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No. 108934
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>>108748I have the copper IUD. I had increased cramps the first few months, but things went back to normal in that regard. There is more blood than there used to be, but it's a good trade off for me personally. The insertion wasn't fun, but I didn't find it particularly awful. It's not as bad as orthodontia or other dental work in terms of pain, but I did get a local anesthetic directly on my cervix prior to insertion. If you aren't paying out-of-pocket for it, it's worth trying out to see if it works for you.
>>108758Condoms are not very effective on their own.
No. 109434
>>108811I've had Paragard for over a year and a half now.
My periods used to be 7 days long and normal flow. I had a bit of crampiness that I'd experience but nothing bad.
When I first got my Paragard, insertion was so easy. My GYN gave me cytotec to soften my cervix, 600mg ibuprofen to take before, and we planned the insertion to happen during the end of my cycle so it wasn't bad at all.
My periods sucked though. So much crampiness and I would go through so many tampons. I think now that it's been over a year, my periods have returned to somewhat of a more normal state. My periods are now around 7 days long, BUT I get days of irregular spotting before and after (usually around 2/3 days). I have off/on cramps, and the worst is a sharp shooting pain in my butt that I get every now and then. I also get stabbing pains in my uterus area sometimes but I've had my IUD checked and it's in place.
But I'm glad that I got Paragard because it's 10 years (if it stays in) because I'm moving back to a state where the governor is trying to ban abortions if Roe v. Wade gets overturned. Would recommend Paragard for anyone who is in the same position and needs protection because though it is a little shit at times that I hate, it's been a lifesaver for my boyfriend and I who could never afford a child.
No. 110903
>>110885Can’t talk about the acne bc contrary to what my gyno told me it didn’t get worse at all. But about the other symptoms; I’ve had these even after the supposed 3-month adjusting period. And even about half a year after stopping it.
I also barely ever had migraines before and while taking the cerazette had them about every 1-2 weeks.
It really wasn’t a fun time.
No. 110905
>>110903I can't believe how horrible I feel, I was really hoping birth control would work because my bf and I don't find condoms enjoyable at all.
If this keeps up, I'll have to head back to rhythm and temp-tracking/ovulation strips.
And condoms.
No. 111510
>>108925Yes, I've had surgery. They told me I'd be out of surgery in 45m, and it took over 4 hours. I didn't have endo on my ovaries or other reproductive organs, but it was all over my abdominal wall, colon, etc. When I went into surgery, I wasn't even sure if the surgeon would find anything (endo doesn't show up on ultrasounds, aside from chocolate cysts). I am afraid of taking hormones so I just deal with the pain and nausea, which is returning. Eventually I'll have to convince a doctor to do surgery again.
Based on everything I've read, I'm wary of taking hormones to suppress endo. Surgery is scary but it has much better outcomes. I have three almost invisible scars (about 1cm each), and the recovery wasn't bad imho. The hardest part was paying for it, as I was on student insurance. I got a payment plan to pay it off. My parents ought to have helped (they have the money) but at that time they were in a really awful phase and they didn't offer; they knew I'd never ask them for money. Not sure I'll ever forgive them for that, though we've never discussed it. Every time I see the expensive tacky art they bought around my surgery date, I get pretty angry.
No. 111524
>>111522You're not alone anon don't worry
It should be included in the leaflet with your bc, but give it a google and you'll see so much about it
No. 112235
>>112225NTA but I think they might be referring to the starter day, as in starting that birth control in the first place which is what they're doing. In that case most docs recommend starting on the first day of your period since its supposed to help it become effective faster. Never in my life have I ever heard a doctor tell someone to
>start on the day your period ends, then not take anything for a week, then get back on the pill againWhy would you take a pill, wait a week then start it again? Am I reading your comment right because that sounds super incorrect. Also most if not all BC pills come with sugar pills even if you don't take them, don't know why you're referring them as the weird ones when pretty much all BC pill packs have those. I've never actually seen a pack that doesn't.
No. 112256
>>112235NTAYRT but I think they mean wait till period ends, take an entire blister and then pause (or take the placebos).
However, it’s definitely recommended to start on the day you go off your previous pill (or other contraceptive) without pausing.
Regarding the placebo pills: I think it definitely depends on where you live. In Germany I only really know of one brand that has placebo pills. All other brands have blisters with 21 pills (except for cerazette).
No. 112259
>>112235I meant that you take the first of 21 the day your period ends, then take nothing for a week or the placebo (I live in a country where they're very uncommon), then take the pill again.
tbqh though I haven't been on the pill for quite some time now, so mz info may be outdated.
No. 112307
>>112225My doctor told me to start the pills on Sunday which was the day my period started. So I started on Sunday, my period ended Friday, and then it started up again. I followed the instructions my doctor gave exactly.
Anyway, I just called my doctor and she said it's normal, so no advice needed.
No. 112316
>>112307idk what people are giving your shit for, you can read on the package you either start on a sunday
or the first sunday of your period. it's like they've never taken pills before.
No. 112424
>>112409Maybe people use hormones because there’s positive sides to it as well?
Especially women with severe dysmenorrhea, endometriosis or PCOS are way better off while on birth control.
Also what
>>112410 and
>>112411 said. You’re obviously not as educated as you‘d like to be.
No. 112632
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I know this is a cOnTrOvErSiAl oPiNiOn, but I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone finds the time to deal with the horrible side effects of bc for several weeks to a month, to figure out whether or not they'll go away, switch to another pill when they don't, go through the same cycle all over again, switch to another pill, and hope that one day you'll find one that doesn't make you want to puke your brains out/kill yourself/sap you of your energy, etc.
I'm legitimately concerned for my entire gender, because this is apparently normal and acceptable for most of you.
I've only ever used condoms since I've become sexually active. I know that's irresponsible, but honest to god, I'd rather risk having to get an abortion and go through some discomfort for a short time, rather than feeling like I have poison running through my veins 24/7.
Maybe I'll change my mind if that actually does happen. Or if it happens more than once. But god damn, the reality of what birth control does to your mind and body is fucking dystopian levels of horrifying to me.
No. 112641
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>>112632>>112640Birth control has done wonders to help me with a serious hormonal mood disorder. I am on an extremely low dose and have gone through about 8 different brands/dosages until I've found one that worked very well for me. No bad side effects. Like all medications, it's not for everyone. I think for those without a hormonal imbalance it is disruptive, but I am able to treat my hormonal mood disorder with birth control alone and was able to get off of the other 3 psychiatric medications I had been prescribed.
No. 112643
>>112632>I know this is a cOnTrOvErSiAl oPiNiOn, but I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone finds the time to deal with the horrible side effects of bc for several weeks to a monthNot everyone has crippling side effects, though. I've been on a couple different types of hormonal birth control for over 10 years (the pill, the ring, and finally the implant, as I got older and too busy to remember taking pills and shit) and I haven't had any side effects at all, ever. I've never gained weight or lost my mind or felt like offing myself. There are plenty of women who have little to no issues and are perfectly happy with whatever method they are on, just read through subreddits like r/birthcontrol.
I do agree that there should be more reliable methods of BC that aren't hormonal beyond just condoms and the copper IUD (which can make you bleed horribly, so not without its own side effects) and I hate that messing with your hormones is basically the end all be all for BC. But for me, I'll take it over risking pregnancy, especially since I'm lucky enough not to be badly affected by it.
No. 112649
>>112632The only side effect I've had is prolonged spotting after changing brands, which is 1000% worth it to skip my period. Skipping my period would be worth any number of side effects, they are a fucking heinous inconvenience and make me feel so uncomfortable. It's like a cosmic joke that we evolved to experience them so often.
I'm not even sexually active but the peace of mind is good too.
No. 112650
>>112643NTAYRT but you‘re obviously not the group of people anon is referring to, so why do you feel the need to justify your use of BC?
>>112632Idgi either. The longest I’ve been on any (combinated) pill was 7 days and after those I was seriously so exhausted. I couldn’t eat anything (like, literally anything) because I was incredibly nauseous 24/7. I could barely even drink water. I also had several panic attacks and migraines. I don’t know how I was supposed to go through this for three months.
The only thing I could bear physically was the shot but that severely fucked me up mentally (tried to kill myself 3 times in the 6 months I was on it - never have before or after that). I still deal with depression and I have long before getting it, but it’s never been as bad as it was then.
I don’t think I’ll ever try any hormonal shit again. Even though I have endometriosis. I’d rather suffer a few days and avoid sex occasionally because of the pain than feel as shitty ever again.
No. 112672
>>112650Hi. Could you read that anon's post again? Here's an excerpt:
>I'm legitimately concerned for my entire gender, because this is apparently normal and acceptable for most of you.Appears to me that anon is addressing all women here and making the false assumption that these types of sides effects are "normal" when they are in fact not normal for many of us. I'm sorry for your experiences and that fucking sucks but the reality is that many women experience no problems.
We're not saying your bad experiences aren't
valid. However our positive experiences are also
So I'm not any of these anon's above but I'd also like to add I've previously been on depo, combo pill, and finally graduated to the Mirena IUD 6 years ago and haven't had to think about birth control since. No side effects whatsoever. But just like with
pretty much all medications your mileage may vary.
Hope you guys can find something that works for you though.
No. 112685
>>112672The point of her post was, how she‘s confused that it’s being normalized and expected to put up with 1-3 months of side effects just to know whether something works or not and maybe even go through this entire process for several different pills.
Obviously, if you don’t have any side effects, you won’t have trouble taking it. Taking something and not having side effects isn’t
problematic either.
And I never felt like anyone was saying that my or other women’s bad experiences are invalid. I’m just legitimately confused how someone thinks that responding to
>How on earth do you put up with those side effects for this long and why on earth is this normalizedwith
>Well, but I don’t have any side helpful or any other way valuable input.
By the paragraph you quoted she obviously meant she’s worried because somehow women and girls are taught to just suck it up and put up with that shit for as long as it takes to find a method that doesn’t have terrible side effects. Obviously it just applies IF you do have side effects. However, side effects can happen to anyone any time.
Women feeling pressured to put their health and general quality of life on the line is a real issue. And even if you don’t have any noticeable side effects, there still do come risks with hormonal birth control.
No. 112697
>>112685To me the original post read "how can ALL OF YOU put up with these symptoms," implying that every single woman on birth control has insane side effects but we just accept it and cope, because the post said "most of you" and "entire gender." If she meant "how can some of you put up with it," then she should have clarified instead of making a sweeping generalization of all women on hormonal birth control. It was poorly worded, which isn't the fault of people responding "that's not true."
And "most women just normalize and accept it" isn't true either, women complain all the time how shitty birth control is and how they had to stop xyz method because they didn't want to deal with side effects.
No. 112829
>>108748I am on my second IUD. First one was a breeze (except when it was inserted, which was a two-week bloody nightmare). I had it in for over 5 years (Mirena), and got it replaced when my time was up.
First IUD:
>MUCH less hormones and cramps>period regulated itself after a while, less bleeding>no maintenance except checking for strings at uterusThis new one is exactly the same type as the old one, but for whatever reason, I am:
>extremely hormonal now>my breasts hurt like crazy before periods>spotting at the two-week mark, so it's like I have two periods during a 4-week cycle instead of one>also am extremely worried about perforation now, since the IUD weakens the walls of the uterus (I am told by my doctor), so I could poke through. I may have endometriosis, so it is more of a problem for me. Considering taking it out at the end of the summer. Might want to procreate anyway, honestly.
Anyway, the first IUD was AWESOME. Definitely recommend it for at least the first time, haha.
No. 112835
I'm the anon from the other thread who stopped taking the pill after 10years….
So far, so good. Definitely more emotional some days, like a good ol' fashion PMS, but it's nice. A lot of my previous anxiety or paranoia really mellowed out. I do get MAD jelly of my husband giving girl's attention, but it's funny. Sex with condoms is not too terrible.
