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No. 107593
>>86886Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly,creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.
No. 107595
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>>107593Obviously there's a lot of great and non-shameful husbandos from GoT but something about this motherfucker just gets me going.
No. 107597
>>107596Uh, Theon.
I'm only on Season 2 btw.
No. 107612
File: 1549559258158.jpg (53.99 KB, 682x1024, David_Firth.jpg)

kind of shameful because he's not conventionally attractive and is best known as the guy who made salad fingers. when i was younger i thought he was pretty weird-looking, but i recently watched an interview he did with a youtuber and i crushed so hard. guys who are really artsy and creative and not up their ass about it are pretty rare. 10/10 would marry
No. 107625
File: 1549571278320.jpg (144.43 KB, 800x531, robertmorgan_b.jpg)

In a similar vein to David Firth anon, I had the biggest crush on Robert Morgan as a teen and really looked up to him. Still have a slight nostalgia crush even though he's a boomer now.
No. 107626
>>107625It's ok anon, he's gen x.
unless you mean boomer like that "30 year old boomer" meme? as in someone who acts like an old person but isn't?
No. 107627
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>>107626I just meant boomer in the meme sense but jokingly, since he is middle aged and thus too old for me. Though, still oddly cute despite his age IMO.
No. 107628
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No. 107642
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Ashamed, because I still have the same taste like some (pre)teen weeb.
He's so short and so ugly, he probably hates women (especially foreign ones), but his body is just so hot… The fact that he always looks pissed off doesn't help either.
No. 107656
>>107628Physically I'm unashamed because this type is expected of me from people I know.
But personality wise he seems to be garbage, and what with all the drama I'm embarrassed.
No. 107674
File: 1549611803941.jpg (33.27 KB, 289x398, Derrick-Jensen-bio.jpg)

>Derrick Jensen
he seems so nice,I just want to hold him and tell him that its all gonna be okay
No. 107680
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No. 107715
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At least I understand a lot more about computer hardware now.
No. 107735
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No. 107745
>>107742>>107674Derrick Jensen seems like a great guy who really seems like that he cares for women but from his writings you can see that he hold so much obvious disdain for the human race as a whole
he seems like the type of guy who would be happy If all of humanity died in a nuclear war
No. 107757
File: 1549700585957.png (329.86 KB, 340x544, c6d144a4dd.png)

I love that Max Gilardi is the thread pic, cause I'd 100% let 2013 Max get it, black nails and everything.
No. 107775
>>107757can i ask why?
his personality and his looks are both awful
No. 107780
File: 1549727108977.jpeg (1.91 MB, 2814x1583, D3732BA0-0C5E-48BA-9665-1C0F9A…)

Maybe not too shameful, I just find it funny that there’s a thread with Alex on /ck/ and a bunch of anons are complaining about how effeminate and Jewish he looks. Personally I love this type of look.
No. 107782
>>107775Idk, there's something attractive about him. At least how he looked back then, I don't know if I can vibe with the thread pic/whatever he probably looks like now.
But I do realize he isn't conventionally attractive and leaves a lot to be desired personality-wise, hence the shame.
No. 107799
File: 1549743075270.jpeg (247.2 KB, 618x412, 84CB9512-03A3-4A0E-A932-EADA17…)

>>107595GOT has a lot of underrated dudes. Pic related. I was obsessed with Ramsay for a week, for some reason. I think it was because of the Telltale game and his facial hair. The latter makes him look less like a hobbit.
Also Stannis.
No. 107810
File: 1549748939517.jpg (18.22 KB, 347x343, 1365532611147.jpg)

>>107595Excellent taste anon.
Still a fan of pic related when he's all dirty and smelly, covered in bodily fluids with a festering stump.
No. 107837
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john slattery
No. 107902
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I wanna boink Mike Stoklasa and have him say mean things to me during.
No. 107914
File: 1549859733781.png (202.34 KB, 863x431, 407.png)

I have a crush on my nephew,its so weird because he looks more or less like his father(my older brother) and I'm not attracted to him at all but Just a hug from my nephew last week has me daydreaming about him
for any wondering he's 17 and I just turned 25 about a week ago on Feb 2nd but he looks a lot older then he actually is
No. 107918
>>107917I posted this on only one other thread
also while I am deeply am ashamed of my crush It is not at all pedophilic
No. 107927
>>107920>stay the fuck away from your nephewI do,I try to avoid all interactions with him
>>107922>How old was he when you first started feeling attracted to him? That is why people are concerned it is pedophilic. when he was about 16 or so and listen he did not look like a typical 16 year old
he had chest hair,a wide upper body and a strong jawline
No. 107952
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I have feelings for him
No. 107987
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I want him to bang me in that office attire.
He's so below average and walmart-tier but I like the dead expression he has on his face sometimes. And his weird, wide cheshire cat mouth does something to me. At least he's tall which I have a thing for so that he could tower over me.
No. 107996
>>107987Dude are you me?
I had a really big crush on Ders when I marathoned Workaholics last year. He’s very weird looking and his character is a total loser but would still definitely smash. The fact that’s he’s tall helps.
No. 107997
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I know that this is probably more suited for the husbando thread but I’m actually more embarrassed that I’d be willing to fuck Trevor despite his mannerisms rather than the fact that’s he fictional. He needs to take a shower first though. Ah well. At least his VA is hot while still kinda looking like him
While we’re on the subject of fictional characters with terrible hygiene that still manage to be fuckable, Charlie Kelly deserves a mention. But Always Sunny has already been brought up in these threads.
>>107837How is this bad other than the fact that he’s kinda old? He can totally get it. Not shameful at all.
No. 107999
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>>107997I love Trevor, but I agree about the shower. On a side note, I was kind of sad there was no suitable husbando in RDR2. I liked Arthur a lot, but he lacks some deeper conflicts aside from "I am a criminal but I want to be good uwu". John is kind of hot, but he also annoys me. Micah has the evil spirit I need, but he is ugly and, unlike Trevor, not funny evil.
Pic related is probably another choice we can agree on. I also liked The Father from Far Cry 5, but he didn’t get enough attention. He seems to be back in Far Cry New Dawn, though.
No. 108043
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welp. :(
if fucking this was all it took for me to become a A list celebrity, meh
No. 108049
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I want to peg him
No. 108050
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>>107593Michael Shannon. I liked him a lot in Boardwalk Empire. Saw him recently in The Shape of Water, too. Obviously was a nasty dude in that.
He looks kinda like my fiancé which probably confuses my brain, coupled with the fact that the characters he plays are typically morally defunct and mean.
No. 108052
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i don't find javier bardem attractive in any other role or as himself
No. 108073
>>108043lmao if you're gonna go for a weinstein, go for that math investor guy another anon posted in the last thread
>>107997i thought a hypothetical 3some with him and michael would be fun. yo i hope they come back for the next gta
No. 108075
>>107914>>107927DONT FUCK YOUR NEPHEW
I don't care how much of man you think he is,he is underage and your goddam nephew
having sex with him would be the same as having sex with your son
No. 108092
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No. 108093
>>107914>but he looks a lot older then he actually is>he did not look like a typical 16 year old this is typical predator rhetoric.
sounds like you're an ephebophile, get some help and stop trying to justify your bs.
No. 108095
File: 1550065944161.png (Spoiler Image,848.72 KB, 476x835, tol.PNG)

>>108094yeah, technically.
No. 108097
>>108096he is post-op.
there are much stranger things out there that people would be willing to fuck. like ricegum.
No. 108122
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i'm not even that into older men but other than the "199 iq man DESTROYS the radfems" stuff listening to him talk is kinda sexy
No. 108126
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i think he's really cute in a goofy way but i realise this is "beauty is in the eye of beholder" sorta sitch
No. 108151
>>107997Trevor is gross, but at the same time I can't help but think that he'd be the most fiercely loyal, protective and loving bf ever. He could totally get it. After a shower, of course.
I've also had the biggest crush on Steven Ogg (Trevor's VA) ever since GTAV came out. I guess he fits the "ashamed to say you'd fuck"-category since he's pretty much old enough to be my dad.
>>108126He's super cute IMO. I really enjoy having his videos playing in the background while I do chores.
No. 108156
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>>108148Yeah, it really does. Visually I think JP looks handsome for his age but I wasn't expecting that voice at all.
>>107780And another vote for Alex French Guy Cooking. I don't see why it should be shameful but it seems like a lot of people think he's unattractive. He's adorable, a good cook, has a fun accent and looks like so many guys I've been attracted to in the past. Best of all he's a fan of DEENZ, so he's got good taste.
No. 108179
>>108093Listen I admit this crush is wrong and wish I didn't have it
but I am in no way a ephebophile he already has chest hair,a wide upper body and a strong jawline
he look like he's in his early 20's
No. 108181
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Kai Anderson from AHS:Cult (or any of the cult leaders played by Evan Peters from that season).
Especially weird cause I usually hate guys with dyed/long hair.
No. 108252
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants an out of this world experience with him
No. 108266
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Buster Bluth
No. 108267
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I'm not sure if he wasn't posted in the previous thread, but Post Malone. I know he has all those horrible face tattoos now, but even at his recent Grammy's performance I thought he was kind of cute. He seems like a nice guy too, but maybe I'm wrong. Shame he's a part of the soundcloud scene.
>>107999Dutch is pretty hot, too bad he goes completely bonkers and becomes genuinely unlikable. Javier looked cute sometimes?
No. 108274
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>Jens Spahn
Doubt anyone on here will know him (besides maybe some other german/eurofags), but basically he’s a gay German politician. Not a good one, though. In fact, he’s basically a complete piece of shit. But something about him makes me want to rip his clothes off and fuck him really hard. He also has a really awkward look on his face 90% of the time, which really triggers my inner domme.
No. 108276
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Ever since watching Money Heist, I want him to pin me down and whisper dirty things to me
I can't even understand Spanish, but holy hell
No. 108283
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>his body is amazing
But yeah he looks low key autistic
No. 108305
>>107997Oh god I'm so completely embarrassed to remember I had a major crush on him, but I'm glad others share this weird taste (I agree with Charlie as well!)
>>108151I thought those same things too. It's always easier to imagine a fictional character being pretty perfect even with very obvious flaws.
No. 108338
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>>108179You are the definition of an ephebophile. Get off this thread and get some help ya sick bitch.
No. 108352
>>108338I will admit that my crush is very wrong but I am not a ephebophile
for me to be a ephebophile I I would be attracted to other Teenage boys
and I find teenage boys immature and still view them as children to a degree
Its only my nephew that I am attracted to who does not look like an adolescent and is very mature for his age
No. 108368
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a "rapper" from my country
No. 108393
>>108388I am not a pedophile
this is a serous accusation your making alright
I am attracted to young boys or teenage boys
I am not even attracted to young twink-ish looking guys
No. 108395
>>108394how many Times do I have to say this ?
No. 108397
meant to write "I am not attracted to young boys or teenage boys">>108393
No. 108411
>>108393>>108397>I am attracted to young boys or teenage boysthat freudian slip lol.
just fuck off already, seriously.
No. 108416
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No. 108420
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Idk what it is about this dude but I want to slap him around and have him call me mommy
No. 108428
>>108406I'm not defending that
I admit that my crush on my nephew is extremely wrong on all levels
all I am saying is that I am not a ephebophile nor a pedophile
No. 108437
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Why don't you take a seat over there?
No. 108460
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>>107914Stop being a fucking pedo either you are larping as a woman or you are the female version of a creepy pedo uncle that no one will love and die alone
Preppy dudes disgust me IRL but I’d like to have a fling with one
No. 108487
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I don't even find him funny. Ugh.
No. 108489
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>>108126He's very entertaining and honestly not that ugly at all. Good choice anon.
I will continue the nerdy youtuber trend - Tom Scott.
No. 108549
>>108276good fucking taste. i felt the same way and even my bf agreed while we were watching it together.
>>108052this might be the funniest post ott
No. 108592
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The dad from that muffin time song. Not any other version of him, just that version. I think his body was drawn too shapely.
No. 108610
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till my no.1 husbando since sehnsucht came out in 97
No. 108622
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>>108416Completely this, I want those arms
No. 108632
>>108416I started developing a small crush on him when he revealed on his website that he was not ashamed about the fact he was a virgin before marriage and is proud that he has only had relations with his wife and no one else
I don't agree with him on his politics but he kinda got my respect at practicing what he preaches
and when he did reveal that he a virgin before marriage it was kinda shocking seeing all the "woke" bros I knew online
making fun of him for being a virgin and started insinuating that his wife cheated on him or was unfaithful to him or lied to him
It kinda made me bad feel for him and like him even more
>>108622and also the arms
No. 108653
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David Wallace from The Office.
I'd suck it.
No. 108656
>>108653for some reason geeky office guys kinda do it for me too.
idk why.
No. 108666
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I really can't get over him.
I am not obsessed or anything like that but I had two wet dreams last week. Send help
No. 108679
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hes probably been posted but whatever
he's such a piece of shit but ive dated guys who walk and talk like him, all with equally punchable faces. i hate him
No. 108698
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>>108679his brother Porter is wayy cuter (and not a creep afaik)
No. 108713
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Shameful but i've been rewatching The Office and Dwight is my favourite character since he's so weird without giving a shit what people think. he is highkey ugly but something about his passion makes me like him.
No. 108715
>>108698if he was chubbier maybe. his complexion makes him look too much like a junkie
and nick being a terrible person is most of the reason im ashamed to say i'd still fuck him
No. 108774
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Jon heder anytime but especially as Napoleon Dynamite. His attitude and the moon boots just slay me.
No. 108775
>>108653I'd suck it anytime too, anon.
>>108713I love Rain Wilson. I'd get with him and/or Dwight Schrute all day.
No. 108782
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Recently watched Party Monster and thought Macaulay Culkin was kind of hot in his role of this bitchy, flamboyant, bisexual guy. I really want a faggy boyfriend but they're all 100% gay :(. Also this movie was such a fuckin trip…
No. 108827
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Dan Avidan aka Danny Sexbang. I'm not really all that ashamed, but maybe I should be?
No. 108846
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This is going to look like a troll post but I swear on my life that its not….I've been watching his streams on YouTube and null is so moe during them. I wanna sit next to him and shitpost together.
I'm also the person who posted about liking Sam Hyde last thread so I guess my type is just shitty edge lord dudes.
No. 108963
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>tfw I'll never be able to go back in time to save him and protect his smile
Go easy on me, guys
No. 108967
>>108964I don’t condone anything he did and I think all that flower crowny tumblr stuff is gross. But Dylan’s different from most of the other shooter guys because he was moreso just a sad guy who wanted to kill himself then a psychopath who wanted to kill other people. Not to say he isn’t responsible for what he did. It was fucked up.
But regardless, he is a cute.
No. 108968
File: 1550894301349.jpg (352.21 KB, 1339x2000, a534ab7fb7034710d520cfcd739dee…)

