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No. 203317
Share any experiences or thoughts on current day sex work.
Have you ever cammed, sugared or escorted? How did it impact you psychologically?
Can sex work be something empowering and fulfilling, as Twitter prostitutes claim it to be?
Should sex work be legal and regulated? What do you think about Onlyfans and the recent ban reversal on it, etc.
Previous thread
>>90992 No. 203320
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OP here, and I've considered myself anti-SW for a while, especially due to the prevalence of violent pornography, and its effects on our youth. I thought the Children of Pornhub article was a really good mark in raising awareness of Pornhub's indifference to illegal content. (article if you haven't read it)
Due to recent events regarding the (reversed) ban of pornographic content on OnlyFans, I remembered Laila Mickelwait's Twitter account and how she seemed to be good at disseminating information about the worst issues with certain platform. I knew Laila was a Mormon or some other kind of fundamentalist pro-life Christian, but I thought her platform was great at raising awareness.
Turns out that recently, she has come under fire for posting
uncensored videos of
victims being assaulted. As a result, Rose Kalemba (the then 14-year old who had her rape recorded and posted on Pornhub, which was only removed when she emailed them pretending to be a lawyer) and other trafficking
victims have distanced themselves from her. You can read her lengthy blog article corroborating this here:, I'm not terribly surprised by this but it'll definitely help discredit people who are anti-porn/SW/trafficking. It does however make me slightly more accepting of OnlyFans if they have appropriate verification measures in place.
No. 203321
>>203320Hold on, she was posting screencaps of the
victims videos?? That’s so retarded beyond belief that I have to ask to be sure.
No. 203322
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>>203321Yep! Some people on Twitter said that she's done this a few times in the past, but this is the first I've ever heard of it.
No. 203324
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From the last thread
>200kg 40 year old slob
I just think it's funny how half of the last thread was camgirls complaining about swerfs being evil and how we're jealous or something when they often talk about each other worse than we do.
No. 203696
>>203324I'm the anon that posted that and I'm a SWERF and a
victim of CSA, grooming and literal sex trafficking. I was just trying to convince girls wanting to do it not to, it's not a good idea. Working in a field with no objective means to success is very frustrating. Just imagine selling the same product as Momokun while you take care of yourself and are nice looking and you make no money while she's a millionaire. Entering a "work" field where scrotes dictate your income and value is not a very smart idea since as proven countless times they are not very rational beings.
No. 205196
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Not female sex work but Jade Jolie from drag race did a Nazi porno nearly ten years ago and got ripped into for it on twitter. While it’s definitely a bad look, it also proves that twitter commies who “support sex workers” haven’t got a fucking clue what actual sex work entails. Do they really think every person on a porn shoot has a say on what they’re filming? I wonder if they support the black sex workers who star in master-slave porn, or the latina sex workers who star in immigrant-ICE agent porn (yes it’s real, yes I hate scrotes more and more every day)? They really think sex work consists of sugar babying and posting hole pics on OF, then turn their noses up when confronted with the real thing.
Basically social justice rhetoric and pro-sex work rhetoric are incompatible and pretty soon they’re going to have to pick one.
No. 205198
>>205196it's always ironic as fuck to me when woketards get upset at sex work/sex workers doing something "
problematic" like when they bullied august ames to the point of suicide because she didn't want to do a scene with a gay porn star who hadn't been tested. they actually expect everything about porn and the porn industry to be 100% politically correct and cater to their feelings and then get all surprised pikachu when it doesn't. like tf did you expect, dumbass. the cognitive dissonance is real.
No. 205207
>>205198I was shocked when I heard about her suicide and I think it's fucked that people gave her shit for it just because she wanted to protect her health in this case. How are a scrote's feeling more important than someone's health??? Woke my ass.
>>205200People usually also don't care about sex workers getting abused and killed because "well uh it comes with the territory", so good luck with trying to find someone who's interested in getting justice for a sex worker.
No. 205209

>>205207sage for blogposting, but I'm getting re-pissed about the august ames situation. I just looked up some news articles about it and they are obviously biased. the first tweet she put out did seem homophobic but she clarified herself after that, and none of the articles I saw showed her following tweets, only the first tweet. even her wikipedia page is obviously biased. repzion did a really good video on it though. and even if she
was being homophobic, why the fuck would they care anyway? why do you have no problem with all the other corrupt things going on in the porn industry or how porn fetishizes incest, sexualizes minors and degrades women but you draw the line at homophobia? I'm against homophobia obviously but their logic with what they think is acceptable and what isn't makes no fucking sense.
>People usually also don't care about sex workers getting abused and killed because "well uh it comes with the territory"sad but true, I saw a couple videos on youtube dragging lana rhaodes and mia khalifa for saying they felt pressured into doing things. lana rhoades for example got choked to the point of passing out, had a guy make her vomit into a bowl and then he pissed in it and wanted her to drink it. and these guys are just like "no one made you do that, stop trying to blame everyone else for your bad decisions you whore". meanwhile some of the same men are trying to say that women are "forced" into STEM because the government gives student loan forgiveness or something.
No. 205216
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I cammed and sold nudes when I turned 18 and was still in high school. I regret it. It opens your eyes that the odds of finding a boyfriend who won't be into teen girls years down the line are near zero. It was humiliating and sad.
No. 205287
>>205209Thx for linking the video anon.
JFC reading her following tweets made me even more mad about people bullying her into suicide. She was absolutely right about wanting to protect her body and not risking any STD's. It's sad how soon she killed herself after those tweets too, since she was found dead only two days after first tweeting about it and I wish she would've had the mental strength back then to push through it. Fuck that Wheeler guy in particular. God I hate people.
No. 205389
>>205354It's the blatant hypocrisy of wanting to gawk at other women and pretending like it's absolutely fine yet they don't dare to admit that they see it as degrading if their partner or family member did it.
Also sucks that men never bear consequences after having sextapes leaked. It's always women who have to fear for their jobs and reputation once a tape surfaces yet with a man everyone's like "meh,whatever" or "Lol cool shit bro". Blegh.
No. 206936
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>>206474A guy from Something Awful?
No. 208753
I’ve worked as an escort, a sugar baby, and a stripper at different points in my life. I used to drink the “it’s empowering” kool-aid pretty hardcore when I was in the thick of it, but now that I’ve moved on to a normal life with a career in my chosen field, I have a much more nuanced view I think.
It’s not the empowering haven of feminism that women on Twitter would have you believe, but it got me out of a really rough patch financially and emotionally. It’s fucked up but I was only able to afford to see a therapist, get on medication, and pay off debts after getting into sex work, even though the work itself can also be damaging mentally speaking so it’s kind of a cyclical problem. I was overall pretty unhappy when I was in the business, but there were some aspects that were enjoyable, and I don’t just mean the money. Every once in a while I felt like I made a genuine connection with a client, and actually felt comfortable with them and looked forward to seeing them again. I never faced any violent or dangerous situations and ironically the only verbally abusive client I ever had was another woman. Even still, I drank a ton on and off the job. I kept all of it a secret from most of my friends and family. And it made having an actual romantic relationship more or less impossible. It was really unhealthy and the more I look back, the more I’m glad I got out when I did.
That said I don’t think these women deserve the seething amounts of hate that get heaped on them from places like this site. Sure some of them can get all uppity and “at least I’m not flipping burgers” about it, but most of them (including the uppity ones) are just people in a lot of pain. And they often were like that long before they got into SW.
No. 208842
>>208840Lol you beat me to it, I was gonna post this but I forgot after I got off work.
Crazy ass world we live in..
No. 208846
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>>208842Damn it.
I refuse to believe men are
that desperate.
"Volunteers age 35 and over"…
No. 210248
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>>205207‘People’ don’t care, police do and they have to which is what is important. I’ve encountered dangerous situations in SW and there’s usually organisations in most developed countries that enable us to report anonymously, send alerts to other working girls and be put in contact with a (usually female) officer who is trained to interact helpfully and sympathetically with SW.
>>208753This - and whilst I’ve never shamed a civilian for making pennies, the uppity behaviour comes from them shaming us for selling pussy. It’s not like these women fire off at non-SW for no reason.
>>205354Yeah I’m a prostitute and I have no intention to ever disclose this aspect of my past to anyone, and especially not a boyfriend or husband. I’m in a kind of situationship with someone right now who I met doing this work and even though I’m happy with our arrangement, I sometime fantasise about how different it could have been if I’d never whored myself out and if we’d met under different circumstances. As it is, a relationship was never a possibility even though we both like each other a lot.
No. 210697
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anyone read this? give tldr pls
No. 212888
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In the US, it seems like there’s a shift towards the wholesale decriminalisation of prostitution. Prostitutes are no longer prosecuted in NY, bills are advancing in CA which include the decriminalisation of loitering with intent and seems other states are following with bills being advanced to slowly strip away laws that punish prostitutes. I think it’ll be a pretty big shift, especially if it can be proven that decriminalising prostitution can be done in a way that protects trafficking victims rather than that hurts them.
No. 212968
>>212930I feel like extreme heavy regulation of prostitution would be a good idea but unrealistic
This includes men having to get licenses before purchasing sex proving they aren't married or in a relationship and are not a sex offender.
