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No. 149310
>>149291Idk about attainability in your country but. Garnier's new spf sensitive expert+ is cheap and bomb. I'm using Bioderma photoderm spf and it's nice too, it's shiny itself but works very well under makeup and the bottle is huge.
Imo it's not really worth getting the pricey sunblocks, because the ingredients are mostly the same and it's hard to find a product that will fit your needs and skin, so you have to go through quite few of them until you find your favourite.
No. 149314
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>>149301I got this down a few weeks ago on the malar groove side. No one realized I got anything down, even my own mother, but def I look better and more refreshed. A+, would buy again, but make sure you find a REAL qualified doctor with a demonstrated history of comestic work/fillers and not a medspa/nurse/dentist whatever doing fillers on the cheap.
No. 149325
>>149301I tried tear trough fillers once and I didn't love it tbh. I barely noticed a difference, and such an imperceptible change wasn't worth several hundred dollars for me personally. It also mildly repulsed that I could feel the filler beneath my skin when washing my face or applying skin products. Plus I've read that sometimes filler never fully dissolves over time and it can migrate to other parts of your head. Botox, on the other hand, is a game changer and I get it every few months or so.
>>149291Cerave Ultra-Light Moisturizing Lotion (SPF 30) is my favourite sunscreen currently. Affordable, fragrance free, no white cast, no greasiness, no pilling. I wear it either by itself or underneath Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream (SPF 42) and some powder.
No. 149347
>>149325 and I, too, have deep under eye hollowness that's extremely noticeable and can't be covered up by concealer because it's part of how my face is structured and it's genetic. So it's not like I wasn't an ideal candidate. Maybe my nurse didn't use enough filler, but then again, I could feel it under my skin so it was definitely there. All I'm saying is don't expect life-changing results, and keep in mind that it is a bit of a riskier procedure due to the proximity to the eyes.
>>149340I had the same concern as you about looking overdone but I still have quite a bit of movement in my forehead and it wears off fairly quickly compared to fillers. I can still raise my eyebrows and emote with my face. I can't really frown though, but I like looking like I'm perpetually unfazed by the bullshit life throws at me. Botox also helps to relieve my headaches that I get every so often.
No. 149349
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Anybody ever had a lower blepharoplasty or something else to lessen the severity of dark circles? I'm 26 and I have horrible, genetic dark circles like the before picture of this photo, and they've only gotten worse with age.
No. 149538
>>149291For anons who want to try sun screens you should know some things. You don't need 1/4 a tsp of sunscreen for your face. The 1/4 measurement was based off of men in the 95th percentile of faces, so pretty big. The average woman just needs 1/6 or 1/8 a tsp of sun screen.
Another thing is you have to apply sun screen to your neck and chest, if it's out in the sun. If you don't your face wont age, but your skin will which starts to look weird after a few years.
Finally anons with darker skin should try out chemical sun screens. Sunscreens based of a titanium and zinc are tinted white and will tint your skin white. This wont be noticeable on light skin, but on dark skin you can sometimes notice it.
No. 149568
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>>149558It seems really promising if used consistently over the course of months/years tbh, I guess since our body stops making it supplementing it is a good thing to do. It’s also hard to get the proper amount through food, and a lot of collagen powders have vitamins/minerals that help with health as well
No. 149572
>>149288>>149494apparently the key combo is collagen with hylaurnoic acid.
I bought some on Amazon just a random brand that had a ton of reviews but it didn't turn up :|
No. 149672
>>149667You’re dating a gross guy who obviously goes for younger women & he’s projecting his insecurities about being a dinosaur by intentionally making you feel like you look old.
Next time tell him that Woody Harleson looks like he could be his younger brother or some shit
No. 149677
>>149675Sounds like he’s gaslighting you. Yeah anon leave that trash behind & find someone your age. He probably holds you back & isn’t as fun as your peers anyway.
Leave his denture wearing ass behind & have a fun life
No. 149707
>>149667Hi anon. I'm 29 and dating a 43 year old too. Yours is being an asshole. He ought to feel lucky he matched with someone so younger than himself and treat you accordingly. You could easily be with someone your age, but him? Not so much.
You just need to be with someone who doesn't obsess about your age and looks in order to feel secure about their dating decisions. Sounds like he calls you old/young depending on his mood.
No. 149713
>>149710>>149712Mine treats me very well, thankfully.
I've dated some dudes 1 or 2 years older or younger and they've made me feel super fucking old or like a dumb kid depending on what they'd wanna neg me for or feel less insecure about. Men like that just need to be trashed regardless of age and wealth.
No. 149721
>>149716That's me
>>149707. If a scrote insulted my age I would dump him.
No. 149736
>>149667And nope, this is the first time I’ve posted about him here
No. 149750
>>149744Why would you want to?
My only tip is to not go ham on childish clothing because that ages you further and not have thin hooker brows, but other than that just wear what you like bro.
No. 149762
Anyone ever tried these serum bottles from Tree of life?'ve also heard about taking MSM supplements to improve the skin, do they work? What other kind of supplements do you anons take for your skin?
No. 149763
>>149758I'm 32 and I got ID'd alot up until lately (drinking age is 18 here) I want people to recognise me as a grown ass woman tbh.
18 year olds are babies. I've been through a lot of since turning 18, please world treat me like it lol
No. 149778
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Don't tan. Wear sunscreen. Use lotion. Ignore the jealous bitches who call you Casper because at 30 I still get mistaken for 18 and my coworker, who is 24, has some deep-ass permanent wrinkles on her face from tanning. Don't give in, ladies!
No. 149781
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>>149779>I browse 4chan too much and let the men there influence my thinking on accidentyou have to remember what the average user of 4chan is. either underage or a manchild permavirgin who tells himself these things to cope with the fact he repels everyone around him
No. 149786
>>149752One of my fave parts of aging is how men don't approach me like I'm some malleable idiot anymore.