Also my skin cleared up? I used to get some small cystic type bumps on the pill, now I'm just a bit uneven. Skin is less dry.
>>108753My girlfriend who had Mirena took her's out. She did not mix well with the estrogen blend. My other girlfriend put in a Copper IUD and has had her period for like 6 months.
No. 112946
4 years ago I first went to a gyn to get birth control, because the cramps I get during my periods were horrible (think crying, vomiting, diarrhea). She gave me a pill that you have to take for 3 months straight.
A year later I started to get such bad headaches, that I had to stop taking it. She said I'm allergic to any normal pill and that there are only 3 options: either taking nothing, an IUD or some special pill, which I ended up taking then. You basically take it without any breaks and don't get your period at all. At first it worked, but already half a year later I always got my period + cramps despite taking it.
A few months ago I changed gyns, told her about that problem and she said that I'm too young for an IUD (she said it messes severely with your hormones and that it's also very bad for your bones), but promised to think about a solution. So far, nothing.
A month ago I simply stopped taking it, because I got such bad acne from it, that my back is basically ruined. I could stand that, but it also made me horribly depressed, bordering on feeling completely crazy.
Yesterday I've got my period naturally for the first time again and the cramps are so bad that I've been awake all night. I really don't know what to do anymore, am I doomed until menopause?
No. 113018
I was on the Depo shot for a little over a year. It helped contribute to my weight gain, had random bleeding for a week that wasnt my period, and I rarely became horny along with it being very painful when I did try to have sex. I switched back to a birth control pill but I had to get a new dr and I didn't remember the name of the bc pill I started on when I was 18, so she gave me Mono-Linyah. She was so stuck on my weight gain for the whole apppointment and saying the Mono Linyah pill was the best option for me, she didn't ask about any issues I had. I'm terrible at talking so I ended up not mentioning the sex issues I was having on the shot. I've read that the effects of the shot can take months or years to stop so I thought I'd go back to normal again. It's been about 8 months on Mono, I can have sex without pain but I still don't feel horny like I use to. When I'm on the week of white pill I feel a bit more normal again so I think this pill is making my sex drive low too.
I'll be needing a new prescription in a couple months and I want to change pills but I kind of hate the dr. I was about 135 pounds when I was 19 and moved out on my own, I ate lots of shitty foods since I was poor, had an extremely small apartment that I shared with someone, and living life on my own in an actual town after living in a corn field with nothing close by all my life. I was 22 and 170 pounds when I went to the new dr last year. I know I need to lose weight and getting off the shot helped me not feel hungry 24/7 anymore. I've lost about 10 pounds and I'm afraid she'll push the weight thing on me again next time I go. And I don't want her to put me on another pill that will reset me once again on a list of new symptoms to make me a different person, in a sense. Is there any way I can find out what my old bc pill was, like possibly the old dr giving me records or asking my Pharmacists for a history of my meds? Or does anyone who has more experience/knowledge suggest a pill they think will help with the lack of hornyness without ridiculous side effects?
No. 113030
>>112946Just out of curiosity: Are you from Germany?
But anyways: You might have endometriosis and should get checked for that. However, you’ll need a laparoscopy for that. Don’t trust any doctor that tells you, you don’t have it because of an ultrasound they made.
If you do have endometriosis there are a couple of things you can do. When they’re doing the laparoscopy they can also remove possible lesions and adhesions. It is possible you’ll need a bigger surgery though if you have severe adhesions.
It’s also possible to use GnRH analogues to induce a temporary menopause, as it may stop the endometriosis from spreading and making your symptoms worse.
Regardless whether or not you have endometriosis you could try agnus castus or menstrual teas (raspberry leaves, alchemilla, yarrow, turnera diffusa for example).
Sometimes even supplementing some minerals (mostly magnesium and vitamin b6) already works for me.
About the mirena (which I think you mean by IUD?): You aren’t too young for it, your doctor simply doesn’t earn as much from it as they would from prescribing the pill. Also please don’t believe anyone that tells you the mirena only works locally. That’s something the company that sells it writes in their pamphlets etc, but there has been research that shows it’s definitely not true.
That’s not me saying you should get the mirena though. If you’ve had issues with the cerazette (? I suppose that’s the pill you didn’t pause?) you’ll probably have issues with that, too.
You could, however, try the depo shot. But it can cause some really nasty side effects so if you’re prone to depression or a lack of libido - it’ll get much worse on it.
Just be careful with gynos that will give you a prescription for any hormonal birth control without at least trying to figure out what’s causing the pain. There’s a 99% chance they get paid extra for prescribing it.
Maybe consider seeing a pain therapist as well.
No. 113069
>>113030Oof, that sounds really bad, but thanks for the detailed answer.
My doctor did not specifically name mirena, she just told me that iuds in general are bad for young women. She's very sweet (contrary to my former one), so I thought she might have given me genuine advice by telling me not to go for that. Both my mother and a coworker told me that the process of inserting it is so painful, that I immediately thought that's a big no for me as well.
But I'll definitely try to talk to her about it.
And yes, I really am from Germany. How did you figure that out?
No. 113086
>>113069I had a kidney stone at 18, which was miserable until they gave me morphine in the hospital waiting room. That said, I tried to get Mirena at 26 and it was the most painful experience of my life at insertion. I was able to limp around in pain everyday for a week, crying every single day and then I had to have it out of me. I could feel it in me the entire time. My cervix will never feel the same. I also recently saw this documentary on Netflix about the medical devices industry and how unregulated it is thus horrific consequences are had in
victims using these without proper testing. I just don't want to risk that.
I have strong family history of endo as well as having shown the symptoms for many years. I've been mostly stable on Junel Fe 1/20 but I had to try 5-6 others first. I am also diagnosed with PCOS at age 26 by my endocrinologist as I've had Hashimoto's thyroiditis since 12. Fun times are had.
No. 113096
>>113069As I said, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the mirena either as any IUD can make the pain worse.
It’s really hard to recommend anything just from your description. As I said, it depends on what causes the pain. It you’re comfortable with it, you could start taking a combined pill again in in a 3-month cycle (usually they recommend Valette or Maxim for that, but you can do it with any pill, so maybe one with a lower dosage of hormones would work too, such as Belara/Mona Hexal 20). You should definitely consider seeing an endometriosis specialist soon though, as taking a pill that contains estrogen can make it worse.
If it’s not endometriosis, taking a combined pill in a 3-month-cycle would probably be the way to go.
And as I said; Supplementing magnesium is never a bad idea when you have bad menstrual cramps.
And I guessed you’re from Germany because your gynecologist-story sounds strikingly similar to my own.
Btw since you are from Germany: Look up on if there’s a gyno listed anywhere near you. It’s really, really hard to find one ‘out in the wild’ whose treatment isn’t affected by what’s most profitable for them.
No. 114681
>>114679Yeah, that
can be normal.
After all it’s not an actual period, so it can differ a lot from your usual bleeding. Especially if it‘s a higher dosage of hormones, it’s normal not to bleed as much.
No. 114740
>>114726Nah, I’d say that’s pretty normal. When I was on the shot, halfway theough the 3 months I would start getting pms symptoms and a week or two later I‘d start spotting and eventually full on bleeding.
I‘d watch it for another month and if it doesn’t get better get off it for a month or stop taking it altogether.
For me, I thought it would get better with the follow-up shot but it only got a little lighter. I ended up kinda-bleeding/spotting for the whole 3 months, all companied by the usual pms/period symptoms until the 3 months were over and the effects slowly wore off.
No. 114796
>>114764Give it some more time. Your hormones are going to go a little crazy in the beginning because your body is adjusting. This causes all sorts of things, mood swings especially, which definitely contribute to low libido and what I call "pushing away".
>>114789 is right. You should see how your first cycle goes and if it is truly insufferable by your second cycle, give your gyno a call.
There are all sorts of doses and bc is not a "one-size-fits-all" thing. Just like any other medication you might need to try a few until you find the right fit.
No. 115339
>>115312they probably will but what
>>115314 said isn't the only cause. a more common cause is the additional hormones.
No. 117572
>>117569I've had a copper IUD and used a menstrual cup for more than 4 yrs.
I've never had a problem, and my gynecologist (a woman) told me she's never seen anything like that happen, it shouldn't happen if you break the suction.
No. 118240
>>118175taking your pill late and traveling could cause some breakthrough bleeding/spotting keep taking it till the end of the pack and taking the next pack in the new timezone should solve those problems so if its still acting weird after you start a new pack then something might be up.
but travelling always makes periods weird because it fucks up your bodies natural hormones to travel
No. 118440
>>118439No local anesthetics are given for that procedure here.
Also Im moving away soon and I'm worried that I'm going to have the bad side effects in the middle of the move, etc
No. 118481
>>118434I've had Nexplanon in my arm for about a year now and no issues. The only complaint I have is I get a little queasy if I feel the rod under my skin (with my other hand, you will not feel the rod in your arm otherwise don't worry), but ymmv!
I was scared of insertion but I literally didn't even know when my doc did it bc I was looking the other way and felt absolutely nothing. Iirc it was a teeny bit sore in the next 3 or 4 days but it may have been my brain freaking about having something under my skin.
No. 118490
>>118434If you get an IUD inserted during your period, it doesn't hurt much at all. As other anons have said, everyone reacts differently to different birth control. I did have the string problem with my IUD at first but after about a month, the ends tuck up behind your cervix and your partner won't feel them. You can also get them cut shorter if that's still not enough.
An IUD can last 10-12 years if you get the copper one, 5-7 if you get the hormonal one. Nexplanon is only approved for up to 4 years, so it might help to think how long-term you want your birth control to be for. Whichever one you choose, take it easy for a few days after and keep pain meds close.
No. 118998
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have any farmers gotten an ovarian cyst with an IUD inserted? I had a Kyleena IUD inserted last October, and for about a month now I've been experiencing constant lower body pains, including my pelvis, lower back, and thighs. I thought it was from the way I position myself when I sleep, but I have what I can only describe as 24/7 period cramps. and obviously I still wake up with lower body pains even when I sleep in a way that's supposed to alleviate pelvic pain. I'm in my low 20s so it doesn't make sense for me to have this kind of pain right now.
I've had this IUD in for about 9 months now. the first 8 months were a breeze, no symptoms aside from greasier skin and really nasty looking periods. I've heard that IUDs can cause ovarian cysts, and when I saw that pelvic pain is a symptom, I'm now worried I might have a cyst. I scheduled an appointment with my family doctor for Monday, as well as an appointment with my OBGYN (but it isn't until August 20, ugh). I'll see what my doctor says on Monday, hopefully I can get a scan or something to see what's going on. I'm just wondering if anyone here has had this experience before. prior to my IUD, my periods weren't particularly painful, just extremely heavy (to the point where I'm anemic). I was on the pill for about 2 years and didn't have painful periods with that, I only stopped because it was giving me emotion regulation issues (which did not help my mental health).
No. 119276
>>118998Update on this because I'm in fucking shock. I went to go see my family doctor (the one that referred me to my OBGYN), told him about the pains I've been having and that I know they're not normal pain. Keep in mind that I have no idea how to deal with this, what kind of tests they'd have to run on me, this is my first IUD after all. All he did was just shrug and say "there's nothing I can do for you", since I suspect the pains are caused by my IUD. I tell him "I don't have my OBGYN appointment until August 20, they couldn't fit me in because July is completely booked out" and he tells me to just call and ask them to reschedule. Like fuck they can't just DO that. And even if they managed to fill me in if someone cancels their appointment, I still don't know how much sooner that will make my appointment. I even asked "is there someone else I can see?" and he says "nope!" and sends me on my way. I forgot to mention in my initial post that I'm on a bit of a tight schedule here, as I'll be out of the country early September and need to get this dealt with ASAP in case it's an actual health issue and I have to get surgery or some shit. And I don't want to go to the emergency room over this because it's not life threatening in any way, and I don't want to force someone in need of immediate care to wait. I can still function, I'm just concerned that it COULD become life threatening in the future, because this pain isn't normal at all. I'm surprised that he didn't even say "go to the ER if it hurts that much". I would have preferred to hear that over "I can't help you".
