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No. 90996
>>90993I'm sorry you went through this shit, I hope you get better.
>Tons of people act like they care about prostitutes online but I feel that they just say this stuff in order to seem "woke"It must be infuriating when you read stuff like "educate yourself!" or "talk to sex-workers!".
No. 90997
I’m an escort.
It's not glamorous as people online make it seems, unless, as it was said before, you’re privileged enough to only get top clients.
I’m afraid most of the time when I’m going to meet a new client, it’s a risky job for numerous reasons and I don’t enjoy it.
I’ve found some nice, really nice and good people, but they’re the absolutely minority. There’s a lot of gross and unpleasant people, requests for all kinds of really bizarre, disturbing and disgusting fetiches, people asking discounts, people just asking nudes to masturbate, this part is really annoying, revenues are very unstable too.
This not the kind of thing I want to do for long.
I’m grateful for being psychologically and physically able to do it, otherwise I’d be on the streets. I want to change my life one day and I don’t like this job but I’ll be grateful to it forever.
No. 91154
>>91089>Did you start with stripping and then escalate or did you do a bit of everything out of order? How did you feel the first time you started sex work that made you decide it was a life you wanted? And which one did you enjoy the most/less? I'm curious.First independent sex work on Craigslist then sugar then internet stuff then escort then sugar then stripper then escort.
Usually I liked to just have on sd to help me out with bills. The stripping time was when I had a boyfriend. That was the most demeaning of any of the work. It attracts the worst men. Really changed my perspective on a lot of things. However, it was the most fun. I was never popular or hung out at parties. So it had that sort of fun party, center of attention thing sometimes. I did it for 3 years only but miss that and some of the girls.
I can compartmentalize, so I really feel no emotions from the sex or whatnot. It’s just biology. I think men are lesser for having this weakness and compulsion to get off.
It’s not a life I wanted or expected but it what it is. Like I said it’s a quick means to an end. Part of me is lazy. Life is too short. I didn’t want to work in a factory anymore or cvs. I didn’t want to date crumb bums from my neighborhood. Now I have a degree. Still need to figure out next steps.
>>91091>What was most profitable? Any techniques or tactics you deliberately chose to maximize profits when working? How were your social skills then vs. now?The most profitable is definitely escorting. Get in get out. I live in a well off city so it’s easy to get about $1k/hr. escorting.
I was always a bad hustler, however I always had a reliable following because of that. I like to think it balanced itself out. I would say always be honest with people. You never know if they’re testing you. Think before you speak and dont speak too much. Smiling is probably the most important thing ever. Most men want to see a smiling happy girl.
My social skills are vastly improved. Pretty much all do to the stripping I would say. I can speak confidently to anyone one on one without getting nervous anymore. I can go on a stage, smile fake bs like a politician. I would say above all else this has been the best unexpected result of all this sex nonsense.
Sorry for formatting, I’m on phone in bed.
No. 91202
>>90993Thank you for posting this:
>When I see all these randoms acting like camming is somehow equal to prostitution I get seriously fucking mad. It's insulting. I was beginning to think I was crazy for getting annoyed at the blurred lines from cam girls, Twitch girls, and various other things. Thanks for being honest about your experience.
No. 91205
>>91201Exact same thought process I had when I found the secret foot fetish section of eBay ("well worn" are the keywords). Men sexualize our feet, hands, hair, every body part. Our voices, clothes. Maybe it's an attitude thing but I think selling old shoes, or wearing low cut clothing on Twitch is a world away from "selling sex".
There's also another disturbing thought process if anyone ever feels like getting into a really gritty argument: If a kid is selling lemonade or scout's cookies, and unknowingly sells them to a paedophile, did they just make money from their "sex appeal"? Obviously not, outside of penetration it's all about perspective. And these blurred lines also discount the hard work of actual irl sex workers like the girls who have already responded to this thread.
No. 91308
>>91161“Stripper” does seem to carry the trashiest stigma imo. I think strippers are the most poorly treated as well.
Don’t worry though. Even if people found out, it will just let you know who your real friends are. And no one is without their own skeletons.
No. 91312
>>91205>secret foot fetish section of eBay ("well worn" are the keywords)I would like to know more about this. I’d love to get into selling my used things for side money. How much would you charge for e.g. a pair of socks? What’s your profit off that?
I briefly cammed, and I totally hated it, but the money was great. At first I enjoyed the ability to set my own schedule, but like
>>91195 said, I found myself super depressed after getting offline, which made it more and more difficult to force myself to go online, especially as a regular set schedule. I was going to school at the time, so it was nice to make money without having to leave my house, but I started shirking schoolwork too as I grew more depressed. Eventually I quit both school
and camming and basically became a NEET. I’m okay now though; I have a normal vanilla job and I’m working on my degree again.
Sometimes I’m tempted to go back to it, because I’ve made in a single night camming what I earn in a whole week at my vanilla job, but then I remember how soul-sucking the whole thing felt. Plus I still haven’t shaken the paranoia that someone’s going to recognize or even out me, even though I was super careful with my identity then.
No. 91330
>>91312I did a bit of research on it. There must be fetish sites you can also sell from, which may be a better location, but for eBay it seems to be
-have pretty feet and ankles
-Show yourself wearing the shoes (showing feet and ankles and leg if you can)
-emphasize that they are well worn and unwashed (lol)
-claim to wash them before dispatch to abide by eBay policy
You will of course get messages from the Buyers which you need to humor, and the popular account I found she wrote in her bio that she loves shoes and thinks they're sexy (or something to that effect) so, empathizing with the buyer. Shoe sizes seem to be preferably medium size and not the smaller sizes.
not sure how much profit you can get but as long as you seem to be cute/have cute legs and feet and are enthusiastic I think you could get sales. I'm not very good at being sexy in messages which is why I discounted it. Stockings/hosiery sell too (from people pretending to be air hostesses) but I didn't look at socks. I'd try and use a PO box too for obvious reasons.
No. 91348
>>91176I disagree, I wasn't selling sex.
But yes that is the image we get, and honestly a lot of strippers do more than strip I'll give you that. The image isn't entirely without merit.
>>91340It is I guess. You get naked and grind on people for money. For me, it was a rush and a self-esteem boost, and I could get just as fucked up as I wanted doing it.
The thing is, it was all just fantasy. It's what we sold, and in my case it really WAS fantasy. I've never even slept with a man, though that's probably because I'm gay. It was like a double life, living the party girl lifestyle but earning (lots of) money doing it.
>>91308It's associated with a lot of bad things for sure. A few people do know now and support me so I'm less worried than before, thank you anon.
No. 91349
>>91312I'd say the market is a bit over saturated right now, don't expect to make bank. The girls who are successful truly do put in a lot of time into it. It's like camming, you can't just just show up and look cute and expect money to come pouring in. Not when everyone and their mom is doing it.
If you have something unique about you or your feet, that can help a lot. E.g. being in the military, trans, even a fucking fungal infection, whatever…
You have to have a lot of patience and discernment - time wasters are like 90% of the messages you will get.
No. 91723
>>91699No, it's not weird that it didn't make you confident. I don't know where the idea of shit like this boosting self esteem even comes from. It didn't help your confidence and it made you feel shitty because no matter how much you say the clients weren't terrible. You know instinctively that these are shitty men who no woman should trust. Men who feel okay buying sex in any capacity from women who have no choice and have fallen on hard times have no morals. You can't feel good when misogynists who would never admit to being misogynists buy sex in any form since they consider women for sale. You're not for sale so you felt like shit.
My friend is doing sex work now. She's also in a foreign country. She suffered some serious setbacks that made her do this. She has no one to support her and her family is shit. Things are looking a little up and she could end this in a few months. She loathes every man she deals with. She knows they're trash since they're okay with coming to her. They wouldn't care if she was literally trafficked. Men are mostly trash and sex work isn't empowering.
No. 91915
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>>91914off topic but you should probably look it up, Kerr was with a financier, but never took any photos with him, and was gifted millions in jewelry, that she had to return since he was part of a federal investigation.
If that story hadn't got out, no one would've known she was seeing him on the down low.
Think High Class pussycat dolls for reference.
No. 91925
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>>91917the rich and famous are just like the regular people, just put a few more zeroes on the end.
No. 91927
>>91925you've yet to provide any real evidence other than that
one person was possibly involved in that. i don't give a shit about VS but your claim makes you seem like a conspiracy theory crazed incel.
>a-all of these VS model stacies are actually just paid prostitutes!!! No. 91945
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No. 92461
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>>91914You sound incredibly ignorant about Hollywood and modeling. Sleeping the way to the top is completely normal for a lot of women and is expected unless you know exactly the right people. Victoria's Secret and PCD absolutely have prostitution.
>>91945PCD in particular was so bad, that former member claims her manager was a Hollywood madam and the "den mother from hell", making one of the girls in a sister music group commit suicide. They were rented out all the time and given only 500 a week for both singing hit songs and selling their bodies to rich moguls.
No. 92525
>>92486>lol you could've gotten 500 on tumblrYou're showing your age, you fucking child. PCD predates tumblr and when this was going on, it was before the pathetic sugar baby patreon social media culture.
Also, you're dumb enough to think that once these girls got into a secret prostitution ring with Hollywood elites, they had the ability to just magically walk away and talk about it openly. That's the way to end up dead and one of the girls from the sister group did end up dead. Do you realize part of the "madam" manager's abuse was threatening them? They had to sleep with who they told them to, were worked relentlessly with practicing and performing, and could've been sued under contract. $500 was ironically the only thing they got out of it.
>I'm calling bullshit!!1!Then look up the fucking testimony instead of people having to spoon feed you.
No. 92621
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Anyone ever sell on ManyVids? I look at people like Legendarylootz, and it seems like she's been pretty successful on Reddit and has now moved to ManyVids, and she never shows her face. Think it could be a viable way to go? Reddit seems too confusing for me.
No. 93400
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>>93370You're probably thinking of Backpage.
>>91078>>90994>>90997Is there another way to escort now without the use of Craigslist or Backpage? How do you find clients or stay safe?
No. 93895
>>92621I sell on MV. I'm not a top model or anything but I make a lot of sales (ie. multiple sales per day). The traffic is fantastic but MV takes 40% of your earnings right off the bat, which is the norm for clipsites. Selling through Reddit I guess you'd make full commission, but it's nice selling through MV because you don't have to do as much work - they promote you and provide the traffic.
I don't know how legendarylootz is so popular either…her body is nice, but not THAT nice compared to like MissAlice_94 for instance (super jealous - her body is perfect!)
MV is definitely the best clipsite, IMO, if you're going that way - and I say that from experience because I personally sell on practically all of them (gotta diversify!) and I make like 4 times as much on MV than any others.
No. 93910
>>93895Good info anon, thanks!
>>93901Cool, no one cares, sage this kind of shit.
No. 95275
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This is a bit of a vent, but I'm an escort and I feel that this "career" is slowly driving me insane. Some of my clients (mostly white guys) are very agreeable and I enjoy their company a lot, and actually sometimes miss them.
But there's so many bookings where I have to see men who make my skin crawl, to the point where I feel repulsed for hours and hours after work. I'm cringing right now thinking about this experience I had today. The job is very lucrative and I need the money, but I'm considering going back to downing tonnes of cheap gin before I start a shift next time so I don't have to remember.
No. 95283
>>95280That's not how I read it
>most of her clients are white guys>Some are nice>Some are creepyNot a sexworker but from customer service the two guys who creeped me out for hours afterwards and every time I saw them (how they acted, moved, what they said, stalker behavior) were very tall old white men. I don't think white men are exempt from being creepy.
No. 96722
I started on mygirlfund a week ago. So far I like it! I just want extra money. Now I'm considering manyvids and pantydeal. I like the websites that allow you to block areas, it makes me feel a lot safer and so people who might know me won't find me (you can never be too sure who uses these sites). Pantydeal it seems like you can't block areas, just make your profile to friends only or members only or whatever. Not sure about manyvids.
MGF does take out 45%, then you level up after making 2,000 and they take less and less with each level up. However, I think it's fair because it's so easy to get customers on it. And there's a rating system so you already know who is a good customer, and the possibility of being banned makes everyone not dangerous or creepy. My first week and everyone has been completely nice. I think it's a good alternative to, say, tumblr, or something where you have to find your own audience, though I don't have any experience doing that on there. With my other job and full time school I made about $200 (not counting what they take out). Just some nice extra money, and if I consider my job now making $10/hr, that's more than a work day (not even counting taxes being taken out).
I'm considering wearing a mask or something for websites that aren't MGF though. I'm not sure. I just feel a lot more secure on there since it's members only who can see/talk to you and you block places.
No. 96894
>>96722Here's some helpful info from a professional internet hoe:
- ManyVids DOES allow geo-blocking and pays out 60%
- Clips4sale DOES allow geo-blocking and pays out 60%
- iWantClips DOES allow geo-blocking and pays out 60%
- AmateurPorn DOESN'T allow geo-blocking and pays out 75%
- Modelhub DOES allow geo-blocking and pays out 65%
Of course it's better to show your face ngl, but if you absolutely can't then I reccomend playing it up and making it your thing. "Anonymous" is a category on these sites, and you can work the fetish with a bit of creativity!
>>96731Every site requires ID and will deny altered pics, so unfortunately you can't blur your name. At best you can submit a passport (no address) rather than ID.
They won't share your real info with anyone. I felt weird at first, too, submitting my real name and identifying info, but I figure at most some IT people see it and I'm cool with that.
>>96791Nope, there's no way to block people from seeing your name on PayPal. They're super strict and notoriously anti-SW, so avoid at all costs!
I've used circle, venmo, and google pay, but none of them are technically SW-friendly… if you do use them, keep all talk of what the payment is actually for offsite!
Tbh I'm still looking for a reliable payment platform. I haven't had problems with any that I've used, but I've heard it's usually only a matter of time… especially with paypal.
I've heard good things about cashapp, though!
**If any farmers have questions about non-camming internet-SW, drop 'em here and I'll answer to the best of my experience!
No. 96899
>>96894Oh that's risky. If there are some security breaches with those sites, your information will be leaked and everyone will know. Even big companies have had issues in the past. And those are small sites in comparison and you know they try to save money in every department.
In the end you are NEVER anonymous because you gave them your ID and they can do whatever they want with it.
No. 97031
I'm intrested in trying non sexual escorting, but I don't know how to start? Do you guys reccomend any agenies or just solo?
>>96894Bit offtopic, but do you know if there is anything besides camming to do on the web? Wondering if there is such a things as rental-internet girlfriends
No. 97099
>>97031Yes! You can absolutely be an internet-gf for money: many guys don't just want nudes but a meaningful, personal connection and if you can provide that for them, they will pay you.
You can start on a site like SextPanther which is a pay-per-message platform. You set your prices, they give you a fake phone number and then you just text with dudes. You can send pics and short videos, plus offer calling services (phone sex) if you're cool with that. It's actually pretty awesome!
However, it sounds like what you need is an online Sugar Daddy. They are very hard to find, but they do exist! My advice is don't sign up for a site (SA, sugardaddie, etc.) but instead work your social media. Create a twitter and IG for that purpose (you don't have to post your face, but include some cute, teasing pics to show you're real). Post about needing a "hero" or some shit like that, and utilize the findom/sugarbaby tags (#paypig, #sugardaddy, #humanatm, #finsub, #walletrinse, etc.). Then DM, DM, DM! You're going to have to make a genuine connection with someone, so it helps if you're a strong writer. It'll take some time and work, but you can totally catch a whale that way.
No. 97198
>>97196for the first thing, post on IG/tumblr to gain following then offer paid. start patreon later if at all.
for panties/shoes, just bag/box them up before you go to to the post office. put no return address or a fake one (usually just a pretend PO box) and if you need to say the contents, say it's used clothing. a lot of post office workers will usually make small talk about ebay or poshmark lmao.
No. 97252
>>96731>>96781>>96894Sorry, new mgf anon here again with an update and men have almost spent collectively a total of $1000 on me. I'll get 55% of that. Once I hit it I'm cashing out for the first time.
I haven't listed any prices on my profile, I feel like once they ask about it they're already somewhat invested. I just put a little bit of (normal stuff) about me on my profile. My interests, pets, what I'm going to school for. Plus I've been doing some custom stuff too! You can agree to do whatever you're comfortable with.
I don't know about the 1099 thing, does anyone else? Also, I'm using the skrill payment to cash out, not the mailed check.
I agree with the face thing, also. But I feel secure on this site, all of my interactions have still been nice and I'm still very happy with the site. I keep comparing it to how much I'd make a work (which is $10/hr) and it's funny.
Does anyone know how much your percentage you get to cash out with increases with each level up on mgf?
No. 97253
>>97252I just wanted to add, as far as prices for content, keep experimenting with upping what you're asking for and see if they will go for it. I didn't know how much to ask for at first. In my opinion, what the featured girls are asking for from what I see are SUPER cheap. Guys will pay more than that. And worst case, they'll try to bargain with you, which I usually still say yes to, because it's still money that adds up rather than getting nothing. Play that game and ask for more than you think it's worth, then either 1. they'll go for it or 2. they'll ask for what you thought it was worth in the first place. See what you're comfortable with getting paid for for the work you're doing/what you think your content is worth.
Also secrets for you anons but some of you obviously already know this:
I use SNOW, meitu, makeup plus, and I bought an app called clearvideo that makes your skin look perfect and all glowy in videos. You can adjust everything about your videos, crop them, etc. Guys don't know any better.
No. 97405
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Can any escort anons give advice on how they do it safely (since places like Backpage have shut down) and their rates?
No. 97441
>>97423just go on tumblr.
tbh it sounds like anon was 16-17 only a few years ago.
No. 97442
I have some tips on safe sugaring.
Know who they are:
>pay for a background check, they are cheap
>make sure to get the guy to send you a picture of his ID so you know his real name DOB and any other info
>make him get STD tests and ask for dated copies
>don't let him drive you home, take uber, if he does drive you home eventually and you're still worried, ask him to drop you off at a close by shop and go home from there after he's left
Know what/who you can handle:
I use what's your price because this allows me to scope the guy out on a paid dinner date.
>make sure if going on a paid date, he pays you first thing, or during the dinner and walk out if he refuses
>if he is creepy, pushy or makes you uncomfortable in any way ghost him, there will be others, the money is not worth it
>never let him take control, make these kinds of men know that this is your game
>if you decide to sleep with him, only do it at a hotel (not a motel) and go to a high end one, that way if anything bad starts to happen, a commotion will get you help more easily, and nicer hotels require more from the guests, even if it cuts into your pay it will be safer.
Be careful regardless:
>don't get too comfortable around him even if you think you know him, who knows, don't trust him so easily
>sugaring isn't limited to old beta men anymore like it used to be, be cautious even with men you've known across years
>protect yourself with birth control, condoms etc.
>protect your identity and life
>money is never worth being in danger
Most of the guys I've been with were short (I'm 5'10) beta older men who seemed generally harmless. If I ever got with someone who turned out to be harmful (for instance a creepy guy who gave me a huge list of "sex rules" including telling me I couldn't have any sweat on me or smell like sweat, ever) I would ghost and block everywhere immediately.
The best guy I was with took me out on dates and gave me $200+ plus gifts just for dates, and usually $1k for very short sex. He was repsectful and never did anything I didn't like, just teased and asked if he could, and was fine being denied. 4 years into it he took us to Universal Studios, which was about 2hr plane ride away, and I was fine with it. Got drunk, did karaoke, it was nice, but I only went cause it was 4 years, and he was pretty genuine. We did "couples" stuff too like going shopping for a spaghetti bowl for his sister, chilling with his older friends etc. It was actually pleasant! But he got arrested cause he was in the mob.
Worst guy is the one above, who had a creepy list of sex rules. He was a super pushy ugly indian guy. He lied about what he'd pay me and I left with $300 of his money after making him rent a fancy hotel.
No. 97992
>>97738Chaturbate doesn't have a paid messaging service. Arousr is legit - all sites are going to take a hefty cut, but keep in mind the benefit is that they provide you with traffic.
I'd recommend SextPanther, but you need to have a bit of a fanbase built already to really succeed.
There's also MyGirlFund, which I've never used personally, but I've heard good things about. You just make a profile and then guys message you and you can charge them per message.
If you're down for voice chatting (phone sex - it's still a thing), you could check out NiteFlirt
No. 97993
>>97738Sorry for the double post, meant to mention that the best way to market yourself and build a following (and remember, you don't need a huge following to be successful - 90% of your income will come from 2 or 3 people) is through Twitter and Snapchat.
Post lots of selfies and updates about your day, and INTERACT with others - seriously, the best way to gain quality followers is by commenting on others' posts. Follow tons of girls in your same niche and make friends with them. When guys see their favorite girls interacting with you, they'll be more likely to check you out - I'm not saying poach other girls' fans, but you know… people can like more than one person.
Snapchat's pretty similar to Twitter as far as marketing goes - again, post tons of pics of yourself and whatever cool things you're doing. You can use these platforms to create a "brand" for yourself. If you create an interesting enough brand, the followers will come.
No. 98141
I have been a successful sensual masseuse and escort/prostitute for 2 years now, since I was 19.
I need to leave. Something has changed and I need out and I realise this is the point where women either leave or are broken by the industry. It has stopped being fun for me because I woke up and realised it wasn’t fun it only was familiar for me to give people what they want from me. Every single woman I know in this industry has been sexually abused at some point. My 30 yr old still working madam is in denial about her “treated” childhood ptsd & a lifetime of selling her body. Every older madam in the business has warped perspectives on men. None of them are married or have kids, which in my madams case is something she desperately wants. Everyone is obsessed with plastic surgery and men - how to make them pay you, love you, marry you, and for both cis and lesbians I know in the industry, obsessed with hating them. My job is glamorous sometimes, but it’s a hollow existence being a body people project things on. This isn’t a healthy way to live. Validation becomes the thing that feeds you when you’re empty - compliments, MONEY, how good you can perform a sex act makes you feel like you’re in control and you’re empowered. The longer you stay the more you slip into more dangerous shit - sex with one or two clients, then unprotected sex, blowjobs, clients who have me considering anal, clients that will pay me $200 just for me to sit there clothed while they masturbate saying how much they hate me. You are an outlet and a vent for men. Married men will confide in you and tell you you’ve changed their life and they mean it, but they’ll never actually change their lives to fit you in it, even when you both feel like you’ve fallen for each other. Some men you think are sad but respectful but give them a chance and they’ll violate your boundaries and you start to trust nobody. I began to see why other escorts seem to have trouble in their personal lives when I never saw how before. You view sex as currency and your body as a commodity and something to trade - for attention and love. You get annoyed when real life men don’t want sex from you as you’ve valued yourself on that and don’t know what to offer, but the men who just want sex from you hurt you or you only date other damaged and emotionally unavailable men. The men who are okay with your work are actually not or they’re sexual deviants or both. In my case, I had little to none real life sexual experience before I got into the industry and still don’t. Real life men feel emasculated and intimidated by how you use your sexuality as control. You have to fragment your brain to accept that some things are transactional, and to force yourself to work when someone touching you makes your skin craw. Only a true narcissist or psychopath could be happy being an escort forever and there’s plenty of those women out here.
