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No. 159637
>>159635Agreed! I love erotic literature and fan fiction, and imo, even some (not all) taboo fiction is passable since it doesn’t hurt anyone—at least if you aren’t also consuming real porn. I think that is less of a problem for women, though.
I hate porn so much. It’s kind of become a meme amongst my friends, but at the same time, they agree, and even 2 of my male friends have confused about how badly porn has effected them and that they’ve stopped or are trying to stop watching altogether. Good.
No. 159642
>>159639Good for you for waking up and getting out of it, really. I fell into those habits sexually due to trauma and they were only reinforced by porn consumption that normalized and sexualized what I went through and worse.
I think I could have cammed or gone into porn if OF or other camming sites were on my radar when I was younger. It's why I'm so anti-porn, all porn, including (if not especially) self-produced. When you see other sex workers, do you find it empowering like they try to sell it, or do you think that just about everyone is headed down the same path?
No. 159661
>>159654I don't understand why girls think they will be powerful if they perform in porn for men.
Porn only empowers the pimps and the consumers.
No. 159675
>>159661The right devalues women enough that they will never be kind enough to look out for a misguided sex worker, and the left is too spineless to tell a woman what she's doing is harmful lest they be misogynistic. It fucking sucks. There is this very real cope that sex workers in denial perpetuate about how it's empowering and the rest of the left just kinda listens to it due to overestimating "lived experience". The problem is, lived experience is riddled with pathology and you can't take someone's word at face value, even if they're talking about lived experience.
You kinda out yourself as a radfem/swerf if you disclose anti porn views and you may or may not want that label on you depending on your social circle.
No. 159716
>>159639I just posted another comment with my main thoughts
>>159532 but I agree with you too. So much porn is blatantly pedo-pandering. The amount of barely legal/teen content that's prevalent even on mainstream sites is creepy as hell and I hate how many people defend it.
>But they're over 18! Some women just look young! It's normal to be attracted to youth! Biology!This shit is such a cop out, you know these sites would have children on there if they legally could. Muh biology is another shit excuse since most experts say mid-20s is the safest age to give birth while teen pregnancy has a multitude of risks. "Barely legal" wouldn't even be a thing if they didn't already want to fuck teenagers.
No. 160107
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>you know these sites would have children on there if they legally could
God, reading this and knowing that it's true. I've never actually thought about that, but now I'm sick.
No. 160112
>>160105I mean I did before the whole acquired brain injury and aphantasia bs, trust me I would love to be able to come again without voidbrain numbing my genitals out lol
I've just read every masturbation related thread on the aphantasia reddit and it's people saying their genitals are essentially numb if there's no visual put in front of them. So they all watch porn and that's it. I can't even find anyone trying to move away from that as a crutch.
No. 160183
>>160173Thirding this. I try and stick to couples that act like real couples too and not couples trying trying to compete with porn star performances.
That being said there is literally one male porn star on earth that actually appeals to me looks wise so I'm torn between wanting to watch his scenes but knowing he shoots for some of the trashiest producers. Alot of the scenes feature gross themes like stepmom/stepsister or having to manipulate someone into a sexual scenario.. Which snaps me back to reality
No. 160306
>>160273Why would a studio even do that, what would be the benefit if they're not advertising a paid service which in itself gives away the fact that it's pro. This theory makes no sense.
There are porn stars that go on to film their own scenes from home and they invite other performers and basically cut out the overheads of a studio and make more profit that way, but they sell those scenes and it's transparent. They have a semi amateur look but nobody is being tricked.
No. 160328
>>160306NTA but a company called MindGeek owns all the major LA porn studios and all the major porn tube sites, so they benefit from the advertising revenue of porn clips on pornhub even if they're seemingly pirated from their studio productions or real amateurs.
I think they really do mis-title pro scenes as amateur just because those get more clicks, even though it's obviously inaccurate because they didn't actually film the scene with the idea to make it seem amateur they just titled it that months later when that was the current SEO strat, but it wouldn't surprise me if they out more effort into it.
No. 160376
>>160149Holy shit I might actually be hah. I also tried to sell my virginity in my mid teens. My parents were oblivious though.
I did end up "selling it" around age 20 but I actually backed out and didn't. I sort of figured out my weirdness around sex was because I was a lesbian.
No. 162384
>>162383Agree. There needs to be more light shone upon the damage porn can cause, and has caused for others. I feel like most people absentmindedly watch it just to get off, and really only limit it to that, but even that could have some issues; people are more than just tools for you to get off and there's a person(s) behind that screen.
Speaking of your experience w/ the wiki (I'm so sorry for that, anon), have any of you encountered something particularly shocking involving pornography? I once saw a video of a guy using his (presumably) daughter's shoe to masturbate. The shoe was so small too so I reported that shit and took a good hour to contemplate on what the fuck is wrong with humanity.
No. 162399
>>162375>I have never watched much porn so I was always naturally sensitive to seeing naked people and found it disgustingidk I'm from a pretty open country so the naked body was never anything to be ashamed of to me and I saw a lot of naked bodies growing up (nude beaches, saunas…), but I think porn is something entirely different. The naked body itself is not sexual, it's just the shell we live in.
When I was 18 (a while ago) I used to watch gay porn. Later I watched female solo stuff. Never quite got why, until I realised that in both scenarios women aren't being maltreated by men on screen.
These days it's mostly drawn stuff, but even then I only look at stuff where the woman is very proactive. As soon as it gets rapey (and it does a lot of the time) it just kills my mood entirely.
No. 163192
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1. I'm anti-porn and formed my views after I became a radical feminist; I'm against the sex industry as a whole since it's exploitative and anti-feminist.
2. I decided to quit while in my last relationship because I didn't want my partner to look at porn either. The only reason I had previously watched porn was because I'm a straight woman and always watched lesbian porn, and my ex was a guy. I feel no romantic attraction to women though; porn habits are weird, idk.
3. Nope, porn didn't make me depressed until I learned about it from a radical feminist standpoint. Now it makes me depressed because it's so obviously exploitative and disgusting yet like 98% of men watch it on a routine basis.
4. No, most people laugh and think it's ridiculous–especially men. My female friends are all radfems (from online) and we're all anti-porn. My ex boyfriend understood and came to form the same views as myself when I told him about what I'd learned about the truths of the sex industry.
