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No. 183306
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>>183281I still like Moon Kana photoshoots and am into this type of fashion
would like to embody similar vibe in everyday outfits, without replicating stuff 1:1
No. 183308
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>>183307not moon kana, but this is also pretty nice
No. 183366
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Does anyone have a pleated skirt like this? How do you ensure that it remains the same shape?
No. 183370
>>183366If it's a fabric like that the other anon is right, you don't really have to do anything and it will usually keep its shape.
With sturdier natural fabrics you might want to iron the pleats in the proper place after washing the skirt in order to keep them that way. Either way, the pleats on long skirts like that will be less tight/noticeable towards the bottom just because it moves around more and needs the extra width to accomodate to your legs and stuff while walking. But there's no real way around that.
No. 183377
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I love reformation and love and lemons type dresses but they are so pricey. I am wondering if anyone found a way to buy similar dresses for much cheaper. I am not spending over 100$ for a dress I can only wear on occasions.
No. 183382
>>183379>>183378I tried to use depop but had no luck as people who sell their dresses second hand always want over hundred dollars for something they wore and rip the tag off?
Have you used asos and zalando before?
No. 183387
>>183382Depop is still pretty overpriced most of the time. If you want truly cheap secondhand clothes you need to go to secondhand sites that aren't exclusively for fashion, especially trendy fashion. I use European sites so idk what to recommend besides Ebay but basically the more literal garbage you have to sift through before you find something you like the higher the chances of getting what you want for dirt cheap.
On sites like Depop most people who use it will already be aware of how much they can ask for their stuff. Big generic sites is where people who are clueless about the secondhand value of their items go. IRL thrift stores are the same way, it's the difference between Goodwill and a place calling itself a 'vintage boutique'.
No. 183423
>>183388does "cancer" just mean "not cool and pretty like depop"? yeah baby, you and everyone else thinks that, that's why stuff is 5x the price on depop. Depop sellers legit buy stuff off ebay to sell on depop and make 5x their money, that's how cheap ebay is. Like do you think depoppers just find all that cool stuff themselves? No, they mostly buy it off of ebay, take nicer pictures, and resell. It's a legitimate service because finding the good stuff on ebay takes time most people dont have. But if you want to cut out the middleman go to ebay yourself. Basically on depop ypure always paying the "cool tax".
Ebay hints: in the search sidebar tick "buy it now" only because auctions suck, restrict it to your region to remove international results, and be prepared to scroll like 100 pages. Ypu can try using the search's size filters and stuff but most ebay sellers dont use them right so I wouldn't.
No. 183426
>>183423This. It's a sacrifice you need to be willing to make; either you spend the time and effort needed to scroll through a huge amount of listings in exchange for possibly finding a gem, or you decide it's not worth the effort for you and you buy from more expensive but also more user friendly sites.
Yeah, it can suck, but basically everything that makes ebay sucky, like the search filters being useless and half of the listings being the same chinese stock photos, is also what makes it such a promising place to look.
Personally I'm the type to scan every single page for hours on end because the thrill of finding good shit is worth it to me. I can't stand the thought that what I want could be just around the corner so I can do that shit for a really long time. It's really a matter of personal preference, you either have convenience but at a higher price, or a pain in the ass website for a lower price. Either is fine, but if you're outright asking for places to look and then dismissing the most viable options there isn't much else to do about it.
No. 183466
>>183426Uh no. I have used ebay for work and I have looked there before. I am not a fan of it. Depop is easier if you know how to use their search, it's not a cooler than ebay. It's a fucking website ffs. I don't like shifting through Ebay's layout and through million of stock photos. Not to mention, bidding is something I genuinely don't have time for because I have a life. Most of their listing is bidding if they are not bidding they around the same price on depop only some of the ebay listing are just straight stocks. That is my criticism.
Depop has a better layout and easier to deal with basic things like messaging. I can't imagine scrolling a shit load through ebay. Sure, ebay has them like what maybe 40$ cheaper but I don't have the time to win bids.
No. 183476
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>>183466…ok? So you won't use ebay because it's ugly and not fun? We know that, you said that already. But why are you asserting that ebay isn't much cheaper than depop, when at the same time saying you won't scroll through ebay? If you haven"t done the scrolling, you haven"t found the deals. There's no need to look at auctions, literally filter them out. Like, take the advice or don't, but don't call other people wrong when you literally don't know what you're talking about.
I'm sensing though that the real issue here is that you are shopping on your phone only, in which case, stop doing that or expect a shitty time. In addition to the "cool tax" on depop you're also paying the "people who only use they phone" tax. Yeah the ebay app is probably crap lmao I wouldn't know. Being an adult, I use websites and not apps.
The simple logic is, it's easier for people to list something on ebay and more unpleasant for buyers on ebay, therefore there's more sellers and fewer buyers and prices are therefore lower. The opposite is true on depop.
No. 183488
>>183478what is that supposed to mean? You are shopping for clothes online, you obviously have some disposable income, buy it your own damn self. Hey guess where you can get a good working used computer for dirt cheap?? ebay!! or literally anywhere!! A 5+ year old working laptop can be got for like $50 on ebay/craigslist with a little patience. If you keep spending money on depop instead of getting a real computer that's on you.
Funny that I hit the truth though…thank god for people who only use their phones to shop, everyone gets to gouge them blind cause they're so god damn stupid.
No. 183489
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No. 183507
>>183497What kind of style are you into?
I shop a lot on Etsy and thrift online (but not on Depop like that other dumbass)
No. 183508
>>183496Maybe the fruit shape-theory is just flawed in the first place? I always thought it was strange to categorize all women's bodies in just a handful of shapes.
>>183497budget: 2nd hand, not sure if it's possible to shop sustainabe/non-fast fashion on a tight budget.
money isn't an issue: There's (designer) brands like Stella McCartney, Reformation and Armed Angels that are sustainable. Here's a helpful website to find brands: You can search for a brand and it has a rating + report on why it is/n't sustainable.
I must say, the label sustainable always remains a bit, uncertain? I can't find the right word. For example, Acne Studios is claimed to be sustainable because it's part of the Fair Wear Foundation which ensures that labor standards are high and adhered to but at the same time they're not transparant about what factories they're using. Often times a brand is sustainable or is working towards more sustainable practices in one area, for example paying living wages for their workers while neglecting other areas for example environmental impact.
No. 183524
>>183507>What kind of style are you into?I'm trying to figure that out. I'm about to hit 30 and have been losing a bunch of weight that I gained a few years ago so I'd like to start caring about what I wear + dressing age-appropriately. Stuff like turtlenecks, flannel, more vintage-style dresses that cinch at the waist oh god I have no idea where to even begin
>>183508This is extremely helpful info; thanks anon! Are there any red or white flags to look for?
No. 183530
>>183423I had no idea people did this tbh. those bastards. I've personally had no issue with ebay, I also encounter less issues with ebay sellers over depop. no one on ebay has ever told me they can't post my item cause their bf broke up with them and they're depressed.
No. 183586
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I really miss low rise pants. I know many people find them trashy but I find them a lot more comfortable than high and mid rise. I wear harem pants down low around the house but I was wondering if any of you nonas have found some good quality low rise that could be worn in public (besides thrifting/ebay)? Whenever I search for low rise I only get results for high waist pants and I hate that shit, but I know it has to exist somewhere because picrel is recent and doesn't look thrifted.
No. 183610
>>183586The pants those women are wearing are designed to be high or mid rise, you can tell by the length of the crotch seam and the fabric bunching up at the ankle. They're just wearing a bigger size and styled them to sit low at the hips to get that relaxed silhouette. The woman on the right has even folded the waistband over (a risky choice imo, if the rest of the look isn't well-coordinated a folded waistband is going to look really frumpy. The outfit in the pic is tied together by the crisp white shirt, clean trainers, fairly delicate jewellery, fresh hair/makeup, and a bangin body, that's why it works).
Just get a pair of classic cut jeans or trousers with a wider waist than your actual measurements, let them sit where they would naturally fall around the width of your hips. The beige trousers in the pic look like Dickies which are affordable, lightweight work pants. I recommend you reach for the men's section.
No. 183636
>>183610Thank you anon, I don't know why I'm so retarded I didn't think of just measuring where I'd like them to sit and ordering a bigger size. The only reason I didn't want to thrift is the pandemic, but that's also retarded because you would wash used clothes before wearing them anyway.
>>183612I agree. High waist doesn't work on my proportions either. I think you can pull them off if you have a long torso because it's supposed to give you the illusion of longer legs? But my torso is shorter and my legs are long so the high waist makes me look like all-legs Peter Griffin.
No. 183646
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What brand is the shirt she's wearing/where could I buy one?
No. 183658
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>>183654I think so and I hope so. pic related is the look I'm hoping to achieve myself lately so it's funny you'd say that. I guess by being modest it could be seen as matronly but I think it's cute and feminine on a young woman or anyone confident enough to put in effort. To me depends on the skirt and what it's paired with. Look at pictures like this one on pinterest and pay attention to what makes them different than the frumpy versions.
No. 183662
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>>183654As much as I hate to say it, the only way to truly look fashionable in a skirt like that is to be anachan-tier skinny and have the right proportions to "pull it off". I still wear them regardless, but since I'm tall and a healthy weight for my height I always have people assuming I'm a mother (at 19). Ymmv though, of course
No. 183671
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>>183654Yes, it's the materials, silhouettes and accessories you go for that are going to determine the vibe. Either lace up flats or Mary Janes with a low heel and narrow, square toe will look the most stylish while also being comfortable imo. Pic rel is just an idea to bounce off of.
No. 183673
>>183658This doesn't look good imo.. And it's not the modesty that makes it matronly/frumpy, it's the style of the skirt, the way it sits nearly below her boobs and the slit, the cardigan, the accessoiries, the colours.
Midi-skirts are difficult to pull of because they cut off the calves which is unflattering on most people. It's easier to just go all the way with a maxi skirt that ends just above the ankles.
No. 183693
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>>183671>>183658Could this skirt work with white sneakers and a simple, short sleeved white T-shirt? If I was going for a more leisurely look
No. 183704
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but:
I'm a US size small/dress size 4 and looking to buy my first two piece swimsuit ever. I love pic related, but the size chart is throwing me off, especially because I haven't worn j-fashion in years.
I'd feel safer buying size L than size M, especially because I'm tall and don't want to risk it being too tight whatsoever.
It says size L is 85-88cm bust, 92-100cm hips, and 64cm waist for the skirt. Isn't the waist a little small in comparison to the other measurements? Does this seem like it would have stretch to accommodate ~2 extra cm?
I'm just confused because I'm pretty sure my bust and hip measurements are actually smaller, but my waist is probably around 66. I can't imagine myself being an LL, even in Japanese sizing…
Sorry for the stupid question, I have no experience with buying swimsuits.
No. 183708
>>183704>Does this seem like it would have stretch>Isn't the waist a little small in comparison to the other measurements?I think that's because the waistband seems to be made from faux/plu leather, which is non-stretch. The material around the bust and hips does seem to be made from stretchy fabric so it makes sense there's more allowance there. To be certain, what does it say it's made from on the website?
Still if you suck in your stomach a little you may be able to just squeeze in the excess 2 centimeters, it's not a whole lot extra.
No. 183711
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>>183707>>183708Thanks for the input, anons! It's 84% polyester, 16% polyurethane. I'm planning on losing maybe 5-10lb anyway so maybe my waist will shrink by summer either way, but I don't want to fully bank on that in case I fail at dieting.
>>183710Well, I'm a bit over 5'7. I have one swimsuit from this brand that's like a mini dress, and it does indeed cover my butt! (It's a size L and fit me at a higher weight, but more stretchy than this looks.)
The top and bottom aren't connected, it just looks that way because of the hanging straps. It's a 3 piece (top, skirt, and a typical swimsuit bottom), so if it's a bit short, I'd probably just buy bottoms that are like black shorts to put underneath the skirt.
No. 183715
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What are these types of jackets called and where can I get one?
No. 183762
>>183743It's called fashion because it's trendy. I'd expect people in fashion school to most closely follow current trends.
I think you've confused fashion for an art, it's not, it's just an industry.
No. 183814
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>>183693If you wanna wear sneakers I'd recommend high top converse. A white top would work if you go for something with fine details, maybe a slightly cropped, form-fitting knit tee. I think a bit of statement jewelry like chunky hoop earrings and delicate layered necklaces would make it more interesting
No. 184914
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Guys what kind of outfits would work with these kind of shoes? Could they work with a skirt, despite being masculine? It'd be for work btw, but I thought about buying the nude version too for casual wear. They are so comfy
No. 184915
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>>184914This is the nude version
No. 184929
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Are A-line skirts considered matronly?
No. 185013
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>>183715i can't look at these jackets without being reminded of the legion of mediocre men who bought the Drive jacket in the early 2010's because they thought they were Ryan Gosling's character.
No. 185014
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>>183658fem!virgin cosplay
No. 185156
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I liked wearing loose pants today like pic related (but they weren't high waist). The ones I have are hand-me-downs and have some flaws however. I wanna get more, I'm wondering are there other names for these? Any stores you recommend?
Please don't say straight or wide leg unless you're sure, but I don't think it's the same fit. My problem is having kinda wide hips and thighs so straight leg for example looks bad on me. Too tight in that region when I really like it loose all over! Just not too broad like wide leg.
No. 185159
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>>185156Also these are cool. I'm iffy about the bunched bottoms, they're cool but might look weird unless worn with clunky shoes. Not sure about the low crotch region either (sorry forget what it's called lol). Both styles remind me of Kim Possible lol even though hers are too puffy and bunched for my taste irl. If you imagine pic related but with a full inseam and non-bunched at the bottom, that's what I liked wearing. K sorry to sperg about pants just wondering how to find more?
No. 185172
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>>185159I think what you're looking for are tapered cargo pants with a relaxed fit. That's what I searched and I found similar pants made by Levi's (pic rel).
You could also consider buying the straight leg cargo pants by Dickies and modifying them into a tapered leg. They're really affordable, durable utility pants and it would be a simple alteration.
No. 185178
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>>185173No, these are paperbag pants, where the waist is gathered in that very specific way.
No. 185213
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>>183281I don't know if that's a reach, but am I the only one who noticed a rebirth of Gyaru because of the mainstream Y2K fashion trend? Here are the similarities that I noticed so far
>hibiscus print, like the gyaru brand AlbaRosa>leg warmers, printed tennis skirts worn with sweatshirts>shorts and sexy cuts>spread of the bimbo/paris hilton look with deep fake tans, long overstylized nails, overly pink and sparkly shit>big "star shaped" fake lashes>accent on the eye makeup with a weird mix of dolly + fox eyes trends>shit ton of hair accessories like snap clips, claw clips and hair beads>sanrio aesthetic going mainstream because of zoomers, from charms to clothing prints No. 185218
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Anons do you think this is too revealing for a white coat ceremony? I want to wear something sexy but nothing to the point my faculty is going to foam at the mouth
No. 185242
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>>183762>>183743Lol no, op was right, it is sad. If you had a friend who went to chef school, but they only ever seemed to want to eat mac n cheese, that would be like, weird, right? Not that crazy but it would make you worried about their future in that field?
To succeed in fashion you have to be ahead of trends and able to predict what is coming next. This is literally true in the sense that you need to have things produced 3-6 months before they will be available for sale, so you need to be targeting what will be popular then rather than what's popular now. Or ypu can make trends happen via promotions/placements but that's big companies only. So for you, being "aware of fashion" is knowing what's trendy now, but for someone in fashion, it means being forward-looking, and what i believe op meant was that their friend is not that.
and also…if fashion isn't art to you… maybe you just aren't an artist? Not everyone has to be. But since you apparently think "fashion" means "I will simply put the trendy massproduced apparel on my body" and there's no art involved, im not sure why you are even here, because what do you even discuss about that?
No. 185243
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>>185213It’s not a reach. I noticed it too, with zoomers becoming interested in gyaru styles and gal centric media like anime and magazines. I guess it makes sense because of the way jfashion can reflect what goes on across the ocean, and the influences gyaru took on during it’s inceptions in the first place. Gyaru’s also been a bit more popular in scrote/degenerate anime and as a result, the degenerates who consume it (aka weeb zoomers, including nlogs) also want more of it or to emulate it. I think it will reach it’s second peak with either an actual gyaru figure, reference (like in a song), or a new shojo manga focused on a gal becoming popular. But again this seems strictly zoomers, I can’t imagine any regular person over the age of 26 discovering it within this year because of social media and choosing to revamp their entire closet to emulate 00s nostalgia when they likely already dressed normally through that phase at the time. It’s like how with the 90s resurgence we didn’t have people who lived as impressionable young adults at that time participating; either they were already dressing that way still or they were completely over the fads from their younger days.
