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No. 199515
>>199512This is an interesting thread, I hope anons don't get weird and race bait. Due to all the racism compounded by the sexism black women face, it seems like you're forced to either find internal confidence or self destruct. I think a lot of black women have risen to the challenge though; this has even been shown in studies where black women (in the U.S.) typically have higher levels of confidence compared to latinas and white women ( For those who feel they've mostly become immune to criticism and pettiness from racists/sexists, how would you say you got there? Was there anything in particular that really opened your eyes or lessons you held close? Did you get to that point on your own or with the help of others? I know being a "strong black women" is a shitty stereotype at times, but for sure the world pushes you to find self confidence and I was wondering how that has worked out for you (or not).
No. 199693
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>>199670Anon,have you tried putting your hair in cornrows and then having someone put in crochet braids or hair of any sort? It's so much easier! You can keep it in for a couple of months too and it actually looks good if you take care of it. Crochet saved my life lmao. You get to have it in a protective style with little work and still keep a nice appearance!
No. 199699
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>>199573Get into japanese Straightening
nonny No. 199720
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I HATE the way black women are portrayed in media so much. I can't stand it, honestly. Me and my boyfriend watched the Winx club remake out of curiosity and it was so annoying. First of all they white washed Musa for some reason? I guess they couldn't find an Asian actress?? They did Aisha so dirty. She follows Bloom around like a lost dog and plays mom of the group,she barely has a character of her own or a love interest. I know it's shallow but I wish they'd cast a cuter dark skin girl to play Aisha. Also why do they dress the girls like middle aged moms?
No. 199731
>>199693I haven't, but I'll definitely look into that. Thanks!
>>199706I'd say that it's fine to do that if you genuinely like whatever style you're seeing as long as you're not overemphasizing the blackness of whoever you're complimenting like
>>199715 says. I might be in the minority that still finds it flattering at the same time as finding it uncomfortable as fuck lol
No. 199746
>>199720All the things that made Winx great (fashion, diverse characters with own personalities, fun whimsical setting) is gone in the new one. Honestly I think they made it that way just to spite us. That director was so sure of himself he didn't even care or do any research about what the fans liked. You know how
triggered men get when women have a show all to themselves.
No. 199760
>>199720Aisha was the most annoying character on that show. And it annoyed me even more because ofc it had to be the black chick.
I also wish they chose a cuter dark skinned black chick to play her, but since all of them look like soccer moms from the 80s with the exception of bloom (sometimes), I guess it's okay
No. 199856
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>>199836It's rare for a white girl to look like a depigmented black girl. Having fuller lips or a bigger ass than the average white girl won't make a white girl look black. Also, they almost never have features as large as the average black woman and when they do it's usually disliked. Look up any conversation online about Angelina Jolie and white men are complaining about her lips.
No. 199879
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When I was like 15 I got groomed by a racist swedish man and remembering that pictures of my underaged body are in that man's hands makes me wanna die. I was so insecure back then. Any dude showing me any attention back then made me do stupid things. When I got older I kind of grew into my looks. I just remember being young and seeing men say horrible things about women that looked like me and it tore my confidence to shreds at a very young age. Honestly the internet is so toxic to little black girls or atleast it was back then. I really wish my parents were more attentive about that. Just a quick PSA.
No. 199904
>>199891Nta, but I don't think it was intentional. See
>>199583. Seems like an honest mistake from OP, imo
No. 199957
>>199515to me, what helps the most is keeping a clear perspective. i will always be black, i'll always be a woman– of course, i didn't choose to be either of these things, but i'm making the best of it. so if people criticise me for things i didn't choose… how is that my fault? why should i even care? it's not like i can control the thoughts and behaviours of others, just like they can't control mine. it's not my job to cure anybody's bigotry, nor defy their preconceived notions of black women.
you know what my job is? focusing on the shit that actually matters, shit i have some influnece over. i wouldn't describe myself as a "strong black woman" by any means; i don't even know if i'd consider myself confident. what i can say for sure is that, while prioritising my own, i only really care about the opinions of one or two people. everyone else is irrelevant.
i hope that helps at least a little bit, and that maybe some other anons will chime in with their own experiences. at risk of sounding cheesy, i have a message for all the black women in this thread: no matter what other people say about you, you deserve to be happy.
No. 200425
>>200366NTA, but no it's not lmao. There's nothing "masculine" about dark skin, this is such a pathetic cope.
Pale women often tan their skin to sometimes extreme levels to look youthful and less wrinkly, and melanin literally increases with estrogen levels.
No. 200443
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>>200224Men are weird. I don't necessarily think that's true because let's be honest men will fuck anything. Men just like to neg women. They do it with pride when other men are around. Dark skin women are just an easy target. Especially black women,at least in the US.
No. 201235
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>>199934>>201199Yeah, as a tiny-mouthed Slav I call bullshit.
No. 201237
>>201187Can you stop saying this tbh it's embarrassing and I really think it's going to attract race-baiters and
trigger infighting. Just knock it off. Slavs don't look like us and we don't look like them.
No. 201466
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>>201237Albanians on the other hand…
KIDDING No. 262092
>>201235>As a tiny mouthed, flat-assed black girl, I also call bullshit anyone can do this
>>200224big lips are definitely more common on Slavic people–obviously not to the extent of Black women on average, but definitely larger than anglo europeans or even some other ethnic groups.
No. 262102
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>>262092I can't believe someone necroed this thread to talk about this again.
No. 262565
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>>262557Please don't starve yourself! If people aren't appreciative, they just have bad taste and they're brainwashed.
No. 262876
>>262092I'm a bit slavic and know a lot of slavs, they definitely have huge noses and small lips compared to black people. I'm not saying this to put down black people either as we both know big noses and small lips are considered unattractive. Slavs are only attractive because they have light skin, hair and eyes. They're also very lithe compared to people of color who tend to be curvier or have broadest figures.
I also don't understand why people think black women are unattractive. They're not seen so in my country and most black men and women in my country look like models because they're very beautiful and tall, although it's a middle eastern country so it's given. I think this whole issue is caused by racism as black women are quite beautiful just as any woman and people who tend to disagree are almost always mysteriously racist incels.
No. 262936
>>262933I don't have a Twitter.
"Being a black girl is frustrating as fuck. Being a girl in general is infuriating at times. There's really nowhere to vent about it so I thought I'd make a thread for the black girls who wanna vent and the girls who wanna ask questions or are curious about the black community and all of the fantastic sexism within it! Lol."
You came here on a black girl vent thread but you're mad that a black girl is venting.
No. 262938
>>262930>>262931Anon, read pls
The links don't work so just copy and paste them.
No. 262943
>>262942Targeting specific races. Basically, no racebait threads. That same rule also says no nationality threads, but we still have a ton in /ot/.
The rules are outdated anyway.
No. 263122
>>262557I'm not in an interracial relationship (yet) but I have been in an interracial relationships before. Normally when I saw old pics of my (now ex) bf's ex girlfriends I normally think of how better I am i.e how nice my lips are, how curvy my body is, how fun I am with introducing my exes to new activities and my hobbies etc.
Don't down yourself anon, you're probably an amazing person and the fact that your bf is dating you is an improvement compare to the exes he had. Also dont spend too much time dwelling on his exes, just move on and don't think about it.
No. 263137
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Does anyone have any advice about how to feel less insecure about my natural hair?
Back in school I used to be made fun of for my hair and hairstyle, I used to either have it in an afro or cornrows. I did ask my mom a few times about getting my hair relaxed and she refused and I'm glad I didn't get it done. Since high school I always been wearing wigs when out in public.
I'm inspired to wear my natural hair out but i have no clue on making it look nice. I also have another problem of my sister pulling my hair every now and then, its too complicated to go into detail, so some parts of my hair is shorter than other parts.
Side note, I kinda relate to the character Missy from Big Mouth. I never really did anything nice and fancy with my hair. My cousin introduced me to wearing extensions but it takes way too long to do and take out.
No. 263147
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Kek get fucked angry racist moid
No. 263202
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>>263137I wish I knew how to be more confident in it. It's a fucking journey, and the way other people (including black people) treat natural hair makes it more difficult. It's like I feel like natural hair is beautiful on everyone but me.
No. 263208
>>263207My apologies anon, I thought I clicked on
>>263193. They've been doing this in another thread.
No. 263411
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I've had my braids in for 3 weeks and I really should re-do them but I don't want to
No. 263416
>>263222internalized racism.
that's what happens when black girls grow up in majority white suburban schools. black people in general, tbh, since black boys in this dynamic are also weird and let their white gfs call them nwords and slaves.
No. 265374
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I hate how black women (usually older ones, ime) will put down other black women for their natural hair. It's like they hate the idea of other women feeling good about their natural hair.
>When are you getting your hair done?
>Your hair is nappy
>Do something to your hair
Let me wear my low-effort fro in peace damn it! Having it out doesn't mean it wasn't styled or isn't "done". No I will not be getting it chemically treated, there's nothing wrong with coils betch.
No. 265392
>>265374I personally think that natural curly/kinky hair is really cute and beautiful, although obviously the most important thing here is that you're happy and comfortable. Don't let people bully you into hopping on the latest bandwagon.
I used to get bullied in school for having really thick eyebrows (this was back when tweezing your brows down to tiny sperm shapes was popular) and I'm so glad I didn't give in. All the girls who bullied me permanently ruined their eyebrows by overtweezing them, so now all those girls are dropping tons of money for microblading. Stay true to yourself, and don't let bitter bitches rope you into fads.
No. 266765
Lipstick Alley rant & Lack of black female spaces online rant-
I'm so sick of fonts who become groupies towards other women for having a decent or rich man. I worry about the self esteem of some women on that site, because they genuinely think the biggest accomplishment in life is getting a "high value man" and judge women only on whatever scrote they have and how he treats her. Then I'm not even sure if it's fake "black women" or real black women making some of the most disgusting and discouraging posts anymore.
I'm sick of the constant threads focusing on children.From people justifying why it's okay to call/imply North West is fat, or pretending to be "concerned" about her weight. To freaking out over LeBron's son prom date (while claiming they don't care) and the fact there's a whole thread talking about celebrity children's looks like fucking creeps.
I feel like the site is slowly getting worse. There seems to be a lot of TRA who suddenly popped up. Then there's the gay men who say whatever they want to/about women but get mad, when people talk about troons, gay or bisexual men.
I feel like everything is so male focused. Some fonts don't even hate non-black women because of racism or ill-treatment, it's purely based on them thinking, BM "prefer" them. it's getting to the point where light skinned women with monoracial parents get hate when a bm dates them. Kendrick Lamar's wife is black, but light skinned, yet fonts were dissecting her race & she's not black enough for Kendrick to be "Woke"..
I'm sick of going into threads where the woman is attacked for being chosen by a black man. Almost every non-black woman who dates a BM despite her background or if she's ever said anything about black women, is always getting called, "Basic" and insulted.
I'm sick of seeing young black women being picked apart for the smallest of shit. Or only being praised when they are chosen by men (Lori Harvey) or disliked because they are treated badly by men.
It's becoming the female version of the Coli.
The difference here is I feel solidarity. Even when we don't agree, I know this place is "woman first". Even if we are all different colors and have different opinions. I never feel bad as a black woman or get told, "You'll never be this or that".
It's not scrote based hate if that makes sense.
It's sad because it's not even the scrotes ruining the site for me. It's other women. I wish there was a better place for me as a black woman to discuss shit, without focus on troons or expecting me to be okay with that. It's like the ONE place you can express yourself freely about certain things besides here. I hate the lack of black female spaces online where you can say what you want. Maybe I'm just getting too old.
No. 267733
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>>267697I'm not but there are a lot of books on this topic you may want to check out. Take a look at
>Surviving the White Gaze: A Memoir by Rebecca Carroll >In Their Voices: Black Americans on Transracial Adoption by Rhonda M. Roorda>Raceless: In Search of Family, Identity, and the Truth About Where I Belong by Georgina Lawton No. 267744
>>267697.. why not just adopt a white child? you realize how many poor white kids are in the foster system?
but you gotta virtue signal and adopt a black baby lmao
No. 267749
>>267744nta. That's not necerssarily how it works depending on where you are. Where I am from the best adoptive parents are chosen for a child not the other way around so adoptive parents don't get to pick and choose a skincolour. You get matched with a child and it's take it or leave it.
It was obvious anon was talking about a potential scenario, not that she's actively looking to adopt a black child specifically for their skin colour. So unnecerssarily catty.
No. 267751
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>>267749>so adoptive parents don't get to pick and choose that is quite literally not true at all. There's a reason why people complain about the number of kids/teens/disabled/etc stuck in the system without ever finding a home.
No. 267753
>>267744In the U.S. 49% of adoptive parents are white yet black children are overrepresented in foster care (23%). Why would it be a bad thing for a child to go to a home that wants them and get out of the
abusive foster care system? She's also clearly trying to prepare and be considerate of the child's situation and the confusion it might cause instead of pretending being "colorblind" is a thing.
No. 267770
>>267751nta but did you even read?
>Where I am from the best adoptive parents are chosenIts the same here, you can't pick and chose a child, you have no say in skin color or sex
No. 267833
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>tfw this thread will probably be locked because every 5 posts is someone coming in to racebait
Pls nonnas, keep it civil. We're all farmers at the end of the day!
No. 267860
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Any black nonnies that love their hair but hate how much work they have to put into taking care of it. I love my hair on its own but i don't like how it gets dry and tangled easily. It makes combing and styling such a pain. I'm over styling it in braids and cornrows because removing those is also a pain.
I think dreadlocks are the easiest because they do need moisturizing but you don't have to comb your hair and you can dye it without worrying about hair breaking. Planning on getting locks and dying it like picrel
No. 272261
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Wish I had a normal, non-woke black female therapist to help my with my problems. I feel embarrassed to even speak to a white therapist. I know most therapists and doctors make fun of you behind your back, but I have this belief that black therapists are more likely to see you as a normal person with struggles than as spectacle to be mocked. Crazy thought.
No. 275484
I was talking to a friend i have online, she's mostly woke and she said to me The amount of black men I run into, that I find out are into trans with penises or like gay/trans porn on social media scares me".
It just made me realize that while We don't have to worry about black moids trooning out unless they are gay, a lot of black moids are either bisexual on the low. I don't know if it's a "pornsick" thing, or if it's just the community CAN be homophobic a lot, but I don't think it's all that. Men can kill, rape and cheat, but they can't come out about their sexuality? I'm so sick of coddling black Downlow moids. Homophobia isn't an excuse anymore, when some of them freely do whatever they want towards women anyway. If you are brave enough to cheat, beat and kill, then you should be brave enough to be honest about your sexuality or date/fuck your "preference" in public.
Dating for some black women in certain areas already is shitty, now I feel like every other dude is a trans chasers or DL in general. Or has multiple kids etc.. I wish I could talk about this more, because I DO believe different women have different unique situations when it comes to navigating the world/men of their race/ethinicty. It just turns into race bait so much and nonnies are rightfully put on alarm, because they think it's a racists moid/women venting.
I just feel like the way I am, and with how pornsick & disgusting men are, I just wish they'd be honest. Let me know whose into what so I can avoid. Where I live has the most bottom of the barrel MOC & I wish I could be attracted/open to other kinds of men, but I know what I truly like. I need to move.
No. 304132
The Megan thee stallion thing is disturbing me to my core. It is a black issue this isn't just simply, "oh a woman being treated like shit because she's a woman"
True. The people attacking her has been the black community. Simply because she's not the perfect victim but get this, Torey isn't the perfect person either.
I'm watching today some rapper who was apart of a a criminal organization get happy responses because he got out, despite the fact the gang he was on being linked to multiple deaths of black people, but meanwhile MtS is a hoe and she lied about sleeping with Torey. So that means we need to not believe her, but a man connected to deaths of black men even if he didn't do it, oh that's okay. Whatever, free young thug! Even if people said he tried to kill someone, free Gunna. Even a confirmed killer, who rapped about the death of a underaged black boy. Was mourned when he passed. Doctor Dre beat black women, who cares.
Da baby killed a black mam and slapped a woman? Who cares.
People can look past their flaws because they like their music but MTS flaws cannot be ignored. Even if she's a pick me, I do not care.
I just feel like crying. Nobody cares about us, even other black women don't care unless we are perfect.
But will throw on a cape for a dick haver. Nonnies got mad at the person in ot who said that black female pick me-ism is different. IT IS.
You know how people look at women who thirst after serial killers? We have confirmed killers who create music or are in violent gangs who are looked up to and idolized. Yet a black woman says she's shot by a man with a violent past and she has to PROVE to us she deserves sympathy and respect. R keys biggest supporters are black women. People don't understand how much support men get in our community and how much women suffer from our brains of pick meism.
I can't describe It but I know what I see and feel.
I know the community I grew up in. It's getting worse for black women. The only community is the black male community and the women who defend them.
You have to find those who want the best for you. I feel so bad.
No. 321971
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>>201187Sound like a such cope
(global rule #7) No. 322997
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I get so tired of discourse about how other women do their hair. Literally who cares if you're natural, or if you relax, or if you wear weaves, or if you wear wigs. WHO CARES! When when black people get tired of criticizing and scrutinizing other black people for how we do our hair? You can't win either way. Just do what you like. There was a time in my life where I was so deeply insecure about my hair because of stuff like that, that I shaved it completely off. I'm glad I learned to ignore the BS and do what I please. Live and let live.
No. 323104
>>321971I'm neither black nor white so I'm not biased but girl, we both know this isn't true. Judging from the foreigners I've seen in my country, most white people are objectively more unattractive and look nothing like the photos you sent. They look MUCH worse than the average black foreigner in my country. I've only seen one or two obese black women in my country for example but %70 of whites I see are obese and literally a disgusting shade of red because they're sunburnt.
It's ok to be proud of your ethnicity or whatever but if you have to pick models for your race and random people with albinism(although fetishized by white supremacists, it's still a birth defect that leaves people vulnerable to skin cancer and such) for black people while arguing about attractiveness, you're probably not attractive.
Also I bet the black women with albinism you posted to mock look 100 times better than you. Even when placed next to literal models, they manage to look cute while your mug would probably look deformed when compared to models.
No. 323441
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>>323104>Has to wear fake hair to even compete Cope and seethe
(global rule #7) No. 323460
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>>323104>random people with albinismThey're literally
professional models
>fetishized by white supremacistsit's joggers who spread the "whitez iz dravidian albinoz we wuz real euroz" drivel and afrikangz iz the most diverze, right?
(racebaiting) No. 323462
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>>322997I agree. I am so grateful for the natural hair movement and for all the education and brands that we have now. My hair is longer than it has ever been in my whole life. But looking at a lot of straight naturals on youtube, they still get a lot of hate for no reason, they all seem happy. I hate that changing something about ourselves so harmless as hair is suddenly self-hate or anti-black. smh. I still view relaxers as the devil though.
>>322060Week late, but my cousins always practised them on those doll heads. I really wish i knew how to cornrow myself, so many possibilities and doors close when you don't know how to do it as a black woman and hair dressers nowadays are getting very bougie. Ngl, i only want to know so i can fit a wig on my head lmao.
No. 327815
>>327790This isn't a black issue but issue for anyone who's not white/from a western culture. There used to be a lot of Germans who adopted muslim kids for example and made them eat pork and drink alcohol against the children's wishes, making a child drink alcohol alone is child abuse. Some parents are just not fit for it but a good adopter family who's willing to learn about a children's culture and such can be a good parent imo.
>>327797Is right and nonwhite kids already have a hard time getting adopted(I'm nonwhite as well) so a white family adopting a child is probably better than a child never getting adopted.
No. 327838
>>327815Honestly I think adoption is all around predatory and gross. A black kid never getting adopted and ending up alone in the system vs a black kid growing up in an environment where literally no one looks like them or knows what it’s like to navigate life black and what that does to the psyche early on is like being asked to pick between regular shit and diarrhea. But I’m just anti adoption as a whole especially if you look into adoptions origins and how transracial adoptions actually impacts the kids into adulthood. Spoiler it impacts them extremely negatively.
I honestly can’t imagine being forced to be raised by a white family I don’t care how well off they are personally. You’ll never truly feel included even if they do everything right because society will remind you every step of the way you are different from the time you are a kid. Hearing testimonials from transracial adoptees I just can’t condone it. Also I just don’t trust white people who take it upon themselves to adopt black children because it’s rarely black American children they are adopting they would rather wait DECADES to adopt an “African child” than a black American living in equal amounts of squalor here in the USA. They literally adopt Africans or Asians from Asia because it makes them sound like super heroes at dinner parties. It’s gross. Especially when one look into adoption you can see that there are so many black American kids who end up alone in the system anyway because white adopters would rather black children from Africa. Not only are blaxk american kids competing with white children to be adopted they are also competing with black children from Africa and Asians from Asia etc etc. it’s disgusting duck adoption!
No. 327855
>>327838>You’ll never truly feel includedI don't know, I feel very included. I'm not black, I'm Peruvian/Mestiza but my family is white. I live in a country full of blonde white people and my parents were very honest with me from the get go about what happened and why I look different. They didn't treat me like a circus freak or have any racist motives, they just wanted a child. If your parents aren't crazy, there's no reason why you as a child of a different ethnicity would suffer more than an orphan.
Do you have any idea how traumatizing it is to be all alone with nobody to care for you? And on top of that imagine living in a shitty orphanage where you may or may not be bullied by kids who were left there for god knows which reasons. And imagine you get really sick, and you're just a kid and can't take care of yourself. And you don't know if you will ever be happy. I have terrible abandonment issues and don't know how I will cope when my mom and dad and older siblings die, I'm so grateful to have this family because only someone lucky and privileged enough to not know otherwise would think orphans fare better on their own.
No. 327923
>>327838I'm the poster you're replying to, yeah I agree with you on the matter that adoption is predatory. I've literally seen white women say they'll adopt from eastern euro/asian countries so it'd be harder for the parent to try and reach out if they wanted to. White people who adopt nonwhite children sometimes have really bad intentions and government can take children away from their homes for very minor issues just for the child to get abused/traumatized/etc. much worse in the adopted family or the system.
>>327839Wtf that's evil. I've also heard of cases like that but didn't know of any that led to murder, adoption is such a dangerous industry, especially for minorities.
>>327840Fr! They'll take kids from families away because they're poor, place them with
abusive families and think they fixed an issue.
No. 328421
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If any of you do your own hair, get one of these mirrors.
No. 328657
>>327855>>327923I'm the original person who said white people should avoid adopting
POC kids. I think I should have explained better. Don't adopt any
POC kids unless you're willing to understand the culture and help that kid navigate growing up through it. And yeah, there's actually a heart breaking amount of cases where a white family adopts the black kid to be the "servant" child/treat them like a lesser and don't help them navigate life as a black child. Tbh adoption as a while is fucked and should be an absolute last resort.
>>327855>I'm not black butRespectfully, your experience in the system won't be the same as a black kids, because you weren't one. I don't think all white families adopting
POC children are ill meaning, but even the most well meaning ones just usually aren't equipped to help a black kid navigate through life as a black person. Unless they have a black friend or spouse or something around. There's a social hierarchy to race, and blacks at the very bottom. Not to be a pessimist or race bait or anything, and this doesn't mean that I feel like a lesser being because I'm black, but I'm definitely aware of the sheer amount of people who believe it and want me to believe it. The whole concept of "code switching" for example.
No. 332595
File: 1685693716524.jpg (152.05 KB, 1600x900, 150408121847-almost-black-spli…)

