File: 1645465884117.png (953.79 KB, 1274x720, 1645461936714.png)

No. 243444
We live in a lolcow society
previous thread:
>>>/g/241875 No. 243455
File: 1645466084683.jpeg (79.16 KB, 596x805, F018CE66-BD04-4B9A-844B-302763…)

fourth? sixth? whatever
No. 243457
File: 1645466123616.png (5.01 KB, 576x74, FUCK.png)

>>243427>>243412>>243403I was permabanned recently for being a scrote because someone report me and had to send a voice recording and a selfie to the lolcow email. I didn't even say anything offensive or bad, I was just mass reported as a scrote for a dumb shitpost that wasn't even scrote related. It was this post, and I thought
nonny was refering to posters in general. I replied with "I'm still here" because I thought it was funny but no, I got banned as a scrote. I hate this. My post history also proves I'm a girl but whatever. So yeah everyone calling each other scrote is really kinda ruining things for everyone.
No. 243472
File: 1645466342107.png (Spoiler Image,227.44 KB, 640x384, worstcouple.png)

>>243460WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY TO ADD. I swear gossip girl went shit after season 4
No. 243478
>>243468your that moid who sperged on the attractive man threads arent you. Fuck i wish the admins were active.
you are stroking your disgusting shriveled micropenis at this with happiness arent you.
No. 243487
File: 1645466668222.jpeg (400.05 KB, 828x809, DAD0B26C-74D2-4539-9AAA-4130F6…)

What are some new foods/meals you've tried recently that you liked?
I need more cooking ideas!
No. 243488
>>243480where is that "this thread needs more
POC" post with a blackface picture again?
(shitposting) No. 243489
File: 1645466701092.jpeg (105.26 KB, 782x781, 8FC1E987-1DEC-4B32-8A0B-657056…)

>>243468>>243471>yakkkubian scrotes ruining MY website with /pol/faggotryOut. Now.
No. 243490
File: 1645466735141.gif (781.63 KB, 356x200, 200.gif)

is kitty spam okay?
No. 243494
File: 1645466799996.png (12.37 KB, 566x248, gihghg.png)

>>243467They haven't even unbanned me yet, but honestly seeing how things are I think I'll just take the permaban. I just wish it was a just permaban and not something based on whatever (pic related is my dumb post)
>>243485Here anon, again, I didn't even know what the anon was refering to, I just thought she meant normal posters or whatever
>>>/g/239553I partially blame myself for being fucking stupid and not knowing the context tbh
No. 243496
File: 1645466817619.gif (810.48 KB, 400x300, 6DB33DBD-12C0-423B-9045-9EB9A8…)

No. 243499
>>243488i know moid its already
triggering enough for you to be around females despite you invading here, i cant imagine how uncomfortable you would be to see
POC here omg poor boy.
>>243492its not just asians look at this
>>243488 No. 243510
>>243494Also nonna, you got it right kek.
I was referring to farmers, because the thread had gone randomly quiet. I wasn't talking about moids.
Unpopular opinion but nonnies who report shit in these threads…I don't really understand it but whatever. Even if x poster really is a moid, it's not as if they couldn't just vpn jump
No. 243512
ok but i think we can all agree that this
>>243458 ,
>>243468 ,
>>243471 ,
>>243489 ,
>>243488 is a obvious male.
Where the fuck are the mods, do they not care, it seems like they have given up on everything except for snow/…..
No. 243523
nonny that's what I just said lmao. Also I would obviously send one with my voice recording if I want to continue posting, otherwise I don't know how mods would know I'm a girl if my post history wasn't enough apparently. I don't know anymore though, these threads are getting out of hand. I think I'll quit once for all. Like I said I just wish the ban was warranted, not something like being called a scrote for some dumb post I made.
No. 243525
>>243469I'm here and I legit think the problem is with certain autists who just can't stop screeching and shitting up a whole thread by spamming "no ur a moid I'm so based". Those anons seems to just hang out on /ot/ for hours usually and post in multiple threads compared to the anons who just post from time to time.
4chan has the same problem but usually vpn dodging tires people out and there's enough users to shut the autist up and make them feel isolated.
No. 243528
File: 1645467573922.gif (1.68 MB, 498x286, 99C5298D-8B2E-4BE7-B3F2-3A85BE…)

knocks everyone out cold enough bullshi't. we're going to get funky
No. 243529
File: 1645467575880.jpg (272.04 KB, 1080x1072, 1632587876656.jpg)

NEET/ NEET Recovery thread reporting in
Should I buy a PC setup for gaming/future schoolwork/simple 3d modelling or a Samsung S7+ tablet for drawing/portability for schoolwork? Am a NEET with $800 or so in my account from retail 2 months ago. Want to take classes online and get an online job but I need a working computer now…
No. 243530
File: 1645467600144.gif (1.31 MB, 220x275, kitten-blink.gif)

>>243527forgive me anons i dropped the kitty pic
No. 243536
File: 1645467782951.jpeg (50.23 KB, 750x432, 77564021-321D-4195-A141-62F5BA…)

No. 243541
File: 1645467869950.gif (525.84 KB, 500x283, 3DD1F4F8-1B2D-473E-89D9-C95801…)

Doo doo bee boop, doo boo dee boop
No. 243549
>>243542NTA, but thank you for your explanation
nonny it's much appreciated
No. 243557
File: 1645468214027.jpeg (929.6 KB, 1251x1183, 81232075-30FE-463C-8B95-7A0003…)

>>243544Mentally I'm still with that nonna schlicking behind the tree. It has been a steady decline since then.
No. 243569
>>243560I like saying
Nonny. It's legit part of lolcow culture for me.
No. 243572
File: 1645468519029.gif (4.39 MB, 256x320, CarefulIgnorantKillifish-size_…)

No. 243573
File: 1645468523490.jpeg (675.77 KB, 871x1198, 21288E93-DA44-4161-9E2D-15A1EC…)

No. 243576
>>243543I used to browse /a/ and watched it die, completely abandoned it in 2017 and apparently it got worse while I was away. What happened there is that new users didn't get the concept of "lurk moar" and would instead whine if they were laughed at, a similar thing is going on here with these ADHD children who spam posts with nonsense just to get a bit of attention and accuse you of mini modding if you tell them to shut up.
Anyway on /a/ people used to pirate more and make more original content for fun, then it slowly turned into seasonal anime only discussion to the point people wanted a new board, then people who watch crunchyroll became normal, now it's a board for high schoolers where rare anime barely gets discussed. There will always be new users, but old users will have children or get a job or kill themselves and the new will replace the old. And worldwide children are losing interest in technology and STEM and just use apps and don't think about it.
No. 243580
>>243560lmao i love when wannabe-oldfags here find the most bland shit to criticize.
Im sure there are anons here who have been for 6 years who also use nonas.
Might want to focus on the raids, admins not caring and spammers.
No. 243584
>>243576>And worldwide children are losing interestIt could be summarized like this honestly, and attention spans getting shorter, plus they want everything catered to them
I will never get why watching things on crunchyroll is more popular than just downloading stuff from to be honest
No. 243585
>>243580Lmao this, been using this website for 8 years now and I use
Nonny endearingly
No. 243588
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Imagine a Comedy film about King Farouk of Egypt
>Farouk's official mistress" described him as something of an immature "man-child" having no interest in politics and given to childish behavior liking making bread balls at restaurants "…to flip at the fancy people coming in and watch how they'd act when he hit the mark. How he roared with that laugh".[133]
>"Farouk never wrote a letter, never read a paper, never listened to music. His was fond of movies. He had three telephones by his bed, which he would use to ring up his friends at three in the morning and invite them to come over to his palace to play cards. No one could refuse".[134]
>King Farouk amassed one of the most famous coin collections in history which included an extremely rare American gold minted 1933 double eagle coin[282] and (non-concurrently), two 1913 Liberty Head nickels.[283]
>Farouk suffered from nightmares in which he was chased by a lion. He sought the advice of pro-Axis el Maraghi who told him, "You will not rest until you have shot a lion." Whereupon Farouk shot two, at the Cairo zoo
>Farouk told her that he liked her because her blond hair and large breasts together with her age reminded him of his second wife, the teenage Queen Narriman who likewise had blond hair and large breasts.[8] After following Farouk into exile in July 1952, Narriman had returned to Egypt in March 1953. Whenever she went out with the king, his burly Albanian bodyguards were always on hand to seize the cameras from any paparazzi, a task that they performed with much efficiency as they roughed up several paparazzi who tried to take photographs of the king with his latest mistress.[9] Farouk told her that this was cheaper than having to bribe newspaper editors from publishing any of the photographs the paparazzi might take of him.[10]
>Stenberg wrote about sex with Farouk: "I'm doing this with the king of twenty million people. This nice fat man was one of the world's symbols of power".[11] She described the king as very sexually aggressive, but in common with his other mistresses complained he had an abnormally small penis.[12]. Stenberg lived in a Rome apartment with a gay American couple, which enraged the homophobic Farouk as he called her roommates "perverts" once he learned that the two men were more than just friends.[13] In the face of his rage, Stenberg did not dare tell Farouk that she was bi-sexual, fearing that would upset him even more. At Farouk's insistence, she moved into the Villa Dusmet that he rented outside of Rome to get her away from her "pervert" gay American friends.[14] She found the Villa Dusmet dark, gloomy and claustrophobic with the king's Albanian bodyguards imposing tight restrictions on where she could go while outside she always heard the barking of the guard dogs that were set loose on the grounds of the Villa.[15] She also found the king's jokes painfully unfunny such as: "Have you heard what one palm tree said to the other? Let's make a date".[16]
No. 243590
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>>243588>The Egyptian government quickly moved to auction off the King's vast collection of trinkets and treasures,[250] including his seven-piece bedroom suite that was inspired by Napoleon and Josephine's suite at the Château de Malmaison.[251] Among the more famous of his possessions was one of the rare 1933 double eagle coins, though the coin disappeared before it could be returned to the United States. (It later reappeared in New York in 1996 and was eventually sold at auction for more than seven million dollars.)[252] Attracting much prurient interest both in Egypt and abroad was the revelation that Farouk owned one of the largest collections of pornography in the world, as he possessed a vast collection numbering into the hundreds of thousands of pornographic photographs, postcards, calendars, playing cards, watches, glasses, cockscrews and so on.[253] Farouk's obsession with collecting also ranged into diamonds, dogs, stamps, rubies, Faberge eggs, ancient Tibetan coins, medieval suits of armor, aspirin bottles, razor blades, paper clips and Geiger counters.[253] At the Koubbeh Palace, it was discovered that Farouk had collected 2,000 silk shirts, 10,000 silk ties, 50 diamond-studded golden walking sticks and one autographed portrait of Adolf Hitler.[253] No. 243591
File: 1645468875180.jpg (894.44 KB, 1212x993, borzoi.jpg)