No. 185249
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>>185242You're misunderstanding that anon. She's not saying that fashion isn't an art, but that the fashion industry is a commercial industry that makes a profit by capitalizing on current trends. The average person wants to wear what is popular right now, they don't want to go against the grain. The experimental, cutting-edge sector of the fashion world is a niche that's a lot harder to break into by comparison. If the majority of fashion school students are either more interested in making money or not imaginative enough to push the envelope, I don't think that's surprising.
No. 185257
>>185249No I get that, but literally to work in fashion at all even for mainstream commercial whatever stuff, you have to be ahead of trends because you have to produce before you can sell. Even in fast fashion that has as little as a 2 month lead time, you want to be targetting what will be trendy 2 months from now. So its not about wanting to push the envelope, it's that predicting future trends is itself the business. Especially as trends are changing ever faster due to internet stuff. Basically saying "well if i want to make money i should make what's currently trendy" is misguided because by the time your stuff gets made in 3-6 months it won't be trendy anymore and it won't even be the same season anymore.
If you mean that someone's gonna be making and selling the same leggings, graphic tees and floral blouses at target forever, well yes, bit i would call that the apparel industry rather than fashion. It is meaningfully different because that kind of thing is way lower margin since there's so many brands competing in the same field, whereas with per-se fashion your margins are waay higher because people will pay more for something new & different.
I think you're missing the space between apparel-industry and haute-couture. I'm not talking about "experimental" or runway fashion, I'm talking about normal fashionforawrd-y midtier clothing brands. Like a designer for zara or aritzia or such would right now be asking "ok, what will be cool next fall/winter so we can start production?" and getting that right is the difficult part.
Also that anon did in fact literally say that fashion is not an art…
No. 185262
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>>185259dropped my gyaru pee pic
No. 185266
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>>185264You're 100% right, fast fashion and mid tier brands don't create trends, they just merely copy them. Sometimes they'll alter the designs to make it more friendly for mass consumption or to avoid getting sued.
No. 185333
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I super like clogs in theory, they are cute but I have no idea if they'd actually work in an outfit. I knew this pretty and fashionable girl who wore them with a flowy dress, she definitely pulled it off.
No. 185336
>>185218Not my style but I'd think the person wearing this is cool. I don't think it looks like a bikini. To me beachwear is made so by the amount of leg and belly and chest you show off at once. A ribcage-height pair of pants and a thick strap top with barely any leg or belly is
not beachwear.
No. 185350
>>185346god no. It's really inappropriate.
I'm in a phd program. I'd never show that much skin at any university event, let alone something that should be a celebration of my academic achievement. Do not do it.
No. 185382
>>185333Before I read the end of your sentence I was 100% thinking 'that would look so cute with a flowy dress'. I wanna get me some, I don't like open toed shoes but they're still summery.
>>185375>Sounds like a bunch of internalized misogyny fueled respectability politics to me.A formal event related to your education or career is not a good place to push the boundaries of what clothes are considered respectable or not. It's not a skimpy or slutty outfit in the least and I can't imagine a woman getting judged for it harshly in most settings, it's just a little too casual and a little too much skin for a ceremony like that. Not the feminist hill I'd want to die on personally.
No. 185386
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>>185375>If that is okay why aren't arms and 5 cm of sternum?kek, to me it's not about "modesty" at all. It's just that it looks like proper beachwear like picrel. If anon really likes it tho, I don't think it would look shocking, just out of place
No. 185448
>>185375Just because some people recommended "sexy" things for this professional academic event does not mean this is good advice. Wear sexy things at private gatherings. This is a ceremony and career event.
Obviously every woman should wear what she likes. But I don't teach with my midriff showing. I don't wear backless dresses to conferences. That's called dressing appropriately. Not misogyny.
Personally, I would wear a suit to the ceremony. There are stylish choices out there that would be good to wear for presentations in the future or for job interviews.
No. 185465
>>185375>I don't see why this outfit is inappropriate, when open back dresses were recommended upthreadMaybe it's different in your and OP's country, but in mine nobody is wearing open back dresses to academic events…
>Sounds like a bunch of internalized misogyny fueled respectability politics to me.Are you retarded? Anon can well that thing if she wants, though I think it would be better if she left it for her spare time. In her place I would feel fucking stupid if I came in that while every other woman came dressed in a (more or less appropriate) dress, suit etc. Wear this shit in your free time. Is picking up your diploma really the time to flex your attractiveness/sexuality (don't come at me, anon said she wants to look sexy)? Hell, why do you want to look fuckable during a professional event if you are not a sex worker?
That's like… wtf. Why is not looking pretty/nice not enough for anon? There is time and place for everything, and a ceremony during which you become a doctor isn't a time for that. I feel like if anon wanted to wear a black version of that thing to her grandma's funeral, you would still say it's ~internalized misogyny~ to say it's not appropriate. Not everything is about feminism and empowerment, sometimes others try to help you not to embarrass yourself.
>>185448>Personally, I would wear a suit to the ceremony. There are stylish choices out there that would be good to wear for presentations in the future or for job interviews.Honestly that's also a good idea. A two-piece dress suit also would be nice.
No. 185539
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>>185480I personally still like skinny jeans because I think a lot of my shoes just look better with them. I only wear wider cut pants once in awhile. Try going for a slim, straight leg instead of super skinny? That way you're still sort of on trend with the wider cut, but the jeans still have the slim look you like.
No. 185560
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>>185218if this is a big event go big or go home. i think it's appropriate enough, in most places women's dresses show skin. now, if the ceremony involves you wearing a white coat i think the style of flowy pants with a lab-style coat would look bad. maybe a more fitter pantsuit would be better.
No. 185655
>>185560come on. none of these women are wearing what looks like a bikini top and showing their midriff.
This pic is kind of depressing if these are actually future doctors but I cannot be arsed to reverse image search it on mobile so w/e
No. 185691
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>>185448This is sound advice. By open back I met something like pic rel, and I was also taking into consideration that it would be covered by a lab coat. Where I live this kind of dress is acceptable for a professional/ceremonial event as long as the print and accessories aren't flashy.
No. 185706
>>185669You do know there is a difference between being a prude or "covering up" and dressing appropriately for an event, especially one that will be documented? The issue with that picture in
>>185560 is that some of those dresses and especially footwear are also not fitting for a ceremony where you're standing on stage. But everyone there looks kind of young, I can't tell what that is even for.
Dressing appropriately does not mean dressing like a prude. But like it or not, there is value in showing that you understand the social and professional code for your field. Artists have one type of code. Tech people have another. Academics, doctors, lawyers - they all have some basic understanding of what constitutes formal/professional dress. My professor told a story of how one of her (very smart) grad students showed up for her Harvard interview in a miniskirt and black fishnets. I'm sure she looked great - but not for the occasion.
I bought my interview suit a couple years ago. The one issue is that it's not ideal for summer (it's an interesting tweedy brown/grey - sounds dorky but actually it's not at all, because the fabric isn't that heavy). I wear it with a floaty jewel-toned shell underneath usually. So if you think, when I say "get a suit!", that you need to buy a lawyery boring one, you don't. I think mine is from Elie Tahari.
A good resource is, this site is very conservative - it's too conservative for my field as a general rule, but still a decent resource that I share with other women on the job market. There are other parts of the site that talk about more casual kinds of business dress.
>>185691This dress has a much different feel and I could see that being OK for a spring/summer ceremony depending on the front.
My sticking point with
>>185218 is really that bra/bikini top with exposed middle. (Out of curiosity, do you have boobs, because that is also too low-cut imho.) That's not something - again imho - for work or university. But I'd wear the shit out of it on my own time if it looked good on me!
I'm totally in favor of abolishing dress codes, but I don't see the point in pushing boundaries at an event where the point is to celebrate a great accomplishment with your friends and professors. They are not going to turn and look at you like that cringe harry potter scene where Hermione is suddenly a woman (puke). They will wonder why on earth that's what you're wearing.
Can I ask why OP wants to look sexy at this event? I guess maybe this wall of text demonstrates that I can't quite understand wanting to show off sex appeal when this is a time for celebrating your intelligence and hard work. Just wear something else to the white coat ceremony, then change into
>>185218 and go party. You deserve it.
No. 185728
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>>185706> a lawyery boring onecries in law studentall jokes aside, I could use your advice, nonnalina. do you think something like this is too low-cut to wear under a blazer for job interviews? I've only ever worn high-neck shirts underneath for professional occasions because I'm self-conscious of showing too much skin. I don't have a large chest but it's something that I'm worried about anyway. also I'm very fair-skinned so I don't know if white would be a good option for me or if it would wash me out. I can't try it on before buying and returns aren't free so I want to be sure it'll look okay. or do you think a pale blue would be better? something else I'm wondering is whether a string of small pearls would be appropriate or if it would look weird with this top for an interview?
No. 185753
>>185728no! that looks fine to me, I'd wear it!
I just meant a stereotypical boring suit, no hate for lawyers. Politicians wear way worse.
No. 185758
>>185753samefag on mobile
Are you cool or warm pale? I kind of like white on everyone; it just had to be the right white for each person.
I'm a paler olive skin (nc20-25, would classify myself as autumn) and find that baby blue and cool pastel tones make me look sallow, and white/ivory gives me more of a glow. This is a little depressing because I like the color blue a lot, and I had such an urge to buy this beautiful icy blue suit in 2020. Then covid happened and it looks like I might have a cool temporary fellowship (vs. going on the market) in the fall. So I just gave up on that suit. But I'm not sure it would have worked for me anyway.
One surprise color that worked for me was a pale lavender/grey. I expected it to make me sallow but it was nice.
Attitudes might vary but I wear 28-30E bras so a v-neck takes the emphasis off my chest (which I like). It breaks up the space better. Anything that looks like it might gape can work if you use fashion tape or tailor it. I had my interview suit tailored (mostly waist/hem stuff) and a couple other things. I never regretted that.
Pearls would look good, I think! Trust your instincts about accessories. I think you have good taste anon. Now I want to date the model you posted…
No. 185763
does anyone know this
>>181804 dress type's name?
No. 185764
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>>185763I've been searching for something similar to picrel and I think they might called pinafore dress? I know it's a bit of a broad term
No. 185938
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Sky Ferreira is my biggest fashion inspo lol. I love her style. Can anyone ID her boots in this pic?
Also, what shoes could you absolutely not live without? I wanna get some new pairs for every occasion, looking for some nice tennis shoe and boot reccs
No. 185956
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>>185938Oh no! it's netflix Winx kei
No. 185976
>>185962>Terrible comparison and unfunnyok legit sorry i hurt your tastes anon, it was a harmless joke
>better than the retro throwback we have going on rnI actually disagree, y2k is shit but you gotta admit that it was so much more groundbreaking and original that the 2010s, and you don't have to work in fashion to agree with that opinion
No. 186011
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>>185962It's an accurate comparison, they're both really boring and dated outfits styled in the same way.
>>185740This is great advice, it's exactly what I do too. Having a good tailor is a game changer.
No. 186080
File: 1621203237727.jpg (39.34 KB, 1000x1000, dress.jpg)

>>186062I feel uncomfortable showing the real image of the dress, so here's a vaguely traced drawing of it to give an idea
No. 186100
>>186056>>186080I can see what sort of dress you mean but idk why you'd be uncomfortable showing a dress that is presumably publically available online…
Anyway Smock dresses look cute with chunky shoes to balance them out, and a big baggy cardigan if it's cold. I liked wearing longer socks with them but that does make the look even more childish, so it depends on your taste.
No. 186109
>>186080I choked on my drink suppressing a laugh, but I kinda get what you mean haha. It looks like a cute dress. I agree with
>>186100, chunky shoes are your friend with smock dresses
No. 186124
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>>185949Thanks anon
>>185956Kek she generally looks better to me, it's kind of a bad pic of Sky's style but I wanted to post a good one where you can see her boots cause I couldn't find them anywhere lol.
No. 186151
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>>186132I mean like I said in my previous post, I wanted to post a pic where you could really see the boots cause I couldn't find an ID on them anywhere, and someone in this thread IDed them instantly lol
I like how her style tends to have the combination of tiny legs + baggy top, I've always loved how that looks. It definitely is very 2010s tumblr, but yeah my style hasn't changed much since I was 16 kek. I was always too uncomfy in my body to dress the way I wanted to as a tumblr retard and now that I'm older idgaf and dress how I want to
No. 186165
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>>186151>>186124I don't think it looks bad, it reminds me of Tumblr casual grunge. I feel like it works on her because she's a pretty and skinny girl
No. 186171
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Flared pants revival baby, lesssgooo
No. 186181
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>>186172Many different factors I guess, alongside the usual fashion cyclicality
>Hippy lifestyle revivalWith the second rise of New Age and Gen Zs + Millenials caring more about the environment alongside new concerns like clothing sustainability
>Covid, quarantine and the economic crisis that will followIt has been found that people want to dress up more/try different styles as a form of escapism. The 70's are also known for their high platform mules and boots; studies have been linking the height of heels with economic crisis (really tall heels and platforms seem to become in-fashion during economic recessions), ModernGurlz made a YT vid about it if you're interrested
I guess there's also the fact that the cut of the pants and skirts also goes well with Y2K pieces like halter cropped tops and corsets.
I like it but I'm mainly happy about the flared jeans and platform mules. Not a huge fan of the 70s squiggly lines/waves design like the top in picrel
No. 186319
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could be the wrong thread, but look at this (presumably) newspaper cutout showcasing different traditional clothing from my country
No. 186326
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My measurements are around 32- 24 -40 and I'm 5'5. I feel like when I wear what I want to wear (long skirts with sweaters tucked in or cropped like pic rel) my hips make me look absurdly frumpy and my whole silhouette looks 20 lbs heavier than I am. When I wear clothes that are form fitting I just look slutty due to the nature of where my weight is and I feel like a fashion nova model in the worst way possible. I feel like I should know how to dress myself by now but I always feel myself gravitating back to just living the frumpy life and looking fat all of the time. I feel like Kim Kardashian trying to do mori and it aint workin.
No. 186351
>>186295wide leg pants are also in, it's a better option for short or chubby women
>>186326Tbh, thick tucked in sweaters in skirts are a pain and look goofy unless you have a rectangle body type. I'd recommend staying away from korean and jap fashion then, but if you really insist on it you should try more bodycon cuts for the skirt or the top. Maybe a tight turtle neck on the top with a long a-line skirt?
No. 186359
>>186319>>186322These are beautiful, thank you for sharing anon
>>186323>ssense sale going onOmw over there asap then, last time they did a sale I got some amazing shoes
No. 186415
>>186413Long skinny legs have been desirable, especially in fashion, for a long time.
Seems like a lot of fashion can be boiled down to whether or not the person is wearing it is attractive. Ugly zoomer clothes still look great on hot girls but most look retarded in them.
No. 186439
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I can never figure out what my body type is, can any anons help? I don’t know what to wear to flatter my body, I feel like I always look frumpy because of it pls no booly for the the ugly unmatchable underwear and scars
No. 186448
>>186439If you go by the kibbe system you look like either a Romantic or Soft Natural.
>I don’t know what to wear to flatter my body, I feel like I always look frumpy because of it I have a similar body to you, and boy do I fucking feel you. A lot of my insecurities pertaining to my fat distribution/bone structure (and i don't mean being a fatass) kind of went away when i started looking at certain celebrities with a similar body structure instead of looking through the lens of 'skinny or fat', when the women i saw on screen were always 'thin' and i was always 'fat'. Clothes look like shit when you don't follow certain rules to your body type. I still feel like crap when i try to pull off a pantsuit that has no waist emphasis, but on the bright side, fuck do i look good in a bodycon.
Anyways, you got a good figure anon.
No. 186490
>>186483My major gripe with it is that it’s way too prescriptive and limiting. Also outdated as fuck, Kibbe can’t dress himself or his wife well. Also feels like a bizarre cope that you can make yourself look as good as the famous women of your type if you just follow his rules. Not to mention it’s impossible to follow the rules to a T and even Kibbe contradicts himself and many of the celebrity examples break the rules.
