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/g/ - girl talk

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No. 121350

Previous: >>107593

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly,creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

Men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck… or not.

No. 121353

>Men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck… or not.
>or not
what does this mean? no offense but "Men You're Ashamed To Say You'd Fuck" is a superior thread title for being straight to the point

No. 121355

Not op but there's confusion on whether some ugly men deserve to be in this thread if the poster just dgaf. Since they won't fit into the hot guy thread either.

No. 121356

i appreciate the slipknot thread photo

No. 121362

>Unconventional Male Attractions

Were you drunk when you made this OP?

No. 121365

Lmfao why is my shameful fuck the op pic? I posted that like a year ago too.

No. 121376

kiwifarms admin after taking 10 baths

No. 121381

File: 1565646341901.png (2.1 MB, 1334x750, 02E99DAA-8B44-4AE0-A123-4DE0C7…)

i really wanna fuck the vice incel, i find him physically attractive & his mannerisms in the interview are very endearing to me

No. 121382

File: 1565646535917.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1438, Screenshot_20190812-234752~2.p…)

I don't care what they all say about hosts at /w/. I'd fuck one. (Except the Kei guy I guess)

No. 121383

yeah i thought that he was cute too. he comes off as a polite person in the video, i hope he made it out of the incel hellhole.

No. 121388

I've never spoken to him directly, but he's well known on /r9k/. He's apparently not actually an incel and has a heroin addiction. He seems really lonely and mentally ill, it's sad.

No. 121390

File: 1565657005958.jpg (163.06 KB, 605x404, glow_101_01420r.jpg)

Everytime a new season of GLOW drops I develop an insane short-lived crush on Marc Maron's character. Last fictional crush I had was probably Inuyasha when I was 14 lol

No. 121391

File: 1565657135002.jpeg (37.46 KB, 450x270, D5C4B370-D74B-4101-818C-686FF1…)

really? i’ve heard the drug addiction stuff but not that he isn’t really an incel.
in any case i find him super cute

No. 121393

File: 1565660284393.jpg (44.62 KB, 900x477, jim-morrison-og.jpg)

No. 121399

File: 1565665464825.png (2.14 MB, 1186x1186, Jack_Pipe.png)

Jack Stauber is lowkey a cutie

No. 121412

Nah he's not unconventional. He's the epitome of strong, confident masculinity to me, with those leather pants and scruffy hair. His voice is hot too

No. 121416


No. 121417

File: 1565713156175.png (1.47 MB, 898x958, hair.png)

c'mon anon, he was conventionally attractive and literally a sex symbol.

I promised not to sperg out too much but since it's a new thread I'll allow myself to do it again just once. I really can't over emphasize how cute Brah looks with longer hair.

No. 121419

Lemmie join you once again fellow reviewbrah-sperg

No. 121423

the "not actually an incel" stuff was in regards to him not being a virgin (iirc?). I don't doubt that he has massive issues with dating though and might still consider himself an incel even if incel dogma doesn't.
ugh, he's so pretty. he looks like a real life edgy anime boy in that tumbnail.

No. 121424

File: 1565721613580.jpg (200.93 KB, 700x1000, Seth-700x1000.jpg)

after posting Seth Rogen in the conventionally attractive men you'd like to fuck thread and being met with anons telling me he didn't belong there, I did some soul searching and realised they were right - he wasn't meant for such a thread. so I'll post him here. I would still fuck him though

No. 121425

File: 1565721720478.jpg (128.11 KB, 900x1200, DceFJ3LW0AAd1JL.jpg)

I always thought he looked like he could be related to vegan gain's wife Jasmin

No. 121427

File: 1565721925067.jpg (46.56 KB, 927x927, 39256764_244726299715383_76788…)

his delicate ladylike hands and long nails are such a turn off. that at everything else about him. no offence to the review brah anons though, you do you

No. 121429

Good character development! He could end up in the other thread if he ever got fit and developed a sense of style, but I fear his reputation would always precede him and lead you back into "men I'm embarrassed to admit I'd fuck" territory. Welcome home, anon.

No. 121430

I don't like his nails either but I got used to them and consider them borderline acceptable now even tho I hate long nails myself.he also keeps them nice and clean which is a plus.if girls can have long nails then why not him?
Regarding his hands,I find them really pretty and I wish he would do us a favour and become a hand model ugh(thank u for being respectful anon)

No. 121431

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No. 121455

I just ashamed that I would fuck him

No. 121463

File: 1565747660392.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.54 KB, 552x552, 4680634_10544638.jpg)

I don't get it. He looks like Lauren Harries.

No. 121473

File: 1565756242046.png (402.98 KB, 607x415, 07-17-23-ab3px323uxdz.png)

Nah he looks like the male version of lorde

No. 121474

Oh no…what have you done…

No. 121481

File: 1565758792903.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.31 KB, 960x540, 5bb7aaa43c000020010d9e2e.jpeg)

Are you quite sure?

No. 121502

No. 121512

what video is this holy shit, he looks so cute

No. 121517

File: 1565784529614.jpg (69.61 KB, 900x675, D8PDDunVUAApWgu.jpg)

How can someone be so weird looking and so cute at the same time? I've never been this attracted to someone I've never even seen IRL

No. 121535

File: 1565807234809.png (1.74 MB, 1247x640, hands.png)

So glad to see my fellow sperger~ By the amount of replies we've gotten, this is starting to look like the unofficial reviewbrah thread kek

it's the Styling My Hair Through the Years vid! That's his hair without any product in it, ridiculously cute. He would get so much more female (and male tbh) attention if he wore it this way, I don't get why he doesn't.

I actually find them extremely attractive, bordering on straight-up erotic. I'll refrain from making gross comments in case he stumbles across this thread, but fuck I love his hands.

No. 121539

i haven't kept up with him for years but he's still a qt

No. 121541

File: 1565811131038.jpg (66.79 KB, 900x450, brah without the burgerking bu…)

a few answers here are from me but yea john is the epitome of unconventionally attractive and no one can convince me otherwise

>He would get so much more female (and male tbh) attention if he wore it this way, I don't get why he doesn't.

it's because our boy does his hair for himself and not for others.same with his nails and style and all that

also my hot take is that this pic of reviewbrah is great and those two pics have the same energy

No. 121545

I can't take this thread seriously anymore

No. 121547

File: 1565813903790.jpg (316.35 KB, 813x1231, 20190814_221618.jpg)

I didn't see many people drooling over him so yeah

No. 121549

You're reading my mind. I just finnished season 3 and was lusting for him all over. He looks like a younger sleazebag version of my grandfather so that only makes it worse.

No. 121552

Anon please I'm begging you get help

No. 121558

Who hurt you

No. 121577

File: 1565838955710.jpg (34.02 KB, 640x427, O5Mh7AEZXFiXbiXxag-jubob0SjvMn…)

This soldier from a Vietnam War documentary. I don't think he's unattractive, I'm just a little embarrassed about having a thing for a guy from 50 years ago.
Also he didn't age too well but PTSD will do that.

No. 121579

I find that type very attractive tbh

No. 121581

I'd fuck him in a second to be honest. Yeah he's weird looking but there's something super sexy about him

No. 121641

bro, Lorde and reviewbrah are straight up the same person. Lorde even had a finsta where she reviewed onion rings a few years back. No one, and I mean, NO ONE can convice me "they"'re not the same exact person.

No. 121657

can the review guy fan girls stop posting here plz. we get it you think he’s quirky~~~ he’s ugly as fuck let’s just move on

No. 121668

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I don’t know why, but I find his push over attitude attractive

No. 121678

Jorge from 90 Day Fiancé?

No. 121681

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his wife will kick your ass anon

No. 121691

His attitude is pretty annoying to me but I have to admit he's looking increasingly attractive with the weight loss.

Sorry for the dumb question anons, but is there a thread for girls (not the "girls you're ashamed of liking" one)? I have the hugest crush on Anfisa.

No. 121699

i would bring her her red bag with her MAKE UP any time

No. 121702

I want an attractive women you'd fuck thread if there isn't one already.

No. 121703

File: 1565977324849.jpg (114.96 KB, 960x1209, LifJsBX.jpg)

I am ashamed of myself honestly

No. 121715

ugh this fucking guy… let me vent. i feel genuinely bad for finding him attractive because he's an absolute scumbag. he is such a pretty looking manlet yet he keeps whining about how his looks are the reason why he can't get laid. i looked up more of his posts and he's basically a neet completely dependent on his parents' money at age 22, doesn't show any effort to improve himself, is constantly drunk or high, thinks he's not white passing for oppression points, hates all women (no shit, i know), believes that men are natural predators and sees it as an excuse for fucking someone who is passed out drunk, yet is also homophobic because "gays are predators trying to convert straight men", he's just an overall trainwreck.

No. 121719

File: 1565983826281.jpg (93.52 KB, 1379x683, QnnNWvG.jpg)

I get you sis, he is an absolutely despicable human being.
He has the prettiest face I've ever seen, but I still cringe whenever I see it, he is fucking nuts.

No. 121720

Sorry, I forgot to sage

No. 121721

I wonder if he'd end up just as insane if he didn't become a part of the incel community.

No. 121729

File: 1565990741275.jpg (34.53 KB, 450x450, Jason-Nash-1.jpg)

fuck anons i had a dream that i was dating Jason Nash last night and now I have a crush on him, i did not sign up for this……..

No. 121739

File: 1565995614392.jpg (84.15 KB, 1034x582, Tyler1-sitting-on-his-gaming-c…)

I only know tyler1 for the memes, tbh.
But he looks adorable.
(wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he's another misogynistic gAmEr piece of trash, though. Didn't really do any research on him)

How the fuck can someone who looks like that be an incel? He's probably a volcel who rejects any woman that doesn't look like a pornstar or a model.
I'm also very curious about what other incels say about him. You know, since they hate non-horrificent looking women who dare to express any insecurities about their physical appearance. They think they do it just for attention etc etc. It's like, in their own tiny brains, they think you can't be a decent looking woman and be sad at the same time, because apparently being good looking is all that matters in life.
I also can't believe he's a useless neet and still looks so youthful and has perfect skin. I would be the happiest person alive if I was in his place, lmao.

No. 121741

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I’m a lesbian, but I’m so goddamned attracted to Matt Champion it’s almost concerning. He looks like typical white trash but I think it has a lot to do with his confidence in rapping too… I’m very ashamed

No. 121746

He probably has a bad personality. He doesnt even look all that so its understandable. Yuck at the bitches itt who would fuck him if it isnt him self posting.

No. 121751

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I've seen tons of incel pictures and the places where they hang out. So many of them aren't ugly and sometimes even really attractive. I know they love to meme about it but for most of them it genuinely is their fucked up personalities holding them back. Also their sperging about lookism is hilarious to me, pic related is the wikipedia entry for one of their "celebrities". I honestly think being an incel is like almost like a hobby for some of them.

No. 121755

Would let her dig my gold any day. She deserves better than jorge

>being an incel is like almost like a hobby for some of them.
Their forum's biggest bannable offense is "bragging" ffs. Knajjd is an entitled psychopath, he bans incels who get the bare minimum action from girls, he bans incels who use other incel forums, he gets offended if someone calls him a fakecel. They care more about being a part of muh incel community than getting out of it and that's where my sympathy for them ends.

No. 121758

I just read that he's only 5'2, now that explains why he's permatriggered lmao

No. 121760

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No. 121761

File: 1566036651906.gif (1.17 MB, 254x275, 1450560648502.gif)

No. 121778

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Zyros has the frame of a little girl

No. 121779

i like small framed men but his face and body dont match at all

No. 121791

File: 1566094696609.jpg (175.23 KB, 1200x802, DzWpKDsWoAAnQRt.jpg)

It's so alarmingly dumb that short men are bitterly insecure about it since women don't actually care. Men just meme themselves into insecurities out of some weird competitive crab-in-a-bucket issue they have.

Also here's an entry so as not to derail. He's otherwise average but those SPOOKY EYES get me.

No. 121797

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this is like up there in shamefulness for me due to general appearance, age and manchildness, but I love his sense of humour and voice, wish we could eat 60 year old tinned chicken legs together or something, sigh

No. 121808

File: 1566123584674.jpg (54.41 KB, 514x417, B8866233Z.1_20180312161604_000…)

Jared Keeso. Mostly because of Letterkenny.

Okay entirely because of Letterkenny.

Oh god the awkward fucking kill me

No. 121813

I watched ashens vids for a good while before I ever saw his face. I kinda fancied him based on his voice but then the face didn't match up for me

No. 121833

I had a crush on him when I was younger too

No. 121847

File: 1566172367978.png (345.49 KB, 404x640, Screen Shot 2019-08-18 at 7.50…)

#1 most hansy boy of my heart

No. 121853

File: 1566179725324.jpg (147.3 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

i don't even watch nerdcubed but i fall a bit in love with him every December when he and ashens do their advent calendar series.

No. 121862

maxmoefoe in his early days of youtube

No. 121866

Must be selfposting. This face is so punchable.

No. 121867

Yes! only started watching him lately but yeah he was cute in his younger/slimmer days, still kinda is

No. 121869


No. 121870

File: 1566224054672.jpg (45.3 KB, 640x640, drawn-freckles-adam-driver-371…)

Adam Driver

It's a straight fact that he's unconventionally handsome, but people have said he's ugly AF pointing out his huge ears, crooked teeth and moles.

This man is ruining my life and I want him to dominate me and also tell me to get my life together

No. 121873

File: 1566228772275.jpg (1.46 MB, 1903x1470, 1566226740593.jpg)

I just read some things he posted (pic rel, stole it from pinkpill thread), and yeah, I wouldn't go near him after all. Disgusting. I feel ashamed of posting him lol.

No. 121874

File: 1566229246499.png (517.53 KB, 715x484, ijustcant.png)

>Every woman that grew up with a dog will eventually fuck that dog. It is very common. It's a biological impulse.

No. 121880

he should have just gone after a shotacon kek, they'd be into that

No. 121904

that dude's yt vids are okay

No. 121915

File: 1566282872488.jpg (41.15 KB, 648x401, adam-driver-keanu reeves.jpg)

I read somewhere that Adam Driver looks like Keanu Reeves drawn from memory and I can't get it out of my head

Also this face swap

No. 121970

Are you really suggesting that every natal female who says they’re a lesbian on here are really just trannies in disguise? FOH

No. 121972

File: 1566344545470.jpg (134.72 KB, 813x716, BOI.jpg)

kek i posted in the old thread by mistake so reposting here.

this boy right here, i am ashamed.

No. 121979

10/10 would finger his gills. Just go on Tinder anon, no shortage of (marine) animal lovers also date-rapists and head pushers lmao

No. 121980

File: 1566349108732.jpeg (632.14 KB, 750x743, 5CCB2AEE-2C4E-4733-BFFF-E73ECC…)

Something about this unkempt pudgy man child just really does it for me

No. 121983

omfg explains why I love them both. Adam is my fave ever though.

No. 121994

File: 1566373581446.jpg (86.4 KB, 500x500, Jus.jpg)

These two Sikh Studs… I guess.

No. 121997

I am fine with this. This makes me happy.

No. 121999

Im not sexually attracted to him but I do think he's really cute

No. 122017

He would be so fucking hot without the face and neck tattoos imo. Especially if he lost a little weight..

No. 122018

A lot of girls seem to think he's super hot and I just dont see it. I think it's the fact that he's tall and his deep voice maybe?

Who even is that?

No. 122030

>A lot of girls seem to think he's super hot
I've never seen this anywhere else but in here, irl it's only chicks laughing at his ridiculous crooked face.

No. 122033

I feel u anon, I’d sit on his face

No. 122038

File: 1566467442290.jpg (43.53 KB, 540x791, 533a6b10cec4bb2adfcfcefe261330…)

I wish I could understand why. The weirder he dresses the better

No. 122044

File: 1566485675180.jpg (47.62 KB, 474x474, IMG_20190821_204820_300.jpg)

Recently watched Full Metal Jacket and can't get over how cute Joker was even as a piece of shit he was as a Marine. I think I got a crush.

No. 122049

Agreed! but he was such a great guy to Pyle so I think the hazing and his suicide kinda broke him and made him just not give a shit anymore

No. 122056

File: 1566503355950.jpg (397.84 KB, 1200x1200, goat.jpg)

you'd be surprised, i'm pretty sure he's considered a "millennial sex symbol" kek. for example, he was shot like this for Vogue in 2013 https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/daria-werbowy-and-adam-driver-photos

No. 122072

File: 1566542566388.png (310.67 KB, 737x412, kitboga.png)

Just recently binged Kitboga and got a slight crush on him, but only with the sunglasses on. He has a really minor lisp sometimes and that's probably what got me.

No. 122077

Anon love yourself a little bit are you ok

No. 122078


The autism and lameness radiates off of him even if he is attractive on paper, tbh.

If this was 1993 he would be scamming hoes like Mili Vanili and probably having 2 secret children by now. Its weird how much standards of beauty changes.

No. 122079

isn't he the guy who had some gay beef with knajjd?

No. 122084


he was cute in rental

No. 122092

I think you mean ‘general silliness’, takes a lot more than that to be a manchild. He’s pretty respectable imo and I always appreciate more British humour in the sea of meme editing and ADHD-tier jump cuts. I wanna say his face is too small for itself somehow though, lol.

No. 122108

haha don't tell me you don't know bout and fall for media shilling strategies

No. 122113

File: 1566626017571.jpg (582.02 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20190824-065234_You…)

ok,that's fair, he seems to be a well adjusted and functioning adult so I guess it isn't that fitting, not really sure how else to describe that amount of knowledge/passion for nerd bs and neckbeard was the 1st thing to come to mind. I personally don't care much about things he's into but I find him being so into them endearing. I'd rather die that admit this crush to anyone irl tho, chiefly because he'd come across as a turbo neckbeard to all my ultra normie "internet is like where fb and cat videos come from, yeah" friends.

also idk if you've seen the bits he did with dan and phil back in the "who stole my sofa" days but like seeing them all together really did highlight how odd he looks lmao. still cute, still want him to whisper in my ear while fingering me

No. 122114

If it weren't for the face tattoos I might've agreed with you

Also, thanks to whoever posted the Tom Scott post >>108489 in the last thread, you've got me hooked on the idea of him and I'm too nervous to watch his videos to see what he's even like.

No. 122189

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No. 122204

Somebody posted about Reviewbrah here lately and I didn't really know who he was, just been binging his vids

As an adult with suspected aspergers (I refuse to get tested) I can't help but relate to him.. he's got that autism charm

No. 122208

Just go to a Latino ghetto and pick any Fuck boy

No. 122209

He used to look like that? Whoah…

No. 122216

File: 1566833051739.png (4.52 MB, 2048x2048, iwanthisclothes.png)

If it were that easy…
Ghetto guys don't dare to wear these clothes.

No. 122231

File: 1566861135045.jpg (290.17 KB, 700x700, 25-jason-mantzoukas.w700.h700.…)

I want to sit on Jason Mantzoukas's face.

No. 122239

File: 1566879086038.png (6.48 MB, 3000x1997, ikkq2mxgi2gyeo1xzld8.png)

I'm genuinely not sure if he's conventional or unconventional. I find him hot as fuck, but I showed six of my galfriends, and they all think he's weird looking or fug.

No. 122251

File: 1566894754207.jpeg (8.2 MB, 3000x4500, 4F3287A3-876F-4BEF-AFA2-69C976…)


These are 3 different guys with his same face

Just dress them as lady Gagas assistant with a shade of blind barber and you have your tacky prince

No. 122252

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No. 122254

I don’t like him either but this is a really good picture. He is begging for eyebrows though. How can he have such a head of hair yet have alopecia only in his brows?

