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No. 174637

Talk about bits, toys, techniques, etc.

Previous thread: >>>/g/48662

No. 174655

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No. 174696>>174699

Does anyone else enjoy cervix play?? I read a lot about women who say when their cervix is pressed on it hurts and sucks but I kinda like the feeling of pressure on my cervix.

No. 174699>>174721>>174936

I suppose I am? okay this might sound weird but one way I've masturbated literally since I first started masturbating was using my middle finger to kind of swivle around my cervix lol. like circling it fast and doing it pretty roughly. it didn't come naturally for me to push my finger in and out, it was cervix circling always. I was surprised when I read about women feeling pain when their cervix was bumped into during sex cause I've been beating mine up for years and with absolutely no pain. would you call that cervix play? or do you mean pushing directly up against cervix?

No. 174721>>174936

I would call that cervix play too! Actually reading out how you describe it, I like to do that too lol. I've definitely had sex where my cervix was being hit and it hurt like a bitch and wasn't fun at all, but when I'm masturbating I like to just sit on a dildo and have it push against my cervix. Swirling a finger around it/flicking it also feels good to me too.

No. 174840>>174844>>174898>>175080>>177329

File (hide): 1615424212073.jpeg (15.33 KB, 474x585, good clean love.jpeg)

What lube do you girls use? I use a lot of fantasy silicone toys so I'm limited to water based lubes, and I wanted to buy some powdered lube since it seems like it would be cheaper in the long run, but I just found out some popular ones like J-lube are like 75% sucrose so it's a no-no for vaginas. I'm also super prone to UTIs and don't really want to figure out how prone I am to yeast infections so I don't feel like risking it. I can't seem to find the ingredients list for X-lube either but apparently it's 100% polyethylene oxide. I currently use Good Clean Love's bionude lube and like it but it's kinda expensive at almost $12 for 3 oz, though this is the first ever lube I bought so I'm not sure if it's really expensive or not in the grand scheme of lubes lol.

No. 174844>>174937

File (hide): 1615425110247.png (63.71 KB, 179x352, 6382196404621848325.png)

I use one called Liquid Silk which is primarily water based but does have some silicone in so it stays "wet" longer and you don't have to keep reapplying. It's low content though so it is safe for use with silicone toys. No issues with irritation internally or externally.

No. 174883

today i masturbated with lube for the first time. it was kind of fun because instead of having to gradually work myself up until i was wet enough i could just jump straight in because the lube did the work for me. downside is that although i know that lube is safe for the genital area i am quite paranoid about having chemical things near my vagina so i made sure to be extra careful when i cleaned up.

No. 174891>>174895

This seems appropriate

No. 174895

She’s fucking annoying

No. 174898>>174914

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I've shilled this before but it's bomb. It doesn't dry sticky and it's the closest thing to natural I've found. I think the pH balance helps cos I'm also really prone to UTIs and yeast infections, and I get them way less when I use this. Sounds pretty similar to the stuff you're using currently though, IMO your bits are worth the money and cheaping out on lube is miserable

No. 174912>>174937>>176548

Does anyone else have to squeeze their thighs really hard together while touching yourself for it to feel good? Makes me self-conscious.

No. 174914

Thanks for the rec anon! I went down a lube rabbit hole yesterday and also read some stuff about how (good) lube for vaginal use tends to be more expensive because of lack of weird ingredients and shit. I also found this guide if anyone is interested http://dangerouslilly.com/lube-guide/ Guess I'll just cough up the money since it's a smaller price to pay than a doctor's visit lol.

No. 174936>>174959

Are you ladies sure it's your cervix? I used to enjoy it a lot too until dick angled up and it actually hit something that felt incredibly painful. It felt like getting punched in the stomach from the inside, lol. Turns out what I thought was my "cervix" is actually the part a little past it.

No. 174937

seconding this! It feels like what you wish you felt like, it's so good

I used to when I was younger but luckily I trained myself out of it. I think squeezing my thighs pushed my labia together so it simulated insertion (idk if you'll get what I mean lol)

No. 174959

I've definitely had my cervix hit by a dick and it didn't feel good but when I'm fingering myself and flicking the little thing back there it's definitely my cervix lol. When I sit on dildos maybe the heat might be pushing around/past it rather than on it but I use pretty girthy dildos so I assume it's just pressing on it.

No. 174999>>175007>>175013

Real question: how do I stop? I don't think I have an addiction or anything, I don't watch porn, and it's not interfering with my crucial life tasks but God. Jacking it every night for weeks is just too much. Every time I'm done I feel disgusting and wish I hadn't done it. Has anyone else experienced something like this? Is it like kicking any other habit? Please help. I hate who I am when I'm flicking the bean.

No. 175007

You need to address why it makes you feel disgusting because it shouldn't. Sexuality is a completely normal, and as long as the need to fulfill it as it's not interferring with your other life needs, it's not abnormal and doesn't have to be fixed. Are you religious or were shamed for your sexuality and/or body in the past?

No. 175013

There's nothing wrong with masturbating once a day, it's perfectly normal. What is making you feel ashamed?

No. 175023>>175025>>175026

Is it normal that I am only horny when I'm ovulating? And after I'm done I always have to sleep for two hours.

No. 175025

No idea if it's normal, but you're definitely not alone, for me it's the same lol.

No. 175026

Same here, masturbating also helps with the ovulation pains i get

No. 175041>>175044>>175054

The first and only time i tried masturbating with any sort of vibration (i usually use fingers) was with an electric toothbrush, i placed it on my clit and some liquid (not sure if it was pee or something but it was clear???) shot out everywhere, is that normal? haven't tried since anyhow

No. 175044>>175087>>175090>>175114

Samefag, but any other anons masturbate thinking about non-sexual things like what you're going to do that day and other mundane things just bc it feels good and not that its sexy? more like a massage?

No. 175054>>175093

You've put a toothbrush directly on your clit??? Sounds kinda brutal, you sure you didnt actually hurt yourself in any way?

No. 175080

I use YES water-based. When I want extra lube for the hitachi or whatever, I use the oil based, then the water based. Never had any problems for me or my bf, even getting it on cuts.

No. 175087

Yeah, my mind will often wander off into non-sexual mundane thoughts, it still feels good and I still come, even when I'm thinking about my grocery shopping checklist

No. 175089

Slightly OT, but the thread pic reminded me of this music video for this (great) Marika Hackman song, it has a lot of similar images

No. 175090

I do that too. I also sometimes masturbate while I'm watching something even though what I'm watching isnt turning me on nor is it sexual content.

No. 175093>>175096

Don't worry, it was the back of the brush not the actual brush head haha

No. 175096

Kek, most of us understood the first time, but anon's concern for your clit gave me a good laugh

No. 175097

When I was younger I was into dildos in a big way, collected all sorts of different shapes and textures and had fantasy dildos and all that. I never went near the large ones but I liked a variety of insertables. In the last two or so years though I've just stopped getting much pleasure from penetration. I have one toy that's a lil g-spot toy barely bigger than a finger and that still does it for me for anything penis sized just doens't feel good.

I don't think there's anything medically wrong with me, I have regular smear tests. Just wondering if anyone else has basically fallen out of love with penetrative stuff?

No. 175114

All the time.

No. 175169>>186339>>194017

does anyone else experience zero stimulation from penetration? i feel absolutely NOTHING and i've fumbled around in there a decent bit. is that normal?

No. 175171

If i would be single I’d get a fuck machine

No. 175194>>175236

Pls help
I don't know how to masturbate.

I have always masturbated with a pillow between my legs, then I got a boyfriend (we did not have sex he just fingered me)and I can't get off with the pillow anymore, I don't know how to touch it.

I always start to masturbate and I can not last a full 5 mintues, I stroke a few times, feels kind of good I tense up and then I don't want to do it.

I think it is because I consume shitty porn or because I'm depressed.

No. 175234>>175235>>175241>>175243>>175648

who tf uses the pulse setting on the vibrator?

No. 175235

LoL. My boyfriend was trying to be sexy and made me use it. It's an extremely frustrating setting tbqh. I need a constant low vibration going but that pulse one is like someone annoying pressing your clitoris every second. You can't get a good buildup. Those modes are just so companies can claim more "settings".

No. 175236

Google it.

No. 175241

I enjoyed it. The moments when the pulse stops drove me insane in a good way

No. 175243

I use the fastest pulse setting like ratatatatatata because it doesn't numb my clit like the constant buzz does

the other ones are super useless doe

No. 175248>>175252

What's the strongest bullet vibe you've tried? I used to have an XL bullet with 3AA batteries that was perfect but I haven't been able to find a replacement.

No. 175252>>175645

The we vibe tango x is good if you have the budget for that. It's rechargable and has rumbly vibrations that you rarely get from lil bullets

No. 175579>>175646

Finally went and got myself a vibrator and suddenly all my problems went away

No. 175609>>175631>>175644>>175645>>175718>>175748

Did anyone else start masturbating at a late age? I didn't start doing it properly until I was about 17, before that I knew what it was and I used to touch myself but I didn't know exactly what to do lol, like I didn't know how to turn myself on fully. Idk, is your late teens considered a late age?

No. 175631

It doesn't really matter. I had my first orgasm at 7 or 8

No. 175644

I started at fucking 20 because I thought women didn't masturbate, only men. I didn't grow up in a religious household or anything, it's just sex ed who made it sound like a loser thing, like "good people have good sex, masturbating is for those loner weirdos". It didn't help that I always had a low libido and I never came across pornographic imagery until my very late teens (which is a good thing though). At least starting late didn't turn me into an addict and I could explore my fantasies carefully.

No. 175645

nayrt but I have the we vibe tango and I love it, I'm on my second one (broke the first one from throwing it across the room in a rage after the battery died during a session lmao) but I didn't know they updated it. will definitely be getting this whenever my little tango dies

it's different for everyone, anon. I thought I was one of the early ones when I started at around 11 or 12 and was surprised when I read some girls start at like 8. but really it's different for everyone

No. 175646>>175656

so pleased for you! what did u get

No. 175648

I like it, it feels pretty good but I can never finish using it. I like the steady vibration

No. 175656>>175659>>175664>>175666>>175681>>177575

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Its one of those clit/nipple vibrators that has a small tongue in it! Pic related its the exact model

No. 175659

Omg this design is so cute

No. 175664

Oh that’s so cute! It looks kinda small that’s awesome because I’ve bern looking to get a tiny vibrator. I kinda want to hide it from my husband so small will be perfect!

No. 175666

Kek I love cute things but having something like this as a vibe with a tongue coming out of its disembodied torso kind of creeps me out. That being said, I like that it just looks like a normal figurine when it's not in use and I'm glad it's working for you.

No. 175681>>175695

I bought an expensive fantasy dildo last week and requested a custom color and it was supposed to ship out yesterday but they haven't sent me the shipping email yet… I know I shouldn't be impatient, especially since I requested a custom color so of course it wouldn't be ready to ship immediately, but fuckkkkkkk. I want my new dildo already lol.

This is so cute… what website did you buy it off of anon?

No. 175695

lmao after I posted this I got the update email that it was shipped aaaaaa I've been holding off masturbating until it comes in so I hope it'll arrive soon!!

No. 175718

I didn't have an orgasm until I bought a vibe at 20. I tried poking around down there around 12 when puberty was in full swing and I found some of my aunt's romance novels but I never really figured it out so I stopped for a long time.

No. 175748>>175823

You're fine anon but I'd like to ask the opposite, it is weird if you start too soon? I feel like I'm an exception because I started at 5 or 6 and I always felt like a demon for it kek

No. 175823>>176010

yaay, you too anon?
>to this day I cringe when I remember showing my brother that rubbing feels good
I had my period at 8 too, so I guess I'm just an early bloomer.

No. 176010

Oh cool! I got my period "normally" and I ended up being a virgin at 22, I don't know what the fuck happened with me

No. 176543>>176546>>176753

I feel so horny today. I masturbated and orgasmed for 6 time but still feel turned on. My orgasms are small nth crazy but wth.

No. 176546

Is this a regular situation? If so you might just have high libido which isn't a bad thing. Enjoy :)

No. 176548

Confession: I used to masturbate like this in class back in HS and college. It was so arousing to try and keep myself silent around a bunch of people. I think someone in one of my classes figured what I was doing though, because I heard her whispering to another student and pointing at me once. I had to be more careful after that

No. 176549>>176587

Anyone else ever tried watching themselves in the mirror while they masturbate? I don’t like facing myself straight up kek but I like being a little farther in my room then glancing at my mirror occasionally. Something about it feels very cinematic

No. 176554

I've had to tone done how much I have been masturbating lately. I'm a couple of months out of a break up. Tried dating to feel something but just cringed at the thought of being intimate with either of the dudes I entertained the idea of fucking. Got in a slump about only having my ex as a masturbation fantasy and used porn to combat it. Discovered male moaning compilations. I was cumming too much I fucked all my muscles up down there lol and going to the bathroom was uncomfortable. Now I stop myself a 2 orgasm and one sessions day only, I've been skipping days though. I hope this means I can find IRL men attractive again.

No. 176587>>176606

yup, I actually talked to another anon about this in one of the turn on threads. I'm not even sure why I started doing it but I think it originally stemmed from wanting to get to know my body and having a good look at my vuvla. I just started doing it more and more cause I enjoyed it.

what do you mean by it feeling cinematic?

No. 176591>>176711

Recently, I’ve been able to masturbate without watching hentai. I don’t know when I started watching hentai but it got to be a problem where I would watch it every time I needed to masturbate. It’s embarrassing and I always felt gross afterwards even though I stayed away from the really weird stuff. Thankfully now I just listen to 18+ Drama cds sometimes, and it’s way more vanilla/less disgusting than actual hentai. I don’t want to end up a freak who can only get off with help from something you know?

No. 176593>>176597>>176711

Is it okay to masturbate 3 times a week? I've been 1 month free from all form of porn and now my libido came back big but I feel guilty. Isn't 3 times a week a lot? When I was hooked on porn it was like 1 time a week but I had no libido and couldn't do it witout it (porn). I'm 18 if that matters?

No. 176597>>176711

Three times a week isn't a lot at all. It doesn't matter if you're masturbating daily as long as it's not disrupting your life and you're not reliant on/addicted to porn. If your libido wants you to get off three times a week then do it, just be careful about using powerful vibrators too often as they'll dull sensations over time.

No. 176602>>176749

Has anyone ever had an issue with only being able to orgasm using the shower head? That and oral get me off and I’m not new to having an orgasm, but every time I lay down and try to do it with my hands I’m there for like an hour and nothing works. It’s so annoying having to shower for it.

No. 176606

Just being able to switch from looking at myself to looking at a zoomed out view of myself, like cutting between cameras. It's just fun!

No. 176711

good for you anon! your cds are gonna be way better for you than hentai. I had a similar transition from porn to erotic audios. I know a lot of anons find it creepy listening to a random guy's voice as he acts out a scene or just talks dirty but once I find a voice I like I love them. makes me feel way less dirty/guilty than watching porn. good luck going from visual to audio stimulation and then finally on to your thoughts alone, if that's your goal

why feel guilty? you can masturbate as much as you like unless it begins interfering with your life and you start choosing to masturbate over other activities. also, as >>176597 anon said, three times a week isn't much at all. it's perfectly healthy. also congrats on being 1 month porn free!

No. 176749

What about the showerhead makes you cum? The heat? The pressure on your opening? Or the pressure on your clit? Figure it out and experiment. Don't be afraid to use toys.

No. 176752>>176755>>176811>>176817

Uh so guys… I’ve just started fingering myself while masturbating and when I insert my fingers I can feel a pretty hard lump which I assume is my cervix. The thing is that it’s pretty low and only 2/3 of my fingers fit before that lump stops them from going further in… so I have a short vagina or what pls help…..,,,,…,

No. 176753

Lmao happened to me once
I masturbated 10 times from morning to midnight and thought I would die

No. 176755>>176756>>176761>>176811

I believe the cervix can change change depending on arousal, your cycle and your body position. So your vag might not always be that short lol

No. 176756

*the cervix can change position

No. 176761>>176817

Not only that but it’s like weird oblong and egg shaped like is it supposed to be like that?? And it’s always hard.

No. 176811

The cervix changes position like >>176755 said, when it's low like that it's usually during or just before the periods. I thought I had a short vagina too because I can effortlessly touch my cervix most of the time, but I started using dildos and I could put them inside with no problems, you should be fine.

No. 176817

Sounds like your touching your cervix to me. I can easily reach in and touch mine (usually do so to check on my iud strings) and can also shove a 10" dildo up in there.

No. 176842>>176853

is it weird that I can literally never reach an orgasm from just rubbing my clit? I have to aggressively rub the area between my vagina and clit in a circular motion to orgasm. is there something wrong with me?

No. 176844

Ngl tho logging in to reddit made me think about sucking cock

No. 176853

It's probably okay, just make sure you don't give yourself a UTI by putting bacteria near your urethra.

No. 176856>>176860

Yall talking about touching your cervix make me nervous cause your girl here is a virgin and I never thought that cervix can be touched. I'm so scared rn

No. 176860>>176863

guess what, your cervix probably has already been so low that you can touch it. Dicks/dildos/your fingers can easily slide past the cervix without harming it.

No. 176863>>176967

Idk how I feel about this but I like being a woman and I want to be fucked just to feel that

No. 176877>>176880

I’ve never orgasamed. Not during sex or masterbation . Any tips?

No. 176880>>176952

Do you feel like you get close to it and stop yourself? It use to be too intense/scary for me and I'd switch up or stop to ease into it and then never get there. If it's like that, my only advice is to push through and keep going cause it's worth it lol

No. 176932>>176983>>177138>>177146>>179286

I noticed a few anons here talking about listening to erotic audio, where the hell do I find good ones? Would you say there's a decently wide range of lesbian erotic audio? I'm a dumbass who's trying to wean myself off of porn. So far I've been turning to erotic literature, but I keep rereading the same things and would love something new.

No. 176952

You know what I think I do! I’m gonna try tonight and see if it’s just me at this point lol

No. 176967>>176984

usually if you can feel your cervix during sex it proably means your not aroused enough lol

No. 176983>>177147>>177287


No. 176984

File (hide): 1616979741639.png (64.87 KB, 219x255, 1596752472583.png)

…I don't think that's true, anon

No. 176987

i’ve touched my cervix before accidentally and it freaked me out, felt weird and slightly tilted

No. 177064>>177081>>177104

Got a dildo for the first time and is that how its supposed to feel? Like wanting to make feel like you need to shit? Or like poking your guts??? I wouldnt call uncomfortable but it the experience was weird

No. 177081

if you're not turned on yeah it can feel really weird and kind of gross. almost like nauseating. if you get super turned on first then it can feel very good. just experiment with it and see if you like it more in certain positions, lube can help a lot too

No. 177104

>Like wanting to make feel like you need to shit?
I only feel that way when my pipes aren't clear. The wall between your vaginal insides and your rectum is thin.
Try angling the dildo towards your bladder and find your sweet spot by moving it towards your spine.

No. 177138>>177147

the place I've found them is gonewildaudio on reddit, I wouldn't say there is tons of lesbain focused audios, as you can probably imagine the majority are men making these audios but they have a filter for specific types like 'f4f' (female for female) only. maybe just click around and see what kind of voices work for you. you can always order by most popular.

No. 177146>>177147

I mostly listen to r18 drama cds, because I find the voices really attractive in them, also I think the language not being in English makes me feel less embarrassed? If that makes sense. I do also use GoneWildAudio sometimes but the quality is kind of hit and miss at least in my experience. I usually find the tracks on Soundcloud and then look up the translation for it online (some of them can be kind of tricky to find).

No. 177147>>177287

Thanks, gotta admit I'm a little lost with how to navigate it, but I'll figure it out!

Thanks for this suggestion too, anon, the filter feature really helps!

I saw you mention your cds upthread! I don't think my country has r18 cd's, at least I've never seen people talk about them. But I'll check Soundcloud too like you mentioned, thanks!

No. 177287>>177371

isn't soundgasm essentially just a hosting site? how would you even go about navigating it to find audios? you can't see anything without a direct outside link as far as I can or am I missing something?

No. 177329

I really like Good as a lube when I don't have sliquid, but I usually use sliquid.

No. 177371

Ntayrt but I think you’re right. I suppose you could google soundgasm.net + whatever keywords you want but I also think most of those audios come from reddit users anyway so it would be easier just to use reddit to find stuff

No. 177483>>177508>>177616

I'm not sure if this is a mood killer in this thread but I just realized that my SSRI medication caused my troubles to reach orgasm.
I have been on medication for almost half of my life. I started taking SSRI before I became sexually active. That sounds fucking sad.
I thought it was just how I'm build down there.

It takes me an hour of strong vibrator drilling my pussy and still it's not guaranteed that I can cum.
I can't stop taking my meds, I have tried and it wasn't the right decision…

My ex-partner was understanding but I'm kind of afraid to start dating again because of this. I'm bi so I'm worried about if I get into bed with a woman, it would be an issue. Guys don't care obviously.

No. 177508>>177611

I had the same problem anon. But I cycled through some SSRIs and wound up on Zoloft which does not depress my libido. See if your doc is willing to try something else for you.

No. 177575

It looks so weird, how does it feel? Is it supposed to be like a tongue?

No. 177611

I had a major depressive episode and I’m still recovering from it. It’s not possible to switch medicationn. I just simply can’t risk my mental health at this moment

No. 177616

I completely sympathise anon. I've been on SSRIS since I was 19, I'm now almost 31. I don't have normal orgasms at all anymore, can't remember I had a worthwhile orgasm. I edge for ages cause the actual 'climax' sucks. I also cannot just stop my meds.

>I thought it was just how I'm build down there.

hey at least you know that's not how you're built. there will come a time you'll be healthy enough to stop the meds

had you not ever had an orgasm before you began your SSRIs? I knew that it was the medication fucking with my ability to come normally since I'd had great orgasms before 19.

>I'm bi so I'm worried about if I get into bed with a woman, it would be an issue

I think most people are understanding of these things, men and women. I think, as someone who has this issue, sexual things can still be fun, I've got to the point I realise I don't have to come/finish to have a good time and enjoy the experience. you could always use your vibe with a partner too. don't let this issue deter you from finding someone new anon!

No. 177617>>177694>>179309

Is anyone else just completely unable to orgasm? I have tried masturbating but it feels good for a bit then just gets boring and I never feel near any kind of peak. Sex similarly feels nice but again, doesn't really bring me to any kind of high. When I read erotica I like reading about oral but in practice it just kinda feels like nothing to me. I guess I should try finding a good vibrator but I hate how big they all seem to be, I'd much prefer something small I can easily conceal.

No. 177694

look into bullet vibrators. they're nice and small and designed for clit stimulation. some of them are even designed to look like a tube of lipstick

No. 179218>>179220>>179232>>190826

File (hide): 1618271880671.jpg (10.04 KB, 480x480, LELO_SONA_cruise Cerise_0.jpg)

I wanna buy a more high end sex toy that is specifically for clitoral stimulation but I'm torn on which one I should choose. It's probably gonna be one of the Sona models from LELO or the Baci from Lora Dicarlo. Do any anons have some experience with them or maybe a different recommendation?

No. 179220>>179273>>179282

File (hide): 1618272583724.jpg (133.45 KB, 649x750, index.jpg)

LELO's products in general really have that incredible premium feel to them, with both design and the feel of the materials but I've tried the one you show and I have Satisfyer Pro Penguin which is half the price and feels exactly the same. Still, if you have the money, LELO is worth it for the prestige experience

No. 179232>>179282

The Lelo Sona was the first (nice) vibe I got as well. Where the cheap ones I'd had were too strong and just made me numb, it actually gets me to orgasm. The stimulation is less overwhelming and there are a lot of different modes which you can adjust to your liking. Definitely recommend.

No. 179273>>179282

It sucks the whole clit?

No. 179282

File (hide): 1618315001093.png (92.89 KB, 700x700, baci.png)

Well thats a bit dissappointing. I already have a Satisfyer Pro 2 so I thought getting a better (read pricier) one would feel different. Do you have another rec on good sex toys? I do have some money to spend but I don't wanna blow it on something thats exactly the same.
This one is the other one in question. Anybody got experience with pic rel?
Yeah thats something I experience sometimes, too. I guess it won't be an entirely new experience but still worth the price.
Yeah it does. You place it on the clit and covers the whole of it. But because its just air pressure its still quite gentle. Its not gonna suck the life out of your clit

No. 179286

Check out reddit gonewildaudio

No. 179304

Are there any pussy pumps out there for smaller builds, or maybe more flexible cups? I got the lovehoney one on a whim- I love the sensation I get for a second before it loses its seal because its slightly too wide and digs into where my thighs meet my groin.

No. 179308

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Really love the Tango X from wevibe, although I only use the absolute weakest setting. It feels nothing like my old cheap bullet vibe which would numb my clit instantly; it feels more like it's rubbing me.

Also, I think about this when it comes to bullet vibes: does anyone actually get off on the weird gimmicky rythms? I only ever use one setting lmao

No. 179309>>179313

I can ONLY orgasm if I'm actively doing kegels and squeezing as if my life depended on it. Is this female deathgrip?

No. 179313

Nta, but same. I don't have to do it to orgasm (it can make orgasms better though), but I have to do it to warm up or else it'll probably take me a very long time to get to that point. I've been doing it basically since I started masturbating, and I really regret training my body into this lmao. I should probably start actively trying to cum without squeezing. I'm also very paranoid about air bubbles in my vag, so I end up pushing out as well when I kegel, and it gives me headaches

No. 179314

Im really struggling with my sexuality. I love my boyfriend and he is the best I've ever had in bed. He will eat me out for over an hour if thats what it takes. Rarely watch porn but when I do its lesbian porn, or solo. If I see a dick it just doesnt turn me on. But when he eats me out I have to fantasize about being with a woman or else I dont get turned on and that makes me feel so guilty. I recall coming from intercourse only once but I do enjoy it when it gets hot and heavy. I dont know where to turn to about this I just feel so gay sometimes

No. 179434>>179459>>179511

Tried out the Satisfyer Pro 2 for the first time (partially based off the reviews I’ve seen here)- am I the only one who feels basically nothing from it? I legit worry that my pussy’s broken or something, clit stimulation is the only thing that works for me but it just felt like a more indirect vibration, barely any stimulation at all and I had to work for WAY too long just to get one mediocre orgasm. Is there a trick to it? Do I need to use lube or something? Please help me feel like this wasn’t a total waste of money.

No. 179448>>179543

i think my clitoris is way too sensitive or something. I know most women love vibrators but that literally sounds like torture to me. I once tried something similar with a hex bug nano i found in my childhood bedroom and almost died.

penetration is the only thing that works for me and its so f%*king annoying to have to get out & then clean a fucking screwdriver every time I need to get off (i live w parents cuz covid so can't order a proper dildo fml)

No. 179459>>179511

I think theres a learning curve for these toys. You have to find a good angle and try different things and you may have to put it directly on the clitoris instead of just on the clitoral hood. Also lube helps a lot! Keep trying and don't give up yet. I was also confused when I first got it but now I love it

No. 179511>>179512

I want to buy the satisfyer pro 2 but am concerned about the noise. how noisy would you say it is? I live with other people I don't want them to hear it. I have the we vibe tango and the sound of that is low enough I can use it while others are home. if anyone here happens to have both would you say the satisfyer is louder/quieter or the same. ty anons

No. 179512>>179619>>179628

I switched my satisfyer for a vibrator mostly because it was loud as fuck. I live in a student dorm with thin walls…

No. 179543>>179618

Uhh anon, I don't think that's healthy

No. 179608>>179617>>179675

Do you often squirt when you do g-spot stimulation? It happened for the first time yesterday and I can't stop thinking about it, it was unexpected, I thought it only happened in porn lol.

No. 179617>>179656

I spent years chasing the experience of a squirting orgasm, bought different toys with an extreme curve to them and I would orgasm that way but with no squirt.

Then a few years ago I dated a guy where his fingering technique was almost a little too rough and I guess I 'gushed' a few times from that but there was either no orgasm to accompany the gush or it wasn't quite an orgasm. It was like reaching the very edge and then nothing. I've never had an actual orgasm and release of fluids match up in timing with each other.

No. 179618

Depends on which side of the screwdriver she's using…

No. 179619

No. 179628>>179639

ah that's disappointing to hear cause I need something really quiet

No. 179639

nta but yeah it's not that quiet especially on the higher settings. If you're really really sensitive it might be quiet enogh on the two or three lowest settings. But for me they don't really do anything except for when I'm more aroused than usual. And I would say my clit is more on the medium to sensitive side for reference

No. 179645>>179779

Does anyone know why I can put a vibe inside some days without pain and other days it feels like it's 'rubbing' the sides of my entrance and hurts (like a burning pain)? Lube doesn't seem to be an issue and I'm so frustrated. I just want some painless internal stimulation and it feels like I'm playing russian roulette each time. I thought I might have had vaginismus when I was younger but now I'm not sure because I can get stuff in without pain sometimes.

Pls help me anons

No. 179656

I guess it comes from overstimulation then, my dildo is great for hitting the g-spot and I went a bit overboard during my session yesterday. I was feeling so great and I started thrusting a bit too hard and fast, the squirting happened after the orgasm, I stopped immediately though because I was so surprised by it.

No. 179675>>179723

Squirt is just piss right

No. 179723

Yeah…its literally just pissing yourself…it happens sometimes. But don't ever misconstrue it as a sign of an actual orgasm

No. 179779>>179794>>179807

Your pelvic floor muscles may be tense during those times where it's painful. I couldn't insert anything without that burning when I was younger and went to pelvic floor physical therapy, now I can insert stuff for fun without pain. There may be some exercises you can do on your own but being taught by a pelvic PT is great if you can find one in your area.

No. 179794

Thanks so much anon! I'll look into finding one. Happy diddling

No. 179807

nta, another anon here with the same problem, could you share a few pelvic exercises that you did with the pt?

No. 180345>>180352>>180895

Do you use the suction cup on dildos? I've never managed to make it work on mine, I don't think I'll bother with one next time I'm buying a toy.

No. 180352>>180895

Only worked on bathroom tiled walls but how often would I want to masturbate in the shower? Not very much. Much prefer thrusters if I want that thrusting motion.

No. 180893>>181033>>181265

does anyone else masturbate while they're on their period by just giving themselves clitoral orgasms while using a cup or a tampon. feeling the desire to put a finger inside the whole time but not allowing themself to do it even though they really want to. wait until their period is over to finally use fingers inside or a toy and it's just the sweetest feeling after not putting anything inside for 4 days? like a little treat where the absense has made the heart grow fonder (for the finger) love it

No. 180895>>181012

I'd love to try one (I have a dildo but it hasn't got a suction cup) but like >>180352 anon said the only place I could use them where I live is the shower wall and I'd be concerned about tearing the tile off the wall (seen this happen in a gif once) or falling over in the tub. where have you been sticking it? like to what surface?

No. 181012

I've tried sticking it to the wooden floor (which is kinda smooth) in my room but it didn't hold on that well, and that's pretty much it, I've never brought it in the bathroom because I still live with my family.

No. 181033

I straight up avoid masturbating while on my period because knowing I have a cup inside me is enough of a turn-off. But the moment I know my period is over always leads to the best nut of my entire month.

No. 181198>>181200>>181391

So I've never been able to actually penetrate myself either with fingers or a toy and get off. The times I tried it I'm too tense to let anything up there even after 10-30 minutes of "warming up" basically horniness goes kaput.

Most of the time I lie on my side, squeeze in-between my legs and get to the climax. Although this is hit or miss because sometimes I'll barely edge myself and give up if it's taking too long. Sometimes I use a Jimmy Jane Form 2 but can't use it so much since the walls are thin and it takes a while for it to not be cold. Do you guys have any ideas for something that has more consistent results or at least what i'm doing wrong that I can't handle penetration?

No. 181200

Are you a virgin anon? I had the same issues before I lost mine (which was a long and awkward affair).
Anyway, I don't think lying on your side helps a lot as it doesn't leave a lot of room down there. Personally what sounds easiest to me is lying on your back, legs spread, and go to town with your clit until you're relaxed enough. At this point feel around a bit with a finger and only go in to the point it feels comfortable to you. Next time go a little further in, etc. It might take a while but it could allow you to get used to it and not be so tense anymore.
Also you might want to look into vaginismus if you haven't already.
(Also some women just aren't into penetration and that's fine.)

No. 181265>>181267

I can happily put fingers up there while I'm bleeding. Feels so much more sensitive.
On another note, I've been masturbating since I was 8, having orgasms since then, but I can't orgasm with another person. I'm too used to being on my own, not having to think about how my face and body look, thinking about the other person's pleasure, etc. Anyone here who's managed to overcome this?

No. 181267

Having a patient partner who doesn't give a shit, wearing something that makes you feel sexy (even if it's a t-shirt), and exercising enough to feel like things don't jiggle as much. I find that being on top also helps so that I'm not so much 'on display' and it also makes me focus on my own pleasure– if I think less about his pleasure, I'm also less self conscious funny enough

You could also try getting drunk, or high, or if you're comfortable, doing ecstasy. I remember it changing the game for me because it made me experience how it was to not be self-conscious.

No. 181296>>181409>>181428>>182957

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I really want to buy this bad boy, the limba flex. it looks as though it has a shape that'd be good for me, I've been looking for a dildo with a 'flatter' head for a long time. I just wish it wasn't £50. sex toys are so expensive. it's a lot to spend on something that might not be right for you

question to it interesting - what is the most you've spent on a sex toy? I bought a g spot vibe for £85 or so once. I don't like it or use it either! it doesn't work for my body. such a waste of money. I wish you could sell sex toys but I don't know who'd buy something secondhand that'd been in someone else's vagina

No. 181391

you should try to find quiet and/or waterproof clit vibrators you can use in the shower. i wouldn't worry too much about penetration if you can get off other ways. i never use my fingers and only enjoy bullets or small dildos

No. 181398>>182005

Ordered a new toy lately as my old funfactory toy is too rigid for me. Went for a different brand and I was torn between two options the toy came in, single density or dual density. Ended up paying the extra 10 bucks to see if 'dual density' adds much to the experience.

Has anyone here used one or found them better?

No. 181409

Almost a hundred bucks for a Womanizer liberty, it was my first toy ever and it made me realize I prefer using my fingers. I'm like this with everything, I hate using anything electric and prefer the manual option (like a toothbrush or a whisk), it was only logical it'd end up like that with a toy lol. I only use it now when I'm horny but don't want to put any efforts into a session, I come in one minute and I can go to sleep.

No. 181428

I've spent stupid money on toys over the years but I have my finger technique down and nothing feels better than that. Based on that and my dwindling interest in full on penetration.. I just got rid of my collection last time I moved.

My collection was all silicone so I did manage to sell some of it. You can boil silicone dildos and that fully sterilizes them. There used to be message boards where people sold mostly bad dragon toys but anything silicone could sell on there too. Think it was called dragon hoard.

No. 182005

I have a dual density dildo and I can say for sure it feels better than the usual standard type. I can squeeze down on it and it feels so nice and soft but still has that solid core. feels more like a real dick supposedly (wouldn't know cause I'm a virgin but that's what I read in reviews when I was researching those kind of toys) so yes, in short I'd say dual densitiy is better. sometimes the standard density is too solid/hard, it's nice to have the softness that comes with dual. I think for 10 bucks extra you made the right choice!

No. 182622

the womanizer pro40 is on sale, should i buy? my wand is getting kind of boring. is the suction weird? can anyone who has it give me some pros/cons?

No. 182626>>182638

any tips for fitting a thick dildo into me… i can't get it to fit. my other one is a regular, average-human-male-sized one but i got one of those "monster" dildos and it has a flared tip

No. 182638

Lots of lube, be very turned on, and sit on it instead of trying to get it in while on your back. Move your hips up and down the dildo to help it along.

No. 182726>>182758>>182803>>182847

Why does clit orgasm feel so much better when theres something inside?

No. 182754

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I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'll never be able to masturbate with my fingers
>just do it lmao
I can't feel anything from touching my clit or the general area of my vulva. The thought of mastubating with my fingers, yet alone a sex toy, makes me anxious and immediately stops me from being horny.

No. 182758>>182800

Is that true? I hate the sensation of something inside me.. but hey if what you say is true then…

No. 182787

I’ve been masturbating since I was maybe 13. My mom has arthritis and had this special massager for her back. One day I was using it and dropped it and it fell near my crotch and I got that feeling. I started using that and would masturbate a few times a day for a long time with it. As a result, I missed the exploration phase where I played with myself using my hands. I’ve never had an orgasm using my own hands. It can feel good, and is a nice way to work myself up, but I basically feel nothing using my own hands. I have a Lelo Gigi that I’ve been using for a long time and now using a vibrator on my clit is the only way I can climax (if I’m not getting eaten out a very specific way). I’ve never climaxed just from self penetration or plain intercourse with a partner.

Any other anons have this problem? It’s left my sex life pretty unsatisfying for the most part. My current partner does a lot of things I love, I get super turned on and want to have a lot of sex, but I just have a problem reaching orgasm without a vibe or a lot of direct intense stimulation.

No. 182800>>182803>>182806>>182822>>182824>>182845>>182847

I am 22 now and i need a real goddamn dildo. I can't do this hairbrush handle thing anymore god damn it. HOWEVER I have an issue called I currently live with my family and my parents circle the mailbox like a bunch of starving vultures waiting for their next delivery of instant coffee from amazon or some shit, so ordering anything would be suicide.