Not really ashamed to say Jackie Earle Hayley is hot as fuck, but he's not very conventionally attractive. Too bad his filmography is so small, he's a great actor
No. 108986
>>108963I do think he’s cute, too.
But I agree with
>>108970. Most people on tumblr or twitter will go to great lengths to defend serial killers such as the columbine shooters or Ted Bundy, talk about how hot and interesting their personalities and how fascinating their personalities are when really, they just hate people and have no self control because they’re men and always had a ‘boys will be boys’ free pass.
>he was moreso just a sad guy who wanted to kill himselfThere’s tons of people like that, yet they don’t go on a rampage. And it’s incredibly naive and apologetic to believe it was all just the bad influence of Eric.
No. 109025
>>107612would not
>>107628would not
>>107642would not
>>107674would definitely
>>107680would not
>>107715would not
>>107735would not
>>107780would not
>>107837would not
>>107902would not
>>107914definitely would not,also get help
>>107997would not
>>107999would not
>>108043would not
>>108049would not
>>108052would not
>>108092would not
>>108122would not
>>108126would not
>>108156would not
>>108181would not
>>108266would not
>>108267would not
>>108274would not
>>108283definitely would
>>108368would not
>>108420would not
>>108487would not
>>108666would not
>>108679would not
>>108698would not
>>108774would not
>>108782would not
>>108846would not
File: 1550945649222.jpg (616.47 KB, 2656x2656, 9b6a24ab57cfd7cd1fd9d615885c94…)

He's not ugly or anything. I actually think he's pretty cute, but his online personality is so obnoxious to me. And his hair looked stupid af like this. Thank god he cut it
No. 109061
File: 1550957691174.jpg (129.11 KB, 900x1200, DgOrNgeWsAEsQ9L.jpg)

>>107952Good taste anon!! Pat is a such a qt, but I'm more of a BDG kind of girl…
No. 109171
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No. 109173
File: 1551077049899.png (294.48 KB, 285x464, 23140412_10213533989138343_129…)

This guy from the Yes Theory youtube channel could absolutely raw me. He's pretty average in looks and has a weird shaped body. But something about his accent and confidence makes me feral.
No. 109247
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Both of them.
No. 109249
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I would seriously let Bryan Cranston hit it…bonus points if he dressed up like Walter White/Heisenberg
No. 109250
samefag as above
>>109102SAME. I feel like his face never changes…I have never even watched a video of his but something about him seems so….phony
>>108968ngl, anon….same
>>108267I would let Posty do awful things to me. Fell in love with him even more after I finally saw him live. Amazing, but maybe it was the acid…who knows…i won't ever forget it tho
>>109247Chiming in on this one too…the drummer is so ugly he's hot…would let him get it. But not the other one for some reason
No. 109281
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Why is he so cute?
No. 109476
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No. 109503
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Dudes dressed up as ladies.
No. 110621
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I want him to epically destroy my libtard pussy with FACTS and LOGIC.
For real though, I have a huge thing for short smug men. Help me.
No. 110627
File: 1551597710961.gif (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 450x570, D1CA861D-527F-45E7-AA1E-ECA82F…)

>>109503God yes!
I want Jason Dardo to make me cry and spank me as Violet. Too bad he‘s actually ugly as shit though.
No. 110641
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No. 110691
>>110687I respect your decision but I cannot see the appeal of Drag Queens
they look really weird to me under all that make up and breast forms
I would rather have a cute thin guy who tries to pass but isn't on hormones and also isn't a sissy
No. 110700
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I mentioned him before
I'll miss him
No. 110717
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>>110700Still can't believe it.
I always thought that he had a very memorable face.
No. 110727
>>107799(saged) Agreed 1000%. I don't mean to sound like an edgy 15 year old but god damn I want him to fuck me so bad. Is the telltale game any good?
>StannisStannis the Mannis was pretty hot until… you know what happened.
Other under-appreciated GoT dudes:
>Viserys>Jorah>Jaqen H'ghar>>107810Good post. All forms of Jaime are top tier.
No. 110731
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thereportoftheweek, though i'm not ashamed at all, but people don't believe me when i say that i find him a lot more attractive than very conventionally attractive men
No. 110740
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He's pretty old and usually looks crusty. He's so cute though.
No. 110759
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>>110731I always think of the Lazytown character whenever I see this guy.
No. 110769
>>110678>>110621Not the anon that posted Shapiro but I posted Shkreli in the previous thread. I didn't know anything about this Shapiro dude til I was recommended a video of his last week. I watched it and found myself attracted to him in some way.
You're right though, they are similar in their smugness, superior "ha gotem" attitude, weaselly faces, trollishness.
No. 110787
>>110731Might sound weird, but I want to paint his nails.
They're beautiful, even if a bit long.
No. 110790
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>>1107824th anon. You know who I blame?
No. 110849
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He's cute and i like pineapples
No. 110896
>>110849I second this, anon.
You know what they say about guys who like pineapple….
No. 110937
>>110899God tier (or should I say Todd tier?)
No. 110967
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>>107593i'm still sane enough in that i havent jacked off to animal house yet
>>108963this is cringe
No. 111008
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No. 111010
>>111008Have we ever gone a thread without mentioning Dahmer? Not that I'm complaining; he can get it.
I like that the man who was only interested in dead and/or zombified teenage boys is the one all these living women want to fuck. I hope it pisses hetero killers like Joel Rifkin off to no end.
No. 111018
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Action Bronson
No. 111023
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he's so stupid that it becomes endearing. like a dumb puppy…
No. 111035
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>>111034Seems like you're the illiterate one since you don't know how to even reply
No. 111036
File: 1552327814928.jpeg (4.91 KB, 194x259, images-5.jpeg)

>mfw dumb scrotester kvetches about quality of men in a thread titled 'men you're ASHAMED to say you'd fuck'
No. 111038
>>111036This. We have a cute boy thread on /m/ if he wants that.
Also how would the men we discuss
not be famous? Does he expect us to post people we know irl or something?
I do have some shirtless pics and creep shots of guys I know but am not immoral enough to post them. We're not like our male imageboard using counterparts in that respect.
No. 111039
perhaps they expect women to post creep shots of people they know IRL like they do
No. 111053
File: 1552352750340.png (280.06 KB, 620x358, unnamed-5-620x358.png)

He's not very good looking and he's a lot older than me but he's pretty funny and seems chill underneath his persona. He can get it.
No. 111054
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i hate douches like this irl but i would go to the club for him
No. 111066
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He was such a qt in this movie. I get why Shosanna didn't want to fuck him, but also like… why didn't she.
No. 111067
>>111066he is pretty cute and was even quite friendly
until the end where he forces himself on herIn different times/situations it could've worked
No. 111099
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in light of recent events i would like to say that i would let him drug and rape me
No. 111102
>>111099Imagine hearing about a disgusting crime and not feeling sympathy for the
victims, but instead thinking "hot I'm gonna write a post about how I want that to happen to me"
No. 111119
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I don't know if this belongs here but I had a sex dream about the guh-gnome.
No. 111124
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>>111122Yes. I like short guys.
No. 111164
>>111072He's a good boy, he dindu nuffin
Also do you like real nazis or just movie nazis?
No. 111165
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not necessarily ashamed because he's a great guy but i never tell people irl about my old man crushes because i don't want people to think i have a thing for old guys.
he wasn't physically attractive in the original good eats but damn he aged so well, considering most men age like milk lol. he's so funny and intelligent like i can't help it some old men just attract me when they're that way.
No. 111166
File: 1552601036783.jpg (21.96 KB, 300x300, E.jpg)