Wouldn't want to go back to those days. I'll take looking like a capable adult over that painful phase anyday.
No. 149801
>>149786Fuck yes, I feel the same. I used to have trashy men constantly mess with me when I was in my early teens to twenties. They KNEW I was young and would pressure me to do inappropriate things, try to make me "theirs," ask blatantly rude questions.
Now I do still get the odd catcall, but men are typically much less invested in it, so to speak. Before they believed I'd give in with enough pestering, where now I can tell them to fuck off and they actually do as requested. What's more is I can genuinely say I look better now than I ever have. Made me realize that garbage humans like that really don't give two shits about appearance but are seeking girls because they know they're typically less confident and easier to manipulate. It's disgusting but on the personal level, I'm relieved it's so much easier for me to see through that. Funny how every women goes from a gorgeous babe to an ugly bitch the second you stand up to their bullying.
No. 149808
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>>149800>Maybe I’ve been dating pedos all alongNo, really? You think so?
No. 149809
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Reminder that most men are degenerates and you should want to take care of your skin for yourself, not for them!
No. 149810
>>149319Same, the amount of skincare with
proven efficacy is so freaking small and it can only affect the topmost layers of skin. I don’t blame someone for spending their money on injectables instead. I liked giving advice and stuff on places like reddit but stopped because so many people were expecting miracles out of creams and got offended when I said that no lotion was gonna fix their sagging skin or eyebags or whatever.
No. 149852
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>>149809This is depressing.
No. 149853
>>149845>Best off myself at 30, tbh.Or you could find a reason to live other than male validation, jesus christ. Do you think women are worthless if we're unfuckable?
Get hobbies, learn things, make friends, improve yourself, travel, build a career… there are a million things to do in life other than be hot. And even when you hit the supposed wall, you'll still get 100x more attention than your average scrot because no matter what they say about our age, we have inherent value they will never experience.
No. 149858
>>149845I'm gonna risk sounding like men apologist but not all men are like this either. I think the statistics are depressing too but it doesn't appeal strictly to everyone.
If I'm completely honest with myself, I'm terrified of becoming old and not being able to use my looks to my advantage anymore, but right now i'm almost 30 and see no difference in how I'm being treated compared to 10 years ago, so I hope this just keeps going. And maybe when I'm 50 I'll be able to stop caring about stuff like this.
Additional weird thing that kinda helped me with getting a new perspective is a reality tv that's been pretty popular in my country, one season follows about 12 people aged 60 and more, 6 men and 6 women, who are all searching for love. They really are attracted to each other over the course of the show, there are many compliments, seniors getting flustered like teenagers over their new crushes and stuff like this. Made me believe there's a real chance to be able to find a partner when you're old too.
No. 149859
>>149858Sounds fun. What's the show's name? Do you think there are subtitles available?
Btw, now that we're at this topic, my boyfriend's grandma just found her true love in the retirement home at 88. He's 84, still has his own house and went to her retirement home to check it out for one or two weeks. They pretty much fell in love instantly and have been inseparable since. My boyfriend and his mom are unable to reach her a lot of the time because she's always out doing stuff with her new boyfriend (which is kind of inconsiderate of the other people at the home because of corona, but that's a whole other story, I mean I probably would have a hard time giving a shit too if I fell madly in love at 88).
No. 149860
>>149859Name is "Sanatorium Miłości" ("Health spa of love"? I'm not the most creative translator) No subtitles unfortunately, but while looking for them I found some articles about english-speaking countries being interesting in purchasing a license for the show so there's a chance we will get something similar in a more accessible language than just Polish. It's definitely a very wholesome thing to watch.
Sounds like your bf's grandma is having the best time right now, totally understandable she'd rather focus on a new love. Yet another proof life doesnt end after 30 even though media/popculture try to convince us it does.
No. 149861
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Anyone have any 25+ models or actresses that inspire them in terms of getting older? This is one of my inspirations
No. 149863
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>>14986135 years old in this pic
No. 149866
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>>149861Way older than 25, but Jessica Lange, I think she was around 54 in this picture.
Anyone else think we should have a thread for cool women over the age of 30?
No. 149867
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>>149861And once skin care doesn't help anymore, I aspire to be like Iris Apfel
No. 149874
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>>149861Jennifer Connelly, 49
No. 149918
>>149904Tip. If you tag multiple anons and call em all bitch at the start of each response you'll find the thread will go to shit real fast.
Actual skincare post.
I have a friend requesting an anti-redness product for her bday. We have very different skintones so I don't know where to even start. She's about to turn 30, normally a very low maintenance girl so I think the upcoming birthday has her wanting to take better care of herself.
So do anti redness products actively combat the underlying cause? Is redness condsidered a side effect of aging in fair skinned people? Any product recommendations would be great.
No. 149924
Nothing new but please use sunscreen and don't eat garbage or nothing at all. Eating is crucial, anachans look 50+ although they are only 30. Sunscreen is mandatory, your skin will go to shit fast if you don't protect it.
I'm 33 and I feel SO much more beautiful than when I was in my 20s. My face just looks more sophisticated with every year and my body gets stronger since I eat better and work out more. No humblebrag, just a reminder for the psycho-anon who thinks she's hitting ~the wall~, love yourself gurl, you're only getting better.
Also, when that 'rona shit's over, do some courses, play some sports, pick up a hobby, join a club, that's how you meet new people as an adult.
No. 149926
>>149918Vitamin C, azelaic acid and niacinamide are recommended ingredients to reduce redness! Look for creams and serums. All of them have to be used separately though, can be different times of the day, just not two of them at once. You can also pick up some soothing toners or facemasks with ingrediends like aloe vera or cucumber. And, what's probably the most important would be a sunscreen with SPF, you can find some with a green tint which helps a lot with reducing a visibility of red tones, I'm using Avene Redness Relief Soothing Cream but it's just an example of what to look for. From what I know Kiehl's has some nice products too.