No. 212971
>>212959they probably do in america (with the exception of nevada), but there are countries where it's decriminalized or legal
>>212945I actually don't know unfortunately. I think legalization also sounds bad (legalized means it's regulated by the government), decriminalization (meaning it's not illegal but not regulated) might make it safer, but I feel like it would also have a lot of negative consequences
No. 212991
>>212910I live in a country that has this setup, not a poor one either, relatively speaking. Around prostitutes there's a pimp hiding in every cupboard and closet, supposedly. Almost every story online involving prostitution suggests there's at least one criminal hovering around the sex worker, even if she's not clustered in with others and working "from home". Admittedly I don't have a full picture but I'm guessing not being directly harassed by police doesn't mean illicit activity doesn't attract criminals.
>>212983I don't see how regulation is le bad compared to just bare bones decriminalization either. No value in pretending society doesn't let it happen pr that being perpetually outraged at something so pervasive serves any meaningful purpose. Prostitution was regulated even in medieval times, prostitutes over here used to fall under the protection of the executioner and his novices (both being considered disreputable professions), which made them pretty safe, because nobody wanted to get lawfully filleted.
I wonder when this make-pretend purism came about… no, wait, I don't. It was the goddamn 19th century and English influence, I can smell the Victorians all over it.
No. 212996
>>205194being petite ≠ looking like a child
she is clearly an adult woman
No. 213018
>>205194>looks like a childshe has a full ass, is with a grown woman moon face and wears somewhat classy clothing on the video
stop feeding into the smol bean 'uwu i look like loli because im under 5ft7' meme by sperging about garden gnomesses
No. 213025
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>>212996>>212998>>213018It's mostly her face and her mannerisms that make her seem like she's trying to look like a child, not so much her being petite.
No. 213067
>>212983>>212991>I don't see how regulation is le bad compared to just bare bones decriminalization eitherFull legalization like they have in Germany leads to mega-brothels and an increase in prostitution on a large scale. Growth is unchecked and sex trafficking from poor countries goes up.
With decrim (or the nordic model) then there's still disincentive, but it's minor enough to be only a mild nuisance. Obviously it's not perfect, but nothing is
No. 213259
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>Durham University has defended its decision to offer training sessions to help students involved in sex work>Further Education Minister Michelle Donelan had accused it of "legitimising a dangerous industry which thrives on the exploitation of women">But the university said it was acting responsibly by offering students advice on how to stay safe>Last week its students' union offered staff and students guidance for people involved in the sex industry>Durham University said the courses were launched following requests "from a small number of concerned students">"We are emphatically not seeking to encourage sex work but we are seeking to provide support to our students," a spokesman said>He added the university's intention was to ensure "social stigma" did not stop vulnerable students accessing support and the training session had been "misinterpreted"Thoughts? I'm supportive of these sessions and feel that they've been massively misrepresented by the media. Nordic Model proponents once again prove themselves to be actively destructive towards prostitutes and
victims of the sex trade by trying to shut down every single outreach or initiative which seeks to help prostitutes that isn't 'zomg get out the industry rn!!! (whether you're able to or ready to or not).
No. 216758
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so this camgirl accidentally shot herself in the vagina, or it went off when she was having sex with a guy, the stories are incosistent. she's okay thankfully but just… god damn why was there a gun anywhere near her genitals. I mean I'm pretty sure I know why, but still No. 216964
>>213259Disclaimer: I've never done sex work.
While I think this is a good thing to do, ultimately it seems more like a bandaid solution. It's great that the university is putting in resources to help out sex workers, but why should students, who are vulnerable, turn to sex work to pay for tuition and their livelihood? I just checked the uni's site for a term's tuition and it was capped at 9250gbp, around 12k usd; for a more extreme example, around 15k cad. (I'm not British though, so my knowledge of this may very be false). It's a lot of money that most students don't have and not everyone's parents are willing/can help and not everyone can get a student loan. To me, education shouldn't be so prohibitively expensive that students, a large majority women, have to put themselves in vulnerable positions just to study. Why can't schools/governments nationalize education?
No. 217422
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>>216964It is a band-aid solution, just like putting Native Americans in reservations has been a band-aid solution.
They're too lazy, inconclusive, and greedy, to nationalize education.
And as long as there are people who know what was, there will always be people who are unable accept what can be. They will resist.
No. 219979
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I got robbed by a client some time ago, over two months, and I still feel so much pain and anger over it lol. He was so fucking rude to me the entire time straight off of the bat, really shifty, aggressive, kept asking bizarre questions and seemed weirdly attentive interested in looking around my hotel room. He kept calling me weird over and over again - and I WAS acting weird because of how fucking uncomfortable he was making me. I’ve been a hooker for some years now and have never had this happen to me.
No. 220765
>>212945A semi-decent idea would probably be regulated massage parlors and beauty salons, where the girls working there have a real and legitimate job as masseuses and hair removal / hair styling etc. but they can (if they so choose) also give and sell sex for extra cash to clients on the spot.
That would be a compromise.
No. 220775
>>219979Imagine actually assisting moids in becoming more degenerate coombrains who will eventually abuse and rape women.
You are such a dumb fucking idiot.
No. 220848
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>>220775Most sex buyers are either completely normal, white-collar types who are single/between relationships/having current relationship issues, or they’re awkward men that would be permavirgins if not for hookers.
This incident was exceptional because it’s so uncommon for this to happen. He was by no means a normal sex buyer, he was fundamentally uninterested in fucking me except as an opportunity to steal from me.
No. 220852
>>220848>Most sex buyers are either completely normal,whatever helps you sleep at night
don't be surprised when one of those "completely normal" guys assaults you
No. 220895
>>220848Sure, you can ice it up however you want, but my point still stands, you are assisting moids in becoming more degenerate coombrains who will eventually abuse and rape women.
And you are a dumb fucking idiot no matter how much you justify your precious white collar dick holders.
No. 221164
>>220869Women in whatever circumstance. The main problem are the men who think sex is a right and that they are right to buy it.
No. 221186
>>221182I legit have a close friend of mine who cheated on his gf with a prostitute. And she even looked like his gf… just, why?
I am so deeply sadenned that women justify this activity and give men the pleasure of sexual gratification. Women really need to love themselves more, men are NOT worth it.
No. 221188
>>221180Where do you draw the line though?
Seriously. There are those things, massage centres, where women work as masseuses, and some of them apparently get naked and offer some sexual activities to the clients.
And I'm not talking about foreign women working in those centres, but local women as well.
Is it any different from, say, a dude taking a girl out for dinner, then she decides to do the deed because she likes him?
No. 221191
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>>221182>muh koreaKorea is mostly Konfusian, so ofc
>muh menD'uh, for there to even be prostitution there has to be some kind of overarching imbalance
No. 221227
>>221211>is it really a romantic thing to be taken out by a guy, he pays a nice dinner, then out of "I have to pay him back somehow" you end up in his bed?no, but that's why nobody with a shred of dignity thinks like this
if a guy offers to pay then that's on him and if you sleep with him that early on you've either been groomed from a young age to do so or you have absolutely zero self-esteem and let men walk all over you
No. 221236
>>221227It depends: either money enters the equation, or other things enters the equation, when making decisions to have sex. When money enters the equation it's usually called prostitution (and therefore even models on OnlyFans can be called prostitutes).
And what happens when some 50 year old actor loaded with cash is with a 20 year old girl? Just because he's an actor that's somehow ok…
Whether money, social stuff, or beauty/attractiveness/quirkiness, something must click in order for the sexual connection to happen.
And if you do decide to have sex with a guy, and he accepts, then you're going to be picked by him… therefore you become a pickme as you have done things in order to be selected by him
No. 221244
>>221236>And what happens when some 50 year old actor loaded with cash is with a 20 year old girl? Just because he's an actor that's somehow okonly creepy groomer moids and pickmes think so
>Whether money, social stuff, or beauty/attractiveness/quirkiness, something must click in order for the sexual connection to happenno, infatuation and sexual connection are not mutually inclusive and people have sex without actually being attracted to someone all the time, which has nothing to do with love or relationships
>And if you do decide to have sex with a guy, and he accepts, then you're going to be picked by him… therefore you become a pickme as you have done things in order to be selected by himthat's not how it works and you're putting an awful lot of effort into your mental gymnastics to justify being a whore to yourself
No. 224936
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No. 224938
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I'm an entitled rich bourgeoisie bc I dont agree with making prostitution legal
No. 224939
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>>224936As much as i hate these tweets i really think they make sense with the kind of people that get into sex work, they victimize themselves so fUCKING MUCH and talk about how everyone hates them and doesn't respect them, the risk and effort that goes in taking pictures and a second later they're bragging about how "lol i don't do shit and get a lot of money" to keep shitting on people who they deem inferior because they clean a bathroom or cook some fast food
No. 224948
But acting like taking a stance on sexwork like Germany took is an end be all to the situation is an incredibly naive way of thinking
No. 224980
>>224936>>224968Just realized the tweet is a response to something but anon posted it without context, even if that's what they meant there's better ways of expressing you're against explotaitive jobs.
Also i din't say it was self-victimising i think you need to re-read my post
No. 227879
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I’ve more or less quit being a hooker. I may have to grind a little for cash in the summer, plus I see my regulars every now and then for rent money but I’m officially retiring completely by September 2022. I have to think back and wonder: was it worth the money? The answer is no. I feel that this job has isolated me, destroyed my relationship to money and made me complacent in developing any actual skills or talent. Anyway, yeah.
No. 228336
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>>228293Well, the State has both moid and femanon slaves.
Sometimes they team up to make ends meet and form arrangements to satisfy needs.
Not much that can be done about that.
The State holds both of them using the chains of healthcare.