So I took his advice and called up my OBGYN just now. Explained my situation to the receptionist. She tells me "did he refer you to an ultrasound technician?", I'm like, no, he just shrugged me off and told me to call you guys so I can see if I can get my appointment moved up. Lo and behold, July is still completely booked out (shocker!). She seemed surprised that my doctor didn't even bother referring me to an ultrasound technician, since that's pretty much step one in diagnosing an issue that I suspect is caused by my IUD. So now she's going to talk to my OBGYN tomorrow and get me a referral to an ultrasound clinic. She told me that if I told my OBGYN about my pains during my August 20th appointment, all she would do is, surprise surprise, give me an ultrasound. I can't believe I had to call my fucking OBGYN to get an ultrasound scheduled, because my fucking family doctor just shrugged off my BODY PAIN as being a "girl problem" that only an OBGYN can deal with, apparently. It's a pain INSIDE my body, he only assumes it's a "girl problem" because there's an IUD in me. What the everloving fuck is wrong with my doctor.
No. 119291
>>119283Yep, a month ago I went to a doctor for stabbing pain in and around my ears, he actually rolled his eyes at me and sent me off after 10 minutes with ear drops that did fuck all. The hell.
I really, genuinely hope anon is okay. These situations are always so scary and unfair for the patient. When I lived in my home country our healthcare was a dumpster fire but at least you could say "I want x and y done" and they'd have to do it, here where they have amazing "free" healthcare you have to wait 4 months for an appointment or be dying, and unless you can't walk from the pain the doctors give you attitude. Mostly men, too.
No. 119295
>>119280My friend is prone to cysts and had a pretty huge ovarian cyst back when we were in high school. Her family doctor tried to tell her it was a digestive issue, went through a shit ton of tests for celiac, Chron's, and IBS. Found out it was a cyst much later. I hope your surgery goes well when it does happen! I have to ask, are your pains around your pelvic area?
>>119283I did want to bring up the possibility of cysts to him, but I was worried he'd just shrug that off too. Your advice is really good, I need to learn how to be more assertive. My mom actually warned me that our family doctor is like this about women's health. Either way, my OBGYN is a really nice lady and I'm beyond thankful that she's going to get a referral for me.
Wanna know what pisses me off even more though? When I was a young teen, I went to my doctor to have him look at this weird lump in my thumb joint that causes my thumb to pop whenever I move it (not painful, it's just unusual). He immediately got me an ultrasound appointment. When I complained about tonsil stones (not painful, but very gross), he immediately had me see a specialist. But the moment I'm feeling pain throughout my entire lower body and I suspect that it might be my IUD? Just talk to your OBGYN, maybe she'll magically clear our her schedule just for you!
>>119291Do you live in Canada? That's where I'm from. My boyfriend recently had to wait over a year to get a referral to a psychiatrist, and he still has to wait over a month for his appointment that he finally was able to schedule (it got to a point where he had to get his family doctor to call their office, and they actually straight up ignored his calls every time). I had a really horrible experience with a psychiatrist at the same office who, I shit you not, told me "you're not as insane as my other patients" and then tried to diagnose me with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder because I liked to research the medications I was prescribed so I could avoid possible interactions (and then later he prescribed me something that DID interact with another drug I was taking). Sure is fucking hard to find doctors that actually give a shit in Canada, they're just so overworked that they stop caring altogether.
My family doctor is generally easy to schedule appointments with, but if you need any kind of specialized care, you're going to be waiting fucking months to get an appointment, which is typical but still very frustrating. It's kind of why this is scaring me so much, because it's not like I can just go to a walk-in clinic for this. I HAVE to go through my OBGYN, and her only available appointments are over 2 fucking months from now. I went to my doctor thinking he could point me in the right direction, but that's too much to ask I guess.
On the bright side, the pain seems to have died down a little. I'm currently on my period, but it's surprisingly light this time around. But for a solid month before my period, I was in so much pain. It started in my back/thighs/pelvis, and then as I got closer to my period, it moved to my uterus. I just hope that these pains don't come back after this period ends.
No. 119300
>>119297Whereabouts? I'm near Toronto, about half an hour away. I've stopped seeing psychiatrists specifically because every single one has treated me like shit. The only one that ever actually gave a fuck was, unsurprisingly, a female psych I had in high school (that I can't see anymore because she only works with high school students). It's really frustrating that I had to go through absolute mental hell for many years and have it shrugged off most times (not just by doctors, but people in general who believe that mental pain "isn't as bad as physical pain"). Now I'm in physical pain, and I'm STILL being shrugged off.
Sage for mild OT.
No. 119836
>>119295Operation-anon here. Thanks, I hope it goes well too.
I get mild/moderate short-lived pelvic pain mostly centered on my left side.
Recently I can also feel pressure if I lay on that side in bed. It's a weird uncomfortable feeling, but doesn't hurt.
It really sucks that it came to this. I randomly went to a private GYNO at 19 and have been followed up at hospital for years now. This entire time I was on birth-control initially to control previous heavy periods. It was a dark time of fainting publicly, struggling up stairs and being generally miserable. The pill helped a lot in that sense, but apparently they did nothing in terms of preventing cyst growth.
The female body is a curse for quite a few of us.
Also slight OT but as much as I'm thankful for free healthcare it has it's downsides like huge waiting lists (and in psychiatry you might just be declined treatment unless your life is at risk). I wish the doctor hadn't told me I was a priority to be operated already if it wasn't very likely. It just gave me false hope to get this out of sight and mind.
No. 120130
>>120120In theory it should work that way, yes. However, every body is different so nobody can tell you for sure. You might end up having your ‘period’ as usual, maybe you don’t get it for longer or shorter than usual, etc.
I’d rather recommend skipping the break entirely and just start with a new pack once you finished the old one (or skip the placebos, depending which kind of pack you have) and stop taking it as you usually would whenever it’s more convenient.
No. 120454
>>120168It usually happens when you do it regularly for longer periods of time. But if you do it like
>>120339 said there should be no problem. But also as
>>120130 said: Everybody‘s different so you might still end up spotting.
Fun fact about the necessity of making breaks: Originally the break was meant to avoid husbands becoming suspicious. It was meant for (mostly religious) women that had to hide they were using birth control. There‘s not really a medical necessity to skip taking them for a week, since the uterine lining doesn’t build up anyway and the bleeding isn’t an actual period. It’s actually stressful for the body to have hormone levels to vary so much. Women do start spotting when continuously taking it though, because it’s still hormones and it’s not natural to have such high levels of estrogen without being pregnant.
No. 120705
>>120696>>120703if a guy is really such a big cunt that he can't bother putting on a condom then he's not worth fucking imo
plus it protects from std's
No. 120744
>>120738And because of this mind set STDs are on the rise again.
You can get infected by sleeping with just one person in your whole life. Hell, you don’t even need to have penetrative sex to catch something.
Even if the person you’re having sex with isn’t someone who sleeps around. It’s enough when they’ve had a partner, who’s had a partner who’s had a partner who does.
A lot of STDs stay unnoticed until actually tested because not all of them give you symptoms and even if they do they often appear to be something else. HPV for example doesn’t even cause any symptoms in men.
Unless you get tested, you won’t know and there will always be a risk to it. It’s up to you if you want to take it. But imo it’s irresponsible and not fair to go and sleep with people without protection not knowing for sure you don’t have anything. But that’s just me, I guess.
No. 120798
>>120793What choice tho?
Whether or not you want to risk getting life-threatening diseases like cancer or aids just for a few minutes (or for all I care hours) or fun? If that’s really that hard of a choice to make, you really should take a step back and reflect on your priorities.
And if you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship, it should be worth the money, since you’re (probably) investing in something for the long run. It’s not like you’ll have to do it every couple months. A vacation usually costs more than that.
But if your and your SO’s health really isn’t even worth those few bucks - again, take a moment to reconsider your priorities.
I know it sounds drastic and paranoid because no one irl really talks about getting tested unless they do sleep around a lot or they did something risky. But
thats exactly why STDs are at an all time high
Bette safe than sorry. Doesn’t only count for pregnancy.
No. 120843
>>120804Well, someone who can’t afford to get checked sure as hell can’t afford to catch something unless you plan on not getting any treatment.
Just use a condom jfc what’s the big deal about it?
No. 120847
>>120830Sometimes your immune system will manage to deal with it but not always. The vaccine is ideal but yeah a certain age group never got to have it
I've had hpv and cervical cancer as a result, my usually good immune system didn't help
No. 120852
>>120849No I'm still getting treatment, it's three years since I had my first abnormal smear test result so it's been quite an ongoing thing
I'm in Ireland and the testing service over here was in trouble lately as it messed up on alot of womens results, gave them the all clear by mistake, etc
No. 120876
>>120830I'm in my 20's and just had a 'radical hysterectomy' because of hpv and the resulting cancer
That's the removal of the uterus, cervix and some of the vagina, hpv isn't exactly curable no lol
No. 120904
>>120848No, I actually I don’t understand how you can care about your and all future potential partner‘s health so little to just ‘forget about it’.
I have condoms ready anywhere so that probably helps too.
And leave rape out of this. Because it’s fairly obvious you don’t get to choose anything in those situations.
But especially if you’ve been raped you should get tested and use protection since I’d think the kind of man that rapes women isn’t very considerate of their choices in sexual partners so it’s probably more likely for you to catch something.
No. 120954
>>120953We start getting smear tests at 30 years old
>>120904It might be a cultural thing though that we generally don't think or talk about it.. I'm not gonna leave rape out of this because I personally had things forced upon me. And when that happens it's already too late for you and that person.
No. 120960
>>120954Are you actually retarded?
As mentioned in
>>120864 as well as in
>>120904 nobody is talking about rape and how you should think about protecting yourself from STD‘s, as it’s an entirely different thing than just being irresponsible.
When you’re being raped, you literally don’t have a choice. In
any other situation, however, you do. So please stop with the straw man.
No. 120969
>>120966If you've been sexually assaulted the best you can really do is just to get tested for everything afterwards
Oh and get therapy so you're not so angry you attack random people on the internet and wish assault on them. Honey you're not shocking anyone with your tantrum
No. 121696
>>121693Can confirm. Happened to me 3 times.
(Just for clarification: It wasn’t really likely for me to be pregnant but I‘m super paranoid so I take a test basically every time I’m more than a week late. Which happens a lot, so it’s not even that unusual. I’m still super paranoid.)
No. 122499
>>121011seems like this anon was on the money. apparently mine is on its way to being expelled / got super low. because its nonhormonal it probably has to be pulled out and replaced.
getting it in was massively painful like a 9/10 and I couldn't move for an hour afterwards so i am pretty bummed. any anons here have experience getting numbed for IUD insertion or some form of pain help?
No. 122595
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My the pill club package came in the mail yesterday. Starting the pill today <3
No. 124740
>>108748i was on n off birthcontrol for two years…
i was on the shot but it made me gain a lot weight and cause me to have the worst depression ever.
then i switched to the pills.
the last time i was on the pill was July. i'm thinking about going back on it again but i want to know what brands are good…
i don't have insurance, so i always pay out of pocket💀 i use those BC delivery services!
No. 138818
>>138800Thanks for the insight, anon! I am having trouble deciding which I should get. Hormonal or copper.
I am too sensitive to regular BC pills that even low estrogen pills fuck me up. Lots of weight gain, breaking out, headaches, depression, dead libido, all that.
But I am hoping in some weird wishful thinking way, hormonal IUD won't be so bad.
I might as well go for copper but I hate the side effects I keep reading about.
No. 138825
>>138818Just got a copper IUD inserted a couple of months ago. Had bad cramps for some days before my period for the first month and that was it.
People can get side effects with hormonal and non hormonal iuds. It just depends on chance I think.