I have a question for you all
>I am white, my husband is Brown (South Asian) but I have several close Black friends that I am embarrassed to bring my husband around because he identifies with Black culture
My husband loves all things Black American and for the most part it's harmless but when my Black friends are around he does not shut up about how brilliant Jordan Peele or childish Gambino is, and stuff like that. It's honestly kind of embarrassing and I'm worried my Black friends are going to hate him. It's especially annoying when he acts like being Brown in America is the same as being Black when it comes to discrimination. His brothers are the same way and I think it's because they grew up in a town with only white people.
My question is, do I need to talk to him about this or am I over thinking it? Is this a known issue that exists and has a name?
Image for attention, he is luckily no where this bad
No. 332708
>>332591A lot of nonwhite women believe a random white man is going to come and fix it all because white men aren't as bad(misogynistic) as men from their race, it's not true though. I don't think white men are anywhere as good as most make them out to be. Don't forget that white men have always committed the worst crimes against nonwhite women, don't you know that double eyelid surgery for asian women was literally invented and practiced without any proper painkillers by white American men because they wanted the Asian war slaves they kept to have bigger eyes? Don't you know that they still travel to third world countries to rape underage girls in disguise of sex work? That there used to be an epidemic of white single man coming to Thailand alone and leaving with a baby/kid?
Don't you know how many nonwhite women get hurt by white men and they never get their justice? Yeah black men might be bad but don't trust white men either. Men of all races are dangerous.
I agree with you, the far right weird white men are really insidious as well and I wouldn't trust one of those guys.
No. 335527
>>332595tbh it's not like whites hate dark skinned Indians any less than they hate Black people, or that police officers are going to not shoot him because they microanalyzed his hair texture lmfao
as long as he's not literally claiming to be black, I personally don't see a problem. Others might. I've seen some hoteps claim dark skinned Indians as "black" lol
I would try to tell him something like "yeah you're right, but don't bring it up or don't force the issue" because a lot of people would probably get needlessly offended over nothing
No. 335545
>>332100I don't like their energy. I like the fact that they spread awareness about domestic violence that black women face and being the only ones who criticise sjws and libs in general for acting like black men are immune from criticism and the such. Their other saving grace is that anti-divestors are vehemently vitriolic pickmes and men and many of which i generally evil and nasty people. In comparison, divestors are going to look like saints no matter what. I do think that the divestment movement has the issue similar to what you see with radfems. Many women who consumer either ideology will dispose of it the moment they get men, or in the case of divestment, black men, to be their prince charming. They are only in it because they feel bitter and scorned, not because they want to personally improve their lives in anyway. I also feel like if you hang around them and tell them you have white/latina female friends, they get really
triggered because they see them as competition. I understand that a lot of non-black women are racist towards black women, but at least i can differentiate between a normal woman and some gross trad thot, but of course i don't really relate to feeling jealous of tradthots. Their jealousy is definitely evident in their pandering the "white zaddies". Sure they might call out the powdered doughnuts, but admitting that all men are bad kind of defeats the points that they are trying to shill.
>>335263A lot of divestors will proudly proclaim how anti-feminist they are. Imo, the whole movement is purely about dick, that's why i don't feel engaged in it.
No. 336607
File: 1687223145292.png (3.5 MB, 2000x2000, walmart-juneteenth-icecream-05…)

Would y'all try the Juneteenth ice cream Walmart was selling (and had to apologize for kek) last year? I would. Ok yes it's an obvious cash grab, but I fucking love cheesecake and red velvet and I love them even more as ice cream flavors. I hope they bring it back without the Juneteenth branding.
This is true America.
No. 336639
>>336633Ayrt, I've been on this site for years and I don't know how long it will take for farmers to realize "y'all" is not from twitter. I'm not gonna stop using a word that people where I'm from have been using for decades just because you use the internet too much and associate with Twitter.
>white-guilt-riddenI'm not white, dummy. Hence why the post is in this thread.
>genderspecial…What? Are you just throwing things and hoping something sticks?
No. 337079
>>336633Why even was
>>336831 redtexted but not this retarded, aggressive post that was only meant to derail? Oh nooo, someone used "y'all" (a word used by all races of people from the south) and wanted to talk about ice cream for some American holiday. Call the cops, this is ackchual genocide nooooo lmao. Was it "cracker"? I've seen anons go unbanned for using the n-word openly. Please be fucking consistent jannies.
No. 338300
File: 1688110089334.jpg (185.97 KB, 736x1036, painting with a cat.jpg)

Have any of you ever experienced any hatred from your mother as you grew up? I notice that a lot of black girls have the experience of their mothers being in a "competition" with them, especially if they have brothers or if their mother is in a relationship with a man (who's not the daughter's father, obviously). I also experienced it a little with my own mother, but she was overall just super mentally ill. I have to be super careful how I word this because I don't want someone to sperg at me and say I'm just trying to make it seem like older women are jealous of young women. To clarify, that is not the case here.. In general I think a lot of black moms seem to have rocky relationships with their daughters.
Pic unrelated
No. 342928
File: 1690971492821.jpg (253.3 KB, 1280x1280, trannies vs black women.jpg)

I've had these thoughts brewing in my mind for a while. I've wanted to vent about it for the longest time, but was scared that a janny would decide it's just "racebait" and ban me, or that some bad actors would take it the wrong way somehow and run with it. I hope this is okay to post here, since this is a thread for black girl problems.
I'm just really tired of seeing racist trannies and their pickme retards insisting "Black women face transphobia too". It's just another dimension of the "You don't like misogyny? You sound like a trans man sweety". They're conflating oppression with manhood, reducing traumatic female experiences with class/race/socialization to "being a man on the inside" or "being seen as a man by society". Next, they'll be claiming that if you, as a woman, have faced any kind of abuse, it's because you're seen as a man. Domestic violence victims are treated as men. Autistic women are treated as men. Poor women are treated as men. Businesswomen are treated as men. Anorexic women are treated as men. NEET women are treated as men. It will never end.
Every single "White people see black women as men, and you black women MUST support trannies" post I've seen is made by either a hideous (generally, but not always) white AGP who wishes he'd be seen on the same level as a "different" (ie nonwhite) woman who's often neglected or abused, or insecure black and brown women who think feeling unattractive means being treated like a literal scrote. If you grill them, they start spewing actual racism and misogyny every single time. All the insecurities come out. Some will outright claim black women are somehow "inherently" masculine (which is something with zero biological/scientific or aesthetic basis - we're literally even stereotyped as being "thicc"/"curvy" with thick lips and shorter, rounder features), others will try to skirt around it by inisting that's what "everyone else" thinks. It's so obvious they're trying to trigger young black girls and build a sense of dysmorphia and paranoia with this, too. It's a fucked up, manipulative attempt to call us inherently unattractive (complete with moving goalposts), and control us at the same time. It's almost like a try at mass trauma bonding.
Personally, I've literally never been equated to a man by any right winger or racist online or offline. I've only ever seen leftists online try to pull this on black women as a collective under some sort of concern troll act. They keep pulling out the "Michelle Obama is a man" conspiracy theory that some right wing boomers regurgitate as "proof", but it's so fucking old and tired. Those RWs don't even seem to think she's a man, it's just their roundabout way of calling her ugly and seething that a woman can become first lady and be classy without pandering to their dicks. Notice those same boomer men don't insist the Obama daughters are trannies? Instead, they like to sexualize them and talk about how the tall/skinny one is a "slut". Are they suddenly not black, even when tall and not "thicc"? Another thing the "black women are seen the same as trannies" gang like to bring up is transvestigators nitpicking black female celebrities, quietly leaving out that those types like to insist that way more white female celebrities are trannies than black ones. They also bring up Caster Semanya and some other intersex, male athletes and start malding when you point out that they aren't women and also look like what they are (male) when standing next to normal black women.
If we want to take it back to history, the difference in how female slaves were treated (raped, forced to care for slavemaster's babies, experimented on to create the modern gynecology system as we know it, specific stereotypes that aren't applied to black men - mammy, sapphire and jezebel, etc) vs male ones, it's glaringly obvious that the "Black women are seen as men" thing is nothing but a mix of projection and wishful thinking for trannies, and the self-flagellations of black women who hate themselves and have a warped sense of reality. It's never been about "not being seen as women", it's always been about being outright dehumanized because we are both female and black, facing the burden of misogyny and racism simultaneously. It's not "man" we're seen as under a racist, male-operated system, it's "servant-woman"/"animal" hybrid. This is a unique experience that no male of any race could possibly understand. The whole concept that being seen as female necessarily means being protected is one step away from saying "female privilege" exists, but I know the modern tranny movement is largely by and for incels anyway. Hell, like I said before, they're probably doing it on purpose in a bid to gaslight the very concept of female oppression away. I'm just sick of it. Trannies are literally getting away with racially abusing women because it's "woke" now.
No. 342951
>>342928I'm not black but I'm Middle Eastern and a lot of trannies love asking middle eastern women if they're trans because they have big noses, etc. It's just hilarious tbh, not only are the trannies showing their racist/neonazi roots but they're seething at women who although don't fit their porn addicted beauty standards, look much more womanly than they ever could. They're mad that they've spent so much money on plastic surgery, cheap clothes and bad makeup yet natural looking black and brown woman will always look more feminine than they ever will.
Also if you're seeing this online report their posts for racism, they'll have their accounts wiped
No. 345348
File: 1692394680823.jpg (249.46 KB, 1016x1024, jones-5.jpg)

>>338312Late but if you're curious it's of Lois Mailou Jones, a painter. I'm not sure if it's her cat though, I can't find any other pictures of her with it.
No. 345857
File: 1692669991455.png (187.5 KB, 1384x516, Screenshot 2023-08-21 220032.p…)

Every time i see posts like this i want to alog so fucking bad. It's bad enough you can't go to black spaces without everyone hating on black women ALL THE FUCKING TIME because we need to be worshiping black men at all times or taking the blame for things that they do, you come here and get blamed for this things that random hoteps/sjws say just by the virtue of sharing the same skin colour as them. There's literally no peace anywhere and all i wanted to do was laugh at retards because i was feeling a little stressed.
No. 346839
>>342967i have this same sentiment, i love old-timey (pre 1930s) aesthetics and art. it just sucks to know that any actor or artist i could ever enjoy would be casually racist as hell and crazy misogynistic. i like to channel my interests into art and implement the aesthetics i like into OCs instead of idolizing real people.
TLDR; reality sucks, fiction reigns supreme as per usual
No. 348369
>>346302Hope your mom leave his broke ass. The we'll
really see who belongs in the garbage, lol.
No. 348612
File: 1694654838652.webm (16.02 MB, 720x1280, People asking to cut my hair o…)
Just saw a video with an account I get a lot of hairstyle inspiration from and she's making a video about these men who keep pressuring her to cut her hair. Apparently it's some sort of fetish? God I hate it here sometimes
No. 348666
File: 1694696936907.webm (11.72 MB, 720x1280, PT.2People asking to cut my ha…)
>>348612>>348634I forgot to post the part two. Apparently it's also common for natural hair content creators to get messages like these. Why are men like this.
No. 350628
File: 1696042841523.jpg (498.37 KB, 1536x2048, 20230929_204258.jpg)

I just wanted to say that many of yall have so much ingenuity and some of the most fun ideas that are routinely stolen from you and reworked in ways completely devoid of the original characteristics that made it special. It's unfair. Truly visionaries.
No. 350867
File: 1696189574303.jpeg (788.45 KB, 828x1228, IMG_5778.jpeg)

>the ugliest man who's ever lived insulting black womens vaginas
No. 350882
>>350859The black people with cool toned skin who are praised for their looks are usually the ones who are extremely dark. Not light skin cool toned.
East asians can also be cool toned. Yellow skin =/= warm toned.
No. 350899
File: 1696200885280.gif (1.26 MB, 244x300, zendayarollingeyes gif.gif)

>>350867>"black women suck, white women are better">said by some brown or black scroteIt's always the brown males who make such an enormous deal of preferring women that aren't black or brown. Like okay, then go be with white women or pale Asians then. Why do they make a habit of thinking about brown or black women's vaginas so much if they find them so unattractive? They really tell on themselves. Meanwhile, if someone were to compare brown men's dicks to literal pieces of turds, all hell would break loose.
>>350876>"most people prefer pink/white vaginas, lEtS bE hOneSt"You say that like it justifies the brown scrote's creepy opinion. You're either a scrote, or some pickme trying to use the public's distorted take on beauty to stroke your own ego. I've seen too many cute, pretty, and sexy women who are brown to buy into the idea of their vaginas somehow being uglier just because most people got karate chopped by history into preferring pale skin, yet here you go adding gasoline to the pointless competition of "lightskin vs. darkskin". Begone.
No. 350904
>>350867I just don’t get this, a vagina is a vagina, if you don’t like vaginas, then don’t fuck them? I swear, any moid who gets nitpicky about women’s body can’t be straight, they all should be glad any woman even glances at them.
>inb4 it’s preferences >inb4 particular specially 1 in a million casesNah, if you don’t like all vaginas (real vaginas that women have, not man-made horror neoholes in men’s bodies) then are you even into women at all? It’s just retarded how men act like it will make their dicks bigger and thicker the more they criticize women’s bodies in all aspects.
No. 351200
>>351173They do. I have been tag team bullied by so many black men x white women. White women love putting down black women for male validation.
Its a dating tactic.
You know how a narcissistic child will go out of their way to get their other sibling in trouble. Because they want to feel like they're above said negative treatment. Its very similar.
Talking shit about black women attracts the "he's mean to everyone else but he's nice to me" type of woman who tolerates, and many times encourages this type of behavior.
No. 351234
File: 1696430909007.jpg (136.04 KB, 834x1024, wt65c7vxt8n61.jpg)

>>351200>I have been tag team bullied by so many black men x white womenGodddd I fucking hate it when black scrotes can't just fuck off. They bully black women every fucking day, but get
triggered when they see a black woman avoiding black males or god-forbid, dating outside her race. For some reason, black scrotes think they own biracial/mixed women too and comment shit like "race traitor" when they see one dating a white guy…even though biracial/mixed women are literally part white too.
No. 351279
File: 1696460129230.jpg (45.03 KB, 720x720, e2anrb6mtbv01.jpg)

>>351234All men think they own their race of women and get mad jealous when women date interracially (even if they're doing so themselves).
No. 351354
>>351234This image is literally made by a white 4chan scrote trying to 'dab' on black men by 'stealing' one of their women. You're not fooling anyone with your racebaiting garbage, scrote. Go back to your scrotum board.
>>351200As a black woman I dont trust WMBF either, mainly because too often its upheld by white supremacists and in itself, upholds white supremacy by painting white men as faultless angels who will protect and save us, which is simply not true.
Look at how many stereotypes there are about every ethnicity of non white men and women, meanwhile the stereotypes of white men are mostly positive. Yes, white men enable this and uphold this stereotype, thats the way they want things. I've literally seen racist poltards say they want a black gf solely to treat like a slave and get back at black men, and I've seen so many black women engage in disgusting roleplay for white mens tastes. Too many times its a mentally traumatized black woman with a white savior complex and a
toxic white male with a colonizer mindset. Look at Joshua Jackson and Jodie TS. He was cheating on her during their entire marriage, SHE proposed to him, and apparently he became extremely distant after the child was born because it didnt resemble him (as is typical of scrotes and their reproductive insecurity) white men are NOT our saviors they literally spent centuries raping enslaving and abusing/murdering our black female ancestors. Obviously black scrotes are awful in many ways too but if you think white srotes are capable of genuinely loving and respecting us and seeing us as equals then youre completely delusional.
>>351279Even if an Asian man marries you, good luck dealing with his racist ass relatives and bringing a child into that
toxic environment. Asians are the most white worshipping race on earth.
No. 351450
File: 1696551749983.jpg (1.96 MB, 3694x4946, black male rage.jpg)

>>351234If a woman is black or even just part-black, black men think she's their property. It is insane. I've never seen a demographic of men that spends so much time denigrating and abusing their female counterparts, humiliating them, telling them other women are "better", all to turn around and attack them for being "race traitors".
Black nonas, please never buy for a second anything retarded incels, black scrotes and gormless pickmes say to drag you down. It's a massive cope for failures, and that's why every single one of them reacts like you've somehow wronged them just by being happy, or pretty, or literally just relaxing. They are very sensitive people.
No. 351480
File: 1696578273810.jpg (98.3 KB, 640x1026, this-man-had-enough-v0-gvm3k5z…)

>>351354>This image is literally made by a white 4chan scrote trying to 'dab' on black men by 'stealing' one of their women. You're not fooling anyone with your racebaiting garbage, scrote.KEK you say all that, yet you don't provide any proof. Even if what you're saying is true, you seem to sit there and ignore that lots of black men seem angrily jealous and possessive over black women and even the mixed ones. When there's endless examples of black males verbally tearing apart all these women for simply not dating them, can you deny that this "photoshop" is false with the point it's trying to make? Literally, every other comment a black scrote makes about Serena Williams is some form of "she betrayed us", so even if the original picrel is fake, its point isn't wrong.
>accusing me of being a race baiting scrote when you literally call asian people "the most white worshipping race" even though the vast majority of Asian women aren't even dating white guys at all.Holy shit, are you braindead?
And by the way
>Go back to your scrotum board.I have a vagina you argumentative ninny.
No. 351489
>>351488These are the same moids who neg us by saying ‘BLACK WOMEN ARE THE LEAST DESIRED WOMEN, NO MAN WANTS THEM’ basically trying to neg us into believing we are
lucky if we can get the bare minimum, and sway us into settling for their fetishes and
abusive behavior. They want our self esteem at rock bottom so we will submit to them and uphold them as our saviors, it’s pathetic.
No. 351491
File: 1696581062673.png (2.13 MB, 1620x3496, D9C1F837-C946-4CA7-B3B7-08EB09…)

>>351489you can always tell when it’s a white male loser baiting
No. 351492
>>351491>maybe your descendants will have the honor of being white Honor??????
barfs He could have at least
attempted to not immediately show his poltard ass, Jesus Christ lmao. My general rule is that everyone on the internet is a larper until proven otherwise.
No. 351496
>>262939Because we’re supposedly so undesirable that we should count ourselves ‘lucky’ if we can get any man whatsoever, it’s just scrotes trying to neg us and sow seeds of doubt
>>332708Exactly lol
This is why black womans spaces should require verification, otherwise they just get shitted up by moids trying to divide and conquer.
No. 351525
File: 1696600941130.jpg (23.53 KB, 563x453, 1644514845350.jpg)

