit.
There's also a third game in the works which is intended to be a soft AU where nobody dies and no one is really a psycho-murderer, a ghost or an identity thief. Can't wait for that one, but really, I like Hatoful for the fucked shit and I hope some of it will cross over to the new installment. Maybe it will finally be a joke otome about dating soft bird boys that people expected.
No. 41416
>>41380Azami is the little black headed java finch isn’t she? They’re so cute >:o I call them strawberry beaks and have a plush keyring of a white one that squeaks when you shake it.
I’ve only played the demo version of the first game so I had the impression it was some small doujin thing and while I later learned about the remakes/sequel I’m still surprised at how much content there is. Thanks for the mini guide though, I’d like to play both games but leave out the extraneous things because DAMN. That’s a lot of stuff. I think I’ll go into this with a mindset to find out wtf is with this crazy setting which is a lot better than how I went into HB that night, lmao. I’m glad I never wrote it off because of the experience but that was a serious case of not getting what I thought I ordered, it was mostly the upset of not getting the fluff I wanted rather than actually having a problem with the content itself. I thought that infamous screen where you can only say yes because he’s shaking your head in a jar was really clever but I was too busy being outraged to acknowledge it lul
Also every time I’ve seen a picture of that king bird thing I always think he looks like an adorable wug (it’s a linguistics thing, look up an image!)
No. 41435
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>>41416Yep, Azami is a jawa finch one. She's the "gay option", but really only barely like they usually are.
Oh, King is lovely, I have a lot of Hatoful plushies and his one is my favourite. His design is just to die for. The aesthetic of his part of the game is just incredible, all watercolors in pretty vibrant shades.
Wanted to post a pic of him, but all I have saved are big spoilers lmao so here's more of my husband.
Hatoful is the kinda game where you can't look up certain characters without getting spoiled on everything. King is one of them.
Also if you like Shuu's design, there's a "Sweet Shuu" version, who's a complete sweetheart that has never hurt a fly. It's more of a joke-y official AU thing (since in the nobody-dies-AU Shuu is still a creep obsessed with death)
Also what I really like about Hatoful, is that despite it being an otome, characters get shipped with each other more than with MC Hiyoko. Shuu and Nanaki both have almost canon pairings for example. So if you're into shipping like me, you can pick a husband and then pair the ones you like off and it's very likely the ship would work.
No. 41487
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Robert "Bad Dad" "Knife Dad" Small from Dream Daddy
>>7402i remember seeing this video in like high school as a kissless virgin NEET and going fucking insane No. 41538
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call me basic but words can't describe how much i love this dork. he's such a clueless, corny gentleman, i want him to treat me like a princess and pull all of his corny, rich-boy stunts on me. i also like to project the fact that he'd never ever pressure me into doing anything sexual at all. UNF
No. 41565
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This absolute idiot cannot stop shooting himself but I still love him
No. 41572
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>>41565>Liking stinky Mista instead of giving all of your love to a man that wears lace and has hair colored in the most difficult patternUncultured swine
No. 41577
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>>41572>Liking this dumbass fashion disaster who probably only fucks his own split personality.Shit-tier taste, girl.
No. 41635
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>>41580Have a Bruno from the same author.
Got those on twitter from a random retweet and didn't save the sauce really.
No. 41820
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you idiots are fighting and not even posting the best jojosbando
No. 41829
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I love this secretly sensitive motherfucker. I'd carry his children if he weren't sterile.
No. 41833
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>>41820>posting the worst Jotaro iteration>>41823jotaro is definitely an asshole but he's by definition not a deadbeat in that he had a job and supported his family. plus if he'd been around more often during jolyne's childhood she probably would have wound up dead or extremely traumatized due to being targeted by dio's bitchboys. he's just a massive autist and for some reason thought his daughter would "just understand" why he was never around. literally if his dumbass had just gone out of his way to explain things to her a few times she probably wouldn't have wound up a delinquent.
sage for questionable husbando defense squad
No. 41844
>>41833This. Yeah, Jotaro wasn't the best father but did anybody really expect him to be a family man? He's a massive autist like you said.
The Jojo who truly deserves hate for being a deadbeat is fucking Joseph. He cheated on his faithful wife of decades to bang some Japanese woman half his age, knocked her up, and then broke her heart by abandoning her and leaving Josuke completely fatherless. At least Jolyne knew who her dad was.
Fuck Joseph, Jotaro has always been and will always be my top Jojo husbando.
No. 41848
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He has been posted a few times, but I just want to say I'm rewatching Naruto and I didn't remember him being so protective and understanding. Characters like him are my weak spot.
No. 41866
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>>41565I dunno if he’s my top jobro husbando but holy shit i wish I could stop time for four (4) seconds to lick his stomach
No. 41949
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my first playthrough of Yakuza 0 I was too blinded by Majima's perfection and Kiryu's awkwardness to appreciate what a qt Nishiki is.
>inb4 "but muh kiwami"
No. 41981
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the only valid man
No. 42016
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>>42001Nayrt but it's Edogawa Ranpo from Bungou Stray Dogs.
He's lovely, but reminded me of Imayoshi Shouichi too much. Smily brainy smug assholes with eyes always shut and know it all attitudes. Except Shouichi is more of a hunk.
No. 42042
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>>42001like anon stated above, it's ranpo from bsd
he's so cute too! definitely made the show much better and increased my life span by 50% whenever he appeared on screen
No. 42062
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Hnnnnngggg he's so cute. I want to kiss his face and smack his ass.
No. 42063
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It's been 6 years, but Rui is still the best best boy of them all.
No. 42064
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I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him
His goofy inventions and silly adorable goofball-ness makes me swoon. I love him to the moon and back, the sun in my winter, the star in my noon
I love him so much
>>36172I was hyperventilating laughing and whistling out of my nose for a good minute anon, wtf you made me feel a million emotions. Why
No. 42067
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the fandom may be full of annoying fujos and the show itself isn't the best
but I wont deny that Claude is hot.
No. 42070
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I want to sit on his face.
No. 42081
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For me, it's Levi.
No. 42090
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No. 42120
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>>42090anon you are not alone. i love this fucker so much. his SL events in P3P were so charming.
No. 42180
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>>42063I legit only watched that shitty anime for Rui.
No. 42308
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Injustice 2 Aquaman is sooo gorgeous. I don’t even want children, but I’d have his kids in a heartbeat if I could tbh
No. 42353
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delsin rowe from infamous second son is best boy. i love that you have the option to corrupt him in the game lmao
No. 42361
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>>42180I liked the first season, but the second? Woof.
No. 42375
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I'm not sexually attracted to Jack Skellington but his voice turns me on SO much, especially his speaking voice…..
No. 42378
>>42375oh christ im glad its not just me. I feel like theres this niche of male VAs who just have the loveliest, cleanest voices but I never wanna see their faces because theyre always uggo.
I think Onceler's singing voice is hot too.
No. 42390
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>>42090i played persona 3 like six years and i still think it's so funny that shinji was practically a non-entity in the original p3 but he became one of the best husbandos ever created in p3p
i'm a grown woman now but he still has this "i'll protect you" energy to me
No. 42756
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My precious <3
No. 42888
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>tfw will never have sexy white haired yokai husbando
He's so elegant and perfect.
No. 42953
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Senkuu from Dr Stone. He's not only smart but he's dedicated and stubborn enought to accomplish his desires.
No. 43472
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Can't believe Fire Emblem invented the greatest boy in the world
No. 43508
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idk why but this emo hunk rly gets me going
No. 43769
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Nelacar from Skyrim. I fucking love his voice and accent. Unfortunately you can't marry him, or any male high elf.
No. 43955
>>43769Fuck yeah, nobody ever talks about him despite his involvement in a god damn daedric quest where he closely works with you and basically saves your life. He’s also one of the elf NPCs with that voice type without the stereotypical condescending dialogue which makes him look really agreeable. Unfortunately I don’t think RDO will ever update to include male elf marriage lines which depresses me. I wish I had the time to mod those lines myself but I hate the CK and learning how to mod, it’s so boring with little reward.
What armour is that btw?
No. 43961
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this broody ginger psycho mofo
(posted in Attractive men I'd fuck but moved here because I specifially mean Captain Flint so I guess a husbando is more fitting?)
No. 43964
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>>35712>>35900>>36032Good taste, anons. It's blue hair season.
No. 43992
>>42953oh shit, i thought he was cradling his own balls from that thumbnail.
>>43472A+ taste, anon
No. 44038
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played smash ultimate with a friend for the first time and am reminded of my deep crush on captain falcon i've had since i was a kid
the fact they gave him an amazing ass certainly helps too
No. 44196
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I actually made him my husband
No. 44197
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>>44196But damn, did he have tough competition
No. 44198
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>>44197Like insane. Gonna marry him next
No. 44609
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Lots of people hate him but I love my boy with all my heart.
No. 44610
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>>44609I don't understand how people hate him, he's a good character (so cute…), but these two actually have my heart (specially Bertholdt).
No. 44621
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Is it just me?
No. 44735
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>>44379>>44198>>44197>>44196blue lions has the best characters. how can edelgard even compete?
No. 44846
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I always acquire weird husbandos, never the qt anime guys. Or even cool monster boys.
Why am I like this
No. 45111
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>>44735She can't. The husbando game of the Blue Lions is too strong.
No. 45723
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>>43955Late reply, sorry I'm not sure what armor this is because I pulled the image off of Google. I think it's a modded one but it came from here No. 46525
File: 1567102941372.png (243.59 KB, 750x1060, 0316_Dazai_Osamu_full.png)