Btw A little side effect that you dont hear about hormonal BC is that they can
trigger melasma (hyperpigmentation that never goes away)
No. 138874
>>138523so they'll look the other way at the increased risk of cervical/ovarian cancer but not a stroke.
Ive been taking the new pill for 3 days and im having intense dizzy spells and i feel like im going to faint.
No. 138881
>>138874 >so they'll look the other way at the increased risk of cervical/ovarian cancer but not a strokeI have to laugh. First you insist that you 'should be allowed to take the risk of having a stroke' if you decide to and now you're accusing your doctor of not caring enough about a different increased risk? The logic there
It's a discussion you should have directly with your doctor. She'll tell you how she weighed up the risks. I can't take certain BC since my mom died young from cancer so yes they do consider cancer risks. They look at the risks based on your own individual history and family history. If you don't understand why she switched you then ask her directly, she's the one with knowledge of your medical history.
No. 138886
>>138884Depo maybe? companies like nurx will mail it too you if you arent to put off by the idea of giving yourself an injection in the thigh
you only take the shot once every 3 months and its effective within a week for most people, so you could take it a couple weeks in advance of meetups with your SO and be good to go without having to worry about taking it the whole time youre together
it can be pretty expensive though if you dont have insurance but most insurances cover it
No. 138987
>>138979I’m pretty biased in that birth control (pill in my case) has caused almost zero issues with me. No mood swings, weight gain, acne, my sex drive is normal. It’s always been kind of high though. I’ve had depression since long before I started the pill but that hasn’t changed much one way or another. Death and suicide sound pretty damn extreme. I don’t doubt it has happened to a very rare number of individuals but that’s not a reason to think they’re useless for everyone. If something works better for you, then like you said by all means. But because it doesn’t work for YOU doesn’t mean it’s the devil. If it has negative side affects, definitely stop it and/or find another method.
Plus and maybe more importantly, not everyone who uses BC uses it to not be pregnant. I’ve used the pill for almost 2.5 years now, to regulate the incredibly irregular and very painful periods I get. Condoms will do jack shit for that. I do use it for birth control as a side effect, though me and my bf also double up with a condom because we don’t want kids at all.
No. 138995
>>138983Combine them with pulling out and or spermicide. It's effectiveness is almost 100% at that point.
>>138984You're going to have to use different condoms. I did the same thing.
>>138987It's great that you double up. So many relationships the guy does nothing to prevent pregnancy even though his options are the easiest and healthiest.
No. 138998
>>138997This, condoms get a negative reputation for not being effective but they are 98% and I've never had a scare.
I get angry about it sometimes lol. Condoms are so easy and healthy. They're just great but we let the male species paint them as "not feeling good". They feel fine to me, no mood swings that I can't control no constant depression that SO many women get.
No. 139001
>>138999Hey these are the ones I use
fist bump.
Birth control helps so many women but it also does the opposite for so many others. But the depression isn't worth men having more enjoyable sex. Skyn condoms feel the same to no condom, try them and let men suffer 5% less stimulation lol
No. 139053
>>139027Frankly anon use what you want but condoms are not 85% effective they are 98% effective.
If you use a condom properly everytime then your chances are low. I'm not going to go all in on conspiracy but it wouldn't shock me if drug companies pushed this narrative to boost sales of bc.
The 85% figure comes from a study where couples occasionally didn't use condoms during sex or didn't use them fully. There is a tiny margin of error but so is there with the pill.
Also have him pull out with condoms if you want. Statistically this ups it to 99.9%. So the idea that condoms don't work is bs.
Use what you want and feel is best for you but condoms do work.
No. 139325
>>139307Yes, got my copper coil in January. It's great, save for some spotting here and there and heavier periods. Hormonal BC made me a Crazy Banshee™, so it was a god send.
What would you like to know?
No. 139822
>>139307I've had the implant for 5 years now (got it replaced after the first 3 years) and while I personally like it, there's a lot of possible downsides.
The good:
>not having to think about BC at all for 3+ years>doesn't feel as invasive as an IUD>no nipple pain which I did have with other hormonal methods>infrequent/light periods (for most people)The bad:
>it's still hormones, everyone reacts differently>more frequent periods (for most people just the first 6 months but for a few people including me this never stops)>inserting it into the arm is unpleasant and getting it out even more soEver since I got the implant my periods have been all over the place and I get extremely mild bleeding/brownish discharge for probably 40% of the time. I'm ok with this since my bf doesn't mind and it doesn't hurt or anything.
Idk how common this is, but when I got mine taken out to be replaced, the doctor had to dig into my arm for like 45 minutes and call in nurses to assist. Apparently the muscle in my arm had kind of fused to the implant and they had to cut it loose. It left a small scar and was a very unpleasant experience, but nothing went wrong in the end and supposedly this was extremely uncommon.
No. 139826
>>139307>scared of the IUDDon't be.
Getting an IUD was the best decision I ever made for birth control.
The pain you feel during the insertion lasts a few minutes, you have cramps afterwards that can last a few hours but you can take the usual painkiller you use for period cramps.
It's been only pros for me
>no hormones>not having to remember to take it everyday>lasts up to 5 years>no pain and cannot notice its presence>almost 100% secure against pregnancy>only yearly check needed>just basic hygiene rules have to be followed (some vaginal douching from time to time)In my specific case, for some reason it also made my period arrive like clockwork, while for all my life I've been having irregular periods and some months it didn't arrive at all.
The only change I noticed was that the menstrual flow became much more abundant, bot only in the first year or so, then it became normal again.
I strongly recommend it, it basically has no side effects and if you decide to have a baby you can just have it removed and immediately try to get pregnant.
No. 144892
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Is there a place online I can get this specific birth control? I've looked around on a few websites with no luck. No pharmacy in my area/surrounding areas carry it, and my insurance can only mail me a specific brand which ended up not working out for me. I'm considering asking for the name brand which is Yasmin, but I don't know how much it will differ from the generic or if they'll even offer it.
No. 145412
>>145386Same anon, I gush about it to anyone who would listen. The little matchstick feel in my arm is so cool! I considered the IUD but so many horror stories of it dislodging, etopic pregnancies, and dick pokes scared me away.
I had virtually no bleeding the entire time but now I'm on my last year and it's been a game of random spotting, for random lengths of time due to the hormones running out. I'm considering replacing it early.
No. 145423
>>145382I didn't even know that was a thing! i got my copper iud fitted 2yrs ago and they were pretty much just like off u go be safe, i tried to feel for strings myself and couldn't (which panicked me, went back to the doc and she checked it out and said it was fine).
unless you can easily feel/find them i wouldn't worry about poking ur guys dick with them, i think i had sex only a few days after my fitting and neither of us felt anything different
No. 146342
>>145423Same here.
Never felt the strings and my partner never got his dick pocked by them..
No. 162731
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I'm about six months until the end of my implant and this year has brought a lot of random spotting so I want to get it replaced. The local Planned Parenthood told me that my insurance will not pay for it if I get it replaced early. Is this typically true?? Am I really fucked until August?
No. 163456
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wish me luck gals, getting copper iud tomorrow. absolutely terrified as i have never even had a gyno exam but better this than pregnancy or fucking with my hormones. womanhood is suffering etc. if anyone has had one feel free to chime in with how it has been for you while I panic for the next 12 hours or so.
No. 163463
>>163456Good luck anon! They say the trick is to keep calm.
I really want one too but covid is fucking up my plan
No. 163502
>>163467Stupid question, but does it poke the dick? Like can a guy tell it's in there?
I'm thinking of getting it and had heard that it's just noticeable for the first few times?
No. 163516
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>>163463>>163464>>163467thanks for support ladies! wpuld rate the experience 8.5/10 wrt pain, weirdly enough i didnt feel the "stabby grabby cervix" part but god did measuring the depth of my qomb and inserting the coil hurt. felt liek rly bad cramps. felt bit dizzy right after but otherwise am ok now, am really happy for the gyno and assistant, they were 2 very sweet older ladies who tried their best distracting me and such. hope this doesn't fuck my period up too bad haha but hype for 10 years of peace.
No. 163662
>>162695They can be, but you're playing with fire. Just like with every method of birth control, especially since condoms are especially prone to user error. Do you have bad experiences with hormonal bc and iuds or are you just worried about side effects? Because I'd say they're safer than just condoms, except pills which are easier to fuck up with…
But if condoms are playing with fire then no birth control at all is jumping in a volcano, so go for it.
No. 163804
>>163711Read the instruction anon. Assuming the patch works as intended, it should be fine. However, you should follow the instruction listed below:
●Delay in beginning the first patch in a cycle – apply a patch as soon as you remember and use back-up contraception (or avoid sex) for at least one week. The day you apply the new patch becomes the new patch change day.
●Delay in beginning the second or third patch in a cycle – There is a two-day period of leeway. If you change the patch within this window, the patch change day remains the same, and there is no need for back-up contraception.
If later than the two-day time period, use back-up contraception (or avoid sex) for seven days and, in some instances, use emergency contraception if this occurs. The day you remember to apply the patch becomes the new patch change day.
●Delay in removing the third patch in a cycle – less risk. Remove the patch when you remember and start the new patch on the usual start day. The patch change day is the same.
No. 170285
>>165408Abstinence, anon. Fear shouldn't be the motivation for sterilizing yourself, it should be a rational decision based on what you want from life and what you're capable of resource-wise.
Fear is an emotion and emotions change. A permanent decision about your fertility shouldn't be emotional.
No. 170292
>>163651Have you discussed what would happen if you IUD did fail with your partner? Knowing the worst-case scenario can out you at ease. It's also important to be on the same page as your partner.
>>170287It's rated to handle that. Mine expelled after a month where I had no sex/penetration at all. Regularly hit the new one with fingers, a penis, and a dildo and it's fine.
No. 170619
>>170499Any time I've tried to take BC back to back without the break week (even when my doc has okayed it) I've quickly ended up with the same unpredictable breakthrough bleeding. Have woken up in the middle of the night bleeding with no pain or warning
I'm guessing you're right that it had left your system by the time you tried to fix it. I mean two weeks is alot of breakthrough bleeding. You'd hope to be all bled out by then.
No. 172602
>>172592This happened to me too, on several different types of BC over several years. Pills, patch, shot, everything made me spot even after the 6 month period and gave me way more unpleasant period symptoms. The only thing I didn’t try was an IUD because I was done at that point kek. I feel like my whole early 20s was spent testing birth control. I eventually wound up stopping completely because I was pretty fed up and my doctor just kept saying to “give it more time” after I’d been eternally spotting for forever.
Tbh I wish I knew more about it and why it happened, but I know how much it sucks to live in panty liners 24/7. The copper IUD might work better for you since it doesn’t have hormones.
No. 176929
>>176839Pretty common. Most women I know have had to go through a few different options before finding the one with the least crappy side effects. Sucks becuase it takes a few months to try and then rule each option out but that's how it generally is, trial and error.
I tried two forms of the pill, the patch, and then finally the nuvaring. They all had such negative effects on my mental health that I just stopped all forms of hormonal borth control. Some are luckier than others tho
No. 193187
>>193112I'm a bit of a moody bitch anyway so it won't seem too different.
>>193122Honestly I'd be okay with feeling horny for once. My periods were heavy and regular before the pill so if they end up being lighter than before that'll be a blessing.
No. 198515
>>198512Im glad things improved for you! The pill seems the be the winning option. "All I here these days is stay away from depo!!" And I wish I heard it sooner. I started it at 15 by recommendation of a nurse, and I think it fucked with my puberty a little.
Depo is dreadful
No. 198554
>>198544sorry to sound like a scrote fantasy but even if i was
anal/blowjobs only i still know i'd worry. i know it doesn't make any sense but also i have a schizotypal personality disorder (not tumblr diagnosed) that makes me believe things like getting pregnant from anal is possible if i do it. i just want to feel better about it in my head so i can get laid without having a mental breakdown.