I honestly can’t wait for my body to be my own again and to be able to control who touches me. If you want to talk about any of this my discord is vienna#5035
No. 98142
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>>98141Jesus fuck anon
Idk if it means shit but I’ll pray for you.
I hope it gets better
No. 98375
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>>97759>>97991So start a discussion here? No ones stopping you. It can be both things.
>readily available advicewhat are we supposed to do? google "how to be a prostitute"?
No. 98391
Do any of you lie about your age? Curious if I should say I'm 23 instead of 27. I think I could get away with it.
>>98375There's lots of advice on reddit on the sugarlifestyleforum sub.
No. 98404
>>98391Yes, I say I'm 9 years younger than I am - gotta work that teen niche! It's the age everyone guesses I am anyway…I just don't correct them.
You can say you're whatever age you want (over 18, of course) - make a persona, or don't. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with.
No. 98878
Been pointed towards this thread by an anon and well, even though it's not as spectacular or even interesting here's my share of experiences:
I got into the whole sex work stuff about 5 years ago. Started off fairly innocent by selling shoes and socks to guys pretending to be girls on sites like vinted etc.
Later through a forum found out that I'm also very much into posing nude and recording myself doing sexy stuff and found out I'm really into fetish/bdsm myself. So through that I also started selling nudes.
I didn't make a noteworthy amount of money of either of those but it never was more than a hobby anyways.
About a year ago I lost my job and had to find a way to get by. A friend told me about selling panties so I got into that. Besides panties I also sell socks, shoes, videos, pics, bodily fluids and basically everything people request. The guys on the platform I'm using usually are really kind and so are the other girls. It's a nice community and I'm glad I found them. It's really not enough money to live off, though, so I also started escort. Fortunately I'm still privileged enough to have middle class men as clients and since I work for an agency I usually don't have to worry too much and I always give myself the right to just deny a client or their requests.
As for the sex stuff… I don't mind it too much tbh. Never really got much out of penetrative sex anyway so it's not much different from sex with partners, apart from the missing emotional bond, which makes it easier though.
I was happy enough to find a cash pig a few months ago but so far I didn't milk him too much.
Overall I make decent money but everyone who thinks it's less work than an actual job can suck my ass. Even though I don't mind the sex stuff, 3hrs of doing escort has me just as exhausted as working an 8hr day at my old job. If not more. So I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for anyone that actually struggles with having sex with strangers and has to do it anyway just to get by.
No. 99139
US anons, I need advice on taxes? If this is the right place, idk, I thought I'd try. I might hit up a reddit, but I'll have to search around cause I'm not really into/familiar with reddit.
I'm filling out the W-9 for manyvids now. I still haven't submitted videos yet, though. But what am I supposed to do for mygirlfund? I googled and found (this info was for cam girls though) I would put self employed and put "web model" then I just record how much I make on there and make payments or whatever? I have another "normal" part time job, too.
I need help adulting.
>>99132There's literally no reason to be a cunt
No. 99213
>>99141No, no, no, don't do that - that's fraud.
>>99139Anon, that W-9 you're filling out now will allow you to be sent a 1099 when tax season comes around. A 1099 is basically just a form verifying your earnings for the year - you report the amount off your 1099, similar to any vanilla job.
Granted, I am not a tax expert - accountant anons, please feel free to correct me, but I think that's more or less accurate??
No. 99225
>>99213>that's fraudyeah and so is not claiming all your tips as a waitress but everyone does it.
anon doesn't have to claim unless she makes $400+ during the year.
No. 99464
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>>98878>Besides panties I also sell socks, shoes, videos, pics, bodily fluids and basically everything people request.What platform did you use for this anon? I haven't seen much discussion on here about selling "bodily fluids" how did that all work?
No. 99485
>>99465These are a few of the sites I've found helpful:
^granted those are mostly camming/clip selling-centric, there's a lot of great info that translates into any type of sw (ie. promo & marketing, etc.)
I know I've used other good sites, too… I'll see if I can find them again.
No. 99491
>>99464It's a German website so idk if that really helps.
>how did that all work?The platform already offers the option to sell panties that are stained with urine, feces, period blood, spit or cum, or stuff like pads and tampons. And at some point I had people start requesting e.g. to send them several loads of cum that has been inside of me together with a slip of mine. Sometimes they want me to tell them what to do with it, sometimes they tell me the story they think about themselves.
No. 99525
>>99512> working for yourself for $400 an hour.You're still working for Mr Goldstein. Now you're just getting fucked by him a literal sense, and you'll still have to work for him when you're too old and unattractive to get paid for sex.
Honestly I don't care what you specifically do, but encouraging other girls to get into sex work by acting like real jobs are for suckers is so fucking irresponsible. Stop prioritizing glorifying your own lifestyle and defending your own choices over other women's safety. You know damn well it's not a safe, secure job that is easy on one's mental or physical health. If a woman has other choices, like working for 'patricorp global', they should take it. Sex work is too risky to be anything but a last resort.
No. 99526
>>99525this. its not even comparable to a shitty office job. as someone who's done both (sex work for sheer survival) the office job is a million times better. especially when you only end up doing 3-4 hours of actual work per day, and fucking around the rest of the day.
the "freedom" of sexwork is not freedom.
No. 99544
>>99519I like how you took 'sex work' and boiled it all down to prostitution in a place where it's illegal.
There's mountains of sex work that does not involve getting into stranger's cars or setting foot in their houses.
>>99525>You know damn well it's not a safe, secure job that is easy on one's mental or physical health.I absolutely 100% guarantee that my job being naked and lewd infront of a camera, and talking dirty into a microphone is safer and more secure than a whole shitload of 'normal' jobs.
Nobody warns their kids about the dangers of working in fields around industrial equipment or harmful chemicals.
Nobody warns their kids that unless they're management, they're disposable fodder who will be laid off the instant the company finances wrinkle some investors' noses.
As for mental health, I've seen way more of my 9-5 friends having breakdowns than I have my T&A friends.
No. 99546
>>99544you can't get tenure being a camwhore you idiot.
i guess you wouldn't understand how job security works seeing as you work a job where you bottom out at age 30 (or 200lbs)
No. 99547
>>99544>Nobody warns their kids about the dangers of working in fields around industrial equipment or harmful chemicals.>Nobody warns their kids that unless they're management, they're disposable fodder who will be laid off the instant the company finances wrinkle some investors' noses.What the hell are you talking about? Most companies have strict health and safety policies to prevent workplace accidents. Anything that involves equipment and chemicals is going to be especially strict. Any adult knows middle management is the first to go when a company is in trouble. Impressionable young girls, however, don't get a realistic perspective of sex work when it's people like you showing off online about how awesome you and your life is. If it works for you, fine, but being defensive to the point you misrepresent reality is potentially harmful to people who think it's fun, easy work.
Your job is not secure. It's a big black hole in your work history, and it's an inherently temporary job. You have no sick pay or leave allowances, you can't get redundancy payments, you can only work while you're still young and attractive, you are at risk of being doxxed or discovered by people you know, you can't put it on a resume because of the stigma, but even if you did - what skills, experience, certifications or connections have you gained? If you have had a great experience with sex work you are LUCKY, not an infallible and accurate perspective on it.
No. 99573
>>99526>>99546>>99547Hey, I make A LOT more than $400 an hour! I also have a hefty savings account, a 401k, and health insurance.
I do all my sw online and NEVER meet clients in person.
There are ways to be smart about it.
No. 99575
>>99573Double post, but I'm set up as an actual business which I administer through my website. So my actual job title right now is webmaster.
I've learned marketing and publicity skills, I've learned how to code and run a website, I've learned graphic design and video editing, I've learned how to negotiate with clients (not to mention I've developed excellent interpersonal skills), I've polished my writing skills, and I've learned personal accounting and how to manage a business.
If those aren't skills gained, then I don't know what are..?
No. 99580
>>99575And yet here you are, on a sunday, shitposting on a legbeard matching site.
Just because you run a porn tumblr and promote yourself on twitter, doesn't mean your publicity skills and marketing skills are very useful. I really don't see how editing porn clips and making anal closeup compilations can be counted as graphic design either.
Do you really think any employer won't actually google your company and realise you're a self-employed camgirl and not the business guru you claim to be? Negotiating a neckbeard to pay 60 tugboat bucks instead of 57 tugboat bucks for pictures of your dirty feet isn't exactly a useful skill, nor is roleplaying as his grandmother. Saying you've polished your writing skills by talking to neckbeards and writing tumblr captions is the equivalent of a fanfic writer with their CV stating they've self published over 100 short stories - useless.
Get a Grip Girl.
No. 99595
>>99575i too am clearly a webmaster because i learned HTML to make shitty custom myspace BGs 10 years ago for all my weeb friends.
seriously tho, what the other anons said. running a tumblr porn blog isn't really a skill, and not a difficult one either. and most of your "marketing and sales" experience amounts to no more than most ebay buyers and sellers can gain.
No. 99623
>>99336Thirding a discord!
Cause like yeah there's probably forums and stuff for this subject but it'd be fun/helpful to have a closer group to talk to and help out. And this thread is kind of surprisingly one of the more active ones on /g/ I think? And still keep it
kinda anonymous too like no need to share our usernames and pages for what sites we're on.
No. 99674
>>99574>>99578>>99580>>99592>>99595>>99622Look, I'm not trying to start a fight here. I just wanted to provide another perspective on the topic, and tbh flex a little because I'm proud of my work.
There are a lot of assumptions being made, and I'm not going to address them all because the sw community is small and I don't want to accidentally dox myself.
I dont run a "tumblr porn blog" - it's a regular ol' .com site. I am NOT a camgirl - I've never cammed in my life.
Ok, the 401k was admittedly a stretch - I do have one but it's from the job I worked prior to starting my site. I'm just holding onto it for now until I switch over to a roth-ira.
I browse lolcow when I'm bored and need a good laugh - I usually stick to snow. I dont think any amount of money would make me not want to come here once and a while for the lulz.
I'm sure this post is going to get shat on also, but it's fine. What strangers on the internet think about me has no bearing on me. I just wanted to provide an alternate experience to all the horror stories that were popping up.
Sorry for
triggering so many of you! Believe what you want - I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. Actually it's better for me if you don't believe me, because then it's less likely one of you will try to do the same thing I'm doing and poach my client base.
I'm happy to answer questions!
No. 99675
>>99674can you explain to me why you're such a cringy tryhard on an
anonymous board? sex work or not, your claims were really pathetic, hell this reply and confession are pathetic because you don't amount to being a person on this site.
also for someone claiming to be more educated and well rounded from her "job" you certainly did no research before "flexing" blatant lies to us. i still cannot believe thought you could just lie about getting a 401k, even though professional adult entertainers don't get it. and a quick google shows you that even if you were employed through a camsite, the type of employment doesn't even qualify them to offer 401k at all.
No. 99694
>>99676Good that you acknowledge it, good luck with stretching your asshole today for a quick buck!
Remember that not all medical insurances cover anal tears!
No. 99724
>>99694What's wrong with stretching your asshole for $$? That's a very puritanical mindset. It's just an asshole - everyone has one. It's really no different than an earlobe or an elbow, and I bet you show those for free everyday.
Would you say the same thing about somebody selling foot pics? They're still being used for sexual gratification, but feet aren't considered "private parts" the same way genitals are…is that just as despicable, or do you draw the line at assholes?
I'm really sorry I'm being so bitchy and catty - I do try to stay out of drama, but I'm just having so much fun with this argument! So thank you, truly, for the entertainment.
No. 99725
>>99724Lmao you're so embarrassing. It's really obvious how much you hate yourself and your shitty degrading job by how hard you're trying to compensate.
But keep bragging about your ability to get old nasty men to give you coins for showing them your dirty butthole, that's very impressive anon!
No. 99726
>>99724aren't you busy being a ""webmaster"" lmao. the point is that sex work is easy shit, it's simply unskilled labor like factory work or construction, only you don't really provide a valuable service like goods, and unskilled laborers generally lack intelligence. basically, anyone proud of their sex work is going to be stupid (and you're proving that point pretty well). in fact, the only thing about you that's entertaining is that you're so unintelligent, stupid enough to lie about 401k, stupid enough to then come back on anon and flex, and yet again stupid enough to reply. sex workers are basically the human version of cigarettes stupid, useless things that only satisfy stupid, useless people.
No. 99727
>>99725i really don't understand why anon is acting like it's such a big accomplishment (tho it likely is for her), i learned how to do all the shit she said plus graphic design to fuel my jewelry making hobby. anyone ITT can do what she "learned" hell, 18 year olds do the same shit, it's not special. the only real difference between us and her is that we're smart enough to know that objectifying yourself is bad for society and not worth the bullshit.
also, as for office jobs, i would much rather be yelled at by some idiot complaining about a scratch on his furniture than some idiot bitching about my boobs being too saggy or something. people paying your wages generally don't personally criticize you at regular normal jobs, and they certainly aren't criticizing your body.
No. 99730
>>99727>complaining about a scratch on his furniture than some idiot bitching about my boobs being too saggyyeah this. what anon said in
>>99724 confirms my suspicions that a lot of sex workers who claim to love it have a weird sociopathy towards themselves, like they don't have any of the feelings attached to their bodies that most people do so they can treat it like it's just a bunch of parts for sale.
No. 99752
>>99730Attachment to the body is unnatural. Your body is not you, it's just a flesh vessel to carry around your mind and soul for a limited amount of time.
Why are all you girls hanging around and posting on a sw thread if you're anti-sw? This was supposed to be a place for industry discussion, and you've all just sort of hijacked it and turned it into a morality shamefest. Rude as hell.
I fourth a dischord, but let's require some vetting so that only sw are allowed. I'm tired of these bitter, little prudes clogging up the thread.
Please, leave us alone. If you don't agree with sw, fine, but keep your opinions to yourself. Nothing you say will make us think any differently, and it's obvious none of you have any clue what actually goes into making money as a sw.
You think it's all about nudity? No - fetishes are psychological. The majority of my work is writing and roleplaying different scenarios. That's the skill not everyone can do, and it pays dividends.
I take it you've never heard of findom, or even simple online domming, or else you'd know how uninformed you sound. Educate yourselves before you talk shit about a group of strangers you've never met, you know nothing about, and whose field of work you clearly aren't familiar with even the basics of.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
No. 99758
>>99752Self-objectifying is not healthy and not being attached to your body is unnatural. For normal people it is a part of their identity, it's always been and is the central essence of humanity and many philosophical discussions (buddhism and namarupa, the mind–body problem, dualism, neoplatonisms emanations of the One, epiphenomenalism etc…).
I'm all for prostitution and I'm fine with it, let's just not pretend running a .com anal dilation site for fetishists requires much else than an internet connection, an access to an asshole and a camera. Again, as stated above - we have all written cringey fanfics when we were 13, let's not pretend writing cringey fanfics to a neckbeard about inflation is highbrow literature.
It does not pay dividends.
>dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits. Or is your site now listed on an index? SP 500 maybe?
Thank you that you'll stop posting, I deep down hope you're a troll but I'm quite sure you're not based on your claims.
No. 99760
>>99752Woah you can write shitty sex roleplay? Now that's a skill most people wish they had.
And being attached to your body is absolutely natural. Healthy people don't give access to their hole to any rando who throw money at them.
No. 99761
>>99752Wait, since it pays dividend does this mean your clients are the shareholders since they all own pictures of your asshole.
Does this mean the cum is the dividends???
No. 99765
>>99760Sex workers in the thread who met clients irl/had irl sex/worked in a brothel
>Sex work is demoralizing and I don't recommend it, it caused me PTSDOnline-only sexworkers who post/take videos and post text online
>Idk the big deal about sex work! Y'all are prudes!!! It's better than a normal job!!Everyone is seeing this, right? Online-only sex workers do not speak for irl workers/escorts et al. They are not prudes for saying they hated it. People are allowed to have different opinions. If you find it a fulfilling job, great, but disagreement doesn't mean = prude.
Also it is not necessarily normal to disassociate with your body (DID, anyone?) and it's silly to posit that.
No. 99790
>>99765Some anons are truly just fucking dense. There's a difference between getting naked in the safety of your own home (camming), getting naked irl and fondled (stripping), and getting naked and fucked (prostitution).
I've done the first two and it still haunts me today, I can't imagine what the third would've done to me. I can tell you I thought I was perfectly fine at the time when I as working and it wasn't a big deal but it is now. I'm just lucky I didn't go so far to get my body violated, or worse. I was a camgirl and a stripper and I'm still a virgin because sex and men now terrify me.
No. 99796
>>99765I'd actually rather differentiate between those that depended on the money and those that do it as a hobby or source of secondary income.
I do offline SW myself, meet with clients etc. but I don't depend on the money. I don't HAVE to do it. If I actually had to meet clients no matter what to pay my bills I would be hell of a lot more miserable.
I do, however, agree with the point that SW in general shouldn't be glorified and be seen as a possible full-time job you can do instead of a regular one.
No. 99871
>>99868Depop is pretty good for stripper shoes. For more femdom stuff, look for demonia knockoffs.
>>99866Are you keeping it to tinder only? If not, use a separate phone number, wipe exif data from all pictures you send and do not interact with those who are closer to you. If someone was dedicated enough, they could triangulate based on location and info you've given them
No. 100044
>>100040>"all prostitution is rape"
>woman offering >man accepting offer >"rApE!!!!!"seems legit
all prostitution is always inevitably rape
even if the woman enjoys having sex and earning money is just a bonus and she isn't doing it in sheer desperation
it's always rape
Fuck off.
(stop) No. 100048
>>100045Can't you read you fucking moron?
>earning money is just a bonus and she isn't doing it in sheer desperationThere are women that aren't doing it because they have to and it's their only way to get by. They literally do it because they like having sex with many different people and are privileged enough to be somewhat picky about their clients.
It's still sex work. It's still prostitution. It's not rape.
No. 100085
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No. 100136
>>100134They are usually guys who will push your limits and try endlessly to date you and get everything for free because it's love!
As an escort (or a sugar baby), if a client tells you he loves you, it's better to cut ties quickly before he either gets pushy or outright starts to stalk you to know the ~real you~.
A client saying I love you is showing he doesn't understand that this is a transaction with firm boundaries.
No. 100783
>>97423>>97441It was only a few years ago and it was tumble-tier libfems (asked for advice on a sex positive feminism page and got encouraged, older students at my high school encouraged it by telling me how cool it is and how empowered I must be etc). I went to a rich high school for reference full of wealthy white girls who had no idea what prostitution is like (myself included up until that point). When I bring it up in feminist circles now (I go to a very liberal art school) I get told how "but some people CHOOSE to do sex work and it IS empowering" and that I shouldn't "put down sex workers for their choice just because I had a bad experience". Radfems have been an absolute breath of fresh air lol.
>>98547do you live under a rock? sex positivity is all about this shit, constant memes about how empowering it is and how you're so strong and dominant and cool for it.
>>99132dude whats wrong with you. me: talks about how I was groomed into sex work as a teen and repeatedly abused. you: wow I feel so sorry for your parents :/ must be tough having a failure as a daughter
No. 101013
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Wow, you guys really are fucking sluts, aren't you?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 103662
>>103661Forgot to add that I also work a “real” IRL job so no work history gaps like someone mentioned earlier in this thread.
I wouldn’t do all the SW stuff I do as my only job but I do make money doing it than I do my IRL job. I have a few guys who I have on a pay schedule (outside of patreon or private cam shows/sexting) who straight pay me twice a month (300-500 bucks). With these guys I pretty much just send them messages daily (like casual chat) and occasional pictures just for them.
It gets kind of exhausting for me to talk to men 24/7 and constantly take pictures of myself but I can deal with it for now. Being a college student and balancing school/work is rough, so it’s easier for me to work part time IRL but make most of my money without a set schedule. This allows me to go to classes whenever, lots of study time, time volunteer/shadow/etc. it’s liberating time wise.
I’m still in school as well so I don’t plan on doing this forever.
No. 103665
>>103656>>103656Enjoy your inevitable divorce.
>>103661Cosplay is a nasty hobby.
No. 103668
>>99519 - in a long-term relationship with the father of my child, plan to get married some day, and he knows every little bit about my past. It's not something I'm ashamed of, just not something I advertise either.
No. 103673
>>103671Robots are mentally ill scum. They think of you as a worthless whore whether or not you’re a literal whore. This thread means nothing in that sense.
Although I don’t understand when people think SW are scum/deserve to be shamed (wtf lol).
I mean I understand not liking it, thinking that it’s bad, degrading, not promoting it etc but for a lot of people it’s done as a last resort/necessity. Sure, I hate the glorification of SW but I demonize the sick men who pay for it rather than the workers who try to make ends meet by meeting a demand for a service.
I never would recommend SW to anyone as a job but I can’t blame those who do it. I just hope they get out of it fast.
No. 103676
>>103673>Promotes the commodification of women>Promotes the objectification of women (along with entertainment, porn etc)>Linked to terrible mental health, which it objectively worsens over time the longer you're in it>Linked to massively higher suicide rates>Linked to broken homes>Pornifies general culture over time (porn creep)>Fucks men's minds up for incredibly young ages, raises them on porn to think violence and degradation is a natural part of sex>Means women have to deal with men who were raised by porn and acquiesce or even develop stockholm syndrome towards this >Destroys the self-esteem of young girls by promoting unrealistic body image (bleached assholes etc), thereby helping to make more self-harmers>Symbiotically tied with human trafficking>Preys on vulnerable young women >Promotes pimp-shit rhetoric ("you're not a whore! you're sticking it to the patriarchy by sucking Mr. Shekelberg off under the table!") to justify this>Full of miserable halfwits who try to rope other girls into their misery by claiming every normal job is "also degrading", and comparing something like service employment fucking yourself with 10 inch dildos on cam, or meeting random old men in motels for awful sex. Just look at all the tumblr whores who tried to promote their lifestyle to other girls, providing "guides on how to perform sex work right" etc. ←— This one I particularly fucking hate>Bullshits about money (I've never met a "sex worker" who saved a penny, or had a dependable income after 30, if they exist, they're a tiny minority) No. 103677
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>>103675wow! you just blew my mind with this!
No. 103679
>>103676Huh? Are you a fucking idiot?
I never claimed SW is good, that I support it, that it’s good and empowering for women etc. Sex work sucks and If I could make this a world where no one has to ever engage in sex work of any kind I would.
That being said, just because SW is shit doesn’t mean I’m going to step all over the poor women coerced or forced to do SW lol.
