File: 1643228168318.jpeg (172.78 KB, 962x1223, 21.jpeg)

No. 226291
Post conventionally attractive males you want to have sex with and have no shame admitting.
Previous thread:
>>180161 No. 226294
File: 1643228387156.gif (1.68 MB, 275x155, 1643094587840.gif)

No. 226295
File: 1643228482828.jpg (39.37 KB, 568x845, 541ea7ec78379fe928c66759536d94…)

Anyway, wanna fuck this king
No. 226298
File: 1643228639053.jpg (65.57 KB, 633x960, 2975931.jpg)

No. 226300
complaining about ugly guys getting posted in the thread and when this
>>226012 receding hairline motherfucker was posted no one said anything
No. 226302
>>226299>>226290>>226294>>226295>>226297GTFOH KPOP FILTH. ARE THE MODS
No. 226318
File: 1643230246181.gif (2.7 MB, 498x277, fez-daddy.gif)

Sorry if he's not conventionally attractive enough I have bad taste. He looks like such a pos stoner, just like my exes.
No. 226469
File: 1643234914031.jpg (52.63 KB, 564x846, a9ecb41c6230edabef0236b621e0e6…)

No. 226478
File: 1643235343528.jpg (64.33 KB, 564x789, 42b036d9a57f3f73c2b060a07a91a4…)

>>226469cleansing this board
No. 226480
File: 1643235388210.jpg (38.87 KB, 533x800, Juyeon-1-533x800.jpg)

No. 226489
File: 1643235640248.jpg (41.69 KB, 470x702, 76d0bfaf1ca5cc73b4effed3b41615…)

No. 226498
File: 1643235874145.gif (995.34 KB, 500x357, m.gif)

Young Morrissey. Bi men who aren't afraid to be different and controversial are the best.
No. 226499
File: 1643235969012.jpg (528.97 KB, 1911x2803, NINTCHDBPICT000001018811-e1539…)

We lost 2 more weeks of Dolph due to kpop sperging
No. 226501
File: 1643236021209.jpg (72.48 KB, 640x889, zgbpoq0hf6361.jpg)

No. 226532
File: 1643238111018.jpg (128.4 KB, 1080x733, 0b0a2adaa3221d05032356154bf3dc…)

>>226506Toshiya from Dir En Gray
No. 226555
File: 1643240405345.jpg (62.63 KB, 564x736, 14e8265a0b0817bd6f0103bda91c55…)

No. 226559
File: 1643242151520.jpeg (52.63 KB, 640x960, 73335237-5357-42FB-9182-A0CB2D…)

Seems i was too hasty in declaring all koreans hideous
Some are ok.
No. 226562
File: 1643242754538.gif (8.25 MB, 540x500, tumblr_99d1e1ad9cff132ea47fef6…)

>>226559the male ones who don't look like gussied-up little girls are great
No. 226578
File: 1643245254021.jpg (103.94 KB, 1200x1200, c6dbfec959135962265002a7b479f4…)

>>226562>>226559>not posting sir Sang wooblasphemous
No. 226579
File: 1643245294391.jpg (106.27 KB, 1200x800, 455769958.jpg.0.jpg)

>>226574Uh-huh. Whatever you say.
No. 226581
>>226562this guy is hot as fuck
>>226578This one too holy shit
>>226579NTA but nice cherry-picking. Anyone's face will look like shit when they've been in a fistfight and in a super-HD photo taken in a way that highlights it, on top of that.
No. 226583
File: 1643245851583.jpg (28.39 KB, 261x261, 85687478457.jpg)

>>226581It looks like shit in damn near every photo tho.
No. 226591
>>226589So just general retardation, got it
nonny. The kpop fag has that gif of a guy pretending to be a dog and crying and I guess the oyaji koreafag has this guy eating clothes lel
No. 226607
>>226318Looks homeless
>>226590The thread OPs always say to post CONVENTIONAL men anon. Models are conventional, old burnt men are not.
No. 226676
>>226501>>226499Yes! It's not an official AMYWTF thread until
my husbando Dolph gets posted
No. 226678
File: 1643279318606.jpeg (72.29 KB, 1080x567, 272D7F06-DBDE-4FFF-8AA6-447E22…)

>>226607Sorry, here’s a model
No. 226956
File: 1643405479349.jpg (130.5 KB, 1080x1350, Noen-Eubanks.jpg)

he was like the only attractive tiktok eboy and then he just disappeared from the internet and then came back looking homely.
No. 226964
File: 1643406987685.jpg (22.24 KB, 400x400, TD4jMA2a_400x400.jpg)

>>226962he is 20. He was 19 in that picture. We are the same age noonie.
No. 226967
File: 1643407252239.jpg (329.03 KB, 818x1023, hboss6.jpg)

>>226964he could have been a model if he didnt like tiktok anymore but instead he threw it all away.
No. 226981
File: 1643409676514.jpg (1.97 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20220128_233258783.jpg)

>>226968he still looks decent but he looks like he has been taking some drugs, he looks worn out and tired despite not doing anything.
>>226972well when men like this
>>226583 >>226562 get posted no wonder why you think the actual thread-worthy ones are underg.
No. 226990
File: 1643410885336.jpg (14.92 KB, 300x300, dallas-korol-xx1y-allfamous.or…)

first time posting on lc, but just needed to say i am having such a big crush with this guy Dallas from TheTekkitRealm and this was the perfect thread lol
No. 226995
File: 1643412830544.jpg (121.19 KB, 500x692, 87c75b1f3d14fc8a5e9a3436d4a6a7…)

This thread was off to a bad start
No. 226996
File: 1643412974919.jpg (61.75 KB, 355x500, eomer-1564917-normal.jpg)

eomer, my horse boy
No. 227020
File: 1643427583126.jpg (192.89 KB, 827x1200, jensen-ackles.jpg)

>>226291This thread is a dumpster fire, it doesn't deserve Jensen. Only OP and Dolphposter have taste.
No. 227026
>>227022Shit idea.
>>227020For real. I almost hope next thread pic is the same as this one. What a waste of a good photo.
No. 227046
File: 1643451727774.jpg (277.64 KB, 1000x1250, 1635343786-20211021-172412.jpg)

>>227041>>227043I have been posting idols and Korean drama actors since forever and no one ever complained. The problem was spamming and sharing unconventionally attractive men.
No. 227058
File: 1643458615263.jpg (57.82 KB, 425x687, 0901e1fd1a7d89f904f334a9477950…)

A nona is preplexed others like a tall, handsome, buff and smart dude she had to run to another thread
No. 227067
With the exception of this dude
>>226958 this thread is like kpop in or washed up middle aged dudes. I don't know what's wrong with you all.
No. 227068
File: 1643463173322.jpg (81.66 KB, 712x1200, 3d267243bc7f2c0d72aac62aacda52…)

No. 227069
File: 1643463290410.jpg (121 KB, 736x889, f1d3ffab849bb15b8d3611e361d4f0…)

No. 227073
File: 1643463833625.jpg (1.24 MB, 1400x1750, hboss8.jpg)

>>227067Thank you noonie, but i dont think there is anything wrong with the kp0p men posted here either, to each their own.
>>227068he's always been the most attractive one in maneskin.
>>227070from the group maneskin.
No. 227074
>>227073lol damiano hot, he has 90s energy
most of my issues with the new age guys these days is that they look so boring and insecure but he has that confident charismatic energy i like but it probably helps he's european instead of american kek
No. 227105
File: 1643475736789.jpg (34.03 KB, 500x333, 500full-eugeniy-sauchanka.jpg)

sometimes men with long hair are hot
No. 227162
File: 1643492542045.png (1.56 MB, 891x675, thewall.png)

>>227138This is him right? Tragic.
No. 227189
File: 1643497291117.jpg (86.59 KB, 900x1124, 5df16c1803c4d60008bc8774_74662…)

>>227167he looks normal to me
>>227162its crazy how men can go from dreambot to looking like a reddit incel in only a couple of years, really sad. The wall shows men no mercy.
No. 227310
File: 1643561506081.gif (1.31 MB, 260x197, IMG_5190.gif)

No. 227343
File: 1643566928072.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.05 KB, 650x1149, 0d817a680df4f8d727f44198e467db…)

>>227009Here I found one for you
No. 227389
File: 1643575879271.jpg (22.97 KB, 432x640, Ci_ieZ-VAAAOxyS.jpg)

post guys with long hair
No. 227413
File: 1643579501952.webm (764.98 KB, 576x1024, german god.webm)
Just let me die and come back as Stacy to fuck 10/10 male thots.
No. 227428
File: 1643581638836.jpg (30.87 KB, 500x500, Side-Swept-Wide-Wavy-Hair.jpg)

>>227409kpopfags havent been here in days and you are still talking about it, did seeing attractive men while you were doing your daily 50yo shilling posts really
trigger you that much.
>>227371they havent made music lately but when they do its always a huge hit, seethe.
No. 227464
File: 1643592160636.jpg (147.43 KB, 800x1916, 9c861e1d26d045a6931c6f9b5013a5…)

He was so cute. Too bad he aged like milk, like most men.
No. 227512
File: 1643610386629.png (254.29 KB, 320x400, Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 06-24…)

No. 227516
File: 1643612055360.jpg (74.81 KB, 960x693, 0775f04bd7ad554c32c06a6dc80b15…)

No. 227517
File: 1643612109548.jpg (1.75 MB, 2958x3858, wi-ha-jun-dk4.jpg)

No. 227519
>>227499nta they give many shits about kpop, because they seethe at the thought of girls finding well groomed guys with no receding hairline more attractive. and some girls here follow their lead because they are so brainwashed.
also the fact that it's been days since the "kpop raid" and you're still seething is pathetic, given that someone spammed gore on the kpop ib and everyone just ignored it and reported kek. you would think lolcow would overall show higher maturity than an ib full of underagefags
No. 227525
>>227519Based nona!!!
The scrote that spammed gore because women here weren't into men hia type is the one who started the kpop hate posts.
No. 227584
File: 1643638308826.png (502.36 KB, 540x536, 20329201835.png)

Lord have mercy on my soul I want so badly to go back in time and fuck 70s Al Pacino. I would literally give up all my possessions
No. 227592
File: 1643640542423.jpg (31.62 KB, 508x604, hmmmmmm.jpg)

>>227516not the ccp shill…
No. 227597
File: 1643641700638.jpeg (67.65 KB, 750x926, 56722B7D-48E5-4480-A304-E389BE…)

No. 227603
File: 1643642810696.png (37.48 KB, 1510x156, Screenshot_2022-01-27_at_14.45…)

>>227601yes they did you retard kek, they posted about how they want to spam neovaginas as "revenge", then actually did it 12 hours later.
i don't care if you don't find them attractive, it's just funny how you're so
triggered at other women not sharing your taste in men. also how "12 year old kpop fangirls" posted kpop pictures once for like 1 hour 3 days ago and you're still seething about it.
No. 227623
File: 1643648395336.gif (681.87 KB, 440x330, A87O5qj.gif)