Since it seems like /ot/ will be down for a long while, what threads (if any) would you like to see added to the catalog?
Here's some of the most popular threads that were used before /ot/ shut down
>stupid questions
>general tinfoil
I've decided to not include unpopopular opinions, dumbass shit and retarded shitposting is because unpopular opinions would 100% get overun with baiting moids, and the dumbass/retarded shitposting can be done here
No. 243599
File: 1645469096251.gif (19.02 KB, 262x112, sad.gif)

Goodbye nonnies, the bunker was fun for a few days but it's now time to move on for me. See you again when this website gets fixed maybe, maybe not…
No. 243600
>>243595the posting errors is really easy to fix though, there are anons telling admins how to fix it but nothing is done about it.
I wonder why admin/mods are being so slow about all of this.
No. 243609
File: 1645469275150.jpeg (81.82 KB, 567x351, C55F07C8-54F6-4509-9662-1F3572…)

So basically we can conclude that the only constant in life is change.
No. 243617
>>243580Nta but I've been using lolcow for probably over 5 years now and I've only recently started seeing nona and nonita get used a lot. Idk maybe I just never noticed it before.
nonnie has been a thing for a long time, though.
No. 243618
>>243614thats good idea especially since celebricows also used to be in snow/
But im afraid of the mods there locking the thread because whoever is modding snow (which is the only modded board for now) is very strict.
No. 243621
Reminder pickmeism and general scrotery was over the roof in the yee old times
No. 243622
File: 1645469526245.jpg (599.96 KB, 2880x2160, 34734737.jpg)

Please answer honestly to this post
Would you like to pull the plug on lolcow? Yes/No
No. 243624
>>243612Same, and I also love calling others precious cows
>>243617Nonita is just a corruption of
nonny, nothing wrong with it, it's cute
No. 243631
>>243621In the very first old times, yes
After some years it became norm to make fun of those, and that was lolcow at its peak.
No. 243632
>>243628What? Celebricows did really well when it was on snow/, it went to shit when it got to ot/ because lack of moderation.
We should ad celebricows on snow/
No. 243641
>>243632No it didn't, the infighting was exactly the same. Remember all the sperging over billie and lana's body?
No. 243642
File: 1645469899313.jpg (27.38 KB, 400x462, pitbull.jpg)

mrs worldwide
Anonita, nonnacita
No. 243655
File: 1645470088523.jpeg (110 KB, 417x454, 676F8333-0321-4C8E-9E6C-7CA125…)

(Nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie on my mind) chea
(Nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie nonnie on my mind) chea
(Nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie on my mind) that's right
(Nonnie nonnie on my mind)
(So nonnie is all I think of) that's right
(Nonnie on my mind)
(Mo-mo-mo nonnie on my mind) you know
(Mo-mo-mo nonnie on my mind) bitch
(Nonnie nonnie on my mind) bitch
(Nonnie nonnie on my mind) ayy
(So nonnie is all I think of) yeah
Stepping out the motherfucking farm, they in (yeah)
I'm looking like a star, bitch, when you see me make a wish
Holla at your motherfucking girl, J-K Rowling
Cowgirl my mama, bitch, farm bred, born milking (yeah)
Dear Mr. Toilet, I'm the shit
Got these other farmers pissed, 'cause my toilet paper thick
I know, but trip and that pitchfork make a chip
Out a potato-head wimp, then, like ranch, I dip (gone)
And the hustle is all muscle, just strength
When it comes to that weight, I don't struggle, I just milk (one-two)
I got my hand on the udders, yeah I make a grip
Hundred liters in my fist, same on my wrist
Get a nonnie for a quarter, blame it on my wrist
I whip cows like cream, nigga, I'm a chef
Lil' farma 'bout to milk the market
If we talking 'bout nonnie, baby, now we talking
(Nonnie on my mind) fuck scrotes
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind, nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (so nonnie is all I think of)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (so nonnie is all I think of)
Yeah, farmer, get it in a slump, if you know how
In the heart of the summer, we need a milk shake
What you know about that? Baby, it's your time
Dairy transactions on the phone, we calling the moo zone
Too terfy for the tumblr, too kinky for the kiwis
Had to ditch my old cow, getting dry with the shoops (bitch!)
Hopping off the truck, meeting Kiki at the stall (wadup)
She tell me I'm gaining weight, I tell her to tie a rope
Nonnie over scrotes, I'm yelling it to the grave
Farmer from a young age, gotta go after whats white
That milk, that clout, that bpd meltdown hype
I gotta get it even if it's in the worst way
That milk, like it's-it's my birthday
The farm’s my birthplace, ya heard me?
Where nonnie's more important than a person
(Nonnie on my mind) fuck scrotes
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind, nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (so nonnie is all I think of)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind) yeah
(Nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (so nonnie is all I think of)
Twisting up an udder, thinking 'bout my next op picture
I'm digging in the gram tryna get some milk out her
She so insane, it's a problem
There ain't a stain on these overalls, I'm just being modest
Got me a cow goddess, show her how to tweet it
She still down and she don't get no cow tipped
Wheel around the farm, let the tints hide me
That's a cold motherfucker, whoever inside it
Forever symbolizing the grind, it don't walk to you
I make it run like cows do
Giddy-up, baby, if she got it, then hit her up, baby
I know it's crazy, but I can't get enough, baby
I love it, I fucking love it
I'm a self-made milkionnaire, fuck the normies
Riding to myself, 'cause I don't fuck with nothing
Pitchfork on my lap on the way to the nonnies
(Nonnie on my mind) fuck scrotes
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind, nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (so nonnie is all I think of)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
(Nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (nonnie on my mind)
Fuck scrotes (nonnie on my mind)
Get nonnie (so nonnie is all I think of)
No. 243657
File: 1645470133262.jpg (45.44 KB, 640x359, 1630977204997.jpg)

>>243622No. Anyone who says otherwise is a tranny, moid, twitterfag or romania-anon.
No. 243677
I remember that. Where would we be without the shitposters? Dead by our own hands
No. 243684
File: 1645470685970.jpeg (77.83 KB, 1024x420, DCB045D5-1AAD-41E4-B5A1-E18DF8…)

Ok repost
Should i write a fic about this?
A japanese girl and a western girl are isekai’d together. They communicate in their respectively broken english and broken japanese. The worlds is very sparsely populated so the story centers mainly on them and outdoor survival.
No. 243686
>>243666this will happen and you spoke this in existence
No. 243697
>>243688I have something in mind but I don't want to mention it because it will derail into dumb infighting AGAIN, but it has to do with
anime and
media made by men that women can also enjoy No. 243704
>>243701Let’s all write lolcow fanfictions. I want to write a story about finnanon
>>243700Thank you!
No. 243709
File: 1645471195608.jpeg (105.68 KB, 750x731, 7D825C52-0BBE-4C7B-A17A-3285D7…)

>>243667You're correct, haters gonna hate
No. 243715
File: 1645471341387.png (53.8 KB, 198x114, gaypoop.png)

>>243709what does this mean
No. 243725
>>243715It's a Prince thing cause Araki was a fan
The hand is the old symbol of one of the fan publication groups that Araki was a part of before actually becoming a mangaka
No. 243729
File: 1645471906830.jpg (22.51 KB, 299x211, 10018481.jpg)

this is how they were supposed to look like
No. 243738
File: 1645472108020.jpeg (25.71 KB, 180x180, B601B01F-6455-4518-AEFE-961A0B…)

>Stomach hurts from coffee
No. 243753
>>243751we told you
now snowposters will come and shit this thread
No. 243755
File: 1645472611538.gif (3.16 MB, 424x498, huehue.gif)