No. 103684
>>103680I understand what you’re saying but I think educating people on why SW is shit is better than shaming and abusing the people doing it already.
I’d like to take people away from sex work, and a lot people get stuck into it thinking they’re not people anymore or worthy enough to do anything else/can’t do anything else. It doesn’t make sense to alienate SW, how else will they leave their shitty profession.
I wish we could have a country wide program to rehabilitate SW and give them Normal jobs and also help prevent others from starting SW. that’s my ideal.
I think we have similar end opinions but just different ways of enforcing that opinion haha.
No. 104603
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>>104601It's actually stupid easy if you put a bit of effort into it
No. 104673
>>104606Tbh though that is a fair point: being successful at online sw DOES require excellent internet/research skills…
I say this as the anon who originally posted about ELM…which btw if anyone wants to discuss the topic of promoting oneself as an e-hoe, I'd be so down to trade tips!
No. 104681
>>104673>>104606nta, but how is this a discussion thread if you're not allowed to ask for more information or questions on SW?
>being successful at online sw DOES require excellent internet/research skills…What does that have to do with what is probably a non-SW anon asking a question? I do SW and it's literally an industry that exists in the "shadows" by it's very nature. It's not that hard to believe that someone who doesn't know or work in the industry wouldn't automatically know all the terminology or acronyms right away.
No. 104954
>>97991>>97759I'm NTA nor am I trying to get into SW but why is this literally always the response when someone ask a seasoned SW questions? Like I get it they could just google it sure, but is it really going to kill you to just answer the questions.
>>inb4wHeN i StArTeD i DiDnT hAvE aNyOnE1111!!!
okay that's cool but I bet you wish you had? Is it really going to harm you to help another girl out lmao. Clearly other girls in this thread don't mind.
No. 105614
>>105084>>105096One thing to keep in mind if you're contemplating getting into camming is that ALL camshows are recorded and reposted on the internet - EVERY SINGLE ONE! Don't be fooled into thinking that because you're a new model you won't draw enough attention to be recorded - there are bots that automatically record every public show (yes, your first show included!) - and we all know that what happens on the internet stays on the internet…
So if you're cool with your nudes being permanently entombed on the internet, like I am, then go for it! You can make a shitload of money. But if you have any hesitation about it or if you intend to pursue a "traditional" career one day, then don't. There's no way to erase the fact that you've cammed once you have - there's no going back.
No. 105741
>>105729Stick it out on your current account - it takes time to build up a loyal following. Try to be online at the same time everyday AT LEAST 3 days per week (ideally go for 5 - more than that and you'll burn yourself out), and stream for a good 4-5 hours each time. Soon you'll attract regular tippers - keep in mind ~95% of your earnings at any given time are going to be coming from 1-3 people, so it really is a matter of quality over quantity.
What are you using in terms of webcam/lighting? When you broadcast, around what FPS are you hovering? With a basic logitech setup it should be 30 - less than that and there's something eating your bandwidth (which is usually an easy fix, just takes a bit of troubleshooting). When members enter your room, do a lot of them tend to leave immediately? That could also indicate a problem with your streaming quality.
In my experience, the most important element of a good cam setup is lighting - if you haven't already, you should invest ~$50 in a professional photography light. Get the highest wattage you can find - I have a 1350W softbox from Mount Dog that I bought on Amazon and I love it! The first time I streamed with it my room count literally doubled.
I'll think if there are any other tips I can recommend, but hope this at least helps somewhat!
No. 105743
>>105721Honestly, none. I'd say you could try sugaring, but idk how or where you'd go about finding an sd without putting yourself out there on the internet.
The #1 law of sw is that it's not a matter of IF you're found out, it's WHEN - make enough $ w/ sw for it to be worth doing, and you WILL be outted. If that is a nonstarter for you, then it's just not a good idea.
Sorry, anon, I don't mean to dash your hopes! Just want any girls who read this and who happen to be thinking about getting into camming/sw to understand that it's a big, permanent decision. If you decide to do it, research as much as possible to understand exactly what you're getting into!
No. 105963
>>103676Agreed. Sex work is not and will never ever be empowering.
Read this:“Prostitution is not on par with a job, it is one expression of the sexual hierarchy called patriarchy. Does a wife who fears divorce but hates her husband consent when she has sex with him to avoid his anger or abandonment? Surely, we see this question with enough nuance to surpass the anemic legal standard of consent. What would you say to your friend if she told you this? But when the same survival dynamic underwrites prostitution, we immediately jump out of the ring where we struggle against patriarchy and position ourselves alongside liberals by shifting the issue from one of sexual hierarchy to labor-process. The field is abandoned to patriarchy, and feminism is subsumed (again) into workerism.”
No. 106207
>>105963Idk…I find my bank account balance pretty empowering!
Feminism is dumb.
No. 106241
>>106232Why "versus"? They're not exclusive. Plus, you actually can't make serious $ off looks alone (how could you? There's thousands of hot girls giving it away for free) - you can only make the big bucks by being hot AND interesting (ie. smart). A lot of non-swers assume the former.
I'm sorry you derive your entire self-worth from what men think of you! Hopefully one day you can learn to transcend that.
No. 106257
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>>106241>I'm sorry you derive your entire self-worth from what men think of you! Hopefully one day you can learn to transcend that.Not getting that women using their bodies for sex is never smart and completely dependant on men's self-worth of them, but okay. I do just fine in a career where i don't degrade myself for money and actually use educational learned skills.
No. 106260
>>106257Anon why would you hate on prostituted women themselves?
Hate the industry, not the victims in it.
No. 106283

>>106260There's a difference between a young girl forced into prostitution because she has no other option (a lot of girls start underage and are forced into it by family or a pimp finds them) and anons itt, most of whom chose to be prostitutes because they have zero self worth, think that being degraded for cash is empowering, and will never understand that most girls who are prostitutes are not empowered but continuously abused, trafficked, and killed. I have nothing but sympathy for these young girls, and I actually devote a substantial portion of my time outside of school and work to bring attention to human trafficking and help victims.
For every ~empowered feminist sex workers~ anon who thinks being a hooker is empowering there are 5 underage girls who got beaten by their pimp because they didn't sleep with enough men, whose murders go unnoticed because they're invisible in the eyes of the law, who will never get to live a real childhood nor have a healthy and stable future. Any anon here bragging about her bank account is
not a victim, in my opinion they're actually making it worse for the girls who are really victims
No. 106294
>>106283Fucking T H I S. I'm an ex-prostitute and I have these fucking conversations with privileged "SWers" constantly. I honestly couldn't give a fuck if all these women had to live on the dole forever, if it meant no one was ever trafficked or coerced ever again. They refuse to accept that normalising the idea that women & girls can be bought for sex - and that it's actually an empowering thing - increases trafficking exponentially, because that would mean doing something else with their life. It's pathetic and I have absolutely no respect for it. When you say that, then the sob story comes out - kicked out at 16, drug problems, poverty…and you're like congratulations, you're actually lying about fucking strangers to survive because you're so desperate to tell yourself that what you're doing is okay. Sperg but this subject is sore for me, and anons like
>>106207 can fuck themselves.
No. 106299
>>106294I'm so glad you were able to get out. It's incredibly disheartening when I tell someone that I work with an organization who helps get women out of prostitution and they tell me that I'm anti-feminist and hate women - once I was told that I wanted to "erase female identity." In my opinion nothing is more erasing to an identity than basically not existing at all like so many of these girls. There's a reason why so many serial killers took prostitutes as their victims. It's always very sad to see some of the girls come into the center I work at looking to get out but they never fully do because that's all they know, and the relationship with their pimp is the closest thing to love they know. It's so hard to quit once and for all.
If you're interested in helping other girls like yourself get out (or even just providing some sort of support) you should definitely look into volunteering with an anti-trafficking organization or center near you. A lot of the girls would really benefit from hearing from someone who was once in the same place as them. A lot of them are all-female organizations made up of the best and kindest women I've ever met, they would definitely not out you or anything if you're concerned about that!
No. 106301
>>106283First off, thank you so much for doing something to bring awareness. Human trafficking and sex trafficking seems to be a subject almost never touched upon. I didnt know it was a thing until after i got out of high school and did my own research because i hated porn so much and needed to know more.
People who WILLINGLY because hookers and strippers are in such a first world mentality, that they cannot fathom a situation where other women are forced into that life style, addicted to drugs and alcohol to escape it mentality. It's so sad and i've watched only two traffically documentaries that have made me cry. It's inhumane. A Lot of those women and children die and their voices are lost because there are so many, especially in Asian and Eastern european countries.
There will never be anything ~~empowering~~ about sex work. It's sex slavery.
No. 106303
>>106299It is sad that so many of those women cannot mentality escape and that is reality of sex work and it's codependency. Most women need it for money and most are so messed up mentality that they can't get out even if they wanted.
It becomes so dangerous for them. Anyone telling you that you are anti women/feminist because you want to tell women they need to be more than sex workers is wrong
No. 106305
>>106301Human trafficking is, imo, at crisis levels around the world but especially in the US. There is little known about the exact statistical gravity of the situation; the estimates on how many people are trafficked
into the US yearly range from 30k-170k, and this doesn't include citizens trafficked within the US. Most stats are really outdated. The legal definition of trafficking is very vague so the actual number is likely much larger. And the issue is incredibly severe in the Philippines.
Do the children in this video look empowered to you? No. 106619
>>106294ex sw here too.
I'd prefer women to be on welfare for the rest if their lives than ever having to work in this horrific fucking industry
No. 106928
>>106692You think corporations care about their workers? They don't give a damn, you are worth as much as your skillset, just like in sex work you are worth as much as your looks.
It's just the same thing, different measuring stick.
But I have always wanted to know, does sex work screw someone up in relationships? Do people just lose interest in sex completely because they now associate it with work?
No. 106930
>>106928>You think corporations care about their workers?They are legally obligated to 'care' in certain respects, and if they don't, you have employment lawyers to care about you instead.
And yes, a business sees employees as roles and dollar signs (like we see them as pay cheques), but people who employ you are still people. I've been lucky enough to have good managers who certainly care about us, HR and higher ups are never happy about making people redundant. The way management see their staff, or the CEO views his workforce, is completely different to the dehumanizing perspective men have on prostitutes. I'll take neutrality and focus on the bottom line over someone thinking my body is his to buy any day.
No. 106937
>>106936people die from anaphylactic shock from tampons and die from food poisoning. And people don't even get paid to do that.
People have jobs as soldiers, and miners and divers where you can die.
I fail to see the point you are trying to make.
No. 106942
>>106937>dying from tamponsAre you fucking seriously trying to compare using a tampon to getting paid to be raped?
>People have jobs as soldiers, and miners and divers where you can die.And you can die from STIs, being beaten, and from unintended pregnancy. Just because other jobs are bad, doesn’t excuse this one. Of all the jobs you list, prostitution is the least vital.
Again, what other JOB requires you to put something potentially diseased in your body, sometimes painfully so? What other JOB has people putting diseased things inside them FOR MONEY? J-O-B.
No. 106943
>>106942>getting paid to be raped?seriously?
>Of all the jobs you list, prostitution is the least vital. Well get to work stopping it, you've got lots of work to do.
No. 106944
>>106937>anaphylactic shock from tampons and die from food poisoningfucking kek anon, those are freak accidents.
people die in car crashes so what's the harm in sex work, amirite?
No. 106945
>>106943>getting paid to be raped?>seriously?Yes. If they wouldn’t consent to sex without money then they are being paid to be raped. Those who are trafficking or pimped don’t want to be in prostitution and they won’t even get the money. That is rape by definition.
>Well get to work stopping it, you've got lots of work to do.Yes, lots of ignorant people like you to educate.
No. 106946
>>106945It comes off like your suggesting that rape is only as bad as anything you'd rather not do, but are willing to do for money. The idea here being that plenty of us can handle fucking someone unappealing without it being any more traumatic than some heavy yard-work.
Personally I don't doubt in the slightest that sex work can be one of the absolute worst choices for even a short term temp job depending on the individual and their circumstances but the way I'm seeing this being presented is that if you're willing to sell your body you're not allowed to be happy with yourself.
No. 106947
>>106946>It comes off like your suggesting that rape is only as bad as anything you'd rather not do, but are willing to do for money. The idea here being that plenty of us can handle fucking someone unappealing without it being any more traumatic than some heavy yard-work. Not my intention. And it’s more than unappealing. Life threatening, potential for injury, etc.
>Personally I don't doubt in the slightest that sex work can be one of the absolute worst choices for even a short term temp job depending on the individual and their circumstances but the way I'm seeing this being presented is that if you're willing to sell your body you're not allowed to be happy with yourself.Not allowed? No. But the vast majority of people in prositution are trafficked or pimped. It’s not a stretch to say they are unhappy. Don’t believe everything to read on sex worker sites, interviews, or twitter. It’s advertising. People like Liara Roux in the first pic will have you think it’s all fun and joy. From experience, I can tell you it’s definitely not.
No. 106977
>>106945yes and womens eyes are being raped when they accept a date from an ugly guy to get a free meal.
Or when the girls go for a night out and have to put up with creepers to sponge free drinks off of, thats rape too.
No. 107739
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Idk if this is the right place to ask. If not, my bad.
Is Tigerlily Taylor aka Taylor White an escort? She's always travelling and I've been curious for a while. I've been following her but there's no indication besides all the travel.
No. 110664
>>93895I know this comment is months old but i hope you or any anon who has used manyvids can please give me a heads up on this.
I'm trying to see how much profit girls of my body type make on mv. I thought that for any video the shown number of views=buys but then i saw a girl that mentioned having "tons of views but no sales". But i don't understand what she means.
Do views=buys or does the website inflate the numbers by including rewatch/previews?
No. 110735
>>110664Views do NOT equal buys - nobody can see how many buys a vid has except the model.
Views only denote how many times people have clicked on a vid and watched its preview.
In a way, views have nothing to do with buys, HOWEVER, more views=higher MV score/MV rank=more traffic to your page, which usually results in more sales.
So if a model says that her vid has tons of views but no buys, that means lots of people click on the vid, watch the preview, and then don't decide to buy it, which could indicate that either the preview isn't very good (ie. Not converting to sales) or else the vid itself just isn't very good since nobody's buying it.
If you have any other questions, I am happy to provide advice! I check this thread regularly.
No. 111541
>>111536$1000 for a weekend is WAY too cheap, especially if you're not an escort! Don't ever consider meeting anyone for less than five digits, and even then I'd still highly caution against it.
Do you know this guy's legal name/address/occupation/family? Have you ran a background check on him? Do you have the money in your account BEFORE the meetup? If the answer to any of those questions is no, DON'T DO IT ANON!!
You can make plenty off the internet without meeting up with random guys - be smart and safe!
No. 111563
>>111553i got into top 100 kink earners recently, its never happened to me before but is definitely exciting. congrats!
onlyfans is pretty much only useful if you're promoting it other places like twitter or on a camsite, if you livestream as well.
No. 111785
long ass vent coming in, don't wanna post it in the general vent thread because so many people will hate it since it has to do with sex work
>be me, using MyGirlFund
>guy approaches, runs me through his "interview" to be his "submissive"
>we decide he'll start paying me $600 a month come mid-May to maintain a landing strip, let him pick my profile picture, and for me to pretend not to be using birth control
>He will also pay me for pics/vids/private cam shows come mid-May (when I'm done with school)
>he continues to chat me every day to "build a rapport" (fine, whatever) while not contributing anything to my fund
>be me, and not want to hold hours-long conversations with some guy every day for no money, but do it anyway because it'll be worth it in May
tonight he asked me if I would dye my hair for him for $200. I told him I could do it this weekend, and he was super happy. then I asked that he pay me half up front, since I'll be buying the dye and spending hours of time and effort to dye my long-ass hair. He gets butthurt, "I thought you trusted me, we've been building a rapport, don't act like you're more important than I am, it's my time and effort too"
I said yeah I like you, but I'm not about to alter my public appearance for several months on the "promise" of $200, when you've never sent me any money before, so I have no proof that you ever will. You don't seem like that kind of guy, but again, I have NO history to go on that I can trust you other than your "word." I have to protect myself, it would be a shitty business that does the work without receiving any money beforehand just because they have talked to the client 5 times and they "seem nice." usually I wouldn't do it unless I got everything up front, but I like you so I asked for only half as a compromise
he starts saying "now I know why you never live chat me first, you don't care about having a friendly relationship, you see this as more of a business, my sincerest apologies for misunderstanding"
I'm like "Bruh if I only wanted "friendship", I would be on a site where money wasn't involved. But I'm here. And I never live chat anyone first because I'm on my phone and don't check to see who's online. and I'm always going to prioritize talking to people who are offering me money. That's the nature of this site"
he gets pissed, says "point taken. look for me come mid-May" (I won't)
I say "feel free to reach out any time you want to chat :)" (actually don't though, I'm fine with not talking to you until you're paying me)
he immediately blocks me
hoping he never unblocks me lol. seems like way more trouble than he was worth. asking me to dye my hair and keep it dyed for a month before I would see a single penny for it. Like, it'll stay dyed for MONTHS without me having to redo it. you can pay me as soon as it happens. I'm amazed he thought a down payment was me "feeling far more important than him" like no, that's literally just me not knowing you and having nothing to go on and needing a little insurance. He was pissed he was "in the same category as every other guy." like bitch until I'm receiving regular contributions from you, YOU ARE LIKE EVERY OTHER GUY. you ain't pay me shit, I ain't do shit. good riddance
No. 111798
>>111795right? I feel a little foolish, but he has a 5-star rating and seemed genuinely excited to pay for content (I'm not making any new stuff rn so that's why he hasn't bought customs yet), so I assumed he would be good for that at the very least. But he's not going to be getting anything from me now.
If he live chats me in May asking to start our planned "arrangement", I'm debating telling him I mentioned his ideas (control over profile pic, pubic hairstyle, hair color, etc.) to someone else, they loved them, and insisted on paying me up front for the privilege to decide. petty, but if he thinks I'm gonna have any interest in doing stuff for him for a whole fuxkin month before I see a penny for it, I'm gonna throw it back in his stupid face. him pitching a fit over such a reasonable request has shown me that he really
isn't as trustworthy as he claims to be.
No. 112018
So I'm a patreon thot that shoots lewd lingerie sets and shit. I'm surprised how well it pays (2k USD minimum a month) for no nudes/no porn shit. Blows my mind for I'm not complaining.
I also speak to a few beta supporters closely, some of them daily (which is annoying because although a few a lovely, my higher paying ones are sometimes super entitled, whiny babies).
They usually send me an "allowance" monthly or weekly. This nets me around 300-800 a month from each one of them. Some of them are truly insufferable so I can understand why they need to pay a girl to speak to them but it's emotional exhausting.
I have a "real" job and also study at uni, and I've been saving most of the money I make (although a lot does go out to living expenses because I live alone)
I'd say in a "normal" month I make at least 2-3K minimum and spend around 1K on living expenses (I don't eat out EVER, cook the cheapest shit of all time, and I don't buy clothes or anything not counting new underwear or stupid thot outfits I have to "invest" in)
In 5 months I went from having under 100 dollars (shit living situation in legit poverty, alcoholic shit parents so I just left them because they were going to ruin my life If I stayed) to having 4K in my checking and 0 credit card debt or anything (I do have a credit card which I use to track expenses, totally recommend using it only if you can pay off 100% and this way you can see how much you spend).
Looking to move out of my shit place soon into a slightly better one in around a year (more so out of necessity, lease will be over then, wish I could stay in this shit hole to save money honestly).
If you're smart with your money, know how to budget, and can deal with the cancer that men are you can really make some decent money and not have to do any straight up sex things (unless you want to, your call).
I did try to do straight nude things without showing my face or normal locations I have never shown anywhere before and I did get a bunch of random money sent to me by men online and gifts, but I found it to be too much work for me to juggle e thot patreon, talking to betas daily, school full time, and working a "real" demanding full time job.
I can answer anybodies questions or whatever if you are wondering something.
No. 112037
>>112000It sucks ass tbh. It used to be a LOT better a few years ago. They take 45% of your earnings for the first $2000, and you have to "level up" to make 80% at most (after earning like 50k at least I would say. The final level takes $13k to reach from the level before it) and the guys pay at least 1.20 (at most 1.80) for one credit that sends you $1, which MGF takes their cut from. So they feel super entitled since they're paying more than they're sending to you, even though you're only making like half of what they paid originally.
I'm only on it because I have some good regulars who send me a fair amount of money and it's not worth it to leave yet. But honestly find a different website if you can. The interface is SHIT, it crashes all the time for everyone, they never fix the problems, the men are super entitled and expect you to chat with them for free forever while they jerk off to your profile pictures… just a sad place to start out nowadays. I've been on the site for like three years on and off.
No. 112058
>>111965Posts that are all just questions about stuff you can look up online are going to be ignored, nobody wants to spoonfeed an outsider, especially when it cuts into their market and might also lead to another girl getting way over her head in sex work because she thought it would be easy.
Talk about what you're already doing and then people might want to reply to you
No. 112065
>>112018I'm in a similar situation as the one you started from and damn, I'd do the same. I don't want to do nudes either, so if it worked for you that's great.
How did you start? Were you already a cosplayer? How did you get patrons?
No. 112090
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Lmfao imagine hanging out on a website bashing man and talkin about how women are superior to men while you have no skills and have to suck dicks for money.
It ain't gonna suck itself better get back to work(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 112097
>>112094How? I don't think the same anons who are against the sex industry are working in it lmao. Maybe one or two, but far from all.
I've also seen conflict itt between radfem anons and sw in anons passing. Many anons in /ot/ even call the mh thread a containment thread for us, anons aren't all the same.
The only things we all have in common on this site are bitterness and vaginas.
No. 112099
>>112065>>112071Ok so I had a decent Instagram account already (built up to over 6K but under 12K naturally without any shoutouts or giveaways)
I decided to release “lewd” sets of some basic generic cute but sexy shit. Priced reasonably but not too cheap at first (around $25 price range)
At first I took photos myself with my iPhone, a cheap box lighting set I got online, a tripod-san/selfie stick, and a little clicker that allows me to take photos. It wasn’t anything high quality at first.
When I built up enough money and had more patrons I went and found a photographer to shoot me (who shoots me for free since he knows I’m not super rich or whatever, I know him personally now and he is a great guy, not a creep just a total professional overall. Make sure you find someone reputable with a good reputation and references if you want a photographer.
Don’t settle for a creep even if it’s for free.
he takes a lot of shots for me in high quality and fast (we shoot like over 400 photos at a time in like 2 hours max). It really helps having a professional because although I can shoot myself it is just much harder to.
Eventually I bought my own camera (refurbished/on sale) and I have my SO shoot me sometimes as well.