>>227612You're the one falling for a marketing product designed by a big media corporation with a target audience of 14 year old girls. Most of us got over our boyband phase while still in High School and took the posters of pale faced twinks with Bieber haircuts off the walls. Yet here you are, grown adult women fawning over mass produced clone-moids like a little girl. It's embarassing.
No. 227646
File: 1643651889402.jpeg (98.43 KB, 580x600, 0BD84E66-47EC-487B-8766-A15F9E…)

>>226501>>226999I don’t really get it either, in some pictures his face looks nice but in most he just looks like a Neanderthal, but I’m not into blonde men and he’s too big. I think most of the men posted in these threads are just boring, some are ugly though.
>>227389Based Atsushi poster!
No. 227841
File: 1643741436493.jpg (59.33 KB, 500x733, download (17).jpg)

>censors raped
>censors nazis
Go back
No. 227888
File: 1643747903071.jpeg (297.66 KB, 1190x1591, 2165387B-4C9D-4095-AA1A-F41B13…)

What the fuck happened to this thread?? Post hot men right fucking now!
No. 227897
File: 1643748383681.png (198.83 KB, 500x624, flq4BnosfpFu9OKUMBYxBuZ9Zx0Qp6…)

uhhh… anyways
No. 227901
>>227891>>227900kill yourself.
>>227887>>227889>>227890He looks normal to me, sorry kpoop and yaoi left you so pornsick.
No. 227902
File: 1643749333798.gif (7.22 MB, 500x439, tumblr_d5d4a6e8211dacf8c98b877…)

Young Jensen Ackles was so fine, especially in those early seasons of Supernatural.
No. 227907
File: 1643749658852.jpg (80.48 KB, 740x960, the-boyz-hyunjae-2-2.jpg)

No. 227910
File: 1643749909044.jpeg (50.73 KB, 480x681, leepace.jpeg)

No. 227913
File: 1643749993219.jpg (266.31 KB, 750x489, 9eZb6AVhQEuD4neT_1e8d21d25a254…)

sorry i'll put "TW: asian" from now on(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 227923
>>227915He's normal but only because men his age don't take care of themselves as much as they should. But at the same time, it's not impossible to find men his age and older who aren't bloated
>>227919It's like curse kek
No. 227924
I don't get retards saying if you don't like asians you like fat balding scrotes
>>227917Who the fuck mentioned aryan genes?
No. 227927
File: 1643751687347.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1080x1641, 472BBB17-7436-4178-94EE-83B8AF…)

>>227920>i don’t want to fuck himBooooo! I for some reason watched Two Can Play That all the time as a kid so he’s been a long time crush of mine
>>227911>>227918ntayrt yes that was an odd clothing choice but he’s hot i swear
No. 227931
File: 1643751985969.jpg (25.39 KB, 576x313, EcYA-5zXgAAZky7.jpg)

>>227927Kek sorry for deleting anon, I noticed the infighting after I posted and didn't want to get caught up
No. 227949
>>227924Probably because there has been more than a few times when anons came here to argue that post middle aged
always white men should be considered conventional
No. 227950
File: 1643753329855.jpg (114.44 KB, 735x1366, 33ba32adbed71b06728a1c8f7c3b57…)

TW: Asian
Something about men in hanfu clothes just does it for me.
No. 227952
File: 1643753391001.jpg (52.27 KB, 489x700, 86e9e543ad17bac924072e15c2d118…)

Too bad he's become a cheating cow. I used to find him so hot back then.
No. 227954
File: 1643753449938.jpeg (789.77 KB, 828x1098, AA59B466-6DF9-478A-9D04-2419B4…)

the only man to ever matter
No. 227955
File: 1643753542230.jpeg (440.93 KB, 711x939, F263827D-04CC-447A-A0C3-B954D7…)

No. 227959
>>227956Oh no h-hairy is that h-hair? A male with chest hair and hair on his arms and legs? What the fuck?
>>227958Can you make it any more obvious you're a twitter migrant
No. 227962
File: 1643753814261.jpg (415.95 KB, 1278x1724, Mark_Wahlberg.jpg)

No. 227967
File: 1643754007880.jpg (58.67 KB, 483x600, bf75637880ad4bde7e770c70464e97…)

did someone say hairy
No. 227969
File: 1643754038860.jpeg (45.84 KB, 500x675, 131BDCE4-795F-40D8-BF72-277B7F…)

tfw no dirty hobos in my area
No. 227970
File: 1643754128791.jpg (58.06 KB, 736x736, d1c435713a3c1401e3d89604f42c5e…)

Why would I want any man who doesn't look like this?(you need to be an adult to post here )
No. 227972
File: 1643754278061.png (2.02 MB, 1200x800, download (2).png)

Do you think he's gonna make it out of there safely?
No. 227974
File: 1643754354560.jpg (20.62 KB, 357x430, download (18).jpg)

No. 227975
>>227963Also remember in the last thread someone told anons to stop posting Jewish men
>>226028I 100% think there's some seething tradthot or /pol/faggot who's been baiting for the past 5 days.
No. 227981
File: 1643754773997.jpeg (5.91 KB, 211x239, download.jpeg)

No. 227983
File: 1643754852088.jpeg (126.06 KB, 715x894, 70949641-37E9-4254-BFD8-70B281…)

maybe it isn’t about race but the fact that all these kpoop faggots are ugly and annoying. vkei supremacy
No. 227988
>>227975Nta but it may be because of bad experiences with middle eastern men. I live in a Muslim country and I really can't understand why European women are attracted to our men when most of them abuse their wives physically and cheat on them on the regular and then say it's just them being men.
Sorry for the blog post, I simply wanted to give my view on why someone may be shocked to see privileged European or American women attracted to Middle Eastern men who are most often than not, very misogynistic and considered unattractive in their countries for their ethnic features.
No. 227990
File: 1643755122489.jpeg (70.6 KB, 750x750, F6F5C014-0C20-4906-8BF9-96F313…)

sounds insane, and it was definitely not me. but it’s stupid to act like only one anon hates the influx of these kpoppies shitting up a bunch of threads and make up this racist boogeyman from one unhinged anon who was most likely a scrote trying to cope and calling anyone who dares not like these botox filled barbie men ugly.
No. 227995
>>227980I'm the same anon as
>>227988 but if they get upset whenever a white man is posted, maybe they're a white man? Someone raided the site after the whole kpop stuff and it was probably a male so this whole thing may be
triggering /pol/ moids more than anyone else.
No. 228002
File: 1643755602913.png (2.18 MB, 2372x1678, choachan.png)

friendly reminder that exists
No. 228012
File: 1643756043983.gif (1.13 MB, 245x125, B94DD184-1C94-4291-8160-35979C…)

Omg anon, I loved him in those movies. So disappointed and sad how he is irl. Idk what it is about him. Maybe his resemblance to joji
No. 228013
File: 1643756100840.jpg (23.48 KB, 360x450, Regulus_Black.jpg)

>>228008what made my pussy dry up is when he assaulted his fan
No. 228017
File: 1643756256270.jpg (199.09 KB, 704x1200, CrKHxkjVIAAWb59.jpg)

No. 228020
File: 1643756451282.jpg (127.17 KB, 1046x1339, af13201ddb0f698778d1fb83027110…)

Young Joaquin was perfect.
No. 228021
File: 1643756454907.jpg (65.65 KB, 468x640, ff7426159ab74016a375a70ab15e6a…)

No. 228025
>>228020>>228023i think you are in the wrong thread, this is the attractive one.
>>228022madame bovary, i never watched it though i heard it sucks.
No. 228026
File: 1643756924720.jpeg (57.57 KB, 650x847, E14XKcOUYAcYziG.jpeg)

No. 228027
File: 1643756946818.jpg (47.96 KB, 500x750, 6d2b7c80e52f7a0f8da157c1d2e188…)

>>228004>>228000why don't you meet me halfway…
No. 228029
File: 1643757026613.gif (4.38 MB, 524x286, tumblr_fc552bcdec626e395dc3d82…)

No. 228032
File: 1643757122745.gif (830.15 KB, 160x160, tumblr_mbfw1rw1DC1qjtcd8o8_250…)

>omg people are being racist towards asians and wont let us post kpop bois
>someone posts white male
>ew ew ew ew ew ew neanderthal ew leave ew what the fuck
I will pretend it isn't happening(stop racesperging and post men)
No. 228038
File: 1643757303075.jpeg (123.99 KB, 750x1000, 413E5B35-4802-495D-9B48-B8CFC5…)

>>228005why are hot men always insane
>>228032neanderthal is when no multiple botched plastic surgeries
No. 228052
File: 1643758347636.gif (1.99 MB, 268x324, 48888373.gif)

>>228040How about young Hugh Dancy?
No. 228054
File: 1643758441213.gif (2.34 MB, 350x350, download (1).gif)

No. 228056
File: 1643758601196.jpg (15.16 KB, 349x271, a9967ac5a3e8d39c71f8262e2e5e18…)

>>228051>>228049How fried your brains must be anon, likely from overconsumption of your wax faced plastic surgery
victims, to think young JP is a gremlin and an ugly specimen.
No. 228058
File: 1643758721496.jpeg (45.01 KB, 1200x675, E83BE005-F172-4CC0-89D7-5FF45D…)

>>228056literal brain damage anon
No. 228060
File: 1643758851489.jpg (243.58 KB, 2048x1152, 55aa5a63-fd92-40a2-96a2-c9e0df…)

I need him
No. 228062
File: 1643758935306.gif (2.5 MB, 268x268, original.gif)

>>228052>>228055ooo he kind of looks like Dylan Minnette a bit. I like Hugh Dancy and Dylan but I am not googoo gaga over them
No. 228071
>>228054>>228056>>228060>>228062with uglies like these i can understand why cute twinks would
trigger you.
(aspergers) No. 228072
>>228066There's a baiter itt that's obsessed with body hair on men>6'7Jfc anon i think i need him too
>>228071There she is
No. 228076
File: 1643759620560.jpeg (101.46 KB, 447x560, 9E1ABAA7-4B10-4C38-B25D-CEAF0F…)

No. 228079
File: 1643759839607.jpg (63.46 KB, 982x726, hozier-photo-by-edward-cooke.j…)

>>228066sorry 6'6 not 6'7*..still
>>228071must be hard suffering from such tragic taste, get well soon
(stop responding to bait) No. 228081
>>228079Great taste anon, he's very handsome
>those slender handsI'm melting
No. 228090
File: 1643761522760.jpeg (1 MB, 1350x2048, 1C2B3281-DF0E-4F11-B729-1A9F26…)

No. 228093
>>228055I know what you mean completely. Its like I'm entranced.
Also this thread is hilarious
No. 228100
File: 1643766154164.gif (424.21 KB, 500x399, i am confused.gif)

