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No. 363824
The follow-up thread to
>>199512A place where black women can rant about the good, the bad and the ugly in the community. This is also a good thread for the women who are curious about the black community and the black female experience.
No. 364059
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I wish we were allowed to talk about how we're represented. Black characters with certain personalities are always portrayed by mixed black women especially when they're "quirky". But when they have a more hardcore personality then they have to be darkskin. I just want black women with dark skin to be able to be portrayed in different ways. I'm so happy things are finally changing with shows like Abbot Elementary, I may destroy you, and insecure. It feels so refreshing to see interesting, down to earth, realistic portrayals of black women finally. It felt like black men were the only ones starting to get some range in representation, especially in gaming and stuff.
No. 364065
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>>364049Welcome fellow black female doomer. Sometimes I have a little hope and think that this problem is mostly insular to America. Sure there is racism in Europe that exists, but it is nowhere near as emboldened as it is in AmeriKKKa. At this point, to salvage what's left of any sanity in the black community, the only thing that could save us is a world wide disapora back to Afro-centric countries- taking all of the resources we have been given by white society and investing them instead into rebuilding our own african countries.
No. 364071
>>364049I believe it, the widow of opportunity is closing and social mobility is decreasing. Black people are expected to have $0 in net worth by 2030, and I have a hit load of student debt. Add the racist Latinos and Asians who are increasing in population and you might as well remain celibate. It's child abuse to have black kid in modern times.
>>364065Could only work with adequate AGI and automation. I don't trust black men to do the work of rebuilding and industrializing the continent.
No. 364150
>>364149Literally never saw that. Where was it, Paris? Paris is a shithole.
Though then again, I have a black coworker who confessed to being called a monkey by customers, so… maybe I just didn't see it.
No. 364152
>>364151You can't be woke and an utopia. Just look at California, or Seattle. They're trying to be utopias by being woke, and they're shit.
(inb4 "hey stupid seattle IS in california")
No. 364154
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French people are rude to everyone but far moreso if you’re black or brown. Maybe not as much the young/zoomer generation, but people who are 30+ in France are definitely racist as hell. French men are all weird cucks but also extremely racist. This was some French nationalist scrote complaining about how young white women are racemixing with African refugees and leaving young white French men ‘sexually miserable’. This is what I mean. They have a fascination with BBC porn and cuckolding and interracial sex, but are also racist as fuck in real life towards black people. They hate black men as they see them as sexual competition, and they hate black women because black women have more kids and birth more black children and in their paranoid coomer minds are trying to replace them and sexually cuck them and bring about their weird perverted bnwo fantasy. You have to wonder how terrible French scrotes must be if French women are choosing literal broke homeless refugees over them like they say. I would avoid French moids like the plague personally.
No. 364185
>>364154This sounds like a poorly written racebait. I'm brown and Muslim, I'm open about my beliefs too but I've never had white French men harass me and the most racism I faced was dark humor or weird white men telling me they like brown girls like me.
On the contrary the nonwhite(not just black) French men I spoke to were absolutely demonic, literally sexually harassed me and called me a "sand nigger". It just depends on the person but usually most nonwhite men are internally racist and since I'm not white they tend to treat me like shit to cope with their own self hatred.
Though I must say the white men KIND OF have a point. I had one white guy tell me his sister was dating a brown man who abused her and he then left her to marry a virgin after years of dating her and physically abusing her. He said she had become suicidal because of this.
If a group of men are abusing your local women, committing crimes that are violent in nature, etc. they will be feared and therefore disliked.
Also stop watching so much bbc porn you schizo, the mixed dude that sexually harassed me literally had a 12cm dick and most black/brown dudes that harassed me and sent me pics were in that range. I don't get how dick size, bbc or interracial cuckold porn being used as a gotcha though. Some crack whore fucking men on camera isnt the reason why French people dont want illegal immigrants.
>>364194>>364186>>364185>>364157I hate personalityfagging but this is for everyone who is accusing me of being a moid or racebaiter. I’m sorry not sorry that your tranny ass got
triggered lol. No. 364225
>>364222Nope. Trump wanted to abolish/repeal it but it was denied. Trump wants to cut it if he wins in 2024 though. Obamacare/ACA is still
valid and the law of the land in most states. Around 3 million more Americans enrolled in it in the last 2 years, it’s too popular to kill off.
No. 364238
>>364233I mean it's sad that another president got elected on empty promises.
That the promises are stupid is worse.
No. 364294
>>364275racism existed before porn, retard. no one is racist because of bbc porn or interracial couples. Theyre racist because they just are. Do you think men enslaved africans because they loved bbc porn and thought africans would steal their women back then as well? Youre pornsick and obsessed with racial fetishization.
>>364283men and women apparently judging by how anon thinks everyone is watching bbc cuckolding porn and feeling jealous of black men because of their performances in porn
No. 364296
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>>364120I have what might be an unpopular opinion that I don't feel like I can state anywhere else. Monkeys are adorable, and it makes me sad that some people use them as a slur or insult. They don't deserve to be pushed into those retarded racist's spergouts. A single baby monke will always hold more inherent worth than any inbred football moid or his brain-damaged pickme, just by virtue of existing.
No. 364297
>>364294nobody said interracial porn caused racism, idiot. but white men get so
triggered over it they literally kill people. the guy who shot larry flynt was a neo nazi who got
triggered by a black man and white woman on the cover of hustler magazine. white guys make sites like coalfax where they obsessively post doxx of white women who date black men and encourage people to try and kill them. it’s pathetic.
No. 364300
>>364297and inb4
>why do you care about mixed couples they’re all traitors anyway blah blah blah at the end of the day their kids are gonna be little mixed black children, so yeah i do care.
No. 364303
>>364295>theyre afraid black men will charm their women!! >Ahksually they were scared foreign men would rape them! see those two are very different things but I doubt you care about what women face at the hands of men so you dont care long as you get to racebait and weird racial sexual stuff.
>>364297>They have a fascination with BBC porn and cuckolding and interracial sex,>They hate black men as they see them as sexual competitionanon thinks they hate black men are better at "sexual competition", when asked for proof "she" instead talks about how white men were scared white women would get raped by foreign men. Not really the same thing.
No. 364307
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>>364303repost since you deleted the post you admitted white men disliked foreign men because they could possibly hurt white women, not steal them.
No. 364316
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Tbf Senegalese women are among the prettiest in the world even today. I'm not really surprised the British moid acted so weird. The rest is bizarre, though.
No. 364320
>>364231last thread had this
>>363205Republicans want to make an example of all (black) women because they believe it's our god given duty to suffer
No. 364324
>>364241Not really, but I had a former friend that went libertarian before becoming moderate. In theory, I agree with the free speech activists but yeah, they only wanted to throw slurs around. If you had a genuine opinion on religion, for example, they were the first to censor you. They were hypocrites and for that I'm glad they flopped.
On race relations, it's not going to get better and I sincerely believe we will see segregation again in our lifetimes and people will look back on the Obama years as a loving memory
No. 364335
I love Dr Claud Anderson. Intelligent articulate awakened men are so damn attractive and his predictions were eerily accurate. He’s absolutely right about black peoples vote.
>When blacks first came to this country they were enslaved and didn’t belong to any political party. We got slavery out of it.>From the 1860s to 1930s, 96% of blacks were republican and we got Jim Crow laws out of it >Now 96% of blacks belong to the Democratic Party and we got benign neglect out of itWe should only vote for the party that promises and delivers to help black people most, regardless of party.
No. 364472
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I'm not even a moid but I'm going to post this just to spite the annoying pickmeisha's on this thread that ride or die for black scrotes, the same scrotes mind you who would happily sign off on a black woman's death wish if they had the slightest chance on social upward mobility on kissing up to the white race's demands. Not everyone who doesn't kiss black man's ass is a fucking moid, retards.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 364485
>>364472Nothing about this is wholesome, this looks like it's from some racist white scrote with a fetish. Especially if he's calling people niggers.
>INB4 "pickme! you love black men!"I'm the first person to criticize black men, but men who fetishize black women aren't a catch either. To me it's disgusting when people make it seem like our options are either misogynistic black men or coomer scrotes who only like black women for their fetish or fantasies of pissing off black men.
No. 364513
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>criticize black scrotes
>"self hating bitch! Go suck white dick since you wanna be a race-traiting divestor so badly!"
>criticize nonblack scrotes
>"oh so you're ignoring the abuse and murder that black men do to black women?? Hope he picks you sIs"
What I definitely dislike about manhating online with other black women around is that we can never unite on distrusting men. No matter fucking what, when, and where, there's always black women who'll tear you a new asshole for saying anything remotely "mean" about the type of men THEY like. I had to abandon circles of supposedly pro-black AND divestor women because of their male-defending behaviors. The "pro-black" women point fingers at divestors for being "pickmes" for white men, yet divestor women point fingers at "pro-black" women for being "pickmes" for black men. Well guess what? You're BOTH humongous pickmes because you both act like undying maidens for the type of men you think are attractive, so you can EACH join the circus as clowns, you dummies.
No. 364522
>>364472There is nothing wholesome about this. This is just the black version of what most white men with Asian fetishes believe. Do you know how many mixed kids have inane racial complexes and mental health issues because of the racism from their parents? It's actually sick.
>>364485True, if these are your options, then your dating pool is shallow and bleak. More BW should look into celibacy. Either as a permanent choice or until she vets for the right person but in the meantime, no contact with racists or black men with baby mama drama.
No. 364538
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>>364527thank you
nonny! I hope so too!
No. 364550
>>364241I never really had a republican phase, but i always knew i felt embarrassed of sjw types and it made me fall out of love with the idea of being a leftie. I believed in feminism, but i was embarrassed of libfems and vehemently disagreed with sex positivity going off the rails to condone degeneracy and sex work. I never liked how sjws and the black community at large would make excused for the high crime rates, offensive lyrics in rap songs and the overall low vibrational energy of the black community. I've never really seen anyone have my thoughts so i thought it had to be a form of self-hate. I consumed some anti-feminist content, but i could never get deep into that stuff because of the rampant woman hating and the way they would act like black people were the "other", even if they were trying to appease them. I watched it, but none of the ideology ever stuck with me because i don't believe that i should feel guilty for existing as someone who is black and is a woman. There was a huge ick i thought i needed to ignore for the sake of being smart and rational, but i am glad i just gave into my own emotions and gave up. I just don't give a fuck about left vs right anymore, there is no place for me on either side. Both sides have glaring hypocritical tendencies, are unable to take criticism and I've always felt a strong sense of that they are only in it for the chance to be able to look down om people and have an enemy to spit on.
>>364334The natural hair movement did absolutely nothing to help black women like their natural texture at all. I still hear women irl talk about how much they hate their hair and wish it was loose. I think it just stems from long hair on women always being what is desirably, it's hard to have that when you have shrinkage.
>>364513Based as fuck.
No. 364552
>>364469No it’s just weirdly
sus that that you can talk shit about any race of man you want itt (which is fine and dandy, it’s lolcow after all) except white guys and if you say one bad word about white guys some deranged lurking poltard jumps out of the woodwork and starts screeching for hours about bbc porn and penis sizes kek. I’m not even the only person who’s noticed it, other nonas are noticing too. It’s so obvious it’s a white moid.
No. 364564
>>364317I do rosemary hair oil 10-60 mins before showering and gently massage it in with a soft scalp massager. Mielle and kitsch are the oil brands I use.
And I glob in a ton of shea moisture castor oil hair masque when my hair is wet and scrunch in some extra as it’s drying. My hair is also bleached and just totally saturating it with moisture like that is all that helps make it look healthier.
No. 364586
I haven't interacted here ever because i'm white and i just check in sometimes, but i feel like i've been seeing some weird and salty individual for at least 2 times now and it kinda creeps me out
>>364472Aside anything others replied, why in the world are you posting something with an ai generated picture with literally bleached edits?? i try to not judge fetishes but keep them out of serious discussions, i seriously don't get if i'm not following some arguments because i don't relate to them or if i'm reading a weirdo's fantasies and so far i think it's the second option
I'd be happy to be wrong though
No. 364641
>>364623No one says one race of men is better, the issue is anons who have black and white thinking. They say white men only want black women to humiliate them OR black men are %out to get you.
Either of those statements sound like they're written by racists and I'm not gonna believe an actual black woman told others to stay celibate because no one can like them as a person. That's so undermining. These same anons call black women race traitors for dating random men and say they care because of the women's future kids without even thinking that she might not have kids and if she does have kids, its none of their business.
No. 364772
>>364641Agreed, personally I have had HORRIBLE experiences with multiple races of men.
Black men, I would say 90% or more of them cheat. Zero self control. Always made me feel inferior to a lighter skinned woman, made fun of my ass and boobs because they were small. Sometimes decent in bed at foreplay, thats it. Stingy. 2/10.
White guys were all creepy Ebony/raceplay fetishists who wanted to use me as practice then wife/commit to a white woman. Disgusting. Probably 75% of them cheat depending on how attractive they are. Selfish in bed. Ever so slightly more trustworthy than black moids but still hardly. Will always see you as subhuman in the back of their mind. A little more generous than black men. 2/10
Asian men. Super self conscious about being seen in public with you. Less manwhores than black and white men, but the very good looking ones are just as slutty as black and white moids. Non stop family issues when you’re black. A little more trustworthy than black and white moids. Also stingy. 2.5/10.
Dated a maori guy who abused me. Big dick. Good in bed, handsome, but nasty person. Don’t wanna target a whole race based on one person but I was left traumatized. Love bombed the shit out of me. Broke. 2/10.
Not dated a latino, or native, would have liked to but I’m done with men completely now.
If you can find a man who loves you and shows true commitment to you and doesn’t have a gross sexual obsession with your race then congrats you have wom the lottery. The amount of trauma I have received from men made me hate them all.
No. 364844
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I hate when non-black people get mad at black women for having blond hair because "Ohhh but it's cultural appropriation when WE wear dreads or braids?!". When did the specific black woman you're mad at ever say that? Are people really so dumb they think all black people are a hivemind who share the exact same opinion? Believe it or not, not everyone cares in this bitch of an earth.
No. 364874
>>364844My least favorite version of this is the backhanded compliment. It's usually something like
>Well, blonde hair just doesn't suit black women anyway. They should stick to something that flatters their beauty instead of copying white peopleI'm so sick kek
No. 364879
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>>364065As a blasian myself, seeing all of the comments on this thread has truly helped me to realize that no matter how hard I try, I will never fit in with American society as a mixed race woman of color. I grew up mostly by my East Asian parent who raised me, their influence dominated the household, and I realize just how out of sync I truly am with the black American community when I see this thread. You guys have no solution as to where black women can belong? Well as a blasian, I personally see that there is nowhere a cultured black woman can belong. As much as American black people try to see themselves as separated from whites, in the end you guys truly are the two different sides of the same coin. Both white and black Americans derive from a diluted culture that has given them no firm foundation of heritage to rely on. White Americans and Black Americans EQUALLY don't know themselves. As someone who has Eastern influence, I was raised to be disciplined. To wear my emotions proudly on my chest and be not afraid to speak my mind. And no white man or black man is suitable for me to date. Both are equally disastrous races of men, they're too poisoned by Western influence. I will happily be moving out of America by next year and will find a place to live in my Eastern country where my heritage belongs to. Black women, if you know your cultural ties, whether you're mixed or solely African (or West Indie), I suggest you do the same. America truly is the place where one's rich heritage comes to die.
No. 364885
>>364879LARP and in the .1% chance this is real, I really hope you realize how racist East Asia is. Not just towards white people -
especially towards you.
No. 364888
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>>364874It's not anything race specific, blonde is just a tricky color. I don't think people realize how important tone and color is when it comes to blonde hair. Blonde is the most easily unflattering color, even white people have to find that specific shade that looks good on you. Take Ariana Grande for example, both of these blondes are pretty similar but the one that's a tad cooler with dark roots is way better looking.
Anyway, kind of OT, sorry.
No. 364892
>>364885You're self-hating and mentally ill
No. 364948
>>364879Imo mixed girls will almost always feel closer to their moms race than their dads race. I also feel like sadly, men have less parental investment in their mixed race children than if their child was the same race as them, and that goes for literally any racial pairing. My guess is that it’s because men dislike children who don’t look exactly like them. Male humans and animals have been known to murder offspring because they don’t physically resemble them. Terrifying and disheartening.
As a mixed person myself I would recommend cherrypicking the best parts of each culture and keeping them for yourself and discarding all the bullshit that comes with each culture. It’s your path to carve out and you can live and do whatever you want. There are a ton of mixed people in America, if anything America or Brazil would be the easiest place (not easy, but out of all the countries) for a mixed person simply because there are far more people who look like you. I’ve been to Asia and although I did get stares I would say that overall I felt much safer than I did in the US. I also know I’m much less likely to get robbed, raped or shot over there too. I always wanted to live in Asia because im kind of a weeb, and I also had a pretty nice time on vacation. But on the other hand there are far more people who look like and can relate to me in the US, and I feel like I get stared at less in the US too, so I don’t know about actually moving there. (For the record I have a good friend who is a dark skin weeb, gothic dressing, 32 year old black woman with dreads, who lives in Tokyo, and apart from some people asking questions like where are you from or trying to touch her hair, she said absolutely loves living in Japan and doesn’t want to come back)
Also there are quite a few beautiful and successful Blasian women in media, I would recommend reading interviews with them and their experiences and seeing how they managed to achieve success, or finding other Blasian women online you can talk to and who can relate to your experiences.
No. 364949
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I don't entirely know how to put this into words, but I've noticed that people don't really have a good theoretical mindset when it comes to things like beauty, hair, fashion, etc. I feel like we always have some assigned duty to prove people wrong on our beauty in re: our race (and when we do, then freaks start insisting things about our DNA without any kind of knowledge, trying to ascribe our features or mentality to other races, etc), whether we can "pull off" xyz fashion style or hair, etc. They haven't seen it (and it's obvious that they won't be shown things that don't match the current media status quo, but of course they're too dumb to comprehend that), so they assume that it must be impossible and we shouldn't even try. Or they have reductive, backward ideas about us as a whole ("uhh black women hypersexual and aggressive", "uhhh black women all have big ass and big tiddy", etc) and get triggered when reality doesn't conform.
It's exhausting to battle stereotypes, it seems like the mainstream is invested in only depicting us in the most alienating ways, and I don't think other races of women can really relate. It's tiring to be a "pleasant surprise" or an "exception" instead of just being allowed to be yourself.
No. 364955
>>364953It's really not about giving a fuck or being validated, it's about the fact that this is inescapable. We have to live in society with retards who don't see us as human, just cartoons or political chess pieces. I would rather be ignored than weirdly gaslit about what I can do/look like, or have people make assumptions about my character based on my race, my hair, how dark or light my skin is, my accent, etc. I can not give a fuck all day (in fact, it's what I have to do just to live), but it will still weigh down on me.
