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No. 248328

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463

No. 248329

Going to repost my post from last thread:

I want to join an app to scope out the local lesbian scene in my area to see how truly hellish it is but I don't really want to put myself on profile until I see what it is really like. How would I be able to see without commiting a full account first? Also what would I do if genderspecials start asking me questions?

No. 248330

people make accounts with no personal info at all all the time. On apps like HER and Tinder at least you can still swipe through profiles without sharing anything about yourself

No. 248357

I'm thinking of giving OLD a go again. What are anons thoughts on hinge as opposed to tinder? I always tried tinder previously because a) more men, statistically more likely to meet a decent one through numbers alone and b) I want a normie and it's the normiest app. But I hear hinge is better for proper relationships, I just worry that it's mostly gonna be desperate ugly guys who can't hack the competition on tinder.

No. 248602

idk what it is, but for where i live hinge has way more attractive men on it..

No. 248610

I didn't find it an upgrade at all. I've looked at guys in my area a couple times and there are still a good amount of men from fucking years back (and I'm not at all in a small city). So much for being the app that gets people off apps. I think OKCupid is probably the most decent out of all of them. At least you can make it filter men who give blatantly terrible/incompatible answers on their questionnaires.

No. 248625

My experience: Haven't used Tinder in a year, but then redownloaded it this weekend when I visited a friend and was curious to know what the men looked like in her city (they weren't cute at all). Now that I'm back home, I thought I might as well take a look since it's been so long. Main issue is that I barely have any pictures of myself anymore so all of the pictures on my profile are from when I was in college (which I graduated almost two years ago). It's not like I'll be catfishing since I doubt I'll end up meeting anyone off this app in person anyway. Also the only men I've found cute so far are the ones who are younger than me which is concerning kek.

No. 248641

for real the only decent looking guys seem to be all the young zoomers. i feel creepy cause im almost 10 years older than them but the men on apps that are like 25+ all look like they hit the fucking wall already

No. 248645

what app has non-normie men (say, introverts but not of the boring marvel sperg type) and weirdos? if they are not dangerous, going for a coffee with them is fun lmfao

No. 248648

Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I don't know if it's because of the wall or if it's because men just decide to lose all sense of personality/style once they enter their mid 20s or if it's a gen Z thing. Zoomer men are probably awful in their own way, but they're more likely to dress nicely/interesting and be less boring on their profile.

I also connected my Spotify just to see what my top artists were, cringed horribly and disconnected my Spotify only to see that my top artists are still showing up on my profile. Fuck this is going to be so horrible and embarrassing.

No. 248708

>Zoomer men and personality
Pick one.

No. 249016

I have to also agree with anon >>248610 about Okcupid. So far the only guys that I've been on date with on dating apps have mainly been on Okcupid with one being from Tinder. I hardly get any matches on Bumble and I kept forgetting to create an account on Hinge.

I also recommend staying far away from Badoo, too many weird randos matches with me and send me messages before I can even see their profiles. I tried it out of curiousity and I regretted it.

No. 249025

No. 249084

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Am I being too picky if I consider these teams a red flag? Never had a good experience with a Raiders/Dodger combo fan

No. 249271

Does anyone else struggle with writing about themselves on apps? Maybe it’s because I’m BPD but I never know what to put in terms of hobbies/interests or how to answer things like the bio questions on Hinge. Sometimes going on apps only makes me feel more blank and empty.

No. 249272

lol where the fuck are you using okcupid that it isn't all weebs and polyshits

No. 249284

yes. if hes from CA its normal to like those teams…

No. 249285

>give the typical short, marvel-loving normie programming nerd a chance
>he messages back quickly at first and is polite
>have one engaged text conversation total before he goes "hehe you must like me a lot" (not particularly, just bored)
>gets cocky and stops responding
>Suddenly tries to get me to come over 2 weeks later

Why are men so retarded.

No. 249287

Not an app, but soc on 4chan. Besides the degenerates that post low-effort contacts for sex, it houses other image board users and it's normally a given that they're on the introverted/non-normie side. Course there's some obvious creeps and legit weirdos on there, but they're usually pretty easy to spot. The archives also help to weed out the undesirables if you search for post history featuring their contact info, files, etc. The main issue is that you won't be able to get a selfie of the guy right off the bat (esp a genuine one), but me personally I prefer building up to that with at least a week of convo. It builds a little bit of trust and makes for a fun reveal.

No. 249289

Oh, and obviously there's ways to make sure you're not being catfished (like video chatting, reverse image searching, etc). Doxxing is another concern, which is why I'm really really picky and thorough with doing background checks on archives and making sure I don't divulge too much personal info too soon.

No. 249310

Had a similar experience a couple years back, short tech loving guy with pics of him next to a marvel statue. I had just moved to a tiny new town and knew nobody here. He mostly just looked non threatening so I gave him a chance. He went from being amazed that a woman actually messaged him to getting so lazy with responses after one day. I was leading the convo and he talked about himself without flipping the questions back on me. He wasn't interesting enough for it to make sense that he talked about himself so much. He made a couple comments that I think were attempts at seeming confident? They didn't land and I noped out. I've spotted him a few times since then irl. Always shopping with his mother. Never with anyone else. Small town boy who has never left home. Why did I even…

Any time I've gone near a guy that ticks those three cursed boxes (short, tech, marvel) they've been the kind to tell you you're their first date in years.. then they make you pay for your coffee separately to theirs and want date number 2 to be at your house. They certainly don't help themselves get out of their dating rut. I've been dealing with low confidence at the times when I attempted to date down… it's never gone well. Might as well aim higher if the 'grateful nerd' stereotype is a myth and most of them are as rude and cocky as anything now.

No. 249318

Are we shilling 4chan as a means of online dating now? I knew there were plenty of desperates on here dating 4chan moids but I didn't think we'd go full on retard mode recommending it.

Ladies don't go there for any contacts, it's full of misogynistic scrotes. Even if he appears to be a ""good"" one on the surface, he's still exposed to women-hate rhetoric on the daily basis. When that happens it's inevitable it's normalized to him in some capacity. As a woman you're only putting yourself in a bad position by contacting moids off /soc/. Don't be retarded and just go on normie dating apps.

No. 249322

my believe in farmers tanked when i realized most of the girls are are vying for the attention of 4chan posters and think they're totally using them or whatever.

No. 249376

>He went from being amazed that a woman actually messaged him to getting so lazy with responses after one day.

Yep, that's my experience to a T. "give short kings a chance" "hes nice who cares if hes a little overweight/weird" leads to the worst type of entitlement and they are the complete douchebag that they claim only "chad" can be. I wonder if they ever regret their little power plays after being fucking rude for no reason and then I just ghost them.

No. 249403

redownloaded an app I used forever ago last night and instantly deleted it
all the men were hideous, I genuinely got angry looking at their ugly selfies and coomer/soy boy/marvelfag bios, 99% of male population is ugly, I'm still upset and would rather die lonely than go on a date with one of them jfc

No. 249626

I feel like I got so lucky with a cute guy I met on Okcupid a few months ago. He's only a few years younger than me and we have been on a few dates so far, I hope he ask me out.
To be honest I do match with a lot of weebs which goes nowhere. The previous date I did get from Okcupid was more like a normal nerd guy who has seen one anime. The guy I mentioned above is an anime fan but he's more of a shy awkward nerd. I rarely ever found poly stuff on my Okcupid.

No. 249667

I met a dude from there once, he was very serious-minded about Christian history and medieval history in general. Then one day he asks if he wants me to hear him sing Disney songs. Never unfriended someone so fast in my life.

No. 249734

Daily reminder that “chad” is a cope incels made up to represent their ideal selves and lifestyle. An nice attractive man is a nice attractive man. Every man has the propensity to be a monster and you won’t know until you check if he’s a monster so don’t judge a book by its cover in any direction.

No. 249763

I met my bf off this and tbf he is not a 4channer at all, just a bored normie who decided to use the site after hearing about it in media during pandemic when people were stuck online and couldn’t go out. Definitely use friend finder threads but you’ll still bump into coomers and mentally ill moids.
I’m very grateful to have him, he is the opposite of a 4ch moid, kind and considerate, respectful, beautiful (he looks like a crossbreed between Clint Eastwood and Timothy Chalamet), polite, dresses well (by my standards, he dresses vintage and posh which looks good to me), and he comes from old money too so he has all sorts of antiques and interesting historical knowledge, also reads poetry, enjoys literature and loves classical music. Very smart boy as well, knows in-depth knowledge about politics, geography, history, philosophy - can have all sorts of deep discussions with him. He’s always learning and feeding his big brain. I think that’s what I love most about him. And he’s incredibly hardworking and disciplined, hardly uses the internet because he’s always keeping busy. I’m a loser in comparison to him lol but my god I love him so much and this has turned into a rant I’m so sorry lol
Also I didn’t get scammed or anything. I live with him now and met his family. I still feel very much an outsider because I didn’t go to prestigious schools or met important political figures. Hoping that they don’t look down on me and think he’s settled, which they probably DO think lol - there had been some dramatics when we first started dating but they’ve accepted me now because I make him incredibly happy

No. 249766

Nona…. is this fucking real I want this to happen to me too

No. 249767

Yes! It's a one in a million chance, I just so happened to be the only person who added his GIANT bio blurb (it was very verbose and deeply detailed, which indicated he wasn't trolling or looking for nudes) in the soc friend finder thread. He seemed nonthreatening and interesting so I thought I'd give it a go. I was very lonely and looking for online friends so I was on a soc adding spree at the time, adding a bunch of randoms who didn't look like they were creepy, but once I added him, I stopped because I didn't feel lonely anymore! He could actually carry a conversation and we wrote very long paragraphs to each other everyday. We also watched movies and tv shows online (he isn't a gamer). We were long distance for 6 months due to covid.

No. 249776

Why are all the women on bumble either obese or worse, Virgos

No. 249777

Lmaooooo virgos are a trip. Idk man, at least the fatties are not catfishhing you.
I once met with a man for a date and he was using a photo more than 5 years old. I didn't even recognize him on the date- told him
I was saving that seat. That was fucking awkward and 20 minutes later i circled back to the fact it was fucked he used the old photos.
He got angry and rude and I walked away.
He proceeded to yell at me across the parking lot and blew up my phone for 4 hours straight until I blocked him (way back, like 10? Years ago?)

No. 249781

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I met my bf through KF and we’re set to get married soon. Granted, I’ve always kinda had a crush on him and would get excited if he liked my posts etc. I was surprised when he dm’d me on discord. Wouldn’t recommend finding anyone on KF though kek.

No. 249788

Aww! That's so cute nonny! Are you nervous for your wedding?

No. 249793

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What r ur usernames?

No. 249795

well. good luck with that.

No. 249796

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No, not really. I always knew we’d get married the moment when I felt he was a safe person. We’ve been together 4 years this July.
Sorry girl I can’t give that info out. We’re not trying to get the most coveted KF achievement lol.

No. 249812

All of these last few posts make me sick.
How would one even form a crush on a forum user? This larp is too weak.

No. 249813

This is retarded. Imagine meeting a man thru a site filled with fags and women hating virgin incels.

No. 249817

>How would one even form a crush on a forum user?
nta but it has happened to multiple times (not on kf). I never contacted any of them though kek

No. 249819

Ironically this kind of makes sense since most people on KF are using a pseudonym and therefore saying whatever they want, unfiltered, so I guess meeting someone on a gossip forum and knowing their politically incorrect side first (as opposed to a performance in person or a dating app) would be decent for vetting kek. Is he even attractive or at least average looking, out of curiosity?

No. 249821

I didn't meet my ex from there but he did lurk and post on there quite a lot. When our relationship was getting rocky he asked for relationship advice there and after he dumped me he doxxed my username on one of those weird sex thread.

No. 249848

I got reminded once again there's a reason why /g/ is dubbed de/g/enerate…

No. 249957

It's weird and hard to explain but I always felt a connection??
No it's real, all of our friends know about where we met except the parents. We're long distance too but have met multiple times. I'm moving there this spring though.

No. 249967

Back to your hellhole fagg/ot/

No. 250025

>he comes from old money too so he has all sorts of antiques and interesting historical knowledge
God fucking damn it so does my family, god damn you anon

No. 250100

Isn't this thread about struggles with finding dates? why are we even talking about stupid bait/not bait stuff others are putting about their relationships.

No. 250424

Why should it be? The OP says to share anything Online Dating, nothing about struggling with it exclusively.

No. 250428

i also have a bf of higher status than me as well. my bf is a normie type of nerd (not a 4channer) and probably never used image boards. i got lucky because i met him irl through a college course. he wanted to date someone smarter than him but he knows a lot of guys who would purposefully try for the opposite. be careful to all my single nonnies out there, apparently guys seeking out dumber women is common bc it's an ego thing but imo it's really worrying if you think about how many women get stuck in abusive situations and are reliant upon a male partner.

No. 250793

I met my ex through there by his friend who is a soc user. My ex was instead a reddit user which is arguably worse imo. However, I rather not go on soc again to find a relationship, especially a serious one.
I am happy with being single, but nonnies I am SUPER jelly! Like how is it possible?? Of course all the guys I would be into are taken, but I am happy you found guys who made you happy! Good wishes!

I rather be single as I feel that most guys cannot catch up to me in conversation, ambitions, goals, etc., and the few guys I like… I get rejected because I get super nervous or eager so it never works out. It does not help that I am picky, but I rather die alone than settle.

No. 250819

Keep that mentality nonny, never settle for anything less than what matches your ideal or goes above your expectations! But it also helps to put yourself out there, even dating apps. They’re exhaustive and what not but there are diamonds in the rough, it’s just a matter of right time, right place so it feels like fate. That’s what happened to me and I’m so happy I never settled and waited for the right one! I don’t believe that “love finds you” - it can’t find you if you are holed up in your room and never reach out and give it that opportunity to find you, so yeah, definitely do whatever you’re comfortable with to help that person find you, whether that be dating apps, in-person events, or the internet

No. 251019

Ayart and I do put myself out there on a whole bunch of apps. And if I have no interest then I am not afraid of telling guys that as well. I also ask them if they are interested in going out again to gauge interest. I am not afraid to voice my wants because it makes me feel more in control and I worry less about if a guy likes me or not. I am not going to waste my own time and attention on a guy with no interest in me.

I am still hopeful in finding love with a kind, and caring man who takes care of himself and respects me with similar interests and values.

No. 251026

when you connect your spotify to tinder, does it show your all time top artists or most played recently? and does it update as you listen more? i used to listen to some pretty embarrassing stuff so i wanna know

No. 254208

I went on a dating app for the first time since connecting with someone back in December last year, mainly to just check out the people there. The first decent match I get the guy talks about how great having a fwb is. I hate how guys around my age (early mid 20s) are mainly just interested in fwb.

Is having a fuck friend better than having a relationship?

No. 254216

i know a lot of women who inadvertently traumatised themselves trying to do casual hookups or no strings attached sex. i don't think it's realistic.

No. 254218

I wonder if now that I'm in my 30s could I realistically handle hook up culture. The guy would have to meet certain credentials imo I might as well put that energy into finding a stable man.

No. 254285

>Is having a fuck friend better than having a relationship?
why? so the guy can still use you as an emotional dumpster without actually having to give anything back? >>254216 is right, fwb are so stressfull for women, don't bother.

No. 254322

I know now that I'm in my 30s I have no time for that sort of bullshit

No. 254568

I prefer OKC for the ability to be more descriptive with prompts, but the more decent men are on Hinge. Bumble is filled with himbos. I've been wanting to find an app for women, but everything is just oversaturated with men, even Her. Most of the likes I get are from degenerate troons.

No. 254614

I'm in my mid 20s and I also have no time for that either. so many of my friends either are getting married or had partners for 5+ years
yeah definitely can't do that, it's too emotionally draining especially if someone ends up getting feelings or feel like they are supposed to be exclusive with the fwb

No. 254696

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What kind of pics do you like best on dating apps? I want to set up an account but I have no good pics of myself recently. I never really take selfies and I don't have any interesting pics of me doing anything except like graduation pictures from like 2019… I would like to show myself actually doing things in my photos instead of just selfies bc I feel like that would attract people who would be interested in what I was doing rather than just looks if that makes sense
I could unironically have fishing photos like scrotes since I do that kek

No. 255904

ot but he has a big, smelly looking head like my bf as a teenager. yick

No. 256661

Have any bi women or lesbians tried Lex?

No. 256672

It's kind of pointless because there are no pictures. also, the colors are painfully bright.

No. 256678

Yea, ended up finding the same women like on all the other apps lol

No. 256684

Men literally swipe right on everything. It's okay if your photos aren't professional grade or even human.

No. 256704

I tried the FWB because I too thought maybe I should try it as most men don’t seem to want anything serious and let me tell you, unless I’m just extremely unlucky, it’s a scam of giving men what they want with very little in return and they will treat you like shit for it and feel 0 guilt as their excuse is they didn’t lead you on. After the deed is done they will distance themselves and be less friendly, and because of conveyor belt of women on dating apps men are spoiled for choice you become a pump and dump and there is no reason to really do it again with you on to the next. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were just honest and used the term “one night stand”, friends with benefits is so misleading as they usually cut the friendship off as soon as things get intimate.