I'm going out of town in a few weeks and am seriously contemplating walking into an IRL sex shop to buy one but idk if when push comes to shove I'll be able to gather up enough guts to walk in there, pick up a big rubber penis, and slap it down on the checkout counter in front of another human being who is actively perceiving me. any fucking advice for how to handle this? thanks

nta but it's soooo true. I think it's because it gives your vaginal contractions something to cling onto?

No. 182803>>182805

The clit is bigger than just the little nub so it's sort of stimulating both sides when you have something inside too right?

Most places don't have obvious sex shop stuff as their shipping address, they wouldn't actually open your packages would they?

No. 182805

Probably not, but they WOULD ask what it is and want to see it. Even if i was like "it's soap" my mom would be like "oooh soap what kind" and if i was like "it's a book" theyd be like "ooh a book what book is it" and if I was like "It's dental floss" my dad would be like "oh what kind? show me so i can recommend you better dental floss because I am all knowing"

I genuinely can't think of a single item I could say it was that they would not want to see. I love them but holy fuck

No. 182806>>182810

Now is the perfect time to buy a dildo in stores. You can wear a mask without it being weird or drawing attention and you’re less likely to see people you know out of town. Even if you see these people again, nobody’s going to recognize you based off of the few minutes you spent in a sex shop with half your face covered.

No. 182810

Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. It sort of feels like now or never (well, at least for a couple years when i can move out lol). I'm trying to tell myself that anybody who works in a sex shop is not going to be judgmental on sex things but then i'm like oh what if they're a creep and they like memorize my car and track me down and kill me and then when the police recover my car they'll find a fucking dildo in it and it'll be entered into the case reporttttt I know I'm a retard you don't have to tell me OTL

No. 182822

Buy two things
Go to a normal store and buy a shirt then order the dildo. When they ask about package say it's the shirt then tell them you will show it to them after you try it on. You want to see what it looks like on you in private first.

No. 182824

Can't you choose a carrier that lets you send it to a local postoffice or pickup point so you can go pick it up yourself without family interferance?

No. 182845

this, just order to an amazon locker

No. 182847

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The clit is actually mostly buried inside, there's a bunch of hidden nerves (iirc the g-spot is a part of the clit, correct me if I'm wrong). I rarely masturbate the nub while using a dildo because I get overwhelmed quickly, but it does feel so fucking good, almost makes me wanna try having sex.

I've bought a vibrator at a sex shop once, one of those classy ones that advertise themselves as "spicing up the relationship", don't go to those sleazy ones owned by creepy old men. I was a bit nervous at first but it was super cool actually, the saleslady was very helpful. They sell sex toys, of course they know what you are going to do with them, but everybody masturbates and has sex, as long as you don't act like a weirdo you'll be fine. Retail workers don't care.

No. 182957

>I wish you could sell sex toys but I don't know who'd buy something secondhand that'd been in someone else's vagina
Anon, I-
If you're willing, you can sell it to some guy that's into it. There are dudes that buy used socks or underwear on Etsy. If there's a will, there's a way.

No. 182966>>183345

Is it about time I got a dildo anons? Men are all scrotes that can't even use their dick right to satisfy any woman and looking back, the sex I had with scrotes was nothing remarkable. They never made me finish and always focused on their orgasm. And considering a womans' orgasm is far more powerful than any man's (women even able to have multiple, censecutive orgasms) the woman's orgasm should be the focus and not men's mediocrity.
Hate men, can't stand them, hope they all kill themselves. They can't use their dicks properly which makes their existence absolutely fucking useless anyway and i'm not interested in relationships with men anymore. I'm happy to be alone and focus on myself and what I want. Just need a good dildo to satisfy myself. Haven't had one before so what are your recommendations?

No. 182974>>182997>>183021>>183028>>183036>>183348

how often do y'all maturbate? i only find myself doing it when im close to starting my period. prolly like 2/3 times a month. other than that i literally cannot be bothered.

when i was in high school i probably did it more often, but i remember being really horny in middle school though, some of the shit i did makes me cringe now that i think about it.

No. 182980>>182997

I also was in the 2/3 times a month camp for basically the entire time from puberty to last year (8 ish years) but apparently I am having a horny year lmfao cuz now it's daily all of a sudden. It's been very weird since my libido has been low for basically my whole life. Lowkey hoping it goes back down soon so I don't wind up in some stupid relationship just out of horniness kek

No. 182997

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1-2 times a week unless I'm PMSing. During my PMS I masturbate everyday and can achieve multiple orgasm.
I can masturbate everyday, and I used to, but the orgasms become weaker the longer my daily masturbation streak is. It's not a nerve issue because I only use my fingers and not some super powerful vibrator.
>Lowkey hoping it goes back down soon so I don't wind up in some stupid relationship just out of horniness kek
Somewhat related question, but do you ever get stupid crushes when you're PMS horny? I sometimes do research on specific writers and when the research crosses over with my PMS I develop crushes on them. Fell in love with pic related that way,censored cause most anons would find him ugly.
The worst part is the crushes out live the PMS

No. 183005

God please help I'm always cumming too fast, I'm just sensitive or what? It makes no sense because i masturbate daily but for some reason I'm still not desensitized

No. 183021

I guess I'm a degenerate but it kind of depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm not horny for weeks and don't do anything, but when I am I can masturbate 5+ times a day easily because I'm able to orgasm in fairly quick succession. These moods usually last a week or so at most? Ironically I find I masturbate more when I'm sexually active, so when I'm with someone I'm just a pervert all the time. Probably a good thing my ex was a fucktard. (Looking on the bright side…)

No. 183028

Not very often, around 4 times a month I guess and it depends on my hormones, usually twice just before my periods and twice after. It also heavily depends on the material I use, when I'm hormonally horny I fall back on the usual stuff, but sometimes while doing nothing I come across a new fanfic or a doujinshi of my husbando and it instantly turns me wet lmao. I only ever masturbate to my husbando nowadays, it's the only way I cum.

No. 183036

Every day usually, though I only crave penetrative play in the couple of days before my period.

No. 183212>>183217>>183220>>190693

please help guys, has anyone here taken zoloft and suddenly really struggled to have an orgasm? I started taking it just over 2 weeks ago (used to take it 3 years ago with no issues) and it now takes me an hour of masturbation to finish. dreading having sex again because I don't want to take forever to get off. can anyone advise me on what to do? I really don't want to go off antidepressants again.

No. 183217

Your doctor really ought to have told you about that, zoloft will literally numb your body, not just your capacity for emotion
Zoloft sucks honestly, I'm sorry

No. 183220

I'm on zoloft and never noticed it, but maybe that's because i've been on it so long that I don't know what's normal? It also usually takes me about an hour minimum to get off but afai can remember I've always been that way. But yeah Zoloft does kill some people's sensitivity, it's a known thing. You should maybe think about getting on a different medicine.

No. 183233>>183244>>183355

Everytime i masturbate i end up feeling disgusted with myself and just bad and many times i cry. Is this normal?

No. 183244

idk anon what do you think

No. 183345

I don't have specific recommendations but always go for silicone, never plastic or 'jelly'. also if you can afford it, try a dildo that's dual density, which means it has a stiffer core but a softer outside. feels so much better!

No. 183348

it's really sporadic for me tbh. sometimes I'll masturbate everyday for like a week, and can't keep my hands out of my pants because I'm really horny. but other times I'll not masturbat for a week or two. it just doesn't interest me sometimes.

when I was younger I use to masturbate most nights but that was back before anti-depressants and I could get myself off quick.

No. 183355

Post-coital tristesse (PCT) is a thing, I don't trust the research that's been done on its occurrence in women, but you can look into that and also consider if you have any subconscious internalized shameful feelings around your sexual pleasure. Figure out what you're sad about and why

No. 183584>>183609

Do any of you ladies use glass dildos? I recently tried using one and holy shit what a game changer.

No. 183609>>183638

Really? How so?
I’ve only ever used vibrators but I’m missing penetration lol. What would you say is the difference in types of dildos and how do they feel ?

No. 183614>>183635>>183675>>183686

Do you guys actually cum from penetration?

No. 183621>>183651

Is it bad to never trim/shave your pubic hair since nobody sees it anyway?

No. 183635

Half the time, yes. The keys are that I have to consistently reach a spot inside me that feels amazing, and sometimes I have to help it along with clit stimulation but either grinding on top or using my fingers

No. 183638

The glass ones are often made with texture which is out of this world and I really love the harder feel. Also the glass ones are very temperature sensitive so I enjoy the coldness when it first goes in. If you’re adventurous pair it with a metal butt plug. I always had issues coming from masturbation but the harder glass dildos did it for me.

No. 183651

oops I posted this in the wrong thread wtf sorry.

No. 183675

Depending on the mood yes, I have a dildo that's amazing for g-spot stimulation. Never had sex though.

No. 183686

No but my clit orgasms feel AMAZING if I've had some gspot stimulation, even if there's nothing inside right when I cum.

No. 184296>>184297>>184305>>184362>>184382>>184384

How do you masturbate using only your imagination? I'm a very visual person (is it a sign of autism?) and I have zero sexual experience so I'm always using something to help me get off, mostly by reading doujinshis of my husbando or fantasy hentai, so it's not like I'm watching violent porn, but I'm just wondering how you do it.

No. 184297

…you just do it?

No. 184305

I also have zero sexual experience but I just daydream about sex like I would daydream about literally anything else. then I realise it's turning me on and then masturbate while letting my thoughts run wild. that's all there is to it. I rarely think to myself 'it's masturbation time' either, where I'd choose to turn myself on either by reading something, looking at porn or whatever. I just find myself daydream about sex, it turns me on and then I touch myself. there's nothing more to it really

No. 184362

For me personally I don't have a linear story-like fantasy in my head while I get off. I just imagine certain scenarios that turn me on and they kinda come one after the other. It doesn't have to be hyper-detailed or anything, sometimes it's just the mere idea or thought that get me horny

No. 184382

What are your favourite elements from the stuff you read? Maybe you could try incorporating those in your fantasies?

No. 184384

I just close my eyey/soften my gaze and then make up a scene in my mind of the elements that turn me on, usually the same 3-4 things with little variance. Sometimes I get turned on by a movie/commercial having some element from my fantasy that gets stuck in my head and sometimes I just wake up horny.

No. 185592>>185598

How long do orgasams typically last for? I can get myself off with my clit pretty easily but when I peak it's usually only 5-10 seconds of spasms then it's over. My lower body used to quiver but now I kind of just jerk up really hard multiple times (prob looks retarded) Is this normal or am I not taking my time enough?

No. 185598

That's perfectly normal for a single orgasm. For me they start getting longer the more of them in a row I have.

No. 185600>>185601>>185745

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God fucking damn it I'm always horniest on my period but I can't jerk off because it'll make a big bloody mess. I can't even do it in the shower because the people I live with would pester me for being in there too long. Fml

No. 185601>>185603

Ever tried using a cup? I can masturbate with one on with zero problem.

No. 185603>>185623

I like a combination of clit/internal stimulation, so I feel like the plastic cup would be distracting. Also the idea of having to boil it once a month after each cycle makes me want to vomit.

I just use tampons. I know that they're ~bad for the environment~ but I don't care. The idea of a personal carbon footprint is bullshit because a handful of enormous corporations and shitty governments are responsible for most of the destruction. What I put in my vagina isn't going to do dickall to fix that.

Sorry that turned into a sperg lmao. It's totally understandable to use a cup, it's just not my thing.

No. 185623>>185730

You boil it before and after, and clean it thoroughly before you do… Did you think you were supposed to boil a bloody cup?

No. 185730

I'm aware, but it still seems unpleasant to me. Sorry anon.

No. 185745

can you not just keep a dark towel underneath you and then throw it in the wash after? nothing suspicious about getting period blood on a towel so your family won't question you on it and it means you can get off without making a mess

No. 185760>>185762>>185767>>185773>>185776

I have 4 labia piercings (2 on each side) and every time I use a vibrator I have to be careful because if the vibrator touches off the piercings they fucking buzz like a box of wasps real loud and summon the house members to investigate

No. 185762>>185776

I share your pain. I have vag piercings and it makes fapping difficult sometimes. Luckily I have my own place, but it sometimes makes me and my bf laugh when we use a vibe and it's suddenly like we've summoned a swarm of cicadas or some shit.

No. 185767

I was tempted to get some sort of intimate piercing a few years back. I already had all sorts of other piercings..never went through with it though. Glad I didn't because one day I removed all my piercings at once and abandoned them permanently. I just suddenly got real sick of say towel drying myself and having various spots get snagged on.

Respect to anyone working around genital piercings.

No. 185773>>185787

I'm probably going to sound like a dumb normie but is removing them a hassle just for a masturbation session?

No. 185776>>185781>>185848

What is the point of genital piercings? Preventing sex and wanking by making it annoying and difficult?

No. 185781>>185785

what's the "point" of ear piercings? or belly button or eyebrow or nipple piercings? people like to decorate themselves.

No. 185785>>185848

Yeah but the others not in the way during sex, and most can be seen by others w/o you getting naked.

No. 185787>>185788

They could possibly close up if you take out the jewelry

No. 185788

I know about that, but just for like an hour it should be okay, right?

No. 185841>>186396

I feel really stupid over this but I have ocd that presents itself in a few different ways. Being a clean freak and being obsessed with 'owning the minimum' are two of my most frustrating ones. I count number too. Years ago before I got really bad I owned an impressive collection of sex toys. I was really into them and I used to have a job where I could get them really reduced. I've good memories of having all that stuff to hand and often having sessions where I made my way through a series of toys that slowly increased in size or intensity. Amazing

Now that I'm struggling with my 'minumum' obsession I wont allow myself more than one toy and I've cycled through different toys trying to find one goldilocks toy. I currently have a fun factory silicone dildo that's on the large side for me. My previous one was a lil too small to be a whole fulfilling experience by itself. The one I have now tho..would be better if I could warm up with a smaller toy first..

Just frustrated and sharing a side effect of my ocd that I can't exactly vent to people about irl lol

No. 185848

My piercings don't make fapping or sex difficult at all. I just posted that my piercings make a noise because it's really funny when I slip up and the loud buzz frightens the crap out of me. If someones genital piercings are actually getting in the way, then they're either horribly done or the rings are the wrong kind

No. 185900>>185967>>185970>>185972

Do you know any fantasy dildo brands that have a sci-fi line? I'm looking for something robotic, preferably customizable colors (or something in the silvers/neon greens). I've seen the Mantis from TTC which looks nice but if I could get something slightly less expensive and more robotic it would be nice.

No. 185967>>185977

Can you be a little more specific when you say robotic?

Like, just sort of a strange dildo with a silver colour or do you mean flat out Wall-E robocock

No. 185970>>185973>>185977

File (hide): 1621167121452.png (Spoiler Image,350.1 KB, 469x478, bd.PNG)

Maybe something like this from Bad Dragon? Cool Giger-like vibe. They have a huge color selection since their dildos are all custom made.

No. 185972>>185977

Sinnovator have this alien/robotic looking design. Not any cheaper than TTC but looks interesting and comes in the color options you want


No. 185973>>185974


No. 185974

You've obviously never watched the popular 1979 documentary series 'Alien' where totally real xenomorphs were shown to have cool looking robotic/knotted dicks that everyone would just die to fuck..

Perfectly natural

No. 185977

So many answers, thanks a lot!

I'm looking for something clearly robotic yes, something that the terminator could have. I don't want anything too tacky like those lightsabers dildos from that geek sex toys store.
It looks gorgeous, it's true, but I refuse to buy anything Bad Dragon. Not exactly what I was looking for but now I want a xenomorph dick too…
Oooh I love this one, exactly what I was looking for, thank you so much anon! The fact that they are based in the UK is also a plus.

No. 186253>>186311>>186345

I tried using a showerhead. The second I felt anything I pussied out and just put the showerhead away

No. 186311>>186400

Why? It's just masturbation. A shark is not going jump out of the shower head and bite your cooch off.

No. 186339>>186366

i don't feel a thing from penetration either. sure as hell don't want a dick or anything dick-shaped near my pussy either… even just the thought of it grosses me out. when i whack off i just play with my clit tbh, that's all i need

No. 186345

Everytime I try masturbating with the showerhead I'm reminded of how much water it would waste and so I immediately put it away lmao.

No. 186366

I masturbate daily but 29/30 days of the month it's all just clit play. Then 1 day of the month the stars align (or my hormones levels do) and I crave/enjoy a dildo. Then it's back to clitty town for another month.

Dating used to be shitty because of it.

No. 186396

That sounds like it sucks. I can't imagine living with one toy at a time even though I have favorites. I just want you to know I'm sorry, mental illness is fucking rough.

No. 186400

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I'm a coward

No. 186506>>186509>>186511>>186519

How to deal with wanting to look at real women when you masturbate but not wanting to watch porn because of how fucked up the industry is? I'm been looking at hentai but tbh I'm sick of looking at pixels, I know having actual sex would probably solve this but that's not an option right now.
I've even been thinking about paying for someone's onlyfans because while it's still sex work it's obviously nothing like actual sex work but I know it'd just make me feel like a scrote.

No. 186509>>186553

Is there any erotic videos made by women for women? Produced by women?

No. 186511

I relate a lot, can't say I know the answer but I just want to find irl visual content for women who like women, not for men. even beyond porn.

No. 186512>>186562

can you gals recomend cheap toys for someono who never used toys before? Im trying to get used to penetration

No. 186519

Look for artist's model references. Or Flickr.

No. 186553>>186889

Idk if this is what you're looking for but Erika Lust has a site that's about feminist porn. Might work for you, it's the only place where I've been able to find porn that I like. They also have some less explicit stuff in there. The thing is that you've got to pay for it but honestly, I don't mind too much since it's far superior to the regular porn, more cinematic, and has often storylines.

No. 186559>>186564

How do you consistently get wet while masturbating or before sex? The only way I'm always able to get wet is if I'm also watching a porn video, otherwise it's very unlikely. I can still orgasm via toys, vibrator, etc. But struggle to get wet without the porn.

No. 186562

Get a small discreet vibe from Adam and Eve, the ones that are like 2-3 inches, then a dildo that's no more than 5 inches that're sometimes labeled "beginner". Purchase good water-based lube that's also safe for toys– I recommend Liquid Silk.

Use coupon codes from Retailmenot or TRISH, lol. Good luck, anon

No. 186564

Make sure you're hydrated. Otherwise use lube, sometimes it just be like that. I know that there's a time in my cycle where I just don't produce as much liquid either but it's no big deal

No. 186873>>186893>>186916>>186965>>190032

I always get really horrible stomach pain after masturbating. Is this normal?? I looked it up and everything was talking about hetero sex and hitting the cervix but I dont do any kind of penetration at all and still get the pain.

No. 186889>>188419

I'm interested in the Coffee With Pleasure video, have you seen it and is it any good? Tbh I don't think I can justify the price, I think you used to be able to buy individual films and now I regret not buying it then.

No. 186893

You should check with a physician, "horrible" is not a word you want to use when talking about masturbation, especially if you can't find any information online.

No. 186916

It's probably not your stomach but your reproductive system. If I have a session where I cum a lot I can hurt that region but a weird hurt were it's the muscles have been fatigued or something lol. When you orgasm it stimulates your muscles to contract.

No. 186965

This is not normal, and could be a symptom of endometriosis. Do you have horrible pain during periods? I would go to your gyno, honestly

No. 188399

Okay, I've been having some success with using Satisfyer (aka Womanizer clone), but I'm ready to try something else. What is (or are, if there is more than one) the other sex toy considered god tier? I had it saved on a list but lost it somewhere. I hope it doesn't cost an arm and a leg - if it does and has a cheaper alternative, I would be thankful for the name as well.

No. 188419

I haven't watched it but it's half-price at the moment! Maybe you can justify it for that price?

No. 188433>>188440>>188467

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im determined to try and orgasm through penetration anons

i own pic related and it’s amazing but only when i use a vibrator with it. i know it’s not by any means bizarre that i can’t, but something in me just keeps pushing me to try. i’ve gotten really close before after orgasming a few times with my vibrator alone, but for some reason after a while i just mentally lose interest and then i either stop or i just play with my clit

does anyone know any good tips? i know maybe penetration just isn’t my thing but i’m eager to see if i can do it before i give up entirely lmao

No. 188440

I think you'll have an easier time with a curved dildo for penetrative orgasms. At least in my experience, it reaches the g-spot more easily. It doesn't even have to be too long. Better yet if it vibrates.
Try to pinpoint with your fingers where exactly is your g-spot (it's usually around 5-7cm in) and then proceed to stimulate it with the dildo.
I really like riding it or raising my butt with a pillow for convenience, but you find what works best for you. Good luck!

No. 188456>>188461

unrelated but is there like any type of erotic fan fiction but its like a y/n & your partners name?

No. 188461>>190194>>193700

I used to do a thing where I'd copy & paste erotica into Word and find & replace the characters names with my own and my crushes names and then never save them because I'd die from cringe if anyone ever found out

No. 188467

I have an easier time orgasming with penetration with my bladder not empty, no idea why, maybe it adds more pressure in the area or something.

No. 189031>>189034>>189172

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So after almost two-ish years of not putting anything inside my vagina, I tried to put a finger in and it HURT, I lubed it up pretty good but it seriously hurt a lot. Then after a few days I tried again and it still hurts so much, two fingers is underbearable, it's like my vagina just doesn't want anything there. It didn't used to be like this at all, when I was younger I could put like 4 fingers in there without pain. And I've even had sex, I guess it could be considered statutory rape but I've never considered it that way. Anyways I guess because I had some awful sexual experiences two years back, it completely shut down my pussy or something… I'm not sure. I've turned into an extremely non-sexual person because of this too, as in, I get horny like once every 3 months. I feel so broken, I miss how I used to be before. Should I consult someone for this?

No. 189034

You may need to give yourself a bit more external stimulation before your vagina becomes relaxed enough to insert anything. Lube alone doesn't always cut it and you could give yourself a little tear if you try to insert something before you're ready. You could have also scratched yourself with your fingernail. Both hurt like a bitch since it's a sensitive area. Those aren't the only possibilities, but they are common. A low libido doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with you, but if it bothers you then it's absolutely worth looking into.

No. 189172

Google vaginismus.

No. 190000>>191474

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I have so many psycho-sexual problems that I don't think I'll ever address

No. 190032

The same thing happens to me, it feels like bad period cramps but it doesn't always happen. I've been afraid to see a doctor about it due to bad experiences with doctors in the past.

No. 190066>>190194

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I was so horny and wet and having such a good fantasy and then I had to poop and ruined the whole thing

No. 190194


I also did this a few times and immediately shot myself in the head so nobody would ever find out. Just to be sure


I hope it was at least a nice poo

No. 190445>>190695>>190753

I reach climax just after some minutes of touching myself, and If I try to keep masturbating after reaching it I feel uncomfortable or I feel nothing. I don't feel it's as satisfying as other women say it's. What am I doing wrong? Am I touching myself wrong, do I have precocious orgasm or what?

No. 190693

I have been on Zoloft for +10 years and it takes A LOT for me to orgasm and sometimes it just doesn’t work.

(Trying different medications isn’t a safe option for me right now)

No. 190695

same with me

No. 190753

I think it's just a case of everyone being different and having preferences, once I climax I too stop masturbating because I feel satisfied, I can go for another round but I need to wait at least a few seconds (and generally change my visual material). For the few times I've tried prolonging the orgasm it doesn't feel as good as actually reaching it, maybe I'm doing this wrong (but I don't think there's a wrong way to touch yourself lol).

No. 190826

I been having a problem while masturbating which is being unable to get over the edge of pleasure and into the pleasurable abyss. Like I feel good, enjoying myself. teetering over the edge then BAM nothing like I haven't been touching myself for the last couple of minutes. I try again, nothing and I take a nap since all I have been doing is tiring myself out for nothing. The last time I had a real orgasm was 2-3 years ago when I overstimulated myself with a very similar model of this but was the nosiest vibrator I have ever used >>179218 and just felt incredibly numb along with feeling like I just abused my clit…
Please help me nonnies. I get so so close before the feeling goes away and I feel like I need to be physically pushed into the abyss

No. 190835>>190923>>190962>>191450

Are orgasms just naturally shittier for some people? I'm in good health, no meds/porn addiction/sexual traumas.

Yet the strength of my orgasms are so weak, even if I read good fanfiction beforehand. I don't think it's a problem of sensitivity, whenever someone accidentally brushes my thigh/neck it feels good. I've tried a vibe before but I don't think my body liked it, it just felt weird. Usually just touch the hood of my clit because it's almost painful to touch it directly, and sometimes use a dildo. I'm definitely orgasming because I get the rush of sleepiness after, it's just a super weak orgasm. Please help.

No. 190839

Do you girls ever get so invested in a fantasy that you can only get off when you think of it specifically?
usually I consume media that relates to whatever I'm enjoying at the moment to satisfy my needs so they don't take over my horny peabrain too long, but I can't find anything just right for the current one. It's nothing unique but my vanilla ass is not sure if there's a searchable word for it. It's arousal from being in a tight space with someone. Not in a closet or a car or smth, but specifically in a situation where bodies are dangerously close to each other and have little space to maneuver. I have types of scenarios in mind that I'd love to see other perspectives on to fuel my imagination, yet all I can seem to turn up is bdsm stories/vids, which are not really what i'm into. I did find a short vid of an erotic game that had what I want, but I couldn't use it because the art was too funny looking so it killed the mood keks

No. 190923

I'm the same, my orgasms have always been weak. I've never used a toy or anything, just my hands.The buildup feels nice, but when I orgasm it's so… Meh. Just feels underwhelming.
I can only remember one time it actually felt good.
I don't even masturbate that much, maybe like 3 times a month, so it can't be lose of sensitivity either.

No. 190962

I had weak orgasms until my mid twenties, I just thought that were overrated before that. I don't know what changed, whether it was a physical or hormonal change or if I became more confident about what I want but it's a big difference. For a brief while in my teens I even thought I was asexual but it turned out only that I had no chemistry with my boyfriend kek
I hope you find the orgasm you are looking for

No. 191418>>191458

When I masturbate, I get the most pleasure from massaging my outer labia, or close to the vaginal opening, with my fingers or a vibrator, than I do with clitoral stimulation or penetration. Anyone else like this?

No. 191450>>191485

I noticed my orgasms vary and feel the best when I close my eyes and use my mind while paying close attention to what I'm feeling
as much as I like fanfiction, using imagination feels better physically

No. 191458>>207232

I need clitoral stimulation but it has to be very “padded.” Over the hood or just in the general proximity, and even better if over my underwear. Never directly on it. I have no idea how some women directly rub their clit super fast, jam their fingers inside or use a magnitude 8 vibrator to orgasm. I would feel like dying (not in a fun way) if I touched myself like that. Pressure near the vaginal opening can feel nice as well but haven’t managed to orgasm from it.

No. 191474>>191475


No. 191475

this went unnoticed? we're slacking nonnies. good luck op!!!!

No. 191485

>paying close attention to what I'm feeling

Same, I didn't start consistently orgasming until I started doing this. I need to really focus on the sensation of the build up otherwise it just disappears. I can't do that if I'm consuming any kind of erotic media so imagination it is.

No. 191652

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Does anyone else get so horny you get super nauseous sometimes

No. 193579>>193583>>193586

has anyone else here experienced some type of orgasm/sexual pleasure when you’re in a car/bus and you drive quickly down a steep hill?
when i was a child this happened quite frequently but i’ve never experienced this as an adult. i have no idea what caused it, maybe gravity?

No. 193583

Yep, I get that, idk how common it is. Going over steep road hills/bumps generates a pleasantly stimulating pressure. Plane taking off to. It feels sooo good.

No. 193586>>193591

I still get that and it makes me embarrassed how good it can feel.

No. 193591

Yeah, I'm embarrassed of it because it happens around other people, I don't drive. Worst when bus or plane.
I didn't write it at first precisely because I'm embarrassed, but I orgasmed once from it in a full bus, the fucking road would not stop going up and down up and down. I was in the very back and only let out a muffled moan, I'm pretty sure nobody noticed.

No. 193595>>193702

My brain is a lot hornier than my body and I'm so sick of it. I'll constantly reading erotica in my free time but then when I go to masturbate, I'm not even turned on and it takes forever and I'm just frustrated lol. I still live with my parents so I can only jack off right before bed (but end up going to bed later than I should) or in the morning (when I'm groggy and definitely do not feel in any way aroused). I feel like I'm constantly battling myself to not masturbate but some part of my brain constantly wants to.

No. 193609>>193705>>199114

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When I orgasm the week before my period actually begins I get super painful cramps for about 30 seconds. What the fuck. Once I start my period then I’m good but it’s annoying as fuck to not be able to get off for a week, especially when I’m extra horny

No. 193685>>193700

Are my nipples weird or is this normal? When I touch them they feel good, but it's kind of a numb sensation? Don't know how to describe it.

No. 193700>>193907

Galaxy-brained anon
They're not meant to be a sexual organ if that's what you mean. They're not linked to the reproductive system in any way other than breastfeeding after birth, so being numb is normal.

No. 193702

Had the same problem, then I just laid away the stories for a few weeks and all went back to good kek. This experience actually made me think that even written stuff can be damaging for you, and I don't want to imagine how bad it'd be if I ever were into porn with being more stimulating and all.

No. 193705>>193729


the female sign looks like a buttplug. fuck my life

No. 193729

I think the men's looks like Squidward's eyes/nose so not much better kek

No. 193907

>They're not meant to be a sexual organ
Eh, nipple stimulation and sexual pleasure go hand in hand for a lot of people though. It's completely possible to orgasm from nipple stimulation alone. Everyone is different of course but I wouldn't say the only link is breastfeeding after birth.

No. 194017

i have to be REALLY turned on in order for penetration to do anything for me. i have to start off really slow, almost barely moving my finger (more like a wiggle instead) and then work myself up to actually fucking myself. however i barely have any experience with penetration so maybe it's something i have to learn more and more. i used to be really scared to penetrate myself and i would tense up, so i guess i'm improving?

but i don't think penetration will ever top a clit rub.

No. 195225>>195230>>195261>>195273>>196574

I exclusively masturbate over my panties by rubbing my clitoris with my finger(s). I never penetrate myself or go under. Recently I was with a man who wanted to ?? Rub me, I suppose. He wanted to finger me too, but it hurts too much. When he rubbed my vagina directly, it didn't feel very nice either. It felt good when he touched my clitoris, but it also felt very dry. Even when I'm horny, I feel like I'm not wet enough and rubbing my vagina without underwear over it feels irritating. However, I want him to touch my vagina directly. When he licked his fingers first for lubrication, it felt kind of better. Still, I feel best over my underwear. Why is this and how can I change it? I want to be more intimate with him. Once I/we have this down, I can consider penetration.

No. 195230

A whole lot of girls start out with the same issue. Masturbating through underwear is common and you have to adapt new techniques. I switched from doing that to a technique where I push my lips together and press down and rub. That way my clit is underneath and getting enough stimulation without it being direct. It doesn't start to hurt and lubrication isn't an issue that way. If partners try to go direct I just show them my thing or skip to oral so it's wet.

An inexperienced man won't know that you need either a barrier like clothing/my technique or you need lube to be there from the start. You don't rub it raw first and then add lube as an afterthought. If you do that you've ruined the session already because it overstims and it's hard to recover from that.

Don't rush into penetration given you guys are barely getting the hang of this stuff. If he can't make you orgasm through methods like this there's no point in even thinking about moving on to that. You already know it would be bad if he doesn't even know how to work a clit yet. Take your time.

No. 195261

I used the same technique. You get used to the small friction pleasure so that's what feels good. Start out doing that technique, then when you're wet inside take some of that and spread it on the clit/vulvu, then touch the clit/vulvu directly. It has to be wet to feel good.
If you have a hooded clit then you can just rud the hood, touching the clit may be very sensitive to the point of pain.

No. 195273

as anon above said he needs to take the wetness from around the vagina and spread it up to the clit

No. 196574>>196578>>196598>>196601>>196625

I have the same problem as this anon >>195225 but in addition there's something else scaring me.
Maybe it's eyeroll worthy but I'm single and saving myself especially for penetration with someone special and committed to me. However I've tried before to finger myself and haven't been successful. I am really scared that when I finally reach that point with someone, after all the waiting it won't work, disappointing me and him. What if I am broken?
That's why I want to learn to at least finger myself, but when I try it's clamped shut (I can't even find my vagina by feeling only, I'd need a mirror). Even though I spend all this time building up, it gets wet but it's never been wet enough. I used to try forcing a finger in (bad idea I know now) and was only met with pain and can't breach even my finger tip. I am so sad and scared that I'm broken. I know the solution needs to involve getting wet enough first and relaxing, but looks like I can't get wet enough and I can't ever relax once I decide to try.
I know I don't have to do it but I am very determined both for my future and because I want to stop feeling broken

No. 196578

Not broken, probably Vaginismus

No. 196598

That’s weird and not normal, sorry anon. I have no tips unfortunately because I am blessed with a normal vagina.

No. 196601>>196625

The best advice I can give you anon, is to accept that your vagina was made for something to go inside. It’s a very strong and resilient muscle, more than others give credit for, and your fingers won’t do it any serious long term damage. I used to be the same way, but I realized on my part it was a psychological factor and I just kept telling myself that my vagina was normal and all I had to do was loosen up a bit (figuratively of course). After I accepted the fact my vagina would be okay, it became easier. Vaginas will naturally stretch if you let them. They can handle a lot. Some pain you feel doesn’t mean you are being ripped open, a muscle so strong won’t give up that easy. You will be okay. Maybe try using some water based lube and try using smaller sex toys to get used to the feeling. Accept your arousal. Accept what you allow to go inside you, go in.

No. 196625

It's 100% vaginismus, anon. Buy a sex toy and lube and experiment. The most important thing is to get to know your body and how it works and accept it. Do you notice tension in your lower body even when you're not masturbating? Do you find it easy or difficult to breathe from your stomach? Diaphragmatic breathing is great for relaxing the muscles that are below the hips. Yoga is also good. This anon >>196601 wrote some excellent points as well. This kind of muscle tension is mostly psychological, so the most important thing is to accept yourself and experiment with an open mind (when you masturbate you shouldn't make fingering or penetration the final goal. Your goal should be to enjoy yourself and if you manage to finger yourself, it's fine, and if you don't, that's fine as well. Try to cultivate this mindset. You can't force yourself to relax)

No. 199077>>199078>>199346>>200955

Randumb question, do you masturbate with your dominant or non-dominant hand? I do it with my left (non-dominant) and I've been told I'm a freak for it. That's because I started masturbating to porn on Tumblr and I used my right hand to scroll down.
(I didn't want to ask this in a question thread on /ot/ because I would have probably been called a coomer kek)

No. 199078

I start with my left because I watch porn and I'm usually still trying to find the right scene when I've already started touching. Once I've found the scene I want I'll switch to my right so I can rub faster/with more accuracy lol

No. 199114

File (hide): 1627077159089.jpeg (267.57 KB, 1242x851, 23FBF8AE-901C-4B84-AB5E-8656C1…)

Women - children of God
Men - Penis monsters

No. 199346

dominant but if I'm on my computer I'll play with myself sometimes with my non dominant but my non dominant is far too unco-ordinated for me to get myself off using it

No. 199700>>199702

i realized i dont get as wet as i used to 5 years ago is that normal? do you get less wet as you age? idk if its that or i'm masturbating too much

No. 199702>>199704

how old are you and in that time have you started any new regular medications

No. 199704>>199770

23 and no

No. 199770

Kek, you're still growing up, how can you think it's from age? Ridiculous.
Ease on the bean flicking and drink more water.

No. 199774>>199789

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I need help with dildo sizing, I'm hesitating between the small and medium size. I already own one dildo that has similar length to the small one (but smaller girth) and the medium one is more appealing for monster fucking fantasies but I wonder if it would be too big for me to enjoy (my vaginas is not very deep). What would you recommend based on picrel?

No. 199789>>199918

I've got a stupid black hole vagina and I would go with whichever is bigger. I own several fantasy toys, only ever edging up slightly in size with each new toy but eventually I get used to it and there goes another $100+ down the drain for a toy that now feels too small for me. I made a huge jump recently and bought a dildo bigger than any I've ever purchased before, because I'd rather have a problem of it being too big than being too small like all my other ones and it was a 10/10 decision and I regret nothing. I can't even use it's entire length which kind of sucks because there's a knot at the bottom, but it's big and girthy and a welcomed problem that I've never had before. Dildos that are too long might suck, but if they're thick and you can fit it in, length isn't that much of an issue imo.

No. 199918

Ayrt and I'm really tempted to get the medium one at least for the novelty of owning a monster cock lmao, and I really want to experiment with girth. Since I've never had sex I just hope that it won't ruin real dicks for me kek.

No. 199930>>199964>>199969

Every time I have tried masturbating and get close to orgasm, the feeling is too intense and I can't keep up with both feeling like I am going to orgasm and having to keep rubbing fast so I stop. I am not even sure what exactly an orgasm is supposed to feel like, I have been told that I will know it for sure when it happens but I am starting to wonder if I have actually orgasmed without realizing it.

No. 199952>>199975

Nta but is lube really that necessary? Usually after making out and some fondling/petting I’m already wet enough to not need lube.
Maybe the issue is that he’s touching the clitoris directly (like lifting up the hood?) which should never be done. Or maybe too much pressure.