A lot of the time, even self-proclaimed "feminists" can't put two brain cells together and not treat us as some kind of monolith. They complain about misogyny, women being stereotyped, etc but can't help pushing that on black women.
No. 365022
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>>364949Please try to ignore those people because you're playing a losing game. Their preconceived notions are their problem and you should see it as a problem with their view on the world as opposed to something that's wrong with you. You are just a person with a personality, like 8 billion of us. I used to feel the same way. Any positive trait of mine was attributed to some distant non-black ancestor. So I went through a massive pro-black phase and read older black literature.
Ignore them and focus on your own life and being your best self.
No. 365104
>>364241I didn't have a conservative phase and I don't think I ever will outside of maybe getting called a
terf. But that's standard for lolcow. Too many conservatives are unironically pro-life or like to shill to men's rights activist.
>>364879>>365065this most asians I know find diasporans annoying and try hard. I feel the same with carribbean/african immigrants in north america or europe they are always weirdos.
No. 365112
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Do y'all notice how quickly black men are able to capitalize on misogynoir for their benefit? Original context is a young boy seeing his mom twerk on another man in public and his facial reaction has become the stuff of memes.
Notice how people worldwide will march for men like George Floyd and black men are dedicated to making us look terrible in comparison. Especially when they make memes to invite other groups to hate on us and be violent towards us. Similar to the last thread's discussion on the masculinization of BW.
No. 365128
>>365112Yes i have. It's a huge part of their
victim narrative that they are stuck with the most UnDeSiRaBlE women in the world. It's been proven time and time again, that they not appreciate a black woman who is educated, elegant and poise. Being ratchet and loud is what gets you attention from them, they like that because it means you're easy. I had to delete twitter because of black men and masculina pickmeishas taking every chance to shit on black women. The only way you can get approval from black men is if you hate yourself and even then, it's not enough.
No. 365146
>>365133It is. It's also gross to turn that child's pain and humiliation into a meme so that people all over the world will mock him for having a degenerate for a mother.
You know what's extremely gross? That video of a bunch of black men filming themselves at a woman's house (she was just this random white woman, allegedly a prostitute or a druggie, according to commenters), talking about running a train on her while she chatted happily with them, then going into her unprotected son's room, waking him up, filming his face and laughing at him. You know what black women didn't do? Turn it into any kind of meme, because it was just sad and disgusting.
Stop making excuses for nasty moid behavior, dumbass.
No. 365291
>>365146>>365133>>365225>>365228I agree with with she did was disgusting but the fact that black men are so quick to lay the blame on all black women is
sus. They wouldn't do this with any negative behavior a black man does nor would their liberal allies
No. 365325
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In your honest opinion, why do you think other people (especially non-black) are more offended by the existence/presence of quiet black women compared to loud black women? Not saying one is better than the other, but there feels more animosity for the former compared to the latter. Which is funny considering the stereotype.
No. 365387
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>>365353This. I've had so many people assume I hate them or act weird toward me because I'm quiet. Loud black women get treated badly too (because black), but their behavior keeps certain people comfortable. It's in line with the narrative that's been set for us. They can be sassy, loud, comic relief, the hypersexual life of the party and/or the angry political footsoldier to do their dirty work for them. What are they going to do with black women who are reserved, or maybe just kind of shy? We're not "supposed" to just live without filling some sort of archetype.
I genuinely believe something like 30% of first worlders are giga consoomers who think real life is exactly like their garbage TV shows or whatever public freakout video went viral last week. They think being black determines your personality.
Sidenote, I remember a post from a black anon where she described minding her own business in public. Some scrote (white) got close to where she was and started blasting a Trump-related video and looking over at her to try and get a reaction. She didn't react because she didn't care (though she had been reading Shakespeare before he interrupted) but she could see what he was doing. I can't imagine what was going through that man's head, but it's all very bleak.
No. 365411
>>365410"Are you mad at me?”
"Why are you so mean?”
"Can you even talk?"
"Why are you so quiet all the time?"
"You act white."
"You're not like the 'other ones'"
No. 365486
>>365485Not a moid, it’s just pathetic that you think you deserve
victim status for being quiet and occasionally getting accused of being rude.
Victim card players are the worst. Get over it.
>>365387reminds me of middle/high school. complete strangers ould literally hit and harass me just so I could start a fight. but I never did. You get detention just for having your ass beat. No one says anything or stands up for you
I wish I could be treated normally
No. 365611
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I feel really bad for black Saudi women, and black women/girls raised in MENA countries in general. The racism there is virulent, and they don't seem to have laws against it like the US does. This woman is getting bashed and told to "know her place", "slave", etc by swathes of balding Arab incels for the sin of posting a selfie and a perfume she bought.
No. 365682
>>365653I think white, Asian, Latino, whatever moids can feel lust towards us, but never genuine, real, deep love. I don’t even think this applies to just black women tbh. I’ve noticed white guys treat their Asian, Latina and whatever other race wives the exact same: replaceable objects, placeholders, the ‘that’ll do’ option when they failed to secure white Stacy. I’ve never seen a white guy cry his eyes out over a black, brown or Asian woman. I’ve never seen a white guy heartbroken and suicidal over a black brown or Asian woman. It’s always the white girl breaking their hearts and making them suicidal. Whereas it feels like with us, they think ‘meh, I can just replace her with an identical woman again’ I genuinely believe more white people are faceblind than not. White people get the privilege of being considered as special, unique individuals. With black people, we’re always a group and a monolith. Not individuals in the white mind. I stopped believing men can love us a long time ago. Likewise, the way black men ‘love’ white women doesn’t seem that genuine to me either: it feels more like it’s born out of needing validation that they’re attractive enough to secure the plantation owners daughter. And I think a lot of black women feel pressured to attract the plantation owners son. My experiences in dating in general have been absolutely awful; but one of the most depressing realizations I came to is that I’m not even sure if genuine love can exist between races anymore, as cynical and controversial as that sounds. It feels like interracial love (with a few couples exceptions, like those people who genuinely don’t see color and come together simply because they like one another so much) is almost always conditional, fetishistic or opportunistic in nature, which sucks for me because I want to date outside my race but have had nothing but bad experiences (and inside my race too).
No. 365711
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>>365653If a black man is telling you that, it's a form of mate guarding.It's never smart to tell men what your preferences are because they always try to hassle you down or out of them, especially if it doesn't benefit them (in this case). I'm not gonna deny the existence of perverted white guys but there are normal guys if you are willing to vet. If necessary, please take a break from dating and work on something important to you
No. 365716
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>>365712As black women we are more likely to be single than any other race. Lets not kid ourselves. Also, interestingly, we are most likely to report being happy and satisfied being single than any other demographic. What does that tell you? The majority of black women have decided that when it comes to moids, the juice just ain’t worth the squeeze, and who can blame em.
No. 365718
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It’s actually wild that black women were the only demographic who reported being happier while single. Think that says everything about the state of modern dating as a black woman tbh. If you can find a moid who worships you, does everything and anything for you, will go to the ends of the earth for you, then you’re onto something good. Otherwise, it’s simply not worth it.
No. 365728
>>365723Because the "let's not kid ourselves" coupled with everything else reeks of the same negging nonsense incels like, but repackaged in "No, choose volceldom" blackpill faux feminist form. Of course we don't need to date, but we can if we want to. There's nothing wrong with it, black women don't need to be martyrs because something something clownworld.
I've seen so much weirdo blackpill bullshit around our demographic specifically, only for my actual life and dating experiences to turn out completely different. It's just manipulative and old, and once I learned why certain groups like this narrative, it became a joke to me.
No. 365736
>>365731>>365734Why post multiple times on this? I'm not alone either, kek. I honestly just don't care about online misandry larp. Half the women posting on this site saying all men bad still go to bed with their boyfriends and husband at the end of the day, lmao. Men do suck, but I'm not going to go around telling black women they specifically have no hope and should be single if they actually
want to date, sorry. As I said before, black nonnas who want to be in a relationship: Love yourself, know what you're looking for, vet heavily, don't let any dumb scrote drag you down, treat you like porn or make you feel like you don't deserve something over your race. That's all, anyone who gets mad at this doesn't have your interests at heart.
>>365735I think you're backtracking, but don't feel like arguing further.
No. 365738
>>365653It's convenient for people to make us feel like we're undesirable or that we shouldn't be with any men (unless it's black men, of course). People want us to either be lonely
not to say that there's anything wrong with being alone, but that's besides the point or to be in shitty relationship, and to not realize our worth and that we're wanted so that we're desperate and deal with any man even if they're trash. If black women all collectively realized their worth, a lot of shit would fall out of place.
I will say as someone who also does the whole interracial thing, I've noticed a lot of young black girls on social media asking men of other races (especially white dudes) if they like black girls. It just looks so pathetic but I also understand it because they've probably been made to feel unwanted like so many black women have been.
Do not use emoticons btw. Read the info page, integrate and stop being a newfag.
No. 365744
>>365738>If black women all collectively realized their worth, a lot of shit would fall out of place.Exactly. There are so many people who want to screw us over and keep us down (including our own people sometimes). It seems like it's always either verbal abuse or concern trolling.
I agree on the social media thing, too. I get that it comes from being told all their lives that they're "undesirable", but it makes them look desperate, I dislike it. This is also why I don't like kpop stan culture, but that's a conversation for another day.
No. 365749
Honestly I’d say it’s the happy confident women who get abused, cheated on and murdered most.
Look at the women who get murdered by scrotes. The descriptions of them by family and friends are always that they were happy, outgoing, bubbly, confident, etc.
Barely any women who get murdered are actually the submissive obedient doormat stereotype. Abusive men don’t even want doormats because there’s no challenge in that. Men like to break down happy, confident, disobedient, high self esteem women because they’re the ones they can’t have and are therefore most valuable and high status in their eyes. Plenty of women with high self worth and high self esteem have been murdered, raped, abused etc.
No. 365753
>>365751>Black women absolutely do realize their own worthSo many black women partake in and glorify toxicity and male worship. A lot of black women date shitty men who are not in their league. I'm not saying that black women hate themselves, but if we all truly realized our own worth a lot would change.
Just to be clear, I realize pickme-ism and all that stuff is not specific to black women. But this is the black girl thread so I'm speaking specifically about black women.
No. 365758
>>365754I guess our approaches are just different, I don't really ask men out. I was specifically talking about on social media though, so these are guys who these girls probably will never even meet.
>Btw, there’s millions of moids on this earth who think Beyoncé is ugly, so you shouldn’t even take it personally.I don't care if someone doesn't want to date black women, it doesn't bother me.
No. 365759
>>365752The "nooo your bf can't exist because you're on lolcor" thing makes me think it's a baiter who fantasizes about black women being automatic
femcels, that's when I stopped bothering.
No. 365762
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>>365715Some ladies love cats
No. 365780
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I know I'm being whiney and maybe dramatic but I feel so hopeless sometimes especially about travelling and stuff. It feels like everyone is desperate to hate black people and I'm tired of it…not even just black people, it's like everyone has a feverish obsession with hating one another and being racist. I can't help but wonder why. I don't understand how or why everyone holds such disgusting opinions towards entire groups of people. I understand that some people are shitty but why should their entire race have to pay for that? How does it make sense to blame thousands of people off of the shitty behavior of a few hundred ass hats? I noticed how when I was young I tried to rationalize the ways of thinking of others and I'd try to be "one of the good ones". I was bent on turning the other cheek but all of that pain and bullshit I dealt with is for nothing because no matter what there are massive groups of people all over the world that see me as somehow less human. I just want everyone to stop acting like retards. Treat each other with respect, how hard is that? I used to think that every case of racism was just a rowdy 12 year old and I'd say to myself "kids have their edgy phases" but now I'm realizing I was not like that at all! I was a normal 12 year old and I was never a racist asshole so I can't excuse that behavior and I find it disturbing that such a strange lack of empathy is so unbelievably common among young white boys. And it's also weird how many of them become trans later,idk, I find that to be terrifying. Sometimes I just wanna curl up and exist within my own neet bubble where I can easily shield myself from that stuff and continue to be a race-less blob quietly floating through the internet but I crave new experiences and as I'm looking into the new experiences I'm interested in having (travelling), I am realizing I may be setting myself up to experience some uncomfortable things…like racism. I don't know. I don't want that part to scare me back into a shell or something but I can feel myself starting to tuck away at the thought of having to experience these things in real life.
No. 365800
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>>365716>Lets not kid ourselvesand you wonder why people got on your ass
>>365730>If anything it shows black women are the most self sufficient and least pathetic demographic. Online BW see this as an insult because it implies no one sees them outside of the mule archetype
>>365733>>365724Very off topic for this thread
>>365738It's so cringe when she ask that. Too many young women without home training. No wonder why they fall for femininity scams
>>365744All sides benefit from concern trolling. Being told I'm undesirable just made me want to disconnect and disappear Best thing for BW to do is to disengage and avoid outsiders.
>>365749Wrong. All persoinalit types get abused. Doormat women are often socialized and even groomed by their families to be doormats. No one is born a doormat. Anyways, the fault of abuse lies with the abuser
>>365751Wrong. That was based on an old survery that is very much out of date. If anything, the more inclusive society tries to be with black women, the more hate she gets and the more she hates herself. Black people were so much better off with their own stuff. Black women have to spend decades of their lives building up basic building blocks of self esteem that other women get for free from birth.
No. 365805
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>>365766>I just always assume the person using them is an aspie millenial loser. some of use are lmao
No. 365824
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>>365766>an aspie millenial loseryes, and?
No. 365844
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>>365800You're right. IMO, this thread either has a troll who will start shit about literally anything because they want attention, or a deeply unhappy person with unaddressed internalized racism calling everyone paranoid pickmes for not buying into their misery loves company tactics and snide comments. It's not normal for someone to have a vested interest in black women being alone and foaming at the mouth when they're not. I don't even see self-proclaimed misandrists trying to fight with anons in the relationship general or vent threads on how they shouldn't be dating.
Making like two posts in one sitting telling black women they'll be murdered and/or abused if they dare to be self-confident, trying to drag down anyone who doesn't fit in their worldview by saying they must be lying about having relationships or that we "shouldn't kid ourselves" if we think we can date, etc. It's just very freakish. I feel like literally no other group of women seems to get targeted in this way, and I wish these "people" would leave us alone.
No. 365851
>>365780I feel you, anon. It really feels like some sort of existential horror. Everything we do is wrong to some people because they want to hate us. It's not even about us, at a certain point. It's about their view of the world, their place in it and trying to feel "affirmed" by stepping on us. No matter how normal, kind, and well-spoken we are, idiots will always find a way to sperg about (or at) us.
If you want to travel, please don't do it solo (both for general safety and for possible incidents). Go with friends or loved ones who are emotionally present and supportive. I understand the desire to want to hide away from the world, but you can't let miserable pieces of shit trying to confiscate your very humanity control your life. You deserve to have fun, you deserve to be happy and you deserve to experience things any other woman can. It's not good to isolate yourself, no matter what anyone tries to tell you.
No. 365855
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Do you have any strong opinions on modern politics? Came across a thread that made me think. On one hand, I strongly dislike on how modern politics and how the left exploits our real worries on how we fit in and how we contribute to modern society. And I am very well aware on the open hatred of the right. Mixed feelings all around No. 365858
>>365834The sheer amount of racist and rapist trannies are what peaked me out of libfem pro-troon stuff, honestly. The dysgenic scrote sucking at Hitler's dead, powdered teat and writing about how you are inferior for being a black woman is actually so desperate, self-hating and pseudo-scientific that he believes he can be turned into a woman by giving himself a hormone disorder, then having a surgeon give him a necrotic wound he'll go on to call a "vagina". The biggest joke comes when after that, they and their defenders try to make their racism #woke and #progressive with takes that boil down to "I (a mentally ill, brolic white man) am just like you (an actual woman) because you're black. You facing racism and being dehumanized is just like me not being allowed to act out my AGP fantasies IRL. You being a human being is as much of a fantasy as me being a woman. We're sisters, defend me."
I'm kind of glad they and the wifebeating conservative moids kill themselves, but I feel bad for all the kids and naive adults they groom.
No. 365861
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>>365855"Just stop thinking about race, it's all about merit" sounds very soothing, especially to non-black people's ears, but it doesn't really work IRL, and we all know why. I don't agree with the left making everything about race in the most hideous ways, but I think the right-wingers trying to deny every political and historical move that lead to the current state of race relations is hideous, too.
But on the Twitter thread: This man isn't black, and I don't think anyone besides people who know who his dad would ever guess he actually has something like 1/4th black ancestry. I can understand why he'd think it's all about merit, but IMO, his experience has little to do with any black person's. I think it's delusional of him to act like "That was almost me, guys! I was almost The Minority and put emphasis on my skin color!". You know that's not true, Eli. Don't pull a Halsey.
No. 365869
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>>365858>>365834I wish more women talked about the gross race science progressives use to coerce young black women into supporting gender politics. I know I have nothing in common with a sissy white man! It's insane that women like me get pushed pout of womanhood and coerced into spending money to look sufficiently feminine while everyone kisses sissy ass. Fuck leftists!
No. 366039
>>365926Any masculine trait traditionally found on white women is not masculinized. Having no butt, thin lips, low brow bone are masculine traits that they are often praised for. Being tall as well. If Karlie Kloss or even Taylor Swift was black, with the exact same face they’d be called manly.
Conversely, feminine traits on black women can be seen as an aggressive excess and therefore masculinized.
No. 366125
>>366039It's really all down to blackness. We can't win in a rigged game
>>366052>>366110They should be, considering how prone they are to trooning out and wrecking havoc on everyone around them.
This is directly related to the BBC/Cuck fetish. The evil Black buck "raping" the pure virginal white wife,with the white man helpless to do anything. Very common in BDSM circles.
And all discussions of race is related this triangle of WW, WM, and BM. You see this dynamic play out in the media over and over again.
No. 366134
>>366127I agree. Black men get a boost from being seen as inherently masculine, so they don't have to do anything to prove said masculinity.Even white supremacists openly praise the black masculinity, but then claims he has to kill black men to protect his women or whatever
Black women are the only group to suffer for their stereotypes. Not a single benefit to be found. Maybe that is why they are the most likely to push back on stereotypes?
No. 366135
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Honestly, this worries me
No. 366144
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>>366039Don't forget, our representation in American media isn't coincidental or objective.
No. 366172
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I don't care about Taylor Swift but I hate how racist her fans are. Especially the so-called feminists
No. 366186
>>366145Not even surprised either, i feel like it's getting worse.
>>366185I was already horrified by how popular anal was and when you put that in perspective, now everything is 10 times worse, jesus. On that note, i wonder if they think showing ebony and arab being popular is their sick way of being woke.
No. 366199
>>366135If you look at searches by state, then you find the US south and Africa search for ebony porn most because of the black male populations there. Pretty sure that’s all it is.
