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No. 71616
>>71609Ooh understood. Thanks! I've had this question in my mind for a while.
>>71608I know right? Hopefully all that stretching has torn apart the hymen at least a little bit, so that we will be able to enjoy benis with no pain from the first time
No. 71658
>>71655I'm allergic. Not just to latex, but I think also to the lube they all have on them (even the synthetic and animal skin kind.) Plus, not pulling out is our shared fetish.
>>71654Good advice, thank you! It's occurred to me that maybe the bad smell is a yeast infection because of they way I've tried to clean down there.
No. 71663
>>71662Go to a different OB GYN. Even if it is fine a good one would tell you why there is a change.
Could be also stress, hormonal changes, diet changes and so on. Your vagina can smell in many different ways.
No. 71690
>>71677Are you in the US? If so, Planned Parenthood works on a sliding scale.
How fucked you are depends on luck, and if you are sexually active.
No. 71695
>>71666Plain water. The vagina is a self cleaning device. have never had any vagina problems, never had a yeast infection etc… Vagina does not smell nor apparently taste like anything(lol) when it is left on it's own, it takes care of itself.
No. 71699
>>71690 mention PP is great, they can even see you for free if you are low income. If you are healthy enough, don't need bc and do safe sex you're probably okay. I put it off for years because of a mix of no insurance, being healthy, and only ever having had sex with one person and using condoms. When I finally got insurance my doctor made a big deal about a gyno check up and everything was fine, I actually feel like it wasn't really necessary. But for the sake of safety or peace of mind if you can get one for free at PP you should.
No. 71706
>>71607Lmao nope not at all! Even on top I get so so close and then nothing!! I think the closest I got was in the backseat of his car cuz of the angle and my clit rubbing against his skin and joggers. We could’ve had a big one at the same time but my body just flaked. Still bummed about it cuz I could feel the buildup and everything.
>>71601No, we actually avoid lube if possible because we believe it causes me BV/makes it worse. But I can definitely try it on the clit only idk why I haven’t thought of that.
>>71621I try to after but my clit gets swollen and tender as hell. Also, my vagina gets tingly and twitchy when we’re done so I’ve been assuming I have been orgasming, just not in the way I’m used to if that makes sense. It kinda feels like my vag is convulsing and that randomly happens for me after an intense climax from Masturbation.
No. 71711
>>71599i came to the thread because i experienced something similar. If i dont have sex for a while and i get turned on after nothing for three weeks, it starts burning a lot until it gets wet and starts to dull out
it just feels super wierd
No. 71755
>>71753You can lose sensitivity by severing the nerve endings in the inner labia. At worst you could develop tough scar tissue.
Don't compare yourself to what you see in porn or look to porn for affirmation of the beauty of your body, anon.
No. 71768
>>71753do not get it.
>>71755 is basically right, only you -do- and will lose sensitivity. the scar tissue will also become numb and dark anyways. it's a totally cosmetic surgery but it has many side effects and depending on how short it goes it can give an increased UTI and even yeast infection risk.
No. 71819
>>71807i just in general don't advocate surgeries that change the body for the male gaze. breast enhancement, genital cosmetic surgery, butt implants. all of which are constantly defended as being 'for the woman' despite the fact that insecurities and discontent about those areas stem from men's view of women. even
>>71753 said she wants her vag to look like porn vag. but why lose sensitivity just to look good?
No. 71842
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>>71838If you're having trouble with tampons, see a gynecologist.
No. 71917
>>71869Yes. I don't masturbate often, but when I do, I just replay memories of things I've done with my boyfriend.
>>71883I have a copper IUD and it happens sometimes. Staying hydrated and paying attention to electrolytes helps me.
No. 71934
>>71652i recently lost my v-card and the first few times i felt like i had to shit too. i asked my friends and they said that they feel like that sometimes.
it happened when i was on top tbh. very uncomfy as i like that position :/
No. 72715
>>72639i was with an ex for a number of years and stopped enjoying PIV sex with him. it hurt like hell and he couldn't even get it in anymore, he googled it and said i have vaginismus or something and wanted me to go to the doctor. it didn't help with lube either.
long story short, i ended up dumping him because he was physically abusive as well and we weren't intimate anymore so really it was a very shite relationship.
i was scared about dating again because i thought my vagina was broken but when i met a guy i really fancied sex was an absolute pleasure again and no issue. i literally think with my previous ex he made me so tense i took a physical aversion to him.
i'm not sure about the details of your relationship but sometimes i think the body can tell you things you're consciously suppressing. like i just didn't fancy my ex anymore, he repulsed me in most ways (i got tense after moving in with him and seeing how unhygienic and lazy he was 24/7)
sometimes it is the guys. my ex tried to say i was damaged but he was just a massive turn off
No. 72716
>>72715Similar thing happened to me. PIV sex has always been difficult for my fiance and I as he's pretty big (not a humblebrag, it's honestly mostly inconvenient) and it takes a LOT of foreplay for it to feel good for me, or even fit it in. This started to make me anxious–like, if we couldn't do it, I'd feel like all the pressure was on me because we physically could not have PIV if I wasn't 100% into it, and of course that made me MORE anxious, MORE tense, and MORE incapable.
Seriously, never underestimate how much your tension can affect you physically. What worked for me is talking it out with my fiance, figuring out non PIV things we can do together, and learning to be okay with trying it, even if it doesn't go well. Also, buying a Hitachi Magic Wand. Those things really are magical. And lube, as everyone has said!
A good dude will listen and be eager to help discover things you can together that'll feel good for both of you.
No. 72742
>>72715lmao, did we date the same person? I went through almost this exact experience, down to being really repulsed by how lazy and unhygienic he was, and that making it even harder to get into sex when I was already having problems. My ex didn't even bother telling me I had a problem and needed to get help for it. Pretty much just shrugged it off as being entirely my issue, and not to bother him with my sexual needs until I was "better."
after we broke up, I was really scared to date again because I thought my vagina was just fundamentally broken. Eventually started dating my now bf who gets me off almost every time we're intimate. PIV has never been painful or uncomfortable with him. Worst that happens is sometimes we have sex when I'm too tired or not fully in the mood, so it won't feel AS good.
imo, the key to consistently good sex is love and trust. I didn't have that with my ex, who simply did not care at all about my needs, so our sex life was awful to the point that I was having constant pain and discomfort from PIV.
No. 72768
>>72654>>72670>>72715he slides pretty easily so i thought i was wet enough. though maybe i just dry up quickly.
i have been really stressed lately because of an interview. our relationship's also been strained because of my anxiety, the small distance (since he wouldn't answer me for long periods), and a breakup a few weeks before. i'm really into him physically but i haven't liked the way he's been treating me…i see how all of this could make me tense up subconsciously.
i'll take it in steps and see how finishing the interview, talking about our issues, and then lube will affect PIV sex. thanks everyone!
No. 72857
>>72807i'm op of
>>72715 and it is honestly so nice to hear people have been in similar situations i had felt so embarrassed by that and i had friends that had told me how great looking my ex was etc so i never felt comfortable to tell them how much he turned me off lol.
he was honestly such a piece of shit, i dumped him in 2014 and have been with my current boyfriend since 2015 and we still haven't slowed down from the initial honeymoon period with sex and he makes me cum multiple times. he takes care of himself and lived on his own for a few years so knows how to clean etc, he is also very attentive and doesn't even mind period sex, my ex was always very quick to let me know how repulsed he was by me at that time of the month.
it's so funny to me because my ex like prided himself on being a good guy (aka a nerd that sat and played video games while i worked a 40hr week to support us both) and my current bf would be seen as a bad boy but he treats me like a princess were the good guy treated me like his fucking mother
No. 72971
>>72742I had this experience too, where piv would be so painful etc, but the difference was that my ex did actually genuinely spend all this time going down on me and saying it was fine if we couldn't etc.
After I broke up with him, I never had the problem again. Turns out my vagina just hated him.
I think it all came down to WANTING to love him rather than actually loving him. You don't need a reason to break up with someone.
No. 72976
>>72857Seriously, stop being me, it's freaking me out! I am in the same boat as you are now. Sex has been great, with it's natural peaks and occasional troughs. Nothing has felt fake and there's no pressure to perform if you don't feel like it. We're happy to just cuddle and snooze sometimes instead of having crazy, fun sex!
Really pleased for you and I seriously hope you guys have a great life together. Life's too short for shitty lads and even shittier sex!
No. 74607
>>74606If it can go back to normal after a baby coming out of it, no dick is gonna stretch it out.
Your vaginal walls will open up with arousal but even if you’re having sex twice a day every day, your vagina won’t somehow lose its elasticity. Have a look at the anatomy around there and the type of tissue. Your mouth doesn’t get permanently stretched out if you puff your cheeks out or from chewing everyday does it?
No. 74608
>>74607well I know it can feel tight despite sex but I mean more about the appearance/labia
like I find it hard to believe those vaginas with really long inner labias got that without stretching having anything to do with it
No. 74616
>>74613It's true. Most vaginas will enlarge to do puberty, some don't enlarge that much. But even when we are small, our lips have pretty much the same shape.
I.e I was curious and have looked at my vagina when I was 5.
No. 74619
>>74606…it's muscle. it's not just a flesh tube.
>>74612the labia have nothing to do with the inside of the vagina. inner labia is for protecting the urethra and vaginal entrance and outer are for protecting the inner things, which aren't regular skin.
No. 75028
>>74606like others have said, your vagina is literally two walls of muscle pressing together, and like all muscles, activity only makes them stronger, it doens't wither them away. vulvas may be delicate, but they're sensitive to things like infection and pain and small surface injuries, the actual structural integrity of your vagina is very strong. vaginal birth can damage the muscle in some cases, but even big dicks are nothing compared to what your vagina can handle without long lasting damage.
if you ever feel "loose" it probably means your muscles have weakened and you could stand to do some kegels or get more exercise in general, nothing to do with how often you have sex.
No. 75108
>>74606>have you guys noticed changes in your inner labia after having sex?Not from sex, but I noticed that the labia on the "side" of the clit I touch most often while masturbating has a different appearance from the other side.
Other than that, no changes. Been a almost labialess innie all my life and still am, and I've had sex regularly for almost 9 years now.
No. 75193
>>75192You can't change your vagina but the good news is that most men actually don't care they just want to see a vagina no matter how it looks. Your vagina isn't different from most other women, it is just different from what you see in porn.
Keep it clean and groom it in the way you like. And don't worry about how it looks! Seriously, that is not something to feel bad about. In fact, there are some men who even prefer vaginas that look the way yours does.
No. 75201
>>75196good thing you're not a boy…
>>75199??? what do you mean. that's literally why it happens. inner labia, is made from semi-permeable membrane which isn't supposed to come into contact with anything.
No. 75202
>>75201>good thing you're not a boy…lel, I've joked about this with my mom, I have to adjust myself like a guy when I wear pants.
Or do you mean circumcision?
No. 75203
>>75202i meant the pants!
…i feel sick now though. ugh…
No. 75209
>>75194lol what are you talking about
the inner labia turns dark because you’ve gone through puberty, fucking kek
No. 75222
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>>75218I got my first copper IUD (Gynefix) in 2012. It's better than being on hormones, but it's not perfect either. Mine (or rather its thread) often poked my bf. The thread was trimmed several times and it still sticks out right after my period.
It really depends on the person, though. My friends never had this issue with their IUDs. I know of some women who lost it, that never happened to me. So, tl;dr there are some issues you should be aware of, but still, it's better than taking the pill in my opinion.
No. 75233
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>>75230I hope you find it to be the lesser evil as much as I have!
One thing that helped me (everyone is different, though) with the initial issues of spotting and cramping was taking vitamin E every day. []
A hot water bottle and black panties were also nice to have while my body was adjusting.
No. 76109
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>>76103Yes lubricant also makes a vaginal moisturizer, if you want to try that.
No. 76857
>>76839>>76840>>76855Thank you lots anons! My partner's exes were both virgins too so that's comforting to know. I hope it won't hurt too much (aka hope i won't be a nervous wreck and get to enjoy some of it) and that I'll be able to pleasure them properly.
Also lel at romantic slugs
No. 77038
>>77035I can't really advise because I have the same problem. But I can show solidarity…
If you trust him, he is prepared to dedicate time to trying things out (and you can separate yourself from the concern of pleasing
him during that time) things may work out better.
I am kinda worried that if I did enjoy sex I'd be super devastated if the relationship broke up…so maybe my own worries also get in the way. Also if you're worried about money or other issues it's gonna be harder. Try and create a completely fantasy environment between you two where you forget all your worries and all about daily life.
No. 77195
>>77031I also can’t orgasm from PIV, I never have. I can’t even cum from someone else stimulating me alone, so technically I’m the only person who’s ever made me orgasm.
I tend to masturbate while my SO gives me oral so I can cum before sex. Sometimes he puts fingers or a small vibrating bullet in/around my vagina too. Occasionally he lies on top of me, with his dick inside me, and I masturbate to orgasm like that… but it’s awkward AF so I don’t do that often. It’s nice to cum with him inside me though.
No. 80080
>>80078Because it still feels really good and it conceptually turns me on a lot while it's happening, it's just not usually quite enough to put me over the edge and cum, so I add or switch to clit stimulation.
It used to be only painful for me and I hated it but I explained it to my gyno and apparently I had vaginismus from a spasming/tight muscle and I was prescribed dilators and natural muscle relaxers which changed everything. I used to think sex would only ever be painful and that's just how it was but now it's only a little painful if it goes on and on and starts to chafe.
No. 80818
>>80811Are you getting them from shaving?
I keep getting bumps on my butt, not a lot, I think its heat rash though since i shave there
No. 81016
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This is probably an asinine question, but: *Is it possible to be allergic to one man's sperm?*
For context, my current bf and I have been dating for ~9 months now. I had the Skyla IUD when we first started dating, and shortly after we began regularly having sex, I would get UTIs with an alarming frequency. Like, 2 or 3 in a 1-month period. It got so bad that the doctor that usually saw me at urgent care ended up treating me as though I had BV. When that same doctor prescribed me Macrobid, my BV/UTI went away within a day or so.
But then about a month later, I started bleeding with the Skyla still in. By that point in time, I'd had it in for a year and a half and had stopped having periods after the first month I had it. So with the bleeding and the frequent UTIs, I had it taken out. This was 2 months ago.
For the past 2 months I have not been on birth control, but have not allowed my boyfriend to cum in me, though we still had sex just as frequently as before. I did decide last month that I wanted to go back on the IUD. So I got the Kyleena one inserted on Monday morning (it is now Thursday).
My boyfriend and I have been having sex every day since Monday, but he's only cum inside me this morning. And this afternoon I wound up with another UTI that I went to urgent care for. The doctor did tell me that the IUD most likely isn't causing the UTIs, but that there is a chance that I'm allergic to my boyfriend's sperm.
The only confusing thing about that statement of hers is that I had 1 other fling before meeting my boyfriend, with a guy I only slept with once. And that guy came inside me when I had the Skyla IUD and his sperm didn't cause me to get a UTI.
No. 81017
>>81016Does he wash his dick regularly? If he's uncut, does he clean under the foreskin?
You never know with men.
No. 81026
>>81016are you using different lube? anything in his diet you could be allergic to? anything in yours? Make sure you consider all options. I think it was pretty reckless of her to suggest that as its extremely rare to be allergice to sperm. Do you itch, burn, swell, etc after contact within 10-30 minutes? Or is it hours later?
Sperm allergy can 100% be for some partners and not others, but again, its very rare.
If you can cross out other factors, go to your gynecologist and ask to get tested for it.
No. 81201
>>81138Same with me, anon, except even a bit shorter (unfortunately). I get really tense and fidgetty if I haven't flicked the bean at least once every day. Sometimes it's accompanied with arousal, but sometimes not. This is why I have a hearty laugh whenever men mention jacking off daily being a thing women could never understand. Maybe I don't 100%, but definitely to some extent.
I also have a ridiculous sex drive, so I'm not sure if it's the same with you.
No. 81217
>>81201>This is why I have a hearty laugh whenever men mention jacking off daily being a thing women could never understandAhh yes the ol'
>da wimminz are incapable of comprehending the 2intense4u nature of the male sex driveAt my peak I used to masturbate 2, maybe 3+ times everyday on average. I've never been able to go for more than a week, even since I've tried consciously limiting how much I fap.
No. 81231
>>81136Talk to your boyfriend about this so he can be aware of what's happening and how you feel about it. Try other positions, practice not letting yourself go over the edge, and see if you can/are okay with having ruined orgasms. Your bf is probably fine with the squirting, but you can talk to him if it bothers you.
I find that I can do PIV or clitoral stimulation, but not both at once, or the orgasm goes away. You could see if that works for you?
No. 81242
>>81238Then why doesn’t it come from the bartholins gland?
Why does it leave the urethra just like pee?
What is this mystery fluid with the exact viscosity of urine spurting from womens urethras?
No. 81253
>>81243 Better hope your bf never googles what squirting is because he'll probably dump your ass once he realises you're giving him a gold shower every time you fuck.
Also go to a gyno because that shit doesn't sound normal or healthy at all.
No. 81255
>>81253I’m genuinely freaked out about how many women piss during sex and think it’s not just normal, but desirable.
The entire squirting phenomenon is fucked up and theres women out there teaching others how to piss themselves because they think it’s empowering, not weak pelvic floor muscles.
No. 81264
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>>81262Yeah I agree it's piss no matter what, but it seems like your morning piss and squirting piss is not the same (less urea), it's way clearer.
Not a squirter btw, just my 0.2 cents.
Also, it made me remember this reddit thread by a poor guy who wish his gf stopped pissing on him lmao.
No. 81276
>>81264Eeewww that poor dude. Honestly I can’t believe so many people convinced themselves that women can magically ejaculate despite lacking the equipment for it.
It went from an embarrassing thing nobody mentioned unless to their doctor, to being a fetish, to Golden showers being an American sexual norm.
Seems like more and more women are learning from porn that it’s normal, not a major malfunction, and there’s literal lectures on learning how to piss all over yourself. Stranger still are the men who claim it’s desirable or attractive.
I get that it’s embarrassing and sufferers wanting to normalise it but honestly ladies need to stop forcing the claim that it’s normal to spray piss like an ocelot and do some kegels.
No. 81300
>>81299I guess I didn't express myself properly. Your morning pee tend to be really yellow and smelly because your kidneys are still working during the night but are not getting any hydratation so your pee is highly concentrated in urea, whereas the "fresh" pee you make during the day is clearer and not as smelly, because there is more water and less urea. (when you're well hydrated)
I was trying to find an explanation why all those people think they're not getting peed on when their gf "squirt" on them, and the fact that it's often very clear pee probably help their delusion.
No. 81312
>>81303Time to bust another myth: pee isn't even remotely sterile. Even before it comes out of your body it's contaminated with the low levels of bacteria in your urinary tract (yes, even healthy people have this).
Ya'll this shit is just a google search away, there's no excuse to be pissing all over your man and think your magic squirt is totes sterile and normal. See a doctor.
No. 81315
>>81313>>81312you guys are fucking retards i meant that it's not toxic, you know you can drink it and not fucking die and the bacteria isn't dangerous.
anyways i wasn't even arguing that it's not pee but it's not that gross. some people lick assholes too.
No. 81318
>>81303All pee is mostly water. There’s no distinction between normal pee and organs pee. It’s not sterile. It’s not a drop or two intermixed with other bodily fluids like there is during oral sex.
It’s a bladder-full of urine expelled on you, your partner, and whatever surface you’re having sex on.
No. 81322
>>81253Some men know it's pee and still think it's hot. Could go either way.
>>81280>If you didn’t squirt you were some pitiable little lamb who’d never had an orgasm. Oh the irony.I remember a friend bragging about how his girlfriend was a squirter a few years ago. I didn't have the heart to tell him.
No. 81335
Men are training each other to enjoy getting peed on, I just saw a bunch of them circlejerking in a thread about a girl who not only pissed herself but also SHAT herself while orgasming from oral sex. They seemed to be very happy about it and instead of advising her to go the doctor or to do some kegels they circlejerked about her bf being a beast for managing to have her piss and poop on him.