Trust me there’s no actually fashionable women who endorse kibbe, in fact they probably don’t even know what it is. The community is full of women who are clearly dissatisfied about something about themselves and see Kibbe as a way to improve themselves. Also there have been lots of western women who look great in dolly inspired fashions (think Gemma Ward and the other baby dolls of the 2000s). Kibbe was a huge waste of time for me. Ditched that nonsense and I focused on clearing my skin, eating healthy and going from skinny to toned and now I just wear whatever I like and feel content while others are still trying to figure out if they’re a Fg or N or whatever
No. 186496
>>186490for me kibbe was helpful because i kept dressing in dramatic lines and wondering why i look like shit when i have a romantic body type. sad fact just is that i look frumpy in clothes that look elegant in more androgynous women.
like just use your common sense and don't make these things your religion?
No. 186504
I have a body type similar to
>>186439 but clothing that actually fits me or looks 'better' feels super uncomfortable and restricting like I'm gonna burst out despite being thin, and feels revealing in a way even if I'm covered up. Pretty much the only thing that feels right are clothes that are 3 times bigger/baggier than my actual size.
No. 186538
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>>186536Being confined to 1 type sure is inclusive.
No. 186542
>>186538i wrote dramarics because there is more dramatics than one, and naturals and flamboyants don't need to be short too.
i find that image funny because as a tr i always felt like it's described as this very outdated femme fatale type and the clothes often recommended look like shit. but honestly, you're projecting if you think every other body type is treated like shit.
No. 186560
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>>186557>Taking fashion advice from redditI feel like a lot of kibbe fashion recommendations are outdated or overly dressy/not used for daily wear. No one goes grocery shopping and to walk their dog in a prom dress. Not to mention styles that aren't curvy are often told to pretty much drape themselves and it doesn't help much with skin tone. Just fashion in general I feel tells women to hide their curves which is weird because western women are usually told they're not curvy enough and are given workouts/tips/surgery to help make their boobs and butt even bigger but also tell women to wear pants that minimize their butts and hips and shirts that make them look flat chested
No. 186561
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>>186560Another example of what I mean
Insecurity and modesty is one thing but what's the point of trying to convince women that it looked like better to hide themselves? It just looks unflattering
No. 186569
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>>186565Yep. I also find it annoying how men are always encouraged to emphasize masculine features and make their body look more flattering but women are told to look taller, broader and less curvy
It works if that's what you want but most women I know prefer feeling feminine. I find it sexist and petty and sometimes it feels passive aggressive of women to tell other women to wear unflattering outfits
No. 186572
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>>186561You seriously think the flimsy cami is flattering over the normal t-shirt? It's not about covering up, it just looks better. Tank tops can look nice like picrel (better fabric, wider straps) but when it's flimsy spaghetti straps it just looks trashy. Plus the neckline doesn't flatter her bust at all.
No. 186575
>>186572I mean it's a matter of opinion. She also isn't wearing the right bra if she's even wearing one
>But it's flimsyWhat? What do you think about strapless? Sounds like you just don't like bare shoulders
Also don't act like fashion media doesn't tell women in order to be flattering they need to hide themselves
No. 186583
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>>186575No, it just looks like cheap undergarments. Not something to be worn on its own. I think picrel looks nicer, you can tell it's supposed to be a top and not a layering piece.
Fashion media loves exploiting the female body in any way it can and pushes revealing clothes on younger and younger generations but ok.
No. 186587
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>>186585>Shirts that minimize boobs don't existI'm a double D and can wear clothes that make me look almost flat chested
>Inb4 she has plastic surgeryYeah no shit but she can still minimize her tits. What planet do you live on where you apparently can't emphasize or minimize parts of your body with clothes?
No. 186590
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>>186586I did, just seems like you prefer a modest outfit which is fine but that's like saying all outfits that aren't your style are horrible
Spaghetti straps are fine for casual things like going to the park, gym, and doing everyday stuff. I can see where you're coming from if it's to a formal event or business setting but that doesn't make it trashy or gross. Just means there's a time and place for it
No. 186613
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>>186599Maybe fat is too harsh but big boobs fuck with your overall silhoutte. Plenty of other women complain about this, not sure why it's so controversial.
No. 186615
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>>186613Everyone can tell the difference between a skinny girl with big tits and a fat girl who looks even fatter because of their tits
If people are mistaking you for fat when you wear loose clothes its probably because you are. Skinny girls with big tits just look skinny in loose clothes unless you have a weird view on women's bodies. You can tell if they're skinny by looking at arms, legs, face, etc. If you have fat arms, face, etc and loose clothes make you look even fatter it's because you're probably fat then
No. 186620
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What denier do you guys think these tights/socks are? I hear that ballet tights are like this, in the sense that they're not sheer at all
No. 186626
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>>186620Like 80-100ish mostly? But sheer/opaque-ness also depends on how the fabric is woven, not just the denier.
No. 186633
>>186594Ntayrt (obviously) but I have big boobs and you're absolutely right–certain garments will make you look bigger. Particularly ones that are looser because they'll be tight around your chest and then drape loosely over the midsection making you look wider/bigger. I also have a slightly inverted triangle body shape which I feel like looks worse with looser tops. And I'm near underweight but this is still one of my issues.
To the other anon who wanted to know about minimizing, the best bet is a minimizing bra that actually fits or if you dgaf about breast tissue migration then really tight sports bras. You're not going to find a best-fitting bra that minimizes your chest unless your boobs are naturally shallow to begin with. If you're projected by default then keep in mind that shallow/minimizing bras will just smoosh your boobs to flatten them into a wider, shallower cup. You'll probably have some fit issues. I used to be self-conscious of my body, wore sports bras for the longest time, and now that I own proper fitting bras (Panache, Freya, the like) my boobs are more projected than ever in clothes. I think it's a small price to pay considering I used to wear 32 bands bc it was the smallest VS had but now I'm indisputably somewhere between a 28 or 30 which isn't sold in many affordable major retailers.
I've heard shallower bras like the Fantasie Rebecca Spacer bra have a minimizing effect but haven't tried it out myself. Maybe give that a shot?
No. 186665
>>186633Thanks for the advice and understanding
nonny. A well fitted bra definitely helps, the more lift and separation the better. I've wanted to try minimizers but they're hard to find here. Are there any you think are particularly effective? I haven't had luck with sports bras, they just give me one big boob loaf. Honestly I've been thinking of getting a binder just for certain outfits like button downs and the like.
No. 186683
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>>186665Tbh this will probably kill your boobs but the most effective method by far was to use an XS sports bra from Nike. Something for high impact and possibly in a size smaller than what you should wear kek. It worked when a 28F in UK sizing and my boobs are definitely projected when supported. While the sports bra didn't make me flat chested, it held everything in to where my bf at that time was shocked when he first saw me naked bc I always wore sports bras which made him think my chest was on the smaller side. BUT it does give uniboob so that's not going to work for you I suppose.
If you don't want uniboob then you'll need something with a gore that 'tacks' to separate the boobs–this is typically not found in sports bras that will minimize your boobs. So my advice is to try looking for bras that are advertised as minimizing. T-shirt bras are generally good as well, except I wouldn't recommend Freya's Deco Vibe. I'd use bratabase if you want to check reviews on how the bra fits and whether it'll work for your shape.
Oh btw I just checked Herroom and it seems that they're having a sale atm, so try looking there and let me know if it helps.,bras,43,001,10.html No. 186770
File: 1621527146962.jpg (43.35 KB, 360x540, 212b41477e4b7347065d1eb35e81cc…)

What do you think about wearing shorts with leggings / thighs? When I was much younger I ran into an opinion it's a no-go and shows complete lack of taste and somehow it shamed me into never dressing like that anymore, but honestly looking at it I can't really see anything wrong with the look.
No. 186774
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>>186770Meh. It just reminds me of a very specific phase of tumblr/lookbook indie fashion from the early 2010's. I don't think it's ugly necessarily when styled right but it's a very dated look. If you have skinny legs you can probably get away with it.
No. 186791
>>186770It's fine, very 2010 grunge tumblr like anons said but nothing wrong with that
I actually went out drinking recently and a girl that's usually a bit pretty alt wore shorts and pantyhose and reminded me of how cute it can look.
No. 186792
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>>186770It's not bad but it does look dated. I still see young adults wearing the specific indie/hipster look a lot. Tbh it's a great alternative to skirts if you're worried about creeps. It also works for many different aesthetics from your basic indie lookbook girl to j-fashion and alt.
No. 186872
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>>186548So I've read the book, which was a lot clearer than any of the info I've seen online about it (and seemed way less about putting people into boxes). For me personally, I liked the idea of dressing to harmonize with/celebrate what's unique about your body, rather than breaking it down into parts you have to camouflage. For example, I'm pretty curvy and petite, and I look 10x better in the types of fabrics that kibbe suggests for Rs, especially if I stick to cuts that softly hug my figure or have ruching/draping to emphasize my curves without adding a lot of excess fabric. I used to try to make my legs look longer and minimize my chest, and I think that dressing for the body as a whole (which is a big thing kibbe talks about) looks a lot nicer and has made me more confident.
Similarly, I have a friend who is a kibbe FN and I think she dresses really perfectly for it and looks amazing. She's very tall with pretty broad shoulders and I think it's very common for women with builds like that to be insecure and try to dress in ways that hide it, but she looks great in outfits like pic related that show off her height and strong shoulders.
I think that the celebrities and descriptors like "elegant lady" or "Spitfire chic" are mostly just fun and there to help you embrace the unique strengths of a specific type. Overall though, if you're good looking and have a good eye for style, you don't really need kibbe imo.
>>186631Find a good tailor or learn how to take in waistbands and add darts, nona. Some of my favorite stores for professionalwear are uniqlo and ann taylor. I also like department stores. Keep an eye out for soft fabrics that aren't super flimsy and construction details that indicate the piece was designed for someone curvy.
No. 186901
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>>186895Lace-up ballet flats
No. 186937
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I really like both these dresses and can't decide between them, what do you think? And should I buy either full price or just stick them in my karma list and wait for a sale?
No. 187039
File: 1621648640676.jpg (86.02 KB, 1000x1066, hotping_slacksfit.jpg)

Any Korean speakers know what this says
No. 187066
>>187039used newocr and google translate.
>Overall Relaxed fit To Lower BodyGood fit
Lower body pain recommendation
>Thighs and hemA little leisurely falling
Natural straight fit
>From the thigh to the hemFalling slim
Flesh Cover Fit
Semi boot cut
>From the waist to the thigh lineSticks slim
Slightly below the knee
A relaxed fit
Recommended for calf pain
No. 187212
>>186770it was ugly in 2008-2012
and it is ugly now
Honestly, it doesn't really make legs look thinner either. My eye gets drawn to the tights, and most girls wearing this had semi-shiny tights on. Ugh I'm getting goosebumps remembering this look. Was esp popular in southern England.
No. 187395
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No. 187396
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No. 187397
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No. 187399
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No. 187400
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No. 187415
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>>187397I wish I could pull this off but I would probably end up looking like picrel
No. 187444
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What the fuck even looks good anymore? The last time I cared about dressing nice, I think arthoe tumblr was just getting big and skater skirts were still a thing. Looking at what fashionable people my age (early twenties) are wearing now, I feel like I must have fucking Rip Van Winkled through a major shift in trends. Lately I've been seeing a lot of Y2K/late 90's larp and extremely drapey neutrals with weird sandals or platforms, neither of which really appeals to me. Maybe I'm just being salty because I don't know what's going on anymore, but a lot of current trends just look 3edgy5me.
Do any of you nonnies follow fashion bloggers/instagrams/andean smoke signallers with a nice, unique sense of style? I'm willing to try anything at this point as long as it's not wack shit like picrel or worse.
No. 187457
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>>187444I know the Rip van Winkle feeling, anon. I just look for clothes based on my art and my influences that created my artistic style. Picrel is a shirt I got from ebay. Haven't worn it, still need to get it altered. But I treasure it.
No. 187458
>>187444there is this girl on tumblr whose style i became a little bit obsessed with, she shaped a lot of fashion blogging/posting microtrends on ig down to the way she poses for her "out and about" walking photos, panning down and capturing herself in motion like a candid photo by a friend. i wish i could remember her url, she had timeless and elegant sartorial looks which focused on crisp or breezy materials, luxurious fits and slightly andro silhouettes. it looks effortless but is kind of the pinnacle of style to me
the trends we are seeing right now feel cheap, gaudy, and like they will date themselves within less than two years (being very generous about it). neon checkers, cheap polyester garbage, egirl runoff, wanting to signal some element of self expression without any real self expression, regurgitating tiktok stars who are bastardizing dead subcultures with aliexpress UO-core nonsense… revival of a revival of a revival of a dead trend, cycling between 60s-70s-80s to, now, 90s-y2k nostalgia endlessly.
anyways, i think what "looks good" now isn't any of that, but also isn't the reactionary "who cares? i give up." normcore aversion to it. i think what looks good is something chic but simple, personal but effortless, it's hard to define it without sounding more pretentious than i already do because i think it comes down to refining and understanding your personal tastes, what works for you, and investing in quality pieces for something very wearable that will stand the tests of time. i think the only "trends" anybody should really subscribe to are personal trends from season to season, nothing to do with the lowbrow cultural runoff that people our age get sucked into and overpay for (like paloma wool's gaudy tiktok-core sweaters which don't even use enough natural fibres to warrant the price…)
i'll see if i can find that girl's sm handles for you because i think you would love her.
TLDR i guess i think we should mine from various decades (or even centuries), subcultures, art scenes, cinema stills, dead trends, things that we have never even really seen executed well, divorced from the "millennial marketing racket" (do you remember that article from the cut about the way that millennial design markets first, designs the product itself as an afterthought, and the approach to design we have right now is going to look garish as fuck and awful in a decade? it's all just manufactured to look good on a screen and entice you to buy subpar products. anyway.)
i think everyone should create their own approach to style, design, home decor, art that isn't beholden to all of this. whether that be timelessly chic or authentically quirked up. sorry for sounding insufferable…
i think everything that really takes off and becomes a viral meme trend is basically a marketing psyop. think about what will look and feel great in 5, 8, 10, 12 years. and what you love, feel attracted to. how you can make that work for you (body type, overall features, budget, lifestyle, the way your tastes are realistically going to change over time).
No. 187473
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I’m going window shopping but might buy some things. Do anons have any recommended stores or specific items? I mainly want basics, a hoodie with a satin drawstring, preferably yellow and a maroon pleated skirt. But I’m open to considering anything else farmers suggest.
No. 187997
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I absolutely hate high fashion brands with the atrocious symbols they put in their decent pieces but why is this kind of a vibe, I know anons hate crocs but I love the matching metal
No. 188022
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what are some cool and not very expensive brands that have interesting designs? i'm 23 and my wardrobe is just graphic t-shirts and pants from pull&bear and bershka my style is a mess my clothes are all random shit or stuff from when i was 12. I want to have a chic wardrobe with less but quality items that are cohesive and i can mix and match easily, ideally no t-shirts and no cheap fast fashion teen brands but i also dont want boring business casual type of clothing, is there a way to purchase clothing from fashion students? are there any good subreddits for female fashion advice? what are essential pieces of a wardrobe?
No. 188024
>>188022> are there any good subreddits for female fashion advice? Yes, literally /r/femalefashionadvice and I cannot emphasize enough how often your exact question is asked on there. Half the people on ffa don't care about fashion and don't have a sense of style but want a quick and easy list of ~timeless essentials~ to buy so they can look decent but don't have to develop taste or figure out what they like.
But anyway, just look up capsule wardrobes in general. They seem to be what you're after.
No. 188035
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>>188022Wardrobe essentials are going to depend on the function you need your clothes to serve in relation to your lifestyle. You mentioned that you want to avoid looking either too formal or too juvenile, but what kind of looks are you drawn to? Without visual references "chic" is a bit vague. If your goal is to look stylish and not just decent, then creating a mood board of outfits that you like would help you develop a sense of your aesthetic values. Pic rel is something that I would include in my mood board because I like 60s/70s mod fashion and it works with my lifestyle.
No. 188155
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>>188024they said good subreddits so… no, there aren't any. This thread is better b/c unlike reddit ppl can disagree and call spades spades.
>>188022To build a capsule you need to have a starting point to work from. Like you have to start with something to match other things to. Treat it like pizza and ask questions in order - classic or thin crust? (Where you're at right now is like chicago pizza mess pie). And by crust of course i mean shoes, since shoes are probably the thing you will have the fewest of (2-3 pairs or so vs 4-5 pants/skirts and 5-10 tops, which are like the sauce options and toppings respectively) - so it's the easiest place to start, and once you have the shoes you have a direction to go in terms of looking for other stuff. Shoes set the tone in other words. So from pic, what kind of shoes are you feeling? Just google the names and scroll through images. They're all
valid so it's literally just what speaks to you, that's all that matters.