I am back from my ban
No. 228101
File: 1643766461361.jpg (1.18 MB, 2500x3500, Hozier Santa Barbara-3.jpg)

>>228100welcome back queen, let's see if I'm banned too
No. 228113
File: 1643773874212.jpeg (438.62 KB, 1500x2250, jacob elordi.jpeg)

he's so hot and looks even better in motion/video
No. 228114
File: 1643773900269.jpeg (89.47 KB, 634x872, jacob elordi 2.jpeg)

>>228113another bc I couldn't choose
normally not into really toned muscular guys but god he is so hot
No. 228169
File: 1643809592880.jpeg (90.34 KB, 564x704, 4A5E4675-A351-4551-ADEA-3F7684…)

No. 228170
File: 1643809626729.jpeg (57.1 KB, 499x750, FAD4967A-F38F-4951-A11B-F064F4…)

No. 228224
File: 1643824243137.gif (667.54 KB, 248x170, download (5).gif)

I just think he's neat
No. 228229
>>228224im glad u do
nonny, seeing ur happy posts about him makes me happy despite him not being my type.
No. 228272
File: 1643834675788.gif (965.82 KB, 244x250, F9C3EDD7-0656-469F-8278-ADB69F…)

>>228265lol I love him but I don’t expect him to be that well known in 2022
No. 228278
File: 1643837866106.jpeg (119.08 KB, 968x1011, 6C287490-D7F5-46D9-B16B-A07E89…)

No. 228279
File: 1643837957080.jpeg (56.67 KB, 500x355, 35D9E2D3-1CBB-41E1-8FB4-8E3D45…)

>>228278samefag he looks like a crazy pirate man now, Adam Ant for those that don’t know
No. 228305
File: 1643856719777.jpg (82.92 KB, 736x872, fbc9378881468c138e634d4d2f7347…)

No. 228378
File: 1643906580490.png (782.27 KB, 576x695, 8A7BAB61-0C25-4923-B11C-392E9B…)

>>228054Kyle is my biggest celebrity crush ever. He is just way too cute and actually aged decently unlike 99% of men. My friend met him randomly at a cafe and said he was super friendly and gracious to her. I love this man and I would die for him!!!
No. 228379
File: 1643908282547.jpeg (51.22 KB, 491x615, DB6DBEBB-6AF5-4B8E-A799-8E2672…)

No. 228409
File: 1643917472780.jpg (8.4 KB, 225x225, roman reigns.jpg)

He looks so great. This is so my type of men: long hair, wild, muscular. Too bad they all look the opposite where I live. I'll die alone nonnies.
No. 228446
File: 1643923670381.jpeg (139.82 KB, 741x981, 213CD34F567A3CC907.jpeg)

No. 228453
File: 1643924290055.jpeg (98.28 KB, 848x1200, 3436_8c925d33-2945-4910-8374-e…)

No. 228462
File: 1643924965057.jpeg (163.66 KB, 1080x1350, 95C3C192-2230-4036-9D8D-AE2A55…)

>>228409I don’t care about muscles, but long dark hair hell yes.
No. 228469
File: 1643926168274.gif (2.8 MB, 500x378, 42204F6A-D327-4D3B-8B44-51056A…)

>>228462Nothing beats long straight black hair on guys
No. 228530
>>228462Lawd have mercy.
Please tell me he is at least 6 feet tall.
No. 228570
File: 1643961171870.jpeg (172.12 KB, 1080x1350, 6E625175-33CA-40FB-9538-15345A…)

>>2285305’11 is that close enough? It’s Billy Wirth btw
>>228551Absolute shit take. Anyways yay I’m so happy some other nonnies are into guys with long dark hair, i find most of the men posted in these threads boring.
No. 228572
>>228422>>228555>>228570Love it, absolutely should be a thing again.
>>228409Perfection for me is a guy with a hot muscular body, sexy deep voice and healthy long hair
No. 228582
File: 1643964806093.jpg (69.1 KB, 390x390, chris_cornell_total_godhead_bo…)

Since we're talking about men with long dark hair.
No. 228587
File: 1643966673836.jpg (164.14 KB, 1366x768, MV5BYzNmMGI3YzctNDZmNC00ZjYxLW…)

i don't want to fuck him, really, but timothy olyphant specifically and only in santa clarita diet. ideal and supportive, sweet husband material.
No. 228592
File: 1643969909882.jpeg (710.54 KB, 828x1009, EC19D09D-A1A2-4246-9DC9-4ABFE2…)

Adding to the long haired men, sorry for shit quality there’s like no good quality pictures of this man online.
No. 228635
File: 1643987290969.jpg (73.72 KB, 390x390, chris-cornell-36th-annual-toro…)

>>228584Chris actually aged pretty well, all things considered. But maybe I'm biased. He could get it at any age
No. 228656
File: 1643994379667.gif (1.79 MB, 375x273, tumblr_pzhqm4vHFy1tp6d1qo3_400…)

Long hair long hair long hair long hair long hair
No. 228663
File: 1643996746848.jpeg (41.6 KB, 311x400, 392D55E5-3D67-480E-96A1-440EA7…)

>>228658> moid who looks like literally every other man with long hair in this threadGosh, it must suck suffering from facial blindness
No. 228682
File: 1644000290707.jpg (142.95 KB, 580x867, 589ywhuesfkjdnv.jpg)

>>228677Kek yay my moid remains unrepresented. Are you just anti-metalhead hair? Are other genres of long hair fine with you? Just long black hair? Please extrapolate nonners
No. 228684
>>228682nat but i'm ok with long haired men, but whoever posted
>>228635 itt needs to get a grip, so ugly
No. 228685
File: 1644000507237.png (125.9 KB, 900x900, ppp.png)

>>228682yours is the other breed. ive been very clear in this thread why i hate it, they always have dirty nasty hair, they think conditioner is a scam, they are always way too into their own hair and expect people to compliment them on it. long haired moids are some of the laziest worst peices of shit. unless they're famous and someone else is taking care of their hair for them, which is also fucking pathetic.
No. 228695
File: 1644001082810.gif (1.27 MB, 245x180, 1524166619168.gif)

Why must you RETARDS sperg about SUBJECTIVE TASTE?
>Post hotties
No. 228697
File: 1644001143532.jpg (38.32 KB, 563x567, d41dafb51238d2f914fa0da7eb55b4…)

>>228685I don't think it looks badly managed to me and I don't get your random headcanons. Also you just posted a floofer
No. 228699
File: 1644001558908.jpeg (12.16 KB, 130x148, 8B60E6A2-DFA3-4330-AC41-1BB721…)

>>228685lol he reminded me of picrel
No. 228701
File: 1644003013270.jpg (51.84 KB, 640x830, tumblr_c566368cada487411add35d…)

No. 228711
File: 1644006074227.jpg (46.91 KB, 447x498, tumblr_ovd5fiqNXB1wxjnsvo1_500…)

theres something about young pharrell williams
No. 228734
go back autismo
No. 228752
>>228635 was posted itt but you're getting angry over
>>228711? kek
No. 228753
File: 1644010703748.jpg (25.1 KB, 598x218, tumblr_mzbs5jtN7u1qdgj2no1_640…)

>>228736>>228732Cause he's a time traveler. Anyway, Pharrell looks like one of those he-who-shall-not-be-named cats with the long noses, but in a good way.
No. 228754
File: 1644010724750.jpg (48.95 KB, 599x724, a733e7ed1443f58feebc7d6cad162d…)

>>228749I just posted an objectively nice looking dude why are you all sperging out
No. 228756
>>228752tbh all of the men posted here are hideous especially the middle aged ones who look like they never took a shower.
Except for noen, ezra and ethan everyone else here looks like a busted uggo hobo.
No. 228762
>>228744how? so your not allowed to say someone is ugly if they are black? . Why didnt i see this same energy when anons were saying racist things about brown/jewish/asian men.
You just pick and chose what to call racebait,
No. 228770
>>228765the anon calling asians chinks,feminine and saying women attracted to them are lesbians did not get banned for racebaiting so yeah if that's not racebaiting neither is this.
The posts those anons made are gross though, but im just noticing the double standard.
>>228768no. anyone who is
poc causes chaos when brought up here.
No. 228773

why is a specific group of anons so fucking obsessed with policing people in this thread anyways
he's an attractive man that
i want to fuck
thats the thread no? then let anons post what the fuck they want
you've been going at it since last hour
take your meds and fuck off
>>228766I don't get it either
Here's some fuel to the fire since anons are so mad
No. 228779
File: 1644012353175.jpg (45.11 KB, 787x787, tumblr_o140mgqjyL1sep84co1_128…)

forces you to look at this moid
No. 228789
File: 1644013264580.png (299.03 KB, 698x390, Untitled.png)

kek lol lmao
No. 228790
File: 1644013302490.jpeg (781.82 KB, 1571x2222, 1C2DE4D9-8A97-45AB-8F5F-CF477E…)

he’s also funny and talented, whole package
No. 228798
>>228790He was SO cute in Commmunity and so memorably repulsive in This is America that I can't reconcile how I feel about his looks
His personality sucks either way
No. 228799
File: 1644013905841.jpg (25.66 KB, 360x450, Donald_Glover.jpg)

>>228790agree, all he needs to do is stop writing about raceplay and shave his neckbeard
No. 228825
File: 1644017892264.jpg (19.54 KB, 333x500, 543771_454462207940221_1733247…)

he was cute in a bimbo way
No. 228841
File: 1644024773738.jpg (1.98 MB, 2000x1268,

>>228587I didn't care for him, Eric was cute though. (Far left)
No. 228876
File: 1644042682490.jpeg (48.64 KB, 479x720, 09BFF1D5-5F35-4D6E-BAA5-A33B01…)

I love swimmers
No. 229085
File: 1644173945905.jpg (145.89 KB, 806x1080, 1644170720587.jpg)

No. 229177
File: 1644217252137.jpeg (69.04 KB, 500x682, CB83B459-3027-4A42-8F4E-0215E2…)

If only more men looked like this
No. 229182
File: 1644222324968.gif (318.25 KB, 200x203, 7BF8BD13-06EF-4E8D-AF89-0D637C…)

No. 229229
File: 1644256803018.jpg (318.58 KB, 550x733, 0001290462_001_202104221531497…)

No. 229234
File: 1644260303692.jpeg (71.29 KB, 650x787, C207057F-5ED7-4C9F-9E35-E34D2D…)

No. 229237
>>229230your so fucking annoying, some of the men you tagged aren't even kpop related and half of them are chinese/japanese.
Now im awaiting for your daily ''well all asian men look the same and you are a lesbian for liking those feminine boys'' posts from you.
No. 229242
File: 1644265200068.jpg (49.21 KB, 540x702, 8a47dc216e8caf237e9267d5470a1c…)

No. 229243
File: 1644265232354.jpg (24.19 KB, 200x400, ede7675d6ce3aed98f834f00bd93e2…)

No. 229244
File: 1644265264978.jpg (118.17 KB, 800x1200, egor_fy7.jpg)