he looks like an eboy
he's the only valid eboy
No. 46570
>>46525idk what this is from but
>his name is osamu dazai wtf.
No. 46678
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>>46623ntayrt but bsd isn't even yaoi yikes calm down…
you can just try filtering the search or using certain keywords to find classic japanese lit works or if you're looking for pdfs or something use pdf, it's not that hard
No. 46691
File: 1567183328319.jpg (37.97 KB, 640x984, Akutagawa_Ryunosuke_full.jpg)

>>46525I like the actual writer more.
Well, my favourite japanese writer is a character too and he would 100% be a husbando if I wasn't kind of creeped out about how young he acts. He's a couple years younger than me, but I can't see him as anything but a teenager.
Actual Akutagawa is fairly cute too. In a way.
Would get down with bsd Lovecraft or Rimbaud though.
>>46623Yeah. Even if I am enjoying BSD, the whole thing about fucking up searches for actual literature is a shitshow. It's an interesting idea for basing abilities on books, but their names should have been puns or something. Not the actual name taken verbatim. I am a fan of japanese lit and it's fucking impossible. Seems ridiculous to type -bungou every time into google like the animu boys come first and literature is second. It's the same with some historical figures. Just try to look up Nero Claudius lmao.
Japanese will make anime out of everything and it was endearing before, but now it's just annoying.
No. 46729
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why is pedo man so cute
No. 46789
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>>44846i always get the weird husbandos too
No. 46799
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>>46729of the 3 "older guys" he's the best looking and I fucking hate him but honestly since they don't put a lot of emphasis on it I like to pretend that he just doesn't like little girls
I got problems liking fucked up villain men way more morally questionable than him on a deeper and more disturbing level so Mori's honestly not that terrible because I can just pretend he's not creepy… grungy doctor Mori is hotter than vampire mori tho
No. 46936
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so weebo it hurts, but still
No. 46976
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i'm only a little bit ashamed
No. 46990
>>46976He’s cool tbh
It’s refreshing to see someone mention him since people usually go for Ouma or Saihara.
No. 47001
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>>46976>>46990Glad to see other women of culture.
I think he has one of the coolest designs in Danganronpa and is definitely the prettiest boy.
I like his story arc too, though it's probably not to the taste of most.
I like his sister as well. No. 47168
File: 1567385859975.png (63.21 KB, 380x264, 84c.png)

Leo is cute
No. 47365
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on the topic of v3 does anyone else love gonta? no? just me okay ill show myself out
i have the fucking worst taste i swear but he's just so gosh darn cute, stupid muscular guys
No. 47366
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>>47365Gonta is so precious. I loved that he was sweet, dumb and into entomology. He's awesome
No. 47398
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i know he's a manchild but
No. 47427
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>>47365gonta is the cutest, i want to teach him dirty things
No. 47428
File: 1567488036292.gif (1.46 MB, 500x269, 3oUnK4.gif)