No. 198589
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Is the pill worth it if you don't have sex but suffer delibilating cramps every month? It's becoming worse every passing month
No. 201626
>>199452i'd say dw anon. happened to me sometimes too. usually never had any side effects while taking the pill and then like 3-4 months later my boobas hurt like hell.
it just happens i guess. if this keeps on happening tho just call your gyno and ask about it. a friend of mine had to changer her pill bc it didn't suit her anymore.
No. 204468
>>204456>>204465Yeah you guys are right. He's not a scrote, he's just… young and uneducated lol.
This is 100% a dealbreaker if he doesn't agree though, I am NOT taking hormones and fucking myself up, hormonal birth control is vile and putting fucking contraptions up my uterus is not my idea of fun. What am I, a science experiment?
Birth control affects women 100% of the time, condoms affect men a max of 20 min a week.
No. 205505
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>not regularly having sex
>won’t be again for at least a year (long story)
>sick of taking birth control and fucking up my hormones unnecessarily
>but also paranoid about broken condoms if I have sex anytime soon
>lightbulb moment
>go off bc for the next year
>stockpile morning after pills from pharmacy
>meet a guy at some point in future & want to have sex w him
>pop a plan b pill right before penetration (w/ condoms as well ofc)
>no pregnancy risk but also not constantly fucking up my hormones
What do you think ladies? Is this genius or am I a complete idiot?
No. 205510
>>205505plan b fucks your shit up worse than bc and you're a big retard
just make the man wrap his dick and don't have sex when you're ovulating
No. 205603
>>205505Plan B is a big dose of hormones that will really mess up your cycle and if you have PMDD it makes the symptoms even worse. Not a good idea. Make your man wear organic condoms or consider a copper IUD.
Also, do any of you have any experience with HeyJane plan c/abortion pills? My boyfriend got a vasectomy and we waited 4 months and waited for two clean sperm tests to have unprotected sex, but I’m still paranoid and was wondering if the website is decent
No. 207814
>>205505Hi, I’m not on the pill.
I took plan B once because I wanted to experience sex without a condom. It absolutely destroyed my body for two months. Two weeks of a super heavy period. I’m never taking it again if it’s not an emergency— it’s not worth it. I’d much rather just wrap it. It’s retarded not to just use condoms.
No. 209324
>>209312I was put on bc to try and help with some extreme mood issues I was having before my period every month. I was told to take 3 packs back to back if I want. I ended up just bleeding anyway. Random bleeding that I could'nt predict. Could start at any time with no warning.
I've had very few times in my life where I've bled onto my sheets, my cycle is at least good at letting me know it's coming but I ruined the bed several times with random nighttime bleeding and just stopped even trying to skip the break.
No. 209342
>>209324>>209326I took the mini pill for 2 years. My doctor emphasized how important it was that I never missed a dose and that I took it on a precise schedule. I did that for 2 fucking years. My periods went from slightly irregular to 2-3 week periods with breakthrough bleeding in between. I was almost always bleeding. I kept asking my doctor about my bleeding and a whole mess of other shitty symptoms, and I got the same canned response
>Breakthrough bleeding is common when you first start taking the pill, but most women's periods become lighter or even stop after a few months when taken correctly. Just keep taking it and things will get better.2 fucking years of taking it at the exact same time every day without missing and this bitch ignored all of my symptoms, implied that I must have been doing something wrong, and insisted I keep taking the pill. Absolute bullshit. I would expect this insensitivity from a man but she really kept me eating poison for no reason other than to line her pocket.
No. 209348
>>209326>so annoying how bleeding is not considered a problem by most doctors This. I've had bad ongoing breakthrough bleeding while on bc before. I've also had non-bc related bleeding that was
triggered by sex. I never found the underlying cause, I just don't have sex anymore. It still happens with toys to this day. It's weird to me how docs don't see it as an issue if you can't have blood-free sex anymore or if you're on bc and are stuck wearing pads every moment of your life. They expect you to suck it up and deal with that as your new norm?
No. 209692
>>209664It is safe to just stop! Not sure about bleeding because I'm
>>209342 so I was bleeding all the time and may have been on my period, but my bleeding and other shitty side effects stopped maybe two days after. I got really horny for a few days starting the day after I stopped, and then it mellowed out and my brain and body finally felt normal again. YMMV and may take a little longer to adjust so give it time, I'm not sure if bc is causing your depression but it did give me extreme mood swings and I think stopping would do nothing but good things for you! I can relate to you anon, I wanted to kill myself on the combined pill because it scrambled my brain so hard. It was really scary and I thought I had serious brain damage. I stopped for a couple years and then I asked my doctor about my bc options and she told me the mini pill would be safe (bullshit). I remember crying a lot on the mini pill but I kept reminding myself I was on birth control when I felt depressed. I think there's some people who just can't take any hormonal bc.
No. 209955
>>209908I'm in the hell of hormonal bc for the first time too, anon, and I feel you. I think you need to give it a bit longer to see if things clear up or not. 2 weeks isn't really long enough to know. Can you tough it out for 2 months, maybe?
fwiw I've heard that Mirena usually does have fewer skin effects than progesterone-only pills. I'm not supposed to take any estrogen (and the possibility of weight gain on estrogen also terrifies me), so I'm on a pill without estrogen.
I can say that I was on a different progesterone pill a few months ago and the acne seemed to get better after the first month. I had to change pills for the same reasons as
>>209342 - was bleeding all the time and I couldn't deal with it. The pill I am on doesn't make me bleed all the time but I am having other side effects I hate.
No. 211159
>>210824Couldn’t find a generic period thread or anything so sorry if I’m in the wrong place
For the past three months my periods have been waaayyy lighter than normal. I still get them on time/still bleed a noticeable amount but they’re a lot less than they used to be. I’m a healthy weight for my height and age. I’ve been on birth control with no issues since I was 16 due to an acne issue and there’s no chance I was pregnant or anything.
Should I start to worry/any advice for when I should get it checked? I have no other symptoms or anything and my cramps have always been bad but I haven’t noticed any increase.
No. 212702
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Just got my first period after going off bc and Jesus Christ I forgot how painful ass cramps were
No. 215560
>>215558I'm 24 now, was smoking from 16 but stopped for a while this year but i've sort of picked it up again now that lockdown is over etc.
Lets take the advice of your gyno. I definitely know I should stop but yeah, thanks for your response anon
No. 215587
>>215546I went on the pill at 19 and I remember my options being limited because I had breast cancer in my family and then I smoked at that time too. Nothing you can do about family history but I remember my doc being on my ass to give up smoking if I was intending to keep taking the pill aswell. They didn't say it'd be fine up to 30. At just 19 and 20 they were on my ass about it at every appointment.
You're probably young enough to have had the hpv vaccine but I'm not and again when I tested postive for hpv and cervical cell changes at 27 they asked me about smoking. I'd long given it up but they said smoking plays a role in whether or not your immune system can shift the hpv virus by itself. Mine eventually did. I'm glad I gave up at 20 and that I wasn't 27 and mid cervical cancer freakout before I did it.
No. 216677
>>216607I used the pill to regulate my periods as a teen and that went fine. But any time/any form of bc I then tried as a sexually active adult.. I couldn't stick out the mood effects, sometimes I'd be bleeding at times when I shouldn't be, I'd wake up to ruined sheets, sometimes I'd be tearful and bloated and I'd lose my sex drive which defeats the purpose. All month long pms. It was never worth it. I'd try and I'd suffer.
I don't want kids full stop so my last ex got a vasectomy. I thought I was sorted for life and then he cheated within a year of getting it. I got a uti around that time so was paranoid that it might've been an std instead. Now I'm just not up for sex. I don't know what conditons would need to be met to ease all my various concerns around sex and its risks. I don't even like penetration all that much. I'll happily live without it if I can.
No. 217004
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I had sex with my new bf for the first time last night, I’m still not on the pill bc we agreed to take things slow but it was a spur of the moment thing. We used condoms but it was a long night and there were points while we were catching our breath that he slipped me the tip without a condom or pressed it against my vulva after he’d come. I thought we’d be okay but I double checked Planned Parenthood online and they reminded me that any time even a little bit of jizz gets near a vagina there’s risk of pregnancy. All the pharmacies are closed by now so I’m going to have to go in first thing before work and ride out the side effects of an ECP while sitting behind a desk for eight hours.
I fucking hate hormonal birth control, I hate the fact that I have to take a pill every single day for something I’m doing maybe once a month and even then that’s not 100% full proof. I’ve tried other types, I was on the rod for a few months but it gave me a recurring yeast infection and left me so dry that I couldn’t even enjoy sex while I had it in. Even if I got Depo Provera that’ll probably have the same side effects and I’d have to ride those out for 2+months before it was out of my system. I hate the pill but I’m so paranoid about getting pregnant and can never count on a guy to do anything right that I feel like I have no choice.
I wish tubal litigation was reversible, because if it was I would get it done tomorrow and not have it undone until I was married.
No. 217005
>>217004you can buy plan B in bulk online for cheaper than it's sold in store, you should do that and just have it lying around for situations like this
calm down nonna, you'll be okay. there's nothing you can do about it now except wait until the morning
No. 217006
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>>217004Samefag, I calmed down and did a little bit more reading, it looks like based on the timing of my cycle and how much contact we actually had the odds of me being pregnant are pretty low. Also lucky enough to live in a country where abortion is cheap and non-criminalised.
My options now are take an ECP tomorrow and stress about whether it worked for weeks after, or try and enjoy Christmas and NY, take a pregnancy test in the first week of January (if my period hasn’t come by then) and see what happens from there. Nonas, based on what I’ve shared here, which do you think is the better option? I don’t want to have to take an ECP if I don’t need one but I’d rather do that than take an actual abortion pill. I’d talk about this with my family but they’re super traditional and have already shamed me before for having sex before marriage, I can’t imagine how disappointed they’d be if they knew there was even a chance I was pregnant.
No. 217016
>>217004>there were points while we were catching our breath that he slipped me the tip without a condom I get where other anon was coming from with her advice but I want to add that he should just not be doing this anyway. That's not something you want happening again. Why does he feel ok putting his 'just came' dick back in you when you're otherwise being smart enough to use condoms? Make a very clear boundary that this guy needs to respect how much hassle and worry he's putting you through.. all for the sake of 'slipping his tip in' Fuck that
If he can't keep his unprotected jizz dick out of you then don't let this guy anywhere near you. He needs to shoulder some responsibility for you situation. Have some plan b on hand for when genuine accidents happen (split condom etc) but this isn't even a true accident. He needs to cut that shit out.
No. 217021
>>217006Take the pill, it's better to be safe than sorry. Agree with what
>>217016 said though; you need to talk to your boyfriend about not doing this kind of thing again.
No. 226792
>>226728I specifically asked to be put on a low dose pill and they put me on Yaz. I used to take it when I was younger and I had the same problem. Took many years break from it and now that im on it again all the symptoms are back. Im going to hopefully see my gp again and talk about hopefully getting off it. I just wish there was a way to counteract the symptoms? As my surgeon was really adamant that I should take the pill for my reproductive health.
I also have an IUD and while using that without the pill I didn't have any symptoms and was fine for years. Maybe that might help you anon if you need BC.
No. 245859
I've recently read that fucking with your hormonal cycle in any capacity, like with birth control, isn't good for you. some of the reasons being that it lowers your libido, messes with emotional regulation, makes it harder to gain muscle/lose fat, and other general health stuff. I've been on the combination pill since I was 21, iirc. I've never been super in tune with my body so I can't pinpoint super specific changes, the biggest things I remember before being on the pill was being a lot hornier and also fucking insane during my period, just incredibly depressed and angry, which did subside when I started the pill and returned when I went off of it. but idk, I'm wondering if maybe the intense emotional aspect would subside with age/time. basically I'm considering getting off of hormonal birth control and trying something else… but the only thing I can think of are condoms, which I don't like, and the copper iud, which freaks me the fuck out. there's spermicide but it's not as effective as the pill or iud. idk, am I being a hypochondriac and worrying when I shouldn't be?