>>351450 and I'm a woman. I got that screenshot from black Twitter, and I despise porn. Mods can check my post history. I don't care about defending or uplifting any scrotes, I was making a point on how black scrotes are hypocrites (because they are).
I don't really know why I'm being accused of being the tranny while someone who's baiting and trying to bring colorism ITT
>>351497 is going ignored. I guess it's Lolcow so I should expect nonsense, but whatever.
No. 351535
>>351532Are you trying to bait me into to posting my hand or something? Fuck off and 41%, I'm positive you're the troon trying to derail the thread to sperg about dark-skinned women being "undesirable!!1" and screech at any of us who rightfully bash men.
If anyone who actually has two X chromosomes doubts me, report my posts and let mods check my history. If you reply again and haven't done that, that means you are the tranny or a pathetic black incel.
No. 351575
File: 1696620409397.jpg (36.08 KB, 590x673, download.jpg)

So now anons are going to get accused of being a tranny/moid for speaking against black men itt. Great…
No. 351607
>>351600Unfortunately, some "people" (one non-black male ITT) is dedicated to pretending to be a black woman to screech at us over the most random shit, this subject included.
Anyway, I'm not loyal to any race of moids, I refuse to be a mule, and I'll never stop talking about it. Don't care how many times some retarded tranny or malding black man throws a tantrum because "reeee you have to just take it in stride or you're not blackkk" or accuses me of being himself.
No. 351613
>>351607As you should. Black men engage in the most
toxic colorism and extra-misogynist treatment of black women and act like you are supposed to be their footmaids or something. It isn't fair and it isnt right. I have seen countless black men refer to black women as roaches. They treat you like shit.
No. 352076
File: 1696884978754.jpg (84.97 KB, 736x920, ac21153647b3aa2025a749c9407e72…)

>>351497>actually letting what scrotes think dictate how you perceive another women's beauty.My point still stands, you're a retard, and you're obviously a male. Begone.
No. 352078
File: 1696885025327.jpeg (Spoiler Image,291.62 KB, 908x539, 6DA4AD19-BE7A-4E3D-8892-4C0ACD…)

He also posts videos of black women being hanged by white men.
No. 352079
File: 1696885077499.jpeg (Spoiler Image,390.76 KB, 1494x656, CF7973D2-5593-4690-BD12-C7BF8E…)

And talks about how ‘sheboons’ are slaves for white men. Disgusting.
No. 352080
File: 1696885433520.jpg (248.8 KB, 700x813, 1696828852049.jpg)

>4chan>r9k>"ebony breeding thread" bullshitBabe, this is why I stay away from those places.
No. 352082
File: 1696885771283.jpg (45.56 KB, 643x466, Ym6mZDy.jpg)

>>352071>shemale sexualizing black womenOh. Could
this be another reason why trannies are fixated on trying to equivalate themselves brown and black women and make it seem like they have so much in common? They want to fuck us too? As if we don't have enough problems already.
No. 352115
File: 1696892278476.jpg (21.68 KB, 563x570, 3b7f7b89a556fe9a012ebeae0029a3…)