>>47398He's cute, fun and will cook you a delicious breakfast.
and keep you warm with all his feathers No. 47442
File: 1567499689001.png (1009.07 KB, 1077x1037, D79555DD-8D83-4571-B4BA-D1BF01…)

>>47366Gonta was so precious! One of the sweetest and kindest characters in DR3, imo.
Adore an alt man who loves animals, though.
No. 47479
>>47428AHHH I want a manic wizard dream bf.
Great taste.
No. 47685
File: 1567537551188.png (69.1 KB, 229x417, hawks.png)

surprised no one has mentioned him yet, but bird boy is the best boy. 100% would cuddle under these big, strong wings and cook chicken nuggets for him when he comes home after a long day of being a hero and a double agent which instantly makes him 10x better, what can I say, I love me some internalized depression boys
No. 47733
>>47365Gonta is the best and I want to protect him.
>>47442I can't get enough of this dude or his hamster family
No. 47759
File: 1567567343779.png (295.38 KB, 340x502, snep.png)

I can't get enough of shy, nerdy teen Snape and his hopeless crush on Lily Evans.
Got any recommendations for other cute nerds to obsess over? I have a thing for social outcasts who need hugs.
No. 47853
>>47759I thought this was Snapesnogger art for a split second
>>46789Is that..Baldi?
No. 48078
File: 1567795652357.gif (2.88 MB, 540x300, tumblr_pr399fCGZR1u44mzdo2_540…)

No. 48095
File: 1567802774319.jpg (98.14 KB, 400x862, sandor_clegane_by_bubug_d937h0…)

>>48078valid. love rory but book sandor>show sandor. posting some romanticized book au art since this is a 2d thread.
No. 48201
File: 1567866551672.jpg (616.89 KB, 640x665, L0RQFT7.jpg)

I'm not sure how to feel
No. 48213
File: 1567873725936.jpg (198.67 KB, 500x622, large.jpg)

>>48201I'm sure most Steven Universe fans don't. That fusion caught me off guard; usually fusions look like a blend of their current selves, but this looks like a fusion of young Greg with fanart version of older Steven… plus a Space Dandy pompadour.
No. 49098
File: 1568223083917.jpg (432.12 KB, 1399x2000, autumn-rain-turkel-octane-art.…)

>>25442Good taste
>>34360Freaking yes
Also my latest crush
No. 49165
File: 1568238607881.jpg (71.33 KB, 512x316, 58ac03e864fc062564ecc7e33b3f73…)

Pic related is besto boi
>>49137i am just as confused, it is supposed to be Steven and his dad? if that is the case then isn't kinda creepy? aren't fusions in the SU universe an equivalent to love making? they have suggested as much several times so i am very confused, maybe some anon can explain on the cartoon thread.
No. 49183
File: 1568243308674.gif (3.14 MB, 500x296, mirage.gif)

>>49098Octavio is
second best boy
No. 49186
File: 1568243923593.jpeg (89.92 KB, 768x1024, B0988E7E-4A74-4F1D-B3C7-EF4F53…)

Recently got back into listening to a few producers I liked from back in the day, and Kaito is still best bot.
No. 49193
File: 1568249188568.jpeg (51.92 KB, 480x480, 99B43790-E322-40B8-A112-8EDA9F…)

>>49186Yes! I heard Vocaloid isn’t doing so well and their V5 selection looks pretty dire, I wonder what’s going on. Kaito, hang in there!
No. 49218
File: 1568257750316.jpeg (280.52 KB, 717x1000, 12E39ACA-EBB2-4BE4-ACB3-88D7D9…)

>>49193And there's apparently a whole deal with Crypton going on right now? Like, man, I sure picked a time to jump back in.
(Excellent pic btw, anon, Kaito's the best)
>>49211Ntayrt but I do believe that's the villain Overhaul from My Hero Academia
No. 49438
File: 1568349211492.jpg (55.4 KB, 564x583, L.jpg)

Had someone ask me if he was anime Jeff the killer and I have never felt so old in my life.
No. 49454
File: 1568357906657.gif (2.67 MB, 540x303, 48895r89567956.gif)

Sweet Baby Jesus
No. 49740
File: 1568488241094.jpg (43.4 KB, 564x733, 1cadbc59ff953a34eb677d7423cd71…)

I've kinda grown out of my BNHA phase but next month it'll be his time to shine and that's why I'll be watching it again
No. 49746
File: 1568489791199.jpg (158.71 KB, 640x480, Defiance-Promotional-Morelok-F…)

20 years and counting husbando, right here.
(And yes, it has to be the Elder!Kain. Fledgling!Kain does nothing for me)
No. 49804
File: 1568517399204.gif (409.96 KB, 188x174, tenor.gif)

>>49454Goddamn it, even after 20 years my loins still ache for his very soul.
No. 49812
File: 1568520984998.jpg (39.92 KB, 300x396, 85234e627a0f1bef6006aa14696676…)

>>49746Its all about my mutilated boy Raziel for me. Post-mutilation only.
No. 49831
File: 1568529590724.png (857.3 KB, 1087x817, yusuke eyes.png)

>>49537What? Why? God, that's so retarded I can barely fathom it.
Do they think that having a vagina is a requirement for wearing pink, having long hair, or liking flowers? He's just a feminine guy, ffs..
No. 49871
File: 1568548768624.jpg (36.33 KB, 418x604, b26d181e7d938b0ebac097cce5ef26…)

Mmmmm crispy jesus man
No. 49883
File: 1568554788411.png (949.55 KB, 1280x1685, tumblr_p3nyt4ifan1vzzia4o1_128…)

Anyone else has a thing for plague doctor masks ?
SCP-049 ugh
No. 49884
File: 1568555516874.jpeg (624.5 KB, 1125x1320, 8E0DA85F-8BCB-4879-8712-D89539…)

It’s sad
No. 49908
File: 1568564519539.jpg (73.22 KB, 705x921, 8b06f15bf316bff8ed6e382e90f9de…)