No. 245874
>>245869I was going to say I don't like condoms but I haven't really tried them, first bf was a piece of shit and coerced me into not using one the first time (I was young, dumb, and inexperienced). I am a bit worried that I won't really like it. My current bf has mentioned he doesn't like them but I'm sure he would be okay with it if I told him I was going off of BC. Also, not to sound like a big ol slut but
I like the feeling when a guy finishes inside, I would miss that lol. How risky would just fertility tracking be? What about fertility tracking + pull out method lol? Maybe fertility tracking and spermicide…
Sorry if I sound super ignorant, I've only had two sexual partners in my life.
No. 245880
>>245874Nta but
>How risky would just fertility tracking be? What about fertility tracking + pull out method lol? Don't rely on these alone. Add in condoms to this if you want any decent level of protection.
No. 245933
>>245880>>245907Yeah I figured. Maybe I'll just stay on the pill… Or suck it up and look into the copper IUD. I'm hesitant because I've heard a lot of horror stories… But I wouldn't have to take a pill every day, and it's more effective than the pill. Idk.
I might try going off the pill for a bit before deciding on anything. I do remember being batshit and really depressed during my periods before getting on the pill - though it may have been age/life circumstances - so I'd like to see what I'm like without them.
No. 245946
>>245874That’s a massive mistake. Whatever thrill you get from a guy coming in you would be undone by the anxiety about being pregnant until your next cycle.
Imo condoms can’t really be felt by women, but if it’s really a concern your best bet are ultrathins. I have a temperamental pH balance and regular/textured condoms I can feel + are uncomfortable + can give BV, but ultrathins are almost unnoticeable. Going off the pill, not using condoms and only relying on fertility tracking is a recipe for disaster.
No. 246065
>>246039Well a bit of insider info, one creator of a pill who lives near me refuses to let his wife and daughters take the pill due to potential irreversible side effects. And if the pill was created today, it would never enter the marked due to the side effects. The male pill wasn't released due to side effects much milder than the female one has, so you can imagine how rough it actually is on the body.
I wanted to kill myself on the pill because I felt chemically lobotomized, and my period and hormones are still out of wack 3 years later. I also had never ending utis and lost my sex drive completely.
I think fucking with the most important system in the female body is a bad idea, the uterus has a brain on its own directly connected to the head brain, I think its a much more delicate system than we think.
No. 246076
>>246065>one creator of a pill who lives near me refuses to let his wife and daughters take the pill due to potential irreversible side effectsdo you have more info on this? what are the irreversible side effects? does it differ depending on what type of hormonal birth control, or what type of pill?
>I also had never ending utis and lost my sex drive completely. did your sex drive come back?
>>246066>It is for some women, and it’s fine for others.personally I've never had any of those symptoms. i worry more about potential side effects from long-term use.
No. 246079
>>246066 said it just depends on the woman. I also had terrible side effects for the 2 years I was on it. Excessive bleeding, migraines, intense mood swings, fainting (probably because I was almost always bleeding), worsening acne, terrible risk assessment, sex repulsion, and confusion. One of the symptoms that was scariest for me was feeling lost and confused on my own home. My doctor told me to just keep using it and it would get better but it never did. I stopped taking it and went back to using condoms and finally felt normal again. On the other hand my sister has been on it for several years with no issues. She takes it because her periods became lighter and more regular on the pill. She isn't even taking it to avoid pregnancy because she's a lesbian. It really just depends on your body.
No. 246142
>>246039Estrogen-based combination pills are WAY worse than progestin-only methods of hormonal birth control. Estrogens can cause a bunch of the side effects people hate about birth control, like blood clots, blood pressure problems, emotional dysregulation, and the like. Estrogens can be both protective against but also facilitative of certain types of cancer, while progestins alone do not seem have the same sort of link. Higher estrogen doses are correlated with higher incidence of mood-related side effects as well.
Progestin only pills have negative side effects too, but since combination pills have both estrogens and progestins in them, I feel like the amounts of risk is higher when you take a combination pill versus another method of birth control.
Personally I take a long-acting progestin-only form of birth control. I decided to take it because my menstrual cycle was really fucked up to begin with (really heavy bleeding to the point it made me get very ill every month) and although I wouldn't say my cycle is "normal" now either, I don't get horribly sick every month anymore so for me it's a net win. However, I'm considering switching to a hormonal IUD because the net amount of hormone released is much smaller since it can deliver progestins directly to the uterus instead of having to diffuse through the whole bloodstream. Just as soon as I stop being terrified of the IUD insertion procedure…
If you already have a healthy menstrual cycle I would recommend not taking hormones as your primary form of birth control tbh.
No. 246188
>>246065I wish the pill wasn't the only thing that works for my pcos.
I've tried everything, I eat a healthy diet, cook everything from scratch and almost all of my ingredients are organic and local, I've even tried cutting off dairy and sugar completely for months at a time. Throughout my life my bmi has been around 18 to 20 whether I'm on or off the pill.
And for various reasons I've been on and off the pill since my teenage years.
When I'm on the pill my skin clears up and looks perfect and spotless, my hair is full and thick, my nails are strong, my body hair grows at a normal rate.
All it takes is a few months off the pill and my body gets fucked up. Without the pill I get awful acne and texture that doesn't clear up with anything, months of tretinoin, AHA and BHA do absolutely nothing. My hair falls out horribly like I literally get troon forehead. My body hair gets crazy too which I actually don't mind much except for my neck and facial hair, that I need to wax every other day. My nails become brittle. My period comes once ever 4 o 5 months which I actually don't mind lol.
I'm currently off the pill since March of last year because covid gave me clotting issues and my gyno told me to stop taking them immediately and indefinitely.
The pill does fuck up my libido and my mood though, but so does looking at the shower drain full of hair, and my receding troon forehead in the mirror, and my once clear and perfect skin now full of acne.
I don't think I can take the pill anymore if I'm at risk of getting clotting issues though. I wanna die.
No. 246291
>>246142Interesting. I think I'll go off the pill for a bit and see what happens, if I don't like condoms or can't handle my periods without it I'll try switching to a progestin-only pill. Will report back if I remember.
Might be a dumb question, but is there any "withdrawal" when you stop taking it? Or can I expect things to more or less go normally?
No. 246467
>>246453Good, removing the uterus shouldn't be taken so lightly. Women suffer cognitive imparement after removing their uterus, it is directly connected to the spatial and learning part of the brain.
I suffer from hellishly heavy periods and intense cramps, still preferable to the hell of removing the most important organ in the female body.
I wish more women realised just how delicate our system is, and that its isn't just a fetus container. Doctors shouldn't remove it even if someone never wants children unless as a very last resort (cancer etc), its good that they are so restrictive.
No. 246469
>>2463173 years since I quit, still have side effects. Fucked my hormones so now my period is irregular and always late and way too light, my breasts are deflated, increased body hair, larger clit. Still suffer from yeast infections and utis.
And I took progesterone only.
Last 3 years I've been in a relationship I only used the pullout method, so either I'm now infertile because of the birth control, or its only risky because most men dont have enough self control. My ex always pulled out in time and we avoided fertile days.
No. 246477
>>246469Not being rude but I don't get women who play risky games with sex and then when they luck out for any amount of time they shrug and say 'guess I'm probably infertile'
Your symptoms sound similar to pcos, a pill you took 3 years ago is probably not the cause of your issues today. Sounds like you're not addressing your health and you're not taking great precautions if 3 years of pulling out and assuming infertility are what you're relying on. This post is everything you shouldn't do.
No. 246492
>>246477It is considered almost as safe as condoms with perfect use, and safer than many types of hormonal bc. I won't advocate it to other anons, because most wont actually research it enough or have a partner who they can trust to have enough self control. But if you know your body its very effective. BUT if you take into account that most people are dumb as shit with poor self control, yeah the failure rate is very high. If not, its about the same as using condoms, skip fertile days and its probably safer pregnancy wise. Know others with perfect use that has gone 10 years without failure, then decided to have kids, got kids and back on pull out method with no more children.
Also I know my body better than you. I had zero issues before birth control, perfect cycles perfect hormonal levels, that changed after a few years of bc with horrible side effects during that time. Pretty damn sure thats the cause, seeing as I had zero issues before that, and everything started after going on birth control. If you actually research it yourself, instead of just listening to doctors who have been told it has no long term effects and havent actually read about it themselves, you'll find out, surprise, there can be plenty of long term side effects. So many women report having permanent side effects and I'll trust my own body and their experiences over a paid for study done by big pharma.
No. 246504
I unfortunately(?) can't be on any birth control anymore because of a genetic disorder I have where hormonal fluctuations or using hormonal contraceptives can make me very sick, but almost every day I hear stuff about birth control from my friends or see women online (rightfully so) complain about the side effects or how their boyfriends just will refuse to wear condoms under any circumstances.
Condoms aren't great, they definitely need an improvement, but I genuinely can't believe there are men out there who would let their partners undergo harmful mental and physical side effects all because they don't want to use a condom. Honestly, there's quite a lot of brands out there that make sturdy yet super-thin condoms where you can't feel the friction or rubber and in my experience it doesn't change the feeling of penetration at all. (EXS Air Thin comes to mind)
Idk, it makes me genuinely sick to think about the men who don't even question this stuff. There's next to no research being done on improving women's quality of life on bc and I've heard way too many stories of IUDS shifting or getting stuck…and now we have women trying to obsessively track their cycles and use 'natural methods' only to end up pregnant anyway because most of our cycles can be sensitive and change due to illness or stress.
Obviously I know bc can be great if you have hormonal issues and I think we should all have the right to use it, but at the same time I hate how it's just 'normal' to put young women and teenage girls on this stuff without even addressing the fact that men have, yet again, got their own way at the expense of women's comfort or health. I remember opening the packet of Dianette pills I got before I got tested for the disorder and the instructions paper that came with it had an entire side full of negative side effects that could happen when you take it…this shit can't be normal, I'm sorry. We absolutely have the wealth and time in this world to even achieve the bare minimum for womens reproductive health yet there's still barely any improvement.
To no surprise I never see or hear men talk about this shit, it's just considered normal for them to get the utmost pleasure out of everything while their girlfriends or wives have gained weight, suffered from moodswings and health issues. Sorry for ranting but in my experience and past it's just been so annoying to see men shrug off the responsibility of this and instead of doing a little bit of research to find, for example, a condom that will fit them and is thin enough, they just expect us to be happy to just deal with bc instead. It makes me so so mad.
No. 246542
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Told my bf that I want to try going off of the pill, and he had no problem with it whatsoever. I didn't think that he would, and I know it's a bare minimum thing so I shouldn't be too impressed, but after shitty guys insisting "but condoms don't feel good :(" I'm relieved.
I'll report back in a few months with any changes I notice. For ladies that do non-hormonal BC, what do you use? I'm wondering if I should back the condoms up with spermicide or something.
No. 248809
>>248781Both the shot and the implant are known to cause many more side effects than the minipill, unfortunately. You could not pay me to have either, personally. I've heard horror stories abour weight gain, moodiness, acne, etc.
The minipill may make your skin worse in comparison to an estrogen-containing pill, but the shot and implant usually cause many more problems with skin. Again, no personal experience with either, because I'm deathly afraid of them.
I was able to get some control over the minipill acne issue - but keep in mind that I have always had problems with breakouts. The minipill didn't make them worse, but they were more frequent.