>>352114>colonize>fetish talkAnon, are you stupid?
No. 352120
>>352102Black males who are and act like incels exist, get a clue. You really think a lot of the violent hatred scrotes have on 4chan is all just white and asian guys? Black scrotes post there as well, and they're very happy to throw black women under the bus for brownie points. They're Black, they're incels, so I call them nigcels. I haven't posted on 4chan in years, and I'm not a sceore just because you still wanna act like a superhero for black moids who couldn't care less if a black woman was called a "sheboon" or compared to a man in a dress for the 193487192847th time.
So get off my ass.
No. 352128
>>352105Redoing and reposting my response because something isn't right with either of you.
>Weird how you only post lightskinnedThe girl is
brown-skinned, not light you idiot. If she was light-skinned, she would be way more yellow.
>whitewashedWhat about this picture is "whitewashed" to your childish little mind? No really. Tell me one thing about this photo that's so "whitewashed" to you. It's a girl wearing a shirt with a jacket and some glasses. Wow, so fucking scary.
>‘safe’How does she look "safe" and what's so wrong with that? Are black women supposed to look like scary criminals to you?
>looking black girls when trying to paint us as attractive.Then post yourself to show everyone just how perfect and so fucking attractive you are. Let's see what you think is a real role model then.
>yuckGrow the fuck up. Now, I wouldn't even be surprised if you're actually the fugly scrote that keeps coming back to this thread just to play with black women's minds about attractiveness.
And you
>>352116>That pic isn't that bad but I swear anytime I see someone posting a black girl in a pink coquette dress with bows and a wig while holding a cup of hot chocolate or a flowerThat's not even what's in front of you though. Even if it is, so the fuck what? What is so wrong with young black women playing with different styles of fashion? Even if you hate the cutesy style, the pretty pink dresses bows and flowers and shit isn't even the "aesthetic" of the picture. It's just a fucking woman wearing some basic clothes and some glasses. Holy shit.
>it's either a self loathing black girl or a moid who posted it.Gosh, so because I posted a simple picture of a pretty black girl means that I must hate myself or being a scrote. Take your meds.
>Its sad that some black women feel they have to be performatively feminine and whitewashed in order to be viewed as worthy.Who the fuck even said that only black women who dress look pretty and dress cute or basic can be seen as "worthy" of being called attractive? It was just a picture of a pretty woman, it is not that deep. I have a strong feeling that if I posted a dark-skinned girl with extremely short hair and a heavy metal outfit, you would still find a way to bitch and moan because then I would be "portraying" black women as "masculine, intimidating, and out of touch with womanhood" or some dumb shit. Maybe you can post the "real" examples of black women's beauty yourself if you're SUCH an expert of it.
No. 352133
>>352131So you're an illiterate scrote. Good, now go play jump rope with your saggy ass testicles.
>>352130>we're mocking you for using the word "nigcel" to describe black moids who are incelsCry me a fucking river, I hate nigcels.
(racebaiting) No. 352151
>>332100Ive only ever seen those people online, not irl. I thought they were just a meme like tradthots, terminally online larpers. Like another nona said, they make their entire life’s purpose about dick and romanticize being ball-lifters for different dick colors, which I can’t relate to. Who really cares? I think anyone who makes too much of a big deal about race when dating is total weirdo anyway. That’s when it becomes not about love and all about a weird fetish or delusion instead. I genuinely don’t trust any person who says ‘x race of men are good and x race of men are bad’, because they have an agenda. Any woman with two brain cells knows that XYs are generally awful regardless of race. Also, whether you are a blank women or man, if you date outside your race you partner is probably never going to understand or see your feelings on racism as
valid. White people either go overboard with the virtue signalling, or gaslight and insist racism doesn’t exist and that we are just too sensitive. Asian people experience racism but they are also white peoples favorite and tend to white worship constantly. Latinos/as are also generally quite well tolerated by white people so they don’t really face the same discrimination as us. Only black people can understand other black peoples pain and struggle imo. If you haven’t lived it you just can’t relate.
No. 352182
>>352175Nyayrt but assuming the posters itt are actually black and women, they should know that whites have been trying to stoke gender wars within the black community for a long time because it serves them to keep us divided and infighting all the time, they’ve taught blacks people to degrade and mock other black people for their features, and that only benefits them. Absolutely nobody is calling black men angels here, men are men and yeah most men are scum. But the same colorism and misogynoir you'll see in the men of our culture originated from white men. Paler slaves were treated better by white slaveowners whereas dark slaves were more likely to be abused and mistreated. Obviously black men internalized that too, I’m a darkskin black woman and I’ve received hurtful comments from whites, and black men and women from my community. Difference is I know that the whites say cruel things about our skin tones solely out of disdain and hatred for us. Black men and women rag on dark skin because of fear, dread and pain that’s been instilled in them by white men, which is a crucial difference. Both black men and women have been pained immensely by slavery perpetuated by white males, so I find any post praising WM to be extremely
sus considering how WM are responsible for soooooo many problems in the black community right up to the present day. We’ve suffered generations of ancestral trauma and been taught to hate each other by WM.
(samefagging) No. 352205
>>352079>>352079>>352072Why are you posting this here? What do you gain from us seeing this in a thread we're supposed to be comfortable in?
>>352097Exactly. I think it's the same moid trying to make this whole thread about himself after he was banned the first time. So many weird aggro posts, defense of black men and filling this place with nothing but
toxic horseshit.
No. 352207
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>>352128Just want to say you're right. The person you're replying to isn't a black woman. It's a man getting a high off getting black women upset. He will only ever spam screenshots of his own garbage threads in hopes that we react, talk about himself while pretening to "warn" us (somehow ""she"" can't find /meta/, where that kind of thing might actually be on-topic), post his ugly face and accuse anyone who tries to get the thread back on track and/or post positively about black women of being him (a worthless tranny).
Anyone who'd come here and insist the woman you posted is "lightskinned and whitewashed" is not a black woman, just some racist freak who thinks we're all some retarded stereotype. He will never blend in, he knows it, and he also knows the world will be a better place when he stops breathing. Please report all his shitty derailing posts, he's doing this to multiple posters now.
No. 352211
>>352107>>352071A woman saying she won't date men who fetishize her race isn't a tranny, retard. Plenty of white men fetishize asian women like black men fetishize white women, neither white nor Asian women want those men because they're creeps. Stop obsessively thinking everyone is a tranny because they don't want your creepy ass. The hatred genuinely reads like a man's because you guys have been posting violent porn and gore of black women and then losing your minds when someone says they wouldn't date black men who put down black women.
>>352097It reads as him or someone who wants to get reaction reposting his r9k posts to here. Why would an anon post porn and gore of black women here?
No. 352217
>>352212Because he's the same one who probably made those posts in r9k. Just report and ignore.
>>352213It's probably the same black guy whos calling women racists if they don't want to date black men who put down black women. He got mad and spammed content featuring violent stuff being committed against black women after a few black and nonblack women brought up dating other races of men.
No. 352223
>>352220to me it seems like it's a weird aggro loser that has been baiting across the site recently and attempting to derail threads. he has a noticeable pattern and lately been camping out on /g/, /meta/, even in some of the cow threads too. other nonas have noticed and complained about it as well.
his usual patterns are one or more of the following: racebaiting, randomly spamming old screenshots/info about the pedotroon that everyone knows already, pretending the pedotroon is a janny (note how he doesn't even know they're called farmhands kek), replying to a ton of normal posts with repetitive low effort "you're a tranny/moid!" bait, claiming most of the posts in the thread/site are made by the pedotroon, trying to get threads locked after shitting them up, and whinging about farmhands deleting the bait spam and derailing. if you see any suspicious posts it's best to report and ignore.
No. 352244
>>352156I’m part of a black womens discord server, that requires voice and videocall verification. There are black women only spaces but obviously we aren’t telling you where they are because the spergs in this thread will just try to stalk and infiltrate them.
>>352234>kekOh look. The same scrote who kept writing kek after every post while talking about black crime stats in the tradthots thread and how violent black women are. Gtfo moid.
No. 352261
Has anyone here read the changeling? I really enjoyed it and tried watching the show but literally everything about it was terrible.
>>352244Oh man I wish I knew how to find that sort of server, sounds cool. is it active?
No. 352277
>>350899The darkskin lightskin debate was perpetuated by Jim Crow laws. If you steep people in that stuff for centuries and darker people are at higher risk of being killed or beaten, then it’s no surprise many black people became afraid of being considered dark as it could literally mean the difference between life and death for them and began to treat the idea of being dark with disdain or desperately began trying to lighten their skin.
This goes for Africans too as Africa was under white European control for many years. Any black person who brings up skin tone in a negative way is merely hurting and has been taught to think a
toxic way, or simply ignorant. You can’t hate them for it, because it’s what they’ve been taught through brainwashing.
Uplifting and educating black people as a whole is the only solution to it. I actually think the lightskin darkskin stuff is something mostly older generations of black people care about, younger black people seem to be embracing their dark skin which is amazing and beautiful to see. Anyone who repeats
toxic colorism is simply a product of a
toxic environment and needs to educate themselves. All skintones are fucking beautiful.
>>266765This is part of a survival mechanism, black women have faced so much discrimination and abuse from men of every race for centuries and we have only quite recently been liberated. I can see why black women get very paranoid about relationships because like I said about the skintone thing a relationship was often a matter of life and death for us. Getting picked by a wealthy high quality man was seen as literally the only way we could escape a bad life. Nowadays of course that’s completely irrelevant, black women are owning their own businesses, controlling the household, are desired by men all over the world and are the main character in our own lives. So it’s sad to see that pickmeism still going. Like I said above too, I can’t hate other black women for gossiping about this kind of stuff and being catty, because it’s been ingrained in us for so long, only loving ourselves and putting ourselves first can put a stop to that insecurity. It’s not these women’s faults, they’ve also been brainwashed to compete with other women over a man.
>>335527Indians get discriminated against a lot. I say this as a Trini girl with both Indian and black relatives. I think people are actually more openly racist towards desi Indians especially if they are darker skinned because people feel like mocking Indians is harmless and they know they won’t get ‘cancelled’ for it. But at the same time they generally are a very wealthy demographic in the US and have extremely tight knit communities with lots of nepotism and often a lot of family wealth, so they don’t face quite the same level of discrimination in a real life setting as we do. I think black people still have it tougher. However I would say on the internet and stuff the racism against both black people and Indian people is off the charts. However black people are more likely to be killed and such by police officers so I think black people have it worse overall.
>>199514I agree. There definitely needs to be more dialogue about different black cultures, not just AA culture, although I think AA culture permeates kinda worldwide. I just like to let African women talk and share their experiences. From the African women I have talked to, I found we have an insane amount in common, even though we had different upbringings and cultures, which is nice. I love Ethiopian people and have always found them very warm, kind and their culture is pretty fascinating as it’s so ancient. I would love to hear more takes from my Ethiopian sisters.
No. 352521
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>>199512I'm just gonna post this here, a thread I made on CC some time ago but the mods there locked it for no fucking reason because they're racist cunts.
No. 352528
>>352527Oh so she's a known cow? I was wondering why someone would continue to visit moid zones online where she only ever gets bullied. Of course no one deserves to be mistreated and the racism and misogny that inspires such abuse is a crime against God, nature, and humanity. But for the love of Christ
>>352521 please find other places to hang out online and IRL. You can't stop them from hurting you, but you can stop exposing yourself to their hurt.
No. 352534
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>>352526Asian people aren't even white, retard. They are Asian, and only Japanese and Chinese people have an ungodly fixation over Anglo-Saxon whiteness and wanting to subvert their own Asian race in favor of brown-nosing the white race. Japan is an absolute joke especially, claiming certain female anime protagonists as being "toTaLlY 100% etHnIcaLly JapAneSe" yet then be some blonde haired blue eyed Scandinavian girl that no standard Japanese girl could ever look like unless she had a .00001% rare genetic mutation. And notice how the majority of other Asians will automatically hate and disown Japanese and Chinese people whenever they're brought up in discussion? Because even Asians themselves think that these two ethnicities are the biggest jokes to humanity for openly subverting their own race every day
>>352527Um, I'm not Iris (whoever the hell that is) and I'm the one who made that post. I was talking about the misogynoir men of color ensue on black women everyday, and I wasn't crying about it as if I want to seek romantic validation from these men, I was complaining about how, unlike other races of men such as white and Asian men, men of melanated color don't even want to offer us the smallest morsel of respect or seeing us as fucking human beings.
No. 352539
>>352536You're retarded
>>352521>>352534You have a point
No. 352562
>>351600Nobody said you can’t complain about black men, it’s you saying
>white and Asian guys are soooo much better amirite girlies!That makes you sound like a scrotey shill with ulterior motives. There is no good race of moids.
No. 352576
>>352562He’s been doing the exact same thing in other threads for months lol. It’s a white guy who larps as a
woc and tries to shill white men and gatekeep. He throws a fit and posts a rant anytime a woman expresses an attraction to non white men, just report his posts he’s obsessed with trying to make us date him, pathetic kek.
No. 352579
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>>352578Like it’s even at the point black women on LSA are starting to notice white men LARPing as black women online lol.
No. 352588
>>352579I remember some scrote on twitter was suggesting LSA is a good place to find '
femcel virgins' and target insecure ethnic women for incels to date and use as 'practice gfs' (ew). I guess they must have infested the board from that thread. Yuck.
No. 352595
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>>352584I’ve seen Asian, Native and black women say that white guys stole their pics to larp as them or post fetish content.
No. 352632
>>352534Koreans are the same, why only mention Japanese and Chinese? In fact, Koreans are worse than the Japanese, kek. Are you a kpop stan or something,
nonny? Please stop. On top of the racism, they abuse their own women
on average. There's a reason SK has such militant radfems. It's because their moids are some of the worst alive, and they can't even lean on poverty and ignorance as an excuse.
Anyway, I understand what you're saying in this post
>>352521. The one solution is avoiding scrotey spaces, which I know is hard if you're online a lot. The one thing you don't realize is that racist misogynists say whatever online, but then turn around and make "exceptions". It's stupid, don't take any of it seriously, they want your self-esteem low so they can take advantage. They're just not worth your time. Also, those same men get off on abusing and degrading white women.
No. 352753
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>>352710There's so many
>meanwhile in koreaI could use, but I'll just do you this extremely recent one lol
No. 352755
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Being a koreaboo is pathetic. Kpop is a genre that steals from black people, and it's being pumped out a group of people who think touching black people is dirty/gross. Like drop the Asian worship, I'm begging you.
No. 352758
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>>352755Forgot the last page. This white-haired, blue-eyed, tall, muscular character is meant to be a "pure" Korean btw.
No. 352769
>>352756This only proves how the retard that made that comic hasn’t seen a person of color in his entire pathetic life. He just made a shitty caricature based on an incel racist forum and picked a cool sounding nationality from the map to make that character.
I hate how that’s not something that should get people cancelled, but saying that a Japanese dude is Chinese means you can get spat on.
No. 352775
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>>352769This is how Korean audiences reacted to the whole thing, too. There's no "they just didn't know" argument. They fully understand that it's racist. They just think the only racism that matters is the type that's aimed at them, which is why they'll mald all day about being mistaken for other Asians, but then turn around and do things like that.
They don't respect black people, they're just thirsty to rip off/copy any culture in a bid for relevance.
No. 352825
>>352545Yeah it's a man shitting up the thread. He even admitted here
>>352536 that seeing a few black women with white or Asian men got him
No. 352954
>>352830As the saying goes, the grass ain’t greener, it’s just different grass.
Black men suck in a lot of ways. But white, Asian, Hispanic and every other race of men sucks in their own ways too.
No. 353084
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I got rejected again for a white girl and I’m spiralling again back into my toxic ‘I wish I was a white girl Pinterest saving 900000 pictures of blonde supermodels holding Starbucks cups phase’ I’m so tired of it nonas, I know I’m gonna get accused of racebaiting so don’t even bother replying to me if you’re mad because I’m not interested in arguing about it, but Jesus Christ it’s ridiculous how much easier my life would be if I had been born a pretty blonde blue eyed white girl. It’s hard not to feel bitter about it. Being a black girl is like living on nightmare mode. It reminds me of how when I was younger I would literally put my head down and not be able to make eye contact with white people because I felt like they all hated me for being black. I know it’s so toxic but I’m slipping back into this way of thinking and I want to tear my skin off.
No. 353118
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>>353084I'm not black but my mother is nonwhite and my father is white, he'd always chase after white women and it ruined my mental state as a teenager. I always had selfhatred and wanted to be white passing as I could. I'm so sorry for what you went through anon, I can completely understand you but you shouldn't do that. You can find beautiful black models to look at instead of the ones you posted, anok literally looks so much prettier than all of the girls you posted for example and I'm not biased either.
No. 353234
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On a more positive note, can we talk about how hot Megan looks with curly hair?
No. 353245
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>>353221White moids are psychotic they tried ruining an innocent womans relationship and sent thousands of emails to her white bf because she had a black ex boyfriend. They made databases like coalfax to document white women who date black men. They’re insecure psychos who can’t stop thinking about black penises.
No. 353318
>>353245Tbh she's a weirdo for fetishizing a black man with the all black everything comment, it reminds me of how most white men fetishize asian women fir their ethnicity/race. Would you be fine dating a man who had asian exes and made social media posts fetishizing the exes for their race? I wouldn't be fine with that.
If she had only dated him but didn't make the comments, she'd be in the right. Now she just seems a bit creepy.
No. 353344
>>353336any pregnancy causes a reduction of gray matter in the hippocampus and other areas.
now that's a fact.
>but that's not like, le bad thing u knooowww?yeah no thanks, don't really need any "mommy brain specialization", i'm good.
No. 353637
>>353084You do seem super young, and this
toxic mindset is just going to hurt you. Try going offline for a bit to clear your head.
However, "Being a black girl is like living on nightmare mode"… is 100% I cannot deny that other races of women have an easier time at life than we do. It does get demoralizing at times knowing that everything is an uphill battle.
No. 353777
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>>352190i agree. tbh i hate being put in a box and treated like i'm doing something wrong for not acting, speaking or looking how others think i should because of my race. i'm not outgoing or ""strong"" (as in a mule or mascot for other people's political causes) or some kind of hypersexual rap video chick. i am just a young woman. leave me alone, retards!!!
american media is the worst about this. people (both black and non-black) are bad individually, too. if you keep saying a black girl who likes any -core or pink or rabbits or anime "hates her race", "isn't being true to herself" and "wants to be white/asian", what exactly do you think you're inducing? these people genuinely do seem to believe that your race dictates your personality. they're like NPCs. i've never understood their psychosis, and at this point, i don't care to. i just wish they'd fuck off and stop harassing black women for being varied human beings.
No. 353787
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>>353234Woah, she has so much hair!
No. 353995
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>>352754>>352758I'm late lol, but you can tell this is fictional because he went to East Harlem, called multiple black people the n-word, and didn't get his ass beat. This is some sort of revenge fantasy created by the author. I remember hearing about how there was an anti-feminist chapter apparently, so I guess this isn't completely out of the blue.
No. 354778
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>>354459you're right. also, i don't think it's just ignorance on the part of the black people who perpetuate that, but a function of the current societal system as a whole.
i'm likely going to sound schizo, but i believe there's a silent agreement the west has on "black" being less a race (see: the one drop rule and its continued prevalence), and more an underclass. an underclass needs to perform its role, and be easily visually marked. everyone has to do "their part". part of the black woman's role is to embody at least one of the three archetypes: jezebel, sapphire and mammy. i'm sure i don't need to explain what those are in detail. if you perform none of them, you are upsetting the delicate racist balance set in place by the society you live in, and not in the current media-sanctioned way deemed "empowering" (though it's actually just more of the same). a lot of black people have completely swallowed "black" being more than a race, but a specific personality, likes/dislikes, etc under the banner of "culture" (ignoring that there are multiple black cultures, and that culture does not dictate the entirety of anyone's being, unless they have literally no self-awareness or individual thought). they don't see it as bad, because it's been repackaged as "cool" by shitty burger media, and they've effectively been pacified via small concessions. most black people will not question why we're still not really in charge of our own representation, why "our" music so often has destructive, anti-social messages, and why those in charge of the record labels, media companies, etc pushing this stuff are old-ass degenerate moids who aren't even black. none of it is in good faith, but they can't see it.
unlike some other minorities, there is also no way for a black woman to not be visibly and clearly black, so we can't really just "blend into" any subculture and live in peace IRL. our existence constantly gets politicized, and since a lot of people are dumb and don't see what's going on (or, you know, just racist), they'll blame every single one of us for it. easiest example is spergs who believe a black character in anything is automatically "woke". a black woman not "doing black things", "talking black", "acting black" or "dressing black" becomes a betrayal of what it means to
be "black" (which, again, is not a race, but a position, and it's not one to be defined by us as individual black women, but everybody else, lmao), and a sort of challenge to the established status quo. you can literally just be a person with hobbies or interests, and a bunch of freaks who think we're all in some kind of race pyramid or ant colony will essentially screech at you to get back "in line" (and "in line" for us means shaking our asses, being loud, illiterate, masculine and/or morbidly obese so that we can be constant sexual/comedic entertainment, living "proof" that it's natural and totally healthy to be fat so that fat hyperlibfem white women can feel better about themselves ala the fat acceptance movement, and allow other races of women to appear "softer" and "more feminine" - irish women were made to play the last role before the irish were considered white). you're enraging black people who think it's your job and "actually powerful!!!1" to conform to identities you never signed up for, and also making racists uncomfortable because you don't fit into the autistic set of "traits" they applied to you and regurgitated to each other like a religion. all of it is just very insidious.
i think more black girls and women are picking up on this, and media execs can see the fatigue building up, so they've been throwing a bone here and there by allowing actresses like ayo edibiri who don't fit stereotypes to show up in movies/shows, but the main representation still is (and probably always will be) the jezebel, mammy or sapphire because it's what sells and keeps the racist/lowbrow majority comfortable. all of it just makes me sad, honetly. it must be so peaceful to just be allowed to have your own individuality.
No. 354911
sus how you keep downplaying white supremacys role in intraracial conflict, you’re definitely white kek
No. 354927
>>354911I'm not downplaying white supremacy, can you read? Intra-racism in the US is literally a product of white supremacy, I'm saying shitty human behavior shouldn't be downplayed either. I'm not going to defend or coddle scrotes and pickmes that racially abuse me just because they're black and also go through shit from white people. I experience the same and don't bash other black people, so what is their excuse? Even if they have some perfect
victim backstory that's 100x worse than my whole life, why the fuck do I or any other black women and children need to accept being used as punching bags with grace? I'm tired of that. When exactly does the abuse end? We're not automatons, we can still choose to perpetuate hatred and a lot of (bad, mentally) ill people do that.
If you want to call me white for saying all this, it sucks but can't be helped. BS like "You sound white" is already the internalized racist's go-to for literally breathing in a way some twittertard doesn't like, and it just makes me feel even more alienated and creates a sense of apathy + separation when these same people that insist we're supposed to be unified againt white supremacy, lmao. I don't think you're white, but you certainly are myopic and a complete pussy for being too afraid to rock the beat by holding intra-racists responsible, and that might be even worse, bye.
No. 354933
>>354927Samefag bc I'm still irritated. The black male who calls BW "roaches" and invokes
abusive stereotypes while knowing full well his own mother is black and that BLM marches are literally fielded by black women knows what he is doing. He knows the harm and trauma he's causing, he knows he's biting the hand that feeds him, and he's willing to kick down other black people (especially black women!) because he thinks it'll make white massa like him more. That is self-centred and
abusive, I'm sick of pretending he's just some kind of innocent child who fell into a trap. I'm not even saying he's irredeemable. I just refuse to fall into the notion that we need to dismiss these things, because like it or not, unabashed coon behavior inevitably fucks us all over when we're trying to dismantle white supremacy. It's also wrapped up in the whole "Love your sons, raise your daughters" cultural issue, but I don't want to rant even more. I could go on for days about black women with internalized racism causing harm too, but I've said enough. Just know I'll always hold those who perpetuate antiblack racism even while being black accountable for their own choices, much like I do with internalized misogynists. I won't cry for you if you try to hurt me just because we suffered in the same way. I'll just cut you off for my own peace.
No. 355545
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>>354778Thank you for essayposting! I completely agree. I've noticed some of this trends since 2018, especially when BW try to speak.
I used to wonder why some many people across the political spectrum hated quiet BW who minded our business, but that's because we weren't doing our "role". Especially as a mammy for certain liberal women.
I've noticed in certain extreme liberal spaces, black and white are being redefined not as biology but as behavior and belief. Whenever you try to better yourself via education, moneymaxxing, fitness, you're labeled as white. I hated that as a kid but it feels more common and insidious as an adult.
Aside from that, have you guys noticed the rise of racism in radfem/Gc circles?
No. 355604
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I just wanted to post a vent here where I get off my chest all of the things I have to deal with as a black woman and why I am firm in saying that after the horrible experiences I am currently having with my roommate, I never want to try having another black female friend ever again.
I am a college student which has been hard. I’m a bit older than the normal age of students who go here because I’ve had really bad mental health struggles in the past which have deterred me from my education. Long story short, had a REALLY bad breakup with a black man that made me almost quit school, had to spend a year and a half on academic leave enrolled in a mental health program because the breakup was so bad.
Now I’m back in school, am a semester away from graduating and lo and behold I have the worst of the absolute worst type of roommate. And shamed to say, she’s another black woman.
At the urging of my mother (mom was paranoid and wanted me to see roommate as an accountability buddy to prevent me from having another attempted suicide again), I confided in my roommate about my past experience and how I have trauma with black men. She seemed totally sympathetic to me, gave condolences, even chanted the mantra “niggas ain’t shit” saying I could come to her and vent to her about anything.
Yet on that very same first night, she brought over a random black dude to our room and asked me to leave so that she could fuck him. This happened a couple times last semester.
This semester, I started a situationship with a white guy I met outside of school and we were sort of dating but last night we had a huge fight over phone call and we’re kind of broken up now. I came to my room and roommate noticed me crying, asked what was wrong and I told her. She seemed sympathetic, even hugged me and told me she’d be there for me. I thought she had changed too because since the beginning of this semester she hasn’t slept with anyone and even told me she wasn’t seeing anyone. So I thought things were good. Until just tonight, she comes to our room and now suddenly brings the SAME black dude she was fucking from last semester, into our room again and derisively asks me to leave so she can fuck him.
Now I’m just sitting outside our room door as I proceed to hear them moaning and fucking aloud, it makes me sick to my stomach.
After this night, I’ve had it with her. I’m convinced there’s no such thing as “black female solidarity” anymore and this bitch has shown me a clear example of that. I have NEVER brought anyone to our dorm or fucked anyone at my school for the duration that I’ve been here nor treated her with the disrespect she continually treats me with.
Until this semester, I’ve had no one until I met the white guy from outside of school. And now I feel tempted to pay this bitch back by inviting him over for Halloween and fucking him in our room since we’re in a situationship after all. I just needed to vent all this out because I’m done and I want to go with this plan
No. 355613
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>>353084Look at pretty black women/models instead,
nonny. Work with your own base and natural beauty. I know pretty privilege doesn't cancel out racism, but it makes a massive difference, and don't let anyone tell you different.
No. 355710
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No. 355711
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>>355710There’s rumors there might be a serial killer targeting black women in LA
No. 355855
>>355711He’s gonna get away with this. Most cops don’t care, most people think all black people hate cops (thanks BLM) and no crimes will get solved. She might have had a chance if she was white. Maybe then the feminists would have said something.
>>355704Twitter is the worst but there’s plenty on tumblr and Ovarit. It’s like the conservatives rubbed off on them and the only way to “protect female dignity” is being as racist as possible to random women online.
That’s why western feminism is dead. Stuck between trannies, racists and retards.
No. 355916
>>355863>black women voted OJ Simpson as innocent even after he murdered a white woman. nta but you're blaming all black women in the world for the votes of black women nearly 30 years ago in a case in the US, but you'd probably have a negative reaction if black and other groups of women blamed you for 55% of white women voting for trump, white women allowing their white scrotes to get away with raping and abusing black women when they were slaves and forcing them to be broodmares to their white children they cba to raise/breastfeeed, allowing their white scrotes to perform human experimentation on black women, blocking black women from feminism during the suffragette era, the list goes on. this is ignoring what's been done (and often continues to be done) to women of asian, latina, native american, etc descent because then i'd be here all day.
i'm not going to engage further, i just want all anons who come here to sit on this bit of hypocrisy. any bad blood did not start with the women these sorts of people target for hatred while still calling themselves "feminists". it was never about "stealing muh black men" (if a statistically higher rate of domestic abuse, child abandonment, etc is really considered a "win" or desired for some women, idk what to say), and everyone knows it, but i get that bringing up the concept of sexual desirability is easier for pickme and trad types. it's also actually crazy how happy they are to throw every black woman under the bus over libfems/pickmes with internalized misogyny, but they still kid themselves that they're pro-woman and mald when they themselves aren't treated as individuals.
No. 355918
>>355899Racist white women definitely exist but I don’t think white women shit talk black women anywhere near the amount that black women shit talk white women (and men).
LSA and black twitter are just black people constantly mocking and deriding white people especially white women. White women barely even think about black women imo, unless they are currently being annoyed by one in person at the time. I’m not surprised radfems have fatigue now and can’t be bothered being accommodating and intersectional anymore to a group that clearly hates them and can do no right in their opinion.
I know many white women who’ve been sabotaged and cancelled in business and multiple other professional settings by black women, for no reason other than professional jealousy. Everytime there are prizes, funds and grants given out now in academia or arts it’s always to black women, even if their project isn’t as good as a white womans, which is patronizing in itself: don’t you want accolades based on merit rather than pity? Apparently not.
No. 356511
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>>356454This is why black women are better off with private sub or discords or websites. The internet in large is the worst place to gain sympathy. Anonymous info gathering, financial knowledge and fun music are the only good things about the internet. Black women are better off learning to gain money and gaining property. You have nothing in common with white women or black men. Don't waste your life doing SJ stuff, not only will you gain nothing and achieve none of your goals, you will be hated and reviled and blamed for everything terrible in the country. Stop voting democrat because your family or friends do it. Better to research who and how your vote works or not even vote at all. The less black women in politics, the better. Every young black girl should focus on getting that A and grinding until she is financially independent.
No. 356597
>>356579Go into any online
poc space and that’s all you’ll find unfortunately
>woe is me, Chad picked Stacy over me>wahhhh Stacy picked Chad over me >wahhhh why is my race so powerless and oppressed>wanhhh i hate being my race so much i wish I was white Etc etc. Funniest thing is they don’t realize they’re perpetuating white supremacy by trying to paint black women or whatever as the lowest status group and whites as the pinnacle. Sometimes I wonder if it’s white people trying to poison the well. A
victim status only serves their interests after all. Either way, it’s pathetic.
No. 356611
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>>356579>>356597I am being realistic about the BW’s prospects. They are politically useless and unpopular in all groups. Of course you want her to be ignorant of her condition so she never improves. WW are the default women and their worst traits are attributed to their sex or themselves. BM are cool, suave, included into any group. Asians and Jews put effort into education and have their own successful little societies. There’s no place for BW and she has to carve something out. BW have nothing but negative stats on health, finance, education, etc. She has to change and improve herself. SJ was a terrible choice so other options must be considered.
Also, why should I care if Chad and Stacy hook up? they’re white and grew up in similar environments with similar interests. It’s natural for them to gravitate towards each other. It’s not unusual for Stacy to chase after Tyrone and Chad to chase after Ming Lee. It happens but nothing bad happens. There is nothing for BW. She has to make something for herself. Modern feminism either harass and dupe young BW into doing their SJ work or are closet racists who hide behind the radfem label.