I think there is a pornifying of black women recently however. First it was Asian women getting fetishized, then Latinas, then Muslim women, and now I guess black girls are the final frontier. Men like to violate every race and creed of women in existence and leave no stone unturned in their quest to coom. For instance in Israel, Nazi female and Palestinian female porn are very popular. I also heard in China, Uygur female porn is popular. Men like to fetishize oppressed women a lot because it’s part of the psychological degradation of a people, and it’s very much a political thing too.
No. 366202
>>366188True, they took out teen, jailbait, barely legal, virgin and schoolgirl because it was bad optics for their company, which is already in trouble for letting the footage of rape of underage girls be spread on their platform.
Truth is teen, jailbait, schoolgirl etc are always #1 in popularity in porn, if you go on the front page of any porn site, videos featuring girls who look as young as possible are basically the default videos so moids don’t even have to search to find them.
I remember using Russian sites to pirate movies and music, and there would be a ton of popup ads that led to a paywall site, fully clothed girls but in compromising poses and the girls on these porn site ads literally looked 12 or something, it was vile. In Europe they seem to be much more open about their pedophilia, probably because their aoc is lower. Afaik CP is actually still legal to posess in Russia and another couple of European countries really dragged their heels in making possessing CP illegal when the EU called for a total ban of it. It’s very creepy.
No. 366204
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>>366197eh idk about that, and there was some degree of backlash when she once dated a racist (and then immediately after did some shitty collab and photos with ice spice to make up for it) but this might be too off topic
No. 366205
>>365934I agree with Dr Claud said, that anything that divides black people weakens us. Having individualistic mindsets is fine in a personal sense, but politically it’s a death sentence. Republicans gave black people Jim Crow laws. Democrats gave black people neglect and prioritized other minorities over blacks.
Black people used to make up the labor class/unpaid working class for nearly 3 centuries.
Now that black people have won their civil rights, and demand a fair wage, the US govt said ‘FUCK YOU’ and imported a ton of Latinos who will do the jobs for a much lower wage than black people demand. They don’t need us anymore and they know it, so they hold all the bargaining chips, and they have what they see as an excess of blacks now. That’s why imo they’re fine inciting and glorifying gang behavior, encouraging blacks to shoot each other then spend the rest of their life rotting in jail until death, introducing drugs into black neighborhoods, encouraging abortion in black neighborhoods etc. Lets be fucking honest: the US govt wants black people dead. And anything that speeds up the process is fine by them. This is why black people shouldn’t feel they owe any party their vote, only the party that actually helps black people. Unfortunately with the two party system and massive amounts of Hispanic + illegal voters. It’s too easy to rig elections. This is why black people have been left for the wolves. They’re trying to reduce the black population to zero or near zero.
No. 366212
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>>366199It's honestly not new. Even back during slavery and the Jim Crow, black women were heavily sexually objectified and fetishized with the "Jezebel" archetype and works based on that. Not even female children were safe, there were tons of postcards and ads like pic related. It seems like this was the most common archetype (along with the "Mammy") up until the late 90s or early 2000s, and I suppose it became more profitable to push "Sapphire" and "Mammy" more.
No. 366217
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>>366212Reminds me of this. The full page story of Saartje's life is pretty depressing too, she was treated as a literal animal at times.
No. 366226
How do you deal with anything? This is mostly aimed at those in western civilizations, but how do you deal with all of it? Just the subtle racism, the loud racism, the microagressions, the fact that there are Nazis in the White House (not that they ever left or were better than before). I look up to so many black women who face adversity and I see myself as not as “strong” as them. I know no one is born such a way but is forced to adapt and I don’t want us to have to adapt. It is entirely unfair, and I know many poc friends of mine who aren’t black that face adversity, but my Asian and Hispanic friends face a totally different type of racism than we do. I’m not going to go explaining it but you get it. I’d argue most Arabs (especially currently) face very similar issues at least in media. I’m just so exhausted, I’ve been at protests, I’ve been politically active, I have a supportive group that supports me, but my god. Even being on the internet you can’t even have a video of a black woman doing anything without knowing the comments are going to say something about her blackness. It literally feels like a disability at times, like I have to bring it up in white spaces just to make others comfortable ( I usually settle things with comedy as a cope for awkwardness but I have a lot of boundaries now). I honestly am just so scared for the next generation of children growing up online and seeing all the hate in video game lobbies, any Internet forums, TikTok, people complaining about anything that might even dare to alleviate people of color. Suicide rates of young black girls are up and I worry so much for them all the time, because I know how it feels and how unfairly overwhelming it is to be a woman alone and a black woman at that on top of it.
No. 366234
>>366203I agree. I hate the ghetto stereotypes but I also hate race swaps. I know it's not impossible to make something new. Critics love their race boxes.
Speaking on raceswaps, does anyone else feel like black women get the most heat? We didn't even ask for this stuff. It feels planned to me
No. 366235
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>>366205Scary. I think they might be successful this century, thanks to gene-tailored illness and AI controlled killing machines. Just waiting for the right moment.
>encouraging abortion in black neighborhoodsBlack women are the least likely group to abort and the most likely to keep the kid, and becoming a single mother. Other groups have their daughters on BC from puberty and they have no qualms on abortion unlike the fake-Christians of the black community
One of the reasons I think there's been a lot of illegal immigration is to bulk up the military and use the promise of citizenship to retain the men
No. 366236
>>366212Even the Arabs who enslaved black women pushed that archetype. It's so much easier to say a child slave was a whore than to admit you raped her.
Honestly, the mammy archetype feels omnipresent in modern (leftist) politics. Like the amount of Arabs harassing black women to go and march is insane to me.
No. 366252
>>366207reminds me of the "akshually Ethiopians are part white/Arab" shit, but I'm pretty sure it's also caused by the western/global north (including many black/Afro-descent people in the west/global north sadly, hoteps really don't help either) perception of Africa (or "Subsaharan Africa" at best) as a homogenous monolith of "black people" with no ethnic or cultural diversity that wasn't brought by colonization
>they claim Jomon Japanese native islanders were white, and that Jomon men raped Yayoi Asian women, even though DNA tests show the opposite happenedthey also tried it with the "akshually it was African male slaves who raped Irish female slaves om American plantations" revisionism to validate their own obvious raceplay fetishes
No. 366297
>>366243Nordic and baltic are two different areas. The culture in Lithuania, Lativa and Estonia is different from Sweden, Finland, etc.
Anyway, google "Black woman in $country$ youtube" and you can probably find videos from a black woman there talking about her experience.
No. 366319
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>>366313Funny how people like to complain about Affirmative Action just to call black people "lazy" and "reliant on handouts" for education, yet the erasure of Affirmative Action hit whites and asians the worst.
No. 366331
>>366249i've asked my finnish friends yes, but i just wanted to ask here since a lot of you others seemed to have experience in Europe and figured maybe at least one had been to finland before and could give me an honest answer that finnish people probably couldnt, since white people usually dont actually notice racism at all
>>366297ok will try thanks. im considering estonia or finland so ill try to maybe lurk around youtube or r*ddit i guess
>>366310im currently in the college mill and its dire out here about that. white and asian people swear us black people are stealing up all the spots, but when you go on ivy league campuses, you might only see one black person and if youre super lucky, you'll see two. there's literally basically none of us. the fight is between asians and whites, but they both refuse to get that even when the truth is right in their faces on campus. the white person look at the single solitary black person in a room full of asians and detest them for taking another white persons spot lol
No. 366339
>>366319I've read a couple of news articles on white flight from neighborhoods with higher Asian populations, and some Asian people complaining that it's racism keeping them out of CEO positions and university admissions. It's kind of crazy to me that after years of attacking black people for "pulling the race card" whenever they discussed race, blaming affirmative action/black people for them not getting into prestigious universities (athletes + kids of rich white men will always take priority, duh), and insisting everything's a meritocracy, some of the exact same people want to talk about racism. I feel like wealthy racist establishment types really lead them on with the "You're not like those
blacks, we're buddies!" to get them to help end AA, just to freeze them out anyway because
they're racist lol.
No. 366341
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Not to sound like an Nlog but I hate how so many black women obsess over representation. Like I get that the narrative of bw being unattractive is a sore spot for a lot of us. But when people start saying whining about how black lesbian characters or black characters who have short hair or are fat are making them look unattractive. I have to roll my eyes.
One thing I think about a lot was people on twitter reeing at a mixed artists fanart for not giving the character a crop top.
No. 366343
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>>366235I’m not sure where you got the
>black women are least likely to get an abortionfrom. Black women consistently have the highest abortion rates per capita, although abortions for all races are falling each year anyway. But afaik around 1/3 of black fetuses are still terminated each year. The government is fine with this as they want to keep the black population down anyway.
>>366316I’ve noticed there’s much less racism against Hispanics than any other race in the US. My guess is it’s because America knows Latinos will do double the work for half the wage, and that they need illegals to win elections, so they let them mass immigrate to the US while blockading Africans, Afro Caribbean black people and other groups like Haitians from entering the US. I actually heard that more Latinos are returning home than ever because quality of life and cost of living is better in Mexico than it is in the states nowadays.
No. 366344
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>>366341I like beauty, and I like pretty/cute black girl characters, so I'm personally fine with it. It's not even particularly a racial thing, a lot of modern cartoons look ugly and have a generic, off-putting art style. The more audiences tell designers and producers it's bad to look at, the better.
From a racial stance, I'd think it was fine to have one or two non conventionally attractive black female characters if they weren't like….the only main black female characters we often get, sometimes the only black girl in an entire show. Unfortunately, execs don't typically want too much diversity (racially or otherwise), and I guess it's easier to also make the black girl the fat one, the butch one, etc. Trixie's old design was both tomboyish and cute and they should've kept that IMO. Also, why does Rose (the blond girl) get a crop top, kek?
No. 366351
>>366341I would argue there isn’t enough fleshed out tomboy archetypes for black girls. You grow up in an environment where your natural body is reviled but your male counterpart is praised for the same features you posses. You’re encouraged to spend thousands trying to chase an unobtainable ambitious beauty ideal. You’re bombarded with the idea that you have to be extra feminine to compensate for your blackness, like it’s some kind of disease. That’s why level-up/divest/swirl spaces are so
toxic and deranged. It’s a losing game and the only way to win is to not participate
No. 366359
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>>366348that's my thing it was a fan design that she made in her freetime and they bullied her into changing by saying she was colorist for making trixie a tomboy. I thought the og redesign was cute in a 90s Aaliyah way
>>366351it's insane, especially when it comes to hair.
No. 366367
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>>366351I agree with you, except that black men aren't praised for having things like big lips, rounded noses, or big hips (obv not all black people have these traits). Dark skin and kinky hair are often masculized or considered "unkempt" in us, but praised on black men, though. I think black women's issue is that we get this doublespeak of being pushed as "masculine" for things like our skin color, while our "feminine" features are either ignored (bc the status quo is to bash us specifically) or made into dehumanizing, hypersexualized spectacles. It genuinely is the kind of thing that often made me want to hide myself growing up, for safety.
I don't exactly consider picrel a tomboy, she just has a natural look and short hair. She's a full-on model and is dating this footballer or something idk No. 366427
>>366252Some Ethiopians and Somalis do have a high West Eurasian admixture, up to 50% in some tribes
>Pickrell et al. (2014) found that West Eurasian ancestry peaks in the Amhara and Tigrayans at 49% and 50%, respectively.[54] In Pagani, Luca et al. (2012), this non-African component, is estimated to have entered the Horn of Africa roughly ~3,000 years ago and was found to be similar to the populations in the Levant. The paper goes on to say that this coincides with the introduction of Ethio-Semitic languages into the region.[51] Gallego Llorente, M et al. (2015) discovered extensive admixture in Eastern Africa from a population closely related to early Neolithic farmers from the Near-East/Anatolia.[55] López, Saioa et al. (2021) found that when comparing Ethiopians to external populations only, Nilo-Saharan speakers (as well as the Chabu, Dassanech, and Karo) in the southwest shared more recent ancestry with Bantu and Nilotic speakers, while Afro-Asiatic speakers in the northeast shared more recent ancestry with Egyptians and other West EurasiansHowever I don’t think anyone except the most insane snowteps and self hating Africans would argue they’re ‘white’ which is a generally meaningless term anyway (even snowteps can’t agree whether ‘white’ means European ancestry even if you have dark eyes and hair, or if white only means blue/green eyes and red or blonde hair but you can still have non white features and overwhelmingly non European ancestry)
>>366310East Asians and desi Indians are very weird, they are the biggest worshippers and ass kissers of white people even though white people are incredibly racist towards them and have committed the most atrocities towards them in history. They have an absolutely burning hatred and disgust for black people even though we’ve done nothing to them historically. I will never understand it. The brainwashing and self hate in them runs so deep.
Even though black people are seen as the bottom of the racial totem pole, face the most discrimination and hate of any group, and have been treated as a slave caste by nearly every other race, I never see ANYWHERE near the amount of white worship, self hate or desire to bleach their genes out in black people as I see in Asians, Indians and Hispanics. I actually think we are the least pathetic group like that, which I’m proud of.
No. 366429
>>366414I've also been looking into relocating to finland in the future.
I'll be keeping my eyes open for your posts just incase you find something out about the experience.
So far, I've found some videos of women talking about living in finland, though they don't talk very much about experiencing racism.
This is the most recent video I could find (by a woman) that focuses on racism.
I did find some posts that discussed it, I'll see if I can find them again.
No. 366452
>>366310The right wingers want everything to be determined by a single score instead of student being well-rounded. Go ahead. They'll still squeal at the site of a negro in the universities.
Not to mention how many kids kill themselves after a failed entrance exam in East Asia. Imagine wanting to bring that over here, when we have enough standardized tests
Starting to think after black people, white people are the most tolerable group. After the year I've had, I can't stand certain groups of the Asian persuasion(Racebait) No. 366507
>>366452>The right wingers want everything to be determined by a single score instead of student being well-roundedNo they don't kek, if they did more red states would have admissions like the UC ones in California
>>366310Personally I'm glad it's gone no more scapegoating black college students and now maybe people can stop obsessing over ivy league schools. We need to start idolizing state/public schools again. Their student population is closer to the average person vs ivy league schools which are just insufferable type As. Saying this as someone who went to an elite school. The only based thing about biden is that he graduated from university of Delaware.
No. 366509
>>366243You will experience discrimination as a foreigner anywhere in northern Europe, not necessarily in an unpleasant way, they are just very anxious about foreigners not conforming to local social norms.
I've been living around the Nordics for 6 years. Finland felt the most welcoming and tolerant. In Denmark and Sweden there was a more racist undertone to some situations, but it's very unlikely you'll experience hate crime or even get called a racist slur in the Nordics, especially in any of the major cities. I'm not sure about the Baltics.
No. 366512
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I've been seeing a lot of faux-progressive people on places like Twitter insist "Black women are naturally more masculine. Gender doesn't apply to us and we shouldn't even bother, femininity itself was invented by white people and isn't for us" and it annoys me, because not only is it 100% designed to help racist white trannies cope with their male bodies/existence, it's just not true, and it ignores the history of our treatment, cultural norms and lives both in and outside of the United States. I think some people need to stop mistaking bad treatment with being treated or being seen as a man, because it's often the exact opposite. My skin color will never allow me to escape the aggressively gendered treatment that comes with being 5'3 with a pear-shaped body, wide hips, small waist, prominent lips, a short face, etc. Not even being underweight, refusing makeup or wearing baggy clothes actually hides it. At most, I might be mistaken for a short man or teen boy if I cut my hair, start binding and taking steroids, but none of that is natural to being black, so it kind of defeats the point. Hell, even women with exact opposite of the traits natural to me don't get seen as men. I'd be kind of happy if I could get a taste of male privilege. Instead, I and other women with my phenotype/race just face misogyny and heavy racism at the same time, lmao. Fuck off.
No. 366514
>>366512Samefag, but tbf, I've also seen similar takes pushed by certain radfem-leaning types, but it often just reads as one of many attempts to box black women into a specific set of aesthetics, values, and hobbies/common interests for what boils down to political reasons. Yes, hyperfemininity consumerism is bad for all demographics of women. No one should be feeling pressured to spend thousands on makeup, hair, etc, but no one is ~*naturally*~ GNC, tomboyish or at odds with femininity itself because of their race or skin color. That's almost like arguing brunettes are inherently butch because Barbie is blond.
No. 366517
>>366427>East and South Asians mindlessly worshipping white people and hating black peopleunfortunately that is the logical conclusion of the extreme colorism that has already existed in their cultures for millenia. they're so obsessed with "fair skin good, dark skin bad" that not even actual history matters to them.
>>366512>I think some people need to stop mistaking bad treatment with being treated or being seen as a manunironically I've even seen actual white MRAs try to gain common ground with black women by claiming we don't experience the same "female privilege" that white women do
No. 366525
>>366236Arabs are the last and closest cultural descendents of Romans, every imperialistic practice white people had Islam does too but it wasn't reformed. When slavery was abolished internationally Muslims just killed all 18 millions black slaves to guarantee no race mixing.
Now because there's nobody to tell the story they're barely a foot note and nobody knows about this.
Palestinians are not even native to that region, they're imperialistic , they literally had black slaves and treated them so badly American slave owners were appalled by it. The fact people are equating them with the struggle of black and indigenous people is 100% because Muslims are so bad at imperialism they get their ass handed back to them royally. No. 366548
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>>366512People will twist reality to pander to white sissy men. Breadtube makes their money on how great ass-kissers they are to "former nazi" philosophy students, fucking twats. I fucking hate trannies and sissies
No. 366561
>>366543Islam claimed to be a heir of Roman traditions for a long time, slavery was just one piece of it.
"This was the result of Ottoman conquests in the Levant, Arabia and North Africa having turned the empire from a multi-religious state to a state with a clear Muslim majority population, which necessitated a claim to legitimate political power rooted in Islamic rather than Roman tradition.",Islamic%20rather%20than%20Roman%20tradition.
No. 366562
>>366543But I agree that African slavery was a whole different thing unrelated to Roman style slavery.*
I still think people who are defending Muslims know very little about them and are just following the herd.
No. 366567
>>366561>>366562Islam can claim whatever they want but that won't make things true. I understand that when the Ottoman Empire took over territories that the Romans used to control they felt their ''heir'' in some political way but
culturally there's nothing similar between those two empires. Your quote exemplifies it perfctly with the weight of the muslim religion in the conquered land. Romans and Muslims had a very different religious approach to political dominance, for instance Romans didn't care about the natives original religion as long as the Roman Gods had the main altars in the new cities of the conquered territories (Britannia, Gallia, Germania… all of the natives kept their pantheons by simply adding the Roman cult and giving it priority in urban spaces).
>I still think people who are defending Muslims know very little about them and are just following the herd.I agree. Muslim men in general love telling women of all ethnicities how they think they should behave, it's disgusting. I'll stop sperging about Romans now.