I would Hila too but see no shame in that.
I'm not even sure what it is. When he was running with that thicc boi joke I was unironically turned on, it's fucking awful.
>>111124>>110621There's a guy in one of my classes who looks like a blonde Shapiro and I thought of you girls.
He's even ~5'5" and smug during class discussions.
No. 111193
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Speaking of old men… totally would have fucked him when he was still alive. Especially as Snape.
No. 111195
>>111193Its a bit funny
before the movies came out no one really cared for Snape at all but thanks to Alan Rickman he became one of the most beloved characters and everyone on Tumblr loved and though he was such a great character
If anyone else but Alan Rickman had played him Snape would be viewed the same way Littlfinger is viewed
No. 111199
>>111195The thing is, I despise Snape’s personality, but love Rickman‘s interpretation and especially his clothes.
Alan Rickman is a great actor in general though. Loved him in Snow Cake (very underrated movie imo), as well.
I think there could have been other people playing Snape that would have been equally loved. But I’m glad Rickman got the job since he seemed like a genuinely nice guy and totally deserved all the appreciation he got for it.
No. 111216
>>111166He's so hot imo. He's become a bit more annoying lately but would still fuck.
Also would fuck Erik from Comment Etiquette.
No. 111229
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Only ashamed because I’m a lesbo and I hate perpetuating the “you just have to find the right guy!” stereotype. I justify it by telling myself he’s pretty feminine and looks a lot like some of the soft butch/androgynous skinny nerdy white girls I’ve dated in the past.
No. 111248
>>110661I too find him cute but I don't think this is unlikely.The fact that he has he/him unironically on his twitter profile while he is obviously male
triggers me lol
No. 111256
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Only ashamed because he looks like a mess, especially when he bleached his hair. I think his videos are really funny.
No. 111370
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>>111340Posting this for you anon.
No. 111372
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like i'm a dyke but damn ……. i have the hots for bruce, him in the jackal? yum and even now at 63? hell yeah
No. 111384
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>>111099me too anon, except I want to dry peg JJY instead.
No. 111402
>>111102>Imagine hearing about a disgusting crime and not feeling sympathy for the victimsAm I that abnormal if I actually am not disturbed or outraged over the news about Seungri and co.? I don't condone what the perpetrators did by any means but I don't know Bigbang that well and have absolutely no idea who any of the
victims are so I'm emotionally detached to all of it.
For the record, I've watched a documentary about
victims of sex trafficking and it was heartbreaking and nauseating because the trauma of the
victims was depicted very clearly, but this, I feel almost nothing.
nta btw
No. 111428
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>>111166he used to be pretty cute when he was younger. he kinda reminds me of my ex crush. sad
No. 111466
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I have always loathed beards on men and blonde men and typical "chads" but logan paul looks sorta hot rn? Am I ovulating?
No. 111470
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The pizza delivery guy from that one episode of Nathan for You.
I'm not even sure what the appeal is? Aside from that he seemed short. Every manlet stays in my heart I guess.
>>111466>am I ovulating?KEK ANON
The weird thing about the Pauls is that they just look…uncanny. Like they're aliens from some Chad planet.
And they act like it, too.
No. 111478
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No. 111551
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These indian guys that were posted on so many tik tok cringe pages
No. 111605
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Past and present Varg… Lord forgive me for I have sinned.
No. 111608
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Am I the only one who thinks he’s cute…?
No. 111620
>>111618It's Frederic Brennan (aka Hotweels), the dev who founded 8chan.
Pretty smart and cool guy but I agree, his condition makes him look like a kid.
Do you have a kink for disabled ppl
>>111608 ? (Not throwing shade, I'm just curious)
No. 111625
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He’s an awful troll who’s only made two albums I like and makes crappy art. However, I find his younger self to be pretty attractive.
No. 111654
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Mark Cuban. I’ve been binging Shark Tank and I wish I could touch his giant head. I love tall men and his money/expertise doesn’t hurt. Looking at his face I don’t really get it because he’s not attractive but I just find him so likable when he’s furrowing his brow and lounging in his chair with a ~business boner~ look on his face, and he gets so fiesty uhhhhn
No. 111656
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>>111618I cannot take Varg seriously at all after seeing his YouTube videos going on and on about his weirdo beliefs while driving his car or being with his kids. All while often having questionable video editing with that same background he constantly recycles of those skeletons. He's a complete loon these days.
Varg was definitely a top-tier qt when he was younger though.
No. 111693
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Lately I've been into present day Chris Hansen. The hueg beer belly, the messy hair, the bad checks lol. I'd like him to [blank] me. Also vintage Chris really gets my justice boner going especially when he is in the black turtleneck and jacket.
No. 111705
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[deep sigh]
No. 111713
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I'm an unironic fan of Amy Poehler and I feel kind of bad about wanting to bone her sleazy ex.
No. 111714
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>>111713omg I feel you so much on this
I love Amy but dear lord, that man could do anything to me tbh.
Really didn’t like when he lost all that weight in 2012 though.
No. 111715
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i dunno why
No. 111717
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>>111714this would fit both here and in the 2D husbandos, and I am NOT a furry, but something about this motherfuckers voice…
No. 111723
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i'm 21 and not into older men AT ALL (would struggle to date a man older than 24 tbh) but i've been watching BCS recently and . . . mike could get it . . . ??
>>111717anon, shamefully, yes. also not a furry. he reminds me of my fucked-up ex i still occasionally bang though so that's probably it
No. 111726
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lowkey in love with Jim Hopper
No. 111730
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Dylann Roof. Dude's literally everything I hate and stand against, but there's something about his edgy look that's just… kinda hot
No. 111749
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I love Northernlion. He's a streamer my bf liked and I slowly watched more and more and developed a huge crush. I love the dumb/silly interactions with him and his wife too. You can tell they really enjoy eachother's company. He's the opposite of my type but here I am
No. 111750
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Matt and Ryan from supermega, Matt looks like a stick bug and ryan has a beer gut but they both could still get it
No. 111768
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Hamilton Morris. Not really ashamed, but I know he's not conventionally attractive and kinda quirky looking. I just have a thing for tall, lanky, skinny guys and he's perfect to me. Ugh I want to trip with him and fuck passionately all night long.
No. 111773
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The wrinkly old native chief from The Revenant
No. 111783
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He was posted in the last thread but I saw a clip from Burden of Dreams in a youtube video today and I was reminded of my massive hard-on for young werner herzog.
No. 111788
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Jarvis Cocker, but only during a specific time, around the Common People era. It's his looks, blank-faced dancing, accent, and voice. I'm ashamed because I don't think he's that conventionally attractive, he seems like a creepy pervert, and because he's old now.
No. 111789
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>>111784Boyd Rice, a transgressive noise musician who used to involve himself in all sorts of offensive shenanigans.
He recently was in a music video where he gets bound, raped and pegged by a woman if you’re into that sort of thing lel. No. 111820
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>>111783>>111723>>111605God tier tastes ladies. Varg was a fuckin cutie metal guys are muh fetish, but he's a scumbag. I have pretty unconventional choice, I'm a huge fan of the Child's play series and I'm not ashamed to say that I'd bounce on that rubber dick.
No. 111834
>>111828I’m pretty aware that age has definitely caught up with him. I saw him in concert a couple years back and yep, dude’s hand was shaking like mad when performing on stage. He’s definitely mellowed out over the years and can’t stop reminiscing like an old man about his past on Instagram.
>>111830Damn, I’m super jelly that you got to see him at his peak.
No. 111838
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Matt Martin. I feel like hes cute in an ugly way
No. 111861
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>>111820>>111840Alright adding to Slasher movie villains
Jason Voorhees specifically Jason from the 2009 FT13 film
I had fantasies about staying with Jason in his cabin as his homestead wife while he's out murdering teenagers
No. 111869
>>111861Oh thank god I'm not the only one
Even though he's mentally retarded which makes it so much worse lmao
No. 111872
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>>111869some thing about a strong giant retard who will protect you from everyone and everything just gets men excited
also you are not alone their is a decent amount of women on Tumblr who lust after either Jason or Micheal
No. 111881
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>>111840The new tv series is heading back to the OG atmosphere,I'm just happy were getting new content. Chucky's pretty underrated in horror fandom, I feel like a pariah among all the Freddy/Michael/Jason fangirls
No. 111885
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>>111882I totally understand the Jason thirst. He's tall and thicc as fuck, but Chucky does more for me. I love red heads and Brad Dourif's voice is hotttt
No. 111886
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>>111885to be fair Chucky genially very scary and unsettling
No. 111893
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No. 111894
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What can I say? Best teeth in the mother fucking game.
No. 111897
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No. 111937
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All of them. Not that ashamed about Wayne though.
No. 111943
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>>111886He is pretty creepy, but if you're not into dolls as a human he was sexy af (I actually prefer him as a doll, I love short guys)
>>111894Love me some melon, I don't even care about music too much it's his personality that keeps me coming back
No. 111944
>>111943>I love short guyslmao are you the same anon who likes the guh-gnome and Shapiro?
I mean, bitch me too but I'm not out here fucking gnomes and dolls. You're a next level manlet lover.
No. 111950
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I don't even know why but he was cute in The Hollow Crown (while he was screaming in shakespearean)
No. 111951
File: 1553722247527.jpg (320.25 KB, 1314x2044, 50267956_p12.jpg)

>>111944 I missed out on the gnome meme and Shapiro has a punchable face, so no I'm not that anon lol. Manlets get shit on and have to cope, but they need some love too. Vegeta was one of my first husbandos so it's probably were it came from
No. 111952
>>111951Sorry then, your post just had the same energy as her defending her lust for the gnome by saying she loves short men lmao.
>>111119 >>111122
>>111124And I agree, manlets are extra qt and special because they're rare. I blame my mom being taller than my dad for my taste tbh, even if he was a shit.
No. 111955
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>>111730Yeah, there's just something about him being a weird autistic loser that just gets me (not even kidding).
No. 111961
File: 1553724912160.jpg (Spoiler Image,265.97 KB, 1197x1296, IMG_20190327_154033.jpg)

>>111952Manlets must be protected,honestly I think a lot of short people are shits (me included) Napoleon complex and all.Plus manlets are perfect for femdom
>>111955This dude is such a scumbag, did you find any other of the mass shooters attractive? They have their own little fandoms on tunglr
No. 111968
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>>111967Richard Ramirez? Then again it's mostly his jawline and hair. His breathe apparently smelled like shit, dude was just a edgelord. One with great hair
No. 111972
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Bert McCracken (lead singer of The Used) was so greasy during his emo days but he could still get it, I'd be lying if I said his greasiness wasn't part of the appeal in the first place though.
No. 111982
File: 1553758872309.jpg (94.12 KB, 600x1066, 5a208f12a12b9d35d318afc471de2b…)

i have a huge weak spot for skinny manlets
No. 111998
>>111972>greasy alternative band guysSame. One time a musician bartender told me that he had used sticky Apple Sours to drunkenly style his emo hair bigger, it may have even been a joke, but the image really stayed with me even though it should have been gross.
If you throw messy hair, ripped jeans and two day old eyeliner on a guy who's a 4, then he's magically a 10 to me. It's a shame guys who style themselves this way past 23 are usually awful.
No. 112005
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Too afraid to post him in the husbandos thread, sorry for 2d
>be me
>get into persona 5
>somehow get attracted to the most morally repugnant villain in the game
>scream internally
>I like akechi and joker and ryuji as my main boys and they're cute and all…
>but some of the adult men in the game, sojiro and iwai as well in addition to kamoshida, make me feel some type of way
I really don't know what it is about him, I'm not usually into baras or highly masculine guys let alone ones who are repugnant as he is from a personality standpoint.
I like a lot of gross villains but most of them are biseinen pretty boys, so I have no idea why I like kamoshida considering what he did, he's not my usual type at all for husbandos
although ngl even if his chin is wonky design wise I actually like his messy hair and thick brows. his english voice actor also has a very sexy baritone, I can't stand his JP voice by comparison, but his english voice is sooo good
I know most people hate him for a good reason, and I despise his actions, but I'm still drawn to him for some reason.
No. 112015
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honestly not ashamed but my friends shame me for it so i guess this goes here
No. 112031
>>112023so is sojiro tbh, hoo boy indeed I'd hit that
also low key have a thing for shido and I don't even like bald men most of the time
something about the way shigenori soejima designs a lot of the adult men in persona (albeit not all of them) visually appeals to me, he's really good at drawing a differentiated cast of characters
No. 112074
>>112005Kamoshida is appropriate for this thread. He's pretty shameful despite his popularity. He's pretty popular as a villain, but because of some of the things he does and his cognitive self making people love to hate him. As opposed to Adachi where he is won't be considered as shameful.
Iwai though… MMMMmmmmm…
No. 112089
>>112074true. It's fair how the fandom feels about him, his actions were awful.
That doesn't mean I'm not attracted to him, though. I would totally let him bend me over a desk and have his way with me.
No. 112108
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I miss him so much
No. 112115
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I found out my boyfriend looks very similar to HP Lovecraft and well now I have a thing for HP Lovecraft
No. 112116
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This is not too weird, is it?
>>112108>2. You must be over the age of 18 to post here. No. 112124
File: 1553951656163.gif (1.75 MB, 400x225, tumblr_pjhet0bTfp1wtndkxo1_400…)

I really appreciate his videos with suits
No. 112128
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>>112116Never feel bad anon
No. 112134
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I would :)
No. 112139
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>>112116How is this shameful? I thought he was known for being sexy. Just look at his Playgirl spread
No. 112174
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>>112108Keep that vile paedo off this thread No. 112180
File: 1554026824119.jpg (15.5 KB, 349x465, petersteel.jpg)