No. 228383
I don't want to but I left sex work about a year ago and unfortunately will have to get into it again for survival reasons. I've gotten a good job that pays decent but not a lot, but they laid me off yet again for an unknown reason. For reference I'm in the medical field, we were extremely understaffed to begin with, like 1 nurse and CNA for every 8-16 patients who are all in critical care, I've even had several coworkers leave good remarks about it but I notice a lot of nurses here were very careless and it felt it appeared I was "struggling" due to the fact that I would be the only one who would ask questions about what you're supposed to do where as most workers just ignored the patients
It makes me extremely nervous because I had to get my husband's grandpa to partially pay for rent this month and I'm in a new city with no support since husband's parents cut him off once we moved to be closer to him. I fucking hate sex work, I hate creepy men, I hate them touching me, I hate that all of them are married, but it's the only way to get a decent job that actually gives me hours and doesn't fire me after the first month and it's no joke right now I really cannot be without income especially since I'm pregnant
Husband is facing this same issue as well and several of my other friends are, every single place either doesn't pay enough, ghosts after an interview for no apparent despite claiming to be desperate for people, or when you do get the job you get fired shortly after for any reason they possibly can think of
No. 228405
>>228383this is a very tricky situation anon.
What does your husbands works as? is there a way for one of you to atleast get a part time job?
I dont know your religious status but if you are in desperation you should try looking into magick and dietys when you have free time.
No. 228406
>>228293so easy to say that when you are living a nice cushy comfortable life.
Radfems really are becoming the new nlog pickmes.
No. 228410
>>228383So sorry you're in this situation anon, you can and must avoid getting back into SW for your baby's sake. It's not just your body on the line anymore, what if you get an STD that affects baby's health? Let alone the physical danger… You know the risks of course.
Is it too much to ask what city you're in/near? Because there are lots of orgs focused on keeping women out of prostitution (some brand it as human trafficking rescue to avoid libfem bs) and they can help you with getting a job or the right social support. Thing is they are often scattered and small orgs.
Last resort is to go to local (larger) churches and tell them your story, ask around if any of the congregations are willing to pray for you, eventually one will say yes and they will either suggest raising money for you or individuals will come up to you afterward the sermon with donations. It's embarrassing and humbling as fuck but it's better than the alternative. You don't have to believe in God, just the goodness and empathy of people.
Also I hope to hell your husband knows the gravity of the situation and is busting his ass to keep you and his baby out of SW, if he takes a single nap or has a single night out with the boys when you're on the edge of this horrible reality I hope he gets struck by lighting while being kicked in the balls by an angry mule
No. 228415
>>228410i think anon already has/had a job as a nurse and its not enough to survive where she lives.
Churches barely give money anymore, like the max they'll give her is like maybe for something to survive on 2 weeks and then what is she supposed to do.
>>228412No anon i dont mean for you to go to churches, im talking about magick and deitys. If you are that desperate you could try looking into deitys related to money and jobs.
>He's a zookeeper but has been going through restaurant jobs to help pay oof both of those jobs pay very little, is there a way for the two of you to move out to a place that's more financially secure?
No. 229068
>>229057exactly, if some anons here are priveleged, too young or living comfortably with parents then they shouldn't be giving advice because their advice is utter shit. ''hehe just go into debt or beg churches for money'' what kind of advice is that moron.
>>229048lets get back to reality anons, the men who make alot of money doing those cam shows are either extremely handsome or are young twinks which im betting her husband is none of those things.
Now here is actual advice for the anon. Since you are already a nurse try to look into working as a private duty and freelance nurse in your spare time so you can make extra money.
No. 247334
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What does partially legal mean for some of these countries?
Is it just that prostitutes themselves won’t be locked up but it’s still illegal for someone to solicit sex?
No. 247335
>>247334>partially illegalthe prostitutes won't be charged with a crime for prostituting themselves. As much as I hate sex "work" many of the women are in it out of desperation or sex trafficking, so why punish them further when they're already destitute?
>partially legalYou can prostitute and pay for a prostitute but you can't run a business that manages prostitutes i.e. a brothel. I guess the logic behind that would be that it might reduce incidences of sex trafficking (doubt)
No. 248285
>>248279Men who are taking advantage of and trafficking these women never get punished. Eastern European women have always suffered from western men treating them like objects because no one defends their rights and their economy is so bad its easy to trick those girls into thinking they'd get to live a luxurious lifestyle.
No. 249489
>>249383whatever you do, don't get into hardcore porn because you only get paid $400-$500 per scene unless you're willing to do really extreme stuff. camming was already oversaturated before the pandemic and has only gotten moreso, that's not to say you can't make any money off it, but it will probably be a challenge. also if you do camming make sure you switch your location to a different country than the one you live in. I don't have any experience with IRL stripping, but it's probably the most profitable, or at least it was, but with covid restrictions I have no idea.
onlyfans is really unpredictable, the only thing that will guarantee you success is if you have a large following first or are willing to cater to a specific niche. you also have to spend a lot of time everyday talking to your fans since they're mostly there to pay for your attention.
and by "food delivery" I'm guessing you mean doordash? I've never done doordash but places that will actually hire you as an employee like papa john's or domino's are supposed to reimburse you for gas. you could also get a skill like copywriting or photoediting to do on the side. those take a bit of time to do though.
No. 249496
>>249482>>249483>>249489>>249383Are we going ironic here? If so, feet, mukbang (eating in front of a camera), weight gain, burping and farting are relatively easy to do and seem to sell well and are very tame, compared to other things
The problem will be competing with many others who do the same thing
It's really better if you get a better paying job, though
No. 249525
>>249383Agree with anon and push for more money or a promotion. Boost or rewrite your CV and get a higher paying job. Sex work is a trap that some can make the most of and can lead to you getting fired from your current job. Unless it’s anonymous things like feet or selling underwear (100% untraceably) it’s not worth it.
>>249482Do not anon. Become a YouTuber instead, it’s far more profitable for less effort. You can do a variety of things, grow into a real celebrity and your fans will really love you. Consider that every man who might watch you cam would still watch you stream games, review a movie or do mukbangs etc. You can abandon your channel and still get paid for views whereas your cam videos will be reposted around the net in days and you won’t see any profits. People with an existing audience don’t need only fans at all, it doesn’t take 2 seconds to make your own subscription site where you’ll keep all the money. Most of the biggest people on OF are collecting money from smaller accounts, you don’t want to be stuck doing that do you?
No. 249530
So this woman has an Onlyfans so that she can make good money while not working much to be a full-time mom. Which is fucked up on its own but then you have her making a video on barcroft/truly with her face and the face of her children saying that she hides what she actually does for work. And there are more women like her who have done the same thing are they fucking stupid? She is basically asking to be found out and for her kids to be bullied and even approached by weirdos. What is the logic behind it?
>>228383I really hope you managed to find another alternative anon. Please don't do that to yourself
No. 250372
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>>250081>According to them they were trying to make money the regular way but they just couldn't keep up with the high cost of livingThat's the problem in a lot of countries now, for example you can work as a cleanster but it really doesn't pay much and you're probabily going to have to live with your parents in order to cut expenses.
Anyway a story from reddit, she did porn for a while but then she quit and became a registered nurse.
No. 250522
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>>249548Apparently some women manage to get out of the situation and don't suffer permanent damage
No. 254860
>>254776Nah I get that, being a domme is still catering to scrote fantasies. The good thing I get to do is deny them, and no matter how much they're into it, a lot of them actually don't jerk of as much as you think.
this may be better in the confession thread but one of my favourite clients is a man who plays torturous, saw level games with himself and gets as close to killing himself as he possibly can.
He has a game where he tosses the keys to his handcuffs into a basement, only he's wearing a leather mask that covers his eyes and ears, had a choker connected to an attachment in the middle of the ceiling connected to a bungee cord on his neck, which is connected to the pvc pipe attached to his cuffs.
He also has a cinderblock attached to a rope tied to his balls, and a listerine enema up his ass. I don't want to have to explain that, but you can guess to some extent what it is. He'll wriggle around hands cuffed behind his back, enema in, balls tied to try and find these keys, sometimes for days and only then would he be able to unbind himself. He's literally insane with a suicide fetish and that's why he's so interesting to me. He'll never kill himself, but I wonder what'll push him to the point that he does No. 254881
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Prostitution is unequal.
No. 254958
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>>254860pls learn to love yourself anon cause that shit is nasty
No. 256391
>>203317Empowerment is such a liberal choice feminist buzzword and it's completely irrelevant. Choices that people make don't exist without 0 influence from their environment. Let's say you're not selling your ass because of pressure from poverty or low self-esteem, but because you simply think it's an easier way of earning money than McDonalds, it still doesn't give any actual power.
Real power is something you have like influence, wealth and control.. which women still don't have a lot of globally. "Empowerment" -at least in the libfem usage of the word, is just a feeling.
No. 256393
>>256391Same anon continued;
The fact this is even considered a "feminist issue" is really cringeworthy considering how women in Eastern Europe + Global South have largely been pushed to prostitution because of poverty and trafficking. Like FFS even authoritarian Communist countries are more progressive than most Liberal retards I see advocating for this "sex work is work" shit.