No. 366609
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Idk if it’s because I was raised on the internet or it’s where I live (diverse area), but I don’t understand this whole notion of victimhood a lot of younger black women (in the US) keep going on about today. I’ve faced legit racism in Europe (like denied services + visible disgust from white people) and it seems like a lot of you don’t know how good you have it in the US. Some of y’all should turn off CNN and just say hi to people outside your house. Also, I love my skin color and my heritage but looking back I just never fit in with stereotypical African American girls. I was always looked at funny and called an oreo during grade school. And looking at thread pic I still don’t click with most black women, especially the beauty and dating culture most indulge in—but that could be because I’m a NEET kek. Anyway that’s my experience and black girl problem lol.
No. 366627
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>>366617I wanna know too. I see the standard
constantly being changed. Other races can identify who's fully aligned with their group's genetics, yet the standard is very diluted for African-Americans. One minute, biracials count as black people too. Next minute, they don't because "it takes only two fully black parents to make a black child". So if a person has a black parent, and a
half black or a
part black parent, what would that person be if only two fully black people can make a black child? Then there's idiots who think a black person MUST have some genetic admixture just because they have a lighter skintone. I don't even get it anymore kek
No. 366631
>>366625>at the expense of fully black peopleYou’ll struggle to find a ‘fully black person’ who is 100% African outside the deepest remotest parts of central Africa. Even many Africans have European admixture from colonialism. By your logic, 99% of African Americans aren’t
valid because they’re not ‘fully African’ (25% European on average) that’s just nuts
No. 366640
>>366429Thanks a lot nona! Yeah I found a video of a black guy talking about his experiences, but I figured there would likely be a difference between how black men and black women are treated, so this helps a lot actually. I should be flying there either this coming summer or the next, either way I can report back after spending enough time to have a good weighed opinion too. Thank you again
>>366509Understood. That's great to hear though. I guess one of the huge differences between somewhere like that and USA is that as a black woman as some of the other nonnas have stated, there's this expectation that we're supposed to be loud and in peoples faces, and that if we're quiet, we're treated really weirdly. I for sure have experienced that too. So I guess part of it is wanting to be somewhere where being quiet is the norm, and I think they like quiet people there so that's what attracts me. I can take a slur here or there, I already hear them here in USA as it is anyway. I already see blatantly racist nazi sign graffiti here in my hometown. Only difference is here I can be shot vs there probably not.
>>366608Most of the time I hear these stories though, they come from places that I think we should all know already openly hate our guts, like Italy, or France, or stuff. Which I guess to be fair, are huge tourist attractions which is what makes them want to visit to begin with. but even stuff like South Korea. They make a point to show how loathed we are there all the time, yet a lot of us still travel there anyway. I remember one black girl that said an old man came up and hawked a loogie on her and told her to go back to africa or something, but you'll still see excitement from others about still going and staying anyway which is so weird
No. 366664
>>366650It only makes sense in America, where they identify as black and have their own history.
>>366657Of course, you are a Caribbean or African, you are not going to conform with American rules. You have a different starting point compared to African-Americans
No. 366669
>>366666something ive noticed as well. in USA every time there is some sort of form, there's different types of asian, and different types of other races, but then for black people its always "black/african" or even worse "african-american" they always assume no matter what we're african. people have tried to talk about this, but then the african americans got all indignant and uppity saying "well even if youre caribbean, you're still ultimately african!" ok? the very first traces of human life are african, so then everyone originates from africa. thats not the point? the point is some of us are from entirely different countries and have our own language and cultures. will never understand why asians get to be seperated by korean, chinese, japanese-but you get to black people and its "youre all african, shut up. stop thinking youre different and special, your culture doesnt matter, youre african"
No. 366679
>>366677haitian actually. i don't think it's unfair to wish there was an option/mention for haitian-american or whatever other type, if there's happily options/mentions for korean-american and their other types. i just think it should be more balanced is all. if we can acknowledge that not all asian people speak chinese, we can acknowledge that not all black people speak african
>>366678no, i said that i meant when it comes to filling out forms and things. i just think its lame that the other races get their breakdowns but we're always just under one same umbrella. i dont know if its just an in-state thing and maybe for you its not there, but here when it comes to documentation, we're documented as african. which is shitty. its just as shitty as a korean having to document themselves as chinese
No. 366688
>>366676alright. but honestly even if it’s just semantics it’d be nice if americans specified that they’re talking about black
americans, and they’re not speaking on black people across the globe. I am british myself.
either way I still think referring to ‘the black community’ is unhelpful not only because you are specifically talking about americans, but also because viewing racial groups as a single entity can lead to problems.
No. 366714
>>366707>jealousyYou couldn't be more wrong.
>American imageboard/appAmerican
made or owned imageboard and apps that all provide and sell their services internationally.
People are just annoyed with the American-centric behaviour online, that's all.
No. 366721
>>366718its literally not its a nationality thing tbh. Americans just naturally center ourselves but also the world has been groomed to naturally center us too. but thats not black americans issue lol thats their country's government's issue lol.
Anyway I wish in the next thread the title can be changed to For Black Girls or something instead of black girl problems i feel like we have enough spaces for self loathing the black woman experience i feel like titling this "problems" just brings negative topics naturally.
No. 366745
>>366687Why do people act like the US is the worst place for black people?
Do people have no fµck!ng perspective?
America is the best best place for Native Black Americans and Black Immigrants.
No. 366752
Most Racist Countries in the World (WaPo and BT results combined)*:
South Africa
South Korea
*Full survey results below are black people expected to be jumping hoops to lend legitimacy to Palestinians again?
No. 366778
>>366766ive never heard of such a thing. i dont think it matters really. nonissue.
>>366749they just have it much worse,
nonnie. they get reallly bad harassment, while america you still get harassment, itll just be much more sparsely. what adds onto the anxiety though is that someone might get mad enough to kill you here too-and thats beyond race at times. it could be because some white person felt threatened by you, or it could be because some white person had a bad day and decided to let loose into a crowd. it could be a black man whos advances you rejected, or it could be a black man who was on a crime spree and came to hit you next. also all our food here is poison and we have much higher maternity deaths than white women. so its a few things that someone whos escaping what theyre going through might not even know yet, or they know and it still seems better than what theyre dealing with which is absolutely plausible.
>>366755yeah seeing that made me wonder, why on earth do so many of us co-opt struggles of people who've shown to never do the same?? everyone always has to puff out their chests and virtue signal as hard as they can meanwhile those people hate our guts either way
No. 366782
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>>366766I think it’s real, but massively overblown in how severe it is. Conner Weissmann exclusively using NBA reaction images on Twitter, or Brandon McBayArea slipping in a “finna” here and there are non-issues. Digital Blackface is only a concerning when it’s freaky skin-walker shit like picrel. Even then, there are bigger social/cultural fish to fry.
No. 366821
>>366804honestly, i feel like this is an issue that happens every single time any black space is ever made for any reason. theres always an immediate backlash from asians asking where their own stuff is. they will sit there and watch us create a space, and then ask us when we're going to make a space for them too, like we're their parents or something despite them openly hating our guts. ive always wondered, is it because they simply lack initiative, or do they see us as somehow being more powerful than them?
>>366806i guess i can see where you're coming from. if its a lot of usage to the point where it seems like theyre intentionally picking black reaction gifs (specifically if its super sassy ones) over and over again, then ok i agree too that its a little weird. but i personally think that if its just like, someone using all races, but then some happen to be black people, then that should be fine really.
No. 366883
>>366808Oh, you thought that was an argument? I was affirming a fact, they do call you monkey in public with support. if you think I'm being islamophobic you haven't seen half of me. As an ex Muslim I can confirm that islam is barbaric. Muhammad is a pedo and he was a deranged epileptic. Y'all worshipping that man's delusions. There's literal Hadiths of him cheating, effing multiple women in one night without washing in between. Sahih Hadiths prove he was suffering from seizures and spouting bs after each one. Majority of Quran verses were conveniently revealed to appease his wants, Aisha even takes notice of this and comments on it. xes slaves and slaves are permitted ( via convenient revelation).
I was indoctrinated into that vile religion and I'm disgusted I followed for so long. And the religion itself is anti black asf. Do actual research. Set aside your fanaticism for pedo Muhammad and look at the texts objectively.
No. 366890
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Why does it bother me so much that she did a grand entrance just to tell us shit we've been knew.
And if I didn't like natural hairstyles that Cynthia-do definitely wouldn't make me
No. 366909
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>>366902No one told you to shut up. We're just well aware of the fact that this is an anonymous sight so any ole Zionist can just use arab racism to manipulate us. But yes I agree arab racism is also wrong but I've never heard black people really not acknowledge.
Also me having to see this is my black girl problem #134. Box braids just don't look good on them
No. 366912
>>366909>>366906I never denied it's wrong. I simply take issue with the censorship and dismissal of such non-western racism from western women because it doesn't fit neatly into their narratives.
Also I don't really care about box braids
No. 366921
>>366914It’s the idea of having one of the few things unique to your group being appropriated. The index that white girls are the default girls and already have the whole spectrum of acceptable fashions and aesthetics.
I don’t agree with the idea but I strongly believe it revolves around the fear of losing out on (black) male attention
No. 366927
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>>366921I agree with you. On the flip side, I notice there's a lot of hostility aimed at black women with blond hair. What's driving that? Other non-white groups wear their hair blond sometimes, but I've literally only seen people mald at black women for it.
No. 366962
>>366955>Our people literally sold each other into slavery to white peopleThis wasn't because they worshiped them for being white, but because they wanted money and were already enslaving people in wars.
>and see lighter skin, more European features, and looser hair textures as more desirableAnd this is because of hegemonic influence from colonization, slavery, the one drop rule, sanctions against black hair, etc. I'm not saying other races never had any influence to make them that way, but black people do seem to have faced an intense level of it, and are also the ones who've been bucking the hardest against it with things like the "black is beautiful" and natural hair movements both historically and at present. For better or worse, it always seems to be black people at the forefront of all the race politics, and other groups kind of slowly follow along (or just straight-up copy with no sense of reciprocity) to get their own sort of liberation.
That said, you're still right that there are a lot of white worshipers, but at least you can count on other black people to call them out around half the time. I can't really say the same when I see Indian moids bash women of their own race for being dark-skinned, and all the replies are a bunch of other Indian moids agreeing, or when I think about the Hispanic "mejorar la raza" mindset that many of them still believe in.
No. 366991
>>366906>But should people only be able to show compassion if it’s returned? Yes? I'm not caring about people who want me dead in more than one way. Is this too much? I'm extremely compassionate, I always try to see where people come from, but wanting me dead is a line I'm not willing to cross.
If you want me dead I'm not supporting your imperialism biting you in the ass. Palestinians are not native to Jerusalem, if the indigenous want it's land back and are better at getting it so be it.
They're one of the most historically anti black mysoginistic lesbiphobic societies on Earth. The comparisons people make with black civil rights and Palestine also makes no sense, Black Panthers were at the historical forefront of supporting sexual freedom, female rights, homosexual rights, they were intersectional and compassionate to a fault. We are not some imperialist band that got their ass whipped from religious delusions.
The average arab from that region wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
I’m staying out of it. Already certain sjws have tried to pressure me into speaking against Israel and when I refused, they act shocked. I’m not people’s
* or work horse.
I only think of the African maids and house help continuously abused in the Middle East. Maybe someone will fight for them someday.
No. 367008
>>367003They don't actually care. It's just a gotcha. Kind of when moids bring up how women can be
abusive too only the blonde hair argument is dumber. Blonde hair and straight hair isn't specific to any culture or race. Also the idea of seeing a bunch of white girls with box braids makes me gag, they legit look weird with it on
No. 367016
>>367003Palestine had their own BLM protests, there's actually a long history between Palestinians and black rights activists. Can't say the same for lilly white most special of special
victims of hate Israelis.
I wouldn't engage with that anon because they clearly have an agenda.
No. 367025
>>366902>How they were more successful than the Europeans in colonizing usAfricans have been Muslims for the longest time, I'm not a Muslim but it makes sense for an African person to be Muslim than any other religion. I couldn't imagine caring about how Arabs view black people when most of them are fleeing their countries on boats
>>366991>historically anti black mysoginistic lesbiphobic societies on EarthAre you okay?
No. 367031
>>367025>Africans have been Muslims for the longest time, I'm not a Muslim but it makes sense for an African person to be Muslim than any other religion.NTA, but not by will. It's the same with Christianity, but even worse because Islam is much more repressive, woman-hating and bloody. Even Arabs suffer under it.
The west recgonizes racism as wrong. Arab countries are still busy selling African women and children as slaves, and their incels love bashing black Arab women. Even as their people are trying to flee to Europe on boats and living as refugees, they still somehow make time to abuse others. It's a level of hatred and inhumanity I'll never understand. Of course I still see Arab people I meet as individuals who deserve a chance, but I'll never defend or stick my neck out for their culture or religion. It's done too much damage, with absolutely no amends or olive branches extended. Before anyone mistakes me for the Zionist scrote, I also don't support Israel after witnessing their racism multiple times, watching how certain Ashkenazi people move in the US, seeing how they talk about "goyim" and "schwartzes" and learning about them sterilizing black Jewish women. It's all just such nasty business.
No. 367033
>>367031You're right. I don't know why anons are calling you a moid, you're literally just right. The Arab slave trading of Africans (especially women and children) was such an atrocious section in history, it tortured and killed more people than the American enslavement of Africans by multiple times the amount. It also carried for
way longer. The fact that it's still even happening over there just goes to show how sickening Arabic nations are for black people. Arabs just never mention it, and USA schools never bring it up because both the USA and Arabic nations took on a long, obsessive habit with just wanting to use and destroy black people; and one of the ways you take power away from a group is by cutting their knowledge.
No. 367046
>>367031It was by will, stop the historical revisionism kek.
>>367041both groups mentioned have European genes iirc
No. 367059
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What are some black woman focused blogs you read? I read these two:
these two are more femininity focused but I think their insights on some topics is interesting. If you have more to recommend with differing perspectives, please share
No. 367061
>>367052Not everyone who disagrees with you is Arab or non-black, my people have never been Muslims and never will be so don't try to assume I'm a Muslim who wishes to be Arab next kek. Go cope harder on murtad reddit
>>367047coloured wigs look tacky ngl
No. 367071
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>>367061>murtad reddit Angry Arab Alert, leave black women alone! Slavery is illegal and we will not mule for you on the internet!
No. 367086
>>367083>The average white person is much more racist in their personal life than MENA people.I really, really just do not fucking believe that. What you said reminds me of when fags on Twitter whine about their 1st world country being "super evul" just because they got mildly bullied in middle school. Nah. As terrible as America can be to black people, it is objectively nothing compared to how MENA will treat you. Even if MENA wasn't super racist to black people, we're still black
women and MENA fucking hates women
KEKKKK No. 367090
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Black professors and scholars who’ve actually researched the slave trade already know about this. Malcolm X talked about it.
No. 367091
>>367071yes because knowing words in another language makes me arab kek
>>367087Watch them deny this and call you an antisemitic arab moid
No. 367098
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>>367090I once had a friend that said jews were fairly responsible for the pain and enslavement of Africans across the world. I was a fucking retard, and assumed she was "antisemitic". But over time, the more I learned and realized that she was 100% right and not "antisemetic" at all, the more I hated myself for drifting away from her. She was telling me the truth, but my dumb ass wanted to be all goodie-goodie and PC. I'm sorry, Canadian girl, you were right about everything.
No. 367103
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>>367097Even the Jerusalem Post talks about this. Many conquistadors, slave owners and slave merchants were Portuguese, Italian and Spanish Jews who set sail for the new world. Notice how the article pretends they were just harmlessly seeking asylum in America, but glosses over how 1/4 of Hispanics manage to carry their dna. Obviously it was through rape, which conquistadors were well known for.
No. 367116
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>>367101go right ahead
all anyone wants to do is whine about the I?P conflict anyway No. 367117
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>>367113>>367109>>367103>>367100>>367098>>367097>>367096>>367092>>367090>>367091>>367087>>367074>>367062>>367061>>367046>>367039>>367033>>367031>>367025Imagine wanting to waste the afternoon on lolcow and coming to this thread to see idiots whining about the evil Jews and evil Arabs. Thanks a lot assholes, for ruining another thread
No. 367119
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>>367117They’re just relevant topics, chill mah sistah.
No. 367138
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The online reaction to the Jonathan Majors case is insightful in that it highlights a long standing value within the black community: racial loyalty. There are thousands of comments on Twitter and the wider internet on how Majors shouldn’t have gotten with a white woman (Grace Jabbari) at all, implying a black woman would have kept her mouth shut on the abuse. Not only is this an insanely sexist take, that takes accountability from Majors and places it on the woman who (correctly) called the cops and went to court over this.
It’s a sad reminder of how men see us, how insidious patriarchy is and how the failed activism of BLM has only entrenched this sick ideal.
No. 367143
>>367138Don’t get it. How is Majors in the wrong if he’s the
victim? His girl has been arrested. I also don’t believe anyone thinks black women would shut up about abuse. Both black and white women like to put things on blast especially the trashy kinds of women who try to pregnancy trap professional athletes, and let’s be honest, many of these guys are literally bordering on retarded IQ.
No. 367201
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>>367184>throwing their wild takes on here to judge all black people based on our responses.That's exactly what it is. How wild is it that this site has so many women who hate being reduced to stereotypes or flat concepts, but somehow, a lot of them refuse to pay women of other races the same respect? I can't tell whether those types are low-empathy, or just not smart, but I wish we could all just be seen as individuals.
Only sort of related, but I've been in different online communities before and randomly gotten accused of being white or Asian (I never mentioned my race prior). I usually didn't bother correcting them (because it doesn't matter on the internet), but the few times I said I was black, they just called me a liar. It's happened often enough that I think a frightening number of people are too dumb to understand that people outside of their own in-group(s) aren't just walking stereotypes.
No. 367223
>>367201>I think a frightening number of people are too dumb to understand that people outside of their own in-group(s) aren't just walking stereotypes.I experienced what you're talking about, and it's always annoying and tired. "Why do you sound white?". Like, I have this voice because I'm a military brat, you nosey dumbfucks. Why do people still think sounding a certain way have to be exclusive to a race???
fuck, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but when you've been asked that question for virtually your whole life, it gets very old.
No. 367231
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I'm not against interracial relationships, but I've always resented the idea that it make you a morally superior person."Our love breaks boundaries! It's so forbidden!"
Also is it just me or is WMBF more likely to involve large age gaps?
No. 367317
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Where is the shame?
No. 367327
>>367317I'm not saying that YouTuber is doing this, but in general, it's weird how there are so many black women who get almost upset at other black women for dating white men, and try to undercut them as a whole by mocking things like their hair/wigs, makeup, etc. Like why does it matter, why all the pettiness? Does everyone have to be on the whole sister souljah thing? If it has to be a problem, IMO it's purely a problem between those black women who date out and black men.
Plus, black men don't get anywhere near the same heat for their dating choices, even though they often (statistically) mistreat both black and non-black women.