No. 49913
File: 1568566296167.png (289 KB, 540x404, vegeta.png)

I don't know what's come over me but I've been obsessed with Vegeta lately
No. 49916
File: 1568567839314.png (460.3 KB, 647x780, eyeballemoji.PNG)

>>49913oh my god, I have too! I followed an artist recently that draws a lot of him and Bulma.
They make Vegeta look so… appealing
No. 49922
File: 1568569738910.jpg (55.16 KB, 736x1037, e9b481af8cbaa3bd930e4e3589ec1d…)

>>49916>>49913the unholy union of vegeta weebos. my life is complete. i can die in peace now.
No. 49950
File: 1568581061967.jpeg (257.54 KB, 1400x1400, Vegeta_goku.jpeg)

>>49916Just looked them up and omg yeah they draw a good Vegeta. Too bad they don't have an insta, as I don't really use twitter. (Also I am goku/vege trash, but I can still appreciate him with Bulma, they do work well together.)
>>49922Glad I'm not alone in this! I've decided I'm gonna make a Vegeta ita bag, my love for him is so strong~
No. 50394
File: 1568697216685.gif (1.4 MB, 498x372, hiei.gif)

Then of course there's Diet Vegeta.
No. 50494
>>50394Hiei is soV hot and I love how beefy he is.
>Diet VegetaMore like not suffering from male pattern baldness Vegeta
No. 50562
File: 1568772492867.jpg (61.76 KB, 500x566, c2a8963539d10b8a8744fb0ca64a61…)

>>50494How muscular he is tends to vary between artists. He's a little more wiry in the manga. Come to think of it,
everybody looks smaller and less muscular in the manga, even Kuwabara. I guess I should give Togashi credit for drawing teenagers like teenagers.
>More like not suffering from male pattern baldness VegetaBut Hiei
does have premature greying lol
No. 50627
File: 1568791133368.png (631.64 KB, 1280x1685, d6d0c473b4ae12475f26aeedcae4ef…)

I'm not even ashamed lmao, everyone knows Light is hot as fuck. The scene where he goes insane and laughs manically after they find out he's Kira will forever be listed as a "this shouldn't turn me on but it does alot" scene
No. 50745
>>50627Hard agree
He’s a nut but a hot one.
No. 54951
File: 1570557223457.jpeg (29.79 KB, 304x258, DA746968-6BA9-481D-A433-7C39CD…)

I have many, but Fukuo from Kiki’s Delivery Service is one of them.
No. 56717
File: 1570902956724.jpg (168.64 KB, 692x601, 20190721_161129.jpg)

Feel free to roast me for this one, but fuck the tied up scene awakened a domme side to me that I didn't know existed
No. 56853
File: 1570932170738.jpg (6.15 KB, 225x224, toki.jpg)

Crushed on him so hard when I was an angsty kid in the 2000s. Still not entirely over wanting to marry him.
No. 56943
File: 1570979054881.jpg (40.18 KB, 225x350, 312009.jpg)

kiss kiss fall in love
No. 56949
>>36361Because he has exquisite MEMES
>>36510Canonically after he had a child with Rose at some point and found out in Mgs4 that Campbell was sheltering Rose and his kid from the Patriots. In MGSRR he become a cyborg PMC because he can't get a job elsewhere.
No. 57024
File: 1570996519638.jpg (291.02 KB, 655x983, 27ec1cf7-c22e-47cb-9353-020859…)

Sweet boy
No. 57189
File: 1571050928539.png (4.89 MB, 1920x1080, WEyV2um.png)

God, same
No amount of reader-insert smut fics can satisfy my thirst
No. 57503
File: 1571081960878.jpg (155.36 KB, 1920x1080, thumb-1920-637345.jpg)

>>57189he absolutely does not deserve the slander he gets from the "woke" anime fans who immediately accuse you of every bad thing out there for just liking a villain
No. 57593
File: 1571114675112.png (726.47 KB, 1280x720, hisoka3.png)

>>57503Okay but I'm still going to kinkshame you for clown thirst.
No. 57596
File: 1571115461177.png (539.08 KB, 582x768, Screen Shot 2019-10-11 at 22.5…)

this nigga's name is fucking snufkin and his face looks like that and yet…
No. 57772
File: 1571178375145.png (179.52 KB, 652x729, apex-grid-tile-legends-crypto.…)

No. 57794
File: 1571195160143.jpeg (1.8 MB, 2037x3056, 00983903-CB9B-402C-8144-C28873…)

No. 57846
File: 1571223974346.jpg (22.69 KB, 400x400, K2Z0HLNv_400x400.jpg)

I have a thing for older brother characters I love his deep voice too
No. 58040
File: 1571285434181.jpg (81.81 KB, 501x709, mmN.jpg)

He will never show up and take me on a wild adventure :( Life hurts.
No. 58131
File: 1571321805562.jpg (76.41 KB, 431x396, arjuuuu.jpg)

>tfw no historical indian ikemen bf
No. 58255
File: 1571377411998.jpg (113.85 KB, 600x600, castlevania_sotn_conceptart_WR…)

Ugh Alucard is so sexy. I love the idea of taking off all his layers of jackets and belts and shit.
No. 58298
File: 1571427386827.jpg (62.98 KB, 734x1052, facc493013f5b0756cd3dc2fc19a75…)

>>58274nayrt but it's Kusuriuri from Mononoke.
>>58255He's so elegant, so graceful.
No. 59448
File: 1572130957301.jpg (63.93 KB, 600x794, 4vwcedfws.jpg)

i'm not even sorry
No. 59449
File: 1572130978838.png (558.61 KB, 640x480, aufufauha.png)

he's best boy
No. 59911
File: 1572345594678.jpg (69.78 KB, 1124x592, EDf5GoAXkAEIvx6.jpg)

>>48201I am completely aware that i am one month late, but i just have to applaud your excellent taste
No. 59924
File: 1572353472118.jpeg (33.31 KB, 620x349, C0372ED2-1722-4888-B131-F880C9…)

he deserved to live
No. 59984
File: 1572379969368.jpeg (258.75 KB, 690x993, 8DD383D9-96CC-457C-BA2A-E959E5…)