I’m a little bitter because I feel regardless of what path you choose - looking for friendship, relationships, fwb, the end result is going to be the same dealing with cumbrain moids.

No. 256987

That's it I'm putting it in my dating profile that anyone even considering growing a mullet or moustache should not go out with me. Hands down ugliest male trend. I'm so mad that it's getting even more popular. Otherwise attractive men are turning themselves into ugly sewer rats with their disgusting mullets and pedo staches.

No. 257148

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I'm going to stealth some subliminal cows into my dating profile somehow. If i ever meet any of you nonnies in the wild use the word 'anonitas' and then we'll both know we're farmers

No. 257213

Fuck, I'd love to accidentally start talking to another farmer. Not sure how many bongs there are here though or what our preferred apps are.

No. 257230

men match with me and on the rare chance they do message me, it is with a simple “hello/hi/good morning” etc. i message basically the same thing back but with a little more personality, yet still matching their energy. i am trying to be as pleasant as possible yet they don’t even message me back after that, what am i doing wrong? are men on tinder just not real?
i’m looking for someone to date seriously and start a relationship with but i can’t even get anyone to message me further than the first message. :/

No. 257257

Aw anon, you're not doing anything wrong. Tinder is just shit and shit begets shit men, unfortunately. Other than that, what I think what's happening here is that they swiped right on a bunch of other women and decided they were more "interesting, which really just means that they were sexual from the get go (easier to get laid). Tinder is not a great app to look for serious relationships, sadly. Hinge sucks ass but it's slightly better than Tinder.

No. 257375

thank you for affirming my belief that nothing is wrong with me :)
i do admit that my profile probably makes me look a little intellectually intimidating to men just looking for girls dtf. which i guess i am fine missing out on them since i don’t even engage in casual sex. i’ll try hinge in my area and hope i have some better luck!(:))

No. 258093

Maybe some of us might have a better chance at dating apps that are more niche? I tried bumble and tinder but I had no luck developing feelings for any one I had dates with. I installed one of those MBTI dating and friend apps about 8 months ago and I was just thinking I would use it to shit post and troll people, but I ended up meeting my bf of 7 months there.

Only issue with niche dating apps is that if you live in a smaller town your chances of finding someone who lives in the same city as you or nearby quite low.

No. 258472

Yes, and it's mostly a "queer" app, so you’ll mostly just find genderhairs, and the fact it doesn't require photos makes me wary (although most of the profiles I looked at do have a selfie). I live in a conservative area and the posts at the nearby city has kinky polycule nonbinaries posting ads. Ironically, I think I found one of my former classmates on there, and she was posting ads basically begging for "a monogamous cis lesbian", and it made me feel bad for her because this sure as hell isn't the place to find one. And she wasn't all that cute, so I didn't bother messaging.

No. 258932

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>sign up to lex
>it's all picrel

I hate Hinge and Bumble though so where do I go from here?

No. 258935

God she's so boring, I'd rather go on a date with a dude who has fishing pictures than this kind of person.

No. 258944

I found someone on there who called herself "radfem" and "traditional", but she was a pro-troon transhumanist xenofeminist who expects butches to act like men and I was so fucking disappointed. Like that's actual catfishing, I really felt duped.

No. 259017


literally cannot use Lex for this reason. everyone is either a male or a 37 year old woman calling herself a “genderqueer kiddo”

No. 259044


oh god

No. 259231

All the typical advice is bullshit imo. All I want to see are solo shots with different angles and lighting. "Hobby" pics are stupid, and so are group pics. Mirror selfies are fine. I swipe left on any profile that looks too "slick".
I also swipe left at any hint of negativity. It's a turnoff whether or not it's applicable.

No. 259279

made an account for the exclusive purposes of troonspotting and shitposting and already i have seen at least three straight men. what a joke

No. 260086

lex has a cool concept but it is tenderqueer/tumblr bait

No. 260438

Well nonnies, I managed to meet a non weird man on one of the most degenerate dating apps out there. Feeld is the dating app for kinky people and I made an account in moderate desperation browsing for softer (more submissive) men who looked masculine. A diamond in the rough sure, but sometimes I browse out of curiosity. Last time I checked it out it was full of fedora-wearing or spiritual or generally degenerate men but the profiles were good for a laugh.

Though I ended up chatting to this relatively normie guy who was told about this app through a friend and we went on a pretty good date tonight. He's very offline, a little older. I spoke fairly openly about sex given the context of how we met and he seems just… normal? Which I really like, it exceeded my expectations of the particular type I was looking for.
Surely there's something wrong with him, but given I'm not looking for anything too serious at the moment he seems like a nice person to chill out with, fuck relentlessly, listen to music and chat over wine. It's early to say obviously, but it's overall nice to feel respected and treated well on a first date, on top of them being interesting and hearing you out, let alone from an app like Feeld.

No. 260454

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Also I've compiled just some random profiles from the app to show you all what a true range of men (I have it set to women too but they're all the same type of alt poly coloured hair overweight women you'd expect) but here, enjoy

No. 260501

Have a question: Should you ask people if they have any fetishes off the bat? Seems like a really forward question, but I'd rather know if someone is into disgusting shit before I sink time into them. Would they keep the weird stuff a secret for a while first or enthusiastically share it because they finally get to talk about it? I don't care if it's pretty tame I just don't want to discover my partner has a burping feeding baby dragon diaper fetish months into seeing them kek

No. 260505

I'm certain I have met my soulmate off OKC, which is way too fucking weird how it all came to be. I didn't even believe in the concept of soulmates until he found me and I really didn't think I would find him online.
The key is really to put majority of your long term interests down, even a little of the controversial ones you have. Do not try to market yourself for outgoings or overly friendly, it's boring and you're basically just putting on a facade. They're gonna like you for your genuine self.
The sensation you feel of slowly realizing you have found The One is so unreal. I hope other anons can experience this, it's really special.

No. 260512

it's not weird to have a "what are you into" conversation and you can use that to segue into fetishes specifically. i'd personally just go ahead and get the hard nos out of the way instead of trying to pull it out of them, though.

No. 260815

Online dating has never worked out for me. I seem to only attract ugly gamer guys and now that I hide my geeky side on OLD I don’t really get matches but I also live in a small town which doesn’t help either. I’m giving up on OLD. Some people find their soulmates unfortunately I’m not one of them :/

No. 260840

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Disgusting. The first thing my profile says is no single fathers.

No. 260905

He's almost bragging about trying to get laid instead of taking care of his kids.

No. 260908

Never trust single fathers, not even the ones who just have one kid and have full custody. They're still scrotes, they're not caring, they are probably neglecting the kid and dumping it at his mother's house.

No. 261069

I tend to ask after the first few dates like when you're having a conversation about sex and turn ons/turn offs

No. 261071

Yeah I don't believe it for a second that he doesn't have no baby mama drama. like why would he be looking for another women when he already had 4 kids with 4 different women

No. 261180

His profile also said he got kicked out of Knott’s Scary Farm.
Wish I had asked him why but I was so disgusted about the 4 baby mommas I blocked him immediately.

Bet he thought he was a cool tough guy and assaulted a performer.

No. 261300

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Maybe we need a dating apps cringe thread

No. 261318

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No. 261320

i really want to see what this guy looks like tbh

No. 261338

Unfortunately it's a screenshot I took a while ago and only just found again but I have to assume he looked like some unremarkable form of soy wojak

No. 261423

All this proves is that men are racist and generally ugly

No. 261581

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Seggsy time

No. 261582

Imagine creating and ruining 4 different households. Men get off so easy.

No. 261589

>denied a thirsty ho which makes me totally superior
>but also i would totally BE a thirsty ho bcuz it's so much easier for them to get rich

No. 261590

This is the dating app cringe thread.
>The good, the bad, the ugly.
99% of scrotes on OLD are bottom of the barrel, so most things here are "ugly."

No. 261591

This just screams one of those men who has a weird obsession with the scenario of them rejecting women, what a red flag

No. 261606

maybe i'm retarded but i can't figure out what the numbers are supposed to mean. what does the % stand for? also kek at the 'insufficient data' for asian women rating asian men.

No. 262527

How often should you update your pictures? What if you don't have any interesting new pictures, because you haven't done much interesting stuff recently?

No. 262533

you're supposed to update them? god damn i'm retarded when it comes to this stuff

No. 262534

well I assume you can't use too old pictures from years ago, because we all change and age. I guess you should also update them after massive weight loss or weight gain. But I don't know what the "rules" are of this exactly.

No. 262539

How do you know you're ready to date? I really want a relationship and even kids some day but after my last failed relationship with a gaslighter, I just never seem to be ready to date again. I always download Tinder and OkCupid just to not feel attracted to anyone and delete the app after a week. I feel fucking hopeless. I'm 27 btw.

No. 263146

Maybe once every few months to a year, it depends on how much of an impression you're trying to make.

A guy who I met on Okcupid, as well as matched with me on tinder too, uses photos from back when he was a university student with all his friends, he's currently 27. In his dating app profile he looked like a tipsy mess and was clean shaven. I went on a date with him last year and he looks quite different than his profile. He has a beard, mustache and he gained a bit of weight but he looks kinda better than his profile.

No. 263955

Misogynists are everywhere men are. Do you really think tindr and bars are misogynist-free lol?

NTA but this is correct nonnie! Unfiltered talking let's you really know who someone is.
I get frustrated with empty profiles and the performance acts people do in person.
It's better to get as much information as soon as possible.
Especially because you can talk for someone for months or years without them ever opening up too.

No. 264402

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How retarded and delusional should i get before i go and try bumble premium just for travel mode to find my overseas crush. Also kinda wanna try ldr lol

No. 264403

Nonny, don't pay for premium.. You can download apps that let you spoof your location for free

No. 264412

Even if you are ready to date I think it’s normal to immediately stop feeling that way when you see the scum on OLD. Just meet people normally through interest groups, events, hobbies. The biggest thing I can say regarding the issue with trust is to do the inner work with yourself to acknowledge the red flags you missed in your last relationship so you have the confidence and awareness to drop someone new who starts displaying them. Can’t get stuck in a bad situation again if you don’t let it progress to that point. It might sound a little autistic but I find it helpful to take small notes on people/journal sometimes. After a date note the things you did, how you felt. Anything they did that made you feel “off,” weird or contradicted what they said earlier? Move on, you have the evidence staring you in the face. Healthy people will not set off those alarm bells. Sometimes you might still feel nervous due to your history but you will be able to see there was no conflict between their words and actions if they’re a decent person.

No. 264484

Should i just use a VPN for this?

No. 264960

ldrs suck balls anon, don't even bother. they don't last 99 percent of the time.

No. 264996

Being early 30s what age should I range for?
I just wanna grab a drink, flirt and maybe kiss. Is 27 too young?

No. 265019

I think 27 is fine. Anyone over 25 is okay for up to early 30s.

No. 265286

I am also early 30s, my range was 27 to 36. The few men that I had dates with that were 27 or 28 ended up being too immature and felt like we had nothing in common for my taste though. I don't know if it's because there's such a big difference mentally with people that were born after and before 1994.

No. 265453

>match with guy
>asks me if I can make pancakes
>thinking it's some setup, make my answer related to one of his images
>says I should start practicing making a perfect pancake
>repeats it
>posts a bunch of crylaughing emojis
>ignore him
>get notification he sent something a few hours later but he unmatched me by the time I noticed
…what the hell? Is this the new hot misogynistic meme I'm not getting?

No. 265465

moids are extremely stupid and will say nonsensical and retarded things for no reason, then drop it/pretend they didn't say it to avoid embarrassment, even if it means blocking you. A moid saw my blood pressure once and claimed it was high when it was actually very low (99/60), I corrected him and told him it was low and he blocked me kek

No. 265809

guys do you filter your pictures? I'm a self admitted ugly woman, with a wide face, big pores, big nose, bad skin with discoloration and I'm fat. I don't want to even POSE because I want men to know what they are getting into. Like if they are attracted to me, then I want them to know how I look in real life.
What sites are best for women like me? I've asked for a site for Ugly women to find dates but so far all I've gotten was Reddit and… I want to meet people in my area. I hate taking pictures, I'm very shy and weird.
Thank you Nonnies if anyone responds.

No. 265812

Kek. I'm the one of those who replied and I thought you were joking. Ok so, don't use filters buut do a light makeup look and always take pictures using flattering lightening. Maybe do your hair and get a cute outfit, take some pictures outside with a friend or something.
Most people won't notice your skin issues so don't worry about that, just present yourself the way youll look on the date.

No. 265821

and this is weird, but How can I get on a dating site that will make it hard for just anyone to go on my profile? I have a fear of my family finding out i'm on a dating site. I don't want to post pictures but at the same time, I know I won't get any attention unless I do. Whats the best sites to limit in a way WHO can view my profile/pictures?

No. 265873

How do I make it explicitly clear that I do not want messages from couples looking for third wheels if I set up my profile seeking women? I haven't seen what the scene is yet in my area but I already know the horror stories and I'm honestly dreading seeing them pop up… Should I just insult their bf/husband if they are on their profile kek

No. 265875

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I thought Lex was a dating app

No. 266304

Decided to go on a date with a guy from h*nge after talking to him for about two weeks. I noticed that he deleted the app 3 days prior to us meeting which was a bit suspicious. But he looked really cute on his photos and generally had good vibes from his texts. He came to visit me from another city and we planned to have drinks somewhere. We decided to meet up in the evening at the train station.The guy eventually arrived 30 minutes too late while I was waiting outside. He arrives finally and while I recognised him, he looked absolutely nothing like his pictures. He had horrible acne, was a lot skinnier and looked much older. I was genuinely grossed out by the way he looked and was too stunned to speak for a moment. I also noticed an obnoxiously large hickey on his neck which distracted me most of the date as well. During the walk to the restaurant I was a bit overwhelmed figuring out that I just got catfished but I decided to pull through since I felt too awkward to leave.

He eventually talked mostly about a lot of niche and autistic topics surrounding politics and globalisation. I decided to not drink any alcohol since I felt very uncomfortable in his presence but he was very adamant about me having a drink and I eventually gave in just to get him to fuck off. After 3 hours of aspergian torture I decided to cut him off and just tell him that it was time to go. During our walk back to the station he decided to ask me how he thought our date went. I was too uncomfortable to admit that it was the most painful experience I had in my life so far, especially since he was about 6’4 and we were walking alone at night with no one around. I decide to tell him that I thought it went ‘fairly well’. He then proceeded to get noticeably upset and asked me to tell him what I meant by ‘fairly’. I was a bit taken aback as he kept on sperging about how ‘fairly’ just meant that I was trying to sugarcoat how bad I thought it went. I argued with him for a little while but figured it wouldn’t be worth it and we had arrived at the station anyways. I told him goodbye and during my busride blocked him immediately.

No. 266779

I downloaded Hinge recently just for fun. I didn’t know they had that feature that recommends ‘compatible’ people with you, but I got my first recommendation today. I thought he was fine and we had some similar interests (rare for me to find on a dating app) so I matched him answering one of his prompts and he messaged me shortly after. I saw half and hour later he also liked my friend’s Hinge profile and left her a pretty lengthy comment (like a paragraph basically). Is this a red flag or am I overly paranoid? I just wonder if he is this involved with every girl’s profile and if that means he’s really desperate (and thus creepy). also said he really liked My Bloody Valentine so

No. 266789

That sounds a bit silly to me anon. Of course if he’s on a dating app he is going to be matching with and messaging other women, that’s the whole point. It would be a red flag if he sent your friend some gross low effort pickup line or bombarded her with messages, but writing a paragraph (that is presumably related to her interests) doesn’t sound desperate to me.

No. 266820

kek anon it's a dating app, you're not married. On a dating app you can't put all your eggs into one basket before you've even met once.

No. 266825

Everytime I see these threads I feel quite satisfied because I met my boyfriend on t*nder and it was literally love at first sight. We both had super basic profiles and decided to just meet up the day after chatting. It was an actual dream date and I feel like I have found my soulmate. He feels the same way and it is just absolute bliss.

No. 266826


No. 266827

No. 266869

Also, him matching with your friend doesn’t mean he matches with every girl. It’s really probable that if you are his type, other women in your social circle would be too.

No. 266872

I'm very disconnected from the lesbian community, but my biggest fear is accidentally matching with multiple who know each other and getting a reputation as a fuckboy/girl? even though I've done jackshit for +4 years.

No. 266874

probably because of "t*nder", there is literally no point in censoring words on lolcow anyway.

No. 266878

Censoring haram words that way like, may Allah forgive me for saying this, twtter, predates twtterfags doing it

No. 266879

and it's still unfunny and pointless to do on lolcow

No. 266884

No. 266977

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I tried tinder for the first time that app is so messy. Why are they so upfront about their bdsm kinks

No. 266979

Hope this is the right place to ask, but who would you anons personally be open to dating out of the following? Personally I'd be open to any of them under the right circumstances except MTFs and conservatives, but that's probably because I'm lonely and my standards are low.


>Conservative/republican/right wing
>Woke (not extreme)
>Bi moid
>"nonbinary" woman

No. 266983

Totally fine with vegans as long as they don't try to convert me (I'd like to go vegetarian but no further).