No. 367335
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>Not black but I wanted to ask how many of you were told that they were trying too hard to "act" white for being yourselves? I've been told this for a long time, and my black friends were told that too very often, and I can only assume it's because we're weebs who don't fit into stereotypes whether it was about hobbies, fashion, our accents, the fact that we were good students, etc. and I always thought it was such a weird thing to say.Black people have a very strong sense of in-group preference. They want the members of their group to be easily recognizable and to be representative of the later group. To fall in line and "fight the common enemy". Black people compared to white people are more collectivist in mentality. You can say there are certain historical reasons for this, like slavery and religion. And you don’t grow up up with the idea of being a "default" person, especially if you are the only black kid around.
And I see some parallels with troonism, like you’re not seen as a real Black/woman unless you conform to the stereotypes and any deviation from that norm means there’s something wrong with you. Of course, a weird black kid can’t larp as another race without (rightful) mockery nor would any institution defend that delusion. So more often than not, the weird black kids either become self-hating or overcompensates via activism to prove they’re real Blacks. We should spend more time talking about the internalizations of these negative stereotypes, stereotype threat and how it all ties into the modern social justice scene.
No. 367363
>>367356im the nona who said this and yes at first i used to solely side eye white people because (obviously) but as ive gotten older and saw just how indoctrinated and WITH THE SHITS every other race is when it comes to their collective feelings of disdain and contempt coupled with envy that made me realize ALL of them are rotten. Obviously there are good people and I would never be so ignorant as to assume everyone is antiblack. but you dont have to be antiblack to be conditioned in an antiblack environment and subconsciously think you are better than us. Which literally every race doees! White people are just the obvious scapegoats. But all of these nonblacks as SOON as they come to america lap up yt supremacy dogma like water. They will literally live in community with us knowing that its OUR dollars keeping them afloat and still look down on us and not try to be in solidarity. They all nonblacks to me and they deserve to be othered and feel uncomfortable around us. Just like they make it a point to make us feel unwelcome in their spaces! When they go low i will always go to hell!
>>367360 CASE AND POINT nonblacks are all devil beings threatened by black people for some strange unfounded reason. They always make it known too. Demons always show their tail
(racebaiting) No. 367377
>>367360NTA and don't even agree with that anon but
>i can't leave other people alone>this is their fault!!! they should be slaves!!!!Entitled tranny/incel mentality, which probably fits you perfectly kek
No. 367395
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>>367365To tackle the source which seems like irritation from friction, you can get some bodyglide or even use deodorant to prevent friction from running and if you're fat, loosing weight will help but I know that lots of black women just have thicker thighs
No. 367428
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>>366952Asian girls get upset when a white or black woman wears a cheongsam or kimono but have no problem appropriating other ethnicities and cultures and love making fun of black people in their media
No. 367502
>>367456>interracial dating the only option?I think it's because there's a very specific lifestyle a lot of women want to aspire to where you are taken care of, can afford luxuries and are well off. A lot of black women simply do not trust black men to provide this for them imo. Even the black women who can easily earn it themselves still seek to marry and they still want the same kind of men who will throw money at them. I've just noticed an ugly trend with wealthy black women who will just date some random black man who literally does nothing and is completely beneath them, i think we can all name names. Not that i don't think the couples are cringe like this anon here
>>367475I'd rather be poor than suck dick for a gucci bag personally.
>>367471If i ever see a white person with braided hair, i know 100% that some random african auntie did it. They literally do not care.
No. 367567
>>367547i love sucking dicks too but thas because i have an oral fixation and sucking your thumb as an adult is frowned upon lol.
>>367433Its not about the braids or the bonnets its about respect. I think black women who think its not that big of a deal are not looking at the bigger picture. When these people don braids and bonnets they usually do it while putting on a black woman minstrel show. THey also (although they are starting to now) rarely if ever CREDIT US. they just rebrand it as something else and then cast it aside as a fad once its no longer"en vogue" . Notice how everyone knows kimino's are japanese? Because everyone actually respects japanese culture and isnt like "well ahksully they got it from the chinese). Personally I think everyone should wear silk bonnets. But people like to be willfully ignorant when something was made popular/founded by black people ESPECIALLY if its black women. I am tired of us being shitted on while all of our shit gets disrespected. SO yeah i will give the nonblacks dirty looks lol.
No. 367576
>>367428She could be Siberian or something. Also, have you guys noticed the influx of Indians in Ghana/West Africa? It's sad to see other Africans support it when we are discriminated against in their countries
>>367570Funny how Americans claim that Asians and Africans are white worshippers when most African American men would rather date a light-skinned/white woman, even in African countries with a large white population African men still choose to marry African women. It's the same with Asian FOBS, they still date other Asians.
No. 367581
>>367577>>367577 Same
nonnie. I used the wrong **there whatever lol. also also after about a generation in america/Europe etc. All of you so called pro african africans start marrying out too. I wonder why? Also look at the 1st gen african boys/men and how disgustingly they speak on black women and girls. Those are all UK kids with parents straight from the motherland. If they saw beautiful
African love in their household why are they so against it as soon as they step foot in white majority lands? . Im not tryna make it a diaspora war but you will lose fr. We live in a globalized society now you can lie all you want about how africans/carribbeans etc are not white obsessed but i see the white worship all on the WORLD wide web! Play with your food dont play with me.
No. 367586
>>367583also all i said was fr are you that
triggered by acronyms? Does fr
trigger you more than kek? i wonder why LMAO
No. 367587
>>367456Yeah, I agree that no race of men should be seen as a prize, and I dislike a lot of spaces that preach it as a lifestyle. The whole thing seems like a grift for some, honestly.
>>367475I'd agree if it was about dating ugly old moids for money, but some women in the community are definitely not okay with interracial dating when it's a woman doing it, kek. If you watch the video and TikToks, they never mention the age gap. It's specifically the racial difference they focus on.
No. 367601
>>367600nah but this
>>367231 polly does
No. 367606
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>>367601Why are like 3/4ths of your posts about white dick or anti-other black people in some way, anon? Enough, it's Christmas. No more mental illness.
No. 367622
>>367596Black women being beaten into submission and being killed in this pwn communities and having every terrible thing being blamed on them for their “crime” of being “unfeminine” has created a delusional shame. The obsession with having a man, any kind of man, feels like refutation, proof that someone wants you. Within your family, your community and the greater society, you’re constantly told you are unworthy, last place, a scourge onto western civilization, a placeholder for certain kinds of men, etc. It talked active effort from your youth to believe you are human and can do better for yourself. You need a loving environment to work through self-hatred and to reach your human potential. Many people don’t have that. Some of us had hateful parents who trauma dumped onto us, or who beat us silly. A community that barely exists, puts you in harm’s way with their defense of violent criminals and then expects you to go and march for said criminal. Wanting a man to love you is like the fantasy of being taken care of, of being seen as worthy enough to protect, as worthy enough to defend. That’s why there is endless debate on getting a man.
No. 367689
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Just found out Jessica White got surgery to have lighter eyes. It looks like she had some other procedures, too. It makes me sad, she was so naturally gorgeous. Now she looks like every other surged up Hollywood dweller in heavy IG makeup. The eye implant stuff always look so bad and dull/dead-looking, too. I'm pretty sure Tiny had the same thing done.
No. 367693
>>367690They insert a pigment.>Keratopigmentation is a novel procedure that permanently changes the color of the eye by means of creating an intracorneal tunnel with the aid of a femtosecond laser and inserting a special pigment in front of the natural pigment of the eye.I don't see why anyone would go for this tbh. If you just want your eyes to "pop", contacts look so much better and have less risk.
No. 367694
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Tbh I can't get over it, she had this "siren" beauty.
IMO this is why it's important to be around people who love your phenotype and appreciate your natural beauty. No colorist moids like her ex, Nick Cannon or fake friends lmao
No. 367704
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Imagine going through multiple painful surgeries to look like an alien, because you’re obsessed with a Korean man with a 3 inch dick and hope he picks you. So embarrassing.
No. 367707
>>367694>"Siren beauty"Get off tiktok
People have surgery never stop at just one
No. 367709
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They dont even look like the same person. It’s like they tried to erase every African feature they had and trying their hardest to larp as a Korean or White woman. I hate this. It makes us look so desperate for moids approval. Why can’t black women be allowed to embrace our natural looks?
No. 367713
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>>367701I genuinely feel like she had jealous morons filling her up with nonsense for years and just cracked. It makes no sense why someone like her would go down this route otherwise.
No. 367716
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>>367709Whats even sadder is Sonia and Celia ended up leaving Korea anyway because they still didn’t get picked by their idol oppars. Imagine going through all that pain, spending all that money (Korean surgery isn’t that cheap) and the moids you’re trying to impress STILL didn’t pick you because you’re not pale enough or pretty enough to meet their insane standards. They’re back in Albuquerque now and faded into irrelevancy.
No. 367719
>>367704I reverse image searched and it just looks like she's a random mom who went to SK to get surgery rather than some influencer chasing Korean moids.'m iffy on surgery, but I actually don't think this is that bad. She just looks younger, not like an entirely different race. She didn't have to go as far as she did, though IMO (forehead reduction for what? and RIP to her model jawline). Looks very tame compared to
No. 367727
>>367719I wasn’t talking about this woman specifically, there’s tons of black zoomer koreaboos living in Korea to try and get Korea dick and hacking up their faces with saws to try and be picked, and they always look like uncanny aliens afterwards. AND don’t get picked. Which is just embarrassing. I hate it. And then they cry about it and expect sympathy.
>>367722Yes, Korean beauty standards are insane. Freckles and moles are seen as disgusting. Anything darker than NC20 skin is considered darkskin, and good luck finding any foundation in shades darker than that. If you weigh more than 110lbs you’re considered obese.
>when will koreaboos learn Maybe after trying to date in Korea, most of them seem to give up and come home because they realized Korean men aren’t like their fantasy idol oppars. The average man there is like 5ft7 with a 4 inch penis, why would you break your neck to try and land one of them?
No. 367729
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>>367709I thought you were referring to these other twins who got surgery to fit Asian beauty standards. That's wild that there are two examples of this.
No. 367737
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>>367728I’ve heard Japanese men are more open minded about different types of attractiveness, and most black women I know who have been to Korea and Japan said that Japan was more accepting and less racist. Still, black weebs are kind of embarrassing.
No. 367739
>>367728I have a lot of questions about this. Most black women don't go this far for white validation. Yes, there's skin lightening, nose jobs, etc, but the end result/goal is typically looking a bit more like a mixed race person, not literally Caucasian. These twins, on the other hand, are straight-up attempting to look Korean. Not blasian, not ambiguous, not "like ourselves but a bit more Asian haha". They're literally at Michael Jackson levels of unrecognizable. In spite of racism in the west, nobody goes this far to look white. So, does being a koreaboo really just fuck some people up that much? Is it another level of dysmorphia? What happened to these young girls?
No. 367743
>>367739Yes, it really messed with your head and I say this as a former koreaboo myself. It went from just enjoying a few kpop bops and buying Korean cute makeup products, to developing OCD, jumping though hoops to try and date a Korean man, rejection. crying and self hatred, and trying to bleach my skin. Kpop stanning is a really dangerous avenue to go down tbh, it starts out as harmless fun but it will kill your self esteem if you really immerse yourself in it. I think what makes you feel ugly is that you see all these gorgeous idols on tv and the hosts or viewers are making fun of little flaws about them, and then you start questioning your own flaws and thinking you’re ugly and fat. You start thinking plastic surgery is the solution to all your problems and that you’ll only be happy when you’re perfect, then you remember and see more flaws about yourself and feel back to square one. Also koreans are incredibly openly rude about people’s appearances. They’ll just straight up call people fat, ugly, dark and burnt in public etc. I’m not surprised their suicide rate is so high.
No. 367758
>>367753Every immigrant group tries to act like they are better than the locals even the african ones when moving to other African countries. Especially them because they think they are entitled to being in other countries just off the strength of being african too kek.
As far as I'm concerned clearly indians, Ethiopians, Egyptians, moroccans and nigerians have no room to be complaining about immigrants in their country
No. 367779
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I'm glad people are noticing. So many black women get so pressed about relationships between black women and white men that it somehow splashes onto women like Mindy Kaling. Is it because she has dark skin? Who cares in either case, what does it have to do with us?
No. 367782
>>367780She is (and she's racist lol), but I
only saw black women talking about it. Not even Indian women. It's weird.
No. 367787
>>367779It' ties back intot he weird idea of race loyalty. Black women are very race loyal, to a level not seen in any other group except for some extreme white supremacists. That's why she's obsessed with marching for men who hate them, defednding thei cruel comment sin interviews, making stupid youtube videos and documentaries, etc.
So Many ladies see a woman not being race loyal and lusting after white men to a cringe degree an thus she feels like the balance is not right. But a woman like Mindy Kaling has no reason to be race loyal, not only does she not fit the beauty standards for Indian culture, she lives in a mostly white environment.
No. 367807
>>367622All this discussion about "black women" but what about the lesbians
How come it's always about straight black women. At this point you should all just be celibate because I'm tired of hearing all the theories and the think pieces kek
No. 367913
>>364118>In certain countries in Europe they still make monkey noises at black soccer players on the pitch with no repercussionsThat's not even the full story.
There's also racial slurs, throwing banana peels, and other shit.
Worse yet it is the home team's bigots attacking their OWN team's black players.
No. 367918
>>364879>>364885Definitely a LARP.
>i'm blasian>single asian mom w/ no black dad around stereotype story>tries to starts beef betweeen asians and blacks>stereotype americans as having no culture>baits replies by saying something stupid and ignorant like going back to asia and expecting 0 discrimination>also suggests blacks to go back to africaWhite euro moid hands typed that post.
No. 367927
>>367925White women will talk about getting bullied for being hairy growing up. I even remember this white woman talking about how she had been shaving her arms since she was 12 because she was made fun of. I think this is why it's important to know what goes on with other races of women. I've noticed that with the rise of a particular type of rhetoric online between other black people there becomes this sort of essentialism where we think we're completely alone and isolated in our struggles and honestly it's unhealthy.
I've only experienced being treated more masculine by racists and self hating black men. They look down on black people and see black women women as an easier target because we're less likely to kick the shit out of them like our moid counterparts. Dismiss those people and don't sweat it. They're fucking weirdos
No. 367935
>>367807Because black lesbians aren't whining online about how the world is masculinizing them and stopping them from dating men.
Also black lesbians (and sometimes black bisexual) are the target ire among black females because they are seen as "bad" rep. Same with black tomboys
No. 367960
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Tbh no matter how bad things get, I'm just glad I'm not some slackjawed, seething white tranny with botched surgery seeking attention on women's websites and malding at them on Christmas. This is what happens when you trade a loving family for a polycule.
No. 367966
I'm so glad I wasn't born a mentally ill male striving to be something he'll never be with his man body.
No. 368000
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>>367960He's been trying to stir shit up in the Asian Girls thread too. Can we get the 41% rate of tranny suicides to 100%?
No. 368652
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>>364317Hair mayo and aphogee protein treatment
No. 368733
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I am upset Disney blackwashed Ariel when there was a perfectly good black mermaid they could have given a backstory to.
No. 368747
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>>368743No, mostly for practical purposes. They should have been given them post-slavery but considering the violent aftermath of the war I know that was difficult to do. You have to figure out how much, for which families (some families has married into other races and their descendants could receive reparations), who is giving it - the government (federal and/or state) or the families that made their money from it? It's been over 150 years since the civil war, do the statute of limitations run out? What do modern reparations entail exactly? Scholarships? Actual money? What policies?
I know the community deserves better but I don't see a practical way for reparations.
No. 368755
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Does anyone relate to the YouTuber Oh Stephco?
No. 368769
>>368635White racist moids are well known to larp as black and Asian woman online and stalk
woc spaces, and harass
woc. I’ve seen countless examples of them being exposed by actual black/Asian/other
poc women on tiktok and reddit. Reminds me of weirdos like Peter Coffin who literally pretended to be a Japanese girl.
No. 368775
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>>368773That, and I think it can come with a mental illness. Made the foolish mistake of searching for a "black girls" discord server some years back, and discovered some German white guy who had his pfp as a black instagram modeling woman, and several other European men who were in the server with random black women's selfie pics as their ppfp. I asked them why they were in the server if they were just white guys, and all of them said they basically had a fetish for black women and frequently wondered what it would be like to live as a black woman, so they stayed in the server to watch actual women talk about different things. That instance taught me that a lot of these larping dudes pick their "disguises" of
woc because they literally want to
be their disguise. It felt like trannyism with extra steps, AKA a mental illness.
No. 368777
>>368775Ive noticed that men who are into kpop girl groups or black female singers often develop gender dysphoria and start literally wanting to become Asian or black girls. You’re definitely right that their race obsession with certain women often devolves into tranny shit and gender/racial dysphoria. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that so many white twitter gays and troons are extremely obsessed with Asian and black celebrities and singers and often start to larp as them, using them as their pfps and talking in
woc’s slang about their nonexistent ‘pussies’ and such. Stan twitter for instance is just a bunch of gay and trans moids constantly reporting Asian woman and black woman reaction gifs and memes and LARPing as them online.
No. 368852
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>>368635Incels are invested in having a "main" group of women to attack, and they want to keep young and/or impressionable women as easy-access as possible through negging. From time to time, very online non-black women who might not feel or be considered desirable within their own communities watch this happen, and they decide to fixate on not being black for self-esteem (even if it might veer into unrealistic or delusional levels).They often make a hobby of attacking black women to get validation/attention, too. The men still mock and abuse them for their appearances, being "used goods", "BPD attention whores", "hitting the wall", etc but they're fine with it, as long as they can get the temporary validation that comes from bashing other women. It's unfortunate when they attack us, but I'd rather be myself than either of those groups any day. They just strike me as sad and pathetic, including the ones who can't even stop doing it in a space meant for women to chill out.
No. 368905
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Do you prefer your hair natural or relaxed? Which one do you like more?
I keep my hair natural, but it is definitely not easy for me nonnies, I can see why many black girls out there use perm.
No. 368908
>>368905Same, it's such a struggle. I've also been growing it for 7 years so it's LONG, but it's so high maintenance. Each wash "day" is a multi-day endeavor. I tried braiding my own hair for christmas and I kinda had a breakdown lol
My friend has been getting a perm since she was 16 and she always looks good. Some girls yelled at me once when we were at the beach together because of how messy my hair looked and she immediatly said "they obv weren't talking about me" she apologized later but that was so bad I felt like shit.
Anyways my hair looks pretty sometimes.
No. 368948
>>368923I am
>>368865 and I don't see my unattractiveness as a consequence of my race at all for the record. A lot of the friends in question were also black, but they are the type of women with expensive weaves, well done makeup and classy clothes. I am generally a very frumpy person, i have bad skin and i suck at styling myself. I am also just not a good looking woman in general
and i am autistic so i come across as very strange, i know i need to pick a struggle, kek I blame my unchecked autism for my social failure tbh because i am held up to normie expectations i cannot meet and i never get the chance to interact with people as spergy as me. I spoiler of all this because this is something for a different thread. I've witnessed many black women get attention from all kinds of men, so I've never seen it as a race thing at all.