Gintoki Sakata
No. 59986
File: 1572380306884.png (842.92 KB, 912x1280, 3FE63CF7-7510-495F-95FF-B90070…)

Jirou from Kamisama Hajimemashita
I also like Tomoe, but Jirou has my whole heart.
No. 60768
File: 1572727570312.jpeg (31.54 KB, 210x240, AC66B5B8-5B6B-4E24-B7F8-29B09F…)

I skimmed through the thread so I might’ve missed someone else posting this sexaliciousness polnareff is not only very aesthetically gorgeous but he’s a big oaf and his personality makes him more adorable
No. 61227
File: 1572906205881.png (202.98 KB, 500x700, d8h0lv9-79685bb3-08eb-4896-952…)

No. 61285
File: 1572926760783.jpg (48.07 KB, 417x750, 2430a4cb0a790426bbfc05d49a87d0…)

Underrated husbando. Hak could get it as well
No. 61291
File: 1572932185899.png (285.53 KB, 484x620, 10874387465013793691735683293.…)

my obsession with him has recently been rekindled since I'm rewatching the first season of psycho-pass in preparation for s3. He's such a fucking pretentious dickwad with his books, but I still love him. Though, it makes me feel like edgy teenage trash, especially when the there's several other really good characters
No. 61296
File: 1572936491024.jpg (74.4 KB, 624x870, cb80ca28415c43aa5f99ac0da6120c…)

>>61287nta, it's Shin-Ah from Akatsuki no Yona. And Hak is actually a really good choice too!
No. 61298
File: 1572938120608.jpg (67.05 KB, 720x812, 51466880_10213837351674699_934…)

Husbandosuke, anyone?
No. 61300
File: 1572940361421.jpeg (26.76 KB, 235x265, 39312A4E-DA19-401C-B896-9DC256…)

I can’t be the only one…
No. 61387
File: 1572973164935.png (21.02 KB, 750x1334, f225adb5-af27-427f-9356-b8c2d9…)

i love him so much even though homestuck doesn't have pretty graphics, but the fanart about him are so pretty
No. 61390
File: 1572974078894.jpg (147.61 KB, 624x960, 67639651_339529390257904_65162…)

>>61389Ah, I see anon is a woman of culture as well
No. 61400
File: 1572980718439.png (168.56 KB, 500x347, 365834950746599741097265.png)

>>61386agreed. Makishima was such a good villain, and the rest of the cast was really good and vibrant. Season 3 is proving to be more promising than season 2, but doubt it'll reach the level of greatness season 1 did. I'm slightly hoping the series is closing. There's so many loose ends and they've spent forever avoiding wrapping them up. There's been 11 episodes and 4 movies after season 1, yet not a whole lot has been accomplished. Also, 7 years of time between s1 and 3. That's a long fucking time to be wondering what the fuck is going on.
Anyway, here's more Amano concept art. I really liked all of her designs for the season 1 characters. Everyone's design since has been so boring. It makes me wonder if they got a new character designer or told her to tone it down. I guess the current designs better fit the aesthetic/atmosphere the writers seem to be going for, but the old designs made it a lot more fun
No. 61481
File: 1573037172961.jpg (19.03 KB, 210x240, ryoji-kaji-neon-genesis-evange…)

i love me a man who's last wish from his longtime fling was to water his melons
No. 61539
>>61298I hate how this piece of shit was given a happy ending. Fuck Sasuke. Fuck anyone who actually likes him as a character. Fuck the creator for making people sympathetic to an
abusive asshole. Imagine if he were a character in a live action, Western tv show, then I'm sure he'd be no one's favorite.
No. 61555
File: 1573078043489.png (3.96 MB, 750x1334, F0AB0A01-0332-4659-B590-5862C5…)

the only arcana boy who looks nice and is the prettiest of them all. i honestly never wanted his route to end tbh
julian could've also been so handsome because his personality is kinda gold but they had to give him that ugly ass nose for ~diversity~
No. 61559
File: 1573079164303.png (956.02 KB, 796x944, 9eb2482a-778d-4205-bcb3-5e127f…)

No. 61760
File: 1573169549412.jpeg (531.99 KB, 1242x1829, A62B9BBE-E3C4-4B3A-AB69-8D77E7…)

this edgy ass motherfucker…ive fallen in love with K as well
No. 61907
File: 1573248374876.gif (4.01 MB, 444x250, F7EEA490-77B2-48B5-A9C4-A0B824…)

I uh… have problems collecting vidya husbandos. This is my latest.
No. 61916
File: 1573251020375.jpeg (438.83 KB, 640x896, 9A7356BB-614C-4196-B725-D42F31…)

i love him with my whole heart… protect his smile…
>>56853YESSSS i watched this show with my dad and i fancied toki and skwisgaar so much.
No. 61989
File: 1573269911290.png (452.4 KB, 926x690, 21253789776555.png)

>>49871I remember my huge crush on him back in high school, I miss those days.
No. 62303
File: 1573529467977.jpg (242.65 KB, 1280x994, CrNyS5n.jpg)

Every one of these boys.
No. 62853
File: 1573931166102.jpg (100.54 KB, 1280x720, higgs.jpg)

Troy Baker's voice AND his face? Sign me tf up
No. 62869
File: 1573945487017.jpg (27.7 KB, 600x338, 3525d39ad758985d-600x338.jpg)

william joseph blazkowicz can like.. definitely get it
No. 62929
File: 1574057590262.jpeg (276.16 KB, 674x851, E800068E-7D69-4B8F-8996-BFA9B5…)

Him alongside Miles and Chris.
No. 62993
File: 1574095496968.jpg (83.49 KB, 770x750, Caos-soma-cruz2.jpg)

I love Soma Cruz and his stupid fucking jacket
>>42064I hope Nemu posted this lmao
No. 63015
File: 1574105914492.gif (1.88 MB, 498x372, spiegel.gif)

i love spike so freaking much
No. 63431
File: 1574301251163.jpg (79.94 KB, 615x718, IMG_20191015_152359.jpg)

Jojo has the best husbandos tbh…Anasui can get it.
No. 63447
File: 1574312576170.jpg (121.36 KB, 1163x1200, Milo.jpg)