No. 263011
>>212983late as fuck reply, but I guess one of the arguments against legalization (and in favor of decriminalization) is that it leads to a lot of the same problems that it being totally illegal does.
for example, one of the reasons people want decriminalization is so that prostitutes can call the cops on their johns if the john gets violent, which a prostitute can't do because if prostitution is illegal. but if there are regulations in place she isn't following then that's still not an option (like, Idk, if the law dictates she has to be in a brothel and she's in her home or something like that). or if said prostitute is an illegal alien (which, I could be wrong, but I think the majority of sex workers in the world are women trying to flee third world countries and get into sexwork because they can't legally work or because they got forced into it by the person who smuggled them). I don't have a source on that though so don't quote me.
another argument is that law enforcement abuses sex workers, so making it legal (i.e. regulated) would just give law enforcement more power.
other anons made good points too though. also there was an article a long time ago that I don't have unfortunately, but it was about a woman in germany who could technically "work" at a brothel which was the only available job. the government wouldn't give her benefits because they saw her not wanting to become a prostitute as refusing to work.
No. 263052
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It all depresses me.
No. 264514
>>264510>hundred cock stateEveryone knows that’s just PTSD that often comes with getting into porn and sex work. Anon makes a good point.
What they don’t mention is the 1000 coom stare that men get when they do nothing but watch porn and stare at instathots all day because it rots their brains from the inside out and turns them into mindless instinct driven animals.
No. 264670
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Woke pro rape activism is here.
No. 265796
>>265183Absolutely no one should be paying for sex, It's barely even consent.
I don't really know how I feel about people buying things like Onlyfans subscriptions since I feel like it's so different from IRL sex work.
No. 265984
>>265796It isn't really different because they're paying for pictures of naked subjects and naked body parts which wouldn't otherwise be shown.
"You'll get access to these pictures if you pay 200$ a month" - "I'll have sex with you if you pay me 200$" - "I'll have sex with you if you buy me a nice dinner"
Money is still involved in all situations
No. 265988
>>265984>Implying that you're required to fuck a guy if he buys you dinnerScrote logic. In fact, if a guy views dates as a vending machine where you put food in and get pussy out, it's a huge red flag.
When you tell a guy you'll fuck him for money, that's a service you're advertising and/or providing. Agreeing to go on a date is not a "service" you exchange for food, for fuck's sake. It's no wonder you guys do sex work– your perception of relationships is totally fucked.
I agree with the other anon that prostitution is a form of coercion. Like, you wouldn't fuck this guy in a million years, but now you have to in order to feed your kids/pay rent/whatever. Say what you want about working at McDonalds, at least there's no risk of getting AIDS doing it.
No. 266011
>>265988It's a sad reality when every person has to work in order to feed the kids/pay rent/whatever.
If you can go without feeding/whatever for long times, then you can do little work to sustain yourself.
No. 266286
>>266020Imo it depends on if you were an irl sex worker or on the internet. If you were a porn star and all your stuff is all over the internet it might be better to be upfront about it. If not then it's a different story.
I've heard stories of women who were sex workers (sometimes for a very short time) and people will find evidence that they were an escort or whatever and send it to their partners/employees/family as blackmail.
Personally if I didn't think blackmail was likely I'd just keep it to myself as people are rather judgemental. But ultimately it's up to you.
No. 266443
>>266426No shit. The point is to put an end to prostitution altogether by criminalizing nasty scrotes who view women as a commodity. Desperate women willing to do anything for money are clearly being taken advantage of here, and are often trafficked or mentally ill.
Functionally, how is "fuck me or you'll starve" any different from "fuck me or I'll blackmail you?" You're being coerced into sex you don't want either way.
No. 268320
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Huge post incoming:
I feel like I have gone through a huge shift in my views on the sex industry and sex work recently, although I guess it's been an ongoing thing throughout my adult life. I was exposed to porn from an early age and groomed online and always had a lot of fear and dislike of men. It continued this way, with me too scared to say no to them, until I was manipulated into exposing myself for money as soon as I turned 18, and then I quit for good after having horrible experiences that made me want to harm myself. After that I tried to have a normal relationship but was cheated on with a sw, and during the breakdown of that relationship I found lolcow. I stayed here for years and years and then of course over time there was more feminist discussion that followed and sex work started to get discussed more and more. The way anons talked about women who did online sw totally fed into my feelings of pain and betrayal from being cheated on with one in the past and my own painful experiences being a commodity. While I have never identified with a political label I took a lot of what radfem anons said at face value and started directing my self hatred at the sex industry, but sadly the women in it instead of focusing on the scumbag scrotes as is too common on lolcow. I still have disdain for pedo promoters like Shayna, but in all the infighting over the last months about it I realized I was totally in the wrong to be listening to and regurgitating some of the stuff I was about women in the sex industry. Not every sex worker is Shayna or some other pedo. A while ago I started talking to women who are actually in sex work currently and realized I was letting these women be built up as total boogeymen to me by lc hot takes, but they were actually normal people just like I had been in their position. All of them also came from troubled homes and had very real problems and reasons for doing what they were doing. The ones who do irl sex work as well are big supporters of decriminalization because as
>>266426 mentioned, the Nordic model has huge gaps. I started researching what sw policies actually exist because of that. Not every woman can or is ready to leave the industry, or even wants to because for some of them it is all they know, the difference between life and starvation. If only buyers are criminalized then women have to risk being murdered in highly secretive meetings just to stay alive, and I realized it’s not ok to support policies that kill women if you truly care for women more than men. Criminalizing buyers forces women underground (and I know nonas know how this works, it's basically the same as how you can't ban abortion but only safe abortions. You can’t ban prostitution, only prostitution where the women can seek help and care if something goes wrong.) Legalizing it at a government level is also shitty for women as it allows stuff like Germany to happen with ultra exploitative megabrothels. I know I'm probably going to get called a libfem and maybe I am(?) if supporting decrim makes you one, I still don't really identify with political labels and hate liberal warhawks and people like troons and redditors who want to paint sex work as empowering, it definitely isn't. It's a sad fact of life and I wish we could wake up tomorrow in a world where the sex industry didn't exist at all. I hate the men who run the industry, I hate pimps, and I even hate the buyers. But I refuse to hate these heavily exploited women as a group now, or ever again. Most of them do not groom other women into it and just want to live their lives. I condemn the few groomers there are but they are not and will never be the majority. I wanted to talk about it because I know there are some anons who feel the same way I do and have been struggling with it, and I feel like writing this might help someone. If not and I just get flamed, then oh well. I don't think of these women as whores anymore, I can't. I can't even in good conscience say what they are doing is not "work" anymore, it’s how they’re supporting themselves and their families. I was really misguided and wrong, projecting my anger where I had no place doing so. Something else I now see is that it seems the kind of cheating that happened to me isn't uncommon, anons bring up men cheating with sw often and it makes me sad because I feel like some of you are hating these women for the same misguided reasons I did, trying to justify your anger and pain and self hatred with a rational, ideological argument. Please just consider that maybe it isn’t all so black and white.
No. 268521
>>268320Hi anon, I appreciate your opinion. I've never been a sex worker or cheated on with one. Overall, I agree with your opinion. I don't fault, dislike, or hate sex workers. Especially the ones who are teens, especially in a world where only fans are advertised everywhere on social media. However, there are a few points I somewhat disagree with:
>If only buyers are criminalized then women have to risk being murdered in highly secretive meetings just to stay aliveProstitutes are already murdered at a high rate. I don't think any policy, criminalized or not, will lessen the amount of prostitute related deaths.
>Criminalizing buyers forces women underground They're already underground to an extent. Why would criminalizing buyers be taken any more seriously than the criminalization of prostitutes in this current atmosphere? I'm just speaking from experience having lived in a huge American city. Prostitutes are largely left alone in comparison to the amount on the streets by the police. Overall, no one is wasting ridiculous resources on arresting prostitutes, so why would they go after buyers any more aggressively? If anything, I bet they would be more lax on buyers regardless if the penalty was worse.
Regardless, I understand where you're coming from. Again, I really am disgusted with how prostitutes get treated by women. I still personally think it should be decriminalized for buyers. Once society says they are okay with women selling their bodies, in my opinion, you reach a point of no return.
I appreciate also what you are saying about many sex workers being disadvantaged - but the truth is, now, sex work is being promoted as a job for women who have the intelligence and resources to do other sorts of work that contributes to society. What I mean is that only fans has absolutely reached the middle class, even the upper middle class, and I think that is a shame. I suspect that is related to less college enrollment among gen z as well. I really appreciated one ex-only fans worker's perspective when she talked about one of the reasons she stopped was because she realized that more and more women were moving towards sex work who weren't in desperate situations and consequently women are/will be inhabiting less influential and directly useful jobs. It's a bit conspiracy theorist, but it is an interesting perspective. Anyway.
>Most of them do not groom other women into it and just want to live their livesNot sure what your definition of most is, but I think a larger amount groom other women into it than you think, especially with the advent of Only fans promo codes. I also have worked/volunteered in homeless shelters/rehab facilities and you see a lot of female pimps and groomers, far more than you might think. I live in Los Angeles so that may be why I have this perspective. But it is what I have seen a fair amount of. So I'm not sure I can totally agree with this statement in one sense, though yes, perhaps you could argue by a small percentage men groom more women into the trade than women, but irl, it's a slim percentage. For the record, these groomers, I still have sympathy for - many of them just see them as boosting their own business or giving to others what to them is good advice.
In terms of the bitterness other anons have towards sw who their partners have cheated on them with, I personally agree it's misdirected. At the same time, I can understand where that bitterness comes from - it is humiliating having your partner cheat on you for someone who sees him as a check. Survivalist or not, many sex workers would be quite hurt if their partners cheated on them, too. So it just is what it is. People tend to misdirect anger in general towards people their partner has cheated on them with - blondes, white girls,
poc, whatever label they can attach to the cheater. I guess I don't read it as that deep when I see an anon seething at that.