Not sure what woke entails so I'm a little suspicious of that one. If you mean they're politically left-leaning but not a psycho about it, that's not a deal-breaker.

Would heavily consider dating an FTM or bi male if I really thought we could be happy together.

The rest are unappealing.

No. 266992

If I had to chose then conservative. Everything else is a cow.

No. 266993

Hard no

>Conservative/republican/right wing

Depends on how hard they lean into politics, I have some family that lean republican that are alright, but I'm not listening to Fox news or political podcast all day

>Woke (not extreme)

Again it depends on how much they lean into it, I'm not listening to how every little thing is 'problematic'


Possibly if they weren't crazy or tried to convert me, I also own animals that eat other animals so idk if that could work

>Bi moid

No moids


I don't want to deal with gender bullshit…

>"nonbinary" woman

I could possibly see this one working, if they were chill about it and not overly sensitive about gendie issues. I've know some nb people who are cool with being called whatever, they just see themselves as neutral I guess

No. 266999

The vegan. Everything else I'd have to be about to be homeless levels of desperation to date.

No. 267001

Woke (since it's not extreme) and I can handle vegan since I'm vegetarian. I've experienced attraction towards nonbinary women before, but I don't think I could actually ever be in a relationship with one.

No. 267017

If they're not too annoying, sure
>Conservative/republican/right wing
Nope, I matched with one before, she immediately started being misogynistic about the other women on the app. I can handle weird pronouns, I can handle some trans stuff, but I can't handle old school misogyny and calling other women harlots and making violent sexual jokes about women. Another one wanted to become a cop and I can't stand for that. That's also just a hotbed of misogyny and making fun of rape victims.
I'm vegan, so would actually be a plus in my eyes.
Yeah that's fine
I don't like dick
>Bi moid
I don't like dick
>"nonbinary" woman
Yeah fine

No. 267084

Vegan and bi

No. 267291

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Not the worst bio but imagine wanting to date a guy who has a lot of female friends he got to know on tinder. And somehow the way he says he likes loyal curvy cute women and under that he talks about dogs is dehumanising to me.
Every single Slovakian guy I've met or interacted with has been full of neuroticism and red flags, what the hell happens during their upbringing, is it that traumatic? Kek

No. 267293

This profile is such a good example of ok-at-first-glance but then you see all of these subtle red flags

No. 267294

Hard no. I don't wanna get syphilis no thank you. And the drama.
>Conservative/republican/right wing
No. They're insufferable and I wanna work and not be a housemaid who has many children.
>Woke (not extreme)
Yes if not extreme. I could peak them anyway.
Yes. No problem.
Harn no. Fetishists.
>Bi moid
I used to date one, I guess it would depend on how gay he'd act or how out he'd been. If he would only have faint attraction and wasn't likely to cheat, okay. If he dated men before, no because he'd probably cheat. Gays are easy.
>"nonbinary" woman
Probably. Again I think I could peak her.

No. 267297

He is comparing women to dogs, no wonder is ex tried to kill him kek

No. 267303

I'd have to be about to be homeless levels of desperate to date any of these but the vegan. Vegans can be OK.

No. 267311

the london business school being the biggest one

No. 267479

I wrote this days ago but don’t seem to have posted it, weird.
>Woke (not extreme)
Realistically only this one, it’s also a dealbreaker. For the rest of them (00:55—00:58 vidrel).

No. 268994

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I've been playing "spot the personality disorder".

I find that in my experience "sarcasm" really means "disrespect".

No. 268997

Ewww this is so gross. statements starting with “you have to” are red flag central

No. 269016

Nta but what’s wrong with London Buissiness school?

No. 269018

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Found another one.

No. 269021

this one is a reference to the office though, he is not psycho just really normie kek

No. 269029

So normie to quote the office is also a red flag imo. Either they don't have a personality or they're pretending not to have one.

No. 269038

Take your meds

No. 269039

being a business major that's what's wrong

No. 269232

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>watch netflix with me and touch my butt and buy my pizza

No. 269233

God it's so obvious most people on this website are over 30

No. 269234

Most people are minors actually

No. 269235

Sadly no, there are way too many obnxious underage twitter users around too.

No. 269238

It's either 30+ or 15, no in between

No. 269240

That's because it's summer and minors from tiktok or twitter came here.

No. 269340

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I checked the HER app and all my new likes are from AGP's. I literally have the terf signal "vagitarian". Fuck off please.

No. 269645

Gonna meet someone off an app tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but my life is so stagnant so I thought I'd try to meet new people as a way to shake it up. The last date I went on was last summer, so I guess it's been long enough that I can try again. If he ends up being a spergy loser I'll at least have a nice story to tell you nonas.

No. 269647

good luck anon, be safe and make sure you share your location with one of your friends just in case

No. 269649

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What does this mean

No. 269653

He says he'll treat you like he's absolutely desperate and as if you're the first woman ever to show him any kind of attention, but he totally has options brvh

No. 269684

Somehow my brain completely skipped the tiny "dating me is like" part and I thought I'm having an aneurysm trying to decipher the meaning

No. 269768

This happens every time
>match with interesting woman
>oh she has some really cool hobbies
>ask her what she does/what she wants to do
>"Oh I'm training to be in the police/army/navy"
No, I can't do it. I get they get into it with good intentions, but I know what the environment is like, it's literally serving and protecting patriarchy. The ones who get into it with good intentions either have to join in with the misogyny or don't last. I also don't want to get literally policed in a relationship.

No. 269892

Update: it actually went pretty well! We had a lot to talk about and I think it was honestly the best date I've ever been on. Not that we did anything spectacular but I really felt like we had a lot of similar opinions on things and similar interests which is really rare for me to find. He messaged me after the date and gave me his number and I haven't had time to reply yet. I'm not really sure where to go from here since this is the first time I've actually liked someone I've been on a date with. I guess I don't want to be super forward with him since it was only the first date but I also don't want him to think I'm not interested in him. I hate thinking about this kind of stuff because I'm such a turbovirgin about everything and it's kind of embarrassing at my age…

No. 269902

What the fuck? Polica are literally protecting vulnerable groups. I wouldn't feel safe going out if police officers weren't around.

No. 269910

>police protecting vulnerable groups
They could do fuckall for me when I was abused by my father. They also take a gender neutral approach and go "both sides" in DV disputes. They also accuse gay couples of provocation for walking hand-in-hand when they get bashed. They also have chat groups where they swap CP and bestiality porn. Any of their colleagues who complain about it, end up getting fired. There was a documentary recently about how everyone makes dark rape jokes about victims and the female cops are pressured to go along with it and happily do so. They're the ultimate NLOGs. Women are discouraged from reporting rapes, victim blamed, if a woman defends herself she's the one who is going to get arrested not the man, some women get raped and murdered by cops. It's a very tribalistic environment not unlike the military and I've noticed that female cops tend to cover up for their male counterparts and I don't want to fucking deal with that shit. I wouldn't want a cop in my life constantly watching me, it's about as retarded as dating a glowie and with my job I could actually be in opposition to the police at times, so that would cause conflict in the relationship for sure due to aforementioned tribalistic shit. No not because I want to represent violent men, but because I don't agree with evicting old ladies, bullying rape victims and generally supporting the patriarchal state apparatus. They enforce the shitty laws I critique and hate. I don't feel safe around them at all.

No. 269922

Aren't the male ones also showing way higher rates of DV than other occupational groups?

No. 269928

Yup. I just can't date someone someone who has comradery with such scrotes. I can't unsee that documentary. Women or anyone really who tries to improve shit or is critical gets fired. So if they fit in, it's a bad sign. Peak NLOGism/handmaidenry.

No. 270360

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Polyfags are always so hostile. And ugly.

No. 270686

Just found out today that my friend who's from the UK is in an ldr with someone from the US. He's planning on flying over to see her in a few months, have no clue how long they known each other. All I can do is wish him luck.

The last friend I knew who had a ldr relationship never even got to see the person after 5 years of dating. And he was pretty broke, just like my other friend.

No. 270705

Fuck no
>Conservative/republican/right wing
>Woke (not extreme)
>Bi moid
>"nonbinary" woman
No, I'm not calling anyone a "they"
I would feel retarded talking to people about "them"
40% of them

No. 270708

>Conservative/republican/right wing
>Woke (not extreme)
if he's gc and not annoying maybe otherwise no
ugh preferably not but if i reaaaally liked him sure
no, i'm straight
ew no
>Bi moid
depends how bi. like if he's effeminate or has ever taken it up the ass no
>"nonbinary" woman
no, i'm straight

No. 270713

hard no
>Conservative/republican/right wing
hard no
>Woke (not extreme)
depends on what you mean by "extreme" and also what cause they're particularly woke about
if not too preachy I could go for one
only if not on T, still has breasts (excluding mastectomies for actual medical reasons) and not too deep into gender shit
hard no
>Bi moid
in theory ok, if not actually sexy, in real life usually tranny chasers and/or anal freaks and/or otherwise gigacoomers so I'd lean towards no, but only a soft no
>"nonbinary" woman
same as FTM, they're basically the same except nonbonereees are less likely to actually go through the mutilation, also obviously much less likely to be the "male brained tru transsexual type" and can probably more easily be peaked with solid arguments that debunk TRA logic

No. 270714

fuck no and this easily the worst option. if i'm not the one special person to someone and vice-versa, what's the point. they're also literally never not obnoxious no matter how much they might insist otherwise.
>conservative/right wing
the furthest i'd go in that direction is someone with some edgy/anti-woke views. full on conservative, no.
this is very vague and could mean a lot of things. pronouns in the bio sex posi trans friendly Male Feminist? fuck no. a guy who just maybe sort of cringily talks about punching billionaires and whatnot? sure.
sure, easily the best option here
no. nobody transitioning looks attractive/don't care for gender bullshit.
no. nobody transitioning looks attractive/don't care for gender bullshit.
>bi moid
probably not. recently talked to one on tinder and could only see him as a gay man. they also tend to be extra annoying about muh erasure and evul straight women who don't want to fuck them + want open relationships to ~explore~
>"nonbinary" woman
no, i'm straight + tend to get annoyed by these types even platonically

No. 270744

I'm bi and
absolutely not
>Conservative/republican/right wing
fox news conservative no but generally it depends
>Woke (not extreme)
also depends
sure, if they were okay with me having eggs/dairy around them
>Bi moid
I have dated a bi moid, but it wasn't something we really discussed a lot, I wouldn't date a man who constantly told me about his gay fantasies though
>"nonbinary" woman

No. 270753

Maybe but leaning towards no
>Conservative/republican/right wing
Depends how right wing
Whoever says no, why?
Im a lesbian
If they pass and have all the surgeries, then maybe
>Bi moid
Again, lesbian
>"nonbinary" woman
Sure, I accidentally had a crush on one so

No. 270754

Depends how “woke”

No. 270761

mtfs who date women are straight men with sissy/lesbian/transformation fetishes

No. 270799

>If they pass and have all the surgeries, then maybe
You don't know what neovaginas are like, do you?

No. 270803

i can't tell if i'm such a sperglord that i ruin every conversation or if it's just fucking impossible to get people on these apps to actually talk/give anything more than a few words reply that drives the conversation into a dead end

No. 270808

>Why say no to Vegan
Maybe I'm unlucky but every vegan I've met has food issues and a superiority/purity complex. And having a drastically different diet from a partner means one of us has to drastically compromise most of the time or we eat seperate meals.

No. 270815

>Whoever says no, why?
If it's for health/weight loss then fine. But anyone mentioning it in their dating profile is doing it because it's a big part of their identity. Which usually means they are doing it for idealogical reasons, which I don't agree with. I don't need to hear about how pigs are smarter than dogs and cows feel pain. Idgaf cheese and chicken tastes good and I'll keep eating it as long as I live, farm animals be damned.

No. 270863

I started speaking to a man from app who seems very promising, but I am absolutely terrified that he’ll troon out. It’s on my mind nonstop whenever I look at apps. How many of these men have “egg memes” saved, or might suddenly decide he likes to make dresses go so spinny? I once dated a moid who skinwalked me after we broke up, so I’m incredibly wary and concerned that any man who writes to me is only writing to be because he wants to live vicariously through me at best and wear my skin and pretend to be me at worst. Any other nonnies share this fear? How does it affect who you speak to?

No. 270906

That's pretty neurotic. Just don't date fags. And maybe see a therapist.

No. 270938

Am I the only one who thinks bi moid is easily the best option here? I lean more towards women myself but all the other options are either likely difficult or people you can't be fully honest with

No. 270952

Ex wanted to be and I am not accepting that shit.
>Conservative/republican/right wing
I cannot handle dealing with the amount of misogyny they will spout and even think of. Absolutely no.
>Woke (not extreme)
If they are not extreme that is fine, as long as they respect my views.
I am massive carnivore so it will not work out…
No, I want a man who is born male.
Never. I am sorry for my bi and lesbian nonnies who have to put up with this shit.
>Bi moid
Ex wanted to be a selfish bi and have it both ways with men and women, I am not putting up with this anymore in men.
>"nonbinary" women
No because I like men. As for nonbinary men, I feel as if they more insufferable (and less attractive) than enby women.

Nonny, I dated a bi moid. Literally asked me if he can have sex with men to fulfill his desire and make him feel sexually complete and that because I was saving myself sexually for the right time. It was never enough to be with me, I knew it, and foolishly accepted it at the time. I will respect their sexuality, but I am not taking that risk again as I am afraid the next bi man I date wants to be a selfish bi and will make me feel inferior for being a woman who cannot fully fulfill their desire for a man.
All the options are difficult, but I think it is good to put to perspective what you and others find more difficult or dealable.

No. 271047

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I keep Lex on my phone for posts like this

No. 271048

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Another from someone else

No. 271051

my long-term Nigel is bi, only mentioned it as it came up in conversation a while after I met him. as long as a man doesnt make it a part of his lifestyle or personality I dont give a shit - chances are the fact someone is saying it at all to women on dating apps is a red flag. Highly doubt it would be out of "oh I just dont want you to dislike me for it" bullshit that they usually pull. I would vote for avoid the bi moids but not because they are bi, the fact hes telling you means hell probably want to shag other men eventually. If he doesnt make a deal out of it and just tells you later on because its just another thing to know about him, I wouldnt see any issue with that. Some men are monogamous by nature, none of them are going to advertise that they like other partners if they arent thinking along those lines

No. 271062

Fuck no, petri dish
>Conservative/republican/right wing
No to conservative and right wing, can't talk on the republican thing since I'm not American and managed to avoid learning the meaning of that word ever since the first elections I witnessed back in 2012 and I refuse to break that streak.
>Woke (not extreme)
Depends on what kind of woke.
Sure. I'm unintentionally eating mostly vegan anyways, I wouldn't mind a last push or anything like that to actually pull through with it.
Not applicable, but no out of principle.
>Bi moid
I guess as long as he doesn't want me to stick anything up his ass
>"nonbinary" woman
Not applicable

No. 271067

My bf is bi but tbh bi men are all just degenerate coomers, bf included. It's best to avoid them.
He is also "polyamorous" of course.

No. 271071

why are you still with him then

No. 271077

my bf says he's "bicurious" but he's really just into trannies. i know, red flag, but i doubt he would actually fuck one. i think it's just a fantasy

No. 271081

I'm unattractive and autistic and finally found someone I'm attracted to, get along with, who reciprocates my feelings. Not gonna let one flaw ruin it. Most moids are degenerate coomers anyway.

No. 271116

Dating apps make me want to move because most of the men are ugly were I live. There's a very real fatigue of swiping left on an endless carousel of shit

No. 271129

I know a man like this who loves MTFs but swears he's straight. I'm bi myself so watching that kind of denial is funny and a little sad.

No. 271150

I've been dabbling back in dating apps again and I hate it. I don't even want a relationship, I'm moreso looking for a friends with benefits situation. But every scrote just seems to fuck off once they've gotten what they want from me. It feels like I can't have any sexual agency, men will always hold power here. I chat to each one on the first date and clearly describe I'm just after an ongoing casual thing, someone who wants to have fun but isn't looking for anything serious. Also that I don't like one night stands. I know it's stupid of me to expect that they'd see me after sleeping with me, but I also don't understand what goes through a moids head when an attractive, sexually veracious woman is essentially presenting them with the opportunity of consistent, no strings attached sex. Why would you turn that down? Why would you stop texting a woman who has told you she thinks you're hot and wants to sleep with you on occasion?
I've been ghosted twice now, after two seemingly ok dates. I slept with them both because I'm fucking horny and just want to have fun with someone, but then feel gross days after when they just completely go silent on me. I realise this is partially my fault, but it's not even that I'm all invested in them? It's the fact that I want consistency without emotional commitment because a relationship doesn't interest me right now. I just want sex, and my vibrator just doesn't compare to the touch of a human. One night stands are terrible given you don't know each other's bodies yet, wouldn't these stupid scrotes want to sleep with a woman more than once? Boggles my mind that even just finding a regular lay is so hard in this day and age.