I do cosplay, but I never went from cosplayer to thot. I only really cosplayed for my own fun/at conventions but I do lewd sets based on cosplays. Not many people truly care about seeing great cosplays lewded unless you are incredible. You can chose a character you like and expand on a fantasy version of this character for example.
I think it is important to follow trends. You don’t have to do it all the time but it does help. Find/know what animes/games that are popular at the time and hurry up and put something together. At the very least if you have access to amazon and prime you can find a matching wig/some pieces for your “idea” very fast and for not too much money.
You can also try Etsy if you want higher quality add ons/props or want to straight buy a high quality cosplay but don’t stress about this.
I like taobao to mass purchase 5-10 outfits at a time for dollars (although the total haul with shipping usually costs me around 200 dollars, but this is for MONTHS of shit). The only downfall is shipping time is usually weeks at the very least.
You can be creative and not super canon if it’s not possible for you to do so. try to keep it interesting and offer different pictures for each tier. Post polls and interactive things for your patreon audience so they feel more likely to stay.
The most important thing in my opinion for leading a character is to have a nice wig/ hair/makeup , and to look clean. This is all fairly easy of course. If your makeup skills are not good/your skin is not perfect, then this is what photoshop is for. Don’t mass blur things out. It takes time but just remove blemish by blemish while keeping most of your skin texture if possible. If you cannot get contacts for the cosplay you can edit it in but keep it looking subtle/natural if possible.
Make your own characters too if you want! I have such a fun time doing this. It sells well too. Just make sure it’s animu like and it will probably sell once you have built up an audience
I posted earlier about having social media and networking with other girls. Usually girls are really kind and welcoming to anyone new, don’t feel scared to approach but don’t try to leech obviously. Comment on other models photos, make real connections with them and not some spam shit. They might notice you eventually and follow back and make sure to continue to build this relationship. It will help a LOT.
Try to shoot all of your photos for the month as early as possible so you can advertise. You MUST advertise a LOT or you will fail. Post daily if possible. Twitter is great, Instagram is also good but they might ban you (even if you don’t post anything dirty and just lingerie, which is annoying because I have seen straight up nudity or porn on there but whatever). If you use Instagram do not solely rely on this, due to possible removal.
I suggest selling a Snapchat as well as an incentive. I post a few times a week and post basic sexy photos. These are exclusive to Snapchats. Do not allow screenshots if you do not want your pictures shared. Scare people that purchase photos by having a legal disclaimer or something that says you can track downloads if they share. I can actually track each download because I use special links for each photoset I sell. If it is downloaded more than once or twice I can tell. Don’t be afraid to remove anyone you think will share or will share. I have never had anyone ever share my photos. I have seen requests for my photos on 4chan or other sites many times but no one has ever delivered. Have a DMCA takedown ready at all times for sites where you can get stuff removed from if you see it. Thankfully I have never had to use mine but I’m ready to do so.
Some random shit, sorry if it’s all scrambled but I’m on mobile and formatting sucks.
No. 112101
>ignore scrot postsBut anyways, I hate most men but I have no problem with the normal ones (few of them are ever normal).
Not only that, but I would say many SW I know personally (including me if you consider lewd shit SW) have actual things going on in our lives in comparison to the incels that try to harass us.
The funniest ones are the ones that tell me to “pay my taxes” when they don’t even know when the tax year begins/ends and don’t even know how to even do basic shit like their own taxes. I have paid thousands in taxes yearly and I laugh knowing that what I pay is more than their total income anyways.
They consume SW content and then bitch about it simulataniously. It seems like having a penis also makes it harder to have consistent blood flow to your brain.
No. 114992
>>114991How did you get screwed over? Did you give out freebies or something?
>>112104t. buttmad scrot
>>112676t. whiteknight cockwipe
No. 115402
>>115386Since it’s legal, the industry is HUGE. Every city center has a dedicated red light street (where small children walk in the day), and there are tens of thousands of sex businesses. So nobody really has to “force” any girls into the industry, and they cannot sign any contract unless they make sure that girls are consenting to give their “manager” a phone call as soon as they feel like they’re in danger. Technically, penetration is prohibited, so you can kick your client out if he tries too hard to force a penetration, although many girls just accept extra charge to do it. Most brothels and escort agencies have dormitories too where you pay around 20USD a day to stay in, which gets subtracted from your daily pay. For escorts, you can set your own shifts, as in you’re free to work 20 days a month for a long period of time, or just work 1 day and quit it if you decide the job isn’t for you by the end of the day. I think because it’s such a big industry, the treatment of girls is quite decent. That’s a part of the reason why I made the decision to sign a job as an escort even though I make much less than when I was doing it privately.
>>115401The pay is shit tbh. As I wrote above, penetration is technically a no-no, so I’d only get paid around 8000 yen (80USD) an hour. Most of my work time gets wasted on being “delivered” from client to next client, so let’s say I work 6 hours a day, I’d only end up making around 400USD which is not much. A different story if you privately accept extra charge from your client for consenting to penetration though, you’d typically ask for 50-100USD for it. So if you let them fuck you, I’d say around 100USD is what I’d make.
Even then, I’d say I’m on the “better” side in terms of pay. I work for a “high-class” escort agency (in a not so big city though) and I never get a break between each customer, so no time is wasted on waiting for a client that would otherwise have been spent making money servicing one. However that is not the case for most girls.
I’ll probably be switching to a job in Soapland, which is a type of a brothel where penetration is allowed (legally grey). If I work for a brothel, I’d be wasting much less time on transportation, and penetration is allowed so I’d make the double amount of what I currently make working as an escort (asking for extra charge for penetration can be bothersome as fuck). That way, I’d make much more money per hour. It’ll have to be in a different city though.
No. 115404
>>115402Same anon.
When I was doing the whoring thing privately, I’d get “sugar daddies” off of an app, and ask for around 500 USD for a fuck which is quite huge, but trying to search them around was a hassle and there wasn’t really any limit on time so I just quit it. There have been multiple offers for “monthly contracts” where I’d go on a date and fuck them 3 to 4 times a month for 2000 USD a month, but I have autism and I’m not the type of person who can “go on dates” and keep them in touch over text messages so I had to decline such good offers.
No. 115406
>>115402damn this is interesting. can you tell us more about Soapland? do you know anyone personally who works there?
I remember the sheer amount of love hotels in the cities I went to and was startled at how big the industry seemed. also yeah do you frequent the love hotels much generally?
(random dumb question: do they force you to do karaoke with them and shit? and order the outfits/seifuku etc.? just curious)
No. 117319
>>117288>I was a stripper for a year but just couldn’t handle the abusive customers anymore and men trying to sexually assault meI'm sorry anon, this work will be the same, maybe worse. Prostitution is never going to be safe.
Don't you have any other options?
No. 117859
>>117846>hide a friend in the closetwtf, do not do this.
go to a hotel. i cannot stress how important it is to go to a fucking hotel. even if you have to pay a little, go to a hotel, not a motel, a hotel. have him pay and have him leave first.
No. 117917
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>>107739>>107752Who said Taylor White (tigerlilytaylor) comes from money? In her vlog she "goes home" and it def doesn't look swanky at all. I'm just super curious. I'm lowkey obsessed with her she's so cute.
No. 121465
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No. 121472
>>121465That seems REALLY small considering how fucking popular she is
A lot of sex industries don't let the people (women) who are the only reason it exists actually profit from it
Hell, I'm positive that only 0.05% of the people ITT have seen her videos, yet at least 30% of us can recognize her and what she does/did for a living
I want to be mad at women like Kim Kardashian just for being paid to be popular, but hell, more women should be doing that
I'm not saying she was exploited any worse than anyone else, but I mean they dressed her up as a racist fuck doll–she's probably still in the top 10 porn stars around the world, but she made $12,000 total (while the people who filmed her are probably still making money using her image)
No. 121576
>>121525That's beyond the point because it's still her face/body that's on camera
And how is she going to go back in and capitalize on anything if there are no specific industry captains that allow the women who star in their films a significant cut of the money they make or at least a specific percentage?
The system is broken, so telling someone to make money within the system is just an answer that doesn't work
No. 126866
File: 1573141702944.webm (2.59 MB, 640x800, sugar.webm)
Are you sure being a sugar-something is a good idea?
No. 126978
>>90992Hey a long time ago I talked about making
>>99336I finally made it.'s extremely empty but I'll set it up. In the meantime I'm open to chatting - SW for 4 years!
As well as SW hope to just make it a general girl chat, so don't feel like you have to be a SW.
No. 127741
>>127735Nah most American girls in sw are doing it because they enjoy it and because it's profitable af! The whole "poor lil trafficked uwu sw bb" is a myth. I had high hopes for this thread as a chill place to discuss actual sw shit, but unfortunately it seems to have gone off the rails and just turned into a sw-bashing thread.
No shade thrown at you, anon, just wanted to clarify that it's truly not like that in the US. If anything, it's just the girls who had bad experiences (prob due to their own naivete/low self-esteem to begin with, tbh) who come onto anonymous boards and talk shit about sw.
I wish there were somewhere to discuss sw openly without being hammered by prudes, but it seems this is not the place…maybe that other anon's discord will take off, in which case I will TOTALLY be the first to subscribe!!
No. 127762
>>127735Strip clubs and prostitution are two entirely different things and girls stripping speaking as they experience the same as prostitutes it's bad because the two jobs have barely anything in common, whether it is legalized or not.
Furthermore, speaking from your experience in a narrow field, doesn't speak for thousands of women trafficked everywhere, because I can tell you in european countries where prostitution is legal it is anything but empowering, even more women are trafficked, even more women have to suffer because of this, even more women can't speak up about rape or have to compete for a low salary in a market that totally treats them as objects to buy and customers are under total protection because privacy bullshit.
No. 128897
>>128886my point isnt about it being good anon. my point is that if youre in a 3rd world country and your only option is dangerous sex work making $100 a day or dangerous factory work making $5 a day and you have kids to feed which one will you pick? its fucked up but the world is fucked up. if you cant understand being so poor you would do sex work
youre the privileged one
No. 128943
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>>128897>dangerous factory workIt's all about dignity and honest work
No. 129033
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>>129031She's inferring that, because of internalized misogyny, any girl who says "prostitution is better than cleaning" or "cleaning is better than prostitution" is doing it because she's specifically catering to a wish of a man in order to get him
No. 129037
>>129036I think she was joking.
But then she was serious.
No. 129063
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No. 129078
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The dynamics of power are not too clear. If a guy says "you can't work here" but then she decides "I have the pussy and I can give it to you if you pay or give me the job", who is breaching the contract?
No. 129219
>>129168I agree anon. At least with the mental health and imagine part. I felt pressured into doing “sex work” (selling “lewd” photos ) and even that mentally killed me. I know multiple costhots personally and almost all of them have body image problems /multiple surgical enhancements (that they feel they HAVE to get)
Just the thought of someone only getting cosmetic surgery to be able to do “sex work” makes me sick
I don’t know much about trafficking though
No. 129297
>>129289My advice is: don't. You will put yourself in danger by your lack of research. Just get a customer service job in a shop or restaurant, most sex workers end up making minimum wage since the market is flooded these days.
Most camgirls aren't famous, research that if you insist on pursuing something you are both unenthusiastic and know nothing about. Just join a cam site.
Jumping into the most dangerous thing which is irl sex work with strangers when you don't even know how much to charge?
No. 129350
>>129297Thanks for the advice. Yeah, it wasn't my first option but I've found myself in a heavy amount of medical debt and it seemed like the best of my options currently.
A friend of mine meets guys from sugar daddy sites and charges $500 per meet (which always incudes sex she said) but I feel like I'm not pretty enough to meet that rate since it seems really high? So I was just curious for the norm for more "regular" looking girls like me.
No. 129399
>>129350You're not charging by looks alone, but by services.
Please do your research before meeting anyone. You need to know exactly what you are and aren't agreeing to, and the client needs to be very clear on this too.
No. 129428
>>129402>>129427What she said. If you're really willing to do niche stuff, like say, fart or feeder stuff, maybe you can attract a crowd. But then again, dignity above all, please.
“I know women who make $20,000 a month [as feedees],” she says. “But it pays my bills, and I’m comfortable and happy where I am. I didn’t set out to stuff myself to make $90,000 a year. I simply saw my body changing and took advantage of it. In that way, it’s real life and the fetish crossing over. And very rarely do you get to pick something you actually enjoy in the industry. With a lot of other fetishes I’ve been a part of, it may not be full enjoyment for me.”
No. 129446
>>129444>Friendly reminder that most women fake flex online about sexworkIt's crazy to me that anyone would believe flashy photos on social media as proof of wealth. Not limited to camgirls, sbs etc, for example up and coming rappers are always leasing fancy cars to give the impression of already being successful. It's important for their image and can increase their success, but it doesn't mean that they have actually made a lot of money at that point.
You never really know what someone's finances are like. They could have plenty of debt, no savings or retirement funds, no assets or investments, and in fact that is even MORE likely for people who flash their cash online. Even if you did make money it is short term and unsustainable thanks to the fact that women's bodies have an expiry date in men's eyes, you can't put that shit on a resume, and there is no career progression. I can't blame someone with an immediate need for cash for considering it, but if you just want to make good money there are safer, more long lasting ways to do it.
No. 130176
>>130175ah well i am super paranoid and he said that he'd buy me something to prove himself.i figured i'd just give him my wishlist there and then fuck off was never my intention to sugar this guy messaged me out of the blue and tbh he sounds really sketchy so i just wanted to test him and maybe get sth free
he claims he doesn't want anything sexual just someone to talk to online while he is doing business in italy,he would send me a monthly allowance and buy me designer items
sounds super fishy idk
No. 130211
>>130176 A lot of girls will lie on social media but there’s no such thing as “online sugar daddies” or platonic sugar daddies. Men can chat for free on Omegle or go on Pornhub and see the most extreme porn for free they’re not going to pay you to be an “online sugar baby” and only way I could see you getting money from this is if you were a custom clip maker. Even then it would cost more than AliExpress stuff.
I just wanted to clear that stuff up. A lot of girls on Tumblr and insta will brag about it being a sugar baby with no sugar or only online stuff but it’s bullshit. Most guys only online are scammers trying to get free nudes from you. If you want to be a sugar baby accept you’ll have to have sex. Unless he’s geriatric no man is paying you to play paddy cake with him. Secondly, be safe and don’t let them low ball you, don’t be desperate. don’t listen to the seeking blog because it’s made in the men’s best interest. Learn to play the game. Last of course Is be of age. Either way online sugaring from Tumblr is bound to be a scam.
No. 130529
>>130233 solution is to become part of a culture, meaning a collective action.
You are confronted to a stressful situation that you can neither fight nor flee, which leads to action inhibition
No. 131612
>>90992>Have you ever cammed, sugared or escorted?All three
>How did it impact you psychologically?Turned me from a slut into a professional slut.
Can sex work be something empowering and fulfilling
No, its degrading and horrible. Having sex with unattractive, drunk, smelly and undesirable Men is not romantic or fulfilling.
>Why do I do it?Im lazy and quite frankly not very smart. I dont enjoy working boring menial jobs with low pay which take up all my spare time and leave me with next to no spare cash. As a hooker I can choose when I work and charge what I want. I can make in one night a fortnights wages compared to someone working at McDonalds. However Im under no illusion of what I am. I was originally studying law and sex work for the money to pay off my uni fees and live a comfy life when I found out that every law firm conducts an extensive background check on its employees I realised I wouldn't be able to hide my past. The fact that I'de never had another job before in my life wouldn't add suspicion. I chose to quit uni as I was failing anyway and figured I might aswell have sex for money considering I was a massive slut and was fucking a different guy almost every night.
Does it make me feel empowered, in control or loved? No. It does not. Nothing will ever fill that void in my life that was left from years of abuse. That being said its too late to start over now.
If you want to go down this path just realise its not glamorous or romantic. Its good money but you will pay the price for it eventually.The only guy I managed to actually develop some what of a working relationship with dropped me I revealed to him what I did for a living. My sexual promiscuity didn't bother him but when he found out I fuck people for money he didnt want to be near me. You will be viewed by society and Men as broken or defective. It lead to my parents splitting up after I revealed to them. My asshole of a Father disowned me, and my dearly loyal mother didnt. However it broke them apart and its taken a toll on my little sister and brother. I have to live with that.
Oh yeah and you will get herpes at some point too. Its an occupational hazard. And be ready to give up your asshole with every client, butt stuff is pretty vanilla these days.
Thats all.
No. 131614
>>130550Not if you want to actually get a job afterwards in said graduate program.
>40kHow badly do you care about the program and career? Because if its worthwhile to you then go and earn it. Taking the easy rode wont look impressive when you go for your job interview no matter how you performed in the program.
No. 131617
>>90992Here are some interesting articles to read. is just one example of the type of career you wont be able to pursue after being a sex worker. If you think parents want their kids being around a former sex worker and teaching their kids right from wrong then think again. You can take the risk and maybe get a job but sooner or later someone will recognise you. You cant hide anything these days.
No. 131759
TL;DR dont become a whore. You wont get away with it
No. 131775
>>131759>IdiotWhy are you saying this?
Are an expert in lewd pic selling?
No. 132424
>>131775You dont have to be genius to know that whoring your body out online is a dumb idea. Especially since youve been caught out once before. Dont take my advice, keep doing it. Have fun explaining to your husband, kids and future employers and work colleagues.
As much as you dont want to accept it, the world has not 'progressed' to the point where open promiscuity and sex work is respectable life choice. You your hand in a fire, it gets burned. Dont like that? Dont play with fire.
No. 132620
>>132613Sorry if this is OT but I’ve been dying to ask… what about women who’ve sent nudes for non-SW purposes? I’m
about to sound really dumb but how would a boss find out unless they were browsing some sleazy website and happened to see their employee? I sent some a while ago when I was underage but have been clean since and will never again.
No. 132656
>>132613Maybe they just don’t mention it then or care.
I’ve gotten background checked for jobs before and I work in a healthcare related field
No. 133421
>>133418Nta, but nah, prostitution is risky because there are a lot of men who want to do harm to women and prostitutes are easy targets.
Also, that “it’s just like any other job!!” shit is tiresome. No other job expects you to suck the putrid dicks of ugly men who hate you. I hope *~proud sex workers uwu~* will uncuck themselves one of these days.
No. 133447
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>>133418>It's true that prostitution is risky but that's because it's illegal, unregulated, marginalized, stigmatized.No, it's inherently risky because you're being intimate in private with a stranger who is much, MUCH stronger than you and can do whatever the fuck they want. They might use physical coercion, they might use financial coercion, but the fact is you cannot do jack shit to stop a violent man who wants to hurt you. Of course, ONS and casual sex carry a similar risk, but the exchange of money significantly heightens the level of entitlement and hostility. And the thing is, you can legalize and regulate prostitution as much as you want, but you can never regulate men's attitudes towards women. They will always, always present a danger and the stigma will never go away for at least 50% of the population.
Sex work is nothing like a job in many practical ways and it's pure idealism to think laws can do jack shit to change the practical reality of it.
No. 133451
>>133447I live somewhere with legal prostitution and I find it's a mixed bag as far as how the girls feel (I work at a strip club with a high woman customer rate so we get a decent amount of full service girls coming in as customers either for lap dances or just to chat to someone in another realm of the adult industry and see how business is going). If someone's at a well run brothel and not in the job out of desperation they feel safe and cared for, I've talked to a girl who was independent and hated it but had no choice, one who was indy and enjoyed it and while I've never talked to one personally I know none of the street girls want to be there, they're just too strung out on something/too ugly to do things in a safer way.
Something all the girls I've talked to have had in common though is that they wish other countries would legalise prostitution. Being able to go to the police if something's wrong without being scared of being arrested themselves is the biggest point everyone makes when they complain about the state of things elsewhere and I agree. If I didn't have cameras in vip rooms and the assurance that if something went wrong I could turn to bouncers and it would all be on tape, I wouldn't be doing my job. Safety nets are useful, even if it doesn't fix all the issues with prostitution, it would at least give that extra saftey net of knowing they can turn to the police in the case of rape, theft and violence.
No. 133465
Hey, I know of a discord which is full of sex workers.
They only allow sex workers, don't allow judgement, and try to be a support group of sorts. It got started on StripperWeb and everyone seems mostly nice. No politics are allowed to be discussed unless it is directly related to sex work. The most recent example of this is when California started passing laws about self employment and the gig economy (this effected camgirls). I like the enviornment and the group has been around for several years. No. 133477
>>133374Nta but are you talking about irl stuff (escorting, stripping) or about online sw? Because there are many ways your info can leak online:
>adult websites (like manyvids, onlyfans, etc) require ID verification from sellers.>database breach happens.>your name is now leaked.
>decide to sell independently instead of using said websites.>customer refuses to use shady wallets (cause muh scams), so you accept a payment through paypal or similar.>now your customer knows your name.>your name is now leaked.
>anyone you know randomly runs into your sw accounts.>gossip starts.>your sw accounts are now leaked.Also, some companies already use face recognition software for quicker and easier background checks.
Get into sw if you're sure you want to be a sw. Don't get into sw if you plan to have a professional career. Once someone posts nudes on the internet chances are that they will keep circulating for years. Online sw is a ticking bomb imo unless you're ready to be outed.
No. 134651

i hate this thread.. so many swerfs & general idiocy. + people wanting to be spoonfed.
“Have you ever cammed, sugared or escorted?”: i’m a stripper & escort. i started stripping when i was super desperate for cash, & alone in this world. don’t really have any contact with family, my only “rEaL jObS” have been a cook & a waitress. i was trafficked as a teen, at age 14 a “friend” & “boyfriend” got me into it & i was a virgin. started escorting more recently, i consider myself to be a higher end escort. my rates are high cause of my looks, personality, & my menu is pretty open. working in customer service for years taught me good people skills.
my trauma as a trafficking victim actually made me hypersexual, not talked about as much but it totally happens. i was having freaky sex with pretty much randoms for years, due to trauma so i wish i had the idea to start charging awhile ago. i only work at the club 3/4 nights a week now (well pre corona before my club closed!), & it’s pretty much for funsies/extra money at this point.
“How did it impact you psychologically?”: stripping was only scary for maybe the first week, but my club is pretty decent & bouncers/security do a pretty good job of looking out for the girls. escorting is a little scarier.. even still. i mean nobody is getting bookings now, but like you don’t have anybody to look out for you. you can screen, but clients have learned how to fake it. i do have a boyfriend who is supportive, i send him my location every time i go to a booking & check in after.
it’s not triggering anymore, really. i still have ptsd nightmares & flashbacks sometimes, my trauma was years & years ago tho, it’s not bad anymore. some clients & men in the club do make me feel super gross, i come home & shower immediately to feel better. i don’t think sex work harmed me, in fact it helped me get over ptsd more than anything else has. i have taken medication, been to therapy for years & did emdr.