No. 199964

this is exactly what happens to me the majority of the time. It's so frustrating. I've heard a lot of people say that you are not supposed to touch directly on your clit but more around it, but that has never really helped me. I think a lot of it is mental an learning to let go. But you will just know if you had one. It's a distinct feeling.

No. 199969

I have the same thing, usually when I get to that point I just put underwear back on and grind on pillow to make it a less intense orgasm. Still kinda bitter that I can't do normal big orgasm.

No. 199975>>199981

Women are different

No. 199981

>rip to men but women are different

No. 200033

I've lost a lot of weight and been far more horny as the number on the scale goes down. I don't know if it's some psychological effect because I'm feeling myself for the first time after years of being obese, but I masturbate every other day now when previously I'd go for months without feeling the need.
It's nice having a sex drive but the problem is that now I feel like my preferred methods of getting off are boring (vanilla stuff is all i know kek). I want to broaden my knowledge and heighten my experience. I don't even know where to start with discovering new turnons or things to try without just randomly browsing coomer porn sites (no thanks).
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'd love some recommendations for literally anything to be thrown at me here. Media anons currently like, positions to try, homemade toys/aids, etc.. I'm not very educated on any of this, as embarrassing as it is to admit that. It almost feels like I'm missing something every time I try to get myself off and I'm not creative or experienced enough to problem solve kek.

No. 200955

same, because i was a degenerate fujoshi teenager who jerked it to gay smut on ao3

No. 201409>>201411>>201440

Does anyone actually like jilling for a long time? I never really got why some girls want to be able to cum within 2 minutes. I always like extending it because it feels good and I don't want it to end just yet. I actually get a little annoyed when i feel like I've cum too quickly lol

No. 201411

I tend to come pretty fast (within one two minutes) but I usually go for several rounds depending on my horniness. It never lasts for too long, I get sore easily.

No. 201440

I cum within 2 mins of clit rubbing and that suits me because I need to get up in the morning.

About once a month tho I get PMS horny and I have a long session with a dildo. I dont even cum from those sessions but I get my whole months worth of penetration in all in one long go.

No. 201485

Has anyone ever bought a sex toy online that ended up being abit to big? If so did you end up sticking with it a size training?

No. 204911>>204967>>204989>>205002>>205377

Does anyone else have the issue where you're unbearably horny but nothing is satisfying? It's like having something on the tip of your tongue, or an itch you can't scratch, or a sneeze that never comes. This isn't even about not being able to orgasm, because I can… it's just that they're not all that satisfying. I'm always like, "that was it?"

and so that leads to me going and going for way too long but no matter how many times i get off, I feel like nothing is scratching the itch. It's driving me absolutely bonkers and I'm starting to resent my sex drive because it only leads to frustration.

I've been on depression/anxiety meds since puberty so I've always wondered if that screwed something up for me, But most women who talk about issues due to meds like that say they can't orgasm at all, which isn't my problem. In particular I've never liked clit stim/orgasms, they feel like they only make me hornier without satisfying me. ugh fml

No. 204967>>204989

>most women who talk about issues due to meds like that say they can't orgasm at all

I was on depression/anxiety meds for a better part of my teens into early 20s and I had the same issues as you're describing.
I thought it was something else as well because none of my experiences lined up with what I was told or found online… so I'm here to tell you that your meds might indeed be the problem! Everyone's experience is different obviously, but my issue was that even though I felt the meds helped, they actually weren't the ones I needed. I got re-evaluated as an adult, put on proper meds, and my problem was more or less solved.
This is clearly something that's stressing you out and I do hope you can get something figured out soon, anon!

No. 204989>>205377

I have a similar issue but have never been on meds at all, idk what it is

No. 205002

Is there something on your mind when you do it? Like are you distracted by something mentally? I found that my orgasms always feel unsatisfying when there's something that's kinda bothering me but I'm not actively thinking about it, it's just in the back of my mind, if you know what I mean? It's kinda hard to explain.

No. 205032>>205033

File (hide): 1631309915465.png (889.91 KB, 731x729, nanba moodboard.png)

Just treated myself and ordered a nice quality dildo and a lelo wand. It is about to be pound hog day up in here.

No. 205033

anon this isn’t it

No. 205371>>205380>>205526>>300894

Learned that apparently pressing your thigh together to get an orgasm is called "syntribation" (but all you get if you look it up is porn links, go figure). There's also a subreddit that basically treats is like deathgrip syndrome that you need to "solve". I masturbate like once a week, it's not like I'm burning myself out on stimulation, kek. But it is the easiest way for me to achieve orgasm, if I only stimulate the head of the clit, it just makes my legs shake, but does not feel like it leads to orgasm any time soon. I feel like men only think this masturbation type is a "problem" because it's less visually stimulating for them.

No. 205377

ayrt, sorry for late reply but thank you for your input about your experience. I was actually contemplating switching up my meds for unrelated reasons so I’ll hold out hope lol
Maybe we’re just cursed anon, kek. I wish female sexual pleasure wasn’t so hard to nail down. We’re out here playing 5D Chess With Multiverse Timetravel on our coochies while scrotes literally nut in their sleep on the regular

No. 205380>>205382

I never understood this method of masturbating, just like the grinding on a pillow, I only get off via direct stimulation of the clit, can you explain how you do it?

No. 205382>>205386>>205397

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Well it's basically the same as grinding on a pillow or blanket, I just have fat thighs so I'm able to do it without. It's supposedly stimulates the inner parts of the clitoris that are just under the skin, and also the labia with a monotonous mechanical friction while cross-legged lying back or sitting back on a chair, there really isn't much to it. You also flex your lower abdominals into it a bit. Because I'm used to this "deep" stimulation, direct stimulation on the head is actually too intense and just makes my legs twitch without any pleasure. I haven't tried it with a vibrator yet though.

No. 205386

I've done this for ages and never knew it had an actual name. Weird. Can't use it to reach orgasm though unfortunately. It is stimulating and feels good as a sort of warm up but I've never been able to get enough pressure to go all the way.

No. 205391>>207884

I was masturbating last night and fell asleep and resumed after waking up, I fingers myself for like an hour on and off and noticed at the end that my hands were stained with brown discharge that smelt like blood, I don't have my period for another 3 week what does it mean
I usually get spotting only after masturbating usually only light pink but this was weird

No. 205395>>205396>>205397

is there a name for masturbating your clit but through your outer labia? like by using the outer labia as basically a blanket for the clit and stroking it indirectly with your fingers. my boyfriend always ends up going straight to the clit eventually during sex so I'd like a more concise way to describe what I do to get myself off.

No. 205396

No succinct name for it as far as I know, just "rub over the clitoral hood/labia, do not touch the clit directly." Mine is sensitive too, direct contact even lubricated would be painful as hell

No. 205397

That's how I do it too. I don't think there's a name for it though I haven't ever searched to much about it.
Interesting thing similar to what >>205382 said, it gives me this deep stimulation feeling as opposed to masturbating with a shower head for example.

No. 205476>>205478>>205534

Ladies I read the fine print on the box of the dildo I've been using for a month and it fucking says "should never be for anything other than external use". How do I cope with having vag cancer? Also fuck Adam & Eve.

No. 205478>>205479

wtf how can a dildo be used externally, I'm so confused.
maybe it's just saying that to cover their asses legally if someone does something stupid with their product like sticking it in places it shouldn't be/accidentally hurting themselves?

No. 205479

I hope so, but I doubt it. I just read up on the jelly dildo/phtalate thing and now I'm ~90% sure its because of that, like "if you get cancer from all the chemicals we loaded this thing up with its not our fault, shoulda read the label" even though it mentions it nowhere on the site and is in an extremely easy to miss spot on the box. Granted I'm not overly worried about it, but definitely gonna invest in one that I know wont fuck up my vag in 2 years.
Here is the article on phthalates btw, found in the last thread: https://dangerouslilly.com/2010/10/yes-jelly-sex-toys-can-be-dangerous/

No. 205526

>There's also a subreddit that basically treats is like deathgrip syndrome that you need to "solve".
For real though, is this anything one should be worried about? I've done it like that all my life, and while I tried (and managed) to do it the normal way, it's way less satisfying and, as you said yourself, not as deep and way too intense (in a negative way, for me). I guess I could manage to do it the normal way with a bit of practice, but I always get impatient when I know I could do it easily like this.

No. 205534

This should be so obvious. The vagina is delicate and sensitive, why would you put random stuff in it without researching first?

No. 206131>>206274>>207695

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I've never come from partnered sex and scared I never will, and I think masturbation is the reason. It was habitual during high school and I think the stress of university made it almost chronic/compulsive. All the info about how cooming disrupts normal sexual behaviour is directed at men. Any advice? Will breaking the habit just be enough? Or am I tainted and gonna be dead to a man's touch forever?

No. 206156>>206292>>206299

is it normal that i cant put any fingers inside of myself? I just cringe at the feeling. Its weird, the texture of the walls scares me

No. 206274

How much effort do your partners try to make you cum? It could be their fault, but masturbating with strong vibrators and a lot of porn/erotic material could contribute too. I don't have advice to give you because I'm going through the same thing. I wish you the best

No. 206292>>206299

I have never seen anyone else describe this, but me too! it's weird because I am a lesbian and have had my fingers inside other women without the same sensation. something about feeling the squishy texture of it with my fingers combined with that sort of dull sensation of having something moving around inside me gives me the creepy crawlies. I can't stand it. I could never use menstrual cups for this reason.

No. 206299>>206426


I get this. The sensation can trigger a vasovagal response (look up the vagus nerve) and can make you feel sick/skeeved about by things. I never finger myself and I once tried to use a menstrual cup and blacked out trying to remove it once because I couldn't bring myself to put my fingers in. It's also just not for everyone. I hate anything going in there other than a toy.

No. 206301>>206425

sighhh i want to masturbate but i have no vibrators or toys. takes like an hour to get this mf going

No. 206425

shower head.

No. 206426

Huh… can this also happen for touching your own breasts? I feel ill and disgusted when I do even though no sexual trauma.

No. 207232

Sorry if you're not the person to ask but how do you reconcile this with potential partners? In my (very limited) experience it's hard to reconcile

No. 207233>>207235

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I don't think I'll ever get off in my entire life

No. 207235

File (hide): 1632780218929.gif (1.65 MB, 400x278, dkfsjtwpe3.gif)

Nooo, nonnie, I thought (and wish) I was the only one! Don't give up! You deserve it!

No. 207342>>207363>>207411>>207424>>207425

File (hide): 1632885201165.jpeg (186.47 KB, 756x1008, download (8).jpeg)

ladies a few weeks ago i splurged and bought the womaizer liberty clit sucker thing and its the best investment i have ever made. i like vibrators but the wand i have was more of a "shallow" orgasm if you know what i mean. this thing almost gets rid of my bi-monthly horny impulses to fuck a dude. i highly recommend if you like clit stimulation

No. 207357>>210275

Is it normal to get nauseous after masturbating? It happens a lot to me

No. 207363>>207425

I have a knock off one with 10 different levels or whatever and it’s perfect if your clit is broken because of SSRIs. Also no mortal man could ever.

No. 207411>>207423>>207443>>275061

File (hide): 1632943318703.jpg (209.79 KB, 1024x768, womanizer-premium-eco.jpg)

I really want to get the premium model. But is it degen to spend £170 on a vibrator? I've also heard it doesn't work on all womens' clits.

No. 207423

nta but I find splurging on an expensive sex toy/vibrator isn’t degenerate. You’re going to masturbate anyway. I used to buy cheap bullets but they died and batteries are expensive. I bought myself the satisfyer pro and even then I thought the $60 I spent was too much fucking money to ever spend on a vibrator but it’s still going strong after over 2 years of regular use and I don’t have to buy batteries. Buying one expensive sex toy (as long as it’s not sex toy over bills/other necessities) is just an investment in yourself, do it anon.

No. 207424>>207443

I bought the same one (in burgundy though), it was my first (and so far only) vibrator and honestly I was a bit disappointed, I much prefer rubbing my clit directly with my fingers, it feels more rewarding as I put more effort in it. I didn't think the orgasms were mind blowing either, maybe I'm using it badly.

No. 207425>>207443

Which knock off?

It’s not too much right on the clit? I use a wand and I can’t ever just go directly on my clit. It’s usually like right above. So I’ve been hesitant on getting one even tho I’ve heard nothing but good things about it.

No. 207443>>207465

not degen. do it if you have the funds
really? there are two different sized "cups" that came with mine that go over the clit and when i used the bigger one it wasn't mind blowing but once i switched it to the smaller one it was amazing
i also hate wands directly on my clit. the one i got has like 6 different intensity settings and the lighter ones are nice and soft. feels like a little suck and pop over and over, it can definitely get overstimulating on the higher settings but thats a bonus to me tbh. wands have nothing on this thing

No. 207465

I've tried both cups and alternate between between them but I still don't think the orgasms are that great, they just happen and I usually turn dry as soon as it's over. I have to admit the first time I used it was great, especially the buildup, I had prickling in my legs and my ears were ringing, and unfortunately I've never been able to replicate it.

No. 207535>>207541

toys aside, what do you do if you're not really into any kind of porn? but your biggest turn on is people you actually know and find attractive (friends, for example) it's kind of weird ik, idk what to think about or do when i want to masturbate

No. 207541

That's not weird at all! I'm sad you think it's weird. You just close your eyes and use your imagination. Just like all of humanity did before the internet lol.

No. 207584>>207590

File (hide): 1633062979132.jpeg (73.51 KB, 732x732, 7E149417-9FD8-48B7-A6F4-4330B9…)

Ladies are my masturbation habits weird?
>been getting off the same way since I started touching myself at 13, just rubbing my clit/labia mnr from over my lab mjr
>guaranteed to work
>have tried vibrators in the past but didn’t like them bc of the direct clit stimulation even though that’s what makes me come
>love dildos even though I’ve never come from penetrative sex

No. 207590>>207633

File (hide): 1633066030726.jpg (142.92 KB, 794x798, il_794xN.3302200358_g82e.jpg)

Not weird. You might like the feeling of the vibrator if you use it on your labia majora, just like you do now with your fingers, to indirectly stimulate the clit. One with a broad area of contact and rumbly vibrations also helps.

As for the dildo, I've never orgasmed from just penetration either. But I find dildo + clitoral stimulation results in a significantly more intense, deep orgasm.

I prefer glass ones myself. Their angle/curve is more pronounced so it hits the right spot without having to be girthy. Because of that, and their material, they're also easy to insert without lube.

No. 207633

Do you have some recommandations where to buy glass dildos? I've always wanted to try them but never know where to get them.

No. 207636>>207681

i masturbated too hard and now my legs hurt like hell fml

No. 207681

dont do that

No. 207695>>207716

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I DID IT!! I finally fucking came from something besides my own hands!!!
I bought a satisfyer after months of hesitancy thanks to a friend’s recommendation and holy shit it was great. The first few tries were really frustrating because I’m so used to just rubbing myself to a sad little forced O and I was mad that I wasn’t gaining the same results. But I read some smut to get in the mood and got to it, it took about 15 minutes but god was it worth it. I was worried towards the end that I was gonna lose my momentum and have to start over because my hands and arms were shaking so much and I couldn’t hold it in place.
I feel great, but most of all I’m just happy to know that I can still come by other means. I’m gonna limit myself to once a week with the satisfyer only and try and rebuild my sensitivity. Thank you ladies for reading.

No. 207716

how does that work? does it have a suction mechanism? i'm looking for new clitoral toys my ole vibrator is getting boring

No. 207866>>207869>>207874>>207892>>208008

Not about masturbation per se, but I'm scared of the nonas in the stupid question thread scolding me, so I'm gonna ask here: What's the difference between the horny you feel in your lower stomach and the one you feel in your genitals? I know it's not just me who has two different distinct sensations to it, since I saw another nona talk about it in some thread, but when I google all I find is lower stomach pain related, and that's not it, it's quite the opposite.

No. 207869

How many kinds of horny can one feel, exactly?

No. 207874

Idk the anatomy behind it, but I think the stomach feeling has to do with ovulation. I'm not on contraception and get this feeling at a certain times during my cycle.

No. 207884

Late reply but if your period ended not many days ago it's probably some leftovers of it, I think.

No. 207892

anon i think you might be talking about g-spot vs. clit stimulation? i have a super sensitive g-spot and sometimes i can feel it when i press down on my belly above like where my pubes start lol. they're definitely distinctive feelings from each other

No. 207991>>207992>>208006

Will using a huge dildo ruin normal sex for me? Will it make me too loose? I get so wet I can fit like 6-7+ inch girth in me.

I'm such a retard, I discovered toys and now I have to get off several times a day, before it was just once every few weeks.

No. 207992>>208001

That's a tricky one. I think it comes down to the individual. I have a 7inch long dildo but it's not insanely thick, and it hasn't negatively influenced my ability to get off through either clitoral or gspot stimulation

Are you worried about desensitization or that no regular penis will ever be able to top the toy?

No. 208001>>208002>>208003>>208018

Yep, I mean I like the feeling of being stretched otherwise I feel nothing from penetration.

But mainly about getting looser. If I'm using 6+ inch girth then a regular 4+ man comes along and I'll just be loose.

No. 208002>>208005

You won't get loose unless you give birth, the vag is all muscle.

No. 208003>>208005

You can't get loose. That's like being scared your rectum will get permanently loose from pooping every day. Besides, the only men who complain about women being loose are just desensitized from death grip. Ofc there isn't going to be a woman who can clamp down as hard as he goes with his hand.

No. 208005

Okay thanks guys, that calmed me

No. 208006

You won't 'get permanently loose'. But if you happen to like bigger than average then get a guy who is fine with warming you up and watching you with the toy afterwards.

Guys tend to be fans of watching large insertions.. unless they're stupidly insecure about their dick needing to be the best thing on earth. S

No. 208008

The only thing I feel in my stomach is when I get (ovary tingles?) after a play session. Usually after penetration I get it. Or on rare occasions I'll get it when I'm just craving penetration at certain times of the month.

No. 208016>>208035

I've been on anti-depressants (an SSRI) for the last ten years and haven't had a proper orgasm in all that time. I feel my body 'reach' orgasm and become sensitive and can't continue but never actually feel the orgasm. it fucking sucks. I don't know how long I'll have to continue to stay on my medication either, my doctor has said indefinately since my depression is long lasting

has anyone here ever tried any medication you take alongside your anti depressants that have brought back your ability to have an orgasm?

No. 208018

File (hide): 1633368710278.png (402.09 KB, 444x361, 1.png)

A regular 4 inch man? In your vagina?
It's more likely than you think.

No. 208035>>208102

Switch to bupropion/Wellbutrin, it has no sexual side effects and generally has a better side effect profile, or use it alongside SSRIs because it also helps to mitigate the effects in many people. If you're in the UK apparently it's difficult to get because of supply issues iirc, if not your doctor is a fool for not suggesting it.

No. 208085>>208087>>208112

File (hide): 1633415462039.png (332.46 KB, 717x539, Capture1.PNG)

I have vaginal atrophy and I used a dildo too fast too soon and now my pussy's been bleeding for like 4 days. I know it's not my period because it's thin dark red blood instead of brownish blood and clots. How long until it stops? Am I gonna die?

No. 208087

go see a doctor dummy

No. 208102>>208103

I am in the UK so it may be difficult. I would also be concerned about changing my medication in case I became depressed again. the last time I mentioned the problem I was told 'well wouldn't you prefer no orgasms and being alive?' they don't give a shit lol. thanks for the help though anon. I'll keep your suggestions in mind for the future

No. 208103

samefag I just read this
>Bupropion is only approved as a smoking cessation aid in the UK; it is not approved for the treatment of depression

No. 208112>>208222

I will not Google vaginal atrophy I will not Google vsginal atrophy I will not

No. 208195>>208200>>208206>>208274>>208362

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Is getting a bf a good way to get over some hurdles? Im a virgin and can't masturbate any way other than humping my bed with underwear and leggings on and I can't insert a tampon. I have pretty long fingernails and I don't like clipping them so whenever I'd touch my vulva, I would just feel like I'm touching skin. I've heard from other anons they were able to get over these sorts of things by just getting a bf

No. 208200

it can definitely be helpful in terms of just having someone else to do these things so that you know what it feels like.
using some good beginners toys could also help. i used to struggle putting stuff in my vagina because it felt weird and like i was doing it wrong (and fingering myself felt a bit gross), but i think trying out some items specifically made to be used like that helped me enjoy myself more.
good luck anon anyway, whichever you decide!

No. 208206>>208251>>209464

Why do you feel like you're broken and need to be fixed? You can enjoy what you already do without needing to make penetration the center of everything, it's okay, the world won't implode because you don't worship dick

No. 208222

It's dry pussy syndrome

No. 208251>>208277

you sound insecure. relax

No. 208274>>208366

Get a clit vibe. If you're young, inexperienced and unsure of what feels good then handing your body over to a man sounds like trouble

No. 208277>>209464

No, it's just annoying that so many women think they need to fix themselves. Her future bf wouldn't do the same for her, she should continue to enjoy humping her bed without caring.

No. 208362

Advantages: exploring your body and learning with a guy
Disadvantages: have something like a sex pet at home

No. 208366

If you can't insert a tampon, consider booking an appointment with your obgyn if you're not comfortable checking out your hymen yourself. You might have a septate, imperforate, or cribiform hymen – which can be "fixed" with patient insertion but why would you do that when there are options out there.

No. 209464

ayart. Nah, fam, what I meant was having the guy finger me because I don't feel comfortable doing that on my own. I just want to find alternative ways

No. 210272>>210276>>210278

Nonitas, no judgment here, please. I'm turning 20 soon and I still haven't had an orgasm.
Overall, I have pretty low libido due to depression and stress, and was on the pill for over 3 years (I stopped recently due to health issues and actually did notice an improvement with wetness). I get overwhelmed and push my partner away or stop masturbating.
I guess I rationally think about sex multiple times per day. I don't really get horny, it's more of "me want. fuck." -> masturbate -> feel some dull pleasure -> stop
My fingers get tired pretty fast because I do a lot of work with fine motor skills, so I even bought a clit stimulator. It's really good for the price (Plus One, got it at Target) but I still end up turning it off when I'm getting close. Another major turn off is having to be silent, as I don't live alone. When I'm able to have loud sex it's waaaaay better (not often, unfortunately).
The intensity of an orgasm per se isn't what irks me, idek why I do this. I get kind of nervous and tense, not sure what I even feel. If I think too much about this shit it ruins my day i feel tears welling up in my eyes as i type. So…

1. Anyone else took long to have an orgasm?
2. Has anyone else dealt with stopping midway? How did you muster up the courage to stop pulling away?

this means the world to me

No. 210275

sorry for responding to an old post but i'm the same anon from above but one of the main reasons that made me buy a vibrator was nausea
for some reason when i used to stimulate my clit with my fingers i'd always get super nauseous, it'd send me FLYING to the bathroom and made me shit everytime. wonderful when i was stress-constipated i think i threw up once even (wtf)

stopped completely once i switched the methods

No. 210276

When I was 18 and living at home I bought an electric facial massager and I remember I mostly used it when my mom was out doing the weekly shop on Saturdays. It was my only chance to get away with the noise.

It took alot of time because I remmber giving up because the intensity felt too overwhelming or I'd go numb, my muscles would cramp, I'd tire out, all that and I almost had a fear of what was going to happen. When I got there for the first time it was like I just unlocked the ability and I never quite struggled from that point on. The first just took some perseverance.

No. 210278

tbh ive always struggled with orgasming so i feel for you anon, there is never a moment where im like 'okay i definitely just came' - - it's more like i have to guess, usually i just reach a point where i stop feeling good and it starts getting over stimulated instead.
my main advice is honestly not to worry about it too much. i used to get frustrated that i wasn't experiencing these amazing orgasms like most other women seem to talk about, but when i thought about it a bit i realised that i don't really care? like i know for a fact that there are times when i can still feel great and have so much fun during sex, it still feels good so who cares if i don't rreach definitive orgasm. at least to me it seems like you are so fixated on this problem that you aren't able to enjoy the rest of the experience, so iguess my advice is to just try relaxing and being more in the moment.
trying new things also helps! and if you are by yourself, just give yourself some time to relax and enjoy yourself because there really is no rush. sorry this ended up long winded and a bit generic, im wishing you good luck anon i hope it gets easier for you

No. 210837

Does anyone else have the problem of penetration causing you to take twice as long to orgasm? I usually only do clit stimulation and while adding penetration feels great, it's frustrating how it lengthens the time for me to finish, especially when I'm with my boyfriend.

No. 210994>>210998>>213254

I think I broke my clit with vibrators. I can't orgasm, even when I get in the mood to masturbate. Before I started heavily using vibrators I could orgasm even when I wasnt in "the mood" to, a quick 5-minute session before bed. I can orgasm with vibrators but they feel weak, a shadow of what they once were. How do I fix myself?

No. 210998>>211386

You can't break your clit. If you're masturbating a lot then its probably just getting a bit too routine and not really doing it for you anymore. That's pretty common. Even dudes with who end up with deathgrip syndrome can overcome it by changing up their habits. Do you live at home/are worried about getting caught? Do you watch porn?

Take a few days off and try again when you're not panicking about it. If you're worried about the vibe usage then put them away and use your fingers for a while until you get used to it again. Don't do it just for a quick orgasm, but take your time and try lots of different things that feel good.

No. 211002

bump, gore in /ot/ and /g/

No. 211122>>211124>>211153>>211174

is it normal to not feel your clit stiffen when aroused? I never even thought about it but I was reading a romance novel once (don't judge) and the character was like "I felt my clit stiffening". I've definitely felt it throb but not get stiff. am I broken?

No. 211124>>211127

Yeah anon you're broken because your body doesn't work exactly like how it's written in porn. It's not like clits get diseases or something lmao like if it works it works…

No. 211127>>211130

Nta but are romance novels really considered porn lol

No. 211130

Sure, when it refers to explicit sex scenes designed to be fap material. Obviously you wouldn't assume it's what people mean when they say porn unless they clarified or the context made it obvious though.

No. 211153

I don't think I've ever felt it stiffen, but it does pulse and throb, so I think that could almost be the same thing

No. 211174

Yea im the same its not like i feel it get hard but it pulses and i pay more attention to it and stuff

No. 211386

I don't masturbate regularly and i dont watch porn anymore. I try relaxing and playing with myself just to see how it goes, it feels okay. Its been a year or so since i stopped using vibrators regularly.

No. 213165>>213202

I just got a Satisfyer and I’m having some issues. Sometimes when I hold it over my clit and it feels like I’m close, out of nowhere my clit will get super sensitive and it’s too uncomfortable to keep the satisfyer on it. Like it’ll feel almost like an electric shock right on my clit and it’s so painful/uncomfortable that I have to almost throw it off. Anyone experience this?

No. 213202

You might be going too hard and overstimulating yourself. Maybe a lower strength setting?

No. 213254

Are you sure it’s vibrators and not birth control or antidepressants or depression?

No. 213273>>213336

File (hide): 1636918681561.jpeg (1.66 MB, 4256x2832, 3D5AB58C-9CDA-4119-9F15-B5BF76…)

Are you not supposed to wash your hands with generic hand wash? I’ve heard that it’s a bad idea if you want to masturbate that night

No. 213313>>213425

Nonnies, sounds stupid but how do I stop getting horny when I'm anxious? It's really not the right time for that. Is it even possible to stop that?

No. 213336

I did that and now I have VP so no, just some water should be fine unless you know your hands stanky.

No. 213425

omg i’m the same way. when i’m anxious i get horny so on days when i have final exams i’ll masturbate like three or four times. i don’t know how to stop it

No. 214657>>214666

Is it normal to not get horny after not have sexual relief? There are times when I won't touch myself for a considerable amount of time. I don't seem to get pent up horniness or any build up of sexual frustration. Is this healthy? I do think about sex a lot and I'm not put off by sexuality, but my lack of horny makes me thing I could have something wrong internally

No. 214665>>214747

File (hide): 1637855738032.jpg (92.11 KB, 584x853, Screenshot_20211125-235433_Chr…)

Nonas im stupid as shit and theres this dildo i want because it looks super nice and its ribbed but the girth is 1.75"/4.4 cm and im not sure how big that is. Pic related its the dildo i want

No. 214666

yes this is very normal. personally, the more often i orgasm the hornier i am. if i stop masturbating for a while i stop feeling horny most of the time. vs when i masturbate often i feel horny every day.

No. 214747>>214823

Do those ridge type dildos actually feel good? Or is it aesthetic.

No. 214823>>214984

I have one and it would be much better if it was smoother. Pointless to me but maybe others anon's vaginas are different.

No. 214892>>214893>>214938>>214949>>214955

How do I purchase/use a vibrator when I live with other people in the house? We're room mating with a retired old dude who never fucking leaves the house and that shit is so annoying.
Am I just doomed to never try a vibrator?

No. 214893

Move out so you can wank in peace.

No. 214935

I'm 28 years old and I just had my first ever orgasm. Just wanted to tell someone haha. I was on SSRIs since I was a kid, before I ever tried masturbating, and I guess I've been off long enough now that stuff finally works. I bought a vibrator on amazon and damn… I guess that's what that is? Kinda want to try again and it hasn't even been 5 mins lol.

No. 214938

Tantus has discrete packaging

No. 214949

Turn the shower on and do it in the bathroom

No. 214955

I think u need to fuckin get a life girl. You're focused on cooming when you should be tryna save to live outside rooming with old men lmfaoo.

No. 214984>>214999

Is it any good anon? Is the girth nice? Im tired of skinny long dildos i want a nice thick one so i can feel the stretch

No. 214999>>215003

I'm sure some women like long dildos else they wouldn't make them, IDK if my vagina is weird or something, but I feel like with most dildos most of it ends up like, sticking out of me? My vagina seems to only be like 4 inches deep or something.

No. 215000

IDK if this is weird but does anyone else use condoms on their toys? I just get paranoid of something bad growing on it if I don't, even though I obviously wash them right after using them either way.

No. 215003

We are all different, I think short dildos are pointless because there are spots far back in the vag that feel great while stimulated, that's what I'm after.

No. 215018>>215020>>215021>>215026>>215027>>215044>>215047>>215063>>215094

nonas is it normal to have really short and not exactly strong orgasms? i've been masturbating since age like 13 and i've never experienced an orgasm that's "mindblowing". i don't know if there's something wrong with my vagina or if i'm doing something wrong kek. i only ever masturbate by stimulating the outside, i never stick anything in me cause from what i've tried it doesn't feel good it just feels like nothing. when i masturbate it doesn't even feel good to the point of me moaning or anything, the only part that feels good is when i orgasm but it lasts like 2 seconds and then i get oversensitive and have to wait a minute or two to start again. i kinda just lay with a poker face and do the thing until the big O comes and then move on kek
anyone else had a similar experience?

No. 215020

That's normal anon, it's not a big production like porn makes it out to be. I'm stony faced and don't make noise other than some quick breathing at the end. In general the more turned on you are the bigger the orgasm, I get bigger ones when I read smut beforehand, but usually I'm just too tired and do it quickly so I can release some stress. Insertion isn't for everyone either, men have just meme'd it into being the "proper" way women should orgasm.

No. 215021

Normal; I s2g men just meme that women have better orgasms because they’re retarded

No. 215026

are you me? I masturbate the same way and my orgasms are the same, some are more intense than others but I've never even been close to moaning or even breathing hard. The best/most intense orgasms I've had made my legs shake but that's it. Also I have stronger orgasms when im consuming some form of pornographic material, although I usually don't because I quit watching porn and I cba to look for good erotica most of the time

No. 215027

Sometimes I get really intense orgasms if I've been super horny, but most are the mundane, brief type.

No. 215044

All my orgasms are clitoral, some are weirdly weak and almost not even worth having.. the build up can be good and then the orgasm itself feels ruined but I don't know why it went downhill right at the climax. Other times it's huge and I'm up singing and dancing afterwards, floating on air for the rest of the day lol

In my case I don't think there's even a clear reason why some orgasms are just lackluster and others aren't. That's always been my mixed experience.

No. 215047

I only get really strong orgasms if I'm emotionally satisfied. If I'm just looking at/reading something to get off quickly it doesn't feel like much.

No. 215053>>215072>>215084

i wouldn’t say my orgasms are super crazy, i can have them completely silently with my breathing barely changing. my best ones make my thighs feel a little funny afterwards and i feel sleepy. but most of the time i just feel a bit more energetic but still normal

No. 215054>>215072>>215109

has anyone ever had the experience of only masturbating one way your entire life and then having to change it? i used to only masturbate by grinding on the corner of my desk. it was super convenient because i didn’t have to take my clothes off or wash my hands but i kind of realised my body was so used to that that i couldn’t really get off another way. it took months of practicing before i could orgasm by touching my clit. i’m glad i put in that effort though because those orgasms are more satisfying but a little bit more messy. i still like the desk way though if i need something quick

No. 215063

That's pretty much how masturbating is. Sometimes I get strong ones if I make myself really wet but other than that, sex is way better for powerful orgasms.

No. 215072

I could orgasm in a cramped elevator full of people and not a single person would know. Not every orgasm is a good orgasm, and I think a lot of people don't realise this because orgasms are only ever depicted as leg shaking screaming ones. If you ask any woman their honest answer is going to be that they moan and maybe twitch a little bit

I used to only be able to masturbate laying on my back with clit stimulation. It's only in the last 2 years that I've learned to orgasm from penetration and in different positions

No. 215075>>215109

Does anyone else's legs cramp up like crazy when they get close? It's so annoying to have to stop or else I'll get a charley horse. I just want to wank in peace reeeeee

No. 215084

Stronger orgasms can make my vision spotty and my ears muffled, but I never really make a sound unless I've been horny for hours (and evrn then I supress it).

No. 215094

I just want to weigh in that even though it's absolutely normal to have weaker orgasms, strong female orgasms aren't only a meme porn thing like many farmers replying to it make it out to be.
But it's totally normal to experience it differently. Everyone's body is different.

No. 215109

I had to learn how to masturbate with a dildo- at that point I experienced cumming with a penis but I didn't really know how it worked. Honestly it has really helped me with cumming more during piv sex. I've noticed that if I just masturbate with my clit (my lazy and more convenient way) it gets harder to cum with dicks
Drink more water, ya silly

No. 215476

I used to be able to finish in 7 minutes but now it takes me over 20. I know it's not even a big deal but the difference makes me feel like I take forever now. So frustrating.

No. 215541>>215551>>215553>>215596

im so fucking sheltered holy shit. did i orgasm?? spoilered for TMI whats it supposed to feel like? i felt something after a few minutes of clit stim, sort of like a feeling of overstimulation, heavy breathing and also felt my body get kind of stiff. it felt good but was that what it was?? i had the impression that womens orgasms were ridiculously difficult to achieve. or is that just from the perspective of moids?

No. 215551

>i had the impression that womens orgasms were ridiculously difficult to achieve
If you're trying to orgasm from PIV kek, masturbation gets you there faster

No. 215553>>215557>>215602

When you orgasm, your vagina contracts and keeps contracting for a while.

No. 215557>>215576

File (hide): 1638365434584.jpg (30.42 KB, 750x868, D84XEX6WwAIzo0d.jpg)

contracts for a while as in stays contracted or is it supposed to be intermittent? thank u

No. 215576>>215602

It kinda feels like it's pulsating.

No. 215583

I have a long history of getting UTIs when I'm in relationships. I've been single for a while now but I got a dildo last week and I already have my first UTI in yeeears. I'm pissed. It's a silicone toy and I know alot of the tips around peeing and just hygiene but here I am again.

Right before my symptoms kicked in I already ordered a slimmer and less textured toy as the other one was intense. Someone please tell me I can use it and not die afterwards. The first one had alot of friction and texture which I'm hoping to blame this uti on. I don't want to just never be able to insert anything again.

No. 215596>>215654

you would definetely know, I think you just got almost there (did it feel too sensitive to touch after? Or was it the same?cause the clit gets very sensitive right afterwards, uncomfortable to touch etc) or had a really weak orgasm. try again

No. 215602>>215614

this doesn't happen to everyone, I've felt my clit pulsate only a few times, definitely not every time

No. 215614

They were talking about the vagina, anon. Not the clit.

No. 215622>>215625>>215641>>215653

I had a really weird experience last night, I need to know I'm not alone in this kek. Has any nonnie ever cried after an orgasm? I was using my dildo which is kinda rare for me, I had a really intense orgasm and tears just started coming out, it was an overwhelming but cathartic feeling, not painful at all. I let myself cry for a little because I wasn't sad, just overwhelmed I guess. I've felt close to tears before using the dildo, but I never thought I'd actually cry

No. 215625

You’re definitely not the only person who’s ever cried after an orgasm kek. It can be brought on by a lot of things. The last time it happened to me was after I masturbated and came 3-4 times in one night, and that brought on a wave of loneliness which led to tears, but it was a very cathartic experience.

No. 215641

Don't worry anon that's not weird at all. I've cried a few times after having an orgasm, usually because it just feels really good and I can't help it lol, another time it was because I was feeling particularly down and masturbated to distract myself, and I guess the orgasm was a huge release of my bottled up emotions.

No. 215653

I don't sob or anything but my eyes water like I'm crying, is this what you mean?