>>160219Except the verification process is always a fucking joke. What most people don't realize is that these "milestones" for the sex industry always cause more harm than good. When prostitution was legalized in European countries, it didn't just 'help' prostitutes, it led to increased human trafficking into those nations so that women could be sexually exploited legally. Same goes for the rise of "amateur porn". The rise of amateur porn not only cuts studios costs but lets shady videos from human trafficking and CP slip through the cracks. While you may feel like your porn more ethical, it's less legit than those nasty studio stepbrother videos where the porn actors are confirmed of age with ID. Pornhub doesn't even require ID to prove age–they use fucking the equivalent of site model Myspace proof pictures which back in the day were always photoshopped by fakers to have other names on the piece of paper. The majority of what is being uploaded is far likely nonconsensual, whether it's hidden cam videos, a trafficked woman (because they do have to pretend to be enthusiastic or they'll be killed obv), revenge porn, child porn, etc. All women who have been trafficked say that they were filmed at one point. For these sick fucks all they have to have is a picture like picrel and the account is verified–most accounts aren't even verified. And when videos are very obviously child porn or rape videos, they remain uploaded to those sites and available for download since cumbrains don't report them but get off to them. In one case, an activist was raped while she was in diapers, and yet she still has her videos reuploaded to popular porn streaming websites. Another was raped several times and had her attackers upload the videos, then had to impersonate a lawyer to get Pornhub to take the videos down since they wouldn't listen to the actual
That brings me to my question of how many of these verified accounts are supposedly run by women but are actually being run by pimps/
abusive men? We'll never know.
No. 165537
>>165518It's been going on for a few years and is completely insane. I remember reading some articles analyzing the trend once incest tags were on top of pornhub annual stats for the first time despite never scoring so high in any years prior and it was associated with porn being something that was always kinda pushing the taboo; but now when we can get a fairly explicit sex scenes in literally any movie or tv show, porn had to push even further, so the rise of incest roleplay happened. And then, the typical demand-supply scenario, more incest scenario stuff would come up on front pages, more people get intrigued and check and the more they're exposed to this degenerate concept the more they lose interest in the "boring, normal porn", so demand increases, more incest porn gets made, more people get addicted to it and so it's going until today.
There was always degeneracy in porn, but usually hidden away from "normal" consumers going to the well known big sites, but now even these places push towards most degenerate stuff, which makes me terrified what's gonna be next after consumers get bored with "just incest"
No. 165543
>>164978So you understand that women in porn are exploited but you still call them "nasty ass whores"? As
>>165541says you could easily become one too if your videos get leaked.
>>165537Is there something we could do about the incest and child abuse trend? It's fucking scary how so many just went yup, this is now totally hot and fine to get off to.
No. 189571
>>189511I kinda had this epiphany when I was younger, but yeah, even the most sexposi libfem doesn’t want to be a professional porn star. I watched a documentary several years ago about the porn industry and how most young women are coerced into it by initially being promised a legit modeling/acting gig then after they sign contracts or whatever, they find they agreed to do a certain number of porn videos. This was back in the early 2000s so it’s likely different now, more “amateur” stuff or whatever, but any industry that needs to outright lie to get people isn’t a good one.
And yes, I know lots of industries suck and will exploit your labor, but being coerced into having sex for videos that stay online forever is just different.
No. 189581
>>189511Definitely. I also used to believed that people did it willingly (Sasha is particularly famous for saying that she chose porn for sexual self-exploration and her own enjoyment but if you do a bit of Google search you can find out that she asked for a yearlong restraining order against her ex-boyfriend because he was
abusive and he was the one who forced her to do porn). Supersad
No. 189612
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>>189608 thread from someone who used to date her. He leaks a lot of stuff about her that she doesn't want people to know.
Supposedly she dated people without telling them she was married and shared videos of them with reddit and her husband without asking for consent.
She's not really in a position to critizise anyone.
No. 189618
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>>189613Nta, but I think anon is trying to point out the disconnect between her saying in interviews that she felt trapped by her contract and forced to do porn, yet on the image she's laughing at the scene she's about to do that later became a huge scandal
No. 189619
>>189618Exactly, she tries so hard to project that image of herself as an innocent lamb that in a moment of vulnerability got trapped and exploited by evil porn companies.
In reality she long produced amateur porn, not telling the other person she'd share the material with the public, which is arguably worse than whatever the porn companies are doing. She also worked as a stripper.
No. 189620
>>189618>>189619I don't get it… she was happy BEFORE she was about to do a bad scene happened so that means she was not forced into it?
>>189619I can understand the hypocrisy, but what does the porn whore being a stripper in the past have to do with it?
No. 192434
>>192399yeah, and some would argue it's not the artist's responsibility if people "use" their art wrong
men will be degenerates anyway, i'd rather some scrote wank off to shit like mlp futa inflation to the point he loses interest in having real sex (one less person out of the gene pool and dating scene is a win) than exploiting freshly 18 year old highschoolers with an onlyfans
No. 195212
I wouldn't be sure how to class myself, I think at the very least the idea I have is that I'm pro sex worker but not pro sex work if that can make sense, I think it's something that can take advantage of people and cause immense damage and issues but I can't ever see something as sex work or porn in general ever going away, its a vice or a crutch for some people and tool to exploit others.
I don't go out og my way to watch porn either, I find a lot of it unappealing and fake but I admit that I do like amateur but by that I usually find a channel shared by a couple, check to see if they have chemistry and enjoy one another and that's what makes it appealing to me to watch, I suppose in my own way I'm using it for my own lack of intimacy while single.
>It's a bubbly Domme and sub couple
I think porn as a whole isn't a bad thing, but it's like alcohol where it causes a lot of problems, easily abused and can and does ruin lives.
>Why are you anti-porn?
I think it can often be abused and cause more harm than good.
>When did you decide to quit?
I still watch but maybe a couple times a month, really depends on my mood but most of the time I prefer reading a kink story.
>Did porn make you depressed?
No but the lack of intimacy I found from it did and feeling like I needed to behave like X or do Y acts.
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
I think a lot of people don't examine it on a deeper level even the idea of consenting porn or sex work needs to be critically examined
>and whatever else you want to say
I didn't mean to go on a ramble but I think my main view overall is for sex work, I'd want it to be safe and regulated , but I think that may be me living in a fantasy land where the idea of someone doing this isn't really consent if the choice is between not paying rent or bills.
For porn I think it needs to be made safer or focus needs to be on changing its image or focus, safe, consent and a actually couple loving one another seems more enjoyable to me than some generic random porno.