>>112139Shameful cause honestly I'd fuck him even as he was shortly before dying
No. 112194
>>107837That picture makes him look
He can get it
No. 112196
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gypsy rose blanchard's dad.
No. 112201
>>112196Agreed, his accent is hot too.
My friends all called me gross when I said he was hot but he's got nice arms and he's such a cutie.
No. 112212
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kamoshida anon back again, since i mentioned him earlier, might as well post shido too
stupid japanese pitbull
No. 112236
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No. 112238
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James May lol. Been watching a lot of Top Gear and Grand Tour lately.
No. 112250
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>>112236>>112246>>112248nta but he looked pretty good before transitioning
No. 112255
>>112251according to his own admission when he was in his early 20's he was a "Anti-Feminist Shithead" (thats where the pic of him on the left is from)
then in his Mid 20's he changed and became a SJW dude who used to crossdress and make fun of Alt-Right guys
here's one of his early videos when he still presented himself as "cis" and about a year ago he came out as Trans and became what he is today
No. 112304
>>112196I wouldn’t fuck him but I honestly feel bad for him.
Wasn’t he 17 and her mom was like 24 when Gypsy was born? That’s gross as fuck. Also it seemed like he tried to be a good dad but the mom pretty much isolated Gypsy from everyone.
I mean, maybe I don’t know they whole story. Maybe he was a shitty dad who is trying to cover his ass all these years. But still. A 17 year old and a 24 year old marrying and having a child is gross and predatory, no matter how you slice it.
No. 112308
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Adding another youtuber I watch, Scott the Woz. I'm not really ashamed since he makes entertaining videos on vidya and I think he's pretty cute and funny. He's not really conventionally attractive and looks so awkward and like the stereotypical nerd. Somehow he makes that look work.
No. 112313
>>112304Not to get too off topic, but yeah he was young. The mom cut him off and moved farther and farther away, she told Gypsy that he wanted nothing to do with her and he hated her. He seems to be really trying to make up for lost time and he's there for her now. Which I think is part of the reason I find him so hot, he feels so guilty and regretful. That kind of emotion from a hot dad is attractive.
He could definitely get it.
No. 112334
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Gotta love a giant man wearing some rotten zombie skin
The actor is really hot IRL too
No. 112342
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>>112334I feel 0 shame in wanting to fuck Ryan Hurst tbh, even wearing zombie-skin.
No. 112346
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>>112108He was bretty cute in the early 80s back when he was all glittery and before the vilitigo turned him white
No. 112379
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Snoop has a cute nose I'd like to kiss. He was legit good looking when he was young but even being old now he's kinda cute in a bug eyed way? Definitely my weirdest celebrity crush.
No. 112380
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chris pontius from wildboyz and jackass—i had such a crush on him as a kid and still do now.
No. 112450
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I'd have his mouth-breathing nu-guru babies
No. 112451
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No. 112454
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>>112342>>112334I get it anonettes
No. 112458
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Jason from Teen Mom 2, honestly all of Leah's ex's are pretty hot
No. 112459
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>>112248I'm sadly not trolling, anon :(
No. 112462
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JD from Heathers aka Christian Slater from Heathers. Don’t know if this this really shameful or not but I’m putting it here because JD is pretty much a more charmingly and trigger happy Onision and Christian Slater seems to do cringy shit. Ah well, at least I can’t be the only one.
No. 112471
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>>107593Imboxboy, this super cringey instagrammer. Both codyko and Danny Gonzalez have done great videos about him.
But yeah, I'm pretty into the whole skinny pretty-boy look.
No. 112479
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Joey the Anime Man. I truly want him to rail me.
No. 112481
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Reminder that this is robot containment thread and most posters here are ugly males that no one will ever want.(Go back to your thread)
No. 112494
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>>111967[spoiler]posted him before, i have a terrible thing for jim jones before he got too overweight. the popular ones seem to be dahmer, ramirez, bundy, and the columbine boys. cult leaders seem to usually be ignored by hybristos, even ones as popular as manson. (/spoiler)
No. 112529
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No. 112533
>>112529you know thats not actually him right
just one of his fans
No. 112634
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>>112494cult leaders > mass murderers
love the absolute deranged look they have. manson is bottom tier cult leader though imo
>>112462Ok i know he was suppose to be hot in the 80s but he looks so much better old and scraggly. he plays such a good loon
No. 112652
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>>112462kek i’ve posted about him in these threads before. it’s his character in particular that i’m attracted to, though, which is the embarrassing part.
No. 112667
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>>111750Hard agree anon. I have a big stupid crush on Matt cause he's everything I want in a guy. The fact that he loves Animal Crossing and does funee scream are big pluses. Too bad it's probably all projection of my own fantasies though.
Also I'm not asian rip>>107902On that same note Jay is way too old for me but I find his genuine love and encyclopedic knowledge of obscure movies very endearing. Men who have that balance of being really involved in their hobbies while also having an awareness of the world around them are really attractive.
No. 112668
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I wanna be his trad wife so bad
No. 112713
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We can have no lip manlet babies together.
No. 112726
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No. 112763
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I like how mean he is
No. 112768
>>112726Honestly same. He was so fucking hot in Buffalo 66. Great film.
>>112761Lol is that offer STILL up
No. 112772
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>>112763Younger Kenny was so much more qt.
No. 112773
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Extremist political figures of various kinds. Nazis dont really do it for me but communists, religious extremists, and other fascist movements do. Theres something about the drive for power/idealism and the lengths theyre willing to go to achieve it thats attractive.
Upon reading this a second time I realize that's awful but I cant help it.
No. 112775
>>112763so gross. there's nothing attractive about him. everyone hates spenny but with a gun to my head, i'd take spenny over kenny any day of the week.
>>112726faux deep douchebag and a terrible person with 0 talent. he's so scuzzy and nauseating. i'd rather die. worse yet, i believe he's a conservative that tries to be artsy, which is so pathetic. you girls really have terrible taste and it's worrying.
No. 112890
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He's so detestable, but I want him to whisper everything he's going to do to me before fucking my brains out with nonstop eye contact.
No. 112900
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>>112890I find him really, genuinely ugly. He has this… griminess to him in candids that reminds me of john kuckian. Lighting and angles do him wonders.
No. 112901
>>112897it's always the guys who think they're the most offensive and think they know a thing about TRUE RAW MASCULINITY shit too
trying to make up for the fact they don't look chiseled
No. 112902
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>>112772>>112763incredibly based
No. 112913
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>>112900holy kek he looks absolutely disgusting in that photo oh my god
i thought he was kinda cute after i saw this instagram pic, but now i know the truth
No. 112916
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Wasn't ashamed until my friends said I should be, but James Acaster could do whatever he wanted to me
No. 112930
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All the other villainous males on GOT are trash because they're evil, but total cowards who can't handle the heat being directed at them. Ramsay however doesn't give a fuck and is genuinely fearless. 10/10 would marry without hesitation.
No. 112931
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>>112930Samefag, but I'd fuck Viserys too. Strictly based on looks, though. He's just so fucking pretty.
No. 112955
>>112953you know that pic was photoshopped right
he's actually got a pretty flat ass
No. 112956
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i want louis theroux to take me. i’ve always found him so sexy and funny but my friends make fun of me for it. he looks really hot with a beard and greys too.
No. 112959
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i hate to admit it but 80s nick cave is stupid hot. you'd meet him at a seedy bar and he'd probably spend the whole night fantasising about strangling you which is obviously half the appeal
No. 112961
>>112959honestly he looks more like a
victim to me
No. 112988
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i want to break up his marriage. i want to make him beg, in whatever means. i'm not usually a femdom but i'd
love to dom this piece of shit.
>>112634would fuck in a heartbeat (his older self, i mean. his younger self is too boyish for me). good catch, anon
No. 113015
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>>112959I dunno why but i was attracted to 80s Nick cave myself, but he'd probably be depraved af in bed. (I've also been playing a ton of red dead redemption 2, so that might have something to do with it. He gives me a Dutch van der linde vibe.)
No. 113021
>>112955Damn, really? That’s a shame.
He’s still qt tho. Definitely not my top pick in terms of MCU but I can see his appeal.
No. 113022
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I want jared harris to bang me everywhere
No. 113064
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please dont lynch me
No. 113079
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Only in this mask though.
No. 113106
>>112930Absolute god tier taste. Any scene with him and Myranda is hot as fuck.
>he will never hunt youWhy even live?
No. 113118
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sorry if i make a newfag mistake and idk if he was posted before. i love his weird smile and voice. not my usual type at all, i love masculine tall guys generally.
No. 113119
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Morrissey could have gotten it hard when he was young and I'm mad.
No. 113132
>>113118he's cute in his own way
few men deserve to be in this thread. I wish we only had one thread about men and women respectively and no threads with shame
No. 113144
>>113132It's not only about the looks, tho. If you're attracted to, for example, not really nice man - you're ashamed and want to share it.
But true, some of those men are pretty decent, but maybe anons are feeling ashamed for other reasons
No. 113148
>>113144I could honestly care less if people care about the conventional attractiveness of a person or character, but if they aren't conventionally attractive and dont have the best personality to match, that's probably when I start feeling more ashamed even if they're fictional.
tbh I think quite a few of the men in this thread aren't ugly, a lot of them are cute, even if not conventionally attractive, they're not ungodly hideous, but I understand and relate to many an anon's shame ITT for reasons
No. 113171
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He may not have abs but he has the voice of a god. Tbh I don't care if he has a tummy, imo dad bods are cute.
No. 113226
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This random dude from America's Got Talent. Ashamed because he isn't that attractive, looks like a douchebag, and I think I have a bit of the fever again.
He winked near the end of that one performance with Terry and I basically died. Also what those hands do
No. 113452
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I'm not even into kpop but I'd let this dude eat my pussly like there's no tomorrow.
No. 113464
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>>113454Wrong dude. That was pic related.
No. 113465
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>>113452Would also let him at my pussly.
No. 113467
>>113464i know, i just couldn’t resist when anon worded it like that
sage for ot
No. 113468
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His personality is awful but aesthetically he is perfect
No. 113469
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>>113468even without corpsepaint he is kind of hot
No. 113474
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Probably one of the most shameful in all these threads…I would totally let Mortiis have it but only in his prosthetics. I want to sit on his face and I want to rip his nose off so I can reach his mouth.
His face looks like your average white european dude without his prosthetics so I just couldn't get into him without them. It's probably the fantasy aspect that does it for me.
No. 113486
>>113481Why are metal boys so damn hot?
These are the real questions.
No. 113489
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>>113452I want him to fuck me while wearing a maid dress
No. 113496
>>113495No Idea
their used to be tons of Goths,Emos,Punks and Metal heads in the 2000's when I was In High School and collage but since around 2010's or so they have decreased
for the last 6 years now I can't recall even seeing a goth,emo,punk or metal head(its just so disheartening)
I hope this doesn't come across as racebait but I think this might have something due to the popularity of rap
No. 113504
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Sergei Polunin. I don't know. I think he is very attractive. But I'm also aware that most people thing he looks weird.. Plus, he is my problematic fav
No. 113536
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my APUSH teacher and this fat fuck waiter I used to work with.
When I was 16 (I'm 19 now) I secretly masturbated in my APUSH teacher's class. Not sure how no one noticed but I was so into him it just happened. He was so handsome although he had a beer belly. The main thing, though, was that he was an ex-cop so he was really, really mean and strict and used to yell at me a lot so…yeah.
And the second guy…he just revolted me. I would never have sex with/date a bisexual guy (just a huge turn off for me) but once I had a dream he "raped" me but I actually liked it. I think that stems from the fact he cornered me at the restaurant and complimented me with no one present and it freaked me out, rather than any repressed attraction towards repulsion for bisexual men. He looked like pic related, except with the fat in his man tiddies going to his love handles instead.
No. 113566
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I honestly think that he has no conscience or backbone whatsoever. It's so weird to me that him and everyone in Trump's immediate circle were basically textbook liberals before Obama was elected. He's really cute tho.
His brother Josh is even hotter, but I'm not ashamed to say I'd fuck him
No. 113577
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i want to peg soldier from tf2 so much it's not even funny.
No. 113578
>>113577>pegwhy ?
the idea of playing with a guy's asshole grosses me out so much
No. 113580
>>113578nta but not everyone is exactly like you.
I don't like it either, but that's how it is.
No. 113581
>>113578it's more about humiliation. i just like the idea of making a cocky, arrogant idiot squirm. especially a (most likely) homophobic one trying to convince himself it's okay to like taking it up the ass.
i don't really know why i like it so much
No. 113584
>>113581I really hate anything with humiliation
I mean the whole thing just doesn't sound healthy
I'm not that judgemental with kinks but I would break up with any man who would ever suggested it to me.
Men's asses are incredibly gross begin
No. 113600
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He is so smug and retarded.
No. 113606
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All of them at the same time but I go home with Bruce
No. 113613
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Andreja Pejić befroe he became a troon
No. 113624
I want to make him change his views on premarital sex
No. 113627
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I haven't watched any of their newer videos, but Slowbeef seems like a good dad.
No. 113638
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Glenn Howerton. All versions, all (above) ages, whatever. It's embarrassing to me because my fantasy standards are normally so much higher? We're talking anime beefcakes, the Leon Kennedys of the video game world, the Chris Hemsworths of the real world.
And then there's this guy. Every time I've seen him without a shirt during my IASIP binge he's looked utterly mediocre. And it annoys me, because maybe it's my imagination itself readjusting and prepping for the fact that if I eventually get married, it'll probably be to someone closer to earth than a 9/10 hunk. Which I've always understood, I'm not an idiot, but lusting after someone less than a 9 in the privacy of my own head feels like I'm embracing it. How irritating.
tl;dr glenn howerton is contributing to this year's early quarter life crisis. damn you, glenn howerton.
No. 113641
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>>113504Sergei is gorgeous. I always thought he was conventionally attractive but I guess maybe not. His talent just adds to his beauty tho for sure. Are you ashamed because of all the stupid things he said recently? He seems to have a lot of issues which makes sense if you've seen the documentary about his life, it's very sad.
No. 113644
>>113638Ohhhhhh I'm so ashamed but I really want to fuck Dennis. Not only does he vaguely look/act like my first (
abusive lmao) fling but he's so good at acting hilariously insane.
No. 113648
>>113639There's a frowny face emoji in my heart reserved just for you.
also I just checked and he's 42>>113640'Glenn Howerton as the teacher you'd fuck' is one of the least shameful Glenn Howerton options for sure.
>>113644It's weird because I don't want to fuck Dennis, he's dangerous and probably a shitty lay, but I would happily follow him around for weeks observing him. It's strange behaviour but I just really like the way his face moves and shifts. Fictional BPD wrecks are neato to me I guess.
No. 113649
>>113641I don't really think "I'm ashamed". He really seems to have had a messed up childhood and has spiraled a bit in the last few months. But he seems like a nice person. He was in my country a few months back and a friend of mine met him. She said he was very kind, not too much of a prima donna like many in his profession who have reached his level of fame. She works for the National theater as a sort of talent manager so she often interacts with ballet dancers, opera singers, actors and such. She was really impressed by him, usually she is annoyed and horrified by popular people in those arts.
I guess I posted him here instead of the "attractive thread" because when my friend told me about him I said I thought he is beautiful and she said: "He has a strange kind of beauty, not for everyone, but he was very kind and considerate while working with us"
No. 113657
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This braindead guy from the 'this isn't a beach, it's a bath tub' meme. I pretend he's stoned, and get a bit turned on.
No. 113659
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Yelawolf. Probably not the most shameful one in this thread but still, I'm ashamed over this. Especially shameful since I'm your typical, always presentable college girl, still something about this tattooed rapper gets me going.
No. 113668
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>>113657Fun fact, he later started doing gay porn and allegedly got HIV and then became a born again Christian pastor and crossfit gym owner. He now has a wife and kid. No. 113706
File: 1556091663513.jpeg (27.21 KB, 450x422, 1C79793C-F881-4654-BDC3-ED0A79…)