I spent my time around a lot of people and My eyes have been open. There is nothing for BW except for self improvement.
(racebait) No. 356643
>>356611Somewhat agree but I don’t think you’re doing us any favors by trying to mark us as the least desirable and most powerless demographic. That’s like moids who try and neg us into thinking we’re unlovable.
I will however say that black feminism has and needs its own category altogether. White, Asian and Hispanic women simply cannot understand our struggle at all. White women are seen as the pinnacle of beauty and social status, they just exist in their own little bubble with no problems. Asian women have a unique gilded cage experience where they experience extreme fetishism by all races of men and most Asian women are deeply anti black and don’t care about our problems at all, they worship racist white people too and act like their lapdogs, they are not our allies at all imo. Latinas are also desirable/fetishized, generally have ease assimilating and can hop between minority and token American, there’s also a greater number of them and their communities are large and generally tight knit with supportive large families. Black women are kind of all on our own. All races of men shit on us and treat us like garbage while getting angry at us no matter who we choose to date, and we’ve probably been brutalized and attacked more than any race of women. Black female experience is unique to us.
No. 356656
>>356654But your race 100% affects how your problems will be treated and dealt with. Generally, white womens problems are taken seriously by the law and court system, and they are afforded greater protection and safety nets should they find themselves in trouble. There are many white women who’ve killed their husbands or babies or whatever and been let off the hook. Look how the media treated Brooke Skylar Richardson even after she killed her newborn baby, and was afforded
victim status, and never served any time, because she was blonde and pretty. Meanwhile Rafaelle Sousa, a middle aged Afro-Latina woma, received 7 years jail just for dumping her baby, and the baby didn’t even die. White women always get off the hook, black women get the book thrown at them.
Most abuse and violation against black women is not taken seriously at all by law enforcement. Black women are by far the most likely to be abused, cheated on and murdered.
No. 356676
>>356611>>356511after reading your other posts, i don't think you're a baiting male anymore, but you sound too swayed by media, and you talk as if everyone literally hates black women and loves black men. i feel like that may have been the case 10 years ago, but not so much anymore. black women have already overtaken black men financially and in the education sector. most black families in the US have the mother as the breadwinner. out of 14 black people appointed to the federal court of appeals by biden, only one is a black man.
we're also far from politically useless. there are more attempts at pandering specifically to black women than ever before (i won't comment on the quality of these attempts). opportunistic people and groups are constantly trying to use us to try and legitimize their political movements, and they get extremely upset if we don't let them. they're aware we have a certain social agency, and the whole "cool" concept has never been isolated to black men, but i digress. i do agree on SJ being a bad choice for those same reasons, though. people are just too entitled and self-interested for it to be worth it. staying out of dumb situations, focusing on money/academics/safety/health and not being any group's "warrior" >>>
>It’s not unusual for Stacy to chase after Tyrone and Chad to chase after Ming Lee. It happens but nothing bad happens. There is nothing for BW.all this kind of talk really does is degrade black women imo. you're ignoring that black women who are even slightly attractive get chased after and fetishized like crazy. also, it's not really true that "nothing bad happens" when black men are disproportionately
abusive to all groups of women and create a lot of single-parent homes, but i know incels are hate-reading this thread, so i'll just leave it at that.
No. 356748
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nonny, there is literally a fucking reaction TikTok trend that spurred from nothing but a drug-induced white girl staring awkwardly at the camera on her boyfriend's lap.
Hundreds of men responded to this 5 second clip of a girl being high on camera (she admitted herself that she was just high on shrooms) and took advantage of this non-issue situation and turned it into an online white-girl pandering campaign where men wanted to show how much of simps they'd be willing to be and schizo-imagning saving this white blond girl youtube girl that didn't even remotely need to be saved LOL. Yet that didn't stop men from wanting to white knight for some random druggie chick on the mere shallow basis that she is white and blonde. No different from the retarded fucking Marina Joyce situation.
Yet white women still play coy and pretend they have absolutely no awareness that they have a strongly tethered safety net of moids in the Western world willing to bend over and break their spines for the sake of a white girl's tears. And you still expect black women to be your complicit allies when you turn a blind eye to all the social media campaigns denigrating us yet kissing your asses? We can never work together.
No. 356763
>>356748that's not simping or pandering, anon. they're mocking the video because she looks like she doesn't want to be there. if they were worried, they'd just dox them both and call the police.
marina joyce just looked cracked out and sort of gross, which made people think she was being held hostage. you are absolutely right that people assume white women need to be "saved" more often than other races of women, but those aren't the best examples. the wikipedia article for missing white woman syndrome pretty much confirms what you're saying and documents the disparities.'s other aspects to this too, though. white women who are poorer or have "difficult" circumstances (drug addiction, criminal pasts, etc) that make them seem less "innocent" do not get the same treatment:
>In a 2016 Esquire article about the disappearance of Tiffany Whitton, journalist Tom Junod observed that white women of lower social status, such as Whitton, a 26-year-old unemployed drug addict who was on parole, do not get much media attention, as "media outlets are ruthlessly selective, and they tend to prefer women who are white, pretty, and, above all, innocent". Her mother stated that producers of shows like Nancy Grace told her they weren't interested in her daughter's case.[25] Dr. Cory L. Armstrong wrote in The Washington Post: "The pattern of choosing only young, white, middle-class women for the full damsel treatment says a lot about a nation that likes to believe it has consigned race and class to irrelevance."[6]this isn't to say that they wouldn't get even less reach if they were black, but this is the problem with "white women are adored, have no problems, and the whole world bends over backwards for them" takes. reality just isn't that simple. you end up ignoring the fact that most white women are not wealthy, innocent and beautiful barbie clones with charmed lives. they are normal humans with a variety of experiences.
moving on to the more important issue, because of the inequality of things, so many black children go missing and have their cases ignored that they had to have something separate from amber alert: ebony alert. think it's actually good. IMO, in an unequal society, we need to create systems that prioritize us the way white-made systems prioritize their own. nearly all powerful collectives work mainly within their own interest. trying to get them to change is an uphill battle, and when you leave the lion's share of the power in their hands, it just means they can reverse on you. i don't think the solution is deciding all white women are the enemy and we can never work together, though. if you live in the west, the two groups kind of have to work with eachother, because while men of all races can despise eachother, they will still unite on misogyny and hatred of feminism at the end of the day. they have more power than us, and it'll be so much easier to fuck us all over as long as we're divided. also, you already know this, but not all white women support unfair systems or are malicious. i do feel like female solidarity is rapidly becoming a myth even on intraracial level, but there are still decent women of every race. you just need to move smartly. be cautious, make sure any possible collaboration would actually be of help to black women, and live your life without being anyone's mule. the whole rah-rah approach just makes it too easy for everyone to demand labor from black women, invoke the "angry, jealous black woman" stereotype if you ever complain, and block out anything
valid you're saying. i've seen that exact scenario play out that way too many times, and i want it to be avoided.
No. 356781
>>356763>i do feel like female solidarity is rapidly becoming a mythWas it ever real
Will it ever be real
No. 356811
>>356763You can’t have solidarity or equality between people who have such massive gaps in privileges
If you call the privileged people out for being privileged they’ll just screech and reee and lash out and deny it and ‘say fine we’re not standing with you anymore’ privileged people can never understand the pain and suffering of non privileged groups
No. 356812
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>>356676I never was but I’m pessimistic for the future. I don’t think it will get better for most people ever mind black women
No. 356833
>>356827White and Asian women don’t care about black women it’s all performative
They’ll say they care about us then go straight back to sucking Nazi dicks
(Racebait) No. 356854
>>356781good question. it can be, if enough women in any given place aren't pickmes.
>>356811assholes can't understand, but not everyone's an asshole. there are privileges you likely have over others (things like being able-bodied, not in extreme poverty, graduating from HS or having a GED, not being an illegal alien in the country you live in, etc), but it's not like you have some inherent need to be cruel to them just because your life circumstances are different. you can still share a lot in common, want to help them out and unite on some things.
No. 356908
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How prevalent is colorism among African Americans?
No1curr blog incoming but I had a colorist Great grandmother. i loved her and she seemed nice. But around 2018 when my grandma was living with us, she had a mental breakdown in front of everyone about how her mom(my great grandmother) treated her(my great grandmother died in 2012). She explained how she had 4 siblings, 3 male 1 female. My grandma happened to be a dark skin female, and was abused and degraded solely because of this fact. Her brothers did not get the same abuse (probably they were male) and her sister was lighter. She would call her “ugly”, beat her, deprive her of privileges given to the other children and other bad things and it clearly fucked up my grandma mentally and she has OCD and possible BPD. From what i can tell, colorism is mostly targeted towards women.
No. 356911
>>356910Also this doesn’t excuse your grandmas
abusive behavior at all, I’m just pointing out her way of thinking is a product of fear and brainwashing, thats externalized by lashing out. Many older black people are like this because their grandparents experienced Jim Crow laws firsthand and internalized all all that shit then inflicted it on their children.
No. 356912
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>>356857Exactly. White and Asian women don’t fuck nazis the only race of women that does that shit are pickmes.
Also a lot of Nazis happen to be incels kek i wonder why. You guys remember this dumbness white “supremacist” mall shooter who was paradoxically a Hispanic incel despite his superior white genes?
No. 356914
>>356911Yeah sadly this is a generational thing. Obviously though it doesn't excuse what she did and she never tried to make up for it. My grandma unfortunately was
abusive herself to my dad(mostly in the corporal punishment way) but she does regret it and has been spending who whole life trying to make up for it and my dad did forgive her.
No. 356915
It gets really exhausting with people constantly trying to excuse their hatred of us by citing crime stats and whatever. I just spent like 2 hours arguing with some racist pos white guy who was trying to say that white people wouldn’t be racist towards black people, ‘if black people just committed less crime’.
I pointed out to him that even in the old days when black people basically behaved like whites, in other words dressed very proper and went to church, all had two parent families, were all employed, well behaved, law abiding etc, white people still harassed hated and attacked them because they were black.
I showed him pictures of the Little Rock Nine girls just calmly trying to attend school with white people laughing at them and screeching n*gger at them in the background.
He went into full denial about this and claimed that blacks are naturally predisposed to crime and all this other nonsense. I’m so tired of it. Even if black people behaved like angels, whites would still hate us. If they admitted they hate us, at least they’d be honest, but the gaslighting drives me crazy.
No. 356931
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Ryna Workman threw away the opportunity of a lifetime because she wanted to be a Social Justice Mammy. Imagine throwing away a $300K job right out of university for Arabs. A rich Arab will literally hire a Jew before he hires a black American woman! Saudi Arabia has killed over 3000 Ethiopian migrants! Black women are seen as brain-dead whores in those countries. And yet you march for them? Funny enough this woman identifies a "they/them"! The jokes write themselves!
And then she had the nerve to double down on that on a tv interview. Arabs on twitter are worshiping and giggling around the pretty Lebanese and Arab girls who are ripping down the posters but no one is speaking up for Ryna. Misogynoir is omnipresent. Your fellow POCs and liberal allies think you deserve to be no higher than a slave, a maid, that you are not capable of anything else. That's why they complain about "affirmative action (which only worked for white women), or the IQ scores. Most people hate you and want you to fail and by playing SJW, you give them a reason to ban you from proper and paid work.
If I was Ryna, I would simply commit suicide.
There's nothing for her. This is exactly why black women should keep their mouths shut! Everyone knows Jews have made law their niche. You are in their ring, you play by their rules.
All that marching and look at her gofundme: Barely $1000.
>>356941We all know who it is. Kek. Just ignore him.
It’s 5PM in Wisconsin, probably just woke up from his xannie coma.
No. 356947
>>356939>doesn’t deny being Jewish Kek. Yeah, shilling for Israel and suggesting a black woman kills herself for expressing freedom of speech, not
sus at all. You’re totes a black woman, hon. In your dreams.
No. 356954
>>356950Even more reason for BW to shut up and mind her business! I'm very well aware of the sterilization. I do think that's evil. Arabs just beat BW to death instead. Most of the ships were owned by the old Spanish and Nordic Kingdoms as opposed to Jews.
>>356952I've been here since 2019. Just because I'm fed up with BW's stupidity doesn't make me an outsider. I'm just a woman with politically incorrect opinion.
No. 356958
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Jews hate us, Arabs hate us, whites hate us, Asians hate us, everyone hates us, let’s face it.
I keep telling you, the only allies of black people are other black people.
No. 356969
>>356958You say all races hate black people yet my Asian father loved my black mother enough to help her escape from her
abusive black West Indie family. Not every race hates us, we just keep getting distracted by the vocal minorities that say the ugliest things the loudest. It's this self-destructing mentality that is going to be the downfall of the black community, specifically black women because we CARRY the community. Black men sit on their hands doing nothing and make us their mules. Stop believing the 4chan incels and shallow retards that act like whiteness is the superior gene, black women are beautiful and many people out there are astonished and speechless by our beauty. We radiate a majesty like no other, embrace your blackness and people will be attracted and embrace you!
No. 356974
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>>356931>>356946That post sounds weird because it was written by a racist worthless zionist male from the Israel/Palestine thread:
>>>/ot/1746406As he established in that thread, he is
obsessed with black women, and probably responsible for some of the worst posts ITT.
No. 356985
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>>356949>>356939>>356943>>356948>>356954>>356956>>356960Same male as screenshotted and linked to in
>>356974Very, very high chance it's Bl*ine the schizo tranny (who is Jewish). Anons, when "someone" keeps making weird, negative posts saying that everybody despises black women and that other races (especially other races of women) are all evil, horrible people, please remember that a hideous, psychotic male is posting multiple times in this thread and LARPing as a woman. No one will miss him when he inevitably kills himself, so he's trying to take it out on women anywhere he can. Don't fall for it.
No. 357003
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>>356974>>356985>>356952God forbid I'm frustrated to see a woman lose out of the opportunity of a lifetime for racist leftist and Arabs! The only acceptable opinions a BW can have is whatever the popular opinion is! Only whites can question the mainstream ! Why are you support BW dysfunction? You benefit from black women being dumb SJ mules for your causes. Whenever you need a fat positivity slogan, you just call a gaggle of fat black women to march for you.
Maybe I should give into the stereotypes and create a mule for hire service. Americans love it when black women are fat, stupid and obedient. Might as well make some money from BW stupidity. Why fight against racism when you can profit from it?
No. 357005
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Does anyone else find it unfair that Cynthia G's channel was banned from YouTube but misogynistic channels that often target black women like Fresh&Fit and Oshay Duke Jackson are allowed to stay? I don't fully agree with her, but it's unfair that all those misogynistic channels get to stay on the platform.
No. 357011
>>357004Because BW are Acceptable Targets: BM, they have no humour, refuse to let you use the n-word pass and actually try to maintain a community.
BM are expected to mommy grown men and mule for others. They try to be in service to others because they are despised by others. A tradegy.
No. 357018
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>>357009It was a white woman that was mainly behind her ban. Her name is Ashley Belanger.
No. 357021
>>357018Of course. Thanks Liberal White Woman! What would we do without your censorship?
A fatty too
No. 357038
>>356915I live in a Muslim country with %10 refugees/foreigners. Guess the race that commits least crime? Black people. Kek. Black people only commit crime if they're pushed into poverty and have to use criminal ways to make money. Most black people in my country are studying in good unis and again are the most successful when compared to other foreign students like slavs, arabs, etc. who usually drop out.
It annoys me so much when they bring up crime stats as if they don't know that any type of person pushed into poverty will commit crimes regardless of their ethnicity or race.
No. 357093
>>356974I noticed that someone in the Israel/Pali thread started sperging about black women for no reason. There was also one very butthurt Jew in that thread posting nearly every minute for hours at the same time, and defending Israel murdering women and children. So yeah I’m guessing it was him. He seems to love larping as a black woman for some reason, and he’s very very bad at it kek.
What is it with white trannies and gay men, and larping as black women on the internet? It’s so creepy. Fuck off.
No. 357095
>>357003Why does this anon sound
exactly like the white sperg moid on LSA who was called out by all the black women on there for being a male larper, and kept calling everyone cringe stuff like ‘my sister’ while thinking he was convincing people he was a black woman, lol.
No. 357263
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>>357095the moid in the israel/palestine thread who was derailing to talk about black women also admitted to browsing LSA. i wouldn't be surpised if it was the same guy.
it's kind of hilarious how bad they always are at gaslighting. "no one cares about you or your opinions grrr black foids", but he can't stop forcing himself into black women's spaces, malding that we won't support his shitty causes and trying to pass as a black woman online. freakish buffalo bill clone.
No. 357355
>>356936the "oppressed" group in question are violently racist towards black people. they wouldn't hesitate to call you an abeed or zanji the minute you disagree with them.
and why are we expected to mule for every single group? you don't see other non-black people sacrificing their livelihood for these racist ayyyrabs
No. 357357
>>356956they won't because they have real proof[also, depo shots =/= sterilization]
they won't because they don't actually care black jewish lives, they don't care about black Palestinian lives. they only care about muling for these innocent oppwressed 'brown' ayyrabs
No. 357912
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I hate sydcarmy and all discussions related to it. I hate how obsessive some black girls can be about any IR shipping. You distract yourself with ugly incompatible men because your own life sucks. These people aren't compatible, you are just horny and deranged.
I think WMBW relationships should be banned from media forever. No one knows how to write a non-abusive, non-cringy version anyway. BMWW is actually subversive and revolutionary n American society.
And fuck Scandal for normalizing this garbage. Fuck you Shonda Rhimes
No. 358026
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>>358016Seriously. The white gays who think black woman is a personality they can pick are the weirdest ones to me. Its rooted in a weird mixture of fetishization and mockery.
No. 358051
>>358021>>358019This is exactly the reason why i completely stopped following every single black woman who makes divestment content and or any content adjacent to it. They heavily promote this idea so hard, there is not a single man worth being a pickme for.
>>358026A long time ago in the racefaker thread on /ot/ anons posted weird agps who would larp as black women for their fetish. After seeing that shit, i wouldn't decredit this theory.
No. 358195
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Something a friend pointed out to me: Whenever black women get criticized over something, it's about annoying female rappers, twerking, or wigs. But when black men get criticized, it's because of murder, rape, violence and general crime. However, black women are seen as the "problem" within the community. Funny how that works.
No. 358258
>>358257Samefag, scrotes declaring things that aren't based in reality as fact and expect us to pretend what they want to believe is real, exemplifies how they are the ones that created and shilled the tranny problem. We know it's you
>>>/snow/1876035 you dumbass tranny scrote kek.
No. 358281
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>>358258This post from that same thread matches what the tranny's been doing ITT to the letter. He's so pathetic.
No. 358285
>>358267You'd think middle-aged women would be inoculated to
abusive scrote bullshit, but they're always the first to make excuses.
No. 358352
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People have been calling the (Indian) actress for Karen in the new Mean Girls movie "black" in the comments of this. The same thing happened with Mindy Kaling's Velma reboot. Why is it that to internet racists, anyone with brown skin is automatically black? Are they retarded? It almost feels like they have some kind of web-induced Tourette's that makes them try to force black people into the center of all their racial spergouts.
No. 358371
>>358369tbf the movie isn't really a remake of the original, it's an adaptation of the mean girls broadway musical. I think the raceswapping is pointless though. plus the actress that played gretchen in the original movie is biracial and most actresses who have played her on stage have been
woc, so why not just keep gretchen a
woc instead of casting a white woman and casting an indian as Karen?
No. 358384
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>>358369The Mean Girls thing is annoying to me because this, in particular, has absolutely nothing to do with black women, but idiots are bringing us up anyway.
On the topic of raceswaps in general, though: Unpopular opinion, but no one really cares as much when white people play roles for non-white characters in live action, see picrel. I also don't care, unless the character's race plays an important role in the story. Just make a good movie or show (better yet, no more remakes, make good original content like you said). Why is that so much to ask these days?
No. 358399
>>358368In the recent Jimmy Savile mockumentary they made one of the white irl
victims from the 70s be played by a South Asian actress in the movie for diversity, which her family was obviously quite upset about. Even as a black woman I don’t like forced diversity. It’s really bad in the UK here. Every single advert has at least one black main character in it, even though blacks people are only around 4% or the population here afaik. It’s mostly the advertising agencies faults.
No. 358424
>>358400Those movies were just bad, kek. They weren't panned just for the race stuff, the quality was just so low that no one cared to defend or look past it.
>>358403I didn't see this at all. Meanwhile, even though I don't care about Disney at all, I was unable to escape the constant malding, seething and racist memes about black women all because of The Little Mermaid casting. Also, the Aladdin adaption was still successful, according to Wikipedia.
No. 358428
>>358399it is bad in the uk, forced race swapping. they made ANNE BOLEYN BLACK for a tv show. real life people being race swapping is so awful and offensive. god that made me seethe. she was beheaded and now had her race swapped in a tv show.
also I feel tv adverts here are sooo forced, like the flash cleaning thing guy was changed to a black actor too.
No. 358455
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>>358428I remember that, it was fucked. The anon that said it's to worsen race relations is definitely right, because no black woman has ever sat down and said "I think Anne Boleyn (or literally any other white European historical figure) should be black, actually". Even black Twitter was against it.
No. 358459
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>>358455I still can’t believe this was ever be able to made. It is disgusting. WHY. Anne Boleyn was a real person. Not a mermaid, not a Disney character, so that can’t be used as an excuse. She was a real woman in history. An English queen. So disrespectful.
No. 358463
>>358446I don't think Disney would've done something like that if they didn't know it'd cause controversy, but I can buy the majority of normal people not being as bothered as the already-racist loud minority would make it seem.
To me, it just seemed like a cynical attempt to get attention to another mediocre remake, since no one cared about the others they put out. Since American media loves racebaiting and retards love being racebaited, it worked. Halle Bailey does have a beautiful voice, but it could've been put to better use imo.
No. 358473
>>358470It's not a theater production, and producers know exactly what they're doing.
Black women do not want to be the face of your fucked up games to
trigger other white people. Go tell your virtue signalling, racist daddy who seems to think we have no history of our own worth adapting to fuck off, and you can go with him.
No. 358479
>>358446It's a movie for kids, why do they care so much?
>>358352I've seen people confuse indians with black people many times though the way indians react is quite nasty. Like I know you're racist but goddamn.
No. 358483
>>358473Tell that to black twitter. They celebrated Ariel being non white yet also love to play the
victim card kek
No. 358487
>>358483>"black twitter speaks for all black women"Being terminally online and not knowing any black people IRL is a personal problem.
The races of cartoons and fictional characters in live action content don't matter to me either way because I'm not a spergy Disney adult or Chris-chan clone malding because Sonic's arms aren't blue. Changing actual historical figures' races, on the other hand, is just disrespectful.
>>358485Yeah, because it's meant to worsen race relations as a whole.
No. 358519
>>358509>black girl problems>racism>politicsNonny that's our reality unfortunately. A lot of our problems
are political and deal with racism. Or else this thread would have been just called "girl problems".
No. 358553
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>>358519you are not wrong. it's like everything is made up of things others can probably relate to, but then there's this almost cartoonishly fucked up aspect only we really experience. there is no reason for me to know that there's probably always going to be a subset of people who hate me and want me to die purely because of the race i was born, that they can't be escaped, that they'll often go out of their way to treat me badly, i can't hide who i am to avoid said treatmnt, and that there's pretty much nothing i can do to "prove" my humanity to them because they have a vested interest (both political and personal) in the degradation and outright dehumanization of anyone who looks like me on a mass scale. also, i'll continue to face virulent misogyny from all angles at the exact same time. i am just a girl.
No. 358682
>>358267Sad that being outed for being an
abusive asshole can actually give men a fanbase. The Tory Lanez situation was just embarrassing.
>>357912I didn't really care about it but the seeing the amount of hand wringing over it makes me root for the people that do ship it.
No. 358859
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>>358553I try to explain this to my therapist who is also black but unfortunately she does not get it. She’s very liberal and very tumblr. I need to live in a forest
No. 358936
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>>358859>>358664i feel you nonnas ♥
No. 359001
>>358978There was a white guy in my state who literally admitted to raping 3 teenage girls and the judge gave him probation, not even an actual sentence. Purely anecdotal but almost every white female friend I know got diddled by a family member, or raped/abused by a white bf in her teens, often while underage. There was actually a study that found white inmates, both male and female, were much more likely to report being raped or molested in their childhood than other ethnicities. I was surprised because I’ve always been told that rape and child molestation happens mostly to black children. I wasn’t aware of how endemic it is in white communities too. The whole Asian sex tourists and sexpat thing makes me sick. I’m disappointed to see some black men joining in the passport bro thing, but I was in Thailand a year ago and can confirm 95% of the creepy sex tourists were white guys.
Imo white guys rape abuse and molest just as much as any other race, they’re just smarter about it and less likely to be caught/punished. My best friend was diddled by her dad and the case was thrown out by a judge because of ‘lack of evidence’ (she was literally like 6 when it happened and still has severe trauma) I hate all men equally, there is no ‘good race’ of scrotes to me whatsoever. I’m tired of being told I need to rent my pussy out to certain breeds of scrotes because ‘they might not be as bad as others’ Naw. All moids can go rot in hell as far as I care.
No. 359026
>>358509Yeah i'm struggling to follow whats being said on this thread when it comes to the political side but that might be because i'm super tired.
My main struggles is just not trusting a lot of (the white) guys i date intentions of dating me. I'm confident and fun but based on past experience i had guys not want something serious with me or probably fetishize my curves. i'm already happy I can attract the guy i'm attracted to though.
And the other issue i have is my hair insecurities of wearing a wig. I'm hoping one day i will have my natural hair out in public but for now i'm working on how to look after it and grow it out.
No. 359032
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>>358978Most divestors are covert pickmes anyways.
No. 359091
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>>358978this is a big problem in haiti and other parts of the world with lots of vulnerable black children and women.
this is why i just keep quiet when two lies are told or implied: the first being that white men are never predatory to women or children, the second that white men don't sexually harass or rape black women and girls. some people who might call themselves feminists are complicit or outright invested in both of these lies (at a stretch, they might admit that white moids sexually harass brown and asian women). only they know why, i don't know if they believe these things only ever "count" if they're done within their home country, but i choose not to dwell on it and just act accordingly.
No. 359127
>>359035The only good thing about them was the crime statistics and the call out of certain
toxic behaviours in the black community that exhibit towards women and children and the fact that they don't coddle trannies, that's a huge plus. After i got that out of them… i went back to following radfems even if i think there have serious flaws like with a lot of them being conservative leaning to put it lightly. Plus it's just much easier to find people who have similar life goals to me in the radfem space. I tried to mingle with them, but i could tell a lot of them were very disgusted by the fact that i don't really care to be a boss babe ceo with 20 kids or some kind of sugar baby to some crusty white man. I found a lot of divestors to be very vapid, materialistic and a lot of them act like bpd chans who want to be the mean girl in high school so bad. I also hate how they forget about women who don't live in western countries, they know they can't help them. A lot of black women live in islamic countries, will never be able to make it out of poverty, live in majority black countries and can't "divest". They never have an answer for these women, they just pretend they aren't trying hard enough just because some privileged Africans can move wherever they want because they come from a well off background. I've always found that to be ignorant.
No. 359183
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Like with picrel, how do you cope when the world blames black women for the shit black men do?
No. 359187
>>359183Black men murder people the most by far. Everyone knows that.
But I’d like to point out that American black women also murder people at a higher rate than white men, asian men, and latina and white women do.
(stop) No. 359188
>>359127I can understand why some black women want to divest. Because let’s face it most black scrotes are pretty terrible. But I think it’s a myth that other races of men will save us. There’s something in all non black people imo, they just can’t see us as fully human or something, and that psychological bias spills over into every aspect of the relationship. I’ve been traumatized by black, white and other races of men. I’m tired and done with moids altogether. I’m not surprised that so many 30+ black women I know are done with moids too. We probably have one of the highest
femcel rates especially as we age, because only a fool would keep going back to the gender that causes all women, much moreso black women, so much trauma and pain.
No. 359193
>>359191I am so sorry to hear that
I don't car who you are or what color some one is everyone is unique in there own way
No. 359198
>>359194>>359196Right and I am totally fine with that I understand and I will leave but I want you all to know
You are loved no matter what
alright bye
No. 359204
>>359184Black men were spitting a lot of the redpill rhetoric before it became mainstream.
The stuff like
>I ain’t helping any woman unless she’s my mama or my girl >All women are hoes and tricks >It’s not worth getting married>Women should be chaste but men can how around as much as they want>Never get involved with a single mom or date her seriously>Pump and dump as many women as you canEtc etc has been mainstream black moidspeak for decades now. In a way I feel black misogyny influenced all races of men through rap music, because pretty much all races of moids grow up listened to it for the past 10-20 years. You have violent white misogynist rappers like Eminem who also influenced young white males growing up. I don’t like JBP at all, but I agree with him when he said most young men in the west don’t have healthy outlets for aggression so they look up to misogynistic black men as the pinnacle of
toxic masculinity, and try as hard as they can to emulate them.
No. 359205
>>359204Hoe around**
No. 359221
>>359217It's the Beyonce/Jewish moid. He baited about this before ITT
and on /snow/ if you scroll up, see
>>358258. He's spent his time ITT obsessing over black men and calling black male/white woman relationships "groundbreaking" because he is a cuck fetishist, LARPing as a black woman to attack us and rage about some black public speaker not being pro-Israel, called black women "stupid", etc. Report, ignore, disregard.
No. 359246
>>359244Mods can look at my post history. Thank you for refusing to answer whether or not you're an Islamic scrote, that tells me everything. Both you and the Jewish moid can burn in hell with your disgusting, rape-friendly religions. Anyway, every West African and South Sudanese knows places like Morocco and Egypt are to be avoided because of the
ongoing slave trade and virulent racism going on. Some African-American people are unaware, but it's becoming common knowledge. I'm not afraid to say what countries treat us badly, and I detest scrotal bullshit in all forms.
No. 359250
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>>359199Israel is the only country that tries children as adults. They currently are holding thousands of minors in jails, mostly Palestinian children, with sentences of up to 3 years for throwing rocks.
80% of Palestinian children in Israeli jails report being raped or molested by Israeli guards or soldiers.
No. 359251
>>359250I mean the Talmud literally says that raping children over 3 years old is kosher. The Talmud says if the child is under 3, they should be murdered after being raped, because it’s their own fault for ‘tempting’ the man. Anyway, I’m sick of Muslim and Jewish scrotes battling it out on my board.
If you’re not a biological female, kys.
No. 359252
>>359248>>359247>samefagging>ignoring what's being said to draw attention to himselfI'm not sure why you're accusing me of being the tranny since nothing I said has anything to do with Palestine, and I only defended another black woman after
>>359233 tried to gaslight about things, but I don't really care anymore because I know this thread's been filled with randoms doing the "heh..sorry but you're lying" and other bullshit. I just refuse to allow other black women to be mislead about hyper-misogynistic, racist hellholes on any continent in the thread that was literally made for us to talk about our problems. Cry for life.
>>359250And they invite sex offenders in the US to "start a new life" in their country if they're Ashkenazi Jewish. Praying they all rope.
No. 359256
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Why are divestors like this?
No. 359263
>>359261At this point I don’t even know if any of the coquette twt tards are even real women. The movement is heavily infested with troons, gay moids, and just regular straight men LARPing as women.
I don’t care about Twitter screenshots, these people are so far disconnected from reality they don’t even know who they are anymore, it might as well be an Indian guy (and I’m pretty sure it was proven to be before, the whole Chinese ed twt cult that was being running by yellow fever white moids and indian incels LARPing as Asian and white women.
No. 359273