>I feel dumb saying this but its like instead of factory farming porn it should be free range porn.
No. 203055
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No. 203064
>Why are you anti-porn?
I am anti-porn because of the pain it has and continues to cause on such a massive scale (testimonies of porn actresses having to drug themselves or being drugged forcibly to get through scenes, the trafficking and coercion of vulnerable women across the world, the terrible misogyny and taboos it normalizes, and so much more). For more personal reasons, I was groomed by porn as a pre-teen and was sexually abused. Ever since I grew up to understand what that fully meant I've been anti-porn.
>When did you decide to quit?
When I read a reddit comment a few years back (the thread was something like "what's the weirdest porn video you've ever seen" or something) and someone mentioned seeing a video of a woman who had a live eel forcibly put inside her.
>Did porn make you depressed?
Yes, more than words can describe nonnies.
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
I don't talk about this with people since it's kind of weird to bring up kek. The subject hasn't really come up around my friends luckily, and I haven't brought it up personally cause I kind of get emotional about this if you can't tell.
>and whatever else you want to say
Kind of a hot take on this website, but I firmly believe sex should solely and only be between you and someone you love and are committed to. As soon as that idea gets muddled at all, it seems to cause a lot of pain in the relationship and/or just delves into degeneracy rather than a loving relationship and commitment to each other. You can call me delusional for believing the world should or even can live up to that standard, that would be fair, but it's something I firmly believe that should ought to be. We should respect our own bodies enough to only share the most private and intense of experiences with someone we trust a lot, not random strangers on the internet or irl. Especially since having sex with a man as a woman carries a chance of pregnancy. I will say I'd never shame a woman for not living up to this standard, since these are just my personal thoughts and opinions and it's none of my business anyway. I will shame the men though kek.
Pornography and prostitution should also be made illegal, or at least very highly regulated (and if illegal, the prostitutes and actresses and sometimes actors are not punished but only the producers, consumers, buyers, and pimps). And people who consume porn or are "sex buyers" should not be allowed in certain jobs, especially if those jobs involve being around children at all.
No. 203082
>Why are you anti-porn?
I just see what it does to men's perception. Men's minds are made of a fine pink putty and cannot be trusted. They are most susceptible to consoomerism. It can and will alter how they perceive women. They always then take out their frustrations on people they perceive as "whores" (women in the sex industry) or "roasties" (perfectly normal adult women) that rightfully won't date their revolting porn rot brains. They have no sense of self-accountability, and don't seem to understand porn is made exclusively in mind for men. If they don't like it, they must stop cold turkey. By passively watching what they think are "free" sites like pornhub, they prop up sex work, the porn industry, and human trafficking.
>When did you decide to quit?
I never really started. It's all gross and all meant for the male gaze. No idea how women become porn addicts.
>Did porn make you depressed?
It was only after many years did I realize how interconnected porn is to sexual abuse, human trafficking, child porn, and ruining the fabric of how men and women even interact with each other.
>Are people around you supportive of this choice?
If they weren't, I'd be the one giving them a talk, not the other way around.
>and whatever else you want to say
The silent victim of porn is children. You can pretend it's not, but it is.
No. 204866
>>204860Would you think the same if your boyfriend was addicted to weed or alcohol? This thread description talks about porn addicts, which is a real thing.
His brain got used to a quick dopamine fix, which doesn’t have to say anything about how he feels about you. Oh
No. 204892
>>204885 >he couldn't understand that with the amateur stuff the consent of that video being online is really unclearI used to watch amateur stuff without much thought going to this. Like I would see clips clearly titled
>my slutty ex does x y and z and of course I'd know to avoid those. I thought that was enough. It took me a while to realize just how much amateur shit is scrotes sharing their trophy clips that are left behind after a really bitter break up. Oh my naive mind at the time.
You'd scroll down to the comments on a normal looking couples vid with a normal title and it'd only become clear when they're replying to comments underneath by boasting that the woman hates their guts now but they'll still always have 'the memories to fap to' and she was the best fuck because she was so 'insert crude and creepy comment about an ex from 5 fucking years ago' Sad sad shit.
The fact that you need to carefully try and research whether a clip is shared with consent or not ..should be enough for any decent person to lose arousal. You can't be certain, no matter how a clip is presented to you. For every man stupidly boasting about it there are ones covering their tracks better. That or a clip has been ripped down and reshared a thousand times and nobody know the origin of it.
No. 204898
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It's cool to see this thread at the top of the board right now. I just got off the phone with my mom and her boyfriend she's had for 20 years is chronically addicted to porn. He also tries to force her into a threesomes and other weird shit and will not have sex with her otherwise. He spends hours a day watching porn and when she tried to say something about it he shouted at and threatened her. Not much I can do about it because she won't listen to my advice about leaving him and he mocks people who hate pornography so you can't talk to him either. I have nothing to do or ask here I am just sad, angry and disgusted. When I think of men addicted to porn and react that way when confronted I just want to fight them. I literally yell rant about porn on the phone to my mom and it makes her laugh when she's crying which I guess is good but I just feel so genuinely pissed. When I think of such men it makes me feel like I want to throw on a head/face covering so that Western men may never look upon me again.
No. 205027
>>205010I thought that way too. I didn’t believe my boyfriend when he said he doesn’t. I think rather than stressing ourselves out about whether they are lying or not, pay careful attention to how they act and your gut instinct will tell you whether he is lying or not. Any signs of being pornsick, don’t bother.
Here’s some things you should just avoid if you’re trying to find a man who doesn’t watch it:
- Plays video games
- Follows girls who post provocative images on social media (or even uses social media at all tbh. Instagram is basically soft core porn at this point)
- Just treats themselves like shit in general. Like if a man has bad habits like drinking and drugs you can bet he’s a porn addict too.
- Asks for nudes.
- Pay attention if you’re making out with him. If he’s a healthy man he will be hard, and if he’s not that’s 100% porn addiction and he can’t get hard with real women anymore
- Doesn’t care about pleasing you during sex (preferably you wouldn’t get to this stage with a man who watches porn tho) and sex lacks passion
I don’t really know what else to say. A man could have all of those things I listed and still watch porn infrequently, but I think that will at least get rid of the worst ones. Again, your gut instinct will tell you the truth about whether he watches porn or not, so don’t worry too much about it.