No. 215654

thus does my quest for coom continue

No. 215669>>215690

This is a retarded question but I need to know. If I put a suction cup dildo on the ground and used it as if I was "on top", can I count that as an exercise? Or are there not enough muscles used? I'm trying to cut corners and this would be helpful

No. 215690>>215707

I don't get it, do you mean like squatting? I think you'd be better off doing regular squats to gain some muscles.

No. 215707

I'm using that as an example. I'm basically asking if riding a dildo counts as exercise because it requires some level of muscle stamina

No. 215744>>215747>>215748

Is there somewhere I can find asmr style content for women? I have the best sessions while listening to men moaning but usually the ones that make noise throw in too much cringe dirty talk. I enjoy breathy, quiet noises but searching asmr style content only yields gross daddy dom roleplay.

No. 215747

im a dirty fujo but personally i like to listen to blcds on soundcloud. I know there are otome ones with just the guy but there is something about hearing 2 guys pretend to go at it. good stuff. I recommend this one because if you understand japanese its a cute lil love story.

No. 215748

Pornhub. Not even trolling. idk the search times if you're looking for English language content, but there's content by males that's what you're looking for. If you only want sound, just minimize the window lol.

No. 215750>>215799>>216748

File (hide): 1638494063992.jpg (29.91 KB, 225x340, 63535.jpg)

i bought the rose toy thats been shilled everywhere because i needed a new vibe and thought why not. I honestly thought people were being dramatic and just lying because its the internet. But bitch i made it only like 10 seconds before i came and that was only the 1st setting. When i finally worked up the courage to go to setting 2 im pretty sure i squirted. Idk though because i've never squirted before. i stopped before i got carried away because im honestly scared. i never felt such intense orgasms before. Ladies the internet was right get you a rose toy. I also love that it isnt phallic and its girly because dicks dont make girls cum anyway why shape vibrators after that (i know why shutup). pic unrelated.

No. 215799>>215800

Excuse me bitch how dare you make an excellent recommendation like that and then not tell me what tf a rose toy is or where to acquire the instant orgasm machine

No. 215800>>215801>>215802

File (hide): 1638546161620.jpeg (Spoiler Image,72.08 KB, 517x579, 559F9059-73F5-49E4-80B4-C24735…)

Is it this one? Nta.

No. 215801

That looks hard to clean and unhygienic tbh

No. 215802

It’s literally just a clit sucker. I’ve had the Satisfyer one forever. They really are nice.

No. 215806>>215807>>215808>>215815>>215891>>216989

File (hide): 1638551313312.jpg (112.28 KB, 800x800, H1576f3beffde48e481df8d72ca0b8…)

Anyone here tried glass dildos? I've always been afraid of them…

No. 215807

What is the yellow one supposed to represent? A banana? If so why does it lie with vegetables?

No. 215808>>216908>>220862

recommend reading this: https://dangerouslilly.com/2016/05/glass-sex-toy-safety/

tldr is cheap glass toys are more likely to break and colored cheap glass toys are probably actually clear glass coated in a "luster" (as opposed to using colored glass) that is toxic and can come off

No. 215815

Yes, I got an Amazon one for $15. Clear glass. Worked fine and super easy to clean, but can't go too hard because it'll make you sore.

No. 215891

If you decide to get one (listen to the other anon and get something decent quality) PLEASE use a ton of lube and go slow. Don't repeat my mistakes.

No. 216748

I'm thinking of getting this but I want to know how different is it compared to a satisfyer air pulser, which I have no idea how to use.

No. 216908

Late but I've owned glass toys before and ime purely smooth shaped glass toys can be really underwhelming. Some light texture or a shaped head is good seeing as the finish on glass is so smooth it takes all the friction away. And I would always pay a little bit more to get a branded toy rather than a chinese no name one. There's alot of no name glass toys around and some look identical to brands but if you're going for glass or silicone (meant to be safe materials) then you need to make sure it's a brand that isn't lying to you about their materials or cutting corners. Hell even some well known brands are dodgy so a few extra mins of research before you commit to buying is good. Generally if a price seems too good to be right..

Not saying her info is wrong or anything but dangerous lily is a lolcow within the sex toy reviewing community. Crazy histrionic cow who lives up to her name. This is bringing back memories lol

No. 216983

I just got my womanizer in the mail and there are no words. That thing is so powerful it made me bleed, it made my pelvis hurt, I felt things I didn't know my body could feel and I don't miss my ex anymore. I can't count how many orgasms I had just in the first hour of using it. Totally worth it.

No. 216989

i love my glass toys, like another anon said i recommend getting a good quality one with some shape to it bc it improves the experience. but i really like the unique sliding sensation and the slight coolness that comes with using glass, it feels really nice imo

No. 217140

Honestly thinking of throwing away my toys, I never use them anymore, they have a persistent smell even though I wash them, and my family likes to snoop. How do I throw them away? I can't put them in the trash bc family will find them.

No. 217448

I decided on throwing away my toys since I am going to get married soon and honestly would not feel comfortable with him having toys so I think it is just fair if I don't have any either. We have great sex every day so I haven't felt the need to use them in forever anyways. You think it's alright to just chuck them in the trash? Usually I bring electronics to be recycled at a junkyard but.. uhhh, yeah.. no.

No. 218313

is it very uncommon to be able to get off without touching yourself? i've done this for years, i'll play some music that arouses me and read erotica or vividly imagine a sexual encounter with someone i'm attracted to, and get horny enough that i have an orgasm without having to masturbate. and when i do masturbate i rarely ever get an orgasm from it, it just arouses me more

No. 218319>>219289

File (hide): 1639938684660.jpg (92.54 KB, 1200x1200, APA00339_10_5f261436-b2d3-4ff9…)

Just bought the arc g spot vibrator from Dame. I've tried different vibes in the past but this is the first one I got for myself. I wanted something versatile that I could use solo or with another woman, internally or externally, and that didn't resemble a dildo. Any anons familiar with it?

No. 219264

Read that again, scrote. Women can have multiple orgasms in a single session, but most never do because men are so bad at their job

No. 219266

>three in a single day
That is pathetic. Moids truly are inferior.

No. 219273

Oh no I don’t have a stinky fleshy cancer magnet hanging between my legs that’ll make me throw up and pass out if it’s even nudged uncomfortably. Why even live.

No. 219274

I love how a creep came here (most likely) to jerk off to our masturbation stories… and all he got was offended instead. Beautiful

No. 219278

It's a 7 month old post. You're already retarded and creepy for being a scrote on here scrolling that far back.. but also responding out of offense 7 months on… yeah that anon won't see your efforts.

No. 219282

Dude just get a thicker skin if you're going to spend your time creeping around womens boards reading about female masturbation and throwing lil shitfits when this convo isn't what you wanted to read

No. 219283

It's Xmas day. Time for the xmas wank. Peace, love and no to scrotes everyone

No. 219286

File (hide): 1640432144617.jpg (164.02 KB, 856x640, 1640279376908.jpg)

Imagine being proud of being a degenerate coomer moid who jerks his tiny pickle to disgusting porn several times in a row. Now imagine thinking women should be impressed by that instead of utterly disgusted. Have sex, incel.

No. 219287

>Literally never happens
it does on fit but I'm convinced half the posters there are gay. Anyway it's Christmas dude log off and go be with your family

No. 219288

I'm here to read about vibrators, not your hurt man feelings lol

No. 219289>>219292>>219566

To get back on topic
Have you had a chance to try this yet? I looked up the brand seeing as I'd never heard of them before and I like the non-penis non-hotpink designs. Bit pricey so wondering if they're worth the price tag?

No. 219290

>what he wanted to read
Uwu and then i teehee away And owo my uwu and teehee again and all of my friends had fun at the sexy pajama party!
>what he read
The truth about how men’s dicks are useless because they’re attached to a piece of meat that can’t even process feelings properly so they either chimp out or coom to overly manufactured scenarios in which they expect a woman to act like a cartoon of a woman so they can be pleased, therefore becoming unable of dealing with real life experiences and thus making women pick anything other than a scrote’s barely useful dick.

No. 219292>>219566

Looks like it has a sharp edge which will be uncomfortable. In my experience stuff with edges like that are never worth it. Toys need to be smooth.

No. 219293>>219294>>219295

File (hide): 1640433982265.jpg (5.12 KB, 700x700, pelle_whim_silicone_grinding_t…)

Pelle Whim Soft Silicone Grinding Toys, 95 euros.. just 2 lumps of silicone. I mean I like external play but I feel like some companies are taking the piss with prices versus what it does

No. 219294>>219303

You could just get some clay, shape it, and wrap it with a condom or something like that, less expensive, similar effect.

No. 219295

>not even a vibrator
Kek yes they're taking the piss.

No. 219296

>There is no winning with you, huh?
Guys I think he figured it out! Piss off coombrain.

No. 219299

why are you guys talking to a m*le? just report and ignore.

No. 219303>>219304

I could sit on the heel of my foot and 'grind' for free, pretty sure I have at some point lol

No. 219304>>219309

Samefag to add that maybe it's aimed at disabled people? but even then that pricepoint is insane

As much as I used to hate everything being pink jelly cocks years ago.. the cost that's attached to alot of the newer gender neutral classy/simple designed toys is above what it should be. Even factoring in that they're silicone often doesn't explain it.

No. 219306>>219308

>mfw anons are replying to a degenerate scrote instead of just telling him to kill himself
Shameful and pathetic. And yeah the moid can go contribute to the male suicide statistics like the rest of his kind around Christmas.

No. 219308

Every time a scrote comes on here and whinges about himself.. another male virgin out there loses a potential bj he had coming his way. Cause and effect baby

No. 219309

Wouldn't disabled people want it to vibrate at least? Weird. I bet you could buy any kind of lump of silicone and get the same result.

No. 219325

oop another virgin lost a bj

No. 219330>>219338

I'm pretty sure there are some anons getting off to fighting with this retarded coomer moid, i really can't understand why would you entertain such a pathetic being

No. 219335


No. 219338>>219340

Anons in ot are saying it sounds like a woman larping as a man, kek it kinda does

No. 219340>>219343

I was going to post that same theory itt kek. Moidchan fess up, are you a fellow xx-having menstruator?

No. 219343

I was making fun of them earlier because I fully thought it was a lonely xmas anon just larping seeing as modding is scarce atm. It's just too textbook. Muh ballz lol

No. 219346

You go gurl

No. 219566

Not yet, still waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I was drawn to this brand for those reasons, toys in neutral colours and designs are surprisingly uncommon so I guess that's reflected in the price tag. The reviews I looked at described the tip as being soft and a bit squishy so I hope the contours aren't uncomfortable as >>219292 mentioned. I'll report back when i finally get to try it out.

No. 219930>>220010>>220032

please help I have pleasureless orgasms (pleasure dissociative orgasmic disorder)

orgasms have been pleasureless for over a decade now (I'm 28). Tried everything, edging, long breaks, different techniques, toys. I can orgasm but there's no pleasure in it, it's just my vagina pulsating and feeling more relaxed/less tense

This is torture because I can't get any relief or satisfaction, I'm super horny 24/7 and there's no way for me to release the pressure

Anyone else here have pleasure dissociative orgasmic disorder?

No. 220010>>220055

Wtf this has a name? It doesn't feel like much just a sensitivity, the rush of relaxing hormones, and pulsing. I basically just stopped masturbating because it wasn't worth it, and dosed myself up with chasteberry to get rid of horniness. Not to be cynical but I don't think there's a cure, women's pleasure is never studied.

No. 220032>>220055

i'm 95% sexually anhedonic (the 5% is vibrator-induced orgasms that feel ok "in the moment" but i feel like shit after, otherwise i feel nothing in every other context) as a result of taking antidepressants in the past, is that a factor for you?

No. 220055>>220115>>220132

I have the exact same orgasms.

There's a specialist in San Diego (Dr Irwin Goldstein)who is supposedly a miracle worker. There's no way I can afford him anytime soon.

No, mine wasn't caused by antidepressants

No. 220115>>220119>>220132

Does he give some info out about what it could be caused by, atleast? Or is it secret?

No. 220119

There might be something on the website: http://sandiegosexualmedicine.com/

No. 220132>>220142

someone i knew with a similar problem said that goldstein told her during a free consult over the phone that addyi (aka the "female viagra") can help with orgasm-anhedonia, but i've read 90% bad things about that medication. it's super expensive and the side effects are risky, so that makes me feel like i'll always be broken

he has free phone consultations, at least, so you can get a professional opinion. no idea if they do telehealth outside of san diego

No. 220142>>220165>>220270

Have you heard of that vagina book by Naomi Wolf?

In the book she says she had intense transcendental orgasms her whole life but then her orgasms started to be less intense

She got her pelvis scanned, they found a trapped nerve, performed surgery to fix it and her orgasms became intense again

The surgery could have just been a placebo of course but it might actually have fixed her problem. The surgeon was some New York pelvic specialist.

No. 220165>>220181

Wolf is a loon. Her books in recent years aren't based on facts. For example she wrote a book about tons of gay men being executed in the 1800s because she had misunderstood "death recorded" which means pardoned.

No. 220181

Yeah she's definitely insane and not very bright.

I was just mentioning the surgery she had that fixed her orgasms, might help that anon. I myself might look up the doctor who treated her, see if it's a good option for me.

No. 220270>>220982

i can't really afford surgery, like at all. i've looked into pelvic floor therapy to see if i possibly have nerve damage or the muscles are too loose or too tight down there, but it's expensive and i'm often busy

No. 220828>>221396

this is probably going to sound insane but i’m going to try and explain it as best i can so i can see if anyone else has experienced the same thing.

today i fell asleep on the couch and had a series of kind of lucid dreams. like i was kind of aware that i was sleeping and also experienced some physical sensations. like you know if you’ve been at a theme park all day or in the ocean and then when you go to bed at night you can still feel the phantom feelings of being on the rollercoaster or in the waves? that sort of happened in the lucid dreams so i could feel this phantom feeling of my body moving.
not super unusual but what was was that i felt my clit becoming really sensitive like i was touching it except i actually wasn’t. i’m not sure if it was enough to make me orgasm because the feeling would get too much and push my out of sleep but it happened a few times in succession when i was trying to nap.

it was such a weird feeling. it didn’t feel exactly like how it feels to masturbate but that’s the closest i can compare it to. it almost feels like when you’re driving down a super steep hill and you can feel it in your clit (which some people were talking about upthread) except i was completely stationary on the couch

No. 220862

thank you anon!!

This site is something I’ve been searching for a long time.

No. 220982>>221388

You can't afford surgery now, but you might be able to in the near future. Don't give up hope.

No. 221058>>221374

File (hide): 1641249018851.jpg (156.74 KB, 500x375, poutpout.jpg)

so i can get horny, but touching myself or using a toy isnt stimulating at all. the only time i've found to feel ANYTHING is when i squeeze my legs together really fucking hard, but even that barely does anything, and it gets boring real quick. it's frustrating, so i have to mentally force myself to calm the fuck down since i cant do anything about it.

No. 221304>>221321>>221380

how do I make fingering enjoyable for myself??

No. 221321

Have you looked at g spot stimulation guides? Didn't work for me but works for a lot of people.

No. 221374>>221422

maybe try grinding on something? have you tried using a showerhead? sometimes I can only get off with a partner because i'm apathetic/not wildly turned on with solo masturbation, maybe it's something like that.

No. 221380>>221387>>221597

I also struggle to find it enjoyable because its something I am doing to myself, I guess like tickling? Maybe its an aspie thing because textures freak me out but I always used to use a sharpie, its finger sized and does the same kinda thing but without the texture issues

No. 221387>>221392

Wait, so sticking a sharpie in and out of your vagina feels good?

Penetration always feels like nothing to me so I'm always surprised that people enjoy it, even with small/thin objects.

No. 221388>>221389

i mean i'm sexually anhedonic and masturbation has never been fun for me anyway, having shitty orgasms are kind of the least of my concern when i can't feel any pleasure or get horny. i don't even know how surgery would fix that when antidepressants made this happen

No. 221389>>221391

How long ago did you stop taking antidepressants?

No. 221391

a few years, psychiatrist didn't care when i told her, and the resources online about it are catered to men

No. 221392>>221400

Alongside clitoral stimulation yeah, you need to find the right angle, some women will I suppose always prefer wider things for penetration but I prefer smaller for my own tastes

No. 221396

I actually experience this too. It seems my lucid dreams are always either like this or it turns into sleep paralysis. Several times I've even orgasmed in this type of lucid dream but I can never make sure if it was a real orgasm.

No. 221400>>221408

I've tried every angle and width…oh well.

No. 221408>>221410

Nta but I was very promiscuous in my early 20s and I've only just recently discovered the precise angle + depth that drastically changed piv for me (from googling, it's where the "a-spot" is, allegedly). It also depends on how turned on you are, like I feel more things if I'm super horny, if not things feel like literally nothing. The flexibility/hardness/temperature of the dick/dildo also affects if you feel it too.

No. 221410>>221415>>221446


Yeah I was never turned on during sex, and only barely turned on during masturbation. Of course it will feel like nothing.

No. 221415

File (hide): 1641359330878.jpg (52.65 KB, 772x960, 1614145949724.jpg)

Super sad to hear that, anon. I hope you find your horniness and/or very hot person soon

No. 221422>>221426

i've tried a shower head, and it's the same no feel for me. but i havent tried grinding on something specific, thanks for the suggestion

No. 221426

Have you tried Betty Dodson's "rock and roll" technique? Cringe name I know but she was a masturbation expert who dedicated her life to fixing hard cases. Maybe look into it? She also came out with a book called Sex for One.

No. 221446>>221453

Have you tried reading smut? Sometimes being able to read so deeply into descriptions and scenarios is what turns people on more than imagery or imagination

No. 221452>>221493

Does fingering and penetration actually feel good? I’m a virgin and all my life ive mostly focused on the clitoris area and i never had the instinct to go anywhere beyond that so i was wondering

No. 221453>>221592

I have no problem getting turned on/horny mentally. In fact sometimes I get so horny it's unbearable. It just doesn't make my vagina sensitive. Mental arousal is through the roof, maximum. Physical arousal is barely there, minimum.

And I've only ever had casual sex, mostly with men I didn't find attractive because that's all I can get. So I was not aroused mentally or physically during sex. I was just disgusted the whole time, no pleasure at all.

No. 221493>>221541

Depends on the person but I really like it. I like really big dick though so if it's not big it's boring as fuck and meaningless for me.

No. 221541>>221799

Are you getting actual pleasure from it or is it just a turn on

No. 221592>>221621

Can you describe what mental arousal/mentally horny is like for you?

No. 221597

Gtfo scrote with that porn scenario shit

No. 221621>>221627

A desire to be fucked violently, imagining various sexual scenes, a dissatisfaction like an itch that needs to be scratched, lots of horny thoughts, thinking about men's bodies, dicks, chests, shoulders hands etc, desperation, getting "hot and bothered", getting worked up

I don't know if I managed to give a useful description but I tried

No. 221627>>221628

AYRT, thanks. i'm the sexual anhedonia anon earlier in this thread and most of the advice i get told elsewhere is to just be mentally aroused and go on from there but if that's what feeling aroused in your brain but not body is like then i don't think i've ever felt that way since i became anhedonic from meds

No. 221628>>221682

Yeah it's not fun. All that pressure and nowhere for it to go.

I usually have a cold shower, maybe go for a run, maybe cry for a few hours to get it all out and feel ok again.

Hope you figure out how to cure your anhedonia. We're all gonna make it etc.

No. 221682>>221738

technically the last time i felt "mentally" in the mood was years ago, i tried to touch myself to "release" the thoughts in my brain and literally ended up crying because i couldn't feel anything down there at all. i hope i get to have a libido or feel pleasure before i die lmao

No. 221738>>221837

Not sure if that's low sex drive or anhedonia. Anhedonia is pleasureless orgasms, it doesn't sound like you're having any orgasms.

No. 221799

Actual pleasure. I also don't date men or enjoy having sex with them, I just use a massive dildo I bought myself. I enjoy the initial feeling putting it in, since that's when I feel everything the most, but I can't start using it too early while I'm masturbating because my vagina eventually adjusts to the size of it and then it feels like nothing again.

No. 221837

i have both. i lost pleasure and sex drive while on meds and it didn't cone back, i can orgasm with a vibrator but they're not great, but it's least of my concern when i don't have "warm" horny feelings and my vagina feels like an empty hole.

No. 222792>>222861>>222988

Is there bad dragon dildoes but higher quality? Shapes are nice but I ain't about to get pussy cancer.

No. 222861>>222988

Not sure how much higher quality you can get? BD dildos made of 100% body safe silicone and are solid all the way through unless you get the cumtube. I'm not a BD defender, I think they're overpriced and there are many more indie fantasy dildo companies out there with similar/more interesting designs for a fraction of the price, but pretty much all fantasy dildo makers use 100% body safe silicone. As long as you dont tear it open or scratch it or do some crazy shit to get some nicks into it, it is a safe, non porous material. You can boil it or submerge it in a 10% bleach solution to sanitize it, I don't think you can do that with anything other sort of dildo without it melting besides glass since that's the only other non-porous material you can get. I think it's much safer than anything you could buy from any regular sex shop that is made of questionable, most likely cheap and porous material that can never be 100% properly cleaned.

I've own a few from BD and other indie companies and they are all fine, no pussy cancer here. My friend has even bought some secondhand (yes, secondhand since they can be boiled to be properly sanitized) and is fine too. If you are still unsure I'd just find glass dildos.

No. 222988

i dislike BD after i found out dirt about the company's owner, but the dildos are body-safe, even the cheaper inventory ones. i had one in the past that lasted years and while i didn't like it because it was too big (i got the smallest size, but i guess the older models are aimed towards dudes and their prostates), it was good quality. where did you read about the pussy-cancer thing?

No. 223531

this is kind of a silly question but I kinda wish there's less downtime after orgasm. I like it when my muscles got all tensed up and relaxed after a good masturbation session but then my workaholic brain kicked in after and urging me to do Anything but lying down and enjoy the afterglow - I've been staring blankly into the screen for 30 min straight now.

No. 224500>>224559>>224615>>224638>>224644

File (hide): 1642501203910.jpeg (170.72 KB, 450x750, EA1CE815-0D36-4377-ACC2-90E53A…)

Does anyone else feel like there’s a difference between ‘orgasming’ and ‘cunning’? Maybe I’m being sexually obtuse, but I feel like when I usually masturbate, I’m ‘cunning’ because it feels nice and I very much enjoy it, but it’s usually not a full-body experience, but I’d say I haven’t ’orgasmed’ since I was 13. Or are both of these the same, and I’m just being dumb?

No. 224559

sorry nonnie but I don't have the first clue what you're on about kek

No. 224615

You mean the intensity of the orgasm? Yeah that's normal

No. 224638

look up the definition of cunning

No. 224644>>225233>>225234

Lol I think you mean coming/cumming anon. I have the opposite where the intense, body-shaking orgasm can only happen when I'm solo, sex with someone else is fun and can be very pleasurable, I definitely have peaks in pleasure but I never lose my mind like I can by myself. To get a real orgasm for me it's like a 15 minute long secret handshake, plus some intense fantasies, and when I'm thinking about pleasuring the other person I just can't get there.

No. 225161>>225197

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I have several vibrators that no longer work. Three of them are from Unbound. I bought an Ollie, it broke after 3 months, got another under warranty, and that one broke too. Pep as well. The trouble is, since they're rechargeable, they all have lithium ion batteries, so they really shouldn't just be thrown into the trash. I'm really not sure what to do with them, and have decided to not get a working vibrator until these ones are properly disposed of. I thought about soaking them all in bleach and then dropping them off in an opaque trash bag in the electronics recycling bin on my university campus with a note, but it just feels kind too embarrassing. Does anyone have any experience getting rid of such items?

No. 225197

Do you think you could cut the dildo part off so it's just the battery and motor to deal with?
This is why I bought a separate pocket rocket and silicon dildo after my last vibe broke. Vibes are intentionally unbalanced motors and you can't open them up to fix them even if it's just a lose wire or something, so they're guaranteed not to last that long.

No. 225233

Same, I always get self-concious when I'm with a partner, even masturbating next to him is hard. When I'm on my own I can orgasm in 30 seconds flat if I'm so inclined.

No. 225234>>225259

What are you doing to get these intense orgasms?

My orgasms are pleasureless so I'm very jealous.

No. 225259>>225290

Idk it's different every time, but the common factors are
>hands, not toys are the star. Toys are good for quick pleasure but for earthquake orgasms I mostly use hands, maybe a toy at the very end
>obviously privacy is key, I play white noise through bedroom speakers too
>get turned on before touching starts, reading smut sometimes works but it's always best when I imagine my own fantasy, sometimes when I'm alone I whisper it to myself like a story I'm telling someone. It's important to be in the first person, imagine it's happening to you and not like you're watching a movie
>pussy needs to be dripping wet at all times, I like saliva over lube before my juices start flowing
>focus on clit with very soft, SPARING movements. I go numb easily so I have to be very light and every touch is intentional, be present and don't just mess around on autopilot
>vary motions like don't just go up and down, do swirls, flicks, trace the alphabet, whatever
>don't force or rush. when pleasure fades, relax and take a break, just doze or think about something else and soon enough you start to feel the buzz of pleasure again
>this sounds weird but let your pleasure pull you in, don't push it to get bigger because that's how you get a weak shitty orgasm
>this is where fantasy helps most, my fantasies are often about exhibitionist/voyeur scenarios so every touch feels high stakes, like you're crossing a line and that makes you enjoy the moment rather than thinking about the orgasm
>escalate your fantasy along with your actions, I don't penetrate until maybe the last 20% of my session because it needs to make sense with the fantasy, it's so much more satisfying when you build up to it
>when you feel the orgasm near, completely let go, hands off the wheel and do whatever your body wants, squirm or slap your pussy or grab extra toys to shove in, there are no wrong moves and your only goal is more pleasure
>this is again where privacy is power, as long as I'm not even thinking about being too loud or being barged in on, I'll have a good orgasm - if I'm worried or self conscious in any way then it'll be much weaker
>stick around for multiples if you have time, after the first orgasm I can have more if I'm patient and spend maybe 20 minutes distracting myself with something else, the second can come much faster than the first and be just as intense or more
Hope that helps nona!

No. 225290

Thanks so much.

No. 225800>>225802

Every time I finger myself I fart. Has anyone else has this problem and how do I stop it? I'm a virgin and I don't want this to happen with a future partner.

No. 225802>>225808

Do you mean you queef? It’s gonna happen and not exactly 100% preventable. Keep your back flat down when you masterbate. If you lift your hips you’ll suck in air.

No. 225808

No, literally fart, like when i hit the back wall of the vagina sometimes I let out a fart.

No. 225869>>225912

I'm only attracted to men, and when I get horny I fantasize about having (vanilla) sex with them. But when I actually go to masturbate I can only get myself to orgasm to really weird/degenerate things usually involving other women, like a threesome or watching my (imaginary) husband fuck some other woman, or thoughts of me being degraded in various ways, sometimes even me having a dick. I wish I could just masturbate to normal thoughts of sex. I really wish I knew what was wrong with me, I hate that I'm like this. I'd say it was porn brain washing but I was like this before I even saw porn..

No. 225912

I’m the same way Nona. It’s super annoying because all I want to think about is sweet romantic vanilla crap, and I can’t get off to it. So I end up thinking about degenerate shit and finish in like 60 seconds. I don’t watch porn either.
I think (in my case) it just has to do with my sex life and the moids I have sex with. I don’t really ever have cute vanilla sex with them and my ex was porn sick so it was always degenerate things that got him off. So my brain associates that kind of sex with pleasure. Even tho I hated it, I still endured because I got off most of the time.

No. 225969>>225972>>225982>>226068

File (hide): 1643060825371.png (543.83 KB, 1296x564, djfoierjfijoji.PNG)

is it weird that i can't seem to get off from a vibrator? it makes me feel 'broken' because vibrators are seen as the most amazing thing for a woman to own for her self pleasure, yet it doesn't make me cum at all. even though it feels good for the first 2 minutes or so, i feel it then gets too repetitive and starts to even hurt. it's like if i wanted to cum with it i couldn't because it's too intense. maybe i am too sensitive for a vibrator/need to get a lower frequency one. i've only ever tried this one (pic for reference). does anyone have any suggestions on a more suitable one for me or am i just not meant for them?

No. 225972>>225987

I’d recommend instead of a vibrator maybe try an air pulse toy. It’s a different sensation and a lot less intense.

No. 225982>>225987

Yeah I never even wanted this kind of thing. It doesn't seem like it would get me off. As the other anon said, maybe an air pulse toy. I'm planning to get one soon. They're also small which is great and many of them can be used in the bathtub too.

No. 225987

thanks nonas i'll look into buying one!

No. 226068

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For me the blunt tipped ones can't get me off I can only use the bullet type, the stimulation is more directed which results in a better sensation instead of feeling like it's going to vibrate your labia off

No. 226178>>227021

Slightly OT but what am I supposed to do with an old vibrator that doesnt work anymore. It has a battery so I don't think I can just throw it in the trash and the electronics recycling places near me you have to pay For. I'm debating just taking them to my local sex toy shop and asking if they can dispose of them for me

No. 226951

>trying to do the deed
>roommate starts blasting drake/top tiktok songs
Mood fucking killed.

No. 226961

I feel like there's no inbetween for me when I masturbate. It either feels good and I can finish in 45 seconds or it feels like nothing and is annoying more than anything. Hands, toys, vibes, penetration, no penetration it's all the same.

No. 227021

i second this question, i have two old wand vibrators i need to dispose of that are worn out.

No. 227174>>227175>>227192>>227723

any tips on how to orgasm faster? It always takes me almost an hour, and I get distracted and start thinking about other things because it takes so long, which only makes it take longer. I enjoy the experience but I wish it didn't take so long

No. 227175>>227186

Hmm. Hard to know how to advise without knowing your method. Maybe, you need more stimulation? Maybe in a different area? Factors that play a big role is medicine, and hormones.

No. 227186>>227190

Fingers, vibrator, dildo, it all takes me forever. Usually just occasional fingering but mostly clitoral stimulation with my fingers or a bullet vibrator. I can cum and it's plenty strong, it just takes a lot of concentration and patience. I'm on abilify but this was a problem even before. I used to watch porn but my new year's resolution was to cut it out of my life. I guess that has something to do with it

No. 227190

File (hide): 1643497767551.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.8 KB, 2048x2048, HOAE-BL-7174-2_7_2048x.jpg)

nta, I also experience lengthy sessions sometimes. this is my holy grail– https://www.stuffgoodies.com/products/eves-twirling-rabbit-thruster
Vibrations, thrusting, girth/length, heavy weight, nice silicon feel, and clit stimulation. I paid $50 for this, you can probably find something at a similar price. When I first used it I came in like thirty seconds, it was really startling and now I only really use it if I'm in a hurry (I'm afraid it'll make sex boring if I use it too much lol).

No. 227192

ime it's less what you're doing and what is stimulating you.

there are certain things that make me super horny and get me off FAST, to the point i feel guilty for being so aroused by them, but fuck it. it's your mind. no one else knows. guilt and shame totally kill sex drive. indulge fully in whatever porn you like or fantasy in your head and you will come faster.

No. 227497>>227526>>227532

I see women talking about how hard it's to orgasm, but when I masturbate, I climax in a few minutes. Is it normal? Or maybe I'm confusing what I feel and I'm not actually cumming?

No. 227526>>227528

It’s hard to mistake an orgasm for anything other than an orgasm. Personally I can climax in like 30 seconds. If I go any longer than 5 minutes without an orgasm, I stop. Props to those who spend an hour working for it.

No. 227528

same boat as this anon.

No. 227532

I only masturbate when I'm horny, that way I can climax within a minute, the "downside" being I only do it a few times a month. I also don't do the multiple orgasms in the row, usually after coming one or two times I'm not in the mood anymore.

No. 227553>>227556>>238457

A lil embarrassed to admit this, kinda, but I ordered my first vibrator online a few days ago. I’m 25. Virgin. please don’t laugh or judge.

No. 227556

Nothing embarrassing about it! Enjoy nonna

No. 227723

gonna repost what I said in the unpopular thread. I somehow managed to figure out how to stimulate my clit and finger myself simultaneously, and I work up to it by first stimulating my clit and then fingering myself individually. I use both hands. this takes a little time, I enjoy exploring my body while I do it. I consider myself a ridiculously hypersexual woman but I've discovered I don't like getting off too quickly despite my libido, and that building up to a climax benefits me more than a quick orgasm.

I also started using my non dominant hand to finger myself and it works like a charm.

I've never really discussed itt so I don't know if this is a normal way to masturbate at all but for some reason it's what brings me maximum pleasure and I thought I'd reshare it here.

No. 229288

i feel like i‘m the only woman in the world who dislikes satisfyers. they just tingle me in a weird way and the orgasms feel like i gotta pee. maybe i ruined my clit with my daily vibrator usage

No. 229906>>229930>>229931

If it's easier for me to masturbate over my underwear than with direct contact, does it mean I'm too sensitive or not all that sensitive?

No. 229930>>229931

Too sensitive. Although you're not really "too" anything, everyone has their personal preference. I find direct touch overly intense as well.

No. 229931>>230015

Same, i'm very sensitive and i come too fast if i use direct contact, is there something wrong with my clit/labia? is this normal? sorry i'm retarded

No. 230015

It's normal. No need to pathologize everything.

No. 235643>>236021>>238687

I want to get my first toy for penetration soon, should I get a rabbit or just a plain silicone dildo?

No. 236021

I tried out too may rabbit vibes as a beginner and I was basically trying to stratch 2 itches at once but somehow not fully scratching either lol. Maybe I'm in the minority (and of course tastes vary) but I don't rate them as great beginners toys. I feel like buying a seperate clit vibe and dildo makes more sense in the beginning.

No. 236214>>236246>>236335>>282149>>282179

File (hide): 1645137555244.png (233.26 KB, 970x728, vagooter go brrr.png)

Hello, I just came here to flex with my cute as fuck magic wand

That is all

No. 236246>>236259

Have you tried it yet? The horn looks uncomfortable

No. 236259>>236265

I have had it for so many years it already has some wire contact issues rip. It has been used very lovingly. The tip can be removed though, there's all kind of different heads for magic wands. Even ones meant for the pp, so it can be a couple toy

No. 236265>>236268

magic wands for the pp?? how do they look?

No. 236268>>282178

File (hide): 1645139881754.jpg (26.01 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

Like this for example

No. 236335

Omg that is so cute, nonny!

No. 238454>>238687

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I feel like a degenerate but does anyone else enjoy something in their butt? I don't mean anal sex, I'm talking strictly about masturbation. I had a smallish dildo I used once (with a condom) in there and it felt so good. I would never have anal but something smallish in my butt while I play with my clit feels amazing. I'm thinking of getting a butt plug for this reason. I'm wondering if I'm in the minority here.

No. 238457

Why would we laugh or judge? I'm older than you and still a virgin and I love my vibe. Enjoy yourself nonny!

No. 238687

Get a rabbit, you can always leave the vibration off and use it as a regular dildo. Get more bang for your buck, nonny

You are definitely in the minority. I also enjoy pressure on my hole whenever I top, gets me off faster. Don't remember what anal plugs feel like (it's been several years), but I don't think I would hate it. But this would be for sex where getting off is much harder, masturbation is easy.

No. 241333>>241368>>242820

File (hide): 1645377999307.jpg (6.16 KB, 450x450, 21bC3mqau0L._AC_SS450_.jpg)

I ordered this Satisfyer air pulse clit stimulator. It's gonna arrive Monday or Tuesday. I didn't intend to buy a cutesy toy but in the class of affordable clit suckers it had great reviews and people seem to be in agreement that it's among the quietest and that's super important to me.

No. 241368>>241389

If anyone ever stumbles across this I feel like you could pass it off as a pore cleanser

No. 241389

Agree. I was thinking the same thing. I could definitely say that. And it's small and easy to clean. Waterproof too so it can be used in the bath. Seems ideal. I've never. used an air pulse toy before so I hope I like it. I've wanted one for a while.

No. 242820>>243080

So let me update. It already came and I already came. First of all, this thing is insanely cute looking. So round! Very dapper lmao. The tux…very classy. His little bow is removable. It's quiet enough. Of course it gets rumblier on higher levels which is understandable but it's still fine. It has 11 levels and I didn't want to make it go all the way. I finished on level 7, I think. I was moderately turned on. Wouldn't masturbate at that time usually but I really wanted to try it out. If I was more ready, maybe I could do it on a lower level, I really don't know. The higher levels are probably heaven but I'll hold off a little. Buttons are easy to work even when you don't have control over yourself. The charger is a little fiddly but I heard about that on these devices. Not a terribly big deal though. Just playing with the levels and the placement it took me about 12-15 minutes to finish, which is long. But I can see when I get used to it it's gonna take the usual few. Can't wait to try it when I'm really turned on. In the bath will also probably be fun and it will probably muffle any rumbling even more. The little nozzle is easily removed, washing is easy. All in all, can't wait to play with it again.

No. 243080>>243620

>His little bow is removable
Can you buy him little fashion packs?

No. 243620

No. But you can make him a wetsuit if you're that into outfits.

No. 248055

ugh i want to full on masturbate instead of just grind against my dresser’s corner but it’s too time consuming right now.

No. 248092>>248104>>248113>>248144>>248157>>248165>>248532>>251681

i masturbated for the first time when i was like 16-17 and i got told that was weird. maybe i'm just a late bloomer.