>>359257Here's my timestamp, melanin attached. Where is yours?
My handwriting might be bad, but my feelings are sincere. "Mashallah" your anti-blackness will continue to be exposed and the world will know you by your actions against
all women. I may dislike Paki-chan for her own racism, but everything she said about you moids and your religion of piss is true, and the same applies to your Talmudic brothers. You shut the fuck up and go meet your "prophet".
No. 359289
>>359286>>359285>>359287>black women can't have brown skinInbred non-black male coping. And no, I'm not posting my fingers because I have burn scars and will not dox myself.
North Africa is unsafe for black women, and I'm saying it in the black girl problems thread. You can say whatever you want in a Jewish or Muslim Man problems thread elsewhere.
No. 359297
>>359295>>359291>>359292>>359294>projecting his y chromosome>no proof he is black>doesn't know basic shit about black skin colors>still samefaggingsee
>>359278Keep using stock images to larp. "images.png" doesn't imply anything except that you're upset you couldn't try to identify me.
No. 359298
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>he thinks posting a pic of someones fatass wrist proves he’s ‘female’
This is what a mental breakdown looks like. Laugh, report, ignore.
No. 359320
>>359312Not a troon nor have I ever had my face or any other body part posted here, because I’m not an attention whoreing transvestite schizo.
Calling real women men won’t make you more female. Typical schizo projecting, that’s all you have. I’m done with you.
(infighting) No. 359333
>>359325>>359331He probably collects them and gets off on insulting them for flaws he imagines (eg "not good enough, ur fat, fake, post moar of your body"). (sorry I reposted to add more thoughts kek)
The whole thing reeks of 4chan brainrot and low level manipulation/photo-grubbing. Anons who post themselves tend to get reactions about how they're being annoying/autistic for carrying on the argument from other anons. One anon actually did post a nude (I won't say which thread or the specifics) and we all just called her BPD-ish and talked about her bathroom. If the poster's first thought is saying something about their body (even if they can't see it) or that the photo can't be real, it's a bid to get them to prove someting, to the entire thread's detriment because it just means more photos and arguing.
>Anyway, let’s try and get this thread back on topic.Yes god
No. 359347
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>>359256I liked that the original post talked about (black) porn being rough and lacking in affection, but she doesn't go far enough. Porn itself is just
abusive on all races of women for reasons we all know.
In general, I dislike how divestors think that being liked by any race of men is the key to life. It's unrealistic and blind. If racism ended tomorrow, I'm not saying it
wouldn't be a huge relief, but misogyny would still weigh us all down.
No. 359348
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>>359219I think it's a little odd that those faggots love to paint black women as soulless animals with nothing but murder on their minds, yet the crime rate of black women actually went down by 70% over the past twenty years. In just one generation, there's less differences between black, white, and even latino crime than ever before. I'm not sure what that faggot's point was, but I'm not falling for it.
No. 359350
>>359349Also just a sidenote but lot of the time you can tell the black male actors don’t really want to be there kek. They’re basically just being used as props because of cuck viewers who are obsessed with black penises and find the idea of their women being violated hot for some gross reason.
I used to sometimes laugh at their facial expressions while they’re ‘waiting their turn’ they always look bored and like they’re just waiting to get paid their 100 bucks for showing up while the woman is making all these exaggerated noises and stupid facial expressions lol. Sorry, kinda dark but it’s funny.
No. 359351
>>359347It completely depends on what kind of porn you’re watching. I’ve seen porn that made me emotional and cry because it was either an amateur couple acting extremely loving and made me want a relationship like that, or it was female oriented/ethical porn made for women’s viewing and not disgusting degrading shit with violence.
However I’ve also seen porn that disturbed me for days and made me feel sick and caused me to have permanent negative associations with certain things and caused me to hate men.
All porn is immoral and should probably be banned tho.
No. 359355
>>359347I just find it embarrassing that words like ‘divestor’ even exist. We’re talking about relationships, which is a deeply personal and intimate thing, but they make it sound like a business meeting. It’s like a fetish and is creepily overly focused on race. You should be picking your partner on your shared goals, personality compatibility, physical attraction and what kind of person they are. Not their fucking skin color ffs. Just date who you want.
I wish Americans would stop being so obsessed with race altogether, actually. It just highlights the differences between races and tries to paint us all as different species or some shit. The American obsession with differences between the races and how it’s ‘such a big deal’ to date another race just holds us back even more and perpetuated racism further.
No. 359358
>>359357And to add to this, there’s already a wave of creepy white women with mandingo fetishes who get off on riling up black women and bragging about ‘how much better white women are’ and how ‘black men can’t get enough of them’. And unfortunately there are some black men who enable them and talk shit about black women. Likewise, there are also creepy white moids with an ebony fetish who dream of having a black sex slave, and self hating black women who engage in self destructive behavior for those moids, while shit talking black men.
I feel like white people have been trying to stoke hate and tension between black people for decades/centuries whether it’s through colorism, fetishism, gender, whatever. There are of course good white or x race of men and women out there who just want a black partner to love, and I have absolutely nothing against those people because their heart is in the right place.
But I absolutely despise Uncle Tom and Coon-chan types who try to impress fetish having white freaks by bashing their own race and engaging in self hating behavior. It’s vile, and harms black children, black communities, relationships and families.
No. 359366
>>359360Men can’t be fetishized, generally speaking. It doesn’t work, because men enjoy being fetishized, even if it’s as a bull, a rapist, a thug, or whatever. Only women can be actually harmed through fetishization. To men, being a sexual trope is a compliment. White guys go to South East Asia to try and lord over polite 4ft tall impoverished Thai people, just to feel the same way. They enjoy being a ‘scary, rude, uncouth, large, intimidating foreigner who has come to fuck and defile the local women and piss the men off’. They relish in it. Black men in white societies are the exact same. They don’t feel hurt by it. It’s a compliment to them. As a woman, you probably forget that being stereotyped as ‘scary large intimidating violent foreign rapists with large penises who defile women and kill their men’ is literally the goal of most men. It’s the ultimate crown. They love having that title.
No. 359381
>>359376I relate. I feel like as women, from the minute we’re born, we get told that men will define us and that a relationship with a man is the only thing that will give our existence any meaning or worthiness. That leads to most women panicking and scrambling to find a man, and going through various shit relationships. At the end I think most women are left asking “‘what was it all for?” Or ‘was it really worth it in the end?’ Because relationships with men are 99 times out of 100, a letdown and timesink at best, or death sentence/extreme exercise in trauma at worst.
So many women are left asking why they spent so much time chasing moids and bending over backwards for it. I remember a nona describing it like men are basically gangsters who hoard all the resources then offer women a protection racket in return for sex, by convincing us we need them to live, when we really don’t, and in fact they make women’s lives a lot worse in most ways. Basically they’re always constantly trying to sell themselves to us, even though they’re objectively quite worthless. Men are basically the most shilled useless product of all time.
No. 359438
>>359436im pretty sure most black guys don’t care about it, it’s the white or whatever race cuckold couples who get all overexcited about it.
ive unfortunately been exposed to lots of real cuck porn through 4chan and the black guys in the pics or videos always look kinda bored and nonplussed tbh whereas the cuck and the wife are getting really into it and are all excited.
same with the studio or professional porn like blacked (ew), the black guys look bored and like they are just all waiting to get paid. i think most black men are just in it for the money. they couldn’t care less what white weirdos and cucks think of them.
No. 359465
>>359388They're literally one of the most
abusive demographics, too. Weird pickmes get off on "stealing" some of the worst moids on planet earth because they have no self worth.
No. 359472
>>359355It's because we are different. There's oil and water in the melting pot, which is why they can't. The american beliefs don't match up with reality. There's a reason why after decades of social justice, there's still so much tension. Especially between black women and other groups. Black men are seen as the norm, the default black person. It's omnipresent in all media and black women are that awkward third wheel.
It's going to get worse and this country will balkanize. I'm just trying to make sure I have the resources to leave and have a safe life.
No. 359484
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>>359475Because this thread is pretty much full of Americans and non-black larpers, neither of which understand the diaspora or relations between African people, for the most part. The infighting in here kind of jaded me. It's a really intense ignorance both intra-racially (because burger education is both garbage and anti-black, which is also why there are idiotic hoteps with warring inferiority and superiority complexes trying to rewrite history) and interracially (because non-black people just don't know anything about us, they usually only want what will make them feel better about themselves, or what looks/sounds cool that they can copy). 50% chance "someone" will jump in to claim black men in Africa are never violent or
abusive, it's all just white people lies, you can't be black if you say that, you are you-know-who, etc etc.
Or conversely, "someone" will try to derail the thread to bash all Africans (as well as black people as a whole) and start posting graphs. It's all just too predictable.
No. 359587
>>359473She’s right tho. Black men are idolized by all races of men, because western men don’t have any healthy sense of masculinity anymore. They all look up to black soccer and basketball players and athletes. They all look up to rappers. They all look up to black men because black men have positive stereotypes going for them. Even if black men are a violent group, that gains them respect in mens eyes, because violence is all men know and respect.
The stereotypes about black women on the other hand are generally extremely negative and men do not even bother to romanticize them because we are seen as masculine, loud, crude, domineering, angry, full of attitude etc. Those traits are only respected in and seen as admirable in men.
Many women subconsciously pick men who are like this too because it’s seen as masculine and therefore sexy.
Even when black women are given representation in media it’s almost always negative too. Lizzo: loud crude fat Mamie type. Azealia Banks: crazy daddy issues angry black woman type. Nicki/Doja/Megan/Ice Spice/Cardi B/Saweetie: exotic bawdy whore Jezebels. Queen Latifah/Oprah/etc: asexual fat black mamies.
Look at the way black characters played by ‘classy’ black actresses like Zendaya are always presented: she’s always the quirky stoner girl, or the exotic Jezebel temptress. Same with Lupita: she’s either an actual slave or an exotic feisty temptress.
No. 359588
>>359587On twitter a couple days ago I saw some white supremacists talking about masculinity and many of them were in agreement that black men are the most masculine race. Of course they were talking about it in a disparaging and bitchy way, because they have black people in general. But they were agreeing that black men are the most aggressive, territorial, low inhibition, sexually promiscuous, and extroverted race of men, which are all masculine traits, and therefore, men will always have a certain level of respect and admiration for that. They are also stereotyped as having large penises. Even when white men are talking about blacks in disparaging terms there is always a kernel of strange male camaraderie and admiration for the fact that many black men are ‘untamed’ by society. Now apply those
toxic masculine traits to women, aka black women, and it’s nothing but actual hate and criticism, because only feminine traits get rewarded in women. Which is why nearly all races of men rate Asian and White (and to a lesser extent Latina) women the most feminine and attractive, because they are seen as more agreeable than us.
Black women are definitely hated and portrayed negatively the most.
No. 359589
>>359588They have black people**
What I’m saying is that non black people will always hate black people no matter how ‘well behaved’ and agreeable we are. But even the most racist moids will always make more allowances for ‘
toxic male’ behaviors like violence and aggression in men, while aggressively hating and condemning any such trait in women. Because black women are stereotyped as being more violent than other races, it means we get a disproportionate amount of hate.
No. 359785
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"tOo lIgHt tO bE bLaCk" discourse is retarded tbh. Black people have a wide range of skintones (and undertones, gasp), but of course baiting scrotes don't know that.
No. 360530
>>360475Yeah, the greater divisions create accessible talking points. I hate that we're the go to shorthand for things like western degeneracy or unappealing social practices though. I'm not asking for inborn human boundaries to fall but I'd like to at least be looked at as more than an argument.
>>360277I wish all women could talk about their problems without it turning into tribalism.
No. 360621
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Sometimes I wonder if integration was a mistake. I always felt like it was rushed and a lot of black culture and knowledgeable and businesses got lost in the rapid process. I hate how difficult it is to be a self-sufficient black person. I hate seeing people brag about having white partners, as if it makes them morally superior people. I hate interracial discourse. I hate black people in general don't have any control over their own media and everything has to be done by some stupid IP reboot project. I hate it. I wish I lived a comfy life in the 1970s. I want the afros, I want the solidarity, I want that self-respect.
No. 360638
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I got over white women dislike by realizing how different we are. We are very different people and that's why we never saw eye to eye on anything. It was stupid to try to get them to understand my perspective so just minimizing my contact, outside of necessary work, was the best idea for me. I don't hate white women, I just acknowledge we are radically different from one another.
On a slightly different note, I stopped doing nerdy shit because the nerds would always complain: "what's a black person doing here? Why do you have to infest out hobbies?" Nerds complain about ostracized yet they have no problem doing it to others.
No. 360674
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>>360638I've never disliked any race of women, unless pickme is a race. I've seen racists on the internet assume all black women must hate white women, and I just don't get it. Why should I? It'd be like hating women with hooded eyes or something. I get the whole "privilege" thing, but if I'm being honest, I don't see how that means I need to see individuals through a negative lens without them having shown that they're racist/bad news in some way or wronged me.
No. 360813
>>360797It's been going on since the beginning of the internet, yet it's only been recently where we are seeing people clapping back. I can't help but think what would happen if the push back happened sooner. Honestly, i think that misogynoir being so normalised was the first step in the explosion in popularity in the manosphere in general, other races of men saw this and thought damn they we need that energy, especially since black men can be so brazenly misogynistic but still have women foaming at the mouth to defend them and see them as
victims. The death of Kevin Samuels caused a huge surge in moids trying to take his place as the supreme king of misogyny.
No. 360814
>>360797Because black men are misogynistic, white liberals are too afraid of being called racist to check them, and they've learned that they can weaponize that against black women for anything less than raw, unfiltered pickmeism. The funny thing is that black men on Twitter are some of the most psychotic, racist users of all.
If a black woman wants the community to improve in any way, shape or form, they start calling her a bedwench KKK member. Remember, things like rational, linear thinking, functional nuclear families and planning for the future are "white culture" according to that one chart pushed by the NMAAHC. How anyone expects sane women to live under such conditions, I don't know.
No. 360825
>>360797All I see is an ugly black man and ugly black woman bashing each other probably out of self hatred and loathing. Ugly people always seem to be the most bitter towards their own race and seek external refuge (see: ugly white incels who were rejected by white and start chasing brown or asian women and begging to be appreciated in their culture instead while bashing their own women), whereas good looking people tend to have much smoother relationships inside their race and with their own people. Most anti black mras/their aggressively anti black
femcel equivalents are just uggos with self esteem issues.
No. 360861
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Tbh, I've noticed that the only people that actually go out of their way to degrade black women are the ones literally at rock bottom. "Normal" or succesful people who happen to be racist typically just ignore races they don't like.
It's like one of their only copes is "At least I'm not a black foid", and it's probably bothering them that said cope is getting less viable as time goes on. I've also noticed that YT channels and twitter posts that engage in "misogynoir" are sounding more unhinged and schizophrenic than they did in like, the 2010s. Not sure what's up with that.
No. 360885
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I think one of my biggest pet peeves in life is when people make it seem like black women are the only ones who wear fake hair. Hair extensions are ridiculously common among all races but black women are the ones who get the most flack for it. But we're also subject to judgement if we wear our natural hair, there's no way to win.
No. 360889
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>>360838Literally no training. I used to pend shit like crazy when I was 19 because I never got into contact with so much money and I never had home training. Of course, being a real adult with autopay for most of my bills really helps reel in my worst tendencies.
No. 360895
>>360887Good genetics exist too
>That are just made of permed Indian women’s hair. Most afro wigs are synthetic. Are you black, kek?
No. 360904
>>360674It sounds like a schizo conspiracy theory but I think it's a plot. Racist white males do this and so do racist black males or any other kind of male. One of the first things they do when they decide they are racist is they immediately try to pit women against each other based on race…THEN, when it works, they become considerably more misogynistic and the women who fell for the "Youre better than (insert group here)" bit become more okay with accepting the misogyny because they want to seem ideal. It's like they are grooming pickme's. I saw exactly how that stuff would happen from online groups when I was younger. You never get just a racist scrote he is always a fucking misogynist and a lot of the time he's a disgusting degenerate as well. I think men know that if women had solidarity and fought together it would be a very powerful tool against misogyny, I think that if we eventually reach that goal we women would be very powerful, I think we could do a lot of good. I can't look at my fellow woman and think "I don't like her" even when I see a racist white woman I think of her as a
victim of scrote grooming. Someone worth trying to get out of that brainwashing. White women are a powerful ally, we should want their help. The black community isolated itself so much white people are afraid to call out the misogyny because they think black pickmes and men will call them racist or some shit. They're afraid of black men the same way most of society is afraid to call out trans people who behave badly. The only ones who want to say anything are right wing racists but they just wanna complain without actually suggesting any helpful solutions.
No. 360969
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I want to date out and be normal but it feels like the only guys who are interested in black women are losers, or wiggers or literal perverts. Is there something wrong with my vibes?
No. 360994
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Having a curvy body as a black woman is a curse I don’t care what anyone says! People already see us walking sex and nothing more so when you have a great body as a black woman that’s all anyone cares to talk to you about or notice about you. And not just men! I’ve been sexualized by middle aged women, my ex best friend and her mom and sister, even CHILDREN (obvs I don’t count them but like damn I was pissed when 2 boys were giggling to each other and when I asked why it was cuz I had big boobs and proceeds to poke at them wtf) Because of my body type I’ve had terrible dating experiences guys only want to experiment with me it doesn’t matter the race I’ve tried I’m so depressed. Even when I’m underweight and bone rattling I’m still sexualized because my boobs and butt refuse to go tf away lol.
I store the most fat in my boobs and ass and when I gain weight I mainly look pregnant and my butt becomes cartoonishly big so I try to keep it down cuz i truly have an ant booty naturally lol. I can’t talk to anyone about it cuz it sounds like humble bragging but I can assure you it’s not! I used to think it was a great problem to have until a guy I was seeing for a while asked me to pee on him like he was asking for my hand in marriage (he was so nervous I dead thought something big was gonna happen). It’s like men become feral around me and not in a cute way in a disgusting primal way. On ducking first dates too! Had a man literally get bricked up by my fingers being a nice shape! MY FINGERS. That’s when I knew this body is a hell. I literally take selfies like big girls just neck up cuz I’m tired of being hypersexualized! My body isn’t even that va va voom so like this is all stupid to me! Like
It also doesn’t help seeing women with my body type be treated as nothing but sex icons just because they have body. It’s so dark.
I feel for women with even bigger boobs and ass than me because I can only imagine what y’all go through and it sounds awful in my head! You can’t even dress for your body type fr because then your body is the center of attention not the outfit! another tough pill I’m swallowing is people don’t think I’m fashionable they just like my shape in form fitting clothes. God forbid I actually embrace my shape then I really need to be taken down a peg! I just want love but I’m only ever lusted after. I used to think maybe I’ll just perm myself go but as quiet as it’s kept big girls get super hypersexualized especially if they have a nice shape. So I can’t even go down that route! I also know I’m just an experiment cuz after me so far the guys I’ve dated always end up with girls that are traditionally skinny with barely any curves. And I can just tell they see them as a human being. It’s painful cuz I can’t change my bone structure tf I didn’t ask to be shaped this way! My mom wasn’t even shaped like this she is traditionally skinny too I’m talking a cups!! A-b cup girlies have it the best I’m convinced. I think the worst part is I actually am a hyper sexual person but I can’t act on it fr because that’s all men want to do with me. Like I wanted to pee on that man and have it burn his eyes but it’s the PRINCIPLE of him asking me that before asking to be my gf! And the fact that he immediately asked someone else after we stopped dating to be his gf. And yes she was traditionally skinny with no curves just nice legs. Men want to fuck curvy women but marry traditionally skinny ones I’m convinced
No. 360999
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>>360904Sometimes I think white people are okay but then I remember what they did to my people who were literally just existing in their own homelands minding their own business, and my hatred and disgust for them just grows. I will never trust a white person, they’ve never and will never be our allies. They claim to hate us because we are violent or loud or criminals, but the reality is they just hate us because we are black. Even if we we all behaved like angels they’d still hate us. No. 361000
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And don’t forget it was white women who sided with their racist white brothers and daddies and husbands and wanted us to be banned from receiving an education, screamed nigger at us when we were trying to attend school. White women will always choose the safety net of white supremacy that benefits them, over the lives and safety of black women.
No. 361079
>>360994>Men want to fuck curvy women but marry traditionally skinny ones I’m convincedI agree. Skinniness is strongly asscoiated with wealth, for many reasons. SO when i look at my own body I can't help but feel like I'm looking at poverty.
It's like men make it know there's only one way to have anything resembling respect in modern society
No. 361129
>>266765So a year ago I made this rant and i'm back because I think i'm officially done with that site and I'm coming to ask does anyone have any recommendations for black female gossip/forums that allow you to speak as freely as LSA? Ones where you can criticize troons?
The state of the site genuinely makes me feel sad because of how look obsessed, moid obsessed, and misogynistic it has become. I am so fucking sick of all the comments on kids looks. The way minors, especially black girls & teenagers are spoken about on that site/online in general, makes me sick to my stomach. We should be protecting the youth. Not saying a teenage girl looks like a prostitute because she's wearing a crop top, then whine that black women/girls aren't seen as teen/kids by others, meanwhile you are in North West thread (she's biracial but she's half black), saying she's not cute or in Blu Ivy's thread trying to call her ugly, or in prom threads talking about how young or old teenage girls look compared to you.
It's gross and more importantly it does not matter. Nobody cares. Black female online spaces are important and I feel like no matter where i look I cannot find good ones.
No. 361216
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Ya love to see it. Wish he’d join George in hell.
No. 361220
>>361218Jewish women also receive quite a lot of hatred in media. I think it’s because black, white and Jewish women are overrepresented in the lesbian and
terf community. We all know moids hate women who don’t need them or want them the most.
No. 361233
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>>361129I hate lSA and divest twitter. All they ever do is whine about BM, WM, cock, "representation" which I know find to be an insane narcissistic reaction, and looking feminine enough to "get your bag" Like Divestors make me wish I wasn't black at all, so I would be normal. They hate tomboys, especially black tomboys so much and I hate the blatant homophobia. Like why do threaten to kill yourself every time there's even an implication of a black lesbian? If I was white I wouldn't have to hear nonsense like this.
No. 361245
>>361233I have no problem with other black women dating out, but I agree the language and rhetoric of these communities is some of the most the curling cringe shit on the planet.
What you also have to realize is a lot of the black women in these circles are either virgin women who have little to no experience dating white/asian/whatever race of men yet and have idealized a whole lifestyle with them and haven’t been hurt by them yet so they romanticize every damn thing about those moids, or women who have been badly hurt by black men and are looking to date other races purely out of spite. Neither of these are healthy ways to live your Iove life.
No. 361250
>>361233The problem is they make their entire existence about cocks and getting picked, which is pathetic. I hate it.
>>361129This is a problem in black communities in general. Older black people always remark on younger peoples bodies and appearances. I remember some of my Jamaican and Haitian older female neighbors/very distant relatives commenting on my breasts when I was 12 and embarrassing me loudly bout how I was becoming a woman (I was 12 ffs)
Girls who hit puberty early would be accused of being promiscuous. I think it has something to do with remnants of slavery when slave girls who were pubescent would be picked out by moid slave owners as either sexual servitude for themselves, to breed more babies as slaves or be kept away from the males to prevent overbreeding and black people started picking up on it too.
Our bodies have always been hypersexualized and we’re seen as jezebels whose bodies look mature for our age and therefore people lose sympathy for young black girls who are raped or sexually abused because we’re seen as horny little hypersexual temptresses.
No. 361329
Libyans, Egyptians and Sudanese people are enslaving, killing, raping East and West African girls, women, boys and men. NATO is involved in the human trafficking. No one cares. This, what's happening in Congo and all the other ongoing cruelty makes me feel sick.
No. 361375
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>>361329From what I have read, this is a transnational war economy. Western backed (mostly by the UK, US and France) paramilitary groups like ADF from Uganda, M23 from Rwanda and RSF from Sudan are the ones perpetrating the violence in the region.
No. 361555
I was reading about billionaires who are obsessed with living forever, being a "super race", reversing aging, etc (Jeffrey Epstein was one of them), and I came across this. Peter Nygard's already a sex trafficking POS, but the way he and his friend are focusing specifically on black women, talking about their "genetic fitness"/perfection right in front of them, saying abortions are "valuable" because of the umbilical cord, placenta and stem cells, and literally bidding on their eggs freaks me out. It reminds me of the Henrietta Lacks case, the origins of modern gynecology and "trad" obsession with women's eggs.
I feel like black women are hyper-objectified and dehumanized in a way other women aren't, and it doesn't stop at sexualization. All of it is extreme and very scary. I really don't give a shit about the desirability debate at this point, it's stale incel/pickme rhetoric. I wish female separatism was a viable option for all of us.
No. 361710
>>361555I think you have a point. Tinfoil moment, but I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, on the decreasing mobility in this country. Everything is becoming harder to achieve and to own. Inflation is everywhere. You constantly have to upskill or be left behind. Especially true for black women.
Combine this with the increasing hatred (of the past year) and the traditional racism, expressed via the Jezebel and the weird lust of BBC/Black genes, sleeps doom for black women. All this negative attention has to go somewhere. Ever heard of the permanent underclass? Bottom of the working class, nowhere to go? Most women in this class are forced o prostitute themselves just to have the basics in life.
Now combine this with the liberal push for decriminalization and even legalization of prostitution. "Sex work is work". I've been meaning to make a longer post on how PMC liberals constantly push women into this, especially since they believe some women are meant to be part of a "whore caste" and historically, black women filled this role.
That's why I feel sick whenever someone calls black women primal, or whenever I see a raceswap. It's a reminder I'm not human and I'm meant to be a scapegoat. Can't even bring this up in therapy without being called a conspiracy theorist but it's true.
No. 361752
>>361555Ewww just reminded me of this time I was talking to this European scrote and he was saying he really liked black women and kept spamming me pictures of black women he finds attractive (I was like wtf is this autism behavior why the fuck are you spamming me pictures of other women from google as if I’d somehow be flattered by that kek, it was just insulting and annoying and objectifying, as if I’m not an individual woman but just part of some monolith of fuckable black girls) and then he started ranting about how black women are more fertile and all have the ‘eve gene’ or something (I hadn’t even heard of this at the time) and how our babies would be fit and strong because my ancestors had ‘evolved in such a harsh climate’ or some shit, I just got creeped out by him and ghosted. I would never want my black daughter to be around such a race fetishist weirdo for a father.
Dumbest thing is, as I later found out, africa wasn’t really a harsh climate, the northern hemisphere is actually much harder to survive in for humans especially through the winter and required a lot more forward planning and building of insulated shelters and such. So not only was he creepy but he was also wrong. In fact genetic evidence shows that when humans in the northern hemisphere were undergoing the ice age and rapidly dying off, they came down from europe to Africa because it was warmer and easier to survive in Africa at the time. So yeah. A creep and retarded.
No. 361921
>>361920Sorry meant 4chan**
He is the same weirdo cuck fetishist obsessed with BBC and making black men and women mix with whites.
No. 362067
I don't know about the Asian FTMs, but I suspect the black ones are leaning into the "black women are masculine" stereotype really far. I've seen black nonbinaries use this line of argument online. We are raised with this idea that we are inherently masculine and must put in effort to be feminine. This plays out in the expensive straight "laid" wigs, excessive drag style makeup, tolerating any abuse from your man because not having a man makes you a loser. It's also a rejection of the Jezebel stereotype, omnipresent in modern rap about how all black women are these hypersexual chicks who would fuck anyone with no boundaries. By rejecting the stereotype, they think they're not real women. Also Black men have more positive stereotypes and are tolerated compared to black women. Black men play sports, they win national championships, they rap, they have BBC, they are loved by non-blacks in a way black women could never achieve. It's a lot of things, because I've seriously thought about doing this years ago. Just my 2 cents.
Do you agree with /snow/ anon's thoughts on black FTMs?
No. 362068
>>362067I can kind of see where that anon is coming from, especially the point about black men being more acceptable in society. Compared to black women, they get crazy amounts of "positive" representation. They have full control over what image they put out to society despite what the hoteps tell you because they have such high places of positions in the media industry. I also feel like just with any other ftm of any race, sexual exploitation probably plays a role in it. Sexual abuse against women is so high in the black community, i wouldn't be surprised if they turned to troonery to escape this. A lot of black ftms also started off as butch lesbians
i knew one personally. Maybe because i personally cannot relate with wanting to escape the negative image of black women with the laid wigs and eyelash extensions because i never saw myself in that image at all and feel very disconnected, that's why i struggle to believe anyone can be so influenced by it. Then again, i did not grow up as a preteen on social media and ftms don't really operate on normal logic. It could be true since troonery is based on trying to escape yourself.
No. 362072
>>362067Not sure why the post you responded to got deleted for asking the ftm question, mod is so weirdly selective sometimes.
But yeah I always wondered why black women are expected to have either drag tier makeup and crazy hair/nail/body/outfit game, OR are expected to go down the all natural clean girl look with zero visible makeup and skinny gamine body.
I always felt like TLC kind of represented this; t boz in the no scrubs video with insane makeup and hair game, chilli with the clean girl, seems effortless, no makeup look, then left eye kind of in the middle. I remember always wanting to be like t boz but realizing how insane the effort to look like that would be, and related more to left eye in her soft glam kind of way. yet i remember chilli always getting praised the most for being ‘natural’ even though t boz was way more creative and colorful. and then i realized there’s insane pressure on black women to be naturally beautiful and pure seeming.
I feel like nowadays it’s way more binary and you have to be the clean black girl with the perfect natural hair OR drag queen tier ott with massive long wigs dyed bright colors and extremely heavy makeup and garish outfits. Weirdly I used to like but don’t really like either of those aesthetics anymore because I feel like the first one is trying too hard to other oneself from the garish jezebel black stereotype and I feel like it’s almost pandering to racist white people who hate jezebel or mamie types, or pandering to those kind of black men who REALLY hate gaudy black women (like eddie murphy always using beautiful but clearly whitewashed and watered down, extremely skinny mixed lightskinned black women like thandie newton as the love interest in his movies like norbit, which is basically just him being a misogynist ass and bashing loud large black women and pitting them against the innocent pure lily white black woman for 103 minutes, gross) and the second gaudy aesthetic just seems to attract the worst kind of men and is also so much pressure and effort for black women to maintain and will drain all your money too.
idk it feels like black women just aren’t allowed to exist and be cool with themselves, they’ve got to fit into some near little box so as not to offend men or white people, it’s just so tiresome. i have a black girlfriend with dreads who is a goth and i love the way she just kind of exists and does her own thing without giving a fuck what anyone else thinks of her for not fitting into the binary black woman category. but it’s actually quite rare to find a black woman like that IMO because many black women are
victims of verbal, psychological and physical brutality and rejection from all races of men and are so scared of getting bashed for not conforming.
No. 362355
>>362346I've thought about that but it feels like everyone has ADHD. I remember being extremely depressed in high school and tried to get my mom to let me have SSRIs because I thought it would make me normal and she threatened to disown me for even suing one. So I never tried any drugs
until I was 26 and used some mushrooms and had a so-so trip. I've always felt jealous of the kids who grew up in upper middle class homes. That's why so many woke white kids annoy me. They have opportunities I could never afford to have and they squander it on stupid stuff.
No. 362597
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So my sisters boyfriend and her had a baby, the baby is half chinese half black. His family seemed lovely when we met them even though her boyfriend is an abusive schmuck. My sister is living with her boyfriends parents so we hear a lot about them. Anyway, my mom can be pretty racist towards asian people which I find to be really annoying I'm always having to explain to her that "I'm a little racist to everyone" is not an excuse to be a racist. So anyway, my mom feels vindicated because his mother was telling my sister "Don't tell anyone that the baby has black" (My sister is very light skinned and often assumed to be hispanic) and often makes comments about certain traits the baby has that are too black. My mom is being really messed up though she's acting as though this woman being ignorant justifies black people being hateful towards asian people. It's just frustrating sometimes I feel like nothing is ever gonna change, maybe its just the older generation, but it's like people cant live without being racist its so strange to me. I cant deal with this petty shit any longer
No. 362623
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This is the baiting Jewish moid btw, hes a tranny bi degenerate who larps as a nazi, a black woman, and fetishizes black women but hates them at the same time. He’s the one constantly trying to derail about Israel Palestine, LARPing as a black woman and encouraging black women to date white or Jewish men.
No. 362636
>>362609I understand
nonnie, I know how anti-black asians can be but I also have a lot of asian friends so I understand that they try to correct their elders when they are racist so I want to do the same thing. It's unrealistic and naive but I just want to delete racism from existence nonnies. Im so tired of feeling like im fighting against this thing that everyone else seems so desperate to keep around. Im dying here its like a never ending loop. Sometimes I feel hopeful but seeing this disgusting behavior happening in my own family over my brand new nephew I just feel hopeless and concerned.
No. 362659
>>362657Also samefag but the tinfoil about how wokeness was a psyop to make whites even more racist is kind of starting to make sense to me tbh. I think maybe the reason I remember the internet being so much less racist in the late 2000a and early 2010s than now is because a) it was before the woke/BLM era and b) it was before Trump/Covid and c) black people started being more active online and making their presence known.
BLM started in 2013 and at the time it was something only black people cared about and were invested in. When it reached mainstream media there was a massive backlash from white people who saw it as an act of aggression towards them, and after that I swear open racism became trendy and a-okay.
I also heard that after Jim Crow ended and the black panther movement started in the 60s, anti black racism became open and trendy again among whites.
It’s sad that any form of black solidarity or protest is met with scorn and hatred and just inflames the racism fire even more.
No. 362812
>>362769>>362769How do I know you're not a troll? Black women are constantly being harassed online to give a statement. I'm not from the middle East, I have no fight in this? Would you harass black women for her thoughts for the ongoing Myanmar Civil war?
You harass people with no connection like
>>362629. I strongly recommend you go back to twitter with other like minded women.
No. 362821
>>362769>>362623>>362621>acusses multiple different anons of being a "Jewish moid".>keeps posting random screenshots in this thread of some random scroteposter on a totally different site and saying how insert anons is totally him.Okay can you be less obvious because at this point you'r posts are starting to look like self-posts considering no anon here knows or cares about this random troll from fucking 4chan that you are obsessed with. Really weird and random that you keep posting this nobody and accusing anons of being him.
Don't get me wrong there are trolls here but it's weird that you think it's that particular troll from r9k…
>>362812I actually think it's either a troll himself or a paranoid person because why did a person venting about their family get accused of being a scrote.
Also since when is talking about a trending topic make you a scrote, the Beyonce topic was a trending issue on Twitter so of course there are some anons who are going to want to discuss it here too.
No. 362832
>>362769 and not the other anon(s) that called shit out. You always find a way to shove Beyonce and bash black women in some way. Not falling for this, goodbye.
No. 362841
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>>362752Yup it went to the senate! And the president signed it! It happened fast that’s why you didn’t hear about it. As quickly as SAH gained traction they were able to get a law like THAT! Meanwhile for BLM it’s STILL crickets. SAH was founded March 2021 the SAH crime bill got passed may 2021. So again I only care about the plight of black Americans cuz everyone gets treated like humans besides US.
No. 362843
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>>362841Like where was the bill when Africans were being targeted during the Ebola outbreak lmao. This country is a joke and anyone black waiting for other
POC to truly join us on our struggles will be waiting even more centuries
No. 362998
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>>358352Ok now this is getting ridiculous
No. 363014
>>362998they really think all browns look alike, like how can you confuse the first for a black person?
ths is why I hate raceswaps
No. 363043
>>363033Who gives a fuck take it up
With the studio not black people tf. Weirdo y’all didnt even care about this figure until his race was swapped. Shows how prominent he is to white society lol
>>363044>There’s a theory that black and brown people will be the vast majority of humans in a couple decades and white people might even go extinct. I don't buy that. There are more white people now than ever before. It's just a fantasy for a bunch of retarded white men with interracial cuckold fetishes and worthless hoteps. Both make everything about their dicks and how many women they can impregnate, they're wastes of air.
Also, note that all the studios making these casting decisions are run by white people, not brown or black people. The producers know that no one really cares about their dry, sanitized biopics. Controversy is easy money. Luckily for them, their audience are made up of dumb consoomers who would rather blame us and pretend we somehow made all of this happen than actually criticize the execs in charge.
I also don't think anyone believes (or will believe) these period dramas are reflective of real life history, but I'd rather actually read about a historical figure than watch a Hollywood movie about them, so I guess I'm in the minority there.
No. 363057
>>363052>>363053Didn't ask, "muh white genocide!!" isn't real, go argue with people offline
>>363054Don't care
No. 363058
>>363023we already have had many historical figures being whitewashed. I just want this era to end already
>>363044Despite their birth rates, there are hundreds of millions of white people, with better access to healthcare than most people on the planet. Also most genetic projects and genetic healthcare are already tailored to them, so they will be fine for the 21st century
No. 363192
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How are black women able to change their hair every week??! That shit is not CHEAP. And on top of that, lashes and different outfits?
TBH tho I don’t understand how white women can blonde their hair so often too so maybe I just need advice on how to woman?
No. 363194
>>363192You're right, it's not cheap. Those wigs cost a fortune and braids take a lot of money and time. Those women have the finances to do it
Don't know about the blonde hai stuff.
No. 363205
File: 1701883883651.png (269.22 KB, 599x523, Screen Shot 2023-12-06 at 12.3…) femicide and now arrests for miscarriages? Where are the black feminists?
No. 363211
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>>363192Influencers of all races do put a lot of money and time into their hair, clothes, makeup, etc. Since we're talking about hair now, I just want to vent.
I feel like any time a black woman has long or nice hair, people assume it must be a wig, and it's annoying. I have long hair naturally, and growing up, I got all sorts of nasty and passive-aggressive comments from non-black people who just couldn't comprehend it. Sorry some of us have good genes, send your complaint to God and leave me alone.
In general, I feel like people are just weird about black girl's and women's hair. Whatever you do, people want to "humble" you, make you feel ashamed, or both. It's fucking gross.
No. 363215
>>363211true, especially when you never had to wear a wig
because you were forced to wear the hijab. That's why I think BW should only wear extensions or wigs that make their own texture. I hate seeing straight hair on BW because of all the comments
No. 363227
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Apparently this is racism now?
(Truth & Justice #5 by Brandon Easton)
No. 363230
>>363205If she was white she would get away with it and be painted a
victim like Brooke Skylar even if she killed the baby after birth like Brooke did.
No. 363232
>>363174No it’s because black womens are hyper sexualized and stereotyped as lewd sassy loud and boorish and drag queens and gays think it helps them get away with their act by larping as black women. All of stan twitter is just white faggots and trannies talking in ebonics and laughing at mentally ill black women acting eccentrically on camera for example and it’s gross
>>363192Most people just buy crappy landfill throwaway clothing from aliexpress and shein now that costs like 2 bucks. Also white women can blonde their hair because most of them have naturally blond or light brown hair which requires less rounds of bleaching. If you have dark brown or black hair it’s gonna be a bitch to get to a light blonde color and the amount of damage it does is usually not worth it. Also a lot more black women are wearing plastic hair now because it’s cheaper and basically looks the same as remy human hair in pictures anyway.
No. 363239
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>>363232>Also a lot more black women are wearing plastic hair now because it’s cheaper and basically looks the same as remy human hair in pictures anyway.Wigs and weaves made from other race's hair are honestly disgusting. If a wig is really wanted or deemed necessary, it's better when it's synthetic all the way IMO
No. 363252
>>363237They couldn't give less than a damn about hypothetical black babies, they just pretend to so they can have a free pass as controlling the bodies of one of the least protected groups of women on the planet. Only Indigenous Canadian women are less defended.
Related question, has anyone else experienced prejudice from someone who swore they weren't racist while being openly racist to a group you didn't belong to? Not the resentment nonblack men pretend to have for their own race of women to get with black girls, but actual hatred? In school I had friends who were never racist towards black people in particular but passionately hated other groups, usually Asian Indians or indigenous people. To the level of open hatred on sight for some. Reconciling that as an adult and how I felt like it wasn't my place to get involved made me somewhat understand why other POCs stand idly by looking like retards in the face of blatant antiblackness. It's no excuse since black people are still used as social target practice by everyone else, but it did give me perspective. Asians are especially bad for this. Most of the time they're delighted to throw their noses up at us for being "inferior" but are the first ones to come running to blackies for support and uplifting as soon as they get a little bit of kickback from their white objects of affection/envy.
No. 363267