No. 205077
What should I do with a man that watches porn infrequently because he knows the dangers of being addicted to porn, PIED, lack of motivation, etc, so he limits his consumption to a low amount, but doesn’t really see anything wrong with it so he won’t stop? He doesn’t get the ethical part of it (doesn’t watch corporate porn, apparently, because it’s « obviously disgusting »), and he denies the influence it could have on how he views sex because he says he can distinguish between what works well in porn and what works well irl. He said I was welcome to try and change his mind but that he thinks it’s unlikely. He watches hentai and amateur/homemade, doesn’t like it when it’s violent, overproduced, and I honestly think I’ve watched worse shit than him (rape, incest, inflation, bimboification, etc). He’s good in bed, focuses on my pleasure and doesn’t really asks for anything in particular except the occasional weird position.
It doesn’t really feel like his porn consumption is very problematic, and while I think I can turn him off some types of porn for good (he didn’t even know about revenge porn and he said he’d try to be careful) but I don’t really know if he would ever give it up entirely.
For now, I trust him because his behavior matches his words. I’m worried it could change, but I don’t what to do except wait and see, and try to introduce him to the other negatives of the porn industry.
No. 205080
>>205077the more i think about it the more it pisses me off actually. so he cares about stuff like pied and lack of motivation etc, all the stuff that affects
him, but when it's about the fact that he supports one of the biggest human trafficking monopols where actresses have higher rates of ptsd than viet vets you never know? even if he only watches amateur stuff (the "i like it because it's genuine uwu" is so old and tired already btw) he still supports the hosting websites by visiting. even if he rationally knows that porn is unrealistic and it doesn't work that way in real life, it still makes him less likely to believe rape
victims (as you can see by his defending of the industry) and more likely to believe the
victim enjoyed the act. he can say that he knows as much he wants, but this trash pollutes his mind either way. his "you can try to change my mind" sounds like he's set in his way and knows he just has to satisfy with you with a few set phrases to get you off his back when you nag him about porn for five minutes and that's it.
No. 205085
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>>205083While ultimately everyone is responsible for their decisions I do sort of blame society. Society acts like porn is the normalest thing on earth and men and women alike will mock you for being against it. Even I used to watch some pretty degenerate shit before I had an understanding of how fucked porn is.
But yeah, it's always weird to me that people hate on the women and not the directors and producers of the porn.
This is slightly off topic but we have a local film producer who was dating a lady with an autistic son and my cousin recently found out he was putting videos he made of these fucked up orgy parties he has in his house on the 9 year old autistic boy's phone. I'm ver distressed about it but telling the law is useless because he has too much power and notoriety. I now have a vibe he probably is secretly a porn producer as well and I just hate him so much. The girl recently died and I'm concerned the kid will be in his care but I don't know him like that to know what's happening. My cousin's best friend baby sits the kid.
FUCK porn producers (and most film producers in general honestly)
No. 205090
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>>205088Sad news, anon. Most my friends are full right wing extremists because they suit my prudish societal ways and even most of them watch porn if not AT LEAST hentai or look at lewd images but usually porn. Even this guy I know who is so Puritan and gentlemanly that my other friends call him a pussy. It is inescapable but I guess you will find it easier to find one among righties.
That's a thought though. I think there's a sad likelihood I'd put up with actual abuse if I felt someone was truly absolutely loyal to me but alas; it is a useless endeavor.
No. 205104
>>205094I don't think there's a person on earth who doesnt fantasize about dreamlike scenarios happening to them, both sexually and otherwise. With the exception of a guy maybe telling you he obsesses over someone you know irl or over immoral acts… I think it's mostly healthy.
And I'm not about to try and control someone elses inner thoughts or interrogate them to know what they're always thinking about.
No. 205114
>>205094Absolutely. That's basically what I do although I agree with
>>205096 hopefully he would just be fantasizing about normal sex and not something creepy
No. 205472
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anyone else who grew up in the early 2000s remember playboy merch was seen as "cool"?
I remember girls that were like 9 having hats like picrel and thinking back on it makes me want to puke
No. 205496
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will a man like this ever exist nonnies
No. 205527
>>205472All the rich popular girls at my middleschool had some Playboy merch (one even had a F
* me I'm Famous cap at 13) and even back then it made me feel uneasy, I was not yet aware of all the fucked up gender dynamics. I can't even imagine what it's like to grow up as a teen now.
No. 206349
>>205496From what I've seen, when men stop watching porn it's for self improvement reasons, cuz you know when their brains are filled with coomerthoughts 24/7 they're not exactly productive, not for ethical reasons.
That's why if you ever meet a man who says he gave up on porn, ask him for his reasons (and realize it's probably not because he cares about the well-being of women but for his own profit)
No. 206396
>>205496It took a while (partly because I didn't speak up sooner) but eventually my bf came to understand the ethical issues with porn in addition to not wanting to engage with it personally. Vast majority of men just don't think about how it harms women, which
is stupid and lazy, but oftentimes they're in echo chambers with other men saying there's nothing wrong with it. Encountering a woman who is staunchly against it and brings up those concerns may be their first exposure to any thoughts that express otherwise. Not that it's your or any woman's job to teach them, but if you're involved with a scrote that usually comes with the territory. Personally I don't find it worthwhile to be that person for them anymore, but it is possible.
>>205483Same, I've been seeing a lot of this even among millennials. Let it fucking die already. I hate liberal feminism and "sex positivity" being code word for porn, the cheapest and most degrading form of sex.
No. 208090
>>159633I didn't like how it took me so long to find a video I liked, and every porn video no matter how vanilla has this cringe screaming and moaning.
I just use my imagination now.
No. 208110
>>208090 >took me so long to find a video I likedYeah years ago (before I thought about this much, the morality of it etc) I would spent so fucking long trying to find one scene that actually worked for me. It was all off-putting in one way or another and I found I would end up watching the same scene every time til I had every moan and movement in it memorized.
It's strange, in one way you're spoiled for choice but then everything is shit in some way. The make up is nuts, the moans are beyond anything real, the guy pulls some random violent move that ruins the mood. Millions of clips out there and so few that will appeal to a woman or pull off a realistic depiction of sex.
No. 208663
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Coomers mad at this.