>>243752tee hee hee hee heeeeee
No. 243759
File: 1645472696903.jpg (64.51 KB, 700x687, Cn2Wjl2W8AADwzU.jpg)

My biggest coomer moid-tier trait is that I love maid dresses on me and other women (scrotes aren't allowed to wear them)
No. 243767
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No. 243769
>>243756I’ve seen posts about it on
Ovarit that echo that. Seems too janky.
No. 243770
>>243757Can't talk for all fr*nchfags but when it comes to my personal exp with ID:
>my parents are ok with me dating any races APART from asian menIt's so odd, my mom has like this weird racist bias against Asians (especially japanese), she thinks they're all hypocrites and will figuratively and literally stab you in the back?
No. 243781
>>243570They attracted too many moid raids but above all were constantly filled with infighting and especially racebait. White women this, black women that, brown women such and such, asian women blahblah and it got out of hand a lot of times. People unironically complained more about other women than men in those threads and it was depressing to open it up to vent about males only to be greeted with another round of race wars because everyone was dumping their racial insecurities on each other and competing for the "who has it worse" spot. I actually went back to check on them and yep, it's as I recall, just constant racebaiting and anons using it as a vent thread to cry about their
abusive Nigels instead of dumping them. It's a shame because the threads were overall great resources and initially peaked me and got me into feminism.
No. 243787
File: 1645473831739.jpg (72.16 KB, 1350x759, B9729144601Z.1_20211127150432_…)

>>243757Bleh, my best friend who's half algerian is voting for goblino Big Z. That's some ethnic pickme bullshit
No. 243789
>>243784Ironically enough yeah, only now they've added homophobia in the mix as well.
>>243785They did, which is why I said it wasn't the main reason. I can only imagine what a drag it was on mods to constantly come clean up the thread that devolved into a shit-flinging racesperg every hour.
No. 243795
File: 1645474605065.jpg (28.4 KB, 625x417, Zemmour-juge-tres-possible-de-…)

>>243787My guy looks like he's gonna turn into dust at any second, he's like 62 but looks 85. Ratatouille looking mofo.
yes, that's my only political argument. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT HUH?? No. 243796
>>243787Zemmour won't stop saying that he's "Algerian", as in, a Jewish Algerian as opposed to a native one, so he can't be racist. Not too surprised to see his fellow self-hating Algerians voting for him, but your friend should be embarrassed.
>>243770That's so specific, did something happened to your mom with a Japanese guy or some shit?
>>243757Maghrebi anon born and raised in France, my parents are kinda weird because they're moderate muslims, as in, they don't eat pork and think drinking alcohol is bad but a boeuf bourguignon with real wine is delicious. But they're "traditional", or at least they used to be. They'd yell at me for not having Moroccan or Algerian friends in primary school and middle school despite putting me in a primary school full of white kids and a fucking catholic middle school, and they used to think race mixing was a big no no but now they don't give a fuck. I think it's probably because they're shocked I'm still single at my age so anything male is fine now. My big sisters had a few white bf who dumped her because their white catholic parents wouldn't accept her and they'd all come back to her months later and beg her to take them back, so it works both ways I guess but honestly I'm sure the majority of people don't give a shit if you don't date someone from your race.
As for views of ethnic groups as a whole? It's a mess. I won't debate on it any further it's too long and complicated but I felt like I was treated a normal human being when I spent a semester in Japan a few years ago despite not being fluent in Japanese way more than in my own country most of my life. The difference was so obvious it's very hard to explain.
No. 243806
>>243796I'm not French but this reminds me of that French movie "Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu ?"
How accurate is that movie?
No. 243818
File: 1645475894394.jpeg (168.03 KB, 850x592, 6EE4F743-52BD-4B7E-B12F-A3EFD8…)

>>243701Also, I thought that: they don’t appear together, the story opens with the japanese girl. She get spotted by orc villagers and they come at her with pitchforks to drive her away but the other girl comes out and talks to her to her surprise while shooing them away with a makeshift spear.
No. 243820
>>243805France as a whole has a stick up its ass. It's cultural.
>>243804It really depends, "normies" often treat me like I'm some kind of retard or like we had absolutely nothing in common, but when I was in university studying
LEA I was surrounded by open-minded students and teachers from all over the planet and they always treated me normally and saw me as I am and not as what they expected from me, not sure I worded it correctly. I've never been fetishized myself because I'm a natural man repellent and I actually give that "loser muslim girl who has a stick up her ass" vibe naturally but I've been told that "beurette" was the most searched word in porn websites. What's the female equivalent of the n word? Because that's basically like if that word were the most searched word on pornhub or whatever.
>>243802>Japan treated me WAAY more kindly than my compatriotes.I'm not surprised if that were the case for you too. But I remembered some white classmates in uni who went to Japan thanks to exchange programs and while they enjoyed their stays they'd sometimes shitpost about suffering from racism because someone called them ginger instead of blond, and I had a teacher who unironically told me that she faced racism there by using the fact that she can't find clothes her size in stores there, completely forgetting the fact that she looks like a tall model and not a Japanese womanlet.
>>243806>watching anything French that's not animationAnon…
No. 243828
File: 1645476131724.png (Spoiler Image,7.31 KB, 216x233, index.png)

>>243805We've always been this way. Despite not having as much christians as Merica, Italy, or even Spain + generally looking down on religions, we're weirdly conservative and only care about ourselves, which is good in a lot of cases but can also be bad.
We don't give a shit; a good exemple of it is when we took in almost as much Nazi scientists after WW2 as the USA (who spent a colossal amount of money in Operation Paperclip) by just telling them that they'll be close to germany + will be free. This lead to the creation of the Ariane rocket, named after the aryan race obv kek
No. 243848
File: 1645476895506.jpeg (59.31 KB, 638x362, C48264B6-F2DF-49E3-9681-23883E…)

Nommu nommu
No. 243855
File: 1645477066184.gif (254.71 KB, 500x249, 692FFEF9-7B19-48F7-8E8D-F40DC5…)

3 girls I've interacted with and did not like have had threads made about them now. I don't have any milk to contribute other than "I found them annoying" but it's still weird/interesting to see people I knew personally being posted here.
No. 243862
>>243838Probably a nation-wide problem of hypocrisy.
I mean this is also a country where manners and politeness is considered highly important yet the people are open assholes and act rude as hell to your face over the slightest "violation" (maybe not even needed). I surmise it's really a result of the Ancient Regime being bloodily removed and hypocritical ideals of a republic being mixed in with the old guard since French people love priding themselves on keeping their traditions, despite ironically liking to show themselves as progressive at the same time.
No. 243863
>>243852It's a forum called 18-25, hosted on, it's a mix of /pol/, /vg/, /r9k/ and /b/ mentality
>>243853I used to browse 15-18 and lurk in 18-25 as a teen, saw it getting red pilled and gamer gate completely turned them unhinged so I left
No. 243866
>>243854>whereas if you're born and raised French you won't get shit on as muchIn theory yes, in practice absolutely fucking not.
>or incorporate foreign loanwords into their lexiconThat was before. Now if you have a corporate office job be prepared to hear anglicisme every 5 seconds, it's annoying, and even nonsensical sometimes. For some reason people love saying "j'ai un call avec un client" instead of "j'appelle un client". That's just one example. Actually for the Ace Attorney fans out there, you know how Klavier
or Konrad in the French translation uses German words in the English script to seem quirky? In the French version he uses English words in his French sentences but it's not nearly as quirky because a shit ton of younger people also do that irl and way more than him. So his dialogs ae actually mostly normal now compared to when the game was released in the mid-2000s.
No. 243874
>>243863>gamergate and redpillsounds like another instance of the US hegemony infecting other countries
this is why anything short of non-latin script based internet communities are so fucking boring. i feel like everyone just rehashes US nuances and politics over and over againalso i feel like french incel moids have to be particularly ugly since from what i seen fashionable french guys can look hot af (or maybe that's a small minority and most men are ugly as shit like everywhere else)
No. 243881
File: 1645477782782.jpg (Spoiler Image,508.73 KB, 1080x1876, IMG_20220221_103048.jpg)

Saw this in the last thread and wtf
>slay yassification tee hee
No. 243884
>>243866>Now if you have a corporate office job be prepared to hear anglicisme every 5 secondsInteresting to hear how it's changed. Makes me wonder if anglicism in French are still less common than in Germanic languages, since I feel like they're insanely omnipresent in Dutch at least. It's gotten to the point where a majority of uni classes are taught entirely in English despite only having Dutch speakers in attendance.
I also feel like English loan words in French are often made to sound more french, or not used in the same way they're used in English. For example 'parking', 'people', etc. What are your thoughts on that?
No. 243895
>>243870the soren threads were good. hate to be like this but her disturbing self insert pedo fanfics are a bit
triggering if you're sensitive to that kind of stuff but she was such a nutcase.
ngl i wonder sometimes is soren was born years earlier if she would have just been a deviantart kingdom hearts fujo who was kind of greasy but ultimately harmless. the romanticization of drug abuse, pedophilia, trannyshit, and munchie DID feels very modern internet to me. idk how to explain really.
No. 243905
File: 1645478547668.jpeg (217.79 KB, 828x505, 72EF6BDB-0361-4DB9-810A-7C34D7…)