>family vlog channel
I know
I used to enjoy this channel for the cute couples fitness stuff but I had to unsubscribe recently. I don't know if it's her pregnancy hormones or what but their content has gone from cute and funny to bitter divestor with pickme boymom undertones. They do look happy and stable, but I can't help but feel like some of the shorts and videos exist only to rub her relationship in the face of her ex and prove to haters that her white husband is willing to reproduce with her as if that's never happened before. I don't know why since his side of the family adores the kids they already have and they appear to be in a stable when she's not being annoying. Of course, this could all be an act since it's YT but I just miss the normal content. I agree with the divestment movement in theory but I've yet to come across a single self-proclaimed divested black Youtuber that didn't give off race fetishist pickme or WGTOW energy.
Also, does anyone else know of LexusExodus? She's another divestment channel on YT. I agree with a lot of her points on the black community but she really comes across as a bitter nutjob at times. She also has to be lying or at least stretching the truth about her personal life. It's smart to obfuscate your identity when you're preaching something as controversial as black women sticking up for themselves online, but her shit gets ridiculous. Sis, you're telling me that you're a 6-figure earning investment banker who makes YT sermons for fun on the dime of your also 6-figure earning rich white handsome same-aged high-value husband who pampers and bankrolls your entire life, while still having issues with your broke jealous ex, whom you have a son with while also still being in your early 30s with an all-natural perfect hourglass body and tits so huge you had to get a reduction despite also saying you've never had surgery? I'd believe half of that but with every video she seems to slip into another humblebrag about how she's the perfect black high value woman. Her videos are also very thrown together. You'd think a person of as many means as she claims would at least hire an editor.
It's okay to be working class and married to a normal white dude if you're happy, stable and loyal. You don't don't need to invent this fantasy of being the perfect hyperintelligent, intelligent, sexy yet classy wealthy divested woman to prove you deserve more. I promise, the scrote that knocked you up hasn't thought about you since he left you for his next pump and dump.
No. 363292
>>363267Idk this woman, but it's sad that she had a downfall. But i do know lexousexodus. I was in her discord once out of curiosity and literally everyone in there is a pickme to the highest degree. I don't think she is broke, but i think at most she and her husband are middle class, but she sounded like she was doing pretty good with her job and getting promotions which is probably why she continues to work. She always seemed to me that she plans on gaining wealth at all means possible. From what i recall, it sounds like her husband has some kind of rough background too, as she vented about him having problems with his mother dating an
abusive drug addict and how it was stressing him out. A lot of her bitterness seems to come from the fact that she has to deal with her baby daddy and she can't claim she is free from committing such an error. Also some detractors have been calling her a single mother and apparently that gets under her skin. Back to the discord, literally all they talk about it dick and their issues with men. A lot of them have a fantasy about being a gold digger, using men on some dark femininity pinterest coquette y2k bullshit at their big age. They also post some gross porn and talked about porn needing to show more black women in luxury, kek. I ended up leaving because they were boring me and they just have really ugly energy overall. Also, her sucking up to redpill tradthot white youtubers threw me off her a lot, even some of her loyal fans were not fond of that at all.
No. 363392
>>363215As someone w 4c hair who has worn wigs I don't get the gaslighting that somehow the constant bone straight hair doesn't have to do w not liking our own hair texture. "bLaCK wOmEN Can HAve StRaiGht HaIr" sure jan! how truly common is that though?
I don't think it's less progressive to admit that kinky hair has been deemed as less attractive both inside and outside of the community. And yes I think those curly wet look water wave wigs is just mimicking biracial women.
If its about 'having a new style' why has any weave texture beyond 3c literally so unpopular until very recently. It's the same two textures. I can see the difference of how ppl treat me with fake hair in. I'm not going to shame anyone for struggling with insecurity about their hair I just wish we could admit it
No. 363404