Also if i had to make just one suggestion, and this works with ypur current closet, find/buy a tan or dark-color tweed or plaid professor type blazer, and a pair of loafers, oxfords or saddle shoes in a brown/tan color. With those shoes you can just wear the blazer over your graphic tees and people will think you're kinda cool. It's kind of a classic hipster look (a lot of this look in portlandia) and maybe a bit girlboss but it works very well with graphic tees.
No. 188174
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what are your preferred ways to add long sleeves to dresses? i just bought this dress that i love thinking i could make it work with some sort of long sleeve shirt underneath but it ended up looking bad. i know cropped cardigans exist but i’ve also seen interesting cropped mesh tops/shags/jackets on other looks. not sure what would look good with this specific dress though
No. 188179
>>188022because you mentioned bersha amd pull & bear ill assume youre in Europe.
Ive had the most luck with youtube. If you care about your countries fashion, watch videos from you country/ in your native tongue but if you also come from a country with bad taste, you can also watch in english. Try to focus on UK or europe based youtubers because ive noticed american, austrlian, singapore etc brands are either not here or dont have the same stock in.
If youre not set on staying in trend, watch older youtubers 30+, 40+ crowd. They often have more fashionable but not newest trend content.
Also look up capsule wardrobe, or wardrobe essentials videos just to get an idea.
Once you start being redirected on youtube for similar interests, sometimes you can find your style or brands better. I ended up on abercrombie hauls (from 40+ a fashion youtuber, despite being mid 20s myself)and i discovered i like a lot of their stuff.
I've only found femalefashionaddvice subreddit for specific items, but it seems like 90% of the users are from America and often suggest US based brands. They were helpful when ive asked but in the end finding a nice leather crossbody from an american company that charged $50 for shipping and it didnt include VAT, wasnt that helpful…
No. 188187
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i'm really into smocked dresses right now, it's nice bc the smocking is tight enough that I can go braless so it's so comfortable. so nice for summer, it gets so hot where I live and these are so breathable and lightweight
I got like 6 in different styles and prints from this one company called hill house, definitely recommend if you want to look feminine in summer without sweating your ass off
No. 188195
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>>188174It looks the material is really light so that makes layering a bit tricky, if you wear a shirt underneath it has to be super light and form fitting so that it doesn't disrupt the lines of the dress. This is just an idea but if you really want to wear a mesh-style shirt underneath, you could take a pair of nylons and turn them into a crop top like picrel
No. 188261
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>>188255nta but i don't think baggy pants are flattering unless you have very long legs like picrel. most people do not have these incredibly long legs
No. 188262
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>>188255Baggy implies a relaxed and oversized fit, whereas wide leg pants are supposed to hug the hips and waist while creating a more structured and voluminous silhouette.
No. 188280
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>>188208imo, definitely. I wear them a ton and even the ones i've had for over a year don't show any signs of wear
there's a company called fewmoda that has knock-offs of some of the styles for less money, you have to have a subscription though and i'm not sure about shipping to canada - it might come out cheaper for you. I can't speak to the quality of those, though. They have a lot of cute dresses, i'm thinking of trying a subscription
pic is dress from fewmoda
No. 188353
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>>188298Slim and straight leg pants are the alternative to skin tight jeans
No. 188477
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Why is it impossible to find wide leg/flared jeans with white fur? Picrel is exactly what I want expect not leopard print. Do they not exist or
No. 188480
>>188477Do it yourself, nonnies'
This is a super quick and easy sewing job
No. 188623
bros do u have any tips on developing an actual style/wardrobe? all my clothes are super and shapeless (i literally just wear leggings and a huge zip-up jacket most of the time), and i haven’t really cared about how i looked until now. idk, i recently read a book called pretty honest which was pretty much just this lady giving the foundations of skincare, makeup whatever - like she made reason of everything of that made sense. and the book really opened up my eyes about how looking good isn’t some chore or something that’s only for particular people, but something fun and a way to make yourself feel better even if everything else is going to shit (you can have control over how you look if nothing else i guess). also, as retarded and autistic as this sounds, i’ve never really seen women openly expressing/ talking about attraction to men, and i’ve always felt uncomfortable with feeling attraction towards boys for some reason (maybe bc my dad’s always been really crazy abt keeping me separate from boys?) but this site really opened up my eyes to how it’s alright and normal to feel certain ways - so i think part of the reason i wanna look better is to look cuter i guess? idk
SO ANYWAY, now i want to put effort into what i wear i guess. the issues i’m having with getting into it is (1) idk why but i’m scared to stop dressing completely horribly, like every time i gets actually dressed nice for whatever event i get super embarrassed if someone compliments me and i’m worried how other people might react if i start dressing differently (even if it’s for the better) - so how can i stop with my way self-conscious thinking?, and (2) i’ve gained like ~30 pounds over the past year, and am pretty chubby - i mean i’ve always had issues with my thighs/arms but now they’re even worse - so i’ve always had issues (even before gaining even more weight) dressing myself properly without defaulting to my comfy homeless-person esque look, so any tips for finding the most flattering clothes for a chubby person (especially pants - i can never fucking figure out flattering pants)? if it helps i think i’m pretty much a pear - when i measure myself i get 36-28-43.
side-note: what are some cute places to get summer dresses?
anyways i don’t even know if i should post this here, but i don’t care and if i can’t it’s just gonna get deleted so that’s fine and i think this site is actually totally changing my perspective on many topics so thank u very much people! good night and thank uuuu!!
No. 188638
>>188623Agreed with this
>>188625. Also if you're completely clueless about what you want or like, you could browse pinterest for a while and save images of outfits you like. Always keep in mind it has to work for your lifestyle though. Or go to the stores and just spend a day trying on different types on clothes and styles, to see what you like and looks good on you.
No. 188645
>>188623>scared to stop dressing completely horribly, like every time i gets actually dressed nice for whatever event i get super embarrassed if someone compliments me and i’m worried how other people might react if i start dressing differently I also wonder about this, I feel embarassed to try new things or just "stand out" a little. I absolutely feel you
nonny and would love if some other anon already got over it or could help us with that feeling
No. 188649
>>188645You should probably just gradually start incorporating more 'dressy' items into your outfits until it's not jarring to see you fully dressed up. Eg rather than wearing a dress and heels, you wear a dress with flats and heels with jeans until you're comfortable enough to go for the combination. I've been dressing up my entire adult life and don't wear casual clothes much, but when I don't want to look like I tried too hard I take off accessories and jewellery, leave my hair out/unstyled and wear light or no makeup.
But tbh if you're just starting to develop a sense of style and build up a wardrobe you kinda need to accept that sometimes you'll look weird or bad or people won't react how you want. Nobody is born stylish, we all have blunder years and moments of shitty taste and cringe outfits, it's part of the process.
No. 188677
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A small, shoe-related vent: I love the look of ballet flats but can't for the love of God wear them. I have pizza-shaped feet - super narrow at the heels, wide at the front - and flats either rub off the skin off of my heels or I just walk right out of them. And I tried those adhesive pads and heel grips and what have you, but they just don't work for me. Anyone else have this problem? I guess I should wear loafers instead but they don't look as feminine as ballet flats. Fuck my deformed feet
No. 188681
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>>188677Samefag, I also don't have an indentation above my heel, which is I guess the main reason why they always fall off. End of feettalk
No. 188683
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>>188677How about a pair of flats with a strap around the ankle to keep them up? Pic rel is just the first I saw on google, you can get nicer ones.
No. 188694
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I don't understand what Americans mean by "petite", I thought it was referring to skinny and short women but I noticed that on some sites pants that are a 32/34 (0-2) are all put in the "petite" category. So is it just petite weight wise or petite weight+height wise (meaning that skinny women above 5'5 can go fuck themselves then I guess kek)
>>188683Idk how people can manage to wear those without having their heel soles hurting. I have to at least have a weewee heels like picrel otherwise it hurts
No. 188723
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Parasols and bonnets, anons could they ever be made cool again?
No. 188728
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>>188727Picrel. I could see influencers wearing small, straw discrete ones.
No. 188729
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>>188723I wish empire dresses made a comeback. They look SO comfy and elegant.
No. 188733
>>188728Oh yeah, I could see that too.
Don't bonnets limit your vision though? Like you have to turn your head to look at things.
>>188729It was a cute fashion but sadly the cut also make you look pregnant.
No. 188736
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>>188729The only authentic empire dresses I can find are designer. Too expensive. Cheaper variations (picrel) with a modified empire bust line and shorter hem are likely just as comfortable and definitely wouldn't stand out or look weird. They can look old fashioned (and in a bad way) when in floral print, but a plain one with sandals looks cute, usually.
>>188733Um, I don't know, good question. Depends on the style, I guess. I've seen vintage bonnets shaped more like a cap or visor. But I think most old-style bonnets curved down at the sides while projecting far, so yes maybe they do limit vision. The one I posted wouldn't, but it also wouldn't protect from the sun either. It's probably why old school bonnets have never made a come-back, they look dorky. A lot of head accessories and hats these days are much smaller, worn lower on the head, or if big, worn tilted.
No. 188737
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>>188723Saw some straw ones at the height of cottagecore last summer. I don't really picture a lot of people wearing straw bonnets since their general style looks too historical fashion tier or country lolita, maybe something like picrel will gain general popularity idk
>>188729Let's hope the hype surrounding lady dimitrescu will make these more available
No. 188741
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>>188737Speaking of Dimitrescu, I love a big hat. How do you feel about wearing them, anons?
No. 188744
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>>188736I remember Tammy Blanchard wearing a cool empire waist dress in The Invitation, it also looked really nice from the back
No. 188749
>>188737She looks fantastic! The monochrome colours prevent it looking like cosplay. Minimalistic straw accessories could become fashionable in the UK. Cottagecore is slightly surreal to me, as the majority of what passes for CC is and has always been normal everyday clothing and house deco in the UK, especially in rural areas. It's not a trend or anachronistic in the same way.
I hope corsets never make a comeback.
No. 188775
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>>188741I love the shit out of them but it’s hard to find appropriate moments to wear them whereas I don’t feel overdressed and dumb lol
No. 188780
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anyone know where i can find a princess (?) coat in this design? kinda poncho like? but ofcourse shorter
No. 188791
>>188790 here
>>188780 picrel coats are called swing coats. Princess coats are the kind with a belt and fitted upper body, I think.
No. 188799
>>188790rip, the store is not available where i live
i live in sweden and theres no online shops that offer vintage clothings that actually ship here except etsy and the coats i saw on there look awful lol
No. 188844
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>>188837>>188749Yep. Wanted to get picrel to live my best meadow bitch larp life but it's like 316 euros so fuck that
No. 188845
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>>188799Oh, I ordered online, at least Vivien of Holloway shipped to Finland, I think they ship to Sweden also if you contact them about it. Though I don't know how expensive it would be, hmm.
Picrel is the coat I had once upon a time. I don't think they have the exact same one anymore for sale though.
No. 188848
>>188837Are there any people except those into historical fashion who wear corsets as underwear these days?
Btw I'm fine with stays coming back, corsets can fuck off.
No. 188850
>>188848I'm into vintage fashion and wish I had the money to wear a corset daily. I really enjoy the feeling of the corset, the hug, and the curves it gives me since I have no waist, never have, skinny or fat. But I think vintage is historical, so… I think Lucy's Corsetry (a youtube channel) wore them even though she wasn't wearing them with historical garments.
And of course, there are the extreme body-mod people and fetishists wearing corsets but let's leave that at that.
No. 188854
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>>188844Man I love this. I’m with you anon, cottagewhore is my desired aesthetic and I’m currently looking for a “corset” like in your picrel.
No. 188856
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>>188848Not really into historical fashion but I do like glamourous 50's cuts. I'm a skinny rectangle and I have to wear one for dresses with a vintage cut like picrel. Otherwise it ruins the fit completly imo + corsets are also useful if you have a wonky waistline from a scoliosis (like one side deeper than the other)
>>188854The pic was from French Meadows (Etsy), there are less pricy alternatives but imo it's not as pretty as FM's stays:
>ValRok (Etsy)>OpulentDesignsStore (Etsy) No. 188862
>>188856Oh my god, she looks amazing and the blue does wonders for her skin tone
Her legs are beautiful, too, she looks just like a 50s magazine model. Props to her.
No. 188889
>>188888I've only tried to wear a corset once as goth party wear and it felt claustrophobic.
What kind do you wear?
No. 188898
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>>188889I bought mine from Orchard Corset. it's very important to get the correct size and "season" it (i.e. break it in) before wearing it for long periods of time. the steel bones need time to mold to your shape. the seasoning process also gives your body some time to adjust to the pressure of a corset. the Orchard Corset website has a ton of great resources on sizing, fabric selection, corset care, etc.
No. 188933
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>>188645People won't really care. I went from looking like a teenage boy to wearing dresses every day and all I got was compliments.
>>188884It's up to us to bring it back nona.
No. 188940
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>>188888I've heard this from women who are into fashion history and it makes a lot of sense. I don't wear bras, most of my clothes are from the 60s and 70s so it works, but I also have dresses from the 30s/40s/50s and it just looks off without the added structure of a corset underneath. I'm going to invest in one at some point, something cute and a bit lightweight.
>>188749I really like clothes that have decorative, corset-like elements which I noticed has been trending recently. Details like lace-up strings, sweetheart necklines, silky materials, or boning-like seams in the bodice similar to picrel can look dreamy and romantic. If it was made from a cotton fabric this blouse would look more pastoral and fit right in with the milkmaid trope that cottagecore draws inspiration from.
No. 188956
>>188940I fear for you,
nonnie this looks atrocious. It looks like the designer raided a toddler's room and cut up her Disney curtains.
Even with the corset she still looks like a fridge.
No. 189049
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>>189036I have this one and yeah they really do kek
No. 189073
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Should I wear a corset with my wedding dress? I have to decide before my next fitting. Pic rel is what I'll be wearing.
No. 189131
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>>189036Idk how I never noticed this before but you're right, it's because of the ruching in the chest seams. I don't find it that distracting myself but I can see how someone would think it's the result of bad construction
On another note, I wanna reproduce this outfit for next fall. It seems like my country will be back to normal-ish by then and I'm looking forward to dressing up
No. 189294
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Does anyone know where to get tights like pic related? Or any cute patterned knit/opaque tights in general… the only tights I can literally find anywhere are either sheer or kids size.
No. 189313
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>>188736No I'm talking like ACTUAL empire dresses. Like the 1800's style exactly. Complete with coral necklaces and shawls.
No. 189667
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what do you think of these thong pants? they're everywhere after that euphoria girl wore it, i find them tacky but i found this one kinda cool it has the old charliexbarker/health goth vibe but my body isnt very curvy so i'm afraid the straps will make me look more boxy with my hip dips should i get them or no? (w:27 h:37 and flat ass no tits for reference)
No. 189670
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>>189669this is the original one, i dont know what they're called exactly but maddy wore this outfit on euphoria and it blew up after that ive seen it on so many people look up diy maddy pants on youtube tons of vids come up
No. 189692
>>189678i think if you have a small waist it can accentuate it and compliment your body but it does look cheap most of the time cause material is usually the scuba fabric
>>189681same you get what i had in mind right? it looks very motorcycle-y and sexy i like that but the thong outline is too much i agree and it goes to the back too so it does look like you're wearing a literal thong on top, what i envisioned was this bottom with an oversized cropped simple white tee, now i'm trying to find a similar print without the straps anyways what do you all wear when you go out clubbing? i need inspo
No. 189790
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>>189670Bershka are selling these rn and I saw one girl wearing them irl. It was ugly as shit but her confidence was kinda based
Bought those Princess Polly rompers second hand. I don't know what possessed me, they looked cute on her picrel listing even though she conveniently didn't show from the back. Then I tried them on and realised I looked like an overgrown baby dumbass in them.
I can't wear a bra under them either so when I go to the toilets I'm sitting there, completely naked, looking like a proper retard
No. 189810
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I have a love/hate relationship with Kate Middleton and her fascinators. They make everyone look like they are a balancing a little baked good on top of their head. Nonnies opinions?
No. 189814
>>189810They look exactly like something balancing on her head. The last one is really nice though, I just don't understand why they wear these things. Large hats can make a face look more delicate though, I get that.