Imagine being this thin skinned
No. 243910
>>243895*years later and she wouldn't have killed herself. she was #notliketheothertroons, remember. if she had embraced the bullshit fakeboiism she would've ended up on tiktok with all the other ftms dancing with her sam, sora, danny, and winnie the pooh alters to idk city girls. in the cp warehouse system.
she wasn't a fujo either. she was just a lesbian troon.
No. 243918
File: 1645478956267.jpeg (112.62 KB, 720x540, 2DBE241D-86AE-4429-8BCD-5C64F6…)

>>243487I had turnip cake for the first time the other day and it was really good.
No. 243921
>>243917>instantly starts screeching about moidsDidn't you learn your lesson
Didn't you see how everyone is saying posters like you are shitting up the threads
Some anon even posted you a vocaroo to prove she's a woman
No. 243928
>>243919speaking of this, we should play sometime
No. 243930
>>243928I’d be down
There’s another group game but i can’t remember the name… you start with a prompt and go in order to draw parts of a story ?
No. 243942
File: 1645479588627.jpg (83.69 KB, 754x957, 20220221_153714.jpg)

>tfw so autistic that even your one fujo hating ally is calling you out on it, which you immediately respond to with more infighting No. 243946
File: 1645479716286.jpg (81.81 KB, 825x1180, 20220221_153606.jpg)

>>243940YWNBAW = you will never be a woman
Aiden = fakeboi (wants to be a man)
so… which is it?
No. 243960
>>243951All teenage years wasted without belonging to a proper coven and learning about the occult and its ways to dominate men. Would you open a coven with me?
>>243952Greentext the story.
No. 243962
File: 1645480048120.jpeg (38.17 KB, 300x460, F71586E4-1E5B-4FA0-81A2-37756E…)

>>243956>slightly scroll down>immediate racebaitingNo.
No. 243964
>>243962There's racebait everywhere, there was racebeit even here.
What a idiotic reason.
No. 243966
File: 1645480291915.jpg (169.96 KB, 736x920, 9ea31288d2278b65ca62171ccb0bb5…)

I need to pee all the time
No. 243971
File: 1645480488859.jpg (76.87 KB, 1198x634, 20220221_225234.jpg)

So anons what do you think are these moids or new-fags on meta/ considering they are too retarded to know that it stands for behind the scenes and not kpop, and can't stop themselves from posting about their hate over "gay" kpop.
No. 243978
File: 1645480709321.png (64.84 KB, 401x396, draw.PNG)

Still a little space left. Give me theme ideas for future draw boards. No. 243989
>>243981You just saw a badly drawn profile of a generic glasses guy,
No. 243993
File: 1645481005113.png (1.85 MB, 1099x870, art.PNG)

>>243963Yes, and who also references very disturbing occultic rituals in her performances as well. A lot of celebs, including Lady Caca ( reference her as being one of their main influences. I wonder why. Also, Beyonce was sued by her drummer for putting "hexes" on her and general witchcraft nuttery, and Azealia Banks and her infamous chicken closet is just another symptom of the ills that plague the hollywood industry.
No. 243995
>>243990LEL, this has me giggling
What did you think was going to happen?
No. 243999
>>243992karl Marx: society is shit because people exploit each other for monetary gains and those poor are always exploited by the rich (implying prostitution is evil and a capitalistic construct and should be abolished)
modern communists: wowwww sex work is so wokeeee and cooooolllll let humans be freee. Sex workers in most cases are totally not women exploited by capitalism. They are queeens. Ah, don't mind Romanian anon and her story about sex trafficking rings in Romania and their connection to camming websites. She is an insane
TERF and she just wanted to be a whore.
No. 244002
File: 1645481159190.jpeg (50.47 KB, 600x678, CB5BD1D3-D276-403B-A24F-CDCB5D…)

>>243953>>243958I don't know why but this shit freaks me out so much. I hate the antichrist I hate the antichrist
No. 244007
File: 1645481224401.jpg (56.08 KB, 640x1024, 20220215_190102.jpg)

>>243981Yes, p5 is mid but joker and his lover are cute and kawaii
No. 244019
>>244002Don't let it bother you anon.
>>243990I want to try this so bad, but I hate having any liquid that not like, lotion or water on my skin. This sounds so sticky even though I know it's just oil. Idk if you live somewhere cold, but just be careful you don't fry yourself with the heat or some shit.
>you know those gel socks you put on your feet to give them a peeling?>imma do that to my whole body You're a genius for even thinking this.
No. 244039
File: 1645482108181.jpg (87.17 KB, 865x1152, 20220216_180141.jpg)

and don't act like you're not far too
triggered at this stage to not reply to every single gay shitpost itt kek you can't help but make an ass of yourself by putting your lack of reading comprehension on display and flinging around lame insults that sound like they came from a bot
No. 244041
>>243883Anime boobs in a shitty mobage is all they have in their pathetic lives, it makes sense that they would be this autistically obsessed about it if that's the only thing they talk about 24/7 (especially if they're troons like this guy seems)
>>243982Pretty sure there's at least one fashion thread in this board
No. 244055
File: 1645482534763.jpg (534.61 KB, 1601x1200, 20211213_202401.jpg)

>>244050every "anon" itt is one of my alters except for the one reading this
>>244044beep boo boo bop boo boo bop
No. 244057
>>243684Yes, I would love to read that honestly.
Especially if there would be wlw scenes.
No. 244060
>>244054Well I guess that makes two of us
>>244056Cause he looks like a big pink weiner?
No. 244075
>>243999>modern communists>twitterlmao
There are actual communists nowadays (for example those farmer protestors in India) and they're not screeching on Twitter about trans rights or how cool "sex work" is.
>>244014No, he would acknowledge that it's just a typical phenomenon in capitalism where ideas and movements that are actually radical are appropriated (or "absorbed" into the system) and neutralized so that they pose no threat to the current order.
Also, most of those twitter wokies are from working class families, so Marx would have no reason to hate some cringe depressed zoomers as they're not the ones responsible for the words "communism" and "socialism" losing their original meaning and being associated with liberalism in the public consciousness.
No. 244077
File: 1645483252878.jpeg (231.63 KB, 1125x1999, 89782d63-f3aa-4b16-970a-e0fd80…)

>>244053I mean more like picrel, but that would work even better
No. 244081
>>243985Oh yeah you're right.
I will fuck him (in my mind and possibly in a drawing)
No. 244086
>>243978I'm with
>>244010 let's do a paranormal theme for the next one!!
No. 244093
File: 1645483691608.jpg (125.12 KB, 1080x871, Screenshot_20220221_234646.jpg)

gentle reminder for newfriends
No. 244094
File: 1645483713335.jpg (70.44 KB, 640x627, prr3.jpg)

You don't understand anons how much I miss old internet and life in general.
Before smartphones appeared. There weren't that many kids on the internet. Now there aren't places to spend time on, everything is on social media that I don't use.
Zoomers fuck up every series I enjoy. They can't create any good content, it's all about money and likes. They are just triggered all the time and argue. You can't like anything they hate.
Internet changed after Trump elections.
You can see that cancer even irl sigh.
No. 244110
Gcommit homophobic hate crimes
No. 244121
File: 1645484086710.gif (Spoiler Image,555.34 KB, 229x320, 68f3ea3e2b6a2af2-.gif)

>>244094feelin this recently. doesnt help that my irl friends and I have been nostalgia tripping a lot because of all the dumb articles about how "tiktok zoomies are bringing back le INDIE SLEEZE and we're so here for it!"
I miss talking to college aged girls on neopets and gaiaonline and DA and doing everything I could to not tip them off that I was a dumb 13 year old. Simpler times. Old internet had its issues for sure, grooming was probably the worst since it was very wild west and we had tech illiterate boomer and genX parents but it still felt very innocent to me looking back.
Maybe im being schizo but I feel like Jessi Slaughter was a huge turning point wrt internet culture. It feels like after all that went down the SJW stuff came fast. Idk. Hope someone out there knows what I'm talking about.
No. 244122
File: 1645484118880.jpg (441.76 KB, 724x1023, 20211212_185213.jpg) guys if the words don't show up correctly i will kill myself and stream it
>>244107okay last one
No. 244133
>>244122God I love Akira x Akechi so much
nonnie, please spam this shit in the fujo thread when /m/ gets reopened
No. 244134
>>244122wait nevermind I did fuck it up
and I need more lolcow related words pls
No. 244136
File: 1645484409675.jpg (45.17 KB, 800x800, alcatel-3088x-4g-4gb-single-si…)

>>244125I got myself an Alcatel three years ago and it worked perfectly with 3G. It's not very good quality, I'd suggest you to back up your files each week. Pic related was the model.
No. 244140
>>244112>A lot of you are becoming Twitterfag tier.A lot of them
are Twitterfags who literally came from Twitter for the drama boards but would never admit it
No. 244147
File: 1645484637271.jpg (7.08 KB, 480x360, what then.jpg)

>>244143What if I told you I hate faggots
No. 244158
File: 1645484815724.jpeg (74.14 KB, 472x600, original.jpeg)

>>244136Unfortunately there isn't any service providers in my area that support 3G anymore, I guess they all dropped it as recently as 2020. Ugh I just want my pink razr back.
No. 244161
File: 1645484832576.jpg (78.66 KB, 796x1200, Eb9l8EvWkAEt2Wp.jpg)

No. 244162
File: 1645484852988.gif (695.65 KB, 220x220, gato-koolemic.gif)