Young Mr Rogers
Ashamed because he’s such a pure symbol of childhood and I would do unspeakable things
No. 113714
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>>113706Mr Rogers is the ultimate husbando, any girl would be lucky to have someone so kind.
He looks like good domme bait.
No. 113750
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>>113079I feel you except for me it's Chris. So sad about what's happened with him and the rest of the band.
No. 113759
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>>113481>>113468This is why I love the farm. You crazy ladies make me feel less crazy kek. Corpse paint is so hot.
Gif related: Abbath could get it.
No. 113765
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Not that ashamed
No. 113767
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i'm gaming fag, so gaben from valve.
No. 113843
>>111750I have a video my friend got for me at a con of Ryan saying he loves me in a stupid voice. it's my favourite video and I cherish it.
>>112956holy fuck I'm glad I'm not alone here
No. 113844
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I also hate that I'm alo attracted by his accent. I need to love myself.
No. 113851
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>>113767My fucking sides. Gaben looks fucking hilarious. I love how ethe majority of photos of him is just a close-up of his entire face.
No. 113877
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michael gira. i am terrified of him but damn
No. 113878
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Talking about metalheads, I can't believe no one has mentioned Dead yet
He probably smelled like shit and dirt, but goddamn he was such a cutie
No. 113915
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>has anxiety attacks over nothing
why do I love him????
No. 113937
>>113750Holy fuck saaaame. I’ve alwahs thought Chris Fehn was the hottest member.
Thank you anon now I feel less alone
No. 113938
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Speaking of metal heads, I’d let Varg stab me 23 times in self defense
No. 113955
File: 1556492749506.gif (1013.9 KB, 491x263, 7c8e0d48523c731ded84ae6d237cf0…)

>>113938varg used to look so good when he was younger but god damn it he loses all the appeal with his nazi bullshit
No. 113956
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>>113955samefag but I've always had a soft spot for Euronymous
No. 113987
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If we're already talking about metalheads, Frost was cute too
No. 114009
File: 1556555655985.jpeg (15.97 KB, 352x352, 7B59F10C-15DD-417A-92F3-FA0DF2…)

>>114008You dropped your image anon, but don’t worry I got you.
No. 114056
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>>114009Thanks anon. It’s exactly my feel.
No. 114059
>>113638What are you talking about? He’s not bad or even mediocre looking at all. Sure he’s not the most handsome guy ever but there’s a reason why Dennis is usually referred as the “good looking one” out of all the IASIP guys.
If this post was talking about how much you still want to fuck Dennis Reynolds despite all the terrible shit he’s done then that would make more sense.
No. 114080
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>>113956>>113955>>113938dead was the most attractive one imo. from what ive read he was probably the """"nicest"""" one out of this whole gang too, but he did some weird shit as well. it was all nothing compared to what the others did though.
i feel quite sad for him tbh.
No. 114118
>>114115what is he like
what is his name
No. 114132
>>114109Is he serious? This video is so cringy, but I am already in love with him, too. Weird how an attractive face can make you forgive embarrassing behavior, huh:
>>114116Žižek is disgusting.
No. 114149
File: 1556735001631.png (378.53 KB, 452x740, KJFEU3R.png)

Joji's looking normal again (even cute) but I'm still embarassed.
No. 114167
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Shane from the dreaded buzzfeed.
No. 114173
>>114080The nicest? Sorry to burst your bubble, but the man killed cats and had serious mental issues. Someone who thinks they're literally dead isn't going to be a nice person to be around, he's just as bad as the others.
>>114149Definitely shameful. Dude became the things he made fun of lmao and he isn't good looking to redeem being a ninny
No. 114176
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>>114167What's shameful about this? I assume BU has quite the female fanbase. Shane's a qt
>>114169they're like, the last ones left aren't they? try guys and every other buzzfeed creater left to continue the work on their own, right? I mean, who could blame them
No. 114182
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>>114181 image didn't post
No. 114195
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Young unabomber
No. 114214
File: 1556825131270.jpg (62.55 KB, 650x380, tig-soa.jpg)

Well I started watching Sons of Anarchy because of Ryan Hurst and now I've found a new sparkly addition to my shameful list
>>112334 No. 114226
File: 1556839333502.gif (1.97 MB, 540x250, 107ecce0-4645-4440-be6a-600e9f…)

Oscar Diaz from On my Block, his character kinda grew to me later on in the show
No. 114236
File: 1556845619382.jpg (34.64 KB, 555x865, xJohnReilly,281,29.jpg.pagespe…)

i think john c reilly is weirdly hot, i know he's not attractive whatsoever but his personality and charisma and humor are great and something about the "middle aged dad who's let himself go" look combined with it just turns me on
No. 114251
File: 1556853962004.gif (1.12 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

fucking blueface lmao, I've watched the Thotiana music video a shameful number of times. Obviously he's a conventionally attractive dude but I kind of like all the trashy tattoos and how retarded he acts or possibly actually is.
No. 114294
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The Mysterious Mr.Enter
No. 114313
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No. 114314
>>114309>>114307same anon
>>114294I know he's a literal autist manchild. everything about him is childish. That's most obvious with this project and his love of banal children's television,but it doesn't stop there,He's unemployed, he lives with his grandparents, he's almost 30, and he's made a livelihood of screaming about cartoons for children. It's not even like he gets into the technical aspects of the animation or the writing. He just rants about minutia that no one cares about . He's not even particularly good when it comes to that. His ideas are always simplistic and sloppily-presented. Even then, he's awkward and inarticulate at getting his points across. So many of his answers to questions about GA have just been him half-heartedly mumbling "not important." He has none of the useful talents required for working on an animated show and should stop right now,but despite all of that I find him kinda cute and have this fantasy of giving him a pity fuck
No. 114344
>>114167Unsolved isn't bad by buzzfeed standard
+ think he's actually cute
No. 114362
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The mod of is so cute.
No. 114369
File: 1557069604155.jpg (88.57 KB, 918x476, FB_IMG_1554281353253.jpg)

It's so nice to be amongst other anons again.
At least this softest of bois is in line with my own politics. I'm deeply ashamed of how aware I am that King Manlet Shapiro is a fuckin stone cold drink despite his rubber lips and if we're going only on facial attractiveness he would 100% get it
No. 114374
>>114371I honestly don't understand how you can not like someone who opens a panel with "Hi I'm Harris Bomberguy and ever since I was a young child I've wanted to commit white genocide."
It's very obvious that he's an ex-Goon and has that sense of humour you have after mostly growing up from being an accomplished shitposter and that just makes him prime husbando material for me
No. 114384
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>>107593I'm not ashamed per se, but KrimsonRogue is exactly my type physically, although he can seem like the actual personification of reddit itself, so clearly it hurts to hear him speak sometimes (his intonation and jokes sometimes whiplashes me into 2010); but goddamn is he fucking pretty to me. Plus his book analyses are pretty solid and poke holes through Greg's books quite powerfully, tbqh he'd make a good editor.
No. 114386
File: 1557090582650.jpg (1.67 MB, 1280x720, cQV5Kl4.jpg)

He's so precious
No. 114387
>>114369i wouldn't even be ashamed of this one, anon
Hbomb is really cute and seems like am actual nice person
But I swear, men having the same ideology as me makes them soo much more attractive
No. 114388
>>114369yup, totally on the same page as the anons before me. glad to know I am not alone here, I just have a soft spot for really, really soft boys.
bonus for the sarcasm. I like guys that can roast the living hell out of me.
No. 114400
>>114362ugh I hate seeing dudes who aren't ugly (and frankly that's most of them) become immersed in heinous incel groupthink
if he just upped his confidence and stopped hating women and himself he'd actually be more physically attractive and be able to date them, what a waste
No. 114405
File: 1557113261589.png (456.16 KB, 1065x647, 20190506_042514.png)

This one is more of a self-shame but apparently all of my crushes these days are fuckin YouTuber nerds
anons i think i need to get laid jfc
No. 114411
>>114362This is just sad, he's so cute. The guy in
>>114366 is good looking too. What a waste. The whole Chad thing works against them because they have no way of conceiving of how to be attractive outside of a narrow ideal.
No. 114421
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No. 114429
File: 1557154042424.png (114.25 KB, 1080x1310, Screenshot_2019-05-06-16-45-45…)

>>114405I feel you, anon, I binge watched his videos a while ago because I found him hot, but I realised it was only because of his hair
No. 114430
>>114362He's sooooo cute and just my type too…!! It's so sad that he's an incel though…
>>114400I agree. Not all incels are as hideous as they claim, their personalities however… They always find ways to bring each other down so they can't escape inceldom. That and the fact that some try to "one-up" one another by seeing who is more doomed and "oppressed".
No. 114513
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Domagoj Vida. Most people seem to find him ugly. I think he is good looking.
No. 114546
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I’ve had the most absurd crush on him for years now. It doesn’t help that he has such a good taste in film too. Also he’s nearing 40 and still looks really youthful, I love men like that but they’re so rare.
No. 114550
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Jesse Pinkman. I know he's an immature junkie, but I just wanted to take care of him and help him while watching BB. Also I like that he's tiny.
No. 114557
File: 1557436189524.jpg (864.96 KB, 624x661, VnqlRc6.jpg)

There's something about bald musicians that makes my pussy tingle
It started with Eiffel 65's singer all those years ago
No. 114624
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I never thought nirvana-era Dave grohl was hot, but now I’m dating a boy who’s a dead ringer for him, so now I really love young Dave’s big nose/small chin that he grew into later
No. 114636
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>>114624Funny enough, my boyfriend also kinda looks like young Dave, but with a way more defined jawline. Which I appreciate.
Like pic related really looks like him if he suddenly decided to make a trip to Dr. Kim's clinic.
But hey, Dave is wholesome so I don't think it's shameful, she didn't look as unclean as Kurt, I guess…
No. 114653
>>114557Please tell me that Billy Corgan isn’t included
>>114550Don’t see what’s so shameful about this. Aaron Paul is an attractive dude and a lot of girls seemed to had a crush on Jesse, mannerisms aside.
No. 114672
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I’m ashamed because I find him physically butt ugly, but I totally get off to the sneaking around and sexting and I think he can be charming. Also I have no problems with skelly guys. I love that he fucked so many people, the idea of being a part of his web of manipulation is so hot and yeah I probably have a degradation fetish too.
Inb4 >love yourself anon
No. 114673
>>114672I have the exact opposite issue with him. I'm very physically attracted to goofy looking big-nosed skellies (although generally shorter than him) but this whole scenario is horrifying. As is Jared himself.
From me to you, yes, love yourself.
No. 114676
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Peter Stormare. I've always wanted to fuck the shit out of him since the first time I watched Fargo. He's not conventionally attractive at all and is more than old enough to be my father, but there's something so sexy about him. I posted a picture from his role in Constantine because I think that's his mostly recognizable role, idk
No. 114698
>>114682>Uhm… most guys posted here are physically attractive?…..
How is it going in Bizarro World?
No. 114708
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I didn't find Eric Andre attractive until I had a sex dream about him that was AMAZING, I woke up with an instant crush on him
No. 114712
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i'd (unfortunately) let tyler joseph break my pelvis bone anytime he wants
No. 114863
>>107593Holy fuck, same, I've had the hots for this faggot since middle school
My only friend called me "Mickey the Chick" for a year because I was a little edgelord and wanted to grow up to be a violent criminal
No. 114907
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>>114546Blogpost but I had a dream last night where I got into a traditional domestic relationship with him and tried for a baby and I liked it and am now super confused because I don't really want any of those things, especially with a guy almost twice my age.
He's still hot for a 40 year old dude though.
No. 115003
File: 1558065190804.jpg (20.37 KB, 352x550, 42739349-352-k862572.jpg)

it hurts my heart
he is probably is super racist
No. 115007
>>115003Tfw crush is also Joel
What makes you think he's racist?
No. 115012
File: 1558073441992.jpg (129.75 KB, 680x478, vincent-gallo.jpg)

I'm so fucking ashamed of how much I wanna bang Vincent Gallo
No. 115019
>>115007I was half joking about the racist thing, on top of that, I think vinny is pretty hot too. Maybe it's the fact I think both are funny
May we both sob now that Joel has a bae ;-;
No. 115048
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>>114907He gives me major gay vibes tbh so don't worry about your dream coming true
No. 115055
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>>107593, I have no idea how but he turned out cute. He's funny as hell and he loves his dog very very much. He's just so charming
No. 115060
>>115019>Joel has a baeWhy must you hit me with bad news.
Vinny is also hot in a I wanna sit on your face way aciajxhajsb
No. 115062
>>115019i'd be wary of vinny, he has a history of stringing along female fans then dropping them once he gets nudes(unless youre into that then you could probably be one of his groupies lel)
joel is a good boy from what ive seen though
No. 115063
>>115062Any sauce on that? Mainly bc that's hilarious, I would never guess he was a lowkey slut.
I hope joel doesnt get crazy and have his gf on stream with him and shit, I'll hate for over exposure to ruin his irl relationships.
[spoilers] that's my job [/spoilers]
No. 115067
>>115063there were chatlogs posted a few times on /v/, didnt save it though, and this was
years ago.
basically a well known drawfag met up with vinny irl, they had sex, then he proceeded to ghost her (or just avoided talking to her for a while idk).
somehow it got out and got posted all over /v/, i think the link to it was even banned from the chat at some point?
in it she was saying how hurt she was for being dropped so quickly and the chatlog depicted them hashing it out.
i think she ended up moving on to joel too, dont know if thats his current "bae" or not as i havent kept up with them in a while tbh
there was another instance with a fan who masturbated with him on cam, then was "ghosted".
the chatlogs showed their argument but i didnt bother reading much of it. again this was years ago, a pastebin is floating around somewhere with it. god i regret not saving it now
No. 115082
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Mike Patton is aging terribly but I would still fuck him
No. 115177
File: 1558305380044.png (4.31 MB, 3508x2362, top4.png)

my top 4…
and i dont mean johnny depp in general (when he was younger i never found hin attractive tbh) i mean johnny depp now… wtf is wrong with me?
No. 115192
File: 1558339671674.png (787.43 KB, 709x540, rey-mysterio-profile.PNG)

