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No. 141422

Post about your experiences being or growing up gnc, not avril lavigne tomboy but actually getting asked to leave women's restrooms

No. 141423

I used to get confronted about this all the time in sincerity, I had a group of girls actually speak up and tell me it was a women's changing room and ask me to leave, making women uncomfortable, one time in the bathroom a woman looked at me, visibly went "fucking what", checked the sign on the door and then decided to leave. This was when I was younger though, I've always been quite tall too, I feel like it has stopped since I've naturally dressed more feminine but sometimes I feel it again when I'm looking bummy in ambiguous hoodie/tracksuit and start worrying about it happening again

No. 141430

As a teen I often got mistaken for a young guy since I dressed in men's clothes, had short hair, a small chest, and a deep voice.

Nothing serious happened but I was called sir A LOT at my customer service job, and apologized to when they noticed I was a girl. A little girl also once asked my gender lol.

I'm a doe bi now so I never get mistaken as a man, but it was kind of a fun time tbh. 10/10 would be androgynous again if I didn't love feminine aesthetics so much.

No. 141433

Sad GNC bitch thread here >>110770

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