I don’t know how else to phrase but those words have just the wrong feeling to them. Maybe that’s because I’m into similar things and to me most people (read: ‘blokes’) who are into retro tech stuff are nerdy but they don’t have a reputation for creepy incel tendencies/being hyper competitive over dumb shit. It’s definitely alien to normies but when I found channels like these (like The8-bitGuy) with an open mind it’s clearly just some older guys applying their IT background to their childhood gaming hobby and I’d watch that over some pleb tier, Dew-fuelled ape screeching over a flavour of the month game who calls themselves a ~content creator~

You do you, anon, he’s no model but not everyone can be and he’s a respectable choice in my book. Never saw the bits with Dan and Phil but I liked the food ones he did with Barry.

No. 122271

Oh god yes and I am not even into man. Pete is just so weird? That bone structure almost doesn't look human.

No. 122274

Holy shit my boyfriend was talking about this dude from Type O Negative yesterday. Basically describing him as the most masculine vampire.

No. 122279

File: 1566934123729.jpg (36.33 KB, 912x513, _52865449_205588.jpg)

I have no idea, tbh. I have thinning ends of my eyebrows as well. My mother's eyebrows are similar to Matt's when he still had them, and hers are thinning out too. Both of us have a full head of har. My dad is balding, but he has thick eyebrows, lol. Just one of the mysteries of complex genetic interaction.

This man is both hot and uncanny valley looking at the same time.

No. 122290

I don't share the feeling but I honestly get it.

No. 122293

File: 1566944611850.jpeg (64.06 KB, 615x750, 5CCFCB0B-AE9B-4A1D-B67C-9C0CCA…)

I’ll never understand my attraction towards gross old men…

No. 122300

sorry ot but i cant stop laughing at this pic, expression looks like fucking viper the rapper

No. 122301

File: 1566961042166.jpg (249.37 KB, 1024x1537, f2277b65-e127-449f-908d-f7ae91…)

he is kinda built like a caveman but i find him so irresistibly hot

No. 122307

his face looked unusual but still masculine plus he was tall and fit.i get women being into him.like hell im kinda into him and he is far away from my type

No. 122309

File: 1566972086554.jpg (41.9 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

not sure if this is really that unconventional, but… Thomas Gore (the pale skinny guy from the youtube comedy sketch channel, BalloonShop).
i've crushed on him for literal years… i'm so attracted to his understated sense of humor. but i also find him so cute. i've shown him to friends and they all thought he was strange and unfunny lol

No. 122310

File: 1566972582094.jpg (23.96 KB, 640x360, xqc.jpg)

i think he can be really annoying and i dont like watching him so im not sure why but yea

No. 122316

just fyi he had a photoshoot for playgirl (if you need some material for… various purposes)

No. 122332

File: 1567015128007.jpg (46.79 KB, 640x424, DJQJa_sXcAApygt.jpg)

Same. I think I was memed into liking him through posts on here because I didn't know who he was before I started seeing those posts. I've heard he was a complete asshole, but physically, to me, he was perfect. Super, super masculine but weirdly soft at the same time? I don't know. Gets me wet.

No. 122340

i feel you anon, I only watch clips from his streams bc I think he's kinda cute but I can't watch his streams for more than 5 minutes, all the stupid shit he says makes him kinda endearing lol
then I remember he's a literal manchild, doesn't know how to cook or clean and depends on his mum and gf to do everything for him, that makes him lose more of his charm

No. 122341

File: 1567031355795.jpg (121.6 KB, 1600x900, Sodapoppin-slams-popular-socia…)

samefag, he's a complete degenerate but I always thought sodapoppin was also a bit hot

No. 122485

I would fuck rapey Dennis so hard, I even found the wall push around 2:00 super hot. I should be ashamed of myself lol

No. 122487

File: 1567203072318.jpg (45.72 KB, 500x703, f0a0fca3b565d0df46209a2285f90c…)

I never understood why people found MM attractive when he was young, never mind old. to each their own though.

No. 122488

Anon love yourself

No. 122489

nta but i just love skinny androgynous weird dudes, not attracted to mm now tho

No. 122492

File: 1567206022785.jpg (396.1 KB, 1944x1796, Screenshot 2019-08-30 at 23.55…)

aleks (cow chop on youtube). I would post him in the attractive men you wanna fuck thread because he's cute, however he's been looking a little crusty for a while now

No. 122496

he's just so dumb and cute

No. 122497

fuck me trashy aleks is so hot.

No. 122502

File: 1567213486536.jpg (123.51 KB, 860x754, Untitled.jpg)

randy goddamn pitchford

everyone hates him for being a money-grubbing jackass but i've seen him live at gearbox panels and i am SO charmed by his goofy dad persona. at this year's pax panel he made a big dick joke and i was Riled. i'd fuck him six ways from sunday.

No. 122523

Boi, I'm in the same boat as you. I liked Kyo for like… 7 years now? At the beginning I was like "ew" but then I started to see him as a BIG crush.

Even with those ugly teeth.

No. 122526

Anon love yourself he looks like a Italian scammer that lives with his mom

No. 122554

File: 1567288775308.gif (2.71 MB, 540x360, 2b527d1e-ec26-46a2-ac09-4c7e63…)

I've already been shamed by all my friends for this but for some ungodly reason Joaquin Phoenix in the new Joker trailer is really doing it for me

No. 122562

File: 1567301377570.png (139.93 KB, 500x500, 378391543.png)

i can't control my clit

i just can't

No. 122565

Don't feel bad, there's just something about useless old men/dame oyajis.

No. 122567

File: 1567317919900.gif (7.07 MB, 540x304, tenor (2).gif)

Been following some japanese pro wrestling for a while and Hiromu Takahashi makes me feel things.

Dont know why im so damn attracted to him

No. 122568

that fuckin button up tho. id fuck him just because i feel bad because he might be retarded

No. 122569

We live in a society

No. 122633

File: 1567379991284.jpeg (71.57 KB, 528x1152, preview_b14801f5.jpeg)

he always wears horrible clothes, it's part of the uncool dad thing

No. 122714

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he would gaze at me the whole time

No. 122715

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No. 122716

Rapey Dennis doesn’t do much for me but I’d probably fuck Dennis in general. As well as early seasons Mac and Charlie.

No. 122717

I'm on season 11 and I'm still extremely attracted to Charlie.

No. 122721

File: 1567565740820.jpg (755.26 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190904_045628_com…)

In certain pictures he looks like a super model but in others just a straight up freak and I can't help but being attracted to him

No. 122744

File: 1567591956720.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1028x1102, 3C864602-9240-4A1A-BA92-7CB02F…)

No. 122745

This…this is beautiful… swoon yet appalled

No. 122746

I can understand this one. I used to like shane waaaay back like when his channel was new, he was still in the closet. I was a teenager at the time but even now sometimes I think he looks pretty good. funny too

No. 122754

File: 1567601791171.png (189.5 KB, 317x317, Screen-shot-2012-03-08-at-9.52…)

Quentin Tarantino, but only as Jimmy in Pulp Fiction.


No. 122769

File: 1567628527542.jpg (111.29 KB, 1266x840, metallica-rheinenergiestadion-…)

I will take him, especially when he wears his gaudy cowboy themed outfits, help.

No. 122773

File: 1567637019721.jpg (28.51 KB, 590x350, john-bercow-news-2033058.jpg)

not afraid to say i'd fuck john bercow

No. 122824

File: 1567725679420.jpg (126.97 KB, 390x520, Kempermugshot.jpg)

obviously not in his current state because he looks like malformed turkey but from the 70s-the early 2000s he could get it. If he managed to healthly cope w his mommy issues and keep his fucked up sexual shit underaps it wouldnt be hard for him to find a girlfriend

No. 122827


No. 122845

I agree so hard.

No. 122856

File: 1567767284867.jpeg (62.63 KB, 390x543, 8F9F10A4-B52F-4755-A52F-772920…)

>that chinlet tho

He looks like a toddler from the side

No. 122960

File: 1567918429303.jpg (13.75 KB, 209x404, Bibleman.jpg)

I hate myself.

No. 122964

He drives me crazy because I can see there's an attractive man under that patchy facial hair and sloppy posture ugh

No. 122966

Anon don’t lie are you autistic

No. 122968

File: 1567936388056.jpg (253.39 KB, 1174x1600, young_Stalin_1.jpg)

young stalin was a qt

No. 123021

File: 1568003714516.jpg (102.45 KB, 634x952, 472112B900000578-5175179-image…)

ok he was scummy and probably pretty gross but lil peep is one of the sexiest men ever to me. his body, big doe eyes, tattoos just really does it for me

No. 123024

File: 1568004423547.png (116.9 KB, 640x407, Ice-Paul-640x407.png)

Ice Poseidon is so fucking gross. But he has a sexy voice and is oddly handsome. Kill me.

No. 123031

File: 1568011371539.jpg (31.53 KB, 481x481, pjimage4-1522091630.jpg)

Vanjie..in drag or out idk I just think they are cute and hilarious as well

No. 123034

tbqh i dont think he was all that gross for a 21 yo that was in a pretty terrible circle. he couldve been a lot worse. he was very cute though and i think if he hadn't had fangirls calling him 'daddy' incessantly he wouldn't have gotten that stupid tattoo. i think he mighve been a subby sad pretty boy at heart tbh, as this older sorta hot song by him written before he really came up demonstrates.
>mfw no trashy sub skelly bf

No. 123068

File: 1568051819560.jpeg (341.46 KB, 1000x1500, 1536508680401.jpeg)

I wish he didn't get a shitty jaw shave

No. 123086

File: 1568076770751.jpg (458.79 KB, 1024x768, jesus_teaching.jpg)

Don't know if it's conventional or not, but he is pretty gorgeous. Watching this with my dad while I was still a questioning Christian was pretty awkward. Why do they always pick hot guys to portray Christ? Do you want girls to lust n' go to hell, or what bro?

No. 123094

>>123034 well i say gross because he always talked about how he didn't like to shower. and the whole "sad pretty boy broken heart uwu" was a schtick. I used to be a big fan of him but he was a huge player who knew what image would sell. Not that he wasn't being himself at the same time.

No. 123095

saw the news about him leaving and immediately thought of this post so thanks anon

No. 123102

no doubt he wasn't faithful and was a player, but i'm referring to the submissive thing and i meant that he was a subby sad boy at heart, not that he had his heart broken. imo in his older songs it seems like he more frequently mentioned sex and women being the subject (fucking him, controlling him), rather than them being the object (him fucking them, which is more common), which is something i think he mentioned more often in songs after he blew up bc it was more expected of him. i think he naturally had the inclination to be a little more passive, personally. plus he had mentioned really liking having feet shoved in his face/mouth, generally shit submissive dudes like in my experience. under all of the pressure to be a certain way as a toxic bad boy rapper or w/e, i feel like he was a lowkey masochist and would've been pretty submissive sexually naturally. obviously the sad boy part was partially a shtick but he probably had some legitimate problems, iirc he used to self harm and iirc his non famous friends even admitted he had bad anxiety and had to get high to perform and be his persona, even. i think he def way exaggerated parts of himself to better sell himself tho

No. 123138

One of my favourite youtubers got married recently.
I really wish that one day I'd find someone who would do so much for me as he does for Cambry. He built her an elevator in their house and cut apart two bikes to make her a heavy duty wheelchair ffs. (she's disabled)

No. 123395

He’s my friend, I can give you his contact info. He posted it himself on r9k awhile ago.

Discord: Waster#4611
Snapchat: reclusesleuth

We haven’t spoken in a while but I think he is still pretty lonely.

No. 123397

which incel platform was he in?

No. 123398

File: 1568465147031.jpeg (740.23 KB, 1201x1201, daniel.jpeg)

i still can't tell if he's just a dedicated troll or he is really that autistic and narcissistic.

No. 123399

File: 1568466365940.jpg (39.33 KB, 300x457, 1538819116_099100-R1-5-300x457…)

Not even close to shameful

No. 123400

File: 1568466936185.gif (713.6 KB, 498x280, 74866079-3E08-45F8-AD26-A875A2…)

This has to be a set post >>123395

No. 123401

He’s autistic I had the misfortune to be in his proximity

No. 123402

File: 1568467162879.jpeg (652.95 KB, 1910x3405, A763B320-2F07-425C-827D-B085F9…)

/This guy that did an AMA on reddit looks like my ex and now I want to hate fuck him with a strep on/

No. 123403

He trolls a bit but then he genuinely treats women like shit and makes bad decisions/isn't able to order himself food or do normal adult things at age 30..

Any interesting stories on him?

No. 123405

spill the milk anon

No. 123409

No milk to spill really he just acts like he does in his videos IRL didn’t speak the entire time and spent time on his phone.

Good hygiene ..that was surprising I really thought he would smell from his videos

He’s autistic and it’s really noticeable

No. 123417

tbh Jesus is always depicted as hot, nobody really accounts for the female gaze unless it has consequences they dont like seeing (see Le génie du mal). I dont mind, because more often than not it works in our favor.

No. 123421

Are you one of the girls he has tried to hook up with?

Cos he only meets people for sex, he has no other motivations to be social

No. 123424

File: 1568487027754.jpg (325.96 KB, 1310x869, hardrightjay.jpg)

I see your awkward and raise you embarrassment. Even as Hard Right Jay I'd hit that Canuck.

There's something so lovable about that man. I don't find him that attractive but I always hope he's having a good day.

No. 123477

I thought I was the only one, his voice is also a pleasure to hear. I watched that horrible Girls series just to see him.

No. 123501

I’ve always found him really attractive

No. 123517

File: 1568618847705.jpeg (27.09 KB, 360x360, pick-up-artist.jpeg)

I feel a healthy amount of shame about this.

No. 123627

File: 1568735893871.jpg (51.04 KB, 427x600, Celebrities Set Okja New York …)

I never found Paul Dano attractive until I watched him in Ojka and good lord, was he looking fine in that movie. I think it's the suit (a big weakness for me) and the fact his character is smart and such a sweetie, but he's also a badass. Like I feel ashamed to say it but I got turned on in that scene where he beats up Steven Yeung's character lmao

No. 123712

Who even is that?

No. 123748

a pickup artist named Mystery. He was on a TV show. His appearance is ridiculous but something about the way he talks when he isn't talking to women, and his Davey Havok factory reject vibe does it for me.

No. 123749

File: 1568875764369.jpeg (64.64 KB, 960x540, BF9A6B63-9F29-42C6-B2AF-B433F6…)

he's so goofy looking but I'd fuck Ed Sheeran in a heartbeat

No. 123750

File: 1568877740895.jpg (54.24 KB, 640x960, 6ca3784d6cc66c172b930d56c43c20…)

Anons have called him ugly but I know a few have fancied him too but I'll just put him here even though in my eyes, he's perfect.

>funny as fuck

>stories are entertaining
>calls out racism
>calls out sexism in anime
>chill as fuck
>family man
>has empathy
>isn't into weird fetishes
>keeps it real
>dark, tall, handsome
He's honestly my dream man

No. 123816

he looks like he could've been a cute boy under those awful face tattoos. also those nails are nasty as heck

No. 123817

he's pretty hot

No. 123818

File: 1568972013700.jpg (28.75 KB, 660x371, _101939277_charliemurphy-maire…)

he reminds me of aiden turner

No. 123862

File: 1569029399122.jpg (8.26 KB, 201x251, mbh.jpg)

He isn't even unconventionally attractive, but MBH does something to me. His voice is so deep and soothing and he looks so adorable. But he's a HUGE fucking otaku and an older one at that (probably in his 30s-40s) but he doesn't seem like the toxic kind of otaku. He surprisingly gets many fangirls in his comments whenever he posts his face.

No. 123865

His face looks like what happens when you can't draw the other eye.

No. 123867

ayy lmao bruh

No. 123884

File: 1569084961563.gif (1.19 MB, 480x270, micheal.gif)

Michael van Gerwen, the tall, beefcake of a dart player first
caught my attention in the 2014 European Championship
against Raymond van Barneveld. With a flick of the wrist
and a jiggle of his tits he captured a stunning nine-dart finish,
and he captured my heart. I have been following his career
ever since. Oh god, when he throws a ton-eighty and turns
back to the crowd, pumping his fists and yelling with an
intense fire in his eyes, I can’t help but imagine he is looking
straight at me mere moments before sexual conquest.
Watching a Michael van Gerwen match is a physically and
sexually exhausting experience, and I wouldn’t have it any
other way. Michael van Gerwen is my celebrity crush

No. 123891

File: 1569087735667.jpg (31.17 KB, 724x594, 0010209193.jpg)

i just got off thinking about him and i really want to die. i despise him with a burning passion but he's so fucking pretty.

No. 123892

ANON YES. i have had a terrible crush on him since like, 2013. he is just very much my type, and i want him to fuck the shit out of me

No. 123935

File: 1569151532017.jpg (80.15 KB, 500x555, piss man.jpg)

jimmy urine is one of the most attractive men on earth, no you cannot change my mind. yes i do hate myself.

No. 124038

File: 1569283709897.jpg (83.52 KB, 675x900, EFGjbB0XsAAnnRZ.jpg)

i didn't fully get the appeal till seeing these images just now, 1/2

No. 124039

File: 1569283733430.jpg (84.54 KB, 720x960, EFGjbBsX4AAcuL-.jpg)

No. 124040

I can shamelessly admit I’d let Adam Driver drive his fist in my ass. His face is cute but still makes me want to smack it a little

No. 124041

W-who is this anon? Not that I like him or anything…

No. 124042

NTA, but that's Peter Steele. Used to be the singer of Type O Negative.

No. 124044

File: 1569298971717.gif (2.43 MB, 498x280, tenor.gif)


Goddamn it, now I'm ruined too.


Doubly ruined.

As for preexisting attraction, I have a shameful, shameful crush on G.O.B. Bluth.

No. 124101

File: 1569382241965.jpg (99.25 KB, 562x800, till 1.jpg)

Same anon. I used to think Peter had a lot of muscle definition but if you look at him shirtless hes built like a fridge, like >>122332 pointed out. Huge but weirdly lanky at the same time

I feel the same way about Till. Weirdly strong but still somewhat round. Hes cute in ich will and the BDSM themes in his music videos are even better if youre into that sort of thing

No. 124130

File: 1569434744313.jpg (301.33 KB, 1073x1400, 00020_170205_056_MT_V3-1073x14…)

peep always looked like he smelled of farts and his whole act was overrated. bad personality, too

No. 124131

File: 1569434886083.jpg (682.78 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_ovvieprVY91qdlzovo1_128…)

No. 124138

File: 1569446086901.jpg (55.52 KB, 500x500, tc.jpg)

He's touring right now and I want nothing more than to catch this attention at a show and have him fuck me raw

No. 124142

File: 1569450372393.png (373.22 KB, 590x594, jfdjfkd.png)

there's just something about joji… even in his frank days he was ugly cute

No. 124144

File: 1569451587011.jpg (67.05 KB, 400x568, joj.jpg)

Our crushes like each other, anon

No. 124145

that's so beautiful i love that for us

No. 124152

File: 1569459325416.png (562.45 KB, 882x974, Screenshot_2019-09-25-20-53-43…)

It looks like he got a nose job

No. 124155

a fellow darts fan! personally i fancy james wade, more so when he started gaining weight and changed glasses.

No. 124163

File: 1569482110734.jpg (287.65 KB, 817x977, tommy WHYseau cute.jpg)

i just find him appealing in a weird way in his youth.idk man

No. 124170

I find him cute even now tbh

No. 124172

File: 1569490822057.jpg (50.61 KB, 725x750, marcbolan.JPG)


he looks like the more weirdo twin brother of marc bolan here, which was imo a very handsome man.