You guys have been arguing about fujos and gay people ALL FUCKING DAY
No. 244166
File: 1645484873829.jpg (19.09 KB, 296x520, Akechi-P2-Costume.jpg)

>>244141canon gei tatsujun was cute too, and big brain fatlus gave both akeshu fanservice and tatsujun fanservice at the same time with goro's jun p2 dlc outfit
No. 244167
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No. 244175
File: 1645485022718.png (147.94 KB, 646x531, 1631424958031.png)

No. 244178
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>>244168maybe she likes her gei canon
No. 244182
File: 1645485068959.jpg (136.3 KB, 1079x1104, bastekissies.jpg)

>>244173What pairings do you want to see,
No. 244193
>>244127>most modern communists are always rich and privilegeI assume you're talking about the famous communist theorists/philosophers, who are by far
not "most" modern communists, I already gave you an example of a large group of communists who aren't rich, plus many poor people in third world countries are sympathetic to leftism (actual leftism, not fake woke liberal shit). Also being "rich" isn't the same as not being working class or proletariat; to be capitalist class you have to own the means of production and to be working class you have to sell you labor power to them. And not only that, but being part of the bourgeoisie, being moderately rich or doing rich people shit doesn't stop you from supporting communism: Marx owned stocks and Engels' family owned a factory.
>I don't think Marx would agree with the severe misinterpretation of his ideologyOf course he wouldn't, I never said that. I said that he would've expected it since that has always happened (fake socialist movements that aren't actually dangerous to capitalism are always pushed by the capitalists to control the working class) and that he wouldn't blame it on working class teenagers on Twitter.
No. 244201
File: 1645485281111.jpg (171.67 KB, 2048x1625, 20220201_225333.jpg)

>>244181well why don't you empty out your based and pinkpilled yuri booba squirt loli ahegao folder to prove you're a real wuhluhwuh, anon? we'll all belive you
No. 244212
File: 1645485365410.jpg (78.05 KB, 1200x675, jpg.jpg)

I love women. I love female anime characters even when written by moids and in cliché. I love femininity in all its forms even when it is more masculine femininity or the childish kawaii type. I love women. I love looking at women.
No. 244217
File: 1645485419412.jpg (57.06 KB, 500x405, animesher.com_boy-x-boy-kiss-b…)

Kissy kissy smoochie smoochie
No. 244225
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>>244212Based and pinkpilled.
No. 244226
File: 1645485537611.jpg (407.36 KB, 900x700,…)

Engage more.
No. 244228
I'm cool with lesbians they have been really nice to me irl unlike gay moids, the fake lesbians/polilez types tho…yeah, i hate them a lot
>>244218at least you're honest
No. 244230
File: 1645485558860.jpg (169.86 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BZGYyZDlhY2YtMmYwNC00YjM3LW…)

>>244219femininity is not a sexist stereotype and men literally want to be us that's why they obesess over us. They want to have the same grace and beauty and perfection, that is why they troon out
No. 244231
File: 1645485565221.jpg (913.96 KB, 2506x2287, 20211227_111116.jpg)

>>244202>reeeee all fujos are brainded coomers>REEEEEEE THE LACK OF RAPE PORN MEANS YOU'RE WORSHIPPING FAGSdamned if ya do damned if ya dont
you cant trick me into posting shit I'd have to spoiler. I WANT ALL OF YOU TO LOOK AT IT.
No. 244236
File: 1645485619664.jpeg (90.07 KB, 639x654, FGV90uaXwAE9Rhk.jpeg)

I don't get what's happening right now, what is being accomplished? Why are you all trying to make each other miserable?
No. 244238
File: 1645485637125.jpeg (365.77 KB, 1000x2500, 7A173813-D887-4735-9FED-1D7BB5…)

>>244212>I love female anime characters even when written by moids and in cliché.i disagree, but women are amazing, yes
No. 244239
>>244236It's a moid.
>>244238Finally someone normal lmfao
No. 244242
File: 1645485684559.jpg (318.28 KB, 584x807, kljrlkgjlkerjglerlkj (1).jpg)

>>244211>Picrel: basic white moid shilled as attractive despite looking hideousWhite guys age like milk and only shit on Asian boy idols due to their own insecurities
No. 244244
File: 1645485696906.jpeg (99.82 KB, 710x704, F1173414-7A82-4B8E-AE5C-FEE3E1…)

gay men are disgusting, post cute girls
No. 244248
File: 1645485711677.jpeg (144.57 KB, 1080x1381, 1644620524806.jpeg)

>If you don't worship the ground gay men walk on (btw all men suck) you're a moid!
>If you don't like gay cartoon rape porn you're a moid!
>If you disagree with me.. uh fuck you you're a moid!
No. 244254
Its kinda unfair this retard can post her shitty yaoi folder without getting banned while more inoffensive shitposts get permabanned
>>244241same, feels good
No. 244260
File: 1645485879370.jpeg (78.22 KB, 750x534, 4799A0E1-0A3C-4773-8E81-7C08F1…)

It’s like they just googled “yaoi” and saved the first results lmao
No. 244266
File: 1645485928547.jpg (26.94 KB, 130x200, rubette-la-lette-1.jpg)

No. 244267
File: 1645485935086.jpg (192.53 KB, 797x1127, 20210911_092104.jpg)

>>244244yuri's for scrotes, suck on mah tampoooooooooon
No. 244270
File: 1645485948196.jpg (49.98 KB, 540x756, 0a935af5ef8383b82039b29790e355…)

>>244251Stop whiteknighting for white guys, if you hate men you have nothing to gain from arguing if asian guys are more attractive or not kek
No. 244278
File: 1645486040362.png (90.88 KB, 200x275, 98005 (1).png)

No. 244279
File: 1645486070174.jpg (282.04 KB, 510x722,…)

>>244276I only started the yaoi spam today, schizochan. There's another anon involved in the yaoi spamming as well.
File: 1645486128717.jpg (137.14 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg)

Thanks fujofaggotchan, please I am once again asking for gay rape
No. 244287
File: 1645486136939.png (378.61 KB, 476x550, Jackson-Wang.png)

>>244275damn straight anon, even if white moids got all the plastic surgery and photoshop the asian idols get they still would never look this good because they're fundamentally flawed
No. 244294
File: 1645486210276.jpg (311.48 KB, 960x540, Joshua_Moon.jpg)

>If you consider yourself a lesbian while obsessively looking at men drawn in 2D you are literally as cringy as any Twitter fag retarded zoomer with mental illness and cognitive dissonance. If you consider yourself a lesbian while drooling at the mouth at naked gay men you are literally like someone with pronouns in their bio. You suffer from mental retardation and are in denial about your own desires and identity. I am sorry for you, hopefully one day you can be filled with something else but hatred and learn how to form normal human relationships
No. 244295
File: 1645486212786.jpg (218.49 KB, 1908x1146, F4fc36a.jpg)

>>244287oh yeah? explain this
No. 244299
File: 1645486229644.webm (2 MB, 368x480, 1495489740883255301.webm)
everyone stop infighting and watch these tortoises eat a leaf instead
No. 244300
File: 1645486253270.jpg (56.12 KB, 360x600, url(2).jpg)

>>244265So you want to teach the newfag that if she throws a hard enough tantrum we will all respect her wishes?
No. 244308
File: 1645486330898.png (387.03 KB, 700x766, 24.png)

>>244264this is pure projection. you have sat here all day replying to every. single. gay. shitpost. in the entire thread, shitposts that actually were being made by different anons kek get a fucking life. it's 6pm on a long weekend in my burger sanctuary and even I haven't been in here as much as you, what's your excuse?
No. 244315
File: 1645486402877.gif (30.4 KB, 1417x1417, 342b205dd030cce50c007dfafd4283…)

>>244010>>244086Thanks anons, I've wrote them down. I can't guarantee that it will be the next theme, if I choose the next theme then I'll put the ideas in a wheel and randomize it.
No. 244319
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No. 244320
File: 1645486459067.jpg (798.64 KB, 810x1147, 20220214_093958.jpg)

I'll join you, I want to see pretty and cute women, not ugly homos.
No. 244321
File: 1645486463989.jpeg (109.58 KB, 712x540, 2DE228B0-956A-4B0D-8100-EA8679…)

Okay this thread is officially giving me brain damage i’ll see you retards when all of this race/yaoi/bullshit has stopped
No. 244325
>>244309whats more racist. white women prefer men of their own race and dont care to be bombarded by yellowfever chans trying to prove asian men are attractive?
Said yellowfever chans racially fetishizing asian men because they broke their brains on BL and kpop?
No. 244326
File: 1645486526474.jpg (173.77 KB, 1334x750, 20211230_143536.jpg)

>>244311>yume gamedear god you don't even know shit about where your pics are coming from
No. 244331
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No. 244335
File: 1645486618288.jpg (150.27 KB, 687x1000, e827d3692c126b2e16574513f1e5f8…)

No. 244336
File: 1645486628827.gif (1.89 MB, 640x360, EqualElaborateBelugawhale-mobi…)

>>244323The definition of VIRTUAL insanity
No. 244339
File: 1645486644404.jpg (400.94 KB, 735x1303, 4e0647409c5ae9bce5ec572f51cdf9…)