>>81330I don't understand how women in porn can handle their tits getting slapped, bitten, violently pinched, etc. Mine are extremely sensitive I can only enjoy caressing and gentle sucking/nibbling. Men also all started to do this rock hand motion to finger you, since a bunch of videos popped on the internet claiming this is how you make a woman squirt and give her the strongest orgasm of her life, but I hate it. Porn really is the doom of a good sex life.
No. 81339
>>81335That's just fetish shit at that point, those guys are beyond saving if they think shitting during sex is not. The guys who think squirting is orgasm and not piss are the ones who need training.
I agree tho, porn ruins men and women alike. My virginal boyfriend used to get so upset I didn't come during PIV and thought he was bad at sex to the point where he didn't want to do it. It was only when I told him that women coming to PIV is pretty uncommon did he get over it.
No. 81354
>>81342Men are imbeciles. I had a fight with an ex over squirting. He was being an ass and brought up this girl he fucked and how amazing he was because she squirted (I think I was telling him he was shit in bed or something, he was). Began to explain that squirting is piss, congrats on fucking a girl that pissed herself. He defends by saying his best mate also fucked her and that she is a known squirter and it's hot. Congratulate him again on scoring with the common whore who marks the beds of all she fucks. He also identifies her with further stories. "LOL I CAN'T ANYMORE STOP BOASTING ABOUT GIRLNAME PISSING HERSELF OMG" He goes red in the face because this dynamite he is describing is this known fat mess, finishes with - you just wish you could perform better!
Personally I don't get it. I don't understand how some ladies are pissing themselves when cumming. A female orgasm function is to increase conception, the muscles contract to encourage sperm to flow to the egg, opposite direct of pissing. It sounds like this girls think the sensation is pushing a stream of piss out. Please love yourselves and learn how to get off properly. The only wetness should be coming from your vagina and that's to lube yourself up. Remember the vagina can widen to let a skull pass through it, but it cannot contort itself to fire a stream of piss.
Porn is a fucking nightmare. My ex was into porn. I found granny porn on his history too. He was shite at fingering too.
>>81320100% this. It's easy to spot those that are ruined by porn. My nipples get hard from stimulation, the cold or even fabric irritating it. I'm not turned on, why is a breast sexual, it's for feeding an infant? Is this why so many men have matron fantasies, my ex with the granny porn really scarred me lmao.
Women do not ejaculate. Some appear to piss themselves, even poop! They must think the sensation to push out is an orgasm. How? How did you get so stupid?
No. 81356
>>81354sorry to be a bitch but you sound fucking stupid.
>why is a breast sexual it's for feeding kids…because the only things that are sexual have to do with child rearing/bearing because that's what sex is for.
No. 81380
>>81356on that topic, does anyone else get a mild sensation in their nipples when they're horny sometimes? It's hard to explain but it's somewhat nice and the fact that it often happens when I'm horny makes things like nipple sucking appealing. I don't think it's psychosomatic/porn brainwashing either because it would even happen back when I was a young fujo and generally uncomfortable with the concept of straight sex
>>81354you know a lot of girls also find breasts really genuinely sexy right? sexual attraction doesn't need to follow perfect direct reproductive logic all the time. It's all there for reproductive purposes, but it doesn't all work out perfectly literally.
No. 81382
>>81380I was originally agreeing with the poster that mentioned how erect nipples mirror the thinking of an erect penis and that our breasts and vaginas must work the same as a male penis.
read context. I like when my boyfriend sucks my nipples too but I'm not going to kid myself and say my breasts get horny for him.
No. 81592
>>81588if your discharge is watery you can still have a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. Did you have your period?
You could also react allergic to tampons or a washing detergent.
Visit a gynecologist.
No. 81595
>>81592Yes I did have my period.
I don't use tampons but I'm thinking it could be the detergent as I'm trying a new one. I never had this happen before but I do tend to react to soaps and cosmetics easily. I started to swell and redden up within the few hours of not have a pad lining anything. I'm not going to turn my head to an infection though. I'll try booking an appointment if within the next few days it doesn't get better. I'll try using a different detergent too to eliminate that possibility.
I want to add on here as well that I frequently change my pads as well because I have a very heavy period.
No. 81931
>>81826I'm sorry you were raised that way. Like the other anon asked, have you read any pornographic lit? There's a lot of fanfiction out there that is actually really effective. Also, for some women, the mood really matters. Maybe turn the lights down, light some candles, run a bath, and get settled in to the warm water. Or have a glass of wine to loosen up and prop yourself up on pillows. Try different positions, take it slow, don't stress out and try not to get frustrated. Is there any celebrities you've crushed on before? Any men in your life you could visualize?
If all of the above doesn't help, you should go to your doctor just in case.
No. 82020
>>82010It's called vaginismus and it isn't that your vagina is too tight. It's that the muscles aren't being relaxed that allow penetration to be possible.
t. someone who suffers from the same condition
No. 82021
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>>82020Same anon here, here is a good representation of what it looks like:
For me, it's likely psychological because I was abused as a child and I had strict parents. Also, it only occurs for me when I've tried penetrative intercourse and it's the same thing; it's like a wall, even with a fuckload of lube (not that my vagina doesn't get wet). I once told the person penetrating me to try to get past my vadge anyway and he ended up with a fucked foreskin that was all cut up.
For you, it could be you have oversensitive vaginal nerves near its opening since it happens with anything inserted in your vagina. I'll post more useful graphics related to this :^)
No. 82022
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>>82021also, it hurt like hell for the guy, obviously.
The cycle of why vaginismus is difficult to treat is pictured. It can be treated, though; go to your gynecologist and she will likely recommend you to use dilators that increase in size over time so you can insert a tampon in.
No. 82039
>>82021the first time i tried to have sex his dick wouldnt go in at ALL not even the tip. not only was i nervous as hell but also getting frustrated and embarrassed about the whole thing, which made it worse.
the second time we tried it did go in after like a whole hour of trying but it hurt like a motherfucker for me the whole time, he also did the same thing i just told him to push anyways but he was circumcised. i think if he werent the same thing as that guy would have happened because it was tiiiite as fuck. and the pain was unbearable.
now when i have sex it does hurt at first, like it almost burns but then it subsides a bit and can have sex with minimum pain (it doesnt really goes away)
my issue with sex is that i dont feel pleasure, i just feel nothing except the dick going in and out and that little amount of pain. i do notice my mind going "somewhere else" while in the middle of it, like i feel disconnected. idk it's pretty frustrating to say the least. i dont have trauma of that kind, i dont think. but i always had issues with sex and intimacy so idk.
No. 82282
>>82266Why did squirting become so mainstream and normalized? I was reading smut the other day and it had the girl ejaculate. Took me right out of the story because ew, why, how? It’s like the female orgasm isn’t good enough so we have to make it more male like? Or men had to have a physical thing as proof that a woman came? Or what??
And then it just infected porn and Internet forums to the point where women are writing stories for other women and including it. Which makes no sense whatsoever to me because you’d think they’d know what was going on down there, unless they’re turned on by it too?
So many questions.
No. 82294
>>82284IA, it doesn't feel like pissing, it doesn't come out of the urethra, and it doesn't smell like piss. It smells exactly like Scotch tape, kek. Also, it's completely clear like water, and slightly… viscous? Like just a little tiny bit slippery. Less so than a water-based lube or something, but more so than piss or water.
I have no doubt that there's fake squirting in porn though.
No. 82301
>>82294This. I don't even squirt myself but it has been proved that it's not piss and it doesn't come from the bladder. Piss and squirt share some similar elements, but so do coffee and water and they are completely different. But I am with you, there are probably a lot of fake squirting videos that is just piss because well, that's way easier anyway. No wonder a lot of dudes (and girls) confuses it for actual pee.
>>82282Some people just like it. Also, some people like to visualize things, not necessarily because it's more "male-like". Like seeing their partners faces and body language and whatnot. I guess squirting is a big visual thing after all lol
No. 82307
>>82282Insecure women fetishising it and pretending it’s some special fluid from a nonexistent gland and they just orgasm better.
Ten years ago it was a weird anomaly and now it’s a staple in porn and you’re treated like a Victorian prude for not doing it. There’s even tutorials out there as if it was a desirable skill.
Typically dudes know even less about female anatomy than women donand totally believe that women have the anatomy required to shoot fluids and probably assume it’s the same fluid as ones natural lubricants.
Similar to fat activism but not as socially acceptable to discuss. Cam girls had a lot to do with it iirc.
TLDR ignorance and shame made it a hobby.
No. 82319
>>82311I don’t have a hate boner for larger women, just groups of people that try and turn insecurity into a movement that primarily shames anyone who doesn’t share their insecurity.
I’m saying the groups are similar in that they seek to normalise, and make desirable, a trait that is typically not normal or desirable, and that the most vocal of them do so by layering false pity or straight up cry ignorance to anyone who disagrees with their little agenda.
Sorry your feelings got hurt the minute the word fat was used. It’s a descriptor not an insult fam.
No. 82366
>>82339Yeah, I have long gross labia, had it since 12 or younger. No guy has ever commented on it, and I've fucked scumbags who would have used it against me if they thought it was gross.
I'm getting labiaplasty one day, because I can't deal with it even if others do not care.
No. 82374
>tfw arousal has been fucked since teens bc of meds
I just want to have a fucking orgasm. I'm edging on 23 and I'm, like, pretty ashamed that it hasn't happened. Not even ashamed tho. Super fucking annoyed.
Masturbating bores the shit out of me. I have never been turned on by fantasizing. I can touch myself for an hour and just be so fucking bored by it. I just don't get aroused by being touched (hard, soft, whatever- none of it is sexy ((bc meds fucking up nerves))). Visual porn doesn't turn me on either. Reading is better- but, then when I go to touch myself, it takes me out of the moment I had and godfuckingdamn I am so annoyed.
I've had sex- I fucking love PIV… like, I may not be super aroused enough but lube me up and fuck me and I'm instantly hot. PIV is great. BUT. Like, it ends up being something that kind of hurts? Not in the way that it's too dry or too hard or anything– more in like, it's too much stimulation? Maybe? I don't fucking know. But, then when it gets to that hurt-y/too much place, I obviously stop PIV and end up annoyed because then arousal drops to the negatives.
Is it possible to have orgasms without knowing? Like. I don't want an earth shattering pornstar moment- I just want to know wtf an orgasm feels like. ugh.
meds are so good for my brain but so bad for my sex life and it makes me angry and annoyed and goddamn I just want to cum. I want my nerve endings to respond properly and I want PIV to stop being so overstimulating.
tldr; nerve endings are so dull bc of brain meds from early on except vaginal, but when doing any kind of PIV I get super overstimulated and need to stop- and then become insta-unaroused.
No. 82387
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>>82366Top row, second from the left is most similar to how I look except my outer lips are a bit puffier… and I still hate how it looks tbh. I know there is no surgery to fix my dislike, I just don’t like how vaginas look in general. As long as I’m healthy down there, I don’t think about it. Are you sure you’d be happier with it looking different?
No. 82389
>>82387I mean, you have the perfect vulva then, if you had a huge fluttering bat-winged vulva like me, you would know. Same as someone with a huge honking beak of a nose knows they will feel better after rhinoplasty, or someone with rock-in-a-sock tuberous breasts knows they will feel better after breast augmentation. If your appearance borders on a deformity, you just know that having it fixed will make you feel more comfortable.
I do not find all vulvas ugly. My issue isn't because I have a vulva, it is strictly the appearance of mine. Seeing before and afters similar to how mine looks and knowing what is attainable makes me happy. So yeah, I'm pretty sure it would make me happier in that aspect of my life.
No. 82419
>>82404I think you've got a mental block on PIV because I can't fathom how you can get off via anal but not when the dick is in the vagina where the stimuli is.
I had a terrible ex once, started out fine fucking, he could get me off fingering (he wouldn't go down) and that was it. After a while I couldn't even take his dick, he told me I had vaginismus but I didn't. I was just not into him and my body could figure it out quicker than my head.
I've had plenty of amazing PIV and PIV orgasms away from him. I think a lot of an orgasm has to just do with how you personally feel.
Just by your saying it's sore after 15 minutes of action, sounds like the dude is just going ham on you and you're letting him. Try and adjust his rhythm and slow him down by using your own body. It's usually when I slow my partner down that I'm about to cum and he's use to it now that he knows not to get too excited and start thrusting like a mad man but ride it out lol.
No. 82423
>>82419Tbh I do think I'm kinda scared of PIV, because of my miserable sex history, my first bf had a really big penis and he would never do any kind of foreplays so my first sexual experiences were very painful. Luckily it was a LDR so I didn't have to have sex too often.
My second relationship was with a guy willing to do a lot to please me but unfortunately he was shit at everything (would lick me for 40 min but not take instruction and I never came), he also never washed his dick and constantly gave me UTI, I begged him to get his penis checked for some sort of infection but he refused because he didn't want a doctor to touch his penis… So yeah I think I have this idea of PIV = pain / UTI. On the other hand I masturbated analy since I was a teen and I guess it's a safe space for me? It doesn't hurt and I can't get any sort of infection from it so it's not stressful.
Idk what to do about it tho.
No. 82425
>>82423I mean…you CAN get many infections from anal, aids being one of them, infected rips/cuts being another. But, I totally understand your aversion to PIV after what you wrote. I think other Anon
>>82419 is very correct and it's all about the right partner. It isn't supposed to hurt. If it does, it's the partner's fault, as he's the one servicing that part. It's designed for peni to go in and baby to come out. It's super functional. Just a shame men don't know what to do with it sometimes.
No. 82712
>>82710Five days and you’re bringing it back up. You dig through five days of posts just to show how mad you stayed over a throwaway comparison in a meaningless thread.
Who’s insecure here?
No. 83373
>>71573Not sure if this belongs here or in the masturbation thread but here goes: I can't (or very very rarely) climax during sex unless I am masturbating. My boyfriend is great in bed, but I can't get off unless I 'help out'
Any ladies experienced this?
Some background: I have a weird relationship with sex and was molested when I was younger (surprise, surprise) My speculation is that I still need to be "in control" in order to feel comfortable enough to climax. It makes my bf kind of insecure but it's not about him lol
No. 83529
>>83373Like the previous anons said, it's normal. Kind of sad that this still isn't common knowledge, but the majority of women experience sexual pleasure this way.
I've never been molested or anything and as long as I have been masturbating I have absolutely never been able to orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone though I can make myself cum in just a couple of minutes from rubbing my clit.
No. 83768
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Does anyone have any tips for preventing UTIs? I feel like I'm always on the verge of getting one, especially after sex. I always pee and clean myself up after sex (and I make my bf do the same). I drink at least 3L of water daily and I take probiotics. I only wear cotton underwear. Nothing seems to help and I'm not sure why.
No. 83777
>>83768Finally my bitch of a chronic illness is useful
I have interstitial cystitis and there would be times where I would knocked the fuck out for months by it. Is your uti like, do you feel it up in your abdomen/bladder or right down by your opening?
Mine is the latter and I recommend cystopurin, peeing for a second longer than usual to make sure it's all out, but strictly not sitting on the toilet any longer than that even if it feels helpful. Also, sitting on a hot water bottle or ice pack, and the best relief ever for me is to just fucking turn my vibrator on and sit on it and read a book. Distracts from the horrible sensation down there enough to think straight.
No. 83916
>>83768I actually came here to pose that same question! I feel like I just have these chronic, recurring UTIs these days. It feels like I can just breathe the wrong way and get one. Just the other day, I was thinking about how I haven't had one in about a month or two, and this evening I got that burning, tugging feeling when I went to pee. Thankfully I have some leftover antibiotics from my last UTI to tide me over until tomorrow when I can go to the doctor.
Does anyone know if women with IUDs are more susceptible to UTIs? Because during the 2 months I went without birth control between getting my Skyla taken out and my Kyleena put in, I didn't have any UTIs. Then I got another the same week I got my Kyleena put in.
No. 83920
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>>83768I can attest to coconut water. It's a natural diuretic and very popular in the philippines for preventing utis.
Here's an article explaining a little bit about it:
Another one that I've had success with when I already had a uti is oregano oil. I just read about it on some home remedies list and I happened to have some and my uti cleared up faster than normal for me. Googling it now it seems it can also help prevent them.
No. 84454
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>>84453Probably not, but I'd be a little concerned about the lack of breathability caused by the adhesive and plastic backing.
Would you ever try cloth liners? I use them daily and they are not only breathable, but super fun and cute. And you'll save money in the long run.
No. 84511
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>>84505They have wings that are held together by plastic snap buttons, k-snaps to be exact. You can also get metal ones. Snug underwear is a must for keeping cloth pads in place.
>>84508They feel amazing and way more comfortable than normal pads because they are breathable and made of the same material as your underwear. You won't get swamp crotch in hotter weather, and they're great for anyone prone to yeast infections or sensitive to the bleaching agents used in regular pads. You can get them in amazing materials like bamboo velour, crushed velvet, minky, cotton, jersey knit, pique. In any pattern, any absorbency, any length, even custom shapes and sizes to suit your particular needs. They can be incredibly thin if that's your preference, not bulky at all, and they don't show through your clothes.
I love cloth pads and can't recommend them enough.
No. 84512
>>84511Excuse me for sounding dumb I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to fabric pads.
But how long can you wear them before changing? Same as regular pads?
Just wondering what to do with them if you gotta change it while at work. Where do you put them? Asking myself the same question when it comes to moon cups.
I mean I would feel really uncomfortable washing the in the sink when there is a risk of coworkers coming by.
No. 84518
>>84512You can wear them for as long as you're comfortable, they hold as much or more as regular pads. For work/public spaces, you just carry a waterproof wetbag, fold the soiled pad in half and pop it in there until you can get home. And no, it won't smell at all, nor will it make your purse smell.
>>84513Synthetic fabrics (minky, velvet, suedecloth) are not recommended for hot days, but they can be quite nice in cooler temperatures. Bamboo and cotton velours are organic and breathable, they won't lead to swamp crotch at all. That said, generally in hotter temps you'd stick to cotton, jersey or pique (the latter two are moisture-wicking).
The snaps do not show through clothing, least of all jeans. And they smell far less than regular pads, which are made of plastic and allow for no airflow at all. I'm not 'shilling' btw…they're certainly not for everyone and I know that. To be fair, I will list some downsides: high upfront cost, not knowing what works for you and having to deal with lots of trial-and-error, the hassle of reselling pads you didn't like, and the chore of soaking and washing pads.
If getting up close and personal with your own blood squicks you out, cloth pads and especially menstrual cups are not for you.
No. 84535
>>84518Synthetic fur is never going to be a great thing to have on your crotch all day, even if it’s chilly outside. Fabric does not make odors disappear so they are going to smell exactly like a pad. Again, if someone wants to use them, get a Tupperware box or a ziplock baggie.
Snaps will absolutely show through leggings unless the woman wearing them has very little or no space between her legs. If you’ve got any sort of gap, there will be bumps. That’s how little hard lumps of plastic are.
You seem almost personally upset that there’s been criticism of fabric pads. I’ve had to use them for menstruation before because of growing up very poor. It’s not that great. A heavy flow will absolutely leak through because they have no plastic lining.
As a panty liner, sure. Save your money and the environment, but buyers should be aware that very thin fabrics cannot absorb much, and that cotton, jersey, linen, or flannel cannot prevent any sort of odor any more than a regular pair of panties.
No. 84559
Why have you lost you period? And why would that make you miss it? I don’t feel feminine when I’m on mine. I feel my worst.
No. 84571
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>>84535I'm not personally affronted at all, I conceded that cloth pads are not for everyone and they absolutely have disadvantages when compared to normal pads. The snaps really don't show through leggings, the snaps go right between your legs, not near your butt or your front…so unless you're wearing very sheer tights with your crotch near someone's face, they're not going to see anything, lol.
I think you had a bad experience and thus a bias against cloth pads due to the options available to you while growing up. The ones you used were probably bulky and uncomfortable compared to the options available from luxury brands like Novel Red or Etsy sellers like Yurtcraft or Beach Bottom (pic related). It doesn't smell like anything, regular pads smell far worse.
You can get heavy and post-partum pads with waterproof lining. Also, the fabric topper is not the absorbent part lol, you can choose from a variety of absorbent cores. Common ones are Zorb (used in cloth diapers), heavy bamboo fleece, cotton flannel, terry, and hemp fleece.