No. 124173

me too but he is too old and his face look like it's melting
his whole behaviour is definitely off-putting though.he fascinates and scares me at the same time kek

No. 124182

Good taste anon, Marc was definitely a cutie

No. 124184

File: 1569517465038.jpeg (11.05 KB, 200x148, sb.jpeg)

Marc Bolan's nice and all, but what about Syd Barrett?

No. 124223

i love javier bardem but i found him so hot as anton in no country for old men

No. 124224

File: 1569556179221.png (484.1 KB, 500x700, 4050D339-3BB8-4C15-82EE-9F5AF9…)

oops dropped the pic

No. 124282

File: 1569671906931.jpg (16.55 KB, 460x288, syd1.jpg)

oh definitely . . . although he didn't always photograph that well, you can really see he was by far the heartthrob of the original floyd lineup. i love the mick rock photos. eyeliner pioneer lol. he was meant to be very magnetic in person, i'm in the birdie hop group on facebook which has a few people who knew him back in the day reminiscing. i've read a lot about him.

musically they wouldn't have been half as good if not for his influence. they used loads of his ideas on dark side etc., he was laughed at for suggesting saxophones around the time of piper at the gates of dawn haha. i love doomed boys tbf lol.

am really into the history of rock and psych, dark globe is the best syd biography out there if you're interested, absolutely packed with info about the scene, makes you feel like you're right there.

No. 124297

File: 1569706229320.png (1.29 MB, 1178x642, 111.png)

I'm sorry

No. 124304

I really hate that I can't see anyone but Onion when looking at JP's Joker.

No. 124306

He's got the exact same expression as that brako dude pictured in the vent thread. Cannot unsee.

No. 124367

File: 1569784362776.jpg (61.15 KB, 642x800, 280652.jpg)

Half of my crushes are dead

No. 124376

File: 1569791279562.jpeg (91.23 KB, 1920x1080, 69AFCFF0-BC94-49AF-984E-E08A3E…)

Pennywise, I'm not even memeing.

No. 124383

I thought this was the dad from Modern Family at first. Didn't even realize it was JP until I read the replies.

No. 124384

File: 1569814443014.gif (1.95 MB, 500x281, tumblr_of46funC9d1qb6fdlo4_500…)

"Unconventional" cause of my vanilla cishet-ness but fuck I've never been as sexually confused as Katya's verse in "Read U, Wrote U" at the end of AS2. I don't even find him attractive outside of drag but
>But your dad just calls me Katya
got me so fucked up I haven't recovered since

No. 124428

File: 1569885498891.jpg (76.78 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

Whang is unconventionally cute imo, i would definitely smash, he seems cool as well

No. 124429

Seconded. Not even that unconventional really, I've crushed on him for a while.

No. 124430

I wanna smash him

Same, anon.

No. 124457

File: 1569943651339.gif (1.35 MB, 500x280, uw4xrgq9rkr11.gif)

I just kind of assume everyone wants to fuck Katya

No. 124458

File: 1569945788526.gif (1.36 MB, 268x350, katya.gif)

honestly katya is one of the most gorgeous drag queens in my opinion–and i'm not saying this as a "fuck my pussy with a rake mom" type of fan. it's the beauty makeup without over the top eyeshadow and contouring.

No. 124465

I am definitely not a fan of excessive makeup and fake boobs. Especially not on a man.

No. 124487

File: 1569977444420.gif (1.42 MB, 498x274, party.gif)

Yeah, I think it's because he's already got such sharp/defined features he doesn't need to try and force the perspective with a ton of contouring and stuff. It's easy to not notice how pretty he is because he never goes for beauty, he always goes for weird or silly. (anyways I wish we had a drag race thread)

No. 124491

File: 1569982882932.jpg (71.53 KB, 600x900, ceeeeeeeeeb.jpg)

to be honest there are a lot of dota players I would fuck. I'm aware that being really good at videogames is usually a big turnoff, but for some reason I find that it can be really attractive. anyway, pic related is my current dota crush. shamefully, I think it's hot when he gets heated during games.

honorable mention goes to pieliedie.

No. 124493

He seems like a such positive force on his team, too. Very encouraging and positive. If you haven't watched the True Sight doc from the 2018 TI, I'd definitely recommend it.

No. 124495

Anon, this man is sexy as fuck. I had no idea this guy even existed but thank you for blessing us with him. Though I agree that I wouldn't pursue any average guy who was into video games unless he's hot enough and has his shit together.

No. 124503

File: 1570008625259.jpg (95.79 KB, 770x1111, 9dfd6b722f404dcdbac842a41c1d84…)

Daron Malakian was one of my biggest celebrity crushes. There is just something about him, which made my little girl heart skip a beat.

No. 124530

I love you anon.
Based taste.

No. 124545

yeah I agree. I didn't know who he was either, but he's hot.

No. 124560

this is probably the most positive responses i've gotten for someone i've posted on here lol. if you anons are curious, he's a pro dota player who goes by ceb/7ckingmad.

No. 124613

File: 1570121296499.png (86.58 KB, 260x336, numen.png)

No. 124635

File: 1570149800693.jpg (87.83 KB, 743x503, 66476291_494980414644716_21461…)

only since he cut his dreads off… what is WRONG with me

No. 124636

me too anon

No. 124671

File: 1570221504382.gif (1.42 MB, 480x480, giphy.gif)

No. 124696

Who is that

No. 124735

scrim from suicideboys

No. 124751

File: 1570347347861.jpg (53.33 KB, 1170x610, moon.jpg)

sue me.

No. 124752

a-anon, are you me?

No. 124753

File: 1570347675132.jpg (29.21 KB, 480x480, saul.jpg)

Saul Goodman.

No. 124780

god yes.

No. 124783

File: 1570373892074.jpg (161.15 KB, 1000x1250, f6a8c181-cbae-4ab6-a837-7350c6…)

No. 124786

Bill is objectively hot tho lol

No. 124797

been down to specsavers recently? would suggesting popping in if you're ever nearby

No. 124799

File: 1570395495443.jpg (59.05 KB, 1240x826, Bake-Off-1-a5f8e74.jpg)

I only felt ashamed because he's only 20 (I'm 23 so not huge difference but I still felt kind of creepy about it) but apparently he's dating another contestant who's 28 and a teacher. What the fuck

No. 124801

nta. he doesn't look like a movie star, more like a good looking normie guy. I don't think it's odd to find him attractive. funny, charming, looks decent for his age, in decent shape, nice features. i get it.

he's got a baby face, but he looks more his age when you view the image in full size.
>apparently he's dating another contestant who's 28 and a teacher
meh, 28 year old men date equally young looking 20 year old women and it's accepted.

No. 124803

I see so many women on here feeling bad for crushing on guys 2 or 3 years younger…

Meanwhile men…

No. 124812

Guys in their 30s onward will date 18-22 yo's and if anyone criticizes it (especially if it's a woman) people will accuse them of being judgmental cunts and say things like "love has no age" "love isn't a number". Meanwhile we feel guilty for liking guys a few years younger…

No. 124825

I was a gullible idiot in my early twenties, totally unaware of alot of the shit that men typically pull, men know that and want that. It's as much about wanting a naive girl as it is about youthful attraction

No. 124851

File: 1570491211756.jpg (143.53 KB, 902x911, Untitled.jpg)

i'm so sorry

No. 124852

oh my god. my shame sister

No. 124854

File: 1570493716908.jpg (79.12 KB, 680x478, 0.jpg)

I don't even know why

No. 124880

No. 124907

you forgot the line 'you're just jealous'

No. 124908

Why do I just want to look after him. I want to give him a good meal and a bath and nurse him to health. le sadface

No. 124909

How dare you be ashamed?? He's a great actor. I loved him since Little Miss Sunshine to Swiss Army Man haha

No. 124911

hard same, every time he was laughing in pain i just wanted to cuddle him

i wanna dom the shit out of him in bed too and teach him things ugh wtf this clown got me horny

No. 124912

File: 1570584782877.jpeg (768.38 KB, 817x1118, 0EC24B3C-A450-4C43-AA01-9B8864…)

he cleans up good

No. 124916

joaquin is very handsome as a person, but i'm specifically thirsting for his malnourished, awkward, psycho killer joker

No. 125032

File: 1570723402044.jpeg (5.66 KB, 275x183, Unknown.jpeg)

I agree. he was very handsome when he was younger and he's handsome now with the beard. but without……. eeek. beards can be so deceiving

No. 125034

File: 1570723873281.jpeg (219.95 KB, 1127x1500, 8CA0154E-1A56-41AF-AA0E-8DBC78…)

bendytoots but only as doctor strange

No. 125039

File: 1570727194717.gif (2.83 MB, 540x360, tumblr_pwym4wakcu1rpe0nao6_540…)

saw joker yesterday and i get IT now

No. 125045

when you say you get 'IT', do you mean you get why people are attracted to pennywise?

No. 125046

i meant "it" as in how this anon said it >>122554.this clown make up has… something.plus his overall performance

No. 125052

This and I've been trying to understand this. Is it the beard? The hair? I shall never understand.

No. 125071

I honestly have thirst for both the actor and the character. I love joaquins intense eyes oof

The dr strange makeup flatters his features so well hard agree

No. 125076

File: 1570784211626.gif (1021.67 KB, 480x263, giphy.gif)

god i loved when he showed confidence.

do you think the sex would have been rough or slow and loving? just some weird hot rough sex with the neighbor in smeared clown makeup. I am ashamed…

No. 125077

File: 1570785096789.jpeg (31.12 KB, 401x764, images (6).jpeg)

God it's so embarrasing…

No. 125078

wrong thread cavill is widely acknowledged as super good-looking. what's weird about it aside from the fact he gives off slight idiot energy

No. 125079

wrong thread cavill is widely acknowledged as super good-looking. what's weird about it aside from the fact he gives off slight idiot energy

No. 125115

File: 1570845798155.jpg (84.95 KB, 765x900, Joker-Red-Suit.jpg)

Okay I really can't lie he looks weirdly attractive in his final joker outfit. It's a number of things combined at once, like the suit looks really good on him, and the sudden surge of swaggering confidence and control he has, hell even the clown make up does something to me. It's the overall aesthetic of his look and character in the final scenes that draw me to him. I thought you guys were just exaggerating but he actually looks handsome like this, wtf is going on lmao

No. 125123

>do you think the sex would have been rough or slow and loving? just some weird hot rough sex with the neighbor in smeared clown makeup. I am ashamed…

I hate that I've had this exact same thought. I shouldn't be surprised by my autistic Joker thirst since I was obsessed with Heath kek, and yet here I lie - ashamed but still thirsty.

To answer your question tho anon, Arthur!Joker gives me sub vibes even with the sp00py~ clown makeup. He seems pretty pathetic for the most part, but also I just wanna do sensual femdom on him so I'm prob biased.

No. 125125

Glad I'm not alone about my thirst for the Joker in the last movie. He truly looked sexy af in that suit, the mannerism and the fucking make up. >>125115 anon, are you me? Kek

No. 125133

File: 1570904871315.jpg (54.42 KB, 500x559, tumblr_156e4580cc471b0ae94fabb…)

>I thought you guys were just exaggerating but he actually looks handsome like this, wtf is going on lmao

i believe that's all of us before seeing the movie

No. 125140

File: 1570916400719.png (169.72 KB, 500x800, e9b9da38-8392-406c-aa33-508eeb…)

>mfw the man of my dreams is a fictional character and I have to come to terms with the fact that I'll never meet someone as perfect as him

No. 125141

Okay I was looking up that "God stays in heaven" from Spy Kids 2 gif as a joke and I ended up coming across a bunch of Mr. Pink from Resevior Dogs (Probably because I typed in Steve Buscemi) and somehow…for the first time ever….I found him weirdly hot there? I'm kinda ashamed because Mr. Pink is a terrible person and Steve Buscemi isn't exactly known for being handsome. But damn. Decide to go for a YT video instead of a pic because the latter doesn't do him justice.

Also would fuck Mr. Orange but I'm not really ashamed about that

Him as Dr.Strange is the only time I've considered him attractive. He should stick to facial hair more often.
Uh, this isn't the husbando thread. Or the conventionally attractive men thread.

No. 125142

I will always think young Steve Buscemi was really cute idc

No. 125143

>>125141 I was thinking of putting him in the husbando thread but im way too embarrassed about how big my crush of dean is tbh idek why since Jensen Ackles is conventionally attractive

No. 125144

File: 1570917779821.gif (570.03 KB, 250x250, 1431115519717.gif)

Tbh I find him attractive no matter what age.

I adore him so fucking much, it broke my heart when I read that his wife passed away early this year.

No. 125152

Damn she did? That makes me sad. I know they were married for a long time and had a son together.
He seems like a nice, genuine guy in real life which makes me respect him a lot

No. 125157


Lol that image. I can relate too well. I feel bad because that's when he turned into a killing maniac but ugh I can't resist

No. 125175

File: 1570970213940.jpeg (159.73 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09…)

I have an unconventional crush (mine got posted it's Kenny from Kenny vs Spenny lmao) so I'm not shaming but the Buscemi posting reminded me of a college friend who confessed she was deeply into to incredibly elderly men.

She was incredibly conventionally attractive and pulled young hot guys all the time. Steve was her least controversial crush. She wouldn't tell me any other men she was into but she was really into Roman Polanski films and defended him in an intense personal way when I brought up his history of abuse.

(also she lit the dumpsters on fire in the parking lot on campus that's probably not related though?)

No. 125187

nah he's ugly as fuck

No. 125188

Makeup really does wonders.

No. 125193

>slight idiot energy
I've never seen this put into words before but you're so right top fucking kek

confidence is attractive anons

my shameful fuck will be my tinder date that will happen next week probably, wish me luck anons

No. 125370

File: 1571187982993.gif (360.2 KB, 320x180, SkMdjme.gif)

He's an adorable little tit

No. 125371

May the force be with you anon.

No. 125379

the guy that made like 700 videos about onision? I hate onion boy as much as the next person but he seems weirdly obsessed

No. 125380

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No. 125381

File: 1571193029174.jpeg (6.21 KB, 276x183, images (1).jpeg)

No. 125382

God yes.

No. 125385

I don't think this is unconventional or shameful. he was pretty before the crazy ruined his face, and this character is styled in a very female gaze-y way.

No. 125387

Not ashamed of that at all

No. 125390

I agree, I'm only admitting this ashamedly because of his insane reputation

No. 125392

File: 1571217352604.gif (981.33 KB, 480x322, tim.gif)

im so glad im not alone I've got CHUBS for this man. especially when he's kind of fat and dorky. I'm actually so jealous of his wife she is fucking blessed imagine being married to him

No. 125393

File: 1571217536586.jpeg (33.12 KB, 500x371, snugglr.jpeg)

I also think Zach is so hot full offence. snuggle me back to health Zach

No. 125396

He's uncanny valley looking, so it's actually understandable, or maybe it's because she thinks her tastes for him are basic.

No. 125408

File: 1571229509905.jpeg (426.32 KB, 1536x2046, 18A13FA3-F333-4B54-B654-DB9202…)

The 90 fiancé guy before he gave up on his looks

No. 125414

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No. 126009

File: 1571958931225.gif (157.72 KB, 500x281, source.gif)

rewatched Black Mirror's White Christmas with the guy I'm seeing and oh boy I was not prepared to get turned on by Jon Hamm's despicable character Matt in this scene this time around. Not to be a huge cringe-lord but my submissive side jumped out. I'd totally do him in another life with 1000 times more consent and 1000 times less despicable actions. His dominant demeanor, looks and voice were hot

No. 126029

File: 1571986375993.gif (8.8 MB, 510x510, jok.gif)

I'd normally say I hate to say this, but I'm actually delighted to see so many farmers talking about Joker. The attraction I'm feeling is off the charts.

These 2 comments a million times over. I don't much care for doms, but give me a clown with mommy issues and I'll nurse him back to health.

I don't think Arthur is in the kind of shape where rough sex is a physical possibility. Massive sub vibes throughout the entire film either way

No. 126033

When Arthur becomes Joker, the way he smokes his cigarette, it just does it for me.

No. 126048

File: 1572020044396.jpeg (271.69 KB, 1171x1728, 7F111688-065F-4855-9CEE-F04B7C…)

Tom Waits’ whole dirty insane hobo thing really does it for me

No. 126051

File: 1572022823790.jpg (27.58 KB, 500x667, 8cb42a049dadbbfa42944ab7ad7589…)


No. 126060

Same anon! He's my first crush.

No. 126067

I'm shocked there's someone else who feels the same. He's really the only "older" crush I've had.

No. 126082

…why were they banned?

No. 126083

she used an emoji.

No. 126087

Same! So attractive.

No. 126088

I was banned ig. I learned my lesson about emojis. DAmn

No. 126089

File: 1572056412812.gif (926.9 KB, 500x280, giphyy.gif)

Oh, god forbid!

No. 126094

Literally done nothing but think about him since I saw the movie this week. Not a moments peace from this clowny bastard.

No. 126133

Here to join the legion of clowns who were turned on by Joker.

No. 126135

File: 1572143613865.jpg (1.34 MB, 1362x2048, MV5BMTc1MzY0ODM4OV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

Rewatched Overlord and forgot how much I wanted the smart ass Brooklyn sniper.

No. 126186

File: 1572218358758.gif (519.51 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

why am I attracted to derek waters? he isn't even my type at all. he always has such bedroom eyes on drunk history. his personality seems really nice and feisty

No. 126188

Whats wrong with a guy playing video games? Genuinely curious, I understand if they overdo it and it interferes with life but me and my boyfriend really like playing FF14 together and we both have our shit together. I wasnt aware that it was considered a turnoff.

No. 126189

File: 1572223611947.png (187.14 KB, 350x404, Walter_2010.png)

Gonna contribute with mine while I'm here.

No. 126190

I always thought he looked like Gandhi

No. 126198

File: 1572233384440.jpg (24.81 KB, 400x400, Sendhilramamurthy_400x400.jpg)

you reminded me of him, always thought he was cute as hell, I think it's the dark grungy look combined with the accent

legitimately cannot understand why everyone fangirled over Sylar

No. 126199

sorry meant to highlight this post


No. 126212

lmao I felt so conflicted watching the shit happen to him in that show because he definitely deserved it but he's so stupid and blind he probably can't even understand why, it's like kicking a puppy that mauled a kid

No. 126217

File: 1572268409594.jpg (403.05 KB, 2048x1365, 1512920648769.jpg)

Nick Fuentes……i think his laugh and way of speaking on his streams is really cute and funny. he still exudes loser but i'm sort of into that

No. 126221

File: 1572284607579.png (271.3 KB, 455x461, X7IFKPFEYZjy4wCa5EO6qPyCH-5wCr…)

I don't find him that attractive and he's mean old fuck, not my type at all. but i'm still somewhat into him? i want to die sometimes

No. 126227

same, but not ashamed.

I wouldn’t even mind listening to his asshole jokes all day. he makes me belly laugh and has a secret good guy vibe. best RLM boi by far.

No. 126232

File: 1572294192538.jpg (689.97 KB, 667x1000, 456e574b9597be35a4faec83ac5020…)

Why am I the way that I am

No. 126235

I get it like Jay might be traditionally cuter but I could be happily married to Mike

No. 126260

Yes, exactly

No. 126264

Agreed. I could watch Mike be disgusted with life all day.