“Can sex work be something empowering and fulfilling, as Twitter prostitutes claim it to be?”: hell fucking yes. like i said, my hypersexuality was caused by my trauma & charging for it feels like reparations.. lol. & yes i’m a woc so i can use that word. i did make bank as a waitress, it was a lot like being a stripper actually! some nights you make $3 after tip out + house fees, some nights you make 1k & come home feeling like god. altho i never made more than $300/night waitressing.. with escorting, the only downside is bookings are few & far between sometimes, there are slow times. but when you get a booking money is guaranteed! i have extra money now, i can buy organic food, invest in my appearance, & treat my boyfriend. i never went on vacation as a child, actually i was homeless multiple times.. i’m close to buying a house. & yes i do have future plans outside of sex work. i’m still young, i’m using sex work to fund my future. corona is def a set back, but luckily i have my savings..
No. 134661
>>134660Adding: This came up because I have seen girls say they don't feel bad for people losing their jobs because they probably don't support sex workers like ?????? what the actual fuck?
They act like they're some oppressed class of people when they just post pictures of their ass on social media for a living which isn't even that taboo at this point anyway.
The state of this world right now is killing me
No. 134675
>>134651 > my trauma as a trafficking victim actually made me hypersexual, not talked about as much but it totally happens.It's pretty well known that sexual trauma
victims often become hyper sexual, especially csa
victims. Weird that you think that's rare or a lesser known effect of it? It's common.
No. 134696
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Reminder that men hate you and will continue to try destroying you even after you’ve left it all behind decades ago.
Technology is ever evolving, if you have shown your face or tattoo or identifying mark on tape, be it your onlyfans or nudes to your bf, accept that it will always have a chance of being seen by those whom you don’t wish to see it. No. 134933
>>134696I'm so desensitized to this already. It's still a little bit uncomfortable but I wouldn't care if I saw pics of someone I knew IRL naked.
Hopefully the next generation of young teens / young adults find this even more commonplace enough that it isn't an issue.
No. 134963
>>134696This is disgusting, I feel sorry for that woman. Now a mother. I hope she is okay. When I was a minor I used to send a lot of older men porn of myself. Mostly my face wasn't visible though and I am always afraid that one day it might all come to light. Deeply afraid of that. I was a child, I didn't know the weight of what I was doing. I regret it so much. I didn't earn any money from it either.
When I was underage I also had sex with a middle aged man and he recorded a video of me giving him a blowjob without my permission and I can never be sure if he has deleted it or has he sent it to his friends etc. It eats at me every night.
No. 134988
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>>134780It's silly to think all men are like channers, just like TRP men who think all women are like amber heard and jemma beale. I think its because people are so wrapped up in their phones that its harder to find real people irl. The internet ruins too many people, anons.
No. 135664
>>135661There are a bunch of unsaged posts in a row from an openly admitted scrot, I reported it a while ago so hopefully mods ban it soon
Like we need the main consumer of sex work and the reason it exists telling a board full of radfems that prostitution is bad lmao
No. 135750
>>134651If any of you decide to sex work NOW, especially as the prices sex workers are offering now are TANKING and the fear of COVID in the air, then you all really aren't smart.
>>134652>>134659They cope so much to save face while wanting us to join their same horrible fate. It's so evil.
No. 136576
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>>135963it's actually schizo how badly they misinterpret this thread. they took
>>134963 to be some kind of sw advocate proud of what she said she regrets every night. it's like their brains are so frenzied by their idea of the roastie whore that they just see a few key words and go frothing at the mouth. you could say "i hate sex work. i wish i never did it" in this thread and they'd scramble it in their brains to say "sex work is good and stupid men should give me money and let me cuck them!"
No. 136593
>>91202Shit that sounds awful.
No. 136862
As someone in a country with legal prostitution close to Asia it's both sad and interesting reading and listening to the experience of migrant SW. With how normalised and poor Thailand is many of them travel to first world countries as SW to get working visas, but in a twist of cruel irony it almost never works out well for them.
Anal sex is very damaging on the body but patriarchal society uses anecdotes to defend it as a practice between men and women. First and foremost gay men engage in it, but as men they are equals, while women are systemically discriminated against making the comparison inappropriate. Some women enjoy anal sex, but this is under particular circumstances, and is rare. Finally there's the biggest cause: pornsickness.
If you read biographies of porn performers you'll find that anal sex requires a large amount of preparation before it is safe to engage in. Beyond special diets it can take some up to half a day before they're ready to record for just a few hours. There are a few exceptions to this, but these performers are specialists. Independent SW are well aware of the risks and employ all types of prohibitions from high prices, to advance booking or outright refusal. The result is an overwhelming demand for anal sex that is heaped upon migrant SW.
Brothels owners tempt desperate girls from Thailand to endure anal sex for a working visa. The girls are treated with utter contempt, working for less than minimum wage until their rendered incontinent, fired and sent back to their families permanently damaged for life. The worst part is some porn sick men actively fetishise rendering these women incontinent because they see pornstars and camgirls doing it to themselves.
Ironically, transgendered migrant SW face a very different reality. Being far more exotic they make a lot more money, but the source of their dysphoria becomes their lifeline. While many prefer anal sex since they feel it affirms their status and desirability as a woman, it isn't popular with their clientele. It seems that in their cruelty anal preferring man they'd rather coerce and victimise genetic women than affirm the identities of trans women.
I bring this up because it seems like very few people in the SW industry really stop to consider what the aggregate effect on women is. It's easy to justify working within your comfort zone, but it's important to realise that it pressures other women to go beyond theirs. If we all do a small amount of SW the desperate are forced to perform more degrading acts, and engaging in these dangerous acts normalises and creates demand for them.
No. 138079
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>>135963Damn, I just checked this thread and that's my post as their thread pic.
I guess they didn't know that I was replying to a post about nudes leaking so I would obviously reply about how that affected me.
No. 142210
>>138198You do realize people do sex work because there isnt any other option? Some of us are homeless too.
I wouldnt wish this fate on anyone. Its depressing
No. 143101
>>142907>>143045Do you have a large social media following already? If so, then you can totally monetize a non-nude OnlyFans. You'll probably want to offer slightly more risque content then you normally provide, but if your fanbase is large enough and dedicated enough, then you can absolutely earn a good income as a non-explicit account.
If you don't have a large social media following, then you will not earn a dime. OF has no internal traffic - you have to recruit your own subscribers.
Basically, starting an OF is not as simple as just posting hot pics/vids…if nobody knows who you are (ie. you have minimal social media presence), then nobody will subscribe to your page.
99% of OF success lies in marketing/promotion/exposure. It's simple as that.
No. 143814
>>143626Don't use IG - their algorithm is too advanced and your account WILL inevitably get suggested to your friends/family. Also their ToS are SUPER STRICT regarding any sort of SW - you're gonna get deleted in a heartbeat.
You're better off advertising on Twitter, but unless you have a really bangin' body or are a social media marketing whiz, you won't make anything more than a couple bucks per month at best as a no-face model.
Especially selling pics alone - people want videos, and they want them to be explicit (masturbation, penetration with toys, close up genitals, etc.). Pics aren't desirable enough unless people want to see you personally nude, and as a no-face model it's highly unlikely you'll be able to cultivate that sort of personal attraction.
It's not worth your time.
No. 145231
Do you really want to compete against momokun?
No. 145817
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>>145202a million belle delphine clones?
No. 147313
>>147307I do not speak the language used in the video, sorry anon.
Also, I don't like eating ass at all! I was alone in a hotel room with him, he drove me there, had no money, so I couldn't just refuse him.
No. 147539
>>147313>I was alone in a hotel room with him, he drove me there, had no money, so I couldn't just refuse him.Wat?
That doesn't sound too consensual
No. 147845
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>>145817everyone and anyone has an onlyfans these days it seems. Overweight trashy pot smoking single moms have them.
No. 148987
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>>148850i thought people on here would browse the net more
No. 149832
>>149651>>149655I figured. Guess I gotta find some other form of extra income.
>>149643No, I really don't get off to even the thought of it. My industry is strict but doesn't pay particularly well. My pay is enough to get by on and buy some nice things, but extra cash is always nice.
>>149688Kek if only I had the skill. I honestly have no idea how most of the girls in the extreme photoshoppers and online vs. irl threads manage to morph their faces to look completely different.
No. 149871
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I know people get paranoid, but unless you draw attention to yourself in some unusual way, it's unlikely people will be aware.
There are people who just openly livestream themselves while taking a personal phonecall these days.
You'd have to had already made enemies for you to be 'exposed'.
No. 149946
>>149930I'm nosy, is it your main income or a just a top up to other earnings?
Like that sounds good but for anyone paying solo rent that just about covers rent.
No. 150024
>>149632Anon I tried camming and manyvids at 19 (this was before onlyfans) without showing face and I just got no attention. My body was above average and I tried promo-ing pretty aggressively through twitter and reddit. Yet nothing worked. You get promoted by the site when you’re new (so people know they can manipulate you) and I would get some viewers but many would just leave when they realized I wouldn’t show my face. The second I started camming with face I finally made a bit of money but all in all the anxiety that gave me was so heavy that I quit.
There are always people who can make it work somehow, maybe you’re one of them but consider why you really want to do this and what the consequences could be.
No. 153473
>>153465I was one of these types of people. When I was 11, I discovered what a Suicide Girl was an I absolutely 1000% was obsessed with that profession to the point where I had a list of Suicide Girl names that I was gonna choose from.
Yes I have daddy issuesWhere am I now? Well too be honest, I've always been fascinated with the idea of doing the minimum amount of work while yielding maximum profit. I'm
lazy and I
love money. When I learned that escorts go on dates and make hundreds, sometimes thousands in cash, I instantly wanted to do it.
But I was never hot, always a short fat chick with too many masc features (thanks dad), also I loved education, so I got real about what I could achieve.
Though, I still look into ways to get into phone sex operation or sexting despite having a very well paying career
No. 153478
>>153465Honestly I was (am?) one of these girls, as you said, daddy issues and a tough homelife. I was molested some years by a trusted adult as a kid, and got coerced into sex as a young teen so in my mind, sex became something worthless and unemotional, that I could just have sex with anyone for money because I felt like it was not a big deal, so I could look at my past assault as not a big deal. Does that make sense? Which is why I used to cam as a minor online, for free though. I'm trying to leave this idea behind, and gain some respect for my body. But I think the whole 'sex work is totez amazing' really attracted me, and probably attracts a lot of girls like me, if you have a fucked up view of yourself and your sexuality, it's appealing to hear you can just have sex and get lots of cash, but that isn't how it is for most escorts and prostitutes, they aren't treated fairly, unless you're real high end, but even then, it's risky and shouldn't be peddled as a great 'career' route for young girls and god forbid, claimed as very feminist. Sperg over.
No. 153526
>>153473I think it's fairly normal to fantasize about doing sex work.
I have fantasies that I'm a stripper with a smoking hot body. I get turned on by the exhibitionism aspect. It's exciting because it's a taboo. But I know that men aren't willing to give you control of the situation and I'm not willing to risk my safety. It's important to know the difference between the fantasy that the industry is trying to sell young girls to exploit them and the harsh reality.
I have a friend/distant relative who is a poster child for an empowered sex worker trope. She has been interviewed for magazines about how it's totally her choice and how she is enjoying sex etc. I think she does enjoy it but she's also a spiraling drug addict and always begging money.
No. 153537
>>153526I also fantasize about it but I feel like when it’s your job it’s too weird to force yourself into faking that sexiness and interest and thats too coercive for me personally.
I have no problem with girls who do it because some are actually into it but a lot are being set up to fail because they’re shown these girls who make millions of dollars and live glamorously but rarely talk about the permanent effects that can have on your whole life and relationships. I know a girl who wanted to keep her work and personal life separate but that’s practically impossible. Even dipping your toe in is risky because you never know who will come across that content. This applies more to Twitter thots and onlyfans shit because it seems like every teen girl is trying it out because they want to be a bo$$ bitch.
No. 153543
>>153465Sex work is a tradition of abuse towards women. On top of that, often times sex workers come from
abusive situations. There was a study in my city and something like 90% of the women working at strip clubs came from abuse.
My guess is the women fantasizing about this are fantasizing mostly about what it might be like to have their attractiveness validated in that way. Or potentially do not receive much attention from men. They are not actually imagining the realities of being on the receiving end of that kind of attention from men- which is often unpleasant.
I've noticed in my own friend group that the girls who have been noticeably attractive and confident their whole lives tend to find most men to be creepy/disgusting and prefer to avoid any situations that might put them at the center of attention of a group of men. Whereas my girl friends who have some clear insecurities/body image issues/or frankly aren't particularly attractive tend to do more to attract the attention of men and have fantasies that might line up more with sex work.
No. 161794
>>153610I just started creating sexualized content (lewds, no nudes or anything. I’m basically just a thot) and I have NO IDEA how to grow. I know a lot of girls keep this stuff under wraps and I don’t blame them for not spreading their secrets everywhere, but it’s also hard for me to gauge whether what I’m doing is good or not.
I’m Asian and genetically blessed to be slim thicc, so that’s the niche I’m really pushing. I’ve been on Twitter for 18 days and only have 20 followers even though I post every day and use hashtags properly according to the 1 million guides to tagging content on twitter. Maybe my content is just too boring since I haven’t shown full face or full nudity.
No. 162082
>>161828I agree with the anon who said it's easy to get banned on insta. I was avoiding the platform because I've seen pics that are way milder than what I'm putting out get taken down by insta.
Twitter has been alright so far. I gained another 13 followers over the past 3 days which I think is normal growth? Really not sure. My stuff still isn't doing too great in terms of likes and rts too.
>>161863I'll check that channel out. Thanks!
No. 164737
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No. 164828
>>164737Ew these posts are so manipulative. Always the same “I used to have a shitty normal life and now I’m a rich sex worker”
Twitter goes wild romanticizing being rich and shaming people who work minimum wage jobs
No. 164842
>>164743Tbh, I make around 5-6K/month on Onlyfans which I know isn't the most, but it requires a bit over an hour a day on average, so even if I have to get a normal job in a couple of years, it's worth it for now. I saved up enough money for a Masters and I have a lot of time to practice the things I'm actually interested in (at least when I don't just procrastinate). I hated working in an office and I prefer to set my own obligations, so what I have now is preferable. I get that some people will always look down on this, and of course the whole thing is not very intellectually engaging, but I think most people would prefer to make more money with more time to themselves, so I don't see what's the issue with her being happy about it other than posting about it on Twitter is kinda lame.
>>164828She wasn't really saying people working minimum wage jobs suck, only that it was a shitty job and now her financial situation is way better than it could have ever been if she stayed at her old job. I think most people would agree that a lot of minimum wage jobs suck, you can say that without shaming the people who don't have other options. I don't think it's a big deal, but what is wrong with wanting to change your shitty normal life?
No. 164845
>>164842Good for you, anon. You sound smart. It sounds like you have a good plan in place for what you are going to do after Only Fans. Honestly, Shayna is the only cam girl I'm really familiar with so I may be biased.
Would you say that the camgirl community is planning for what they are going to do when they get older and camming won't be as profitable?
No. 164856
>>164845Honestly I'm not sure, I don't have any sw friends because I've seen a bunch of drama and people being competitive. I see a lot of people who do it as a side thing but I'd assume they don't make that much.
I definitely don't see it as a long-term thing, I mean, I hope it lasts one or two more years but tbh after that I probably wouldn't even feel like it. It's kind of easy money, but I don't really value it aside the fact it helped me going from super broke to saving up a good amount and giving me more freedom about what I want to do next.
I did talk to a girl who was 18 and didn't plan on going to uni because she suddenly started making a lot of money and was just home alone all day and wasn't concerned at all about having a plan in case Onlyfans shut down or something. But then again with that amount of money she could always just go back to school. Still I'd feel pretty bad if I didn't already have a degree and some previous work experience - not that I look down on this, I just realize it'd really unstable and not guaranteed to work out for a long time.
No. 164893
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>>90992i escort and have an onlyfans.
onlyfans makes me about 1500 a month but i don't post half as often as i could because i'm lazy/depressed
escorting and advertising on tryst i pull in about 5k - 10k a month.
i don't like doing sw really but compare it to a normal job and its the best job ever. i really have bad depression and would miss days at work all the time, kept getting fired so i decided to say fuck it and just start this stuff. its been way easier to save up money for the future and i'm way less stressed/depressed overall.
i don't consider it to be empowering or anything but as someone thats just trying to survive it does work in a pinch
No. 164918
>>164916just after getting fired from a job i was really scared about rent and didn't know what to do, i was on a website called fetlife to check out kinky stuff and anyone that wanted to hook up i just told them they had to pay to meet me lol
eventually i had someone tell me about different websites, is one for escorts where you can vet people and ask for references from other escorts (so its a little safer) and usually guys pay up more on that website cause its expected to pay of course.
i haven't had any bad experiences yet luckily. just try to be safe, tell people who you are meeting and when you expect to be done and always use protection. its really not a bad gig if you like to have sex. get to pick your own hours and make your own rules.
No. 165006
>>164940i mostly see older guys, mostly 30 - 40s, some 50s sprinkled in. they've honestly mostly been respectful and nice. they bring presents/leave tips/leave on time.
only had one where i met a younger guy who was probably an incel where i was pretty nervous, he was so quiet the entire damn time despite me trying to get anything out of him, was creepy.
another young guy too where he honestly stank, i had to be like 'ohh we should freshen up in the shower' lol. i would super recommend not seeing younger guys, they are all fucking insane and get obsessed thinking its gonna be a relationship. even older guys too sometimes but its less common cause they usually already have a family
No. 165020
So, I've been pretty successful on Reddit and Twitter for posting barely lewd photos (ethot clothes), but I'm having trouble converting that following into OF subs. I make it clear that my OF has the really sexy stuff (lingerie and bikini photos and nudes) and I'll never post that content on any of my public accounts but I'm still seeing little conversion from those accounts to OF. Any tips? Should I show more skin on my public accounts?
>>164903I've heard from one girl who's an escort that she's had a few rich, older female clients before, but the vast majority of her clients are still rich older men.
No. 165654
>>165653The only people who think women's looks "fade" at 27 are losers fapping to teen porn.
Anyway don't do it. Your videos can be spread around. Get a real social life instead.
No. 165679
>>165677nta, but it's true. Normal guys (well my age, mid 20s) find woman a wider range of women our age to like 40s attractive.
>>165653Please try to improve your life positively, you seem like you have low self-esteem and I'm sure it will only make it worse. Also, what's the plan after that? What would you write in a job application what you did the past 2 years or so years? Wish you the best anon.
No. 165682
>>165653Unless you spent every day since you turned 21 drinking heavily and never moisturised, there's no way you're going to suddenly look old when you hit 27/28 and even then, I've known some women in this industry who have drunk daily for years and are too sloppy to care about skincare who don't really start showing it until they're in their thirties.
OF content being completely online means you can edit content before putting it out there, be in control of having lighting that flatters your and good angles. It's not like you're on a stage with men standing around you at every angle seeing all the unflattering stuff with no control over that.
You do need to have a better attitude towards it than "I don't care if people find out because I have no social life" because that's not who you have to worry about, it's family, it's future bosses and coworkers. A leaked video could come back to haunt you ten years from now once you've moved on and think you're safe. You need to keep a mindset that this could always come back to bite you in the ass. Is two years worth it just for better income for those? What do you plan to do with the money earned? Are you saving it to study or towards a house desposit, when you decide to swap back to vanilla work, what's your plan to cover your absence from the general workforce? Are you the type to save so that if online platforms go down you can get by until you find work? And have you thought through the ways that this could affect you mentally with your perspective of money, self worth, men, etc? Sorry for the textwall but OF is so trendy at the moment and it worries me a lot of people going into it are enticed by the easy money without thinking about how it could affect their lives after. If you do decide it's worth it and go for it, good luck and I wish you the best! But definitely make sure you've thought things through, this isn't just a 6 month stint stripping in the next town over where if you are seen you can laugh it off because you "don't even live there", it's a lot harder to deny video and photo evidence.
No. 166479
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get a real job you miserable whores
No. 166549
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>>166544they're jealous because they have nothing to sell
No. 166552
>>166547Lc isn't a radfem website, a lot of anons are radfem. There is a difference, but anyway some users here must not be that radfem if this thread is still active.
>you can go back to reddit or tumblr where everyone will validate youSorry, but I'm not a sex worker. I think a bunch of threads on here are fucking horrible and unnecessary, but I don't subject myself to them and go into the thread when I could just hide it.
No. 166559
>>166472Where did you meet your bf
nonnie? Inquiring minds want to know.
No. 166584
>>166581anon i don't give a shit about these men personally, it doesnt bother me that they don't give a shit about me either lol. they pay me for a service and i get money for it. my feelings won't be hurt if a customer gets bored and moves on, its life.
thats how most men are anyway, sex work or not. they get bored once you're old and cheat on you with someone younger unfortunately. some are better at hiding it than others
No. 166590
>>166589Whose fault is it that you have half a brain and decided to become what you are? At least take responsibility for your shitty life path instead of playing
victim while simultaneously screeching about how every man wants hooker pussy and your life is so great.
>>166590i'm pretty confused as to where i'm playing a
victim? i take full responsibility for what i do, i chose to do it. i'm sorry you're so hateful and pissed, theres nothing i can say to make it better lol
No. 166627
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Now to change the topic… the one time I come here and it's full of moralfagging. Anyways.
Has anyone here ever been a dominatrix/pro domme? I'm thinking of picking it up once I graduate to pay my student loans. I gravitate to it because I genuinely like being mean to men so getting paid to whip them and call them names sounds fun. And I understand clients can be disgusting even if they're the ones getting dominated, but I never let men get away with disrespecting me so I don't think I'll have a problem with that.
Normally I would never consider sex work but again, I like dominating men, and you aren't expected to have sex with them or anything so it's different. This is also a kink that I almost never get to indulge in my real life because my partners are mostly vanilla, so for once I'd like to dom a man who's eagerly asking for it.
Am I naive? Is this a good idea?
No. 166662
>>166488I know a former camboy who made ~$100-150 a month streaming for several hours on weekends only. It's not a lot of money overall but he was a broke college kid back then and even $100/month extra is godsent when you're that broke. He also wasn't officially a gigolo but he did meet people up for sex and sometimes they paid him afterward even though he wasn't expecting payment.
>>166652But how would they know? Most female swers I know don't even show their face. It's not like any of us are putting "CAMGIRL (2018-PRESENT) skills: photo editing, video editing, figuring out how to make my ass look bigger on cam" on our resumes.
No. 166704
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No. 166784
>>166662But were you one of his costumers? I want to hear juicy details.