No. 229245
File: 1644265310357.jpg (48.79 KB, 564x564, 162494e36293f4533593b7bcd31ec1…)

No. 229246
File: 1644265348816.jpg (48.76 KB, 960x960, 1cc2ac5785745ae11aad9430e9f33f…)

No. 229360
File: 1644336650940.jpg (37.97 KB, 564x847, 8eb1e485ea1a9a624b86303114c79d…)

>>229244>>229246Men with long hair are hot. Thread is blessed.
No. 229410
File: 1644349468705.png (390.58 KB, 650x787, shotopo.png)

>>229401First time on photoshop pls no bully (sorry for reposting so much, my pc is very slow)
No. 229426
File: 1644353410773.jpg (260.59 KB, 3500x2280, BurtLancaster.jpg)

>>229419Nigga his eyes are in two different zip codes
No. 229456
File: 1644361840450.jpg (76.71 KB, 700x840, IPkgVt.jpg)

No. 229461
File: 1644364460911.jpeg (457.89 KB, 750x973, BB4EF403-5266-4B2B-8BA5-2E06A5…)

>be me
>tired of the kpop bait
>miss scrolling up and down at pics of cuties
>Be The Change You Want To See (TM)
>posts Burt Lancaster
>nonnies attack his few facial flaws
>nonnies photoshop him prettier
No. 229489
File: 1644377830444.jpg (95.34 KB, 723x1000, romance-ralph-lauren-200604-01…)

nonas, can you help me identify the moid model? yes i know this is from 2006 and he is probably dead now, i just wanna see him from other angles but i can't fucking find the credits for this ad kek
No. 229663
File: 1644436796518.jpg (60.21 KB, 800x1067, 1260672-800w.jpg)

>>229659He's twink dead but dadpa alive I guess
No. 229692
File: 1644448459756.jpeg (83.68 KB, 720x576, 16B1E8CA-AB2B-4EB4-ABAA-8AC809…)

T. O. P
No. 229724
File: 1644459408650.jpg (129.63 KB, 960x968, dreamy marco.jpg)

He was so beautiful.
No. 229738
File: 1644463053864.jpeg (251.66 KB, 2048x1440, Anna-Karenina.jpeg)

aaron taylor-johnson
No. 229762
File: 1644470524652.gif (3.8 MB, 500x500, 00FF10B9-D098-4991-80EB-284ECD…)

No. 229764
File: 1644471227186.jpeg (126.07 KB, 800x1200, 6E90E385-8F4D-479A-9ABB-4EAE36…)

>>229659lol I read that too and was like?? Dead? Anyways here’s my offering, Tom Stevens. He’s a pretty generic white guy but i really liked this pic of him.
No. 229779
File: 1644476049337.jpg (71.29 KB, 600x901, original.jpg)

Evan Peters circa 2011. Anons… please put the names of the people you post. please
No. 229845
File: 1644502593159.jpg (185.42 KB, 532x772, large-1621884749-5aa1b3a5b3105…)

No. 229846
File: 1644502615715.jpeg (32.99 KB, 475x645, images (3).jpeg)

Reposting my angel
No. 229858
File: 1644511337586.jpg (577.72 KB, 4288x2848, a42-1.jpg)

a 10 for me
No. 229895
File: 1644524360527.jpg (31.25 KB, 640x360, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_7c…)

Alright, lets post some POC in here to get rid of the cracker stank.
No. 229898
File: 1644524614621.jpg (636.03 KB, 1284x856, robert-downey-jr-tropic-thunde…)

No. 229899
File: 1644524687661.jpeg (33.09 KB, 650x366, BE071777-ABE1-4A10-A19F-D4E6AA…)

just give them all to me
No. 229901
>>229899Wow please don't post pictures of cannibalism. I am
No. 230016
File: 1644578687635.jpg (407.78 KB, 1642x1407, husbandos.jpg)

I propose using this scale for determining which thread to post your husbando in.(racebait)
No. 230022
>>230007The kind of person to get
triggered by seeing some guy they don't like here, is the kind of person to get
triggered by seeing a thread they don't like and shitting it up, so besides the point
No. 230024
File: 1644584864779.jpeg (98.92 KB, 650x882, 「MIYAVI」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索(画像).j…)

I just watched a wwii movie and the japanese villain who played in it is so fine it was actually distracting. Miyavi
No. 230026
File: 1644585602280.jpg (278.58 KB, 667x1000, large-1622658548-7edcf71363cf0…)

Reposting my dream man
farmhans pls lift my ban soon I don't want to use up all my mobile data n yall said it was someone using my ip in meta
No. 230058
File: 1644591660664.jpg (54.54 KB, 800x800, kpoop.jpg)

(this is a doll, not a man)
No. 230123
File: 1644616427462.jpg (220.17 KB, 1000x1414, m-6299_2.jpg)

>>229666Trips don't lie.
>he is 33 here No. 230265
File: 1644689848309.jpg (50.1 KB, 539x700, Juyeon.jpg)

No. 230276
File: 1644693684360.jpg (57.29 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg)

No. 231574
File: 1644906382657.jpeg (340.11 KB, 1600x1200, shohei-ohtani-gq-sports-cover-…)

i've been watching little documentaries about him all day and he's a weird kind of cute-hot (cute in the face, but his arms are the best ever)
No. 231788
File: 1644935365532.jpeg (59.19 KB, 700x513, 95509f65-279b-4889-8b0f-ef41bc…)

>>229724Gordon really has nothing on Marco, Gordon is a yappy insecure chihuahua, Marco is a man.
I want him to use his disappointed voice on me
No. 232059
File: 1644952710709.jpg (69.52 KB, 500x749, peter009c.jpg)

No. 232489
File: 1644966649910.jpeg (87.08 KB, 768x919, download (14).jpeg)

i would do anything. i mean it. anything at all. his mouth is so big he could fit a whole watermelon in there and its all i think about all day.
No. 232522
File: 1644967201405.jpeg (54.39 KB, 650x430, download (15).jpeg)

>>232508andrew wk
nonny go forth and discover what peak male attractiveness actually looks like
No. 233324
File: 1645021723147.jpg (702.01 KB, 1417x1875, 862687bc-4b95-443a-9447-8b16d8…)

No. 233361
File: 1645024790272.jpg (51.71 KB, 520x421, peak alpha male.jpg)

>>232489>>232522You may not like it but this is what peak male attractiveness looks like.
No. 233382
>>233378You have been cursed
nonny, you are going to die from horniness.
No. 233423
File: 1645029897751.jpeg (34.16 KB, 495x247, awk.jpeg)

>>233361im fucking dying KEK. anyways you are all wrong and haters.
No. 233437
File: 1645031221849.jpg (217.44 KB, 1080x1350, Park Seoham.jpg)

No. 233484
File: 1645033228735.jpeg (182.71 KB, 618x597, download (17).jpeg)

ladies. there is no need to fight each other.
No. 233541
File: 1645035233939.png (162.35 KB, 300x300, download (20).png)

No. 234017
File: 1645049059306.png (526.42 KB, 485x810, e177c758df63a2f8f992d087778819…)

dear god I swear I'm attracted to literally no men besides this one fucking man
No. 234295
File: 1645057725253.jpg (11.35 KB, 231x288, 2f8ebb7f477cf5f1df5005358e6dd0…)

No. 238447
File: 1645273658883.gif (9.03 MB, 500x380, tumblr_00d8f3af2f436df4469a47f…)

No. 238453
>>234295I really don't get, that's not even one of those huge pectorals
It's a flat muscular chest
No. 238549
File: 1645280683457.jpg (55.54 KB, 1080x758, Tumblr_l_114459691935707.jpg)

No. 238550
File: 1645280720053.jpg (53.6 KB, 490x735, ukhnhg26ovc31.jpg)

I want him to sing sweet nothings in my ear
No. 239247
>>227985>>227983damn he's hot
No. 239823
File: 1645315297674.gif (4.91 MB, 750x544, 1643651574784.gif)

>>231574i love him.
as you said he is a great combo of cute and hot, he can do both.
No. 239845
File: 1645316807403.jpg (186.72 KB, 1080x1080, Tumblr_l_114174664216834.jpg)

>>239841Cute as a monk too
No. 239847
File: 1645316894436.jpg (261.99 KB, 828x1043, Tumblr_l_115075925198805.jpg)

Sorry he is so beautiful I'm obsessed. Men really do peak at 19
No. 239849
>>238549Weird nipple placement
>>239847Cute but haven't you posted him before? Also strong feet.
No. 239857
>>239849Yes but all my posts on this site were caught up in a purge and he is still hot.
Also asian men can be hot tf it doesn't say attractive white men you want to fuck?
No. 239923
File: 1645321918694.jpg (109.74 KB, 735x887, eaa17b77d3fe4e3149c01444975408…)

>>239839Too good looking to be real, stop lying to me, anons.
No. 241738
File: 1645395218971.png (206.57 KB, 500x512, tumblr_lvz5rk90If1qguymuo1_500…)

he is perfect
No. 242216
File: 1645418209349.gif (79.36 KB, 400x340, Maxi-Iglesias.gif)

>>234017I watch that stupid show only for him and the costumes.
I hate to admit it, but his rape scene was so hot to me. It made me thankful for the author's weird rape fetish>>238550Good taste.
No. 242308
File: 1645426097722.jpg (67.46 KB, 564x751, 1584160324986.jpg)

>>242216I really don't understand this, that moment was clearly shown to be traumatic, I don't see how anyone could view it and think it was "hot"
I'm not a Fujo basher and I'm fine with m/m ships but fucking Christ the way certain fujos(not all) ship
victims with their abusers always makes me sick
No. 242322
File: 1645427827557.jpg (69.86 KB, 564x752, mag.jpg)

No. 243696
File: 1645470963539.jpg (248.34 KB, 651x1088, Jon-Erik-Hexum.jpg)

>>238451Late, but it's Jon-Erik Hexum picrel
No. 243945
File: 1645479653785.jpeg (81.41 KB, 600x731, 82244EB6-1053-4592-B1C5-EFBFA2…)

No. 245004
File: 1645498318544.jpg (119.28 KB, 1280x853, 1639795670743.jpg)

>>243945>>243970>>244005Ugly and keeps getting uglier by the second.
No. 245247
File: 1645522187860.jpeg (50.51 KB, 716x716, 2014FBEF-B16C-4DD8-B9E9-69FB4B…)

This show was so shit but he made it worth it
No. 245587
File: 1645573412630.jpeg (89.33 KB, 885x1194, 1667AEC5-EA56-4A50-B09A-668BF0…)

something about markiplier i’ve always found insanely attractive. he’s the only guy that really does it for me.
No. 245644
File: 1645595742889.jpeg (28.83 KB, 500x437, 0EC2BC8F-7578-4EF6-B13F-48490B…)