Years ago this never happened to me, I could meet someone and engage in a casual, ongoing relationship so easily. Things would peter out eventually, but we'd at least see each other every so often, connect sexually, have a bit of fun and stopped hanging out for other reasons. I swear the dating scope has completely shifted in a mere 10 years, and scrotes are only getting worse.

No. 271161

>"why do men fuck off once they got what they wanted from me"
>i want a casual nsa thing but i don't do ons
you cannot possibly be this retarded

No. 271172

NTA but I know of more people who did "friends with benefits" thing than "one night stand" types so it's not THAT retarded to expect; maybe not on dating apps though, idk.
Also it's bound to get messy eventually at some point

No. 271222

No. 271230

>>264996 how brainwashed are you to be afraid of younger, more attractive men? That’s a grown ass male that probably has a stable job and mortgage payments by now. You don’t need to be a miserable slave to a geriatric viagra addict, you know? It’s not like you’re going to beat and abuse a man that’s in his physical peak, you couldn’t even if you tried. The “dating younger is creepy” rule is for scrotes that have built-in rape organs, not you. Grow up

No. 271334

I refuse to date a man older than 30. They just look like shit by then

No. 271335

Anyone else swearing off dating apps? After a few bad experiences + a relationship from a dating app, I can't bring myself to use them anymore. I lose the will to live swiping through all the pathetic males.

It's meeting normally irl from now on, idc if that means I'll be single for a long time or forever.

No. 271364

I haven't used them for about 3 years since having some awful experiences. My friends still use them and some have long term bfs from them but I'd rather be single forever than have to return to them

No. 271368

>Conservative/republican/right wing
>Woke (not extreme)
Depends, I've fixed handmaidens before.
Yes, most lesbians in my city are vegan or vegetarian anyway.
Soft no. Some just wanna do pronouns and don't dabble in the rest, but they're rare.
I'm a lesbian so no, never.
>Bi moid
See above.
>"nonbinary" woman
Maybe, if it looks like I can fix her. She'd have to be really beautiful or interesting for me to bother though.

>"Oh I'm training to be in the police/army/navy"
Hard no. Fuck cops and soldiers.

No. 271372

Straight woman, so this applies to moids



>Conservative/republican/right wing

Maybe, as long as not extreme or hateful of people

>Woke (not extreme)



Absolutely not, somehow all my exes have been vegan/vegetarian and they all tried to convert me. I just want to eat my meals in peace without someone giving me a dirty look, trying to make me feel guilty, or asking me to watch Dominion with them. They always struggle to find food and try to make me eat their shitty tofu chicken when we go out instead of the real thing. Then they dump me when I don't convert even though they say they're fine with it. Yes I'm mad. In males veganism is pathetic too.





>Bi moid


>"nonbinary" woman


No. 271390

>Why would you stop texting a woman who has told you she thinks you're hot and wants to sleep with you on occasion?
I'm convinced men are mentally crippled and the thrill of fucking a new chick overshadows any logical thinking they might entertain. Which they won't anyway, they're men and having a high bodycount is a huge flex for them. I'm sorry you had bad experiences.

Nice retarded opinion you have there. Seriously though, what's retarded about not wanting a serious long term relationship but still craving intimacy and sex? One would prefer a trusted partner for that sort of deal, not some rando, right?

No. 271422

>what's retarded about expecting to find a consistent intimate relationship without it being serious or involving any emotional entanglement
underage pls go. it's retards like you that end up writing thinkpieces about how casual dating/hookup culture made them feel used and treated like shit by men. something no one could see coming.

No. 271423

>conservative/right wing
>not hateful of people
pick one and only one, vegan ptsd sperg

No. 271428

Drama, STD risk since there's almost always at least one bi manwhore in these equations, hard no
>Conservative/republican/right wing and Woke (not extreme)
Depends on how open they are to discussing and actually explaining how they arrive at their beliefs and if their beliefs allow them to have a baseline of respect towards me and how I conduct my life. I never fully recovered from my euphoric fedora tipper days and enjoy casually debating people too much. I can fix him/her yada yada
Sure if it's for non-ideological reasons. I think the vast majority of animals produced for food are unethically treated, but I think there exist ethical ways to care for animals that ultimately end up as food and I feel like a lot of vegans don't agree with that (otherwise they would eat animal products in which the animals were ethically treated). If the person is dedicated enough to commit to a vegan diet, then I think they believe strongly enough about animal welfare that they might resent my views over time. Also, eating out instantly becomes a pain in the ass with vegans.
I've peaked too hard and can't imagine myself entertaining their mental illness unless they were non-op (not just pre-op) and a personal 10/10. Only for a one night stand or a short-term fwb thing though. I'm too autistic to keep the charade up for long.
>Bi moid
Despite being bi myself, I don't fucking trust bi moids to be monogamous when they say they will be. I'm sure there's good ones around, but I've been burned too many times to entertain the possibility anymore.
>"nonbinary" woman
If she was otherwise really great, then I would maybe try my hand at fixing her.

I feel bad for agreeing with this since I understand wanting the type of situation the original anon wants, but what was she expecting? Especially if she's as hot as she says she is, then not only did those moids get to empty their balls but their egos probably got inflated enough to continue trying their luck with other women

No. 271468



No theyre always an ugly looking couple. Don't want to get into whatever issue they got going
>Conservative/republican/right wing
>Woke (not extreme)
Maybe. But I'll be constantly annoyed by them. I don't see a longterm future with these
Sure. Just as long as they don't try to change my lifestyle. I love eating chicken and beef
Maybe. I want the normal ones not the aidens.
>Bi moid
>"nonbinary" woman
Yes. I've been that nonbinary woman so I can safely say that these women will grow out of that phase and just be that lesbian/bisexual woman who's GNC

No. 271521

The kind of thing anon describes is bound to lead to some complicated emotions eventually. And if it somehow doesn't lead to emotions, don't be surprised that the man is treating you like trash. Men barely care about the women they claim to love, let alone the women they have nsa sex with. I'm not saying it's right or good but you gotta get fucking real.

No. 271585

I get what you're trying to say but you're missing the point. Op isn't crying and having her heart broken by these men, she's perplexed that they don't have basic human decency to part ways properly instead of going silent. Read the post, she said it herself she didn't have problems getting exactly what she wanted in the past and no one was emotionally hurt in the end. It bothers me you're trying to paint her as some young bimbo who 'had it coming'.
>I swear the dating scope has completely shifted in a mere 10 years, and scrotes are only getting worse.
Her own conclusion and I fucking agree.

No. 271694

Original OP and thank you for understanding my perspective. I agree that I don't think it's much to expect an arrangement that's casual while still being fun/respectful.

kek, I figured I'd get this sort of response. It might be hard to understand for you, but some women do want regular intimacy but may not be interested in dating. What else am I supposed to do? Fall to celibacy? And I don't want to go through a string of one night stands with average moids who play the numbers game. Hookup culture is a disease and I don't want to be a part of it. I'm not here to fuck men for validation, I want to get off for me. It's a frustrating situation to be in, but one I'm stuck with nonetheless.

>Especially if she's as hot as she says she is
Lol. I only mentioned that because I know I'm not ugly. I'm slim, I look after myself, I dress well, decent facial structure, etc. You're right though, it's infuriating knowing I've inflated a man's ego because IIIII wanted to get off, that's probably the part that pisses me off the most. I feel like that's inevitable in this sort of quest, like I can't escape the thought of men just using me for a quick pump and dump when I'M the one looking for sexual satisfaction. For the first time in my life I feel comfortable in my sexuality, my body and my overall self and I want to be able to explore that casually with someone I trust but doesn't expect things to eventuate anywhere. Moids, however, are all retarded and the other anon is right in that for many of them it's just a numbers game, quantity over quality, etc.

No. 271720

No, life sucks enough without jealousy
>Conservative/republican/right wing
Potentially, but our conservaties are a bit different from american style republicans.
>Woke (not extreme)
I would
No, life sucks enough without having to hear about the ethics of my burger
No, I'm straight
No, life sucks enough without needing to pretend a bloke can be a woman. Also they look ugly.
>Bi moid
Potentially, but the few bi dudes I've talked to considered their sexual attraction a free card for cheating, as long as it was with a man (while dating women)
>"nonbinary" woman (or man)
No, life sucks enough without living with someone self-hating

No. 271826

Why not find a friend to have a fwb rather than dating apps with randos? Even though I'm looking for a long term relationship I had so many guy friends wanting a fwb with me. I even met a friend of a friend on a dating app and he wrote a paragraph to me on why a fwb is better than a relationships (which really put me off going on dating apps again)

No. 271850

I have a couple prospects for that but they don't seem all that viable. Mostly because I don't feel any chemistry with either of them and one has gotten fat lol.

>I even met a friend of a friend on a dating app and he wrote a paragraph to me on why a fwb is better than a relationships

This is so funny and it would turn me off apps for good.

No. 271941

Where do you find normal masculine guys to date when you live in a super liberal area? I like kind of artistic/intellectual types but every guy like that ends up being nonbinary, polyamorous, or hyper woke pussy. I feel like I should just give up trying to meet anyone sometimes.

No. 272373

Pro athletes should be avoided by default, correct? Or does it depend?

No. 272374

Cyclists are okay, as long as they don't dope or talk favorably of it. In fact don't date ANY athlete that endorses doping. Full-contact sports athletes should be avoided too.

No. 272393

males with any fame should be avoided

No. 272400

>Full-contact sports athletes should be avoided too.
In my limited experience martial artists are some of the sanest moids I've met. But MMA bros/boxers are always abusive and scrotey. Maybe all that head trauma loosens their brains.

No. 272456

I’m not on dating apps but I’ve got a question. Is there a benefit to dating men who are your equal or above or is that just bullshit to instill patriarchal values? Nowadays so many women date down not only in terms of looks but also in education/salary these days. I’ve only dated “down” and every time I swear the guy is like trying to pull me down with him. I refuse to do it anymore.
Are relationships with attractive, smart accomplished men any better or? And how do I go about dating one? Ik these men are sparse, should I get on dating apps? I remember the consensus last time I used one was guys telling me “you’re so genuinely nice it’s shocking” like they were feeling bad for me thinking the apps are for dating because apparently all men on there just use them for hookups. Also I’ve never been on an OLD date I usually just delete the apps before solid plans happen.

No. 272475

I have a date on Thursday with a guy I've been talking to for over a week. I really like him. I've met other guys off the app so I know the routine but I really want to make a good impression and I intentionally don't put up posed or flattering photos and we've sent a few snaps of each other but again me not dressed up or posed intentionally so I think I'm better looking in person. I'm not even contemplating I won't like him because I think he's out of my league and he's very family orientated and my family is very broken and embarrassing.

No. 272488

Anon fuck that, don't tell yourself he's out of your league. He's planned a date with you so clearly he's interested somewhat. I want you to tell yourself right now that you know your worth and you will not let yourself sabotage everything you've worked hard for to undermine and commit indirect self-harm like this.

Good luck with your date, let us know how it goes.

No. 272495

>Are relationships with attractive, smart accomplished men any better or?


Watch some Chloe_ vids on YouTube

No. 272826

He's gorgeous IRL!! And we're so similar and our date ran on for more than 5 hours and we've plans on Sunday. I think he could be my boyfriend lmao

No. 273004

How do you feel about travel pics in a profile? Do they feel pretentious? I'm not sure what else to show me being interesting in besides that. And what about pics with pets in them?

No. 273307

I think pet pics and travel pics are fine. Some people make travelling their whole personality and that can be kind of pretentious, but having pictures of you in other places might be a nice way to spark conversation with someone. Also I think pet pics are fine and also a good conversation starter, although I do think it's annoying when someone has a picture with a dog/cat and then it turns out it isn't even theirs.

No. 273770

>life sucks enough without jealousy
this doesn't really makes any sense, though. monogamous relationships are often riddled with jealousy (especially from the moid side) whereas if you're both alright with each other seeing other people it figures that you don't feel jealous. i might biased because i used to have a casual/fwb relationship with a poly girl (dating another woman though, i wouldn't want to have anything to do with a poly girl dating a scrote, too much potential for drama and unicorn fetishism) and it was one of the chillest, healthiest relationships i've ever had. she was super considerate, emotionally intelligent and i learned a lot about myself just by talking to her. i couldn't do that kind of thing in a serious relationship but it's really not as bad as you're all making it seem like. and the stereotype that it's only ugly nerds doing it isn't really true anymore, if you look at dating apps you'll see that so many perfectly "normal" people are open now.

No. 273798

No, jealousy is natural and non-coomers can be satisfied by a single partner
>Conservative/republican/right wing
Conservative/ring-wing probably, republican no (might as well say I don't date Americans)
>Woke (not extreme)
No, they still usually believe children should be trooned because "fee fees get hurt and suicide". I'm sick of showing them the Swedish study every damn time
No, I used to be vegan and I know the lies. Almost killed myself over "saving animals" and I'm over that
No, they believe children should be trooned and often coom to yaoi. Ex-FTM would be okay.
No, they believe children should be trooned and are often coomers and/or pedophilic
>Bi moid
Yes, if he's genuinely based. If I could choose I wouldn't be attracted to moids myself either, so it's not his fault.
>"nonbinary" woman (or man)
"nonbinary" sometimes means deep down GC because the lack of "feeling gender" can mean they do know gender doesn't exist and that it's all about facts and biology. It really depends.
Wouldn't if the person is all into the identity bs and doesn't believe clothes are just fabric to cover ourselves.

No. 273800

No, they're still all ugly.

No. 273801

NAYRT but she's half-right. The self-identified "polyamorous" people are as ugly as ever but some of the most attractive profiles I've personally seen, both male and female, had "in an open relationship" in their bio. Hot people want to fuck around, it's not that deep.

No. 273909

>No, I used to be vegan and I know the lies. Almost killed myself over "saving animals" and I'm over that

What do you mean, like what lies? I have a feeling I might agree with you I agree with nearly all your other answers too

No. 274045

potentially id be ok with it

>Conservative/republican/right wing

it really depends but not an automatic no

>Woke (not extreme)

same as before


god no




probably not, just had a family member come out as mtf (and hes clearly not) so itd make me uncomfortable. I guess theres a small chance though.

>Bi moid


>"nonbinary" woman

possibly? if they werent ridiculous about it then sure

No. 274070

jesus you're down bad

No. 274273


>Conservative/republican/right wing

probably never but it might depend on the individual views. for example some conservatives are pro choice and some people identify as "conservative" when they aren't really, so I might consider it under certain circumstances, but in general it's a big no, especially if he's a registered republican (barf)

>Woke (not extreme)

basically the same answer as above. a little wokeness is alright with me, but it depends more on the individual views. if he's pro troon then it's a deal breaker


again I might consider it if it was the right guy, but probably not. and vegan men seem really rare, at least where I live, so it's probably never something I will have to consider


I'm straight, so no



>Bi moid

no lol. I do believe bi men exist but it's much easier for them to cheat on you, and being as I hardly trust straight men not to cheat, no thanks. also I truly believe a lot of "bisexual" men are just gay (or troon chasers) and afraid to come out fully. yes that's cynical, I don't care

>"nonbinary" woman

I'm straight but even if I wasn't probably no

it's really strange to me that vegan is a bigger turn off to you than conservative, poly or trans but to each their own I guess

No. 274297

Anyone else notice that every single man who you're chatting with ON the app and haven't even met up with yet go on random tangents about women? Are men that retarded that they think a woman will want to meet up with them after showing how sexist they are? I creepily had THREE guys in a row in the same day literally randomly bring up how men have to pay women when they get divorce. Which is hilariously not even always true, also boo fucking hoo. It was seriously brought up out of the blue by them. I do not talk about politics or religion with strangers. So fucking psychotic. Dating apps really are full of the leftover reject men with issues.

No. 274298

Pretty sure most women on here would only maybe get with the vegan like >>266999 said. Even the vegan is a maybe for me because eating out with someone who's diet is strict or junk food ridden is a major problem.

No. 274299

much like with short men, in theory, it would be good to give the rejected loser men a chance.
>maybe they're thankful?
>maybe they were just unlucky and really have hearts of gold that everyone somehow looked past all along?

no. men are not like us. the rejects, the uglies, the manlets and the virgins are always, always horrible and jaded and will make sure to punish you for other women passing them over. they never forgive Big Women(tm) and will seethe until they die, while projecting all their faults onto us while retaining a massive ego larger than any of the "mean chads" they claim women are stupid for wanting

and yes, all men on dating apps have something wrong with them. they WILL punish you for stacy saying no to them when they were 15

No. 274304

I'm saying this as a rejected loser woman of course. after so many years I know I and all other femcel-adjacent women are much better than any "equivalent" male could ever be, and women were always right to be """hypergamous""". men are never happy you give them a chance, the lower their status the more they will chase 16-year-old stacy and the more they will turn up their nose toward normal women
these men on the apps think they are dating all the other women they swipe on and are probably internally comparing you to the hottest most highly filtered ones while being mad at you for daring to not be them, lol
I'd rather die alone than do "online dating" but everyone keeps pushing it on me and probably more so because I'm a weird nerd. the thing is, the weird nerds don't want me, and I don't want them (because male weird nerds are all porn addicted picky demons who will cite "statistics" at you)

No. 274306

Crotchworms have peanut sized brains. Maybe they put women down up front without a care to see if they will snag their perfect emotional punching bag pickme. Oh yes, male with a constant chip on their shoulder and a victim complex, please give me your dick. I am eager for you to abuse me.