There can be a lot of reasons for face redness unfortunately so it's hard to say what is it in case of your friend.
No. 149993
I quit drinking for 5 months last year and noticed instant change. I started drinking again for the rest of the year. THIS year, I'm quitting for real this time (gods, let this be true), and I've been just over 8 months without a cigarette or drink. I'm 34, and somehow in the last 2 years my face has aged in reverse. I compared myself to various pictures of me at 25, 26, 27, all the way to 32. My face looks younger than it did in my mid-20s, and if that isn't motivation for me to never drink again, I don't know what is. I know that for a lot of ppl, quitting drinking isn't something you're thinking about at all, because you don't have a problem, but even cutting back, I think, can have an effect. Oh, and just don't smoke.
No. 150017
>>149942I've been using it for two years now. It is the best thing I have ever bought for my skin. First I ordered it online, then I bought several tubes on a trip abroad and then I was able to convince my GP to prescribe it. It made 90% of my skincare products redundant. It does the job of BHA, AHA and niacinamide. It prevents acne, slows down wrinkles, and refines skin texture.
That said the first 4-6 months were rough. The first month or two my skin was getting 'retinized' and peeled unattractively. After that my skin looked good bare but would show microflakes with makeup (I recommend bb cushions to reduce texture). And then one day my skin felt perfect. It wont make you look airbrushed but its the closest thing we have if you can get past that rough period. Also I got better results from .05% than .025%. I absolutely recommend it. I you have any family in Mexico ask them to mail you some tubes, I bought 5 for $3 USD.
No. 150030
>>150017> First I ordered it onlineDo you mind telling where?
I'm in the EU so I don't know where to get it. If other eu anons know, please tell.
No. 150076
>>150066Are they reliable? I feel hesitant putting something on my face that comes from a shady site.
>>150035The sitution in the EU is terrible. I don't know why we can't have a simple skin care product without having to jump through hoops to get it.
No. 150079
>>150076NTA but yeah they’re fine. In fact the one I order from even has “reliable” in the name lol. Here’s a video where someone talks about their experience: didn’t steal my info and product works fine. Check ReliableRXPharmacy out on TrustPilot if you’re still nervous, they have plenty of good reviews.
No. 150594
>>150490I've added sweet potato, broccoli sprouts and fermented foods, I eat kefir milk, homemade yogurt which is piss easy to make. Gonna consider switching kefir milk with something like kimchi or sauerkraut.
I think when I went healthy vegan a few years ago my skin got worse, a lot more dull was really sad because I felt healthy but looked like death.
No. 150601
>>150220I have the immortelle divine cream, and i like the smell and the feeling of it, thing is I have oily skin (9 weeks isotretinoin) and after using even a small amount my face feels kind of greasy. Not sure if I'm using it incorrectly or something like that because it happens to me a lot with sunscreens and thick moisturizers, even back when I was a teenager really. If you have dry skin I'd imagine it would do wonders and feel even better on the skin though.
It was kind of expensive though lol, my mom gave it to me as a present and refused to tell me the price. I had to look it up myself.
>>150370Seconding this… I have jet black hair but my skin is very fair and translucent as well. I have some spider veins that have been on my face for a long time but are getting darker with age. It's not surprising in a way, my mom has the same spider vein problem, but she seems to not mind it(?). Dad is considerably darker skinned so it's a bit hard to tell, but I only see very slight spider veins.
No. 150607
>>150601Girl wtf, if you have oily skin do NOT use thick moisturizers! gel ones are your best friends. Kiehls has a good one called Calendula serum-infused water cream. Theres a cult one by Clinique, the face gel moisturizer too.
>>150220My mother always said if you're going to spend a good amount of money on something, do it on your face! Like get a good/expensive foundation, face creams etc etc.
No. 150613
>>150370Yes, I do. I'm aging badly even though I wear factor 50+, don't drink alcohol, and don't smoke - despite this, I don't think we're automatically fucked. I think things like retinol and lots of water and sleep and collagen/hylaronic acid supps can help slow the tide. If you have nice bone structure, that's often a better indicator of how good you'll look as you age.
All we can do is our best.
No. 150643
>>150220>>150269I think there are instances of "you get what you pay for" when it comes to skincare. A lot is just overhyped, overpriced trash of course, but I look for before/after pics and positive reviews outside of a company's website. Also, sadly even when some people have great results, every product isn't going to be compatible with your skin, so there's still trial and error involved.
Can't comment on L'Occitane, but one of my estheticians recommends Obagi and they do seem to get good results. I was also turned onto an Australian brand called Roccoco Botanicals by another esthetician, and imo some of their serums are worth the price. (They have before/afters on their Instagram.) My skin has a really poor moisture barrier after blasting it with shitty products in my teens, so using their stuff has helped my skin stay plump and smooth without feeling heavy, which has been enough to justify the cost for me.
I also like Korean PLLA products like Sculplla and Caviplla. But overall, I try to save the big bucks for procedures like microneedling and fibroblast tightening, because these have generated the biggest results for me.
No. 150872
>>150613What makes you think you’re aging badly? I’m sure you look good anon
Who here has invested money in procedures that are actually worth it? I keep looking into microneedling, ultherapy, dermal fillers etc. but I can’t decide which is worth investing in
No. 150907
>>150901>I’m afraid of being alone>afraid of losing his affectionanon… that's not healthy.
A middleaged man dating a young woman is always a red flag imo, always question the intentions of a man who dates a woman 15+ years younger than him instead of a peer. On top of that yours evidently has kinks that are pedo-ish.
You should really evaluate yours and his reasons to be in this relationship.