No. 369063
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How do you feel about the Black Panthers? I respect the work they did for the civil rights movement but I can't help but feel conflicted about the fact that so many leading figures (like Eldridge Cleaver, serial rapist and white woman fetishist) were the vilest possible kind of scrotes.
No. 369076
valid for you to feel
No. 369084
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>>369063I found a video of a biracial woman talking about the hypocrisy and animosity of black men towards black women, and even towards women in general. She mentioned a Black Panther member planning to rape white women as "revenge" for how whites treated black people…and practiced that plan by raping black women and girls first. Combined with the Black Panthers holding misogynistic attitudes towards black women that wanted to help their communities in their own ways, and the fact that MLK cheated the fuck out of his wife with white women just says it all:
The Black Panther is a great example of why men can't be trusted to be "leaders" or role models, because the fundamental flaw with men being held to high regards is that men are objectively fucked up and backwards excuses for human beings. They say that "power corrupts", but I just don't see it that way. At least not with men. Power doesn't corrupt them, it just brings out more of what they really were the whole time; because men, no matter how rich, middle class, or poor they are will always be the main fuckers who do atrocious, violent things to each other, women, and children. I'm talking about 90% of violent crimes across
the world, anons. Even for the ones that don't commit any crime, wasn't there a study revealing that one in three college moids would basically rape women if they felt ensured to get away with it? That could be any "normal" scrote sitting next to you in class. I'm sure there's exceptions to this rule, I'm sure maybe 10% of the male population are genuinely good men that would never abuse a soul……but the general rule of thumb is that you just can't trust a man to not bring his fucked up tendencies when receiving a power. Men running politics is why there was so much conflict and bloodshed before and even still now. Nothing is a better example of why men shouldn't be in power, more than men being in power.
No. 369109
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Anyone else think it's weird how white people are the ones that coined the term "person of color" or "colored person" to "other" and exclude people for being black (or otherwise non-white), but these days, racists get triggered about the term not "including" them and obsess over calling themselves the "real people of color!!1"? Sorry, your trad ancestors certainly disagreed with you. It's almost like the moment black people make something used to stigmatize them "cool" or even just neutral, they get extremely mad and want it for themselves. What mental illness is that?
No. 369122
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The fact that there are no shoes made for Vadoma women with ectrodactyly is incredibly racist.(bait)
No. 369199
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What percentage of African does someone need to be to count as black?
No. 369205
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>>3691990%, it's about phenotype. Native phillipinos are not African but they are black. Rachel Dolwzal, Martina Big and others who go out of their way to be racialized as black are also black.
No. 369220
>>369199Not sure why this got weird bait responses, but this thread is full of non-black people and moids looking for attention, unfortunately. Anyway, the one drop rule is a ridiculous legacy from slavery, and "political blackness" is as
valid as transgender ideology.
No. 369240
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>>369231I think it's interesting that only black people are really expected to be kind of loose with what it means to "look" black. For example, a Filipino person with brown skin and curly hair is still Asian, but there are some Americans who'd insist they're "black" due to stereotypes about what Asian people are "meant" to look like. 9 times out of 10, if you place them next to an actual black person (ie African or African-American), the difference is stark. The only exception I would make on this is for some indigenous groups from the Andaman Islands (eg the Jarawas people), but no one's ever really talking about them when this topic comes up for some reason, kek.
IMO, people who are 50% black typically look exactly what they are (a mix between two races). The only reason they've been pushed into blackness alone is because white people have historically stigmatized having even just a tiny amount of black ancestry. The logic is based in racism, rather than reality. This is also why both in and outside of the black community, they don't get treated the same way as people who are 60-100% black.
No. 369252
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I’m not even trying to bait but how do you anons feel about this post making rounds on Twitter? Also have you guys noticed the amped up racially charged comments being posted on Instagram as well?
No. 369255
>>369249You're not alone
nonnie. I was lurking on the Asian girl thread and I did hear that they mostly never ate talking about customers and ate just talking amongst themselves if that makes you feel better but in this economy doing your own nails is always worth it
No. 369263
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>>369253Lmfao I’m not even trying to bait, it’s just something incredibly offensive being posted around social media and I was trying to start a convo. I don’t know why newfags easily get their panties in a bunch thinking that every single person is a moid, tranny or lurker trying only to result in getting innocent people getting unfairly banned. That type of unnecessary paranoia makes the site unbearable to visit and post on, we’ve already went through that era of calling everyone a man and it sucked complete clit, just chill and get over it. Learn to use proper discernment if you think it’s the male poster, I clearly was not baiting. If you can’t determine who is or isn’t an obvious troll then maybe you shouldn’t be on this website. Chill tf out
No. 369267
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Interesting that I've already somewhat debunked this when I sperged out in the confessions thread. He also tried posting this same opinion in the unpopular opinions thread, and now he's doing it on /g/. I guess he's not done crying about it, but hey, whatever makes this moid want to believe we're just "degenerate".
No. 369276
>>369275Kek, I wouldn't doubt that theory. He is really obsessed with trying to make black people seem like we're just a bunch of dumbasses, so it feels like a
personal issue with him KEK
No. 369278
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What's a tool, style or product that's really helped you with your hair? For me it's the Denman brush!
No. 369292
>>369109All the losers going "reeeee nooo!! wewuz colorz n shiet!! look at my hair and eyes and fake tan reeee" need to argue with their forefathers, who made the term for us, instead of malding that they don't get to feel special. It's genuinely not our fault (or our problem) that these people considered themselves and their progeny colorless, so I'm not sure why they're bringing it to us. Being "of color" stopped being a bad thing specifically because of the people it was used against, so "taking it back" doesn't really work.
No. 369297
>>369280Kek and now he's in this thread talking about "b-bu-but but test scores! And schools and a-affirmative action!!1!". Moids seem to be very illiterate when it comes to reading statistics that isn't just telling them what they WANT to hear, because the main ones that benefitted from Affirmative Action
aren't even black people kek
No. 369319
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>>369299Sometimes I wonder if this applies to me because I’ve always had trouble focusing even before I got a smartphone. I’m worried I won’t be taken seriously if I went to a doctor. Is it ADHD or a result of the culture I currently live in?
No. 369418
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>>368770You got banned for responding to a scrote, but I agree with your premise. It's so weird that moids on the internet even come on this board talk about how ugly they think we are: when chances are, black women wouldn't even want to fuck
them anyway. Even though they think we're soooo "ugly", they still keep thinking about us and attempt to make their little opinions our problem instead of writing it in a diary. It's strange.
No. 369426
>>369299I think this is true. At least with me, i only got diagnosed when i was in my late 20s and I can't help but feel like if i was allowed to receive help for autism when i was a child, i could have had it dealt with and my trajectory in life would have completely transformed. Now i am playing catch up to fix the damage that years of executive dysfunction and depression because of underdeveloped social skills which will probably never be fixed tbh. The fact that a lot of black parents think neurodivergence is some white people shit or just want to pray on it does so much damage.
>>369319I was worried about the same thing, but it got to the point where i just heavily related with people with adhd so much that it was undeniable that i had it and I had zero issues being taken seriously.
>>369423I agree with you anon. I really wish the mods of this site would finally implement a feature to hide posts they way that we can hide threads. It would make using this thread and others so much better. I pretty much hide almost all political discourse, especially on twitter, you should just nuke it all. I can feel that after muskrat bought the site he started pushing conservatoids to the top and they are the most angry and disgusting people filled with negativity and hate, they give me the same ick as tras a lot of the times, who i also always block too.
No. 369803
>>369715Yes, we do. There's two major sites just for black people. Of course we're less likely to be on incelchan or incelfarms because they are nastily racist. Lolcow is only better because people rarely talk about race but whenever it does come up, racism comes out.
>>369709I don't know much about rap but this YouTuber put out a really good video explaining it. Nowadays when it comes to the music industry it just feels like we get what "the gatekeepers" allow to be put out. Since it's self hating black scores who are often the gatekeepers, what we get isn't that good
No. 369911
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My 2024 goal is to spend less time on black spaces, especially black women's spaces. They always talk about the worst aspects abut being black and talk down on themselves as "everyone hates hates!" vibes. I've never hated myself as much as I did being in "divestment" spaces. The occasional picture of a Sudanese model doesn't dispel the animosity online.
Constant nagging about black women are so stupid and lost and how the evil dumb blackie refuses to date out and how she is doomed, constant hatred towards black tomboys and lesbians for the "sin" of "masculinizing" the black female image, open lust for non-black men and daily debates on interracial dating.
I keep coming back for the small crumbs of wisdom, but I feel like it's not worth it. Deactivating twitter and getting back into my "nerd" hobbies feels more humanizing and worthwhile.
No. 369912
>>369709I see his appeal. I always thought it was because of his novelty of being a white guy in a black space. He has some fun rhymes but I've never been a fan.
>>369715They've always been there but they've always been a small portion of the population, like most places.
No. 369990
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>>369715Black imageboard users are like black emos. They exist, they're just not very common and almost rare.
No. 369999
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Black women face extremely high levels of sexual assault and violence. Moids, libfems and retards obsessed with the "strong independent black woman who don't need no man" stereotype love to gaslight about this subject, downplay it or outright deny it.
No. 370000
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>>369990Not related but I love black scene/emo girls lol
No. 370069
>>369911I've been divorced from the divestment space for quite a while now. I cannot relate with the way so many divestor's are very obsessed with moids or if they aren't, they have really obnoxious type A personalities i cannot relate with, but good for those women i guess. As someone who have decided to just remain celibate, there is nothing to gain from listening to stories about how awful black women are treated through dating. I tend to try to avoid those when scouring through radfem content too. It's just not relevant to me and i don't really need that in my life. I feel like i am exactly what a lot of divestors hate. I am not glamorous, i don't really care about what men think of me tbh. Having images shown to me of insanely beautiful black models doesn't empower me, if anything it just
triggers my body dysmorphia a lot of the time because i have never really liked the way i looked anyways, but i also enjoy the freedom is just giving up and being scruffy. I don't believe it is my job to be a good representation for all black women. I feel like some divestors' get bothered by being lumped with other black people who are terrible. If people want to judge me for the actions of another, that is their own issue. It just means they are stupid. I am only myself and i want to live life in a way that makes me happy. They are going to have to put up with my hairy armpits and lack of sex appeal.
No. 370074
>>370069You make a very good point nona. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was about the divestment movement that gives me the ick (apart from the desperation to be accepted and picked, and dick worship) it’s the fact that we’re expected to be a good example and
prove to men somehow that black women can be beautiful too! What a thought! This is exactly why I’m sick of that whole movement. It’s not my job to be the ‘hot black girl’ that defies stereotypes in the desperate hopes that some moid might call me attractive. My job is not to look like a model and try to
entice moids to give me a chance, or try to convince them that black girls can be beautiful too. Why should I? How is that my job? I refuse. I’ll look the way I want to and moids can either take or leave it. I don’t care about their validation or acceptance of me.
No. 370194
>>370089Ayrt (I just noticed the typo and it’s supposed to say
not including trolls etc.)
Super shitty that you can’t even use anonymous boards without experiencing racism. What is lsa like? Is it like celebrity gossip or a broad range of topics like here? Just curious. I am not internet savvy at all and actually took quite a while to learn how to use this site. I haven’t seen anything blatantly racist here outside of very obvious trolls or moids but there are so so many threads and I also think I subconsciously skim over ignorance. I hope it doesn’t sound too ignorant on my behalf but I’m sorry you have to experience such things and can’t just navigate the difficulties life already has without piling on the weight of racism. I’m honestly not a people person at all and rescue and rehabilitate animals for a living so for me people are either garbage or compassionate and neither of those are racially exclusive. I enjoy and value the insight of this thread and hope you ladies all have a good day.
No. 370196
>>370194>>370089LSA isn't even a black forum, there's plenty of big name users being revealed to be white/latino/asian/etc. They love using the site for (old) tea and larping as a black person.
LSA hasn't been good for gossip since 2015. Most people lurk for the reactions
No. 370328
>>370064I'm 37 and get told I look and get treated like I'm 19.
The curse of good black genes.
No. 370370
>>369993I don't think it's easy to spot, personally I can only tell if a poster is autistic.
>>369990>>370000This reminds me of being a preteen in 2010 and googling "scene girls black skin" for inspo/tutorials because "black scene girls" would return girls with black hair lol.
No. 370469
>>367456I literally never understood where white guys get off thinking they’re the prize tbh. Growing up in a largely white school I saw the little white moidlets display a lot of emotional and physical weakness in front of me (like some incidents I can recall was one ginger kid peeing himself next to me in assembly kek, another boy fainting after being stung by a bee, coming to school with self harming wounds or trying to attempt suicide by jumping out of the second floor window, or crying after getting into a fight with another kid etc) my perception of white moids was always that they’re kind of mentally weak, pathetic and lame and I honestly felt mostly sorry/pity for them. Most men are big babies tbh, not just white guys, and get coddled by mommy, and I have absolutely no tolerance for it. So when white moids try to assert themselves as alphas I just kind of chuckle to myself because I think of them as little moidlets and it seems like they need constant coddling, reassurance and validation. Probably because most of them are spoiled brats tbh. I’ve always been very turned off by seeing emotional weakness in men, as bad as that sounds, which is why I never liked city slicker moids, ‘shy sensitive guys’, depressed guys etc. They’re usually just covert narcs in my experience.
No. 370482
>>370469Lol they're so insecure about even the porn genre THEY created and popularized
BBC that now they're trying to come up with their own version of it
BWC kek
No. 370485
>>370469Do white men think they're the prize? All I see is other women treating them like that. Your attitude sucks btw and shows why this
>>367456 ends up happening in the big picture
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>>370486>>370488Oh my god what a FUCKING LOSER KEK all these forums, imageboards, websites, and social media he can surround himself with other white moids on, and he still chooses to come here and actually whine about some random black women being "mean" when he and his father probably said way worse things about black people as a group KEK it's so stupid to me when white scrotes still find a way here and get offended, like close your fucking eyes then you mollycoddled faggotrons KEKK so much of this world is already male-dominated and caters to them, but they STILL need coddling from random black women on an imageboard? What more do they want from everybody?? Kekk
>>370489Man, for virtually all my life, my mom and dad made it a house rule to rinse and massage raw chicken and beef in water to "wash" it. Even when I learned that it was pointless, they clowned the info. Then again, my dad also thinks medium rare steak is just asking for salmonella, so I guess parents can't know
No. 370584
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any tips for managing/styling 4c hair? I like silk presses but there's not much longevity there and I can't get them too often to mitigate heat damage
I was thinking of getting locs but they seem so permanent and I like changing up my hairstyle. Any nonas here with locs?
No. 370614
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>>3705984C hair is best styled with the LOC method as it's designed to retain moisture
No. 370627
It depresses me how black/brown children are ‘adultized’ so early on in life and not afforded the luxury of childhood innocence that’s usually granted to white kids. White people are allowed to behave like children and commit selfish, reckless, impulsive dumb acts until well into their 30s and are still infantilized for it. They can play off everything bad they do as a ‘learning curve’ or ‘just part of growing up’ but black children are seen as wicked, lewd, aggressive, tainted and sinful from when we’re prepubescent. White kids who smoke weed or snort coke all the time are just seen as harmless hippies or silly rich kids experimenting with substances for fun, meanwhile black kids who use drugs are evil dangerous felons who should probably be shot. From childhood we are viewed as more mature, more sexualized, more intimidating/threatening, more dangerous, in less need of care, kindness and compassion and parental guidance. Meanwhile whites are coddled well into adulthood and given carte blanche for all kinds of immoral activities.
No. 370665
>>370627Blame the parents for not talking childcare seriously. Most people on earth should not be parents and that goes for double for black people, triple for poor black people.
Jus t saw a video of a grown woman beating the crap out of her daughter for being raped, and laughing at her. Contrasted with a video of a 4 year old speaking in full articulate sentences on how his parents made him feel upset.
The contrast is heartbreaking to me.
(racebaiting) No. 370671
>>370627>>370669Outside how a lot of black parents are with their children, i do believe that racists straight up don't see non-white children as human beings capable of being pure or innocent, deserving of protection. I do think a lot of issues with the black people would be healed if more people were nicer to the children, especially the girls since they are so much easier to be steered in the correct direction compared to black moids who imo there kind of isn't much hope for as long as the gangster culture and
toxic rap music keeps getting shoved down their throats.
No. 370701
>>370689They had everything in the 90s but threw all that away for rap and hip-hop. They literally worshipped OJ Simpson against all odds and reasoning. Millennials had the nerve to be edgy and then turn around and nag us for jokes.
Everything sucks and it’s only going to get worse. Thanks for nothing.
No. 370714
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>>370665>goes double for black people, and triple for poor black peopleMy mom and stepfather are black and both grew up in really poor, trashy households. Guess how fun the first thirteen years of my life were? Not very fun. My mom became something like a counselor for rape and abuse
victims but if you knew what she really thought about people who got molested, you'd want to kill her. I want to say or believe that you're wrong, but based on my experience and the fact that almost every single black person I've met went through the same or similar family dynamics…you're unfortunately right. Growing up, it really felt like a
cultural aspect for black people to hate their own fucking kids, and to lack so. much. empathy towards other black people and subjects like rape, molestation, or abuse. Like, it even feels
generational for black families to be fucked up because for my mom and stepdad, their parents treated them like
dogs and didn't even believe in children having meaningful emotions. It feels so ingrained for countless black people (at least for African-Americans) to pretty much loathe their own children, it's seen as a normal standard to whip out a belt and beat kids as young as four with them (for punishment). It's precisely why I had quite a period of self-contempt for my race.
No. 370715
>>370671White people have spent hundreds of years murdering and raping little
poc kids everywhere from Africa to the Middle East to Vietnam.
No. 370743
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>>370671>Outside how a lot of black parents are with their children, i do believe that racists straight up don't see non-white children as human beings capable of being pure or innocent, deserving of protection.Yes. For black children specifically, it stems back to slavery and moids wanting an entire class of vulnerable kids to abuse and
victim blame with impunity. If you want to see it playing out today, look how they've been trying to put a teenage girl in jail for rightfully dispatching the 33 year old piece of shit moid who sex trafficked her since 16, pimped out girls as young as 12 and made/hoarded CP (he made multiple videos of her specifically, too). One of his other
victims reported him, and the police had evidence of all his acts, but released him that same day. Cyntoia Brown went through the same. They'd rather protect pedophiles over children of certain races.
It's funny how failure white moids and their retarded sycophants seethe whenever these topics are brought up, then proceed to demonstrate that it's all true whenever they make disgusting comments about underage black girls (most recently, I saw them do it to a 14 year old actress) and "effeminate" boys.