Unrelated but I love Kate and wish the vampire theories about the royals were true so she would suck my blood <3
No. 189818
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>>189814Lipstickalley has a style appreciation thread on her for anyone interested. I like her too! She gets a weird amount of hate for someone who seems friendly and cute.
No. 189869
>>189790Looking like a naked retard when you go pee is part of the romper experience, anon
>>189810I had a phase in high school where I used to like wearing vintage fascinators and I styled them as well as you would expect at that age (which is to say, it looked awful) so I cannot see fascinators to this day without memories of embarrassment. But she looks very beautiful in these pics in spite of how
triggered fascinators make me
No. 189870
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Beautiful sun hat recommendations? I liked Lorna Murray's hats in pics, then saw models wearing them. They look like literal lamp shades kek.
No. 189875
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>>189856Nah, she has no choice. There's a public dress code for members of the royal family. Style is traditional and conservative, including some nitpicky stuff; women are not allowed to wear coloured nail polish, skirts are to be knee length and tights worn at all times, even in summer, no matter how hot it is kek. Picrel Kate before marriage. She used to wear a lot of cami tops, jeans, ugg boots, short summer dresses. Nights out: low v-tops, mini skirts, heels. Normal modern clothing basically.
No. 189876
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>>189875Samefag. Doing the food shop in her trackies kek. So weird seeing her dressed like that when she's polished 24/7 now.
No. 189884
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>>189869Yes I noticed and I fucking hate it
No. 189895
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I'm so happy that y2k fashion is back. It's so casual and fun and girly. I watched this y2k thrift haul on yt and the girl said something like ''I hope people get that this is a look, and that I haven't just kept these pants since 8th grade''. That's my only problem with it, you kinda have to go all out and make a statement with it or you just look way outdated or broke.
No. 189903
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>>189876Why is dressing like shit to go to the store seem to be a stapple in the US and UK, like why. Don't you guys go see people afterwards or just hang out in town and even if you don't, do people realize that you can still be comfy while having an ok fit?
No. 189905
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Am I the only one that wans to make a floursack dress?
No. 189957
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>>189954Yes anon I understand that, but for me
>>189876 isn't even "not dressed up", it's just pure IT scrote tier
>>189956well, fucking hell
No. 189964
>>189954>your clothes will get messy anywayWhat? You don't get dirty or messy from grocery shopping.
Personally I think it's just normal to be presentable in public. And that doesn't mean wearing a full face of makeup, a dress and a pair of heels. But brush your hair and don't wear lounge wear ffs.
No. 189977
>>189971>some of you took the "i must be the most fuckable person at the supermarket" meme to heartKek I wanted to wear jeans and a shirt but tbh you're so right! I can't wait to look normal at Lidl tomorrow in my full hobo fit. Omw to cope NB shoes and Decathlon sweatpants rn actually
>>189969I think it's slowly coming back, people are starting to invest in durable clothes by privileging thrifting and local businesses
No. 189987
>>189984>Secretions Magnifiques>Epstein perfumeWait are you for real, my fucking sides. because if it's true it's hilarious
And it's just a meme perfume advertised for smelling "lewd" that some /fa/ggots unironically like
No. 189993
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>>189920It's not hard to modernize vintage clothes, some day dresses from the 1930s can be styled in a way that makes it look young and modern. The jewelry and shoes you pair with it and the way you style your hair are going to determine the vibe. People would be surprised by the extent to which current trends like cottagecore are based on early and midcentury women's fashion.
>>189964I agree with this. I make a distinction between lounge clothes, workout clothes, casual clothes for running errands, etc. I don't do it for other people, I do it because I don't want to look sloppy if I can help it. I feel more confident when I'm dressed for the circumstances or activity at hand, which isn't remotely the same thing as "dressing up". People can do whatever they want but that's just my take on it.
No. 190023
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>>189692Yeah I get what you were going for. Have you seen jeans from the brand Revice? They have styles like picrel where the waistband is cut in that sexy v-cut which I think is interesting. So no actual straps and more modest but you still get a similar effect. They also have a lot of patchy or color blocked jeans similar to your original image. Fair warning - I haven't purchased anything from them due to some dodgy reviews. They seem to order from China based on demand so sometimes deliveries take months or just never arrive. Although some people have gotten their stuff fine. Sucks because I'd like to order some things but it makes me hesitant.
No. 190025
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>>190023If you don't want to show as much skin they also have this which creates the v with an overlaid waistband rather than dipping so low. (
No. 190147
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penny lane's clothes from almost famous will always be part of my style inspo, forever channeling my inner rocker hippie look through this and the kinderwhore aesthetic
No. 190159
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got this on an impulse hope I. Don't regret it
No. 190161
>>190159Why are you so green?
Zombie anon?
No. 190162
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>>190159Avril Lavigne core. Do you like gyaru?
>>190161Murdoc anon
No. 190165
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>>190161kek that's not me it's the insta-thrift store model wish i had some green tinges tho
>>190162yes like a mix of the two but in a casual / low effort way
i'm just a slut for delicate black and pink things, will probably style it like pic rel at first and see what else i can pull it off w
No. 190177
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>>190173I've never heard of or been to a wedding with a dresscode like that, but I think I'd wear a long flowy boho-chic type of dress.
No. 190178
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>>190177or this but not in white.
It's probably not ultra-hippie but it gets the long, flowy, relaxed silhouette right without looking completely ridiculous
No. 190184
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>>190173>hippie>don't want to look like a clownPick one.
Anyway, just dress like Janis Joplin. Bonus points if you can find embroidered Hindu-inspired pants like hers.
No. 190282
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>>190281Googling "wedding guest maxi dresses" brings up good results. I wouldn't fully go hippie leave that for the bridal party lol
No. 190293
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>>190173omg fun. so much you can do. how bout some cute flower power prints. channel some kate hudson from almost famous. look up woodstock vids.
or you could switch it up and dress like hippie dudes.
No. 190372
Thank you so much noonas!
>>190177I think I'll go with long and flowy! Maybe I'll add a print, not sure yet.
>>190184I did look it up, I love it on her, and hate it on me. But her vest is amazing. I'll do something more safe, I'm really a classic style person.
>>190281Actually the theme is military hippie. When I asked wtf she meant she said most girls are going hippie and most men in uniform. Wtf are they doing I don't know! I'm not really close with the bride.
>>190293Yes I've been looking Woodstock pictures for references. I'll go with a long dress, maybe with the famous cashmere print. For the rest I don't know yet!
No. 190382
>>190139most are going to be resellers online.
The high cost is probably due to the tiktoker thirst trap boy trend of a bunch of big silver rings.
Its not worth it at all…
The actual scrap worth of those things are nothing. Most silver rings scrap for like less than 20 bucks.
Check out a local antique store, thrift shop or if you have them, flea markets. They usually will have some antique booth or jewelery section of nice silver rings for 5-20 bucks. Unless its designer or a design you really love, its not worth it, buy silver.
No. 190424
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No. 190432
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>>190422to an extent, I agree. '50s Fashion, as portrayed by magazines, looks pretty boring and soulless, but at least men dressed better
No. 190685
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>>190652casual 70's men fashion was based
No. 190740
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>>190738I think it's hard to make taller boots look good with shorts unless you have really skinny legs, so maybe try some of those chelsea rain boots with some socks peeking out
No. 190742
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>>190740If you only have access to taller ones maybe try to balance it out with a lightweight rain coat unless it's too hot
No. 190746
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>>190743Hunter boots seem to be the most worn brand.
I wonder if extremely flamboyant male fashion will ever come back. Kinda crazy to think about how 18th and 19th century scrotes didn't regard makeup, heels or waist emphasis as "too feminine" or "gay". Wtf happened?
No. 190748
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>>190746I love the flamboyant male look of the 1700s.
Men turned into identical black and white suit penguins somewhere after 1860, while women were the ones doing all the peacocking. Bring back the male glam!
No. 190749
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>>190748I know circa Louis XVI Versailles' court fashion is a proper meme considering it was just a rich people circle and didn't apply to France as a whole but holy shit, it was the pinnacle of flamboyant kek
No. 190908
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scrotes on tiktok wearing skirts wish they were them
No. 190953
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I feel kinda stupid, but here it goes.
I'm fairly muscular + stout because of my last job, MMA/wrestling, and because I've been a fucking stupid meathead for the past decade or so, and I like to pick up heavy things and put them down when I'm stressed.
My personal taste is hyper feminine so I feel like a fucking idiot trying to dress up the way I'd like. Every other month I end up ordering myself a dress and then I put it on and look like bacon in shrink wrapped in plastic.
I think I dress okay, but I don't find it really true to myself and I'm fucking bored of it. I almost always end up resorting to something like picrel after larping as swole miss piggy for a spell before going out and then resigning myself back to my softcore butch librarian clothes. I guess I could try to get more femme accessories like ascots or bigger earrings, but I guess it's just annoying. I don't want to stop working out but I seriously have no idea what to do lol. it doesn't help that I feel so fucking short. I think I just look like a a fucking financial-advisor dwarf at this point.
No. 191108
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has anyone bought from Vagabond? I just found their website and I immediately fell in love with their shoes No. 191114
>>190953Im sorry anon, but the way you describe yourself is so funny lmao
>swole miss piggy >bacon in shrink wrapped in plastic. >financial-advisor dwarfQuit roasting yourself, you sexy buff lady
No. 191117

>>190953Girl, I wish I buff, stop degrading yourself.
But I also don't quite understand what you're asking. Do you feel the disconnect between the clothes that you want to wear/the clothes that look good on you? In that case, just wear whatever you want. Yeah, easier said than done, but if you think about it, clothing is just drapes for your body. In general, if your body is fat, you'll have to work around it with different shapes and fabric (if you want to appear slimmer), but if you aren't overweight/you feel like you don't have to hide some parts, just wear whatever you feel like. Seriously, that's most of what getting (ordinary, untailored) clothes to look good on you takes - being at a normal weight or having a good body. And people can tell a fit/curvy person wearing unflattering clothes isn't the same as a fat peron.
I have some pretty pronounced curves, but I always liked masculine styles and suits more. So after a while of wearing hyperfeminine things that I didn't like at all just because they fit my body and after getting over hating my figure, I said 'fuck it' and started wearing more androgynous styles, and I feel way happier now.
I guess it'd help to have some style icons whose body and style you feel closest to - mine is HBC in the 80s. I dont know if you know Reika but she's a japanese muslce idol and wears pretty hyperfeminine clothing a lot. Idk, check her out. Also, apologies if this was an answer to a quiestion you didnt even ask lol.
No. 191148
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>>190953There's an episode of what not to wear with a bodybuilder - "Season 7 • Episode 23. A woman searches for a balance between bulging biceps and feminine fashion." Sometimes their specifc recommendations are a little wack/dated (this is from 2010) but worth watching. This show can be hard to find, but also, i want to see this person because her biceps are huge, so i will probably try to find it myself, and if i do ill post it here.
No. 191191
>>191162No, and if that's your takeaway from the show, i don't think you actually watched it attentively or openmindedly. they literally gp to different stores every time, and usually multiple types, retail stores vs boutiques vs dept stores, within each episode so the people can see a variety of stuff and it doesn't get stale.
I will say, once you're out of the first 3 or so seasons (2003-5ish), the style gets more dated looking and there are a lot of very ugly dresses, but thats just what 2010 was like. And of course most things on the show arent still being made so you cant get the exact stuff (unless secondhand somehow), but the style stuff is usually pretty straightforward personal stylist stuff that remains true in terms of body type and personality etc, and its a fun portal into 00s adult fashion which i at least wasnt really old enough to experience fully at the time.
No. 191235
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>>186525hey just saw this. here's the breakdown of what i ended up paying fee wise. i use dejapan, which i really prefer bc they don't make u load up ur account with money before buying, you can just buy directly from ur card.
spent like $180 total on yahoo jp for my 14 items (including domestic shipping). international shipping was like $80. got lots of clothes/somewhat heavy fabrics included, and i should've opted for the regular packing, but i decided to do double packing just bc, i think that also ended up making it heavier/more shipping cost. but whatever, for the amount of stuff i bought i was fine w/ the price.
the fees on dejapan are not bad at all imo, so long as ur buying lots of stuff, since atm international shipping is quite expensive, so if ur gonna buy, go all out.
No. 191307
>>188915sorry for late reply! I do think they help somewhat with posture. When I'm not wearing it and I begin to slouch I can almost feel something is off if that makes sense? It gives you some good body awareness imo.
>>188918>>188917You are correct! You shouldn't really just wear a corset, you should be doing core exercises when you take it off. I work out 5-6 days a week in addition to wearing it. Also when you're wearing it, you have to almost train yourself not to just lean back against it, but rather to engage your abs for good posture. It's easy and lazy to let the correct do the work, really it should be a bit of a guide and a reminder to sit up straight. It's a tool, not a crutch.
>>189437For a number of reasons. I have really bad anxiety and it may sound retarded but the compression can help calm me down if I'm having an especially bad day. It also is a good reminder to have good posture, and I just love being able to have a slightly more exaggerated hour glass shape.
No. 191500
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No. 191507
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i miss this shit
No. 191535
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>>191507Me too nona, rich girl grunge seemed so cool and effortless in 2014. OT but Kylie used to be so cute back then.
No. 191615
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I finally found the perfect pair of knee-high 60's style high gloss leather gogo boots. Really wanted something with a low-ish heel that gives me extra height but still works for day to day wear. I'm really excited about all of the cute outfits I have planned for fall when life returns to normal
No. 191682
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these types of pants are the best thing to come out of the late 90's
No. 191693
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My taste in fashion has changed dramatically in the last year. I'm buying mostly red, white and black pieces with gold accents, green here and there; blazers with nipped in waists, tailored suits, comfortable heels, leather skirts and pants, even some latex pieces.
I'm heavily influenced by 90s Mugler, Chanel, Dior and Alexander McQueen. I'm tired of looking like a child.
No. 191757
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I ordered these because I wanted a sleeker alternative to my platform doc martens for casual daily wear. I thought the rugged sole would be good because I live in a place that gets a lot for rain and snow. I mostly wear wide leg pants but I also have some cigarette pants that I thought would look good with these, so I'm pretty confident that it was good choice. Curious to hear what anons think of this style though
No. 192098
>>191861thank you, i bought them too!
>>192064they're a lovely pair, i'm sure they'll look fantastic on you!
No. 192472
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I love this dress (?) does anyone know the label? Lookalikes?
No. 192526
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>>192525Close, but not quite
No. 192631
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>>192530katy looks fantastic in it, from anon's link.
No. 193018
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I bought this swan dress from Princess Highway. I like this brand's style but it's pretty expensive, but this was like 70% off. Do y'all like it?
No. 193205
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hey nonnies! i'm a hopeless textiles design/fashion student and I want to stay ahead of the trends to build up a portfolio. Can you guys recommend any underground/alt fashion mags to get design inspo from??
No. 193218
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I'd forgotten about this trend kek. He looks good, but I expect few men or women pull it off.
No. 193223
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>>193218There's only one mess in a vest I'll accept
No. 193226
nonny I work in fashion too
I love alt fashion mags too but tbh if your objective is to stay ahead of the trends you should just be logging onto depop and tiktok and Instagram. print is dead.
No. 193247
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>>193236a smart tuxedo vest, without a shirt, plus casual style shorts was a summer trend in the UK at one point. I didn't specify cargo. Both men and women wore this look.
No. 193251
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>>193222>he still looks hotno
No. 193272
>>193205Browse western social media to stay ahead of trends. If you like Japanese magazines try Kera or Zipper.
>>193252nta but stfu and learn to read before posting
No. 193368
>>185262>>185259sadly that's not even gyaru, just random y2k stuff
there are real gals out there, just not on TikTok ffs
No. 193480
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No. 193540
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>>193534How about a square knot like pic related (not a fashion pic obviously but you get the idea)? It will look a lot flatter than going with regular knots and it's a nice looking knot imo. You can also go with a carrick bend but the belt might be too bulky for that.
No. 193636
>>193443Without context of your normal work dress code, its kind of hard to suggest.
I have an office job which doesnt have a dress code but the bosses clearly prefer business casual over casual casual. During our heat wave i got a few pairs of bermuda shorts. They make womens chino bermuda shorts, which often come with belts that can look very work appropriate but also still fashionable. Ive been wearing them with embroidered tees which is still kind of cute without looking like im in my 50s. If i had to dress less casual i would probably go with a short sleeve button up.