Wish there was a "not ashamed but not attractive" thread so I wouldn't have to always ponder over whether to post here or in the other one lmao
No. 115193
>>115118>>115131In review of indian film Robot he says:
The more Aishwarya Rai the better. She may very well be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
I don't think he's gay at all.
No. 115210
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This bad boy is pretty hot, I'd dress up like Snow White and bestraffe him anyday.
No. 115212
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Something about douche bag jewish nerds makes me want to sit on their face. Joji and idubbbz are less shameful because a lot of people find them cute.
No. 115259
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>>115193He’s shown up at LGBT events in Milwaukee many times in the past, before it was mainstream to be an “ally” and he doesn’t exactly seem like a dude who would be at the forefront of social justice movements
Most of 4chan /tv/ agrees that he’s some type of gay so… maybe it’s not a coincidence that thousands of other people noticed the same thing, unless all our gaydars are malfunctioning.
No. 115263
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the annoying comedy relief villain from the hobbit movies makes me sweat
No. 115379
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Did anyone think he was gay before the glow up though? kek
No. 115495
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>>112959>>113015Good taste anon/s. I have a weird thing for lanky aus/nz guys (nick, noah taylor, ben mendolsohn). the first boy I ever had a crush on was an exchange student from nz so maybe that’s why
No. 115496
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>>115495adding owen teague for whatever reason I find him attractive, reminds me of a younger adam driver
No. 115566
>>115496ngl I thought this was the woman from the Shape of Water lol
Sorry anon.
No. 115588
File: 1558912980345.jpg (50.03 KB, 600x858, 20adco-articleLarge.jpg)

Shameful on this site at least
No. 115595
>>113469UGH yes anon. Amazing taste. My ex really looked like him, and he also did vocals in a blackened death metal band which was very attractive.
>>113495>>113496It helps if you're a metalhead/into that scene too. Source: metalhead who has exclusively dated qt metalhead guys. You can meet tonnes at festivals and gigs.
No. 115605
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No. 115606
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No. 115614
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>>115606Gross. At least have some taste.
No. 115640
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>>115606Amazing taste anon. He's adorable and something about his voice turns me on. I'm definitely not ashamed.
Also, pic related.
No. 115642
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>>115640Bischu is really cute too imo.
No. 115644
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>>115606superior taste anon
>>115614sorry didnt know u like to fuck beta losers
No. 115645
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>>115644C'mon anon, you could probably tease Jake about being bad and it'd make the sex really good.
No. 115650
>>115642He cute af
>tfw no pro esport bfToo bad 99% of them are misogynistic neckbeards
No. 115738
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i don't know what's more embarrassing, the fact that I find him attractive or that I actually like his music
No. 116179
File: 1559635374573.jpg (94.37 KB, 750x750, hoveybb.jpg)

i doubt anyone here knows who he is but hovey benjamin is extremely unconventionally hot and i would do unspeakable things. extra points for being extremely funny and kind to people
No. 116205
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i know i'll get hate for this, and i know that it's really shameful lol. i'd never tell anybody i know irl, but i just find him really hot even though he was batshit insane. sorry lolcow.
No. 116234
File: 1559732658802.jpg (103.92 KB, 540x808, SEI_67193355.jpg)

In or out of drag.
No. 116236
>>116234This one is the most horrifying one in the thread
I think I would have ptsd for life if it was with the drag
(no drag = meh)
No. 116246
>>114059I was pretty clear that
>>114070 was my reasoning. Did you not actually read what I wrote? Because I laid it all out.
No. 116311
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i forget which thread it was but someone posted that they would fuck caesar and it spiraled into what crazy emperors we think are hot. gonna put nero as my choice because i have a thing for smug bisexual fat guys with mommy issues. i like this 1920s version
>>116205back to the tumblr you go
No. 116335
File: 1559925056060.jpg (50.72 KB, 615x615, anton chekov.jpg)

>>107593I'm not really ashamed, but can we talk about one of the best Russian authors plus an undeniable looker?
No. 116376
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I would fuck the shit out of Ryan from buzzfeed unsolved
No. 116409
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>>116402agree, he looks much better with a beard though
No. 116492
File: 1560164036347.jpg (34.88 KB, 499x482, shutterstock_630517844.jpg)

Vincent Karheiser (Pete on Mad Men)
I don't even find him very attractive, but for some reason he makes my hormones go wild and I really want to have passionate, animalistic sex with him? He's so basic and kinda nerdy looking. It's so fucking weird.
No. 116493
>>116492YES. After I finished the series, I really wanted to fuck him during his series 1 look.
I really question myself for being attracted to him, but maybe it's subliminal brainwashing after seeing all these women have sex with him on the show lol. It's even mind boggling Peggy was attracted to him
No. 116534
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>>116492He is such a fucing loser on Mad Men but it's almost endearing. My favorite scene is the one where the call girl tries different "personas", until she finally says "You're my king" and he just flatly goes "…Okay" and takes off his jacket. It's hot.
Speaking of shameful Mad Men crushes, Jared Harris as Layne Pryce is super sexy to me. I wanted him and Joan to hook up.
No. 116538
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>>116534He's pretty awesome as the rebel leader in The Expanse.
No. 116606
File: 1560307859612.gif (1.33 MB, 245x170, image0.gif)

>>116504it's the 1922 nero movie, it's a lost film though :/
also i think i posted belushi last thread, but i'm really going through a thing with him at the moment. clearly my taste in men is apparent from my last two posts
No. 116607
>>116606forgot to say but the whole drug addiction thing makes him hotter. i'm also jim jones poster anon and a
necrofag so take my taste in men as you wish
No. 116609
File: 1560308892474.jpg (125.34 KB, 410x610, 0.jpg)