I never ever hear about women buying men it's just desperate farmers trying to make money itt
No. 167478
ALSO I’ve been out of commission recently because of an infection which I thought was a yeast infection (no biggie, pessery of canesten and we’re good to go), but it’s actually probably bacterial vaginosis which means I’m gonna have to pay out of pocket for a GP to examine me and prescribe medication since all the usual free sexual health services are running on limited appointments. I’ve already had to take four days out of work, it’s gonna end up being a whole week at this rate and so I’ve lost about £3200 which is intended to go towards med school tuition. It’s bullshit, man.
No. 167498
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>You recently created a "gravure" set
>this gravure set was not a job proposed by my agency, but a simple photoset uploaded to Patreon and shot by my boyfriend
>it's good to do such a photoset and it's something boys appreciate without the need to be vulgar
Are gravure sets still a thing?
No. 168336
>>167647Yes. If you don't have a separate phone, at least get a Google Voice number or something. Don't doxx yourself.
>>168127>>168240People don't do phone sex anymore. There's a niche for dirty audio recordings but it's hard to make money off of it and you'd have to have a very unique voice or something else that makes you stand out.
No. 169496
>>169481I don't have an OF
but I have heard you can be pretty successful if you have a lot of reddit karma, but I think that takes a lot of time to build up. don't ask me how to build reddit karma, I don't use reddit lol
No. 169504
>>169481also this →
>>169486you're going to put in a lot of work with little return talking to lonely old losers and taking the right pics. and then once you get older they'll leave you in the dust. that's how it works in porn. better to not waste your time on a job/scam that won't last forever and use that time to find a stable occupation you can still work at when you're 40-50 than get into that scam. like learning to code, going to another country to teach english, getting a degree (hopefully somewhere where it's not super expensive), learning a trade
No. 169529
>>169481No, it’s easy to see these girls making tens of thousands per month but shockingly those are usually the ones that try to get you to sign up using their affiliate link so they get 10 percent or something. If you manage to go viral or build a real following you can make a decent amount just from people supporting you but it’s probably not worth the effort and all the risks involved.
Like why would some coomer buy from a random when he already knows hundreds of super hot famous e girls that perform for his fetish and make him feel like he’s important. That’s why these dudes pour so much money into some girls, they think they form a connection with you lol
No. 169587
>>169529Here’s some statistics for you.
”The top accounts make something like $100,000 a month (these aren’t in my sample). The median account makes $180 a month.
The top 1% of accounts make 33% of all the money. The top 10% of accounts make 73% of all the money.” you really want to make money then become a pimp = get other naive girls to join the scam.
” It's clear from OnlyFans' marketing copy on its own website that the referral program is being used exactly as the company intended, as a way for almost anyone to earn cash, fast—on a "how it works" page on the site, it encourages webmasters, social media influencers, and entrepreneurs to take advantage of the program. "Join for free, post your referral link to your followers, then sit back, relax and watch your earnings grow!" the site says.”
” Under the new system, according to OnlyFans, referring a creator earns you five percent of that creator's earnings for the first year only.
Referrals started prior to May 1, 2020 will have one more year to receive earnings from referrals. After that point, those too will stop.” No. 169622
>>169529>>169587Wait, so basically any thot with a following can make an OF, share her link and encourage other girls to make OF with her link, then the first thot makes $ off of all the OF content the thots that used her link make??
Every time I come across one of these scams they always rely on the target having a pool of eager peers or followers waiting to support them, but why would you need to do OF if you had that in the first place? A nobody girl can't pull that off, this sounds like a way to further monetize popularity on yet another popular platform just by getting popular people to sign up & refer a bunch of their fans and followers to make their money for them. Why is it always people who have the ability to make enough money doing things like this that recruit people who need to make that kind of money to make it for them? It's like every new hustle people come up with gets turned into the same pyramid scheme the economy is based on to begin with that they can't afford to live in anymore.
No. 169629
>>169622Yes. The OG thot gets 5% of new girl’s pay. OF changed the system so the OG thot gets her cut only from first year.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but you are not going to get rich by selling faceless nudes.
No. 169934
>>169911most low level office jobs are fairly easy and cushy, and then you just go home and chill. i'd think that sex work would take a much larger mental toll.
also at least in a traditional job you're gaining experience so that you can earn more money year by year, compared to the depreciation of being an aging/less relevant sex worker
No. 170114
>>170072Maybe, but its still not 150k a year or anywhere close to that.
>>170066Eh, I disagree.
No. 170356
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>>170060What about fenty or dermablend instead? Dermablend is meant to cover things like scars, skin conditions and tattoos. Some of my relatives have some and I can say one container lasts super long.
and it's stays on the skin well too. t. slathered it all over my face once No. 172382
>>172375>swerfsWhat does being a SWERF have anything to do with that? Also, you know that this term is used by retarded liberals the same way "
TERF" is, right?
No. 172391
>>172167Not a SW and don't have any nudes. So I'm not calling you crazy because I'm relating too much to those women out there with nudes… But your insecurity and simultaneous bragging about your imagined power comes off as schizo ranting
Insecure, obsessive, delusional…. But most of all… She's powerful!
Chill and have a laugh at yourself
No. 172560
>>172470theyre ignorant (in the literal sense,) and superficially thinking -as most people, but at least they dont have personal profit reasons- doesn't matter political leaning.
Of course they would be so down with much lower prices on average under legalization (look at Canada vs US, or Switzerland not a cheap country to live with buffet sex brothel prices).
Wether you are only pro-sex workers rights and not pro-sex work doesn't matter, decrim is the lesser of evil, for women.
No. 172574
>>172560I think its the bigger of two evils, rad feminisim tends to reject stuff that serves patriarchy the most, it's the reason why most corporations especially in the beauty industry have such shallow ideas on empowerment.
Even legal sex work such as porn and camming have been proven to be very explotitive towards women. Like porn hub for example, you know that cp has been uploaded multiple times one there? that it takes a
victim to literally threaten legal action before porn hub takes it down right? Thats not even including in russia some trafficked women are forced to do cam shows while pimps reap the profits, or how one male porn star literally forced sex acts on film and instead of the directors stopping filming just high fiving after for getting an anal scene for free. If such blatent exploitation can exist in legal avenues of sex work, what makes me think that decrimalizing prostitution en masse would automatically solve the ills fueling exploitation in prostitution? Exploitation can theoretically happen in any industry, but it's rampent in the sex industry in far greater numbers. Making prostitution legal isn't going to solve the reasons why women or men or youth fall into it, some of which are pretty explotitive in nature. Its merely an action that feels good but accomplishes nothing and only serves patriarchy by not crimilizing the men who exploit it.
No. 173276
>>173075Obviously not? But selling sexual favours for money is something that people should be allowed to do, if they want. Trafficking
victims don’t consent to it so in that case it’s unacceptable. Why are you even in the sex work thread if you don’t believe people should have the right to do sex work?
No. 173360
>>173358Yeah and you can combat human trafficking without banning prostitution altogether?
Yeah but not with making it legal, kek.
Women who never had an abortion/unwanted pregnancy have opinions on abortion. How dare they? How dare I base my opinions on studies and testimonies of ex prostitutes who are against legalization?
No. 173376
>>173361Love how you dodge the question which tells me everything I need to know lmfao. SWERFs stay hating prostitutes but are weirdly obsessed with us. The men I see aren’t fat old neckbeards BTW, the men I see are your husbands, boyfriends, sons, colleagues, bosses, etc. Mostly MC/UMC white men, many of whom are married or in a relationship and have a less fortunate bitch fucking them for free on the side. I guess if you had even the slightest experience of SW, you’d know that though lol.
>>173360You can combat human trafficking, decriminalised gives avenues through which trafficked individuals can find legal recourse.
No. 173409
>>173376It doesn't matter you are not making any point except defending scrotes and glorifying your position as a lowly sex object to them.
Prostitution is harmful to society as it reinforces the idea that women are sex objects which only exist for men's enjoyment and that their bodies can be bought.
You are pathetic and getting fucked by a bunch of men on a daily basis for a living will always be dehumanizing and pathetic. Go get a real job.
No. 173413
>>173358>but I'm definetly not priviledgeddoing prostitution because you want to is a priviledge
>a less fortunate bitch fucking themi feel bad for those bitches, not only is their moid cheating on them but also he thinks so low of women that he sees their bodies and consent as commodities that can be bought
No. 173422
>>173409I’m not defending scrotes lol, I’m not particularly fond of males at all.
> reinforces the idea that women are sex objects which only exist for men's enjoyment and that their bodies can be bought.Males behave like this towards women regardless of whether or not prostitution is legal in their particular culture/nation, or whether or not they have personally purchased sexual favours from a SW. I’ve known huge numbers of non-SW women who’ve been pressured and coerced into having sex they didn’t want to have because some cockflap thought that buying them dinner entitled him to it. Males view sex in a highly transactional light anyway and the sooner you accept that, the better.
Why should I not be allowed to sell my body for money just because you personally think it’s disgusting and dehumanising?
And for the record, I have a real job and a future that I’m working towards, other than prostitution.
>>173415>c-cope!!>ew pussy stink!!Did your boyfriend cheat on you with a prostitute? Does he ignore you in favour of jacking it to porn? Did your father spend your college fund on some sugar baby half your age? Curious to know where your psychosexual fixation on SW is coming from, genuinely.
No. 173428
>>173424Anon, what exactly were your expectations when you came onto a thread specifically about sex work? If you’re
triggered by any discussion of SW that isn’t just a-logging or calls for abolitionism then perhaps this thread isn’t for you.
No. 173430
>>173422>Did your boyfriend cheat on you with a prostitute? Does he ignore you in favour of jacking it to porn? Did your father spend your college fund on some sugar baby half your age? Curious to know where your psychosexual fixation on SW is coming from, genuinely.Nta but I never dated men and I'm not interested in dating them and I never had any important male figures in my life so I don't know whether some male from my family fucked a prostitute or not. Still, as a marxist I'm against prostitution because I'm against the commodification of human beings.
The wast majority of women don't want to fuck strange men for money. Sure, I wouldn't stop the minority who genuinely want it, but at best I would be for something like the nordic model, never for full legalization. It should never be normalized or socially acceptable.
No. 173432
>>173422Kek it is so funny how pathetic you are.
> I-i have a real job!!1!> All of the men in your life cheat with prostitutes!!1You are just a common whore and sex object and everything you say is invalid anyways so shut your trap and continue getting exploited by scrotes, support human trafficking and do your mental gymnastics on how sex work is empowering.
Go cope some more.
No. 173436
>>173434Sure, because being anti-prostitution and being Elliot Rodger are totally the same.
Go read a book or something.
No. 173439
>>173432I’m not gonna apologise for the pinkpills lol, males generally don’t have a wealth of respect for women irrespective of whether or not they’re involved in the sex trade. And yeah, I have a second job - SW doesn’t have to be your whole life lol.
>shut your trapOn a thread which was specifically made for us common whores to talk about our experiences of sex work? I don’t think I will, lol. And again with ‘empowering’ lmfao, when did I even use that word? You guys are like a broken record.
This thread is like at least 50% lurking SWERFs. I have to ask, why are so many anons ITT voluntarily posting when none of you have experience with SW and when you all clearly have a seething incel-adjacent hatred for SW to the point where you can’t even entertain pro-SW arguments without getting
No. 173441
>>173439How about you get yourself some more brain cells because you do not make any sense. So let me tell you this again, because it seems like your brain is too infested after getting pimped out for so long:
Fact is that prostitution is immoral and a crime against women and children and you support that by participating in it.
There aren't any arguments that are "Pro-SW". They simply do not exist. Those are just you people coping.
No. 173443
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>>173439If you think an industry that almost exclusively only sells the bodies of women & girls is a good thing, you're a woman hating misogynistic sack of shit, and I'm not the anons you've been posting with, I was just scrolling by and found your shit that disgusting.
No. 173444
>>173439Sounds like you are the one getting
triggered. Maybe you should get some therapy and a real job instead of wasting your time on this thread and bothering people on the internet with your sperging.
No. 173445
>>173439>pinkpill>being pro prostitutionChoose one.
Also, I believe that straight marriage is prostitution too, just a little different than "normal" sex work, and I'm against both.
No. 173447
>>173443>exclusively sells the bodies of women and girlsMale prostitution exists. It would be nice if anons could contribute to the discussion in ways that aren’t exclusively misinformation or ewww!!!1it gross’ appeals to emotion.
>misogynistic piece of shitWith the other comments ITT calling those same women and girls sex objects, common whores and making weird invasive comments about our vaginas, I honestly think my calm defence of SW is a little less crude lol.
>>173445Lolwhat, marriage isn’t anywhere similar prostitution. Congratulations, anon - you’ve graduated from incel-tier to MGTOW tier rhetoric. How crude to suggest that the role of a wife and a mother is evenly remotely similar to SW. Do you consider your own mother and grandmothers to be prostitutes then?
>>173444I’m not
triggered, I’m having fun.
No. 173451
>>173450> If you want to talk about selling your poon do it literally anywhere elseSir, this is literally a sex work thread. There is no place more appropriate to discuss the art of whoring than on this very thread. I’m not breaking any site rules here.
From the thread:
>Share any experiences and opinions on current day sex workAm I not doing just that?
No. 173452
>>173447Traditional marriage has always been an exchange of resources and sex. So prostitution. This conclusion is as far from incel and mgtow rhetoric as it can be since they're not against traditional marriage per say, they're just angry that modern women aren't "traditional" enough. I'm a female separatist and I don't want women to be prostitutes of any sort, but hey, that's just my opinion.
>Do you consider your own mother and grandmothers to be prostitutes then?Yes, in a way.
No. 173456
>be a prostitute that sells her body to incels>saying that you are pinkpilled on lolcow>gets called out for it>accuse said users of being incelsThe amount of mental gymnastics you are doing
is astounding
No. 173469
>>173422>Males view sex in a highly transactional light anyway and the sooner you accept that, the better.So, it's good to directly feed into it for a bit of money? Furthering the expense to other girls and women? Why should we accept that? If that's the case, what was the point of feminism at all if we're better off being slaves to scrotes?
You genuinely seem to think all women are involved in some form of low-level prostitution with men, and that there are just "less fortunate bitches" than you. I'm not sure why you didn't like that one anon saying traditional marriage is basically prostitution, don't you basically agree with her?
>>173447>Do you consider your own mother and grandmothers to be prostitutes then?Like, weren't you talking about how you fuck the husbands and boyfriends of people's mothers and grandmothers in
>>173376? Why are you suddenly acting like you respect them here? Aren't they (and even your own mother, your grandmother, etc - unless you come from a long line of "common whores" I guess) just less fortunate prostitutes that are fucking for free on the side?
No. 173502
>>173422>Males view sex in a highly transactional light anyway and the sooner you accept that, the betterWhy should we accept that instead of defending ourselves and atleast trying to change these hopeless moids?
Listen, sell your pussy all you want to but don't demand other women to accept degenerate scrote views without any critical thinking
>>173447>Male prostitution existsYes but anon we both know that is not even half as common as a prostitute being a woman. When someone thinks of a prostitute, they think of a woman
No. 173636
>>173618Sounds like a good deal until you realize the cost of making yourself unemployable in most legit work after this. If you're in your early 20s that's 5 decades of a real salary you're trading for a quick buck.
Not to mention the health risks when you inevitably age out of porn and have to resort to real life prostitution to have an income.
Porn and prostitution don't benefit women in the long run. You're thinking in months, your pimps are thinking in decades and laughing all the way to the bank.
No. 173666
>>173447I like how you removed the word "almost" from exactly the part you green texted so I'm not going to read the rest of your bad faith garbage.
>>173618This literally sounds like an advertisement for a pyramid scheme btw.
No. 173679
I fucking hate porn and Onlyfans should get nuked and the scrote who invented it should get put on death row. Fuck Onlyfans for trying to make prostitution socially acceptable. The people who exploit their bodies on it should get forced to do hard labour for the state since they are basically useless to society and promote degeneracy.
>>173675>>173672I hope no one will employ you or that you will get fired from your real jobs. You betrayed your own gender and should be shunned.
>>173618After you get older you won't be able to do much money on OF anymore and then you will be a homeless common whore.
Does it feel good to use your body to please ugly scrotes? You will regret it one day.
No. 173696
>>173688Lmao I also hooked up with a guy at work several years ago (huge mistake) and he wound up telling the entire company. The whole thing was so embarrassing, even my supervisor at the time came to ask me “if the rumors were true.” He was still talking about it 2+ years later (wtf) until he got fired for something unrelated.
I’m not a sex worker but I can’t imagine how awful coworkers would be if they found out you did sex work on the side. Men love gossiping in my experience, especially if it involves judging women on having sex.
No. 173724
>>173672>I'm using a fake nameBless your heart. Do you really think that matters in an era of facial recognition? You know how Facebook automatically detects your face and asks if you want to be tagged in photos? That tech is already out there and will only be more widely used in coming years, especially for recruitment.
>office girls whose bosses dgaf about their OFLike crabs in a bucket. They are lying to you telling you it'll be okay because they want to believe it,but they know being a temp answering phones isn't a career.
Do you think the OF girl is going to get promoted to sales, let alone management? At best she's there out of pity, most likely the boss is a coomer who keeps her around to fap to her porn while sitting in his car waiting for her to pass by on her lunch break.
And if you do find a job at some ancient company that's never heard of Google, it only takes one vindictive scrote to ruin your whole career by finding and sharing videos of you with a furry butt plug up your ass.
He might not even know you, there are entire chan boards devoted to outing and doxxing "anonymous" girls in porn because scrotes get off on it.
You'll be a laughing stock, any career trajectory you had going will implode. Though it's current year, normal people still see prostitutes as gross outsiders. They don't want to work with them, and they definitely don't want to give them responsibilities or let them face clients.
I don't blame you for finding this hard to believe if your main source of social contact is Twitter, other OF girls and image boards full of neets and coomers. Prostitutes have always been and will always be the rock bottom caste of society. The "woke empowered sex worker" narrative is a lie to get you to volunteer as tribute while you're young and hot.
The good news is it's not too late to get out, you can close it all down and use that 20k to buy some online courses and get a real skill. I believe there are services that can wipe your content from boards etc but idk how effective they are, but it's worth a shot.
No. 173729
>>173724NTA but plenty of former pornstars etc. end up in steady employment. I’ve known people who’ve gotten dismissed from employment but that was only due to having an active OF account - it shouldn’t be a problem unless you want to be a doctor or something.
And women who have both active careers and an OF side hustle are the best people to ask on this subject. People who’ve never done any form of SW are usually completely clueless as to what it’s like to leave the industry.
No. 173732
>>173729*I should clarify that I meant women who had an OF but have since retired don’t have too many issues unless the profession has stringent rules on how their employers should act (e.g. need for doctors to promote and maintain public confidence)
Full service is definitely easier in this respect though as you can advertise without face pictures, ensure that customers don’t record meetings and essentially disappear from the sex trade whenever you want. I’m deferring a place at medical school this year with no issues.
No. 173751
>plenty of former pornstars etc. end up in steady employmentPlenty? Citation needed. We hear about the ones who are apparently doing well because it's a surprising story, not because it's the norm.
I don't know "pornstars" personally but I know ex-prostitutes and they are not normal, happy women. They all have substance abuse issues, they spend their days selling MLM crap to their other washed up ex-pros friends, and they stay in
abusive relationships because they can't afford to live on their own. The more enterprising ones manage strip clubs or trafficking operations (ahem, "sex work immigration programs") for their ex pimps, perpetuating the cycle.
>women who have both active careers and an OF side hustle are the best people to ask on this subjectNo they're not. We're the first generation where hundreds of thousands of girls have self-selected to enter prostitution because "I just take sexy selfies and get paid, no downside" they're in the honeymoon phase. OF only started in 2016. We don't know where those women will be 10, 20, 50 years.
>they don’t have too many issues unless the profession has stringent rules on how their employers should act (e.g.doctors)Doctors aren't some rare breed, almost every white collar and up career these days requires or at least benefits from personal PR/online presence. If you can imagine working your whole life without ever having to make a LinkedIn profile, you don't have much of an imagination.
And like I said, fake names and AliExpress wigs won't save you from facial recognition tech.
If you eliminate white-collar jobs you're left with low income like factory work or manual labour, which will never pay as well as prostitution. Which is how pimps keep you in the system as an aging, worn and torn product.
>Full service is definitely easier in this respect Yeah, in an "industry" where every meeting could end up in rape or murder and nobody would be surprised, it's naive to think you'll always be in control and never get filmed or photographed.
Read The Pimp State - studies show that porn and prostitution are inseparable. Prostitutes get filmed, and girls in porn eventually graduate to prostitution to make money.
Porn and prostitution does not benefit women in the long run.
No. 173775
>>173755>not changing anyone's mindsI'll vouch for this "obsessive" anon. I've spent the last couple months considering online SW even though I hate porn, despise men, and above all it's completely unlike anything I acually
want to do. Yet the allure of a quick buck is quite persistent. Reading OP's "dissertations" has helped me remember why porn and prostitution are so insidious. It's nice to see some dissenters with actual arguments in this thread.
No. 173776
>>173755Truth hurts. If my comments make you so uncomfortable maybe you should come up with some
valid counter arguments instead of just calling me cringe for caring about women being groomed into a shitty life.
No. 173779
>>173775Samefag but thank you anon, I'm glad I could serve as a reminder. This was also me a few years ago when I was in a bad financial situation and OF was just blowing up.
The OF pitch is so easy and tempting, even my friends encourages me to make one, but I was too scared of relatives finding my nudes lol. Only later I started reading Kat Banyard and made the connection between OF and the sugar babies and prostitutes I grew up around. I guess that's why I'm so passionate about it.
No. 173800
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tin foil: all the swer tourist who go on snow are larping here to feel better about themselves.
20k on the first month? kek.
love all the anons taking the bait its hilarious
No. 173803
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>>173800I came to this thread because it's about sex work and wanted to share my experience. I appreciate the anons here sharing why they are against OF to warn other girls of all the risks. Personally, I had no identifiable tattoos or moles. Even if it does get leaked, I'm not too worried as I have a family business I could take over if my job falls through, and a fiance who makes enough to support both of us. The risks aren't that bad for me, but anyone thinking about starting an account should take into account all the possibilities.
No. 173818
>>173815You know, if you are getting
triggered by people speaking the truth why don't you go to therapy or go somewhere else to deal with your emotional problems? Cope harder kek
No. 173821
>>173820No one gives a shit. This is an image board, if you are butthurt go somewhere else.
Also nice try but you simply can't shut us up just because you don't like the truth presented.
No. 173828
>>173469I didn’t say it’s ‘good’ to feed into it - it doesn’t make a difference because it’s irrational and unreasonable to scapegoat SW for degenerate male behaviour which exists irrespective of whether or not the male in question is exposed to or participates in the sex trade.
Banning prostitution also has the collateral damage of endangering the livelihood and wellbeing of women. And being a prostitute doesn’t make you a slave to scrotes lol, you’re taking immutable male behaviours and manipulating it to your advantage.