Anyhoo, I'll be around to answer anyone's questions about cloth pads if they have any. Happy to discuss the downsides as well.
No. 84582
>>84577It can be a multitude of reasons. It could be a lack of nutrition, over exercising, stress (ironically), or a hormonal imbalance as the most common ones. If you can I say talk to your doctor and get a blood test to double check nutrition and hormone levels. Also to look at your exercise schedule and see if you're pushing your body too far.
The final thing it could be, which I hope it isn't, is you being very underweight. Anorexic girls for example will miss their period or potentially lose it all together. I hope this helps a bit and you can figure out your issue soon. Hopefully it's also nothing serious which it totally can be, I just wanted to list the serious stuff as well just so you had the information and do potentially get it checked out
No. 84601
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Does anyone else notice during their most fertile week that a lot of discharge comes out during bowel movements?
It's only during that one week each month, and there is no infection or other issue as far as I know.
No. 84666
Maybe a little off-topic but does anyone else have trouble feeling arousal? I used to get turned on but after being sexually abused when I was in my early teens I've never been able to feel it as strongly, only very faintly at the most. Have any of you had success with therapy or any other methods of restoring libido?
>>84664There's nothing to worry about, really. You just have to learn to trust your birth control and like other anon said just keep up with regular hygiene. You've already taken every precaution you can, enjoy yourself!
No. 84694
>>84666I do, too. I think it was because I was taking anti-depressants when I was pubescent, my libido was suppressed and I didn't even have a sexual awakening until I was 18. Even now I only really feel aroused when I'm ovulating. I'm not sure how to fix it, maybe therapy or something like
>>84667 suggested?
No. 84914
>>84847try any gentle face cream that contains niacinamide. it's a natural bleaching agent that discourages the growth and spread of pigment cells/melanin. it should be safe to use externally, such as the inner thigh area, but i wouldn't put it directly on the labia because who knows if the cream will migrate internally and cause irritation.
alternatively you could just learn to live with it…pretty much every human has darker skin on the pubic area and around their butthole, and who is going to be looking at your labia and butthole anyway? just your partner and your doctor, both of whom won't judge you for a little uneven skintone.
No. 85064
>>84665>>84666>>84692Well,the thing is,my SO is a transgirl. I'm reassuring myself since she is taking eostrogens and the likes,which makes her,well,pretty unfertile. And given I take birth control I should be good for good but i'm just always anxious. Thanks for the help gals!
>>84847Seconding,I got the same kind of vag but boy is it dark on the lips
No. 85188
>>85152>>85182Whatever you guys say.
Not a fetish. Just ok with using her D but not really liking it. If it was a fetish she wouldnt be on transition since her young teen years. Sissies and shit just discredit real transpeople (which are like,1% of the whole trans comm). I used to think like you guys before i met her tho so heh.
>>85109She'll be going to the best surgeon. Those other just settle for cheap shit and end up with an axe wound.
In any case, not gonna shit up the thread any more. Thank you for your advice.
And yes,
>>85086 I am quite young and inexperienced still. I guess I'll learn.
No. 85189
>>85107Could be. The burning lasts maybe a day and the doesn't come back until the next period.
I loath tampons but if the testing doesn't show anything, I'll try them.
No. 85274
>>85064>Well,the thing is,my SO is a transgirl. Logistically, it doesn't matter. A penis is a penis is a penis.
You should still talk about what you would do in the case of an oopsie, and don't rely on your partner's assumed infertility for contraception.
No. 85276
>>85188How in the world could somebody who claims they feel like a woman and would be dysphoric from their penis, have no problem with using said penis? Why would they have no issue with ejaculating in a woman when that's something that literallh only men can do.
You're dating somebody who has some serious mental illnesses and is takng their fetish way too far.
No. 85295
>>85097i think that happens to most women, it's most likely just irritation from tampons or pads. you can try cups or cloth pads if you feel comfortable enough doing so and see if it's of any help, a lot of pad/tampon companies have harsh chemicals in their products
>>84847this won't be what you want to hear probably but i don't recommend doing anything to it, anon. it's completely normal for skin to be darker there than it is on other parts of your body and most likely isn't a sign of a health issue so it'll do you more good to accept it the way it is
No. 85446
>>71573>>83768cranberry pills can help
also: clean your genital area with water only, dry with a blow drier, pee every 2 hours aprox. never hold in pee!
And when you pee, make sure every drop is released… if there's residue it can contribute
If you do all of these and still get many (confirmed and separate) UTI's, maybe you need to see a specialist.
No. 85823
>>85822Depends. You technically aren't supposed to use it around your genitals. However, I use sensitive skin nair there all the time, like once every few weeks. Only one time I had issues because I left it on too long (longer than 10 min, NEVER leave it on longer than that, I advise 5 min and give yourself an additional 5 to wash it off completely, this is where I fucked up) - nothing happened to my vag, but outer labia was kind of oozing blood for a few hours after. It healed up fine but it sucked.
So, YMMV. I won't recommend other people do it, I've just been doing it for years so I know how my skin reacts to it.
No. 86231
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has anyone here ever been so unsatisfied with the appearance of their labia that they have literally contemplated mutilating themselves over it? because they couldnt afford surgery? i remember a few years ago i read this odd article/blog post about a body modification artist doing a labiaplasty on herself (though she said she could barely walk for a few weeks)…
i hate how mine look, mine are bigger&darker than average. it doesnt even matter if they're technically 'normal' because men are exposed to so much porn nowadays that i doubt mine would look normal or attractive to them in comparison. what if i were to become intimate w/ a man but he saw how it looked and backed out? has that happened to anyone?
pretty sure this self hatred that has been with me throughout childhood prevented me from ever developing a sex drive
No. 86246
>>86231Anon this sorta makes me sad. You could have labia longer than your fingers and you’d still deserve to feel okay and not be held back sexually. Tbh if a dude watches so much porn he’s freaked out by labia that aren’t porn perfect he’s probably spent so long watching porn instead of being with humans that he’s not worth the time.
Labia aren’t ever exactly pretty, but you’re not deformed or a freak or hideous and I really really hope you never act on the desire to mutilate.
No. 86251
>>86231Men will fuck you anyway.
Imo it's a bit like the saggy boob issue; sure there's a lot of perky, fake boobs in porn but plenty of men are realistic about what the average pair of boobs are like. They don't really care if your boobs sag, just like how they don't care if you've got some extra vag beef.
And usually the guys who squeal and judge about those things are neurotic as fuck.
No. 86894
>>86829I used to shave everything, and it was awful and I just ended up with ingrowns. Now, I just trim for comfort and shave the bikini line. My boyfriend is fine with it; he's realistic about hair removal's practical elements.
Someday, I would like to get laser hair removal to cut down on how ling my showers take.
No. 86897
>>86829I don't shave anything and trim occasionally. My boyfriend cares more about my armpit hair witch begrudgingly epilate now.
fully bald just seems very infantile to me, If a guy only found that attractive it would creep me out.
No. 86911
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>>86829I find bald pussy extremely weird looking and bald dick are downright ugly IMO. So I trim my hair and shave / wax what goes past my pantyline but that's it. From time to time I'll take the hair off my vulva but I will keep a little triangle on top (I think it fits perfectly with a woman body shape), but that's it. I'll never be in a relationship with a dude that has any kind or requirement regarding my body hair, I'm super anal about it because I'm sadly prone to UTI and shaving down there make them appear more often, I would get so butthurt if I shaved my genitals to please a man and got a UTI right after, and probably would hold it against him.
>>86909Speaking about men's taste and expectation, every single subreddit dedicated to pussy's top post are bald innies and it makes me feel like shit about me body. I don't even have big protruding labia minora but I stil get upset everytime I read or hear someone say they prefer "clean" looking pussy. Do they realize they're implying having some lips down there looks dirty? It's so cruel.
Pic related .
No. 86916
>>86829i'd prefer to leave some hair but i'm terrible at shaving and can't make it look even and tidy. i don't find a completely bald pubic area that attractive but it's better than a lopsided patch left, so i always end up just shaving more and more until it's all gone. if i go to get waxed, which i hardly ever do, i ask her to leave a patch still
i find it uncomfortable on myself but i love the look of a real 70s style bush. i hate those "real women have _____" style memes but the further out of my teens i get, the more womanly and appealing i find not being fully shaved
No. 87046
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does anyone here have like a fat pussy? a fat mons pubis? Even when I was at my skinniest 60kg 132lbs it was still fat. I really fucking hate it and get depressed and confused when I see completely flat pussies. Men probably think its horrid
No. 87047
>>87046>Men probably think its horridMaybe the ones who expect porno pussies. And when are guys like that not douches about everything?
Other than that, no.
Plenty of guys have a fat pubic region as well, it doesn't make them automatically disgusting and it doesn't for you either.
No. 87048
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>>87046When you say fat pussy do you mean a simp? Meaning pussy lips so thick that they look like homer simpson's mouth? (pic related)
If yes, know that a lot of men are into it.
No. 87282
>>87278A cake is cake. You wanna eat it even if it’s a bit smushed or it doesn’t have pretty decorations.
Same with your vagina.
Sorry to rely on food as an analogy for a woman’s body but the same goes for dick too tbh. Superficial things about how it looks matters far less than how it feels and tastes and performs. Guys who care so much about how it looks are probably virgins using a flesh light which is manufactured to be “perfect.” Dont take them seriously.
No. 87322
>>86231this is messed up but it actually makes me feel comforted that someone has felt the same thing as me. every time i look at my labia i think about how i should literally cut them off myself (i won't, don't worry). i've thought about that since i hit puberty..
i have had a meltdown in front of my partner because of the way my inner labia look, can't even enjoy oral because i'm too caught up in my own head. its totally irrational because no one cares that much about it, but it's my biggest body insecurity
No. 87778
>>87286It's a late answer but nappy creams and medicated creams in general work wonders. I'm an UK anon so for me it's stuff like Sudocrem or Bepanthen
You just have to reapply it pretty often for the first week after you shaved
No. 87825
>>87781this was actually my first time shaving, before I always used Nair. considering going back if this happens every time
>>87784>>87778thanks anons!
No. 87836
>>87825If Nair works for you, you can keep doing that.
For shaving, shave with the grain, with a sharp razor. If you are ok with a less close shave, you can use an electric razor.
No. 87908
>>87857Have you been dieting? This can cause amenorrhea, even without malnourishment.
There are plenty of foods that can do what you want.'ve used lavender tea, too, but that working might just be dumb luck. If you have white shorts or something, try wearing those out to a social event.
No. 87965
>>87962I think if the issue for you is comfort and not just looks, surgery is worth discussing with a professional.
It’s not something to take lightly, but if you’re experiencing daily discomfort or pain then the benefits may outweigh the risks.
Your situation is pretty much the most legitimate reason to get this type of surgery, and it’s worth researching it.
It really depends on how you personally weight up and benefit/risk ratio but at the end of the day constant discomfort is a good reason to look into surgery.
If it was for purely aesthetic reasons most here would absolutely advise against it because it’s uneccessary.
No. 89429
I'm a virgin in the sense that I've never had PIV sex, because until recently, I've not really had the chance or desire to. I'm now at the stage where I do have the desire to, and the guy I'm seeing atm wants it too, but we're struggling. I've never fingered myself before because, idk, it just never occurred to me to do it. Additionally I've never used tampons because I'm quite small so as a young teen I didn't want to hurt myself.
He wants me to loosen myself by fingering myself, but I can't do it. I struggle to get wet enough to do it and when I am wet enough, I can't get a finger in because I don't like the feeling. When he's fingered me, using just 1 finger, it's hurt, but I didn't mind because it was him doing it and not me. But now he's getting upset with me because we both obviously want to have sex but he says we can't until I'm regularly fingering myself. So I'm not sure where I can go from here.
No. 89431
>>89429WTF that's stupid. Your vagina doesn't get bigger/wider from fingering anon. Does your boyfriend get you wet? Because if not that's
his problem. No one will be able to push a penis inside you unless you are wet.
Let's be honest, he probably sucks at sex and wants to put it in way too early. Is he a virgin too?
No. 89480
>>89431He does get me wet, but not all the time. The first time we saw each other was amazing, there was a ton of build up, he started out just resting his hand on my leg and slowly moved towards my vagina, so the anticipation got me so wet. However since then he's tended to go straight for my clit, which doesn't do much for me. He rubs my clit quite hard as well, and doesn't keep the same rhythm, which is not only frustrating, but it hurts. He's not a virgin, and he's super sweet and always wants to make sure I'm enjoying myself, but he doesn't seem to grasp that I'm not wet enough most of the time.
>>89433Thanks anon, I will take a look at that video. I feel like we need to take it slower in the way I described to the above poster, but atm it feels like he just wants to make me cum without doing any of the foreplay.
>>89437He has actually given me head twice, but it didn't do anything for me, and I've no idea why? I know it's something I would enjoy that would feel good, but I think it was the way he was doing it? He was sort of just flicking at my clit with his tongue which does nothing for me, he didn't go anywhere else. So consequently I wasn't really wet.
No. 89482
>>89480Have you communicated these specific problems with your bf?
Also, I used to have vaginismus. You shouldn't have problems with 1 finger even if you're completely dry. I think him asking you to get comfortable fingering yourself alone is a fair thing to ask.
No. 89567
>>89453It sounds like you're in the US. Planned Parenthood might be good for a second opinion.
>>89480> However since then he's tended to go straight for my clit, which doesn't do much for me. He rubs my clit quite hard as well, and doesn't keep the same rhythm, which is not only frustrating, but it hurts. He's not a virgin, and he's super sweet and always wants to make sure I'm enjoying myself, but he doesn't seem to grasp that I'm not wet enough most of the time.Try giving instructions. It's easiest if you tell him what you want him to do instead of what you want him to stop doing.
>>89566That's totally normal! How much lubrication a woman makes depends on all sorts of things, like medications, genetics, hormones, hydration level, etc. There's nothing wrong with not being dripping wet, but you might feel better if you tell your partner you don't get very wet in general, so they don't take it personally. Keep good lube around and stay hydrated. Pedialyte or similar electrolyte beverages also help. I try to drink a minimum of 40oz of non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic liquids beforehand. But from what you describe, there is nothing wrong with you and you have nothing to be ashamed of.
No. 89589
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>>89584It might sound weird but maybe seeing other vaginas (not porn-perfect vulvas or labia, just everyday women’s genitals)
You’ll probably be surprised how many women have genitals like yours and have totally normal sex lives.
If a guy gets disgusted because your labia aren’t a specific shade of pink, he’s probably watching a lot of porn and has little, if any, real sexual experience. A man worth fucking knows that odds are, your pussy won’t look like a neat little coin purse.
Labiaplasty is expensive, wont change the pigment, and can leave you with reduced sensitivity and scarring. There’s also a risk of post surgical infection, or developing keloid scars.
No. 89616
>>89584I have had a labiplasty anon. No joke, my flaps were at least 2cm past the entrance. I was a virgin until then because I was so afraid of my future partner being disgusted with how “ugly” my vagoo was.
And I would still say it wasn’t exactly worth it. The scaring is unnatural and strange feeling. The lack of sensation isn’t as bad for me as others, but there is definitely some. The recovery is nightmarish. Using the bathroom was agony, and getting the stiches removed was so painful I passed out and they had to stop to finish another day.
Most guys honestly don’t care what your vagina looks like anyways. I’m lucky to have found someone who loves my “mess”, and so should you. There is someone out there who will worship your body anon.
Sage for blogpost
No. 89640
>>89584Have you seen what penises look like? Genitalia are weird. It's fine, you're fine, and you're normal.
>>89566>Do all women have different degrees of wetness? Like, some women get very wet while some don't? You only hear about this in black and white terms, you're either wet or not. It's never been an issue for me during sex but it still makes me insecure, since I feel like it's expected for women to be dripping. Also, is it abnormal to only get wet during oral/fingering/penetration but not during foreplay/kissing? I read things all the time about girls getting wet from just having their thighs touched and I can't understand how that could happen lol.Yes, and it's normal. Keep some body-safe lube around.
No. 89650
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Wow, it truly astonishes me that there are women who are so self-loathing they'd resort to mutilating their genitals. Like it's almost unbelievable, how does someone get to that point? That surgery sounds like it has zero benefits and is just another way for plastic surgeons to cash in on people's insecurities. I'd take meat flaps and being able to fully enjoy sex over losing sensitivity in my cooch and possible health risks anyday.
No. 89723
>>89616Anon did you get the sugery because of discomfort or insecurities?
What method did your doctor go with?
No. 89799
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>>89650Memes like these (and the male commentary which would come with them) are what made younger me start analyzing how my vag looked. Around that age I also started to explore porn and noticed that mine didn’t look quite like the others. And since I’ve matured my insecurity has reached the point to where I’ve held a razor to myself. I know I shouldn’t care what men like that think, but it gets to you.
Sorry for samefagging
No. 89802
>>89799I understand that societal pressures can be difficult to work through, but if the feeling is that extreme I doubt a surgery would fix the underlying issue with your self-esteem. That comes from within, not from validation from an outside source. Therapy would probably be a better investment than a vaginoplasty.
>>89797I naturally have a high libido, so I tend do it daily, sometimes twice a day or more. Though recently I've been cutting that down to once every few days.
>It slightly hurt, too (maybe I did it wrong?).Lol how did you do it? Did you rub your clit or finger yourself? I doubt there's a "wrong way" to masturbate but your body might have a preference for one of the two, if you get what I mean.
No. 89812
>>89797I do it daily, before bed or after getting up. If I'm hanging around the house all day, maybe 2-3 times or 1 time for an extended period. Multiple orgasms are a blessing.
I'm a horny bitch though (probably comparable to the average male's libido, down to thinking about sex all the time) so I may be irregular.
From what I've heard most women do it a couple times a week.
No. 89880
>>89797Between zero and three times a month, generally around ovulation. Being in a relationship has greatly increased my libido, but I generally have my bf get me off because I prefer that.
My bf generally masturbates in the morning and before bed most days, unless I'm over, or he's intentionally abstaining. He used to masturbate more as a teenager.
As for it hurting, do you use lube? Do you give yourself time to warm up before going at it?
No. 89882
>>89799>>89818Tbh I think most guys who make these jokes mostly do it because they want to seem cool in front of their friends/ other males, not because they actually find outtie vaginas gross. Also most of the time they are still pretty young and insecure themselves and have probably never seen a vagina in real life, so they don't know any better.
Aside from that most dicks are kinda ugly too tbh so it's not like these guys are in a position to judge your private parts anyways.
If a guy likes you and thinks you're hot, he won't give two shits about what your vagina looks like (as long as it's clean and healthy obviously), just like you won't give a shit about the looks of his dick. He probably won't even look at it too closely because he will be too distracted by other things during sex anyways.
Don't let these stupid memes made by stupid boys make you question your self worth.
No. 89918
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>>89882>Aside from that most dicks are kinda ugly too tbh so it's not like these guys are in a position to judge your private parts anyways.Never forget.
No. 89935
>>89934By fat you mean fleshy or do you mean the bone stick out?
Anyways I understand that you feel insecure about it, but I promise it's not a big deal at all, I don't even think most guys would notice something like that and if they did they would probably compliment you and want to caress it and kiss it. When people are horny they tend to get turned on by the particular things of their lover's body. I know I do and all of my partners did.
No. 89942
>>89940It's really not that bad anon, I think it can even be very sexy and sensual. You're only hurting yourself by focusing so much on that body part.
I really don't like my stomach it sticks out and since I have digestion problems it tend to get bigger after I've eaten (I look pregnant…), my bf has found a way to find it sexy, I don't get it but I think the fact that he loves me and is attracted to me makes him like even the ugly or weird things I have.
No. 91108
>>91105Implantation bleeding is usually pinkish and watery but it can differ and not everyone even has it, I had none when I got pregnant. Definitely wait until your period is about a week late and get some cheap pink dye pregnancy tests, don't blow your money on a clearblue or any blue one cause they're shit. Seriously 40 euros worth of them came out invalid for me when 2euro of pink dye sticks confirmed I was pregnant.