I really have not cared at all for pokemon for as long as it has existed, but i have fallen in love with this man
No. 63472
File: 1574327701286.gif (5.96 MB, 640x345, 430d6ba3d757143ef71ac52707ebef…)

i feel ashamed of admitting this but i got a crush on kaneda from akira
No. 65233
File: 1575256629265.png (127.48 KB, 345x225, henryboletjr.png)

the nancy drew games have some qts
No. 65240
File: 1575259258316.png (158.43 KB, 400x466, tumblr_pn8z8r3FDb1tl61voo1_400…)

I just finished season 3 of the dragon prince and i am in love with this man
No. 65251
File: 1575264300541.png (2.66 MB, 2047x1452, Catboy bruno.png)

I wish to get good at drawing men just so I can draw him properly
No. 65429
File: 1575307866884.gif (574.43 KB, 500x375, D46C8499-73B7-4FC3-9A2D-447EAE…)

>>63015Such a hottie, Anon, great taste. I love his lanky saunter and confidence. I’ve had eyes for him since I was a teenager watching Bebop on Cartoon Network.
No. 65442
File: 1575311563042.jpg (130.67 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

jin from samurai champloo is mwah
No. 65475
File: 1575324393644.png (432.6 KB, 477x512, Fire-Emblem-Three-Houses-Linha…)

I knew I was going to romance him after only like five minutes of gameplay. He's so cute and soft.
I invited him to tea so many times god
No. 65524
File: 1575331381340.gif (498.44 KB, 500x280, 80217AC7-379A-4BB5-8054-9CCDCE…)

>>65442I could never choose between him and Mugen.
No. 65573
File: 1575339363964.jpg (15.76 KB, 529x292, mv0Lo6f.jpg)

I can't tell which Bruce Wayne is attractive,I love them both equally though,but the sheer number of samey pointy chined anime "men" is ugh(no offense)what about cartoon men?
No. 65629
File: 1575372606508.png (11.26 KB, 176x286, download.png)

>>65573Does this turn your crank anon
No. 65630
File: 1575372659859.jpg (68.98 KB, 960x467, 5jij9x0thy821.jpg)

young bang and bomb looked kinda cute ngl
No. 65690
File: 1575396244404.jpg (59.01 KB, 451x718, rogersmith.jpg)

>>65573You might like Roger Smith. He was literally designed to be anime Bruce by the creators. Sorry he's not as quadrilateral though.
No. 65719
File: 1575408423709.jpg (523.39 KB, 1431x2048, ambh77lz70az.jpg)

>>65630both of them legit look like a copy paste of garou and suiryu
still love it
No. 65800
File: 1575426556184.jpg (31.95 KB, 304x418, 8dc.jpg)

>>65780 Why though,they all look the same to me
No. 65805
File: 1575428183537.png (174.92 KB, 600x315, EJ1xkNkWkAAzQb6.png)

>>65800you've got to be trolling i mean you posted this
>>65573 and you're saying all anime men look the same? bruh
No. 65806
File: 1575428969305.gif (1.24 MB, 599x600, idontevencare.gif)

hell yea
No. 65823
File: 1575432622544.jpg (100.3 KB, 900x1200, EGHHPdNU8AACfAn.jpg)

anyways, i love dimitri and i don't care how self-indulgent and sentimental his romance is in the game. i love it.
No. 65876
File: 1575445203482.jpg (130.35 KB, 950x1082, 1563771464713.jpg)

>>65871dimitri from fire emblem three houses, make sure you pick his house, the blue lions, at the beginning.
No. 65884
File: 1575451533492.jpg (135.76 KB, 579x579, IMG_0154-8268.jpg)

>>65719although i find garou's demeanor and ambitions childish i still sympathize more with him than most heroes tbh
No. 65886
File: 1575452595682.png (593.17 KB, 640x866, 57070613-cd92-46cd-b0cd-44792f…)

FE3H has so many good husbandos. I still gotta rep for Linhardt though.
>>65823Excellent taste anon.
I ship him with Dedue tbh. Some of their interactions are like an old married couple.
No. 65967
File: 1575481832579.jpg (134.29 KB, 1280x720, 1564451667661.jpg)

>>65886i love him with dedue. dimitri is easily shippable with everyone, but it breaks my heart to see how sad dedue is in VW and CF. i wish you could recruit him in VW.
linhardt is cute too! if he was real, i could easily see myself befriending him.
No. 66068
File: 1575506527527.jpg (1.41 MB, 3264x2176, saitama.jpg)

i still have the biggest crush on saitama nonetheless, but if he were to get his hair back i'm sure my crush would multiply nth times over
he used to look so good and now he is just… an egg
a very cute (and sometimes very hot) egg
No. 66118
File: 1575525905136.gif (1.51 MB, 500x281, tumblr_nuati4hXlw1s5wiico1_500…)

>>66068sue me but I prefer him as egg
No. 66131
File: 1575537096995.png (98.04 KB, 400x561, tumblr_omuhofCwnt1tyak95o1_400…)

metal bat though
No. 66132
File: 1575537872282.png (627.12 KB, 489x767, 76B4ABCC-CF18-4D5C-888F-EE70E4…)

>>66131zombie man too.. he can definitely GET it
No. 66133
File: 1575538508221.jpeg (260.89 KB, 800x1150, 066A43BF-CBAC-4EB0-80D6-B945DF…)

i'd honestly pick all the men in opm over a scrawny shounen boy every day
No. 66139
File: 1575540525841.jpg (164.14 KB, 1200x1118, D867hNSU0AAWdeo.jpg)

>>66133even puri puri prisoner?
No. 66148
File: 1575544872278.jpg (119.76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i love this blind ass
No. 66324
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>>63447Speaking of Pokémon gym leaders…
No. 66325
File: 1575616735419.jpg (32.67 KB, 600x588, 1460645191128.jpg)

Virgil too!
I'm making a bingo sheet on my husbandos and it's really big. Help.
No. 66376
File: 1575650425067.jpg (93.04 KB, 850x710, Dande.(Pokémon).full.2592498.j…)