No. 244340
File: 1645486660021.jpg (992.81 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-02-13-21-34-13…)

I love Kuromi crossovers.
>>244308There are multiple anons calling you out, schizo. And you just admitted to it.
No. 244341
File: 1645486660256.jpg (50.17 KB, 500x650, Rio-Yamashita.jpg)

women are so perfect. So happy to be a beautiful goddess. Seethe more retarded fujofag. Go hate yourself in silence and calculate your 300 calories per day while staring at your husbandos. I hate men. They are visually and mentally unappealing in 3d and 2d form
No. 244343
File: 1645486662440.jpg (257.01 KB, 648x646, 1448499256785.jpg)

>its a fujo vs. yurispammer showdown
No. 244345
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No. 244346
File: 1645486686744.jpg (103.94 KB, 1200x1200, c6dbfec959135962265002a7b479f4…)

the only handsome asian man is Mr.Sangwoo (5'11) i'm sorry anyone else is too small or too busted
No. 244348
File: 1645486721904.jpeg (164.7 KB, 749x609, 80844EB6-0658-4FCD-9B9C-DE5488…)

>>244330Getting to know Grace
No. 244349
File: 1645486722935.jpg (106.4 KB, 735x736, 466b59ba7a838ca766716bca1186da…)

No. 244351
>>244308Yeah seriously, the faggot's been replying to every single fujo shitpost for the past 10 hours yet is accusing others of being schizos kek, and now throwing a tantrum over anons being racist against white guys because they think they're ugly. you couldn't be more transparent, I wonder if he's going to post more based totally XX nagatoro-san manga scans soon to show what a true and honest vagina haver he is
>>244343looks more like fujospammer vs coomer moid spammer to me
No. 244352
File: 1645486745775.jpg (125.45 KB, 500x568, anime-bampw-bl-black-and-white…)

>>244340Like a "call out" means anything on an anonymous imageboard kek. There are two yaoi spammers. I'm the generic one.
No. 244353
File: 1645486767737.jpg (81.77 KB, 600x437, d2355b7d286992921caef32f5dd03f…)

>>244340kek samefaggin' now are we,
No. 244354
>>244325Yeah, it's racist how you think they broke their brains on BL and Kpop just because they find Asian men attractive.
To be clear, i'm not white but most white men age like shit and have very old looking faces at a young age. I think South Korea and Japan tend to have celebrities or famous people who put more effort in appearing attractive to the opposite sex than American or European guys do. It's not yellow fever to be naturally attracted to that.
No. 244358
File: 1645486803416.jpg (72.64 KB, 740x879, photo1374312.jpg)

>>244346wrong, the cop was hot too
>mfw they're both shorter than me No. 244364
File: 1645486875239.jpg (638.05 KB, 1500x1875, 20220122_121711.jpg)

No. 244366
File: 1645486876914.jpg (82.39 KB, 736x1060, 727a0794d859f27365b70402b69b5c…)

No. 244369
File: 1645486905281.jpg (81.45 KB, 735x734, 0d57e6e6669887e77116003f39ae07…)

No. 244370
File: 1645486914724.jpg (26.46 KB, 474x474, d86c1ca2dd5dad64252610f23357b8…)

I'm going to post him here because i don't want any trolls at the attractive men thread, god he's so hot
No. 244373
File: 1645486941929.jpg (101.32 KB, 736x1034, 7f5e8516619e680031441dbe10c6a5…)

No. 244377
File: 1645486958448.jpg (39.56 KB, 564x317, 3fe6f720c18b1199a481d045d7903d…)

Why are women so beautiful, sisters?
No. 244379
>>244354>To be clear, i'm not whitedidn't ask
racial fetishizing is disgusting.
No. 244383
File: 1645487014354.jpg (63.47 KB, 736x1104, 942191e7da50f9c93062ea0da2f1ab…)

No. 244386
File: 1645487048631.jpg (123.65 KB, 1074x2048, 20220110_141644.jpg)

>>244367I am a radical feminist and slavic woman. A ove tetke se mogu nabiti na kurčeve od pedera za kojima sline!
No. 244388
File: 1645487050032.jpg (28.51 KB, 800x533, angry-nun-12810450.jpg)

>>244372he's always watching
No. 244389
File: 1645487062243.jpg (136.8 KB, 1200x1200, S840K9k.jpg)

did you have a DS or PSP growing up?
No. 244390
File: 1645487066208.jpg (140.68 KB, 1024x1024, 103748055_126571365749562_8636…)

No. 244393
File: 1645487086541.png (178.15 KB, 920x1326, png-transparent-love-chunibyo-…)

>>244367I'm not even against faggots. I just think men are fucking repulsive and I might actually be a closeted lesbian. I hate the yaoi stuff especially. I hate men. I dont want to see them.
No. 244397
File: 1645487103856.jpg (79.81 KB, 541x900, ce42827a3340b8d15f38265b6cb858…)

No. 244400
File: 1645487148333.png (880.69 KB, 960x712, pisaaa.png)

exile! exile for bait-takers, bait-creators and moids! exile! exile!
No. 244401
File: 1645487152745.jpg (21.26 KB, 300x400, 1547138254985.jpg)

Romanianon was always right and the white liberal commie retards can seethe, she's based beyond belief
No. 244404
File: 1645487159300.jpg (189.09 KB, 736x1104, d291e7a03416081276d2331683b0bc…)

I love women so much it makes me cry
No. 244407
File: 1645487195596.png (81.52 KB, 567x489, borzoi.png)

No. 244409
File: 1645487204124.jpg (209.69 KB, 735x1191, 410460e3641bc851178435f1e81a71…)

>>244389I had a gameboy honey pie
No. 244415
File: 1645487224319.jpg (178.73 KB, 1214x995, 3.jpg)

>>244389ds, and a GBA. I remember playing the shit out of this one hello kitty party game
No. 244418
File: 1645487243420.jpg (128.44 KB, 736x1441, 71ae3ebc869ba8083785502279d031…)

No. 244424
File: 1645487282576.gif (1.97 MB, 600x251, 1412E634-4B1C-4180-8315-952BCE…)

No. 244428
File: 1645487308918.jpg (130.86 KB, 769x1000, Image (2).jpg)

delichus canon gei
No. 244430
File: 1645487339869.jpg (164.23 KB, 699x1199, 20220107_174626.jpg)

No. 244431
File: 1645487347097.gif (1.05 MB, 377x400, 1635983813490.gif)

No. 244433
File: 1645487359950.jpeg (49.4 KB, 350x473, EAA9BDA4-3B05-4E1F-8039-4D0481…)

No. 244435
File: 1645487369567.jpg (169.03 KB, 478x1018, f466f0371280cf7c4b6cc4fd165a3f…)

No. 244442
File: 1645487433778.jpg (100.67 KB, 690x817, 0d9be741b5b4be614f75690ba91c00…)

No. 244446
File: 1645487453114.jpg (81.74 KB, 564x752, b60d55e6c7a9f70291cca574514260…)

No. 244449
File: 1645487472405.jpg (45.03 KB, 500x660, 908a946ebf665935bd8267dab4422b…)

>>244444Go to crystal cafe
No. 244451
File: 1645487475987.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.65 KB, 1080x821, bruuh.jpg)

No. 244453
File: 1645487485127.jpg (78.75 KB, 720x1030, f2404066fefd1a6687a9fc2d03e63a…)

No. 244458
File: 1645487526982.jpeg (350.34 KB, 1280x1024, F5081726-B90E-420F-BD6E-7F73C5…)

>>244446anthy and utena >>> your favorite pairing that isn’t them
No. 244460
>>244430good taste
best horse
No. 244461
File: 1645487536905.png (290.45 KB, 385x601, 698381bd360029d0499895c5a3e298…)

No. 244462
File: 1645487546941.jpg (73.1 KB, 569x720, fe8e40c219d0b2118061dc16a2e9e8…)

did borzoi anon ever come back?
No. 244465
File: 1645487565580.jpg (659.3 KB, 1252x1772, 20211227_111109.jpg)

you'll grow out of your wuhluhwuh phases soon nonnies, trust
No. 244469
File: 1645487595911.jpg (958.17 KB, 4000x4000, 20211227_073322.jpg)

>>244417Congrats, you are literally insulting the intelligence of us eastern europeans if you think we all talk like that schizo ESL. I grew up in a village and I have no issues with speaking German and English.
No. 244471
File: 1645487603415.jpeg (89.74 KB, 548x639, 1643446081850.jpeg)

>PLEASE sperg out more and act like one of the cows i've been desperately skinwa- i mean laughing at for the past decade! I need my milk to forget about my pathetic life!
No. 244474
File: 1645487621194.jpg (78.97 KB, 1200x800, esper-borzoi-6.jpg)

No. 244475
File: 1645487622353.jpg (175.25 KB, 735x957, e29b3fd26ef9db0540dcfd2d4aba62…)

No. 244477
File: 1645487629661.gif (4.87 MB, 500x747, 89d297c97c04ebda6db16d62556022…)

>>244465You are retarded and gay
No. 244478
File: 1645487639627.gif (27.62 KB, 600x600, 5cb201fb4bd74cb2cb98bdc189c956…)

I snort at least once everyday (mostly from inhaling hard through my mouth. I'm not a mouth breather it just happens sometimes.) and I wonder if it has something to do with my throat or something.
No. 244483
File: 1645487698289.jpg (211.38 KB, 2560x1920, horsekek.jpg)