Better call saul starts again in April and soon I’ll have him blessing my screen again. I can’t wait to see him bloodied up and fighting for his life it’s gonna be so hot kek
No. 245781
File: 1645659539849.jpg (45.43 KB, 584x680, sakurai.jpg)

>>227389the good thing is that atsushi sakurai is/was a notorious manwhore despite his incelish fans
No. 245803
File: 1645671529791.jpg (84.37 KB, 1280x641, uwamd85.jpg)

The heathers trending again reminds me of how hot i used to think ryan mccartan was.
No. 245806
>>245743Yeah but
his weewee is flaccid from estrogen and he probably took puberty blockers so he’s got a damn baby penis… that and like what is there a generic white lanky dude shortage? Ew
No. 245808
File: 1645672381043.jpg (22.33 KB, 350x484, 2dd5b6e2aba4180efe42a7bf92ff1c…)

>>245781I'm so enamoured by him in this period. Beautiful Atsushi I'm so glad we have pictures and videos testifying the beauty time cannot preserve
No. 245858
File: 1645713537024.gif (4.68 MB, 498x389, hot.gif)

>>245808no words other than complete and utter attraction. my god
No. 245871
File: 1645724402908.jpg (155.86 KB, 1073x777, 4thztx.jpg)

>>245858Even with this ugly hair he looks beautiful!!
No. 245876
File: 1645725664812.jpeg (18.7 KB, 400x270, 2888807E-0323-4395-B3F9-D48087…)

Is this guy attractive (mokomichi hayami) ? He’s cited as one of the most attractive japanese actors. I don’t see it plus in half of his pictures on google he looks terrible, like they’re all inconsistent
No. 245878
File: 1645726687879.jpeg (506.04 KB, 1189x1646, F3A02CA0-DED2-43BE-A3AB-83DE09…)

>>245871He was so damn hot even during the early short-haired era. Atsushi will forever be the only man I genuinely find attractive.
>>245876Mocomichi is a cutie but that’s it. I always felt like he stood out in the dramas he was in from basic Japanese guys. But he’s nothing special anymore. He was only cute in his early days like in your pic. Nowadays he looks kind of botox-y. His YouTube channel is a flop too kek
No. 245922
File: 1645744504978.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1198x1975, F18F934C-01A8-4622-9241-B32D23…)

Oh my fucking god I love Asian men I just wanna slurp on his foreskin and siphon all the baby batter out
No. 246009
File: 1645792409716.gif (3.03 MB, 498x375, 91ED5AA5-DB6A-4997-95C5-86AA2A…)

reminds me a bit of Bowie in his facial structure/styling , but more beautiful
No. 246021
File: 1645797480374.jpg (124.33 KB, 1200x1200, 2806.jpg)

No. 246026
File: 1645798513009.jpg (134.63 KB, 768x929, Just moot in a pink dress_3c94…)

>>246024He's definitely a fruit.
No. 246176
File: 1645835784717.jpg (73.56 KB, 728x546, shawn-mendes-meditating-in-haw…)

I love it when i see men with preferences for brunettes, they tend to be handsome too.
No. 246178
File: 1645836268094.jpg (434.88 KB, 2360x3000, 672a483037773a9d0acd59c9db8a88…)

he's hot and smart but i find him annoying sometimes
No. 246203
>>246187I think he's
ugly but didn't want to say anything in case it causes an argument
No. 246206
nonny is so deprived of beautiful long haired men that she wanted to believe. I relate.
No. 246253
File: 1645882972956.jpg (153.94 KB, 1080x1350, b.jpg)

Bark bark
No. 246664
File: 1646030334099.jpg (396.16 KB, 1200x1556, 20210121_140110.jpg)

No. 246677
File: 1646035795192.jpg (83.59 KB, 1200x900, DpLAwNcXoAEMck7.jpg)

No. 246765
>>246253his eyes are comically small
>>246664he’s very pretty
No. 246793
>>233324 is the same guy?
No. 247161
File: 1646235559250.jpg (30.49 KB, 1280x536, 1886214.jpg-r_1280_720-f_jpg-q…)

No. 247333
File: 1646352534647.jpeg (24.61 KB, 227x317, AEF347B2-C4F6-4783-B170-F86721…)

No. 247407
File: 1646414537704.jpeg (48.93 KB, 480x318, original.jpeg)

No. 247604
File: 1646507578525.gif (5.38 MB, 540x460, Poe.gif)

I'm pretty sure their timelines in star wars don't line up, it's a shame cause I would love to see these two, as their characters, on screen together. About to scour AO3 for some Din/Poe/reader.
No. 247605
File: 1646507611304.gif (5.98 MB, 540x608, Din.gif)

No. 247643
File: 1646516696499.jpeg (73.39 KB, 750x1333, 919E7DF0-FC6A-469B-9A0E-807FE1…)

just my type
No. 247852
File: 1646591928736.jpg (73.52 KB, 853x968, Cory-Hunter-Winn.jpg)

I'm usually not into square-jaw masc looking men, but he just does something to me
No. 248180
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No. 248181
File: 1646694935288.jpg (156.34 KB, 600x600, jfk-jr-o-600.jpg)

No. 248182
File: 1646695058938.jpg (68.49 KB, 640x991, jfkjr.jpg)

No. 248183
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No. 248184
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No. 248199
File: 1646700859975.jpg (267 KB, 747x871, longg.jpg)

No. 248201
File: 1646701100132.jpg (50.31 KB, 640x941, moustache man.jpg)

No. 248255
>>248212kek this almost urged me to draw him with horns.
do we have any idea who he is though? my quick search only pointed to two pics on cc and 4chan
No. 248322
File: 1646770886493.jpg (1.19 MB, 2000x3000, lecciones-de-cocina-de-antoni-…)

I have this carnal need to rough fuck Antoni Porowski. I love his hooded eyes, dark undereye circles and ever so present little fangs. He is a natural born soft masochist, I will grab him by the neck and shove my finger in his mouth for mine and his delight. I'll have him eat me out until his tongue is too swollen to continue, then I'll ride him while choking him every so slightly till I come, after that he can jackoff at my feet while I hold him in place by his hair until he cums on the floor like the dog he is.
Happy International Women's Day Nonnies.
No. 248528
File: 1646836215001.jpg (114.81 KB, 640x862, Björn Andrésen adult.jpg)

from /m/, 19 year old Bjorn Anderson(you know the most beautiful boy in the world)
It sucks that pretty much every search brings up screnshots from that pedo-art house film about him in which he was just between 13-14 and so he hates it for obvious reasons and so this is him as a developed adult man and how he wished people would see him rather then form a pretentious pedophile art film from when he was 14
No. 248894
File: 1646991504679.jpeg (585.38 KB, 828x935, 7CCB5782-9C8C-47D5-982A-38D59B…)

fencing is a little gay but he’s cute
No. 248923
File: 1647002079626.jpg (28.85 KB, 463x599, 1f9952f13b6e0c6fb28a078c3edd43…)

The trailer for that Elvis film really resparked my thirst.
He peaked on the Ed Sullivan show imo
No. 249143
File: 1647092943636.jpeg (41.4 KB, 363x550, 9115A5A2-356C-423F-8F8E-E3737D…)

This scrote is everything that makes my pussy meow strong and loudly since I first saw him in Unglorious Basterds. I love his puppy eyes, thick eyebrows and chest hair. Made for rough unholy sex. Rated 10/10 in my personal list.
No. 249178
>>249143Wtf that "big eyes/thick eyebrows/hairy" combo runs in my family this dude literally looks
related to me, hell, my cousins and uncles look exactly like him. Is he Mediterranean/Italian?
No. 249180
>>249178Afaik as I know he’s polish/russian/austrian, but jew so I don’t know.
I love southern italian guys, I lucked out and my bf has this combo yet I still lust after this motherfucker. I’d sell my soul for a night with him
No. 249276
File: 1647147865542.jpg (2.6 MB, 1900x1885, Tm0bnDJ.jpg)

i want a country boy so bad even tho i'm a total city slicker, i don't think i'll ever find one. george strait is my dream man
No. 249278
File: 1647148541485.jpg (708.76 KB, 1388x2048, GOOWsRx.jpg)

>>249276all the good ones marry their high school sweethearts smh. how can i even compete
No. 249290
File: 1647156013039.jpeg (889.75 KB, 1242x1805, 73B93BB9-DC30-4865-AFB6-24CEE5…)

>>249143God yes. Eli Roth is such a hottie.
No. 249746
File: 1647349632161.gif (923.45 KB, 250x290, tom-cruise-the-firm.gif)

The fact that a certain generation of moids dislike him so much is so funny to me.
No. 249752
File: 1647352508327.jpeg (106.35 KB, 600x600, 4AA9FCB7-3F57-4F7B-9D75-2D2BF5…)

>>249746i only find him fuckable in interview with the vampire
No. 249755
File: 1647353626278.jpg (Spoiler Image,740.34 KB, 1200x800, kekw.jpg)

>>249752sophie looking motherfucker
No. 250079
File: 1647437936630.jpg (27.13 KB, 406x415, images.jpeg~2.jpg)

>>249746He was so handsome when he was younger. He looked hot in Eyes Wide Shut - sexually frustrated pretty boy, yum. I really appreciated how he was always in that nice suit. And I love how everyone in that movie was basically hitting on him
No. 250087
File: 1647439129064.jpeg (129.08 KB, 1080x1350, 78872D62-333F-459E-95F2-FE2368…)

mister global’s Venezuela represent. I usually don’t form crushes on conventionally attractive looking guys, especially these pageant moids with bloated muscles but he’s a rare exception.
No. 250388
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No. 250494
File: 1647581989785.jpg (41.94 KB, 554x702, quirked up white boy.JPG)

his music is good and he is handsome to ME
No. 250558
File: 1647623279011.jpg (193.16 KB, 730x840,…)

I have fancied Jack O'Connell ever since I watched Skins at 14. This man just makes me go crazy go stupid. Very good actor, working class, slim athletic manlet.
All he does is just look sexy, act in good movies and minds his business. I want him so bad.
No. 250562
File: 1647625698444.jpg (568.99 KB, 1200x1397, tumblr_81f57e826bf969695011bbb…)

Sometimes I look at the redneck man fetish tumblrs cause they all look like real men but it makes me feel like a degenerate since I assume most of these are random social media pictures. I want a boyfriend who goes to work all day.
No. 250596
File: 1647637358216.gif (1.35 MB, 420x302, tumblr_8a31855081daf6aef1f5f4e…)

In the unconventional attractions thread I've been told that this cute lad is, in fact, quite conveniently attractive. So, nonnies, don't have a go at me, please. You'd rather watch "the terror" (2018) and join the rat-fuckers club.
No. 250692
File: 1647692757780.jpeg (96.59 KB, 1920x1080, FKcw8YeXMAIsd8q.jpeg)