>>63447>>66324Okay, but are your Pokémon husbandos UNDEFEATED?
No. 66379
File: 1575653198782.png (1.26 MB, 2000x2750, AC44CB73-D166-4EDA-AA2F-662A48…)

>>66376How could I forget. Leon is bae. Pokemon did a good job on the husbando material in this new game.
No. 66414
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since we talkin abt poke husbandos,
raihan man..
No. 66421
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Does Hange count as husbando? Hmm…
No. 66510
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>>65967That's why I could't bring myself to romance Dimitri even though he's a snacc. He and Dedue are just too sweet together.
No. 66736
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galo's tiny waist and broad shoulders!
No. 66744
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I am still very attracted to the Warden even after twelve years since I first watched Superjail. I’ve been thinking that if I ever get a 3DPD bf again, I might want him to cosplay as the Warden for me.
No. 66745
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Husbando for years
No. 66747
>>66736He's so fucking stupid and cute
I love him tbh
No. 66763
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>>66736I just saw Promare last night and he is A+ husbando material. He's so freakin adorable
No. 66863
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Best boi from Hakuouki
(Souji Okita)
No. 66912
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>>66745hard agree! I've loved him since forever. Advent Children is a failure when it comes to plot but damn does Cloud look great in it.
No. 66926
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why am i always weak for the stereotypical dominant rich asshole ceos in games? first jumin han, now victor. i can't ever escape them
No. 66945
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>>66926I was just playing a few minutes ago omg. Kiro is my favorite, Victor is my 2nd. Whenever he praises me in game I get butterflies haha.
No. 66947
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i fell for the remake leon meme. He's too friendly-looking to really look like Leon but he's definitely a qt in his own right.
>tfw no cute bf to tagteam zombies with
No. 66949
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>>66863He has such a sweet romance, you really feel like he depends on you. I played Hijikata's route right before and it was terrible, it felt like he didn't even want the MC there.
No. 66970
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>>66947>>66948Alright I mostly brushed off the collective thirst for Leon that all farmers seem to have but I think this single-handedly got me on the bandwagon finally and now I'm seriously about to buy a RE game. Damn you all.
No. 66986
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No. 66993
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No. 67021
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>>66993anon please I don't have enough water on hand to deal with this thirst you're causing me
No. 67025
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>>66912That is so true. I've honestly been thinking of rewatching it for him for the 15th time, as shitty as the plot is. Let's enjoy him in the remake, anon!
No. 67028
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>>67025Girl, years ago I wanted to own this shitty movie on BluRay just cause I loved original FFVII and Cloud in general so much (and it was before AC Complete, which fixes the plot issue a bit - not much, but the movie is bearable…).
I have just ordered a Cloud figure which I've wanted for years. I sold my books and comics to be able to purchase a FFVII PlayArts. I could afford only one, so I decided (with a heavy heart) to go for the other half of my FFVII OTP (pic unrelated kek), as her figures were rarer. I'm so glad to have both of them on my shelf in the near future!
I'm so hyped for the remake, Cloud is everything.
No. 67471
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>>67028Oh, I feel you. I have both Advent Children on DVD and Complete on Blu Ray. I actually preordered that $350+ 1st Class edition of the remake (because I'm crazy) and that's gonna come with my first Cloud figure. I'm so excited, anon. I love that chocobo-head!
No. 67664
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I love him
No. 67745
>>67664Fuck yes. The twist only made me love him more. Blackwall needs more love.
>>67028I can't stand Advent Children Cloud but FF7 Cloud is god tier. Just a goofy wrassleboy trying his best.
No. 67754
File: 1576452978187.png (3.53 MB, 1807x1624, 8ues9.png)