>>244466horses are the best anon
No. 244489
File: 1645487759255.jpg (92.67 KB, 736x915, c2a87dbecabf4f8b8fedd1d23f2958…)

No. 244491
File: 1645487792292.jpeg (9.05 KB, 246x205, images.jpeg)

No. 244493
>>244212>>244247The author drew a femdom bdsm rape manga with a female lead that's reminiscent of her because he has a fetish for that kind of woman. Dunno if that ruins it for you or not, but I felt like I had to say it
>>244277scrote shit drawn by a scrote and for scrotes tbh
No. 244496
File: 1645487833615.jpg (78.46 KB, 736x736, 8d2503e82f5e7a942ba05d5ca97b87…)

No. 244498
File: 1645487852552.gif (1.83 MB, 275x155, 1645409375109.gif)

Interdasting gif I've posted don't you think nonnies?
No. 244501
File: 1645487892320.jpg (111.63 KB, 600x1026, e5b640727454ac581bc08fe264a209…)

No. 244502
but no, I mean Something Awful goons and ED tards which is what the lolcow culture is based off of (which is why this site will forever have moid raiding btw)
No. 244508
File: 1645487950050.jpg (116.76 KB, 770x1110, 7472684-HSC00001-7.jpg)

No. 244510
>>244465>posts ugly yaoi art to “fight against homophobia” on an image board >tells gay women they’ll “grow out of it” So you think only gay men are brave and
valid and stunning? neck yourself faggot lover
No. 244515
File: 1645488006015.jpg (86.05 KB, 1190x1600, ec8339da1f558e16fe8eab3c013b8c…)

>>244469I can speak English just fine and you are unaware of how many posts I have made on here since I have been posting for 6 years. I have posts that go unnoticeable. I regret interacting with anons from here first hand because I am very free spirited and this place is a chess poll so I made some people angry at me for speaking out my mind on issues.
No. 244516
>>244506Why put incest in female anime? Fucking weirdos.
Sisters that want fuck their brothers is not normal anons.
No. 244517
File: 1645488009917.jpg (71.19 KB, 750x422, utenaleadart2_0.jpg)

No. 244519
File: 1645488036086.jpg (196.41 KB, 720x1080, 287cabfaaafb01431a61272ff08940…)

No. 244523
File: 1645488102520.gif (716.63 KB, 480x363, 4bc7e2130d71e2986698ff069d033e…)

You heard it here first ladies, we're not allowed to like or watch anything with something WEIRD or BAD in it, only allowed to watch paint dry (depending on the color, as some colors are kind of offensive and moid-y)
No. 244524
File: 1645488123330.jpg (75.05 KB, 735x736, 2fd7d2a67118d7cb812cdf5a50ddd3…)

No. 244525
fartsalright I'm out, later asswipes
>>244510thems 2 different people, compadre
all irl gays can get aids and die in my eyes
No. 244528
File: 1645488163634.gif (Spoiler Image,5.6 MB, 203x203, 3dgifmaker80078.gif)

No. 244534
File: 1645488191746.jpg (82.69 KB, 400x360, OQW2fGY.jpg)

I love how everything I say or observe is then proved by reality countless of times just to support my theory. Hate to always be right.
No. 244535
File: 1645488194752.jpeg (5.07 MB, 2942x4032, F01D7C43-BE35-4092-B3C6-33114F…)

>>244509calling me a scrote for liking yuri won’t change the facts that: 1) i’m a woman 2) utena gave anthy the courage and true love she needed to escape her
abusive brother 3) utena and anthy are in love and will meet each other again in the real world
No. 244536
File: 1645488200150.jpg (343.09 KB, 615x880, 20211005_184544.jpg)

>>244465I hope you'll grow out of being a cuck with internalized misogyny!
No. 244538
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No. 244540
File: 1645488217457.jpg (20.07 KB, 300x260, Fanart.jpg)

>>244495Yeah I noticed kek
No. 244543
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No. 244547
File: 1645488299938.jpg (236.55 KB, 1280x960, iH2g1dU.jpg)

>>244535utena died at the end of the anime.
No. 244551
>>244522Did she? I can't remeber her screaming or something like that, even worse, she seems to like it.
Don't even start with that blond bitch. She wanted to fuck her brother to the end.
No. 244552
File: 1645488370761.jpg (64.49 KB, 736x1070, 0c93dc1e9f0a6e0fa90a7a80f14ac3…)

No. 244560
Even Utena, anime for women have a fucking incest. Gross.
No. 244562
File: 1645488480066.jpg (62.84 KB, 500x491, 20220211_212237.jpg)

>>244548Oh no, I wasn't aware women aren't allowed to swear either.
No. 244564
File: 1645488535711.jpg (74.99 KB, 735x935, 2d1e2e758e51b9e7249b04258de3ac…)

No. 244566
>>244559literally that's just your headcanon.
>>244561she died. it's more impactful if she dies at the end imo
No. 244571
File: 1645488590467.jpg (29.19 KB, 256x398, ab1546e4e02a072fe7bccd2650b47a…)

No. 244574
File: 1645488623123.gif (1.9 MB, 600x450, 421c07dea2e41c6256da73b283324a…)

>women liking anime
>women who like pictures of cute, fashionable girls
>women who like japanese media
>women who watch problematique content
No. 244576
File: 1645488677650.jpg (80.17 KB, 500x563, S1PexUs.jpg)

>>244558yaoi and canon homos in anime is gross. BL is good when it's not canon and i can ship two characters that are borderline homoerotic
No. 244577
File: 1645488681622.jpg (49.08 KB, 360x450, Shoujo.Kakumei.Utena.86824.jpg)

hi anons, i really like utena.
No. 244580
File: 1645488727320.png (1.07 MB, 960x720, 06. Revolutionary Girl Utena […)

>>244577nanami is literally me
No. 244581
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No. 244586
>>244563>i think she had become resigned to itThanks, it's better explanation that I can accept.
But that doesn't change the fact that Utena was the most disappointing anime I've ever watched.
No. 244588
File: 1645488765904.jpg (713.14 KB, 1536x2048, 20220109_095418.jpg)

>>244565Cuckold is a normal english word. If you get off on watching two other people have sexual intercourse, you have a coomer fetish. So that would make you more male here, hmmm
No. 244589
File: 1645488774529.jpg (86.42 KB, 736x927, 07feda4641cfe1a118629a733ef182…)

No. 244594
File: 1645488810140.png (260.8 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mnne0h9d9p1qz4rg…)

>>244580i'm more of a juri myself
No. 244596
File: 1645488840703.jpg (4.83 KB, 259x194, download.jpg)

puts tinfoil hat on is the moid M.O. rn to call women who are calling them out moids? see
>>244548>>244520 No. 244599
File: 1645488854028.jpg (84.79 KB, 736x818, 3ff9ed64d22752667a2baa480b7b57…)

No. 244604
File: 1645488935906.jpg (64.3 KB, 735x731, e9d13d375bfc071910131aba4c5925…)

No. 244605
File: 1645488935001.jpeg (17.33 KB, 342x230, ERLkCXoWoAEDnL9.jpeg)

I keep getting banned from cc for being too based.
No. 244606
File: 1645488949683.gif (23.4 KB, 137x468, MHtofs0.gif)

>>244580>>244577>>244594i like the supporting cast of utena so much more than mary sue utena and reiclone anthy. even wakaba is so much better than those two
No. 244607
File: 1645488951251.jpg (19.15 KB, 400x300, utena17.jpg)

these two were so insane. their relationship still shocks me. it was very realistic imo.
No. 244612
File: 1645489000368.jpg (18.04 KB, 237x244, 1476326870278.jpg)

>>243971It might be the same moid who was sperging about fujos in the last thread trying to claim they are kpop fags for literally no reason, then went to /meta/ begging mods to permaban the fujo image posting and them made the second posts in your pic related because both Boyslove and kpop lives in his head rent free.
No. 244614
File: 1645489032163.jpg (74.8 KB, 736x840, 13b05b2ab5c75c06f7cb8803dc46f6…)

No. 244618
>>244601hmm yeah, something like this:
>>244602 ? that was fast.
No. 244620
File: 1645489071508.jpg (59.12 KB, 735x1037, 97cb5fc15a0aba969c67c9031a388c…)

No. 244626
File: 1645489139303.jpg (91.76 KB, 735x840, 623cb4f17c2c16650fa08ec00d95b7…)

No. 244630
File: 1645489160045.jpg (524.74 KB, 853x1280, Tumblr_l_203170716654891.jpg)

>>244574I love cute anime girls and I also support women's wrongs, forced castration, free my girl Jodie arias
No. 244631
File: 1645489173563.gif (965.67 KB, 500x300, 40a66f0e3b2466fa700624d8d44b62…)

>watches anime once
>oh this girl is pretty
>grows a dick and balls
The fuck?
No. 244638
File: 1645489260600.jpg (35.06 KB, 735x604, 8912baf795c0ee6534e19e1d7208bb…)

No. 244643
File: 1645489330154.jpg (21.16 KB, 492x360, Anime_33101_285869.jpg)

i love this cold-ass sagittarius lesbo. i honestly love all the female characters in utena, even utena. the males can burn in hell where they belong.
No. 244647
File: 1645489345955.jpg (79.99 KB, 736x735, 7d374e0117386b551d9498e905f70e…)