No. 208667
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No. 217542
Okay, this is going to sound really tinfoil-y, but bear with me
But does anybody else have trouble finding reliable data and statistics about porn? Back in like 2014-ish I started delving into porn statistics. Not sure why I did that exactly, because I wasn't even anti-porn back then. But there were TONS of articles about how "teen" porn was the most popular genre in the world. Lots of articles, some of them were mainstream news outlets, some of them I can even remember where it was. For example one article was on the Huffington Post, about different porn genres and it was like "teen porn is so popular it could be a national pass time". There was another one on a different website that had an interactive map where you could click the country and it would tell you the most searched porn searches in that country (which was usually teen or milf, but teen was the majority of countries, and sometimes there was something random). Then there was another one (can't remember if it was the same site with the interactive map or a different one) that had the highest searched terms in every state of the US. The highest one in my state was "smoking" (which is kind of funny because we have a really bad tobacco use problem here and they had to raise the age to buy tobacco to 21 and make tobacco products ridiculously expensive… but I'm derailing).
Years after that I had a boyfriend who had a serious porn addiction. So naturally he was extremely defensive of porn and how ~totally amazing, healthy and harmless~ it was. I brought up how popular "teen" porn was, and he would switch back between defending it (saying stuff like "well that category is just for people who are 18-19, if they wanna do porn I don't see anything wrong with that" and "I don't see anything wrong with people fetishizing someone for recently being a minor") and saying that teen porn wasn't even that popular. This was only a couple years ago, and I would try to find data on it to send to him to make my case but I couldn't find almost any data at all on how popular teen porn was. It was like someone had scrubbed the internet of all that data, the best I could find was pornhub listing their most searched terms. But that's just pornhub and even though they're a huge website there's millions of not billions of other porn sites.
I seriously think someone is trying to hide reliable data and statistics about porn because they want to whitewash and hide how harmful it is and how sick the genres can get.
No. 218618
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I'm just posting this here because it seems relevant
No. 250070
>>249958Ah ok, I understand. The term “weasel words” is so cute. Good on you for not getting sucked into all of that but I hope you’re okay, saying you
struggle with kinks. Be sure to drop any that aren’t mentally or physically safe, you know.
No. 259125
I've always been into weird stuff due to early internet exposure to questionable porn and adults that encouraged it. It started with futa and just went downhill from there. I can get aroused by loli, shota, rape, abuse, even some snuff, things I would never do in real life. I've always coped by telling myself that I only like 2D porn, like doujins and anime style art, I never consume "real" porn. But occasionally I have dreams where I am a male and am forcing myself on a child, my dreams are never that vivid so it's not like I can see a realistic human, I just know that that's what the dream is about. The dreams horrify me but I still wake up very aroused. I always feel guilt after indulging in this subject matter and then go back to my normal sex life. They're very separate in my mind but I'm starting to worry that I'm actually a pedo and if I should just neck myself. I wish I never had internet access and had the chance to develop my sexuality normally, maybe it would have been different
No. 259171
>>259153I always saw two types of women. Either barely adult women who were average or a lil above average with very slim bodies given their young age. And then there's women who've been in the industry a while and their entire body is (overly) sculpted by someone on a table. Bulking up lots of areas to create an exaggerated shape. To a point that's no longer flattering. It felt like there's no inbetween point.
I'm not into the whole 'hey I just turned 18 a week ago' look but it was like anyone over a certain age went crazy on surgery. It doesn't look good, it stands out and looks extreme and I guess that's more so the point. Horny scrote brain is all about extremes. Post nut clarity must be a trip.
No. 266795
I hate porn so much. I haven't watched it in a long time but "relapsed" just now. I have a boyfriend, so I feel extra guilty about it. The pornography also made me want to get fully waxed again. It basically triggered a lot of the brainwashing I got from being groomed into excessive exposure to pedophilic pornography at a young age. I really want to cleanse myself from pornography fully. It's so difficult when a lot of elements in "normie" media are intended to trigger this brainwashing. Nearly everything aimed at (young) women is presented through a pornographic lense. How can I finally heal? I had a phase where I hadn't shaved nor waxed for maybe three months. I even didn't wear deodorant all of the time and I just was myself. Yet this didn't succeed. Although I can, and should, try again, what else could I do? I already try to avoid a lot of pop music due to how sexual in nature it is, as well as typical things such as anime and whatnot. A year or two ago, I wrote my final paper in a class as an anti-pornographic essay. My sexist, pervert, scrote teacher of course did not give me an easy time. I usually score A's for this subject, yet scored lower this time. Although this teacher in general didn't like me, it was clear that he didn't like this essay in particular due to the subject matter. He commented on it a lot and in general was a man who made perverse jokes. It is very sad that an individual who has been horribly, but by far not the worst, affected by pornography, will be ridiculed and punished so much for opening the discussion and providing an opposing perspective backed by research and anecdotes from the people involved in the subject in question. I am very happy my mother is quite against pornography. When she was just beginning her career in styling hair for movies and television, she accepted any job she could. Subsequently, she once worked for a house with webcam girls. They all lived together with the people who "managed" them. Many of them were from Eastern Europe, and my mother recalled how one of the managers recruited a woman to attempt to groom my mother into joining them. Although they failed, it is apparently a common practise. I despise pornography. It is wholly unnecessary. Humans are fine simply having intercourse with partners. Masturbation is possible too, but it does not require pornography in the slightest. Pornography is just another tool to groom women and men into enslavement. Truly. It weakens the spirit of both sexes and causes horrid divide. I hate it a lot.
No. 266796
>>259148I feel the same way. I have pedopandering brainwashing, so I struggle a lot internally with my beauty standards. Although I've grown a lot, it still stings when I happen upon an image of a woman who is sexually attractive with a very thin body, "innie" vagina and no body hair. I was 12 when I found myself in an irl group of adult men 4channers who suffered from mental illnesses. Before I knew it, I was being exposed to excessive amounts of loli pornography and questionable JAV, among others. Looking like a loli/little girl was touted as the pinnacle of beauty. As a barely 12 year old girl, it really messed me up and I had a difficult time coping. I felt OLD and that I was hitting the wall due to being twelve. I felt like I was competing with my own age. I felt like my vagina was ugly and started to hate my body hair even more. Again, I have improved significantly since then and that poor version of myself is barely recognisable. But still when I encounter an image that
triggers these formative memories, it can hit a very sensitive spot.
No. 266847
>>266795Similar place as you, been off porn for so long in a relationship and recently watched it while drunk and I didn't realize how
triggering it would be seeing all that shit again. It's honestly brain damaging and soul crushing and in my opinion the only way to heal is to remove yourself from social media brainwashing and porn entirely, and make sure that if you do have a partner, that they accept you for who you are and don't push any kind of perceived looks or sex tactics on you. Its much easier to curate your life online than ever before with ad blockers, following positive accounts like art or nature etc. There are also so many hobbies out there and heaps of options to keep you preoccupied from worrying about beauty and sex standards. Even if you spend more time online you can still avoid all that crap. Porn is
toxic to everyone and I hope one day people step up and get rid of it as it's ruining people's minds, willpower, relationships and self image.