sir i'm completely in love with you even though you turned out to be a massive piece of shit in the manga and i want to strangle you for it so bad what the FUCK are you even doing eren
No. 67796
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>>67764We got blessed with a whole trailer of him. This is the Cloud I've been missing. The smug bastard. He knows just how cool he is and I love it.
No. 68038
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he has my heart since middle school and I'm 21 now. not ashamed
(also I've always been a Uchiha hoe, both Sasuke and Madara can have my ass all day long)
No. 68095
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surprised that i havent seen more people posting ff14/ffxiv husbandos
heres in my favourite
No. 69590
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>>35900just bought and binged this game on a whim and i'm pretty sure i love sally more than i love myself. he's already tragic with an edgy design, why'd they have to make him such a genuinely nice and loving person? don't they know i'm weak??
No. 69720
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>>69590Welcome to the club, anon
No. 69726
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>>69590One of us! Ones of us!
I'm happy there are people out there giving the game a chance.
No. 69730
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>>69720>>69726baby boy. baby.
>tfw no chill sensitive punk bf to fight ghosts with No. 69775
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>>66763Personally I'm a slut for Lio
The guy you found hottest in Promare says a lot about you tbh
No. 71028
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No. 71060
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always been my favourite from aot
No. 71106
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>>71060same, anon. i miss him a lot.
No. 71108
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something about erwin makes me so sad and horny at the same time
No. 71162
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>>71060Just recently watched aot for the first time and i will never get over him
No. 72001
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Furuta is so under appreciated.
He started the entire events of Tokyo Ghoul and was an amazing antagonist. A great foil for Kaneki. And yet people seem to forget he was even a character.
I don't know, there's something about a charismatic psycho with yandere tendencies that always ropes me in.
No. 72117
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felix from fire emblem three houses is currently my biggest husbando
he’s so fucking cute, i wish i was female byleth so i could fuck this adorable tsundere
No. 72127
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>>72117I never played Fire Emblem but this mf looked so cute I googled him and I have a question: who is he so pretty for? And why does he look like he belongs to the Uchiha clan?? I'm both confused and pleased by this beauty
No. 72189
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Bloodlines 2 is this year! Hype even though my garbage husbando won't be in it.
No. 72200
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i’ve had the same husbando since i was like 8, we grew up together
No. 72228
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parenting 101 with gendo:
>abandon your kid, cause him severe psychological damage
>reach out to him, so you can acquire one more child soldier to pilot his mom
>instrumentality time
and yet i found myself crushing hard on him
No. 72330
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>>7318Mine won't be in either, but hopefully we'll get some new ones
No. 72335
>>72228gendou looks better without the beard, did you ever see the shaving ad
makes him look younger
No. 72482
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No. 72612
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>>72330Fingers crossed, anon.
Call me old-fashioned, but these newfangled HD models just don't leave much to the imagination
No. 72844
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Arknights is fun
No. 73153
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not a hxh fan but hisoka is hot
No. 73204
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No. 73861
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serizawa cute
No. 73999
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Drakath from Adventure Quest World <333
No. 74019
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>>73861ah, i see you're an anon of culture as well.
No. 74054
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>>74019i just want to hug him
No. 74241
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I just… want to see him happy.
No. 74273
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>>74241You end up in a hospital bed and your husbando will spew his teenager jizz on you, anon.
No. 74296
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maybe maybe
No. 74366
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Unreal how much I want to fuck this cartoon man.
No. 74408
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Really disappointing how no ones mentioned this hunk. He punches Nazis', what's more attractive than that?
No. 74443
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God i love him
No. 74457
>>74451hange outshines levi
the truth might hurt but it has to be said
No. 74504
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>>74443he looks cute as ling too. i love character designs who have stupid sharp shark teeth
No. 74692
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The Greed pics remind me that I find Kaiman's tru face(Dorohedoro) very handsome, I'll leave the image as spoiler for those who are watching the anime rn.
No. 74693
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No. 74786
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my flame angel
No. 74840
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>>7321I know this is a very old post but Devil Jin specifically could get free reign of my body.
No. 74854
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>>71060>>71106>>71108>>71162He's so motherfucking daddy. I'D DIE IF HE COMMANDS IT.
No. 74876
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>>74854Sure he's hot and all, but have you considered a PTSD, dissociative, man that would actively try to die for you because he simply wants to die?
Despair moe is the new moe.
No. 74883
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might just fuck it and start watching the series because of him
No. 74896
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I feel like I need to commission an artist for this if it doesn't exist already…
No. 75011
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Vito Scaletta from Mafia 2
I'd let him nut in me.
Looks just as good in Mafia 3
No. 75044
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small erwin spam rn beause i miss him a lot
No. 75045
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No. 75046
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No. 75047
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that's it, thank you
No. 75059
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>>7318love this gay otaku bastard and all of his splinters
No. 75070
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clark newman…
scam me already
No. 75075
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>>75059I didn't think you were allowed to post
Homestuck in 2020. I prefer his brother though.
No. 75095
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>>75045Simi’s Erwin is good shit
>>75070Onizuka but better, I’ll take 10 thank you
No. 75098
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>>74786Same energy. Atsui
sacrificial lion husbandos.
No. 75102
>>71028 he so fine. I wouldn't mind the intensive and not exactly dirty talk coming from him. But Shoko is a champ for wanting to be ora'd by star platinum, spit by him, lick the blood from his injured face and be the recipient of all the nasty things that super mega jotaro fan finds hot.
Although, I prefer his older version than him being a teenager.
No. 75110
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Speaking of husbandos who should've been left in the last decade
No. 75112
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>>75110Ah….i suppose there's always that character you can't let go.
No. 75121
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Did someone say throw back husbando??
No. 75163
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No. 75164
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No. 75165
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>tfw no eruri in canon
No. 75181
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No. 75410
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No. 75439
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No. 75441
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No. 75792
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No. 75849
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No. 75851
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Gaara will always hold a special place in my heart, even after my weeaboo phase.
No. 75920
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>>75893>>75888Yes Canti! He protecc he attacc he bought snaccs!
I'm also really attracted to Apex Pathfinder lmao what does this mean?
No. 76596
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No. 76598
File: 1582508606593.gif (1.97 MB, 455x256, 1BD1E970-6385-4E85-90D0-08DE6A…)

>>76596Hell yeah. I drip when he talks.
>tfw no merc JSL kuudere bf No. 76767
File: 1582675578330.jpg (274.64 KB, 1280x720, kuroyuki.jpg)

(Game is called Nightshade if anyone is wondering).
Kuroyuki's route was the most interesting one tbh. I expected Gekkamaru's route to be quite lively and nice too judging by the way he acted in the Prologue, but it was kinda bad and a big disappointment. After finding out that he's been put under a spell and his feelings toward the MC aren't genuine literally ruined his entire route for me. And don't even get me started on Hanzou, he went from being cold and serious to suddenly lovesick and all uwu soft which was literally so uncharacteristic of him. He's known as the strongest Shinobi and never showing people his true self, why the fuck did they have to do him dirty like that? Also still haven't played Goemon and Chojiro's routes, but I feel like Goemon's route is probably the same level as Kuroyuki because he seems fun. Don't know about Chojiro but it's definitely some incest cousin-love shit.
I also hate the MC Enju with my entire being. She's such a doormat and a huge pushover who cannot even properly stand up for herself. I wish they would just stop making otome games with annoying MCs who are always some sweet and cutesy dumb flower girls who cannot harm anyone, I just want to play one where the MC isn't afraid to put people in their places and is also loud and bratty. So annoying.
Kuroyuki is forever best boy though and I want to replay his route sometime again. Love me some obsessive yandere who is also severly traumatized and suffers from a curse + memory loss.
>Sorry for the retarded rant I just needed to get this out.
No. 76768
File: 1582675766394.jpg (13.75 MB, 4680x6104, 5243453455345.jpg)

>tfw you want to get sandwiched between Gekkamaru and Kuroyuki
>tfw you're pathetic
No. 76769
>>76767I've never played otome games but I want to. Do you have a recommendation for something well written?
Closest thing I've played is a visual novel called House in Fata Morgana. It's horror but the romance part is very good.
No. 76815
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Another vote for V
No. 128844
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I liked the guy from Shadow of the Colossus
No. 128846
>>128844stop doing this!!!
go to
>>>/m/118836 No. 296483
File: 1684130996931.png (132.44 KB, 778x553, The Carpenter.png)

Necroing. Third thread is full and this and the second thread still have space. idc. I'm happy they made him hot.
No. 296484
File: 1684131025042.png (127.71 KB, 565x661, mask.png)

>>296483Also his mask is sexy. Now I die.
(make a new thread or ask for one, don't necro 2 year old threads)