No. 248104>>248113>>248532

I never touched myself until I was 17 too. Then I was curious where the hole is so I opened a encyclopedia and it didn't help so I looked for it manually kek but I imagined it would be closer to the front than it is. But touching myself didn't feel good I was disappointed

No. 248113>>248157>>248532

I started at fucking 19 because I thought masturbation was something only loser men did (which the sex-ed I got kinda implied), it's only after Tumblr that I found women masturbated too. It took me a while to get the hang of it, but now I can't see how I was this clueless.

No. 248144

I was told 13-14 was a weird late age to start doing it? whatever

No. 248157

I also started at 19, mostly because I had zero interest or sexual desire. I don't really know why. The first time it sort of happened by accident? I had an itch, but I guess rubbing at it felt good and then I suddenly had an orgasm for the first time. If it hadn't happened randomly like that I probably never would have started. Never told anyone about that before, it's kinda cringe.

No. 248165

i think that whatever age you start is the right age for you. as long as you’re comfortable and feel good. i started when i was like 8 or 9 thought i don’t think i had any concept in my head that i was masturbating

No. 248532

i never got sex ed and thought that only men could masturbate and orgasm for half of my life (i only found out women could from porn and thought squirting was the norm), so i never masturbated until i got a vibrator in my 20s. it doesn't feel good or fun. a part of me is kind of jealous of people who discovered themselves younger because even when i was horny as a teen i didn't understand how to masturbate even when i read guides or looked at diagrams, the texture of fingering the vagina or touching the clit felt gross

No. 251676>>251697

My question would be how would I translate what I like when masturbating to an an actual sexual relationship? I’m a virgin but I want to be able to be able to, in a relationship,be able to direct my partner to what I’d want, so it’s easier for the both of us. The problem is that I don’t know WHAT I like, or have an understanding of why I like something (to the point where I can translate that into something that I can actually use as a direction for a potential partner). Do I just let him ‘use’/test with my body and see what I liked from it?

This is going to sounds like a jarbled mess of a rant but whatever. I’ll be using vulva and clit interchangeably because I can’t honestly pinpoint the specific areas that cause my pleasure. I just feel stuff and don’t go ‘ah yes, this must be stimulating my clit specifically’-I just feel warm and enjoy it

For me, I usually masturbate by dry humping my bed with multiple layers of fabric separating my crotch, otherwise I feel like my vulva is just skin,but sometimes I’m able to get off partially (though I haven’t tried to fully orgasm from it) through slouching, having my legs open and doing slight hip-jerking motions. I also felt aroused when I went to a bumpy motorcycle ride I guess. I kinda like the sensation of water against my vulva, but I can’t imagine orgasming from it, but I haven’t tried because I haven’t tried and Im not exactly interested in trying. I’m 99% sure I can only orgasm laying down or sitting. I think this means I might have a sensitive clit or something but I’m not exactly sure. If I do have a sensitive clit, wtf am I supposed to do with it? That seems awful because you can’t exactly do much with it directly

I idea of using my fingers at all is an immediate turn off and I feel like I’ll probably never get off with my fingers. It just feels like I’m touching skin and that’s a similar reason why

I’m kinda disgusted and scared about the idea of using toys of any sort. I just don’t want to put such a area near a machine and idk where I’d put it exactly.

No. 251681

I was 19. For years I thought being on SSRIs as a teen must've killed my drive but then I came off them at 16 and still took 3 more years to feel a thing down there so idk.

No. 251697>>251840>>251975>>251982

don’t try anything you’re not completely comfortable with but have you ever thought about almost “training” your body to experience something different? i say this because i used to only masturbate by grinding against a table but i knew it was getting to be a problem because i couldn’t feel anything touching my clit directly. i read something online about a type of condition that happens when you only masturbate one way for too long (most of the people experiencing it were men who got used to, ironically enough, grinding against their bed through their clothes and could not enjoy any other type of masturbation or sex). this made me slowly try other types of masturbation but it took a while for me to be able to orgasm from it. i now can with no issues.

one other thing to consider is that sex is a completely different experience to masturbating and you might discover things you like that you were not capable of experiencing on your own.

No. 251840>>251874

I guess I could try, but I’m not exactly sure what I could do. Like I said, the idea of using my fingers or toys legit makes me anxious and incredibly unaroused. How would I go about directly stimulating my clit (since you said that’ll probably lead me into the right direction)?

No. 251874>>251975

have you ever thought about wearing a glove as a barrier or sorts if you don’t like the feeling of your skin touching? (like one of those plastic disposable gloves) or touching yourself over your underwear?

No. 251877>>251894

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I've given up on masturbating completely. Even in the best of times I don't feel anything. And at worst touching my clit actually hurts me and I have no idea why. I don't get what everyone else is feeling when they do it and I'm a little jealous that I can't do that too. And I can't figure out what's wrong. I don't watch porn at all. I'm plenty aroused when I try. And there's nothing wrong with me physically. At this point I don't think there's much I can do about it so I'm just gonna stop trying.

No. 251894>>251917

Does anyone keep going right after the first orgasm? After the first one it feels so intense that I feel like if I keep going I will scream and shake (and I live in a house with other ppl so I try not make any sound) I usually have to take a few secs or minutes to 'cool down' before another round but I wonder if I kept going if it would be pleasant or just unbearably pleasant.

Are you touching directly on it? If you aren't wet enough that could be uncomfortable or painful. Don't focus just on the clit try to move your fingers around other areas or even use something soft like cotton. I wouldn't recommend porn as it gives you brain rot, but maybe try some fanfics and imagine those scenarios, even if you don't care about the characters you can self insert into the situation.
Also putting pressure on yourself to come will oddly make you less likely to, you're focusing too hard on the outcome and not letting the sensation take you

No. 251917>>251921

Yeah I figured that out pretty early on. But if I accidentally touch it at any point it hurts. It doesnt matter what I use or how I do it or where I'm touching, the moment I try anything it feels like nothing. I've tried reading erotica and it didn't help even tho I've got plenty of imagination. I get aroused fine I just can't go further than that. It's hard to explain. It's kinda like how if u try to tickle yourself you don't feel anything no matter how much you try (Yeah I know that's a really bad analogy but it's the best I got. Now that I think about it nobody can tickle me either, ppl have tried and it never works. Am I just unresponsive to stimuli in general?). I might as well be numb down there. I don't really think I'm pressuring myself, I'm usually pretty relaxed, I just get a little pissed that nothing ever happens. With partners I've had the same problem and we're both just left confused and annoyed at the end of it. Erogenous zones are dead zones to me. I have the desire and my body won't respond at all to anything. I just don't get it.

No. 251921>>251922

Are you on any medications at all? I had a similar thing happen when I was on a high dose of antidepressants

No. 251922

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Now I am, but I was like this for years before I started medications so it's not that. I guess if I was like this before antidepressants I should definitely just give up now.

No. 251975>>251982>>252000>>266552

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I did a little research and I think that the type of masturbation I've been doing since I started masturbating is called 'prone masturbation'. 99% of the articles about it is directed towards men, but it seems like it can happen to women too, Apparently 'Due to the increased pressure on the clitoris in such females, vaginal intercourse with a partner or oral sex becomes less pleasing. Even hand stimulation may not be enough to reach climax' and corroborates with my experiences with
being unable to reach orgasm/get aroused at all by any other ways of masturbating. All the resources suggest that I should probably quit masturbation for a while and try other methods
so here's what I'm thinking:
-Imposing a complete ban of prone masturbation unto myself (preferably I'll not do it at all, but I'll probably fail a few times)
-spend 6-12 months not masturbating at all. I know that some may consider this drastic, but, from my own experiences, I find that my body needs multiple months to reset my sensitivity
-during the 6-12 months, I'd get used to seeing/touching my clit/vulva in a non-sexual way. It's been kinda difficult for me to do this because I think my vagina/clit is located lower on my body compared to most people, so I basically have to do gymnastics (opening up my legs, holding my knees close to my shoulders, and trying to lift my head up to see) and having to use both hands to push the skin surrounding my labia apart so I can even get a glimpse of my vag
-after the 6-12 months period, I'll start introducing masturbation methods that aren't as 'intense' as prone, but idk what I'd do

>have you ever thought about wearing a glove as a barrier or sort if you don’t like the feeling of your skin touching? (like one of those plastic disposable gloves)
It's less so that I 'hate the feeling or my skin touching', though that's a factor, it's mainly because I feel nothing from it. I know I sound crazy, but I struggle to even think about fingering myself without crying a little bit which is weird because I've never been sexually abused or anything. The idea of fingering myself gives me anxiety and puts a pit in my stomach just thinking about it. I think it might be built-up of insecurity of being unable to masturbate the 'normal' way for years.

>or touching yourself over your underwear?

I've actually tried that before years ago but I felt basically nothing. It just wasn't good at getting me off and wasn't enough to achieve orgasm

No. 251982>>251996

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Nonnas I masturbate in a similar way maybe I should stop it as well

No. 251996

Ayart but you don’t have to. The reason why I’m doing this is because I want to be in a relationship where me and my partner are able to sexually satisfy each other, and I don’t want a situation where my partner isn’t physically able to satisfy me and I have to use masturbation to satisfy myself every time. If you’re able to satisfy yourself with other things or in a relationship where you can satisfy yourself with your partner, or don’t want a partner at all, you should be okay. It’s just that in my individual case I feel like I need it

No. 252000

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Nooooooo I just googled it and I have the same thing. I can't reach an orgasm unless I'm on my stomach and it has always been this way ugh.

No. 252169

Can I get a recommendation for an inexpensive penetrative + clit toy for someone who doesn't feel anything from penetration and has a numb/desensitised clit?

Maybe some kind of rabbit?

No. 252172>>252174>>252199

Does not petting ur pussy for a month actually make you more powerful?

No. 252174

I had a 3 month hospital stay where I didn't do a thing. Nothing to report.

No. 252199

it feels much better, i wonder why

No. 252316>>252360>>252372

Nonitas what’s a good virgin-friendly dildo? I want to take my own virginity, so to speak, but I kinda don’t know what size to get and I’m afraid of getting something either too small or too big

No. 252360>>252528

I guess an average sized human shaped would be good? I think it depends on the person, I too penetrated myself for the first time with a dildo and I didn't bleed or anything, I guess I was one of those women with no hymen.

No. 252372>>252528

Maybe buy a dilator set first so you can get used to the size step by step and then move on to dildos?

No. 252511>>252518>>252529>>264858

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Last night I masturbated to a smut fic I wrote years ago and forgot about and it felt weirdly like jerking off to my own nudes kek

No. 252518

I think it's kinda cute lol, your writing is so good it makes you horny.

No. 252528

Thank you both!

No. 252529

Anon you're adorable, I hope my writing can do that for me one day too.

No. 252536>>252712

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Am I the only human capable of not needing to masturbate to enjoy arousal? Like, if I’m horny, I’m still satisfied I even if I don’t masturbate, I just enjoy the feeling of being aroused and even enjoy the feeling of wanting to masturbate

No. 252712

I love it too. I've stopped masturbating a while ago, just because I discovered I love the feeling of being horny. Sometimes I just push myself as far as possible around my girlfriend and just enjoy the feeling of being sexually frustrated. I love being desperately aroused by her and then spending days that way. When I do eventually have time to stay over and fuck her it feels incredible to release all that energy.

My view on sex has changed a lot. I now see the whole of the time I spend with her or thinking of her as part of my sex life. It all builds into the experience.

No. 252985>>253375

I am being patient to myself in finding the right man or woman for me. Recently, it's been difficult, but I think I've just gotten horny while getting nowhere looking on dating apps, I keep trying to believe the right person will show up if I just. I bought myself a table top fucking machine. It was fairly inexpensive, less than $70. I really hope it's worth it.

No. 253375>>264851

I got the sex machine in the mail. Used it tonight. It was interesting. I definitely will be using it another day.
Maybe this is unrelated but I have cramps now. This always happens after I use a dildo, which is extremely rare. I don't get yeast infections, I'm guessing it's me not used to getting penetrated, my muscles are sore.

No. 255437>>255448

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I’m currently trying to get myself to enjoy masturbating with my hands. I don’t really know what I’m doing or particularly like it. I usually rub myself over my underwear aggressively so that I can get some semblance of pleasure, even then I need to hump my bed to get myself off before I can get horny enough to use my hand and I can’t imagine myself finishing with my hand at all. My understanding of my anatomy is horrendous too, so idk if I’m stimulating a specific area, like my clit or whatever, but I know it’s near the bottom part of my vulva. I guess it’ll be a long time before I can full get myself off with my hand ugh

No. 255448

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the clit is near the top part of your vulva, try looking for it with your fingers (gently), it's so sensitive that you can't not find it. the "wetness" comes from the vagina (which is towards the bottom), what feels best to me is getting your fingers wet down there then bringing them back up to, again gently, rub the clit

No. 255497

One of my new year's resolutions was to completely and finally cut all porn from my life and it's had such a positive effect on masturbating. I've been able to go back to imagining things only, using my hand or a vibrator, and the orgasms are much more intense than before. It definitely helps to have someone to think about too but even if they're not in my mind I can still get there. Feels good anons

No. 257210>>257239>>257332>>257368>>270785>>270802

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how old were you when anons here started using toys? to be honest, they seem interesting and I'm curious about using them but they are quite intimidating looking, especially since I usually get off by applying lots of pressure on my vulva and clit. I also feel like I have to be at least 25 to use them, which might be a weird hang-up to have

No. 257239>>257368

Old lol, like 27 and it was two years ago, I've always managed to get off just fine with my hand and I never had any need for a sex toy, I bought a womanizer to have a taste of those mind blowing orgasms (wasn't particularly impressed) and I probably won't get another clit stimulator. I later bought a dildo because I'll probably never have sex, I actually liked this one and want to get another one for a different size and textures.
I kinda agree with you, I think it's good to know your body and what you like before jumping right to sex toys, 25 may sound old but if you feel this way don't force yourself.

No. 257332

i bought my first vibrator at 17 with money from my first job. have the unfortunate combination of an insensitive clit and super high libido so it wasn't difficult for me to ditch any anxieties about it at that point lol. i'm not sure when i would have started if i was able to just use my hands

No. 257368

I was around 28 when I first got a toy, for clit stimulation. I tried a few cheap vibes before that but they had such harsh pressure they just fucking hurt rather than giving me any pleasure. I invested in a Lelo finally and it feels good but similar to >>257239 I still haven't found anything as good as my hand. Idk guess I'm most familiar with that now but at least it never runs out of batteries

No. 257425>>257444

I've never been someone who craves penetration very often, it's even been an issue in my past relationships. But once a month I do get a big spike in my drive and want it. Currently I'm single so that means toys come out. I have this issue tho and I don't know if it stems from that 'infrequency' but once I get going I find I'll fuck myself til I'm hurting and I won't want to quit even through the pain. I feel like most women would quit at a certain point but I don't.

I had a fwb years ago who commented on how I really like my cervix bashed essentially and how most women typcially don't like that. I didn't know what he was talking about att but that gave me something to think about. I'm not sub or into being denigrated or treated badly so I don't get why I have no cut off point when pentrative stuff enters into painful territory.

No. 257444

Can you even orgasm that way?
I'm someone who hates penetration, even if there's no pain I just don't even like the feeling of being stretched. I would kill myself if I felt what you were describing.

No. 258264>>258291>>265095

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Have the house to myself for the first time in weeks and all I’ve done is use my satisfier on myself 4-5 times in 24 hours, and now I barely have the energy to go to my friends birthday party tonight. Now I understand why coomers are so miserable, this shit is tiring.

No. 258291>>264858

At least you did it once and immediately became aware it's not good to do it daily. Reminds of the time I masturbated to yumejoshi content for the first time for an entire afternoon.

No. 259956>>264861

i finally learned how to cum from just clitoral stimulation without needing penetration
idk how it took me this long im 24 and have been masturbating for over a decade

No. 263944

Woke up at 12 today and masturbated the whole day. It's 22:30 rn. Hell yeah.

No. 264851

Question for you is it similar to using a dildo? Or is it more sensitive like having sex (bc you aren't controlling it)? Surprised its so cheap tbh.

No. 264858

>Reminds of the time I masturbated to yumejoshi content for the first time for an entire afternoon.
NTA but god, this happened to me when I discovered otome audio porn for the first time. I couldn't stop masturbating to the audio samples on DLsite that whole week kek
One time I looked at some porn I drew a couple of years ago and got so horny because I hadn't looked at it in months, that I had to masturbate to it. It might be more common than you think lmao

No. 264861>>264964>>265097>>265351

I've been worried about losing my ability to feel desire, so I've started drinking pineapple + cranberry juice mixed together every night as well as not masturbationg anymore. I'm on day 4 and this is the first time in weeks I've felt genuinely horny and not just wanting to touch myself out of habit.

I hope you don't mind me saying but this is the first time I've read about a woman having this problem because it's usually the reverse. I've only ever read the experiences of women who struggled to orgasm with penetration

No. 264964>>264990

>it's usually the reverse
Nta but yeah, I was gonna say for me it's the opposite. I can only cum if there's some sort of clitorical stimulation going on

No. 264990

Ayrt me too. I've read a lot of peoples experiences and discussed it with friends in the past but it seems like most women either can only orgasm from clitoral stimulation or they learn to orgasm a very specific way which makes other forms of orgasm almost unachievable (for example, I read in a magazine once that a woman had learned to orgasm by wrapping her legs around a pillow, and it became a difficulty for her in life because she couldn't orgasm during sex). A consistency I've noticed even in these cases is that these women ALSO only seem to orgasm from clitoral stimulation and opposed to penetration

No. 265000

Has anyone noticed changes as they get older? I'm almost 30 and I've always had a drive but now it always feels like my body is on fire. And now it takes me twice as long to reach orgasm but on the flip side they're more intense than they used to be. I'm not on any medication or anything like that.

No. 265046>>265051

Has anyone had success with increasing their enjoyment of penetration? I can only cum while rubbing my clit intensely. I can't even get off by rubbing my clit against his pelvis or having him touch my clit for me. I have to be doing it myself and it has to be just right. It's kind of annoying. I'd love to be able to enjoy myself in a less high maintenance way. I am thinking maybe I should just completely not touch my clit for 6 months and see if I can reset?

No. 265051>>265059

I used to only be able to cum from intense clit stimulation. Then I bought a G spot massager, and wooooooweeeeeee that changed something. But more importantly it gave me a better idea of how to stimulate myself properly on the inside. Have you tried a g spot massager? They're essentially just a curved vibrator. Usually not expensive

No. 265059>>265111>>265174


Can you recommend one?

No. 265095

Nonna I want to say Reese-Mogg is the least sexy guy but I think he was in my wet dream last night it was a younger version of him but I'm still ashamed

No. 265097>>265176

Maybe it's just a random coincidence and I'm looking too much into it, but if I'm not mixing up time lines, I think the one period in my life where I genuinely, and actually felt horny for the first time in my life was that time where I ate an entire pineapple pretty much every other day or so. Not really feeling anything atm but missing i, so even if it might just be placebo, I'm going to get some pineapples today and the day after, and the day after, and th– lmao.

No. 265111

NTA but I have the Dame Arc V which doubles as both a G spot massager and clit stimulating vibrator. It's a bit pricey but very high quality and I don't regret my purchase at all.

No. 265154

I was kinda addicted to porn/erotica since basically middle school but I've been weaning myself off pretty successfully. The downside is though I lost pretty much all of my drive to masturbate at all, and now even when I look at/read erotic stuff I just don't get horny like I used to, if at all. I mean it's good I waste less time rubbing myself, and that I've recovered from some coomer brainrot, but man I wanna just rub one out sometimes and not have it feel like a chore. I wonder if continuing the cold turkey period will eventually reset my brain to being "normal" but I just wanna enjoy cumming already. Anyone else have experiences like this?

No. 265174

Cranberry + pineapple anon here and I think I've made a discovery. I've always wanted to have lucid dream sex. It was always super rare, but ever since I started drinking the juice I've been having increasingly bizarre sexual dreams where I have brief moments of control

Ayrt. I have a generic one I bought for €40 and it's a banger. I recomend you by one with a rabbit attachment so it can do clit and gspot at the same time, something with more than one setting. Mine has 13 modes with different strengths and rhythms

No. 265176>>265202>>265209

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I can't believe I'm only figuring this out recently. I did a quick Google search and apparently pineapple is an aphrodisiac

No. 265202>>265209

Careful with eating too much fresh pineapple. Me and my friend did this once as kids, and the acidity of it was so strong it burned our mouths and tongues. Idk what would cut it, maybe eat it with yogurt or sumthin

No. 265205>>265208

Is it normal to not want anything in my vegana ever? The thought of it makes me cringe.

No. 265208

yeah it is, I feel the same. It feels very weird and uncomfortable for me, no please from it at all.

No. 265209

So it really were pineapples that jumpstarted my libido? That's… interesting lmao
Just eat more the next day. You'll get used to the acidity, and then you don't even feel it. You'll go back to it hurting once you don't eat some for some time, though.

No. 265258

It's probably better to drink pineapple juice rather than eat it. As far as I know the juice doesn't seem to burn peoples mouths

No. 265351>>265490

I saw all the pineapple talk and assumed nonnies were drinking it to try and change their taste down there.. didn't know it can affect your actual drive too.

No. 265490>>265501

… can pineapple change the taste of vagina??

No. 265501>>267077

What you eat can change the taste of your vaginal fluid yes. Pineapple is one of the stronger things that can affect it.

No. 266552>>266613

I masturbated but felt a bit scared because I do it like this >>251975 since forever (on a hard surface specifically, I can't do it on anything else) and I feel like I'm destroying my clitoris by crushing it every time. Is that a thing or should I stop worrying about it? It does feel scary sometimes though

No. 266613

Kek. I don't think it's a problem anon, I have to use pretty firm pressure as well and so long as you're not damaging yourself or feeling a loss of sensation over time there's no reason to worry. Our genitals are pretty resilient and using a hard surface isn't going to be any worse than some of the super-powered earthquake level vibrators some women use without repercussions.

No. 266812

Any suggestions for a good body-safe rabbit vibrator? Preferably under $100 but yknow.

Battery preferred just bc I've had too many toys show up just. Not working/won't charge.

No. 267077>>267821

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Picrel made my vagina smell terrible, I swear to god it smelled like burned rubber down there. Never again…

No. 267817>>267819

recently i’ve started masturbating often on my period and i think it’s making my period shorter

No. 267819

Lucky, I masturbate constantly the first few days because it lessens my severe cramps to the point I’m not writhing in pain but i still bleed for a whole week.

No. 267821

You're supposed to eat the sauce!

No. 267864>>267877>>268473>>268683>>269145>>269370

Sorry if this is like too weird or whatever but I need to ask if this is normal because I’m too ashamed to even say these words out loud so I hope this is ok, but I’ve never orgasmed from penetration the only this I need and do is put my middle finger on the right side of my like clitoris and press enough where it feels good and then my arm goes so fast rhat it’s like if I was doing any other activity it wouldn’t be able to go that fast. And then I finish in like 60 seconds, is this normal?

No. 267877>>268473

It's normal not every woman comes from penetration, but why do you describe masterbation like a button input for a quicktime event? Kek

No. 268402>>268416

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>fantasise about myself as a man having rough dirty sex with women when masturbating with my clit
>fantasise about lovey dovey romantic sex with men (and sometimes women) when masturbating vaginally
wut mean

No. 268416

Wait, same…damn I’m glad someone else feels like this lmfao. I wish I knew what it meant but all I know is that the second one is so superior in terms of feeling, but it always pisses me off because I have a hard time cumming from just vaginal.

No. 268473

KEK but tbh i feel the same as ayrt

you’re not alone, we know our bodies best nona

No. 268683

Nah this is totally normal, I do it this way when I'm horny during sleep and wake up real quick to get one out kek

No. 269145

When I masturbate I always just kinda grind on my hand, usually through my pants, and am able to finish that way pretty quickly depending on my horniness. And I can do it over and over. I can still orgasm from penetration but only in certain positions. The only thing is I think my clit is extremely sensitive so even just rubbing it will make me recoil and if I’m being eaten out I feel like blacking out from overstimulation

No. 269289>>269302

I just use a hitachi wand but it is loud as fuck and heats up a lot when I use it more than 20 mins. any recs for clit stimulators, preferably wireless ones for less than $200?

No. 269302>>269329

The satisfyer.

No. 269329

Seconding the Satisfyer. I have the penguin and it has been my go to for years. It's pretty quiet and can't be heard from the adjacent room.

No. 269370

roughly 90% of women are just like you anon.

No. 270785

I was 19. I don’t use it anymore it was a wand and yeah it made me come in like 4 seconds, it stopped being fun but I wish I had it still sometimes

No. 270802

17 I think? My internet bf sent me a bullet with a wired remote thing kek. I've never had any trouble getting off so I don't use any very often but they're a fun change of pace sometimes.

No. 272739>>272747

I am so fucking sad kek. I have a massive dildo, like absolutely massive fucker, because I'm a size queen. It used to take me a bit of time to adjust to the size of it but now I adjust to it in like 5 minutes and then it feels like there's nothing even in my vagina anymore. Being a size queen fucking sucks because I have to keep going bigger and bigger and the toys keep getting more fucking expensive.

No. 272747>>272783

kys pornsick scrote

No. 272783>>273200

Is it that unbelievable that I just like big dick??

No. 273168

I want to but my first vibrator but idk which one I should choose.
Should I buy only with vibrations? Do you anons like any other variations? Like pulsing, rotating or thrust up-and-down movements?
I was thinking between basic vibrations or that thrust up-and-down movement.

No. 273200

No, I do believe a lot of pornsick scrotes like to gape their backdoor. That's why the AIDS epidemic happened.

No. 274884>>275471

I got my first monster dildo and I was a bit too ambitious when choosing the model, I didn't realize how girthy it was and I can only put the tip inside otherwise I feel I'm going to hurt myself. Since I don't want it to just be a waste of money how can I accommodate my body to the size ?

No. 275061

File (hide): 1657736531209.jpg (182.03 KB, 1500x1500, Womanizer-9.jpg)

I ended up buying the Womanizer Liberty in Lily Allen's colourway. It was less steep, £55 and I can highly recommend it. At first it was difficult to get it to stay in position, so orgasming took a while. Now that I've had a few tries, it's very easy even without lube.

The orgasms were from the very start fantastic though, deep and strong in an almost painful way…Like your clitoris roots are getting massaged too.

Cleaning it is easy. I like the discrete lid on this model. Only gripe I have is with the magnetic charger - they always slip out of place. Much prefer toys with self-sealing silicone covering the charging port.

No. 275079

File (hide): 1657743457935.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.71 KB, 1280x1280, sfr.jpg)

I've spent the last few weeks ordering toys and idk why my body is so fussy but I had a whole goldilocks like search to get the right size and shape. Too small, too big, too curved, too rigid, etc. I live alone but in (an uncomfortably) small town and I resent the fact that one of the reject toys I ordered had 'SEXUAL DEVICE' written on the outside of the fucking parcel?? I used it once and hated it which just adds to my seethe. Then I risked one more order and I liked that one. Pic is muh new Nigel. I won't be ordering anything else any time soon lol

No. 275471>>275624

Lots of lube and patience? Honestly if it's 100% body safe silicone, you can resell it online. There's actually a huge secondhand market for used monster dick. You can sanitize it in boiling water or a 10% bleach solution.

No. 275542>>275611

Nonas this is embarrassing but I don't know if I've ever had an orgasm. It's kind of always felt like there's build up but no real release, but then it does go away and I lose the will to masturbate anymore. Idk if I'm just having the weakest orgasms ever but it's always been like this. When someone goes down on me I feel nothing, I think my pussy is broken y'all lol

No. 275611>>275633

use a vibrator or bath faucet. I've never felt anything from cunnilingus either, and I find it hard to orgasm using just my hands as well.

No. 275624

I don't want to sell it though because I commissioned it with the color scheme of one of my monster husbando lol. Since it has a lot of texture I guess I can use it just for grinding for now, I think I'll get a medium size and work my way up there.

No. 275633

I do have a vibrator but I either feel nothing at all, or pain.

No. 277874>>277875>>277878>>279174

Somewhere on /g/ anons were talking about going nofap to increase their libido, improve their sex lives, orgasm faster, etc.. Is it possible to get the same benefits if I still masturbate but don't orgasm? Just wondering because with clitoral stimulation I can reliably cum, meanwhile with penetration I never do. Both are enjoyable and take up about the same timespan, so I wonder which I should prioritise. My main objective would be saving myself for future partners so they don't have to work overtime to get me off, especially since my exes never managed it even once. Thoughts?
sorry for calling it nofap. I can't think of a less scrote-y word that quickly gets the point across.

No. 277875>>277991>>278011>>278829>>278902>>278907

All orgasms come from the stimulation of the internal (what we call “vaginal” orgasms come from here) or external (direct stimulation of the clitoris) structures of the clit, which has two long legs that go deep inside of you. All pleasure comes from the same organ. The vast majority of women don’t experience pleasure or orgasms from penetration.
Now, about your question: This might differ from woman to woman, but penetration ruins my orgasms big time. Makes them weaker. You shouldn’t need to “train” your body to accommodate bad careless lovers, which isn’t possible anyway. Women’s bodies aren’t designed around men or their wee-wee’s, it’s the other way around.

No. 277878>>277980>>277991

I don't see how masturbation is a problem unless you do it everyday

No. 277980>>277991

This, also it depends on what you use to masturbate, porn is more dangerous than simply masturbating, guys who go nofap have a porn addiction more than a masturbation addiction.

No. 277991>>279174

Thank you for the biology lesson, that actually really helps! I think penetration might be doing something similar to me. I've noticed that even if I switch from internal to external stimulation mid session, it's really difficult to orgasm.
Most of all, you're right that I shouldn't try to train myself to enjoy bad sex. Not to overshare but my experiences were likely so unsatisfying because my exes hated me and I was afraid of them, so of course I wouldnt be able to relax. I suppose I just internalised their frustration and impatience as my own defect. One guy straight up snapped at me, "how do I finish you already?"
Very good points. I don't do it everyday and I don't look at porn, I just use my imagination. It's seeming more and more like I made up a problem where there isn't any, haha

No. 278011

>Women’s bodies aren’t designed around men or their wee-wee’s, it’s the other way around.
This soooo much. Think about it: our body literally warns us when our partner doesn't have the patience, kindness, or initiative to prioritize our pleasure and yet we write it off anyway. Listen to your bodies, ladies.

No. 278120>>278134>>278142

Does anyone else experience leg cramping as they are masturbating/near orgasm? I have never orgasmed from masturbation because my leg cramps up badly making it painful to finish, lol. The worst part is having to stop and sitting there with a throbbing clit for the next hour.

No. 278134>>278142>>278270

Kek my foot almost always cramps up when I orgasm really hard; which is about 2/3rds of the time. I’ve learned to stretch it out while I finish. Maybe try a different position? Some women like masturbating while they’re prone.

No. 278142

Take some magnesium supplements, jesus

No. 278270

This was really great advice actually, I tried last night laying on my stomach and was way more successful in not cramping up. I still ended up not finishing properly but I think it's because of the Prozac I'm taking. Fuck my life. But thanks nonnie

No. 278496

Does anybody here get insanely horny after they catch a bad cold? Maybe it’s just my whole body temperature going up but once I start to recover from it I have the urge to touch myself to the point where my clit is bruised

No. 278783>>278790>>278808>>278818>>278901

I don’t have a dildo is there anything that makes a good supplement

No. 278790>>278807


No. 278807>>278828

I don’t like how my own vagina feels

No. 278808

Condom and cucumber

No. 278818

File (hide): 1659202054559.jpg (52.28 KB, 600x600, jumbowand.jpg)

Those oversized mega bubble wands that toy stores sell in the summer. Cheap too. Check for seams and throw a condom on.

No. 278828

nonnie I thought I was the only one… I've never enjoyed feeling my own fingers in my vagina. I have an autistic reaction to it I swear, to the point I'm nauseated. Always have.

But to answer OP, I've only done clitoral stimulation for masturbation. Just what I prefer. Preferably vibrators and the like. If any nonnies have suggestions for additional clitoral toys I'm all ears.

No. 278829>>278897>>278902

I have a legitimate question. I have extreme, shaking orgasms just from penetration with my male partner. Clitoral stimulation not necessary. Why is this? Is it psychological?

No. 278897

Nobody really knows. I personally don't trust the newest explanations of female orgasm any more than I do the retarded old ideas about it. I don't trust the people doing them, I don't trust the methodology. The subject is tricky to analyse and very prone to prejudice.
I feel very distinctly different sensations from clitoral and vaginal stimulation and I trust my own body. Just like you I orgasm from penetration easily. If I don't fit the explanation, the explanation is bullshit.

Tl;Dr nobody knows shit about your orgasms except you, don't listen to them

No. 278901

You can put most things inside a condom and it will work. You can probably make a realistic penis by filling one with something like play doh or pieces of bread torn up like you're going to feed some ducks

No. 278902>>278903>>278907

Probably because your clitoris is being stimulated from within, like this nonnie >>277875 said. I get vaginal orgasms too. Apparently most women do not, we are very lucky. Enjoy!

No. 278903>>278907

Here's a visual representation of the clitoris being internally stimulated by a penis.

No. 278907>>278908>>278970

>All pleasure comes from the same organ
I don't buy this. It doesn't feel the same.

No. 278908

The vaginal canal itself also has nerve endings which feels nice when stimulated.

No. 278970

Girl, it’s literally a medical fact not an opinion. Are you retarded? Do you also think you have two stomachs because sometimes your tummy hurts and sometimes it doesn’t? Since it also “feels different?”

No. 279174

Nofap is for porn addicts, it's not solely abstaining from masturbation. It only really helps with orgasm quality, libido, etc. if you rely on porn to orgasm. You're fine.

No. 279597>>279603>>279680

How long does it take to get sensitivity back if you've been going too hard at it?

No. 279603

eventually, go do the dishes or something and let your pussy rest for a few days.

No. 279680

3-5 days

No. 279902>>280054

The only way I can reach orgasm is the same way I’ve been doing it since I started which is lying on my back with my legs apart, knees bent and going hard at my clit with my fingers until I cum. Anything else doesn’t get me there no matter how hard I try. I had bought a wand like two years ago and I’ve maybe only used it like 10 times? It feels good for maybe the first 2 minutes and then I get overstimulated, even on the lowest setting. I don’t mind using my fingers if that’s what it takes but from hearing so many stories from women gushing about vibrators and imagining how easier it would be to cum from it, it doesn’t work for me sadly. Penetration is also very meh. The only way I’m able to cum from penetration is right before I am about to reach orgasm from clitoral stimulation, I quickly switch to fingering the g-spot and that gets me over the edge. I’m just scared I’m not normal because of the lack of enjoyment I get from toys like dildos and vibrators. Am I simply too used to doing it the one way for ages? My fear is in the future with partners I’ll be unable to deviate from how I do it and never achieve orgasm. Maybe ssris have fucked with my ability to orgasm from different ways too. Last thing I wanted to mention is after I cum from clitoral stimulation, my clit feels itchy ?? for 3-4 seconds. It’s really hard to describe, if I had to guess it’s from the intense stimulation it’s just received? Either way I just feel abnormal overall and wonder if anyone else experiences any of these things I guess.

No. 279970>>279975>>280072>>280078

File (hide): 1659836679520.png (Spoiler Image,835.34 KB, 916x870, fun factory.png)

i gotta say it this thing sucks. i hate that all the reviews on it were so positive when the cons are: its not wide, the ridges are too close and small that it just feels rough, the clit part is only good if your clit is low because otherwise it just presses on your urethra and hurts, it has fake skin texture on the bottom that makes it draggy, its curved pretty hard and the weird head doesnt seem to press right on anything, the handle is annoying and easy to accidentally press the buttons because they're light, motor is in the middle or handle resulting in little vibration at the top. i know every woman is different but im so frustrated i wasted so much money on this thing. if my favorite one hadnt broke and been discontinued i wouldve bought it in a heart beat. i get off with large size and vibration which seems to be rare in toys so maybe im just fucked until more are made that way.

No. 279975>>279982>>280655

can you guys actually feel vibration IN your vagina? obviously i can feel it on the outside & the clit but once i stick it inside it might as well be powered off and I wouldn't know it

No. 279982>>279983

yes as long as the bullet or toy is strong enough. ive tried just clit stuff but it either hurts or feels like edging. i need something in me for the supposed g spot. guess im one of the rare anons but it seems like it would be easier if i wasnt.

No. 279983

the weird thing is i'm also like you in that i hate plain clit stim and get off better with insertion. /gspot etc but i cant feel internal vibration at all which is why it's a huge letdown for me, who loves putting stuff up there lol

No. 280054

File (hide): 1659884199760.jpg (41.84 KB, 275x239, 1659583159111.jpg)

Pretty much same here, though the position doesn't matter for me that much. I've never owned any sex toys, like why bother? It's just extra trouble when my own hands can do the job. I used the water stream of a shower a few times though, it was good but a bit too intense so i don't do it anymore. Putting anything in my vagina just feels weird and uncomfortable, like I have no feeling up there at all and I'm afraid I'll accidentally break something. I wouldn't be too worried about it otherwise, but that combined with a low libido and other sexual problems like very specific preferences makes me afraid I'll never have a mutually satisfying sex life with a partner.