One of them even admitted to me when he went on his last date, he got emotionally volatile over a politically charged argument with her at a bar and the bouncer kicked him out. Charming!

No. 275064

>I got adhd, bruxism, arthritis
why do so many males list their conditions? I've seen several profiles where they will admit they are mentally ill.
I guess it's great so I can weed them out, but I don't get why they would put that all out there when they are trying to attract somebody.

No. 275157

File: 1657767756751.jpg (180.86 KB, 592x514, Screenshot_20220712-175429_.jp…)

Self proclaimed alpha male on hinge

No. 275159

sucking in harder than me at 14 damn

No. 275162

When men do it it’s “stomach vacuums” and it’s just a normal part of fitness and posing, when women do it it’s evil trickery on par with the highest level witchery

No. 275164

File: 1657771850518.png (70.02 KB, 320x240, Ep70_8.png)

Same pic kek

No. 275168

I see it a lot too, anon. It reminds me of 2012 tumblr when everyone would put their mental illness on their profile. I think scrotes on dating apps see it as being "open and honest" but really just use it as their personality and an excuse to be a piece of shit. Or if you figure out everything wrong with these manchildren they can use "well, I told you have mental illness".

No. 275182

Men are so fucking ugly.
Takes me back to the hellish days of online dating, I swear I probably swiped right on 3% of the men on that app, simply because I refused to date down

No. 275184

And then those 3 percent are sexist losers in some way and just trying to get laid as fast as possible. Fuck online dating apps.

No. 275188

i'm also trying to get laid as fast as possible so as long as they're not sexist losers we're good

No. 275198

I’ve been talking to this guy on Hinge since early June. He’s never asked to meet up, only offered to get me into the art museum for free where he works. We’ve just been chatting on Hinge for more than a month and just send like one message per day to each other. It’s super low effort. The conversation is nice though, which is why I keep responding. If he’s been talking to me this long then he must be interested somewhat right? But then if he’s never asked to meet up then I guess he isn’t interested? Or is he just shy or something? He’s a little younger than me I think. I don’t mind asking to meet up and hang out at one point, but then I feel he probably isn’t into me if he only talks to me like once a day and hasn’t alluded to us meeting up. But then why is he still talking to me for this long? We aren’t even flirting lol, just talking about random stuff. He even stopped responding at one point and I thought maybe he finally decided to drop the conversation, but then he came back a few days later and apologized because he was on vacation. Has anyone been in a situation like this?

No. 275199

Complaining that people are just trying to get laid on dating apps is like going to a gloryhole and crying that no one there wants to get married. Yes, I know, I know your friend's sister's grandma's cousin's neighbor's daughter met her now husband on Tinder and they lived happily ever after. Those are notable because they're exceptions though. People use dating apps (especially Tinder, Bumble and Hinge are maybe somewhat more "serious") for lots of shit but hooking up is by far and away the most common one for both men and women.

No. 275201

I’ve read somewhere that dating apps have the lottery effect: you’ve heard some people found each other on there so you think you also have a chance, and you swift through the shitty dudes hoping you’ll also have luck but in reality it’s one of the most dissapointing experiences you can get yourself into.

No. 275212

he's doing what PUAs/redpillers call "spinning plates". Keeping as many low effort conversations with women open to ensure he always has someone ready. If he had any genuine romantic intentions he wouldn't keep you on a backburner

No. 275213

And yet they're called DATING apps and you're talking shit about women looking for decent dating experiences

No. 275215

Yes, because outright calling them "sex apps" would not attract a big userbase, it's basically an euphemism. It's not "shitting" on anyone to point out that you have to keep your expectations realistic, get fucking real

No. 275279

why oh why…I signed up for a dating app, swiped through tons of fugly guys for days, then finally matched with one that was really cute and we had a lot in common. We haven’t talked yet, just exchanged contact info yesterday, but I thought to reverse image his photo and…it’s 5 years old (I found an old dating profile, made years ago, with the same photo). FFS ugh can’t believe I was this stupid. Now I’m questioning why he used such an old photo??? I’ll have to ask him eventually for an updated one…ugh it would suck if he got fat and lost hair.

No. 275282

> it would suck "if"

nonnie he wouldn't have used a 5 years old picture if he wasn't completely different today. ask him another photo asap but i have no hope for you, sorry. Hope i'm wrong though.

No. 275306

Always video call before meeting.

No. 275435

Yeah, I didn’t even get to that point. When we added each other, I searched his username on google, and found a YouTube channel where he was subscribed to right-leaning and Trump channels (didn’t even mention this in his dating profile). He’s also a terminal gamer. Even if he did still look like that photo, both of those are hard noes…ugh it’s hard finding anyone that’s attractive AND a decent person. It pays to trust your gut and snoop.

No. 275560

I wish I knew the answer to this, kek. I once went out to dinner on my own and got friendly with the bearded bartender, he looked cool and masculine, told me his shift was finishing soon and asked if I wanted to grab a drink after.
So I did, and as we were chatting he tells me he's a trans woman but didn't want to go on hormones or change his appearance whatsoever. This was also the third or so man in a month to tell me he was either gender fluid or trans even though I thought they were just a regular masculine man.
I couldn't date a conservative man for the life of me but dating in a liberal area is literally all this and it makes me want to rip my hair out.

No. 276941

File: 1658433592651.jpg (37.23 KB, 736x718, 1626976120951.jpg)

>match with someone who's just your type and says they want a relationship in bio
>they lovebomb you pretty much from the get-go, shower you with compliments, text you a lot, even send nudes
>after a few days they start showing their baggage, unloading and venting about their life, insecurity, depression etc.
>you respond trying to comfort them and offer some positivity
>they suddenly turn cold
>they ghost for a day, then come back and say it's best to end it because "you're not a good match" and that they'd rather date someone who's not "positive like me"
Sheesh, I mean, the red flags were certainly there, but I wonder what compels someone who's clearly mentally ill to intentionally seek, pursue and lovebomb people knowing they're too unstable to date?

No. 276943

>shower you with compliments, text you a lot, even send nudes
oh no, the horror

No. 276944


No. 276945

Hate to drag up this stereotype but some of the most sexual people.. use that to reel you in because they know they're emotionally a mess (and alot of work) so they need to ramp up the nudes and the sex appeal to compensate and find their way in

Scrotes usually eat that shit up and then wonder how they 'ended up with crazy' but the flags are blaring red from the start.

No. 276946

scrotish reaction kek, that kind of thing is unhinged to do at the very begining of an exchange with someone

No. 276954

It's not normal to randomly send nudes and lovebomb someone you just started texting, especially since it's not for a casual sex thing

No. 276973

I have decided to shake things up and go to a Bumble event in my city. Why not? Plus I get a free drink and I am not doing anything then. Will I be disappointed in the men there? Sure. Is there a chance I can meet my future Nigel? Maybe?

No. 276984

late response but ive known men who keep the same pics on social media for 5+ years, and they all look the same, its just they hate taking selfies. like its this horrific and vulnerable thing for them, kind of hilarious because its not like they have BDD or anything. good luck with the guy, update us if he looks different or the same when you get a new pic or vidchat or meet irl

No. 276985

nvm lol just saw where you said you found out hes a gaming addict trumper. sad, rip.

No. 276992

NTA but i find men who take too many selfies to be untrustworthy tbh

No. 276993

agree completely, but some men are soo averse to any form of selfies to the point its kinda weird to me too.. but its definitely a green flag when a man only takes selfies when needed like for linkedin or something because he just naturally doesnt think about taking pics of himself

No. 277002

yeah, which sucks because if he still did look like his picture, that would've been great, cuz he was super cute. But the trump thing and being addicted to games…it just made me sick to my stomach and I just blocked. My last ex was also a gamer and cheated on me with people he met in-game (then irl), and I know not every moid is going to do that, but I just didn't want to take that risk again. There's some things I could maybe put aside if the guy is attractive enough, but game addict and republican? no.
I agree. I kinda wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt (although I felt deceived with the old pic). I'm not much of a selfie taker either so I understand people that use one that's a few months to a year or two old. Definitely a green flag if they only take them when needed, like profiles.

No. 277003

Has anyone here actually had any success with Bumble BFF? Every single woman I've matched with doesn't respond to me, regardless of how I phrase my message, and 99% of them never message me first. I get plenty of matches but they don't go anywhere. I got so desperate I ended up setting my filter to allow men and ofc they all respond. Ugh.

No. 277049

why are people on apps so fucking inept that they cant carry a normal conversation. ive had two instances on different apps where ive had to unmatch/block due to the person joking about trafficking me/physically abusing me, is it just my face? wtf

No. 277051

Holy shit, sorry nonna, people have no filter when they don't talk face to face. But hey, it's better to find out these things about someone as soon as possible, so you've dodged multiple bullets here

No. 277072

>It's not normal to lovebomb someone
lovembombing is an abuse tactic that has a very specific definition, lol if you think compliments and texting and just showing someone attention count as that. no wonder there's such much bitterness and misery in this and the relationship advice threads.

No. 277100

Lovebombing is overwhelming someone with loving words, actions, and behavior as a manipulation technique, which matches the girl's unstable behavior in OP's post. Why are you so defensive about it, anon? Do you also shower someone you just met with love before dumping your personal traumas on them and leaving?

No. 277126

File: 1658506142880.jpeg (7.27 KB, 300x168, bitterandmiserable.jpeg)

> no wonder there's such much bitterness and misery in this and the relationship advice threads
Oh god lol. We already know you hang out in the relationship threads. You didn't have to confirm it y'know? You repost the same old shit word for word like a true low functioning autist. Never changing the record. When questioned on why you're being retarded you just… repeat it again.
>you're all miserable and bitter
> bitter and miserable
> everone on here is miserable (yet you keep coming back for more)
> contrarian statement followed by… calling you bitter and miserable!
>misreads a post entirely… then calls you miserable
> stands up for scrotes every time.. then calls you a bitter bitch
It's not everyone else that's miserable anon… you're a miserable sperg.

No. 277132

If you look younger than you are or have any indicator that you’re quirked up, it attracts a lot of these types. I used tinder for less than 5 hours a few years ago and several men were immediately extremely sexual and creepy, talking about bdsm, offering me drugs. Without me even responding, they’d just keep sending messages. I really hate it but I honestly just look like I’m 14 perpetually and it makes all the creeps come out.

No. 277363

I made a dating profile again and I'm disgusted by the men lol. I can't stand them, even their profiles and the "wants kids someday" tag annoys me. I may have to genuinely look for someone irl even if it 's borderline impossible these days.

No. 277366

NTA but I used to do this and always end up depressed afterwards and crying my eyes out.
I knew something was wrong with me but didn't knew what BPD was at the time.

No. 277373

Sending nudes to a person you dont know we'll is mental hospital crazy. Don't you realize most people that receive nudes, especially men, share or exchange them? Retard.

No. 277642

No screenshots since I already unmatched.

>Guy likes my pic on hinge

>he's not that cute to me but he seems level headed and likes similar things
>he's also a car guy
>I initaite the conversation and keep it moving with jokes
>sends me boring responses and doesn't ask a single question about me besides one;
>asks me what car I drive.
>I reply, I have 2 cars and one has 300 horsepower and I know a bit about cars too
>he just replies "Okay, cool"
>I replied "LOL is that a bit of judgement coming from a self proclaimed car guy :)?"
>"No its an empty response to someone who putting any effort to make this conversation worthwhile."

They really do get so miserable and bitter to talk to the older they are.

No. 277643

*isn't putting effort

I'd delete and remake but my browser doesn't save post passwords

No. 277651

I’ve noticed a lot of men online have no idea how to keep a conversation going. I felt like they were letting me do all the work while they sat back and enjoyed talking about themselves like an interview. You are on a dating app and a man, why are you so lazy my god, if it was a face-to-face interaction would you even manage? rant because it’s like apps are the easy way out where they can put in even less effort

No. 277659

Yeah I downloaded dating apps again for the first time in 2 years. I'm now 24. Before, I would set it to show men my age up to 2 years older. For the first time I'm setting it to men 20-25 because men my age or older are now disgusting.

No. 277660

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even offline, this is the case.

No. 277662

so weird. sorry nonna, idk what’s wrong with men. just wow. i love how sctotes have the audacity to claim women on dating apps are annoying because they might not message them first, but most men can’t have a good conversation to save their lives

No. 277663

reminds me of when i was talking to this scrote and asking about him as a person and what he did/studied and he couldnt even think to ask how my day was kek

No. 277712

I was in almost this exact same position and I chose to leave cause the thought of him actually being poly and fucking his fat, danger hair "friends" made me ill

I'll stick to my cats you don't ultimately need a fucking moid so badly you'll let him disrespect you

No. 277713

Get a masculine hobby like cars, firearms, or get a job in a hardware store (bonus: you will learn to fix your own shit, too! thus reducing the need for men at all). Try to date men who work trades. (the downside is a lot of them drink and vape nicotine too much, bad tattoos and possibly baby mama bullshit. but that's better than a polyamorous woketard still)

No. 277715

>unmade bed in the background
>that grotesque beard

No. 278093

OP here. I got my free drink! That is all, just scoping out the area for any cute guys to talk to. So far just one I am totally not interested in. Ooof lol! What the hell can I expect.

No. 278407

>show their baggage in the first couple of days venting about life and depression
What's with moids and doing this? When did it become acceptable and why do they think it's a good idea? Is it some sort of tactic? Every male I've met has been like this just randomly telling me their problems out of the blue like their mental problems are a quirky totes normal personality trait.

No. 278457

Back then, during 1st semester of college, I aced an assignment about my own successful marketing strategy + got a ton of free views for me & my bffs trap rap roast-parody video by spamming men on Tinder with "soo.. if you don't like this vid (LINK) we're not gonna work LOL" or shit like that.. and then I got banned. On 4 different phone numbers (mine, 2nd mine, my bffs, my bfs) because after the assignment I got tired and started scolding them and saying they're retarded loser scrotes who should kill themselves.
A little problem - we're making another one and this time I want even more views (last time was 3k, I'm aiming for 5k).
The fuck do I do?! Will buying a one-off phone number even work if I put the number in a phone that had a number banned?

No. 278460

i'm a lesbian and notice this plenty with women too (although i'm sure it's worse with moids like most things are). i think it's because the internet in general has made mental health disorders seem like a quirky personality trait. mentally ill people also love to stew in their own misery and interact mainly with other mentally ill people who enable them until they forget this is supposed to be a bad thing you should overcome before you even try dating, not something to base your personality and relationships on.

No. 278596

Not 100% but the number should work no matter the phone. (Also always best to use a cheap sim and not a voip # for spamming purposes)

No. 279120

I remember one of my friends complaining to me about her anxiety of downloading Hinge because she was afraid that only ugly guys would like her. I thought it was kind of a banal thing to be afraid of because ugly guys finding you attractive doesn't mean anything, but after taking a break from Hinge and unpausing my profile I haven't liked a single guy who has sent me a like, meanwhile every guy I've liked hasn't matched with me kek. I don't know if my standards just got higher after I took a break or what, but it is kind of a depressing feeling actually.

No. 279128

I think your friend probably meant she was anxious about attractive guys not liking her, in other words not being "in the league" of hot guys

No. 279131

Oh yeah that makes sense lol. I guess it’s ironic since that’s what I’m experiencing now. Well there’s nothing I can do about it so oh well.

No. 279351

kek nonnie, ily

No. 280153

I matched with a guy who is different from my normal type, but I thought I'd swipe just for the hell of it and was surprised when we matched since I didn't think I'd be his type. I know it's possible he could just be matching with any girl who likes him and is just looking to hook up. I realized he kind of reminds me of the types of guys I hated in high school (rich, preppy, Republican, really mean and judgmental lol) but it's mostly just the way he looks and he hasn't said anything that confirms he's that type of person (although he hasn't said anything that shows he isn't that type of person either). When I told him where I grew up, he told me he's actually visited there before and he 'loves it' lmao. Anyway, I found that whenever I do match with guys who seem to be my type/the type I'd be compatible with (brown hair, introverted, shared interest in something) they end up being kind of cringe and I never really end up liking them that much. I matched with this guy purely on looks lol and he seems pretty extroverted and straightforward, which is not what I'm used to. I can see all the different ways that this could fall apart, but since I'm not really looking for a LTR I don't really care if he's boyfriend material as long as he's cute and we get along okay. At least it's interesting trying something different.

No. 280248

I deleted Hinge a few weeks ago after dating fatigue but recently downloaded it again just for the sake of it and I swear, it actually resets your algorithm. The men I've been seeing are pretty hot, all with varying interests. I've been chatting to about 4 at once, they're all engaging and interested. A friend of mine experienced something similar where he deleted and reinstalled the app after a week and it put him right back to the "top" of the algorithm again too. Would highly recommend doing this if you're finding you're getting the same haggard, gross men.