No. 126332

File: 1572392123023.jpg (84.41 KB, 640x919, wwdjwrtgu7p31.jpg)

the actor barry sloane who plays captain price in the new modern warfare game. I don't play the game or any call of duty but I saw him on a billboard and thought he was hot. thought I'd post this here cause it doesn't seem right for the attractive men you want to fuck thread

No. 126334

File: 1572392547449.gif (975.85 KB, 500x250, tumblr_mtlas5inYr1r2bzz4o1_500…)

omg anon yes. I only found him hot at this part with this facial hair/those glasses though, I kind of wanted to be locked away with him in that cabin. did you like him throughout the series or just when he looked rugged like this? do you like bryan cranston outside of his walter white character?

No. 126362

nta but I was really attracted to him in this scene as well. I had never seen him in sexual light before and it took until the very end of the show for me to realize he was actually hot. Bryan Cranston is quite charming and attractive in general, but it was Heisenberg's scruffy demeanor/fall from grace really did it for me

No. 126374

File: 1572453359300.webm (Spoiler Image,598.82 KB, 488x360, 1414323268061.webm)

No. 126436

File: 1572542784023.gif (917.64 KB, 417x320, Keith Flint.gif)

The 90s were his prime but I found him attractive at every age. I'm so glad I got to see him live before he passed away

No. 126444

hell yes anon I can get behind this. Keef was so beautiful. I remember fancying him like crazy as a kid and he had a massive impact on my taste in men.

No. 126463

Same, the way he talks is super smug but I bet he would get so embarrassed in any vaguely sexual situation

No. 126477

Anon were you dropped as a child repeatedly

No. 126479

My dad met him and said he was a really nice guy

No. 126482

no. maybe. but that's the point

No. 126483

File: 1572618948593.jpg (125.28 KB, 1200x800, Cm8UVnOUMAAbdPe.jpg)

Pokemon speed-runner who edges into incel attitude every so often. Never had a thing for chubby dudes, found him more attractive after he lost weight, but his stupid high pitched voice makes me giddy for some reason. Probably helps that I'm a filthy weeb just like he is.

No. 126566

oh no this fucking video always makes me horny. i want that tongue to do things to me

No. 126567


anon come on

No. 126597

i know right? i wasn't happy to admit it. nothing but shame here.

No. 126738

File: 1572967709790.png (1.01 MB, 1153x557, winslow leach.png)

I just watched Phantom of the Paradise and I find Winslow so appealing both before and after his face is maimed.

No. 126739


No. 126776

File: 1573011225445.jpeg (175.89 KB, 1160x773, download.jpeg)

Beto O'Rourke aka Baeto. I just want the man to fuck me silly and I don't exactly know why lol

No. 126779

For the love of God anon I would've expected Paul Williams as Swan instead of Finley's character

but dammit you're not entirely wrong

No. 126797

File: 1573044500589.jpg (173.69 KB, 1600x900, 170418083227-jon-ossoff-georgi…)

remember this guy?

No. 126811

Same but he gives me mad sub vibes

No. 126812

File: 1573067351142.gif (4.3 MB, 520x293, 0044.gif)

i feel guilty.. i used to watch this show for the troubled cats only but now i am starting to find him oddly hot? maybe it's just because he cares so much about the poor kitties but also i wish he would take his glasses off and softly slow blink at me and call me a good girl when i do it back like i was one of his cats from hell i need help

No. 126814

Lmao same anon and I almost posted him once here… I think it's the fact he cares so much for the kitties and I kinda like his body mods too. They kind of remind me of a guy I used to have a crush on.

No. 126826

>kenny vs spenny

can we all agree he was a fox in pitch/the early seasons though? damn

No. 126827

Not an exact person, but men with high pitched voices are my favorite. I also love a good male falsetto in music. I love passion pit.

No. 126828

File: 1573079719533.png (78.52 KB, 500x566, jackson-galaxy-cat-behavior-co…)

I'm glad he lost the weight but I thought he was kinda cute even back when he was chubby. Not enough men love cats tbh and he just seems so calm and understanding in general.

No. 126839

File: 1573097058205.jpg (44.69 KB, 800x449, 1451443705148.jpg)

I am a little confused by your post, but I am none the less glad someone else thinks he is cute too!

No. 126845

I'm sorry for confusing you, it's just that I think the first time I found the movie or anything relating to it, a lot of the comments on it were talking about Paul being really handsome or cute in it. I've just hardly ever seen anyone think Winslow's attractive, and he's a really precious kind of awkward that's appealing to me pre-imprisonment-and-maiming.

No. 126893

Seriously? I think Paul Williams is awesome but I can't comprehend how someone could find him attractive at all! I think what makes Winslow so attractive to me aside from his endearing personality pre-maiming is his big droopy blue eyes and full lips. That's probably why I find him attractive post maiming too, aside from the cool costume of course, his big droopy eyes and full lips are still there. I just watched the movie a few days ago after learning about it from Lindsay Ellis's Loose Canon video about the Phantom of the Opera, and I loved it so much. I wish there was more hype around it these days.

No. 126913

what is up my fellow cat man enthusiasts. you guys might also enjoy helpful vancouver vet. his videos are really calming and wholesome.

No. 126924

He really knows how to please pussies with his hands huh

No. 126941

> i wish he would take his glasses off and softly slow blink at me and call me a good girl when i do it back like i was one of his cats

this is hilarious and cute

No. 126947

Because why not?

No. 126963

totally would fuck zizek

No. 126966

File: 1573293768904.jpg (48.15 KB, 670x446, 1.jpg)

There's something insanely attractive to me about narrow faces, big noses, and shaggy hair to me. Hamilton Morris is almost the epitome of my type

No. 126967

File: 1573293816040.jpg (200.92 KB, 1200x1200, DRc35aIWsAEDFw3.jpg)

Saging for samefag but he cleaned up in the past few years, and I prefer his shaggier look. Still totally would though

No. 126968



No. 126985

This Hamilton is my fave Hamilton. He's so incredibly sexy to me. And his voice is so soothing I could listen to him talk forever

No. 126986

he better not be a cat fucker

No. 126995

I wouldn't but I do understand the appeal.

No. 127008

I don't trust guys who hate cats, because cats are too often tied with femininity. It's usually a sign he also has resentment toward women.

No. 127009

File: 1573352098391.webm (2.72 MB, 640x360, cute.webm)

day 32: still want to fuck arthur

No. 127016

Onision hates cats too, after his ex-wife left the litter box but took the cats along with their stuff (kek)

No. 127083

File: 1573476919608.jpg (373.57 KB, 1357x2048, IMG_20191111_075336.jpg)

I just want to get pinned down by Officer Kenny once alright

Finding out he was 6'7" made him somehow more attractive to me lmao

No. 127086

File: 1573481109549.png (1.24 MB, 720x1280, fd46d5ec-d04e-40c1-8ebe-e55b89…)

I fell full head over heels in love with his character. Overlord was a really fun movie.
I work at a game store and I get a little pissed every time I see him on posters because he's cute but I hate cod.
I'd like to contribute Willem Dafoe. I truly believe he's peak male beauty, but I get why people don't feel the same.

No. 127092

I love him, he's a cute baby

No. 127093

File: 1573498660307.jpg (320.07 KB, 1536x2048, michael_reeves.jpg)

No. 127094

Fuck, me too anon.

No. 127103

fucking same. I've had several dreams about him and each one has been unreal and mind blowing. Really didn't expect to leave the movie feeling this way but here we are.

No. 127325

File: 1573529083939.jpeg (72.8 KB, 400x400, D6BABCEE-23F8-4EFE-B02D-234DEE…)

jeffree star. go ahead, flame me. i’ve been feeling this way for years. i can’t pinpoint why.

and i know he’s a bad person, i don’t support him. but he is hot. to me.

No. 127328

File: 1573537886603.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.23 KB, 575x1024, 1572945937457.jpg)

how does anyone fuck him with all these faces staring at you

No. 127330

has he had a fucking bbl?

No. 127331

Face is ugliest form of tattoo

No. 127332

File: 1573560360459.jpg (85.62 KB, 1140x797, Jackson-Galaxy-Litter-Genie-58…)

lmao no. he just has an affinity for cats. he was an addict (or alcoholic) iirc, and taking care of a little stray kitten was the motivation to help him kick his habit. he says he owes his life to that cat and wanted to spend the rest of his life helping cats

No. 127333

can you explain exactly what you find attractive about him?

No. 127334

if you mean a butt lift, yes he has. he has implants in his ass

No. 127335

File: 1573560836693.jpg (77.48 KB, 880x634, Screenshot 2019-11-12 at 12.11…)

jimち ASMR. I wasn't immediately attracted to him, but his videos have me feeling a little attracted to him now. physically he's not my type but he speaks in such a lovely way, he's intelligent, can speak several different languages and after talking to him during a live Q&A I realised what a funny and lovely guy he is.

tl;dr personality is more important than looks (but he has his moments of looking cute anyway)

No. 127336

hes really cute

No. 127339

File: 1573568629420.jpeg (229.07 KB, 1500x1000, 22D995DF-7C51-481E-AD42-C4EEE9…)

lewis capaldi is my age and also scottish so i feel a bit biased but he's so unbelievably funny and just authentically himself that it makes me want him.

No. 127340

he looks like humpty dumpty but is actually very cute, anon!

No. 127363

what a mint looking fella

No. 127429

I agree 100% there is something about them both that is so warm and attractive. Men who love cats are usually gentle sweethearts.

Also I’m hoping we can get the thread back on track after this pillage of autism

No. 127431

he has his moments. lol now I feel kind of bad posting him here but he doesn't belong in the attractive men you want to fuck thread

No. 127516

File: 1573831710781.jpeg (104.54 KB, 780x738, DAFOE_WILLEM.jpeg)

Oh yes, Willem Dafoe
His face is sort of monkey-like but in a good way

No. 127517

Hard agree. I recently watched The Lighthouse and he was incredible, and then I watched a bunch of interviews with him and he just seems so lovely and charming. He has a gorgeous smile IMO.

No. 127543

File: 1573877616166.jpeg (70.22 KB, 500x748, 2B4E7945-6FFA-48EF-99FF-4C8C2E…)

not really unconventional since he was a handsome guy, but I have a massive thing for crazy/unstable/suicidal characters

No. 127544

>I have a massive thing for crazy/unstable/suicidal characters
Same, what are your different faves?

No. 127545

File: 1573879690768.png (558.4 KB, 780x469, indie.png)

This is my holy trifecta, anon. It may not be original but goddamn does that specific brand of instability get me hot as hell

No. 127548

File: 1573880633827.jpg (94.24 KB, 498x750, jack.jpg)

Jack Nicholson – at any point during his acting career. Yes, even
right fucking now present day. I particularly have the hots for his evil character in Witches of Eastwick pic related. And OG Joker.

No. 127549

File: 1573883354695.png (428.55 KB, 1280x720, 01ddd.png)


same, i don't really crush on actors, it's the characters. i could relate to travis a lot when i was at my worst no matter how edgy that might sound. a feel bad movie for me for sure but at least he's cute.

No. 127569

he has v nice eyes. this screencap is alluring to me

No. 127571

great taste, anon. travis and joaquin's joker are some of the very few 10/10 movie characters to me.
>tfw my bf sort of looks like a cross between both of them

other movie dudes i'm into are anthony wong in ebola syndrome or the untold story and tadanobu asano in ichi the killer, although i don't believe tadanobu asano is unconventionally attractive by any means.

No. 127580

File: 1573943269329.gif (875.35 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif)

>even right now
he was hot, but imma have disagree with you on that one. IMO my fave is him in one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

No. 127582

File: 1573943364499.jpg (12.26 KB, 350x264, 305708ea812cf0f53b8e27347ed5a9…)

also john belushi. maybe i'm just attracted to men from the late 70s with strong brows?

No. 127605

File: 1574059665082.jpg (49.67 KB, 500x499, tumblr_074979083753bdd376f33b1…)

guess who!

No. 127607

He's a nice boy that only needs a kind woman to care for him.

No. 127609

Looks like Mike Stoklasa.

No. 127612

it is!

No. 127615

I love Mike. He’d be a snack if he hadn’t got fat.

No. 127629

File: 1574092660888.jpg (37.26 KB, 300x412, tomaraya.jpg)

I think young tom araya from slayer was a damn cutie tho.

>tfw no thrash metal bf

No. 127630

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No. 127632

File: 1574093267812.jpg (26.14 KB, 437x480, 1548776860404.jpg)

edgemaster from krautchan

No. 127633

Oh yes, I love his videos.

Aah I think he’s so cute, but his fucking laugh lmao I don’t know how long I’d be able to tolerate it.

I love him. What a baby.

Ugh, I cannot stand him. I would enjoy a nice hatefuck though.

He was so gorgeous when he was younger. His build, hair, hands. Art.


I think my favorite look of his was when he had blonde hair. He was so handsome.
>always looked like he smelled of farts
kek. Okay this photoshoot isn’t good at all, who allowed this.

It’s the facial hair. It somehow makes him look hot. It’s funny how facial hair is like makeup for men.

Lmao but good taste.

I would do anything for this man. And I mean anything.


No. 127634

File: 1574095735879.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1217, A2788820-CD34-40BE-ABB3-078BBC…)

Ma Dong-Seok. I developed a small crush on him when I watched Train to Busan.

No. 127636

I don’t know why, but I see him as my weird uncle, so I wouldn’t be able to fuck him. Though I don’t think he’s bad looking.

No. 127638

File: 1574097537010.gif (323.21 KB, 234x273, yes.gif)

No. 127639

File: 1574097676152.jpg (39.43 KB, 435x661, ayy.jpg)

He's adorable. Thanks, anon.

No. 127645

File: 1574100190389.gif (574.89 KB, 302x228, tumblr_inline_nqy5y1gYNS1rdv4l…)


you are welcome.

No. 127650

I weirdly get this, nice one, anon! also have noticed lately I kinda like thicker lads and I'm kinda ashamed of it kek. on top of me generally preferring flawed faces, I'm not sure if this is a massive cope for my own fugliness or what.

reee why is uk releasing lighthouse only next year!

No. 127665

Solomon Carter likes horsecock

No. 127683

File: 1574143864940.jpg (13.39 KB, 300x199, bernard-black-300x199.jpg)

I know he's a borderline sociopath but there's something about Bernard from the show Black books that i find so cute and attractive. The fact he has an Irish accent makes it better (or worse) lol. Dark fluffy-haired men really are my weakness

No. 127697

Dylan Moran was extremely cute when he young. No shame there.

No. 127720

File: 1574186833768.png (696.39 KB, 1200x630, toby.png)

This is embarrassing but does anyone else think Toby from the office is handsome

lol I don't even know why

No. 127734

>Aah I think he’s so cute, but his fucking laugh lmao I don’t know how long I’d be able to tolerate it.

I actually really enjoy his laugh, it's endearing to me

No. 127742

hard agree. Never could pinpoint what I found so charming about him.

No. 127751

Would still smash fat Mike.

No. 127779

File: 1574297701292.jpg (45.99 KB, 500x717, Agent-Smith-Matrix-Hugo-Weavin…)

his demeanor and voice really sold it.

No. 127829

File: 1574366083537.jpg (64.96 KB, 1280x720, liam_gallagher.jpg)

he looks like a homeless addict, but something about him makes me melt. also the interviews he gives are hilarious, he has absolutely no filter

No. 127830

File: 1574368034875.jpg (68.22 KB, 780x551, bongjoonho.jpg)

Director Bong Joon-ho is so cute I want to pinch his cheeks

No. 127849

File: 1574397803272.jpg (59.82 KB, 400x463, d71c6ea551.jpg)

Feels kinda disrespectful but Frederick Douglass was qt

No. 127850

File: 1574401164024.jpg (101.31 KB, 821x589, bittersweet symphony.jpg)

same.. all the really weird looking britpop guys really do it for me.. like..even the guy from the verve. the way he pushes into people in the music video for "bittersweet symphony" is like..please bump into me

No. 127852

File: 1574404852166.jpg (40.89 KB, 640x423, justin-mcelroy-1-640x423.jpg)

This guy did a low sexy voice as a joke in his podcast, and I melted. He also seems like a really great husband and father. God damn, I always thought the other McElroys were hotter but that voice killed me.

No. 127857

No. 127859

File: 1574421252848.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1513, 833EFDDC-2B82-4FE7-B096-97A6E8…)

Noel Miller

I love his humor and him.

No. 127872

not unconventional, this short king is hot

No. 127894

she's not wrong.

No. 127926

File: 1574489790610.png (1.02 MB, 1200x675, FB1AFD28-EA81-477D-BC7A-4BA0D9…)

kitboga! he’s a streamer/youtuber who baits tech support scammers. his personality is the most ideal and i’d marry someone like him. he is genuinely kindhearted, loves his wife, and kids. he’s also goofy but in a sweet way, also very smart! i didn’t think he was cute at first but when i saw him without the shades i fell in love. he’s a sweetheart

No. 127927

File: 1574502452066.jpg (44.7 KB, 976x549, _85061660_pa_tomska.jpg)

Been crushing on him since I was 12

No. 127929

yes 100%

No. 127935

oh my god, so it's not just me. I think he's absolutely adorable and I honestly think he has a heart of gold. I love it when he gets all sincere, and his sense of humour is 10/10!

No. 127940

He looks like Timothy McVeigh, though.

No. 127941

some years ago I made a random, untagged text post on tumblr how I don't find him funny (not a popular blog, legit sub 100 followers) and he reblogged saying he disagrees or whatever, which obvi flooded me w his fans saying I'm a ~haturr~. yeah, that made me dislike him even worse kek, smug fat rat

No. 127955

File: 1574540592424.png (1.06 MB, 1148x706, negative legend.png)

i want to straddle his asexual hips and cuddle him

No. 127967

File: 1574553094731.jpg (85.06 KB, 1100x825, SellMeCocaineDaddy.jpg)

I'm not really ashamed, but Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar in Narcos.
One of the sexiest characters ever. The way he talked, the confidence he had, the dad bod. Can't get any better. It was so hot when he got angry.
I'm thinking it's time for a re-watch.

No. 127974

File: 1574569824866.jpg (43.36 KB, 594x481, ian.jpg)

I just discovered young(ish) Ian Mckellen. I'm usually not attracted to older English dudes but I find him attractive for some reason. He kinda reminds me of Lucius Malfoy…

No. 127975

File: 1574569867515.jpg (83.21 KB, 625x872, ianmckellen.jpg)

Here's an even younger pic.. I couldn't find any that weren't black and white.

No. 127980

File: 1574593195299.gif (930 KB, 500x316, original.gif)

Braid Varg. this is the entire extent of my own hybristophilia kek, don't support him on anything besides his hairstyling choices when he was 20. god, he's just so smug

No. 127981

File: 1574593581573.jpg (70.53 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

I hate myself

No. 127982

He's been posted here before and I have to say I don't understand the appeal. He looks like the lovechild of Kurt Cobain and Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.

No. 127984

ew. not only is he ugly, but he has a terrible personality. his gf is much more attractive than him and he still is a hoe that can't stop thirsting after girls on twitter or trying to set up 3somes and shit. he's really pervy and disgusting, plus a cow, and again, ugly. i can't stand when ugly men aren't appreciative enough of their much better looking gfs and publicly thirst after other women. disgusting to do at all, but publicly? shameful.

No. 127991

I would fuck his older/current self in a heartbeat…

No. 127993

Who is this? I tried googling "Braid Varg" and nothing came up

No. 127994

varg vikernes, you wouldn't be a fan

No. 127997

Ohh okay. Wasn't there a documentary? Gonna watch that now

No. 127998

File: 1574620503586.jpg (97.26 KB, 736x994, Michael_Collins.jpg)

Irish revolutionary/national hero Michael Collins.