Anyway, it was nice reading your opinion.
No. 268536
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>>268521>Not sure what your definition of most is, but I think a larger amount groom other women into it than you think, especially with the advent of Only fans promo codes. I also have worked/volunteered in homeless shelters/rehab facilities and you see a lot of female pimps and groomers, far more than you might think. I live in Los Angeles so that may be why I have this perspective. But it is what I have seen a fair amount of. So I'm not sure I can totally agree with this statement in one sense, though yes, perhaps you could argue by a small percentage men groom more women into the trade than women, but irl, it's a slim percentage. For the record, these groomers, I still have sympathy for - many of them just see them as boosting their own business or giving to others what to them is good advice.NTA, in my country we call them Lovergirls
>A lovergirl acts like a girl's friend. She starts conflict between the parents and their daughter so that their bond becomes bad, making the girl more involved with the lovergirl. The victims then start to see the lovergirl as a good friend, because the victims often look up to the lovergirls. As a result, they do what the lovergirl asks of them. Another way in which lover girls entice their "girlfriends" into prostitution is by giving them expensive things. At a later time they use these gifts as blackmail; they then state that the victim must do something in return for these gifts.>Because of this friendship between the lovergirl and the victim, the victim does not often talk about the situation with anyone else, if at all. This makes it difficult for assistance to help the victim.>The lover girls themselves are also often seen as victims, because it is claimed that they do it mainly to avoid getting into prostitution themselves.All you can really do against these things is education education education. We even have movies targeted towards teens about how loverboys (Romeo pimps) target women and girls. Lovergirls are lesser known, but there are educational shortfilms about them too. Criminalizing anything after 20 years of legality would just destroy the protections and possible ways out built up for prostitutes. I also think it's hypocritical, I'm probably going to be attacked for this, but a lot of marriages and relationships are not much different from prostitution. Instead of selling yourself for sex to dozens of men, it's just to the one, but it's a monetary transaction for sex nonetheless. Especially with the housing crisis and how poly has become very popular as a result, having to have sex to become a roommate, since it's so competitive. Women dating men they don't even really like, just to be able to move out of their parent's home. Society has always been okay with women selling their bodies, just mainly in the form of a relationship not based purely on love, in a way where the transaction isn't more obvious. The cultural problem has always already been there. I really only see this problem going away once patriarchy and capitalism is gone (or that there's at least UBI). The sex industry is just one of the many ways women are bartered as commodities and merely a symptom of a larger disease. One of the reasons Onlyfans was probably so palatable to many women, was because many have gotten used to sending nudes to boyfriends.
No. 268567
>>268521>>268536Thank you both for your perspectives and to adding to the conversation so thoughtfully and with so much detail. Both have given me some new info and things to think about and it's much appreciated. There were a few things I wanted to respond to in particular
>I don't think any policy, criminalized or not, will lessen the amount of prostitute related deaths.Maybe you're right, I could simply be looking at it too idealistically and am ultimately still learning. But it's important to keep an eye on things that can be done to change that and I do hope that eventually there's something that can be done on a broad scale so fewer women will die that way.
>In terms of the bitterness other anons have towards sw who their partners have cheated on them with, I personally agree it's misdirected. At the same time, I can understand where that bitterness comes from - it is humiliating having your partner cheat on you for someone who sees him as a check. Survivalist or not, many sex workers would be quite hurt if their partners cheated on them, too.I totally agree with that, I think the reason I wanted to talk about it specifically is because with me that initial feeling of bitterness spiraled really far out of control without me even understanding why. But anyone has a right to be angry about being cheated on. It's just how we use that anger that matters, and we shouldn't use it to hurt ourselves or others if we can avoid it. I don't want someone to have to spend as much time doing that as I did.
>LovergirlsI did not know about this specific name for this sort of thing and will definitely research it more, it's terrifying that this is so widespread. You're right, education is the best weapon against something like that.
No. 268704
I've been a full-service SW for 5 years. I don't have a goal or agenda for this post I'd just like to share my experiences. I just want to point out before I begin that I am a white woman that works with a brothel in a state that has passed its first stage of decriminalisation, The reason I say 'work with is that I am legally classed as an independent contractor where I have my business number, pay my taxes etc. In summary, all that means legally speaking is that the broth can't tell me to do jack shit.
Unfortunately, though, this may not be the case for quite a lot of workers. Internationally owned brothels with-hold girls' passports and make girls live at the brothels and work 12 hours shifts back to back. There are infamous brothel owners in the city that prey on barely legal girls who have applied to be strippers, only for them to show up to a brothel for an interview and are convinced by the supposed "$2k a night" by just sucking dick instead. (This dude has also lurked on underage Facebook groups as well)
I started when I was 20 and have experienced some pretty terrible conditions but I am grateful that it doesn't compare to what I just described. At my current place though, If I have to kick 7 dudes barely 5 minutes into their hour bookings because they keep asking me to suck their dick without a condom (1. Gross dudes genuinely don't wash their dicks 2. Its illegal), management doesn't even bat an eyelid and call the police if the Johns argues. Oh, and they don't get any of their money back either, as soon as they break the rules they agreed to before anything happens, that's on them.
With all this being said I'm I getting tired of this job? Sure. I started in the industry trying to get a job as a brothel receptionist, had boring sex with a dude and was like fuck it I might as well get paid for it, then I jumped the desk. I've worked with some incredible ladies over the years, I've got a house deposit all ready but holy fuck my body hurts and I look forward to having a calm 9-5 desk job. Yeah, some parts of the job are annoying sometimes but I still say I enjoy coming to work, even if it's a dead night and all I do is chain smoke ciggies and chat shit with my friends.
Whatever your views about this clusterfuck of an essay, it's a perspective coming from "white girl" sex work. Street workers may not be as lucky, and POC workers may not be as lucky. I don't expect all of you to agree with my life choices and that's fine, I didn't write this to change minds so absolutely no hard feelings. I am willing to answer questions btw so feel free to ask, I might not answer though. :^)
No. 268705
>>268704Also! One last thing now everyone has their own moral code but I've this pop up a bit.
The whole "dudes cheating on their misses with a hooker" thing. I under stand and empathise that being cheated on is a massive breach of trust in a relationship but it really isn't a hookers fault
Quite frankly it's the bloke's decision whether or not he's going to fuck one of us and that's that, we aren't going to interview him about his family life before a booking.
Now imagine for a sec you're a horny dude and your wife hasn't touched your dick for 10 years (again their problem, not ours, go to marriage counselling). You can either A. Put in the emotional labour, spend $400 on wooing a lady behind your partner's back and you might still not get laid.
Or B. Pay to fuck a hot chick where you know you aren't going to bring any diseases home to your partner (did you know you can get/ STIs by sucking bare dick? You'd be surprised how many don't know that), and the lack of emotional intimacy which means you never have to see each other again.
Regardless if you are monogamous relationship and you'd rather have 30 minutes of bliss for $400 while also completed destroying the trust of the person you are apparently in love with, that just shows you are a piece of shit and the partner deserves better, you can't blame the hooker who just wants to buy her cats a fancy litter box or a gaming PC.
No. 268727
>>268718I mean rent and life necessities are absolutely paid off too, I just think it's a little boring having that as the only think your money goes too. I can only speak from my experience but I've seen enough black encrusted smegma under foreskin during during pre-booking health checks to never put one are their bare dicks In any of my holes
No. 268742
I had some more thoughts this morning about the Onlyfans referral code thing from
>I think a larger amount groom other women into it than you think, especially with the advent of Only fans promo codesSo basically when I think more deeply about this, Onlyfans is running itself like a multilevel marketing structure, or to put it more bluntly, a pyramid scheme. Throughout the entire history of pyramid schemes, the people these companies (almost always owned by men, with an exception or two) target the most to exploit are women. Especially women who have bad economic situations or unstable living situations, just like the ones those higher up in the sex industry target. I'm not an expert on Onlyfans, but if I remember correctly the codes are a newer thing and have not always been part of the platform. So some of the women using them could have been on Onlyfans pre-code, and now the system has changed in such a way that to keep making ends meet is to use this multilevel system. To me that means that Onlyfans, the predatory company, is more to blame for the grooming. They are setting up an entire structure that uses women against one another, just like these scams always do. When I see women in multilevel marketing trying to recruit others, it's annoying, but I don't think it's exactly comparable to grooming even though they're still fucking up someone else's life. Ultimately those women are still being taken advantage of too by something bigger than them to put food on the table, just like young women and young mothers who get trapped in a pyramid scheme. I think it's really, really awful that this is happening because it will result in more women joining this exploitative site and thinking the sex industry is something easy and safe when it is not. But I also think that the women who are sharing these codes are probably either ignorant to what they are actually participating in (companies like this create a culture of denial to fool those on the lowest rungs) or at least stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to pay the bills. It's a bad thing, but I also do not believe that it should be treated as grooming on the same level as the kind of prolific female groomers
>>268536 described.
Ultimately every woman on onlyfans except maybe a select few who are at the top and/or have a role in the company side is still being exploited by the website.
Also I'm so sorry I fucked up this post so many times trying not to make it a brick of text, please don't skin me alive kek. No. 268985
>>268776>>268788I think in some cases it might be just like the Grant Amato case. Sarian did a great one in this.