>>250602So true! Adam is a terrific actor, I cannot comprehend how he wasn't been casted in anything after "the terror" (except "Chernobyl" but I'm sure that Jared Harris persuaded producers to get him there lol).
It's such a shame we didn't get much movies/tv series with him when he was at the summit of his cuteness. I mean… damn this red cheeks and doe eyes. And perfect nose ofc
>>250603Not really but there's def something enticing in a twisted way about his character. Anyway, it's a great tv show that you should watch
No. 250719
this is the kind of guy that gets pissy if you wanna go out with your friends. this is the exact man who doesnt wash his ass because he thinks going anywhere near it is gay. this is the kind of guy that wont let you watch anything on the tv if its not what he wants to watch also. idk how
>>250626 says this man looks like he could eat you out for hours, because this is the type of man who would
never do something so ~emasculating~ as going down on a woman.
No. 250725
>>250719I've met some really kind and humble country boys who treat their girlfriends much much better than any artfag city boy ever would. Sorry you sound bitter, there are all types of
toxic men with good and bad hygiene.
No. 250956
File: 1647811749183.jpeg (105.1 KB, 910x869, E8A1FBC2-95F8-4A19-BE43-D52F62…)

Tillian from Dance Gavin Dsnce
No. 251007
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No. 251272
File: 1647952952171.jpeg (160.32 KB, 774x800, 33C3504E-51EF-435F-AA0F-ABF9D6…)

he looks so fucking healthy and beautiful too bad he's gay
No. 251301
File: 1647970329424.jpeg (878.45 KB, 944x1432, 6F4978CE-E55A-404B-9670-E3E8BA…)

>>251298shawn mendes of all people. I made the mistake of watching an interview and the heavy gay vibes turned me off real quick. He's fucking beautiful though. Not the first time a beauty like that turns out to be a homo, it's frustrating
No. 251414
File: 1648038586306.jpg (97.34 KB, 1200x1200, 1864654635.jpg)

young johnny depp is peak male attractiveness for me
too bad his current self hit the wall so hard it broke it and the great wall of china from the shockwaves
No. 251438
File: 1648059228444.jpg (158.7 KB, 640x380, pasqualino_4-1.jpg)

luke pasqualino is insanely sexy
No. 251444
File: 1648059985391.png (1.21 MB, 649x867, 3450-5403785-543.png)

>>251438I remember this show. It was so fun and the guys were actually hot. Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) was really handsome too.
No. 251484
>>251478>Shawn has dated many white women and he dates a brown woman and suddenly he is gay hmmm…..Have you lived under a rock, the Shawn Mendes is gay conspiracies have been around for yeaaars.
>>251457He looks hot here
No. 251497
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No. 251594
File: 1648121739176.jpg (152.3 KB, 634x793, sxc.jpg)

bad bunny is so sexy but when he posted this pic on instagram my eyes fell out of my head. he's really handsome and always looks clean and moisturized like he smells good. i wanna sniff so bad nonnies
No. 251636
File: 1648141819934.jpg (64.43 KB, 990x557, bad-bunny.jpg)

>>251616Nothing wrong with his hair imo, I think it's cute
No. 251845
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No. 251846
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Guy Pearce
No. 252555
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No. 252565
>>251845he was so fuckin hot in momento
>>251636love his himbo energy
No. 252570
>>252555It's him
>>246664 again… this model lights a fire in my loins with every picture of him posted here.
No. 253574
File: 1648930382860.png (497.38 KB, 910x712, tumblr_f4e3dbe568b2b2e69ae8016…)

he's sooo pleasant to look at in The Expanse I don't even mind the over the top acting
No. 253698
File: 1649003678303.jpg (81.13 KB, 735x952, bcedd030b1410b9ca9186da86f10a8…)

random hot guy I saw on pinterest
No. 253716
File: 1649006207570.png (5.91 MB, 2048x2048, E4wKdzBVgAI-PXu.png)

I'm just bumping please don't say he doesn't belong here
No. 253728
File: 1649006847342.jpg (130.57 KB, 621x1097, I cropped Nergal out of this p…)

>>253723Alexis Mincolla, I don't really like moustaches but if he didn't have it I wouldn't look twice at him
No. 253739
File: 1649007383048.png (324.85 KB, 512x512, E5uDPTrVEAEsQe0.png)

>>253733He really does, he even wears stupid round glasses usually
>>253737It's true, you wouldn't believe how distracting nergal's ugly mug was.
No. 253991
File: 1649098022048.jpeg (209.93 KB, 1080x1080, 6FDD6045-159E-4C10-A97C-A71C09…)

someone put me down like a sick dog. i only find androgynous faggots attractive
No. 254115
File: 1649145527230.jpg (138.28 KB, 1486x835, download.jpg)

Happy birthday Heath, what a beauty
No. 254559
File: 1649274165995.jpeg (121.99 KB, 540x810, tumblr_b1d29bf5fe9accdbd909585…)

Yeah Shawn isn't gay despite his feminine manners. I remember a video of him telling Zedd he will leave the club with a wink while pointing an IG model.
I don't know why people try so hard to make him gay. Same scrotes who will tweet "stop the gender stereotypes" or some shit.
No. 255203
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No. 255230
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No. 255235
File: 1649454309043.jpeg (115.77 KB, 1125x1424, EQniOOfWsAAjtyh.jpeg)

>Attractive Men You Want To Fuck
No. 255237
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No. 255241
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No. 255247
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no cap
No. 255270
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No. 255297
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I would sell my kidney on the black market
No. 255423
File: 1649530918623.jpg (52.99 KB, 621x1000, Bryan dechart.jpg)

>>255297Anon please don't get me obsessed with him again.
>>255230Nona this has nothing to do with the thread, but it's hilarious so thanks for posting. Grew up near Birmingham and 50% of the boys in my school year fit this.
No. 255553
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No. 255569
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A lot of people think he just looks super average but I think Dylan Minnette is cute. He's not super chiselled or macho but he fits this "wholesome, nice-looking guy with a fit body" type that I seem to just beeline for. I remember seeing him in the first season of 13RW and thought he just looked like a baby but he's aged well.
Maybe it's just my lust for kind-looking white dudes with dark hair, though.
No. 255583
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Young David Duchovny was something else
No. 255600
File: 1649611626946.jpeg (55.49 KB, 564x738, someone please tell me who he …)

>>255551I now kinda want to know what area you grew up in so that we can compare notes, but I also don't want to derail thread. Here's a picture of a beautiful man whose name I don't know.
No. 255633
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Since we're on the topic of Taecyeon, these photos from him in the military still get me going so much
No. 255730
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No. 256001
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No. 256002
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No. 256012
File: 1649776181553.jpg (82.33 KB, 675x1200, Vinnie-Hacker-Pinterest.jpg)

I'm not usually into the tiktok boys but Vinnie Hacker can get it, especially since he has the good sense to be embarrassed that he used to post thirst traps
No. 256658
File: 1650048699411.png (1.26 MB, 782x935, lawrence.PNG)

I never realised how cute the lead singer for Felt was
No. 256675
File: 1650054515473.jpg (29.15 KB, 640x480, 2944d59d95da9364ee71ea46d34d46…)

My mom keeps talking about how she was crazy about this guy when she first watched Northern Exposure, and of course I don't have the guts to say "yeah, he is adorable" so I just say "ok mom"
No. 256693
File: 1650066533261.jpg (108.1 KB, 1200x905, Taehyung-flirts-with-Olivia-Ro…)

Is that him? He's lowkey scary looking. Plus his head is huge. I'd still fuck him
No. 256731
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Kevin Zegers in Transamerica
No. 257047
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I watched the Rambo movies for the first time the other week and it awakened something in me, I gotta watch the Rocky movies next. I wanna ride that Italian Stallion so bad, god please give me a young Stallone clone to be my bf
No. 257051
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>>257049You take that back, look you made him sad
jk I know what they're like but that sleepy brown gaze does things to me. I don't tend to like dudes with boring eyes even if they have a 10/10 face
No. 257069
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>>257047>>257051Anon you are so based for this.
Him in Tango and Cash was good for me and I think you too.
No. 257207
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>>257069I watched that last night! It’s such a fun movie and I wish they still made em like that these days because everything is so damn depressing. Movies that offer you two types is great, mad respect to Dolph and Russel posters. It’s really fucking cute to find out those are Stallone’s actual glasses too.
No. 257246
File: 1650312614975.png (496.23 KB, 550x825, blinger.png)

I love black gingers
No. 257250
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and other gingers
No. 257271
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>>257218He's a straight man, he wouldn't get it
No. 257352
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>>257308Freckles are sun damage so I'm guessing no unless he sunbathes nude
>>257328>This is the ideal male bodyYes, yes it is. I want to wrap my arms around his tree trunk torso and make his tummy my new pillow.
No. 257379
>>257352>Freckles are sun damageNah they aren't, they're brought out by sun exposure but it's not actual damage.
But yeah nobody is getting freckles on their dick unless they're a strict nudist.
No. 257380
>>257271Kek I’ve never seen this movie but I knew right away that was Kurt Russell on the left just from the hair alone. He was so hot in that terrible Escape from LA movie. I watched it all the time as a kid.
>>257308I’ve seen a penis with one or two.
I also have a couple on my labia but I am not ginger. I do have a lot of freckles and small moles but not ginger-level. So I’m sure it’s possible there’s freckle-y wangs out there.
No. 257388
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Lol freckled dick
No. 257396
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>>257380>>257352escaping from ny was mine for Kurt and Rocky was my awakening for Stallone lol
Its just a natural type of masculinity that very few men have esp nowadays
No. 257402
File: 1650353577169.jpg (505.81 KB, 1600x2400, redhead1.jpg)

>>257382I am going to get a ginger husband and I will force him to bend over naked with his ass aimed towards the sun for two hours every day so he can develop butt, ball and penis freckles and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
No. 257453
File: 1650385096918.jpg (187.64 KB, 1400x700, 96w2c90hf8v71.jpg)

I recommend Midnight Mass for my fellow priestfag anons
No. 257565
File: 1650434488519.webm (1.23 MB, 720x900, kskeicjeso9292.webm)
No. 258135
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I want Markiplier to call me a stinky gweilo.
No. 258256
File: 1650690268001.jpg (68.31 KB, 620x829, Dolph-Lundgren.18.jpg)

>this man is someone's dad
Imagine having a dad this hot, wtf.
No. 258309
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i have a controversial one
No. 258338
>>258135i thought he is Korean…..
>>258144did the LA gangs get to him again?
No. 258668
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>>257047Rocky is my dream man
No. 258673
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>>258672not one bit
nonny No. 258674
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>>258668I have got to move to the USA
>>258670>>258672He was in his prime as well.
No. 258718
File: 1650842290677.jpeg (61.71 KB, 446x598, Jason Isaacs.jpeg)