No. 150917
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>>150872>Who here has invested money in procedures that are actually worth it? I keep looking into microneedling, ultherapy, dermal fillers etc. but I can’t decide which is worth investing inI can speak to the first two. I like microneedling, it’s been shown time and again to give great results, but you need consistency and patience. After your first few sessions you won’t see much change, but over time it can eliminate wrinkles and improve skin texture. I purchased a dermapen for a couple hundred bucks that I use at home monthly. At one point I paid about $700 for microneedling with radiofrequency from a professional to see how much more quickly the results would come, but while I do believe pairing with RF quickens the process, I believe I would’ve needed a solid 3 sessions and I didn’t have the money for that. As it stands I only saw general improvements in my skin tone and texture (which was something, at least). But having been doing it for a while myself, I do see the fine lines I have becoming less pronounced.
When I saw the esthetician I asked about ultherapy and she said it’s basically the more high powered version of RF and she doesn’t typically recommend it for women who are under 50. It’s more about skin tightening/lifting vs just reducing surface wrinkles. Even the main company (Ulthera) reports that their procedure may cause “muscle weakness, numbness, pain, paresthesia, and tingling that ‘typically’ resolves within 6 weeks“ and I don’t want to fuck with that and give myself nerve damage. If my skin ever gets that far I’ll just have a face lift and be done with it.
No. 150930
>>150922Well, I'm no professional but I've tried to follow as many safety procedures as I can. I toss my needles after every session, and even though each cartridge is individually sealed, I also soak them in isopropyl alcohol before use. I cleanse my face normally then use a cotton swab with alcohol on my face as well. This is drying, but I'd rather make sure I don't incidentally jab bacteria into my skin, so worth. I haven't had any negative reactions or infections yet. After you're finished you should either leave your face alone or apply something gentle like a hyaluronic acid serum, but nothing like Retin-A (until several days afterwards) that could cause inflammation.
I know you can buy numbing creams but it's just another step I don't want to have to deal with and the pain isn't too bad imo. (Though I do have a fairly high pain tolerance.) I really don't feel much in fattier areas like my cheeks, the worst is usually the forehead since there's less "padding" there, but it's still nothing intolerable.
I have a "Dr. Pen" (, there are some nice before/afters from a customer on Amazon too.
No. 150941
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I can't believe I'm an old Christmas Cake and still have oily/acne prone skin. I thought I would outgrow it eventually, but noooo I just get acne and wrinkles now. Get me off this ride.
No. 150953
>>150945The "people with oily skin get less wrinkles" is mostly an old wives' tale. It might help against some fine lines/forehead wrinkles, but it's pretty negligible.
>>150952Same anon, acne hit me hard at the start of puberty. It definitely subsided in my early 20s, but I was really hoping I'd stop being so greasy and needing oil blotting sheets 3x a day.
No. 150969
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For the anons talking about ultherapy, please don't ever do it. It's intense heat that essentially destroys the fat in your face. Fat makes you look younger and gives plump skin. What do you think happens when fat and flesh is exposed to high heat? It cooks and burns. It should ONLY be used as a means to reduce fat if you have too much, say for that pesky fat under the chin but never used for the whole face and definitely should never be used for the midface either. It causes permanent damage, including but not limited to permanent nerve damage.
Pic related.
No. 150970
>>150969Samefag but here is more info on the damage ultherapy causes.'d be better with facelifts and prp fat grafts for effective anti aging and rejuvenation.
No. 151020
>>151006This is exactly my problem and it drives me mad. I've used AHA BHA products which have helped a tiny bit, cleansing for at least 60 seconds also can help. But retinol/salicylic acid/niacinamide have made no difference.
I've read Q switch laser is the best for pore size so it's next on my list once my city is out of lockdown.
No. 153551
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hey you guys, i found something i think is interesting, thoughts?β-is-involved-in-the-loss-of-fat-and-bacterial-defenses-in-aging-skin/we all know collagen and elastin are very important, and fat loss is just as important. I didn’t think there was much we could do prevention-wise like we can with collagen and elastin, but the small article i linked seems to suggest otherwise.
I found the discussion or whatever while looking for anti aging prevention that didn’t revolve around skin texture but more so volume and density, which is managed by our dermal fatty tissue. I know of facial exercises and cutting down sugar, but wanted some more proactive info.
No. 153585
>>153552Anon, your post gives me hope. I have an ugly ass, round baby-face and am working on lowering my body fat percentage. My features are pretty average and boring, ngl, but I'd hope losing the fat on my face will help me look a bit better.
About the botox, I heard it's actually recommended for you to start treating the lines/wrinkles in your 20s. It's more like a preventative measure rather than "treatment." Definitely talk with your dermatologist first though.
No. 154015
>>153552I did botox a few time around my eyes and I regret it. I feel like it mildly but def weakened the muscles around that area which made my cheeks less defined. IDK my eye/cheek area is sunken by nature, my craniofacial structure is trash, but maybe if you have good cheekbones it wont matter for you.
I also had it done in my jawline twice to shrink my jaw muscle which is overdeveloped, so I don't believe doctors who claim it doesn't shrink the muscles at all.
No. 154023
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So my mom has been looking at my face cream descriptions and realized they're anti-aging and said i'm too young to start worrying about wrinkles. I turned 25 this year btw. Any chance she may be right? I don't even do too much to my face other than use aha, firming serum, moisturizer, vitamin c, eye cream and sunscreen, and dermaroll once a month. she says instead of looking younger I'll end up looking like I'm 80 by the time i'm 30 lol.
No. 154106
>>154105ReliableRX, but I've been using the corona epidemic to order it from a pharmacy (now you can do that in my country and they will prescribe it to you without you having to see them).
Otherwise only by appointment unfortunately, but dermatologists in my country literally say no, send you home and charge you for asking unless you have severe acne.
No. 154119
>>154111scrote cope detected.