No. 244651
File: 1645489381091.jpg (655.72 KB, 960x2157, tsuwabuki.jpg)

>>244643tsuwabuki is a little king though
No. 244654
>>244645I dunno it's just a random picture
No. 244655
File: 1645489453179.jpg (238.69 KB, 736x1104, a1572fbfe97c7b938e5f83d822e423…)

No. 244657
>>244197I'm jealous
nonnie. Making clay figures seems like such a nice hobby, i wish i could make some alongside you.
No. 244659
File: 1645489525930.jpg (48.83 KB, 735x776, f7702586b794d2bcd78acdfbbe4ae2…)

No. 244661
File: 1645489539368.png (1.14 MB, 1104x2228, 67917063_p0.png)

No. 244663
File: 1645489561117.png (977.73 KB, 1170x774, Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 4.25…)

No. 244675
File: 1645489693180.jpg (38.34 KB, 735x604, 9942774e8b0eaeed1b640b3adfd88f…)

No. 244679
File: 1645489727147.jpg (60.21 KB, 488x650, 8f6dbc0d16d9c54dd791e95f83297f…)

i want to smoke a bowl with them. i could fix their relationship i know i could.
No. 244682
>>244267No it isn't, I'm tired of this being said it's so stupid
Why do fujos hate women who like yuri
No. 244683
File: 1645489785025.jpeg (7.32 MB, 3408x2469, 314dd991f4937a45bfe93e6b370a75…)

>>244636Posting shota. Not even nsfw just cute boys. Mods are all on edge because the moid spam.
No. 244685
File: 1645489799522.jpg (44.64 KB, 542x767, 42fdb421dca033e32ac37400490790…)

No. 244689
File: 1645489845673.jpg (74.71 KB, 736x1227, 64cd36e9ec2565c4c2ffb7aede8332…)

No. 244690
>>244657>>244207i don't know if i'd post it
it's my first clay thing since homestuck horns in 2014. it was maybe $9 for the clay though, and i have a big packet of it. i've heard you can make some kind at home, so maybe that could be accessible. i'm hoping to get okay enough to make little chibis of characters i like when i'm bored.
No. 244692
File: 1645489888560.jpg (79.94 KB, 800x450, cdc.jpg)

Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the shut up.
No. 244693
File: 1645489916722.jpg (54.78 KB, 736x1113, 4619fd57811fd306c7dcbc97a0ab4e…)

No. 244694
itt: scrotes getting mad at anons for liking cute men and wanting them to post yuri
>>244691>>244692Quiet scrotes.
No. 244696
File: 1645489924284.png (1.68 MB, 1239x1753, __arisugawa_juri_and_takatsuki…)

i love juri and shiori so much.
No. 244701
>>244695no they're homophobic remember
>>244697haha pedo
No. 244703
File: 1645489998074.jpg (47.51 KB, 735x873, 86fb4126e113b0ea9b9d38d4431f4f…)

No. 244705
>>244698nta but lmfao/lmao >>>>>> kek/top kek
kek really reminds me of 4chan idc
No. 244707
File: 1645490047423.png (10.73 KB, 328x109, Untitled.png)

No. 244709
File: 1645490057801.jpeg (177.05 KB, 750x1333, FDF21EB1-89A3-404A-AF08-2BCA84…)

Will there be a new rule that any woman who talks about liking women has to post a vocaroo and clit pic in order to prove that they are a woman? because it seems like some anons think women liking women is as impossible as bigfoot or something
No. 244717
File: 1645490126167.jpg (272.27 KB, 942x1312, __arisugawa_juri_and_takatsuki…)

i just want them to be happy.
No. 244719
File: 1645490137162.jpg (81.06 KB, 414x729, ac28b750388fb2195df2c6c859e363…)

Even if no one has appreciated a single picture I've posted it's all been worth it because now I've got a big ass folder of cute art that doubles as outfit inspiration
No. 244721
File: 1645490163084.jpg (83.48 KB, 828x619, Tumblr_l_136622399461110.jpg)

I told you I wanted a great mod, you troll the janitor and fuck the janitor I told you I'd come back here to LOLCOR in my next presence It's snowing like crazy in February We're helpless Not comfortable You're not doing anything You're not doing anything You're not saying nothing You're not saying anything You hurt us you're the worst you're the worst I want to go home, and I want everything to go back to normal, and it triggers my hell world, I still feel like I'm back and there's no nothing yet, please, please, please, please. PLE ASE PLEAFE FIC THTE SIGHT I'M BEGGING YOU NONNY
No. 244723
simple as
No. 244731
>>244719I liked your spam
nonny all the girls you posted were cute and fashionable <3
No. 244733
File: 1645490281092.jpg (88.88 KB, 600x960, tumblr_96427767991eac99c6c827e…)

i could fix them.
No. 244734
File: 1645490285212.gif (352.01 KB, 194x200, BD78110C-BB46-4F0F-B815-73E409…)

This. IDGAF what men like!
No. 244735
File: 1645490285613.jpg (78.21 KB, 408x773, 5ba727a38af32cc954f7a7e3d2d22a…)

I gotta keep it up til the end of the thread
No. 244740
File: 1645490350754.jpg (113.22 KB, 690x635, 957370fd2add2da831485070953e57…)

>>244731Yaaay mission accomplished
No. 244748
File: 1645490432335.webm (1.21 MB, 720x576, you are wat you are.webm)
No. 244753
File: 1645490479728.gif (1.74 MB, 400x300, D28CD647-55CB-4E0A-A679-ACCD08…)

faghags thinking that only straight scrotes dislike gay men is a result of excessive internet usage and pornography consumption
No. 244757
File: 1645490530800.jpg (152.1 KB, 692x716, Tumblr_l_55342862118001.jpg)

I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna babushka-post
No. 244759
File: 1645490535933.jpg (79.36 KB, 481x670, 6cb1a98a8b7127fc8d96a5161cfae7…)

No. 244760
File: 1645490543504.jpg (280.79 KB, 1776x1880, vD7GQh-QLMuomwq9FA4pDvGMH8U6Qz…)

i love juri
No. 244767
File: 1645490613874.jpeg (45.23 KB, 577x531, images (64).jpeg)

No. 244770
>>244683hopefully you're not the retard who was arguing with the pro-pedophilia incel in the pinkpill thread while posting shota
>>244681"cultural Marxism" isn't a thing other than being a Nazi propaganda myth that was recycled by the US to fight communism during the cold war and now re-appropriated by /pol/ schizos
No. 244774
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No. 244782
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No. 244788
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death note for lolcow anons:
●Fujos, but not all of them. The ones keeping it to their thread are ok. The ones that act as if they're part of a cult and post it everywhere and shove it down everyone's throat. This type of Fujo is written down in the death note.
●absolutely any anon that has discovered this place through Twitter
●anorexics and body dysmorphia fags. They project their illness on other people, drag you down with them, are obsessed with looks and their illness comes from a very self centered place.
●any anon that identifies with radfem theory but makes critical comments on women's looks, blames sex trafficking victims or posts in the threads of cows.
No. 244789
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No. 244793
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No. 244798
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>>244788I'm still alive and thanks for posting my husband
No. 244799
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No. 244800
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>>244788light is hot and he did nothing wrong
No. 244801
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i also love shiori, even though she caused juri so much pain. i relate to how insecure she got when faced with the greatness of others. i can't help but feel bad for her. utena is such a good series.
No. 244804
No. 244808
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No. 244816
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>>244806you are not wrong in that she is vindictive. i would not call her evil, though. the real evil was
akio and most of the other males. but mostly akio.
No. 244817
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This thread was comfier earlier today. I feel like all the infighting starts at a certain time.
No. 244819
I love tortoises
No. 244820
>>244814She isn't the best but she's been through a lot. I wish DN elaborated more on Light's view of the
victims of crimes, not just the criminals themselves. Misa was a
victim of a crime and Light killed the man that killed her parents, yet he shows her no sympathy grr
No. 244821
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No. 244826
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twirls in air lesbianly
No. 244828
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Yay I made it
No. 244831
>>244829I still like it a lot too, so much so that I always want
more Death Note.
No. 244834
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No. 244835
>>244587I know it's hard to understand for
victims of male gene retardation, but it's possible to like yaoi, yuri and hetero pairings.
>if you don't like yaoi you have to be a moidkek you keep repeating that like a mantra. Anons call you a moid because you type like an unintegrated 4chan moid, post moid tier images and get so ridiculously angry over anime boys kissing that you're begging on meta to ban it.
No. 244836
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I feel like the more we act up the longer admin is going to keep us waiting to fix the issues. We're actively being put in timeout here
No. 244838
>>244719I've saved a couple of the pics
but they're low quality because you got them from Pinterest repostsBut they're pretty cute yes
No. 244839
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there should be no new thread. this should be theblast /o/ containment thread. let's all go outside after it locks!
No. 244841
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No. 244842
>>243941i agree, i get STRONG
terf vibes from her latest album. these lyrics from purge the poison seem terfy to me too:
>I just want a world where I can see the feminine>We only make up one quarter of the government>Like an angel gone to hell, cast the moon under our spell>Ownin' female power, takin' back what's ours