I feel like bermudas look a lot better than longer jean shorts. I couldnt find any in person when i went shopping recently that werent skin tight skinny, trying to mimic bike shorts and or meant for older ladies.
I have a pair of longer dark wash jean shorts from Levi from a few years ago but they look more casual and frumpy.
I couldnt find any cute summer dresses lately that dont have any cut outs, slits or string straps or that are too sheer to be work appropriate.
No. 193740
Sorry for samefagging, I forgot to reply to this post
>>193726Men probably need belts on pants because they have no hips to keep pants from just sliding down
No. 193755
>>193750Big garish flower prints.
Current fashion with long shapeless dresses is pretty old lady-ish so it's hard to say.
No. 193766
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How would you style a straw visor? They're kind of more awkward than hats
No. 193797
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>>193766Kek, the same way you would style a straw hat or a headscarf I guess, so with a summer prairie looking dress
No. 194023
>>193798I know someone who got one and it kind of piqued my interest in them, fair point
>>193799Holy shit anon your reply is my favorite
No. 194356
>>193725If you dont need it, in dont think its that worth it.
Here, girls do wear belts with high waisted jeans. Its always tshirt, high wasited jeans, white nikes or adidas with a belt on.
Personally, 90% of the time im wearing a belt its at work and with (long) shorts. Either its when wearing slacks a bit to big for an interview or im wearing mens cargo pants because it was hot and it was the only work length approved shorts i could find when i was working food service.
I do sometimes wear a belt with high waisted jeans because two of the pairs i have look a bit weird and i feel a belt distracts from my long torso. I do have a nice leather belt but 9/10 times i wear a cheap thin braided belt i got from uniqlo becuase i dont have to worry about finding the belt hole and they work well with high waist, low waist and dresses.
I wouldnt recommend spending more than 20 bucks on a belt unless you wear it enough that you break a cheaper belt first.
No. 194369
>>194266Maybe it's helpful to ask people you know about what kind of colors they think look best on you? I feel like it's often easier to tell for other people than it is for yourself. I have the same issue with finding colors that look good on me and what I do know (that black hair looks absolutely garbage on me and that I suit dark brown makeup/clothes) is from other peoples comments mostly.
Chances are also that you don't fit any particular season and that's messing with your judgment. My hair is a weird mix of dark & ashy and bright & vivid, and my skin is very pale and cool in winter but more warm and gold-ish in summer. Every quiz on color season gives me a different result so I don't think I fit any particular one.
No. 194546
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No. 194553
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>>194550This reminded me of the late 00's/early 10's when my friends and I would cut and collect pictures from magazines and create "stylebooks". Almost no images survive of it on the internet today unfortunately.
No. 194653
>>194646>>194649If she keeps it tied while riding they will probably look creased and in dire need of ironing when she unites them. Not to mention they can untie themselves accidentally in a very inconvenient moment.
>>194646You don't, that's dangerous. Seriously.
No. 194665
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Thoughts on Original Stitch Pokemon shirts? I want to get some but I have no idea what to wear with them without looking retarded.
No. 194670
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>>194378You have to just play the waiting game until it's no longer trendy, anon, but don't be disheartened. Just give it 2 years, at most
No. 194766
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what clothes compliment a skinny body with small boobs? i only wear baggy t-shirts because i thought there's no point trying to look hot with bony shoulders and no cleavage, but i've been seeing some ista girls with this body type that use small tight clothes that i guess plays on the dainty aesthetic of it, and that might be a good route to take. any advice?
No. 194774
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>>194766I don't wanna say "you can literally wear anything" but like…most clothing is modelled on thin body types with a small bust. I have this body type as well, it's pretty easy to wear all sorts of different styles.
No. 194849
>>194766Everything, kek.
For some reason I find deep V necks/revealing necks even sexier on tiny boobs, while big boobs look hot as fuck in a turtleneck to me
No. 194850
>>194646Calf-length pants are called "pedal pushers" for a reason.
>>194849I agree, I think there's a good balance of sexiness without being overdone in both cases.
No. 194906
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>>194902>>194766Apologies for samefagging. Obviously I don’t know your age, personal/general fashion style, but I might suggest looking towards Brandy Melville for some inspo as it seems like a good fit for you body-wise. They have a variety of basics that allow for as much skin showing as you’re personally comfortable with. The quality of their clothing isn’t especially great, but you could probably find & buy from their retailer(s) directly on Aliexpress or something. I also have small boobs and the Brandy tops I own are pretty flattering.
No. 195319
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My friends are getting married in Iceland early Fall. We're going to be doing photos in areas that will require some hiking, I don't think anything major but appropriate shoes are needed. My dress is pic related, does anyone have suggestions for cute hiking shoes that would go with it (suggestions for accessories, coats, etc. to pull the look together would be helpful too)?
No. 195427
>>195392Yeah that makes more sense to me but maybe I should clarify, we're doing a tour of a bunch of locations and going to be stopping along the way for photos, some of which will require some low-key hiking to get to. I guess they think it's just easier for us all to wear our outfits with easy to walk in shoes instead of changing at each stop? lol I dunno I'm just trying to follow the instructions I'll probably bring a change of cute shoes anyways jic
No. 195531
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>>195319The dress is really cute (love the sleeves especially) but I don't think you can wear it with flat/hiking shoes. It would look frumpy and could potentially be dangerous.
What are the others wearing? What is the bride wearing while hiking? Is the hike difficult?
If everyone is wearing goofy hiking shoes then I guess that's okay, though I think I'd still ditch the dress and go for a jumpsuit or a midi dress from a stiffer fabric so you minimize the risk of getting caught in rocks or shrubbery while hiking.
Picrel is the least ugly pair of hiking boots I could find, the dress is long enough to cover them while taking the pictures anyway. I think it would look pretty badass with a pantsuit or a jumpsuit and a fancy wool trench coat on top maybe?
No. 195568
>>195433>>195436>>195488>>195518Lmao thanks anons I'll try to talk to the bride and groom a little bit more about the plans and maybe subtly bring up my concerns. I was totally focused on the fashion aspect of it I didn't even think about it being potentially dangerous.
>>195531>sorry anon.jpegkek, thanks for the suggestion! From what the bride said it sounds like everyone is going to be wearing hiking shoes but like I said I'm going to triple check on the plan because it's totally possible she just means a lot of walking/walking on rough terrain?? When I asked about bringing cute back up shoes she said she wanted us to be comfortable since we're going to be going to a lot of different locations. So idk but I'll consider changing the dress to a paintsuit or something that will be more practical.
No. 196693
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I love me some good boots but for some reason Docs never did it for me. Something bugs me about the design, it's the bulky stiffyness I think. I just recently stumbled upon picrel, the Combs II Tech utility model, and I kinda dig it. They seem like they could withstand some light hiking too. My fashion sense is disastrous however, what do you think?
No. 197076
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I see these types of skirts everywhere and I like them but I feel like if I wore them I would look like a wandering gypsy. What should I pay attention to if I want to avoid this effect?
No. 197156
>>197076I layered one of these under a solid black tshirt dress with once and thought it looked cute. I agree with
>>197146 that the print is very busy so layering something over it helped.
No. 197160
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>>197146You mean colorwise or patternwise? This is the other version. I prefer this tbh but thought I would make myself wear something colorful for once because I don't really wear color
No. 197225
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Thoughts? I love it so much, thinking about buying a used one.
No. 197226
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>>197225I loved these and I want to get an old one too, I want to channel my inner Elle Woods
No. 197315
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No. 197336
File: 1625976187552.png (666.3 KB, 936x900, shoe.png)

I was waiting for my check to come in because I wanted to buy these shoes, but after 2 days I checked and they were out of stock of this color in my size. They only have the color white in my size, but I really would like this in black…
Is it a stupid idea to buy it in white and paint the sandals black? Please forgive me as I have a small brain. I really just want these shoes……
No. 197340
>>197336i don't know how you expect to paint the shoes black, but i'd imagine the attempt would just make them look worse.
let it go, find some shiny shit you like, and glue those onto another pair of sandals you like.
No. 197344
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man fuck these, I actually liked the look and got some cheap but they are too hard to walk around in. something about the bottoms feels like you're in danger of slipping on most floors. I'm too tall for this style anyway.
No. 197357
>>197336I think the paint would chip and crack quickly, footwear gets to endure a lot I doubt it would hold up well. This
>>197351 sounds like a better plan.
No. 197420
>>197344With these cheap ones you first need to get the soles all scratched up on the pavement and then they slip less. It might not work as much as you want it to at the end, but it's worth giving it a shot imo
>>197336I'm sorry
nonnie but you can't paint shoes in the color you want, the paint just doesn't hold up
No. 197574
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Hope this is the right thread, but does anybody have experience with swimsuits like this bought from places like Yesstyle and Aliexpress? I think they're super cute (and I want a long sleeved swimsuit because my arms always get cold in the sea) but I do kayaking and other watersports so I need a swimsuit that won't rip, tear, or disintegrate after a few uses. Will the swimsuits hold up, or should I just go for an ugly but more durable rashguard from a local beach shop?
No. 197581
>>197574I can't speak for the ones that you mentioned, but Amazon has SO many bathing suit sets like that for around $18-$30 USD. With normal activity you'll get 2-3+ years out of them. This is especially true if you like it for the high waisted bottoms.
If not, then you'll have a harder time because pretty much all of them are high waisted. But you could also buy the suits just for the tops and pair another set of bottoms with it.
I personally do not like high waisted bottoms so I had to get some just for the tops. They remind me of a diaper. I hate how they look on me too, so I go with a low or mid cut. They're more flattering on me.
No. 197597
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I hate how much I like the outfit in this one Dollskill ad I keep getting. Mainly the shirt/vest. I know they have an iffy reputation, but I kind of want to get it.
No. 197619
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I'm looking for a trouser/jean shape that will suit me. I'm very pear shaped and I have a short torso, mom jeans make me look dumpy af. I'm thinking high waisted isn't for me anymore and I should try midrise like pic related. I love the look of straight leg jeans but the difference in size between my thighs and calves is ridiculous. Can any anons offer me advice?
>>197597You can find a blouse like this secondhand on depop or a similar site by searching for 80s vintage tie neck blouse. Other key words: bishop sleeve, semi-sheer/sheer.
No. 197750
>>197599>>197635You know, I legitimately thought about cropping her head out because it does not fit… but do you really expect model diversity from an e-girl/goth-thot brand?
>>197612I'm in the US so hopefully I won't run into issues? But good to know their customer service isn't good.
>>197613F. I'll have to see if the brand making the pieces is sold outside of there.
>>197619I'll check second-hand! I thought depop typically ended up being overpriced? Or is that a different resale app? Thank you for the search term tips! The top is definitely the piece I would want to get.
No. 197774
>>197612 so I may be an off-base ausfag but with depop you just have to know your worth. ALWAYS research about the brands you might buy, it's how you avoid overpricing and scamming. Honestly for something like that I think it'll be easy to find something relatively cheap(~20-30USD) but nice because it's not in super high demand so you don't get a lot of resellers. Make sure to also check eBay too.
No. 197942
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I've been eyeing chunky boots that are just below the knee like picrel but since I'm 5'3 I'm scared they'll make my legs stumpy. I don't know if I should just go for it or settle on another type of boots.
No. 198371
>>197574its been a few years since i tried buying from aliexpress but dont risk it. I ordered something similar for a music festival and if it got wet it wouldve been trash. It was a bit more costume looking than your pic…but since you can see the models bra lines under the bathing suit in that pic, i think its safe to say this one is probably not that quality.
I also found all their bottoms to be very ill fitting.
I would say youre better off at a local beach shop unless youre buying something with a lot of photos and detailed reviews.
No. 198412
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Serious question: why do American men wear such baggy suits? Looks like pyjamas. Doesn't that defeat the point of looking smart? What makes an outfit look smart is the neatness, the tailoring. Is there a historical reason for this? US is an outlier on this. And don't say it's because the men are fat, because men are fat everywhere in the West and suits are still slim-fit.
No. 198414
>>198412I'm guessing it's because they think those suits are uncomfortable to wear. So they get them looser.
And also it's definitely a fat guy thing.
No. 198419
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Hi ladies, just bought this dress and was wondering what colour jackets would go best with this? And also, would a corduroy jacket with this be acceptable? I just love corduroy but unsure about the texture mixing(can post examples of the ones im considering)
No. 198421
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>>198418>>198412I think it's a US fashion thing, up until maybe the 80s suits used to be wider and fit looser, because men had to wear suits more often in daily life and hence had to be more comfortable. Picrel is what was considered fashionable to wear in the 40s-50s. Also, if you remember Reviewbrah, he prefers pretty much the same type of style of suits (specifically not slim fit), and even though he said he wears a size or two bigger than himself, they still would probably look very wide on his frame. These are all just my guesses though.
No. 198422
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>>198419Samefag, here's my main contenders and from the same brand and i'm certain I would get the black. I could be overthinking it but I just want to be sure in my purchase…the brand is pretty expensive
No. 198431
>>198422Whats the brand anon?
My only concern would be that the patterns/texture might clash like you said. I like the jacket though. Cant go wrong with black. I think a solid red would be cool too. What shoes do you think you'd wear with it
No. 198446
>>198431It's an Australian brand called "Afends"! I went ahead and bought the black one…worst comes to worst i'll just return it and get store credit. Might be a mistake because I decided to buy it at 3am but we will see..! I think with shoes I'm going to go with either Jadon max Docs my friend said would go well with the dress or just general black lace up boots.
>>198433I was considering that but I actually don't mind the waist emphasis not showing if I wear the jacket, I always feel frumpy in cropped jackets and I like the oversized "grungy" look.
No. 198450
>>198434if anything it's a good idea since they'll have been broken in and you won't get blisters
they'll also likely have older ones from back when they were still made in the uk
No. 198488
>>198457I was about to post this. most dudes think looking like they care
at all about what they're wearing makes them gay. that and washing their asses
No. 198492
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>>198453Look up Solovair. Docs used to be made in their factory, and they make their own boots that are virtually identical to docs but far superior in quality.
No. 198493
>>198492 Second this.
>>198453Bought docs. The heel counter broke in less than a year on one of them.
If you
really just
got to have docs though go with the “Made in England” ones. Yea they’re super pricey but they’re the ones that have the same quality everyone expects from Docs.
No. 198681
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No. 198682
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No. 199146
>>197619> I'm very pear shaped You may want to look into "curvy" jeans. A&F and Hollister both sell decent ones, as well as American Eagle. I know those aren't 'cool' brands but the jeans are pretty good.
>>197626>idk why you would think those pants are midrise when they come up to the models belly buttonMy suspicion is that you're a millenial & the person you're replying to is gen z. I work in fashion and there are totally different understandings between these two generations of what "low" and "Mid" rises are. Us millenials still recall when low meant like 3" above the crotch but to a gen z low rise just means "shows belly button"
No. 199429
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I've been really into techwear recently, but I feel like it's starting to look dated. Any nonettes have suggestions for where I could look into more current slightly alt trends? I mostly wear softgirl looks so I don't really know where to start.
>>198966>>198975I thought it was cute.
>>199146I think you're onto something there. I recently bought a pair of "midrise" jeans online and they turned out to barely cover my hip bones. I complained to the seller and lo and behold she was in her 40s.
No. 199430
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>goes shopping
>there is only jeans pants and lame printed shirts
No. 199467
>>199429effay techwear styling is out but most techwear clothes are pretty basic and can just be styled differently e.g. wear the same jacket with wide leg trousers and platforms instead of 2015's tapered pants and sock boots. Futuristic/ technical clothes never truly go away, they just take on different forms. Hyein seo and shiisaid are examples of techy inspired stuff in womenswear.
Charlotte knowles and nensi dojaka are my favs right now.
No. 199490
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I once found this jacquemus dress at a vintage shop, it was going for something like $300 and it fit me perfectly but I decided not to buy it in the end. Don't even remember why I passed on it, kind of regret it.
No. 199628
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Any video, channel etc recs on how to keep various clothing items in good shape?
Also how to wear pic related in summer when your feet sweat? Is that even possible lol?
No. 199783
>>199628seems like those wouldn't be too awful for sweaty feet, as far as sandals go. you've got a strap around your ankle and a low heel so your foot won't slide too far forward, and it's closed behind the heel so it won't slide back. some slipping around is sadly inevitable in sandals unless you get something very practical like birks.