I genuinely think young Marilyn Manson was super attractive and totally my type. Shame about everything after like..2001.
No. 116631
>>116609I think part of it is just his exuberance, for lack of a better word. He was just wearing and doing whatever he wanted, following his vision and making his art with his friends.
I also just like grimy skinny weirdos in general though.
No. 116645
>>116631i like that he was just a regular lanky goth kid back when being a goth kid wasnt cool
no over the top 2edgy4me makeup and attention whoring bullshit
No. 116723
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oh god this is definitely my most shameful. it's not like i'd try to smash if i met him or anything (he's too pure), but if he asked me i would do it. i think he was qt when he was younger too.
No. 116736
>>116730they would've been a really hot couple! i also wish we saw more of the cute black playboy bunny waitress he was in love with, that episode came out of nowhere. he was ready to leave his wife for her and introduced her to his dad and confessed his love to her but then that plot just got dropped. probably because the actress was cast on that failed playboy bunny show.
i just wanted more lane. he would've been better to joan than her terrible husband, or that prick she dated in the final season who wouldn't let her have a job
No. 116824
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Maybe he's not unconventionally attractive, but Chris Pratt as a person makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I just don't trust him, I dunno. And ever since the controversies he's been through, I'm scared to admit I like him because I'm worried people will say shit like "don't you know he's far-right?". Hence why I'm posting to this thread. Dude's probably got some serious skeletons in his closet.
But damn do I ever wanna feed him a shit ton of food and fatten him up so I can rub his fat body and tell him he's a good boy. I've got a thing for hairy chubby dudes and fat Pratt has become my object of obsession lately. Dude looks extremely toppable in P&R. His character reminds me a lot of my boyfriend, too (I started watching P&R specifically because my boyfriend told me I'd love Andy).
No. 116853
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>>116849>why do so many of you have a thing for fatties? Personal taste. It's subjective. For me personally, I'm not attracted to weak, blobby, hairless fat guys. I'm fond of wide chests, muscular arms and legs, and body hair. Extra weight is really just a bonus for me. And fat guys are fun to do gentle femdom shit with.
>i thought this didn't really exist. It's the Internet. It's so easy to stumble across weird and disturbing fetish shit, yet women finding fat guys attractive is something you're in disbelief over?
>it's making fatties think they deserve women way out of their leagues because some of you weirdos happen to like their lardy ass jello bodiesEntitlement exists at every weight. I don't think I've ever seen a man proclaim that he's some kind of sex god because he's fat. But I could be wrong here, maybe there are dudes out there that expect women to drop to their knees solely because they're fatasses. You never know, right?
No. 116873
>>116849half of the posters itt are male
apparently mosty neckbeard whales
No. 116876
>>116849I personally love hugging and cuddling with fat guys. I don’t even know why but something about it makes me feel incredibly safe. It’s also way more comfortable than lying on a bunch of muscles. And I’m just put off by very thin men in general.
Plus what another anon said about gentle domming. I love puppy-like chubby guys. Especially when they’re inexperienced. I just want to make them worship me.
No. 116901
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>>107593Any Russian anons here? Letov in the early/mid 90's made me crush hard, even though his personality wouldn't make me even go near him. He was also my creative idol for a long time; I kind of admire how he continued to create his weird-ass art in the soviet union, even after he was sent to a psychiatric ward (as means of imprisonment). Also, cats.
>>115495What is it with male aus/nz expats being lanky and into music? This is a consistent type i've met about a hundred times over… Not complaining though.
No. 116908
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Ugh I'm pretty sure this is a common thing but i hate how characterisation/personality can affect how I see someone, i wouldn't bat an eye if I saw tennant on the street, I find him odd looking, but the way he portrays Crowley is so cute I would absolutely fuck him
No. 116910
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>>116908Have you seen the fright night remake, anon? He’s really sexy there, playing a similar character type
No. 116933
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I guess he IS kind of conventionally attractive but I find him ridiculously hot and I'd be ashamed to admit it because everyone knows him as Borat
I have a thing for darker jewish dudes, help
No. 117094
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>>116910Well anon not only I watched that but I'm watching Jessica Jones and I've already downloaded broadchurch….i guess that post was my slow descent into being a tennant fan (and also finding him hot)
No. 117165
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>>117094nayrt, would also recommend harry potter and the goblet of fire and hamlet (2009).
>tfw no pantomime villain masochist death eater bf No. 117329
>>116933I could be wrong, but I think he used to be a model. I can't really tell most people this either but I think he's good-looking too when he's not in character (minus maybe pic related) and he would be considered conventionally attractive, just really good at playing unattractive characters. He seems very intelligent too.
So if people saw him speaking outside of character and realized he's a Cambridge grad, maybe they'd get it. I am so sorry to ask you this but what are your feelings on the mankini? kek
No. 117455
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Probably not the real Escobar but Wagner Moura in Narcos yes please
No. 117473
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there's this guy who started his channel doing videos on fitness dudes on steroids(he has branched out on other stuff on the way).like he isnt really attractive and has weird facial features.also even tho he righfully talks shit about those unatural looking freaks who sell scam products and "services",he seems to have a tiny bit of saltiness of not being one of them.his humor at times is too juvenille and immature to the point he is gross and sometimes he is repetitive in his videos and acts as if he is oh so morally superior(in an obnoxious way if you get what i mean)and gives off the douche vibes of a typical young adult dude(this is a bit ageist but im not much older so…)
…yet i find him hilarious,his jokes land well most of the time,pretty cute regardless of the weird face and i REALLY like his voice.and YES i find him as fuckable as many other conventionally attractive dudes if not more at times
this is too long for a weird looking rando who posts every few months but i had to let it out
>inb4 go and love yourself gurl
yes ma'am im trying
No. 117479
>>117474yeah thats him.the paint covers his characteristics.idk maybe it's me but i feel that if i told anyone that i find the guy cute they'd say be like wtf
like here's a video.see and tell me if it's shameful or not kek
No. 117483
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>>117455Not wanting to snort coke with daddy Pablo? What's wrong with you, anon?
No. 117486
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why me
No. 117499
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lmfao always found cr1tikal hot for some reason (he honestly looks like my ex who ive hung up over for like two years but shorter SIGGGH LMAO)
No. 117545
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No. 117593
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I don't know why but the way Beto has been bombing so hard in the debates and race in general makes me want to fuck him more. Shameful because look at his dumb rich kid face.
No. 117596
i would let him do horrible things to me. he's obviously a psychopath so that might mean something sexually
No. 117698
>>117619I'd be willing to post and spill the beans.
No. 117766
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he'd give me a uti and cheat on me but i'd still fuck him
No. 117814
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It's so weird but probably the tranny character on At Home With Amy Sedaris. Especially weird because I'm not gay nor do I find crossdressing attractive. Plus the actor isn't especially attractive to me out of drag.
No. 117823
>>115212>Martin Shkrelitop taste. I hate him and want him to suffer for all eternity for what he did but he makes me so wet.
>>115738I sent him nudes once and he liked them and complimented my body.
No. 117847
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The first time I saw him was in this movie. I don't know if it's the accent, that jawline, or the smirk he seems to constantly have but damn I just fell for him. I thought he was so sexy in every scene. Now whenever I see him in movies I just blush every time while admiring how cool and handsome he is. I watched Downsizing out of the blue without knowing he was there and I got all giddy like a school girl lol. But he is way too old… oddly enough I do find guys in their 40s to 50s attractive.
No. 117901
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>>117847Do you want to fuck Hans Landa or Christoph Waltz? The latter is not at all shameful
No. 117925
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Kinda shameful. But he's a qt
No. 118229
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>>110731I'm fangirling hard over Reviewbrah on the Fetishes You're Ashamed Of (but not really at all) thread. He would look so cute with longer hair. Be still my beating heart…
No. 118257
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joe caputo from orange is the new black. there's a scene where he's laying in bed after sex (and he has a really hairy chest which I LOVE) and I started fantasising about fucking him. he actually disgusts me in 80% of the scenes though
No. 118265
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>>111166for me I'm not ashamed to say I'd fuck Ethan. in my eyes he's like a 9.5/10, husband material. he's hilarious, and honestly gorgeous in my eyes. I even find his tourette's tics super endearing. the way he's been talking about Hila and his newborn baby on the podcast recently has made me envy Hila, you can tell how in devoted/in love he is wit her. so envious Ethan will never knock me up lmao
No. 118311
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>>118300I'll sperg with you here, anon. He's just so cute, and 40s radio broadcaster confident. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want a lot of imageboard attention, but I want him to blindfold me with that tie.
No. 118325
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>>118311>>118272I'd sperg with you guys.I think he has a unique handsomeness that would be more prominent if he took better care of himself(like wearing fitting clothes and taking up some exercise).But yeah let's leave him be.Even though he has accepted people being weird about him,he definitely feels uncomfortable still
No. 118348
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>>118311I didn't even know I wanted that until you mentioned it just now, fuck lmao. My fantasies mostly consist of seducing him by getting progressively more brazen with my flirting, perhaps culminating in "accidentally" flashing him and gauging his reaction.
>>118325Honestly, this is one of the things I love about having a more female-centric board. The culture is more respectful and we have a better idea of when it's time to stop. I like the idea of quietly fangirling but keeping it lowkey enough that it doesn't grab his attention in a negative way.
>>118344Are you familiar with him at all? He comes across as really sweet in his videos and insists he's not playing a character. And charming personality aside, I'm super into men with more delicate features, bonus points if they rock some sort of alternative style. To each her own, I still wanna fuck his brains out
No. 118362
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>>118359H-he's DIFFERENT okay ;A; Being an anxious and socially awkward person myself (I'm sure you would never have guessed it), I just find him endearing in so many ways. I'm too far up his ass to believe he could do any wrong. Save yourself, anon, it's too late for me.
No. 118375
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>>118265No idea why everyone always says Hila is out of his league.they are both really good looking imo
No. 118405
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>>113606I call Mark and Dave. It's a shame Foley aged like a bad smell
>>113765Sam Rockwell could do literally anything to me
>>114673Saaaame, Projared was the first guy that popped into my head when I saw the title of the thread. I have a thing for lanky nerds and went through a moral conundrum when my silly crush turned out to be a massive arse.
>>114708WTF same!!! I dreamed I had amazing sex with him in a broken down car or some shit and it was incredible. Never had a thought about the guy before that!
My current embarrassment is my crush on Brian Wecht (AKA Ninja Brian in Ninja Sex Party). even though I'm not an NSP/GG fan anymore, I'd love to hear him talk dirty.
No. 118432
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Scamyong's a chode and not really my type but I would sell my actual motherfucking soul to dominate him just once. Disappointed in myself.
No. 118433
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I hate myself for even posting this but… Tomokazu Sugita (he's a voice actor). I don't know why but I have a crush on him even tho hes as ugly as it gets. His voice is so sexy tho .
Maybe with the lights off hmmmm
No. 118438
>>118419I'd definitely keep it respectful/not excessively lewd but of course I can't monitor what other people say. If he regularly reads hate comments on his channel, I don't think a couple of girls calling him unattractive would make a huge blip on his radar. His stalking saga was terrifying and I don't wanna add to that at all, I just want a place to sperg over my schoolgirl crush ;~;
>>118420tumblr is basically dead and there's honestly a much higher chance he would see if we were to bring this faggotry to reddit.
No. 118441
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He Looks like a 80s film High school bully
No. 118450
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>>107593Since someone already posted my number one shameful man (ProJared) I will hit you with my number two (probably no one remembers him though) Spoony aka Noah Antwiler.
No. 118487
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Not even sorry
No. 118498
>>118494Lmao, I like Weird Al, but no
It's Maynard James Keegan
No. 118553
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I feel guilty about this because of how sweet and innocent he is…not that that's not apart of the attraction. The episode where him and Jenna scam the cake company and she's sitting on his lap, having brought a little bit of a bad side out in him…god.
No. 118563
>>118557Desire to strong.. ugh he's just so pure and cute. His Southern innocence brings out something primal in me.
On the other hand, I would also let Jack Donaghy do whatever he wants to me
No. 118628
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>>118450>>118492Same… as least before he went full douchebag and also stopped bathing. He seemed like the cute and girlshy nerd who would be loyal and eager to please. I hate that a small part of me thinks he """could have been saved""" ugh, my taste in men is tragic
No. 118634
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Not the actor but the character. He's a douchebag and his face is ugly and his haircut and moustache are tacky but damn, thats exactly what makes him so hot.
No. 118646
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He seem kinda childish, his music ain't all that, and his head too small for his body but i'd smash
No. 118676
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>>118587I knew nothing about him when I posted that but I just looked up his ideal type and
>"Someone who can teach me, lead me"…don't mind if I do.
I'd also like to domme Jungwoo. I'm not ashamed of that one, so saged for shamelessness in the shame thread.
No. 118678
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he'd be fine if he changed his style and wasn't autistic. he's an endearing shitlord.
No. 118687
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Bieber usually does less than nothing for me, but I find this mugshot so fucking hot
extremely trashy
No. 118688
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>>118676I’m not embarrassed of wanting to dom irl men, but kpop boys in general are a special case because it just makes me look like such a 13yo koreaboo
that said, besides taeyong I think jungkook is the one who sounds the most like an obedient sub who’s been trying to drop hints about it
No. 118700
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I try to stay neutral on the Israel/Palestine (partly because I’m pretty ignorant about the whole thing) but I feel like Israel has done some pretty disgusting things. But I saw a pic of the current PM minister when he was younger and damn….Pls help me.
No. 118701
>>118687I'm so fucking jealous of people who can look good in candids.
sage for OT
No. 118888
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i want him to act like a brat and dom him and shut him up.
No. 118902
>>115067>>115063old but here's the pastebin posting 1 month later because I was also horny for vinny and now I'm mad he's yet another shitty internet man that uses his Z-list celebrity status for evil
No. 118907
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Stitch. He's 22yo.
No. 118917
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Austin Abrams
he is playing ethan in euphoria rn i'm obsessed
i know he has nothing special, but i'm literally in love
No. 118918
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I really fucking hate myself.
No. 119014
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Ajax from The Warriors.
I’ve last seen the movie several years ago but despite weird looking and trying to rape a woman, I still found him to be oddly cute. My friend made fun of me for it of course.
No. 119039
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Paul from Paul and Morgan is pretty hot.
I hate the whole "How to avoid sin and live modestly in your Christian marriage! Dating for Christians! Step 1: No hugs before marriage" thing, makes me cringe.
No. 119058
>>119039yea but you just
know it's because he's repressing some real fucked up sexuality underneath
No. 119100
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>>119014same, and I am genuinely ashamed because the character represents so may things I hate about men.
Rembrandt on the other hand, is an unproblematic cutie pie.
(I love this movie a lot.)
No. 119120
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>>116901wanna see my picture collection of letov holding cats?
this post made me discover a few unnerving threads in my sexuality btw.
No. 119128
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When he was younger. I hate his music kek
No. 119175
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i remember seeing crispin glover as "creepy thin man" in charlies angels when i was pretty young and i thought he was so cute
i happened to see charlies angels again recently and im still attracted to him
would be happy to have him rip my hair out and smell it
No. 119253
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>>119196God Anon, me too, but you did him dirty with that picture
No. 119271
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>>107593Jesse Eisenberg, specifically in The Social Network. His insufferable smugness and especially the way he acts in the first scene just hits all of my kinks.
No. 119304
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>>119253I love that pic of him tbh, guys with "unique" teeth do it for me 10 out of 10 times. Also kek at that horrible caption jfc
No. 119308
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>>119196thats one type of example i guess
theres something in our water supply making men look like carbon copies of one another now tbh
No. 119320
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>>119316I said the caption was horrible and therefore you can use your big brain to deduce that my laughter came from a place of shock/bewilderment. My taste is impeccable and Freddie was cute as hell
No. 119346
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Felix Biederman of Chapo Trap House,
I know his head looks like a inflated balloon but I just want to call him papi and have him fuck me till i’m unable to walk properly.
No. 119387
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not a real person but I would fuck Liam McPoyle in a heartbeat
No. 119397
>>108679Omg i didn't know about the sexual harrassment controversy up until i read your post a googled him to see what was up.
He looked like a sweetheart in videos, he's so awkward and dorky. Never trust looks.
No. 119457
>>118265Ethan looks almost exactly the same as my ex did, including the weight, body type and everything. I'm just kind of freaked out when I see him. But definitely, the way he treats and talks about hila is so amazing, I love that he calls her dude lmao
I thought he was really hot in that graduation pic when he was skinny, I'm biased cause I'm into skellies though.
No. 119458
>>119457yeah he used to be really cute when he was younger
>>111428. i was surprised.
No. 119474
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Ive been watching that show Britannia and this guy is a Roman general. He's overweight and middle aged and not my type but I find him so sexy for some reason and want him to dominate the fuck out of me….
No. 119487