No. 267097
>>266847I relapsed recently too after months without and felt the same way actually. I was going to post about it actually, but then found other anons' posts. I only masturbated to "flush" my system (I've had painful cysts/cramps recently likely due to my endometriosis and was hoping it would somehow help), and I knew watching porn would make the process quicker.
I did not expect to get the feelings that I did when I went back to porn. I felt very strange. Porn made sex look like a disgusting act. When I use my imagination, I always imagine it to be loving, another way to be intimate…and it is always mutual between both parties. But, even the most "normal" porn seemed to be dehumanizing and humiliating for the woman. Like she was just a tool to be used for the male. She was being USED. She was only a body. I did not like this power dynamic that was being more obviously displayed in porn.
I had to remind myself that women are people too. That I am a person, with feelings. I am not an object. And sex does not have to be a humiliating act. It does not have to degrade. There are some scrotes that will want to use me for sex, yes, but I can avoid them. There are still those men that will only treat sex as a way to show me love and give me pleasure, and only if I wanted it, it would not be forced upon me.
I did not feel gross thinking of sex when it was my imagination, but the porn brought all of those feelings back. I feel like it connected my feelings to when I was a kid too, when I was exposed to porn too young, and was taught by it that the women were only objects being used for the male's pleasure. And how pained the women looked when they had sex…I used to think it was normal when I was younger, that that was how it was. I'm glad that I eventually found myself and learned that sex was for me too, and that I did not have to be hit or pretend to have gross fetishes or hurtful words thrown at me, for the sake of someone else. Porn really does skew your mindset and views. I ended the session with thinking of a scenario in my imagination again, and already felt better. I am not going back to it.
No. 342153
Porn is basically everywhere, I really dislike how it influences even the most innocent minds. I haven't consciously looked at porn in over a year, and even during that time I turned to it to seek basic, non-kink sex positions, and scrolling past all the worse stuff to find the basic shit made me feel bad just for the fact I had to stoop this low.
Recently, I found myself seeking out porn again, because I was curious to see if an anime AI bot would get around to actually rendering someone naked. To do that, I put about 30 porn and hentai images through the bot. I got caught up spending about two hours trying to achieve something. Manipulating hands, arms, and legs to see if I wouldn't get a skirt covering something up. When I realized what I was doing, I got that feeling of self disgust. I deleted every photo I downloaded and rendered, I was so close to posting the "achievements" on here before I realized how sick this was. Overall, I knew I wasn't the only one who tried to attempt something like this.
No. 342751
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>>189511>If there is a girl who is just like "I'll try porn" I think she'd only do a handful of videos maxThis case for example
No. 357336
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I wasn't surprised to read this headline because I've heard about so many arrangements like this. They use this app called Covenant Eyes that monitors all traffic on all your devices and immediately notifies another person if you try to access NSFW content. It depresses me how so many people need this type of solution because it's impossible for them to stop looking at porn by themselves. I'm aware there's also a religious element for some of the users of the software. I know this is objectively a creepy situation but I became desensitized after hearing so many stories of families doing this.
No. 436309
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>>205496>will a man like this ever exist nonniesa
nonnie posted this on the duo cringe thread
No. 436436
>>436325religious sentiment and caring for the disadvantaged aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.
Plus, a fundamental opposition to porn on a moral level (instead of "muh semen retention" or other number of guru benefits) is def better
No. 437693
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This is disturbing, even more so because there are also women/their wives undergoing invasive procedures in another room of the building. Sick society.
No. 437721
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>>437693From his account. He’s a gamer and looks like a goblin. These men should be banned from procreating
No. 437722
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>>437693This makes me want to alog. I saw that in the comments the OP chose some "MILF" video because he thought it "seemed appropriate". Imagine being in surgery getting your eggs retrieved through a painful, frightening process just for your worthless scrote to be jacking off to degrading porn in the other room, essentially making your motherhood into a fucking porn category and a joke. But don't worry! There's also a wide selection of "barely legal" "teen" porn for him at the ready as well. How can anyone feel comfortable sending him home with a baby after that, let alone a baby girl? Our world is so fucking sick and I'm at least glad there are tons of women in this post's comments section bringing up how miserably degrading this is. Of course the worthless peabrain moids don't realize how evil this is.
>>437721Firing squad. Now.
No. 437737
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>>437721Shrek physiognomy
No. 437744
>>437721glad that fugly coomer ate the pavement.
>>437722pregnancy and motherhood is innately degrading, you're literally agreeing to ruin your body and shoulder a huge responsibility for 18 years on behalf of a scrotes worthless parasitic spermatozoa. i dont see why anyone is surprised that agreeing to carry a dysgenic randos sperm that jacked off into a cup after watching drugged up women being raped on camera is any less degrading than that kek.
(samefag) No. 468749
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No. 468750
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No. 468751
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No. 468753
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No. 468754
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No. 473656
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total moid death
No. 478266
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I want to quit porn but I can't give myself a good reason to. None of the porn I consume is unethical, it's all drawings and audio. It makes me feel calm and confident, but it confuses me about who I want to be. As far back as I can remember, all of my crushes have been these violent, domineering, powerful types. I don't even care about looks: if the guy is cocky and confident then he could look like a stick figure or a stone pillar and I'll be all over him (pic related). But I don't want to like this stuff, I ideally want to be a kind pacifist who rejects violence or at the very least sees it as an unfortunate last resort.
In addition, this kind of content makes me feel above other people, and it makes me fantasize about hurting those that I don't like. Maybe I internally envision myself as these characters and I get a power high from it? I'll often perceive myself as them in my dreams. Again, I don't want to be this person. But it makes me feel good. Am I alone in this, or has anyone else experienced a similar type of mind fuckery from porn?
No. 478331
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>>478269Like I said before, I think I partially see myself as the powerful individual as well as the one under their control. I wish I had control over my environment, and it feels nice to trick myself into believing that I am a powerful, controlled individual with that capability to get what I want from someone else. But that's all it is, a trick. I dont have control over anything, it's just projection. This screencap genuinely put it into perspective for me. Sexual power dynamics are so unserious overall, not just in BDSM. But dammit, they feel serious, and I don't know if there's any value in simulating a place of power.