No. 370746
>>370669NTA but same nona. Thanks for sharing. it's so frustrating to know that mostly my mom (my dad just goes with whatever my mom wants) and dad just see me as a burden to raise and as soon as I become an adult I'm some investment or something and I need to give them all my money and assets. It's so cold because my mom was my number 1 bully growing up and now she expects me to just do whatever she wants. I wish black families were kinder and more empathetic to each other. It doesn't really matter how other people view and treat us when we don't treat our own kindly and with compassion.
Vid rel it talks about how black businesses/employees tend to not treat black customers well. I've noticed this a lot too when I've been out and about how black employees will treat me like garbage lol. At least more people are aware and talking about it. hopefully things will start to change
No. 370750
>>370747NTA but it definitely doesn't help to know it happens to others. I've also found at least in my experience, people who do share similar
abusive backgrounds but aren't black will use it on some level to be like "well at least I'm not black" and distance themselves from us. You would think having that common ground would help bring people together but idk. Maybe other people have had different experiences but in mine it doesn't help in getting close to non-black people
No. 370753
>>370733Sure, but black children are statistically
three times more likely to die from abuse and neglect than white children. Like, even though black kids are only 16% of the child population, they make up 30% of kids that are noted to suffer abuse and neglect. That's a huge proportion. And who do you think is doing it? The fact that those kids can pick themselves up and move away from their abuse doesn't mean the abuse isn't common. And where are you even getting that black kids are emotionally invincible? Because there's multiple articles exposing black kids to be at a higher risk for depression and anxiety. And gee,
why do you think that is?>fuck off thinking all black parents are trashy and neglectfulI didn't even say all of them were like that, I'm just pointing out that abuse seems extra common among black communities. You're making a strawman argument, calm down.
No. 370755
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>>370743White men don’t see their mixed race daughters as fully human (aka white, like themselves) Men are literally more likely to chimp out and murder children who don’t resemble them because it
triggers their subconscious fear of being genetically cucked, doubly so if the child is a girl. There’s always some weird dynamic there, either cold distant and unfeeling or incestuous and lacking boundaries. If these men have white kids, they have a strong preference for those kids while sidelining their mixed kids at best and actively abusing them at worst.
No. 370757
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>>370753Infanticide is associated with young maternal age, and black people have the youngest mothers on average. Black kids are also much more likely to live in poor condition housing with lack of security and impoverished neighbourhoods with higher crime.
No. 370764
>>370755I shouldn't have read that, this filled me with so much rage. That poor girl. Death is too light of a sentence for him, he should suffer the same fate. Not even by other man, but by some torturing robot, idek.
Sage for alogging
No. 370772
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>>370753>traumatize an entire race of people for 200 years>depression and trauma are literally proven to be transmitted from mother to fetus >why are black American children feeling so fucked up?Slavery. Duh.
No. 370778
>>370775>multiple people see through me? s-samefag, n-no uYou type and act the same every time, and are obsessed with shitting on black women. You will never be a woman.
There's a difference between actual black anons talking about Chrystul Kizer, and some of the deranged posts that came after when some moid tried to take it as a queue.
No. 370792
>>370627My interpretation of this post is how black children are more likely to be shot by police, become
victims of violent crime, be given less clemency by the law and be tried as adults even when underage etc. For some reason, a few weirdos took it as a cue to bash black moms/parents in general and talk about how black families are terrible. Odd.
No. 370795
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>>370785It's not a black nona. It's some guy who only comes here to freely sperg at black women while LARPing as one. He probably goes on LSA and does the same.
I reported the post saying black people in particular "shouldn't reproduce", and I'm also reporting any thinly veiled nazi tripe I see. 90% chance he's going to reply to this post accusing me of being him, then make more obvious posts bashing us for breathing while he's cooming at his PC to the concept of being a self-hating "blackpill" black woman saving and reposting graphs from /pol/.
No. 370871
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About media presentation.
Snoop Dogg posted this McDonald's advertisement from the 70s on his insta. It got mixed reactions in the comments arguing whether it presented black people in a respectful way or not.
What do you think?
No. 370915
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>>370772>slaveryWell the idea of trauma having a genetic component across generations is an interesting, but tragic concept to consider. But between having a PTSD gene and a child being raised by
abusive, immature adults, I’m gonna believe that those adults have a much stronger impact on how badly a child will turn out.
>>370757You’re right. I think a lot of it has to do with poverty, as it does have a factor in taking a toll on people’s mental health. One can put two and two together, and realize that families with lower income are gonna have a tougher time contemplating life and raising their kids. And there are quite a lot of black families in poverty, so it figures that child abuse is unfortunately more common in the black populace.
No. 370946
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I think the reason why I gravitate toward online black spaces is because I didn’t have anything like that growing up. I hated being the only one of my kind at school. Being the odd one out in a way I can’t hide and then having adults harass me for silly little things. Grown adults asking me for my opinions on segregation and affirmative action. Even as an adult, I still crave that feeling of normalcy. I’m wish I was part of a group, a normal non-cringe group with normal behavior. I still wish I was a normal person, just one of many and not a token or a target.
No. 370953
>>370946but it isn't tokenism, the white people you interact with (assuming your American) genuinely do look up to you and want your approval. A lot of them actually want to ~be~ you, or at least when they were young. That probably gets old in it's own right but you might also miss it if it was gone. Key and Peele even had a skit about being the only black person in the group
And places like lipstickalley are hardly "black spaces". Most of the people there are gay, white men who are larping as black women
No. 371013
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>instead of saying eggnog the local whites keep saying nignog
I think it's time we cancel Christmas.
No. 371119
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>>370469>I literally never understood where white guys get off thinking they’re the prize tbh.I dont think white scrotes truly believe they're the greatest thing to ever happen since sliced bread either. If they really believed that, they wouldn't be the loneliest demographic and with some of the world's highest suicide rates. It's why they go on the internet to bait and cope hard about how "magical" they are, when they would be nothing without their women, and the backs of many others. You can even see the white male in this screenshot failing to keep his disguise up so he can desperately claw and reach for the validation of Asian women in the Asian Girl Problems thread, however I wouldn't be very honest if I said there were no self-hating women that unironically live to impress white moids, and actually think being reduced to nothing but a fleshlight based on a racist fetish is "good".
No. 371124
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>>371084It's true though. Y'all are fat and ugly.
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>>371084Have you noticed that insecure black people tend to bully attractive black women and call them "eurocentric"? I'm mostly used to seeing sad non-black incels and pickmes do it to cope, but I've started seeing some less fortunate black people start doing it too. I've seen so many fully black women with dark skin, natural hair, nice bodies, soft makeup, etc get attacked for being "eurocentric". The crazy part is the same individuals bashing them often go on to praise mixed women, light-skinned women, non-black women and black women almost exclusively in blond wigs as "real" black women. They seem to have a lot of spite for natural black women who are considered desirable in any way. It's so common people literally make wojaks of it.
Just today, I saw a dark-skinned black woman get harassed for celebrating her natural hair in different styles. They were insisting her having long, afro texture hair was "white supremacy" somehow. I'm not exaggerating. I don't want to be mean, but I think this stems from the "woke" (actually racist) notion that anything black is the opposite of what's considered positive or attractive for women in western society. They think black women have to be fat and ugly by nature, or else something something white people and it's bad lol. From this standpoint, I think some people believe that being (or feeling) less attractive makes them "more black", and that they have the right to exclude other black people from the race if they're desirable. They need to realize that sometimes, you're just unlucky, and it has nothing to do with your race.
No. 371176
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>>371121Scrotes like that are ones who are either actually retarded or never touch grass and socialize with people in the real world. They think different races are different character sets that you pick from a video game. They think black people magically have physical super powers that make them like knights, they think asians have magical brain power that give them the ability to solve any math problem in the world, making them the wizards or mages. Then they think of whites as the golden average or whatever and think they're like the lancers in their fantasized, childish perception of how the world works. So when they want a girlfriend that's small and does stem stuff, they stereotype all asians to be like this because being small and doing stem is genuinely how they think asians innately operate. But, you're right that scrotes will do this to try and make other women jealous, like when a white scrote gets rejected by too many white women and think shitting all over white women on the internet and praising asians for having "tighter pussies" is going to make white women angry and go after these incels. They're using asians in their reverse psychology to get more women thinking that white scrotes are something to compete for, but it's just not working because like this anon said
>>370469 if you grew up in a place like America and saw white guys all your life, it doesn't take long to realize they're essentially like any other moid, and only a fragment of their population is even worth dating.
>>371174True, ADOS people are commonly mixed, but I wouldn't even say that the light skinned trait comes directly from their racial admixture because I doubt the majority of black people even have a significant amount of Caucasian DNA (and I'm not including biracials in this). Plus, there are tribes and ethnicities in Africa that are naturally light skinned, and with no apparent admixture to blame.
No. 371198
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>try to convert to ultra Orthodox Judaism
>Get told that not only can I not do that because my mother was not a Jew, racism against Africans is perfectly acceptable because we are the cursed descendants of Ham
I wish acknowledging Jewish racism wasn't considered antisemitism. These people are so against racemixing they cut off relatives who marry gentiles.
No. 371215
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It makes me sad that instead of reclaiming Black Peter and making him an anti racist figure people are trying to erase him because some people do blackface. He's the only canonically black Christmas character, I think that's special.
No. 371263
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>>371084Does anyone remember when she tried to double down on her colourism stuff and make a community that was supposed to be exclusive for dark skin black women? It got a ton of backlash and a lot of people got tired of her after that. I do agree that colourism is a thing to an extent, I definitely used to have a lot of sympathy to the plight of women who feel like they are
victims of it, but it's not actually going to stop you from living your life in the way racism is or something. However, in retrospect it just sounds so centred around dating and it's simply remedied by staying away from men who have those views.
>>371153I remember some black women online being mad about the types of black women that get hired in high fashion to be models because the seem to favour Africans over Americans, which isn't actually true anyways, it just reminds me of how some East Asians online complain about models with stereotypically features. Say what you will about the industry for having a history for being exclusionary towards non-white women, they have exquisite taste in black women. If black americans ruled the fashion industry there would be nothing but mid instagram fashion nova baddies that look a lot like the "literally me" section of the image.
No. 371623
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So for all the dork anons who go on Ao3 and read self insert fics: what is your honest reaction when the story pre-determines the skin color of the reader and it doesn't match yours? Do you keep reading for the plot, or do you just quit out of the story?
No. 371639
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>>371632AYRT, that is
exactly how my thought process is about fics with specific details like that. And you even make fics with your own spin on ideas?
Rock on No. 371677
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Man, I'm so glad this thread exists. Even though fetishistic trannies and other scrotes like to lurk here, and with some infights that happen, I still find comfort in this thread and talking to other anons from the same country and race. If lolcow ever shuts down, I would miss this little bubble. Gonna drink some wine and watch Bratz Super Babyz for nostalgia now
No. 371712
I really don’t want to make the tone of this thread dark but this topic has been on my mind for a while and I need to talk about it somewhere. A while ago I discovered my mother is a victim of FGM and it was almost performed on me and my sister, but my mom refused to let it happen. I freaked the fuck out after learning about this, and it was a huge shock because me and my sister are second generation, born in a 1st world country where you wouldn’t expect this to be a thing. But I guess they just had to carry this over. I can’t help but wonder if anyone here is affected by this? Vidrel came on my for you page and had me really thinking about the whole situation. It’s so disturbing how moids think it’s on the same level as circumcision when they can walk away with minimal to no issues. Meanwhile my mom has to see a gyno frequently and suffers with her reproductive health. The father excusing it is so disturbing as well
No. 371734
>>371623>>371714A lot of so-called "y/n"s aren't even proper reader-inserts but basically nameless OCs with obviously established and specific appearances and personalities and backstories. I don't understand why the authors don't just give them names and treat them like the OCs they are.
I tend to either read about non-black ships or write my own OC that is so hyperspecific to myself I don't even want to post her anywhere public. There are some reader stories I do like a lot, I actually like how they can give me skills I do not have in real life. It's also pretty funny imagining myself speaking flawless Japanese and none of these Japanese people pointing put my gaijin status, let alone blackness even once.
No. 371958
>>371919Even as a part-time NEET working with other weird sperg women (art supply store in the middle of nowhere), the good-life ostracism still happens. 2/3 of us can’t drive and live at home, but I’m a robber baron because someone found out that my
femcel cave is in a nicer neighborhood. Even the lowliest still want you to be lower than them, I guess.
No. 372165
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How come we try to make ourselves more beautiful but all fashion trends that are majority white involve uglification? Like goth, punk, grunge, hippies, etc.. those are full of white women trying to make themselves look like shit for some reason.
No. 372168
>>372165Maybe because they’ve been hypersexualized all their life due to porn? Sexual abuse is also rampant in white communities, maybe they don’t want to look attractive and be sexualized by random moids, idk.
White women are already seen as feminine by default because of white fragility so maybe they don’t feel they need to ‘work at’ being feminine or something.
No. 372170
>>372165>gothsAre goths really
supposed to be ugly? I'm sure goths can be pretty looking.
No. 372191
>>372168>Maybe because they’ve been hypersexualized all their life due to porn? >Sexual abuse is also rampant in white communitiesEvery race of women has a porn category, and bw (or any woman in non white majority countries) usually experience even higher statistics of sexual abuse yet our reactions towards sexual trauma are way different
>>372165They're granted feminity since the day they're born, to the point they even start loathing it. As the "value" of their "beauty" (objectification, etc) is a given, breaking out of it
is the rebellic thing to do in their pov
No. 372197
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>granted 'femeninity' since they were born
god, how did black girls/women fucking get here? shit wasn't like this even 5 years ago
No. 372206
>>372165I don't really feel i agree with this sentiment because most people in those subcultures don't actually seek to uglify themselves, but i can see where this anon is getting at
>>372191I feel like that the need to over perform in femininity for black women really is a real thing. We are the only race of women collectively told that we aren't feminine enough, much to do with the stereotype that dark skin = masculine or that we are loud, dominant and independent which aren't inherently bad traits to have, but bad for the men who want to keep us easy to control. The femininity courses, the obsession with dating gurus and crap advice peddled by women who can't even follow their own advice. In general, not even just with black women, but plastic surgery, beauty maintenance, overly filtered videos and photos everywhere and the rampant consoomerism from the beauty industry. I am going to sound unhinged, but i was in a store getting a korean corn dog and in one of the promotional tvs, was a woman with her face airbrushed to the gods, meanwhile the man was allowed to reside in his natural state and i can't pretend that seeing that shit pissed me off. Men are allowed to be free, meanwhile women are forced to hide behind masks to appease the patriarchy. I am honestly just tired of women in general conforming to these stupid beauty standards, i am tired of black women not understanding that having XX chromosome is enough. The issue is that we don't have enough black women promoting being comfortable in their skin whilst not being caked with makeup and wearing the hair of a 14 year old impoverished Indian girl.
Western alt culture in it's current stage is not subversive or an act of rebellion as it once was. Most goths are just normie instathots with a black and white filter on them. If you search for alt shit on instagram, it's mostly onlyfans whores peddling their content. Alts who actually make themselves ugly are the outliers nowadays and don't do it because they want to be less fuckable, they just enjoy offending people or have weird tastes.
No. 372218
>>372205>Black women are seen are more masculine than other womensee, this is the saying i've been seeing only in the past couple of years from twitter liberals/white trannys, so i guess it's officially been long enough for actual black women to repeat - like, why? why are yall repeating and beliving what jealous, bitter ass XYs are saying?? how are we even treated like men or masculinly? why do absolutely
none of yall seem to know what negging is? though, at least we can agree that all this 'black women r wahmen so that means trannies can be wooman toooo' bullshit on white troons in academia
No. 372228
>>372218For real. I have never been treated like I was masculine. Growing up in the UK around mostly whites my problems were people saying the n-word like it was nothing, making fun of black people like they did with every non-white race (honestly moreso with East Asians, especially appearance wise - eye shape) and being fetishised. If anything I have been infantilised because I’m petite and have a neotenous face. Not once have I ever felt I was masculine until the internet told me we’re seen as such.
I honestly wonder if the internet has us going backwards in some ways. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>>371153>I think this stems from the "woke" notion that anything black is the opposite of what's considered positive or attractive for women in western society. Black women have to be fat and ugly by nature, or else something something white people>>371084>It's now considered progressive to say black women are ugly and fat. The worst part is if someone was to say that they don't think black women are ugly these types will accuse them of silencing a systemic issue.Slightly related but what these anons were talking about before reminds me of this. In calling attention to racial issues some people have started a rhetoric that “black women are seen as x” that has been repeated over and over that it has been internalised. And the trannies using this and exploiting it are vile. I would argue that there are more people that tie these things to blackness
now than there were before. Ugly, fat, masculine, less desirable.
It absolutely started off by men negging black women and then started being parroted. It’s been made worse because black women have bought into it and now savour every crumb of validation like a starving child to bread. If I hear another bw ask “Do you like black girls?” I’m going to explode. No other race of woman says this shit. And I feel really bad for the impressionable young black girls that have taken this as all they’ve ever known.
No. 372247
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there was a recent protest against Biden at the church where Dylan Roof shot 9 people. It's just insanely disrespectful to do that. Let the people mourn.
No. 372248
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This shit is so cringe and her style is shit. I know it's not specific to black girls but overall I'm tired of the dumping on older women
No. 372287
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>>372248She lives in a house that nice and still found the time to complain about imaginary middle aged women that are jealous and angry at her. I don't even get where teenage girls and young women get the impression that older women are jealous and are out to get them; the most jealous women I've ever seen or met were always around my age or slightly younger. IME, older women are really chill. Even scrotes gave me more problems than random older women ever did.
No. 372299
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op says we can rant so…tbh i get annoyed whenever i see other races discuss racism. like i pegged picrel for asian/white (they were asian) as soon as i read it because if you were black (and maybe hispanic) you'd know that yeah, your entire life can be screwed just because of your race. for blacks that was very much the case less than 100 years ago in the us. admitting that reality isn't a bad thing – if anything you should face it
i wanted to rant about this the day it got posted but i left it alone…only to check the news today and see a black kid (a teen) got beaten up by some white adults just for walking to the arcade. and even if they WERE talking shit explain to me how two tall, grown men needed to bust up a child so badly that his skull cracked. shit pisses me off and it happens all the time in this racist, shitty southern state
No. 372480
>>364140Why didn't that work? Couldn't it work in modern times?
Also did you know that the current President of Liberia is former soccer player George Weah (until 22 january 2024)?
No. 372509
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>>372165It's a modern idea that a black woman can only be a bimbo.
Black girls of the past had fun with all these subcultures.
No. 372530
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So did your mom teach you how to do your hair, or did you have to learn on your own? Do you go with one style when it's time to do your hair, or do you experiment every time you do it?
No. 372574
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I really feel like there is no place for me on this earth. No niche, no hobby, no skills, nothing to live for. I can’t kill myself because I don’t want to stress out my mom. but I feel like I have no reason to exist. I hate living in modern uncertain times. I feel like I have no group to follow, or cause to believe in. I feel empty and directionless. Don’t recommend religion for me.