No. 127999

File: 1574620601598.png (672.6 KB, 640x790, tumblr_440574e18f718222548f4e7…)

the brit who wrote up this wanted poster agreed with me apparently. we'll just ignore the unfortunate mustache

No. 128001

wow, have not seen many wanted posters but this is exceptionally thirsty in the descriptions, love that

No. 128004

Ew, why may I ask?

No. 128016

He was super cute in Shaun of the Dead!

No. 128020

wow I didn't know about any of that stuff, I just discovered him a few weeks ago and I didn't look at his twitter. he does give me sleazy vibes though.

omg I loved that show, can't say I found him attractive though but he does have a kind of charm. he also kinda reminds me of the alan rickman snape, appearance wise.

No. 128023

look it's the loser from friends

No. 128031

Can we get a name anon?

No. 128033

Edwin of Edwin's Generation on YT.

No. 128073

I kinda had a crush on him as Elrond, even though I find him ugly. It's his voice for me.

No. 128076

kek same anon
usually i don't like pissed off men but he's so hot when angry in girls

No. 128099

File: 1574794298997.jpg (56.49 KB, 770x513, da3e6b3b86cc52118267b4f8920a31…)

Yung Lean

No. 128119

i feel this anon, i wanna fuck away his sadness

No. 128120

File: 1574846335855.gif (1.17 MB, 388x450, tenor.gif)

Jim Maxwell because he's such a weird cute bean

No. 128127

he cute

No. 128145

Why even ashamed? He fine as hell. His girl fine too. Least annoying of all commentary youtube.

No. 128159

File: 1574890868671.jpg (432.09 KB, 660x994, adrien-brody.jpg)

i want him so bad you cant even imagine…

No. 128164

File: 1574899152699.png (426.17 KB, 1024x533, 1-2.png)

i know he's absolutely horrible and a nasty person but i've been hardcore crushing on him ever since i saw him a few months ago also cannot stop thinking about him and wouldn't mind going down on him or letting him have his way with me at all lol i want to kill myself

No. 128165

ok but id fuck his boyfriend in a fucking HEARTBEAT

No. 128170

Same anon. We're both degenerates.

No. 128173

Did Jeffree get work done on his ass/thighs? They look super feminine.

No. 128176

File: 1574914550700.jpg (963.41 KB, 1970x2510, drfrank.jpg)

>favorite movie as a kid
>realized i really like men in makeup/female clothes/effeminate features
>mayhaps my sexual awakening

No. 128177

freaking same… the hair and the nose and eyebrows just KILL ME

No. 128178

I agree, because he's right in that zone of the type of guy I like where he's not too boyish but not real feminine. But he looks like a guy I dated, and it ruins much of the interest in him.

No. 128179

Androgynous men can be so, so hot. Kind of like Jareth the Goblin King. But anyways I've always loved Tim Curry. He has a certain charm about him.

I found him really attractive in King Kong when I was 13. I don't anymore, but a lot of people do. He has been on a bunch of those "sexiest men" lists.

No. 128180

both these guys are good looking, but they're so crazy that it makes them completely unattractive and unfuckable. I don't know much about varg outside the basics, but i get the vibe that daniel doesn't wash.

No. 128183

I disagree that Varg is good looking. He's average at best.

No. 128191

File: 1574945611967.jpg (71.17 KB, 587x720, QeOb1Ak.jpg)

and his eyes..

No. 128272

Realized recently from these two that the more I watch someone's videos, the more I find them attractive. Pretty sure it's some of that parasocial bs but I'm glad I've picked up on it.

No. 128282

He's still handsome to me, but in some pictures…I feel like Projared could be his brother that was locked in an attic during his developmental years…they just look a little too similar. It haunts me a bit.

No. 128284

I have no idea who that is, but for some reason always kept thinking it's ProJared so now I feel very betrayed.

No. 128286

File: 1575088514570.jpg (540.8 KB, 2000x2383, kenji-portrait.jpg)

i was on the serious eats website looking up recipes for thanksgiving and seeing more videos of him just reaffirmed the fact that i want J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, chef and food writer, to deduce the best way to eat my pussy in his test kitchen
my weak spot is nerdy and pragmatic asian-american men shoot me

No. 128291

File: 1575104248509.jpg (35.22 KB, 540x406, ra.jpg)

No. 128309

File: 1575143756884.jpg (46.22 KB, 711x1067, Michael Emerson Assoc.jpg)

Have had a crush on him since Lost. So cute

No. 128312

Anon, that was the best description I've ever read. I'm dying.

No. 128315

I'm sad he dyed his hair. British people of his generation were really shitty to gingers so he probably has a complex about it, but it's a shame.

I've seen incels use him as an example of someone with unattractive features, and it made me want to go to war. I only know him from lost, and his character was an asshole but he looks like a wholesome person.

No. 128322

File: 1575173222410.jpeg (43.9 KB, 400x400, AB9171B9-E3ED-4FDE-9004-553CE3…)

He makes me blush.

No. 128327

File: 1575186427940.jpeg (169.54 KB, 634x865, D0C9D6B9-0F91-4560-AA9A-856998…)


What do you anons think of the new queens? I'm not usually a fag hag but I'm extremely attracted to the top 3, in drag or out.

No. 128338

Bagga a few years back would totally get it. There's a video of him having his make up done by someone and he looks beyond beautiful. I however do not find Divina attractive in the slightest, and I feel bad for saying this, but she makes me feel nauseous. Viv is a good looking lad, and in drag I would let him bully me ngl.

No. 128377

File: 1575247607838.jpg (75.67 KB, 599x822, BmmN0NqCIAEa_ET.jpg)

This dead ISIS guy was so cute.

No. 128381

i can't believe myself that i wholeheartedly 100% agree with you

No. 128397

File: 1575293437878.jpeg (39.39 KB, 569x379, A418D265-2151-42EC-AA9B-8A556E…)

still my biggest tv crush lol

No. 128401

File: 1575305812990.jpeg (23.2 KB, 500x375, 17703959-5E25-4062-B34B-E70C22…)

James Cook aka Jack O’Connell will always be a hottie especially the season finale with his character.

No. 128404

No. 128405

File: 1575316056940.png (81.79 KB, 250x250, F4929CA2-48E0-431C-9739-6AC9FE…)

I’m not even sure if he counts as unconventionally attractive especially if you look at his current form. He looks stereotypically attractive and cleans up well. I always thought Jack O’Connell was hot af especially compared to Nicholas Hoult who played Tony with him on Skins.

No. 128415

File: 1575325464062.jpg (84.97 KB, 450x599, Capture.JPG)

No. 128431

most redheads' hair go darker with age.i dont think he died his hair.it just happened naturally

that said, i love rick astley.he is so cute and wholesome

No. 128436

File: 1575362919248.jpg (90.25 KB, 400x600, Michael Schur Universal Televi…)

Mike Schur is my only current male celeb crush. I'm not really ashamed to admit it, but I don't think he's considered conventionally attractive.

No. 128442

File: 1575377495579.jpg (49.47 KB, 1200x673, Cimo.jpg)

Don't really play Yu-Gi-Oh physically as shit is over priced and the playerbase is not exactly the most "healthy" and "welcoming" for lack of better, more definitive words. Though I do regularly play the game on simulator during my downtime inbetween classes to keep my mind active.

Anyways I lurk various ygo youtubers to keep up with the game, and I've kind of developed a crush on pic related, who I find to be rather cute albeit a bit soi.

Polite sage for the partial blog post.

No. 128444

Fuck, he's cute. How old?

No. 128463

19 according to a source I found:

>Abu Khurayra Kazaki

>He was 19. Maybe a little more or less. From the very first day, he was at home in the jamaat, as if he had a reserved spot here. He was one of those who, as well as his youth, possessed an innate charm.
>Watching his behavior and listening to him speak, it was impossible to imagine that you could ever argue with him. Merry, witty, he willingly got into conversations with his comrades, got into discussions, but somehow gently and respectfully, without straining himself or his companions.
>He practically said nothing about himself, as is acceptable among the majority of mujahideen.
>One of the older mujahideen would josh around with him: “Now then, son of the Kazakh steppes, let’s have your name. You want me to make three guesses what they call you? You’re Zhumabay. No? Well, that means you’re Tuligen or Serik.”
>“No,” he would say with a smile. “My name is Abu Khureyra.”
>That’s all we knew about him. A short life, but he left a lifelong, bright trace in the hearts of his comrade mujahideen.

No. 128469

File: 1575399509579.jpg (87.39 KB, 550x383, FL_1310053214_crop_550x383.jpg)

The character of Hugh Laurie himself? I always thought he was pretty qt even in his shows from the 80s/90s

No. 128481

File: 1575415345056.jpg (22.73 KB, 460x288, fry-and-laurie_1414172c.jpg)

Yeah loved him in his show with Fry and got reminded on how much I was attracted to him when I was watching House

No. 128487

He's really, really cute. Such a shame that he had to join ISIS and die that way though. He had so much shit to live for, but threw it all away.

Saw someone post his picture on Twitter while doing my own research about him and they said he is in heaven now. Ah, yes, ISIS members get to join heaven. How could I forget.

Biggest kek.

No. 128491

File: 1575421927482.jpg (60.5 KB, 1000x741, 1000x-1.jpg)

i swear to god i'm not trolling

No. 128492

can you at least explain why

No. 128493

mostly the clothes honestly

No. 128494

You are literally the type of dumbass that could get trafficked

“Shortly after arriving, she married a Dutch ISIS fighter and gave birth to two children who she says died from malnutrition and disease. Pregnant a third time, Begum fled to a refugee camp in Syria.

She was found this month by a reporter from The Times of London, who was visiting the Syrian camp that is home to 39,000 refugees containing hundreds of wives, widows and children of ISIS fighters.”

Out of all the fucked up shit I read on this hell forsaken image board you disgust me the most, volunteer with women that were hurt by them and then tell me about how hot their clothes are

What in the everloving fuck is wrong with you

No. 128495

i'm laughing so hard anon stop i'm not actually gonna fuck some ISIS/terrorist dude. they're reprensihible people. attraction =/= action. relax with the moral police

No. 128497

I'm wheezing at your rant right now. Chill out, you retard

No. 128500

File: 1575438127762.jpg (29.75 KB, 400x400, tumblr_pjvlqcR8Tc1w6h4q4o1_400…)

even though he's 4 years my junior i'd unironically call him daddy muta if he wanted

No. 128502

I think I've posted him here before, he is so precious! his recent vid on being alone on the holidays really tugged my heartstrings ngl

No. 128513

File: 1575456071337.jpeg (87.33 KB, 1200x900, BAF150B5-A069-44C3-9D02-5EB6C8…)

nta but you need to chill retard lmao. Some girls find face coverings sexy for whatever reason, I think balaclavas are hot. Doesn’t mean I want some guy in a balaclava to rob me. The thread is called unconventional male attractions. You’re overreacting.

No. 128515

He reminds me of a dog with floppy ears. In a cute way!

No. 128516

Ok but >>128491 didn't mention face coverings, only "clothes", which doesn't explain much honestly.

>>128494 may have sperged a bit, but they're not wrong in assuming the OP meant terrorists/isis fighters.

No. 128517

I gotta say I think it's perfectly understandable why someone isn't chill about ISIS of all things though.

No. 128523

but it's about specific man, not about groups of people. op is attracted to men who are wearing specific clothes and look like terrorists? that's weird. go to kink thread

No. 128526

OP is specifically attracted to jihadi john's fresh fit

No. 128527

>Saw someone post his picture on Twitter while doing my own research about him and they said he is in heaven now. Ah, yes, ISIS members get to join heaven. How could I forget.
We saw the same post. On that note, the Indonesian mixture of weebism and islamism is a trip. There was a deviantart page where another Indonesian girl had made a weeb fanart of the same jihadi guy. I'm sure there must be some cow material among these jihadi weeb Indonesian/Malaysian girls.

No. 128575

File: 1575534230006.jpg (52.89 KB, 650x972, 178621465.jpg.gallery.jpg)

joe thomas, most notably from inbetweeners but I've been watching his season of taskmaster and his demeanour is just so cute. plus imo he's attractive despite, objectively, looking like a thumb (that's why he goes in this thread kek).

No. 128630

File: 1575587304811.jpg (51.25 KB, 450x300, the-anarchists-vs-the-islamic-…)

All this ISIS thirst posting reminded me of how badly I wanted to fuck the guy that volunteered in the YPG to fight ISIS a couple of years ago. He's ugly as shit and used to have this cringy commie ironybro twitter account.

No. 128639

i think there's just something very sexy about revolutionaries in general. idk what it is.

No. 128642

File: 1575608795669.jpeg (44.75 KB, 460x460, F801C95A-2132-4430-B0E3-4CA3EA…)

I have the biggest crush on this lazy eyed fucker

No. 128668

penile code

No. 128669

that's not actually him btw. it's some lookalike that 4chan used to meme.

No. 128671

File: 1575649254441.jpg (101.41 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Big lips, nose, and a sharp jawline on men is so sexy. I have a huge crush on V from DmC5. I once had a chance with a 1/4 Indian & 3/4 British guy who fits this type and fucked it up. The regrets.

No. 128672

File: 1575649894502.jpeg (34.52 KB, 501x500, img2.thejournal.ie.jpeg)

big dick bernard

No. 128674

Where is the unconventional/shameful part of lusting over V's model like all other fangirls?

No. 128679

lol! pisspiggranddad… me too

No. 128680

File: 1575664791715.jpg (211.79 KB, 1280x883, c6_pixnu4aeuwhv.jpg)


No. 128684

Idk who that guy is but I think he is conventionally attractive.

No. 128691

this is the content i love anon omg

No. 128705

yeah, i remember they were saying it his dad lol

No. 128718

He’s hot

No. 128732

File: 1575745824997.jpg (52.9 KB, 620x451, twilight-zone-rod-serling.jpg)

Something about the way he talks is just so fucking hot

No. 128755

File: 1575781318950.jpeg (105.83 KB, 217x604, E2534F25-020D-472B-87ED-BB759B…)

…Anybody else?

No. 128759

fucking yes in that dirty bed too….kill me

No. 128761

oh yeah. i know he's written to be really gross but i find him so endearing.

No. 128785

File: 1575833112209.jpeg (7.78 KB, 267x189, descarga.jpeg)

the only shame here is his age (hes 60)

No. 128787

File: 1575833532756.jpg (45.89 KB, 720x540, Chris-Hansen-Waiting-720x540.j…)

No. 128788

Right? He’s disgusting, but very sweet and I find his stupidity cute.

No. 128789

Tbh I’ve been feeling him lately.

No. 128792

I respect this, he is way too old for me but he's doing good work and has a cool voice.

No. 128795

Y’all realise he owes his wife a lot of $$$

No. 128798

Post links.

No. 128799

He owed small companies money and he send dud checks to everyone, cheated on his wife and fucked up his life with debts.

Decent pedo hunter awful scrot.

No. 128800

File: 1575838489676.jpeg (Spoiler Image,814.91 KB, 1440x918, D99C82C2-60EE-4D28-B672-AC4488…)

Ruined the career of the intern he cheated on his wife with

No. 128801

well he looks alright from this pic. I like the messy hair and I love a big nose on a guy

No. 128802

what does he look like without the sunglasses though?

No. 128813


thanks anon, now i have more reasons to be ashamed

No. 128819

File: 1575864430576.gif (1.91 MB, 245x300, fatmac.gif)

i'm sorry anon but you're wrong, the real winner here is…

No. 128823

File: 1575878546906.jpeg (23.88 KB, 600x319, 30F0D589-6123-451D-8A30-0A9D84…)

I smoked an entire blunt before bed the other night and had an extremely vivid sex dream about Ted Bundy. The serial killer fandom is retarded and I felt no prior attraction to him at all, but my lust for him is off the charts now. inb4 kinkshaming on the unconventional attraction thread kek

No. 128828

File: 1575886677296.jpg (78.24 KB, 600x390, Eric Andre Hannibal Buress Com…)

All 3 of them could get it.

No. 128829

too bad he would never love you back.

No. 128834

File: 1575894115177.jpeg (107.31 KB, 1012x675, 3DD14CD1-F88B-4E9C-A8A4-9F4655…)

Ugh excellent taste anon. His innocence is such a turn on, it makes me wanna take control and molest him or something

No. 128836

You are literally the type of dumbass that could get trafficked

“In 1975, Bundy was jailed for the first time when he was incarcerated in Utah for aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault. He then became a suspect in a progressively longer list of unsolved homicides in several states. Facing murder charges in Colorado, he engineered two dramatic escapes and committed further assaults in Florida, including three murders, before his ultimate recapture in 1978. For the Florida homicides, he received three death sentences in two separate trials. Bundy was executed in the electric chair at Florida State Prison in Raiford, Florida on January 24, 1989”

Out of all the fucked up shit I read on this hell forsaken image board you disgust me the most, volunteer with women that were hurt by him and then tell me about how hot he his after smoking a blunt.

What in the everloving fuck is wrong with you

No. 128839

he wasn’t out of the closet yet when he was fat mac—i would still try.

No. 128845

File: 1575901722437.png (1.03 MB, 1280x717, 52721B9D-0C26-4453-8E9C-232052…)

Do everyone in this thread a favor and go pull out the giant stick that's lodged inside your asshole. Thoughtcrime isn't a thing and finding someone sexually attractive doesn't mean condoning the atrocities they committed. Thanks for the link though, his whispering at the 4:30 mark is hot as fuck

No. 128846

I'm not even the Anon who previously replied to you but i want to call you out in your shit too.

He is ugly as fuck, his nose is crooked and ugly,his eyes look like he does drugs and is insane,his hair is ratty and his side profile looks incel-ly.

So the only reason you could find a man like this attractive is the fact that him killing and raping girls and women turns you on.

You know it's 2019 and there are psycho men like Ted Bundy all around you so why don't you go and fuck one of them and get murdered,trust me you won't be missed.

No. 128847

not the anon, but why can't you just move on? she said she's not condoming. so who cares?
i'm also tired of posting serial killers and psychos here, but that is kind of the point i guess. btw in time people will see how weird it is and they'll stop crushing on /them/

No. 128850

File: 1575906337905.jpg (204.54 KB, 1500x844, Brace_ThumbnailClean.jpg)

Just google Brace Belden/Pisspiggrandad.
Since you seem interested lmao

No. 128851

i've seen that post before is this pasta now?

No. 128856

it's obviously a joke on >>128494

No. 128857

oh fuck I'm an idiot lmao. Sorry anon, your joke was actually funny but I was running on 3 hours of sleep

No. 128906

File: 1575969944130.jpeg (23.63 KB, 454x675, images.jpeg)

I always wanted to fuck Thom Yorke, specially now that he's older. He's getting hotter with age imo

No. 128927

File: 1575975696352.jpg (19.77 KB, 395x612, c4b69231bfc5df68fc025aee280779…)

hard disagree, he was much hotter younger. his old looking peak was around 2003 jason evans photoshoot (he was round mid 30s?) and ever since he grew his hair out, it has been a steady decline. personal fav era is the horrible bleached hair lol, looks bad but also good.

No. 128942

File: 1575991338942.jpg (53.96 KB, 634x423, jose_mourinho.jpg)

i must have brain damage as i keep finding football managers twice my age attractive. i love this smug, overly confident and cocky bitch. his strange personality is so endearing. i've been binging his interviews and press conferences just so i can listen to his portugese accent.

No. 128950

File: 1576000863674.jpg (178.87 KB, 683x1024, dg.jpg)

tfw no filthy icelandic black metal bf

No. 128960

ummm shit. Who is he? I'm curious.