I think enjoying the submissive part of it comes from liking the feeling of a lack of responsibility. Like the weight of responsibility and expectation has been lifted now that I'm being used by another. All things are in their control. I am a thing in trouble, not a person who has obligations to the world. Especially if the other individual detests me. I'm the type of person to believe that other people secretly hate me, then there's relief in having it expressed by the other person while also getting something out of the exchange myself. I've already let them down so I don't have to be on edge waiting for the ball to drop.
Now, this mindset is not healthy, and it is not ideal that I feed into it with porn or perverted power fantasies! But there could be benefits to getting used to the feeling of being hated, and there could be benefits to confronting my fears like this… and this all could just be a justification for me to continue indulging in something unhealthy. I've thought about this a lot and have come up with a lot of answers as to why I feel the way I do, but no course of action in response.
No. 478339
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>>478333Sorry your dad is too poor to score a hotter gold-digger anon
No. 478387
>>478331Sorry for the incoming rambling, I have a lot of thoughts but they aren't very coherent. It always makes me really upset seeing women talk about how they find supposed empowerment through their degradation and having moids subjugate them.
You say it's harmless because you're not watching real-life women being assaulted on camera. While that's all very true, you are still harming
yourself, you're conditioning your brain to keep you in this cycle of self-hating thouts. Your brain's reward system is tying your dehumanization to something positive. That's so awful and tragic and it made me really sad reading your posts.
I suffer from really low self-esteem as well so I know it's not easy thinking of hurting ourselves as something truly harmful, since we're basically worthless anyway right? However, is there any version of your younger self that you don't hate or think so poorly of? If you can find such a version, do you think it's truly harmless for that girl to grow up to view herself and sexual pleasure through this kind of lens? If you can't find the empathy looking at past versions of yourself, how about some close female friend from childhood? This is unrelated to sexual stuff but for me sometimes thinking about how devastated I'd be if my small nieces thought of themselves the way I do or partook in self-harming things the same way makes me snap out of it.
>I think enjoying the submissive part of it comes from liking the feeling of a lack of responsibility. Like the weight of responsibility and expectation has been lifted now that I'm being used by another.I understand wanting to feel unburdened and having someone else take on all the responsibilities. Life fucking sucks, I wish I didn't have to deal with the everyday responsibilities.
You could probably get a similar type of feeling or response from content that isn't otherwise so harmful to your psyche. Something where the other person is so devoted and adores you so much, they just want to whisk you away from the mundane and make your life as easy as possible kek. I feel like nowadays degradation is pretty much the norm everywhere (maybe not to the extreme where the man is supposed to actually despise you like you prefer. More like the hatefucking, awful degradation with some retarded "aftercare" at the end where he actually didn't mean it and acts nice. It's so manipulative jfc) but there is still some more vanilla content out there I guess.
Have you ever tried to engage in this type of content or does it make you feel repulsed to not be treated and thought of well? I was thinking that it might be difficult to quit "cold turkey" and try to get off with your own fantasies if those still consist of a man hating and degrading you. Maybe it'd be better to try and first change your mental library to something less unhealthy and then if you want to quit and rely on your own mind, it won't produce self-hating material?
>I'm the type of person to believe that other people secretly hate me, then there's relief in having it expressed by the other person while also getting something out of the exchange myself. I've already let them down so I don't have to be on edge waiting for the ball to drop.I'm sorry you feel this way, nona ♥. I'm also scared of people hating me and finding me annoying so I hyper analyze all their expressions and words, looking for confirmation. It's really exhausting and I hope someday we'll both find a way to feel more at ease.
I hope my rant didn't come across as judgmental or angry at you and I'm sorry for the length of it. I know we're just strangers on the internet but I was touched and felt sad how you're justifying your own internal mistreatment. I hope you can find a way to ease the self hatred because you are a worthy person and indulging in these things won't make you see that. PLUS any moid that makes audio content like this is fucking despicable [insert a-logging here]. Don't give them your clicks and reinforce that what the world needs is even more content for women who hate themselves. Good luck with everything,
nonny ♥
No. 478393
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>>478266I used to be addicted to gay and solo male porn when i was a teen. Then grew out of it when i dropped out of hs and became a NEET, and now that i am trying to get my life on track, started uni, started losing weight, etc i am back to the addiction in full-force. I am going through a really shitty time in my life, so it was obvious i was going to fall back onto an addiction that gives me free dopamine. I have always been really horny, ever since was a teen. I was hoping i would grow out of it, but i didnt. For years i managed to keep the horny at bay by switching porn dopamine for food dopamine and drawing my weird coom shit instead of actually watching porn. I tried switching to consuming drawn porn but none of the stuff from ''teen's love/josei smut'' fits my extremely niche taste. I actually have the opposite problem of you, where i want a submissive man and i want to take control over him without having to sexualize myself. Thats something you never see in Joseismut, sadly. I was hoping i would eventually find a boyfriend and unleash my horny urges in a more healthy way, but i am extremely pick regarding looks and dynamics and i dont think any scrote from my country can fit what i want in a boyfriend and sex partner. I wish i could just draw the coomshit i want but my skill isnt there yet and i have to resort to watching gay porn to find good references to study anatomy anyways. I just have nothing going on in my life right now even if i go to college and live a healthy life where i do sports weekly. I just feel like nothing brings me joy like watching guys jacking off or taking it up the ass. I just want to be free from this horny hell.
No. 478496
>>478387Thank you. It really helps to hear someone else put it so clearly. Especially the part about imagining other people thinking like that. It’s easy to grow comfortable with the things I’m used to in the face of fear, since communication with other humans is so weird and confusing and scary. But I figure that once I become confident in myself and comfortable around other people, these feelings and wants will go away. I hope I’m ready to leave this behind, I know I want to.
I have wondered about changing the kind of stuff I look at and not abandoning it “cold turkey”, since I figure the need is still there and will just manifest itself in another way if I don’t give it something to chew on. I think I’ll try something like that. I appreciate your rambles.
No. 478807
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>>478805You my dear , with the titles and powers bestowed me, I hereby proclaim you based.
No. 481474
>>481082Sounds similar to me. Don't blame yourself for being attracted to these things, there's nothing wrong with that. Your ability to recognize what is healthy vs unhealthy is most important, followed closely behind by your ability to introspect and understand what the origin of these feelings is.