No. 280072>>280078

An awful lot of sex toy reviewers have mentioned the draggy FF texture being a dealbreaker for them. They've had that feedback for years but they seem to be set on keeping it as is. I'd go out and buy a couple of their dildos tomorrow if they just fixed that one issue.

No. 280078

Yeah. I bought this, had high expectations for it but the shape and texture sucks. The only good thing is the rocking motion. I don't get why they don't fix it already.

No. 280080>>280628

Nonnies are there any g-spot toys you'd recommend for a beginner?

No. 280628

File (hide): 1659983149488.png (137.2 KB, 869x498, toy.png)

I like this one. Small with strong vibrations.

No. 280655

I can't feel vibrations inside at all. G-spot toys do nothing for me, they just feel annoying kek. Rotating/thrusting dildo combined with a small clit vibe is just the best.

No. 281896>>281897>>281979

Sometimes I get the sudden urge to masturbate, but I'm not aroused. I'm impatient, so I just touch myself right there, even tough it doesn't even really feels good. Anyone else does this?

No. 281897>>281979

Nah I get it, I do this too sometimes, but when I'm messing about down there I usually get turned on so it feels better. I can pretty much get turned on whenever I want to, I used to feel like a coommer freak for this but I guess this is normal libido

No. 281979

Same! I think this is actually more common than people think. I can masturbate and come before I even start to get wet. Sometimes it takes a minute to get the ball rolling I guess.

No. 282035>>282044>>282057>>282103>>282137>>282149>>282519>>286106>>286128>>289837

File (hide): 1660598649710.jpg (11.32 KB, 500x500, Satisfyer-Pro-2.jpg)

Did any of you nonnas using a vibrator like picrel noticed decreased sensitivity in your clit? It's pretty intense, recently I've noticed it's hard for me to come with just fingers and to be honest I'm a bit worried

No. 282044>>282048

Same, I have the exact same one. I try not to use it every time I masturbate for that reason but unfortunately my orgasms are waaay better when I use it

No. 282048

Exactly that, it's like an easy mode, I know it's definitely gonna feel amazing if I use it so it's tough to say no to that. But I hope that with some self restrain it will be possible to become more receptive to less stimulation again

No. 282057>>282103

on top of that i feel like my clit got bigger? lol and i had a honeymoon period where this felt amazing but now it killed my sensitivity to the extent that i struggle to orgasm with it too so… i wouldn't recommend it if anyone was thinking of getting it

No. 282062>>282063>>282066>>282089

File (hide): 1660605282892.jpg (48.02 KB, 640x920, 0535ffc037ab2febd0506535714e83…)

How those phone vibrator apps are supose to be use?

No. 282063

i just put the corner of my phone to my clit with underwear on, I obviously sanitize it first with some alcohol kek

No. 282066

Sorry but that shit never works it nevet satisfies me and it warms up my phone its disgusting

No. 282089

Just buy a bullet or pocket rocket. You're just going to kill your phone battery using an app like that.

No. 282103>>282129>>282131

I honestly hate this vibrator, I was recommended it by several people (it was actually recommended to me personally since I already lost clit sensation from past medication usage and someone who had the same problem said the suction worked well with that problem) but it was barely noticeable and felt like cheap buzzing/blowing even when I used it on max setting, fully charged. But most reviews say it made them squirt and feels so amazing. Wtf

No. 282129>>282131>>282358

I'm in the same boat, I got the womanizer as my first vibrator because I wanted to have a taste of those amazing orgasms and I was so disappointed, it really didn't feel anything special, it was the same release as the "natural" method without any of the enjoyment. Maybe they are better suited for women who have trouble masturbating on their own? I never had any problem using my fingers.

No. 282131>>285993

Same for me and one time it sucked one of my labia and made me bleed.

No. 282137

I freaking love this vibrator and have 0 regrets.

No. 282149

I own this & a Womanizer but my favourite is still >>236214

No. 282178

you'd have to be a female cuck to use this

No. 282179

looks reddit

No. 282358

AYRT I personally can't feel much or get off at all when I use my fingers (even when I'm in the mood using my hands feels like touching myself under 2 blankets, when I told my psychiatrist this he just said "too bad" and took me off my medication, and it never came back), which is why I use toys, but it makes me feel like a loser to be reliant on giant vibrators to he able to feel anything, so I got this because it was more lowkey and small. But it was a waste and the store I got it from doesn't accept returns.

No. 282390

Any nonas wanna share their experience with thrusting vibrators? Are they actually nice or just a gimmick? I was looking into the velvet thrusters but then I saw a video with sound on and they are LOUD, I feel like it would be super distracting. Started looking at the stronic g as an alternative instead. They're both pretty expensive though so I'm on the fence whether it's worth it or not!

No. 282392>>282423

Can I get multiple orgasms when i rubbing my clit with my hands. Every time I have a weak orgasm remind of a strong single sneeze. Or is it individual and I am incapable of having a strong orgasm?

No. 282423>>282449

You can try doing kegel/vaginal exercises to strengthen the muscles, which helps strengthen orgasms

No. 282449>>282519

I'd be careful with Kegels, if they're done in a wrong way, too much or there are other underlying asymptomatic problems it can be harmful. I've attended few workshops for women with a physiotherapist and she talked about dangers of it, and how many women fall into a meme of "getting more sexual pleasure" just to end up with bladder issues and so. At the very least it's good to do a very solid research into it, not just randomly try to squeeze muscles.

No. 282519

That's true. Get your pelvic floor muscles checked and then exercise if needed. Too often women over exercise their muscles when the problem is the opposite, they don't relax the muscles enough

same. It's because the clit gets "conditioned" to orgasm this way. Like every body part, it can develop a habit. What helps is using various techniques. I liked my satisfyer penguin so much I got myself numb to anything else and had to basically detox from it. Thanks to that though I broke some other stupid habits like clenching

No. 282554>>282570>>282625

File (hide): 1660870046831.png (185.66 KB, 640x640, satisfyer-love-breeze1-497094d…)

It's really interesting how different everyone's experiece with satisfyers/clit suckers is. I don't regret buying mine, they give me way better, quicker and more intense orgasms than masturbating with my hands (and no hand cramps kek) but I definitely recommend not using them too often to avoid getting used to them. And make sure not to press them too hard against your clit or vulva or else it could cause blood vessels to pop. I've noticed different strengths between different types of satisfyers too. It can definitely be too strong for some, but also just letting them sort of "hover" over your clit helps (along with using the lower settings). Unfortunately bullets don't work for me. Maybe I just have a very small clit? It feels like nothing for me.

No. 282570>>282591

I bought a basic satisfyer and still have no idea how to use it.

No. 282578>>282625

File (hide): 1660883737374.jpg (28.49 KB, 500x316, 8ff.jpg)

anyone go through phases during the month where your orgasms are super weak and unsatisfying? Every once in a while I'll be horny but the orgasms feel like when you have a sneeze coming on but you don't wind up sneezing. Not a perfect comparison, since I'm definitely still "orgasming", but they're so weak and unsatisfying that it drives me insane. When I was younger I used to go at it for hours trying to get to an actually satisfying orgasm that would never come, but nowadays if the first orgasm is one of those weak ones, I force myself to stop so I don't wear myself out seeking the impossible. picrel is me when i'm in one of those phases.
Most of the time my orgasms are normal though, so that's why I feel like it must be cycle-related as opposed to the SSRI i'm taking.

No. 282591

It also took me some time to figure out what feels good, but that happens with every new toy for me.

No. 282625

The Pro was too weak for me (however I already don't have much sensation there anyway, no it's not from previous toy/masturbation use either), I'd be willing to try a stronger one instead, but I'm super bummed out how "one of the best" vibrators felt like weak buzzing even on the highest setting.

Have you had good orgasms while on the SSRI? That could be why, besides hormones. SSRIs can either cause anorgasmia or weak ones.

No. 282779

Masturbating when your clit isn't actually engorged is so painful and unsatisfying

No. 283949>>283955>>283981

I have had no sex drive recently. Tried penetration and my cervix felt like it was swollen or lower(?) than usual. Idk what’s going on

No. 283955

You follow your cycle? The cervix is lower when it's time for your period.

No. 283979>>283981>>283986

I feel a bit ashamed about it but I gave myself an orgasm just through nipple stimulation. Never thought I could but it was so exciting to try something different for once as a virgin.

No. 283981

That's actually pretty impressive and I'm kinda jelly

It's lower if you're not turned on.

No. 283986>>283997

is breasts sensitivity something you can improve? i'm interested but mine aren't very reactive. also how did it compare to a normal o?

No. 283997>>283998>>284091

It was better honestly. It lasted longer and it felt more intense.

In terms of sensitivity, I myself always thought I had none. When I touch my nipples I feel nothing and it takes a lot to get them hard. I just touched them non-stop for like 15 minutes and I eventually got there. It's hard to explain, my breasts didn't actually feel good or sensitive but touching them made me feel good and warm down there. I found that you really have to touch both at the same time. I was also super horny so yeah.

No. 283998

Sorry for samefagging but I wanted to correct myself: the build up was a lot more intense and pleasurable than normal masturbation but the orgasm itself wasn't, because I felt this intense need to touch my clit but I held back.

No. 284091

Nta but that sounds great, I really want to try it out like you did, unfortunately I pierced my nipples a few weeks ago and healing isn't done yet. I wonder if the piercings raised their sensitivity, I too never do anything with my breast because I don't feel anything.

No. 284943>>285137>>285146>>285166>>285194

>started to watch degen porn and hentai since I was in middle school
>stoped degen stuff but want to stop hentai all together
>I'm too visual, I will draw some porn so I don't need to look some up
>has to use normal hentai and porn as reference

It's probably stupid but I don't masturbate often so I forgot things I pictured in my head to get off to.

No. 285134>>285166

Peeing after cumming feels so good

No. 285137

I watched (regular) porn from a similar age. I would try to stop but I found I couldn't picture anything in my head. I started to think I legit have aphantasia. A total in ability to create images in my mind. Zilch. I got stuck in a loop of trying and failing because I'd give in and end up having to look at a visual in front of me to get off.

I don't know how many times that same cycle repeated but I broke it. Turned out I just needed hella practice to engage that part of my brain again.

No. 285146

Why don't you try reading erotic stories? Maybe that would stimulate your imagination

No. 285166>>285171>>286006

Try listening to Japanese R18 erotic audio for women, it's what cured my need for porn to get off

It's the opposite for me. Cumming before peeing is great, but peeing afterwards is like torture and feels like my bladder is going to explode.

No. 285171>>285178

where can i listen to that?

No. 285178

Soundcloud used to have a big community of people that would straight up upload the full audio, but there was a mass purge of pirated copyrighted content last year.
For me, though, just listening to the NSFW samples on DLsite (where the majority of those audios are sold) was more than enough.

No. 285193>>285195>>285239>>285273>>285991

Is nipple stimulation real or just a meme? Tried to rub mine when I was horny but it remained flat for quite of a long time, and if it did got erect I felt nothing.

No. 285194

Tbh I've never managed to masturbate with my imagination alone, maybe it's because I'm a virgin but thinking about sex doesn't do anything, I need some visual stimulation to trigger arousal. It's not due to addiction, I saw porn for the first time at like 19 and I never even liked it, nowadays I just use hentai of my husbandos to get off barely 5 times a month. I think without drawn porn my libido would be completely dead.

No. 285195>>291996

I love it and can come just from that plus very minimal clit stimulation. It’s the best form of foreplay for me. But everyone is different, maybe you’re not sensitive there. I always do it over clothes, touching directly isn’t comfortable.

No. 285239

I don't feel much there but it helps me elsewhere, if you get what I mean.

No. 285246

I'm on 20mg of lexapro and idk if my dosage is too high. Usually after I masterbate I cry about my ex and life. But I don't cry or hurt about it during the day just when I do it do I feel lol

No. 285273

Personally I can orgasm just from nipple stimulation, but everyone is different

No. 285417>>286121

I've always had an easy time orgasming via masturbation, but this year I've noticed that my clitoris has slowly become less and less sensitive to the point where I can't orgasm at all anymore. I'm not taking any meds. Is this normal? How likely is it that I can get medical help, or do I just have to deal with it?

No. 285991

I don't think it's a meme, for me personally my nipples are like turn-on buttons cause I can go from not horny at all to very turned on in like thirty seconds from nip rubbing alone. it's different for everyone though nona

No. 285993

oh my god this is why I won't buy one of these. the 'sucking' sensation causing injuries, no thanks

No. 286006>>286008

I should look that up, but tbh I only like lesbian stuff and hate when the girl squeel like a dummy. It make me laught too much I can't concentrate afterward

No. 286008

Nta but I have never found any good lesbian japanese audio. It's all scrotey shite, schoolgirls and squeals.
Give me a woman that sounds like Balalaika from Black Lagoon please.

No. 286106

I've tried both this one and the penguin one and it's very meh. There is a slight suction sensation on the lowest setting, but it feels so unsatisfying because the opening is way too small. I have a small concealed clit, and I hate any overly pinpoint/localized stimulation. It feels like I'm being poked. And the higher settings are terrible, they overstimulate me like regular vibrators do. I can't tell if my body is picky or if I'm just using it wrong. I expected that it would feel somewhat like the suction you'd get from oral but it was nothing close to that. Just disappointing…

No. 286121>>289887

Apparently women can get something like death grip too, try laying it off for a while.

No. 286128>>289837

I wasted my money on this, it literally doesn't work on me AT ALL. Probably because my clit is very concealed. I prefer using my hands.

No. 286141

This is gonna be weird, but how do you masturbate while pregnant? I’ve been fingering most of the time, but I’ve killed my clit with vibrator use from a young age, and the only thing that gets me off without a toy is wifey eating me out. Problem is, wifey is out of town, and sex drive is high. Im a higher risk pregnancy, and I don’t want to risk using a high pressure vibrator or sticking anything inside. Are there any toys that can stimulate clit sucking? I have the Sucky Ducky, but it’s low pressure even on the highest setting. Need recommendations for new toys

No. 286286>>288567>>289787

It's been literal years but my lesbian ass craved a dildo. It's coming in the post tomorrow.

Only that I'm afraid I'll be disappointed, I've never got much sensation from penetration

No. 288567>>289787

>I've never got much sensation from penetration
This was me yesterday. Porn sure does fucking lie, I wonder if men think women enjoy it because they have a prostate and we don't? I'm curious to know who else didn't get anything from penetration, I felt kind of disappointed.

No. 289787>>289998

honestly for me, penetration/using a dildo absolutely sucks if I'm not adequately turned on. I don't mean just physically wet, it's still gonna suck if I'm wet. I mean I have be to be completely psychologically turned on. I like to fantasise/touch my clit but wait a while to bust out the dildo, only once I'm really turned on, almost craving it? like at the point I'm almost aching for it, then and only then does it feel good. it's like my nerve endings inside my vag need time to 'switch on' and that only comes with being super turned on psychologically. if I'm not then it literally just feels like a foreign object inside of me that is at best boring and at worst uncomfortable.

>I wonder if men think women enjoy it because they have a prostate and we don't?

I think men are just generally retarded about what women like and don't particularly care to take the time to learn. women need way more time to 'warm up' before a dick (or a dildo) is introduced, far longer than most men are willing to wait. men are often clueless about how much penetration can suck at the best of times, but especially when a woman isn't even adequately turned on enough for it, porn lied to them too.

No. 289837

I've had one for years and feel like it doesn't really work for me either even though I've tried many different ways, positions, lube etc. My clit is concealed too but I don't expose it to masturbate normally so idk if it's that, I started to wonder if it's because I have an outie and the lips stop it from suctioning properly? I don't know if that even makes sense but I would love to hear if any other outie girls feel this way or have been successful.

No. 289887

>>286121 can you rebuild sensitivity there with enough time? mine has been off for years and years, i'd love to get it back.

No. 289998

>honestly for me, penetration/using a dildo absolutely sucks if I'm not adequately turned on. I don't mean just physically wet, it's still gonna suck if I'm wet. I mean I have be to be completely psychologically turned on. I like to fantasise/touch my clit but wait a while to bust out the dildo, only once I'm really turned on, almost craving it? like at the point I'm almost aching for it, then and only then does it feel good. it's like my nerve endings inside my vag need time to 'switch on' and that only comes with being super turned on psychologically. if I'm not then it literally just feels like a foreign object inside of me that is at best boring and at worst uncomfortable.

Same, nonny. Using a dildo does nothing for me unless I "crave" penetration.

No. 290011>>290044>>291654

File (hide): 1664025383251.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.79 KB, 383x269, help.jpg)

I need to know if anyone else masturbates like this lol, it's something I've done since I first started (before I saw how it's "usually done"), you have to be on your stomach and hook one finger into the right lip and keep nudging it so both your finger and the lip are stimulating the clit, I included an illustration because I know I probably described it terribly, its not entirely accurate because youd be on your stomach and also I cant draw but hopefully it helps

No. 290044

I think I get what you're talking about? my clit has always been way too sensitive to touch directly so I kind of have to rub through one of the inner lips, usually on my stomach, but side can work too.
Not sure how normal that is though. I really don't like clit stimulation by itself, it hurts too quickly and too easily, even receiving oral is too painful.

No. 290057

I think I am no longer welcome at Chez Vagina for a while. Idk what the fuck happened but it feels like overnight my libido just went up to 11. I got no fucking work done on Friday, if you get what I mean. I think it's time to go back on birth control. Fuck this coomer shit.

No. 291650

Is it a thing for nonas to rec each other porn? It's hard for me to find actual good wank material, and I think other women might have some actual good stuff to recommend.

No. 291654>>301925

I do something similar but over my underwear, which is why I masturbate at the end of the day or before I'm gonna shower because it becomes uncomfortable as hell to wear afterwards. Tell me I'm not the only one who's gotten bleached underwear this way…

No. 291675>>291678>>291748

I had a disappointing orgasm earlier. Something that just happens from time to time. But I had crazy aftershocks after it and I'm wondering why I get aftershocks from bad orgasms and not from good ones? Is it a sign that you didn't quite finish? I've always read that it's a sign of a good one but thats not my experience.

No. 291678>>291737

What do you mean by aftershock?

No. 291737

>Aftershocks are involuntary muscle contractions which occur after orgasm
To me its like a strong pulsing sensation

No. 291748>>291750

Did you accidentally ruin your orgasm or something?

No. 291750

I'm going through a phase where I'm not doing anything differently but basically yeah it feels like a ruined orgasm and then these intense aftershocks afterwards. I just always thought aftershocks were associated with having a good one.

No. 291991>>298769

Anybody else obsessed with the Lelo Ora 3? I got it last year during a special sale and it’s become my go-to. It simulates oral but not with a suction thing, it’s got like a rotating node. I love the basic just rotating setting on kind of low, since I have a really sensitive clit. I also am naturally kind of over-lubed so I rarely use any but I know some women use it with lube with awesome results too. The vibration settings are interesting, it’s a really nice toy to edge with and the orgasms have all been really rewarding when I have taken my time.


No. 291996

Same here, Nona. I have given myself an orgasm with just nipple stimulation a few times. I’m curious if it’s more common in larger chested women or smaller, or if size has no bearing on sensitivity. Mine have been large and are currently quite small, but sensation never changed.

No. 296282>>296303>>296904

This might be better suited for the sex advice thread but have any nonnies here experienced better sex if you stop masturbating? Been with my bf for a few months now, we were both virgins and have been exploring different things. He's noticed he can only come by jerking off, and quickly realized he has a death grip problem. At first he decreased his masturbation habits drastically but the other day he told me he was going to quit jerking off completely so he could learn to finish with me and improve his sensistivity. I said I would stop doing it too because 1) solidarity lol and 2) I figured it might help me in some way too.

I'm curious, has anyone actually noticed a difference with sex + masturbation vs. no masturbation? I get why it helps guys to stop but I'm wondering if things will feel different/better if I abstain for awhile (I used to do it pretty much once a day, then a couple a times a week, now not at all). I have worried that my habits have made it more difficult to cum with a partner, like I can orgasm with him but it takes a lot more work and time. It'll be a few days before I see him again, I'm curious to see if I'm walking around horny for no reason or if there will be an actual improvement lol

No. 296303

It doesn't make a difference for me personally, I have a high drive so sometimes I will still need to masturbate when my boyfriend isn't around. But it could help if you save your libido for him.

No. 296863

Penetration is so disappointing. I have used my fingers before and I just feel nothing, completely meh or it makes me feel like I'm going to pee. I used the handle of my shaver the other day thinking because it's longer so it might feel better but it was the same, I was also wet enough and it went in easy but when I took my hand off it my body pushed it out kek I think my body just doesn't like penetration at all. I'm disappointed because I also have a hard time getting off with just my clit because I used to watch too much porn and now my body doesn't really react so I was hoping this would help. I've also never been able to find that spot that's supposed to feel really good inside, either I don't have it or it's way less pleasurable than people say. Another thing, I don't know if anyone else has this experience but after masturbating I bleed a little for a few days sometimes, like period blood but not fresh. It happens sometimes even when I don't put anything inside, just using my clit. Is it just old period blood getting cleared out as I've heard before or is this something I should be worried about?

No. 296888

I'm never masturbating using penetration again. I fucked myself up so bad yesterday I don't know what I even did? At first I literally couldn't pee, it hurt so bad I'd compare it to the time I had an infected tooth. I shouted in pain. It was worse than any uti. Pretty sure I bruised my urethra. I'm better today but that was one of the most painful experiences of my entire life. I don't even know what I did wrong I've used that same toy like a hundred times. What the fuck

No. 296904

Sex and no masturbation helps me feel more satisfied during sex because we're focused on making me orgasm before him. My clit is more sensitive when I don't masturbate and I can grind on him in some way while inside him and I'm able to orgasm like that. It's also easier for me to get wet when I don't masturbate when I'm horny and save it for him. If I masturbate a day before we have sex, sometimes it just leads to me trying to touch myself while he watches and I get "almost" orgasm but then I'm numb and just finish by having him cum.
My boyfriend recently stopped masturbating for a week and our weekend was filled with us having sex multiple times throughout the days. He's also faster to orgasm when he preserves any outlet for horny to sex.

No. 298734>>299019

Are dildos worth it?

No. 298747

Best toys for cervical masturbation? I don't feel good from penetration without touching my cervix. Not bashing it, but more like kneading on it, if that makes sense?

I usually just masturbate with my clit but once a month during my cycle I can literally feel aching inside that only goes away when I play with mu cervix with my fingers.

No. 298769>>298786

It's really expensive. Does it really feel like oral sex?

No. 298786

TA and honestly to me it’s a very good substitute. Definitely use lube with it if you don’t get super wet naturally, but I absolutely love the rotating nub as opposed to the dumb fake tongue ones I have tried. Like I said I waited for a sale to buy it but it is legit the only toy I use really anymore!! (Except for when I’m ovulating and like to use a dildo along with it). They just sent me an email for their Black Friday sale and I’m so tempted to grab the new g-spot stimulator + clit sucker or maybe their remote control egg.

No. 299019

Depends how much you like penetration. For vast majority of women, a vibrator will do a better job, but you know yourself best.

No. 299229>>299234>>299249>>299320>>299332

I have literally never owned a vibrator and don’t know much about them so sorry if this is a retarded question but would a cheap one off like aliexpress be safe to use? Just something to stimulate my clit, I don’t like penetration.

No. 299234

Don't get them on AliExpress, there are zero regulation there and you don't want to put something toxic near your pussy. There are some cheap vibrators from safe brands, I don't have any names to drop rn but you can easily find them by googling.

No. 299244>>299318

i started taking spironolactone for my acne and read that it can affect your natural lubrication, does anyone have any first hand experience with that? i would hate to lose my slopatron 3000

No. 299249

I bought one of those two sided ones (one to simulate oral/clit stim the other for inside the vagina) for the first time a while ago (I’m 28) I used it on my clit but honestly it didn’t make me come very hard. Using my hands feels better. Also couldn’t fit the large/dick simulator part in as I was too tight. I honestly think vibrators are kind of overrated. I have heard good things about the hitachi wand but it’s too expensive, I think I’ll just stick to running water over my clit in the bath lol.

No. 299318>>299340



I've been taking the same medication (100mg) for almost a year now and it has had absolutely zero effect on my lubrication, I still get crazy wet. everyone is different obviously but yeah for me it's not been an issue at all. good luck nona, I hope it helps your acne!

No. 299320

many drug stores sell vibrators in the family planning section, they'll be labelled as 'personal massagers' kek. they're pretty cheap, good quality, and best of all safe. don't buy one off aliexpress, you don't want some random chemicals going near there.

No. 299332

Mundane and boring update but I decided to order one off Adam and Eve since a youtuber I watch had a half off and free shipping promo code. It was under $20 and I figure it'd be much more body safe than anything off aliexpress.

No. 299340

thank you nona for assuaging my fears, have a good one lovely ♥

No. 300894>>300902

I hate bringing up old stuff but I do this. I can only orgasm through this. I cant achieve orgasm any other way (clit or penetration) and its so embarrassing bc to get myself to cum I have to cross my legs.

I need help bc I dont know what the fuck im doing wrong i just want to orgasm in a “normal” way. how do i even explain this to partners

No. 300902

That’s normal. The clit is basically equivalent to the head of a dick and the clitoral hood is like the foreskin. Most men rub their foreskin over their dickhead to cum right? Well most women have to do something similar. For me it only ever worked rubbing either side of my outer pussy lips. I never realized but I was basically rubbing my clitoral hood back and forth, almost like a guy would jerk off just on a tiny scale. And for you I guess it’s similar because by crossing your legs you rub the hood back and forth over your clit.

No. 301925

This is the only way I'm able to get off and I hate it because it's weird and you have to change as you said.

No. 302334>>302527>>309887

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Does anyone wanna rec me a new vibe?
I can't handle penetration and I've never been able to get off any other way.
Because of the scaramouche news I have been unbearably horny lately and want something new/keep running out of batteries/clean toys.
I have:
satisfyer 2 - my favorite but the vibration can be a lil overstimulating. I wish it was rougher on the suction.
Satisfyer 1 - God tier. I dropped it off my bed because I came too hard so now it's kinda rough, but also the battery life is shit now so that's painful.
Satisfyer penguin - ok. It's cute at least.
satisfyer 3 - it's not terrible but idk it's really awkward to handle? It feels so big and bulbous I feel like it can't really suck correctly. It gives me hand cramps and slips around. I have really small hands I guess.
Thus concludes my reviews/plea for help.
I bought all of these bc of LC btw thanks for the recs previously they've been really good.

No. 302395>>302400>>302451

do any other nonas have orgasm "misfires"? idk what to call it…it's like i have a great build up and i feel it coming on but then the orgasm itself is just numbness, as if it disappeared. but i know i've technically orgasmed because my clit will have that standard post orgasm sensitivity. please tell me i'm not alone, and how do i stop my orgasms from being so pathetic? this is so annoying.

No. 302400

Yes and in that case I have to start rubbing furiously

No. 302451

For me when this happens it's one of two things
1. Vibrator settings too high, overstimulated
2. Masterbated too much and pussy has become numb/sore
in which case just go slower/gentler or take a break and a cold shower and try again in a couple days
It's really annoying though because usually by the time I realize it's going to be disappointing it's too late

No. 302527>>302528>>302720

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we probably don't have the same tastes because suction vibes do nothing for me, but i personally like this bullet vibrator from je joue. I find that it doesn't make me over sensitive and have more of a rumbling sensation rather than the buzzy sensation that makes you numb. I know it says g-spot but i personally only use it externally.

No. 302528

Same fag, but i hate it when companies do not specify what kind of vibrations their vibrator has. I find it to be very important information because i detest buzzy vibrations and prefer the rumbling type of vibrations.

No. 302537

I’ve tried a bunch of vibrators and I kind of hate all of them. First off most of the phalluses are way too big and girthy for me. I can only use bullets. Secondly as another nona mentioned, most of them are buzzing rather than rumbling which does nothing for me. Thirdly I don’t really cum hard enough using them. I got one of those sucker type vibes that is supposed to mimic getting head, but it doesn’t feel licky or sucky. More like blowy and whirley and weird.

The orgasms always feel kind of weak, dutiful and empty rather than passionate and ecstatic. If I want to orgasm extremely hard the only thing that works is my hands and rubbing my clit hard for a few minutes. I use the bathtub faucet sometimes if I’m being super lazy. Nothing else works for me.

No. 302551

I've been having pmdd induced mood swings but rubbing one out fixed me right up. Bless.

No. 302640>>302660>>302663>>302672

Everytime I try to masturbate with the showwer faucet I automatically think how much water it's going to waste and I immediately stop.

No. 302660

I get off on that thought alone.

My country is constantly soaked so it doesn’t matter.

No. 302663>>302667

I can't masturbate with a shower head. I tried different pressure and temperature but I just feel tingly and occasionally the water hits my labia in an unpleasant way. What am I doing wrong? I really want to try it since it's a classic and all, but apparently I'm too dumb for that. I can do it only with fingers but I also want to try something new. Sigh, maybe it's time to buy a toy.

No. 302667

Shower head doesn’t work for me, the pressure is too high and the holes in the shower are too small and jetlike. Needs to be a thicc stream of water lol the faucet or take the shower head off.

No. 302672

I wish that worked for me.

No. 302720

I've never tried anything but suction, but maybe it would be good to shake things up. It's good to know it works well externally. I like the more rumbly feeling too.

No. 303746>>303747>>303755>>303760>>303763>>303766

this is gonna be embarrassing and weird but i gotta know if anyone else is like this. ever since i was a kid, i've had a habit of like edging my pee i guess?? like i let myself almost pee but hold it in the last second, and the sensation feels kind of good? it also always makes my eyes and nose water like crazy when i do it for a while for some reason. anyway i developed this behavior as a kid specifically when i started reading fanfiction. i NEVER do it unless i'm reading/thinking about fanfiction, so i guess it's like a substitute for masturbation, but i have no idea why i do it really. anyone else experience this? i don't get off from the feeling, i just kind of do it by force of habit/compulsively when i read fic, but it is a bit pleasurable in a tension-release way. a couple of times when i was younger i accidentally peed myself from doing it too much kek.

No. 303747

It's not exactly the same thing, but I like to masturbate while my bladder is full. When I can finally pee, it feels so good.

No. 303755

I can orgasm from a good piss under the right circumstances. The bladder and urethra are very very close to the gspot

No. 303760>>303799

Lol okay I do this too but I really try not to as much anymore because I feel like I potentially fucked up my urinary habits/health? from it

No. 303763

Holy shit I used to do the same thing when I was a kid. Long before I learned how to masturbate I would think sexual thoughts when I was lying in bed and when I became more aroused I would feel like I had to pee, and sometimes I actually did. It was so long ago I don't remember if it was because my bladder was already full or I somehow psychologically made myself have to pee. It was really weird and I feel weird typing this out because I don't think I've ever talked about it before kek. I never orgasmed from it, but I must have got really close because I remember the physical sensation being very overwhelming. Pretty much I would masturbate with my mind before I knew what masturbation even was. I wish I could still do it tbh

No. 303766

That sounds like something I did. When I was a teenager, I didn't really "get" how to masturbate (I do now that I have a vibrator), but holding in a pee some time felt kind of good. (I'm not into pee type kink stuff IRL though, but I did like it in fiction or doing it by myself, kek)

I don't do it anymore though, but it might be a trained habit since sometimes while masturbating with an empty bladder I have to stop to take a pee break? Unless there's another gynecological explanation for that.

No. 303767>>304534

i live with family and really fucking wanna buy a vibrator-my family never opens my packages but with my luck i feel that's what's gonna happen lmao.

i feel like if i'm gonna do it now is the perfect time cause i can just say 'don't open any packages because i ordered presents' but my sister loves snooping through my room to steal clothes and makeup and she WILL say something if she finds it ugh. i'm too old to be using an electric toothbrush lol.

No. 303799

i also worry about this. i'm really gonna try to stop lol i've stopped before for long periods of time but i relapse once i start reading fanfic again kek

No. 303989>>304286

I have optimized my cooming so I can cum like 10 times when I masturbate. Thank u magic wand my bestie

No. 304286

wish i could have multiple orgasms. i keep going once ive already finished but it just doesn't happen kek

No. 304434>>304453>>304454

I think I’m an extremely hyper sexual person because when I go through a manic phase I am masturbating at least 4 times a day and literally constantly thinking about sex.
My clit is overly sensitive as in I cannot touch it directly under any circumstance. I don’t like penetration and I don’t know why. I think it has something to do with control over my own body. Just thinking about some object disappearing inside of me makes my hands and feet go numb.

I masturbate now by rubbing over my shorts/underwear. The problem is, and with the frequency at which I do it… I basically smell like pussy juice all day. It’s especially bad towards the end of the day when it starts to “ferment”. I don’t know if nonnies here have any advice.

No. 304453

File (hide): 1671297310142.jpg (64.28 KB, 502x623, washingcloth.jpg)

>I think I’m an extremely hyper sexual person because when I go through a manic phase I am masturbating at least 4 times a day and literally constantly thinking about sex.
Same, though I don't know whether I'm manic. I don't necessarily masturbate often, I can go months without. Then suddenly go through weeks of masturbating everyday for 2-3 hours until it almost starts to hurt.
>I basically smell like pussy juice all day. It’s especially bad towards the end of the day when it starts to “ferment”. I don’t know if nonnies here have any advice.
Have you considered washing after every session? I just use a washcloth if I don't have the time for a full shower. You should also probably change your underwear every time, if you're not doing that already.

No. 304454>>304455

Could you use a cloth of some sort that you'd masturbate through so that it'd absorb the pussy juice instead of it getting onto your underwear? I used to masturbate like that as well, until I noticed the fabric of my underpants would thin out where my clit was kek

No. 304455>>304457

>until I noticed the fabric of my underpants would thin out where my clit was kek
nta, but that sounds hardcore kek

No. 304457

ik it makes me sound like a coomer but I swear I was only doing it like once a day at the time. I stopped partly because I didn't want to be constantly buying new undies and because I still lived at home and didn't want my family noticing anything if they happened to fold my laundry

No. 304534>>304588

I had this issue a few years ago when I lived somewhere where my letters and packages constantly got mixed up with my neighbours, and ended up buying one in a sex shop whilst I was visiting a city where I didn't know anyone. So if you're planning on going somewhere where you're bound to not be seen (if that worries you) and not going to have your luggage checked at any point, then look up to see if they have any sex toy shops or lingerie shops that you can go to. Here in the UK some of the health & beauty shops sell some too. It might not be the exact one you want but it's better than a toothbrush kek

No. 304588

>not going to have your luggage checked at any point
nta reminds me how Bong airport security wanted to open my suitcase, guy opening it thought it was full of sex toys or something weird. Gym bro security guard a few meters away came to my rescue and explained that it's indeed just a weightlifting belt and that everything in my bag is for a powerlifting meet.

No. 304659>>304680

Does anyone else smell different after masturbating. Just gave myself like a chain orgasm and now suddenly I smell weird. Not necessarily bad, though I do have a personal appreciation for mild BO.
also mfw i think ive finally broken my porn addiction/fetish for good, didnt even fantasize about the fetish scenario, its like a switch has been flicked suddenly. its probably cause my ex keeps coming on to me so suddenly i have irl fantasies lmao

No. 304680>>304696

I think I know what you mean. I think the odor is just your vaginal fluids getting smeared around. Like on your vulva, maybe on your thighs, on your hands and so on depending on how you masturbate. I've heard of guys who dislike fingering girls because the smell lingers on their hands for so long, despite them washing them afterwards. Some guys are into it and love vagina odor kek. It's also supposed to smell different depending on where in your cycle you are.

No. 304696>>304746

it was actually my pits specifically that smelt weird

No. 304746>>304771

are you on your period at all? sweat can reek different if you're perspiring during your cycle

No. 304771

nope! not ovulating either afaik but hard to tell cause my periods are on like an 80-90 day cycle lmao. the mystery…

No. 304916>>304931>>304975>>305843

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Nonnas, the battery in my cheap wand vibrator has died and I need to replace it. What's your favorite model on the market? Mains powered or rechargable? Must-have features? I wanna invest in a more expensive one but I want to make sure I'm getting what I want.

No. 304931

No. 304975

I sort of regret buying a rechargeable one because now when I forget to charge it and it dies in the middle of a session I can't just pop new batteries in and keep going.

No. 305843>>309545

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It's a bullet, not a wand, but this is the best vibrator I've ever used(and I've bought many) and I will recommend it to the day I die from masturbating too much

No. 306810

I'm finally going to buy myself a dildo. I always found masturbation uncomfortable and not exciting unless I'm being fingered or fucked by someone, maybe its my religious upbringing. I have gotten 1-2 sex toys before but it has been from guys, my ex and someone I was on a date with, pressuring me to get one to help with my sex drive. It was cheap and were so noisy, I hated how stiff the dildo felt compare to having the real thing.

I want to understand the excitement and pleasure people get from masturbating and even climaxing. I don't think i ever climaxed but I have felt close a few times, it would just get too tiring, intense and sometimes sore.

No. 307468>>307476>>307486>>310398>>310507

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Has anyone used this heart glass dildo before?

I'm curious if it's worth getting or if it's just aesthetic and I should get a more curve glass dildo instead.

No. 307474

My fiance packed up my vibrator when he was moving months ago and it's been lost ever since. I miss it (I kept it at his apartment because he liked to use it on me)

No. 307476>>307486

I have this one! Personally I don't like it at all, the knobs just feel bumpy and weird and it being hard glass doesn't help.