No. 128963

File: 1576012065487.jpg (179.67 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Misþyrming_Party.San_Met…)

He is D.G., frontman of Misthyrming and plays in a bunch of other bands too. You can find him by googling mister ming (kek)

No. 128964

I want a Nathan for ME

No. 128965

good taste i thought i was alone.. i know the other brothers are conventionally more attractive but he is So fucking cute it really gets to me

No. 128968

Sage for OT but I just want an Icelandic husbando but I’m not from Iceland. Where to meet Icelandic cuties in america? I have Icelandic ancestry so the culture always interested me.

No. 129018

File: 1576130586372.jpg (86.78 KB, 775x465, aspergers.jpg)

I find this autistic youtuber so hot. I don't know his name but his channel is called aspergers from the inside. he gives me gay vibes though..

No. 129026

File: 1576145958803.png (584.01 KB, 581x632, 4.png)

these are my top 4.. bob odenkirk and negan were huge obsessions for years. i like jeffrey dean morgan too but his physical presence and vibe are not.. huge enough

No. 129027

He's how I imagine Horus from Warhammer 40k looking like tbh.

No. 129028

He almost certainly looks like an inbred paki under the clothes, trust me.

No. 129029

File: 1576155229106.jpeg (39.54 KB, 272x346, C7AC860A-4815-4533-B370-DBAE70…)

jay baruchel in the sorcerer’s apprentice was my biggest crush when i was younger. such a qt

No. 129034

File: 1576159298320.jpg (77.1 KB, 666x334, 194d8f86.jpg)

No way. He's Mephiston with black hair.

No. 129038

File: 1576165597497.jpg (29 KB, 395x612, 22136b961757ecc1be7c1f2f65490d…)

No. 129046

I fucking love Shavo even with his goofy beard.

No. 129266

File: 1576517284632.gif (2.67 MB, 500x278, tumblr_ded07b68e02cfb30acd17c7…)

he's so fucking beautiful
I would post him in the attractive thread but I don't want disagreeing anons screeching at me
I hope he keeps the hair as long as possible ahhh. So hyped for The Rise of Skywalker.

No. 129271

By the amount of people finding him attractive by now he SHOULDN'T count as unconventional, but you did good. He's hot and a great actor.

No. 129274

Wasn’t he like a turbo manlet irl? (like 5’4”)

No. 129298

He's conventially not ugly, I guess. I think girls just like him because he's tall and has a deep voice. His face though…. Bleh.

No. 129327

His face is the thing I like the most about him though. I find it really attractive and soulful. Long hair really compliments it though, he looks goofy with no hair (like in the marine photo).

No. 129371

The 18 year old emo boy in this video, George.
Even though I'm already 21, I just love gangly, brooding emo guys. I can't help it.
They are useless, moody idiots, but they're so fucking cute. I wish the ones in bands weren't usually such narcissistic douchebags, though. Gerard Way was the only exception.

No. 129397

File: 1576720595588.jpeg (370.58 KB, 2048x2048, C1805B90-9E4A-4A48-8265-2729F6…)

rafe spall, i love the sad puppy dog look he has in 90% of his films (pics related) and i feel like his moans are probably adorable. idk if he even belongs here but when you look at his parents he definitely won the genetic lottery lmao

No. 129408

Ben Solo was so beautiful in THAT scene.

No. 129434

I thought the same, he is gorgeous

I was cackling at the part where his host family is like "i was so worried about henry, he dont know these streetz" and then they cut to george and he's just like "yehr oi feel a bit bad because these randos was all worried about me own bruvva and i dint care what shit he was in"

No. 129440

File: 1576808978105.jpg (77.46 KB, 1280x720, w2e5SUM.jpg)

No. 129448

He is cute, he would've killed it on Myspace back in the day. But he's too grumpy for me, emo demeanor is nowhere near as cute as emo style kek.

No. 129460

File: 1576840592566.jpeg (132.17 KB, 933x629, 3BA82F4C-59C6-41EA-B712-3E9A63…)

he be like

No. 129533

seconding Nathan. my friend met him at a party and he is apparently just as awkward irl

No. 129539

I have to give you props. Way better than the vargposters here lmao

No. 129559

File: 1577009978600.gif (838.08 KB, 245x138, nathan for you_nathan fielder_…)

No. 129562

clicked this from the front page hoping it was in this thread. I'm usually not attracted to skinny guys at all. Finding out he was married to a librarian makes him more sexy for some reason.

No. 129575

File: 1577035195846.jpg (77.62 KB, 500x421, tumblr_ocz4vig9L01scscpvo1_500…)

i had the biggest crush on him when he played pukey in this is england (on the right) over a decade ago, lol.

No. 129586

File: 1577043826647.jpg (286.29 KB, 1440x750, green-street-hooligans.jpg)

I am definitely going to watch this. I have a shameful attraction to low class, chavvy looking dudes. Not skinheads in particular but still. I was super into the main dude (not Elijah) from Green Street Hooligans

No. 129589

This. Fucking this. I always had the yellow fever since I was a kid.
I'm not really into strong masculine guys, too buffed, too skinny or too femenine. But if they show good character I'm all into them.
What's left for me as a normeebo? Not much, I can't get into kpop or average anime guys because either they look like they rape children as breakfast or they look like tomboys.
Are fictional characters allowed? I have this character that even the cast calls "average looking" and I would like what you guys think.
Also Joji is hot, I would date him or his offspring.

No. 129593

File: 1577046622418.jpeg (45.55 KB, 400x400, jimmy urine.jpeg)

same but unashamed

No. 129594

File: 1577046914945.jpg (77.14 KB, 750x906, dahvie vanity.jpg)

also Dahvie Vanity he's a total piece of shit but he was a cute scenie weenie

No. 129600

I'd hit it…with a frying pan.
This man brutally rapes teenage girls.

No. 129607

File: 1577056942091.jpeg (34.02 KB, 411x510, 4A801FA8-AA05-439F-895A-E91458…)

IKR dude is disgusting. There’s plenty of other garden variety scene dudes to choice from but this guy. Also he look crazy different in high school apparently. Wonder if he’s had work done.

No. 129613

File: 1577071428415.jpeg (80.09 KB, 1280x718, watchmen-episode-5-1195212-128…)

Only unconventional because he's now 71 years old, but Jeremy Irons in Watchmen is So. Fucking. Hot.

No. 129621

File: 1577079367212.jpg (27.28 KB, 380x380, 7a9ecbd9-120c-447b-a2e6-04ffd1…)

On top of all the other things that make him unfuckable he also is gay, but I find him so hot

No. 129627

He has really nice eyes, I like his chemistry with Jenny Slate

No. 129629

File: 1577087602701.jpg (69.83 KB, 720x480, stormare-fargo2-720x480.jpg)

Peter Stormare, he looks like a mafia hit guy and a little like my dad in the nose. I'm usually into twinky younger guys though.

No. 129633

File: 1577091508269.jpg (169.24 KB, 1200x901, Daxqf0bWsAACkx3.jpg)

he's not remotely cute lmao. it's all angles, like any youtube thot.

No. 129637

For me it's more his voice/accent/mannerisms since I mostly find him hot in videos and not in pictures

No. 129653

>>129586 here, back after watching the movie (it was good, great performances). I have to retract
>Not skinheads in particular
Their fashion is hot af so now it includes them in particular.

No. 129670

youve unintentionally posted another shamefully attractive guy with gilgun on the left. he always looks sleazy but it works

No. 129698

He looked so damn pretty at the end of IX

No. 129702

not a kyle fag but that half of a smile at the end of the 9th gals… almost cried

No. 129708

I prefer his hair shorter, back in his Girls era.

No. 129760

File: 1577316527622.jpg (29.61 KB, 400x301, cunt.jpg)

I lurked a board he posted on in late 00s, he was a coke snorting teenage deliquent back then, kek. Many jokes about his resemblance to the cunt destroyer jpg were cracked there also.

No. 129881

File: 1577484718786.jpg (14.63 KB, 354x318, liquid.jpg)

No. 129883

File: 1577485328481.jpg (12.33 KB, 300x300, duckworth-jon-image.jpg)



Liquid Chris was the epitome of adorkable and I wish that this was the real Chris's personality.

He looks so cute now, I can't

No. 129891

I always wanted to fuck him. He's sexy as hell

No. 129978

File: 1577578998518.jpg (251.27 KB, 1124x2000, EMLaIp8UEAAghOG.jpg)

Shane Dawson. I know he's been posted but when I was looking for Nikocado drama updates I found this picture and thought he looked hot lmfao. It's probably because he's standing next to Nik.

No. 129982

No shame, would absolutely fuck. He's so soft spoken and seems kinda subby, normally not into that but for him would.

No. 130004

File: 1577635981635.jpg (29.74 KB, 630x423, simon-pegg.jpg)

Simon Pegg, no shame. I have a crush on him since Shaun of the Dead, such a cutie.

Saw ROTS this week and I'm want to dig my hands in his fluffy hair.

No. 130022

But why? He's got a big round lightbulb head and he seems like a smug twat who loves the smell of his own farts.

No. 130029

wtf I love Rod Serling now

No. 130039

File: 1577665361069.jpeg (22.99 KB, 480x240, A756DF2F-3FAB-473E-B115-1ADF80…)

Sick Boy too but I’m not sure if it’s fair to include him given he was the most attractive and normal (at first at least) of the bunch.

No. 130042

File: 1577669594080.jpeg (272.64 KB, 720x578, 89531321-22FE-4387-A935-1E851D…)

Backpacking off this. Stg I’m not ddlgfag but unironically Lolita Jeremy Irons. Also his voice is sexy for audiobooks.

No. 130044

I hate to admit it but huge same. He's actually a giant dickhead irl and has sad some really unhinged homophobic and misogynistic shit but I'd still smash.

No. 130062

File: 1577696782072.jpg (14.99 KB, 236x416, ashcroft.jpg)

Richard Ashcroft of The Verve. I've been made fun of so much for this.

No. 130080

File: 1577725077023.jpg (75.73 KB, 900x600, Wright-96-Wien.jpg)


he looks like rick wright from pink floyd imo

No. 130097

File: 1577762040371.jpeg (102.33 KB, 1280x720, 0D35CCFA-28D5-475E-9294-092322…)

What I wouldn't give for a threesome with Rent Boy and Sick Boy at their lowest (inb4 imminent HIV infection) or some crazy sex with Begbie. The sheer violence and trashiness of them is a big turn on

No. 130113

>But why
lol you could ask that about the whole thread

No. 130117

the most normal guy iirc was that blondie with cat allergy

No. 130124

File: 1577825649520.jpeg (516.04 KB, 3243x2027, F6F45B8F-FF84-480B-8BEC-47ED89…)

>cat allergy
top kek anon. If it was truly just a cat allergy making him look like that, then hell I'd fuck him too

No. 130208


No. 130216

No. 130238

File: 1578013490192.png (1.84 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (463).png)

was watching some 80s comedies, he seems too pure to have sexual relations with though so im def ashamed

No. 130239

File: 1578014851501.jpg (195.42 KB, 750x972, cc.jpg)

IAMX/Chris Corner

No. 130254

File: 1578049593160.gif (5.75 MB, 600x254, 42B09667-4D78-4CA2-BCF7-6472F7…)

If it weren’t for Duke’s ugly ass haircut, I don’t think he would fit.. (especially in scenes like the desert race). Alas. Gonzo too.

Hnnnngff anon pls

No. 130266

He starts taking smack and gets toxoplasmosis from his kitten. He looks like shit from the smack.

my bf looks like young Spud. He is such a cutie.

No. 130269

File: 1578066379656.jpg (246.51 KB, 850x638, maxijazz.jpg)

The scrawny black guy from Faithless. His voice combined with his skelly ass cheekbones and bug eyes does things to me.

No. 130307


same, anon. Pretty sure he's an anachan though

No. 130317

File: 1578129806146.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x1439, NUP_173272_0657.jpg)

I posted in the conventional male thread about how he was cute in the early 90's but didn't think he aged well at all. Ever since I started watching Mr. Robot I take it all back, I'm horny for Christian Slater at all ages and deeply ashamed of it.

No. 130332

File: 1578154834580.jpeg (40.01 KB, 293x473, E8F2DE05-E30B-47D8-ADF3-6A6847…)

been watching a lot of columbo lately.

No. 130336

He's unconventional? I've always found him to be a hottie. Everyone tells me I have bad taste though.

No. 130339

you answered yourself

No. 130349

File: 1578171814193.jpg (25.58 KB, 500x281, tumblr_4a411bc0253a1a4534d2331…)

He's actually cute as hell normally, imo, but there's something about him in this role specifically?

anon, I…

No. 130363

i know, and with his history of other mental illness i wouldn't be shocked if he were. he looks a hell of a lot better than he did 3 years ago at least.

No. 130371

File: 1578206418253.jpg (64.84 KB, 1200x898, columbae.jpg)

Fuck yeah! He'd make you cum, leave the room, turn around, say "and another thing…" and make you cum again.

No. 130380

No. 130437

File: 1578304067139.png (1.44 MB, 681x1024, PeapHEe.png)

Steve Naghavi from And One

i will listen to So klinkt Liebe on repeat just for his little growl after the 2nd verse

No. 130463

File: 1578336759383.jpg (59.84 KB, 400x555, 271404_207009_528.jpg)

There's nothing more shameful for me than admitting I'd want to fuck a kpop twink, especially one that's a washed-up hasbeen. I outgrew being a kpopfag when I was in high school, but it's like the stress in my life currently is making me regress or something lol

extra shameful because this guy was exposed multiple times for being a terrible person and a narcissist. honestly he's kind of a lolcow in his own right.

No. 130483

File: 1578373378385.jpg (36.15 KB, 425x640, 141b99598d47590436d0546e1ed5cc…)

Legit thought this was Dave Gahan from Depeche Mode and was all holy shit yes.

No. 130498

File: 1578390910004.jpg (235.79 KB, 1600x900, delicioussoy.jpg)

fuck he's kind of cute.
i love naturally scrawny skelly boys like that. i've barely discovered Tim Rogers and goddamn i wanna fuck him so badly.
there's just something about guys like him that get me off easily. fuck if dumbass incels looked like this i'd take all their fucking virginitys in a heart beat.
fuck sorry for the thirst post but tbh give me all the soy.

No. 130506

File: 1578410118868.jpeg (23.36 KB, 273x275, 0C0AEEA4-2CC0-43C3-89BC-E58D8A…)

Limmy. I love him so much. His accent is sublime and his dead eyes are hot. When I watch his streams I feel so safe.

No. 130523

Oh my god, I love Tim Rogers. I'm not attracted to him, but he fills me with so much joy. I wish I could be him.

No. 130534

File: 1578444926616.jpg (19.33 KB, 450x250, limmys-show-season-1-episode-1…)

I feel that, anon. Whenever I've had a bad day I'll binge Limmy's Show, for some reason it's so comforting to me.

No. 130541

Luka Magnotta. Physically, he's conventionally attractive, but I can't help but feel absolutely disgusted with myself for finding him attractive. I don't even want to post a photo of him because I feel so disgusted. I know he's a horrible person and a literal narcissist, so finding him attractive makes me feel very shallow.

He recorded himself killing cats and murdered a man.

No. 130543

I usually get pretty happy when I find people who live(d) in the same province as me, hes not one of them lol. I’m glad the Netflix show is shedding more light on him.

No. 130544

Maybe they remind you of your father?

No. 130551

he is not conventionally attractive

No. 130552

He is with longer hair and when he was younger

No. 130556

he was not

No. 130559

he's not conventionally attractive though. he looks like a walking botched plastic surgery case.
are you a fag hag anon?

No. 130562

Honestly, I have crushes on gay men a lot because I like feminine men… maybe that's why? I really thought he was conventionally attractive, though! I guess I just have no clue.

No. 130572

File: 1578504782102.jpg (22.21 KB, 480x360, hw5no_E2HkYghlLjxV4XgzEA8R2JPr…)

I'm so happy someone else out there still listens to And One! I've never looked up pictures or videos because I really like his voice and I was worried it would ruin it somehow if I found him unattractive. I'm pleased to say this is not the case.

Here's my contribution. Christian James Oppel/Godforbid from That Handsome Devil

No. 130594

File: 1578526141807.jpg (64.92 KB, 620x413, tony.jpg)

No. 130609

File: 1578543646325.jpeg (50.73 KB, 540x960, 4657D835-D175-46CB-B052-61B502…)

No. 130610

oh christ I just wanna hold him. it’s super cringey but I feel like he has a really beautiful soul

No. 130613

OH MY GOD YES ANon i had such a big crush on him i love artsy men he's so sensible and INFP but then became edgy and his edginess made me love him even more

No. 130620

Who is this???

No. 130624

File: 1578570247824.png (518.78 KB, 765x863, Arin_Hanson.png)

I'm deeply ashamed to admit that I have a slight crush on Arin from Game Grumps.. he is disgusting but he somewhat resembles my ex.
PS: finding a normal photo of him was so fucking hard.

No. 130627

File: 1578572988114.png (352.28 KB, 500x333, Li1uSXC.png)

i'm glad to hear your opinion of him is positive.
i've only started actively listening to And One recently, but i still remember Panzermensch from an amv video i saw on someone's gaia online account like 9 years ago.

also he's quite cute wearing a suit.

No. 130628

I'm super attracted to him. Yeah, following his drama and shenanigans is funny, and I do think he's an idiot sometimes. But if he and Suzy ever split up, I want his dick.

No. 130656

File: 1578623342656.jpeg (72.08 KB, 729x887, A18C60F2-4FC1-4182-8B04-5CD273…)

I said I had a celeb crush on him at dinner with friends when we were talking about midsommar and all of them acted like I was blind /:

No. 130657

He’s actually cute in a weird alien way

No. 130661


No. 130668

File: 1578639761323.gif (2.6 MB, 540x250, A66FA839-6E23-4163-9B46-B3C5DD…)

God, he was so fucking hot in Bandersnatch.

No. 130671

ok, I thought the anon had no taste but his vibe here was hot, agree.

No. 130673

Oh yeah, I've seen him in a couple of Nic Cage movies and he's gorgeous

No. 130674

Lol shouldn't he look better… if he had work done?

No. 130698

File: 1578681267491.jpeg (63.14 KB, 828x719, D75C5C03-BF42-478D-9047-958F3E…)

Speaking of which, Nic Cage was super cute when he was young, in a cartoon puppy way

No. 130791

Young Nic Cage looks like a sexy Droopy Dog gijinka.

No. 130914

fuckkkk i was literally coming to comment Tim Rogers. i would do terrible terrible things to him.

No. 130944

I find him cute sometimes, but idk, he's such a pure soul that I can't even think of him being sexual? He's also really private about his sexuality and I think there's a chance he's asexual.

No. 131007

File: 1579169307325.jpg (76.07 KB, 625x887, e0068a2dda9ffbaee3122adeb59139…)

I don't even like mustaches but I looove the way he looks here

No. 131119

File: 1579379947356.jpg (1.38 MB, 3000x2240, downloadfile.jpg)

He will always have a special place in my heart, even though looking like this now.

No. 131121

Same. Nothing can erase what MCR did for the teen me.

No. 131151

He may be old and fat now but at least he still has a babyface with cute features. He could be aging beautifully if he took care of himself.

No. 131168

File: 1579444521896.jpg (71.17 KB, 710x325, defense-large.jpg)

will the nsa fuck me up for this

No. 131184

File: 1579458409535.jpg (122.5 KB, 736x1000, ike-barinholtz-premiere-neighb…)

Ike Barinholtz is a cutie

No. 131185

File: 1579458785880.jpg (15.25 KB, 480x360, blackadder2.jpg)

Fuck it, been ashamed for 8 years since I've seen Blackadder II (don't get me wrong, I'm thirsty STRICTLY for Rowan in season 2 of the show). I hate being a historyfag. However, would 1000% peg him with a hot poker as punishment for debt evasion.