No. 280529

Gonna have to try this, I swear I’ve been swiping no on the same 10-12 guys for the past week. My friend told me Hinge was the place to find people interested in relationships but everyone who’s hit me up is either soy, a polyfag or only in town for the weekend.

No. 280531

File: 1659956555148.jpeg (36.63 KB, 719x427, 505746D4-CA7D-4315-9A7C-6C6555…)

I feel like I’ve become completely disillusioned not just with online dating, but men and dating in general. It just feels like there’s no winning. I barely even like anyone on tinder anymore because it feels like they’re a fuckboy just looking for sex. Guys who would have given me butterflies once now just make me roll my eyes because I’ve been there and done that and I can’t un-know what I’ve learned about moids. There’s a cute guy in this professional development group I see via work every now and then, and I don’t even want to try getting involved with him because I already feel so defeated. Old heartbreak, FDS, the pandemic, poor self esteem and unrealistic expectations (mine and mens) have ruined me for dating.

No. 280573

Lol anon I understand how you feel. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a break from dating if you're feeling this burnt out. Meeting new men and then being disappointed by them is so much emotional effort I don't think I could expect anyone to be able to put themselves out there like that consistently without ever taking a break or else they'd just become full-on doomer and you'll just never want to date again. As soon as I start feeling a sense of dread meeting new people and dating starts to feel like a chore (it always kind of does, but you know what I mean) that's when I know I should probably pause my apps for a bit and just focus on being by myself. Then after a few months or whatever I feel more refreshed and usually I have enough time to reflect on what I want to do differently this time, etc. Same for dating in general I would assume (although I have less experience with that kek). I think meeting the right person takes consistent effort, but being able to do something consistently also means taking breaks so that you don't push yourself and burn out. anyway that's what I tell myself because I also am getting tired of this shit kek

No. 281099

I went on a date with this guy this week. It went really well. Mostly because I went back to his place after and we 'hooked up.' Not exactly, but I went farther with him than I have with any other guy (which probably isn't much for most people kek). It was really obvious that I was inexperienced, but it seemed like he didn't mind taking the lead(?) and he seemed to know what he was doing. He didn't pressure me into doing anything and mostly focused on what felt good for me, which was great.

When I left eventually, he asked if I made it home and that he had fun and I said I felt the same way and texted him goodnight. He hasn't texted me since then so I guess it's basically over? I thought maybe he would have been somewhat interested since he asked me to stay over and offered to drive me back the next day and when we were at his place he would say things like "next time we should do this" or "we can talk about this next time," but I get that moids might just say random things and not really mean it. I also wonder if maybe I gave off signals that I wasn't super into it since I was a fucking inexperienced autist and didn't say much or I would joke and say stupid shit implying there wouldn't be a next time. And when I was getting ready to leave he joked about how fast I was getting ready and that I must have been in a hurry to get away from him and I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to boost his ego lol. But he made a lot of jokes teasing and making fun of me, so I only did those things in return because again, I didn't want to boost his ego.

Ugh anyway… I know I probably shouldn't text him since I guess the rule is that if he liked me enough he would have reached out by now. I also know that the whole 'teasing someone to flirt with them' thing is kind of a red flag and he did that a lot so that's another thing. But it's not like I'm looking to date him and it felt really nice when we hooked up and maybe I could finally lose my virginity. But I know there's a lot of ways this situation could go south so I probably shouldn't reach out huh?

No. 281101

>it felt really nice when we hooked up and maybe I could finally lose my virginity.

what do you think hooking up is

No. 281105

Hooking up doesn't always mean PiV and OP doesn't realize non-PiV sex is still sex. If they actually hooked up and not just made out, she's not a virgin anymore kek.

No. 281108

I know hooking up usually implies sex but I wasn’t sure how else to describe it because I went back to his place and we did more than make out. But yeah I probably could have worded it better.

No. 281131

anon is just nitpicking, it was obvious what you meant

No. 281149

hows it going nonna?

No. 281152

One date and then back to his place with an offer to have you stay over.. men say alot of shit to sucker you in but his plan was obvious. To get as much action as possible with the least amount of effort. You didn't give him sex after just hours of knowing him in person and he's gone. Be glad you didn't do more. Given your level of experience it can really fuck with your head when guys pull this shit.

No. 281249

I agree that he was probably being a fuckboy and just messing around, although it's not like I didn't get anything out of it since I enjoyed it too and he did most of the work (and paid for dinner). The main reason I swiped on him was because I thought he was cute and wanted some experience and that's really about it. I agree that he was probably just saying that shit to get me to sleep with him, but I wouldn't have been opposed to doing that eventually (just not on the first date). I guess the reason why I'm conflicted is because I enjoyed it and got what I wanted out of it, and I would want to do it again. But something tells me it wouldn't be a good idea to reach out to him first if he hasn't said anything since then so I probably won't.

No. 281253

Please don't let yourself be low hanging fruit.

No. 281257

I won’t text him don’t worry nona. I just feel a little frustrated because I don’t want to be in a relationship at all and I just want to have some experience being intimate with cute guys and having something lowkey and casual, but it takes me forever to find someone who is actually cute and who seems trustworthy enough for me to feel comfortable being intimate with. I don’t want to have to go through that process all over again and I probably won’t for a little while just because of how much it took out of me kek. It was just really nice experiencing what that was like and who knows when I’ll get to experience it again lol. But yeah I’m not gonna text him. I’d be too embarrassed to anyway.

No. 281262

>he joked about how fast I was getting ready and that I must have been in a hurry to get away from him
This sounds really fucking annoying and manipulative anon. It’s pretty damn obvious why a tinder date wouldn’t wanna fuck on the first date, especially if you made it obvious you were inexperienced. It sounds like he was not so subtly trying to guilt you into staying with this “joke.” Instead of putting in a slight bit of effort to learn about you and eventually get himself laid, he ghosted you to probably chase someone else. Don’t worry, there are plenty of cute guys out there. Don’t let anyone guilt you into stuff you’re not ready for.

No. 281271

Single after 10+ years. Lesbian and moved to the country too far from any good gay bars. What apps aren't all MTF fetish sissies?

No. 281272

>being intimate with cute guys and having something lowkey and casual, but it takes me forever to find someone who is actually cute and who seems trustworthy enough for me to feel comfortable being intimate with
in the same boat nonna, and just like you, it takes too much to find one okay-seeming guy in a sea of turds so i've kind of given up. yes, don't text back, you know how dudes are.

No. 281290

I know… it's easy to want to give up because of how much work goes into it. Quite honestly the hardest part is finding men that I'm attracted to and the fact that I was attracted to this guy makes me question some things, but also what the fuck can I do. I've more decent guys in the past who fit my personality more, but I couldn't bring myself to get physically close to them at all because I couldn't be attracted to them no matter how hard I tried.
It's easy to give up, but in some ways I feel like I deserve to get what I want. I've been single and celibate for so long and learned to be okay with myself and being single and independent. After knowing how nice it feels to be that close to someone who I'm actually attracted to I really want to experience it again. I'll probably take a break for now and then go back into it later. I'm not gonna settle for someone who doesn't give a shit about me (like this guy seems to), but I'm also not going to resign myself to going after guys I'm not attracted to just because they're into me and treat me well. I'm also not going to resign myself to never experiencing intimacy like that again. It sounds like a tall order, but the only thing I can do I guess is take a break and then keep trying until I find what I want. If I try and fail I guess it's better than not trying at all. I wish you the best of luck nona, whether you decide to get back into it or not!

No. 281369

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The men on these apps are so fucking fat and ugly I want to cry in despair. I can't imagine any of these schlubs sweating and panting over me… or imagine washing shit streaks out of his underwear. I don't wanna date any of these males, even the rich ones. And that's before you go on the first date and you realize hes also retarded and he'll inundate you with baggage. On top of that they probably have ED or a small cock, often both. I'm DONE.

No. 281523

I feel so judgmental of a woman if she tells me that she met her boyfriend on a dating app. Only pickmes use dating apps because they can't find men anywhere else and have to settle for bottom of the barrel scrotes

No. 281533

>only pickmes use dating apps
Are you implying everyone in this thread is a pickme? Kek. Not sure if bait but there's a lot of different non pickme reasons people use dating apps, it's not always that easy if you don't have expansive social circles, or work from home, or just aren't comfortable approaching strangers out in public.

No. 281553

>Only pickmes use dating apps because they can't find men anywhere else
That doesn't make sense. Women who don't have enough of a social life to meet men naturally are probably just shy or introverted or a homebody. It'd be way more pickmeish to go hit on random men in public or actively try to cultivate a social life for the sole purpose of finding a moid. Apps are relatively low effort, and men deserve the least effort.

No. 282320

I recently met an interesting man on okcupid. I'm probably giving too much information, but he's american and I'm mexican (born, raised and lived here all my life). We share hobbies, music taste, like the same kind of films, don't go out much, etc. He's got a well-paying job as far as I can tell. A bit on the chubby side (even though he has as a profile picture an old photo where he was average in weight), and has a huge dick. I'm really attracted to him, but he suddenly stopped talking to me after we had cam sex last friday, or at least, he doesn't talk to me with the same interest. Before that, he said he'd come to Mex to meet me, apparently in september or october. I don't know if he doesn't want anything serious with me anymore after whoring myself out like that so soon, or if it's a cultural difference, or if he's busy with work or what. Although he says he thinks I'm worth keeping and if everything goes well, that he wants to be my boyfrind and maybe marry me. I think he's lying and have directly told him so. I'm mentally prepared to be an american's cum dump, because I think I only want sex as well, but I hate he's lying to me so much. Also, he really sounds too good to be true, and if he does come and something happens to me, a friend has his information (full name, phone number, address, how he looks like, etc). I honestly don't know what to do with him or what to believe. I feel like I can't trust a man who's told me he "effortlesly" gets his way with women and that he's actually trying this time because he wants me. Are all/most american men like this?

No. 282322

Drop him and block him. He sounds manipulative. I know of many American/Mexican couples that worked out but the former always had preexisting ties to Mexico via family or work. This guy sounds like someone that assumes a Mexican woman would be easy because he's American, yes these guys exist. You've written nothing that makes this man sound good. Not a cultural difference.

No. 282338

Is this post bait

No. 282344

>This guy sounds like someone that assumes a Mexican woman would be easy because he's American, yes these guys exist

The thing is, he's not wrong. Most of us are taught from birth that white american man = good, so no matter how ugly a white american man can be, he'd score lots of girls here. I even told him I wouldn't be surprised if he'd fucked tons of mexican girls before (he lives in a state that borders with Mex, where there's a big latino population), and he replied "just one", which I don't believe. Whenever he compliments something about me, be it my body or how cute or how sweet I am to him, I always tell him not to lie, to see if he eventually drops it. In fact, whenever he says anything that seems like a lie to me, I tell him. So I don't know if I'm just being too skeptical or if I'm right. After all, it's the first time an american has expressed interest in me, so I guess I'm being blinded by that.

And about him being manipulative, yes, he reminded me a bit about my first boyfriend, who was a piece of shit during our relationship. I've been thinking about dropping him, but I don't know where to start. I guess I'll stop replying little by little?

I wish it was.

No. 282351

>I think he's lying and have directly told him so.
Stop. You are only teaching him how he needs to lie better, or where you can't tell he is lying. Why would you want to be with a liar? For your own sake of mind, if you can't accept he could be with another woman, possibly give you an STD at some point, god knows what else a sleeze is capable of, don't date him.
>Although he says he thinks I'm worth keeping and if everything goes well, that he wants to be my boyfrind and maybe marry me.
Why are you letting yourself be dehumanized and referred to as possibly "worth keeping", like a pet? This sounds like future-faking to keep you hooked.
>I'm mentally prepared to be an american's cum dump, because I think I only want sex as well, but I hate he's lying to me so much.
You don't even know if you only want sex? If you aren't 100% sure you only want sex and have no emotional commitment you are ripe for further manipulation. And please don't refer to yourself as a cum dump, even if you are only interested in sex men should treat you well.
>I feel like I can't trust a man who's told me he "effortlesly" gets his way with women and that he's actually trying this time because he wants me.
You can't. He probably wants you to feel like you're in on his secret but you're special. You aren't.
>Are all/most american men like this?
Sounds like he's specifically so manipulative because he's American, rich, white whereas you are Mexican. Most American men aren't so open about being manipulative.

>I even told him I wouldn't be surprised if he'd fucked tons of mexican girls before (he lives in a state that borders with Mex
Why would you inflate the ego of a fat white man like this? Even if it's true because women have no standards you don't have to say it to the worm.
>I've been thinking about dropping him, but I don't know where to start. I guess I'll stop replying little by little?
Just stop texting and block him completely if you want. You don't need to slowly do it, ghosting is fine.

No. 282354

>Whenever he compliments something about me, be it my body or how cute or how sweet I am to him, I always tell him not to lie, to see if he eventually drops it. In fact, whenever he says anything that seems like a lie to me, I tell him.
Same anon, you also sound insecure from here. Do you do this after most compliments he gives you?

No. 282355

The way you bring yourself down and tell him he's a liar makes you sound insecure. Also, if you're so aware he's a liar and think he fucks lots of girls (another ego boost you gave him) then he must be thinking "damn she still wants me". So you'd put up with anything.

No. 282372

Hadn't thought about how I was subconsciously giving him hints so he could be a better liar, thanks for telling me that. I'm okay if he only wants sex, and if by chance he really wants something serious, then so be it, but I'm not counting on it. In any case, I think he doesn't have to sugar coat it and call me by cute names or anything, he only has to accept he wants sex and that's it, I'm fine if that's the case but he went and:
>Gave me his phone number (which I googled and that's how I know where he lives)
>Told me his last name (which helped me corroborate his address)
>Told me he expects a raise by next year and how much it would be (85k, I think).
I never asked him what he does for a living, or how much he earns, because it's something I simply don't care about. That he gave me that information so soon was a disappointment, because it quite possibly means he thinks that'd impress me. I didn't react to this information and have never brought it up again.
>Talked about us living together/marrying/having kids someday, even if he was "joking"
I told him to stop saying that, since it's too soon for it. At least he hasn't said anything about it again, so far (except saying that I would be a good wife, which doesn't bother me)
>Said that he'd come to see me because he was already planning coming to Mex anyway and that he'd only make a detour from his original plans

I'm a very insecure person. All the compliments he gives me (looks, education, hobbies, interests, etc) I've heard them before from my family, friends, ex-boyfriends and men who wanted to date me, but I still can't accept them. When I was in secondary school, boys were pretty cruel to me because I was very reserved and quiet, same thing happened during high school but to a much lesser extent. I know I'm not ugly, that I actually look good and all that, but I feel terrible accepting it, like it's wrong or that I'm thinking too highly of me. Even though I'm 28, I can pass easily as 18-20 years old, in part due to my short height.

No. 284462

File: 1661873730085.jpeg (524.38 KB, 1125x1688, 1B3DE8C3-1D94-466F-A037-D74886…)

Male “humor” is so disgusting. Most of their “jokes” are just their actual misogynistic, perverted and violent thoughts expressed publicly under the guise of comedy.

No. 284463

pretty sure he isn't joking

No. 284940

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Let me preface this by saying months ago I made a fake tinder account out of curiosity, I just wanted to see how things were without any intention of swiping right on anyone, I grabbed a couple of stock pics of pets, used a female name that was not my own, added a couple of those generic preset interests just for the sake of it, my real age and the age range I'd go for. I eventually lost interest and didn't enter it for months til a couple of days ago out of boredom, this post it's just to ramble about it. So, fuck men are ugly, I know it has been said a thousand times here but it needs to be said again, why the fuck are men so ugly. My modus operandi on tinder:
>Be bored
>Log in on tinder
>No intention of chatting with or meeting anyone
>Still looking at profiles somewhat seriously
>God, men are ugly
>Start speeding through profiles because 98% or more of men are so ugly
>Start going insane from seeing so many ugly people
>Start relativizing
>This dude isn't my type but he has a better face than most
>This dude isn't my type but he has nicer body than most
>This dude isn't my type but we have similar taste in music
>This dude isn't my type but he claims to have a nice job
>This dude isn't my type but at least he bothered putting something in his profile
>This dude isn't my type but his dogs are very adorable
>Realize I'm going insane
>Worry about myself if I had been using Tinder seriously
>Eventually get tired of it
>Tinder logs out on it's own
>Can't bother to log back in
Now general complaints:
Most pics are fucking shit and right now I don't even mean they are unflattering or the guy looks like a creep, I mean more than half of them are deep fried, so many looked like the guy took a picture of a printed photography, with a shitty phone in a dark place. Even the ones who obviously stope the picture of some stock image model, like, you couldn't bother to download it in a decent resolution?
But so many pictures the guys look like creeps too, maybe it's because I live in a costal city, so many men put pictures of themselves in the beach wearing just trunks and so many of them are haf hard or completely hard. Thinking about this kind of idiot in a public space where there are even children makes my skin crawl.
So many profiles with literally nothing in the bio not even the generic Tinder interest tags, I don't know what goes through the mind of those people.
What's with people who @ their ig in the bio but don't just use the feature to link it? And what's with the demented fucks who say "oh I never enter Tinder app, hit me up on ig"? Dude, the whole point of tinder is to match, so you have at least some miserable level of mutual attraction going on. Plus if I were to hit on people online who have no idea who I am, I'd just do it with a youtuber I have a retarded crush on or something equally autistic, but still not as stupid as dming a guy from tinder who can't bother doing the bare minimum. And no, I wouldn't ask to follow you on your private ig account just for that, retard.
Motivational quotes make me violent, half the time they aren't even about meeting new people or love, just random motivational quotes.
On that note, no, you do not have a talent for comedy, or for prose in general.
Men trying to look serious and tough in pics just look dumb, leave that for professional models who have any idea of what they are doing and the faces to pull it.
Guys who aggressively say the woman (in this case you the other end of tinder) should be like this and that are hilarious because they are ugly, with no sense of fashion and cringe in their efforts to look manly.
Using filters to look whiter is just kinda sad.
Last but not least, I am wishing death on all couple profiles and cheating scrotes. I kinda wish tinder came up with a "poly friendly" feature that would allow normal people to filter couples out, but I'm sure they'd just ignore it and force themselves on the users who aren't interested.
A few amusing cases (while writing I realised they were all about troons in some way):
Case number 1:
>obvious fakeboi is obvious
>chubby but looks cute in a preppy suit outfit
>in the next pic, clear signs of hairloss (I bet it's the T)
>nonbinary transman
>non monogamous
Case number 2:
>This person's face looks a little odd
>First thing in the bio: transman
>Oh, of course
>Nailed the dudebro surfer look
I hate dudebro surfers
Case number 3:
>Cute goth-ish twink
>Wearing makeup
>Pretty decent makeup
>Checks out his other pics
>Yep, cute goth-ish twink with decent makeup
>Pic of him in a shitty plastic wig and that poorly drawn agp eyeliner
How? Just how did the make up degrade the second he seemingly became an agp tranny?
Case number 3:
>Nice looking normal guy
>Spots the trans flag in his bio
>WTF, he doesn't look trans
>He is talking about moving here from another state
>State flag has the same colours as trans flag
>He can't tell tham apart
Kek, maybe it should count as a pro that he is so fucking oblivious to trans shit.