Again, I don’t need anyone to like it or respect it, but the vast majority of anti-prostitution arguments are either appeals to emotion or falsely conflating prostitution with human trafficking and child sexual exploitation.
> You genuinely seem to think all women are involved in some form of low-level prostitution with men, and that there are just "less fortunate bitches" than youWhen did I say or even insinuate that women who AREN’T in the sex trade are prostitutes? Prostitution is the transaction of direct, in-person sexual favours for money. The women who are in relationships with the men who come and see me are not being financially compensated for sex and therefore are not prostitutes by definition.
> Why are you suddenly acting like you respect them here?I respect all women, even the retarded SWERFs who are pollute this thread with malicious comments about an industry and trade they know fuck all about. But I won’t allow that to stop me from getting the bag.
>>173502You’re free to hold your own opinions on prostitution, just don’t scapegoat the sex trade and the people involved as the reason why males treat women poorly.
>>173803Congrats, anon. I’m happy for you <3
No. 173830
>>173828I'm not even going to delve into the fact that for 99% of women and children, prostitution literally is endangerment of life and wellbeing. Some girls are literally born in brothels. You already know all that shit, and you know about the pedophilia, but you don't care because "muh bag". I just thought it was interesting how you contradicted yourself with the pearl-clutching around the sanctity of marriage, when you were claiming to be pinkpilled and that all men are rapists anyway.
>you’re taking immutable male behaviours and manipulating it to your advantage.Yeah, you're totally the one taking advantage when some disgusting obese man's dick is in your throat or up your asshole so you can pay rent. The true power of womanhood right there.
If it was soo advantageous, every man you know would be a gay prostitute. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos would be kingpin gay hookers. There's definitely a market for it (gay men love to fuck), but they won't do it. It's almost like….kek. Again, you already know.
>When did I say or even insinuate that women who AREN’T in the sex trade are prostitutes?Oh, yeah, sorry, they're just "bitches". I'm not even here to argue about sex work, you're just so hypocritical and full of shit with your "I respect all women" and "empowered" BS, and I think that's funny.
No. 173834
>>173830>99% of women and children, prostitution literally is endangerment of life and wellbeing>some girls are literally born in brothels>you already know all that shit, and you know about the pedophiliaAgain, why are you conflating prostitution with human trafficking and child sexual exploitation? I’m against both but I still believe that prostitution should be legal because it is my right as a person to be able to make money off my body as I please. Support for the legalisation of prostitution doesn’t mean I’m uncritical of the sex trade.
>the pearl-clutching around the sanctity of marriageStating the obvious (e.g. that the role of a wife is not comparable to the role of a prostitute) is not pearl-clutching.
>that all men are rapists anywayCan you quote me where I said this? Thanks.
>Yeah, you're totally the one taking advantage when some disgusting obese man's dick is in your throat or up your asshole so you can pay rent. The true power of womanhood right there. Lmfao again, the men that I see are regular everyday normies - I don’t think I’ve ever fucked an obese male in my life. If I’m paying off my student loan and taking out a mortgage a decade before my peers through male thirst, then I am using it to my benefit. I don’t entirely understand what you mean here?
>If it was soo advantageous, every man you know would be a gay prostitute. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos would be kingpin gay hookersLmfao literally WTF is this argument? Plenty of men would probably sell sex if they could attract a female clientele - the main reason heterosexual males don’t enter prostitution is because to make any sort of money at all, they’d have to go gay for pay. And OFC Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos aren’t going to become prostitutes, they literally run multimillion dollar businesses. Why would they enter a profession which makes less them less money and is generally not seen as respectable in the eyes of the public?
>empoweredI have literally never used this word to describe prostitution lol. Why do you guys keep strawmanning me?
No. 173844
>>173834Decriminalisation is a better push for prostution than legality. Pimps can still be prosecuted but women can't be jailed for selling their own bodies.
You may think morality is a meme but arguments based on that alone are substantial. No matter how woke you want people to be, dehumanising people by commodifying body parts is going to be met with criticism.
No. 173859
>>173834>Support for the legalisation of prostitution doesn’t mean I’m uncritical of the sex trade.Every country it's been legalized, there's been an increase in trafficking.
>Stating the obvious (e.g. that the role of a wife is not comparable to the role of a prostitute) is not pearl-clutching.So, what did you mean by "less fortunate bitches" fucking them for free? Also, quick question: If you respect women so much, why do you fuck their husbands for money? Is that all you can do to survive? Seems like a very shitty, fake-friend vibe.
>Lmfao again, the men that I see are regular everyday normies - I don’t think I’ve ever fucked an obese male in my life. Cope. Tons of fat men are "regular, everyday normies" so I don't really know what you mean by this.
> If I’m paying off my student loan and taking out a mortgage a decade before my peers through male thirst, then I am using it to my benefit. I don’t entirely understand what you mean here?It's not advantageous. Not sure how that's not clear.
>Lmfao literally WTF is this argument? Plenty of men would probably sell sex if they could attract a female clientele - the main reason heterosexual males don’t enter prostitution is because to make any sort of money at all, they’d have to go gay for pay.You definitely don't have to be attracted to people to make money from letting them fuck you. Or, like, are you going to try and convince me the average prostitute is totally attracted to her clients and that no lesbians ever become prostitutes with male clientele? How far will the LARP go? Lmao.
>And OFC Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos aren’t going to become prostitutes, they literally run multimillion dollar businesses. Why would they enter a profession which makes less them less money and is generally not seen as respectable in the eyes of the public?Again, if it was advantageous, they wouldn't turn it down. Instead, they went for actual jobs that make them a lot of money and aren't inherently degrading while telling themselves "Actually, I'm winning!". They still do non-respectable things (essential slavery, environmental destruction), so it's not really about the public. Btw
>"I'm pinkpilled guys, it's in men's nature to coerce and push for sex">"Noooo! You can't just call the johns and pimps who created the entire sex trafficking industry and pay to take sexual advantage of trafficked/abused women rapists!! Nooo, stop equating traditional heterosexual marriage to prostitution!! That's so shameful, are you saying your mother and grandmother were also exploited by men?!" Lmao.
All Johns are functional rapists. If you see a woman who needs money, and you decide "We can both win, heh" and put your dick in her face, you're a rapist. If you push and coerce women into sex, you're rapist. If your nature is to predate on women and see sex as transactional to the point where women need to "accept it", you're a rapist.
>I have literally never used this word to describe prostitution lol. Why do you guys keep strawmanning me?Pray tell, what does "you’re taking immutable male behaviours and manipulating it to your advantage" imply?
No. 174148
I am a sex worker and I feel like this is the only space to discuss my struggles in this one thread. If you try to discuss how you feel anywhere else on lolcow anons will just read the word "sex worker" and immediately claim that you sell sex (even if you say multiple times that you only do stripping/pics/etc), then go onto claim that you, yourself are the root of all sex trafficking, rape and everything else that happens to women while at the same time claiming you're a brainwashed girl and a scrote even though none of them can give a decent reason why sex work that doesn't involve sex is wrong. Never minding the even listening as to WHY so many women resort to sex work
Anyway, now that that's out the way. I use sex work because I live in a shitty economy in a certain part of the USA, most people my age are an extremely in debt and it's almost impossible to find a decently paying job, nevermind getting a job that's livable for one person. If you do get a job, places here fire quick, from everything to showing up late once to false accusations by Karen's. In fact the old place I use to work at specifically would schedule people on the days had off for therapy, second jobs, school, etc. then fired them if they didn't come in.
Do I like sex work? It's not my favorite thing but it's literally the only way for someone who doesn't have PHDs around here to make a livable wage while having enough job security
No. 174164
>>174158Me not getting business when I get old would still be better job security than most anyone who works in customer service who is hanging by a string that will be chopped off over the next small thing. Most people my age I know are always on the brink of homelessness because this economy and undeniably a shit show for young people
Also elderly worship in the USA is a very real thing. I cannot tell you how many times boomers who are well off and don't need to work at McDonald's or Applebee's but want to because their "bored" got picked over young adults fighting to survive. I don't care if once I hit a certain age I will need to budget and work shitty jobs. It's the matter of fact this is the time in my life that I am supposed to save, invest, go back to school, etc but how am I supposed to do that when school application fees are like 80 dollars and that's my entire paycheck in most jobs? How am I supposed to invest when all my money is going towards rent and bills?
No. 174195
Carol Leigh created that term to be politically correct who was, by the way a prostitute in the 1980s
No. 174209
>>174199Having a niche like eating yourself to death is different than the general sex work trend of e girls trying to look cute young and quirky making money because they took a viral selfie of themselves. It’s a volatile system regardless unless you’re super popular, give something others can’t, or have very committed customers.
It’ll be interesting to see how things like Onlyfans change over time and how many people will be treated like a fad. There’s just too many sellers for it to possibly be sustainable to the majority of girls.
No. 174268
>>174265Ah yes because all top tier scientist's are studying what sex workers do with all their money
Or let me guess, you know damn well no one is doing studies on this and you're going to use the "aha no evidence that means all sex workers end up poor trailer trash once they hit 40"
Either way, sex worker is serious money for a lot of women. You really think they just piss it away and that you need harvard level studies to prove that they don't? Or do you just hate women so much that you don't believe they can't be smart enough to pull themselves out of their shitty situations with sex work?
No. 174303
>>174270>Yep, or claiming girls who do only fans are on the same level as hookers even though several hookers said it was cruel to claim it was the same.How come no one ever checks the OF girls who insist they're the same as hookers, and try to speak on their behalf, or behave like they're authorities on the entire subject?
Honestly, the term "sex worker" is kind of bad because it amalgamates all these different groups and makes it so that privileged women selling titty pics because they don't feel like getting a job can talk like they know what it's like to get harassed IRL by men, placed in unsafe physical situations, face abuse, etc. It muddies the waters and allows the well-off 1% to talk over the 99%. "I'm a sex worker" can really mean anything from semi-anonymous phone sex to the situation in Vegas that came about from legalization where some women are kept in a compound and essentially imprisoned for sex day by day.
For the trauma and danger they face, actual prostitutes are closer to being soldiers than OF people will ever be, and the two shouldn't be grouped together.
No. 174304
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>>174288NTA, but be honest with yourself. Are most women lining up for a night with this guy and others like him, or are there just a lot of women in dire financial situations who need to get by?
If it's the latter, then the solution isn't "OMG just let them have sex with him, they obviously want it!!", it's to make it so they don't have to fuck individuals like this just to survive.
No. 174309
>>174305Who said anything about fucking random Tinder dudes?
That just sounds like personal mental illness or bad choices made in the name of "fun". Still not good, but definitely not the same as literally
needing to let strangers you're not attracted to use your body to orgasm just so you can make ends meet. It's not even similar, lmao.
No. 174328
a person who is not a member of a particular profession or group, as viewed by a member of that group.
No. 174329
>>174252Lmfao I don’t think this is true at all, there are aplenty of SW over 40+. Let me guess: you’ve never done SW right?
SWERFs and civvies always have the most retarded cartoonish impressions of this industry.
No. 174334
>>174329I can't take seriously anyone who uses the term "swerf" unironically. Is "
terf" also in your vocabulary?
No. 174347
>>174337…I don't fuck random dudes. I don't use Tinder or any other shitty hook-up app, period. Are you mentally well? Why are you so fixated on this topic when we were discussing SW?
Is that how you live your life, choosing between meaningless, often self-destructive sex, and doing the exact same thing but also for a bit of money on the side because you're struggling? Or like, do you just think every woman on earth either lets random men fuck her for money, or lets them do it anyway for no reason?
If it's the first, please seek therapy. Not even being snarky. If it's the latter, you just sound like a myopic, misogynistic scrote and I don't know why you're here instead of /r9k/.
No. 174428
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I've never done any sex work and I work hard to earn money.
No. 174845
>>174835Strippers, nude models, camgirls, panty sellers, etc
It's not that escorts are the base people it's just what people automatically assume what sex work is when debating against sex work
No. 175354
>>175178Jesus, would it kill you to have some empathy? A woman is forced to do something she doesn't want to because of her financial situation.
>>175164I don't have any advice but I hope you figure everything out. I'm sorry that you have to do that.
No. 175373
>>175164Try applying for an internship at a law firm and get a part time job instead of an only fans. Also shouldn't you get child support? Try moving in with another woman to split rent.
Please don't whore yourself out anon, you are better than that.
No. 175384
>>175374can confirm this is the true prostitute experience /s
put down the copium, this is literal groomer behavior to peddle this fake ass narrative
No. 175457
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>>175450>babymomma with addict bf who doesn’t provide for herYep definitely unlike the average prostitute. Your trauma is showing, get help.
No. 175663
>>175435This isn’t true. Celebrities, athletes, etc, buy women. They don’t pay us to have sex, they pay us to leave.
>>175450These clapbacks aren’t smart,
No. 175800
>>175784Truly a poor person mindset. $1000 is pitiful if she was getting fucked by more than two old indian men a night… and that's already the occasional good night? What was her monthly average though? Clearly it wasn't sustainable. Where did all that trauma money go?
An average wagie with a good investment portfolio and saving account can make $1000 a night doing nothing. Fucking yikes.
No. 175951
>>175744>janitorial workIn my area people who don’t speak Spanish are not hired in that field. I’ve never seen a random white person who speaks Spanish as a second language get hired either. It’s one of the few jobs you can get without a diploma and without speaking English, so it’s really difficult to get into.
>data entryThese are always touted as super easy jobs to get and job boards are always full of “data entry” job listings. Do you know what happens if you actually contact those job listings? It’s almost always some type of scam, they’re not real. Best case, it’s a pyramid scheme, worst case it’s human trafficking. You know who actually does data entry nowadays? Computers. I mean, think about it: When’s the last time you filled out an unscannable document on paper for a large company or organization? It was either for a small org without the quantity to need to hire out for data entry, or if it was for a large company you probably just didn’t notice the barcode.
>cashier at a grocery storeAnd get paid $9 an hour to deal with abuse from dozens if not hundreds of customers per day. It’s preferable to sex work for some (including my own opinion) but I can see the other point of view too. Women who charge high enough hourly and screen heavily can get paid $600 for just one hour and only have to deal with one person. Yes, “deal with” means sex instead of just getting screamed at by several asshole customers, but to some they can maybe stomach it.
No. 175973
>>175951>$600 for just one hourAre you a 9/10, with a high end "agency"? No? Fucking pipe dream unless you're letting them shit on your chest. Rich men aren't buying fancy hookers off seedy websites.
In metropolitan areas, where your clients aren't all dirty broke hicks, the competition is so high that you bitches are doing <$300 PER MEET. Man, all of you look at fake twitter stories and get hella delusion of grandeur.
>t. knower No. 176028
>>175951Fucking hilarious that you're concerned is doing human trafficking.
There is more to entry level than a walmart cashier. Local businesses, mom & pop joints? Those places want to keep their employees and their customers are generally pleasant. Receptionist for small firms is chill as hell.
If you wanna thot it up, when the pandemic is over and people are DYING to party, wait those hot girls & fancy beer bars and make a couple hundys a night. You might even meet a man with disposable income who actually wants to take care of you long term.
What about apprenticeships? They are specifically tailored to poorfags without a degree. Pharmacy techs, electricians, mechanics are always in demand. They train you and pay you. You'll work hard but those are lucrative af careers if you choose to pursue them and they look nice on a resume. Your city Work Commission office will be happy to tell you all about them.
Shit, my friend cosplays a normie collegebound christian girl and offers to walk dogs, mow lawn, pick up groceries and paint walls on the neighborhood facebook group and made great networking opportunities. People with hiring power are so much friendlier when they're not in their office staring at your resume. Another friend sells weed to boomers who can't figure out how to order online. Sex workers always blab about street smarts and hustling but can't find a better niche to fill. Just say you would rather be on your back than on your feet and you don't care what harms come off it.
>>176009Amazing how many of them manage to believe that only three jobs exist.
No. 176233
>Have you ever cammed, sugared or escorted?
No, but I have a lot of memories. After my parents died when I was 12 my aunt >raised me for 8 years, after that I finally managed to rent a flat. She used to be a prostitute herself but at that time she was retired from actual sex work and in charge of a brothel she organised in her house. In general, my duty was to make their beds, cook their food, do the laundry and so on.
Of course no social life cause I couldn't invite any friend to such a place, no school successes because no time for learning, no love life because of obvious reasons, all of that in the age when you want those things very much. So basically seriously fucked up 8 years.
Some of the girls were nice to me but most of them were either haughty or openly bullied me. After I turned 16 some of them started to urge me to get into that business, my aunt also supported that and when I refused things got even worse, one day they beat me up quite badly, some other time 3 of them opened the door of a bathroom from outside while I was shitting, threw me off the toilet and kicked my stomach for about 15 minutes just because they were frustrated and I was a pushover.
Now I live on my own but those memories will stay in my mind for the rest of my life, I think
No. 177038
>>176706>sent 100s of resumes every single dayWhy are people still expected to do this? There are more people than companies, if you're sending out 100's of resumes, there are companies receiving 10000's of resumes. I think
>>176212 was just memeing
No. 177042
>>176858why not move?
honestly I really don't understand the anons why feel "forced" into sex work, not because of human trafficking or grooming, but because of the economy. if you're on with a phone or computer posting about your poor circumstances surely you could put that time towards something else?
I grew up pretty poor. I graduated a couple years ago from a decent university and worked government and university internships on all of my off semesters so I could pay for my tuition and living expenses due to poorfag irresponsible parents. Even with a good resume could only get entry level admin jobs after graduating. I lived in a very metropolitan city with millions of people, my rent cost about half my monthly salary, but I still managed to save a few hundred every month because I was frugal. This year I was able to move to a smaller city, improved my career prospects due to my consistent past work experience, am now living comfortably and the future looks bright. I have zero regrets about not turning to sex work though some friends of mine were into it. It was difficult sometimes but I'd rather go back to having to eat rice and beans for a whole week and wearing the same shoes until they break down than fuck old gross men for money.
No. 177100
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So, on a different note, does anyone have any experience as a pro domme/know of forums they use that I could lurk? I'm not a SWer myself, but I have a fascination with sugar baby blogs and I think that learning about dominatrixes would be really interesting too.
No. 177158
>>177157it's as risky as any ad asking to meet. people get killed visiting flats and participating in dating app hookups.
depends on how comfortable you are with that whole concept.
No. 177160
>>177158>people get killed visiting flatsYeah, well, this is the part I'm concerned about lol. The ad was without any grammatical errors so I assume he's educated
>>177159>footfags are the most aggressively boundary-pushingThat's good to know…Yeah, on second thought, I think I'll skip lol
No. 177366
>>177159That’s all men.
>>177157It depends on where he wants to meet you. If you haven’t previously vetted this person then I’d only meet him in like a hotel or something. I’ve been a SW for almost five years and meeting a stranger in their house or apartment is extremely risky, from experience lol irrespective of how personable their ad or texting is.
No. 179279
>>179183No. Being a sexworker is sexwork. Being a Twitch thot is something, but its not sex work, and tbh most of them act all high and mighty when you compare them to sexworkers, even though they're just low tier cam girls who don't have the guts to be a cam girl.
(Or, there's the type who pull a Bella Thorn and like to play pretend sexworker because they think it's a fun game)
No. 179806
>>179776>>179783Yoooo relax with that. Sex workers are people and they provide a service. A lot of people consume pornography, it's one of the biggest industries in the world and has been for a long time, and the people depicted in it deserve a little respect.
It's not for everyone. Granted, some girls shouldn't do sexwork (Look at Luna Slater) because they're terrible at it.
Plus anon should be allowed to fo as she wishes without other people completely shutting that shit down on her. Shes not running around having affairs, so the whole "ooga booga no these titties belong to me" from her boyfriend isn't the be all and end all of making decisions about her own body
No. 179819
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>>179806>The only reason to not be a whore it is if you’re bad at itTwitter hands wrote this. Fuck off forever.
No. 179826
>>179812They dont have to like what she decides to do but that doesn't mean they should respect her less, or that she should "get some self respect".
That just comes off as someone who thinks sexwork is shameful- and it isn't. Who cares if someone is making bank from flashing their asshole? It's a job
No. 179855
>>179854OF whores aren't sex trafficking
victims. It's their choice to upload pictures of their gaping asshole for $5 a month.
No. 179946
>>179776Is being a Twitch thot still a viable way to make money?
Anyone can answer. I can’t be naked online but I need to extract money from orbiters :(
(:() No. 179959
>>179957>Civvieslmfao what
>Things won’t get better for you guys in this regardYou do realize that it goes double for your kind?
No. 179963
>>179957As if sex work and porn wasn't always normalised. Prostitution is the 'oldest' job as they say. Men always used women as fleshlights, raped them and abused them, nothing new. Men always thought prostitutes are nasty trash and nothing changed. They only see you as holes and you're totally dependant on those men. And it's not as if anyone really likes sex workers - women don't have much better opinion of you either.
If you willingly choose to do this while part of privileged society, I pity you.
Sucks not being smart or talented enough to actually make your money while not having to suck scrote dick I guess.
No. 179969
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>>179963> Men always thought prostitutes are nasty trash and nothing changed. They only see you as holes and you're totally dependant on those menDo you think men in general respect women who aren’t prostitutes? lol seems to me like you’re the one who is dependent on males for validation
> women don't have much better opinion of you eitherLiterally who cares what women think lol - oh no a group of people who no power or leverage doesn’t care for us, whatever shall we do lmfao
No. 179971
>>179969Not the same anon- but I feel sorry for you if you think women carry 0 power or privilege. While women in particular in the US have immense leverage. Look at what happened with George Floyd. That all happened because white women suddenly developed a conscience.
You have the power to remove yourself from sex work- just like the rest of your peers. And you don’t, because it’s quick, dirty and a fast buck.
You’re willing to exploit yourself, and it makes you appear lazy, unintelligent, and kind of gross. For 2 reasons, really. The first is that you’re willing to participate in it, and the second is that you either don’t care- or celebrate it.
Last thing we should be doing is giving scrotes anything.
No. 179985
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>>179971Yeah, I don’t mind exploiting myself if it leads to favourable outcomes. Sorry that I don’t see sex the same way you do
>>179975> Sad for you that you're one of those that are really only good at getting fuckedMost prostitutes I know are actively in higher education or have another career on the side. I’m literally going to uni this September lol.
No. 179986
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>>179984>>179975Incels are now allowed on LC? Wtf?
No. 179990
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>>179984I'm all for personal sexual liberation but where's the lie, it's impossible have a safe environment for sex workers and ethical porn industry without having egalitarian society; and we're still extremely far from it. Forcing progressive approach in the very nuanced sphere that is human sexuality while everything around is so backwards and patriarchal is just NOT gonna work.
Picrel is doing good job by illustrating how far we are from the perfect middle, somehow they're all unimaginable, and yet we're fine living in the world where men have it all.