My dad also believes in the "sun is good for you/sunscreen bad" bs but at least he has no delusions that it makes you look better, just that tanning is healthy or something.
No. 154120
>>154119Don't believe me? Don't have to.
But calling me a scrote just for saying something you don't agree with? Weak.
No. 154136
>>154133are you literally comparing inhaling tobacco to rubbing hlyauronic acid (a natural substance found in the human body) on your outer skin? wtf am I even reading lmao
I'm assuming you don't ever wear makeup either
No. 154137
>>154136I'm not comparing the products, I'm highlighting company priorities which are the same for every larger business - profit before safety. Profit before health. Profit above all else, basically. They're not trustworthy. But not only do you trust them, you fervently defend them, while the only thing they care about is making your wallet thinner. Such displaced loyalty.
>I'm assuming you don't ever wear makeup eitherCorrect.
No. 154142
>>154140Companies will do whatever makes them money. They won't give health issues like cancer to anyone deliberately… unless they profit from it like Phillip Morris. For me that's more than enough not to trust them.
Can I ask where does your trust of companies come from? Trust is usually earned. What made you trust cosmetic companies?
No. 154145
>>154137bro you can literally apply that logic to most things you come in contact with, your toothpaste, laundry detergent, food, medication.
I don't go out my way to "trust" these companies, I expect them to provide me a service (making my skin look better), and as long they are providing me that service I'm satisfied. The problem IMO is a 75% of it is just placebo/waste of money, selling a feeling and fancy packaging, glycerin gel with random cool sound plant extracts that you could make yourself at home with a blender that don't do anything. Not the fear that lactic acid or green tea extract is going to give me cancer somewhere 40 years down the line.
No. 156100
>>156053No. I'm excited to live a life that becomes fuller every year. It's definitely something you grow into, as you become more confident and give less of a fuck what people think about you.
Men made up "the wall" as if they don't age and become less virile over time as well. It's really their way to say, "women my age won't put up with my bullshit".
All the best anon, and as the others said, stop reading incel drivel and pick up a cool new hobby.
No. 156240
>>156100>>156132Agreed, my life has improved a lot as I've furthered into my twenties and I know it'll get even better in my thirties. I focus on me and what I value for myself and my life. I live for my own enjoyment and happiness, it's not dependent on wether a man thinks I've hit the fictional wall or not.
Make your own life valuable for yourself, don't let others dictate your value for you.
No. 158977
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>>158963This is so negative. It’s likely not your age alone. Do you take care of your health, mind your weight, take care of your skin and dress well? I’ve seen plenty of 30-somethings heavily pursued by men their age, as well as younger men.
Pic slightly related, Laura Gordon is 50 here and I doubt she has any trouble attracting men. She obviously minds her physique and skin, dresses well, etc
No. 158984
>>158982Yeah, it’s just not happening. Generally younger women go for younger men, as they’re more spontaneous, have more in common, and better bodies imo. As well as still having their hair.
Also, I know it’s an awful reference, but just look at the top videos on porn sites. More than 50% of the videos are women over 30. “Milf” videos get equal if not more traction than “teen”
No. 159203
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>>159027>>159041>>159054Not OP but microneedling is legit. It's also not a new fad by any means. However, depending on what you want to fix the results may be better or worse than other treatments.
No. 159204
>>158982I think it's a man trolling, personally.
>>156550Fillers, retinol, mesothreads if you can do that where you live.
No. 159600
>>159598Nta, but I cannot stress enough how the most important thing is what you put into your body. What you put onto your skin is totally negligible compared to that, and is not what you should be concentrating on.
Eat clean, don't drink and smoke, sleep well and exercise and stop thinking about skin products until you have all of that covered.
No. 161238
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>>161226No definitely not the same. RLT you lay under a panel of LEDs that flash on and off like you're going through some sci-fi procedure and it's really bright even though your eyes are closed. It was originally developed by NASA for plant growth on shuttle missions but since they later found it was helpful for wound treatment, some people are using it on the skin for anti-aging in general. It's a very gentle treatment as compared to chemical peels, lasers and ultherapy, so much so that the results (that I've seen at least) aren't too dramatic, but you may get some general evening of skin tone.
Ultherapy can cause permanent nerve damage to your face, vision loss, muscle deterioration and chronic pain. It's usually only used on women 60+ and even then it's not a safe procedure. Pic is someone on RealSelf who got ultherapy at 24 for general tightening of the jawline, no wrinkles or sagging at the time. She is now 27 and has loose skin, frequent pain and likely trauma to her face that cannot be undone except through invasive procedures. What it does is use ultrasound to intentionally burn the deeper layers of the skin (which is supposed to
trigger the body's healing response to create more collagen, but frequently causes damage instead).
If you want something stronger than RLT but less dangerous than ultherapy, look into radiofrequency microneedling. Same general principal but it causes less extreme damage and doesn't target as deeply in the skin. Results are good but you usually need around 3 treatments for max effects and they're not cheap, ~$800+ for a full face session each.
No. 161962
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>>149778I get confused for younger decently often and I can attribute most/all of it to just wearing good SPF and not wrecking my skin in the sun. I have undereye circles and pasty skin but it's still smooth. Also neutrogena makes good non-comedeogenic sunscreens and their hyaluronic acid cream is also pretty solid. I swear I'm not sponsored or anything, Neutrogena has always just been a really solid brand for me from 18 yrs when I got acne to the present, pic related, all products I mentioned. You can use other brands or whatever, this just worked well for me. Also, unless you're high altitude or somewhere super sunny (coastal regions, snowy regions) there's no real need to go above 30 SPF. A lot of foundations also incorporate SPF, so look for those.