Probably the only man who looks better older
Tgere aren't many pics of him when he was younger anyway
No. 258785
This is flustering news for sure. This makes me wish this thing was more common for male celebrities
No. 258825
>>258669Cool, I am now a pastaboo (real talk, the food is great and I like how their language sounds and the architecture is god tier.)
>>258670 No, is it actually good? I felt like avoiding it because the idea of watching it for a real person is embarrassing and I’m afraid it might be cringe. I’m kinda mortified at myself for thinking he almost looks too twunk there, I’m shocked I’m into the Rambo physique at all (tastes change, go figure)
No. 258827
>>258825Fuck, I am smoothbrain posting right now.
>Italian-AMERICANStill cool, like the accents, one less language barrier.
No. 258833
>>258825 I skimmed through it its eccentric but casually. I was really surprised to see a bloodplay scene.
>>258828The hitting is more akin to spanking its really presented as a fetish or a point of attraction.
No. 259303
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How can a man this beautiful exist?
No. 259399
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No. 259419
File: 1651090069764.gif (3.27 MB, 360x202, FISH FRY BABY!!.gif)

>>259407i could fix him. i really could nonnies, i could fix him. im going to do it right now. i need to travel back in time to stop him from becoming a genderfag and wreaking havoc upon modern civilisation.
No. 259430
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>>259419anon, are you me? i thought i wrote this because same
No. 259454
File: 1651095598423.png (595.89 KB, 1200x600, Kurt.png)

In a parallel universe we're fucking so good rn.
No. 259491
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No. 259570
>>259488If the faggot ate pussies his chin wouldn't be receded. Sad shit. I've never seen brown men with receded jawlines unless they're not eating well and basically live off fastfood or something. You're a chinlet probably and since most brown girls like guys with strong jawline like the guy >>259498 is jealous of, it's not looking good.
>>259567Yeah it's a brown incel and it's sad. I've also seen them in the guytypes thread where they were calling brown girls femoids and racetraitors for not dating him. Kek.
No. 259608
File: 1651146645836.jpg (166.18 KB, 815x1222, schizo.jpg)

>>259430feel like pure shit just want him to stop looking like a tranny and go back to this
No. 259616
>>259611Tbh he used to be almost everyone's type. Now he's avoid-at-all-costs.
Sic transit gloria mundi…
No. 259663
>>259454Makes me seethe when moids have effortlessly beautiful hair. You just know he only used cheap shampoo and not a drop of conditioner.
But also, Cobain and Heath Ledger have convinced me that every blond man should be forced by law to grow their hair out to chin length.
No. 259668
File: 1651174273831.jpg (434.42 KB, 1300x1950, Tumblr_l_935681114672062.jpg)

This picture of nick robinson makes me feel things. The dark undereyes and the lazy eye…
No. 259707
File: 1651191128193.jpg (52.27 KB, 704x480, don-matteo-don-massimo.jpg)

i'd just decided to take a break from masturbating, why would italian tv do this to me
No. 260103
>>259707Do want
Do all Italians age this well? Should I move there?
No. 260128
File: 1651344315408.gif (1.68 MB, 275x155, E9D85C28-F9F7-446D-9DDB-793E10…)

No. 260135
File: 1651345162981.jpg (174.88 KB, 1200x1200, shohei-ohtani-inspection.jpg)

No. 260158
File: 1651350801623.gif (6.41 MB, 268x478, 354678.gif)

>>260135i want him so bad……..
No. 260171
File: 1651355282033.jpg (46.52 KB, 519x488, Roger Fan.jpg)

While we're on the subject of buff Asian guys, I watched Rush Hour for the first time the other day and I'm obsessed with this dude. Never has an actor with so little screen time affected me so deeply.
No. 260189
File: 1651362919252.gif (7.33 MB, 498x429, 785321.gif)

>>260182god I wish that were me
No. 260233
File: 1651380907665.jpg (16.93 KB, 474x331, my og kpophusband.jpg)

the japanese baseball man that the nonny above me shared reminds me sooo much of my original kpop husbando cnu! My first k-love, unforgettable…
No. 260234
File: 1651381163728.jpg (35.98 KB, 474x554, cnu.jpg)

my love~
No. 260241
File: 1651381407127.jpg (20.93 KB, 337x403, mylovecnu.jpg)

Everybody needs to see my husband's beautiful fucking smile!!!
No. 260245
File: 1651382681609.jpg (45.23 KB, 474x711, him.jpg)

he stopped looking like those pics I originally posted a while ago and looks like this now cuz he decided to quit the starvation diets and started to eat regularly kek i still think he's hot, but i miss his lanklet body, long hair, and fake glasses tbh they suited his awkward personality/smile
No. 260275
File: 1651396587795.jpeg (132.46 KB, 1276x1215, 5B8D5654-FAF5-40B8-BB85-1334A8…)

>>260231as another ohtani admirer, his massive chest and shoulders is probably my favorite thing about him.
No. 260281
File: 1651399776080.jpg (57.24 KB, 406x500, avw.jpg)

andrew vanwyngarden, to echo many other anons about their own choices: i would have done anything. he's so beautiful
No. 260286
File: 1651401031898.webm (4.6 MB, 720x1280, 2dfdf4ed3b2eae7661440044ff2486…)
I don't even think he's very cute face wise, but holy damn that body.
Thank you for introducing him to me, nonas
No. 260287
File: 1651401275843.jpg (67.83 KB, 640x848, 1mukt1oim5951.jpg)

>>260281Dayum nona, I knew about mgmt, but not that the vocalist was a thick cut of wagyu beef
Want him in my mouth ngl
No. 260335
File: 1651410713707.gif (7.6 MB, 498x449, Tumblr_l_1174944363943530.gif)

>>260286the contrast between the baby face and his body is just
No. 260892
File: 1651568835190.png (638.94 KB, 635x867, 1364ED7A-E5E5-4EF0-BE1A-71EB22…)

No. 260897
File: 1651571355795.gif (9 MB, 540x430, C5792849-497F-457D-AB44-2C0BF0…)

>>260286hoetanis assemble
No. 261035
File: 1651606527227.jpg (753.18 KB, 2429x3649, IMG_20220503_202829.jpg)

God in heaven
No. 261774
File: 1651864110012.jpg (13.13 KB, 170x227, 170px-Terry_Davis_2000_(croppe…)

>>261663He looks like Terry Davis.
No. 262585
File: 1652114346845.jpg (80.4 KB, 1280x704, star-wars-finn-999512-1280x0.j…)

They are kicking me off from celebricow, I will keep simping John here and keep yall updated.
No. 262587
File: 1652114516969.jpg (186.84 KB, 1040x1572, 1651521313486.jpg)

One of us!
No. 262588
File: 1652114660702.jpg (68.23 KB, 750x750, 16249587654.jpg)

>>262586There is literally nothing unconventional about his looks. I'm tired of all the racists claiming John is somehow not attractive because he doesn't fit eurocentric understanding of beauty.
No. 262589
>>262587>Attack on titanWhatever
>narutoOf course
>seven deadly sinsWhat
>hunter x hunterEw
>>262588Why not come into the irl husbando thread?
No. 262601
File: 1652117370156.jpeg (24.62 KB, 680x383, 167343438945.jpeg)

>>262599I already left for IRL husbando thread, but saying that he doesn't fit any understanding of beauty is just retarded from your side.
This is how he mocks jealous people like you.
No. 262767
File: 1652171679366.gif (9.35 MB, 268x350, 2948320423094.gif)

I can't really tell if we're allowed to post k-pop men in here or not, but I think this guy has a pretty face and a body that makes me want to gnaw my arm off, so
No. 262827
File: 1652196939479.jpg (800.32 KB, 2000x2400, 9330852.jpg)

>>262585>>262588you are welcome here, boyegachan. you can have john and I'll have oscar isaac.
No. 262830
>>262827Bless you, Boyegachan. Life will be better here.
>Oscar Isaac My gaze has subscribed.
No. 262837
File: 1652201878780.jpg (54.81 KB, 392x896, e73773cbf6963488d8f99dedcff74d…)

>>262601hey bogeyachan, nice to see you here
No. 262838
File: 1652201952607.jpg (31.94 KB, 563x593, 73e5c8ae1250ace2b063fb7ad47b07…)

i adore him, he was so hot in strangers from hell. i love him so much, he is so handsome and attractive. lee dong wook
No. 262840
File: 1652202401119.jpg (48.84 KB, 732x998, c3f56e2050b790cb9c24eeb1ad7e22…)

>>262838god, i need to fuck him.
No. 262848
File: 1652204687841.jpg (46.12 KB, 564x705, 301d2605ad53f4b879db1a6455ebf8…)

>>262840me too anon, me too
No. 262957
File: 1652231106898.jpg (116.71 KB, 900x1200, ec46432eddb98a16cb170e2f962a0f…)

Feel kinda bad for being attracted to a 16 year old but I didn't know he was so young kek
No. 262970
File: 1652235066086.jpg (118.1 KB, 990x660, 7094382094832049.jpg)

>>262838There's something so sexy about his face he's got those bedroom eyes
No. 262975
File: 1652237642740.jpeg (122.92 KB, 750x1125, FB986187-F2D5-41CC-BB15-31FB14…)

>>262958he’s not even cute tho, he looks like a fish. lino is the real qt
No. 263014
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No. 263096
File: 1652290335815.jpeg (251.19 KB, 1120x1120, 23456789.jpeg)

im thinking about him again nonnies
No. 263135
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No. 263139
File: 1652297995007.png (576.06 KB, 712x1184, Screenshot_2021-12-29_at_13.50…)

he could get it on the floor
No. 263477
File: 1652418623405.gif (1.99 MB, 268x214, beni.gif)

benicio anon here
No. 263588
File: 1652455828859.jpg (48.09 KB, 640x504, ezgif-2-bd755a2e9f.jpg)

Young Stephen Malkmus
No. 263641
File: 1652461130761.gif (2.99 MB, 324x300, desperado.gif)

Guys who can pull off this hair length just do something for me
No. 263669
File: 1652469777413.jpg (61.25 KB, 683x1024, rafael-miller.jpg)

he is fucking stunning
No. 263674
File: 1652471914087.jpeg (28.46 KB, 300x418, 916AE18C-9189-429F-AF6E-58297E…)

I like Joji. I think he’s pretty neat. Just some average looking guy with a nice smile.
No. 263677
>>263669Work of art.
>>263674This isnt unconventional male attractions.
No. 263788
File: 1652531420647.jpg (43.91 KB, 564x752, yuzu senpai.jpg)

The thing I love the most about Yuzu isn't his skating skills, his thick thighs, or his torso. It's his teeth.
No. 263994
>>263792fuck off retard
>>263801anon's probably upset about Asian guys being posted. Idk if it's the same anon that shat up the old thread and bitched about anons posting Asian men and calling them lesbians for being attracted to Asian men, or if it's a different racist anon, but either way she should stfu and post pics of hot men instead of complaining
No. 264086
File: 1652629210355.jpg (22.82 KB, 333x500, 095c0e33a25e6a3c38395ce323706d…)

young julian casablancas
No. 264114
File: 1652637377931.jpg (27.78 KB, 563x557, b8b782d1241aaf659b25154a7720fe…)