It really is probably just stress but I just wanted to let you know the above just in case. Good luck nonnie
No. 91119
>>91108Ill wait and see before getting the test then, thank you for the input and well wishes. I really don’t wanna blow money unnecessarily either lol.
>>91110Good to know I’m not alone. I stopped my BC a few months ago because I had to start other medication that would interfere with it. I’ve had a lot going on and have put off finding another method. My boyfriend and I use condoms 95% of the time but besides that pull out
I know that it’s stupid and unreliable but I try my best and only do this when I’m not ovulating. I also could afford to abort if necessary but would really rather not have to deal with that atm.. Getting back on BC will be put on the top of my priority list now.
No. 93750
>>93742If it is due to weight, not having it can lead to(? or be a sign of impending?) osteoporosis. I was anachan for years and didn't have one, now I have osteopenia. Could also be due to low iron intake. It can also lead to infertility though not getting it right now doesn't necessarily mean you can't get pregnant.
You don't really need to go to a gyno about the things it could be due to. A blood test and bone scan will more or less figure it out. Not getting a period was one of the big factors in me staying ill so I get that right now it doesn't seem too bad, but it will have future consequences.
No. 93769
>>93746I don't think I'm that malnourished actually, my bmi is 17,3 which is close to normal 18,5. My lack of a period could also be due to me taking antipsychotics and antidepressants, I read that can be the cause.
But yeah, my heart is not the best, I should probably get it checked out.
>>93750Wow, that sure sounds scary. I'll check that out too, thanks.
No. 93789
>>93775i mean i don't like to receive pleasure, instead i like to take it but i don't fall for the
>lel i dont need to cum to enjoy sexmeme
No. 93803
>>93792Gels and feminine washes say they're okay to use but for some women they can still fuck up their natural pH which leads to yeast infections.
So go to the doctor again clear up any current infections you may have. Don't use the gel, wear breathable underwear (like cotton) that's not too tight. Don't wear pants that are too tight either. only clean in the shower with a wet rag.
Dampness also leads to yeast infections so dry well after the shower and if your a sweaty person then throughout the day, wipe yourself dry down there.
No. 93863
>>93735Anon, I had problems too, and I was afraid I had vaginismus, but idk if I did or not. I spent a while actually afraid of my vagina. I dated (well still am) a sweet guy who was basically the same about it.
It's up to you, entirely. I ended up working all the way up to sex, and at times I think I'm a bit sensitive or tight still, but it's usually comfortable and pleasurable.
For me, it was something for him, and for myself, and it was scary. I had him with me through it, starting from essentially a fucking pen to a regular dildo/dick. In the end, I thought it was worth the pain, discomfort, and tears to be able to do that.
It is entirely up to what YOU want from everything, and if you're willing to try fighting past your fear and anxiety. That alone may be what's causing the pain.
No. 94094
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>>94063Been using pic related, works like a charm
No. 94108
>>94098Shave. Slowly, carefully, in a hot shower. Get a mirror if if helps. Imo it’s easiest to shave with one foot on the bathroom sink and one on the floor because you can see.
Most important thing is to just go slowly and carefully.
No. 94134
>>94132That doesn’t mean that regular application of soap to the vagina are good for people. You may be find but it’s still not recommended for good reasons.
Your anecdote is meaningless.
No. 94137
>>94131On your
outer labia it's fine. As in, the places where nasty bitches collect toilet paper bits and dead skin. If you don't understand the difference between putting soap
in your vagina and cleaning the area
around it then I'm sorry for you.
No. 94140
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>>94131>>94134I bet you smell like stale tuna. How did your mother not teach you to wash yourself??
I made a diagram to help everyone ITT who may be unsure of how to wash their pussy.
No. 94782
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sorry if this is really autistic but is it normal that my period is very irregular? it's more than two weeks late now and i'm getting kind of paranoid even though i'm a virgin
No. 94794
>>94790It’s very common.
What changes have occurred in diet/medications/sleep/stress/physical activity?
It’s almost definitely one of those things. Go see a gp if you skip a third cycle in a row.
No. 94796
>>94793thanks for your response anon! i'm 19, so yeah that might be it. it really is frustrating, and super annoying to keep track of even with a tracking app.
>>94794i have a pretty shitty diet so that's nothing new but i've had a ton more physical activity in the last month than before, maybe that contributes as well. thanks for the advice!
No. 94798
>>94796It’s a pain. From 14-20 I’d get mine every two or three months, then lost it totally for almost a year. I got into the habit of keeping tampons, pads, and painkillers in both handbags, schoolbag, and stashed a box of tampons in friends bathrooms just in case.
Way easier to have stuff on you all the time than trying to guess a cycle that is as arbitrary as clothing sizes. Plus it’s sorta nice to be that lady with the spare tampon when someone is caught out at work or the mall.
No. 94801
I feel like my vagina is weird. I've tried to look up pics to find something similar, and never end up with it. I asked more than one gyno, they've all been female, and they all just tell me "it's fine" but they don't tell me what it is or why it's like that.
Basically when I stretch my lips apart and try to look into my vaginal opening, there's nothing but this odd flap of skin in the way. I don't think it's my hymen? I'm far from a virgin, I've had regular sex for nearly a decade now, with dicks and dildos of various shapes/sizes. No pain during sex but guys have universally marveled at how "tight" I am, saying it's unreal, surprised it doesn't hurt me, etc. Dicks/sex toys don't hurt, but the smallest speculum at the gyno DOES hurt like a motherfucker. Could my hymen just kind of be there hanging out like the flap of a cat/dog door??? It's so weird.
No. 94815
>>94801fun fact, my cervix is sideways and pushes up to the front so all those little nerve endings are basically right at the front instead of further back
pros- i cum super easily, and am even more likely to have inner vaginal orgasms than clitoral which i dont care for
cons- it takes a little bit longer for my boyfriend to find the right angle to stick his penis in me without it being uncomfortable and almost painful
apparently its more common than people know
tldr it could just be your cervix is tilted or further down thus causing some of the skin or nerve tissues to be pushed up more towards the actual opening
no big deal
No. 94822
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>>94821The donut shape, I've actually seen diagrams like that, for leftover hymen tissue. Pic related. Mine doesn't even have a donut hole or any hole, just skin, can't see inside at all unless there's a sepculum involved. From my pov when just spreading my inner labia, it looks most similar to the imperforate hymen in this diagram, but if that were the case I'd have serious issues like an inability to menstruate normally, and I don't have that issue.
No. 94823
>>94822I have the same thing! I used to be super freaked out when looking with a mirror and thought I had some kind of vag tumor
I can feel it push against my finger and so on but it's never caused pain
No. 94825
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>>94822i don't think i explained it in an understandable manner so i drew a diagram, hope that's better. it's like this fleshy semi-circular flap with a dip in the middle. is that maybe like the hymen but scrunched up and with an almost-perforation in the middle?
No. 94831
>>94823DUDE I thought mine was a tumor too when I was younger. I remember asking the gyno if it was some horrible abnormality/cancerous when I first went forever ago and they assured me it wasn't, just never said what exactly. I guess we're vag sisters lol! It's cool to know there's someone else with the same thing!
>>94825This is really illustrative. I've never seen that in any diagram. I'm gonna guess it's all leftover hymen, like for all three of us talking here. But wouldn't it hurt if it WAS a hymen remnant? Why is this so hard to figure out? I'm guessing you both have seen a gyno at least once for a pelvic exam.
It's really irritating that it's apparently so common to have stuff like this, but also so common for gynos to just keep us in the dark about it. Just hearing "you're fine and normal" really isn't comforting when all images you see everywhere tell you otherwise. Are they afraid to be more specific with patients about this sort of thing or what gives?
The fact that there's 3 of us here, all confused about our genitals, is kind of bullshit tbh.
No. 94870
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>>94831wow i tried to do some research for you guys and check this out. no, she's obviously not asking if it's normal to have labia, you condescending boomer.
No. 94880
>>94831diagram anon here, realistically it must be hymen remains unless we all have spouted mysterious novel tissue kek but would be nice to
actually know. tbf i haven't had a pelvic exam as I'm too young for my first mandatory one and also too retarded to go ask for one so I guess this mystery shall wait on an experts opinion for 3 more years.
i thought hymen tissue should only hurt if it is injured though? are all of us just that well lubricated lol
>>94870lmao how tf could you read the question and gather she's talking about labia? the answering person sounds straight out of 1910s not 2010s
No. 94887
>>94825Wtf, I have the exact same thing. I remember searching for it years ago and came to the conclusion that it was leftover hymen tissue. Recently I was feeling it post-sex when it was swollen and the "dip" you mentioned felt like another hole. I put my finger inside it which hurt and when I tried to search for info, I found out people can have two vaginas so I joked with my bf that I have a second vagina lol. Other than that people mentioned it being the urethra which is fucking stupid because your urethra doesn't protrude from your vaginal opening. You're probably the first person to draw this diagram, thanks for that because there's way too little information out there about female anatomy.
Another detail is that mine hurts when I pinch it, so it must be important skin. I also have really heavy periods and hormonal problems with my skin and weight etc. Maybe that's relevant idk.
No. 94888
>>94782Happened to me too recently, I missed my period for two months. It was most likely because I was in an extremely stressful situation, now it's back and regular as ever.
Don't worry about it, unless you miss it for months
No. 94930
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Does anyone's labia minora look this way? (pardon the terrible photo edit). It bothers me so much. I'm considering labiaplasty to make the sides just a solid straight shape. The bump/curve part is more sensitive than the rest, and not in a pleasure way. I'm scared though, that the procedure is super painful.
No. 95084
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This is gross but I'm too anxious to care much!
About a week ago I accidentally fell asleep wearing these tight mesh bastards, and since then I've been in itchy burning cottage cheese hell. This has happened before (generally whenever I accidentally run out of laundry and resort to this backup pair), but usually it just clears itself up in a few days. Yesterday I started noticing slightly bloody discharge when I wiped, and today I noticed a lot more of it, even though the other discharge has p much entirely cleared up and the itching is going away.
My tracking app estimates that I ovulated two days ago, and I've read that this kind of discharge can happen at this point in the cycle, but I've never experienced it before, and it could mean this itchy hell is worse than I thought. It could also mean cervical cancer, but I'm trying not to think about that.
I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, but I was wondering if anyone else has been in this situation, since that's a long time to spend with only my anxiety to talk to. Also if someone could come here and smack me for not throwing these panties out already that would be great!
No. 95086
>>95084Throw out fancy panties! They're cute, but they
hate your vagina!
You're probably going to be fine, I sometimes have bloody discharge at random times during my cycle. You already got a doctor's appointment, so that's great!
No. 95094
>>94831awww lol. I've never gone to a gyno but a long period of my tweens I was extremely distressed about it and planned a visit for my "vag cancer"
I wish this kind of stuff was put in sex ed, not just penises&periods
No. 95141
>>95086Fancy panties are going in the trash! Did it freak you out the first time it happened?
>>95126It's such a pain! I wish I could find cute cotton briefs that aren't immediately destroyed by my washing machine.
No. 96469
The men i have been with have been insecure about the randomest things
one was insecure about the fact that his penis arched a bit when erect (even though it was pretty big)
another one was insecure because his foreskin was very wrinkled
another one was insecure because he had a bad circumcision and he had a "weird" looking tiny foreskin
another one was ashamed of the color of his "head" being too dark
to name a few
men can also be very insecure about their junk
No. 96948
>>96945Well, I'm breathing like that partially because it's something else to focus on, but I still feel the pain anyway, unfortunately. When these pain issues started, I still had the same doctor and I think I was in the same mental state as always (which is slightly nervous, I guess) - I don't know if she suddenly did something differently or used a different speculum on me, but the pain shock was pretty bad (I started shaking, etc.). She just continued with the exam like nothing was happening, which I found quite disturbing, as it was obvious I was in severe pain. I have changed doctors since then because I didn't want to experience that ever again, but even though the new doctor is supposed to be more gentle according to women's reviews, I'm unfortunately not seeing much of a difference. It seems like this pain is also getting worse every year.
No. 96950
>>96945Also, I always try my best to relax (even though it's kind of difficult to do that with my legs in stirrups and all that), but the pain is there no matter what I do. I'm not aware of clenching any muscles, which makes this whole thing even more confusing. I don't know what could help at this point… It would be great if the doctors helped me figure out what's wrong instead of just shoving their tools in there like it's not a problem. It's making me more and more traumatised every time.
When I was younger, all went pretty smoothly and the exams were only slightly uncomfortable, but never painful. That's why I thought the issue might have something to do with aging and something physically changing down there.
No. 96961
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Sorry if this is a dumb question but why is it that when I orgasm, I have multiple mini orgasms afterwards and keep sort of convulsing? Like, I just get turned on all over again and instantly get a string of littler orgasms in a row. Is this normal? Am I sensitive or what?
No. 96992
>>96920It would be good to know what kind of pain you're getting. It could be that you've developed vaginismus which is super common. Also because you have a lot of stress around these exams it can make the problem much worse. Relaxing makes a whole world of difference, so perhaps talk to your doctor about ways to make yourself feel more comfortable. It may not feel like you're clenching, but if you're distressed then you will be.
Also I have pain with exams because of vulvodynia, which is two very sensitive glands at the opening. If it feels like more of an outside pain then it's definitely worth looking into. Even understanding what the problem is can help pretty much instantly, and a lot of the time there are things that you can do to help whatever it is. Perhaps speak to a psychosexual therapist to see if you can get to the bottom of it. But don't worry, things like this are super common and normal.
No. 97026
>>96992I used to have something that could probably be described as vaginismus when I started having sex (I think it was caused by me forcing myself to have sex when I wasn't actually mentally ready; also the whole relationship dynamic was pretty fucked up on many levels). It went away with time (after about half a year) and I then had no issues during gyno exams. The current pain problems started suddenly and with a doctor I'd had since the beginning - I have no idea what could've
triggered the pain, as everything seemed to be the same (my feelings, how relaxed I was, etc). It's possible that she did something wrong (used a wrong speculum size?) and now I'm reminded of this every time I go to a gyno, even if it's a different person who's supposed to be more gentle…
It's hard to describe the pain - it basically feels like I'm getting ripped open down there. It does seem to be located a bit deeper inside. It's the worst with the speculum and especially with that move that's supposed to expose your cervix. I also had vaginal ultrasounds done and those are also painful, but bearable, at least. I'll definitely need to research vulvodynia, I had no idea a condition like that even exists.
Thank you for your kind words, btw., they honestly made me feel a bit better about myself. I've been feeling pretty broken about this. The start of my sex life wasn't exactly nice and now I'm reminded of this fact every time I go see a gyno. Because of this whole issue, my relationship with my body hasn't been good and my sex life is pretty much dead. It's strange that gynos don't mention what we can do to alleviate the pain or don't say anything about vaginismus if it's so common… It should be in their own interest to make the whole process painless and not something that we would want to avoid.
No. 97088
>>97071Unfortunately anon the main thing to do here is take a test so that you can know. Most tests are good to take at the point you're at now. I recommend cheap pink dye ones and not expensive blue dye because when I was pregnant the pink ones were the only accurate ones and were like a twentieth of the price lmao.
You're just going to have to pee on a stick either way, whether you do it now or put it off, you can let us know how it goes. Good luck.
No. 97090
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It is true that drinking or eating stuff with lots of vitamin c like lemons gives you more cramps when you are on your period?
No. 97103
>>97037Oh no. Sorry to hear that, anon. Thanks for sharing.
Do you also have no idea what could have suddenly caused the pain? Had you also had no issues with gyno exams before this happened? I'm really starting to wonder if the doctors are the ones who are doing something wrong and then we are traumatised by it and clenching something without our conscious knowledge.
No. 97109
>>97071How much would it cost you to see your doctor about a prescription for a different, cheaper birth control? That should count as just a consultation, so it shouldn't cost you as much as a regular check-up. I would suggest giving them a call and asking beforehand.
Is your birth control creating a financial burden for your boyfriend? If not, he may as well continue to pay for it, as it's an issue that's involving him too, frankly, and you don't currently seem to have financial resources.
Of course, if you don't want to continue using birth control pills, that's perfectly OK too. I just want to tell you that slight bleeding or spotting at random times is pretty common, especially when you've just started taking the pills. Your organism has to get used to all these new hormones before everything gets regular. But I know it can be pretty annoying.
No. 97243
hopefully this is the right thread for this.
i've never had an orgasm, though i've been masturbating all my life. i've been on different psych meds since i was a preteen, and assume this is why. i'm sure when i was younger it was just a matter of me not knowing how to "properly" masturbate, but now that i'm grown and have a boyfriend, i'm pretty sure it's the meds. i have a magic wand i use personally, and have pretty good sex with my bf, but i still can't orgasm. i can get close, i think, but never can orgasm. is there anything i can do? i'm on quetiapine and sertraline btw. also thinking about starting birth control, so i'll definitely ask my doctor about this as well, but in the meantime was wondering if anyone here could relate
No. 97321
>>97243Genital numbness/drynesss, unability to orgasm and/or underwhelming orgasms are commom side effects for psych meds, especially SSRIs. And unfortunately,the effect still lingers even after you quit the meds. If you google 'ssri sexual dysfunction' or something,tons of research articles should pop up.
I have the same issue and I quit my meds 4ish years ago. Shit sucks, I wish I had known before going on the meds.
No. 97334
>>97243Anhedonia is the most common side-effect after nausea and somnolence/insomnia.
You use dopamine for arousal and anticipation of gratification, but you use serotonin for the actual orgasm.
SSRIs are molecules that bind to the enzymes that are responsible for the reabsorbsion°radation of neurotransmitters in the synaptic ion channels. SSRIs selectively inhibit the degradation(reuptake) of serotonin.
Now think about what happens when you basically force serotonin to stick around in the synapses and bind over and over to the 5-HT receptors in some very specific neural networks, in order to combat the symptoms of MDD for example.
The different networks that are responsible to drive home the message to initiate the orgasm (communicating via serotonin) are in long-term depression and irresponsive to your (low) serotonin levels and upregulated degradation enzymes. Their satellite cells are hogging all the action due to the effects of the SSRIs. Neurotransmitters typically need to be "cleared" from the synapses before the neuron can attempt to communicate again.
Here's the kicker. There is always the chance that the neural networks that are responsible for climax (from the serotonergic pathway to the nucleus accumbens to the parasympathetic system) can become repurposed after a prolonged period of time without relevant stimuli. You don't lose your ability to orgasm outright, you just have to reinvent the wheel all over again.
Ingesting synthetic estradiol/progesterone on top of being on an atypical dopamine agonist plus an SSRI that has an absurdly high affinity for DAT already. It will be interesting.
No. 97744
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>>97714It's above the urethra.
No. 97771
>>97746>>97756Oh my god I found it! Excuse my retardation, I don't really touch myself and never looked at my genitals before. I thought my clit was my urethra (yeah ik ik) all these years. It looked like a hole until I pulled that part back and found the clit under there. It isn't way at the top like in
>>97744 but its more in the middle like where the urethra in this chart is so that's why I was confused. Maybe you're having the same problem, 46.
No. 97773
>>97771I'm glad you found it.
>>97769Occasionally, orgasms give me cramps.
No. 97891
>>97878You could try taking Maca root powder.
It is supposed to help after getting off birth control or if you have PCOS because it helps evening out hormonal imbalances.
Personally, I take about 10-15 grams/day except when my period sets in I pause for 7 days. My period was not completely unregulary but the cycle was too long, like 30 days or even 35 days due to low estrogen/PCOS. I'm now down to 21 days!
No. 98017
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I feel like I'm running out of birth control options. Nexplanon made me bleed heavily, non-stop. I've been on 8 different birth control pills…all of them gave me yeast infections or BV.
It seems like my last effective option is an IUD. But I'm really fucking TERRIFIED of it. I've never even had a speculum done, due to panic. My OBGYN even asked me if I was raped as a child. When I read about the procedure I start getting nauseous. Wtf can I do?
No. 98019
>>98017Nuvaring, Depo, there's non pill forms. BC pills themselves don't give you yeast infections, but it can upset the hormones in your body that lead to overgrowth and yeast infections.
Have you never had a PAP before? You should really get checked up internally just to make sure nothing is wrong.