No. 250419
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Ignorant virgin here. I was given little to no sex Ed growing up beyond ‘penis goes in vagina. Then pregnant’. Since I have nobody to have sex with, most of these questions are regarding IF I were to have sex. I have a couple of questions. Should I use condoms during blowjobs if both me and my partner are virgins/have gotten tested for STIs and know we’re both clean? I feel like I’d use them during blowjobs even if me and my hypothetical partner were both clean and were in a committed relationship because it seems irresponsible not to, even if it seems common to not use condoms during oral sex
Also, how effective are just condoms during penetrative sex? I dislike the idea of birth control pills because they can seriously fuck up your mental health, skin, weight etc, so I’m considering just using just penile condoms and only having sex a little bit before my ovulation window (Even though I haven’t tried checking my temperature to see when I’m ovulating, I might consider when I want to have sex), even though I usually get the most horny during my ovulatory window
No. 250427
>>250419If you are both clean, there's no reason to use condoms during oral sex. It would just be awkward, condoms don't feel nice in your mouth at all. Many come with lubricants that will taste awful and they have that latex rubbery smell and taste to them. Why do you feel like it would be irresponsible to not use them during bjs? If you don't like the taste/texture of semen, you could just tell your partner to finish off somewhere else than your mouth.
Condoms are around 95% effective or something like that, but it drastically drops when you consider the human factor. Like around 75% or so, I don't remember the numbers. Many things can go wrong, although it's not that common.
I have a copper IUD and I like it, it has no hormones and it's effectiveness is around 99.5%, something like that. The downsides are: painful insertion and adapting period, stronger cramps (i always had them so eh) and heavier period flow.
No. 250518
>>250419>condoms during oral with a tested clean partner What? If you don't like the idea of putting your mouth around a penis, condoms won't help with that. Have him cum elsewhere if it's about the swallowing. I don't see the logic behind this, many want BJs if you're using condoms for PiV because of the lack of condoms that is assumed for the act. Condoms decrease sensation for the man.
The window being before you ovulate is a terrible idea, sperm lives inside of you for days, especially X sperm, so it is possible you could be impregnated days afterwards.
Condoms realistically don't provide that much protection due to human error. You will probably want birth control past a certain point.
No. 250557
>>250518>Condoms decrease sensation for the man. Who fucking cares? If men are going to be such crybabies about condoms they can go and do their research and find one that fits comfortably for them. They have all the options in the world from custom-fit, ultra-thin to ones made out of alternative materials. They have way more choice and barely any of it comes as a health risk compared to women having to go on birth control and risk blood clots, weight gain and moodswings because muh moid doesn't like condoms.
Men can literally get a 48-pack of the worlds second-thinnest condom for maybe 8, 10 bucks at most. Maybe it isn't as 'intimate or pleasurable' for them no but neither is the risk of pregnancy, stds or the side effects of being on birth control for us.
No. 250571
>>250427>>250518Thanks for clearing that up for me, for some reason I thought that you could still pass stis/stds through oral even both parties were clean. idk where I got that assumption from.
>>250449I didn't know that sperm stayed in the body. So maybe having sex just before your period starts is better?
I'm considering either:
-not having penetrative sex at all, and just sticking to oral sex until marriage
-only having sex with guys who've had some experience with condoms before so they're less likely to fail from human error. I honestly idgaf about whether or not he doesn't like condoms though
-get a copper iud since my period pains are quite minimal (only experience pretty bad period pains on the first day of my period, but that can be fixed by having some pain killers) though my blood flow is quite a lot already, but I don't think I'd mind more, but I'm quite sensitive to pain
No. 250577
>>250571 I've been using the copper IUD for about 10 years now and would really recommend it. My periods are heavy/painful but they were anyway when I wasn't taking the pill, I don't think they are really any worse now. Hormonal contraception just did not work for me, the pill sent me insane and the implant meant I had zero sex drive and three week long periods. Plus I also think it's a bit of a fucked up concept tbh. I personally wouldn't trust withdrawal or avoiding sex at certain times of the month (although a lot of people do). Apparently you can supplement that with daily temperature checks using a special thermometer which more accurately tracks your cycle, which might make it a bit more effective, a friend of mine does this, but she is also a bit woo woo so idk.
Obviously not having sex is the best method but I really enjoy penetrative sex so that would be a big sacrifice for me. I would always back condoms up with a secondary method too since as nonnies have described they can fail easily & also disgusting moids might try to stealth you.
No. 251425
>>251228I use a sulfur face wash and got a prescription for Differin (day use only). I think Differin is over-the-counter in some countries. At night, I spot treat with benzoyl peroxide cream. 2-3x a week I use a mild exfoliating scrub.
All these things have helped. In the summer I may switch things up a bit and try using glycolic acid treatment on any hyperpigmentation marks. But most vital for me was getting into a more consistent routine so I could see whether my skin improved or not.
No. 255189
>>254981As long as your doctor isn't freaking out about it, it's probably fine.
If you're really worried, you could just call a gyno and ask them. I'm sure they'd answer the question for you
No. 261125
>>261092Sorry nonna but this guy is stupid - you can absolutely have enjoyable sex with a condom unless this dude is a porn addict with death grip. Birth control is risky for women across the board whereas condoms are varied and entirely safe for men even with allergies. You can literally just google the thinnest brands of condoms, in the UK they do EXS Air Thin which feels like the guy doesn't even have anything on. There's no excuse for moids to not wear condoms, and you shouldn't even be contemplating birth control just to get him to shut up - too many women have done this and faced the very real serious risks of birth control just so their boyfriends feelings and arousal is validated.
Don't fall for it - he needs to wrap it up and be a man and buy that shit for himself. If he can't do that then he doesn't even seem mentally mature enough to have sex.
No. 261141
>>261101He wasn't fully okay to go raw on me but i encouraged him because i wanted to have sex with him and he didnt wanted to use the condom. We have only done this once. I did test myself a few times before i got with him mainly because the partner I had before would go raw and do the pull out method, which i now know its stupid and bad. I tried encouraging my previous partner to use condoms but he would either forget or use it once out of the 3 times of us having sex. I wasnt assertive enough and let him have sex with me raw.
We have been seeing each other for 5 months now and we would only have sex once a month or two. I totally agree though that he should use a condom.
>>261102I think getting a IUD is free in my country? I'm from the UK. but yeah the side affects are the main reason i don't want to take anything, at least with a condom it doesn't affect the guy's inner body. We have been exclusive since I started seeing him. I finally had the courage to start rejecting all the other guys who really want to fuck me or have me as a fuck friend when all I want is an actual relationship.
>>261117I'm in my mid 20s while the guy i'm seeing is in his early 20s. Yeah i really shouldnt be embarrassed about buying condoms but i'm not used to it. I've been bought up in a religious home (I still live with my parents) and I shouldnt really be doing anything sexual in the first place. I have tried to buy condoms but i end up overthinking and then i dont know which one to pick let alone what size. So instead i use the ones given to me from my last sex clinic appointment. It would be nice if the guy i'm seeing could pick up condoms since he's the one who's mentioning more about birth control and knows his size.
He isn't guilt tripping me, or at least i dont think he is, its more that his only sexual experience is with someone who uses a birth control and he never used a condom with her. So i'm guessing he would be much more comfortable having sex with me if i was on birth control because he's used to that. I should try and get him to be more comfortable with using a condom though.
You're right about how i need to be more assertive about him wearing a condom instead. Being assertive to guys have been one of my struggling point and ever since being with the current guy I'm seeing I've been more confident to say no to guys.
The guy I am seeing did say to me the other day to let him know if there's something i'm having an issue with him about (i worded that so badly but hopefully you understand what I mean). So now would be a good time for me to bring up the condoms situation.
>>261125See thats exactly why I dont want to be taking anything to have sex, I've done my research and have seen from my friend the side affects of going on birth control.
Thanks for the EXS Thin air recommendation, that's already a good place to start and recommend to him. Yeah i dont want to be taking any birth controls if we arent even in a relationship together, its not worth the risk and side effects.
Thanks anon, i will try and get him to buy his own condoms instead of maybe relying on me, though i will buy some too as backup.
No. 261186
>>261176I'm not immature, i did say that i tried to buy condoms before and i brought condoms when i saw the guy i'm interested in. He wasn't even fully sure on how to put the condom on properly, unless maybe it was the wong size. The only issue was that i didnt know which ones to pick up and i ended up overthinking by the condom section of the store. Also i worry about a mutual family friend seeing me buy them/ my parents finding them.
If i wasn't brought up in a religious household, wasnt sharing a room with my sister, wasn't living with my parents and had a better idea of what condoms to pick up then maybe i wouldn't be so anxious about picking up condoms. It can be an anxious thing sometimes to buy something for sex in a shop especially if you spend too much time lingering around.
Had to stop myself here before i end up ranting too much.
No. 261195
>>261186>>261141>He wasn't fully okay to go raw on me but i encouraged him Clearly he was fully ok with it since he did it anyway instead of going to a pharmacy to buy some condoms.
> did test myself a few times That's great! I'm glad you were proactive. But did he? It doesn't matter if you tested negative if he has something.
>I wasnt assertive enough and let him have sex with me raw.I have to agree with the other anons that you probably shouldn't be having sex even if you're in your mid 20s. Age doesn't mean maturity and what you told us reflects that. I was mid 20s too but I used condoms with all my partners, and if there were no condoms, we'd do something else or make one of us get it. You need to be more aggressive about condom use because like I said before, your health and body are much more important than some scrote not liking condoms. You only get one body!
>i didnt know which ones to pick up and i ended up overthinking by the condom Any condoms are fine, unless the dick is extremely small or extremely big. Just buy any condom that isn't expire and you're good to go. Also, any decent guy is going to bring his own condoms. Why the fuck couldn't this guy get his own? How lazy of him.
No. 261268
>>261209Copper IUD bleeding is no joke, I'd hate to go through that while nursing and sleep deprived even if it works perfectly.
I'd say use condoms until it's safe to do hormonal bc again.
No. 261523
>>261195what would be the best way to ask him about if he's tested himself? after reading your comment I had some time to think about my actions and realised that yeah I let too much of my sexual desires get the best of me while with the guy i'm dating.
I know I can be more confident and aggressive to him about getting condoms, I just need to be confident about what condoms to use and why using a condom would be much better than getting birth controls. If I could I would just pick up the most simplest condom I could find without all the climax, pleasure or intimate types. I know i'm overthinking it but I worry about if the condoms would feel weird for me.
anyways I'm sure I can be physical with him without the sex until i'm confident about the condoms
>>261294I know it isn't okay, do you live with your religious family while keeping your sexual interests away from them? Also I did brought condoms I got from my last sex clinic appointment with me. I just never bought condoms myself because I rarely had sex.
>Even if you say you’re not being guilted or you offered, it sounds like it’s coming from a place of insecurity and a desire to not disappoint your current guy.okay yeah this part is true, I do like him but I tend to over plan and overthink things.
yeah I will put myself first, I just sometimes worry that it's more me putting him at risk rather than the other way around.
Thank you all for your advices and for making me realise how much of my health I'm risking.
No. 261536
>>261523Just straight him ask when the last time he got tested and make him show the results. If he hasn't ever got tested, make him get one and refuse to sleep with him until he gets tested. If he refuses to both, leave him.
>If I could I would just pick up the most simplest condom I could find without all the climax, pleasure or intimate types. Just get lubed ones. KISS: keep it simple, silly!
Obv condoms will feel weird, lol, but if you can't handle the feeling, either use lambskin condoms (don't really suggest it since they don't prevent STIs like latex) or just do other things instead.
No. 261538
>>261523Tbh I don’t live with family anymore, but when I did, I never discussed it because I knew what a headache it would be. Everything about sex, sexual health, condoms, etc I learned from the internet. Even if you can’t discuss it with them, it’s a good idea to look up condoms online and read their reviews, that way you know what to get before you go to the store (or you could even buy them online, but I know my family would open my packages kek). The different names like “climax” and whatnot aren’t important, all lubed latex condoms are pretty similar. I’m a burger so the biggest brand is Trojan, but you should search the top selling condom brand in your country and look at the reviews.