No. 180002
>>179957>civviesAh yes, the military and the girl making $30 on OF.
>especially with the evolution of new technologies like realistic VRWeren't a ton of
you guys mad about VR, because now even fat neckbeards can use 3D anime avatars to get the attention/money from coomers you work so hard for? Don't try to change the story, now.
Anyway, my problem with porn/SW is the human trafficking, not random privileged women trying to make money.
Remember that in LARPing that you're the average SWer (and not the countless women and children who've been kidnapped and abused too many times to count) and pushing for "normalization" instead of just minding your business, you are playing a direct role in facilitating the rape and exploitation of countless innocent lives. But that doesn't matter, fuck everyone but you, it's all about getting paid, right?
No. 180009
>>179985Imagine thinking sex is so shameful that sexwork is for idiots and filth. Is it degrading to fuck your boyfriend? Your husband? Hooking up at all, is it sin?
Bruh I can't believe some people haven't evolved past the idea that sex and kink is this big dirty immoral thing
No. 180015
>>180010>>180010Where do you live that it's not ridiculously easy for women to get sex? Like, there's a reason male hookers are in demand among gay men, not women.
Wait. Are you just some incel LARPing as a female sex worker and projecting your issues? Or are you a tranny SW? Is that why you're so mad at us? Mad about actual women with actual pussies not needing to sell themselves, projecting the fact that no one wants the gaping wound you try to pass off as a vagina, lmfao.
No. 180021
>>180015Lmao exactly.
"Sexwork is bad because I dont want to admit that it's harder than it looks and nobody wants my axe wound pussy anyway. You're all just stupid and holding us back, sex is bad guys, women who dont think sex is bad are immoral and uneducated. Stop being trafficked
No. 180046
>>179957>porn and sex work are going to continue getting normalised and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about itHave you ever heard of the Weimar Republic?
>>180035Being nothing more than sexual commodity to be used as fap fodder by coomers is degrading and not worthy of respect. Women are trafficked and forced into sex work because anyone with normal psychological functioning recognises it as harmful. I hate sex work, not sex workers. I pity them because I can not imagine hating myself that much that I would be prepared to permanently damage my physical and mental health in exchange for money.
No. 180058
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>>180046If you hate sex work then stop taking your autistic frustration out on the sex workers and take it out on the system. You’re really punching down and looking like a clueless bitter clown right now who’s on a major finger-wagging powertrip and it’s really sad.
No. 180061
>>180058>If you hate sex work then stop taking your autistic frustration out on the sex workers and take it out on the systemThe system only works because women voluntarily become sex workers. If they didn't, OF, MV and other sites wouldn't make any money.
>You’re really punching downThe biggest promoters of sex work to teenage girls are other sex workers on social media.
No. 180159
What do you think about SW bullying other SW?
An escort is getting attention for her history of bullying other women in the industry
>>>/w/145804 No. 180160
>>180106The only women who get anything from sex work are those that need to earn a set amount of money to pay for something that is going to improve their lives, like college. Once they've got the money, they get the fuck out because they understand that it isn't sustainable.
>>180107Being a doctor doesn't degrade your self esteem or require you to shove so many butt plugs into your asshole that you need adult diapers by the time your 40.
No. 180168
>>179812Sex work is shameful. Extremely shameful. When you agree to make yourself into a commodity, you make things worse for not only yourself but all women.
>>179985Get some student loans you stupid fucking whore. You don’t have to pay off college immediately. Why don’t you work on getting a high paying job when you’re out of college instead of ruining yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually? Oh right, it’s much easier to throw in the towel and just give men what they want for a few quick bucks.
>>180106>>some people literally thriveOk Shayna
>>180058>>abloobloo you’re punching down! Are you an abused, trafficked, drug addicted street prostitute? Or a woman from the first world who made a conscious decision to gape their asshole live on the internet? If that’s punching down, then so is this whole goddamn site.
>>180035>>sex workers deserve the same respect as other working womenSex work is not a respectable career no matter how much copium you smoke. The fruits of your labours are nothing but puddles of spunk. You do not deserve the same respect as a real working woman who goes out into the world, competes against men and strives to be an equal.
No. 180212
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>>180168Jesus christ anon, show us on this doll where the sexwork community hurt you lmao
No. 180217
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>>180214Literally can’t even back your shameful decisions up without vacuous insults and blame shifting. You think the only thing stopping anti SW anons from doing SW is their (assumed) lack of looks and confidence? What a tremendous cope. It’s because of shitty takes like YOURS: sex work is for uwu beautiful and confident women who want to thrive and be spoiled uwu! That sucks girls in with false promises to be used up like a piece of meat and discarded. All behind a smokescreen of uwu empowered sex positive queens! The sexual exploitation bill harms us reee! Nobody hates other women more than sex workers. They are, after all, a threat to your income (sad)
>>180212Mainly my eyes, because you whores never stop desperately advertising your depreciating assets publicly on all social media’s. We’ve all seen poorly scribbled out gaped pussy and ass publicly on Twitter against our will. You guys are like Chatroulette perves. Your simps are all called 090bigdavey and CH0M045. You are the lost girls of a generation and they will write sociology papers on how tragic you all are in the future.
No. 180219
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>>180214There’s still time to turn your life around anon, don’t worry. Choose happiness.
No. 180221
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Straight out of the whorses mouth.
Don’t do it ladies.
No. 180229
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>>180221I wish outspoken ex-swers healing and success.
No. 180302
>>180106Yeah, I started working full service at 18 and to be honest, it’s mostly done me well. I think it’s not necessarily a bad thing that there’s a degree of stigma and negative association with sex work but SWERFs get way too pissy and project their own pathologies concerning sex into us. They personally find commercialising sex to be repulsive and feel entitled to have that belief reflected in law, when it’s quite frankly none of their business what sex workers do and don’t do with our bodies.
If they truly cared about preventing young women from going into sex work then they would attempt to address issues which motivate women into entering sex work to begin with e.g. asset inflation, stagnation of wages, higher education tuition fees, lack of well compensated/fulfilling career options and progression, but they’re lazy and would rather just call us whores or whatever.
No. 180315
>>180303>>I’m saving money for cosmetic surgery Because you hate yourself and have been groomed and brainwashed into thinking you need it. Whatever you get, it will look like shit eventually and need to be fixed. You’ll look like a melting waxwork by 40.
>>180303>>investing in stocks/shares/crypto Of course you are KEK. E whores always say that.
>>180302You couldn’t make it any more obvious that you are some lazy, privileged brat. You sound like you came from a world of other options, yet you chose this because you find it more fulfilling to sexually humiliate yourself publicly.
Sex workers don’t know how to manage money because they sink so much of it on plastic surgery, clothes, makeup, shoes, ubers, their own hotel room when they get kicked out after 15 mins by their John because they look like goblins IRL. Not to mention all the drugs and alcohol to fill the void and to make it easier to smile through the degrading, dehumanising taunts of men paying you absolute pocket change.
No. 180382
>>180302>If they truly cared about preventing young women from going into sex work then they would attempt to address issues which motivate women into entering sex work to begin with e.g. asset inflation, stagnation of wages, higher education tuition fees, lack of well compensated/fulfilling career options and progression, but they’re lazy and would rather just call us whores or whatever.Funny how we don't see men flocking to prostitution for the same reasons. Gee, hmm, I wonder why…
How the fuck can feminists help you when you're defending and upholding the patriarchal systems holding yourself (and other women) back?
No. 180403
>>180302And who is “they” if not you??? Good to know that not only do you think feminists should be the ones to make the world a better place for you, free of charge, while you actively enabling the oppressing class; you also just admitted you don’t care about exploitation of young girls enough to be a part of that change.
”There can be no social revolution without women liberation.”Hard to make meaningful policies when you’re getting shit on your chest and everyone knows it huh?
No. 180424
>>180330I dont get when people say this.
Men easily make money for talking about videogames, being hot or making retarded asmr videos.
Its incredibly easy to have a teenage girl fanbase that will spend money on you.
males have it fucking easy
No. 180449
>>180424Women already do all of that.
>video gamesDepends on the game. For The Sims franchise most of the youtubers making videos about it are women.
>ASMRThe majority of ASMR videos are made by women for a male audience.
No. 180696
>>180449its incredibly easy to get a female audience so males dont have any excuse. they can do the same shit women do and get a shit ton of money. stop being lazy anon.
most rich youtubers are males
No. 180733
>>180717You’ve never heard of CH, Dream, Sykkuno, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, male MUAs, HasanAbi, Cody Ko, Kurtis Conner, etc etc etc? Nigga those bitches simp harder than any man ever could. Like in the case of Hasan, his viewership is like 70/30 men to women (something like that) but he straight up said his pay pigs are actually mostly female.
Men will shun a woman content creator the moment they think she slighted them and ruined the e-gf immersion. Male simps only give money to feel power over those girls, they get attention, special privileges that give them closer contacts with the girls and OF access. Maybe there’s a tiny % of men who derives sexual pleasure from giving women free money, which case, still isn’t an L for them in anyway.
On the other hand, female simps give offerings because they genuinely think these retards deserve it for existing (what incels think men do for women), the most they’ll get out of it getting groomed and used as sex toys.
Any of those already popular men could start an OF sand get millions of dollars, and yet THEY DON’T. Hmmmm
No. 181234
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>>180712Youtube is a place full of cringe, half-naked people, gaming, and more cringe.
No. 181239
>>180696People never believe me when I tell them that I'm a woman and I 'simp' for a OF content creator for about 10-100 dollars per month.
Please, don't take this as a encouragement to go into OF business if you are confused 18yo looking for easy money. I'm simply stating that there's a (small) customer base of women who pay for their porn.
I was sick of porn made to male gaze and there's ethical issues with mainstream porn.
The creator I simp for does aesthetically pleasing content with kinky vibes but not too HC. She's woman in her 30's and has set very strict boundaries what she's willing to do. Her prices are in the higher end but I'm in the financial state where it does not really matter to me. There's maybe under 50 subscribers and I think that I'm in the middle range in the amounts I bring to her. We interact maybe few times a week and I think there could be more if I wanted but I simply want content to masturbate to.
We are mutual-ish outside SW so I'm pretty positive that she's not being abused or anything.
Also, that's not her only income and she has profession outside SW. She has done professional alt modeling (not runways but commercials etc) and knows what she's doing. Also she has some actual marketing skills, unlike some girls who enter into business and get disappointed when money isn't flowing into their laps at the second they show some skin.
What my point is, there's different ways to do OF and some people can actually make money from it IF they are professional or have big following outside OF.
No. 181292
>>180744Some boyband industry people actively prevent their performers from having girlfriends because they're aware that it ruins the immersion for their target audience (pre teen girls) potentially inhibiting their profits. Egirls
have to be without a public partner to fully appeal to their fanbase (virgin retarded males)
No. 182298
>>182249Of course it's bad but… why aren't the men actors in porn movies being prosecuted for violence?
Where are the contracts?
Flipping burgers and waitressing is better than all of this.
No. 182314
>>182305I don't think it's the vomit they were getting off to (though every fluid and solid that comes out of a body is a category of fetish in itself) In cases like that it appears to purely be making women do things that nobody in their right mind would want to do. The suffering of that. I'm sure men getting off to that scene have thousands of other scenarios in their heads that all follow the theme of female suffering.
Puke fetish weirdos are real but this is just creative sadism
No. 183906
>>180382I don’t want help from feminists. If feminists want to prevent women from getting into prostitution then the material conditions that cause women to consider prostitution need to be examined. Simple as.
>>180317Not talking about OnlyFans, we’re talking about student loans, boomer retard.
>>180315Not all SWs don’t know how to manage their money. You guys get such a perverse satisfaction from the concept of our suffering, it’s very weird and sadistic.
No. 183909
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Any other people - sex worker or not - feel like this website has gotten massively more hostile towards us in the past year or so? I particularly have noticed it within the last year. I was rereading some of Shayna’s threads from 2018 and the tone towards sex work was a lot more chill though not necessarily supportive. A lot of posters would openly admit to being SWers and relate their knowledge of the industry to Shayna or would talk about their experience with her on OF group chats or w/e.
Now you have anons using the word whore a minimum of five times per posts, no one can admit to having previous experience, etc. Idrc but SWERFs seriously ruined that thread, though Shay’s herself has become pretty boring. Feelsbadman because I know so many SW cows that would be amazing thread material but don’t see the point in compiling a post as I don’t feel like this site’s audience has the capacity to discuss SW cows in a fun way anymore.
No. 183931
>>183906Women need to be a unified front and resist oppression to make any changes. If we all become libfem sex workers who cater to the male gaze and spend huge chunks of our time and income trying to be desirable to men, how can we make arguments about equality? What messages does that send to younger girls? Do you think glamorizing or even participating in the objectification of women doesn’t create a demand for grooming and trafficking young girls? Would those girls even think there’s an option besides giving into the idea that their value is their body and youth?
Do you expect other women to just do all the work while you attempt to temporarily benefit from patriarchy? This level of cognitive dissonance is like someone who expects everyone else to be environmentally conscious while driving a huge truck around everywhere and throwing garbage in the streets.
>>183909The tide is turning, hopefully more women wake up to the reality of sex work and sex based oppression.
No. 183936
>>183917Good thing I live a charmed life
>>183931Girl I’m not gonna read all that lmfao
No. 183958
my problem with most sex workers is that they push a dual narrative.
on the one hand they will say that sex work is easy and makes them a ton of money and that's why they do it, because they make more money doing it than at a regular job for less effort. on the other hand, they'll whine and cry that sw is ~super hard~ and ~people just don't get it~ because of all of the "work" that goes into it like putting on makeup (so hard right) and promoting themselves on social media for 10 hours a day (and if they're not an online sw then this part wouldn't even apply) and then say that it's a lot of "work" for not very much reward, and act like they're doing some service to society by being a sw.
like, sorry if I don't think your 24/7 dick pandering is a real job. if you wanna do sex work then go ahead and do it, but you don't get to demand respect. also gotta love how they call us civilians. sorry hun, showing your stretched butthole to lonely men for 5$ a month does not put you on the same level as firefighters.
and if anything sw'ers should be convincing people not to get into sex work because the industry is already becoming oversaturated which makes it less profitable. but instead they like to glamourize it for some reason.
>>183909uh, no. I've never used the shayna thread really, but I've consistently heard from other anons that it's other swers/cam girls in that thread tearing shayna apart, saying her pussy looks weird etc.
>>183955but I've watched a lot of pieces on porn stars/prostitutes etc and most of them will viciously defend sex work and rabidly attack anyone who thinks that sw'ers are not there by choice.
No. 183963
>>183959>you clearly don't think of sex workers as poor exploited prolesit depends on the sex worker. I have all the sympathy in the world for people who go into sex work out of desperation, lack of options etc. but like I said, I've watched a lot of pieces about sw'ers and browsed a lot of subreddits for them, and most of them will say that they weren't forced into it and that they love doing it and get extremely defensive if you try to disagree with them on that, and constantly go on rants about people trying to "save" them.
secondly, it's not so much that I care about what they do, it's more the fact that they love to go on social media and glamourize it, which gets young girls like danielle bregoli to sign up for an onlyfans the day she turns 18 which she will probably regret. it also hides the reality that probably a lot of people doing sw don't want to be there, and push this idea that sex work is super fun and easy and makes you a ton of money, which really hurts the people who get coerced into it.
No. 183969
>>183962God, what a bunch of shitheads. However to say that a women should not do something because of misogynist men seems like
victim blaming.
>>183963>people who go into sex work out of desperation, lack of optionsThat is basically all of them. Maybe the ones that do like more artistic erotica like their work, but I can guarantee that no mainstream porn actress would agree to get gangbanged on camera if she did not have bills to pay. Now some do seem to glamorize it, and get defensive on the topic, because that is one of the ways you psychologically cope with your situation. You just pretend everything is ok and you actually want to do this. And to attack sex workers is pointless, it does not help anyone. Sex work exists because there are women desperate enough to sell themselves, and the only way to stop it is to create an economic system in which a human beings are not longer turned into mere commodities. Pro/anti sex work discourse is just not helpful to anyone.
No. 183972
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>>183966Thanks. There was a power cut in my apartment so I had to call off a few meets.
No. 183973
>>183969None of these middle class bitches online are doing it out of desperation lmao can we at least be candid about one thing
>to say that a women should not do something because of misogynist men seems like victim blamingI hate this purposeful twisting of words. Telling women to take responsibility for their personal safety isn’t
victim blaming. It would be fucking nice if we lived in the world where you bitches can get blackout drunk with strangers and never suffer any danger but the world will never be so, ever. Men will never stop seeking to hurt you. It is your choice to choose how easy you make it for them to hurt you.
No. 183975
>>183969they can be
victims but I wish they would stop recruiting others into it and pretending everything is great and normal
No. 183995
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>m-middle class isn’t real!!! I am literally just as desperate as the impoverished prostituted people because i have to get a job after dropping out of liberal arts college and stop qualifying for my parents health insurance
Eat shit
No. 184047
>>184046>>184042Sex work is a job. You do it becouse out of options available to you, that is the best one to pay bills. The exactly same reason people "choose" to work any other job.
Also spare me your accusations of champagne socialism, as if you know anything about Marxism.
No. 184058
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>>184047Do you ever say anything else
No. 184063
>>184052Yeah I’ve seen so many girls try to say it’s their only option and they try to justify it so badly saying WELL I DID GET AN EDUCATION BUT I CANT LIVE OFF MIN WAGE AND I WAS HOMELESS but in reality they never went to college and were too lazy to work or try hard at school so they just jump on something that can get them money for a consumer easy lifestyle. Just be a cute sexy girl and guys will throw hundreds of dollars at me? SIGN ME UP
Like just admit you don’t care about anything and found a way to monetize yourself by fucking people and showing your body because that’s easier and more immediate rewarding than having to budget and save to gain skills and be a professional. (This doesn’t apply to all SW but just the younger ones that I know of irl who jump on onlyfans instead of expanding talents they already had or being content creators some other way) I really do admire some women in this industry but it’s sick that so many self proclaimed feminists will do pedo pandering and submit to male needs and play into stereotypes just so they can get some money because that’s really their only goal. There’s no means to an end they just want to get rich and they’ll constantly humble brag about how smart they are for not being like those wage slaves or whatever. This came out long but that’s the impression I got after being on Twitter for a few months and getting sucked into that bubble.
No. 184072
>>184030>>184047All I'm reading is
>Stop calling me privileged just because I'm richer than other people! I still have to work so I'm basically the same as actual poor people reeeeIt really is cringe
No. 184076
>>184074if you want to hear
>yaas queen slay, please keep spreading your butthole, you're so liberated!then get back on reddit or twitter.
Sex workers are broken lolcows themselves and I have no sympathy for women/men who do it other then I feel sorry that they're not getting the mental health support they actually need.
No. 184091
>>184078Nothing pol or man like about what she said. Unlike you
>>184052 is actually a woman who empowered herself even in muh economy. Seethe, dumb bitch.
No. 184096
>>184079I agree with you. Women trafficked into prostitution or being groomed into it through
abusive relationships I feel sympathy for, but if you're actively choosing to do it when there are other options available then you're just complicit in a system that tells men they have the right to continue commodifying us and purchasing access to our bodies. I've repeatedly seen women in this thread justifying it by saying being a whore pays better than other jobs with low barriers to entry. Yeah, okay. So they admit there
were other options but chose this because of the relative ease and cash. You see zero men thinking "hmm maybe if I sold my ass and mouth to closeted gays I could build up a nice little nest egg" and I wonder why. It isn't because there isn't a call for it, there absolutely is. They just refuse to even consider that and hustle to maintain dignity. These women could've pushed through a garbage minimum wage job and found better positions afterwards like you did. Like I did. Honestly it pisses me off some have the gall to imply ~society forced them~ when there are girls out there literally being raped, drugged and kidnapped into the same position. You don't see accountants or physical therapists being trafficked. Stop deluding yourselves.
No. 184110
>>184096>You don't see accountants or physical therapists being trafficked. No, but you see that happening to agricultural or factory workers. You know, the menial labour that can be done by an actual slave.
>You see zero men thinking "hmm maybe if I sold my ass and mouth to closeted gays I could build up a nice little nest eggAre you just not aware that gay pornography and prostitution exists?
>you're just complicit in a system that tells men they have the right to continue commodifying us and purchasing access to our bodiesThat system is called capitalism and we are all in it. Selling you body and mind to make profit for a rich pedophile makes you just as much of a whore. But hey, feel free to pretend that you are any better as you waste away in your shit dead end job, if that helps you sleep at night.
At the end of the day, I can take solace in the fact that "radical" feminism is an impotent fringe movement rejected by right, left and center, and I really dont have to care about any of you.
No. 184115
>>184110>agricultural or factory workersThe point is that YOU were personally not trafficked yet the prostitutes in this thread who chose the role are simultaneously acting like they were just as forced into this position as the people you're bringing up.
>gay pornography and prostitution existsNice straw man. Of course these things "exist," but the vast majority of poor men do not consider things like OnlyFans, porn and prostitution as legitimate alternatives to regular labor in the same way that women, and horrifyingly, girls do on a broad cultural level. It's demeaning, dehumanizing and will never be able to placed on a proper CV.
>Selling you body and mind to make profit for a rich pedophile… waste away in your shit dead end jobAs I said, I started out in a shit job and now I work at a startup that pays well, gives me insurance, makes an effort to actually serve their customers and improve the community. Big kek though, considering you are directly serving pedophiles, rapists, degenerates, porn addicts and the general scum of the earth directly. Who needs a middleman?
>"radical" feminism is an impotent fringe movement Mmk you have a real rage boner for radical feminism but who even said I identify with that movement? I just think you're a piece of shit actively harming other women, no political stance necessary.
No. 184217
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>>184209>>184210HAHAHAHA whores are fucking stupid. Why is showing your leg and arm okay in public is okay but not your dick. Why can 16 years olds work for a 50 years old with their hands but not their ass?? Rape of Nanking? You mean labor camp of Nanking.
Fuck off back to
tw already.
No. 184242
>>184212if belle delphine, a completely sexless entity, can pull it off, so can you
you should really try to hold out for ssdi as long as you can though
No. 184246
>>184212honestly, it doesn't really seem possible, isn't the entire idea of 'asexual' is that of not feeling sex at all?
You really shouldn't bother, you're just going to hurt yourself more in the long run.
No. 184280
>>184279Nta but absolutely not if they refuse to open their eyes and choose to groom other young girls. You can only coddle junkies and abuse
victims for so long when they become abusers themselves.
No. 184496
>>184210>>184209Other people rent out their skills, which they perform with their minds and bodies, not their literal bodies. These skills can then be transferred to other jobs.
>inb4 sex work required skills!!!Yeah but they’re not exactly transferable or valuable. Anyone can have sex.