>>363392Not to derail your post bc I mostly agree, but
>I don't think it's less progressive to admit that kinky hair has been deemed as less attractive both inside and outside of the communityThe whole "It's less attractive" thing makes no sense to me and feels forced, not just because I always found afros/kinky hair beautiful, but because black women have literally historically been banned from wearing their hair out and made to wear headscarves under the racist "Tignon law" specifically
because black hair were considered "too luxurious" and beautiful.>By 1786, Esteban Rodríguez Miró was the Spanish governor of Louisiana. He disliked actions some black women had taken, considering them to show "too much luxury in their bearing."[4] White women began to urge Miró to act to restrict the fashion of non-whites.[5]>The Spanish government wanted to more clearly define the place of the free Black community of Louisiana to prevent people of color from becoming too powerful. One major concern was that free Black women were too beautiful, and too many white men were attracted to them. In 1786, the governor of Louisiana proclaimed that all free Black women must wear tignon to make them different from white women. Tignon were head scarves typically worn by enslaved women to keep their hair up while they worked. By requiring free Black women to wear the same hair covering, the governor was marking them as related to enslaved women rather than white women. He was also forcing the women to cover their hair, which was considered one of their most attractive features.They still wore decorated headscarves as a form of rebellion (and that ended up taking off as a trend even with non-black people), but my point is that something being suppressed or shamed for political reasons doesn't make it less attractive. I do think a lot of black women certainly feel like natural hair is less attractive these days, on top of get attacked both by in and out groups, though.
No. 363411
>>363322The swirlers made it worse for all of us. Divestment was meant to be putting yourself first, not worshiping thugs or blindly following liberals into every dumb political move they make or being their pitbull. It was mean to be a enlightenment of values and self-improvement
>>363323I can't help but think it's gotten worse over the past few years, one of the reasons why it's so hard to find compatible friends, because all they want to do is talk about their boyfriends and nothing else
No. 363413
>>363404Sometimes it annoys me how hair is such a major topic of discussion for black women. Thanks for the video, but it depresses me.
The thought of women being forced to wear certain clothes to continue to mark them as slaves is insane to me.
The biggest reason why black hair is considered unattractive is because black men find it unattractive. It's such a well-known meme that women with afros usually have white boyfriends and
>>363392 makes a good point on how the wigs are meant to create the illusion of a black woman being racially ambiguous.
No. 363434
>>363404I must relent, ur right
nonny. I'm a history person so I already knew about some of the info, but I didn't really word that adequately either, "less attractive" is not really accurate-I hope ppl don't take this as bait but I wore my afro out once when I was a kid and the only people who didnt openly insult my hair were surprisingly nonblack ppl and i was getting a LOT of race based bullying so it surprised me. the black girls including my own sister acted like i was insane
No. 363478
>>363411>>363323I feel like this is why i cannot be friends with a lot of women in general. I am greatful for finding friends
online of course that aren't like that. I find it bleak that some women genuinely don't have a personality outside what men think of them and they cannot see that this line of thinking makes them pickmes just as much as the pickmes who make videos on redpill shit imo.
No. 363487
>>363483>>363467Isn't there a meme that gets posted on lolcow every now and then about the sjw black woman with a white bf? I don't even think it's bait to notice this trend, i remember seeing the pattern on tumblr years ago too. There's actually some truth to it because those types of women would be found on college campuses and often times black women outnumber black men.
>>363480I have no seen these, but i am not surprised such things would exist. I am pretty numb to the idea that so many men really feel strongly about black women being violently unattractive to them.
No. 363560
>>363492This is so true and it makes me wanna cry. Black womens bodies are seen as the wicked female evil Eve incarnate because we are dark skinned, tend to have lots of children, we are seen as hypersexual forbidden fruit temptresses who are guilty of spilling drops of our blackness everywhere; the eternal tainter of good and light. The whole world has been trying to sterilize us, rape us, silence us, beat us, enslave us, since discovering the continent of Africa. I was just reading about what European soldiers did to African women and children from the start of colonialism, right up to what UN peacekeeping troops did to women and little girls in central Africa and Haiti in the mid to late 2010s. Right now there’s still thousands of moid ‘aid workers’ from NGOs and UN workers sexually exploiting women and little kids and never being held accountable, western media downplays it and claims the
victims are only dozens but it’s really in the tens of thousands. It makes me want to puke.
No. 363621
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>>363560Reading history can be so depressing. I hate the fucking UN for what they've done to the Haitian women and children. I hate Bill Gates and his weird campaigns in Africa. I just know the increasing African population will cause much harm this century. So many "black bodies" to experiment on, round two of gynecology research. I hate black men for not even trying to do anything, the first to give up and run behind the white man for anything
>>363570Yes, and it goes double if you're a quiet person. I think it comes from the idea of black women being mammies /sassy friend characters on tv, so certain women think this will play out in real life. We don't have much in common, so let's be polite and focus on work.
No. 363742
i'm half black half indian and you'd be shocked to hear how many men AND women daily will insist indian women are fugly and unfuckable lol. it's disgusting.
No. 363746
>>363715I think it is possible for black women to be in a relationship and be happy, but unfortunately 95% of relationships I’ve seen involving black women involve an
abusive, or cheating scrote. I don’t trust any race of men.
>black men We remind them of slavery and everything they loathe about themselves so they take it out on us. The only good experience with a black man I’ve had was a Rasta dude from Jamaica and I honestly think it’s because he was high most of the time and not as angry or aggressive as other black men lmao
>white men I’m very wary of American white men because the history and context of slavery is too strong and gives me the ick, European men might be a little better because their history of slavery isn’t as strong, but still, I think they want us to grovel and be grateful that they gave us the time of day and probably like the social power dynamic of keeping black women beneath them and feeding their egos, which is gross. Also often have racist ass family who don’t want black children.
>Asian men The colorism in their culture is so strong and their families are usually ashamed to have a half black baby in the family
>Arab/MENA men Their culture also looks down on black people a lot
>Jewish menIve heard a lot of Jewish men have a fetish for black women (ew) because of the whole Moses and Zipporah thing. But knowing how racist they are and how heir country’s been trying to sterilize black women gives me the ick.
>Pacific/Islander men Not met many of them, some of them can pass as part black or blasian, but I’ve not seen many of them dating black women. They usually seem to date white women or other islanders.
No. 363785
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Some comments under a video about a dog breed. How men manage to find a way to shit on black women is beyond me.
No. 363788
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Is this a good thread pic nonnies? I think it's cute
No. 363882
>>363805>>363748>>363715>>363700I've given up on dating and wish to focus exclusively on economic improvement. I might date around as an older woman with money but the current pickings are slim, especially when you refuse
abusive treatment.
No. 363890
>white men >I’m very wary of American white men because the history and context of slavery is too strong and gives me the ick, European men might be a little better because their history of slavery isn’t as strong, but still, I think they want us to grovel and be grateful that they gave us the time of day and probably like the social power dynamic of keeping black women beneath them and feeding their egos, which is gross. Also often have racist ass family who don’t want black children. I've heard on clubhouse and certain divestment discords that BW had better luck in Europe compared to America. Always felt weird about that, because I'm very aware of how perverted Italian men are for example.
Honestly, I'm open to the idea of dating out but I dislike the idea of having mixed kids. Half-black kids always seem to suffer.
No. 363903
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>>363746>black men >We remind them of slavery and everything they loathe about themselves so they take it out on us.Black men needed therapy like YESTERDAY. Men need diaries and hands-on work, to get him to stop harassing women. Lazy bones
No. 363947
>>363903Marrying or having a relationship with a white person of the house was the only way to get out of torture and servitude for black people for 300+ years in the US. I understand why many black men and women feel the need for white approval and saviorism. However it’s not healthy and is a
toxic remnant of slavery.
No. 363953
>>363890European men are huge perverts and I say this as a woman who has lived in and travelled through Europe extensively, theyre all manwhores and almost never want to get married or fully commit, always want to keep their options open. More than half of all kids in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France and the UK are born out of wedlock. Having a wedding is seen as a waste of money to European men; and most of them are way broker than American guys too because the wages are so much lower over there.
American men are pretty shit too but probably a bit better especially if they are more sexually conservative and interested in marriage and having a family. European moids seem to think that keeping a woman in a half-in half-out relationship and never marrying her, but expecting her to raise his kids, then maybe if she’s lucky he’ll give in to her a little and she’ll get a rushed through informal ceremony in some registry office at 45 years old. European men can eat shit quite frankly.
No. 364024
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>>363945I think they have their own beauty. Maybe it's a lifetime of exposure to fashion magazines, but I see the beauty in truly tall and dark. A unique authentic human phenotype, and the only women on earth who can wear black lipstick and make it look natural
No. 364078
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What do you guys think of the overlap and schisms on twitter over divestment and radical feminism? Over the summer, there many arguments and breakups, with Divest women calling radfem black women "white woman whores" and radfems mocking black women. I feel stuck in the middle between these groups. I know white radfems are more offended over being called Karens compared to decades of (black) men calling black women "sheboons" and other harsh terms. Modern divestment always felt so focused on "feminizing" the image of black women, as opposed humanizing here. Divest chicks feel so much anger and disgust at lesbian black women, especially on TV and only consider the black female image to e vindicated if the black female characters is hyper-feminine with a white boyfriend.
The most I can do is be quiet and just let everything else fall into place.
No. 364080
>>364078I never thought about there being a feud between black radfems and divesters, but it makes since because a lot of divesters hate black women.
Sort of ot but I hate how divesters have kind of taken over interracial dating discussions and content which makes it hard to avoid them, and also how they're called divesters but don't actually divest. The idea should be to divest from
toxic mindsets/lifestyles in the black community and shed the cape/male worship, but then they go and take on the
toxic behavior and male worship of other communities.
No. 364083
>>364080Samefag but I think where a lot of black people go wrong is thinking that the black community is the only one with issues, particularly with misogyny. I've even seen people (even some posts on this site) claim that other cultures don't have pickmes, at least not as much as the black culture does. Divesters have that problem x10 and that's why they go worship men of other races, the reality is that you have to vet non-black men just as much as black men. I used to follow divesters when I was first exposed to the movement, but I become more and more disillusioned the more I hear their views. It's sad because right now it's the closest thing we have to a movement that has the potential to help black women, but it might just lead a lot down other
toxic paths.
I just realized I didn't actually read the pic from the OP though. That is extremely fucked up if black radfems aren't really sticking their necks out for black women. Imo, you have to defend your own first.
No. 364088
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>>364082>White WOMAN’s whore?Actually disgusting. I’m a bi black woman but this sentence is enough conversion therapy to never interact with other same sex attracted black women again on the topic of sexuality. It is no place for SSA black women to act as bad as black moids on self degradation and WW worship when white women single handedly have made sure that we are the lowest and most subjugated social caste of women in Western society. Stop embarrassing yourself as a dyke mammy nonna
No. 364092
>>364089>>364091Clock it! Not a single post on Ovarit on how much suffering Megan went through, not even a comment. I know most WW don't listen to rap but the trial was everywhere on the news, even during 2021 and 2022.
Just goes to show, you can agree with a white person on something and not blindly follow what they want you to do. Even black conservatives and libertarians learn this lesson. Only downside is how hard it is to find like-minded black women.
No. 364105
>>364093"Political correctness" or mainstream attention to left cultural activism comes in waves, the "woke" one is slowly dying. Faster now with all the activists on one side of Israel/Palestine and the establishment on the other.
It always means a conservative turn in the culture which includes this type of humor.
No. 364115
>>364091>>364092You must be a zoomer because white radfems gave awareness to black womens issues a lot in the past. But everytime they opened their mouths on black issues they got told to shut up and mind their own business and stop trying to play the white savior by black people to the point they stopped trying to wade in. This hostility towards well meaning white feminists is why the anti woke movement became so popular IMO. I saw white lesbians and radfems getting bullied out of intersectional feminist spaces by black, Asian and Middle Eastern radfems who claimed white women didn’t know west it’s like to be actually oppressed and need to fuck off with their two cents and only let
poc women speak. The white radfems usually did fuck off and leave them to it but I think
woc really fucked up these by alienating white feminists because white feminists have the most social leverage. I’m not surprised they got tired of the constant hostility and branched off into their own sects, radblr and radfem twitter used to be pretty nasty and full of constant fighting. I honestly think a lot of troons moids and nazis larped as radfems too and intentionally caused infighting and bullying to fragment the
terf and radfem circles just like they still do on here.
No. 364337
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>>363205>>364223>>364115>>364091Even though both benefits from collective action, it's impossible to mobilize the ladies, especially when classes. Most anti-racist allies (of all races) are upper middle class and that affects their worldview. Supporting prison abolition despite the fact hat they live in gated communities and don't suffer the consequences, for one example. There's also the nonsensical purity spirals, brought on by the fear of hypocrisy and not want to have larpers in the group. And the fact that most people don't read up on actual history and theory and just go along with the revised version on social media.
No. 364572
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>>364223>whItE wOmEn wILL ALwAys bE bIggEr ALLIEs tO Us thAn bLAck Or whItE mEnRiiiiiiiiiiight. Because it's not like there's centuries proof showing that they've always stood in latch step with white men in subjugating black women and revoking our femininity from us to maintain the throne of being the most extolled and pampered race of women on Earth. You're fucking stupid anon.
No. 365046
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>>365025People masculinize black women as an excuse to beat us or deprive us of necessary resources (re: menstruation, obstetric violence, etc) It has more to with dehumanizing black women into tools for use by others as opposed to stealing/depriving you of "feminine" essence. Reject the essentialism and focus on material reality. Avoid the racists and progressives. Twisting yourself into the perfect feminine archetype will not help you, for amount of makeup, skin bleach or etiquette classes can convince someone who hates you into loving you.
No. 365285
>>365198If a white women is racist, and other white women defend her instead of her black female
victim, why should I be inclined to have solidarity with them? I’d like to know.
No. 365287
>>365239They just want to gaslight us into thinking we are being crazy for not being allies with them. Saying their better options than black men. But just like black men they’d rather side with a white women who inflicts harm rather than a black female
No. 365660
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>>365287>They just want to gaslight us into thinking we are being crazy for not being allies with them.Speaking on black women's "relationships" to other demographics, can I please hear other black women's honest thoughts and reactions when someone claims that asians and black people got "the same treatment, therefore black people have zero excuse to be unhappy"? I don't have anything against asians, but I have never seen asians get shat on as hard as black people do in my whole life. Not in person, not at school, not in the workplace, and especially not on the internet. Like, where is the dimension where asian people have been enslaved by multiple different countries for hundreds of years based on their race, their babies held as gator bait, had to flat iron their hair because of laws on workplace "appropriateness", compared to monkeys by people that are supposed to be scientists, killed for sleeping with white women or fighting back against white rapist scrotes, or told that they're clinically retarded and undeserving of rights because of the IQ test bell curve whatever? Because if all of that took place, it must not be the same dimension as what I'm in. Even literal nazis held asians to a higher regard than black people, so where exactly are people getting the impression that asians and black people were ever dealt with the same hand? Seriously, point on the map of history where both groups have ever truly gotten the same treatment. Knowing and reading how black people were treated by whites and even arabs makes the "asians got the same treatment" claim feel like the most taunting lie I have ever seen.
inb4 somebody tries to shut this down with
>"ugh oppression olympics"nah, we're going live.