>I just sometimes worry that it's more me putting him at risk rather than the other way around.Unprotected sex is a risk to you both, but the fact is a huge number of guys just don’t care about the risks and would rather go condomless because it feels better for them. It’s unfair but it’s also more dangerous for women because of pregnancy and potential infertility problems from STDs. I would just ask him straight up if he’s been tested (no need to sugarcoat or step around it). Ask to see the results. Getting tested yourself is a good idea too because some people will lie, and most STDs are easily treatable early on.
No. 264478
>>251385Seconding this. I'm horribly depressed from outside circumstances AND from the fact that I can't control when I want to have sex. I'm dry as a bone no matter what and it's such a huge mood killer. I'm sorry,
nonnie, I have no answer. I don't want to get off the pill because I have terrible PMS and IUDs are out of the question.
Is the mini pill any better?
No. 268808
>>268152Thanks nona, I went into a workout slump for some month but started again recently. Gonna try to get back on track, maybe I'll be lucky as well. If not I'll take birth control again because I'd rather swallow a hormone cocktail than get cancer or endometriosis or whatever shit I was warned about, but I want to continue working out regularly again anyway so I'll see if that helps. Thanks for the advice
I'm still hoping I got a false diagnosis but I asked my doctor and she said that's very unlikely. But at least I'm normal weight without insuline problems so I'm content with whatever happens.
No. 272504
>>272436I just got my copper iud removed and I had it for over 7 years. The cramping was terrible every period even though I was told that it would get better after 6 months.
I went and got it checked a few years ago becuase I thought it went through my uterus or was mal aligned but it was ok.
It just finally felt like I needed to get rid of it and the doctor was pretty condescending about my choice to remove it and not replace it with something else. Kinda felt like she treated me like a teenager instead of being nearly 30.
Never had the spotting between periods though.
Good luck nonna. I’m happy I got rid of mine and taking a break from birth control and relationships while I figure myself out.
No. 272603
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Having the Nexplanon implant was awful. It would make me queasy whenever something would press against that part of my arm. It was the worst when I would be trying to sleep with that arm on top of my blankets. The blankets press that spot ahhhh it makes me want to gag thinking about it. It didn't hurt at all; it was just really gross and made me feel weirdly claustrophobic, like I needed to get it now at once but was (obviously) unable to until I saw my dr. 0/10 Picrel makes me extremely uncomfortable.
No. 273879
>>273872When I stopped taking the pill my period stopped for months.
It freaked me out and I did go back on the pill becuase the doctor told me to do it.
Tbh it makes me rage looking back at it.
No. 273881
>>273879That's exactly what I'm scared about, I don't want to go back to taking the pill 'just because', I really want to get back to a natural ccle and I know most gynecologists just want to hand out the pill as if it's some kind of candy.
I was just wondering how ling a potential 'post pill syndrom' could last and at which point I HAVE to see my doctor, cause not having a period /or withdrawal bleeding when you're taking the pill) seems to heighten the risk for cancer (?)
That's why I wanna know how long other nonas have had irregular periods (or none at all) after not taking the pill anymore and at which point I should go see my doctor
No. 278447
>>278253this is why I tried pills. I tried two kinds of progesterone-only pills (no estrogen). One made me bleed randomly without warning and messed up my skin more than the other. I didn't bloat or gain any weight. I was encouraged by the fact that athletes typically take POPs since they don't alter body comp. I hate bc personally but have deep endo (on my intestines) so I have to be on it. Well, I'm taking a break right now, but I'm sure my gyn will insist I go back on it.
I only agreed to take it because it is easy to stop if something isn't working. It's absolutely horrible that doctors haven't figured out the actual cause of deep endo yet. I had to have an emergency operation because it destroyed my cecum and caused telescoping of my intestines. I put off going to the ED for days bc we were in lockdown and I thought it was a GI bug. Later I found out that telescoped intestines can be fatal if not treated within 1-5 days. Chilling.
No. 281628
>>281395It's hard for me to remember the spotting and cramping. But I remember my first actual period with it was absolutely miserable. I was crying and in so much pain I had to go back into the gyno. Her advice was "just wait and see at the next one" and I thought she was crazy, but she was right. My second period was way less painful and more normal. Since then, my periods have been slightly more painful than before but not too terrible.
So I'd give it a shot for at least a couple months. If it still winds up being an issue, then sure, maybe get it taken out. Before then, I wouldn't.
No. 281850
>>281628The spotting appears to have stopped today so fingers crossed it stays that way. I also had COVID not too long ago and was dealing with a bit of spotting after that before having the Paragard put it so it could be a bad combination of the two.
My period is due this upcoming week and I'm dreading it because I've heard the first one is the worst. That makes me feel a lot better though knowing yours improved over time and are mostly the same as before. I've always had bad cramps the first 1-2 days of my period anyway so fingers crossed I'll be the same!
No. 286335
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I’m getting the copper IUD inserted tomorrow and I’m so fucking nervous, I can’t sleep. I’m terrified of having a horror story experience. Also the only female OBGYN is booked so the clinic is having their male doctor do it instead.
No. 286817
>>286335You'll be okay, anon! Don't worry.
I have my arm implant on the 21st. Happy to be getting back to normal.
No. 286968
>>279058>Never did cups but they freak me out and feel like they'd fill super quick for meI was very skeptical about cups too, but they're a game changer.
My periods are pretty heavy, I can fill a night pad in a few hours so when i decided to switch to cups I thought about getting the bigger size, but I didn't because I was scared it would hurt (tampons hurt me like hell).
Anyway, I ended up getting the smaller size and it's amazing: I take it out twice a day on the heavier days and once on the lighter days. I don't feel it at all when it's inside and putting it in is really easy with a bit of lube. The only annoying part is taking out, but overall it's much better than pads and tampons,
No. 286970
>>286335God speed
nonnie. I had one of those bad experiences with my first IUD (second one was fine). My advice is that if something feels wrong even before the procedure don't be afraid to speak up. This is your body and doctors can be assholes who make assumptions. You're allowed to ask questions and question their judgement. Make sure they're working for that pay check.
Wishing you luck, tranquility, and happiness with the end result.
No. 290912
started BC 6 weeks ago, it's supposed to be those pills that let you skip periods. everything was great, but suddenly started spotting today. not sure if the pills are failing me or if it's from having had sex yesterday (which can cause spotting in rare cases).
fuck i thought this was over. periods send me into autistic rage. on the other hand it's only light spotting and is way preferable to a real period. i hate men for not having to deal with this shit.
>>288371I take evening primrose oil which lowers blood clot risk. i guess i should be less sedentary though.
No. 291803
>>291746Nexplanon nonna here, I get the same happen to me, I'm on my 3rd nexplanon now and in it's 2nd year of my current one.
Everytime this happens I do take a pregnancy test to ease my worries (its negative every time) , I would recommend you do the same if the anxiety becomes too unbearable for you and for peace of mind. But also reassurance.
Nexplanon is very effective, here where I'm from its licensed for 3 years of use but studies prove it can last up to 5 years. Extra protection is also good for reassurance too if you are getting worried over even having sex in the first place.
The brown period is very common too with nexplanon, I have the exact same and it is old blood since nexplanon either stops periods all together or interrupts reguarlity. The breast pain and swelling is also common and I have the same. A week ago I legit thought I was pregnant because of how sore my breasts were, false alarm, had a regular period after.
I track my periods with nexplanon and they seem to vanish for the first year or second of being on it, then occur for the last year regularly or semi-regular.
It's a strange contraceptive as many doctors opinion on it varies widely, some even place the device in different parts of the arm now and have differing views of how long it should be in for.
No. 292965
>>291925I don't think so, the same way women who have a lot of kids don't get menopause super late even though they skipped 9 months of periods per kid.
>>291927so there is a balance between yeast and bacteria and it can swing either way and cause issues. personally i only use home remedies but you can get over the counter treatment so long as you know which it is. yeast = cottage cheese discharge. BV = fishy. for future reference since it's been six days and i hope you already got treatment.
No. 306360
I feel like I'm going insane. Around nine months ago I started the pill again after having an abortion. I didn't want to be on birth control because it made me erratic, but after what happened I'd rather be a fruit case then have a baby. Surprisingly, I'm not as emotional this time around, but every time I start a new pack, I have awful symptoms. I'm not skipping the sugar pills. So idk why every time I start a new pack, I get awful migraine, sometimes I have hot flashes, I get suddenly nauseous and have to lie down. I'm ungodly horny the first two-three days of a new pack, to the point where it does sort of make me emotional.
I couldn't find anything on Google to this stuff happening every time you start a new pack, just when you first start birth control. Before I stopped taking it, I'd taken it for ten+ years, and it was only around 1-2 years that I stopped using the pill. I can't remember if it was always like this those last 10+ years. Nothing seems to help. The headaches don't go away until I sleep and usually they'll show up again the next day. I'm on a low estrogen birth control because the "normal" ones will make me so angry I get violent. I'm so tired nonnies.
No. 306668
>>306530Correct it's not a 100% chance you won't get pregnant.
I will tell you the chance of you getting pregnant while on the pill is still very slim and you shouldn't cause yourself to implode with worry, but still having him wear a condom would be safer for you. I'm on birth control and I still wouldn't have unprotected sex like ever.
No. 312448
Just needed a place to vent since all my friends don't fuck and wouldn't understand. I had an implant for years and after a month I felt off - hungry all the time, didn't enjoy things anymore, just off. I went to a female gyno, and when I listed my concerns she told me "women think that they gain weight because of bc, but it's actually because of poor self control. the bc can't do that". I felt so ashamed and lazy - so i just kept at it. I finally got it removed recently because I finally accepted I was depressed even though I was exercising, trying new hobbies, meeting new people etc. It's been 2 weeks, and I feel so much better. I'm not hungry constantly anymore - I've lost 6 pounds so far. Books that I used to love, but disgusted me while on bc, were enjoyable again.
But I'm so fucking pissed the gyno shamed me the way she did. I'm so mad I didn't push harder to switch bc. And I don't want anyone else to go through this shit. If you feel anything off with your bc, please talk to your gyno, and if your gyno is a bitch, find a different one.
No. 312482
>>312448What stresses me about the implant and IUDs..Where I live it's not uncommon for family planning clinics to just refuse to take stuff like IUDs out early. No matter what side effects you report. Then they'll give you an appointment that's months away if you insist you want it out.
I remember reading a thread on a local message board about it a while back. Women advising you to lie and just say you want a baby if you want them to take it out quick. Cause side effects.. they won't listen.
No. 321583
>>321560I have totally painless periods and they continued to be totally painless with the copper IUD.
I had stronger/longer bleeding for the first few months which the doctor said was normal adjustment.
NGL, this sound very bad and you should totally get a second opinion
No. 332747
>>332698Honestly it’s hard to give any sort of pointers because there are so god damn many different forms and formulations of hormonal BC and everyone reacts differently to them.
On one hand, since you’ve never been on them, you have a consistent control period that can be used to measure the ways you feel differently when your hormones change. If you don’t like the changes, you can stop taking it/using it and that’s that. You’ll go completely back to normal in, at the absolute longest, 6 months 9 times out of 10.
On the other hand, there are potential bad side affects and also an adjustment period where you’d almost certainly experience some weird stuff while your body gets used to the hormones. I can’t even say what that could be since everyone is so different. I’ve been on the same pill for ages and even have a little mini adjustment period when they give me different generics. So you’d probably have to be willing to give it at least 3 months, but probably more like 6, before you’d really have an idea of how you feel on it.
I am just an anon and not a doctor, but to me it sounds like you’d be better off with an IUD or something. It just seems like, if you don’t have a specific reason to use the hormones, like acne or bad cramps or something, the risk for side affects might not be worth it.
Also, I’ve been on the same pill for years like I said and I for sure still have what feels similar to a regular hormonal cycle, as in cramps a few days before period (but milder than no pill), bad mood as PMS on the last two days of pills, zits on the last second-week pill, that sort of thing. Difference between that and the natural hormonal cycle is the predictability down to the day, but it takes awhile to figure it out. Idk I just don’t think it’s worth it for you personally but probably no harm in trying