Sex is ideally about intimacy. Why do you figure that you associate degradation and desperation with what should be an intimate act?
No. 481670
>>481639Yes! I like her a lot and I've been enjoying her new podcast with a couple of other based normie women from tt. Apparently they're doing an episode on snooping porn addiction in males next so I'm looking forward to it
>>481082>>481474>>481657I'm really sorry for all the nonas who got exposed to this when they were kids. Wishing you all the best and that you're able to eventually separate your own pleasure from degradation. You couldn't consent to seeing that stuff as a child, so please don't feel guilty. It's great you're not engaging with the material anymore so hopefully your brains will adapt with time.
I'm curious about your ages and early porn exposure online if you don't mind sharing. I'm in my early 30s and basically the only porn videos I was exposed to as a kid was when my friend showed me a vhs tape she stole from her parents kek. But online I managed to avoid it all and feel lucky bc of that. Today that's probably impossible if you're an unsupervised kid online
No. 481769
>>481474I think associating sex with degradation comes from the past porn usage. And since I don't want to be treated like those poor women in porn, I want to be in control. I have had issues with my body image and self-esteem which probably also makes me want to be in control and makes it hard to just let go and have sex with just intimacy in mind. And like a pavlov effect like
>>481657 said. It's a bit complicated.
>>481670I'm in my early 20s and started to watch porn daily at around 12yo. And I had seen porn even before that, but didn't really understand what it was and didn't start to consume it. I wasn't supervised online at all which meant I would see all kinds of things and couldn't talk about them to anyone.
No. 486006
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Any recovering/recovered addicts have any advice or resources on how to break the habit? I’ve been a chronic masturbator for like 8-9 years since high school, it used to just be fanfic, but I’ve been using videos for the past few years and it’s starting to take a really heavy turn. The content I’m engaging with has been getting more niche and hardcore and I feel like I’m on the edge of a big fall. My fyp looks like it belongs to an entry-level gooner because all these companies are selling my data and searches to each other, which is also impacting my perception of what is and isn’t normal. I have so much shame and self-loathing over this which only makes the urge worse. What are some practical first steps that I can take to nip this in the bud?
No. 486076
>>486006You can’t quit any addiction cold turkey, you need to replace it with something healthier that fills the time you used to spend with the addiction. Exercise, gardening, books, art, dance group, choose something that’s not screen-related so you don’t get tempted.
Delete any accounts you have (purge as much personal data from them first). Once you do that, put locks on your browsers/devices to stop yourself easily accessing porn. Or literally physically lock the devices away overnight. Make it as inconvenient as possible for yourself. Remind yourself how disgusting and exploitative the porn industry is whenever you get a craving, and how rich these people get from it, and then do literally anything else except watch porn. Fight with your brain everyday to rewire it, it will get easier the more consistent you are.
No. 489958
nonnie I have a very similar "relationship" (or whatever you want to call it) with porn. I hope I can get to where you are and stop using it to harm myself.
No. 496318
My GP put me on bupropion + naltrexone for food cravings and I think it has inadvertently cured my hypersexuality/pornsickness. This is life changing. Not only have my food cravings disappeared, but I have NO sexual cravings. Sexually stimulating visuals don't really have an effect on me anymore. I can still get aroused and orgasm when I have sex, but the relentless sexual thoughts and objectifying people around me has stopped. Porn doesn't appeal to me anymore. I have been so mentally sick all my life thanks to porn. I've struggled with depression, anxiety, and been suicidal since I was 7 years old. Been in and out of therapy for my entire 20's. Nothing was effective as this stupid pill.
For some context: I was first exposed to internet porn at 5 years old in the 90's. I was instantly hooked. I looked at it every day, multiple times a day, and masturbated several times a day. At first it was just softcore lesbian porn, but I eventually discovered hardcore. I sought out increasingly extreme/taboo/illegal content over the years and I also sent photos and videos of myself to men when I was underage. I was a full-blown porn and masturbation addict for most of my childhood. I was victimized by pedophiles online and offline. Romanticized my own abuse. It wasn't until I turned 17, realized I was a massive creep and decided to unfuck my life, that I quit using porn. Cold turkey for 8 years. That was a huge improvement, but the damage was done. I viewed the whole world through a perverted lens. Honestly, I was just as bad or worse than the average male, but I was pretty good at keeping it under wraps.
People now call me innocent and a prude. They just don't know what's going on underneath it all, nor do I want them to. I have relapsed with porn and risky sexual behavior a couple times in my late 20's. At my worst, I slept with a couple married, older men just for the thrill. I'm years past that low point and trying to be better every day, but I'm still sick. Seeing a woman scantily dressed or doing anything sexual instantly turned me on. I'm not even a lesbian. I'm just broken by all the weird POV porn. I was always seeking novelty, not intimacy. With how much soft and hard core porn and sex work is shoved in my face via social media and the news, I am barely coping at times. It shocks me how normalized the explicit/taboo porn is now. The whole "gooning" thing makes me nauseous. There are huge communities of people who would celebrate my sickness. I'm straight up anti-porn and sex work now and refuse to be romantically involved with a man who partakes. I divorced my pornsick, lying ex-husband who preferred jacking off to porn, hentai, TikTok girls, and lingerie catalogs to having sex with me. He was so addicted that he would have a wank during his bathroom breaks at work. I will probably be single for the rest of my life. Men AND women think I'm just envious, bitter, controlling, or religious. They don't care about my experience. Learning about the history, effects, and victims of sex industry opened my eyes. I've read as many arguments for and against porn as I could possibly find and come to the conclusion that it's an absolute cancer. I never wanted to think critically about porn before, because why would I? It's infinite, free pleasure at my fingertips. "Everyone does it". I legit thought I couldn't masturbate without porn and never questioned that belief. I'm glad I learned how to use my brain. Better late than never.
I want to be a principled, trustworthy person. I miss innocent enjoyment of things. I rarely ever experience a true desire for non-sexual human interaction. Sometimes I feel I'll never overcome my programming. UNTIL NOW!?! I have been on this drug combination for a few weeks and it is like night and day. The only downside is that, if I miss a dose, the hypersexuality supposedly will return with a vengeance. It's not a real cure. But it is a life saving treatment for me. I feel like I can actually look at and appreciate people (including MYSELF), simply as human beings. They no longer exist to stimulate me sexually. I have a lot of work to do still, but this drug frees up so much mental energy. That's the word. I feel free.
No. 498844
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