No. 98043
>>98017Well, an IUD is out of question for me too, as placing an IUD is supposedly painful/uncomfortable, and when even speculums give me quite a terrible pain, then that's no, thanks. Don't force yourself into something like this if you don't actually want to do it. You'll only get more tense and traumatized from it. Not every birth control method is for everyone.
Btw. it's rare to see that the OBGYN respects your wishes, doesn't examine you when you don't want them to and doesn't deny you birth control. What country are you from where this happens?
No. 98111
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How do you deal with severe mood swings during periods? As I’ve gotten older my periods are shorter, but right before it starts and during it I get very depressed and irritable. I tell myself that it’s just a few days and I’ll be back to normal but I’m worried about how it could effect work or relationships.
I read articles that some people take a iron/calcium vitamin during their periods and they help a bit
No. 98116
>>98111Iron definitely helps with the fatigue, which was a problem for me on my period. I also take B vitamins regularly and that seemed to help a bit.
I've heard evening primrose helps with with mood swings and basically all other side effects of. I have yet to try it though since iron does it for me.
No. 98899
>>98898I heard some stories of it happening just when the wrong nerve is
triggered during sex (although the cause is apparently usually psychological or from brain/spinal damage).
I'm always stressed about health issues in general though.
No. 98905
>>98899It's been an hour since I posted this and I had a session with myself before then. I…still have that sensitive near-orgasm feeling.
Have my fears been realized? Of course this would happen to me.
Is this normal? Has anyone else ever felt very aroused even an hour after the fact? Or is it just in my head because I stressed myself about it and I'm tired?
No. 98922
>>98201I'd call bullshit on your bf trying to tell
you when you've orgasm'd. Other anons described it well.
No. 98941
>>98906>>98914>>98921I slept and now that I'm sane I realize I probably have a UTI. It's just the more likely issue lmao.
I haven't had one in a decade so I forgot what they felt like. And my hypochondriac ass wanted it to be incurable! As always!
No. 98974
>>98944I think I can answer this. I had this going on for years and was shamed into thinking I had an STD despite tests saying I didn't, which I don't. I stopped having sex because it seemed to aggravate it. Went to my doctors last year after being sick of being scared of them reappearing and he told me it could be to do with my contraception. I'm on the implant and as my periods are very on and off with it, he said it could be due to a spike and drop of hormones causing me to get dry and wet and sensitive down there. He gave me some steroid cream and they haven't been back since. It is called Daktacort which is a mild hydrocortisone 1% cream. Maybe see if you can get your hands on some.
If you get some, don't wash with soap or anything overly fragranced to give your skin some time to calm down, dry yourself off and then apply the cream. Stick with cotton underwear and see how you go. Took me about 2 weeks for them to completely go but it has seriously helped!
No. 98996
>>98972nah, i’ve started just dabbing after i pee as a habit since when they’re really flared up it hurts to wipe normally.
>>98974and that i’ll def look into. i’ve wondered if it’s hormone related before cuz i do feel like i’m dry a lot of the time. i’ve thought about trying those vaginal moisturizers just to see what would happen. i feel like at this point anything could be worth a try.
No. 99198
>>99192sounds like what i get from my iron deficiency anemia. it gets bad around my period cause i'm expelling blood. some women just get it during their periods too.
that'd be the first place i'd look if i were you though.
No. 99200
>>99131I have the same thing, it's normal i guess? I never mentioned it to my gyno, but she told me everything's fine
Are you using lube/lubed condoms? I noticed it balls up when mixed with lube
No. 99201
>>99134 says basically. The consistency and colour of your cervical mucus varies depending on the phase of your cycle. The Billings ovulation method focuses on that so if you're interested in it, you could search for that.
You probably just happen to have a bit more discharge. If there's no unusual smell to it and it's white and you don't have any other symptoms, it should be fine.
>>99192Might be due to muscular tension. Many women get shoulder pains after an laparoscopy of the uterus because the gas puts pressure on a nerve in the uterus that's connected with the shoulder.
Is it like a sharp pain that you get while taking deep breaths? Or is it more like a constant pain?
No. 99231
>>99198Ah yeah, I've had friends who had period specific anemia too but we never really got into conversation about it so I hadn't thought of that possibility just from the pain.
>>99201I tend to have trouble breathing in general while the pain is there, so until it happens again and I observe, I couldn't tell you for 100% sure.
The pain tends to come on suddenly, stick around for anywhere between 5 minutes to a couple hours. While it lasts, generally feels like the inside of my chest is being clenched tight and breathing deeply is difficult.
No. 99270
>>99200Actually, yeah. We don’t use condoms. Just lube and go.
This could actually be it because I’m not really experiencing anything alarming. It never really happened before I started dating my boyfriend, so I thought maybe my flora has been upset or wacky or something weird. I’m also late 20’s so maybe my body/hormones changed altogether and it is just what it is.
For the longest time I just thought something was wrong.
No. 99387
>>99131I had the same problem a while ago
It stopped after my diet became much less acidic/ caffeinated
No. 99399
>>99311I dunno if this is any use to you, but this is my reply to an anon who asked something similar only a few days ago
>>98974I've been told by my doc it can be hormonal. Try a topical steroid cream if you can. I used Daktacort and it cleared up all my irritations immediately!
No. 99505
>>99504this. dicks get made fun of all the time, and men are most certainly insecure about it, they just don't act it cause "muh masculinity".
the human body isn't pretty, but no one really cares.
No. 99569
>>99543by literally everyone? media has tons of dick jokes all the time, people constantly joke about men's dick size and make creepy jokes about foreskins/circumcision. hell some comedies are centered around dick jokes as the main plot.
men are constantly joking about their own penises when they're clearly insecure about it. especially when it comes to race. semi-constant jokes from white men about asian dicks, and berating themselves in regards to black men.
it's all over the media, and not just in a lighthearted way.
No. 99576
>>99571do you know where you are? people on here are constantly doing that. i'm not even saying it's a bad thing, but you'd have to be bilnd not to see that dicks are made fun of just as much as vaginas are, men just pretend they think it's funny cause muh masculinity.
most men and women don't actually care, the only ones who care about either are incels, and they are constantly talking about how women only want a dick that is x,y,z. but they're crazy, and they are also the only ones talking about vaginas.
fuck, some of you need to take some time off the internet for a while because the average person does not care.
No. 99614
>>99571I'm just wondering what sources do you consume where people constantly mock women for their genitals… Doesn't seem normal to me. Are you a regular visitor on 4chan and similar boards? It seems to me like something
triggered you (and I don't mean it in the mocking sense, but in the actual sense) and now you see yourself in the worst possible light just because of the genitals you were born with. That's wrong. If you're visiting websites that are so negative towards women, then please stop and change your habits, for your own sake. Some places definitely have the capability of destroying you mentally, especially if you're already vulnerable.
No. 100174
I bit the bullet and scheduled an appt to talk about getting an IUD. Does anyone have experience with them? I'm nervous about the insertion.
>>100163Is his penis dirty?
No. 100236
>>100163I'm interstitial-cystitisfag so I know this general pain well although it is completely random besides after having sex. I am also your age. How long has it been happening? For now, always pee after sex, and sitting on a hot water bottle can help the discomfort. Mine is also not pain in my bladder but directly at the front of my urethra (lol gross), is there a possibility that's where yours is coming from? Mine is much worse if I consume a ton of sugar and don't drink enough. Doctors are for the most part fairly useless about it but often offer antibiotics or whatever. Not much long term investigating.
It isn't always to do with your partner's hygiene like people are saying here, my partner is pristine with his and it still happens whether we're fucking or not. Can't hurt to see if it subsides by for example, showering together beforehand, or somehow making sure he washes his hands before playing with you though, just to rule it out.
Does cystopurin or a similar medicine help at all? You can also eat a pinch of bread soda and drink a lot of water with it. Sorry for the giant post this is just a condition that lost me a job and bed bound me for a long time so I am sympathetic to anyone dealing with anything similar
No. 100249
>>100176>>100195Thank you anons <3 Do you feel it at all anymore? Does it interfere with sex at all? I know the hormonal one can change your menstrual cycle, is your cycle the same with the copper one?
Thanks in advance.
No. 100302
>>100254What size tampon and is this at the beginning, middle, end of your period or all the time?
I've gone through super tampons in less than 1h on the second day of my period, but my doc says it's nothing to worry about as long as it lasts less than day. Generally it's just a giant clot or something making it leak.
No. 100333
>>100331Everyone's different, anon. I have kind of this weird … delayed wetness? Like I can get really aroused and orgasm but then half an hour later I'll feel a sudden gush in my panties. It's weird. But there's nothing wrong with my vag and I'm sure there's nothing wrong with yours either.
Just use lots of lube. Invest in some quality stuff and don't be afraid to reapply it. It will feel good for both you and your partner.
I don't know why some people have such an aversion to lube- it's like they're convinced that using it is admitting to not having a good enough dick or whatever? I've been with both men and women who felt that using lube somehow was hurtful. But that's not it at all. It's there to make sex easier and more fun for you. Who knows, maybe when your body starts learning how enjoyable it can be, you'll start getting wet on your own. But I would recommend using lube anyway, to anyone. I use a ton of it and my bf's dick has never ever chafed me, bruised me, or made me uncomfortable in any way, thanks to the lube. He has fun too because I'm enjoying it. Look into it anon, it could change your entire view on sex.
No. 100335
>>100328> I had likely been chemically burned on the inside of my vagina by the fucking toy. Literally burned.LMAO
The absolute state of women.
No. 100336
>>100328Yikes, that sounds terrible. I’ve definitely been tempted by the cheaper stuff before, but you’re not the first one to have a story like this.
>>100333I actually get this too. So inconvenient. Nothing worse than soaked panties when you’re not even horny anymore.
No. 100342
>>100331Checkup with your obgyn and talk about dryness, there's a tooon of reasons outside of you not being turned on that can cause dryness. It's actually more of a problem than you may realize, because the vagina needs that moisture to self clean and stay healthy.
Are you on birth control of any kind? or any meds?
No. 100405
Plus, what always helps me whenever I have to talk something that I am embarrassed about: They don't care.
So, the doctor will know you used a sex toy. So what? Why should he care? At the end of his shift he'll probably have forgotten about it. It literally has no effect on your lives.
No. 100524
>>100482Do you masturbate with a strong toy or with your hands? If you're doing it with a strong toy then it can desensitise you a fair bit to normal sex
>>100458Don't soap your toys friend!
No. 100618
>>100617do you take hormonal birth control?
i used to get this way in high school, the hormonal birth control really helps alot. now i use it to skip my period and just deal with 1 or 2 days of light spotting.
No. 100621
>>100617>>100618She said in her post that she used to take birth control, but it made her angry…
What about trying a birth control with different combination of hormones than the one that gave you trouble, anon? I also suffer from very painful periods and birth control is the only thing that helps, sadly.
No. 100656
>>100633What sort of pain and discomfort? Is this during sex or just a day-to-day to thing?
I have large-ish labia and switching to underwear that wasn't an single inch wide at the crotch fixed that particular discomfort, at least. It's not granny underwear either, just switching to slightly more expensive brands.
No. 100700
>>97744I was looking through this thread and I just had the discovery of a lifetime. I am literally a 23 year old grown woman at an Ivy League college who has had sex and I have only just found my clitoris. I thought this whole time that the urethra and the clitoris were the same thing! I think it might be the same issue as the anon this responded to, that I've got a pretty pronounced innie vagina and the clitoris is just hidden under the hood/flat? Idk, when I was told it was button-shaped and next to the vagina I guess I just assumed it was this?
I suppose I haven't really spent much time looking under there; it always felt sort of wrong to do so. I'm still mortified that I've missed something so obvious as where to find the clitoris. I cannot believe I have gone through my life not knowing where my own damn clitoris is.
No. 100737
>>100736Oh ew. My bad.
That’s really weird. What woman thinks that much about how their vagina looks?
No. 100741
>>100739Nah I see why you’d get riled. It’s bizarre.
Sort of reminds me of the guys who jump into any conversation about FGM to make it about make circumcision as if the two were comparable. Neckbeards will always wriggle into topics about vaginas to loudly make it about them.
No. 100748
>>100743You’re the one reeeing. Calm down.
I really didn’t think anyone took the roastie meme seriously aside from incels.
I’m not shitting on women who are insecure about their labia I’m saying that the descriptors used were weird and that generally nobody is obsessed with the smoothness or puffiness of their vagina.
No. 100755
>>100736It’s not roleplay, I really had labiaplasty. The inner labia aren’t all gone, they were laser cut down to the length of where my majora extend.
>>100748I will admit that I have bad ideals of my vagina, and I probably wouldn’t have done PS if my ex didn’t constantly make fun of my vagina. The internet warped my image honestly and I wasn’t happy at 19.
No. 100759
>>100758Okay okay if it’s this important I believe you.
I totally agree with it in cases where the woman genuinely suffers with discomfort or pain that surgery would alleviate anyway, just never for aesthetics.
No. 100768
>>100759Haha just don’t like been accused of being trans or a man
>>100763What’s a DownLow man?
No. 100795
>>100790lol you have your head so far up your ass…
You personally don't have huge labia minora, I assume? Because let me assure you, guys do care.
Nta but I've had men talk to me about how their exes or girls they had fucked had beef curtains and how it turned them off a little. Beef curtains have become almost as much of a subject of meme-mockery as fat women. So how is it still so unfathomable that someone would be affected by that if they already have issues because of how it feels physically?
Heck, even to my underwear sometimes feels uncomfortable because of the friction and my vagina is far from having beef curtains.
No. 100796
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>>100795Then find a man who loves it? I promise, there are plenty of them out there. Even porn boards on 4chan, I'm assuming the main imageboard where the roastie meme originated, have threads specifically for posting women with larger labia because they're attracted to the way they look. This thread was the very first fucking thread when I opened up /s/.
No. 100799
>>100788Yeah, it was my pubes curling in and tickling. I trim them to about a cm and no more problems. Seriously convinced myself I had herpes because of scratching the skin open.
>>100782So stop looking at roastie memes and paying attention to the retards who think labia are some hideous malformation.
If you look literally anywhere outside of porn, you’ll see that labia are wildly varied and it’s normal.
I get that it’s hard to be self conscious, but looking at incels posting roastie memes and listening to a bunch of virgins discuss the “perfect pussy” theyve imagined on their waifu pillows is dumb.
No. 100804
>>100798Can't you read? Don't you understand English language or are you just too stupid to understand what people are writing?
She did NOT want to remove the entire hood. She wouldn't even expose it enough to affect it.
Also, still not the one that got the surgery kek. Just someone who's sick of people being like
>muh stop catering lolicon fetish when at this point several people wrote that it's not exclusively for aesthetic reasons, but because it cause serious discomfort on a regular basis. Are you gonna talk people out of breast reduction because of back pain, too? Because that's exactly the same.
Maybe she would even have overcome the self-consciousness about it, if it had not had a physical discomfort connected to it. But a combination like this is just awful. And again; since the aesthetic was not the only reason for it, what's the fucking point of trying to talk anyone out of it?
>muh you can live with pain if you just learn to love your body <3 Fuck off, seriously.
No. 100806
>>100802If the aesthetics of your vagina take up more than a moment of any given day you need a shrink. Your mum was probably raised by a generation that acted like vaginas and labia are Satan’s purse and cause degeneracy. You could spend ten minutes online and find out that having outie labia is about as significant as having an outie bellybutton.
Anon got surgery because a teenage boy told her some roastie memes. That’s either mental illness or bad rping.
>>100804Anon states they want more work done to make the clit hood look like the rest. They were the one to talk about how they wish their labia were all perfectly smooth and puffier and the rest of the ‘muh loli labia gotta have that porn puss’
No. 100876
>>100795If you care so much about what guys want, why don't you go for guys that like vaginas like this
>>100796, or something balanced with some exposed labia minora (like a lot of porn stars have)? Instead of going for guys that like hentai smooth "puffy" vaginas like you described. Believe it or not everyone has different tastes/preferences…
No. 100966
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I've had this problem for about a month now. Hours after I masturbate, and sometimes just randomly, my clitoris remains swollen and bothers me. I'm not sure why, but it's annoying as fuck.
Other info:
>doctor diagnosed a UTI with a quick test after this started, but antibiotics haven't stopped it
>waiting for more recent thorough test results to see if it's just stubborn
>she also says it may be a bladder stone
>I didn't tell her about it mainly being the clit (I will next time), just said generally swollen
>there shouldn't be any damage, I've never used a dildo or a vibrator in my life
Has anyone ever had this? Any idea what it could be? Stubborn infection/stone/nerve damage?
I've come to cope with it anyway, although it was very distracting in the beginning. I just miss masturbating daily.
No. 100985
>>100981No, I put nothing foreign near/in my vagina. Just my (clean) hands.
UTI was from pee holding lmao.
No. 101077
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Okay, I'm about to get gross, so if you don't want to read a gross post, stop here.
Has anyone here ever had an experience where you're masturbating and you can like. Feel the contents of your rectum through your vaginal walls? And then you get grossed out and have to stop?
This diagram shows how close the vaginal wall is to the rectum.
I've gotten to a point where I can't masturbate if I know I'm constipated. It just ruins the whole thing for me.
>>100966Tell your doctor the truth anon, there's no reason not to. She's heard it all before.
No. 101146
>>101077Since I sometimes finger my anus while masturbating and occasionally will slightly touch some poop in the act… no, not really.
I'm actually a bit bewildered by how much this affects you, considering you're not even actually touching anything besides your vagina. I mean, I totally understand not being enthusiastic about feeling it but to the point of having to stop or not being able to even start just because you're constipated sounds really unhealthy.
You're a human. You have bodily functions. And as I already said, you aren't actually touching your feces.
No. 101151
>>101077I've never fingered myself bc I don't need it to get off but that sounds offputting and I would be skeeved out too and totally stop.
>>101146Wtf, you sound gross and I hope you're a troll.
No. 101167
>>101166NTA but what is an enema?
You're gross and just trying to play it off like everyone deals with the same shit (literally). This is the vag thread not the asshole thread.
No. 101169
>>101166>>101158>>101154>>101146are you a guy? you're being pretty vulgar and also rude as hell. most people can clean our assholes to the point where anything we stick inside comes out clean.
>inb4 there are particlesmicroscopic particles aren't "specks".
No. 101189
>>101172 (haven't commented since btw) and I do apologise if what I said was crass, off-putting and seemed a bit harsh. I didn't mean to come off like that.
I'm just genuinely confused as to why something like that would put someone off this much. Maybe I do feel so different about it because I also enjoy anal stuff in general and therefore - as the other anon(s) already said - you know what to expect if you go there.
But anyways… you aren't really touching anything besides your vagina so this entire disgust about it is genuinely confusing to me. I also feel like this is a really unhealthy relationship to have with your own body. Sounds a bit like a result of the whole
>muh girls having bodily functions is so grossstigma.
You don't have to have a full-on scat fetish to come to terms with the fact that the food you put into your body comes out very close to your vagina.
Sorry and sage for blogposting but I'm a bit tipsy and still very confused.
No. 101201
>>101189What it seems like to me is that this entire discussion sprouted off from one comment about feeling poop through your vaginal wall. Which is a thing, and I've done my fair share of pushing things out that way myself.
My confusion is why some anons are suggesting that your asshole/rectum is nasty if it has any trace of poop despite it being it's natural habitat. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't make it a personal habit to perform enemas or finger myself with soap.
No. 101265
>>101077. It's not the concept of pooping I take issue with.
I can only feel the stool through the vaginal wall if I'm constipated. And when I can, it feels weird and wrong bc it's this random hard spot while everything else is soft and flexible. It's like having a rock in my shoe.
>>101146, you're not cleaning your ass thoroughly enough if that's happening. Use an enema and eat more vegetables.
No. 101267
>>101265Yeah I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I'm not gonna use an enema just to stick a finger up my ass anytime I masturbate.
Also I feel like some anons got the wrong idea. It's not like I'm shoving my finger up there no matter what. I feel something, I'll just stop or go less deep. No big deal. I just don't see the point in freaking out about it.And my diet is fine. I'm not constipated, I just have naturally solid stools.
The way you're describing it now makes it a little less bewildering to me. Genuinely thought it was some 'the existence of poop grosses me out so much I can't continue masturbating' kinda bs. I still can't relate, but then again I don't use vaginal penetration for masturbation. So maybe that's why.