(learn2embed) No. 270453
>>270413i'll try to explain it without giving away too much, but for me there's a difference in spending years getting an education vs. actively doing something and making money off of it in real time. my mental health problems hinder me from learning, plus due to circumstances i can't afford to study.
i have some experience with marketing/social media through my full time job, nothing massive though, and i'd probably have to learn a lot while doing it.
No. 270811
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>>270788If they can throw pennies at you, it means they have all the power over you
No. 270845
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>>270788They ABSOLUTELY are, anon. It's pretty obvious to me that this is exactly why some moids are still trying to trick women into onlyfans even though everyone knows it's no longer a viable strategy… They aren't delusional. They pretend they are, but it's really because they love the power rush of "punishing" women by making them beg for scraps
No. 272369
>>270321not an answer, instead I want to ask:
Isn't the foot fetish thing basically a meme? I think perhaps some did take it seriously when, in truth, it is 100% said as a joke.
Sure in the age of coomerism interest in foot stuff will also see an increase, but a negligible one.
this whole idea is just too silly
No. 275045
Saw this trainwreck essay
>mentally abusive moid doesn’t fuck his gf>fucks prettier girls instead>the girl starts escorting because it gives her validation from men >” escorting cured me from using sex as validation!”Astounding mental gymnastics i must say No. 276761
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I got robbed today. And the man who did was so fucking rude the entire time, I’ve never felt so degraded in my life. Of course he made sure to fuck me beforehand though. Told him my price, he gave me a disgusted look and said “$* for minutes?” so I bartered down because I was immediately intimidated by his strange aggressive attitude and wanted him gone ASAP. He kept calling me a weirdo and asking me if I was on drugs, when the only reason I was behaving weird was because he made me so nervous with his shifty and rude words. Of course he came specifically to rob me so that’s probably why. Maximum pain.
No. 276819
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>>275045Is this her? Taken from her Twitter
If so this moid had no room constantly rambling about how he needs to fuck hot girls because he didn't find her sexually attractive. Beautiful women always have self esteem on the floor
No. 288385
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Tfw finally going back to being a hooker next week. Tfw will finally have money again and I can work on getting a new apartment, Pomeranian puppy, taxes paid off and a thread lift/lip lift. Feels good, man.
Whorenonas, pls learn from me and never quit for a man.
No. 288913
>>288426Feel the same
nonnie, genuinely considering joining a nunnery at this point. No but in all serious i fucking despise sw, but with rising bills and inflation in the UK I can't see myself getting out of it anytime soon. Thinking about restarting my open uni degree though.
No. 289042
>>288913>but with rising bills and inflation in the UK I can't see myself getting out of it anytime soonHow much are those bills each month?
Is any other form of employment profitable enough right now to cover them?
For example:
Being a cleanster
Being a bartender
Working in a warehouse
Being a programmer
Being a computer technician
Being a beautician
No. 289220
>>289141Sex work = paid sex with men, with the woman being well off (generally white)
Prostitution and whoring out = paid sex with men, with the woman not being all that well off (possibly white but more frequently non white)
The difference is in whether she's wealthy enough to support herself without working a normal job or not
No. 290427
>>290301I understand when people are pushed into it; I was myself although if I were to type it out it'd sound like I have no braincells (substance abuse needed funding whilst full time student)
But I guess I just get
triggered seeing the posts from nonnies like "need money this winter I'm gonna try selling my body" PLEASEEEEE last resort, you will not recover, your perception of men will NEVER recover from this
No. 290428
>>290298You are right in a sense.
I work manual labour, there are no customers typically and the shifts are hard work and antisocial hours, the majority of my colleagues every time are not native, the companies don't tend to advertise through normal channels, mostly word of mouth so it stays within certain communities. The jobs are there though and they are a godsend
No. 290509
>>288426>>288913Pretending to be a MTF troon on the internet and posting unhinged rants about how JKR personally attacked you in an alley can get you a surprising amount of cash.
If you're not looking to scam troon supporters, a lot of job agencies are looking for staff for the Christmas period, I've seen some where I live looking for temps for food factories. Pubs and restaurants are also looking for people, and since their workers have been leaving in droves it's possible it'll turn into a permanent job. I've also seen a lot of call centre jobs and some WFH jobs being advertised in agencies.
No. 298065
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Prostitution should be banned.
No. 304255
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Hmmm it's either that or going back to cleaning kennels with dignity
No. 304903
I got into sugaring around June.
I go through episodes of depressions and when I'm not feeling like self harming I instead get unhealthy sexual urges, and I thought it would be a good idea to open a seeking account since I'm feeling lonely.
Meet this guy who creeped me out, kept being in contact with him because I was lowkey scared to say I hated him, he usually said degrading things about what I was studying in uni, said I was going to end up in mcDonalds and just made me feel like a fucking retard. I blocked him on everything and he tried to contact me even through my bank account and I genuinely felt scared, I was sleepless and when I went out I was constantly watching over my shoulder, I told my sister I thought I was gonna die just because.
Did I learnt something? No, I met other old guy, I hooked up with him and still have his number, he even has my direction since he called me an Uber. Some days ago I told him about a concert in the country next to mine and he told me to send him the concert info.
I felt a sudden euphoria and couldn't stop jumping and celebrating.
But still, some nights I cry because I'm scared something will happen to me, but other nights I pray something bad happens to me because I deserve it and I'm a sick bad person, and finally my parents will be free from such a mediocre useless daughter.
(sorry for the long blog post)
No. 305271
>>305267Not to schizo tinhat, but I really wonder if the rise of more people watching porn and pushing sex work is correlated with the whole incel-friendzone thing and how Millennials and Gen Z are having the least amount of sex and lasting relationships compared to other generations when they were under 40. Especially with how OnlyFans and e-girl simp stuff is basically combining watching porn, the idea that it's "compensating a hard worker" and a fake relationship with someone who pays attention to you.
I don't believe that having sex is a need like eating food, but the majority of the population aren't asexual (if anything this stuff is making more people meme themselves into it), many people do desire sex and relationships after puberty. But I notice dating is hard for this generation, from what I learned talking to both gay and straight people, and my own experiences with trying to find a relationship. I know I have a hard time connecting with and talking to people despite wanting to have intimacy and sex. I find watching porn and OnlyFans immoral so don't do it and I refuse to be friends with people who do (I guess that's why I'm here lmao), but I guess for people less "enlightened" just paying someone for nudes and have them talk to you, or watching porn alone if you're horny is "the easy way out". That's likely why there's such a high demand, besides the economy being shitty.
No. 315437
>>314450>>314449If you are worried about offending your sd by making him feel bad for changing your mind, you're not ready for this and will suffer the consequences if you lead by feelings and caring. Your an object now, nona.
Live up to your job description like
>>315365 or make other life plans for money.
It's your first day, but you feeling bad for your sd means he already has all the power over you.
Take care and stay safe Nona.
No. 317875
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No. 317876
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The absolute hypocrisy of the scrotes
No. 317877
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No. 320467
>>268788Only problem here is that The SW in question knew about whats happening. And even his family tried contacting her to stop. So thats wrong oyour part.
I would say both of them them a pieces of shits.
No. 337584
>>321411I used to strip. Not worth it anymore. I stripped when tinder was becoming standard, and as it grew in popularity (one night stands) money dried up. I stripped in an area with very strict laws reguarding no contact and nipples covered. I travelled once to a place that was a touch less strict, and I was hit and slapped so much my first stage I went in the back and refused to come out til close, so I didnt have to pay an early exit fee. I feel I kept a level head about things, but I am also an autist so I think I just didnt absorb the culture. I never drank or did drugs. But I saw many girls come in and fall down that path and believe so and so would 'take care of them'…girls died sometimes from drugs. When OnlyFans and sex work positivity kinda escalated, strip clubs began shutting down. Why pay 20 dollars for 2 minutes of tits when its 6 dollars a month from a girl you actually know? Or much easier to find a ons? I quit before only fans got big, it was just a rumor or niche thing when I did quit. Some of the women who had stripped for 20+ years told me when I started that money used to be incredible for them for decades, because of the taboo. Now, they make pennies it seemed. And I dont believe it was because of their age, they were good at their job. They had regular customers for years. Customers dried up. Every club I worked at has now shut down despite at the time of my being there having been open 20, 30 years. It isnt worth it. 10+ years ago maybe it was, depending on your circumstances. Youre honestly better off getting a welding license or into a trade for more money and similar work ethic kek or some random factory job… stripping is NOT as easy as it seems.
No. 343423
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>>343419Just drink as much soda as possible. Then once you develop diabetes they can amputate your foot and then you can collect disability. Pretty simple.
No. 343435
>>343432Why are men willing to "pay" for sex in a way that women are not? It's not that men are actually willing to pay, most actually find it shameful and think it's unfair that they're expected to pay for women if you sit them down and talk about it rationally, but once you put an attractive woman in front of them money becomes no object to them (in their own minds).
Why are men more willing to sacrifice resources for women than the other way around?
No. 343442
>>343438>Because in this patriarchal system men get more resources than women Which are mostly spent on things which single to women that they have resources until they find a woman and then he starts giving the resources to her as a way to retain her.
The only reason men hoard resources is to hoard women by proxy.
Also notice how men who take a vow of celibacy traditionally also take a vow of poverty. If a man isn't trying to get sex he has no need for anything beyond his most basic sustenance.
Stop thinking in transactional terms. The man isn't actually getting anything in return except "pleasure" which is just the sensation of your body reinforcing a behavior in your mind.