No. 307486

It’s just aesthetic. As >>307476 said the glass is just weird and it hurts in certain positions

No. 309545

I looked into this and ended up going with something cheaper bc of the price. Maybe when this one breaks I'll finally splurge on it

No. 309546>>309562>>309564>>309887>>310340>>310435

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samefagging because while I'm here I wanted to know if anynonny has opinions on these- store near me has a "one time use" version because the real ones are a bit pricey and I was wondering if it was worth it…

No. 309562

i got the smaller/cheaper version of the satisfyer and i honestly regret it. it was kind of a waste of money. its definitely not the same kind of stimulation as more standard vibes; it took a longer time for it to start feeling good, and to me it felt more like i was edging myself? it was also a pain in the ass trying to position it correctly so it actually felt good, although iirc this isnt so much an issue with the standard size ones.
lots of women swear by these though so take this with a grain of salt, its just my personal experience.

oh and also it refuses to hold a charge for some reason so to me its basically worthless

No. 309564>>309888

Some women rave about suction toys and others find the sensation strange. If its a cheap throwaway version tho you've not much to lose by trying it.

A while back they were being discussed itt and it was brought up that hygiene wise the luxury ones don't make sense. Stuff (fluid, skin cells) gets sucked into the toy and has no way out. You can't deep clean them without breaking them to get in there. I think cheapo throwaway ones are a better idea til they figure out a way for these to be fully sanitized.

No. 309887

I'm >>302334 and I swear by mine still. If you have interest, go for the cheap one since as other anons have supplied, they don't work for everyone. I get the impression it's a love it or hate it kinda deal.
If you don't like or can't handle penetration though they're really worth it. If you get overstimulated easily maybe don't get them.

No. 309888

I have a womanizer and it’s pretty easy to clean because the suction thingy(?) comes off. I wouldn’t have bought it for myself but my bf got it for me so I use it. I much prefer my wand… I agree with the nonna who said it feels like edging. And when I cum it feels like a forced orgasm and it’s not very satisfying.

No. 310337>>310355>>310369>>315065>>315072

does anyone else have really, really intense orgasms from wet dreams? my best ones have been from my dreams, they are always so strong but i have no idea why.

No. 310340

Thanks for all the advice nonnies! I went and got the cheap trial one, will provide review when I can

No. 310355>>310390

In your sleep? I mean I usually only orgasm when they’re intense enough to wake me and then I get myself off and pass out kek… But yeah those ones r pretty good

No. 310369>>310390

Same! They're so intense, only thing that comes close is orgasming from humping/tribbing

No. 310390>>310447

yes during sleep! they wake me up most of the time because of the intensity too, even though i'd like to continue the dream from that point kek

i'm the same exact way!! i had no idea it was a thing. i wonder if it's something related to the mind? i know humping provides some clitoral stimulation but it's never seemed enough to make sense of the intense orgasms

No. 310398

agree with other nonitas, it's just pretty + the heart on top just makes it hard to grip in general. The bumps are meh, wish they added swirls instead. I'm thinking about chucking it tbh since I barely use it

No. 310399>>310400

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autosage for newfag

I was always curious about those extra large dildos and ordered one off adam and eve since they had a sale. I think it was their size queen one that's 6 in. I finally tried it and it felt super off and unsatisfying. The 'soft' feature made it even weirder + the overall shape was too straight and had 0 curves. Maybe it's because I'm used to glass dildos that are smaller with curves / ridges but might just be my first and last "realistic" dildo


No. 310400>>310412

it isn't gel/jelly like substance was it? i know at least one of their jelly dildos is a one use item despite what the page says due to its porous nature. can't clean that shit properly and boiling melts it some. better luck next time anon, i still don't have the heart to get a dildo the size i'd like to

No. 310412

ayrt and no, I read the comments saying that it was easy to keep clean. idk what 2 do with it, maybe I'll try using the suction cup thingy in the shower and see if that does anything. But so far it has been disappointing

No. 310435

tldr: I'm glad I tried it but equally glad it's one time use.
did end up coming on the highest setting and it did feel more intense than usual but still numb afterwards and not in a pleasant way. very interesting though and was worth a shot.

No. 310447>>310478

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AYRT, I'm not quite sure but I have a theory: orgasming in your sleep is probably caused by muscle contractions rather than friction or direct clit stimulation right? I think the same is happening with humping: rocking back and forth using your abs and glutes stimulates your clit on a deep level, hence why some of us orgasm while rope climbing/working out quads etc… Of course rubbing your clit against whatever you're humping helps get you off tho so it's not 100% from muscle contraction unlike when you're asleep so that's why it feels kind of the same but not as intense.

No. 310462>>310477>>310494

File (hide): 1674831707629.gif (805.29 KB, 316x318, 1654216387178.gif)

Am I crazy or is there this unspoken but sort of recognized orgasm that involves the urethra and not the clit or the vagina. Or is it related to the internal clit muscles? A combination of things? I first felt it while I was holding in my pee with my hands at age like 7 (I guess I saw cartoon characters doing it so I did it while walking to the bathroom). It's similar to the sensation after taking a nice piss, or maybe I get that because of the aforementioned experience. Does this then mean women experience three orgasm types? Clit, internal/vaginal, and urethral? Am I just retarded?
No I'm not just rubbing my clit incidentally, my clit isn't that big, and rubbing my clit feels way different/more intense/region-bound to the clit.
Please answer if you can.

No. 310477>>310516

For me it’s way easier to orgasm if I have to pee/ am holding in pee. I think it’s more from the pressure from your bladder on your inner clit than from the urethra.

No. 310478>>310551

Going slightly OT but are those "deep" orgasms vaginal orgasms?

No. 310494>>310503

Idk but I can ONLY orgasm if I need to pee, for years I've tried to make myself cum a different way but it just doesn't work, stimulation doesn't give me any pleasure unless I need to pee kek. That's how I learned to masturbate when I was 11 and my body is so conditioned it just won't work another way kek

No. 310503>>310516

I low-key masturbate through pee holding tbh. I find that when I’m mid stream, clenching and stopping the stream feels really really good, it must push against the internal part of my clit or g spot or something. I can’t really fully come from it, but in addicted to doing it and have been doing it for over a decade.

No. 310505>>310520

I can't believe this needs to be said but please don't hold in pee or push on your bladder, you will give yourself incontinence.

No. 310507

oh i have this! unlike the other anons itt i actually like it, but admittedly it was my first and only glass toy so maybe that's why I like it. i agree with other anons that the bumps don't do much. its good for anal if that's something you're into, but it works well just in general imo and i bought it on sale so i thought it was pretty good value

No. 310516

Yes! The urethral orgasms are much better with a little bit-moderate amount of pee waiting. The abdomen aches if there's a lot of pee but it can be good. Then peeing afterwards is also orgasmic.
Damn you can clench and stop?

No. 310520

this, or never ending UTIs ime

No. 310551

Yes and no? I don't believe in "vaginal" orgasms as separate from "clitoral" ones. An orgasm is an orgasm and it's achieved by stimulating your clit even if it's just indirectly (which is what vaginal penetration achieves) the orgasms I get from penetration feel like the ones I get from humping. I feel it way more intensely than orgasms brought by direct stimulation. Maybe because the build up is very dependent on muscle tension and breathing in both cases?

No. 310553>>310559>>310575>>311032>>313376

How tf do you guys have orgasms while humping a pillow? I don't want to use scrote terms like innie and outie but I feel like you got to have an outie situation going on to feel anything from that.

No. 310559

Probably urethral orgasm

No. 310561>>310564

It's not a urethral orgasm kek, your full bladder is putting pressure onto your gspot/clit nerves.

No. 310564

What if my bladder isn't full sometimes

No. 310575

i have an innie and i can orgasm from humping a pillow

No. 310578>>310589>>313388

What the fuck is an innie versus an outie?! It's a vagina not a belly button. Vagina versus prolapsed vagina? I don't get it.

No. 310589

An outie is when the labia minora (inner folds) sticks out of the labia majora (exterior folds) kek not prolapsed

No. 311032

Think of it like rubbing your pubic bone against the pillow, don't try to angle your clit on the pillow or anything it literally doesn't matter you could do it fully clothed

No. 312878

i'm so fucking pissed off right now i had a good session, felt that i was about to have a really good orgasm and just when i had started to climax some asshole calls me and ruins the momentum. i'm so angry.

No. 313371

does anyone have a site that isn't as expensive as adam and eve but isn't dirt cheap and risky like aliexpress?

i want to buy a fairly priced sturdy glass dildo because the idea of overpaying for sex toy is shameful as hell to me

No. 313376

This is so retarded. Having an innie and outie doesn't change anything like sensitivity and I feel like any woman would know it.

No. 313383

I'm so horny

No. 313388>>313391

>moid-like sperging
It’s about vulva and its inner and outer lips, not vagina. Know your anatomy better, you wouldn’t call applying make-up on your face as applying make-up into your throat. If you try to stuff pillow into your vagina instead of stimulating the vulva with it, I’ll be concerned.

No. 313391>>313419

How is that moid like sperging, sorry I don’t call women’s labias innies/outies, didn’t know it was an anatomy term, and what is with your makeup sperging? And you are responding to a 22 day old post, get a grip.

No. 313419

fair points, nonna. My sperging was also wrong as the other nonna was right with the labia minora. Sorry about my cringe shit comment. I'll go get that grip.

No. 315032>>315059>>315333

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lately my inner thigh muscles are so sore and I think it's a combination of doing physical labor at my job and (mostly) masturbating too much almost every night. My big issue is that i'm one of those people who can have infinite orgasms, the only stopping point for me is being too exhausted to continue, which basically means I go until complete physical exhaustion every time. And despite having like 12 orgasms a night I am never quite satisfied at the end because there's always another around the corner, leading me into the same pattern every night (mostly around ovulation fml). I am desperately fighting the urge to indulge tonight because if I do, I doubt I'll be able to lift stuff at work tomorrow. Does anyone else have this problem and how did you deal with it?

No. 315059

hmm maybe you could try distracting yourself by watching scary/gorey movies?

No. 315065>>315093

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The only orgasm I've ever managed to have was in my sleep, and even then I'm just guessing it was an orgasm because of the intensity of the feeling. I wasn't even having a sex dream, it just kind of happened. I wish I knew what caused it because nothing else works. Toys are painful and uncomfortable or boring with no in-between, masturbation does nothing for me, I've never had a partner that could manage it.

No. 315072>>315112

I've started having orgasms in my sleep around two or so years ago, it's so weird. I think it's because I've pretty much lost interest in masturbating around that time, and my brain is trying to make up for it by forcing me to orgasm in my sleep. I feel mildly assaulted by it sometimes because I didn't ask for it kek, but sometimes it's a pleasant surprise. And yes they are so intense that I wake up mid orgasm, it's crazy

No. 315093

If you can orgasm in your sleep and not when awake, it's probably because you're completely relaxed when you're asleep. You probably have some mental block preventing you from orgasming when awake.

No. 315112

WTF, this sounds amazing. I have a decent amount of sex dreams but I can never actually come while dreaming, which actually makes me hate having horny dreams because it’s always dream me trying really hard to have an orgasm for the whole duration of the dream and then I wake up really tired and sexually frustrated, kek. A sex dream complete with orgasm would be so satisfying, I’m jelly!

No. 315318>>315359

The faucet of the bath in my new place is too harsh to use for masturbation and I’m soooo sad. It’s like being pummeled on the pussy by evil water fists.

No. 315333

I feel my back is sore for the same reason, the way I keep changing positions and the how I use my leg muscles. Thanks, weak body

No. 315359>>315399

…can't you manually control the intensity of the water flow by the amount that's actually coming out of the faucet? or is this a case where a lower setting isn't enough to stimulate you?
either way, why not just get a vibrator, nonna?

No. 315399>>315539

I don’t know how faucets work where you live, but in my area, temperature and flow are controlled together so the only way to get a gentler flow would involve ice cold water. A vibrator’s not the same, I like the warmth of a faucet and the randomness of the flow keeps it exciting. Luckily I don’t need aggressive clit stim like that to get off but I will miss having it as a treat.

No. 315500>>315544

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I have pretty good pelvic floor and abs control and I was always able to make myself feel a bit good just like that. I trained a bit and I now can make myself almost edge and moan without using my thigh muscles. Does any nonna are able to cum from it ? I know some people can achieve it from their thighs alone, but I find it super difficult.
I want to be able to do it hand free, it sound like black magic.

No. 315539

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Nta but I know what you mean about temp and flow being controlled together, and it sucks. I miss my old tub that had hot and cold knobs like this, I never should have moved

No. 315544>>315548>>315663

don't start, it's the female equivalent of deathgrip, fucked myself from doing it this way and its impossible to get anywhere near climax from any form of sex with another partner (penetration, oral, fingering etc) since you can only come from having your legs completely closed

No. 315548

thank you nonna, I'm only gonna keep the pelvic floor methode since it feel better with legs open. I'm super sensitive to touch on my overall body when someone else do me so I dont want to become a shit bottom.

No. 315663>>315668

wait, really? damn lol that's the only way I really learned how

No. 315668

Idk, I don’t think it’s a hard rule. I generally get off with legs closed if left to my own devices but I’ve also been able to cum with them open, even if it’s not my preferred way.

No. 315674

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I think it's working similar muscles to closed-leg methods but for me it's less about legs being closed and more about the legs bending back from the rest of me. Think sort of an upward facing dog yoga pose or anything that would stretch the pelvic area out, like laying on my back on a bed with legs hanging down, that sort of thing. picrel semi-accurate

No. 315675>>315676>>315678>>315680>>315701

I'm sorry if someone else has mentioned this already in the thread but I just wanted to jump in to ask: is it common/normal that for me to reach climax I need to imagine a scenario like being penetrated or eaten out or I need to look at pornographic material (like animated/drawn nsfw) or read a nsfw fanfic?

I dont think I can climax otherwise. If I've done it before, which I can't remember doing, It was probably way harder for me to climax by solely focusing on what i was doing.

Also I'm a virgin, not sure if that's relevant.

No. 315676

of course? Not many climax just thinking of nothing.

No. 315678>>315810

It is common, especially now in the readily-available-porn age. However, many people consider this a bad thing when it happens to them and there's a lot of reasons for that. You can become over-reliant on it and become unable to climax without the added stimulation of pornography. You could become a porn addict and require increasing levels of degeneracy in your pornography to be stimulated which leads you down some dark paths online. You could get a partner and still be unable to orgasm without porn and that can damage a relationship pretty quickly (and also makes it harder to tell if you're a good fit with someone because you don't know if difficulty climaxing is a compatibility/attraction issue, a bad partner issue, or just your porn reliance).
I don't think reading some erotica or whatever is bad but you have to watch yourself or it becomes a permanent crutch. If you're concerned about it, go ahead and quit porn for a while so you can learn how to masturbate without it (you can, I promise).

No. 315680

That's pretty normal, I can't orgasm without having a sexual fantasy either. Being reliant on visual stimulus can backfire on you after awhile though, however I really don't think erotica like drawings or stories are nearly as bad as actual porn videos. It's normal and can be healthy to want to explore with fantasy especially if you're a virgin (finding a relationship is hard, so I write down my fantasies and draw as an outlet). But I used to "stagnate" mentally when I would try looking for "the perfect drawing/story" that fit my tastes.

No. 315701>>315810

I don't get horny unless I have a visual stimuli (mostly yumejo content like fics or drawings), I'm a virgin like you so maybe that's why. I'm not addicted to porn either since I masturbate like three times a month. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, it's not like you're running your relationship with your Nigel over husbandos kek.

No. 315810>>315811>>315821>>315831>>315874

I agree with everything you said but my post wasn't exactly about having a porn issue..it's wondering if u guys also find it hard to climax by only focusing on the sensation of masturbation. usually I will just imagine something rather than reaching for porn, and like >>315701 said I also don't masturbate much to begin with. maybe like 5 times a month at max? and even that number is too high.

I think that if i actually had a bf it would be extremely easy to get off since porn or an imagination could never compare to the real thing.

No. 315811

Not trying to be sound mean anon, but do you have some sort of hang up or trauma? Your questions are bizarre. I am certain 99.9999% of people masturbate while fantasizing. Not sure why you're trying to psychology yourself out of doing that. Also not sure why you're trying to masturbate less than 5 times a month, stating it's "too much". If you were doing it 3 times a day, then I could see why that would be a problem. But you've just listed entirely normal, even expected, things, stated they are issues, and asked for help fixing them. To give you some perspective. It's very odd.

No. 315821

I responded to your other question and I'd say that's also normal; I don't focus on the sensation either when I use a vibrator and fantasize, I tend to climax as the "story" in my head goes. 5 times a month isn't a high number at all, though. You sound like you're pathologizing yourself too much for things that aren't wrong.

No. 315831

Oh… Hm. No I don't have to imagine anything once I'm turned on, the sensation is enough for me. I could be struck by a random bout of horniness or see something that makes me horny but after that the feeling I have or don't have determines the rest. I don't need fantasies to climax. I'm having fun, no fiction required.

No. 315874

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>I think that if i actually had a bf it would be extremely easy to get off since porn or an imagination could never compare to the real thing.

No. 315904>>315964>>315972

Nonas, do you have recommendations for a toy that's beginner friendly? I kinda want to get a rabbit but I'm kinda afraid to hurt myself

I just wanna insert something in there and graduate from being virgin

No. 315907>>315950

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My womanizer premium 2 came today, I've come 8 times in the last hour and I'm pretty sure I will never date a man again. Happy women's day everyone.

No. 315925

This probably is the wrong place to ask for this, but is there a way to find porn that just focuses on the guy pleasing the woman? I really like watching videos that focus solely on cunnilingus or the guy rubbing the woman's clit (without fingering or any sort of penetration). The thing that sucks is these parts are usually foreplay in longer videos, where I want it to be the main course where the woman orgasms at the end. It really sucks when there's a good pussy eating scene and then it switches to the guy dominating the woman right after. It turns me off so much.

No. 315950>>315975>>315989>>316062>>316088

>8 times in the last hour
No cap I can do 25 per hour, never used a toy. Occasionally the designated humping towel. 8 takes me 10-15 minutes, I slow down from there, and I have timed this. If we were measuring wanking as a type of speed, it would be like cum per hour, (cph), so if I’m going at 25cph, you’re much slower than me, at 8cph. I am basically Lewis Hamilton of cumming, which is probably because I try not to do it much so I get pent up. Not to get competitive. I just feel proud of myself. Probably a sign I don’t have much going for me. Anyway, hope you have fun with your new device.

No. 315964>>315972

Maybe something like a glass dildo with swirls? Depends on how much work you want to do and what pace you want to go at. Vibrators kind of freak me out and I'd rather do it manually

No. 315972

Really? I guess I'm the opposite but I would recommend a vibrator first. It can't really hurt you, but you might not like it, idk.

No. 315975>>315980

damn I've never gone higher than 14cph. you're a beast nonna

No. 315980

Thank you nonnie, we need to celebrate our little wins ♥

No. 315989>>316033

Damn nonnie, that is really impressive. I can actually go a lot faster than 8cph if I put my heart into it. I don't think I could actually come 25 times in an hour but I think I could reach your top speed even if I could only last half an hour. But tbh when I orgasm more than ten or so times it starts to feel kind of horrible, not physically but mentally I get very depressed. Anyway I was mostly just taking it for a test drive today, it has a bit of a learning curve, if I break your speed record another time I will report back.

No. 316033

Dont count every cum, make the cumming count. If you’re satisfied with less, the quality is probably better. I wish you luck with your devious ambitions.

No. 316062>>316068>>316088>>316097

Nta, I always feel like the first one takes a while, but after that, could probably have one every minute. I think it's more fun though to think myself into an orgasm, but that can take much longer. I was retarded and raised catholic so that's how I went around the "no masturbation" thing and it stuck. Ended up giving me an overactive imagination and made me kinda a degenerate. Using a toy, my hands or whatever makes it feel more forced, even though it's much more efficient. I feel like I get off way too easily.

No. 316068>>316098

You can climax without touching anything? Just mind power? Omg…you’re like pussy yoda. I’m actually impressed. I can kind of think myself most of the way there, and wiggle, but I need friction.

No. 316088>>316096>>316145

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I lurk the Masturbation Thread #2

>>315950 is able to go 25cph


>>316062 can cum from her mind only !

Welcome back Everybody !

No. 316096

Well, I believe it, it's mindbending enough to me that some people can full body cum from nipple suction alone

No. 316097>>316098

How the fuck? Even without squeezing your thighs together?

No. 316098>>316119>>316145>>316163

NTA but I can orgasm from dreams. If you can come from dreams you should be able to come with mental stimulation while awake… It seems kind of mysterious to me but I believe her. Very impressive though, I don't think I could do it, I don't have the focus or imagination or whatever it requires

No. 316119>>316132

It started out with dreams. I would think about sex and scenes I saw in movies or read in stories before going to sleep and that usually did the trick. It developed into lucid dreaming and it was like I could actually feel everything. I also always day dreamed a lot and have had an active imagination. There's a specific way I breathe for it. I also somewhat position my body into the position I'm thinking of, which makes it easier to get that same sensation as in a sex dream. The focus is more accidental, I have a tendency to obsess, overthink, get stuck on stuff. Which makes me feel like a degenerate, because I can easily get halfway there involuntarily, with not much. My mind will run with it anyway.

No. 316132

wow that's funny I was also raised religious and used dreams as a work around to masturbation being bad lol, I used to lucid dream as a teenager too but as some point I decided it was pointless to be so ashamed and switched to masturbating.
part of it was that I was homeschooled so I had no one to insert as my partner in the dream because I had no social life and the partners my brain came up with were…too disturbing. I literally thought regular old masturbation had to be less evil that what I was thinking up lmao

No. 316140>>316145>>316162

I'm so sad, I used to be able to orgasm from dreams but I haven't been able to in a long time. Now it takes me longer to orgasm when masturbating too, so I'm worried I'll never be able to have a proper wet dream again kek. It was such a nice wake up call, but I did notice it was more likely to happen when I was pent up and hadn't gotten off in a while so maybe that's why.

No. 316145

Does anyone else scream?
I once tickled myself so well I made seagull noises, like high pitching voice, I was embarrassed, it was so loud. It usually doesn’t happen, I couldn’t control it. Usually it’s like a low groan. I’m scared I’ll accidentally seagull squawk so I need to find the rare occasion of being entirely alone to play with myself.
Nonnie…this edit… it’s like a rare work of art I want to hang in my (theoretical) mansion. >>316098
I have dreams where I wake up feeling like I’m climaxing (but I’m not wet, so does it count?) and that’s pretty much why I nofap- the dreams are exquisite. Except sometimes they don’t make sense. The last one I had, I jumped off a tall building, and woke up climaxing. Another one I was just in this sauna with a woman in this one piece that fit just right, I woke up in ecstasy.
Are you the anon who got into an argument at aldi and was too annoyed to cum later on? I hope regardless you find a way to unwind so you can have better dreams.

No. 316162

i've been pretty pent up lately and have had difficulty orgasming for around 3 months. and holy fuck, did i have the most intense orgasm dream OF MY LIFE the other day. i shit you not the dream orgasm lasted 10+ minutes and i woke up needing a cigarette. hoping that happens to all you sexually repressed nonnies. dream orgasms are the goat

No. 316163

Yeah the first orgasm i ever had was a strange wet dream where i had "sex" with a ghost, it wasn't really like sex at all but we were floating in the air together and the ghost would swoop over my body repeatedly and cause me to feel this intense full body orgasm as our ethereal forms merged until i finally woke up like holy shiiit
And that's how i developed a completely nonsensical ghost fetish that can only be satisfied through lucid dreaming and deep meditation. No enlightenment for me, i'm just here to get off. Fire up that root chakra babyyyyy!!!!

No. 316188>>316191>>316202

Is it weird that I’ve technically never masturbated? Like I’ve touched myself sexually before by groping my thighs/breasts and spread my lips a few times but I’ve never stimulated my clit or anything. My bf once ran his fingers through my lips almost digging inside and it felt really overwhelming for me, perhaps I might be an anomaly.

No. 316191

it's just something we do because we are overcome with horny and want to feel good. if you never feel the urge to get yourself off then…that's fine. you don't want to masturbate then you don't masturbate. it's literally a solo activity for you if you want to do it and for no other reason. if there's some reason you're not masturbating (shame, trauma, whatever) it's not weird (you have a reason to not want to do it) but I guess it could be a symptom of something more serious you would want to address, sure.

No. 316193>>316213>>316240

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i have never orgasmed in all my 27 years and every 'sex' dream i had ends before sex actually happens so it's more like a foreplay dream? what's wrong with me?

No. 316199

I used to have lots of sex dreams. I could never come from them because the feeling was too intense (no problem coming 5 times a day from masturbating), but they would always happen when I was in that semi-lucid state where you’re about to wake up so my body would kinda act out the dream. I would wake up lying on my back thrusting into the air and I remember one time I woke up fingering my pillow thinking I was touching myself lmao. I thought for sure one day I would get a bf and he would wake up to me doing something lewd while asleep, but so far it hasn’t happened. Maybe I grew out of it.

No. 316201

best orgasm I got were probably from dream, either having sex with another women or masturbating in dream. I would not get sweaty or wet irl when I woke up too

No. 316202>>316225

Anon your boyfriend sounds way too rough. Ouch! I wouldn't want anyone doing what you described. You're not an anomaly. What he did sounds painful.

No. 316213

i haven't orgasmed before either nona you are not alone. at this point i don't even know if it's physically possible for me.

No. 316225

I agree. He needs to be more careful with your most sensitive parts, and also build up to touching it.

No. 316240

Well for some having the first orgasm is hard work. Took me 2 weeks of masturbating for hours every day to figure it out.

No. 316357>>316505

so many anons say they don't think they are capable of having an orgasm and it makes me want to use the scientific method on them to figure out how to get them off because i just can't believe there's no way

No. 316505

God, nonna, I would fund you if I wasn't a poorfag. The whole sex and masturbation thing makes me depressed because I genuinely am not able to masturbate and not find the whole process tedious. I tried but it doesn't feel good to touch myself without a partner if that make sense? When that intimate aspect is lacking I'm not really motivated. Plus, I think there is something wrong with me because penetration always hurts but we don't have time to unpack all of that. And apparently, neither do all the gynecologists I've visited. Legitimately depressing. Nobody really cares and I don't know how much more I can research on my own about why even masturbation is painful.
It's a bad cycle because since I don't know what I like, I can't effectively communicate to sexual partners how to please me… Which makes me even more depressed and unmotivated towards sex. Would be nice to have a nice sympathetic labcoat nonnie dissect this mess.

No. 316541>>316550>>316561

File (hide): 1678597478515.png (400.47 KB, 1080x1080, nobean.png)

something weird: i have no visible clitoris. Where the labia minora meet up top, it's just smooth. There's nothing there at all, the hood covers no structure. But despite that, I don't feel clitless, because I can definitely feel intense stimulation in the area where it is supposed to be and can get off no problem. It's all very mysterious. I've never been to a gyno cuz i havent had the need to (celibate virgin with no risk factors) but i feel like going just to ask them, "hey, you ever seen something like this?!"

No. 316550

i have a pretty much invisible clit, I get off more from rubbing the sides of it than actually rubbing against the front of the clit itself because it's impossible to find from that angle

No. 316561

interesting about the clit thing but I just wanna say there are reasons to go to the gyno if you're a virgin (but if you don't feel the need whatever, you're choice.) regular doctors can do pelvic exams but they're so chickenshit and weird about it it's annoying lol, plus I like getting a breast exam from a female OBGYN so much more than a regular GP, and OBGYN offices explicitly let you pick the preferred gender of your doctor which is pretty nice.

No. 317910>>317943

Anyone else's legs involuntarily twitch when they're overstimulated? It sucks because it feels good but it's uncomfortable to have my legs do that and I end up having to stop.

No. 317929>>317936>>317943

Does anyone else get lower back pain during/after fingering themself?

No. 317936

Depends on what position you're in and how much you're using your leg muscles

No. 317940>>317943>>317946

I really enjoy it when I put something inside but it always makes me feel like I'm going to shit myself. Granted I've never tried it shortly after using the bathroom, but I'd rather not schedule my masturbation around my bowel movements. I can't poop on command, either. Any solutions?

No. 317943>>317953

if I was in a chair yes but otherwise never.
sometimes. it never bothered me. I read an erotic book at an impressionable age that made me view it as a very positive thing, if it happened more often I'd be glad.
I don't want to call you weird but that seems strange to me. I'm on a regular morning shitting schedule though.

No. 317946>>317953

That only happens when I'm constipated (and if I am I usually don't masturbate because as you said, it feels unpleasant). Maybe you should et some more fiber and hydration in your diet?

No. 317953

Thanks for the input, it probably is a digestive issue. I'm hydrated and eating my greens but I definitely don't shit often enough and there are other concerning things as well. Next time I see my GP I'll see what can be done. In the meantime I'll take it to the bathroom talk thread kek. Again, thank you both!

No. 317955>>317962>>318019

I enjoy the feeling of being turned on more than I actually enjoy masturbating. I like the kind of rush-like feeling I get in my stomach when I think about something hot. I don't feel that same kind of rush when I actually start touching myself. Maybe I just need a better masturbation technique?

No. 317961>>317963>>317968>>317970>>317973

My breasts are totally non-sensitive. I actually feel more sensation from the skin on my abdomen or shoulders than my breasts. I'm vaguely jealous of women who have sensitive breasts because it seems fun, and the mental image of a sexy woman licking and sucking on my breasts is very hot, but I know in reality it would do nothing for me. Like being licked on the elbow or something.
I'm curious to see if breast size is related to sensitivity at all. My breasts are A-size, about a handful each.

No. 317962

If it was me that would mean I’m not ready yet, need to become hornier

No. 317963

My sensitivity there usually only happens with a partner. Breasts don’t really play a part in my solo-time.

No. 317965>>317990

File (hide): 1679462243208.png (Spoiler Image,4.44 KB, 540x264, diagram.png)

i created a diagram to demonstrate the best masturbation technique I have ever found. This shit can make me come in 20 seconds flat. Before I discovered this I thought people moaning from masturbation was made up. I only do this every so often as a special treat because it's that good.

Key points are:
>the pillow, or folded blanket. make sure it's formed into a little ramp shape like in picrel.
>when you press your hips down, you'll get clit stim from the pillow and internal stim from the toy, which is in turn being angled by the pillow
>If you are like me, there is a magic spot just in front of your cervix. The angle of the toy hits both this magic spot and the more classic "g" spot.
>by humping/bouncing, you can easily achieve hands free, repetitive stimulation.

Pro tips:
>you can try wearing underwear over the toy to keep it in place (added benefit: less mess)
>If you are prone to leaking/"squirting", have a towel underneath everything, because this'll do it to you.
>I imagine if you're the type who needs vibration, you could embed a mini vibe in the towel where your clit hits.
>Start out with some self-foreplay to get in the mood first and this will be extra satisfying.

If anyone already does this or tries it, I'm curious if it works as good for you as it does for me!

No. 317968

Interesting. I have biggish breasts and typically don't mind if they get played with but it doesn't turn me on or anything. I find small breasted but hourglass shaped women the sexiest but as a lesbian I really can't be picky

No. 317970

Mine are small even though they're technically a D, cup letters don't say much about actual size. They're really sensitive though and I can easily orgasm from nipple stimulation by a partner, but not on my own.

No. 317973>>317990

I'm similar in size to you but I'm the complete opposite and my breasts are super sensitive. I can't even shower without covering my nipples in the case some water will graze them the right way and it's an instant horny switch lol

No. 317985>>317992

After I got off birth control I've been so so so so so horny. I masturbate daily and at this point it's getting annoying because I want to at least be normal SOME of the time. I'm tired of accidentally grazing my boob and having to hold in a moan.

No. 317990

Does anyone else get really thirsty/feel dehydrated when they rub and pinch their own nipples
What the
This seems complicated but based, if I wasn't scared to put things in my vagina I'd try this

No. 317992

Was it for you immediately? For me it took 2 years for the raging horniness to kick in.

No. 318014>>318018

I've had sex with about 5 different people, never masturbated in my life, never had an orgasm. I don't mind sex itself as I view it as more of a connection/intimate thing more than a pleasure thing. I don't really have a desire for sex at all, I have sexual fantasies but I enjoy them in my head most of the time and don't ever feel the need to take it further such as touching myself. Is there something wrong with me? Maybe I'm asexual, I've been debating it for a while. Anyone else feel like this?

No. 318018

Idk I think saying something is "wrong" with you is a loaded term. If you feel like it's an issue (besides the massive peer pressure from society to be sexual) then it could be worth exploring. Have you ever tried masturbating at all? Sometimes you can't know if you like something until you try. As for your sex drive, sometimes hormonal contraceptives or antidepressants can mess with it.

No. 318019>>318021>>318209

The first time I got that kinda feeling was when I was already 18 or something like that, then kept having it whenever I thought about anything slightly sexual until it suddenly just completely disappeared two years later. Since then I've been getting it really sporadically, like twice or thrice a year, and I miss it so much, because like you I prefer that feeling to simply masturbating. Through own research I diagnosed myself with not all too unlikely B12 deficiency and plan to talk to my doctor about it in general terms though kek but if any anon went through the same and got that feeling back by herself somehow, please share how, I really miss it, I felt like I finally reached puberty lol I'm also that pineapple anon upthread and I'm still genuinely wondering if it really had something to do with that lmao

No. 318021>>318023

Is it like the "my ovaries" meme feeling? I get very horny feelings radiating from my lower belly at certain times during my cycle. Again I would imagine using hormonal contraceptives could make it disappear because it inhibits ovulation.

No. 318023>>318211

The meme thing sounds about right. I've never taken any contraceptives (or any antidepressants, or basically any kind of long term medication) in my life, so I know for sure it's not that. I stupidly started tracking my cycle only some time later because I started being irregular-ish with a for me unnormal period rather suddenly (is anything randomly between 27 and 35 days considered irregular?) and thougt that surely it'll pass by itself as sudden as it came, but thinking back, it might be lining up in time with that too. Maybe I should ask to get my hormones checked after all lol.

No. 318025

I have strong orgasms on my period, especially on the first day. But I hate touching my clit cause it's so slimy and my fingers slip and touch areas that are too sensitive, it's kinda uncomfortable. Plus after orgasming my lower stomach feels weird, as if my coochy muscles are all contracting in a weird way. Wish periods were less painful and messy, otherwise flicking the bean would be fantastical.

No. 318209>>318211

>The first time I got that kinda feeling was when I was already 18 or something like that, then kept having it whenever I thought about anything slightly sexual until it suddenly just completely disappeared two years later. Since then I've been getting it really sporadically, like twice or thrice a year
I'm ayrt and I really relate to this, the reason I actually wrote that post was because it was the first time in forever I experienced that feeling. I'm so glad I'm not the only one like this.
I used to often feel like this in my teen years but it slowly went away when I moved out. Which also happens to be the time where I started experimenting with masturbation. I think in my case it's related to that I just immediately try to masturbate instead of letting my thoughts linger. But still, even when I do masturbate after experience this feeling it still doesn't feel as good masturbation just ruins the feeling.
I also do have a deficiency for several vitamins but I never consider it could be related. I don't have any advice to give you anon unfortunately, but good luck!

No. 318211>>318841

I get this feeling the most leading up to ovulation and especially if I’m having a couple of lazy days in a row lol. I think of it as my body deciding I’m fertile and have an energy surplus, so time to get horny and procreate. During times where I’ve been stressed, depressed, have had low body-weight/vitamin deficiency etc. the feeling has been absent. I might be wrong, but you could have felt it more in your teen years if life for you was less stressful then. Also you could try drinking caffeine as it’s been shown to boost female libido.

No. 318841

Ew, no more coffee for me then.

No. 319252>>319538

Finally caved and got a Magic Wand Mini after years of using an electric toothbrush as a vibrator. Sad, I know, but I couldn't get over the irrational embarrassment of owning a sex toy.

No. 319538>>319553>>319863

For absolutely no reason whatsoever…how does one use an electric toothbrush as a vibrator?

No. 319553>>319863

>turn it on
>apply to clit
Hope this helps

No. 319630>>319632>>319726>>319762>>319831

File (hide): 1680446118581.png (85.71 KB, 422x511, Screenshot_5240.png)

I'm telling you, you guys NEED to edge yourself by thrusting your cooter together against your bedsheets for 5-10 mins then cum.. This has been my preferred method of orgasm for the past 7 years and needless to say i don't intend on changing it anytime soon.

No. 319632>>319638

Spoiler that shit next time jeez

No. 319638>>319690>>319762

File (hide): 1680448679357.jpg (90.92 KB, 1079x1198, 766EB1B9-BA8C-4F23-89D4-A56517…)

No. 319690

Not everybody is into ugly hentai faces.

No. 319726

I might've tried it if you didn't add that uglyass coomer insta-turnoff reaction/avatar.

No. 319762

File (hide): 1680480686279.jpeg (38.14 KB, 445x503, A11C39CB-1050-4F1A-B5AF-D41895…)

Christ, wherever you hail from, go back

No. 319828>>319897>>319957>>319965>>319967>>319975>>320035

when im using my dildo sometimes in certain positions or times it hurts to shove it all the way in? idk how else to describe this but it feels like this weird pain and i feel it in my asshole and tailbone too. whats causing this?