I’m gonna try therapy this month, but I doubt something new will come from it.
No. 372583
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Has anyone here tried to do their blush like this? i thinks it's so pretty, but i feel like it could easily look horrible irl.
No. 372841
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I think the media attention on Claudine Gay was suspicious, especially with undue attention on her race, calling a affirmative action hire, or a DEI plant. I don't support plagiarism, but many on the rights used the recent case as a dogwhistle for other issues. A part of me wishes people would be more honest about their anti-black disgust instead of hiding it. I fear for the next few years
No. 373132
>>373075I do the same thing with twitter. You think it’s a form of OCD?
A part of it for me is the curiosity and knowing what others a are saying so I can plan out my steps. recently, there’s been a lot of anti-black stuff on twitter, no thanks to Musk. Racism and outrage are profitable in the modern age. IQ scores and this relation to race has been a popular topic in rationalist circles for years and many of these people go on to work on modern AI.
I’m not skilled enough to do anything about this yet, but it’s a topic that worries me very much No. 373201
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Any idea what this hairstyle is?
Is it a weave, leave out, bundles needed, etc?
Basically, I need to know the hair term so I can do some research before I find a good hairdresser.
No. 373836
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Do you guys ever feel invisible? Or have that urge that desire to be seen (in a good way)? I was having a conversation with my friend about how BW wishes that they were special, perceived in a very positive way, but often feel invisible within their own communities and greater society. I feel like most attention black women receive is negative, especially in modern media. And I know some people will say you should just look inwards and not seek external validation, but if you live surrounded by people and their thoughts and perceptions affect how they treat you, then why wouldn’t you care? Sometimes I wonder if this is a result of childhood neglect. Sometimes I do feel bound and trapped by other peoples perceptions of me, especially when I’m at work. I want to be able to speak up and say what’s on my mind and be authentic but I don’t feel like I’m treated like an individual. If I say the wrong thing that would reflect poorly on my group.
No. 373966
>>373836This happens to me sometimes, but I’m also naturally introverted. It’s easy for people to overwhelm me with their constant chatter & movement, so I often stay to myself during big group activities & become invisible.
Honestly, we have to be just as loud and sometimes obnoxious in order to get people’s attention. It does require us to step out of our comfort zones and be more assertive and talkative, even though it runs our energy levels down fast as sh!t.
Whenever people have 1:1 conversations with me they always tell me how much they like me, how smart or interesting they think I am, and how they’re surprised by our conversation. THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE who usually ignore me. I thrive in smaller settings… what’s hard to understand about that? Not sure if you’re an introvert, but that’s my reason. I wish others understood introverts the way we understand others.
No. 374129
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>>367327>>367327>>So more often than not, the weird black kids either become self-hating or overcompensates via activism to prove they’re real Blacks. We should spend more time talking about the internalizations of these negative stereotypes, stereotype threat and how it all ties into the modern social justice scene.It goes across the spectrum. You have the Black Supremacists at one extreme end, and at the other extreme end this.
No. 374779
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I have to get serious about therapy. I think my childhood trauma is interfering with my regular life.
No. 375003
>>375002Also it just proves how much people, especially whites and other false ally non black
poc, virtue signal and lie about these things. According to a poll done in 2020, almost 70% of Americans said they support BLM. But we know from how much anti woke shit and backlash there is that most non black people are actually against BLM, especially in private.
Being black is so hard. Just constantly not knowing whether people have your best interests at heart and always having to assume they don’t, by default. And then we get blamed for being paranoid and told the fact we are perceiving microaggressions and open aggression towards us is just a
victim complex and histrionics.
No. 375079
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A lot of people got mad at this chart of (monoracial) black women, but it looks accurate to me. I think all the women are beautiful, and it shows a diverse range of skintones. What do you guys think?
No. 375082
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>>375079Here are all the pics used
No. 375147
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>>375144Those women are considered light in African countries. On the South African people, are probably thinking of Khoisan people, who have similar skin to the women in that photo set (mainly the first two, but also the third). I only saw Americans claiming they weren't light, which is why I said what I said. Halle and Chloe Bailey are light-skinned, too.
If you disagree, you can always post fully black women you do think are light.
No. 375173
>>375152Well of course, but
>>375128 said “they’re light-skinned, just black rather than mixed” which is the rhetoric we were thinking of.
No. 375380
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What is your general perception of black women with locs? Nonblacks can answer this too.
I am considering locs-8 years natural mid back length hair when straight. Its just a hassle for me maintain and always has been once I stopped perming. I pay a relative $80 to give me two strand twists which last a few weeks and go to salon for silk press every few months for $120+tip. I'm just trying to save more money because I want to buy a home soon.
I am early 30s, light skinned and short. My personal aesthetic is bummy when I'm just chilling and androgynous when I do have to go somewhere. I work in finance so I was a bit worried too about racists in hiring seeing my hair.
No. 375383
>>375381thank you anon, sadly that what I was fearing :/
Whenever I go someplace important I always wear cleaned ironed clothing and make sure I smell nice.
(:/) No. 375498
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>>374536After seeing so many insecure, unfortunate racists insist literal models and beauty queens are ugly because they're black, and personally experiencing moids try to neg me over my race hoping I'd buy in, I realized the narrative was a massive cope, and I'd be a fool to take it seriously. What annoys me more is self-hating black women projecting their own issues on all of us, and equating beauty to whiteness.
Also, I kind of feel like now is the best time to be a black girl or woman. It's so much easier to find and connect with all kinds of beautiful black women online, especially in different styles, and the same goes for art and indie music by/about/that includes us well. I've given up on mainstream media, though. It's always like 4-6 years behind.
No. 376236
>>375498Agree. It’s so whack how a 10/10 black woman will be considered less beautiful in many racist mens eyes than a 5/10 white or Asian woman simply because she is darker skinned than them. My mind literally can’t wrap around it. Women aren’t this racist when it comes to beauty, even white and Asian women are more objective when it comes to black female beauty. But the amount of moids who cant recognize beauty and base it only on skintone is so scary.
>>375065Any white person who claims to be anti woke just hates black people tbh. I know they use it as a dog whistle among themselves.
>>372168It’s funny because white and Asian women always whine about being hypersexualized but they also humblebrag about it in front of black women to goad us imo. Sorry but most Asian women I know pretend to be all SJW and down with the black girls in the streets but are calling us nigger and indulging moids fetishism in private. Same way white women claim to be black female allies but those snowbunny types can’t stop trying to goad black women on tiktok by dangling black men in front of us, trying to bait us and trying to get ass lips and boobs to ‘compete’ with us. They’re probably calling us the n word in private too. I really don’t trust anyone except other black women tbh. They don’t understand our pain.
No. 376518
>>375297Sorry for replying to you a week later, but people as light as the Khosians are not common, hence my point. But i am sure if some Africans did live somewhere less sunny, they would probably be as light as some African Americans, just because i know a lot of black people can tan heavily.
>>376432Honestly, it's pretty tough. I think the best way to deal with it is to know that you are
valid for being upset, don't try to completely suppress your emotions and cry about it if you have to so you can get those emotions out. When you are feeling a little more relaxed, just remember that racists are typically some of the most horrid people on this planet. A lot of them don't limit their hatred to just black people or whatever group of people they hate, they tend to treat people in their interpersonal life like shit and are filled with rage. Also, can you imagine just living your whole life with a group of people you supposedly don't like living rent free all the time on your mind, to the point where it probably inhibits your ability to feel pleasure and enjoyment? At the end of the day, we got to where we are in the western world by pushing through it and continuing to fight to have a good life, even is the dismay to people who despise us because they need an underclass to hate. You just being successful, liked and happy is the best way to get back at them as they aren't good enough as people to be at the top without nepotism and other forms of privilege to keep them there, that's why they are so threatened by diversity initiatives or learning that you can afford to live in an expensive city and go nice places.
No. 376719
>>376549Agreed. Swifties are evil, cancerous and racist as fuck.
>>376534I agree with you nona. Instead of looking for traits that indicate good nutrition, good genes, fertility etc I feel like everyone nowadays chooses beauty based on social status and fake shit.
No. 377047
>>376854I think it depends on where you are. In a lot of places unless you’re model-level pretty dating is more difficult as a black woman - but honestly is for any minority, I feel like in Europe I’ve seen other non-white women struggle more than us when it comes to this. However in a fairly diverse or less conservative place whether or not you are conventionally attractive is much more important. Including presentation (ie someone who gets called an “oreo” will have an easier time). The only people you’re missing out on here are white or asian trad types or mega racists who you don’t really want anyways. Average white women still have it easy in comparison to an average non-white woman, but the gap is exaggerated IMO and an above-average black woman will still get more attention unless she lives in hicksville. What’s more important to watch out for is fetishisers and closet racists who you find out only consider you “one of the good ones” since they’re attracted to you months or years into dating.
>>377027What is this even trying to say?
No. 377250
>>376854IMO it depends on where you are, who you're trying to date, and what you personally look like.
Don't shoot me, but I think there are more black women moping and doomposting about being "sooooo unwanted and undesirable" online than what actually goes on in 2020-2024 reality. Misery sells.
>>377027This post smells like rancid balls.
No. 377427
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Why do black women get famous and then date guys who suck? I don't understand, it's just so sad. What reason do they have to date such pathetic men. Nicki Minaj, Halle Bailey, Simone Biles, Doja Cat…it's just weird that it keeps happening, is it some sort of conspiracy or something? Has anyone else noticed this fuckery? It's just a complete mystery to me
No. 377463
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this is dumb but i never feel "black" enough tbh. for starters i can't code switch at all – to the black people in my life i sound white, but of course whites (it's just an american thing i think) clock me as black immediately when they hear me…i'm always othered.
then again most people, regardless of their skin tone and even over the internet, find me to be a very alien "other" but i digress, i think it might be un-diagnosed autism (??). i know being black is just a material reality like being female, but i don't know, i wish i was more "black".
i also hate that in my niche weeb hobbies (visual novels and ai shit mostly) it's RARE to find another woman, let alone a black woman. all this means is that i tend to be very lonely wrt my hobbies because each white scrote i might end up befriending (i can't find anyone else) WILL let something racist slip because he assumes i'm also a white male, and i'll have to ghost.
picrel is just something i find cute.
>>377427i don't think this is a black woman specific thing, see tswift's long string of terrible exes. also grimes dating elon, kim dating kanye, etc. etc. i don't get it either
>>377461i'm mostly on ibs and twitter. i also feel there's a HUGE difference between a casual anime fan and like….a /jp/-/a/ native like me kek. there are a lot of black people watching mainstream anime like bnha and fruit's basket but i mean it when i say i've never met another black woman into wakaba girl or subahibi or denpa vns in general.
(deleted and re-posted my post for clarity – it's probably still a rambling mess though, sorry.) No. 377471
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>>377463You sound just like me anon. I am too retarded to partake in tone switching
plus i sound posh when i speak, kek and has somewhat "niche" interests only scrotes and enbys enjoy. tbh, i don't really mind not feeling black enough, i am happy that i am doing things that fulfil me.
No. 377474
>>377470That could be the case too. Are you in any sort of weeb-proliferated spaces? Like alternative fashion girls on twitter and instagram
and tiktok. I’m also into this kind of stuff and have become mutuals and sometimes friends with the black girls in these subcultures - they’re weebs every time, and the chronically online ones are always into VNs kek. Even if you’re not into that kind of shit, just expand your reach a bit, I actually have come across black girls on imageboards but they’re usually self-hating handmaidens to white scrotes lol, same as the few south asian girls there.
>>377471This sounds like hell to me. I live in Britain, I don’t think there’s much of a tone-switching thing here? Accent is almost entirely class based. If I was expected to speak a certain way because I’m black that would stress me the fuck out.
No. 377526
>>377154Minimal meat for myself, though my family generally eats lots of meat. Lots of stews. Traditional staple foods like yam, taro, green bananas and the lot, though we've eaten less of them since we migrated.
I'm the one that introduces new dishes into the family mostly because I try to avoid meat. I take a lot of inspiration from regional Chinese cookong and I've gotten everyone on the tofu hype train.
>>376854No, never. Even when I dated both men and women and not exclusively women it was never an issue for me. I imagine it's different being straight though.
No. 377585
>>377154i'm southern so
>greens (green sprouts cut up as a snack, it's very healthy)>pinto beans >yams>souse, neckbones, ham hocks >cornbread, yeast rolls, etc.>sweet potatoes >used to eat gumbo a lot as a child general soul food like that
No. 377591
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what is it about this woman that inspires such worship? I don't get it, and I don't get why I'm expected to turn the other way towards her racist fans
No. 377592
>>377427It's about wanting someone similar to you, someone who make you feel normal. It's normal to want someone in your group. But when your normal is unhealthy….
>>377489celibacy is the only fair solution
No. 377623
>>377591same reason nicki's still on top despite all her bad choices and people supported johnny depp despite the guy already being convicted, celebrity worship and idolatry are powerful things. especially when it's a celeb you grew up with.
>>377592>celibacy is the only fair solutionyup
wish more bw would practice separatism
No. 377678
>>377635her fans are very racist towards black women and have a habit of claiming to speak for all womanhood. I never cared before this stupid dating shit but my god, I had no idea how rabid her fans are.
I have no option but to avoid
>>377653she broke up because of external pressure
>>377627She is the walking embodiment of millennial white womanhood. At best, they have nothing in common
No. 378036
>>372218Replying late
I've honestly been avoiding this thread but this is not something I got from twitter. I got his from observing real life and listening to the experiences of other black women. Even other black people will do it to black women, especially if she's dark skin. And besides anecdotal evidence, we all saw how Michelle Obama was treated.
No. 378089
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>>378084only if it's gaining money, education and muscles. Self-improvement is the only path worth taking in this shitty time period. I want to be 100% selfish and focus only on myself. That way, I can't feel the crushing despair of modern life
No. 378092
>>378075Black women
trigger you, we got it from the first post. Can you stop making the same vague complaint (that's not even really a complaint considering you can't even say what's supposedly wrong with it) now?
No. 378218
>may or may not have big boobssmall boob
>natural hairYes but it’s/3b tecture
>rock/ska loverRock, yes
>overtly geeky behavior Yes
How do I find nerdy black men who are okay with dark skin black women?
No. 378311
>>378283I want someone who understands me.
I think the divestment movement pushed on Black women give off ethnic cleansing vibes.
No. 378320
>>378311The idea that only a black man can understand you when the demographic you're looking for is the type of man that fetishises Asian women and puts Black women down is crazy. Expecting some sort of extra understanding from any man at all just because of a shared background is extra crazy.
This isn't me investing in divesting or whatever, I am not straight and do not care for whatever Black women are preaching about romance on the internet, but surely you know how dumb it looks to say you want someone who understands you when you had to caveat your desires with "who likes Black women".
No. 378323
>>378320I disagree. I think black women should stick with black men. Y’all are way too obsessed with your own blackness to be able to have a genuine relationship with anyone non-black. Also, you will raise actual tragic mulattos with your mindset.
T. biracial with a white mom/black dad
(racebaiting) No. 378339
>>378323Your post is bait but I’ll just say I generally don’t have a good impression of the white men who are part of the swirling/divestment movement. Candace Owens husband is fruity and said something weirdly sexual about wanting to have sex with her brother. Yuck. Christy Karazin’s husband called her a nigger in a private chat and also cheated on her. Last time I heard they were getting divorced. Diplo is going around giving black women AIDs. David Bowie seemed to love and treat Iman well but he was also a pedo and rapist sooo…
Anyway. I’m sure there’s decent non black men who love black women out there but frankly it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. 99% of men of every race are trash imo and everyone is competing for the 1% of decent ones. Black women already have a disadvantage so we have to compete even harder, and what’s it all really for in the end unless he’s leaving you all his money and treating you like a queen?
The whole point of marrying out is to try and find a man who treats you better, and if you can’t then it’s pointless. Also, dating out is fine, but not considering dating anyone of your own race is just self hate, full stop.
No. 378341
>>378338I don’t understand why we are always paired with white people specifically. I know they are the majority, but it’s still a little strange/agendaish. It makes me start wanting to dig out my tinfoil and think about how the US government would rather that black people didn’t exist because they dont need us anymore as slaves and how maybe they constantly push us to date and marry out with whites because it’s like soft culling the black population with each generation that breeds white. Hmm.
Like why are there no black women with Arab, Latino, Asian, Indian, etc husbands on TV or represented anywhere except maybe YouTube if you search for that pairing specifically. It’s always with a white person.
No. 378345
>>378342Bisexual and based in the UK and I only date women. It's never been an issue for me. My current girlfriend is mixed (white/black) but I've seen black women, Asian women and white women without issues. I know others who have had women be weird about their race, but I've only ever heard about it from East Asian women here.
I also don't understand the obsession with partner race and divestment. Sounds like a lot of unneeded stress.
No. 378356
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Funny how retards like to call us "farming equipment" as their little newfound racial slur, create a societal order in which other women typically don't have to work as hard as black women (even after having kids), but still want to call us "lazy". Even in Canada, it's black employees that are one of, if not then the most likely to be overqualified for a job. But we're "lazy" right? That's not what the stats really say about black women. "Farm equipment" this. "Lazy" that. Make up your fucking minds you wishy washy dumbfuck hillbillies. Just like with Mexicans, these retards complain about Latinos "stealing their jobs" but then wanna call them lazy. Can't even stick to a consistent propaganda, some users on this board are genuinely retarded and dumber than the "farm equipment" they live to complain about.
No. 378380
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>>378341If the government wanted to kill us, they would have done so along time ago. And they would kill you via bombings, poisoned water like in Flint, poisoned food, suspicious killings in the hospitals, etc. Weak ass tinfoil, step up your conspiracy game
No. 378381
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Will we ever have a real discussion on femicide? 5 black women die everyday but nobody inside or outside this community does anything. I have my gun and training, and I already avoid violent men. The Democrats see us as collateral damage for their stupid policies and I hate the fact that I have very little power over this. 2020 was such a failure to do anything for real. I needed to vent
No. 378382
>>378345It’s the element of having children. Straight people worry more about how their kids are gonna end up.
>>378377They have an easier time dating. Most disadvantages of being a black women are minimized with money. The more money you have the easier it is to have the life you want, safety and opportunity included.
No. 378383
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>>378377No, my life is pretty good. I'm sure the question is bait, but it's weird for me that there are adults who genuinely believe that non-black women automatically lead easier lives than all black women.
There are lots of non-black friends, nonnies, acquaintances, etc to remind me just how bad life can get. Being of African descent is not an inherent problem. Racism is, and I actually think society is becoming
less racist over time, despite the flareups.
No. 404724
>>378333If you're still in your "black experience" and BLM era you shouldn't be dating out IMO. You should go back to chasing black love until you really, really get sick and tired of it.
And who knows, you may not.