There is no transaction. Men just do what they are biologically programmed to do for you (bring you the hunted animal) as long as you let them.
No. 358202
>>357996not a lot of money, but I put a message about how I'm not interested in talking to men on my fetlife profile unless they send money to my revolut account, posted a couple of reworded nsfw twitter posts in the femdom, male sub, etc tags, and a couple of guys actually did send me money just to have a conversation with me. I made €70 off it altogether.
the funny thing is I wasn't even trying to be an online dominatrix or anything, I was just trying to ward off creepy male doms from messaging me
you could also try selling worn underwear, heels, socks, pantyhose, etc. a few weeks ago a guy messaged me asking if he could buy some gross things off me like used pads and vials of spit, which if it wasn't for the fact I don't want fetlife moids finding out my address when I send the stuff, I would have done because coomers are willing to drop a good bit of cash on them. in my country paying for a p.o box is expensive so it's not worth bothering with unless you own a business, but if it's cheap where you live, I'd recommend making a fetlife account (or just posting on a nsfw twitter account if you have one with a couple of hundreds followers), posting some mean femdom posts paraphrased from nsfw twitter/tumblr posts, putting your pfp as a picture of you in a corset or your feet on heels or something else that lets them know you're an attractive woman, and the sub males do bite. it's not enough to earn a living on but you can make a decent bit of pocket money if you want
No. 359965
>>359961Thanks for your reply!
There is virtually no way for him to find out, but I feel like Im hiding that from him. He knows that I have a relatively high (20 something) body count, but in one ocassion he told me that he doesnt want to know the number… But I feel like he should know about this, but at the same time I dont want to ruin everything. I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing that
No. 359971
>>359965You said you used to be self destructive and it sounds like you haven't moved on from that. You have a steady relationship with a moid who doesn't want to pry into your past. Like the other anon said you don't owe him an explanation for anything. You've stopped doing sex work and coke, you're not doing anything you're ashamed of right now. And you still feel the need to ruin that by spilling your spaghetti all over your new life.
I get that you can't afford therapy but there are millions of free online resources you can use to give you some sort of framework to work your way through your past. Use them before you fuck up even more.
Also 2 years is not a long time to leave that sort of destructive lifestyle behind. You might feel like you're in a totally different place now but chances are you still have the same issues you did back then that led you down the cocaine hooker route, they're just manifesting in a different way. You need to sort that shit out or it might come back and REALLY fuck things up.
I'm proud of you for coming this far, what you've done is not easy and it's fantastic that you pulled yourself out of that shit and presumably stayed clean for 2 years.
No. 359977
>>359971Thanks for your words!
By "afford" I mean that I currently have no time due to working long hours, I can economically afford it. Do you know any other alternatives (e.g., a specific self help book)? However I dont even know if therapy will help me regarding this specific thing (therapy was pretty useless in the past), I think I just need someone to erase my memories or something.
And Im not as self destructive as I used to be (I still do drugs tho but no cocaine, just mdma occasionally and at parties - not addicted to that at all), sometimes I think about relapsing but then I realise that would be pretty dumb. You are right about that tho, sometimes Im afraid of going back to that lifestyle
No. 360100
>>359957I agree with the other nonas that you don't have to tell him anything. It sounds like you have a lot of self hate about your past and that's a very vulnerable position to be in to confess something to a loved one, especially if there's a chance they might react badly to what you're telling them. I'd be worried for you that his possible negative reaction would "confirm" all your self hating beliefs and send you spiraling to a darker place. You don't deserve that.
I hope you can forgive yourself, nona. It's in the past and you did what you did to survive, your addiction issues and self-hate drove you to make choices that were detrimental to your well-being. Sounds like you were in a lot of pain and I'm really sorry you had to go through all that. But you got yourself out and that's amazing. You've made such an effort to turn your life around, you should be proud of yourself.
When you mentioned that "I just need someone to erase my memories or something", is it that the encounters themselves were traumatic (this is probably a very stupid question since I'm sure interacting with degenerate johns would be damaging to any woman) or is it more that your current feeling of shame and unease with the situation is because of the societal stigma regarding prostitution and the fear that your bf would think of you with contempt if he knew?
If it's more the first part, I wanted to mention something even though you said that therapy hasn't been helpful in the past. I have a friend who had a lot of childhood trauma and her therapist did EMDR sessions with her. She found that to be really helpful and the memories kind of lost the emotional grip they had on her, she could recall those things in the present in a neutral way without the past emotion being entangled there.
I don't know if this type of therapy could be helpful to you and sorry if it's useless advice - I know you mentioned that you're very busy currently. Whatever you decide to do moving forward, I wish you the best and I hope you can find peace within yourself. You've come so far and you don't need to "atone" for anything, you don't need to confess any "sins" to your bf. You deserve the good life you've built for yourself and you deserve to feel good about yourself. Your past doesn't taint you.
Sorry I can't offer any practical advice on self-help books or online resources. I just read your message and it moved me so I wanted to echo the other anons' sentiment and give some encouragement.
No. 360169
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>>360148I don’t think you need to be that hot, Trisha Paytas was a stripper and most strippers Ive seen irl (I went to a club I was considering working at, it was in a small town btw) had older women and young ones with chubby-average bodies and stretch marks and somewhat pudgy bodies, they were super nice and charming tho. That’s their job is to sweet talk men out of their money and writhe around on them. A smile is the sexiest thing they can do. They were drunk too. As for cam girls men will jerk off to any videos online, midgets, fatties, etc. but I think it’s over saturated so you have to find a niche. Saggy boobs are not as bad as people make them out to be. This video makes me laugh, people in the comments said they don’t allow coins at strip clubs and this lady had them chucked at her naked body. If you can contrort yourself well enough to expose them but not have them just flip out maybe you should, like lying on your back on stage or upside down. I wouldn’t if I were you though, just do some bartending if you’re attractive and push your boobs up you’ll get tips from drunk men and you can charm them into giving lots of money. It’s also not as embarrassing if your family finds out No. 360194
>>360100Omg thanks for taking your time to write that long message, fr !!!
I know, going back in time is impossible so I have to face it, but sometimes I overthink about it too much.
I feel both dirty and traumatized tbh. For example, sometimes when Im visiting my grandparents I feel like if only they knew who I really am, they wouldnt want to see me anymore, but well they will never find out about this.
I will look into EMDR therapy, thanks for the advice! Yall have been very supportive and kind, I really appreciate that <3
No. 365575
>>365551Nonnie please consider counseling. The right therapist could help you pinpoint why you struggle to keep these other jobs. Use the money from your clients to invest in job training, certificates, whatever might give you a leg up in the hiring process. And in the meantime….start making your clients shower or at least wash their hands first. It’s not a big ask.
Good luck, I’m rooting for you.
No. 386103
>>385067I'm open about my past stripping to my partner and close friends. While it's something that in the end traumatized me due to the nature of the last club I worked at, it's also one of the reasons I developed the personality I did. I went from naïve to hardened and very street savvy and people close to me were noticing. If you can admit it without being judged to close friends (not men, only other women) and your partner then life will be a lot easier.
Sadly I keep thinking I may have to go back to it because I don't know if I can remain with my partner and if I can do Fridays and Saturdays then I can do it on top of my day job, this has nothing to do with my past, we are just incompatible life goals wise and I'm with a woman who thinks barely 6 figures means a sugar mommy in this economy and that she doesn't need to have a savings account. I always was a good earner but after the last club, with full nude spas, extras everywhere from the younger girls on top of my joints now being fucked from being a huge stage centric girl in my early 20s I kind of dread the idea.
No. 387284
>>266020I agree with the other posters saying don't tell him. As long as you don't have STDs, your past does not affect him whatsoever and is none of his business.
Having a past of SW can be a heavy burden and I understand the urge to "come clean" to those closest to you, but to any anons reading this struggling with the same thing: please go to a therapist instead. Even a man you truly love and trust may not see you the same way again, and otherwise good people will use it against you the first chance they get. Casual "whore"s the first time you anger them at best, blackmail or attempts to ruin your life & reputation at worst. Think of even the CHANCE of people closest to you/your job/any future career being made aware of your SW past, and weigh whether telling this person is worth risking that. Once you tell them, you can't take it back. What if you have a bad breakup and they're feeling petty? What if they threaten to tell your parents if you try to leave them? Weigh even the tiniest chance that you may not be able to trust this person someday. People can change, feelings can change.
This is coming from a former escort though. From my understanding, stripping and camming are seen as slightly less of a huge deal, less despised by society since you're not having explicit sex for money. But that's only slightly - many men see all women in any form of SW as whores and heavily look down on them. Even subconsciously.
Only you can make the decision, but prioritize yourself and your future always.
No. 397073
>>396993you don't have to sell ass per say, but you can become an "erotic masseuse" and make the same amount as most prostitutes do without actually having sex
although you may have to give the clients handjobs you basically do the same as a massage therapist and just wear lingerie, you don't even have to let them touch your downstairs
No. 397074
>>396997ill catfish some old dudes
>>397073do i sign up for an agency? Advertise on craigslist or?
No. 397170
>>397165sage for samefag but the murder rate for homeless people was way, way higher than it was for sex workers, and that's not even including the fact majority of sex work-related deaths were the "druggie prostitute in the streets" type, none of them were erotic masseuses who operated in their own apartment. This statistic also doesn't even include more homeless people who die from malnourishment, disease, lack of shelter and freezing/overheating, etc
there's a whole "community" of erotic masseuses, almost all of them are independent and operate in their own apartments, despite this sort of thing going on for more than a decade-I've never heard of a single one of the girls being murdered or stalked- and I use to do this in one of the most dangerous cities in the US too.