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>>119471Oh yeah, Jimmi Simpson is gorgeous for sure. It's just his incestious and unhygienic character I might be embarrassed to be seen fucking.
No. 119489
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>>119487NTAYRT but young Will might be more your speed.
No. 119518
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May lord have mercy on me, bc anons surely won't lol
But since I love men with dark, curly hair, I also fell for Benedict as Sherlock
No. 119524
>>119518I watched Sherlock recently and honestly I kinda get it now, he's weird looking but not that bad and charismatic in a mean, autistic way.
The real shame should be felt by women who find Martin Freeman attractive and want to see the two of them bang. I am horrified that anyone could be into such an old looking, ugly, short man.
No. 119548
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>>119518Only time I've ever found him attractive is the unaired sherlock pilot. What happened? A difference in lighting maybe?
No. 119549
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>>119548comparison between the unaired version and the version that aired.
No. 119640
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He’s like 25, highly autistic and obsessed with One Piece but I love how dorky and cringy he acts in his videos. I’m not even into One Piece, I just watch his videos because I think it’s adorable how excited he gets over stupid shit
No. 119656
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people shame me for this but i think he's super cute and seems like would be a considerate bf despite coming off as an edgelord. and his accent his hot.
No. 119660
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Shinichiro Kamio… He's so old looking, but just gives such a good dad vibe. He would protect me.
Ashamed for weebness. I don't usually follow voice actors, he doesn't even voice my fave characters. I just like him. When he likes my comments on insta I feel so special
No. 119661
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And I-
No. 119668
>>119666No way
If he actually is he should be a decoy on to catch a Predator
No. 119704
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>>119120anon i would love to
speaking of, not ashamed at all but this is the more suitable thread. I'd take him at (almost) any age, and since not many have seen him this young, i'll take this chance to enlighten some people.
No. 119871
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i want them to double team on me
No. 119895
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>>107593Young Ken was cute.
Now he's a gross old man
No. 119896
>>119893he is hot but his personality is fucking annoying.
>>119894does he really sleep with that many groupies? is he good at fucking? asking for a friend.
No. 119912
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Chris D'elia
His comedy is meh, and he's kind of a wannabe Dane Cook. He's also aways greasy looking with the face of a rapist, but I would just for the hell of it and possibly feel disgusted afterwards.
No. 119922
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He‘s a German rapper and quite a degenerate. I‘m disgusted by his behavior, I despise his music and pretty much everyone that likes it and he’s quite ugly, actually. But there’s just something about him that really makes me want to hatefuck him. Or be hate-fucked by him. Either way I’d be down for it, unfortunately.
No. 119923
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>>119922Lmao same. There's nothing I consider attractive about him and I don't even like rap, but still.
He only has that
something in promo shoots though, normally he looks like he smells of unwashed ballsack and he sounds literally retarded when he speaks.
And speaking of German rappers, I always though pic related was cute in a derpy way but he somehow gets hotter as he ages. Still ashamed though because he looks like ghetto Santa Claus now and German gangster rap is pure cringe anyway.
No. 119924
>>119923He does sound retarded and like the evil ‘ghetto’ version of Forest Gump, but somehow the something is still there for me.
And I get Sido, too. I kinda like him as a person more now that he’s married and seems settled. It all seems very wholesome and I’m genuinely happy for him. But still wouldn’t tell anyone I’d fuck him, kek.
>German gangster rap is pure cringe anywayamen to that
No. 119948
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>>119946Please refer to
No. 119949
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He's middle aged and unkempt and has an asshole personality but i find him so attractive for some reason ugh… (This is a youber named lindybeige if you didnt know)
No. 119952
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I fucking hate myself imsosorry
No. 120017
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only posting on this thread because he wouldn't fly on the one for hot guys, but I'd fuck Tommy Cash like no one's business
No. 120029
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>>118229>>118349I also used to crush on him hard but haven't been keeping up lately. He also has a really good sense of humour that shines through sometimes. His podcast is comfy af. When he wears suits that aren't as baggy and doesn't slick his hair back as much I think he looks really cute. Nonetheless he used to post on r9k with a tripcode and also made some borderline misogynistic comments on forums when he was younger which soured my view of him a little bit. He made a vague video about online communities he used to be a part of saying he just wanted to feel accepted but he moved past it, not sure if I really buy it or he was just trying to cover his ass before somebody eventually posted screenshots or something.
No. 120030
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I legit don't know that much about him but the way he plays the bass makes me too horny to function.
No. 120038
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>>120029Eh, I mean, I remember how edgy I was when I was 14, and all his latest podcasts talk a lot about empathy, so I buy that he's changed. Of course that's influenced by the fact I think he's so fucking cute. Like a black and white TV reporter, or a low-level film noir detective. Or a young wiry Hannibal Lecter. Hnnng.
(I'm ashamed as fuck though. I think he's ace and I know he hates stalkers and here I am ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ senpai please don't notice me. We can sperg in the retarded crushes thread sometime.)
>>119952I sat here and genuinely thought about whether or not this was bait
No. 120044
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the guy next to brittany is hot. i'm not sure if it's her ex 4chad and i haven't really kept up with the drama between her and her ex but i guess he's actually a terrible bf? good looking tho
No. 120077
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Katya from Drag Race
No. 120081
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>>120077Sorry for blogging. I just have a strong love-hate relationship with him.
I‘ve watched several periscope streams of Brian and was really disappointed and put off by how put-on his entire presence seemed. Like, every single time he talked about some serious shit he fell into some character every few words and it‘s really hard to listen to him. I get that he‘s been through a lot with his addiction and that these things aren’t easy to talk about and he does seem lonely, but I just can’t stand people that fall into playing a role/character when they’re uncomfortable/insecure.
Katys actually feels like an entirely different person though. And I occasionally forget that’s actually him and Katya doesn’t really exist. Which makes me sad. She‘s the perfect level of trash and whore and I love her. If I ever was to have a mommy kink, she’d be the lead in all my fantasies.
No. 120088
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>>120038I'm one of the anons who has a crush on him [commence sperg], but do you have a reason for thinking he's ace other than the fact he's very private? I personally just think he doesn't wanna publicize that part of his life after being burned by the internet/possibly stalked. I hope that's not just hope clouding my judgement kek
>>120029I agree with the anon I just quoted, he seems to have outgrown most of the edginess he picked up when he was younger. I never saw the weird comments though, what did they say? Tbf I was a huge edgelord as a kid too
No. 120095
>>120089Someone on 4chan leaked private pics of him and that freaked him out and he was sleeping in a car for a while bc he was being stalked(or so he said it's not clear if this is actually true or if he was just paranoid).and as to why someone would do that,well,people online are just assholes
I also don't think he wants to introduce people he knows irl after all that.he had a video with his father I think and it is gone(can't link a pic now).and recently when he did the cola vs Pepsi video and he had the help of an unknown female,people went wild speculating(esp retards on 4chan)
No. 120140
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>>120133i'd fuck him if he wasn't so fucking crazy. he's cute. the videos of him losing his mind and screaming about not being muscular enough are freaky tho.
No. 120169
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Felix from Chapo Trap House. Probably Virgil too.
No. 120222
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>>120169nonnie you reminded me that i have a crush on every host of cumtown which I'm ashamed to say I listen to religiously
No. 120228
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>>120222Nick is seriously very attractive tho, not even ashamed to admit it.
No. 120309
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he's a sweetheart but i feel weird swooning over a crazy hunk
No. 120335
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>>120070Both him and Ilya Prusikin can get it and I want them to double team me
No. 120353
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I just finished the movie Overlord….hello can I fuck just this one image please in secret
/ spoiler for movie gore
No. 120386
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Watched Gangland Undercover recently and fell madly in love with this dude. I'm not usually into blondes or beards but that hard motherfucker attitude just melts me
No. 120405
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I feel extremely seen by this thread. Let me dump my sins here. First off, at literally any age but particularly around the green mile era. One of my first sexual experiences was watching Forest Gump as a pre teen. Wish I was joking.
No. 120406
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Honestly don’t care that he looks homeless now and probably cries after sex, I still would.
No. 120408
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No explanation necessary.
No. 120409
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Legitimately my ideal man. He’s so fucking weird looking but I love it.
No. 120418
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I think Kyle Mooney from Good Neighbor and errr… SNL is big cute (although I only started finding him attractive after I saw him without glasses, he looks like a completely different person with them)
No. 120425
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>>120409Oh man anon, I feel you so hard on this. He's always been cute as hell and the way he speaks just melts me. I posted on the shameful fetish thread about how watching him in Clockwork basically awakened my sexuality
No. 120431
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This is super niche but Laurence Llewellyn Bowen (esp when he was young but he's still v attractive now)
He's just really clever and witty and dashing and super committed to his chunky wife
No. 120440
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Sam Hyde. he completely destroyed his body after becoming a juicehead and looks like a semi homeless person but how he looked during world peace and moms, he could get it. I find his sense of humor attractive and it’s something I’m very ashamed of
No. 120448
>>120434Thanks anon! Good to know I'm not alone, also seconded on the chunky wife! But he seems to really love her and fancy her, which is also so attractive.
I've been thirsting over reruns of Changing Rooms on YouTube lately, I never thought I'd reach this point as a grown woman but here we are
No. 120471
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Anons talking about Bob Dylan's fluffy hair reminded me of my crush on Donovan just because he was folk singer with curly brown hair.
Or to be honest - if you're a tall skinny guy with bunch of dark hair I have crush on you at some point + plus points for being British
No. 120478
>>120471Anon! Why are you ashamed? He’s gorgeous!
Honestly, any singer-songwriter that knows how to wield a guitar and write beautiful lyrics melts my heart every time. I have a retarded crush on NMH’s lead singer even though he’s married and had/has a creepy fixation on Anne frank kek.
No. 120479
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I don't even watch him because I started watching just before I was rejected in a skeezy way by a guy who looks just like him.
No. 120483
>>120478Oh shit that's something else.
Well, I know I shouldn't be ashamed but then again every time I have a crush (and I have a lot of them 'cause I'm a weird) I'm acting like I'm doing something… creepy. I'm working on it, tho. Thank you anon!
No. 120488
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Zumbo looks like an adult Caillou but I so would. Idk if it’s the accent or the baking, but either way I’m not proud.
No. 120491
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>>120478jeff seems wholesome af. i've never found the anne frank stuff weird or inappropriate but he is a male so idk.
No. 120502
>>120491He’s so cute and quirky like a Wes Anderson character. Hnghhh. If only I were a 20 yo in the late 90s instead of a baby. I would’ve been an obsessive fan girl groupie or befriended him. He’s so pure and deep. I want to discuss dream interpretations or pour my soul to him as cheesy as that sounds lmao.
I just read somewhere that he thought Anne frank was his ideal woman. Not sure where exactly because when I first discovered the songs I obsessively googled and went down an internet rabbit hole of interviews and videos. You can probably see it in the lyrics anyways
>The only girl I've ever loved / Was born with roses in her eyes >As we would lay and learn what each other's bodies were for>And this is the room / One afternoon I knew I could love you / And from above you how I sank into your soul / Into that secret place where no one dares to goAnd then communist daughter which is basically about female masturbation. Apparently a lot of Anne frank’s diary had entries on exploring her own sexuality (which was edited out for privacy). Seems sus to me
No. 120509
>>120499"Donovan? Who the fuck is Donovan?"
-Bob Dylan, 1965
No. 120553
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Joji is hella attractive but a lot of people still associate him with Filthy Frank so there's that I guess
No. 120562
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>>120509"I don't know, but he plays guitar better than you."
No. 120602
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IDK if he's been posted before but most of the shame comes from the fact that he's old enough to be my father and he's the runner of a show that edgy neck beards use to justify their shitty takes on politics.
No. 120646
>>120598He pretty much became the stuff he was making fun of.and he seems try-hard and his "real" songs arent even as good as his ironic ones
He was cute at his face reveal but the obvious abuse of alcohol made him look really busted for some time.even tho he seemingly has cut on it,he doesn't look as good as he used to
No. 120647
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Dutch Van Der Linde in Red Dead Redemption 2 is sexy, I'd let him sodomize me
No. 120697
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He's a creep, but I've always had a crush on Woody Allen.
No. 120806
>>120309Ambrose is such a butterface, but his fucking nuts devotion to Renee makes him kinda hot to me.
>>119661i felt bad finding him hot in this film. he's good at being intense.
>>119175i saw him live when i was in college and he's weird as shit. v eloquent but also for sure has some weird sex shit that i would not go along with. he's like Reznor except no good outlets for it lol
No. 120811
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No. 120978
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I guess I wouldn’t say ashamed lol but like unpopular opinion that no one every agrees with me on.
No. 120980
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>>120978would you fuck him in the joe dirt costume though?
No. 121020
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Guy from "you know i had to do it to em" meme
No. 121078
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I’ve had a huge crush on Skrillex since his emo band days. It’s my most shameful crush by far since he isn’t conventionally attractive at all. I like his punky greasy aesthetic and his personality a lot though.
I have a big thing for manlets (lol) and the fact that he’s only 5’4 is so cute to me. Plus the fact that he’s really shy is endearing. I’m still ashamed though.
No. 121133
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sewage joe
No. 121139
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>>121138ugh forgot the pic. He definitely belongs at a place like AEW, he was held back at WWE from being the 'hardcore' wrestler he is imo
No. 121140
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>>120408yes! but sometimes I think to myself 'wtf he's not even hot', sometimes he looks straight up gross but other times I find him really attractive. my attraction to him ebbs and flows with my moods lol. he was consistently attractive to me in season one though
No. 121143
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>>120811lmao! the socks and sandals, of course.
I don't watch LTT anymore but I had a huge crush on luke at one time
No. 121145
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>>121142>anon, nonhon hon hon
No. 121147
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>>121143Did you like Dmitry from HardwareCanucks too, anon? Considering they're just the same archetype of nerd.
I never wanted to fuck them, personally, but I do think they're quite cute No. 121152
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>>121142Speaking of pedophiles abusing their own daughters…
Yeah, I know, I’m disgusted with myself, too.
No. 121200
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>>120553speaking of joji I have to post idubbbz because now and then I find myself attracted to him, like in his recent airsoft fatty video. he has his moments where he looks cute(ish) I think I would fuck him
No. 121205
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this incel mod. i want to peg his autistic twink ass until he quits that retarded mindset
No. 121206
>>121205he's a really, really disgusting person and I'm like 90% sure he hates women bc he actually is in love with himself, wishes he could penetrate his own hiney, and resents women all bc this is a physiological impossibility. they're all latent fags that are in love with themselves. he's also Turkish so good luck not only trying to undo the
toxic incel mentality but also like 24 years of deeply engrained pretty extreme culturally backed sexism
No. 121211
>>121207That would be fucking wild lmao if thats true I'll never be more shocked.
Didn't he rape a girl though?
No. 121212
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>>121211i've seen this on kiwifarms. a post op ftm?? can also explain why he's 5'2.
No. 121221
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>>121215>inb4 knajjd is actually a larping lesbian terf planning to bring incels down from the insidei don't think he's trans, he bans trannies all the time. he's just a normal straight manlet who can't get laid. he has a pretty face but a disgusting personality. he might evemtually troon out as an mtf though, since incels are constantly recommending him to transition
No. 121232
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>>120409>>120447I've met him before as well, he's a really sweet guy. had a really insightful conversation with him. his voice is fucking great, such a cutie. I was so excited talking to him I was practically bouncing. and I told him how I had seen all his less well-known films (like O Lucky Man!) and he was really thrilled hearing that.
>>120408I am obsessed with him right now. OBSESSED. I'm currently rewatching ST with a friend (on S2 right now) and every time I see him on screen I just spam the chat with "HANDSOME".
No. 121261
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>>121260pic related hnnngggg
No. 121284
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If by some miracle he didn't have STDs, I would peg him. I would love to see his eyes tear up and hear him whimper as I thrust into him with my strap-on. I just want to push him down onto the bed of his truck as he bites into his pillow as he cries.
No. 121305
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No. 121846
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tim heidecker #1 hansy boy of my heart
No. 121971
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yes the character, not just the actor.
No. 130994
>>111193good taste anon.
kinda wish movie Snape had been a bit meaner tho tbh
No. 135192
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I– i never asked for this anons. I don't want it. But ever since the first TooPoor threads, at some point in my cycle, my dumb ass actually dreams about fucking this spoiled brat. He's a little different in my dreams but please just kill me. I never actually would fuck him for a myriad of reasons but even now thinking about it is getting me hot. Why god
No. 191243
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i despise him and even now he looks fat and cringy but god his so hoooooot (i miss his vids)