No. 319831

I actually LOVE THIS, like the friction is such a slow and satisfying way to go

No. 319858>>319865>>319948>>320054

I bought a bullet because everyone raved about it. I can see why. But I can't orgasm with it. If I stick it against my clit, it gets too intense and I have to pull away.
What do I do?

No. 319863

In case you're still confused, you use the back of the head instead of the side with the brush on it, and press it against your clit like any other clitoral vibrator.

No. 319865>>319869

Maybe try putting a piece of cloth or something between the thing and your clit in order to dim it down a bit? Idk I've never tried but that's what I'd do.

No. 319869>>320050

>a piece of cloth or something
Panties. They're called panties.

No. 319897>>319900

You’re hitting your cervix, nonny.

No. 319900>>319929

is that really it.. wow. it doesnt really feel like that. it almost feels like it must be beyond my cervix?

No. 319929>>319957

It's physically impossible to go beyond your cervix. If you're penetrating your cervix, you're either a hentai character or in need of serious medical attention.

No. 319948>>319967

I'm the same. Most of those vibes feel too harsh for me, even over layers of clothing it still doesn't feel good to me. I prefer toys that do clit suction instead of vibrations.

No. 319957>>319985

File (hide): 1680557828474.jpg (117.63 KB, 1500x1319, FemaleUrinarySystemKocakayaali…)

NTA but the vagina can extend past the cervix, especially when aroused

Maybe you're putting it in so deep that you're actually hitting your colon from the inside? Or you are indeed hitting your cervix like anon above suggested

No. 319965>>319967>>319985

I feel the same. I hate penetration.

No. 319967>>319985

NTAYRT but interesting, i always assumed that because vibrating toys are just painful to me, I'd hate the clit suction ones even more cause they sound so intense, but I'm sort of curious. I generally dislike most direct clit stim though so idk.
IME flexible dildos always hit cervix since they flex to whatever shape your vaginal canal is and there's no way to make them avoid it. After many years of using the handle of a large screwdriver (lmao), I ordered a couple dildos but I never use them because they just hit my cervix. With inflexible/stiff toys you can angle them up/away and hit the good point instead. If you haven't tried that already, it might be worth a shot.

No. 319975>>319985>>319990

the other posters are probably right about it being your cervix but it could also be from putting pressure on internal hemorrhoids.
does your ass hurt when you're on your period? that's from hemorrhoids too.

No. 319985>>320021

>Maybe you're putting it in so deep that you're actually hitting your colon from the inside?
it feels like that. it feels angled down.
i love penetration, it makes me sad that it feels off sometimes.
the thing is its a quite hard silicone. its the colours pleasures dildo in 5". maybe glass would be better? i always thought if i got another toy i would choose something more soft and life like though. the thought of shoving a glass toy up there is unappealing.
i never even thought of that. i dont think i have hemorrhoids.

No. 319990>>320010>>320020

>does your ass hurt when you're on your period? that's from hemorrhoids too
nta but wait does that mean i've had hemorrhoids for years? the pain usually goes away once the period cramps do tho..

No. 320010

Same, everything above my knees and below my bellybutton hurts tbh

No. 320020

I don't want to derail too much about hemorrhoids in the masturbation thread and I don't know what pain you feel but if it feels like your asshole is gonna fall out when you get period cramps you probably have hemorrhoids. It's honestly not useful information because you can't do much about it, a doctor won't usually remove them until they're a big problem because it's a whole thing and they're benign. It's just a fun fact.

No. 320021>>320158

File (hide): 1680594752115.jpg (21.63 KB, 951x951, glass.jpg)

the thought of glass seemed wrong to me because in my mind it's fragile, but once I had one I saw the appeal. it was very sturdy, solid and smooth. very hygienic compared to softer rubbery dildos that just seemed hard to clean over time. the fact that it isn't soft gives you better control. I had one like picrel but a little heftier

No. 320032

File (hide): 1680600249819.jpg (8.67 KB, 500x500, img_gallery_011.jpg)

I noticed that my vibrator has a small tear in it. It's picrel and a soft silicone type of feel (can't remember 100% what it's made of) do I have to throw it away? I'd rather kms but it's a hygiene issue isn't it?

No. 320035

I have a retroverted uterus and deep penetration hurts cause it bumps my uterus

No. 320050

Sure if you want your panties to wear down quickly.

No. 320054

i would use it to rub against your clit but have it turned off first,to get used to it. have it on whatever the lightest setting is,and turn it on near it but not on it and inch closer.. i also found it too intense at first,but i got used to it after a while of just doing as much as i could with it.

No. 320158

I really like glass, it always felt the most hygienic to me and I like the weight/firmness of it. The fact that you can do some temperature play is nice as well.

No. 320169

Do any of y'all have good toy reccomendations from Amazon? Help a broke, horny nonnie out.

No. 320220>>320224>>320231>>320252

Is my pussy weird or is having a full bladder the cheat code for quick, near infinite, super intense orgasms for anyone else? It's so much better that I don't even bother masturbating anymore unless I have to pee at least a little bit. I once even came hands-free just from having my bladder full enough and flexing slightly kek. I'm really curious if this is universal or if I have some crossed wires.

No. 320224>>320229>>320264

I used to think I was in love until I realized I just had to pee

No. 320229

kek anon what do you mean

No. 320231

I do come better with a full bladder but I don't do it often because I'm more focused on wanting to pee rather than getting off lol. I guess it's because the bladder puts some additional pressure on the clitoris.

No. 320252

I kind of get what you mean, I feel like I get horny more easily with a full bladder and stimulation feels more intense, but then the actual orgasm is always underwhelming. Like the orgasm doesn't resolve the feeling of having to pee so no matter how many times I come I still feel unsatisfied until I actually go and empty my bladder eventually.

No. 320264

No. 320343

Idk what it is, but whenever I use my hands (I normally do it handsfree) my lower stomach hurts afterwards, similar to period cramping. I don't even put anything inside, I literally only rub myself over my underwear. Not looking for advice or anything, just wanted to get this out in the world because I have noone I could tell this lmao. It'd be interesting though if there were anons who knew what I mean.

No. 320379

My back got really itchy while and because I was close I didn't bother scratching it and tbh it weirdly enhanced everything. Hoping I get a conveniently timed itch in the future

No. 320763

nonnas i need a rec. something to really blast my socks off. i want penetration and vibration. ill spend like 150 idc

No. 320839

I bought my first sex toy, it's a clit sucking thing, hopefully I can have my first orgasm.

No. 320840


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 320849>>320905

I've felt dry as a bone lately. When I actually tried to masturbate yesterday, I bled. I'm not a virgin. Is this just me not being aroused or what? I'm not on my period

No. 320905>>320917

Do you drink enough water? Are you on birth control?

No. 320917>>320918>>320925

I suspect I have some kind of iron or vitamin deficiency. I drink a lot of fluid and take supplements to compensate. can't afford to run blood panels. I'm not on any birth control nor sexually active with a partner. adding that I have been assaulted and coerced so it took years for me to feel like sex was healthy, one of my exes was fond of forcefully fingering and sexually coercing me. I seemed to be doing well when it came to my trauma, and then this hit.

I've been experimenting with a larger dildo. The last few times I've clenched so hard it's made me bleed. The buildup is fine, I seem turned on, then my libido flickers out after it's inserted to a certain point. It's not like vaginismus where it rejects the object, although I have always unfortunately had a very tight vagina (according to you all, and several sources I've read, hymens never fully break after losing your virginity, and my hymenal wall is/was thick) it's always been a huge disadvantage. I dont embrace object insertion the way other people do and didn't for years, the moment I decide to build up and change my ways, overcome the trauma, it clenches in on me

I'm not having objective trauma flashbacks, they're not vivid, but it's like my brain blanked out the nights I bled.

last night I pulled out and started shaking and crying. my groin has been tingling and cold all day. I hate this so much, why can't I be fucking normal

No. 320918>>320919>>320925

a few more pointless details
>there was a lot more blood the last couple times
>all sessions I bled into my panties the next day
>the pain this time was worse, very sharp, it shot through me, the last was a lot more subtle
>last time I did not end up sobbing and shivering during the act, although I did cry afterwards
>my fapping habits are intermittent, oddly spaced and not daily, maybe weekly or a few times a week at most
>I've never had this experience with the other objects and dildos I've used minus when I "broke" my hymen, and that pain was nowhere near as bad
>there was a week between the first couple incidences and this one
>thinking when tried again, I wouldn't hurt

I would consider trying to save face and see if it works tonight but I'd rather just let my worthless pussy heal. Sorry if this is too much information. I self examined with a mirror and nothing looks like it's detaching or discolored. What the fuck is wrong

No. 320919>>320925>>320926

Hey nonnie. You seem to be struggling a lot and being really hard on yourself for no real reason.
I used to have a real fear of actual penetration, vaginismus I guess. What helped me get more comfortable with it was do this:
1) get to orgasm with clit stimulation
2) try to put a finger in, two once comfortable etc.

Basically after orgasm you'll be more relaxed and probably wet. Ditch the dildo for now, that's clearly too big for now, plus I don't know about you but dildos feel kind of weird and foreign.

Good luck nonita

No. 320925>>320929

>shaking and sobbing
>why can't I be fucking normal
>my worthless pussy
what (and I can't stress this enough) the fuck. Whatever is going on, it is clearly as much psychological as it is physical. First of all, stop talking about yourself and your genitals like that. Second, you don't brute force trauma healing by jamming a huge dildo up there until you bleed. Do you even want to be penetrated with such a big dildo or are you just doing it because you think you have to? If you don't actually want it, just stop. If you do, you either need to use lube or do as >>320919 said and have a clit orgasm or two first, because that makes you super wet and ready for penetration. Stop thinking about penetration as a hurdle to overcome or a milestone to reach and start thinking about it as just one tool in your toolbox for great orgasms, that you can choose to use or not.
>I've never had this experience with the other objects and dildos
You said this new one is larger. Sounds like it's not a comfortable size for you. Not every dildo is a winner, if you like the other ones better then just keep using those. Why pressure yourself to insert something that isn't comfortable for your body? Your pussy exists to give you pleasure, listen to it.

No. 320926>>320934

I guess I wanted to take something shaped like a dick and actually expected it to be pleasurable, unlike what I've experienced in the past. It's what I'm supposed to want, right? Sex without fear, tension, or blood, because most of what I know from men is the pain they've imparted. The smaller dildo I used didn't make me tear, then this happens

assuming it's my own sexual assault and coercion related trauma does guilt me. What's the point if I can't perform? What's the point if I can't surpass the past? I experienced the same tense, shaky hyperventilation i would during a normal panic attack. Dried up like the sahara, woke fatigued with my pussy gaping like a phantom wormhole.

I'll wait another week and stick to fingering and clit stimulation like you suggested.

No. 320929>>320938

Thanks nona, again, sorry I'm being so degrading, I'm just legitimately sad because I actually wanted to be more sexually venturous for myself. I'll be gentler. In trying to be bolder and stronger I definitely came across too strong and completely ripped myself apart figuratively and literally. I'm an idiot for that, but it's probably the manic side of my manic depression chortling at me to follow the impulse. Like I said to other anon I'm going to take a break again and go back to softer penetration

No. 320934>>320978

Idk if this is going to be helpful, but I love PiV, yet dildos are painful for me after like 5-10 minutes even if they're not very big. The ones I've tried were too hard and frictional, and the lube dries out too fast. I still use them sometimes, but I prefer using my fingers when I want to orgasm vaginally. Maybe something like a g-spot stimulator would work better for you, or just using your hands like other anon suggested. I'm sorry you're struggling right now, but you shouldn't think of sex as something to perform, but rather mutual enjoyment. Not being able to cum from PiV alone is very common, but thankfully there's more than one way to orgasm and you can still have satisfying sex.

No. 320938>>320978

Just hump a bundle of blankets or something, that's what I do and that's what some anon in the dumbass shit thread (?) does. You don't even have to get undressed for it.

No. 320978>>321002

Will probably stick to my fingers for now. Maybe we're not meant to have things up there for too long.

Just seems like so many women can cum from dildos, even grotesquely large ones, now I'm wondering if they're faking it. I wish I was born with a wider set vagina

>Not being able to cum from PiV alone is very common

I should've figured that
Curiosity killed my cat

I like disrobing to masturbate kek it's a weird personal preference.

I've never actually been able to orgasm through my clothes or dry humping objects unless it's my groin pulsating over like, random midday dirty thoughts. Which do happen.

No. 321002>>321004

The thing about dildos is apart from the general shape they aren’t equivalent to a penis so they can get brutal. If you still wanna try internal stimulation (once your vag has healed!) I’d start out exploring with your fingers because it's much more gentle. It’s easier if you masturbate by stimulating your clit first, then once you are very aroused try feeling inside and see if you can find your g-spot (or internal extension of your clitoris or whatever kids prefer calling it these days). You shouldn’t have to go very far in.

No. 321004

I did find my g spot months ago! And found a couple more times since! And then my libido just died with my experimentation gone too far

shamefully I'd rather just have an actual dick, but I don't want to fuck a man right now

No. 321048>>321059

Pardon my retardation, but when people say they get off with their fingers do they usually mean using them in a penatrative way or just rubbing on the clit? I never can just go straight in with fingers without clit play first, it seems very uncomfortable to me, but maybe I'm just a minority. I always assumed they meant full on fingerbanging straight away which is unappealing without any warm up

No. 321049

Pardon my retardation, but when people say they get off with their fingers do they usually mean using them in a penatrative way or just rubbing on the clit? I never can just go straight in with fingers without clit play first, it seems very uncomfortable to me, but maybe I'm just a minority. I always assumed they meant full on fingerbanging straight away which is unappealing without any warm up

No. 321059

I almost always do before inserting anything. It's standard, you can't usually get wet without a little stimulation

No. 321236

has anyone tried stimulating their anterior fornix while masturbating? is a dildo the best way?

No. 321405>>321407

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Hey nonnas, I am looking to buy a toy but I am not sure which one will be good for me.
I don't need any penetration, but I am not sure if the sucking toys would be up to my alley either.
The only ways I can enjoy myself is by humping against my hands through underwear, and it's always been like that. Nothing else ever worked on me.
The more i looked into it, the more i thought that maybe wands like picrel would be better for me? I also have a gifting card to a womens store that sells this one, so i thought of possibly giving a try. The name is satisfyer wand-er

No. 321407>>321579

if rubbing on the outside works why change anything?

No. 321421>>321439

God i need help nonnies. I have been a full-fledged sex addict since i was a kid even tho i’ve never had it and I’m scared of having it. I dream about sex every fucking day and have done for the past like 8 years. I dream of fucking my dream men 24/7 and i’m sick of it when will i stop feeling so horny all the time? It’s like fucking torture when i’m getting none anyway. I cum like 10 times a day fuckckckck help

No. 321439

i was the same as you before i finslly started fucking. i can tell you it wont stop until you actually do it. a few years into it and now i can go for weeks without dirty thoughts, its insane to me too…

No. 321579

It never made me finish and I want to try investing in a toy.

No. 321810>>323096>>323101>>323108

sry for blogpost but i am very, incredibly drunk, so this is my second post since lurking lolcow for five-and-a-half years bc i trust the people on this imageboard. i am literally so fucking bad at masturbating its insane. im blaming my eastern orthodox christian upbringing but im also extremely autistic so i think that contributes to it - what the FUCK do i do? i have only had vaginal orgasms and that is embarrassing so im trying to do clitoral but it feels wayyy too sensitive which therefore makes me incompetent which i cannot mentally handle. my sor sister recommended a vibrator but even with lubed fingers it feels vastly unpleasant so that really scares me. WHAT DO I DO!!!!! like with female anatomy there HAS to be something i like that is not vaginal but i feel like even more of a turbo autist trying to figure it out crouched on my dorm room floor à la travis the chimpanzee. please help me. love u nonnies

No. 323050>>323055>>323095>>323112

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Does any one else sometimes get so excited while fantasizing that they feel like they'll pass out? it usually happens when I was already really horny all day and then tease myself a little while fantasizing about someone I like. It feels like my brain is getting aggressively tickled all over (stupid description i know) and I'll start to get very lightheaded/ fading vision. I usually stop because I'm afraid of passing out with my hand in my pants.
Similarly, do you ever see something or imagine something sexy abruptly and get an immediate intense headache from it? like getting hit in the head with a frying pan of abrupt arousal.
These things usually only happen when i'm imagining someone specific instead of a faceless man or woman, so it makes me scared I'd actually pass out if I ever actually tried to have sex with someone I'm that attracted to irl. I don't think my brain can handle it, it gets overstimulated and crashes.

No. 323051

bleeding anon who was having trouble with larger dildo, after a couple weeks I'm no longer twitching in pain and went back to my old methods

one small step at a time

No. 323055

This is strangely cute

No. 323095

I have this reaction around really attractive men. I get wet and my heart palpitates and I can't think and all I wanna do is run away like a tard because I'm so insecure.

No. 323096>>323097

If clot feels 2 sensitive try doing the thing while wearing underwear, Its the only thing that works for me personally

No. 323097

Clit! Fkn phoneposting sorry

No. 323101

Do you do it directly on the clit or on the hood? If i rub my clit directly i want to cringe and die, but over the hood it feels nice.

No. 323108

I like to masturbate by kinda poking/nudging the labia majora while laying on my stomach so it stimulates the clit rather than me touching it directly, now tell me how the fuck do I orgasm vaginally

No. 323112>>323174

You might be malnourished.

No. 323174>>323177

I really don’t think I am, I eat very healthy and am a normal weight. Sometimes I feel like I must have low blood pressure but the doctor always says my blood pressure is normal. I wonder is there something wrong with my brain itself? Kek

No. 323177

Maybe you're hyperventilating when masturbating? That can cause fading vision and lightheadedness.

No. 323491>>323502>>323515

Sorry if this question sounds degen nonas but does anyone like masturbating in inconvenient positions/ways or with unconventional objects? Either as like a challenge to orgasm that way or just cause it makes you more horny before you switch back to usual. For instance I’ve tried sticking chapsticks in my underwear and rubbing against it while I do work, using a jade face roller on my clit (so inefficient lol), ice cubes on my nipples, lazy humping a blanket while I’m going to sleep, etc. I’m looking for ideas on what to try next

No. 323502

Water jets/ showers s faucets / hoses. Easy mode because they’re extremely effective and may spoil you but very fun.

No. 323504

I know the patriarchy is real because single-knob faucets are recommended over dual-knob faucets for new builds. I’m gonna have to choose my next place or residence just based on this. I’m about to become a fuckin plumber, this can’t stand.

No. 323506

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Forgot pic

No. 323515

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For years my old reliable was using an old deodorant container shaped similar to picrel, I'd use the top part to rub over my underwear. Sounds insane kek but it carried me through the times where I lived with my parents and was far too paranoid to buy an actual toy.

No. 323622

I have a minor anal fissure that I have yet to see a doctor for, and I think I have to give up masturbation until it's fully healed because I get so wet all the juice runs down to my butthole and the discharge is extremely irritating to the point that I have to take a shower and hose off my butt every time to stop the itching. It sucks but it's just not worth it anymore.

No. 324285>>326529

How long does it normally take you to orgasm on average? For me it’s super inconsistent, sometimes it only takes a few minutes, sometimes it takes 20-30 minutes, sometimes it doesn’t happen at all and I just get bored and eventually give up. Was wondering if anyone else had the same experience

No. 324318

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Nonnies, it hurts whenever I have sex with my bf or finger myself. I'm usually really wet and I think I'm ready but for some reason, my vaginal muscles/thigh muscles tense up. What do?

No. 326152>>326155>>326158

I hate when I’m horny and I go to finger myself and I realize I’m constipated and can feel all my turds through the back wall of my vagina and it totally ruins the mood. horrible!

No. 326155

I have zero desire to put anything inside me but this really sealed the deal if anything.

No. 326158

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That's not good, nonsie, take care of your digestion!

No. 326529

Depends. Say I haven't masturbated for a couple of days, which happens sometimes, then my clit recovers fr daily stimulation and I can cum in 5 minutes or less. With my normal routine, it takes around 20 minutes.

No. 327274

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>MFW Each time I squirt I have to dry the bed even if I used tons of towels.

Time to buy this bamboo mat.

No. 329880>>329882>>329883>>329893

I'm scared people will think im a moid for asking but can someone in the least sexy and just matter of fact way explain in detail how and where you feel an orgasm? I really can't tell if I've ever had one at all or if I've had super weak ones and that was it. I'm scared of asking a doctor about it because im a whole grown woman and this is so embarrassing at my age (besides my doctor is male so no way in hell am I telling him). I know people who took puberty blockers often can't ever have an orgasm so now I'm paranoid i have a natural hormone disorder similar to that that makes me unable to orgasm because i basically am a natural prude with no libido whatsoever. I'm retarded i know.
Sometimes I wish I was a moid just because at least then I'd know

No. 329882>>329908>>330256

Well for me it feels like something I'm chasing, like however I'm stimulating myself I just need to keep on doing it until the peak arrives. Like when you feel a sneeze building up and it won't quite happen so you start looking at bright lights. Then, like with a sneeze, there's a peak and release. The inside of my vagina pulses which feels nice, and there's a sense of immediate relaxation. Most of the pleasure for me comes a release of hormones or something - it's not so much a physical sensation that feels good like a shiver, it's more a feeling of 'oh god yes'… Like when you're cold and you sink into a hot bath, or you're hungry and you take the first bite something. It's like my body going 'yes, THIS is what I needed' and rewarding me by flooding my brain with a feeling of pleasure. And then after 5-15 seconds it ebbs away and I no longer feel horny or lustful or tense.

No. 329883>>330256

After an orgasm your pussy will pulsate. Sometimes it’s faint, sometimes it’s strong, but you can feel it in your vaginal muscles. Also detectable by inserting a finger and feeling your vaginal walls involuntary squeeze your finger in a slow pulsing way until it gradually stops. If you pulsated, you came. I think doing kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles can make orgasms better but I’m not sure there’s data to back that up (I feel like it worked for me).

No. 329893>>330256

Because you said you have low libido I would be curious how long /consistently you have been trying to orgasm? For me, I wasn’t able to reach orgasm for about 6 months after I started masturbating and then only had weak orgasms for a year or two. I am a person who now gets off very easily and quickly — might be an even longer process if you naturally take 20-30 minutes to come like many women. My clitoral orgasms have gotten stronger year over year for 10+ years and still aren’t “seeing stars” orgasms described in books if that’s what you’re comparing to, I have had those with combined g-spot stimulation from (female) partners but have never been able to replicate it on my own. because literal clenching and release of muscles are involved, i think you have to build up muscle strength and get your body used to holding and releasing certain muscles. Anyways, I don’t notice vaginal pulsing on orgasm as something I can specifically feel, but I do experience a strong sense of release, waves of sensation sort of like a pleasurable “sleepy foot” feeling travelling up my body, and uncontrollable clenching/arching of muscles in legs and back. Sometimes my clit becomes very sensitive and painful to touch right after. All these signs ftr only got more prominent as my orgasms became stronger, except for clit oversensitivity which has decreased. When I first started, it was more of a brief “blip” and my clit suddenly becoming sore and oversensitive. If you feel like you might be having weak orgasms already it may be a matter of simply trying more consistently and you may have a more consistent experience

No. 329908

This is very much like I experience it, a sort of peak and release of tension. I also lose all interest in continuing stimulation after that. I know some women can have multiple orgasms but I'm certainly not one of them. I once tried but it felt bad so I stopped. Otherwise, it feels much like itching a scratch; nice but not something that would make me see stars or anything. I masturbate maybe once a day-a couple times a week normally but I've gone months without in the past.

No. 330219>>330222>>330325>>330905

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I’m someone who has infinite orgasms and I hate it so much. I’m jealous of women who say they have one and then are totally satisfied and can’t keep going. I am never satisfied. My sessions can last for two hours and at the end of it by bed is a mess, I’m exhausted, soaking with sweat, overstimulated, and still need more so bad I could cry. I actually did wind up crying tonight. It’s torture and I’m not exaggerating. Because of this I usually try to avoid masturbating, but I’m a healthy adult, I get horny and need release. But even though I have decent orgasms throughout, it’s never quite enough. Like there’s something I’m aiming for I can’t ever reach. Maybe it that after orgasm I don’t ever reset to un-horny baseline, I just hit the peak and drop back into mid-level horniness ad infinitum.
Does anyone have this problem? How do I cope with this? Am I just doomed to suffer endless orgasm torture forever?

No. 330222>>330313

I’m not chronically unsatisfied but I can sympathize somewhat because i feel like that when I masturbate a lot. When I was a hornier youth I waited at least 4 days in between so it was actually satisfying. Same seemed to apply later on with partners etc. I think the muscles get tired and need recovery time but it’s just a theory for me

No. 330256

Thanks nonas, this makes me feel better. As for how long I've been trying to orgasm it's been years of trying. I actually gave up and didn't even try for like a year because my libido is so low I wasn't ever horny anyway. I want to reclaim some sort of sexuality so I'm trying to figure it out again but it's not going great. It just feels like there's a build up but never any release. Even if it feels good I end up feel frustrated because it feels like something is missing. I'll just keep trying I guess.

No. 330313

I hardly ever masturbate so i don't think that's my problem, but I'll keep that in mind. I bit bullet this afternoon and ordered my first vibe and a "real" dildo (glass, i tried silicone once and hated it) that's a decent diameter so i'm hoping maybe I can just make myself pass out or something idk kek. i'm going fucking insane over here

No. 330325>>330329

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no nonnie i’m exactly the same. i’m addicted to masturbating and when i cum once i can’t stop, it’s not as bad anymore bc i’m mostly at work and doing stuff but especially when i was younger sometimes i’d spend all day in bed just masturbating nonstop and i know how awful it is, u feel so unclean and sweaty afterwards and ur clit and ur arms and whole body hurts. i still can’t just cum once i have to cum like three times repeatedly. i’m scared for real sex because i feel like i won’t be satisfied after it and i’ll want to keep on going

No. 330328>>330331>>330427

idk if this is the correct thread to put this in but i couldn’t find another appropriate one, did anyone else grow up with parent/s who strongly protest sexuality and sex. i live with my mum and she’s asexual like she’s never had a sex drive or anything she just fucked my dad bc she wanted kids and she seems to think she’s the normal one and she thinks everyone thinks that way. i’m the complete opposite and i’m obsessed with the idea of sex, dick, pussy, boobs and i love masturbating basically i’m a very sexual and horny person, but she thinks i’m some kind of nonsexual being and she shames me if i imply that i’d like to fuck a guy or something. if she ever found out i’m obsessed with sex her entire image would change of me she’d probably disown me and i bought a vibrator the other week and i was so scared she’d find it cause she has said to me many times before that sex toys are for perverts and they’re disgusting. did anyone else have to deal with this warped view on sex and sexuality? she’s not even a moralfag she genuinely believes sex is disgusting and it wears me out so much sometimes

No. 330329

>i still can’t just cum once i have to cum like three times repeatedly. i’m scared for real sex because i feel like i won’t be satisfied after it and i’ll want to keep on going
Me too!!!! I think we are the same. I was literally just thinking a while ago that the only thing that might work to bring me comfort is to be with a real person who would tell me “you’re too tired, you’re done now” and hold me until I calm down. too bad I’m too retarded to ever get a gf…

No. 330331>>330427

Don't try to change her, or convince her, or whatever. Just do your thing, quietly and discreetly.
Very unlikely. She's just going to make your life a living hell by nagging you at every opportunity and implying you're mentally ill.
My advice is don't engage, 0/10, not worth it.

No. 330427

This. Be quite discreet, do not try to buy sex toys (even discreet ones can be easy to break) and do not let your mother tells you that sex is repulsive or something. Sex is something natural for humans, after all.

Besides, if you're an adult, she has no control over what you do with your body (unless is a heavy mutilation). She can shame you all she wants, but is a "her problem", no a "you problem".

No. 330675>>330681>>331672

i got my first vibrator, one of those bullet ones. I always hear other women talking about how much they love vibrators and can't do without one and so I figured i should try it. Well i tried it… over 3 layers of fabric… and it was just not comfortable. I genuinely don't see the appeal. The one I got has multiple "modes" so i tried all of them, the only one that felt sort of good was one that fades in and out. The highest vibration setting scared the shit out of me but i tried it anyway and it made me feel like my clit was overheating and my body started involuntarily jerking like i was having a seizure kek. I'm certain if i put this thing on my bare clit i would have some sort of episode and die. I am amazed that other women can do that and even like it. Does anyone else know what I mean or am i the only woman on earth who is scared of vibrators?

No. 330681

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My first vibrator was one of the cheapest bullet ones (picrel) and the other "modes" do not turn me on like I would expect. And yes, I either use it over the underwear or my bare clit otherwise it doesn't work with many layers of fabric.

Funny thing is that I had the same reaction like you with the higher setting, so no, you're not alone on it lol

No. 330833>>330851>>330878>>330914>>331747

The dildo i ordered finally came and upon opening the package i laughed so hard i almost dropped it. My options were limited because it had to be something from amazon that would arrive before my parents get back from their trip. I wanted glass but for some reason most of them were really small in circumference. So i settled for this one that's bigger and tapered from bottom to top. But… it's "double sided" for some reason so the huge bottom end looks like something a gay moid would use to prepare himself to be fisted. I REALLY wish it wasn't penis shaped. It looks fucking ridiculous. But they were all dick shaped. The whole thing is like 11 inches long and heavy as fuck and looks hilarious. I could club someone to death with this thing like a caveman. But instead of a rock club it's a comically enormous glass penis with two heads. I could keep it under my pillow instead of a gun for self defense.
I am NOT a sex freak i am normal but owning this object makes me feel like i am a polyamorous bdsm twitter furry or something. Maybe one day I will find a dildo that i don't have to compromise on.

No. 330851>>330856

Yes but did you try it?

No. 330856>>330887>>330889

on my period rn so no but I guess I’ll update when I do kek

No. 330878

KEK at that description, please keep us updated nona

No. 330887>>330892

YMMV, but penetration with a dildo feels way better for me when I'm on my period. I just make sure to wash it off immediately afterward, if it's made out of real silicone it comes off easy.

No. 330889

Be careful not to break all your furniture with that blunt weapon, nona.

No. 330892

Can confim, orgasm help a lot with cramps. But I used to do that in the shower for easy cleaning

No. 330905

same problem here

No. 330914>>331743>>331747

Kek reminds me when I got a monster dildo and I didn't realize how huge the fucker would be, I can't use it at all especially since the tip is blunt and can't penetrate easily. I don't want to get rid of it since I ordered a special coloration, so I just grind on it.

No. 331672

An update: I was like, “well I paid for this thing, so it’s gonna make me cum at least once.” So I tried again and basically refused to take it off my clit until the goal was achieved. And well, I came… but I didn’t like it? Kek. I’ve never had an orgasm I didn’t like before. I guess it felt like when someone tickles you against your will— you’re laughing but it’s not actually funny. I guess I join the ranks of what must be like 2 other women in the world who don’t like vibrators at all.

No. 331743>>331747

god there's nothing worse than getting a sex toy and realizing it's not going to be as practical as you'd hoped so you just kinda keep it.

No. 331747


I got a vibrator with a "tongue" for "licking" sensation and the tip is so hard, I have to use tons of lubricant so it doesn't hurt. The vibrator works amazing, don't get me wrong, but why did I buy one with a "tongue" if I can't use it correctly?

No. 332475>>333818>>335550>>336834

I usually do it by clenching my tighs together (did so all my life) but I'm trying to get rid of this habit and do it with my hands, but whenever I do so, I have pain in my lower stomach afterwards similar to period cramps even though I don't even put anything inside. Is there some explanation for that?

No. 333818>>335550>>336834

Let me know if you figure it out. I have the same habit and I know it’ll cause trouble whenever I finally do lose my virginity

No. 335523>>336741

Never owned a sex toy but now I'm seriously considering getting one.
What is a good one for a total noob? I want a dildo cause I always finger my vagina before schlicking the clit. But most women, it seems, go for vibrators. Idk, I do it with my fingers just fine and don't think a vibrator can top that. Can I get a bullet vibrator and insert it in my vagaga and than use it on the clit? Or is it for clit stimulation only?

No. 335538>>335548>>335558

so how do i actually masturbate?
i cant figure it out and ive tried
i dont feel anything and used multiple methods in different places

im confused
i found the clit but it doesnt work?

No. 335548>>335553

It's trial and error. you just have to rub in numerous ways and see what feels the best. Also, some women prefer insertion, but if your fingers are too short it might not work out.

No. 335550

Holy fuck are you both me???? I HAVE THIS HABIT, TOO.

No. 335553>>335559

How do i know if my fingers are too short?
Now im concerned
Does that mean I can't finger another woman?

No. 335558

I didn't figure it out until I was like 22 and got an off-brand hitachi wand. It's very worth it if you haven't tried yet.

No. 335559

Nta but that advice doesn't make a lot of sense because most of the nerve endings in the vagina are located in the first third of the canal. Past that, there isn't a ton of feeling.

No. 336741

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Bullet vibrators are not only for the clitoris, it can be used on your nipples or around your vagina's lips. Yes, they can be inserted but you need one that is a bit longer than the common bullet (picrel)

About your first sex toy, ask yourself: When you masturbate, do you like more the insertion of your fingers or moving them inside to find your G spot? Because you can use a long vibrator for both insertion and vibration. Seek for reviews (not from ohjoysextoy) before to buy one or go to a sex shop (one that you can feel comfortable to) for advises. In the end, the one that know your body better is yourself.

No. 336834

Im so curious how exactly you masturbate that way because i tried clenching my thighs just now and it does nothing. Do you rub your thighs together or just squeeze hard? Or is it like you grind on something at the same time?

For your q though, that just sounds like some pain from your muscles contracting quickly when you orgasm. There's probably pelvic floor exercises you could try to minimize it. I only get that sometimes and for a short period so I haven't tried anything for it personally.

No. 340374

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I only ever masturbate by squeezing my thighs together, which stimulates my clit. I think I’ll try to stimulate my clit through other ways in the future, but rn I want to experiment with g-spot stimulation by getting a vibrator. I have pretty long nails so I don’t finger myself or anything, but I reckon that getting a vibrator that can stimulate my g-spot while I’m humping/rubbing my thighs together could be nice. Does anyone recommend any brands that provide relatively cheap and quite vibrators?

No. 340520

Is there a way to get the suction on suction (air pulse) toys to work better? I have the Satisfier Penguin and Pro 2 but most of the time it's hit or miss. I always use it on the lowest setting because anything higher just becomes rumble vibration instead of suction. I've both tried it while I'm dry and wet. Doesn't seem to make a difference. It seems random to me because it succs whenever it wants to instead of consistently. Both toys are new. Any tips?

No. 340602>>340604>>340653

I had a hard time cumming so I decide to go and touch my clit directly, feel weird but is obviously very sensitive. then I feel something drip from my urethra area. I smell the spot it made on my sheets and it's like a very faint version of cat pee in heat. I took a snif of my actual pee right after and it don't smell the same at all. WTF was that

No. 340604>>340723

You squirted ig?

No. 340653>>340723

Its pee. Squirting isnt real.

No. 340723>>340731

I'm>>340602 and tried again the test, it was strange but seem like it's just pee, which smelled strangely not like my usual pee for ounce.

No. 340731

When you take a pregnancy test, they advise you to let the first part of the pee stay in the toilet and collect the last part of your pee. The first part, it's more concentrated I think.

No. 340830>>340831>>340841>>340844

I got a Satisfyer Pro 2 (yes I'm late to the game) but idk it just doesn't really feel like anything. I've tried a whole bunch of different angles, lube, no lube. It's also difficult to keep in place. Am I stupid?

No. 340831>>340841

It's all about finding the right angle and the right intensity setting. It didn't work for me first either, but then, multiple orgasms. But the toy might also not be your type of thing at all.

No. 340841

I had a similar experience, it could be that I'm not sensitive down there but it just felt like a cheap vibrator or soft blowing even when fully charged. I figure it just wasn't a compatible toy, since using a wand works fine.

What angles work for you?

No. 340844

I'm not sure why but mine doesn't work properly unless it's fully charged. Like, it won't do any suction and will pretty much feel like nothing.

No. 341482>>341492>>341555

Got 2 horny dreams in a row, unusual for me since I have a very low libido most of the time (and I'm not ovulating btw). Been thinking of getting a dildo or a vibrating dildo to relieve myself.
The question is, why the fuck can't I find dildos that don't look like penises (human or animal furry zoosadistic shit)? The majority of dildos look revolting.

No. 341492

Whatever you do, don't buy a jelly dildo. They are toxic.

No. 341493


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 341555

Check out Uberrime. They have dildos that look like penises or furry shit but they also have ones that just look like vague blobs for the sake of stimulation. They're a bit expensive but silicone is the safest kind to use.

No. 342042>>342118

apart from rubbing my clit i've never fingered myself and idk how to dot it. i know that i have to use lube or something wet and i also (kind of) know that the vag is ubicated on the lower side but i still can't do it

No. 342118

Get a handheld mirror and first just see and look at your vagina. If you've never even seen it, I feel like it this is a good first step. You might also still have part of your hymen? So fingering yourself might be difficult to do if you've literally never tried it. Believe it or not, my hymen gave me trouble when I first started trying to masturbate that way, and I had to basically learn to stretch it.

No. 351766

I got my first clitoral orgasm today masturbating on bed after a shower. I finally figured out where it feels good, especially after getting wet from humping a pillow.

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