I dont know about youtube channels but my number one advice to preserve clothes is to not put them in the dryer. heat destroys. I put t-shirts in the dryer just enough that they won't get wrinkly. I also put in thick durable stuff like sweatpants that would take so long to line dry it isn't worth it. my second most important advice is to put anything strappy like bras or anything of a delicate material into garment bags while you wash them.
No. 199943
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Are name necklaces tacky? For some stupid reason I really want one.
No. 199972
>>199943Yes but don't let that put you off! Lean into it! I bought one. I was in the hospital and a nurse asked me my name.
"Anon, is it? Well that won't be hard to remember, since you've got a necklace…" and she full on stopped mid-sentence and recoiled when she saw it read "babygirl". I'm not even a DDLGer, it's just what my ex-gf used to call me, but I may as well have had "anorectal violence" around my neck given her reaction.
No. 200054
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for anons who wear jeans made of 100% cotton - how do you do it? how do you do anything except stand still? I've been looking for new jeans recently and so many are pure cotton with no elastane and while they fit me, I can't even bend me knees in them they're so rigid and have no give whatsoever. am I missing something here? how do people wear jeans like this?
No. 200063
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>>200054I've decided to forgo 100% cotton jeans. Not only are they uncomfortable, they're also really unflattering on my pear shaped figure. I feel like you need to have no thighs/arse to look good in 100% cotton jeans.
I recently bought jeans from the designer Paige, they have like 5% polyester and 2% spandex and fit so well. They're also so comfy to wear.
No. 200100
>>199943>>199948I'm totally with you both - wanting one and finding them kinda tacky/teen-y too.
I'm still gonna get one as soon as I find the "right" one.
>>200035 said, people are gonna think it's a gift anyway.
No. 200206
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What the fuck do I wear on top of jeans? Especially in warm weather (I’m in California)
I definitely get tees and sweaters but I need more ideas.
No. 200227
>>200054I bought 3 pairs of 100% cotton levis last year and I'll never go back to stretchy jeans again. theyre mad stiff after they come out of the wash and I air-dry them, but honestly just by the end of walking around the house while getting ready theyve lost that stiffness.
idk if it's the brand that makes a huge difference since I've only owned the one type (most 100% cotton jeans are well out of my price range), but I'm also one of those weird people that find jeans comfortable & wear them around the house. if you really feel like you can't move in the pair you bought I think you should try sizing up before you write them off completely. 100% cotton jeans can't be as skin tight on you as ones with stretch to them
No. 200299
>>20006530 isn't old ffs. 30 year olds aren't even middle aged yet, do all the women around some of y'all just drop dead at 60 or what?
It's like women get 5 years to enjoy their youth and then it's all over… Get a grip ladies. If you have the body for a crop top, go for it.
Most of y'all probably don't look as old as you think, and the average person isn't going to give a shit when there's literally 300+ pounders wandering about in booty shorts and sports bras only. That's way worse than a 30 something thin chick in a crop top/cutesy dress/whatever you're too insecure to wear.
No. 200403
File: 1627844613608.jpg (1.32 MB, 2174x2174, P0.jpg)

I recently purchased a pair of swing 220 demonias secondhand and I am super excited for them to arrive. I've been wanting to get a pair of platform boots like this for awhile. I have a few outfits in mind for them already, but I was curious, does anyone have any experience coming up with everyday goth/alt looks involving shoes like this?
No. 200414
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>>200092Agreed. Also, crop tops aren't inherently immature. It's about the silhouette, not showing off your entire stomach.
No. 200417
File: 1627849105303.jpg (158.29 KB, 1200x1622, B-UNIF_BECCA_SKIRT_3.jpg)

Is stuff from UNIF worth it? Paying $100 for a skirt seems kinda bad, I bought some dupes that had good reviews but not sure if they'll suck and I should just buy the real version. Are there any other stores with similar stuff that is a bit less expensive? Doesn't have to be shein prices obviously just a bit more reasonable.
No. 200525
>>200496So you just hang around the house in jeans and your nice work/going out tops? That's kinda gross when you think about all the surfaces you interact with when you go outside… Bringing all of those germs right back into your house instead of shedding them off and throwing them in the wash.
And also, don't you find that your clothes stop being nice faster?
No. 200546
>>200118It depends on how much clothes you're selling, and how long you want to wait before getting paid. If you want to build a regular business, use etsy, as the fees are low and you can set prices reasonably high, but things will take a bit of time to sell and you'll need a sizable inventory (500+) to sell things with regularity. And you'll have to keep the stuff around until it sells. If you just want to get rid of a batch of stuff one time or once a year or so, your best bet is something like therealreal or thredup where ypu just mail in your batch of clothes and dont have to think about it (check if they already carry the brands you have, because then they'll probably take more stuff from those brands). They pay you less per thing than you would make selling it yourself, but unless you're running a regular side hustle and have a good workflow already, or your items are worth like $150 each, its probably not worth your time on your own. But if you do want to make it a regular hustle, AMA i guess, i have some experience.
No. 200583
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>>200572You can't even fit one of those rolling racks into your room, or anywhere else in your house? Sheesh.
Good luck with your dress. Like someone said, best bet is to watch an unboxing video or ask Google.
No. 200769
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What is this top?
No. 200801
>>200060I'm similar to you and keep my "normal' clothes on when I come home from work/school/errands/whatever until I am ready to shower and go to bed. There's no need to change because I'm comfortable in what I'm choosing to wear.
However, we do differ in the not wearing pjs when you're awake. If I'm not planning on going out or being active, then they stay on. No need to dirty other clothes if I'm just going to stay around the house.
No. 200803
>>200403ohh! I have some like that. They're not the patent-leather looking ones but same giant-ass platform. I tended to go the (p)leather leggings or ripped tights/baggy sweater (with or without rips/skull(s)/stripes) and chunkier chain necklaces to make it more causal. You just kind of have to feel it out.
Gosh you're making me want to wear them tomorrow.
No. 200971
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lol what is this? it's tagged under vintage, retro and lolita on ebay. I think it's kind of cute but it's definitely not vintage or retro and I don't think it's lolita either.
No. 201207
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Bought this sweater and realized it looked absolutely ridiculous on me. It’s still brand new with tags. It’s from Sugar Thrillz on Dollskill. Where do you think I should try and resell it, eBay?
No. 201405
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone know if these agate rings hold up? They look really pretty and you can get them for fairly cheap (I think people buy them bulk on aliexpress but w/e) but I'm concerned they may break easily. Anyone have a clue?
No. 201571
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Hill House's new collab campaign that sold out and ended up being "broken" by high traffic today was suspicious to me. I know their releases are popular, but the recent trellis re-release did not sell out as fast as anyone was claiming it would and the 4 o'clock relaunch of today's failed launch doesn't seem to be moving very quickly now at 4:10 when they were suggesting everyone be ready in the first couple of minutes. I like the dresses, but I feel like this was a stunt to give people more FOMO about the collection and making them jump to buy them in case they "sell out" in under one minute again. I know probably all companies do shit like this but this is one of those times I really had to stop myself in real life and question if I was being messed with by a marketing team.
tl;dr non-earthshattering fashion tinfoil
No. 201610
>>201405By nature it’s a brittle material so yes, it’ll break easily. It’s the equivalent of having a ring made of glass. A lot of the cheaper ones
are glass.
No. 201638
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I'm getting a pair of boots like picrel in the mail soon and was wondering if any anons had advice on what to wear them with.
Especially since they're knee-high boots and I usually wear longer skirts, but I think a skirt that comes down to my knees or lower might look odd combined with boots that high. I think pairing them with a shorter skirt is a safe bet, but when it comes to pants idk what to do. I really don't like skinny jeans so all of my pants are at least somewhat loose and cargo pants-esque.
No. 201775
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>>201638I think any black skirt would go with these, but obviously a short skirt is the best way to show these off. The only possible way I can think of pants working is wearing tripp pants though you wouldn't be showing them off to the fullest extent,(picrel) and even then im not sure how it would look with these specific boots. It depends on your style/subculture, I think so I recommend just trolling though pinterest to find inspo.
No. 201950
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I know doc martens are shit but I was desperate for some cute platform sandals so I bought picrel. They're cute and comfy but after only 3 days of wearing them the sole is starting to tear near the toe. I'm really careful about not dragging my feet to prevent wear and tear, but these simply aren't sturdy at all. Any anons have suggestions for platform/alt shoes or brands that will look nice for longer than a week? I'm okay with paying a lot for it, I just want cute shoes that are made to last.
No. 201991
>>201952You just have a low, flat ass. Can't accentuate something that's not there.
source: i too have a low flat ass
No. 201993
>>201952I have this problem with some pants. It's why I never buy pants online and always try them on before buying, that's the only advice I can offer.
It's like a 50/50 chance that they'll either squish my ass and make it look like a pancake or make it look amazing since I have a pretty big ass.
No. 202146
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>>202140Two cards, they'll come in different small boxes, with their own packaging, velvet pouch etc.
No. 202148
>>202146Is that your pic?
>two cards I feel sick to the stomach suddenly..
No. 202155
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>>183281>>202149>Is that your pic?Nope just nabbed from google, Vivienne Westwood packaging is super standardized.
>>202148>velvet pouch>incorrect informationhave you ever bought actual jewlery? if the earrings are originals the branded Vivienne Westwood pouch should also come with the box.
Vivienne Westwood used to use white dustjackets but the newer products all come with velvet pouches, unless the earrings are from 20 years ago they should be on this exact packaging.
No. 202177
>>202155My apologies.
>20 years agoSeriously? are the petra earrings that old?
>>202171Nice reasoning skills bro
No. 202330
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>>202320In my country it's easy enough to buy local but for women that mostly means boxy, overpriced geometric print 'fun aunt' muumuus and similar.
Etsy is an option but some of them lie about where their clothes are made and are just dropshipping storefronts.
These days I mostly thrift flip clothes because it's easier and just as ethical.
No. 202332
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Where can I find one of these exact style corset bodices for a reasonable price? Etsy has them for like $300… even $100 is too much for me. I'm poor
No. 202335
nonny that would be great
No. 202337
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>>202335Sorry this was the closest thing I could find. only suggestion is too look on eBay. You could also try but im not sure if they have the exact style you're looking for.
No. 202422
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>>202337>>202338Watch out, those images are not of the product you’re getting. Those are made by Period Corsets, and also run about 300$. Picrel is the same model in a photo from their shop. I made my own at one point using a simplicity pattern (number 5582) and quilting cotton, and while it wasn’t the best, it looked pretty nice and ran me maybe 50$ in total for the pattern and materials and I looked cute at the renaissance faire.
No. 202453
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What would you call a jean fit like image related? I keep searching, but every store only has straight or boyfriend fits
I also kinda like those ribbed 90s pants that had this velour denim mix texture, I have no idea what their name is either though
No. 202455
>>202454Yeah corduroy pants is it
With wide leg pants these days they always sell them so the bottom of the jeans always flare like bell bottom jeans and its not flattering with my form
No. 202625
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I quite like Mina Le but this video is just not it. No, don't let men wear dresses. Gendered clothing is a thing for a reason, because some clothing is more feminine and it never will be on men. I don't need to see men in dresses ever thanks.
No. 202662
>>202332There’s a seller on Amazon that has pretty nice ones. They have not too much boning so it’s just like a bodice and not a corset, but I’m thinking about ordering one because they don’t look like cheap crap like some of these other places. also like this place. I know they sell at ren faires too I think. Probably worth the money and the bodices aren’t too expensive. really want to invest in one of those expensive bodices, though. The look is just so much better.
No. 202666
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>>202625>>202662speaking of mina le, i saw her wearing this in one of her videos and i'd kill to figure out where she got it from…
No. 202694
>>202453try uniqlo. they had these balloon pants and other wide fit a while back.
It feels like all last year and earlz this year all collabs had majority wide and balloon style pants.
No. 202706
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Does anyone have these type of ballet flats? Don't they dig into your heel?
No. 202707
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>>202666The instagram seller ann.tique has a really similar one she calls the elizabethan corset (picrel). pretty sure she's just a western distributor of taobao brands so you might be able to find it on taobao.
No. 202711
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>>202707>TaobaoSpot on nonners. I might actually buy it off here lmao
No. 202733
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Imagine asking for money for something that looks like this
No. 202734
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>>202625I think womens dresses look dumb on men but I would be okay with menswear dresses that flatter their bodies becoming a thing.
No. 202736
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>>202667Only if you're from those cultures, otherwise it's cringe
No. 202778
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>>202733The whole sock-shoe trend is so ugly, they look cartoony
No. 202808
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>>202778Flyknits are dying, thank god. Outside of ppl using them for running/workouts anyway. Last couple years, vans & white AF1s came in among normies because they have an organic/chill/structured look vs floppy mushy flyknits, now they're fading a little in favor of jordan lows in color+white colorways, and actually converse especially hitops are makong a comeback. I kind of hate converse hitops but god anything but flyknits. Theres a cadre of ultrawhite ppl who still wear adidas semiflyknits but those have more structure at least.
I got distracted - anyway the sort of sneaker-cuff thing isn't as new as you might think. These from the 90s have it but obvioisly i think its subtler and better integrated into the design. They are supposed to be for hiking although Jerry actually wears this model in one Seinfeld episode. Nike did a remake of this recently that sucks a little so ignore that if you see it.
No. 202890
>>202882I have no idea, but I'm so used to selling my own books, DVDs and video games to shops that work the exact same way as thrift shops that I'm just assuming based on that. Where are you from? If you're French like me I'd like recommendations.
>>202883If the stores you're talking about are US only then I won't be able to give them anything, but if they're good stores I'll keep their names in mind, in case I ever visit the US after the pandemic is over.
No. 202894
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I have been dying to expand my wardrobe with a dress similar to picrel. However, I haven't seen any sold anywhere that isn't SHEIN for a price I can afford. I would love to support small businesses whilst also building my dream wardrobe, but I simply cannot afford it right now. Does anyone have any advice on where to find cute, feminine dresses such as the popular milkmaid picrel dress for a decent price? I keep scouring Vinted but I don't find anything.
No. 202896
>>202894I've never seen a milkmaid dress that doesn't look cheap. Anyway, I say wait a season or so, people will be getting rid of these soon enough and you'll be able to find them second hand.
What country are you in? If we're in the same group of countries I can help you find something on vinted.
No. 202901
>>202896>I've never seen a milkmaid dress that doesn't look cheap.I could very well believe that… I intend on making one myself anyway, but I have never sown anything before, so I do not want to put all of my eggs in one basket, haha.
>What country are you in? If we're in the same group of countries I can help you find something on vinted.Oh, thank you anon! I am in the Benelux region.
>>202897thank you! I am looking there as I type. which dress did you buy exactly? is the quality okay?
No. 202965
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Help a tard out
I'm an indecisive aspie and I need help to pick the fabric of an Etsy dress that I found. I hesitate inbetween dotted swiss and plain white cotton
> plain white cotton
> the review pics, I feel like dotted swiss looks lighter and a bit more see-through (which I prefer) but idk.
No. 202976
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Do you guys think that having exposed thick ankles while wearing loafers create a 'chunky' effect? Is there any way to reduce this? (Or I'm just overly self-conscious about my cankles and in reality noone pays this much attention to them lmao)
No. 202981
>>202976I would be jealous of your shoes and ask myself where I would get some of those in my large shoe size, kek
So, wear it, no one cares in the end, like nonna said above.
No. 203011
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>>202778I own a pair of these for a singular outfit that I have yet to wear, basically just to wear with some black cargo pants kinda like picrel so I can have my kim possible moment. Not sure what else looks ok with them though, they do look weird/ugly like you said
No. 203040
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Does adding buttons to clothing make garments look better or cheaper?
No. 203041
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>>203040It depends on the piece and the size and look of the buttons. If the design is balanced and they make good button choices, it can be a nice extra detail that enhances the piece. If not, you end up with something that looks like it came from the AliExpress bargain bin.
No. 203126
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>>203125This one is more or less what I'm looking for except it ships from the UK so it's importing and returning is expensive
No. 203130
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>>203126This one would've been good if it was grey (it's green). I'm just looking or something like this in grey. Anyone seen anything like this?
No. 203145
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Nothing peaks my anger more than Chinese models with ugly white makeup all over their faces wearing shitty Aliexpress-tier clothing
No. 203156
>>203152There's a stark divide between people who spend $100 a week on $30 h&m jeans + $15 pleated skirt from wish + $10 skirt from f21 + $25 leggings at target + $15 target denim shorts + $15 aliexpress ruffled crop top, and people who spend $200 every two weeks on one actually nice anything. It does take maturity & impulse control to save for nicer stuff, but once you go nice, you'll never permit cheap synthetics to touch your skin again. To people who defend buying endless thoughtless cheap crap I have nothing to say but cope & consume.