No. 161988
How tf will I know when it’s retinol related purging or just my skin freaking out? I started on adapalene gel 0.1 because my dermatitis was easily flared by the generally recommended OTC retinols, but I’m going on 26 and still have periodic acne that has never cleared up. I’ve doing every other day of the gel for over a month now, but I feel like my skin has never looked worse—I’ve had actual cystic pustules, on my chin, something I haven’t had since I was a teenager. Is this really just purging? It’s all been concentrated on areas I generally break out in (my chin and jawline, caused by having to wear a mask 8 hours a day 6 days a week for work). I’ve gone through a 24 pack of CosRX pimple patches in a week and a half.
Is it worth it, anons, to try to weather it out for the full 3 months they recommend, or have I fucked my skin up irreparably and need to quit? I already don’t do dairy, use SPF and Vanicream cleanser with Cetaphil moisturizer (literally everything else I’ve tried triggers my dermatitis), etc.
>cross posting in skincare thread because I’m desperate
No. 162027
>>162018Ok, I may switch to every third or fourth night. It is reassuring to hear that it may be purging.
ngl I went hard at the beginning because it’s what my Derm recommended but I also haven’t been able to see him since October because of new lockdown rules. I know it’s doing something because I went from “Deepwater Horizon oil spill” to “matte finish house paint” but in my hesitation I have been layering on my thin moisturizer (I slather my face, wait 5 minutes, put on a second layer so thick it doesn’t absorb, then sleep) instead of…… just getting a new moisturizer because I’m stupid
No. 162030
>>162027>put on a second layer so thick it doesn’t absorbOhh it may be not good too;
if you have an access to a good cosmetologist I'd advise getting a consulatation with them, maybe not instead dermatologist but as a second opinion, it's not a rule but usually cosmetologists know more about skincare and dermatologists are more focused on diseases and curing which is similar but a bit different.
No. 163799
>>163775>>163749Hyram has given wrong advice in the past and demonizes brands for wrong reasons for the sake of being controversial.
At best he just repeats what skincare redditors say, at worst he spreads myths and misinformation.
He has no real knowledge on dermatology or chemistry, so he can't verify sources, he doesn't know how to actually read a study, how to check if it's misleading or if it's relevant to a real life setting.
This wouldn't be a problem if he didn't call himself the """skincare specialist""", and made a lot of videos titled "skincare specialist reacts to". He's purposely really vague about what kind of "training" he has. It's pretty obvious that he was like a manager at sephora and thinks that makes him a "specialist" lmao, like check your dunning kruger effect dude.
Now if you want to watch youtubers that actually have degrees and are actually knowledgeable about dermatology an biochemistry, check out dr. dray and lab muffin.
No. 165000
>>164064Yeah, maybe it's better to talk to a dermatologist and trust their words as well as their realistic advice, sometimes we get so caught up on ~the perfect skin~ and we get obsessive about all of this.
And if you can't contact one at the moment, I think it's better to keep it simple and lean over the most loved products or ingredients by customers. I think that with a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, a serum and retinoids, you have the whole routine covered, but everyone has different needs and worries regarding their skin, that's why asking a professional is always better!
>>164238I do it once every week
>>164993I think it's more about what you shouldn't eat: processed foods, articial sugar, salt, fried stuff, white bread/pastas, red meat. Go for foods with antioxidants, healthy fats and water such as fruit and veggies (the dark green ones, pepper, berries, papaya, avocado, citrics), nuts and fish.
No. 165327
>>164064labmuffin and simpleskincarescience are the best no-nonsense resources IMO. they know have to read studies and provide evidence, without fear mongering or click bait.
there's only so much skincare can do, so i wouldn't worry about getting more than a few staples, and diverting the rest of the money to health stuff
No. 165352
>>149300I know this is an old post, but Elta MD makes pretty great sunscreens as well.
>>165101Do you mean a cream or serum? I've been using the Tree of Life retinol serum for like three years now and its my go-to. I also like this and A313.
No. 165420
>>165416I have been doing basic facial massage for 8 years. Unfortunately, I can't find a video with massage technique I'm using now. I massage my face similar to video rel (I start with massage similar around 0:55), but I don't press so hard and I use a gentle face wash for massage. The point is, to massage all parts of your face upward.
Yes, it helped a lot. It especially helps my skin get a healthy glow (because it helps with circulation). My skin is overall in perfect condition and massage helped a lot. Also, because my face is heavier on the bottom, massage pushes the lymph and all that meat up into place.
I also recommend to use your hands, don't buy massage devices, it's a waste of money.
No. 165421
>>165420I am forever jealous of asians and their skin wow. I will try this massage tonight instead of the Tanaka one, seems a lot more detailed. Tanaka's has a lot of downward movements but mostly at the sides of the face and lowered to the neck, so not sure if that's bad or not? I have one of those zerio balms that koreans use, so it's very slippery, and I always use my hands.
If anyone has any other routines please do share. Maybe I'll try to do both, one per day.
No. 165423
>>165421>I am forever jealous of asians and their skin wowRemember that these photos and videos are heavily edited. Also, Asian take care of their skin way earlier than us and they do it better.
> Tanaka's has a lot of downward movements but mostly at the sides of the face and lowered to the neck, so not sure if that's bad or not?These downward movements pushes lypmh down into your body, so your body can take care of it. I do similar way, I push all that lymph from my face to ear area. Then I push it to sides of my neck and from my neck to my collarbones. Pushing lymph out makes your face slimmer and less puffy.
Your lymph move naturally in your body by exercising btw.
>so it's very slipperyThat's good. The only danger of these massages is pulling your skin that can cause wrinkles. But if you use something slippery, the problem is fixed.
Also, massages are safe but you can overdo if you do it too often. In my case daily massage is too much and make my face too skinny. It doesn't look good and I look too "boney". But it doesn't need to be in your case, observe your face and take pics to see the effects better.
No. 165425
>>165420>massage pushes the lymph and all that meat up into place.What?
Do you have any articles or anything legit that prove that massages work? I do believe it helps with circulation but everything else just sounds exaggerated.