No. 284944

File: 1662139553255.jpg (67.1 KB, 546x833, Screenshot_20220902-122620_Hin…)

I'm scared to open this one

No. 284951

I agree with absolutely everything you've said, down to despising couple profiles. I've seen many and there's just no way to word it without making it sound sleazy, even if it's just a simple "couple looking for a chill girl to smoke with and play monopoly". Like sure you do.
At this point I've given up and mainly browse Tinder to laugh at and judge men and becoming more pinkpilled.

No. 285016

NTA I once saw a Bumble couple profile with a bio saying something like "looking for a girl to take pictures of us being cute together". Obviously intended to be uwu cute but so fucking nasty and cold sounding

No. 285293

File: 1662282655547.jpeg (480.27 KB, 750x905, 4AD822B4-B154-44E6-9D17-712C2F…)

Why do i still use HER?

No. 285295

Your modus operandi is exactly the same as mine. Eventually I swipe right on someone who is not as hideous but still ugly. And just turn it off but when they text me later, I immediately unmatch because out of context of all the Colin Robinson lookalikes the guy is just so fucking ugly.

No. 287524

I swear every dude on dating apps is either some fucking JACKED business bro with a chiseled jaw that I'm not interested in just because I assume they're just there to fuck or are arrogant assholes, or absolute troglodytes. I guess every average guy with a cute face is taken if you're above 25+

No. 287527

No way.

No. 287528

That thing is definitely 28+

No. 287530

I recently downloaded Tinder after 10 days into my travel when I was to solely talk to someone, as by that point I was only "talking" to cashiers, servers, etc and I was dying for some actual human interaction. Met two cool people that I still keep in contact with. I came back to my country about a week ago and I kept my account because "maybe someone cool will be there". Wrong. Wrong. I was so wrong. There's no fucking middle ground on Tinder: hot """chad""" looking douchebags that are, like you said, only looking to get laid or just ugly men I have no attraction for. Deleted the app after two days.
What bothers me a lot is that some of the guys I saw last week, I saw them two years ago too. Why the fuck are they on there for so long? Why waste time on Tinder??

No. 287547

A few months ago I downloaded Hinge out of curiosity to see what the hubbub was about. I liked the questions you can answer and the video/voice options. It made the experience feel more human I guess? Not sure if that is a decent way to describe it.

However, a lot of scrotes simply swiped right. Like bottom of the barrel, couldn't spell "your" white trash men who think Busch Light is a personality trait. I found nobody attractive, but I am the type to like personality first. I only had two decent conversations with guys. The rest either ended from a lack of motivation for the guy to continue the conversation, or pure desperation. Like, becoming a bit obsessive that I like a song, so they listen to it all day.

I went on one date with a guy that I thought was nice enough. He said he had ADHD and could be a bit too extroverted for me. That date ended up being the worst date I ever went on. Basically went like this.
>meet up at fast food place
>i show up early and hang out.
>see his car (he told me the model) as it pulls up.
>awkward introduction. happy personality he had sudden disappears
>buys me a drink, himself a drink and onion rings
>"anon you can have some onion rings"
>he proceeds to eat ALL of them, with his mouth open
>food fucking falls to the floor
>oh god oh fuck
>try to make conversation. he looks at me as he speaks
>i speak he turns his head to the right and completely avoids looking at me
>god help me just let me get through this
>woman comes around the corner
>he checks out her ass
>at that point i should of just left but since i am awkward and scared of men, i subjected myself to torture
>date ends eventually and i never speak to him. i block his number.

Really pissed me off since we were in a similar line of work and I don't have many people IRL who can relate to the stress.

Eh, without that experience I would not have met my current partner. Don't ask how I met him.

No. 287548

same anon, am retarded and didn't realize i responded to the wrong post

No. 287574

Aw man, I'm curious how you met your current bf because I'm tired of dating apps and I have too much social anxiety to join a hobby group or something like that

No. 288446

File: 1663292021993.jpg (41.09 KB, 400x400, wuBuTVsd_400x400.jpg)

Saged by accident whoops.
Well nonnitas I can safely tell you I never got cheated on. But the bad news is that after one year everything fell apart because I attract emotionally unavailable men who at the beginning treat you like a princess, only for them to let you down like an old toy when the adrenaline rush wears off. I think I'll just start dating women at this point…

No. 288508

File: 1663314024217.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x2026, BA940554-0DDE-443A-AFCA-65BDE7…)

saw this and immediately deleted my profile bye. moids are not worth it

No. 288579

Oh my fucking god

No. 289047

Does anyone have advice on taking better photos of yourself for your profile? I have one of those stands for your phone but I was never a vanity selfie person and I tend to look awkward in photos. But people tell me I'm cuter IRL, so I don't know how to take some that reflect it. I have friends who can take them for me if anyone has advice for that to look good.

I deleted my accounts on apps and I wanted to come back, but I did a 180 with my appearance and my old photos suck, but any new ones I take are unflattering.

No. 289072

Natural lightning and experiment a lot with angles until you find the right ones.

No. 289107

Ah, that's what I tend to do, I dislike filters but nothing I take looks interesting when it's just me holding the phone on front view or putting it on the stand. It's probably turning a lot of people off. I know other good techniques are cool outfits or pictures of you doing interesting things, which I've done, but the people who have seen me say I look better, and I wonder how I can capture how I "really" look to get their attention.

No. 289117

You should get a friend to help you take some pictures of you actually doing things. One or two neutral selfies are fine but if you are just standing around looking like a person it's not really enticing.

No. 290409

File: 1664172253387.jpg (365.94 KB, 1080x1849, IMG_20220926_080329.jpg)

Men bitch about basic as fuck "I like to travel" female profiles, when 90% of male profiles are
>I'm fluent in sarcasm
>Partner needs to have a sense of humor
>I like to have fun
>I like hiking
They're literally all blending together as I'm swiping, I can't distinguish one dude standing on a naked hill from another. Or a shot of them with beer.

The other thing that baffles me are the faceless profiles from cheating guys asking for no-strings attached because they just need an outlet. The whole app is full of fit single fuckboys that are happy to do casual sex, why the hell would anyone want some shady fucking dude while also going behind a woman's back for that.

No. 290415

I hate the hikers so much. It's like 90% of men on there, what are they chances they're all serious hikers? More like they pretend to have a hobby that conveniently takes no particular skill, knowledge or gear to prove you're genuinely into it (anyone can go bushwalking and take a photo), and lbr it's a 'no fat chicks' dogwhistle, since they always claim they want someone fit enough to ~keep up with them~ lmao. I mean, not that they need to like fat girls but we all know they'd be fine with an unfit skinny girl.

No. 290598

>The whole app is full of fit single fuckboys that are happy to do casual sex, why the hell would anyone want some shady fucking dude while also going behind a woman's back for that.
The only explanation I can think of is that they've heard dating apps have made casual hook up easier, just thought that meant anyone would fuck anyone and have no grasp of their "competition". But it's baffling anyway because it's common knowledge by now that men complain about not getting matches or whatever equivalent. I doubt these people get any interaction, except maybe from scammers.

No. 290746

No. 290747

this is why i deleted all my dating apps and havent been on in a while. (why am i itt??) everyone sounds the same.

i used to hate the "i love hiking types" but i genuinely love going on trails now and i see a lot of people claim they love it only to not want to actually go out. lol. and btw, i have a friend i go hiking with often who is overweight, being fat does not exclude you from enjoying the outdoors

No. 290752

Hiking is more or less code for "I don't date fatties"

No. 291530

Are you nonnies the type of person to date a few guys at once or go one at a time when you're looking for a boyfriend and not just fwb/hook ups?

No. 292742

I fucking hate Lex! Any single post you make on there will have the ugliest most disgusting trashy men in dresses crawling out of whatever gutter they live in to ask if you're a sub. It doesn't matter how tame your post is, and you can't say cis women only so you just have to ignore them, at which point the male entitlement hits and they start cussing you out. Literally unusable app because of trannies.

No. 292778

Isn't Lex a "queer" app in general? Why would anyone besides a trans-poly-pan-kinky-whatever use it? I looked at it out of curiosity and even in the literal Bible Belt state I live in it's full of insane TIM/TIF polycule shit.

No. 292998

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Nearly liked a guy on hinge who after a harder look I readied was a new acquaintance I met through professional networking. The only reason I recognised him was because I knew he and another friend of his I met at this event were in a band, and I recognised her in one of his group photos. The joys of being massively face blind while dating.

No. 293040

I was under the impression it was a lesbian app but it seems to have rebranded and is utterly rancid

No. 293160

DA iirc it markets itself as an app for everyone except cis men, so you already know what that means. I have it around for lurking and all the horny posts I see are MTFs or MTF adjacent, all the uwu let's be soft friends posts are straight TIFs or straight "queer" women

No. 293213

I always was a "one guy at a time" type of dater. I mean honestly I can barely find a single guy I'd actually meet lol, I guess people that paralell-date and constantly bring new people into the picture either have a much better quality network of people or have really low standards in men.
If I do find someone I usually start building up a type of inner hype, which is needed for me to even go through with dates and stay interested. If I multi-dated I feel like it'd be hard to feel like any date stands out, knowing my own psychology.

No. 293215

>an app for everyone except cis men
I can only talk about Tinder, it's pretty much the only app where I'm from, but I've gotten to the conclusion that it's the least worse when you're looking for men. At worst you have ugly psychos who might commit a sexual crime against you or straight up murder you, if you opt to also look for women, the worst is the same, but now much more disingenuous with "couple looking for a threesome", "polyamorous couple" or a single woman that isn't disclosing she has a bf who you'd have to sleep with.

No. 293845

I figured this would be the case. At least on tinder they're extremely easy to pick out and swipe left

No. 295080

>I guess people that paralell-date and constantly bring new people into the picture either have a much better quality network of people or have really low standards in men.
This is such a weird thing to say. I've only had two boyfriends in my life and have high standards for men. But the one time I did try dating, I definitely kept my options open and didn't put all my faith in one moid who you know is bound to be (most likely) disappointing. I also had trouble wanting to meet up with any male and only met up with one who turned out to be - you guessed it - disappointing and not what I wanted. While dating him before I found out he was not what I wanted though, I did keep searching for other men. I am taken now by someone who isn't a fucking loser and I did not meet him via these apps with what are essentially leftover males. But there's no shame in keeping your options open instead of stupidly wasting your time with your fantasies on one retard.

No. 295862

File: 1666669557124.png (2.9 MB, 1681x1161, lmao.png)

I wasn't sure where to post this but I came across this brave and stunning that looks like that Shayna calf.

No. 295986

I think it's pretty self-explanatory: to have a roster of men to go on dates with, you either have good quality of men available or you have/preemptively lower your standards, the latter of which is basically "keeping your options open" or "seeing where things go". No one said it's a shame, it's a different approach to dating, if you have the luxury to have it.

No. 296376

File: 1666915970217.jpg (225.29 KB, 1440x2059, Screenshot_20221027-190844_Hin…)

There's a lot of drug dealers advertising nowadays on these apps. Pic related just had a bunch of gifs measuring weed and rambling

No. 296379

tomar no cu

No. 297447

What are your nonna's pre-date rituals when it comes to self care?

No. 297804

I would love to make a fake profile and scam men out of Uber/Lyft bux and ghost them. I don’t need the money I just want to pwn moids. Men have cashapped me ridiculous sums of money no questions asked just to meet them and I’m average looking. I know it can be done.

No. 297870

it looks like he was playing a game of Uno in the background kek

No. 298999

File: 1668303264725.jpg (11.39 KB, 250x250, bfc3df824f5b42dd8ba75839019864…)

Been on hinge since October 2020, about 12 dates, many more initial phone dates (most of which were horrible- one of them the guy was ignoring me to play with his dog the whole time, another talked about his boss for 20 minutes and one day asked me to drive him 40 minutes to a date… with someone else). Really liked 2 of them and one dropped me because I asked for one phone call a week to catch up in the middle of the work week which was "too much pressure " but gaming an hour every day wasn't. The other dropped me after I cried in front of him after dating for 2 months. Those 2 are the only ones I had sex with and I didn't enjoy it. They both seemes awesome guys initially but changed. The second guy shaved his back and it was very very pokey and sharp which disgusted me but insisted I wax. He was below my league but acted above it because he was rich (I didn't know that until after). He was initially sweet but did a complete change which is what initiated the crying incident. He also severely fetishized my race.

Anyways, I just give up and deleted my account. Getting a workplace crush and not acting on it, plus otome games, is literally 10x more thrilling than online dating. Honestly if I could go back I wouldn't even have tried it. The funny thing is how after 2 years, I can see the same guys remake their profile over and over, including one of the guys who mistreated me. Idk why he sent me a like too. Both of them were venting about having kids before they're old but piss away romantic connections because they require effort.

No. 299534

This still doesn't make any sense. I think you're just dumb, like to waste time and put your faith in one loser who's bound to disappoint you instead of exploring your options.

Hinge is a shit app focused on pictures. I couldn't use it and found it attracts people who don't have much to say. I don't care about your fucking pictures, I want to know who you are and what you're about. Different apps definitely attract different people.

No. 299889

I usually date one at a time and get offended if my date is dating multiple girls at once.

No. 299978

I never got the chance to use many dating apps as most of them came out while I was in a ltr. When I finally did try out Tinder it literally blocked me from the app because as an anon previously posted awhile back, everyone is so fucking ugly. I find any time I've used any apps I couldn't find many attractive people or even FUN people. Also in my experience I think I got quite lucky. My current bf of 2 years I met on Tinder. I think it only went well because I had 0 expectations and wanted nothing out of it. Every other guy on there was so fucking boring to talk to I just ended up not following through with anyone else as well

No. 300073

I have to date multiple at once or I get too hung up on one guy if I meet someone I find cute and get along with. Start having relationship feels and ultimately, if he's an attractive guy (which they always are because I can't feel anything for unattractive dudes) he just wants to fuck me, so he'll try making me feel special and being super sweet, which works on my dumb ass unless I'm keeping my options fully open.

No. 301121

Apparently I got banned from Tinder and I have no idea why, it didn't tell me why. I suspect it's because I had something subtly rude about unicorn hunters and TIMs on my profile (am a lesbian). Good riddance, honestly, since I never got good matches on there. Are there any other apps that have a lot of people but are less bad? I'm aiming for "normie"/mainstream ones, since I tried all the "queer" ones at least once and had a worse experience than Tinder.

No. 301159

How quickly do troll accounts get banned on tinder? I want to make an obvious fake account for shits and giggles but don't want to banned right away

No. 301168

I have a fake account, but I just have pictures of cats and no funny suspicious description, I only use it to lurk, I've had it for several months. I don't think most profiles get reported, even the ones that should, especially if your profile is being shown to men.

No. 301170

For me it's having hot bubble bath while having my face mask on, then I would do my normal skincare routine to make sure I'm feeling refreshed.I sometimes shave depending on who I'm going on a date with, the occasion and how hairy I am.

When it comes to outfits and makeup I trend to pick stuff I like that makes me feel happy and confident in myself. If it's someone I have been on a date with for a while then I sometimes would add a piece of clothing or accessories that the person I'm dating likes on me.