Hope you can find a way to solve this issue. (? if you're looking for that? idk.)
No. 101282
>>100802My mom did the exact same thing to me, anon.
She also called in my grandma to look. It was pretty scarring and I'm still extremely insecure even though they haven't caused any issues sex-wise.
Also, the gyno was so confused when she couldn't find the "growth" I was sent in for. Grabbed my labia and said "…Do they mean THIS?"
It's morso just embarassing that the women in my family know nothing about female anatomy.
No. 101302
how does one tell the difference between regular period moodiness and PMDD? i've suffered from depression and self harm my whole life, so the degree of emotional pain i feel during my periods never seemed too abnormal: right before my period, like one or two days before, i get super depressed. my self harm urges go through the roof. i don't let myself give in the urges since i've been clean for a while, but then i just get suicidal. on my actual period, i'm depressed, feeling sick, and fighting self harm urges. the suicidal thoughts are more passive. i'll be so restless and anxious yet all i can do is lie down and cry. last night while waiting to fall asleep i kept tossing and turning, eyes perpetually weepy, feeling this restlessness and anxiety right in my stomach that makes me wish i could tear it open and dig it out, a kind of anxiety i haven't felt since i was unmedicated as a teen. i ended up hitting myself to stop the anxiety long enough to actually get tired so i could sleep. i know hitting technically counts as self harm but my issue was always with cutting so i'm gonna throw myself a bone here… by the end of my period i'll still feel down but i will have mellowed out a lot.
what do you guys do during this? i'm tired of laying in bed panicky and googling variations of "suicidal on my period" "self harm urges on my period" every month without fail
No. 101396
>>101316It's normal. Something about how when estrogen levels shift, they retain more water.
It always freaks me out when I gain weight suddenly (3-5 lbs) but then get relieved when it's just my period a couple days later and I go back to my normal weight.
No. 101432
>>101418Afraid I can't help you with that question. I was on the pill for only a month in my teens which was a decade ago so I can't remember what effects it did on my body (and probably wasn't on it long enough to notice)
But I did find this article, it does say it can cause weight gain: No. 101435
>>101418It definitely does. The weight you lose during your period is 100% just water weight. You know how so many people say birth control makes your boobs grow? It's water. If you stop taking birth control, it'll all go away.
However, birth control can mess with your thyroid hormones as well, so there's that.
If it's possible for you I'd try to go off birth control for about 3 to 6 months and get your blood levels checked. (It actually takes fucking forever for your hormone levels to get back to normal, if they ever do, but I think 3 to 6 months will do.)
No. 101801
>>101776Please be a troll.
You can't really… achieve that kind of thing? You could get labiaplasty and get your outer lips puffed up. But if you don't have a simp by nature, you won't likely get one after surgery either.
Plus, what
>>101782 said.
No. 101810
>>101801>>101782no, I'm not a troll unfortunately. And idk, I just took a look at mine recently
after I overheard some girl bragging about hers (yes openly in public) and I was like dang they're kinda thin. I thought that weight gain had to do with it, but now that you told me it's genetic and not achievable without surgery I guess I'll just pass and live with it than ending up with botched labia lmao
No. 102043
This might become kind of explicit/graphic so I feel like apologizing in advance. I'm also not very good at filtering rn, so sorry if it's half venting, half actual advice-seeking.
I can't seem to come from PIV sex. Which isn't unusual so far. I am aware of that. But I can't seem to come from it in general.
My boyfriend is really good in bed. He's very well hung, has stunning stamina (he can fuck for like an hour without any problems and needs to recover for about 5 min before he's ready to go again), really pays attention to the sounds I make, puts my pleasure above his own etc.
However, in our 3 years of being together and fucking like 3 times each day (unless I'm on my period) I've only come three times. Twice from him eating me out and once from anal.
He is extremely good at eating me out and I only rarely orgasm from it because I don't like it as much due to trauma and insecurity and therefore can't let him do it as much.
But anyways, back to my actual problem: PIV sex.
I know most women need clitoral stimulation to come and I feel like I am one of those women. However, even if I do exclusively masturbate by rubbing my clit, I can't come from doing it while having sex.
The movement of his dick is so overpowering that I don't feel anything while rubbing my clit. The only way I feel anything at all from it is if he stops moving. Which is just… no.
I just don't know what to do anymore. Even when I was on the pill and I didn't have sex or masturbate for like 6 months, there was literally no difference.
I can easily come within a few minutes when masturbating, but whenever something is put inside of me, my clit seems to become numb.
It's frustrating and I feel even worse for him since he's really doing his best and he IS good at it. I'm just really dysfunctional, I think.
No. 102046
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>>102043I don’t know how willing you are to regularly use vibrators, but I’m really really similar to you and the Tenga SVR has helped me immensely.
I find that my hands just absolutely don’t work for clit stimulation when my boyfriend is inside, but this thing fixes the problem 9 out of 10 times (even when everything was numb and basically sensationless down there from a shitty birth control). You don’t even necessarily have to use the ring portion; depending on the position, the texture of it holds it in place fairly well.
Image isn’t lewd, but spoilering so there’s not a vibrator on the front page.
No. 102107
>>102105As I said, oral doesn't work for me mentally and fingering doesn't work because he has some dried skin from nail biting etc that hurts me.
But the thing is, I'd just like to come with him. After he's come it's not as passionate anymore. For me at least. It's not like he didn't offer or try.
I don't mind if I don't always come from sex or come several minutes after him or anything. NEVER coming during sex is what's so frustrating.
Like, yeah, he can make me come or I can make myself come afterwards and that's nice but for the love of god I want to orgasm during sex for literally just once in my life. I feel that shouldn't be so much to ask for.
No. 102111
>>102107try different positions, anon.
stuff like missionary doesn't work for me but doggy or anything from behind usually does.
No. 102128
>>102107the pressure and impatience you have in regards to cumming during sex could be the problem? it might be hard to cum while youre so stressed about wanting an orgasm.
maybe try having him edge you with his fingers, then right as you know you're about to cum, switch to penetration?
No. 102130
>>102124Anal stimulation also only makes me come if it's exclusively anal penetration. I already tried anal stimulation and also anal penetration during sex but even though it feels good, it's way different than actual anal sex.
>>102128I didn't really get frustrated until like a month ago though tbh.
Also tried the edging thing so, so many times. Masturbating as well as for sex. The arousal will just fade off.
No. 102242
>>102127 it totally is true. I didn't say it was impossible or that both clitoral and vaginal orgasms felt the same. It's just far less common, and research backs that up.
>>102128Agreed. If you focus on it not happening, it probably won't happen.
No. 102362
>>102295just sounds like bullshit semantics to me. there's no scientific reason those tiny contractions "are" "actually" orgasms. if it feels nothing like an orgasm and it's not what most women would describe as an orgasm, then it's not an orgasm.
Literally that's like saying a guy having a little drop of precum when he's aroused is "ackshyually a really mild type of orgasm." even if you can force an argument for it, that's not what 99.9% of men want when they think of an orgasm, so it doesn't matter.
No. 102498
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>>102424Yeah definitely sounds like a UTI, if you can't see a doctor right away these pills can work wonders in the meantime. Drinking cranberry juice can also help but it's not a cure. Hope you feel better soon!!
No. 102666
>>102635Yes, soap and water is fine. The only thing I can think of is that wet cum will become a weird sticky consistency when you mix it with water, but if you clean well enough it all comes (hurr durr sex pun) off.
>>102396I've found pills like Midol helps but you probably need more than that. Try stretching or exercising, I know it hurts like a bitch but it helps with body aching. But definitely see a doctor because you shouldn't be in that much pain.
No. 102724
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So I'm going to a gyno tomorrow because I'm pretty sure I grew up with dysmenorrhea and now I'm having some new issues :(
Growing up, every second day during every other 2nd or 3rd period (the other periods would pass by painless), I'd get so cold I'd need 2-5 blankets, a heating pad, a room heater and still freeze. Anything sensory would be overwhelming (sounds, foreign touch, light) so I'd lie down in my bed in darkness. I'd be in intense pain for a couple of hours and then finally throw up (regardless if I had eaten that day or not. If I didn't eat my body would still go through the same motions). Finally, I'd pass out. Back then I'd take pain relief
after it had started and then it'd be too late. Nowadays I make sure to snack on pain relief way ahead so I don't go through the same crazy misadventure.
Now, the past two-three months I've had some pain on the left side around my hip and kinda elsewhere around the lower abdomen. I have no idea what's wrong with my body. I'm not pregnant, I've tested it at the doctor's office. I don't have UTI (although last month when this was happening I did have a teeny tiny amount of blood and leukocytes in my urine) but I've had UTIs before and I know what they feel like.
>>102458 is what
triggered my to make my post because last time I took an antibiotic treatment (my previous doctor was an idiot btw) for rosacea, I got a UTI from it loool¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't think what I'm having is an inflammation either because a couple of years ago I got an inflammation around my left hip (same area-ish) and at least last time I could physically feel the inflammation. BTW this wasdue to mixing antidepressants with Cerazette / birth control (I didn't make this connection until a year later where I read that someone here on lolcow or reddit had the exact same problem!) My doctor claimed it was "growing pains" (bitch, I haven't grown in 10 years!)¯\_(°⊱,°)_/¯
In any case, I'm just wondering if anyone has ever had anything similar to what I'm currently experiencing. It's been twice now that it's happening about 1-2 weeks before my actual period. I can't handle stress that well either while it's ongoing. Sorry about the length!
No. 102756
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>>102751Wouldn't say I'm numb down there, but I only have a real orgasm through heavy clitoral vibration too.
The hottest orgasm I ever had was when a hookup tied me down and forced me to cum with one of these. He put this right on my clitoris and blasted the highest setting. I came so hard I turned red. I can never produce the same result from penetration or masturbating with my fingers. You're not alone.
No. 102779
>>102751You're absolutely NOT alone, Anon. I'm exactly the same. Didn't masturbate until I was 17. Although not from shame, just didn't feel the need.
However, I can't handle the frustration very well and just thinking about this numb ass clit makes me angry cry. I don't own a vibrator, but I get off to shower hose on highest setting.
No. 102791
>>102724your gyno can tell you more but ovulation pain maybe? maybe even a cyst or polycystic ovary.
with the episodes you mention, there's a type of migraine called 'abdominal migraine', just one example of the types but you don't need to have a headache to have a migraine. the timing with your period, sensory changes and sensitivity, vomiting, all happening in an episode, these kinda do sound like migraine. a neurologist is best placed to determine that if your doc or gyno can't figure it out.
No. 102828
>>102818It just never does anything and i dont feel the want?
I feel abnormal because it seems everyone is, but i do want and have had sex
No. 102841
>>102838pull the hood up & shine your phone flashlight on it. you should be able to see and pinch it off.
if that fails take a bath and pull back your hood underwater
No. 102866
>>102838I don’t grow hair there but my bf has a lot of hair so during sex every once in a while a hair will get stuck in the hood.
The first few times I thought I had an UTI as well because masturbating etc caused such an intense stinging sensation. But thank god I took a closer look and found the hair before seeing a doctor.
About the removal, what
>>102841 said.
No. 103056
>>103048That doesn’t even sound like a mild case but normal vaginismus to me.
Have you talked to your OB/GYN about it?
No. 103066
>>103056I've never been to an OB/GYN, hah, maybe it's time.
I was under the impression though that vaginismus was muscle cramping so much it made it impossible to insert anything?
No. 103079
>>103066I would definitely see an obgyn, things used to hurt me so badly and be so tight they couldn't get the speculum in. I was referred to a physical therapist that specializes in gynecological issues and it helped me a lot. The pain and muscle tightness from my endometriosis kept everything way too tight all the time and fucked up my abdominal muscles. I'll probably never insert large things for fun but now I can get a tampon in with no pain and get examined, plus it improved my posture and my periods hurt less too.
>>103070It sucks but knowing what it is and when it'll be over helps. Do you track your nutrition? I was doing research on PMS to try and find something to help and ended up figuring out I didn't get nearly enough calcium in my diet. Once I got that where it should be my mood improved and it was shorter. Still not entirely gone, but now I just vaguely consider suicide for a day instead of actively planning it for 3. It may not work for you but it's worth tracking to see if it is.
No. 103084
>>103079 said. It’s incredible how big of an influence your diet has on hormonal issues. Whenever I become lazy and start eating more sugar and processed foods, my pms symptoms and period cramps become immediately worse.
A plant-based diet (or at least cutting out dairy and eat less but better quality meat) has also helped me a lot.
I recommend reading the woman code. I don’t agree with anything written in it, but it did help me see what I do wrong.
Also blood levels. Calcium, magnesium, vitamin d, b12, b6, C and K are important and can affect your menstrual cycle.
If none of this helps, maybe think about trying agnus castus or hypericum perforatum. (shouldn’t be combined with hormonal contraceptives though, as it can make them ineffective)
No. 103140
>>103139What exactly do you mean by light period?
Is it just lighter than usual or really just like spotting?
No. 103148
>>103141If it would still classify as a period (like, deep red blood not just pinkish discharge, maybe tiny chunks of the uterine lining, etc) you shouldn’t worry and it’s probably just some hormonal issue. Any changes in your life lately? Have you been stressed or sick, changed your diet, worked out more/less, gained/lost weight?
You could also track your temperature and cervical mucus (make sure to do it right though, maybe read up on NFP) to see if you ovulate which would be a sure sign that you aren’t pregnant. But even if you don’t ovulate it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant, just that there’s probably some hormonal imbalance.
If you feel like it, maybe take a pregnancy test. But usually the only real bleeding that happens when you’re pregnant is an Implantation bleeding which is nowhere nearly as strong as a period.
No. 103220
>>103136It's so different for everyone. You could be having orgasms that aren't that strong or you are getting close to orgasm but stopping before the full climax. The pre orgasm convulsions can be confusing.
Have you tried gspot stimulation? I get much better orgasms by that instead of my clit. Take your index and/or middle finger, put them inside with your fingertips facing toward your front and then curl your fingers upwards. You should feel something ridged or wrinkly, that's what you want to focus on. If masturbation isn't doing it then next time you're with a guy have him do the same thing. A lot of guys are bad at fingering simply because they are aimlessly poking around inside your pussy instead of focusing on the gspot.
Don't be surprised if it makes you feel like you have to pee. Put a towel down the first couple times because you might pee a little bit during orgasm.
>>103170>>103175I second this. If you're in America you can buy $1 pregnancy tests at Dollar Tree. It's the exact same thing as they use in the doctor's office so don't be afraid of the price. I still take two every month because I'm paranoid.
OT but that store is amazing if you need dishes, cleaning supplies, shelf stable food and candy for the movie theater.
No. 103234
>>103220Really stupid question but what do you do with that ridged spot?
I think I can spot my g-spot very well but I feel like it does absolutely nothing for me.
Do I maybe need to apply more pressure? I’ve seen a bunch of people do a very fast, jerky motion but it looks so rough (also I don’t think I have the strength for that).
I tried g-spot vibrators but I just can’t tell whether or not I’m touching the g-spot and it feels almost numb-ish?
Only ever came from clitoral stimulation so I don’t even know if I can come vaginally.
No. 103252
>>103234You can try putting your palm on your clit and moving your hand up and down if that makes sense.
Your vibrator could be too powerful but honestly I've never enjoyed gspot vibrators at all.
No. 103384
>>103312I'm no gyno, but I will say that birth control does some strange stuff to cycles so I would say that what you're going through isn't exactly uncommon.
I have an arm implant now so I don't get periods anymore, but when I was doing the shot, there would be times where I'd get a really old blood period for like a week or more. Sometimes no period at all.
Hormones aren't an exact science and everyone's body is different. Any concerns you have should be discussed with a professional, esp if you think you might have endo.
No. 103445
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Sorry for the dumb question but if I get wet from being turned on and sit in my panties without changing them, could I potentially get a yeast infection or something? I'm asking because obviously, you wouldn't get sick from sitting in your discharge but for some reason I'm paranoid about sitting in my own wetness lol.
No. 103450
>>103445I'd say your safe if you only wear cotton. Maybe tmi, but I was pretty gross in my younger years and used to masturbate before bed and sleep with the same underwear on and never got any infections.
Yet, when I started wearing some polyester/nylon undies, even after evolving from my old disgusting habits, I got a nasty UTI which has now most likely evolved into a bladder stone. So. Keep it cotton, anon-chan.
No. 103494
>>103483I do have issues with that too but it doesn’t always hurt equally bad.
My gyno suggested that I might have Endometriosis because I have really bad period pains as well.
It doesn’t have to be that though. As another anon said: there are many women that don’t like it or that hurt from it. I’d say getting checked doesn’t hurt.
No. 103688
>>103687Do you still get wet? What you describe is the case for me when I don’t and birth control can affect your ability to get wet. But also with lube etc I sometimes have those issues, so I guess it probably is hormonal.
Several Gynecologists told me the first 3 months are the worst, after that the side affects either go away as your body gets used to the hormones, or they stay in which case it’s probably better to stop taking it.
There’s also a small chance it’s endometriosis. BC with estrogen can have a negative effect on the growth of the lesions. However, endometriosis usually can’t be seen in an ultrasound. I think adenomyosis can be seen, not sure though.
If that’s the only side effect and you can take it I’d say try going the 3 months or until the appointment.
No. 103779
>>103768Have you gone to a doctor? That's really bad especially since you aren't even bleeding yet. If you did go and they just threw an opiod prescription at you get a second opinion. Having that level of pain outside of menstruation is not normal at all.
I know that feeling with wanting to die from the pain though, I have endo and when things get really bad I'll find myself laying on the bathroom floor begging God to just end it, you can hardly even string thoughts together with that shit. I'm the gyno physical therapy anon from up thread and that helped a lot, but that pain never got that intense outside of when I bled, so there might be something else serious going on with you.
No. 103801
>>103768Have you tried something cold? I have endo and I love laying in a empty bathtub to ease my pain bc it's cold as fuck, kinda like putting an ice pack on a injury or tooth ache.
This might not help ofc if hot things make it worse but I thought it might be useful to suggest since people usually only recommend warm things.
And yes def go to a doctor anon, or ask for new medicine if you already have a diagnosis for this.
No. 103838
>>103810Yes, do go to the doctor and do all the usual things like no soap etc, but I also recommend cooling it down with the shower head on gentle but on the coldest setting you can handle
Currently going through some swelling due to a scratch and it's the only thing that helps
No. 103844
>>103779I actually went to the ER once because I was late for my period (which isn’t unusual) and had so much pain I would pass out and cry. They checked me very thoroughly - ultrasound, blood levels, infections, pregnancy, … nothing. So, probably just PMS-cramps which also isn’t unusual for me, unfortunately.
I had a gyno that thinks I probably have endo but I would need a laparoscopy to get officially diagnosed. But I’m really, really scared since I’ve talked to a bunch of women who said surgery just made it worse for them. Plus, I want to get sterilized really badly so I’d wait until I get an okay for that anyways.
>>103801Cold sometimes helps but yesterday it just made it worse.
>>103805I’m actually vegan exactly because dairy makes it worse, so there’s that. But I did really not control my sugar intake. Need to go back and focus on it more, thanks for reminding me.
Would love if cannabis helped but I can’t do it, mentally.
>>103806It actually is pms.
No. 103861
>>103844If it is just cramps I would definitely recommend physical therapy if you can get it covered. It made a huge difference in pain levels and it's a shame that it's not more well known. Most of my periods are now just unpleasant instead of intolerable.
I don't know anyone who's had the scraping surgery but several women in my family have had full or partial hysterectomies because of endo and it was life changing.
No. 104088
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Is it possible, to have trouble orgasming during sex because my clit is too hooded?
I recorded myself masturbating because I thought about sending it to my bf (didn’t though). I noticed that I can’t see my clit due to what feels like two or even more layers of skin. I don’t have super big labia minora but also not a simp. (Pic related, not me but basically what it looks like)
I have to pull back quite some skin to get to my clit and then it’s super sensitive and feels nice to touch (if it’s wet or lubed up enough, of course). But whenever I try to masturbate without doing that, I have to apply a lot of pressure or use a vibrator.