When you concentrate your money & energies on one more important, you're unconsciously motivated to really look for something that's perfectly exactly right because it's a little bit bigger decision. And its also a lot less to keep track of in terms of making sure everything buy actually fits you & remembering to return what doesnt work out. And in general, the fewer more expensive things you buy, the less money you waste paying for shipping on each free thing. Yes even if it says free shipping. (They just include it in the item price actually. There's no free lunch & there's no actually free shipping).
No. 203158
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>>203156lol but even expensive clothing tends to look cheap. it's not about the price tag. thinking expensive = better is trailer trash park mentality. i don't wanna know how much pic related cost but it looks like you could find the same thing in Walmart.
No. 203184
>>203181it's not. There is taste, and there is quality. Every single thing a really luxury company like Hermes makes is high quality. Every single thing H&M makes is low quality. Most brands are in between. Whether something is "nice" in the sense of tasteful is more subjective, but even there, higher end companies do tend to make more tasteful products on the whole, even if there are some misses, because for them spending money on r&d and hiring cutting edge people is doable since they have higher margins.
Buying something that is $200 of course doesn't guarantee that it's nice; if it's not nice, return it. But buying the cheap equivalent pf that thing for $20 means you'll definitely get something crappy. Like…yeah there are some brands that sell crappy things for $200. If an expensive brand turns out to be crap, return the thing and cross that brand off your list.
Like…you will have to use a little bit of judgment but if you really can't tell the difference between something objectively high quality and something crappy, that's kind of a you problem. Keep telling yourself it's the same if you want, but I can tell a well made $70 pleated wool skirt from a cheap rayon pleated skirt in the same color & style from 50 feet away. It already looks bad from 100 feet, but at 50 I'm like oh that's some lmao. It just moves different.
No. 203209
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>>203156Tfw you can only buy $30-worth jeans every two months, I remember when a F21 opened in my city and I was actually really impressed with the quality, I simply cannot fathom that people spend like $200 in a garment, that's just surreal to me because its more money than my rent.
Being a thirdworlder sucks a lot nonnies.
No. 203217
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Where can I find clothes that look like this and are well made? I'm a total novice at online shopping. I know places like shein has a bunch of cheap clothes, but I'd rather buy something that will last. I just dont know where to look.
No. 203225
>>203217Muji, Uniqlo, Acne, Tiger of Sweden, APC, WoodWood
You wanna look at Scandinavian brands mainly
No. 203256
>>203235Imo it's a mixed bag. All my clothes are from generic fast fashion stores like mango, zara and bershka or online from zalando or asos etc. (a lot of them are inditex brands). Some clothes I've had rip on my on the first wear, or after a few wears. Other clothes I get a year out of, 3 years out of, 5+ years out of. There's a maxi summerdress I purchased for like 45 euro that I've worn a LOT over 4 summers and only now it has it's first tiny hole in it (which I'm repairing). Skirts for some reason tend to last really well too. But another dress I bought from asos recently, a button fell off after just a few wears (which I tried to get repaired but was told it wasn't possible because it was a type of button wasn't sold outside the fashion industry itself). Another dress had the little strap that holds the waistband rip during the first wear. I also find that lining tends to rip within one season, I have multiple jackets and cardigans and a pair of tweed shorts with ripped linings. T-shirts are prone to getting holes in them within a year of wearing. Mind that I hang-dry my clothes and wash them on short, low-heat or cold cycles as much as possible so the stress put on them is limited (dyers especially are terrible for clothes).
At the end of the day I think it's undeniable that cheap fast fashion clothes more often than not don't last very long and are in need of mending or replacing within a few years tops.
No. 203277
>>203235I think it's luck of the draw sometimes. I have some aliexpress shoes and clothes that have held up for years even though they are clearly shit quality, but plenty that didn't hold up or were unwearable from the start due to poor construction or material.
I'm not snobby about brands or clothes and don't know much about fabric, but there is absolutely a certain type of cheap chinese fast fashion that is just irredeemably bad quality. It's specific types of fabric that feels and looks so cheap and nasty you don't want it on your skin, but sometimes you get normal material and it's fine.
No. 203279
>>203235I have a h&m jumper that has lasted close to 7 years of regular wear and it still looks pristine. Not sure what
toxic waste it is made of but loves it.
No. 203281
>>203256If you want to fix the dress with the missing button, just buy a pack of cheap matching buttons and replace all of the buttons on the dress at once.
>>203277Yeah I'm not that picky about clothing quality, but some chinese shit is so thin/wrinkly/shiny it feels like a halloween costume.
No. 203291
>>203184kek harsh but very true
>>203217muji sells clothes similar to this. you could also try uniqlo
No. 203310
>>203217muji, other japanese brands.
earth music ecology, global work, lowry's farm, niko and…, tiger brocante, journal standard
margaret howell if you want to drop more cash.
secondhand on mercari/rakuma is the cheapest way. look up for inspo.
No. 203314
I got mine last year and I love them but the leather started creasing instantly and it looks like scrunched paper and I hate it. Supposedly this is normal but I've read about it online and it seems that it comes with the decrease in overall quality of the shoes.
I still love mine tho esp after I broke them in (which was a bitch to do but worth it)
No. 203339
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I want to dress more femininely and I have been looking at some floral blouses to wear, like picrel. My dilemma: I am a skinny pear and I wonder if this would look unflattering since it's on the looser side. Or maybe tucking it in would be a good idea? I also have small boobs
No. 203341
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>>203340Thank you! And do you think I could get away with wearing black shoes with this navy tunic/dress? I don't have navy shoes
No. 203351
>>203349I'd fold it like they do in stores (both sleeves tucked behind then connect the bottom hem to the shoulders) & just store it so the side with the knot is on top
but also buy a hanging rack, or a tension rod at least
No. 203372
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>>203369These 'rules' are so stupid anyway, I've heard the same about black and brown but they look cute together?
No. 203401
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>>203395>black and navy gives me "I don't know how to match less-basic colours so I went as safe as possible"I know what you mean but you can tell if it's an intentional choice or not and it can look good if it's intentional (picrel, like using navy as the accent color)
No. 203414
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I'm looking to build a new wardrobe of alt-cute/kinda goth/vaguely lolita inspired clothing - the sort of things you see on dolls kill/the stuff misa from death note might wear. Any UK anons know of places where I can get this kind of style for cheaper? all I can find is much more traditional/evanescence-tier nu-metal goth clothing and cringey hot topic-esque tshirts over here
No. 203427
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Does anyone have experience with a fashion consultant, especially one in NYC?
>what do they do?
>how do you find a good one?
>how much do they cost and is it worth it?
No. 203519
>>203414Most alt sites are kinda a mixed bag, so I'm afraid you'll probably have to scroll past shirts that say "witch bitch" on them in order to get what you're looking for.
I'm 100% sure you're aware of Killstar but they stock vaguely egl inspired clothes sometimes. They're notorious for being overpriced with shit quality so I'd be wary and probably only buy from them if it's something on clearance or accessories that will get less wear and tear.
Disturbia is decent as far as I can tell and they put out discount codes pretty often but their style of clothes might be a little more minimal and less like what you're looking for.
Attitude Clothing, Blue Banana and Kate's Clothing are UK distributors for other brands. Brands they carry that might have clothing like you described are Banned, Punk Rave, Dark in Love, Hell Bunny and Restyle.
Some of the designs look like tacky lingerie tbh but they have some cuter styles as well. I have no idea about their quality though.
Sorry for the huge spergy essay! These are all the sites I can think of that might have what you're looking for and are based in the UK so won't fuck you over with customs fees etc. They also carry a lot of cringe evanescence-core stuff like you mentioned though.
No. 203648
>>20362650s is the most popular/mainstream era for vintage fashion, ie tradthot and rockabilly styles. 60s/70s are recognizable and wearable enough that it shouldn't be a hard sell even to people who aren't specifically into vintage fashion. Generally the further back in time you go the more niche and costumey the styles will be, though that could be an advantage for costume parties I guess and if you sold online there is an audience for it.
imo you'd need to keep a close eye on trends and media and change it up accordingly. Current trends that are inspired by a certain era, popular period TV series, etc would be something to lean into.
No. 203667
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How would you accessorize a dress like this? The goal would be to make it more casual, less formal
No. 203717
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>>203369>>203401The thing is if two colours are very similar but you can still tell they are not the same, it just looks off, that happens with colours in general, not just navy blue and black. The difference being "I wanted to wear a single colour outfit but that is all I got", which is why I hate trying to wear all black, the pieces never really match. There is a difference between that and actually making a composition of analogous colours. I guess trying to go for very different textures could also be an option, the material and texture of fabric can make a lot of difference to how we perceive colour.
>>203372Which is the case here. I particularly really like colorful outfits and think it is better to try to match colours having in mind more if they are warm or cold.
No. 204104
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Does anyone know where I can get a jacket like picrel that's not real suede? I love this style but I'm vegan and secondhand jackets are impossible to get the smell out of in my experience
No. 204107
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>>204085High waist, strong a-line midi skirt. Soft but thick material so in doesn't cling to your thighs (lana wool is great if you can afford it). Be careful with pleating since it can add volume to your hips.
No. 204208
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>>203414Id try lacemarket, you can find affordable casual-Lolita stuff that would fit nicely into any cute wardrobe.You might also like the small handful of darker pieces sold by For Love & Lemons.
No. 204328
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Any recs for menswear blogs? I read hypebeast and men's magazines sometimes but idgaf about most of the articles they post.
No. 204366
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How can you style boots like picrel without looking like some wannabe egirl?
No. 204627
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what would be some stores you would recommend for clothes nonnas? I'm planning on going on a nice shopping spree
both online and irl stores would be fine
No. 204705
>>204696Report it after the first washing.
By the way, I am so tired of my clothes lasting so little, I don't buy fast fashion, try to take care of them, try to be attentive to how it is sewn, but still
No. 204735
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Sorry for the shit tier pic but I've had picrel in my closet for a while and have never worn it, I just don't know how to style it. Any ideas?
No. 204742
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>>204735This might be wearable if you got rid of the sleeves. Then it could pass for a unique summer dress. But as it is now…. it looks very cosplay medieval.
No. 204751
>>204735I'd layer a cropped white sweater over it to make it look like a skirt.
Just curious, where did you buy it?
No. 204770
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ordered a 20pc mixed pack of these clips from ali. i'm hoping putting a bunch of them in my hair will make it look a bit more "cuter" because i'm growing out a shaved head. anyone got any similar ideas of what i can put in my hair?
No. 204808
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>>203209Don't take to heart what the other anon said. It doesn't matter if your clothes cost 300 or 30 dollars, at the end of the day they're just garments. Only a superficial and/or privileged and ignorant person would put so much emphasis on clothing. If you keep yourself and your clothes clean and tidy, it's all that matters. My small town only has shops that import chinese clothing, supermarkets that sell basic clothes, second hand shops and two clothing outlets with out-of-season collections from bershka, stradivarius, pull&bear and sometimes zara. I used to think these were all on the higher end, especially zara which seemed like armani to us. At the end of the day we made do with what we had and we were very happy and looked well put together because we treated our clothes with care.
>>203212>hehe you wear poopoo clothes with low quality stitches you are scumKek thank you for the laugh nona
No. 204927
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>>204919Anon… you're 30 and watched Victorious? At best that means you would have been 19 when the first episode aired in 2010– Wait, this question just started making a lot more sense. You're slightly retarded right? Like developmentally delayed?
So no, don't start dressing like the girls in Victorious. It will not help you appear less tard like.
No. 204934
>>204932Nta but probably because it's made for tweens, not for adults? I agree the reaction is overly harsh though lol.
>>204919I'm all for dressing how you want but keep in mind they're mostly dated looks. I don't think you're too old to wear them, 30 isn't old ladies.
No. 204936
>>204930I'm the OP and I half expected farmers to react this way despite the fact that this site had tons of /cgl/ runoff back in like 2015 and.. I mean, do I really need to say it? I didn't think that a skater dress and converse were more offensive than garish, nursery looking prints on jumpers. I swear some anons are okay with fun and others expect us to wear mules and Eileen Fisher burlap sacks the color of baby food (I'm sick of this neutral palette and all the damn beige and ugly, 70s mustard yellow) and probably never smile.
Misery loves company, I suppose. Guess this place really did change.
No. 204944
>>204941That isn't my post and I'm not making any strawmen? I'm genuinely curious as to how there's such a level of vitriol when, once again, this site is frequented by people who are into obscure or dead fashion subcultures or even immensely dated historical fashion choices. If I wore something from that show, normies or the average person isn't going to see anything amiss. If one of you were to wear your Scarlett O'Hara ball gown to the bus stop, people are bound to stare and wonder why. Like, ffs as if the OP pic of this thread isn't dated as well? The shirt in it looks like something DJ from Full House wears in the earlier seasons.
I've also thrifted and worn 80s fashion, which is even older and yet plenty of people seek to recreate looks from then and the 90s in the present. Y2K fashion is making rounds yet 2010 is somehow dated and unacceptable. I'm truly baffled by some people here, lol.
No. 204947
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>>204932I'm not the anon who called op a retarded but you can both dress like that if you want, I don't really care that much
>>204940But indeed I rather dress like a catholic grandma
No. 204955
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>>204952So what? Gonna pop a hemorrhoid over 2010s fashion now?
No. 204966
>>204948Kek. I did see someone praising menhera fashion on one thread and other nonnies drooling over the sad H&M clusterfuck that was larme kei.
To respond to your OG question, you could try the zoomer trend Elena Gilbert/Bella Swan core? I fucking despise it but maybe you'll like it. It's basically just clothes that you could find in an American mall and Hollister during the 2010s, really basic with easy to find pieces.
No. 204983
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>>204978Well anon asked if it would be a good look to dress like this at 30
and other people gave their opinion that its a bad look, outdated and cheap, they're just answering the question really.
No. 204990
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>>204936I honestly don’t see the big deal, they’re just stuff that are badly paired in the show on purpose.
If you really want to dress like a victorious character, just pick anything that shows too much skin, add some layers and you’re ready to go.
It’s not really bad, it just looks crusty and probably brings war flashbacks from the time most of us went to high school and had to wear outfits layered to hell and back.
I particularly find the t-shirts, shoes and blouses tacky because they look like the kind of things I had to wear as a fat kid who bought clothes from the teens’ section.
No. 204992
>>204983she and some other anons seem pissed at the opinions given though, so the whole discussion becomes pointless if they're going to wear the clothes regardless of what others say and when everyone's taste is subjective.
If nonnies here want to wear it anyway then just.. wear it?
No. 204998
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>>204936What kind of victorious outfits were you talking about? Between Tori, Jade, Ariana and Tori's sister they all had sort of their own styles.
No. 205001
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I'll never stop loving 2010's tumblr indie fashion
No. 205089
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>>185013>tfw recently bought a dark blue satin quilted bomber because I've been getting nostalgia for that movie and wanted something vaguely like it Pic related. I like it because it looks moody but it's doesnt really match or go with most of my wardrobe. Maybe it's just me, but I do feel like it's a bit outdated and have semi-regrets. Second opinions? Styling ideas?
No. 205109
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>>204366I love knee height combat boots. Picrel are some examples on how you can style them. I think what differentiates "e-girl" boots from "normal" ones are the shape of the platform.
No. 205122
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what brand sells these thick fleece leggings? i don't want to order from ali because i care about the material, i don't want plastic shit and i'm afraid etsy is full with ali resells. they use the same photos
No. 205124
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>>205118>>205123they're a traditional equestrian thing, I've seen them usually referred to as a barn/stable jacket. I think it's partially so they can match with their horses kek
I think the anon who posted the jacket was more talking about quilted bomber jackets, but it might be coming off as equestrian because it's dark blue instead of a flashier print.
No. 205133
>>205122Those look great actually
Need to buy a few pairs while it gets colder
No. 205144
>>205122H&M has some as well as Uniqlo
Whatever you do don't get them off of Ali/SheIn/YesStyle or whatever, they run small and you'll end up with the crotch at your knees.
No. 205195
>>205136>>205149i disagree. i wear leggings all the time and i want them to be made out of high quality material so they don't get torn up after 1 month of wearing them, and i also don't want to get rashes from the shitty material
even if you wear it under your clothes, they should be able to last for a while wtf