I love Ashens, but he has something of an Akira-face-syndrome. Not shaming you at all, I just want to do this to his face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKhGyNGoR2g>>128176

Thread awards for "Most Shameful (Please Love Yourselves)"

No. 131187

File: 1579460338394.jpg (35.82 KB, 696x392, ari_aster-696x392.jpg)

I would love to cuddle with him and discuss obscure japanese art films

No. 131194

File: 1579481800487.jpg (46.86 KB, 480x854, 5bae34bbda6bbd058a4db4e22adac1…)

This chilean youtuber is my type. My eyes where blessed thanks to my little cousing, who found him like two years ago. I don't watch his content unless I'm with him mostly because I don't care about Mario games or Dragon Ball, and my cousinh stays chill.
If only he uploaded more content to his instagram. His looks, his humor, ay papi.

No. 131200

File: 1579502232776.jpg (8.55 KB, 214x317, jonny.jpg)

he's objectively ugly but I find him so sexy, plus his character is cold and aloof which turns me on… watching elementary makes me feel giddyness I haven't felt in years. I hate developing feelings for fictional characters

No. 131206

File: 1579521860965.jpeg (86.03 KB, 1200x800, 6D7964D3-7AF2-4DED-8640-6164EC…)

No one will ever convince me otherwise.

No. 131211

Easily the worst on this thread.

No. 131219

Objectively ugly? He wouldn't have so many shirtless scenes if that was true.
It is a great show though.

No. 131221


you are worse than the bundyfuckers

No. 131230

File: 1579565292537.png (1.42 MB, 902x1264, Screen Shot 2020-01-20 at 6.03…)

Alex from that documentary Free Solo. His face isn't that cute and he has an elementary school haircut, but his hands get me. And the fact that he can pull himself up the equivalent of two Empire State Buildings

No. 131243

File: 1579591597644.jpeg (152.38 KB, 720x1080, 104F7FB7-8D95-470C-9EF0-C6123F…)

I fell asleep watching curb your enthusiasm the other night and I had a dream I was dating Larry David. he was a passionate lover. I would give anything to have him tell me to shut the fuck up

No. 131255

He looks like Doug Stanhope.

No. 131297

I just really love his voice and the insight he gives onto things. His videos of Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue are really good. I think it's the voice that mainly gets me. It just sounds so friendly, yet not in an obnoxious or annoying way, and relaxing at the same time. I wish more youtubers didn't use background music, unless it's very fitting or relaxing.

No. 131299

he's fairly conventionally attractive though. moreso than his voice, which makes me picture a skinny glasses-wearing nerd

No. 131302

nta but you and I must have different ideas of what conventionally attractive is

No. 131304

File: 1579763133728.jpg (12.38 KB, 236x313, ca2739c2da42b9ff693ae761cbba3f…)

Gary Oldman is my OG crush. Especially when he was younger but ngl still find him kinda hot even though I'm not into older guys

No. 131305

File: 1579763447505.jpg (114.91 KB, 736x736, msqkj9e90rr31.jpg)

No. 131365

File: 1579840661742.jpg (54.86 KB, 600x372, the-scarlet-letter-lg.jpg)

Is he even unconventional though? He's fucking gorgeous, even now. (Ps. Watch Scarlet Letter if you haven't. Not a good film but dripping with hot young Gary.)

No. 131366

File: 1579841290528.jpeg (106.52 KB, 1024x576, drafculafd.jpeg)

omg i'm such an idiot nta but i didn't even realize gary oldman was dracula in the 1992 movie. yeah he's hot.

No. 131373

File: 1579872573677.jpg (19.29 KB, 360x384, Y7VSR2NWYZCXBHP5Z7ELGIELOY.jpg)

No. 131376

File: 1579876854683.jpg (18.83 KB, 336x450, Richard-Brake.jpg)

I have like the biggest crush on Richard Brake idk why… I guess you could say he is unconventionally attractive.. like srsly I find him extremley hot and I would totally let him do me haha

No. 131383

File: 1579901189585.jpeg (222.66 KB, 1400x758, 841DFFEF-C889-46F1-A1B9-E5B0E4…)

Ricky Gervais was criminally hot when he was younger. Even now I still would

No. 131384

I don't believe that's Ricky Gervais. wtf he looks nothing like his present self.

No. 131393

That's true, he is/was gorgeous. I guess I just thought of him as being unconventional because a lot of his famous roles are ugly ones like when he acted that drug dealer. And yeah Scarlet Letter was hot.

Hahaha. I forever love Bram Stoker's Dracula.

No. 131396

No. 131397

He looks like Mac from It's Always Sunny….

No. 131435

File: 1580020454787.jpg (3.23 MB, 2310x3240, Lawrence_Oates_c1911.jpg)

Lawrence Oates from the Terra Nova expedition

He was described as being incredibly aloof, didn't say much but everyone loved him. I guess it's his dark hair and dark eyes. He was also rich haha

No. 131459

File: 1580064043800.jpeg (379.73 KB, 2500x1666, FDA56ECB-1BB8-4617-ACDD-4CCA94…)

I’m only ashamed because I feel like a trend-chaser for finding him extremely hot. His voice is also so attractive

No. 131487

File: 1580139170889.jpg (389.49 KB, 945x994, Untitled.jpg)


that energy. that charisma

No. 131489

Yoooo wtf

No. 131520

File: 1580196172497.jpg (45.34 KB, 500x645, tumblr_pswbbauMFc1sboxid_500.j…)

No. 131522

I was hoping someone would post him. His stage presence is so hot but I also love how adorable he is in casual pics.

No. 131523

File: 1580197437230.jpg (28.34 KB, 292x435, brian.jpg)

It's a shame he didn't age very gracefully. He used to be gorgeous.

No. 131524

idk i like placebo but i have always gotten conflicting soft-AGP troon vibes from him

No. 131527

File: 1580207606905.jpg (50.46 KB, 409x612, gettyimages-85341065-612x612.j…)

Similar-ish to the Brian Molko anon, I absolutely love young Nicky Wire. He's not aged well imo but I fucking loved his dress wearing phase. I don't normally like tall, skinny men but I just find him so attractive idk.

No. 131537

Agreed. The contrast between on and off stage is a huge part of the appeal. I also enjoyed their new music video quite a lot after having watched the interviews

No. 131603

File: 1580345126292.png (801.57 KB, 632x737, him.PNG)

pinterest always finds the special people

No. 131606

Are you the same anon that posted him in the men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread? I refuse to believe there are two of you.

No. 131608

File: 1580357838319.jpg (306.95 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

you hang with some lames then because RIchard Ashcroft was beautiful. Big lips and puffy, dark bedhead hair…

I submit young Pete Burns. what he did to his angelic face was tragic.

No. 131619

he already had plastic surgery done to achieve this face but agreed

No. 131620

Pete was beautiful. His face ended up a mess but I still loved him and thought he was great.

No. 131635

File: 1580401483991.png (962.19 KB, 750x500, pete.png)

agreed. i dunno what he was doing but it looked like trooning out even though he claimed otherwise

No. 131652

File: 1580409489535.jpg (61.84 KB, 472x742, davidsylvian1.jpg)

Androgyny without trooning out is a dying breed these days. I like pictures of this guy when he had this hair, it's hard to describe why but he's pretty while also definitely a man (looking at his other pictures and his hands), if I couldn't tell then it would hit the uncanny valley. Like all he had to do was get up and style himself a certain way whereas men who try to mask their masculine features and go overboard with it like drag queens give me the creeps.

lol I always thought he had the most stereotypical Japanese eyebrows ever. His natural voice is soothing.

No. 131673

File: 1580422120996.jpg (44.82 KB, 480x640, df72ae8a213d0ecae4dcf00149c1d9…)

70s into 80s was a good era for pretty boys. It started to seem gay in pop culture instead of cool in the 90s, so all these potential pretty boys started growing beards and never looked back. The only ones who stayed pretty were for the most part gay. It is a travesty for the heterosexual women of the world who get their hearts broken by Lance Basses and Ezra Millers all around the globe. This is all theory. Here is young Adam Ant too. He aged into current day Johnny Depp though so don't look up modern pics.

No. 131676

He´s so pretty, and since he is such a horrible human being I could tie him up and punish him and not feel bad it.

No. 131679

What he do

No. 131682


Come on now, anon.

No. 131687

I remember years ago, I was OBSESSED with early 80s Adam Ant. He was the perfect man to me. The perfect combination of pretty and masculine. It's a shame he's not hot anymore, although age is inevitable.

No. 131688

No, I'm afraid that was a different anon with excellent taste.

No. 131695

Unfortunately for pretty boy aficionados they often age like shit. But yeah 80s Adam Ant was about as good as they come.

Personally I'm hoping the popularity of kpop triggers a new wave of beardless soft lipped guys with bedhead all over the world.

No. 131720

He's moderator on incels.co. He's even worse of a misogynist than your average incel.

No. 131724

No. 131729

I love his videos. This one makes no sense but it's hot.

No. 131739

Oh no it >>131688 multiplies!

No. 131743

File: 1580506524703.jpeg (64.1 KB, 968x681, 08F15C01-1E03-4E63-BE01-527510…)

I'd like nothing more than a painfully awkward threesome with these two. No one's words can hurt me because I'm already dead inside

No. 131746

jfc same

No. 131764

File: 1580557405058.jpeg (171.85 KB, 1000x1000, B453D356-61C7-4908-9439-696846…)

How long until we acknowledge the elephant in the room and recognize the underlying raw sex appeal of Bernie Sanders? He radiates confidence and you can just tell he's always been a generous lover. My loins ache for Big Dick Bernard

No. 131772

I mentioned this in another thread but Filthy Frank. I know that Joji certainly has his fangirls but I don't even like him as himself. Purely attracted to him as greasy Frank..

Makes no sense

No. 131790

File: 1580578070963.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200201-172434.png)

Seconding Lil Peep and Peter Steele. Graenolf (YouTuber) is my unconventional male attraction.

No. 131797

I find him hot too which is strange because he kind of has effeminate features and is so far from being remotely my usual type. cheers anon

No. 131800

File: 1580584874204.jpg (10.81 KB, 262x320, young.gene.wilder.jpg)

please say I'm not the only one

No. 131806

File: 1580586487969.jpg (55.27 KB, 640x640, 3dcd7195ee3556dc287341d7ce98b0…)

Thirded tbh… Graenolf is textbook conventionally attractive though, anon. His videos are also kind of good sometimes.

No. 131867

File: 1580683644124.jpg (58.75 KB, 900x900, 1574661154042.jpg)

All of yours are actually decent compared to mine…

No. 131874

File: 1580692554233.jpeg (35.61 KB, 376x373, 66C49420-1BDA-4092-B814-493D53…)

God, I hate the way he screams at Micaiyla but shit I would love to tower him and look him straight in the eye while he screws me

No. 131878

File: 1580704632056.jpeg (40.07 KB, 500x292, FA4DC447-C46E-4922-9FFF-52898E…)

I’m not sure honestly if this is unconventional but I always found Christopher Poole attractive

No. 131880

File: 1580707330913.jpg (94.46 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-160829123240-1024-…)

Absolutely not the only one. I wouldn't even say he's an "unconventional" male attraction. Based.

No. 131881

File: 1580708540028.jpeg (252.49 KB, 1000x563, E769227B-434E-4586-B5AB-BC4ECA…)

I’m with you, too, anon. He was sexy as all hell, talented, had a voice like a dream.

No. 131885

he is cute anon! he really is the only redeeming thing about 4chan lmao

No. 131894

Erich Bergen in Jersey boys
I can't explain it

No. 131895

File: 1580745529144.png (Spoiler Image,634.63 KB, 648x783, 1408007174241.png)

No. 131897

File: 1580746789194.jpg (248.04 KB, 609x784, 20200203_172000.jpg)

He looks like sad dog in every picture

No. 131917

c u t e
I miss him

No. 131926

His nose is cute™

No. 131950

File: 1580788569261.gif (797.58 KB, 245x190, floki.gif)

I love his spergish giggle

No. 131951

File: 1580788608045.jpeg (8.21 KB, 299x168, images (2).jpeg)

No. 132417

File: 1580949976039.gif (3.82 MB, 636x357, HyO4Jlw.gif)

blake griffin, i want his neandertal ass

No. 132462

File: 1580995722778.gif (1.58 MB, 480x200, 4A951723-469F-4A4C-B858-2E6E06…)

I know the character is a caricature but he just presses all the right buttons for me… Be still, my stupid heart

No. 132471

This gif pisses me off

No. 132477

he looks abusive

No. 132572

File: 1581151364747.jpg (1.37 MB, 1940x2048, josephruskin.jpg)

I was watching the Twilight Zone episode with the genie and I became suddenly attracted to this man

Which is weird because when I first saw him, he looked creepy but as the episode continued I felt more and more drawn to him

No. 132605

File: 1581218712939.gif (970.25 KB, 500x369, buster.gif)

my beautiful buster keaton. honestly feel in love.

No. 132606


this is bold and i respect it.

No. 132608

File: 1581223273956.jpeg (37.6 KB, 554x554, 767CA965-2330-4F26-9F8B-E63135…)

oh hell yes anon. even though he looks vaguely alien there’s something about those sleepy eyes and mopey mouth that get to me. he looks cute in his hat too

No. 132614

File: 1581231794863.gif (3.59 MB, 268x300, 89A398A2-BEEE-453A-9BF8-E612E8…)

God I have such a crush on Jeffrey Combs and his small uppity nose

No. 132615

File: 1581237079530.png (875.77 KB, 795x603, thesetwo.PNG)

One's an old crush from my kid years, the other one is a hate crush gone rogue.

For modern context, one's got a dead career and the other one is heavily political.

No. 132618

File: 1581250197894.jpg (937.22 KB, 1440x720, Slowthai.jpg)

idk he seems so whacky but whenever i see him in interviews he comes across really intelligent and funny

No. 132619

File: 1581250289873.jpg (287.33 KB, 618x412, rhett-link.jpg)

my first youtube crushes

No. 132621

link is a little dumb but man i wanna bang him like a screen door in a hurricane

No. 132624

I still can't figure out if I think beard man is hot or not.

No. 132626

wish i was joking

No. 132629

Fuck, me too sis.

No. 132636

I love his voice so much ;_;

No. 132639

YES! He pushes the right "brown-skinned-lanky-awkward-italian-twink" niche button for me that i've had since forever. Anon, you shouldn't be ashamed.

No. 132657

File: 1581305966395.jpeg (179.59 KB, 406x590, E92B4E22-BC6B-4FDB-B66C-261F15…)

I know he’s been posted here but…I want to fuck Dennis from iasip, he’s not my ‘type’ eIther which makes my attraction up him even more confounding.
Fat mac too.

No. 132658

No. 132662

Oh my god anon, the crazier he gets the more i wanna slap him around and make those cheeks clap. In some ways charlie too? At least he has some redeeming qualities in the show though.

No. 132681

File: 1581359591755.jpeg (40.25 KB, 646x431, 0316E2DE-0BF3-426D-8836-849439…)

rhett reminds me of hank scorpio

No. 132693

File: 1581378038189.jpg (6.28 KB, 300x200, 5616.jpg)

I don't even give a shit at this point, but I'd let Buscemi do unspeakable things to me. I don't even know why.

Fuck yes. Jeffrey Combs is so adorable. Have you seen From Beyond?

No. 132707

Hell yeah, seeing him without the glasses he wore in Reanimator just made him ever more adorable. He was cute in that anthology film The Evil Clergyman too. that movie is weird though and he ends up tongue kissing a rat thing.

No. 132711

7th grade me loved Link’s little hair flips for some reason. I even joined their forums back when they had them.

No. 132724

after his concert in Berlin i must say he's like the cutest boy to ever exist

No. 132727

File: 1581466489502.gif (2.58 MB, 500x282, WigglyLeadingGar-size_restrict…)

Idubbbz but only in the Asian Jake Paul video

No. 132745

He’s definitely got 5.3 inch dick energy

No. 132748

Dennis is conventionally attractive though. He's a terrible person but I'd definitely hit it if I didn't have to deal with his bullshit before or after though lol.

Early season Mac and Charlie were qts. They looked better than Dennis did imo. And Cricket was cute before he became a crackhead.

No. 132751

I remember he had blondish hair in one video and I thought it was cute. but it was the only time

No. 132763

I felt something when I saw him in the 'shock collar challenge' video but then I felt more when Joji was the one getting shocked.. Maybe I'm just a sadist

No. 132771

I wish the title of the thread was still "Men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck", but here's mine.
I just watched the video and I find this autistic man hot.

No. 132772

Fuck, now I'm imagining my harem of four horsemen of bottom bitches Dennis, Charlie, Mac and priest Cricket!

No. 132832

File: 1581669808590.jpeg (195.36 KB, 667x1000, F25B43C4-0FD7-427D-9888-3ECF59…)

My Good Place would be fucking Ted Danson in character as Michael, I wanna dominate that demon ass

No. 132860

He's hot

No. 132873

File: 1581781328067.png (2.5 MB, 1280x958, BAA7AB3D-B7FE-492C-A958-2C3282…)

Picture somewhat unrelated but Elijah was so qt and soft in the trilogy.

No. 132920

I don't think that's unconventional, surely everyone agrees he was qt af as Frodo? Such pretty eyes.

No. 132923

eh I think of hobbits as being underage/kids even though frodo was supposed to be like 40, he's like 17 in my head

No. 132926

this except he dom me

No. 132935

File: 1581922119784.png (954.97 KB, 900x708, THICCboris.png)

I think he is kinda cute and idek wtf he looks like

No. 132941

Same anon, he's just very sweet and chipper. That video where he teared up when a fan gave him an iPhone really hit me. Russia is very poor, selling that iPhone was probably a month or two of rent for him if he decided to.

No. 132942

Boris can cook for me anyday. He is funny and seems like a nice person.

No. 132945

File: 1581935932776.jpg (326.35 KB, 1280x688, 20190604_105044.jpg)

he's a great actor. lolcow and 4chan call him "trap" but i still love him even if he looks like rat junkie sometimes

No. 132964

File: 1581961921634.jpg (79.8 KB, 770x770, b94927edafd6c95f87614d135a9679…)

I have a huge thing for Ghostemane, idk why but long hair on guys looks so fucking attractive. (also i really love ghostemane and his music if you couldn't tell)

No. 132965

>Adidas tracksuit
>no hardbass
Son I'm disappoint

No. 132977

He has an amazing smile but the top half of his face is so weirdly balanced. Guys with that sense of humor make me wary, I only found Frank funny because his channel makes it obvious he's playing a character and forcing some of that edge but iDubbbz? I don't know.

No. 132990

File: 1582012138287.jpeg (500.81 KB, 2048x2048, FABCF631-D2A6-4715-9E39-59D348…)

i had the biggest crush on skandar keynes when i was a kid and he was in the narnia films. not sure if he’s considered attractive or not nowadays but he’s still crazy cute to me lol

No. 133036

I find him cute too, didn't he disappear though? I don't think he's been in any movies since Narnia

No. 133041

File: 1582095233402.png (147.18 KB, 750x430, Screen-Shot-2017-05-04-at-7.04…)

Pls no bully but I think 90s era Jim Carrey could get it

No. 133042

File: 1582097412665.jpeg (236.09 KB, 1600x1079, 63C8E014-94D0-42F2-9288-3EA3C6…)

no bully anon, he was actually really cute when he was younger

No. 133045

File: 1582103368107.jpg (111.24 KB, 1200x1200, a1695172572_10.jpg)

Rusty Cage. I feel cringe for this because he's a youtuber and acts like an edge lord which is a bit blegh but there's just something about him that I find attractive. He has that tired/sickly look and idk why it just does something for me.