Is it possible to get some of the hood removed? Could I talk to my gyno about that? I feel like they wouldn’t know about that kind of stuff.
No. 104121
I suffer from acne and always tend to get really nasty pimples after shaving my privates but can avoid it by applying coconut oil right after.
No. 104126
>>104094I use it there and have no problems but only use a little
>>104120I used it on my forehead and it was a huge mistake that I'm still dealing with, but weirdly it helps get rid of ingrown on my legs and around my vagina. But yes it's worth mentioning. Test a little first.
No. 104127
>>104094I use it there and have no problems but only use a little
>>104120I used it on my forehead and it was a huge mistake that I'm still dealing with, but weirdly it helps get rid of ingrown on my legs and around my vagina. But yes it's worth mentioning. Test a little first.
No. 104778
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>have vaginismus
>just found out that the itchiness I've dealt with for the past week has been a yeast infection
>only doctor I'll have access to within the next 2 weeks is my campus nurse
Fuck fuck fuck fuck, this is terrifying, if I can't get the oral antibiotic treatment I'll have to use antifungal cream because vaginal suppositories aren't gonna happen. I don't have to actually put the cream IN my vagina right? Right??
No. 104803
>>104787Another pharmfag here, I concur with this. But may I suggest using lubrication
if you end up using OTC antifungal such as monistat? It'll be less painful and more feasible I can assure. Having has a yeast infection myself recently I can understand the fears. If there's no access to a doctor then please consider that.
No. 104819
>>71573>>104778medfag here, usually for diagnosis you have to look directly into the vagina/vagina walls with a speculum…
however, if you truly have vaginismus, it can also be looked at from the outside as well (look for that white discharge + redness)
The best tratment is antifungal suppositories tho… however there are antifungal tablets too but you usually need to have normal hepatic function to take them (have some tests taken first)… so I'd REALLY recommend trying the suppositories… they are a fast and effective solution if it's candida
Hope everything goes well!
No. 104980
>>104975Keep it clean with just water, obviously don't scratch, take sitz baths
If it gets worse, saltwater rinses and bepanthem will help it heal
No. 105007
>>104996>>105002Do NOT tell her to put witchhazel on her shaved butthole jfc
Aloe is ok on your mons, but not your labia. Coconut oil can go anywhere but be aware it also damages condoms.
No. 105079
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Your g spot is right near your bladder. Even if it's empty, if you're angling your toy upwards towards it, it can make you feel like you have to pee.
No. 105118
>>105072>>105079Thank you so much!
I haven't used toys but when i do it with my fingers it's fine, i guess they can't go very deep though. But anything bigger than my fingers seems to press too hard on my bladder, and they've tried different angles too.
I've had the same problem with different and more experienced partners so i guess it's just me.
Now i have a better idea of what's happening though, so genuinely thank you.
I'll post here if i find a solution just in case any other anon comes across this problem.
No. 105119
>>105081Do you mean your labia?
>>105098No. man.
No. 105159
>>105156I can promise you it’s not, as the obvious maleposter stated, a piece of hymen.
Go back to the gp, or a gyno and get it checked out. I promise your labia aren’t permanently busted or messed up or deformed. If the cream prescribed hasn’t cleared up the fungal/bacterial issue you might need a different/stronger treatment.
No. 105160
>>105159Thank you anon, I will go back to the docter….the reason I've been putting it off is because it freaks me out to have someone other than my partner looking between my legs but well she's a doctor so…
>I promise your labia aren’t permanently busted or messed up or deformed.That's reassuring, thank you!
No. 105161
>>105160It can stay as hell to get checked out. If it helps, your doc has seen a million crotches. Literally nothing but bad hygiene could squick her out and I highly doubt that you’re not clean.
Good luck anon.
No. 105249
>>105240I usually get below 8 tbh, but it's fine since they just annoy me once the climax is over.
Aren't full-body orgasms also a meme, lol? Although I think I (might?) know what you mean centered on the clit area. For me it's odd but it depends on what I'm masturbating to, even if I use the same technique. Like if I'm getting off to pegging someone it will be exclusively the clitoris area, but if I'm imagining being penetrated the whole vaginal area gets in on it.
idk man bodies are fucking weird. Maybe some women do have full-body orgasms, I've even read of women cumming from having their nipples sucked.
No. 105263
>>105240Sometimes i get a lot of them and sometimes don't get any at all.
Also i think i may have had a few of those full body orgasms? Idk if this is what they mean but i've had a few ones that i've felt very strongly all throughout my legs up to the tips of my toes. It's weird, feels a bit like a sudden leg cramp except it's good. And it makes your entire body jerk a bit. It's only happened like 4 times in my life though.
No. 105320
>>105249>Like if I'm getting off to pegging someone it will be exclusively the clitoris area, but if I'm imagining being penetrated the whole vaginal area gets in on it.Haha, never felt a difference like that. For me, penetration alone does nothing, but clit orgasms with something in me feel better. It's really annoying, because I often feel really strongly like I need something in me like an itch I can't scratch, but when there is it does nothing unless I'm masturbating using my clit as normal, but it's hard to work with the two areas at once - I think something like a rabbit ear vibrator could get me there. Anyone experienced this and managed to scratch that itch?
>>105263>i've had a few ones that i've felt very strongly all throughout my legs up to the tips of my toes. It's weird, feels a bit like a sudden leg cramp except it's good.Probably is, because I've never had anything like that.
No. 105321
>>105249>Like if I'm getting off to pegging someone it will be exclusively the clitoris area, but if I'm imagining being penetrated the whole vaginal area gets in on it.Haha, never felt a difference like that. For me, penetration alone does nothing, but clit orgasms with something in me feel better. It's really annoying, because I often feel really strongly like I need something in me like an itch I can't scratch, but when there is it does nothing unless I'm masturbating using my clit as normal, but it's hard to work with the two areas at once - I think something like a rabbit ear vibrator could get me there. Anyone experienced this and managed to scratch that itch?
>>105263>i've had a few ones that i've felt very strongly all throughout my legs up to the tips of my toes. It's weird, feels a bit like a sudden leg cramp except it's good.Probably is, because I've never had anything like that.
No. 105921
>>105612wtf? people like you are why there's such a huge dependence on antibiotics and super bugs going around. Don't scare people because you're a stupid American who doesn't know how to cure things without anitbiotics.
>>105565Just drink a boat load of water and cranberry juice (unsweetened) or those Ural satchets. I had a UTI for 3 weeks once and I didn't die or get sepsis, it was just uncomfortable (and yes I saw a doctor and they they gave me antibiotics after the second week).
If it doesn't get better in a week go to the doctor.
No. 105922
>>105914Dry labia? Like dry skin? I'm sure it's fine if you just use a mild unscented lotion in that area?
>>105921Dude what?? There's nothing wrong with going to the doctor for a UTI???
No. 105923
>>105921Do whatever retarded shit you want to your own body but don't give shitty advice to other people please.
Please update us when you finally get sepsis and your kidney stop functioning.
No. 105928
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Posted in the Sex thread, but it probably belongs here.
Anyone else /postcoitalbleeding/ here?
>Sex is great
>Want it nearly everyday
>Recently started getting Mittelschmerz every month
>Always use lube, never feels dry or sore
No. 106018
>>105565 and went to the doctor for my UTI. They needed to test my urine further to confirm it's a UTI but went ahead and gave me antibiotics. I just got a call from the lab, and apparently based on the test, it's not a UTI? Has anyone gotten a false negative? Wtf.
No. 106099
>>106095It's also linked to increased infections. Vaginas shouldn't be given oil as a lube, there's a chance another gyno can give anon better assistance.
Here's just one quick article on it from some gynos: No. 106425
>>106408Damn anon, I came itt to vent about this a while back and the anons all called me crazy but it's still bothering me. It happened one night after masturbating and has been off and on ever since.
Best to check off it's not other things as well. I went to the doc and had a very tough UTI and now am going in next week to check for bladder stones. It's supposedly kind of common for urethral/bladder issues to affect the clitoral area a bit too because of swelling.
Best bet is to see your doctor and eventually a gyno to narrow it down. If we have it we're basically fucked though lol. It's been several months for me and I've kind of adjusted tbh although it's still there. Hoping it's the bladder, but if not I'm grateful it's not the spontaneous orgasm type of pgad at least.
No. 106447
>>106425I'm so glad I'm not alone, sorry nobody believed you
I read up a lot today and think it could be the type stupidly classed as restless genital symdrome just based on the accompanying feeling in my feet, so I will try iron supplements and a hot water bottle. I'm meant to go in for a smear test soon but I can't face it like this, I want to see if I can leave it 2 weeks before I have to face the doctor about it in case it goes away but bladder stuff does seem possible.
Are you resisting or continuing to masturbate? I'm glad we don't have the random orgasm type but I'm so scared this will never stop
No. 106448
>>106447>iron supplementsIs that really supposed to work? Over the past 3 months that I've had the issue it
has acted up more after my period which always makes me anemic. God, it would be a bit sad if it really wasn't my bladder. That's a new avenue to try though, to take my iron pills more regularly.
For the first month I avoided masturbating out of fear it would make it worse, but now I can handle it since I've grown used to the feeling anyway. And my sex drive is too high to put it off so much lol, the initial few weeks were the least horny I'd been in years but it returned pretty quickly. It was irrational, but at first I almost thought this was some cruel joke the universe was pulling on me for being like that in the first place.
Please keep updated on how things go, and I feel like a smear would actually be beneficial with this. I assume it's your GP who performs it, so you can maybe let them know what's up down there…even if it's a bit embarrassing. Two birds with one stone.
I'll also update about how the urology appointment goes next week, I think he's also a gynecologist (if my doctor followed through with finding a 2-in-1) so I'll explain everything to him. This really is a weird thing to go through, I hope we can both find a way out of it.
No. 106848
>>106843In my case, I sometimes get a "mini-orgasm" from it, if an internal part of the clitoris is succesfully stimulated.
It feels nice but it's not satisfying. I need to finish with a real proper orgasm from direct clit stimulation to feel satisfied.
No. 106856
>>106843Never had proper penetration with another person involved (just my fingers) but have successfully come from just that.
Just feels like a clitoral orgasm but on the inside for me. Also feel it a bit in my stomach area if that makes sense, like butterflies or something. And it leaves the vagina more sensitive afterwards of course.
It's probably different for everyone though.
No. 106906
>>106891I don't, but thanks for your concern.
It's just full body so I'm sore after, I could move if I really wanted to..
No. 107004
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>>106978Samefag, but I just took a shower, and another question arose while doing so. What method do you personally use to remove your hair down there? I ALWAYS have stubble (see pic), no matter how meticulously I shave; it drives me NUTS. The same goes for my armpits. I unfortunately do not have extra money to spend on salon waxing at the moment. I did purchase Veet (to use on my legs), but someone mentioned above that using hair removal gels on your private area is risky. Any razor recommendations? Is it safe to use shaving cream in that area? I read elsewhere that exfoliating helps, but I have no idea how to go about doing so.
No. 107010
>>107006Not that I am aware of! My body hair does grow back fairly quickly, but it looks like that photo RIGHT after shaving. I am just a terrible shaver, I suppose. Or perhaps using the wrong razors.
>>107006Alrighty, I shall give it a try. Thank you for the suggestion!
To those of you that do shave it completely bare, does it actually look baby-smooth afterward, or am I chasing after an unachievable, porn-like fantasy?
No. 107389
>>107364For dryness, maybe try a little Pedialyte or something similar, and fluid load (with plain water) about two hours before. For painful sex, have an orgasm before any penetration.
>>107387If she were to try another IUD, Skyla (if in the US) might be a good choice, as it's the smallest.
No. 107494
>>107491update: stopped lying on the bathroom floor like a retard after a really nice Indian lady expressed way too much care and I felt rly bad for yeah, lying on the bathroom floor like a retard.
additional info: has always been like this and I'm 22 now, my period is very regular at 25 days, lasts like 5 or so, these issues get worse if I use tampons during the 1st day so I never do. gets worse if i apply heat, literally the only things that help are lying down and being cold
No. 107498
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>>107495it probably is the only solution yeah, the side effects are a fucking russian roulette though and so I'd really rather not, also I'd need to pay for it and I'm a europoor student. maybe if I ever get a post grad job and a bf kek
No. 107501
>>107491Yes, but they're side effects from my IUD. What usually helps me is ibuprofen, a heating pad, and loud music to help me kinda dissociate until I pass out. I honestly carry around my heating pad where ever I go until day 3 when the cramping calms down a bit.
Maybe in your case you could carry around a cooling pad? My slav friend swears by drovaterine (sp?) for cramps, but it's hard to come by where I am (USA). Maybe it'll be easier for you as a eurofriend.
No. 107502
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>>107501oh anon, thanks for the drotaverini rec, we do sell it and I'll try to get it! it's supposed to relax smooth musculature so it does sound promising!
No. 107537
>>107478>>107480Ty anons. My new multivitamin has calcium, magnesium, and B-vitamins; hopefully they kick in (lol vitamins kickin' in!) and I feel better soon. I haven't heard of tryptophan helping alleviate symptoms so I will be looking into that as well. This is my second period in a weeks' time (adjusting to Nexplanon implant still). Pls kill me.
But thank you again!
No. 107554
i've spent 2 years trying to get help for this and haven't had any luck with a diagnosis, so i thought i'd try asking here to see if anyone's had something similar. i'm getting kind of desperate so i'll take any help i can get. i've seen 4 different GPs, been to a gynecologist, and seen a doctor in A&E. i've had 5+ internal examinations, an (external) ultrasound, tried 2 different BC pills, had general blood tests. it took 3 visits to convince a GP to refer me for an ultrasound, and it took a trip to A&E just to get to see a gynecologist. my pain really isn't being taken seriously and it's fucking annoying.
TL;DR before i even start, i have a stabbing pain over the area where my right ovary/fallopian tube is, it's been there for 3 years and been getting worse, the area is visibly swollen
>periods started to get really painful and heavy when i was about 15
>sent home from school if i was there when i got my period, bled too much to stay the whole length of a class, had to leave in the middle of the hour even if i had the most absorbent pads/tampons i could find
>killer migraines and nausea at same time
>stays like this until i'm 18, starts to get way more intense. worse on the right side.
>absolutely nothing resembling a cycle even 5 years into having a period, anything between 18 days to 50 days between them
>get put on rigevidon pill, it's hell. get wild moodswings, worse migraines, feel like shit
>the pain being on the right side gets way more noticeable. sometimes you can see a sight swelling on the right side, right where the ovary/fallopian tube is.
>get swapped to cerazette pill after pointing out complaints
>bleed, usually heavily, for 8 months straight. never have more than a day a week where i don't bleed at all
>sex starts to get really painful, my vagina gets too sensitive to the point where i couldn't use a period cup anymore
>the swelling becomes near permanent, just getting worse sometimes. it's not huge, you'd probably only notice if i pointed it out, but it's definitely swollen. it's very hard compared to the other side, you can feel it throbbing when it's really bad, and i can feel the pain worse for like half an hour afterwards if you put pressure on it.
>come off the pill completely
it hasn't gotten much worse for the last 6 months, but the swelling and pain on the right side is very present and i've gotten so used to it now that i forget i used to not just live with pain all the time. the bleeding stopped and i have a irregular but not terrifying cycle again, it's only super heavy on the first two days. when the swelling is at its worst and comes with stabbing pains, i have the vaginal pain i mentioned. i know it's definitely linked because i've spent long enough tracking it compared to my cycle, when i had regular cramps, how it got so much worse after rigevidon.
the doctors have checked for and ruled out cysts (and anything like tumors), and don't think there's enough evidence to send me for an internal ultrasound, despite plenty of them seeing and feeling the area and acknowledging that sometimes is wrong. i've asked if there's anything to check for endometriosis, but been turned down every time, same for pelvic inflammatory disease. they've tried different hormone related problems (i've got the unfortunate body hair to back it up) and have ruled out pcos, thyroid issues since they both run in the family. the OB GYN result was that i had fluid in my uterus, which they said suggests that something is wrong but not anything specific - the letter i got back from them didn't say this, my GP brought it up when i went to her about something else. i want to go back to a doctor AGAIN but i don't want to go without at least some suggestions of things to check because they never offer any kind of test without me bringing it up. it's annoying to have physical evidence and years of notes backing up that there is SOMETHING wrong but still be told that maybe it's just cramps and i should take some cocodamol and suck it up. if i need to live with pain i'll deal with it + just find a BC that eases it, but i'm scared it's something serious that could get worse. i hate feeling like i'm being dramatic and making it up, because i know i'm genuinely having this problem and it's not unfair to expect medical professionals to listen to me and know blow it off as an emotional woman PMSing
No. 107561
>>107554I don't think you're being dramatic. I think your doctors are being horribly dismissive and you should have an internal ultrasound done and get them to check for endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease. The dismissal of women's pain is a notorious facet of the medical system. You really have to go and insist and advocate for yourself, say you might lose your job because the pain is getting to be overwhelming and you can't concentrate, your boyfriend is thinking of leaving you etc. It is ruining your life, it isn't normal bad period pains.
Sounds awful but I wonder if they'd take you seriously if you went in with boyfriend (or someone claiming to be).
No. 107568
>>107554You are NOT being dramatic or making it up anon. Seconding what
>>107561 said. Doctors frequently undermine and dismiss the pain of women particularly if you pose a difficult medical case. But the life-altering pain you are experiencing is undoubtedly real.
I wish I had more to offer you than saying I believe you and that I'm so sorry. I've been through things similar to you but not the same condition(s) so I can't offer insight into what is causing your symptoms. A friend of my mother's has also experienced some of those things such as prolonged painful menstruation and IK she has lupus, not sure if it was the lupus that caused it but maybe it's something to test for just incase.
No. 107578
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I have some really embarrassing skin darkening on my vag lips/where thighs meet lips, as well as between my buttcheeks because if chafing from being heavier. I’ve lost lots of weight but I’m still stuck with the dark skin and it looks so bad. Anything safe I can do to lighten it?
Pic related, someone’s armpit with the same problem
No. 107591
>>107554If it’s endomitriosis - what kind of helped me was getting the implant. Nexplanon I believe.
I bleed every week or every two weeks now but with lighter flow and the cramps are not as severe anymore. And the cyst like feelings are gone all together. I think it’s worth it cause the pain was hindering my life and having a tampon stuck in me 50% of my life is bearable in comparison.
After 6 years though my sex drive isn’t as strong as it used to be, so if that’s important to you keep that in mind.
No. 107594
>>107578Personally I use papaya soap since I already use it to lighten uneven tan lines in the summer.
I use it for 1 minute every 3 days, followed with heavy moisturizer right out of the shower and then physical exfoliation once a week to remove the now chemically peeled skin.
No. 107909
>>107904i thought about vaginismus but i was hoping i don't have it. i was reading that it's very unusual for pap smears to hurt. apparently it should just feel "uncomfortable" but not painful. for me the dilation definitely hurt a lot.
i'm not much of a dater as it is but i guess i'll just be honest about it when the time comes and hope it works out. might get a dildo in the meantime just to see if it's a condition or just my nerves.
No. 107942
>>107903Yeah, I went off birth control after almost 10 years for the horny and it has 100% helped. I regret going on the pill so god damned early and sticking with it for so damn long. :( Anyway, I think a lot about sex now and I schlick almost every other day now when before I could go without any for months
There is a possible downside to all of this though. For the first 6 months I felt nothing out of the ordinary, excluding longer and more painful periods. The second time I got my period I had to take a sick day because my head hurt so much. Otherwise business as usual
but in december some stuff started happening. First I had my period twice in one month and then got hormonal acne for the first time in my life (I'm almost 27). I went to the dermathologist last month and am now waiting for my obgyn appointment. I wonder if it's related to me going off birth control. I think they will check me for PCOS. Anyone had similar trouble? I'm quite sad tbh
No. 108007
>>108005>>107945>>107943>>107942Thanks for the tips! I have acne even on the pill, so I'm curious to see how my skincare routine holds up when I go off. Fully expecting to have crampier/heavier periods and some shit skin until my body balances out. Seems like the acne is most common side-effect, but like I mentioned, mine never really cleared, just the type of acne changed.