No. 397202
Please not this shit again, there is nothing that hasn’t already been said ITT.
>>397082Is there seriously zero social safety net in your shithole? Because destitute women are who housing/food assistance and work programs supposed to help.
No. 397272
>>397202Have you ever tried to use these programs anon? Majority of the time you have to jump through hoops IF you even qualify. When I was homeless my city ate up the "poor men don't get help" meme hard, a lot of women's shelters got shut down or turned super exclusive (the only available women's shelter here only allowed you in if you were addicted to drugs), other programs will scream at you about how you don't need help if you e beg everyone in your life first
>>397203I understand what it is, but as the statistics I stated, the chances of getting murdered because you ran an erotic massage clinic out of your home is next to none, the chances of being homeless and getting trafficked, murdered, sick etc is through the roof
No. 405861
>>4058541. if you want to do sex work, there is way more money in stripping than in camwhoring
2. You. do. not. get. jobs. by. sending. out. applications. That shit doesn't work. It amazes me how many people don't understand this. If you want a job, you read the job listing and then find the contact info of the person doing the hiring and reach out to them directly. If the person doing the hiring is a man, you physically go over to the office and introduce yourself. It's a non sex work way of making your looks work for you. Being an attractive woman is hell, so you may as well get something out of it.
3. If you want to do OnlyFans, you don't start with OnlyFans. You start a YouTube channel of just you talking to the camera, dressed in modest clothing. You have to make the pay pigs come to you (no pun intended). And believe me, they will
4. You might want to consider a sales job. It is the only field that is always hiring
No. 405863
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>>405857most radfem beliefs around sex work are that women are forced into by poverty, childhood trauma, trafficking, etc, while anti-SW their first responses are to typically push women into safe situations not penalize them for being a "stupid whore that isn't trying hard enough", that's just an alpha male-esque belief
No. 405867
>>405861>there is way more money in stripping than in camwhoringI do massages, I tried stripping but strip clubs here are dead
>If you want a job, you read the job listing and then find the contact info of the person doing the hiring and reach out to them directly.There were days I literally spent walking around my city handing out applications, before SW my feet would literally start bleeding because I was walking around talking to people who claimed to be hiring just to get hit with "apply online" or got ghosted yet again
>You might want to consider a sales job. It is the only field that is always hiringYeah I've been looking into getting various licenses for sales, of course since I need money now for rent I can't just drop this right now, it also is hell looking for sales jobs since researching alone brings you pages and pages of scam shit like cutco
No. 405885
>>405867>There were days I literally spent walking around my city handing out applicationsThat's hardcore and I admire the effort but I was thinking of something a bit more targeted: find an online job listing and send in the resume but then immediately call the boss at that place or, better yet, go in and visit. However, I will admit this probably only works for the shitty low end jobs that I work, I doubt it would work for a professional job.
Another thing you can do is to keep striking up conversations with professional looking men. One of them will eventually offer you a job.
No. 405889
>>405885I've done this many, many times, the age old "we'll call back", even used the interview set up, I did get interviews but either got ghosted or baited in switched (spent all the time doing the interview just for them to claim they're not hiring)
Strangely enough I did get my sister a job working as a sales person of a brand she really likes because one of my johns owns the shop, but I doubt this could ever land me a position there
No. 406580
>>405852Most sexwork buyers are married ugly losers, their wives don't care if they're cheating because they're THAT useless.
>>405848This attitude makes u sound like one of the ugly married men who pay to see women's tits while his wife is cheating on him anf refusing to fuck him.
No. 407294
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How do disabled thirdie nonas here survive without sw?
Genuinely am too (diagnosed as a child)autistic to work cause sensory processing and concentration issues. Country barely offers disability benefits but atleast it is cheap enough to survive by doing online sw without having to do any degrading stuff. So i have to do it, not going to lie i have been lurking for a decade now and although i dislike the ableism/bodyshaming/misogyny some nonnys display i am pretty envious of you for being non disabled. Must be nice having a normie job,loving family, a bf.
Though being a sw here was a troon tier ban-able offence lol
I understand why most women here including mods hate us swers because we literally do sell out not to just capitalism like everyone else but also to moids, but you do what you have to do to survive
sorry can not type, too much lack of sleep
No. 408914
>>407257this anon again -
I have a few apps. this week with financial advisors, professors, etc.
so far my goal is for the next few months
>fix my car>flip other cars>buy land + house>pay off debt>go to nursing schoolI get a few thous a year in div yields, but for anyone asking this is IRL and I do erotic massages
Long term plan is to leave SW completely
No. 419943
>>408280There's loads of mechanics behind any sort of SW that most people don't understand if you're not in the industry. I don't doubt there's girls that willingly go out of their way to do such, but at the same time a lot of those women are trafficked by friends and family to do such, just look at what happened to the legal girls on epsteins island. From my understanding, most yacht girls are typically trafficked
I feel like the best example of "by choice" sex work is girls that are already doing well but will choose to strip, go on OF, etc just for extra spending money even though they won't go homeless without weekly mani pedis or the mercedes and no one is forcing them to do anything. It almost feels like a slap in the face towards women who actually will starve without SW or trafficked women
No. 419955
>>419948>Any prostitute doing sex work in a country with welfarethe average welfare check is 200 a month. unless you're getting free/cheap housing via sec 8 (btw, most states have 2-8 yr waitlists for) that's not even going to pay for the shittest sublet room in the whole damn state. Oh and that's IF you qualify for welfare, most states require you to have children and you're not allowed to own more than a certain amount of resources, a lot of "help programs" will want you one foot in homelessness and one foot out before even DISCUSSING help (not even confirming mind you, just considering it)
the idea that social services are a magical way to stop survival sex work is so so delusional especially when there's so many resources showing you the reality obtaining these services
No. 419979
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>>419964Nope that's correct, likely even less if you live in a state with very little social service funding. If social security programs in states did what they claim it would eliminate so many issues, at least in America.
In Europe however I can see how this applies, it's a lot easier to get social services, affordable education and housing, etc. America can be kinda third-worldey when it comes to services to help poor people
No. 421749
>>419979Even in Europe things like child support are laughably small. I live in the richest most “egalitarian” country on the continent where the lower end of average salary in Euros is 4-5k. Fathers here have to pay approximately 400-700 euros per month for multiple children. Even for one child that is not enough to cover the cost of living and raising the child where I live. I was floored when I found out because deadbeat fathers complain about muh child support muh bitch ex wife taking everything all the time, I thought it was a lot.
In a lot of other Euro countries welfare might be next to nothing, it’s not like all countries are the same. I wouldn’t exactly want to be disabled and unemployed in Bulgaria or Greece.
No. 421764
>>343627>And I'm 21 myself so I'm not a bitter older woman or somethingInternalized misogyny brainrot is strong in this thread as expected.
Why the fuck is this thread even allowed.
No. 446067
>>445843Good (or bad) for her then
>>443925Congrats, and good luck in your future endeavours
No. 454370
I've been selling erotica in many forms since I was in high school and I've only recently stopped. If I'm honest, it started when I was a kid and was paid a substantial amount of gold in World of Warcraft to be smuggled into a bar in Stormwind to roleplay as a stripper for Alliance players. Being actually financially valued for something innate I have, and knowing that I could cultivate it further for greater profit, was incredibly alluring and became erotic for me at a time when I was just developing a concept of sexuality. It started in earnest when a guy I met on a 4chan vent server offered me money for a lewd ASMR and, being a dirt poor kid, I was hooked. $10 for a minute of whispering grew to voice-acting sex scenes, then selling my own erotic fiction, and eventually selling images and video of me. It took some time and an evolution of my business, but I built an online persona of a fictional character in an established fictional universe and would make erotic roleplay material with the characters of paying customers.
At no point did I make above minimum wage, but I was also only working for about an hour a day, which let me study while earning what I could while working shifts at a local store.
It definitely made me feel empowered when I was younger and treated it more like a passion project, but back then it was also sexual for me as the constant attention from men was something I fetishised. Eventually it became a job and I put barriers between myself and my clients/audience, making it just a bit disgusting in the end.
Ultimately it ruined me sexually and I have to practice "mindfulness" to try to retrain my brain away from deeply unhealthy turn-ons. It also ruined my perceptions of and feelings towards men.
There were so many times throughout my "career" where I was offered money, security, legitimacy etc. in exchange for my creative freedom, which equated to how much of myself I was willing to sell. Each and every offer turned out be poisoned apples offered by degenerate whoremongers. If this industry is going to exist, it needs to be regulated to the point where there are protections in place to set firm boundaries around standard and fair practice.
No. 481024
>>480980Good for you
Do you have any stories from the disgusting moids days?
No. 481504
>>481233>>481389I experienced the same thing, but
>It's not so much about what they do it's about who they areis really fundamental. With a single exception in my experience, they're universally broken in some way that makes them feel compelled to use or rely on women and they can't manage it in real life so they retreat into temporary fantasy. It must be an incredible high for them, because they will bankrupt themselves and destroy their real lives for it. The only one I've ever had who was honest about it was a fly-in fly-out worker who didn't want to subject a girlfriend to that lifestyle, so he needed a surrogate in order to make it through the months away in some hellhole. It was truly sad when he admitted that thinking about the next time he'd see me was what got him through each day.