No. 133046

Not bullying but I was living in Ireland around the time that his irish ex gf killed herself. Her suicide note was printed in newspapers here and it was specifically written to him about things he put her through. It was so fucked up that now years later I still can't watch a film with him in it

No. 133047

didn't he give her a load of STDs and shit like that?

No. 133048

He got her hooked on drugs and there was all sorts of fucked up stuff with sex, cheating, prostitution and several STDs.

His lawyers insisted the STD claims were a money grab because she did sue him over it, She had herpes and HPV. She insisted it was true til the day she took her life, including writing it in the suicide note.

No. 133058

are you the resident Kaneoya Sachiko sperg or is this just a coincidence?

No. 133060

I had to google who/what that was, so no, definitely not me. Guess it's a coincidence then. Who's the Kaneoya Sachko sperg?

No. 133069

I feel like every other day I learn that another famous man is actually an abusive swine. Disappointing.

No. 133077

Oh god yes please, especially him in Liar Liar

No. 133081

File: 1582151726084.png (301.41 KB, 385x607, cb3mqyji2kh01.png)

Young Steve Buscemi vibes

No. 133083

I'm all about those tired eyes apparently.

No. 133087

he really got me as donny in the big lebowski for some reason. those kind eyes

No. 133096

File: 1582170227308.jpg (484.55 KB, 544x304, Edward-Nygma-jim-carrey-101403…)

It's not so much that I think he's ugly or he's known for being ugly. But he's rather unconventional due his over the top facial expressions (which I find to be oddly hot) plus this >>133046 and the fact that he had a rather disastrous interview with a female reporter that made him look like a total pig. I thought he was known for being nice and mild mannered but I guess not.

Still like some of his work though, even if he's a terrible person. And I still think he was oddly attractive in the 90s. The few times in Batman Forever where he's dressed all nice (like pic related). Oof.

No. 133100


anon I just had the same dream 2 weeks ago and i cant watch the new season without thinking about it

No. 133102

File: 1582190684567.jpeg (91.58 KB, 666x1000, B13671C0-E6A3-407D-B7F3-677FE0…)

I love this goofy idiot. I go absolutely weak in the knees for tall lanky men.

No. 133108

He's giving me Patrick Bateman vibes. hot

No. 133111

File: 1582200023340.jpg (213.45 KB, 1170x1755, CAGETHEELEPHANTXPATTERN_EbyJAM…)

Matt Shultz. He's weird, but has a lot of charisma i guess

No. 133137

File: 1582250803680.jpeg (92.6 KB, 500x280, 0236e7141a0f636ab085bd944fc046…)

Jeremy, the weird brother from Get Out.

No. 133138

hate to agree with you here

No. 133148


No. 133167

He was posted 4 days ago. Very cute tho

No. 133170

File: 1582299448257.png (196.55 KB, 500x283, hal.png)

i'm gonna fuck malcolms dad

No. 133189

i had a weird sick fetish when i was younger (if i still have it i refuse to admit it) and LOVED him in the film antiviral

No. 133190

File: 1582338068961.jpg (44.44 KB, 800x450, still-2-2-_wide-a20f06c9116db8…)

couldnt find a better image on google and am too lazy to go through the movie itself for a better one
movie is pretty good, if only a little too… forward in its message? it probably wouldnt be if we weren't so disgusting as a society, not to get all banksy but its horrifying how it stopped being abstract within a few years of its release.

No. 133208

File: 1582382829854.jpeg (609.78 KB, 1635x1218, 7121ED12-AD7C-4B23-81C2-78C78F…)

He's been mentioned in jest a few times but this picture made me feel things.

No. 133238

File: 1582447429711.jpg (578.55 KB, 2700x1800, oop.jpg)

God Ron Perlman is so ugly but I really want to fuck him, especially when he was in hellboy.

No. 133267

>forever salty Hellboy 3 will never get made, even though Perlman wanted it himself

No. 133330

File: 1582591641512.jpeg (87.26 KB, 550x550, 1DB9C7AE-7924-4332-A195-F15ACD…)

he looked so cute in the 2000s but he aged like milk

No. 133331

File: 1582592742733.png (1.56 MB, 2667x2667, 78CA3177-5049-42BA-890A-6A6617…)

definitely unconventional but something about that jaw combined with his humor makes zach hadel hit different

No. 133343

File: 1582621452643.jpeg (53.5 KB, 447x573, A4F017F2-272E-4DCA-A555-600ADE…)

No. 133344

File: 1582621930657.jpg (17.08 KB, 202x330, UNCLE_FESTER.jpg)

I felt like uncle fester from the addams family is super cute though, the way that he carries himself and kind of a sucker for love make my heart melts.

No. 133404

File: 1582710965813.jpg (256.92 KB, 750x562, 20200226_125409.jpg)

I'm more of a Chris/Oney girl myself

No. 133428

File: 1582745742280.jpg (153.76 KB, 810x1080, 1956-photo-roddy-mcdowall-plan…)

i love him

No. 133439

File: 1582756893275.jpg (543.73 KB, 1600x900, marklamarr.jpg)

slightly in love with this deadbeat uk panel show host. has a pretty gnarly lisp but very charming. been off the radar since the 90s.

once dubbed the most beautiful man in the world. his brother is just as handsome, if not more.

No. 133444

i think he’s a cutie too, i’m just less attracted lately as he gained a little bit more weight, just personal preferences. still both beautiful funny boys!! (and veronica is gorgeous in that pic)

No. 133456

girl, the hell are you on about? Mark Lamarr doesn't have a lisp. He has a bit of rhotacism twinned with a accent. And he's not been off the radar since the 90s. He did Buzzcocks until the mid 2000's and then went on to do radio for the BBC. Definitely not a 'deadbeat'. Though I agree that he is charming and a bit cute.

No. 133476

He was recently arrested for common assault and false imprisonment of his ex-girlfriend. The police were called because his neighbours heard her screaming.

No. 133482

It's depressing how often this happens. A guy is posted here and then someone points out he's a rapist/woman beater etc.. depressing but better than lusting after them without knowing

No. 133485

i love it when he does his funni scream. so nasal.

No. 133487

Every man in the showbiz is trash. It's a fact.

No. 133495

File: 1582865253696.jpeg (6.38 KB, 267x189, i feel immense shame.jpeg)

The first time I saw young Bernie was in a Twitter thread and a bunch of the replies were public displays of horny

No. 133496

File: 1582868887083.jpg (65.32 KB, 550x400, walken-shootthesundown.jpg)

I see your young Steve Buscemi and raise you a young Christopher Walken.

No. 133497

File: 1582871040516.jpeg (16.63 KB, 470x265, ojf23r3gfwf3.jpeg)

I legit thought that was Richard Ayoade for a second lol.

No. 133499

He was gorgeous when he was young. Those eyes.

No. 133507

File: 1582901268500.jpg (37.64 KB, 900x598, 2ba47c4dee77137dceb949126fa075…)

Joji. I know he looks like the bloated corpse of Asian Squidward, but I'd still blow his back out.

No. 133510

I'm obsessed with him, I re-watch old filthy frank videos just so I can see him as salamander man rubbing his nipples or doing kinda sexual skits.. the shame

No. 133526

I feel ya, my guilty pleasure is the part in Deadly Twister 2 where Chad rubs lube into Joji's body, I watched it like a trillion times lmao

No. 133545

File: 1582926704668.jpg (635.93 KB, 1080x1380, 1576906093463.jpg)

No. 133548

File: 1582932802572.jpeg (85.27 KB, 1020x576, 23625BC5-E4BA-4D38-B357-BAE534…)

no shame anon, I'm unabashedly horny for Bernie

No. 133549

File: 1582933717562.jpeg (93.59 KB, 474x591, E9FE8640-C11F-4C58-B40A-D137B9…)

No. 133568

The DNC doesnt want him winning because he'd be the first president that would guarantee the GILF vote.

No. 133573

File: 1582972689119.jpg (37.51 KB, 319x439, mj7kylciYE1rhx1h4o1_400.jpg)

don't like ska but terry hall could get it

No. 133574

No. 133585

File: 1583009234816.jpg (45.96 KB, 800x540, TIOLI Proof (4)_crop_web.jpg)

I love The Specials and Terry Hall is quite striking. On a similar note, I think Suggs from Madness is quite cute too.

No. 133612

How is he unconventional?! He’s gorgeous!

No. 133621

he's nice, love his eyes

No. 133636

He looks too much Ritchie (Social Repose) for me to find him attractive though i can kind of see the appeal

No. 133642

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why the fuck does anthony fantano get my motor running PLEASE

No. 133651

he totally was

No. 133653

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I never see people talking about Tim Robbins. I love him

No. 133660

Super cute, agreed. Great movie too. He aged alright for a guy who looked that cute.

No. 133668

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Obviously I'd never have a chance with him, but damn I want to fug pizza rat

No. 133669

Honestly, same. I think it helps that he's kind of dorky and playful at times too.

No. 133673

He's goofy but in a cute way, I always found something weirdly cute about him in Bull Durham.
It's pretty funny that he's so tall, I feel like a guy who looks like him would be short but nope he's 6 ft 5 lmao

No. 133684

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Lol came to post this, I started rewatching GMM after many years because I love the dumb food videos they make. I would so bang homeless Rhett.

Link is a bit annoying but I was really attracted to his "tough guy" makeover lol

No. 133686

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I'm kind of ashamed to say I would bang 90s college Link as well. That frosted hair babyy

No. 133687

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My most shameful crush. Not sure on the public synopsis on him, but I actually think he's not very attractive looking. The best way I can describe it is 'the cutest ugly person I've ever seen'. Never seen this guy perform, never heard him speak, so I'm going off looks alone. Doesn't take much to visually please me if I'm being honest. I guess tall and tattooed is just my thing?

No. 133697

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this wrestler tomasso ciampa. idk if he'd be considered unconventional cause he's obviously in good shape but anon's would probably shit on his looks if I posted him to the conventionally attractive men thread. for me it's less his looks (which are 40% hidden by his beard) and mainly his wrestling persona. I love cocky, evil heels

any other anons here watch wrestling? I actually have like 5 or so wrestlers I wanna fuck

No. 133713

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Tim Heidecker

I went to a recent live show and he was doing a bit, yelling in volunteers faces and being a dick and I was like, wish that was me up there.

No. 133723

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been finding fielder pretty cute lately

No. 133737

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I don't normally go for the junkie-esque tall skinny guys but something about Joel Kinnaman in The Killing and Altered Carbon just-

No. 133744

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Kevin Mckidd… wasn’t sure if he’d fit here or in attractive males but he’s a bit weird looking so I think this suits him best? It’s more so his character in Grey’s that I’m attracted to but fuck… I’m not one to fawn over men much but he’s so cute? I love his cheek dimples, and his sharp teeth are cute too. Plus his character in grey’s just wraps it all up to one perfect man, a badass trauma doctor who desperately wants a family but isn’t afraid to speak sternly when necessary my god. He has the perfect body for my tastes too, muscular in the arms but a softer torso

No. 133751

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Honestly I thought he was so attractive in the Sonic movie, which shocked me lol

No. 133752

Ronnie Radke. Am I ashamed? Yes. Yes, I am. The dude is truly a douchebag. On top of everything, he's continually treated women horribly. His current girlfriend cause he always has one, gushes about him. And I'm wondering for how long until it all explodes. Also, he's charming in a way only male douchebags can be and are allowed to be. All his controversies in the past were deserved because he is an idiot. Hate myself, hate him. I almost fell on my ass when this video came out cause he's so attractive to me. Gag. Hate. Discostang.

No. 133758

Hes so attractive

No. 133759

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there was something weirdly attractive about how he played eggman.the sonic movie reminded me that i used to have the hots for him when i was in my teens, although i preferred him in the 90s-2000s. he was actually among the first male actors i had sexual attraction to during my sexual awakening phase and i am kinda ashamed of it.

No. 133763

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Glad I’m not the only one who thought he was kinda cute. He did look weird a lot of the times though but the beard he grew was a plus.
I see your young Bernie Sanders and give you young Joe Biden.

No. 133764

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pretty sure he is what started my obsession with trashy soundclout boys

No. 133767

fuck off

No. 133768

Lol calm down

No. 133769

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robotnik jim carrey can get it anytime tbh. I've always had a thing for him since liar liar, but i loved him in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind even though he was nice guy supreme

No. 133770

I have decided that tall beard man is attractive and I would let him smash.
No shame here, he was beautiful.

No. 133780

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Maybe it’s his voice or his role as a sleazy lawyer but something about him riles up something in me.

No. 133782

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I cast my vote for Jonathan Davis and his sexy ass bagpipe solos

No. 133788

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I want him to mess me the fuck up.

No. 133799

sober steveo can fucking get it

No. 133803

I feel the exact same. Can't help but kinda fawn over him every time he's on screen, be it on Better Call Saul or Breaking Bad, although more so in the former.
I just want to be his trusty partner that he can talk to about all the sleazy stuff he does without fear of being rejected or judged or thrown under the bus.

No. 133820

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I agree. He looks terrible now but back in his day, he was definitely cute. Also sad and angsty which made you wanna FiX HiM.

No. 133823

this was posted 23 days ago but I'm still cringing at the guy in the background

No. 133826

Anon please tell me….who is this…
I also have a weakness for tall, lanky men.

No. 133828

Joe Gilgun!

No. 133865

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I’ve got such a soft spot for Deaner, he just seems so goofy and sweet.

No. 133868

File: 1583537106496.jpg (1.81 MB, 1500x2100, alan-cumming-news.jpg)

there must be something wrong with me, but I find him so cute

No. 133873

Last week I probably wouldn't have agreed but than I watched the episode of Briarpatch he was in and kept getting distracted by his eyes/eyebrows…

No. 133874

that's alan cummings, right? I've always liked him

No. 133902

i feel you anon

No. 133915

he doesn't even live in russia, he's some sovok settled in estonia, EU citizen ffs.

No. 133916

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>i feel immense shame.jpeg

i didn't when i saved this picture to my hard drive

No. 133917

No. 133922

According to recent posts of his,he seems to be back in Russia

No. 133952

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Young Tim Curry could do stuff to me

No. 133955

No. 133957

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i just discovered emo phillips recently, and find him oddly attractive

No. 133961

yass anon. I had a weird sexual awakening of sorts thanks to Dr. FranknFurter

No. 133997

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Bones is so hot and he's even hotter now with a dad bod

No. 134008

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I'm a simp for bernie

No. 134014

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I think Porter Robinson is cute

No. 134016

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young trent was hot

No. 134018

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I'm embarrassed at how okay I am with the idea of being in between the two of them circa 2016. Thin boys in white dress shirts are a thing of mine, apparently. Idubbbz seems like the type that's good with a script but a lot meeker in person.

When Frank is getting shocked (sweaty out of breath Frank mmmm ok) and Idubbbz makes sure he knows the safe word my heart melted for a second. You know you're getting older when attention to safety and little expressions of compassion are a massive turn on.

No. 134029

Ngl I've masturbated to the shock collar challange vid. Mostly to franks part but yeah that's a sweet moment between them. Few comments under the vid mention just how intensely idubbbz watches frank.. lol

No. 134041

fuck i wish joji didn't become a soundclout sadboi.

No. 134046

Yeah I really preferred him in his frank days, the voice and everything. I see teen girls lusting after joji now and I'm like nah, bring back gross (but somehow still hot) frank

No. 134050

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He's cute and hilarious and you can't tell me otherwise

No. 134052

So are you, anon.

No. 134065

this is so weirdly wholesome. go anon and your niche british husbando!

No. 134072

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joji is so hot to me i never understand when people find him ugly. maybe it helps that he's got a good personality and a cute laugh. also his talking voice is sexy idk why

No. 134076

I fancy him but I've definitely seen bad pics of too. He went through a couple of phases of not looking so great and I know people were speculating over whether he was dealing with health issues at the time or if it was a lifestyle thing. He's so secretive that it's hard to tell but he's mentioned seizure medication taking a toll on him in the past

Looking pretty well again lately, pretty damn well.. lol

No. 134077

I will be honest and say I don't get the fascination with this guy or idubz or whatever he's called. They both look like they'd smell faintly of onion and ball sweat.

No. 134078

File: 1583928672370.jpg (471.9 KB, 1080x1354, Rich-Brian-Gallery-5.jpg)

he's cute

No. 134084

idubz is ugly as fuck but joji is genuinely precious. he's also 100% autism which i find attractive.
hell yes

No. 134092

I was never really that into Filthy Frank but I reeeaally liked idubbbz even back in my sjw phase

No. 134098

lmao callum's corner, didn't think I'd ever see him here

No. 134142

I would definitely be into him if he was an acquaintance or something, I'm only turned off by his aloofness, he also seems quite insecure (see the yeah right genius video) I think he sees himself as an ugly dude.

No. 134175

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steve howey in shameless

No. 134179

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lmao, i love 70/80s comedian boys as well

i would also say bill hicks as well although i don't actually think he was that funny

No. 134229

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Alex Turner can still get it, his big nose is just so endearing to me. I really like his personality as well

No. 134243

I just randomly happened to watch his Twilight Zone episode recently… oh boy

No. 134245

Sora The Troll

He makes potty and dick jokes and also likes to shove computer mice and whatnot up his ass

No. 134251

His voice makes me melt. He’s a good lyricist as well and the contrast with his scuzzy public persona is so interesting

No. 134252

Jesus bitch love yourself. He's a cringy incel whom only weebs watch because he's nips that's literally it.

No. 134266

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i cant be the only one

No. 134271

I love him so much. he's beyond cute

No. 134283

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This guy I used to talk to something about the awkward subby vibe

No. 134287

Yeah but he’s kinda cute! His voice literally reminds me of Kenjiro Tsuda’s which is why I even bother watching

No. 134346

did you post a photo of a random person you know irl. what the fuck

No. 134354

I'm pretty sure it's a scrot trolling for reactions, that guy looks underaged.

No. 134365

discord, and hes in his 20's

No. 134369

Still kind of gross to post some random dude here. Feels like a selfpost.

No. 134381

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Someone please help me understand why am I attracted to DJ Khaled

No. 134392

Are you okay with the fact he'd never go down on you?

No. 134402

oh my god I had no idea he has a wife and kids! I just thought he was another single guy because he comes across as kinda dorky

No. 134405

File: 1584445538908.jpg (8.9 KB, 200x200, ihatemyselfforthis.jpg)

This ugly ass motherfucker. But THAT voice tho…..
I would turn off the lights and make him talk to me as if he was Gintoki hnnnggngngng

No. 134410

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No. 134413

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I could never admit this to anybody irl but I love big wrestlers…

No. 134415

good taste anon, i've always had a thing for gintoki

No. 134421

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Touchdalight is such a weirdo, but I’d still let him fuck my brains out

No. 134424

Ugghh sis just direct your attraction at Gintoki instead, he's the hot one

No. 134427

Girl me too. I love watching him throw people around. It's like watching a side show act. I don't find his face that attractive but his size just… ugh

No. 134430

Same, I don't give af about his face but him being a brutish caveman who yells around and can beat any man up is simply hot lol

No. 134436

chef kiss

This is the irl husbando thread tho. If I had to choose from the series my #1 would be Hijikata…but Gintoki seiyuu's voice is the hottest