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No. 111871
>>111865my SO's closest female friend is his cousin and but he views more like a sister but i feel she views him more then that
she always seems to comment his body and how well built he is
and is always doing stuff for him that he didn't ask her(like cleaning the table,bringing him beer from the fridge even when he didn't want or ask for beer) and also "borrowing" his shirts and never giving them back
No. 111906
>>111905This, if my partner BANNED me from men I still wouldn't cheat lmao.
I would leave though since my only friend is male and we aren't attracted to each other in the least. It would be a weird controlling move.
Generally, I think it's healthy to have friends outside of your gender. As long as they're not weirdly close (like cuddling or its clear she likes him) and dont discuss sex (I'd stop with my friend too) then it's fine.
No. 170736
I had several SOs with female friends and every single time, like clockwork, it either turned romantic or used to be romantic. Guys will cry "jealous!" over it to cover their asses because they know it's true, and cool girls will eat it up and push aside their feelings to show how cool and totally not jealous they are about it.
>Scrote #1
I was his first gf but he had a long-term crush on one of his best female friends. She wouldn't give him time of day so he got with me because he was desperate. He slept with her several times as soon as we broke up. She still wouldn't get with him, sometimes they have threesomes with guys she actually wants to fuck when she isn't drunk. He cries about it, but it's what he deserves.
>Scrote #2
Not much to say here, had yellow fever and treated me like shit while pining for his "close online friend" from Korea. Said outright to me that he loves women and has many female friends, and if I have a jealousy problem he'll dump me. Ogled Asian girls, watched Japanese porn, gaslit me and got angry when I asked him how his day went because it turns out he'd been fucking a 'friend' behind my back.
>Scrote #3
Likewise had two close female friends. He was older than me by 9 years but one of his close friends (the one he wanted to fuck) was my age. He sent her air kisses when they met, was super chivalrous towards both of them but made me pay for my own drinks, admitted to me that he had a crush on the younger girl, said she was 'prettier than me because she had bigger tits and any guy would agree with him' during a fight. Sent her cutesy heart emojis but not me. Still accused me of being jealous and gaslit me when I said I didn't like this. Probably couldn't get with her because she was out of his league so he went after me. Was ugly but said we were "on the same level" lookswise.
Anyway, I'm wary of scrotes with female friends, not because of the girls themselves but because scrotes can't be friends with women they don't want to fuck.
No. 170748
>>170739I'd agree with it because I think it's a kind of a red flag if there's not a single woman feeling ok in a presence of a guy you're dating. Like
>>170736 though I have zero positive experiences with single women guys I dated were friendly with, but my current bf has a friend that is a lesbian and another one that is a wife of his male friend, and it all seems fine and healthy.
Somehow I was significantly less worried about any kinds of friends when I dated another bi woman, maybe it's naive but I trust women much more.
No. 170751
>>170699That.. seems extremely interesting.
How did you meet him, how did you not realise this sooner, and what does the life of a nice playboy retard look like ?
No. 170772
My current bf tried this "I get along w women better than men" thing on our 3rd date.
But he would be talking to them all hours of the night, so I was like, "Hey we're closing the gap on 30. You and I both have enough life experience now to know how this turns out. I need you to have better boundaries."
He tried the whole jealousy thing but I mean… come on. Lmfao. I am not a child. I seriously considered ending things for pulling that line. Anyway it caused major drama, predictably. Now he has both these girls blocked and agrees he was being stupid for acting like there wasn't anything more happening.
There are definitely exceptions like in the case with this anon
>>170699In general, I don't fall for this. My rules are: no texting buddies, no hanging out one-on-one, no thirst-following people on social media.
It is possible to have girl friends without talking to them all day, going out with them, and liking their thirst traps on insta. It really is possible. We can go on double dates with them or hang out in a group.
No. 170776
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>>170699Literally me except he had fewer flings. I'm slightly autistic myself, but I've always been socially aware enough to pick up on when someone is "off". I was just insecure enough to keep dating him until I finally realized, damn, he's more autistic than me. Or maybe I'm not self aware enough and he was on my level. I don't fucking know. But you shouldn't stay with someone who makes you cringe internally, even if you love them in a weird way…
Fucking hell, what's a girl to do if she's a friendless autist but can't stand autistic/weird men? I'm a hypocrite.
No. 170778
>>170748>>170774these are really good points, especially the point about red flags if your bf has absolutely zero women in his orbit. like, while i do think men can and should minimise the opportunity for issues with other (single) women to arise, i don't think it's normal for men to not have any female friends or at least comfortable acquaintances, and i don't think it's okay to actively stop your partner from speaking to absolutely any women ever 'just in case'.
tbh, sometimes i feel as though some girls who act like all other women are demons trying to seduce their men just need to get better boyfriends and a better sense of self worth. i empathise with them and understand why so many women are concerned about it, but sometimes it reeks of insecurity
No. 170836
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>>170751We met on okcupid, he doesn't really come off the same way in text, and I was on a massive dose of zoloft and smoking weed at the time. I think if not for the zoloft, I would have noticed right away, honestly
He and friend (female of course) rented a small house together, she had a cat she wouldn't take care of, so he adopted the cat. He was a teachers aid for the behavioral disorder kids, he's the guy who has to keep the kids calm and know how to diffuse situations, and be strong enough to keep the real violent ones from killing each other. Also he was trying to become a stand up comedian
>>170753holy shit, thank you blood sister
>>170776dude I think about that episode of Sunny all the time now lmfao
I feel a lot like you do
>you shouldn't stay with someone who makes you cringe internally, even if you love them in a weird wayhit the nail on the head, I wish nothing but the best for him, but jesus christ that shit was rough. The night I had to call it quits was after I had to watch him do stand up comedy and it was just
I cannot tell you how embarrassing it was, this poor sweet fool
it is a weird, sad, bad feel
No. 171273
>>111865Tbh it's a huge red flag for men to have a female friend group at this point. One thing that I've noticed (especially in "leftist" or "liberal" circles) nobody has done the unlearning of being able to stand up to a man, so they all consistently coddle him, hence why he enjoys all girl groups. Guy friend groups keep guys they hate around for sure, but they slowly exclude them or will tell them to fuck off. Girls just don't do that with men, and I think its why leftist men in girl friend groups are usually so autistic and covertly sexist.
A man having basic decency and typical feminist opinions makes him a messiah, and the group never calls him out on terrible behavior. I've been seeing this pattern everywhere, especially with college groups