I just want to feel horny again. I have no idea what's me and what's my pill after all this time. I start after this week (gotta bareback for Vday).
No. 108026
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Ok this is gross, but being able to feel your ovaries?
I can feel my ovaries, or maybe pelvic-area lymphs, through my skin. They have not always been like this. The size changes, too, and there's a few different distinct lumps. Anyone else experience this? Should I get my ass to the gyno/general practice ASAP?
No. 108616
>>108570It‘s a common side effect and may happen due to the heightened levels of estrogen. Medically speaking is pausing your BC not necessary. The 7-day pause has been implemented to a) give the feeling of still having a working, normal cycle and b) to allow women in very religious relationships/families to use BC without anyone knowing.
You can try either another brand with another hormone or dosage or what
>>108609 said. Although even with progesterone only options it may happen that you bleed either every two weeks or constantly. Or not at all! It’s really impossible to predict.
Also, if you do go for an option that has no estrogen, you should supplement vitamin D as a long-term use can drastically increase the risk of osteoporosis.
I don’t know if you want to have children, but maybe an endometrial ablation would be an option for you?
No. 108706
>>108700you might have a pH balance issue? that is normally why some bacteria are allowed to grow too much (like a yeast infection)
check your diet and make sure you're eating healthy. try eating dairy products like yogurt, they're good for your vaginal pH. vegetables and garlic help too if you're lactose intolerant
No. 108725
>>108705Maybe try therapy then for your issue, since you're against pretty much all of your options to stop your periods. Also, the shot seems the least invasive, but idk I have an IUD.
>>108700If nothing has changed for you except your bf's dick, it's probably your bf's dick.
No. 108767
>>108725>>108700It's your boyfriend's dick.
I had the exact same problem, no vaginal issues for years until I met my exbf. Then within a week I got BV and would continue to get combinations of yeast infections or BV until we broke up. No more vaginal issues since.
If your boyfriend is uncircumcised you will be even more at risk unless you have sex right after the shower. This isn't me ragging on uncut dicks or speaking about circumcision, it's just a fact that there are more folds and crevices that bacteria is hiding in (plus it's more moist and dark). Your boyfriend needs to practice better hygiene, even if it's washing his dick before sex.
No. 108770
Tell him to wash his dick more properly.
No. 108771
>>108767>>108770That’s what I was thinking too, but we both shower literally 3 times a day minimum (morning, mid day, and night), and sometimes even after we’ve spent a long day out of the house at classes etc. he’s also circumcised. i read online that some people’s genitals just react like that, regardless of cleanliness? i hope that’s not the case because if he’s already very hygienic i can’t imagine what else we could do to fix the problem.
do you guys think the BV will go away on its own if i just leave my vagina alone/don’t have sex/ etc for two weeks or so? because i don’t have insurance atm and it isn’t too bad, only noticeable if you actually put a finger inside and it seems to have been getting better.. but if i have to get antibiotics or whatever is prescribed then i will.
No. 108825
>>108823has the doctor ever said anything to you about it?
>>108797thank you. it just freaks me out that it's not uniform since the rest of my vagina is pink and not so light colored
No. 108834
>>108786Trust me, you’ll know.
The itching is terrible and as
>>108789 said, the discharge looks like lumpy milk, not just milky as it usually sometimes is.
I’ve never noticed any huge changes, smell-wise but I still knew.
And a slight yellow tint can be perfectly normal if it happens regularly. If it being yellow is different from what it’s usually like, I’d look out for other symptoms.
No. 108854
>>108851Go to a gyno asap, anon. A psych ward wouldn't have much reason to do a full std panel on you.
Also, don't be an ass. If you think you have an std, tell him. Or at least don't have sex until you're fucking sure.
No. 108877
>>108851It's unlikely, honestly. 2-4 weeks after first infection you would have been sick, like developing a fever and maybe a rash. If your symptoms suddenly appeared after 5 years it's probably something else. Go to a doctor, keep a close eye on your symptoms and don't let them turn you away if it doesn't get better.
No. 108953
>>108936>>108951I have, but my doctor said that's a common side effect despite the fact that it hasn't gone away (and dismisses me whenever I bring up the fact that this has happened). I already know it's not normal, but (according to my frantic google research) it definitely has happened to others and they also can't seem to find a cure for it :(
Thinking about it now, I didn't slowly get off of it. I just stopped taking it and was basically bedridden for 7 days through the withdrawals. Do you think that could have had something to do with it?
>>108940YES! My sex drive is in the negatives. I realize how all these dumb tumblr kids can think they're asexual. If I didn't already know I was gay, I'd probably fall into that line of thinking too with how I feel right now.
I will. The worst part is that I've always had a higher than normal sex drive and used to get extremely excited and now it's the opposite. It's been like that for 3 years. I'm in my early 20s, I shouldn't feel this way yet.
A blog I used to read mentioned buspar but I tried it and, while it gave me the ability to feel arousal back, my clit is still basically numb and I stopped taking it in fear it might fuck up something else in my brain. I'm praying there's at least a way to retrain my brain to orgasm another way, but I haven't figured it out yet.
No. 109158
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Hi, I'm very thankful for the existence of this thread, it has been a lot of help.
I don't know if this has already been discussed but my vagina entrance isn't like the ones on pictures/medical schemes.
Instead of a hole, there are skin folds that I can spread apart. It feels like I have rose or some type of flower (ironically) down there blocking the entrance lol.
Even so, I can see a very very tiny entrance in between those folds, but IS VERY TINY?? I don't think even my pinky finger could enter it???
I've never been to a gynecologist, just so you now. I'm also a virgin and have never put on a tampon. I tried looking at the skin folds while standing up, just to see if it changed anything but it didn't.
Is this normal?
It may be wider when I'm aroused, however I have never masturbated so I don't really know…
No. 109161
>>109158what you're describing is probably the hymen, if you're a virgin who's never used tampons. It's a thin membrane that covers the vaginal opening and stretches/tears when you first have sex, but it can also be torn by riding a horse, riding a bike, using tampons, lots of things. Mine tore when I was 10 when I hit a curb while riding my bike.
"Popping the cherry" is a common phrase referring to tearing the hymen the first time a girl has sex. Doesn't need to be painful though, if you're lubed up and aroused enough. Hymens are totally normal and natural, there's nothing wrong with you.
No. 109169
is a membrane that partially covers the vaginal entrance. that's the definition of the word. that's why OP can't find the "hole" she's looking for, except for a tiny one (too small for even the pinky finger like she said.) that's because the hymen is covering most of it, "protecting" it by physically blocking it. Doesn't mean it's completely flat and stretched out, it has folds to allow it to stretch, but it still a membrane that covers the vaginal entrance.
No. 109179
>>109158>>109167>>109178nta but I feel so dumb now. I know you can tear your hymen by doing sports etc, and I'm a horse rider but unlike the anon I can't just say "yea I popped it while galloping up the hill" or something, I don't think I've ever seen out of blue blood or anything.
I'm a virgin but I do use tampons and sometimes masturbate vaginally. I know hymen can stretch so is it still possible that it's there? Never put anything like a dildo in, but also I don't think I've experienced not being able to fit the thing.
>it may look like a jigsaw pieceI do have something like this, it feels like a jigsaw lol. Maybe I just have a very chill hymen
Vaginas are fucking weird man.
No. 109316
>>108953Update for anyone lurking:
Started wellbutrin and the symptoms have subsided a bit (it's not numb anymore, but I don't have any spontaneous arousal). I don't know if it's fixed or if another anti-depressant just relieved the symptoms temporarily. But I'll keep up with this and see what happens.
It seems stopping suddenly can cause this to happen and it's semi-permanent. I'm going to ween off of Wellbutrin instead of stopping suddenly, so hopefully it doesn't happen again.
No. 109377
>>109238Same anon, it's annoying as fuck.
Like others have said, use lube, like, a lot and possibly try other positions.
I personally noticed that I get tears more often in positions where I'm on my back, not even lube helps there sometimes
No. 109391
>>109377Okay I’m gonna break out the lube. I think this weekend there’s a chance we might end up doing it, so wish me luck.
I actually find the worst position for me is doggystyle and that one where you’re on your back and your knees are up by your ears.
No. 109418
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This thread makes me sad. For all those anons considering labiaplasty please please please don't. You are all princesses with beautiful vaginas. I have literally NEVER heard a guy say "Yeah I liked this girl but she had an ugly vagina" and if I had I'd have immediately called them a faggot. The only men who care about your vagina's aesthetics to the point that they will judge you for it are repressed homos and psychopaths who see you as an object more than as a person (I don't count incels as they're not even considered human). Either way not a category of men you want anything to do with. I have heard more men mention weirdly specific shit like "one of her toes was longer than normal" (fucking footfags probably) than mention anything about how a vagina didn't look appealing.
Please also don't use porn as a standard to feel bad about. Porn makes both men and women feel inadequate, it's unrealistic clinically presented garbage so that you don't realize you're watching two real people pretending to enjoy something while actually hating every minute of it and under drugs to bear through the pain. The mainstream porn industry thrives on making unrealistic depictions of sex that people feel inadequate because it makes them less likely to enjoy sex on its own and want to alwalways come back to porn for ever more depraved shit.
Cosmetic surgery of this type should honestly be illegal and all "doctors" that practice it should be euthanized. Please only get surgery if you have a real health issue reason. Going under the knife for cosmetic reasons is a slippery slope. Once you fix whatever minor thing you have an issue with you'll find something else to worry about, and will consider implants or liposuction or "fixing" your nose or whatever other bullshit the "surgeon" will recommend to pray upon your insecurities. It's better to just be comfortable with yourself and realize that real people's bodies are all vastly different and that's what the norm is, the porn actors are the ones who don't represent the average. Besides even if you are using what you see in porn as a reason to feel bad, there's porn categories specifically for stuff like large labias so if anything it's a thing certain people seek out rather than specifically avoid.
No. 109422
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>>109420One thing that works for me when my cervix is low (happens on day 1 for me) is the SoftDisc. It holds more than a cup, too.
No. 109438
>>109426Reusable options include the Ziggy Cup, the NIXIT Cup, and the Lumma Unique disc. Depending on where you live, one of these might be available.
Another non-reusable option is sponges made by Beppy or Joy division (sea sponges aren't safe) which may or may not be a bajillion dollars, depending on where you live.
No. 110619
>>110613I've read plenty of papers/articles on the topic just to make sure, but I've found no evidence that it causes problems at all, even if you do it non stop. Personally, I have done it for years with no issues.
The period you get while on birth control isn't a real period to begin with, it really isn't necessary for any health reasons.
No. 110649
I have this problem for years…
It's yellow and it even goes through my pants and I have to change them everyday
It smells so bad, I went to the doctor and that bitch couldn't find something..
Am I cursed with this shit forever :(
No. 110683
Sage for paranoia/probably not actually happening/wishful thinking
I think my body is rejecting my uterus. I wishfully think about getting a hysterectomy every single day because I DO NOT want kids, I don't want to have a period, I don't want to be reminded that that's what my body is designed for (not in like a weird religious "childbirth is my purpose" kind of way, just in a "I do not want to have reproductive organs inside of me" kind of way.) It feels like a foreign body inside of me. Like an alien. Like that weird octopus fetus in Prometheus, except it's just my uterus.
Anyway. I've always had a weak pelvic floor/kegal region. Jumping rope or on a trampoline is a surefire way to make me piss myself, even when I was as young as 10 before I got my first period. I've always had poor muscle strength down there no matter how many kegal exercises I do. Sometimes I can feel pressure in my pelvis like something pulling or heavy right above my pubic bone. It usually went away in the past. But it's been like that since last night, I just changed my position when I was sitting on the floor and first noticed, to take some pressure off and did some kegals.
Tonight after I showered I was sitting on the toilet and felt kinda weird, I reached down and it felt like my urethra was shoved forward/kinda swollen or something, and I could feel the front wall of my vagina (maybe like half an inch to an inch) out of my body where my urethra usually is, but it had kinda been pushed forward a bit. I immediately stood up and everything kinda went back to semi-normal, I can still feel like my urethra is swollen and pushed forward a bit (forward like towards my stomach instead of towards my butt, not like it's hanging down, but it does feel a little bit bigger too.) Now I'm lying in bed and have some very slight cramping along with the same pressure, like I'm going to get my period in two days or maybe like I have to poop or something, even though i don't. I'm on the depo shot so I'm not getting my period either.
Anyway just hoping mmy uterus will prolapse and I'll have a solid excuse to get a hysterectomy. Fuck this shit, take it out of me, I never wanted it to begin with. I'll keep my eggs because they're going to die with me, but get the box out. I'd be fine with losing my vagoob too. My grandmother died in November of uterine cancer, so like, I'm at higher risk for it too, get it the fuckkkkkk outtta meeeee
No. 110686
>>110683go see a doctor already wtf
sounds like a uterine prolapse
No. 110812
>>110697mkay I'm def calling my gynecologist tomorrow morning. I'm 95% certain it's a cystocele (bladder prolapse.)
I was putting it off because I'm dog-sitting for my mom this week so I can't go to the hospital because there won't be anyone to take care of the dog, but I'm going to call the ob/gyn when they open and the dog can go to daycare for the day. I've been doing kegals practically constantly since Sunday night, but we got 14 inches of snow into Monday morning and I had to shovel out both my driveway and my mom's driveway. Pretty sure the heavy lifting made it even worse, and now I'm scared to poop because I don't want my bladder to come shooting out my vagina lol. Hopefully she'll be able to offer me something to help, at least keep it from getting worse. I can't have anything major done until Sunday at the earliest, my mom gets home around noon on Sunday.
I've been taking muscle relaxers since Friday for an unrelated issue with my neck. Wondering if the muscle relaxers have made my vagoob give up the fight and let my bladder hang free n loose. Nasty, but I can't stop taking them or I'll be in too much pain to do anything.
No. 110886
>>110708When puberty hit my labia dropped like nobody's business.
Considered getting them chopped off, but my bf doesn't care about them at all so that's one less anxiety for me!
No. 110934
>>110930This probably not safe at all but what has helped me with pregnancy scares like that was vitamin c. Especially when my period was being late. It‘s supposed to be a natural way to induce abortion in the very early stages.
I always took double the daily recommended dose (not sure about how high you should dose rn, I think I might have read something about 1g/day but I’d get diarrhea and terrible stomach cramps from that) and within 2 or 3 days I started my period. It usually was a tiny bit more painful since vit c increases cramps, but still way better than anxiously waiting for weeks or being pregnant.
But again: This is in no way safe or guaranteed to work. You should definitely wait till you’re a few days late and take a test. And if you actually are pregnant, please if there’s any way, go see a doctor about an abortion instead of experimenting yourself.
No. 110951
>>110950ive never been to a gyno so i dont even know where to find one in the first place, plus i still live with my family and i might fully drop dead if i have to ask my mom to help me.
can stuff like this go away on its own?
are all home remedies bullshit?
i dont even know what it could be since it doesnt itch and isnt stinky but its green??
def not an STD either cause i hadnt had any sex for like 3 months and it just randomly popped up while bf is abroad
No. 110959
>>110951Are you on your own insurance? If so, check the website for some in-network gynos. You could also ask your gp for a referral. It might be nothing other than your mucous matching what's coming out of your nose. If it's something other than that, it is almost certainly from taking antibiotics, not anything you did wrong. It might go away on its own, but since you're worried about being able to be intimate with your boyfriend, you should get it checked out.
Even if you can't have sex, there's still plenty of other stuff you can do, and any kind man will understand.
No. 111030
>>111005I disagree. First, the current recommendation is for a HPV test/pap smear combination every 3-5 years. Yearly is too much, it increases a risk of a false positive. One of the sources about this (this is not US-exclusive, similar recommendations are in place in European countries such as Finland):, the anon who isn't sexually active has no way of contracting HPV which causes cervical cancer, so there's not much of a point for her to go. Yes, there can be other cervical issues unrelated to HPV, but those are extremely rare. As for ovarian cysts - not all gynecologists do ultrasounds, so she'd need to find that out beforehand if the one she chose offers them.
No. 111125
>>111104>>111104I think this was discussed here (or in some other thread?) relatively recently and several anons (including me) answered that they have the same issue. For me, clitoral stimulation when I'm alone works perfectly fine, but once I start having penetrative sex with my partner, my clitoris goes kind of… numb, and I'm unable to reach orgasm this way, which is disappointing, that's for sure.
If you've always had this, then I don't think a gyno would be able to help you here, really, I think this has more to do with how your brain's processing the sensations, or also with how tense/nervous/uncomfortable you are during sex. I haven't found a solution to this, unfortunately.
If you suddenly have these issues and haven't had them previously, then birth control can certainly be the culprit though (same with antidepressants), as those can mess up with your hormones/libido.
No. 111130
>>111125>>111125It sounds like you're just having trouble reaching orgasm though during sex, right? I literally feel nothing during any kind of sex. Other than some pain i guess.
I only lost my virginity after being on birth control and anti depressants and rarely ever looked at porn so i dont have much to compare to. I feel like it must be a bigger issue if i have absolutely no sensation down there but my vagina is getting wet/expanding for sex. i feel really comfortable with him so i dont get it. Hopefully going to have a physical exam and my hormones measured.
No. 111505
>>111498I think it’s worth trying another brand. There are plenty of other cheap mall options for nice underwear besides H&M (Aerie is great if they have it where you live)
I would take like your pinky finger or something to measure the width of the crotch area of the underwear you currently wear, and then when you go shopping you can just hold your pinky up to the underwear in the store and see if it’s wide enough or not. That way you won’t waste your money on something that ends not fitting.
No. 111698
>>111688Discharge can be a bit ‘chunky’, too. The discharge you’re having if you have a yeast infection is like cottage cheese.
If you don’t have any other symptoms I wouldn’t worry too much.
No. 111727
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>>107903Hey ya'll. I ditched the pill on what would've been pill 1 for the month. Have to say, it's had a huge impact. I was on the pill for about 10 years.
I find my negative thoughts much easier to control and a general increase in interest of all around me. Condoms suck, but it's been managable. I don't think I'll ever go back on the pill. Interested in NuvaRing for an in-between but good fuck, fuck the pill
No. 111740
>>111708Sincerely sorry for what you have been through, anon
Are you ttc or just generally striving to get your cycle back to normal? It hugely depends on the person, I ate well (and a lot) and took every supplement and oil I could get my hands on and got my period back by two months later. I dont think anything I did made a difference though (also, went through the same thing twice)
How long ago was your miscarriage, I assume you have seen a doctor etc.
All my love, friend
No. 111745
>>111708Hi! Two miscarriages here, one at 8 weeks and one at 10 1/2 weeks. First off, anon, I'm so sorry that you went through that. It's never an easy thing, especially if it was a wanted pregnancy. My best advice would be to get a follow-up and possibly a surgery to clean everything out, that way when you want to start trying again, or just getting back to a normal menstrual cycle, everything is cleared out and ready. If it makes you feel better, it's possible to start menstruating/ovulating pretty quickly after a D&C–I got pregnant with my first successful pregnancy literally two weeks after my D&C surgery.
Spend some time for yourself, pamper yourself, and try not to stress too much. Know that nothing you did could have caused the miscarriage and that there's a big chance the pregnancy wouldn't have been healthy in the first place, so it's better to have happened when it did. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you're trying to do. <3
No. 112060
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>>112059picture dropped my bad
No. 113713
>>113573Ohh I can relate to this. It‘s been ages since I used my first tampon, but I remember being so scared because all of my friends who already had their periods talked about how painful it was and even my mother told me that I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable using them anytime soon.
When I used one for the first time though I was like ‘Wait what, what’s all the fuss about? This is so much better than pads!’
However, since my cramps got really bad I started using pads more again as I can’t bear putting anything inside of me. I’m thinking about trying thinx though because I still tend to leak on the sides and … yeah, not keen on having to deal with that.
No. 113716
>>113682Oh yeah, I don’t use it without at least a liner. But thicker pads, I don’t usually need.
They tend to…overflow? when full so you need to be on top of that. Shape probably matters too.
They’re a great comfort in public and while sleeping for me. Also no risk of tss afaik.
Can I ask why you think you’re inserting it wrong? Usually I end up feeling around until I know it’s up there properly or I hear/feel(?) suction.