Not trying to be mean, just really interested!
No. 165429
>>165425nta but learned about how exercise helps with circulation from estheticians but lymph movement (basically taking the garbage out- skin wise) is very well aided by massage
No. 165431
>>165430Oh I know didn't mean to imply all have great skin, but the ones that work a lot for it are just uncanny. I don't know if they naturally have smaller pores, but yeah there's a lot of editing involved too.
>>165423Thank you for the info! I have a naturally skinny face so I didn't really think how skinny it would make it, I just was thinking about avoiding wrinkles. I'll see after a few weeks how I look with daily massages. I need to exercise more too.
No. 165434
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>>165425>Do you have any articles or anything legit that prove that massages work?Honestly, I have not been interesed in skincare that deep for 3-4 years now. My face/skin is in good state so I just use my old methods that works for me now.
So if you asked me same question years ago I would actually show you legit research articles and experiments done on that topic.
But, if you would take knowledge on how lymph "works" it would make sense.
Lymph move in our body by exercises or by "pushing" it with massages. It moves in our lymph vessels (you can see how our lymphatic system looks in google).
Just by pushing in with hand it removes puffiness, you can try it by yourself just by massaging face (especially if you wake up with swollen face, because lymph "stagnate" in our body during sleep).
By "meat" I mean muscules, retaining ligaments, adipose tissue. Logically, gravity pulls everything down and so does our face. By using massage we push it by into "place". It's not big changes but doing it over the years can help our facial tissues stay in place. Though, it's not perfect solution, so our face will drop down. (also, face exercises are as important as massages. what actually causes us to look older is not actually wrinkles or skin skin discoloration, but all these tissues that start to drop).
If I will find some publications and research about it I will post it in this thread.
So sorry anon, but for now I have nothing to actually prove this lol.
Also, from what I remember, massages improve production of collagen and elastin. But I just take it from my memory lol.
Though, do your own research anons, don't take any words from anons as truth.
Also, I don't want to confuse someone if what I'm writing isn't actually accurate, as I said it's been years when I touched this topic an my memory is shit lol.
No. 165473
>>165327Does simpleskincarescience go by “malezia” now? I’m always hesitant to follow people who shill their own products.
>>165423Should I avoid massaging if I already have a dreadfully long/skinny face? Are there any methods that will give me a fuller look?
Also, is it safe to apply tretinoin on your eyelids/under your eyes? While googling this question, I saw some derms recommending it and others warning not to. My Curology formula currently has 5% azelaic acid, 1% clindamycin, and 0.09% tret.
No. 165661
>>165659Then in that case, devote your time to reading about human psychology, marketing psychology, and social/culture means of propaganda.
If you feel this terrible, you should at least understand why, how and who is behind these forces.
You will be able to see a completely different world, and much of the propaganda's effects can be reduced, with the new insights and actions you can take.
Edward Bernays' book, "Propaganda" is a good start. No. 165671
>>165650Hey me too anon! I remember being 9 years old in bed thinking one night: "One day I'm going to be 30 (the age my dad was when his dad died) and my whole family will be dead of old age. And then I'll be alone. Well, I better kil myself before that happens."
That fear never really went away, it's just now compounded with FOMO, scared of being ugly and weak, fear of losing my autonomy. The idea alone of needing someone to walk me to the bathroom or God forbid help me wipe my ass makes me want to off myself. I have a very strong fear cancer and dementia and other things, to the point where I would rather kill myself than think about living to an age range where those things are more of a risk. My birthday was this month and its honestly one of the worst days of my life.
No. 165986
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Just started using this and its really nice, I wanted a gentle retinol and its very gentle but I can tell its working. I use a silicone face scrubber thing to exfoliate and i had way more dead skin than usual. Has anyone else ever used derma-e products that work for them? I also like their body lotion but thats all ive tried
No. 173600
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I'm 30 now and think it's time to start using anti-aging products. my skin isn't too bad at all (just still dealing with hormonal acne) the only wrinkles I have are laugh lines/nasolabial folds which I hate and spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about
I'm trying to up my game with sunscreen, don't drink or tan and am trying to eat less processed junk. my current skincare is just a basic cleanser, then I moisturise with either the ordinary's rosehip seed oil or the ordinary's natural moisturizing factors + HA. I also use their hyaluronic acid but I don't think that's the best thing for preventing wrinkles or helping minimize my laugh lines.
I keep hearing the terms retionol/retionoids and vitamin c for anti aging, can anyone recommend products and how best to use them? I like the ordinary and paula's choice, do those brands do anything that'll help me? thanks in advance, anons
No. 173604
>>173600I use the Ordinary's 2% retinoid (not retinol), I have really sensitive skin and never had a problem with it. They have a whole range of strengths to choose from, they're super easy to start using.
Idk of this will help you, but I found that hyaluronic acid works way better if i mix it with water or use it on damp /wet skin. Otherwise it just seems to leave a slightly sticky layer on my skin.
No. 173606
>>173600Vitamin C serums should be used in the morning, before your sunscreen (Use at least spf 30). Sunscreen is very important because Vitamin C makes the skin photosensitive. I'd recommend starting with a serum that's between 9 and 15% in strength, I personally like The Ordinary's Ascorbyl Glucoside Solution 12% (ascorbyl glucoside is the most stable form of vit C). ALWAYS KEEP IT IN THE FRIDGE, otherwise it will oxidize and lose its potency.
About Retinol: depending on how sensitive your skin is, it might freak out when you first start using it and you might get a rash. This is called the purging and will last for a few weeks. I would recommend starting with a low percentage strength, I personally started with La Roche Posay's Redermic R, which has 0,3% Retinol in it. Later you can start using higher percentage retinol serums (the Ordinary has some nice ones).