>>264100he has gotten so much better looking as he has aged, he looks younger now than he did in his early 20s imo. he literally the embodiment of aged like fine wine or whatever the term is kek. i watched that for him too, and you should watch bad and crazy as he is super hot in that too, but it was such a good drama too. it also has wi ha-joon in it (the detective from squid game.)
No. 264115
File: 1652637462277.jpg (19.48 KB, 564x564, 76aa7b7bb1a9afd3d1d88e9690fd54…)

>>264114samefag, sorry for all the 'too's kek..
No. 264184
File: 1652652547294.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.49 KB, 564x846, eb2ad19801c93993d655e1b0ec4af3…)

Sage for Hyunjinfag and I put it as a spoiler so people won't complain as much but whew I want to tie him up so badly. I wish he'd lose the damn chin implant though.
No. 264189
File: 1652653897309.jpeg (186.8 KB, 1333x2000, 3C050685-AE50-4259-B090-2C1469…)

>>264099for real
nonnie for real
No. 264599
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No. 264863
File: 1652911814272.jpg (118.21 KB, 682x1024, 7258001548_28d72ff504_b.jpg)

prince charming
No. 264885
File: 1652919225721.jpg (160.62 KB, 800x1000, Tumblr_l_114046886539079.jpg)

>>263994Asian men can be hot, those plastic twinks you post are not
No. 264893
File: 1652921345317.jpg (46.8 KB, 660x480, gong-yoo.jpg)

His body is so hot and his smile is so cute. He is kinda old now, but he was gorgeous in coffee prince
No. 265130
File: 1653011861015.gif (2.52 MB, 640x360, nikolaj-costerw.gif)

>>264863He's gotten in trouble with some fans for liking a JKR tweet in the past and still follows her. Definitely a has some secret
terf-like beliefs I think
No. 265137
File: 1653013222949.jpg (509.79 KB, 640x855, Tumblr_l_378779116090639.jpg)

>>265130And now he's instantly sexier just for that
No. 265347
File: 1653086744415.gif (624.86 KB, 245x250, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

>>265130based nikolaj, proud of him
No. 265349
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No. 265369
File: 1653095327435.jpeg (778.7 KB, 957x1308, 96B2CF2A-6538-4E51-A8D6-D2771E…)

Michael Cerold
No. 266141
File: 1653449693741.jpg (406.21 KB, 2048x1679, brendan and daniel.jpg)

brendan yates from turnstile. need a bf that looks like this EXPIDITIOUSLY
No. 266183
File: 1653475720591.jpeg (304.92 KB, 571x539, EBCF5A1F-8750-470C-B77D-78EA19…)

I need him to put me on my hands and knees and fuck me till my vision is flashing different colours and there’s tears streaming down my face. Afterward I would rest my head on his chest and let him recite French love poems to me.
No. 266187
>>266183That's great
nonnie as long as I can have him do the same to me after
No. 266196
File: 1653486652106.jpeg (56.5 KB, 440x700, 1C0BC01D-7B3F-47F1-94D0-1C0396…)

Anyways happy birthday to him
No. 266517
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No. 266519
File: 1653676304818.jpg (50.43 KB, 500x575, 85045ef2ed74b223cd770e1f45c168…)

No. 266529
>>266519Who's that
nonnie? I can only find him on pinterest, I tried the reverse search.
No. 266705
File: 1653757595998.jpg (91.71 KB, 2048x1365, Anton Medeiros.jpg)

>>266529Apparently his name is Anton Medeiros
No. 266708
>>266529Whoops sorry, I thought you were asking about the other guy.
I'm trying to find this
>>266519 guy's name.
No. 266730
File: 1653766289888.jpg (32.59 KB, 386x514, tumblr_nqwxyaNlED1sinwsgo1_400…)

>>266519Anons I've looked everywhere… everywhere and I may find him if this is also a picture of him. He seems to have the same hair, beard, pants and something on his left wrist but it may be just a coincidence. I'm really invested in this now. I'm looking through all photos of this photographer to check
No. 266735
>>266730>>266711Someone from the metal thread has got to know this band. The photographer for
>>266519 is a German woman who used to have a portfolio site, but that site is down and the images weren't properly archived on the Wayback Machine. She also likes the viking aesthetic which may mean this guy's band is viking-themed folk metal or something similar. There's a high chance that he's European, specifically Northern European. Unfortunately, I don't know a lot of these bands so I can't tell who it is. If that photo was taken at the Wacken festival in Germany, it should be easy to find which popular band he's in.
No. 266738
File: 1653770619452.jpg (188.92 KB, 1024x1365, 1024px-Noctem_-_Asaco_Metal_Fe…)

>>266730I've gone through everything I could find from this photographer currently and I went through 60 pages of links on the wayback machine which mention bands and I googled all the bands and he is not in any of them. I give up, but also I feel like someone posted him once a while ago, maybe I remember wrong but maybe not and she comes by and says who it is. But now I doubt the guy is the same in both pictures, the material of his pants seems different. I've been staring at it for too long. I can't believe how much time I've wasted. I found some other guys though I will offer them to you instead. This is Beleth from Noctem.
No. 266740
File: 1653770980143.jpg (39.97 KB, 639x960, tumblr_nm0bl50Nia1rfyyybo1_640…)

Wait I think I found him? He's been right in front of me this whole time! This is Tetzel of Asenblut, I just wanted to show him to you right now and I was searching or a photo to post when I saw his pants. They have the same crazy zippers. I didn't think it was him because he seems more muscular now but it's got to be him.
No. 266743
>>266740your detective skills are amazing
nonnie, thank you
No. 266746
File: 1653771899623.jpg (81.44 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mts4cqlqYo1rrq96qo1_128…)

>>266740Awesome! Unfortunately the band sounds cringe as fuck and he has that stupid beard but at least we can stare at his body and hair.
No. 266749
File: 1653772559629.jpg (51.14 KB, 500x750, tetzel asenblut.jpg)

>>266746here's the full pic btw
No. 266750
File: 1653772701216.jpg (75 KB, 500x750, ne-obliviscaris-resurrection-f…)

Speaking of metalheads, here's one I just found- Xenoyr from Ne Obliviscaris
No. 266752
File: 1653772783005.jpeg (129.46 KB, 560x315, 8C89EDA3-6661-48D3-A936-394E53…)

I'd let bald Oscar Isaac do me
No. 266753
>>266740You're amazing anon
>>266746Yeah the beard is unfortunate (and so is the face in the clearer pictures ngl) but the hair and body are fiiine
>>266750Ugh. Stop spoiling me with hot muscular long haired guys, I'll never get over the fact they don't exist where I am kek
No. 266755
File: 1653773901083.gif (797.24 KB, 500x244, tumblr_mh6ypqEzAi1s3915qo3_500…)

Well after looking through pictures of 5043 long haired metalhead guys I realized they are not my type and that my type is wes borland. I posted him in the unconventional whatever thread last time but that was so cruel of me. He is totally attractive. Look at his devilish smile, how cuteeeeee
No. 266756
File: 1653774110146.jpg (75.31 KB, 580x387, in-mute-resurrection-fest-2015…)

This guy's curly hair is so pretty. He was in the Spanish band In Mute, I think his name is Cristóbal Galán.
>>266753>I'll never get over the fact they don't exist where I amNever say never, nona. There definitely are metalheads where you live and some of them must have beautiful long hair and a hot body. I have seen some of those here, too.
>>266755>Well after looking through pictures of 5043 long haired metalhead guys I realized they are not my type and that my type is wes borlandkek
that's fine though, I'm still pretty sure long-haired metalheads are totally my type (for fucking, not for a LTR)
No. 266760
File: 1653778875766.jpg (1.41 MB, 963x1246, aiden brady1.jpg)

>>226291Man looks like a Greek god jfc
No. 266783
File: 1653791784128.jpg (19.21 KB, 460x414, wesbows.jpg)

>>266755he's so fucking cute. i'm envious of his past partners. i also loved when he was more in touch with his feminine side when the band started out. long hair
does look good on him.
No. 266819
>>266783I like him better with short hair because to me almost every guy looks good with long hair but when he looks good with short hair too then that is something special
>>266799I think long "horse" faces are the most beautiful faces in the world, like with Sarah Jessica Parker, everyone would say she has a face like a horse as an insult but I don't get it she is beautiful
No. 267106
File: 1653937059453.gif (3.51 MB, 368x288, ohtani1.gif)

>>263096He's such a cutie
No. 267417
File: 1654053631796.gif (1.32 MB, 268x316, tumblr_782a0db96236f4b05cb5f08…)

we need to go back to 90s men
No. 267518
File: 1654100696979.gif (4.49 MB, 600x337, tumblr_79895726f733557f886f4af…)

No. 267634
File: 1654137742176.jpg (56.26 KB, 465x640, Depeche Mode Photo.jpg)

I've always liked Depeche Mode, but I guess I must not have actually looked at them enough to notice that Dave Gahan was so cute! And honestly he has aged pretty well, but I keep seeking out old Depeche Mode performances because I just think he was such a qt in the 80s. I don't know a lot about his personal life so hopefully he wasn't (or isn't) a shitty person or whatever. Also sorry in advance if nonnies don't think he's conventional
No. 267645
File: 1654142294897.png (251.67 KB, 338x600, 22b3bb82cae9f24ccc165bc414f2a4…)

nonny. I barely like men, but there's something about this tall and cute buscemi eyed mfer.
bonus points if he looks a lil beat up.
No. 267648
File: 1654143474084.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1125x1136, C4192F34-201A-4B2A-80D0-71B6DD…)

>>267518>>267645He is SO handsome, ffs. I’ve watched the 1st season of Hemlock Grove recently and I couldn’t help drooling over him. His brother Alexander (picrel) is also fly as fuck.
No. 267674
File: 1654159995242.gif (860.83 KB, 386x287, Ak5s.gif)

>>267634oh dave gahan and alan wilder were sexy as fuck. my favorite dave phase was in the 90's when he had long hair. I guess that was a really dark time in his life though. I agree that he's aged very well, especially for someone who has abused drugs as much as he did.
there used to be a whole depeche mode thread on /m/ but it got wiped like everything else. it was really inactive anyways lol.
No. 267676
File: 1654161765892.jpg (69.76 KB, 1280x720, eb1871e00ed6dbf26546bd75d22d8d…)

Cary Elwes was fine as fuck
No. 267684
File: 1654173008317.gif (1.25 MB, 268x353, bdaf7f8c2a272b89b33b5fdf63dece…)

>>267645>>267648god I love him so much nonas
No. 267689
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No. 267700
File: 1654185304265.gif (1.36 MB, 540x391, 35A314BF-F6AB-45A0-B26A-DD50DA…)

Robert ♥︎
No. 267713
>>267675There was discussion about it in celebricows, idk if there's a direct source.
>>>/ot/1160963Though another anon in that thread said there was a blind item on reddit that mentioned it.