No. 175642
>>173604>but I found that hyaluronic acid works way better if i mix it with water or use it on damp /wet skinI actually just read about this the other day! I've been using it all wrong on my dry skin thanks for reminding me
>>173605thanks for the info. yeah I actually decided to go with paula's choice's 2% bha since I used it before years back and like the results then. I'll also look into Bliss in the future. the ordinary's formula is 7%?! woah
>>173606thanks for the info on vit c. I took your advice too and went for the lowest strentgh retinol, it's only 0.2% and is the retinol in squalane from the ordinary
>>173757thanks for the recommendation anon, I'll write the name down for future reference
No. 176148
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>>175992The idea that these results were due to liquid collagen is absolutely retarded. The participant (if they didn't just steal her image) may be taking useless supplements now, but results like this can only be achieved by peels, lasers and/or injections, maybe aggressive and frequent microneedling. When you consume collagen it's broken down and goes to various parts of the body as needed; it isn't magically directed towards the skin. It becomes individual amino acids. This particular brand is sold by a MLM company that's using it as an overhyped marketing gimmick. Their most recent study failed to show a statistically significant difference between it and the placebo (, even when the researchers were bending over backwards trying to give it credit since they're on the company's payroll.
Anyway, original pic looks like wrinkles caused by sun damage. Wear sunscreen and start using tretinoin when you're in mid 20s to early 30s. Opt for more serious treatments as needed, don't buy into scams.
No. 176262
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Anons, I'm close to having "perfect" (by my standards) skin but somewhere I'm going wrong and I can't figure out where or with what. Still waiting for the weekend to ask on SCA but I thought it might not hurt to post here too.
My skin is dehydrated,on some places a bit red, large pores, uneven skin tone (pih) around mouth with 1-2 random blemishes.
Mixa cleansing milk
Mixa hyalurogel rich moisturizer
Mixa anti redness (niacinamide)*
LRP shaka fluid
Mixa cleansing milk
TO lactic acid 5%**
Mixa moisturizer
*I'll probably stop using it because it's too gel like.
**I use AHA ever 2-3 days because in the past I overdid it by using it daily. Also anything stronger seems to mess up my skin.
I plan to start using TOs 2% retinoid emulsion again, although I feel like it didn't do anything after using up a bottle. Maybe add vit C? Idk really because I'm not seeing any kind of results.
No. 176312
>>176262My guess would be to change up your moisturizer or apply a heavier occlusive that's going to form a barrier over your skin after the moisturizer. Hyaluronic acid temporarily draws in moisture from its surroundings (humectant) so if you apply it to dry skin and/or are in a dry environment, it can actually end up pulling moisture
from your skin rather than towards it, and you can end up worse off than before. Try something with petrolatum like Aquaphor, especially at night (it's goopy so can be a bit much for the day). Lanolin could be a good one for the day as it forms a barrier without being as heavy, same with a light oil, maybe squalane.
If you want the benefits of tretinoin (smaller pores, even skin tone, anti-aging) you should just use it rather than a different, weak retinoid. You will likely peel until your skin gets acclimatized and should stop AHAs if you go this route as it will be too irritating otherwise. Otherwise a vitamin C serum isn't a bad idea for similar benefits without being as intense.
No. 176434
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Any tretfags? I’ve been using the mildest percent only a few times a week, hasn’t given me any purging or anything major but it dries my skin out so much. I can’t ever wear foundation or even Bb cream because it’s sticking to dry flaky patches. I’m putting homeoplasmine on at night, exfoliating, moisturizing so many ways, even mixing my bb cream with oil and I’m still getting flaky, dry, pilling skin around my mouth, chin and nose
Does your skin eventually get used to it? Any products that would be holy grail for tret dryness?
No. 176438
>>176434>Does your skin eventually get used to it?After about 2 months it should stop peeling to such a large extent.
>Any products that would be holy grail for tret dryness?Not really. Slap some vaseline or aquaphor on at night and that might help reduce its intensity but the flaking is kind of the point. Means it's working and clearing away old skin cells so you can get to the pretty new layer below. When I was in the thick of it I just had to give up any sort of foundation for a while and get used to wiping away flakes throughout the day before it calmed down.
No. 176478
>>176434it takes time but it will ajdist, but if you go up in strength you need to adjust again. t. 0.1% tretfriend
i would recommend applying it after moisturizer if you really can't handle the dryness, it "buffers" the tret so it goes into the skin more slowly. i always make surey eye area is covered in cream before i apply just in case it migrates there (i gave myself painful eczema under my eye by accident and it took weeks to heal). if the flakiness and dryness is really bad you should try to lessen the frequency and build up again. it's been two months for me and i still can't use it more than a few times a week
No. 179758
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There's a lot of advice for this problem online but I'd love to hear from other people who had this issue and overcome it personally..
Anyone here have orange peel texture / large sunken pores and fix it somehow? Not visible sebaceous filaments that need cleaned out (I do that via oil cleansing x2/week) but actual large sunken pores.
I'm 31, but my whole life I've had decent skincare including sunscreen and also tretinoin for the past 4 years. I thought at first maybe my oily-combo skin was dehydrated, so multiple times I've taken 1-2 months off of tret + actives and only cleansed + moisturized + spf but nothing really changed.
Right now I cleanse with water in the AM, vitamin C, moisturizer, SPF. At night I use a hydrating cleanser, apply tret, moisturize, snail serum on top. Dermaroll with a dermapen once a month and a BHA once a week.
Any advice is appreciated, sorry for blogging. Thanks in advance. (not my pic but an example)
No. 180635
>>180634oops I just realized you write HA and not AHA.
glyercin and HA can actually dry the skin if you don't seal in the moisture. it could pull the moisture from your skin into the air if you live in a dry environment
No. 181667
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Is there any consensus on if argireline actually does anything or not? Claiming to be "botox in a bottle" sounds awfully shady.