No. 301173

I nearly liked a person I did a training course with, it's stuff like these that makes me a bit anxious about using dating app and people who know me finding me there.

No. 301188

I read this in Patrick Bateman's voice

No. 301210

Fucking kek.

No. 301378

>I wanted to take things slow.
does he have a small dick

No. 302054

What are subtle red flags to look for on a dating profile/on a date?

Im fully aware of the most basic ones but I thinking there must be bunch of less obvious ones that really need to be watched for.

No. 302633

why do i not swipe right on men that i think are too attractive? or when i match with someone i am actually attracted to, i never respond? even on dating apps i shoot myself in the foot.

No. 302647

File: 1670367545449.jpeg (293.73 KB, 785x368, 7BDABF29-8540-42EE-89BD-633F5B…)

some zoomer scrote unironically sent this to me on a dating app. its the most vile and vomit-inducing thing i think i’ve ever seen, although hilarious.
there are soso many things wrong with it, the shitty amazon blue?? batman suit, the fact he edited this himself, the pose ih my fucking god.
whats wrong with them? im baffled

No. 302665

If you're looking for a relationship you are probably doing yourself a favor. All of the guys I find really attractive say they want relationships but they'll just fuck and leave.

No. 302670

Yeah, most of the attractive dudes on dating apps know they're attractive, so they just want to sleep around.
That is, until said moid hits the wall, starts balding and finally decides to "settle down", and by then he probably has some stds.
Moids can never have an ego or know they're good looking.

No. 302710

I know this concept is a recipe for disaster, but which apps let you message someone without matching? Besides that Queer app Lex or whatever. Sometimes blocking creeps in my inbox (which I'm used to) is preferable to a completely empty one.

No. 302755

Nonas, i just want to peg a guy, honest.
It could even be just a one night stand i don't care, but i don't want to get into femdom or serious relationships, is there any place i should look for that is not a psych ward?
I fear that most guys that are into it are weirdos, but it's not like i want to catfish as a gay dude just to have a chance.

No. 302760

I don't get it.

No. 302792

honestly i feel like you could convince some random moid into it if you tried.

No. 302907

Yeah, get one drunk enough and they'll probably go "why the hell not"

No. 303684

jw what the appeal here is?

No. 303692

Revenge but in a pathetic way in my case.
Love can't heal my heartbreak, only pounding a guy will do and i'm shy so i don't know if i will get there, but i appreciate the support.

No. 304028

File: 1671055660616.jpg (66.11 KB, 2000x1333, Dating-An-Unattractive-Man.jpg)

Had a dude on Bumble who said he was really not rushing into sex, because he thinks early sex ruins the early relationship dynamics. I said fair enough, I'm not looking for that either way. His first date suggestion? Eating pizza in his apartment. What kind of fool are they taking women for?

No. 306066

File: 1672679889161.jpg (236.17 KB, 1439x950, Screenshot_20230102_110024_Hin…)

Why do guys like this send me messages? The scowling military guys. I'm slightly chubby and my pics dont hide that, most are candids. All his prompts are about how he wants FIT and FEMININE women who never rest. He looks like a bridge troll so I guess his next best option is to neg a "good enough" chubby girl into working out and becoming his leanbeefpatty waifu stand-in?

No. 306072

>Why do guys like this send me messages?
Because he got zero answer in months/years and has to lower his standards.

No. 306078

Because he's into chubby women and does this shit to neg them. Don't fall for it.

No. 306084

What are six face photos? And I find it hilarious when guys make petty demands in their profiles, as if it wasn't common knownledge that men struggle to get any attention from women in those apps. The more they expose their red flags, the better, but you'd think they'd try to be a bit smarter.

No. 306086

File: 1672692140453.jpg (33.87 KB, 555x557, evJAtIr.jpg)

>25yo moid that's balding, actually he already looks bald
>for whatever reason has a photo of himself asleep in a hospital bed with a tube up his nose
>"choke you"
why would any woman want to pay for an ugly scrote? the overconfidence in that he thinks he'll get a sugar momma kek

No. 311091

File: 1675310972646.png (96.32 KB, 720x938, 485674585688.png)

Lex is absolute trash in my area, the only things posted near me were cringe-ass poetry, ftms, and girls begging to be sugar babies. And this one post kept floating around, this is straight up a dude posing as a 'cis queer man' looking for pussy, not even trying to hide it. Wtf. I mean it was entertaining to see what kinds of post were there but I deleted it because I have no intention of interacting with any of these people. What a shame.

No. 311107

I want to post a positive experience.

I met my boyfriend off an app 5 months ago. We spoke about a month before meeting and our first meeting went over 8 hours and ended with a goodnight kiss and that was basically it.

I meet 4 guys off of apps. No real nightmare situations I mean I talked to nightmare men online but never met them. Those 4 men had to work to get me to meet them so I was optimistic nothing mental would happen and nothing mental did. Two guys I didn't want to meet again. Third guy was cute enough I wanted to experience friends with benefits but he fell in love his words then became an asshole and dumped me publically on fb which took me a couple of hours to realise, but fb did lol. He has since tried to meet me but I've been with my now boyfriend and even then I wouldn't want too.

I just held out hope I'm on the apps and I don't think I'm undateable so there must others like me. I saw my bf on plenty of fish where you can just message without having to match or swipe you can click these other ways of seeing people in a list close by and I just immediately thought my bf looked hot. He gave me his number before telling me his name so he's just been hottie in my phone ever since. He was on the apps cause he works long hours like me and is an introvert so you wouldn't find him out in bars, maybe at a football game idk. Basically it all lucked out for me because he's wonderful. Ive had two serious partners before him, one fiance and I feel like I can judge where and how I want to be with a partner.

To be clear I've been on the apps since the first lockdown on and off and it took me until October 2022 to have a big success. The best thing is just talk to people you're attracted too and see how it goes. Conversation flowed so easily with my boyfriend and it still feels so electric and amazing to have this now irl. I wish all my nonnies the best and hope you can find your hotties

No. 313297

Anon how did you filter men? Does anyone have advice as to which type of guys to meet and which types to avoid aside from very obvious redflags?

No. 313299

Why would any woman pay for a manwhore if she's not looking for someone who will indulge her stomach churning fetishes? Straight men really have no idea how prostitution works. They think they can fuck hot young women AND get paid for it. If he wants to fuck for money, he needs to target gay men. A regular old male has no market value by himself. Sorry ugly retard, if you're not an underage boy or willing to be fed shit no woman will even look your way. Even geriatric women can fuck young guys for free. Dumb slut. Just give it a couple months, he'll be blowing truck drivers for fast food.

No. 313322

might as well report him, iirc Lex was meant to be for "anyone but cis men" anyway

No. 313374

I knew this average male friend who's been using dating apps for a few years and recently went on his first date only to get dumped right afterwards. Men who think they can "score" using dating apps are beyon retarded, especially if they're above college age and not particularly attractive. I downloaded an app and got like 60 matches in a few hours while my average male friend gets one match a day and it's usually really ugly/fake women.

No. 313387

this site isn't for incels/men. Please leave. Men have it way easier when it comes to finding a partner or sex regardless of age. Meanwhile for women if she is over 25 she is lucky to find a guy who will use her for an one night stand.

No. 313390

This "men get few and women get lots of matches" myth is BS because between (straight) matches both parties need to swipe right to get a match so the numbers have to be equal on both sides. At least on tinder.

No. 313393

The only incel thing is believing women expire and can't date after 25. Most women only have serious relationships after 25 and I've never heard of a woman who couldn't get dates after 25. Stop acting like we expire then accuse me of being an incel. If you can't date, you're ugly and fat/skelly. Has nothing to do with women or biological age, don't drag me down with you.
Your theory would be correct if the number of men and women were equal but if there's 5 women per man, average woman gets 5 times more matches, kek. It's simple math.
I also did match with women, six or so cute women in just a few hours of having the app which means I got matched with more women than average guy. Do you know what that means? It means the reason why men get less matches isn't women being picky but men being shitty.

While it's true that with men I got a ton of matches, most weren't worthy of pursuing, that's the issue. If men get three matches, they're more likely to work out than my 50+ matches because women are less likely to be as mental or desperate to fuck as men.

No. 313398

If there's 5 times as many women on there, wouldn't that in theory result in more matches for men than for women because men have a 5 times larger pool of potential matches than women in that scenario? Or am I really this fucked at math. Aren't there more men on datingapps than women anyway.

I agree with men shooting themselves in the foot because they just swipe right on any woman for the mere chance at sex though and then they have the guts to complain about it

No. 313400

I mistyped, there is 5 men per women or so I'd say. It's more likely for men to use dating apps obviously so you're correct it was a mistake on my part.
And yeah, guys that matched me I'd say like half put in some effort and some wrote like three paragraphs and such while others… Eh… But yeah. Men are shit at online dating and they expect any woman to sleep/date them with them with no effort.

No. 313554

agreed because women spend their whole life having to vet out men. It's men with the mentality that women have an age limit that end up single, because they live like bachelors well into their 30s/40s and are not taken seriously by women their own age.
hinge remains the best app for lesbian women. my only problem is that dating pool is tiny and people take forever to respond.

No. 313592

I used another app to match with women and most replied quite fast. Maybe you're the issue?

No. 313639

I promised myself I would never in my life use a dating app, but caved in when I became single and overtaken by horniness. I’m in my early 30s and in ok physical shape but kind of homely looking in the face. I ended up paying for the premium feature where you can see the people who swipe right, then picked who I wanted to match with. I absolutely detest having an online presence, so I would only show my profile for short intervals every day, but still got a lot of interested guys. I know for moids it’s a numbers game so they’ll swipe right on anyone, but for many of them it’s still rare to actually match with someone, so when they do it sparks joy.

The guys who had swiped right on my profile where everything from bottom of the barrel to successful looking fuckboys and their age was also all over the place. I only went for the mid tier ones. Never tried any of the really young guys although I kinda regret it now lol. I did 4-5 dates/hook-ups but being newly single I didn't invest too much energy into it. Then I hooked up with a guy and the sex was so good we’re dating now. I think he’s great for a moid, but is an introvert so he was overjoyed to land a gf. Idk if I just got lucky, or if using tinder this way as a girl is a good approach. It felt kinda pathetic paying for premium, but I only used it for a couple of months. I don’t think using dating apps for longer periods of time is good for your emotional wellbeing, so I’m glad it turned out the way it did.

No. 313644

>they just swipe right on any woman
kek yea it's like 5 men per 1 woman and all the men swipe right on all women trying to cast a large net to get just a couple of matches. Men complain they can't find dates but are competing for so few possibilities. Men who get dates are offline and have real personalities, not on tinder. When I'm bored i like to lurk on the tinder subreddit, they have a weekly profile review/help that's like 99% men asking for help to perfect their tinder profile and what photos to pick, or complain how hard it is to get dates. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

No. 313684

The app I used to get 50+ matches a day only gives men 5-10 right swipes a day, I know because I recommended it to my male friend, so you're wrong. Though I also got more than 35 notes, aka messages before matching and most actually put effort into it, describing their music and film tastes, the stuff they'd like to do, how they define themselves etc so answering the questions I had asked in my bio. If I were to go on a date, I'd rather date an average guy that showed genuine interest rather than the cuter guy who only messaged me hi. The reason why I'm writing this is to prove that incels who don't get matches or replies are the ones in fault, if the girl they're messaging already has 40 or so matches a day, why would she reply to their simple hi message when some guy actually put in effort and tried to get to know to the girl in question?

A lot of guys who post in tinder sub are ugly guys who believe making their profiles interesting will mean that the 10/10 18 year old chick they saw on their app will right swipe, buy him drinks and then fuck him - but I doubt that'd happen. There's too much competition and they'd be lucky if they even got a message back.

No. 313692

>they have a weekly profile review/help that's like 99% men asking for help to perfect their tinder profile and what photos to pick, or complain how hard it is to get dates.
Lmao this is so pathetic. They treat it like they're trying to get a job or something.

No. 314286

How can I make my dating profile interesting but not too artificial? I struggle a lot with my identity and beyond my aesthetic I'm a pretty boring person. I'm not really funny or do any cool hobbies. I realize that is probably the worst possible combination for online dating and apps but I'm desperate at this point and there's no good ways of meeting women irl.

No. 314293

I texted with then and was able to deduce if they were normal or not.

I just want to say it's still going well with my boyfriend lol.

No. 314507

File: 1677492908545.jpeg (99.87 KB, 933x1035, F986F5E2-918A-45C8-8011-5EB53A…)

>be a naive autist on tinder
>talk to a guy for a while
>he’s nice
>add each other on snapchat and ig after maybe a few weeks of talking on tinder
>continue talking there for another few weeks, feels safe
>yesterday evening he suddenly asks for bra/panty pics (we’ve never even met irl much less dating)
>freak tf out
>block him on everything
>get a notif on messenger immediately
>he’s tracked down my facebook and is messaging me all mad i blocked him when he was being a creep

i’m so creeped out like i still feel sick and this was last night. why are men so scary? why can’t they take a no? if i block him everywhere he should get i don’t want to talk to him again, ever. is it male entitlement? do they see it as a challenge? why the fuck are they like this.

did i do the right thing by blocking him immediately? i didn’t feel safe talking to him anymore.

No. 314508

Yes you did, block him on Facebook too.

No. 314509

ty nonna, yes i blocked him immediately on fb too, didn’t even open the message.

No. 314514

Never doubt your instincts anon, you were right to block him and he only immediately proven you right by getting angry.
It's kinda a reason i'll never use dating apps, maybe i'm wrong but it really feels like the scrotes who use these are the worst, entitled kind.

No. 314556

you did the right thing by blocking him

No. 316112

You freaked out because he asked for panty pics? Why is that so bad, if we’ve been talking for a while I don’t think it’s a big deal

But you’re right it would’ve been better if you met up before

No. 316118

Why would you send semi-nudes to someone, especially when that someone is a literal stranger?

No. 316152

It's not okay even in a relationship. Why do you think it's ok for a man to ask a woman to make porn of herself for him?

No. 316166

>Why do you think it's ok for a man to ask a woman to make porn of herself for him?
Because that post is from a degen scrote.

No. 317991

How many matches do you guys get a day and with which gender?
A fat and kind weird girl told me she couldn't get matches at all on dating apps and I'm having trouble believing her since I tried for myself and it seemed quite easy even though I'm just average?

No. 318008

Do you live in the same area as her? To my understanding, the more populated and the more common tinder is in your area the more matches people tend to get, which is kinda obvious but still. That being said I live in a medium sized city in a third world country and months ago I made a fucking meme account on tinder and still got like 80 likes in the first hour.

No. 318020

I got like 80 matches in an hour(kek i swiped right on a ton of guys with a friend to see how many matches I could get) similarly to you and the guys seemed genuinely interested in conversing and stuff that's why I'm confused. She's kinda ugly and fat but I wonder if it's because she also has high standards on top of being ugly? Idk I feel like it's a lie.

No. 318034

I made a fake Tinder account with a picture of some Eastern European babushka choking Sasuke and it got over 60 likes within an hour in a sparsely populated but decently big city. Unless she lives in the boonies it's not that difficult, especially since some men will swipe right on everyone. The bigger challenge is weeding out the sleazebags, cheaters, weirdos and uggos.

No. 318041

I honestly think weeding off weirdos or cheaters is almost impossible.

No. 318058

I am using Bumble BFF to make friends, and I have gotten like 0 swipes, I'm confused. I answer like everyone else? Maybe I don't look fun in my pfp

No. 318064

I wonder if you'd get more hits if you let yourself be a little weird (but like, genuinely unusual, not in a tee hee tumblr twitter way) instead of trying to make yourself look as normal as everyone else. Personally that's what I would try.

No. 318112

The majority of my matches were always men to the point where I ended up switching the "show men" option off for a while because I was more interested in matching with women. I'd say I'm average too, not very feminine either. I'd match with some cute women but definitely not loads and often it felt hard to keep up a convo with them partly due to my autism. This has been the same across most apps for me, Bumble was the hardest for finding women imo but I haven't been active on apps in a year or so, maybe things have changed a bit

No. 318115

goth nonas, how do you ward off fetishist weirdos/porn addicts? i'm at my limit.

No. 318215

sorry but this is really shitty advice. the facade is something you do to filter out psychopaths who say exactly what you want to hear

No. 318230

Old but I would rather be amongst 30 year olds then retarded little 16 year olds who talk about how things have them in a chokehold and the female gaze

No. 318256

Just double down on stereotypes and say unhinged stuff about wanting to sacrifice his blood on a moon ritual and start writing in random characters/sending random creepy pictures.
Ask morbid specifics. It’s fun af.

No. 318269

Can I still do that even if I'm not goth?

No. 318270

Late but some women just can't get any moid attention no matter what, you said yourself that she's ugly while you're average, it's simple as that.

No. 318391

You might be right. I was just surprised because most guys I know swipe without even looking so I assumed regardless of your attractiveness, you got a similar number of matches or whatever.

No. 319732

Has anyone had any luck getting into FWB situations using dating apps? And I mean the type where the dude isn't a weird stalker and it's not a super disappointing and awkward situation.

No. 321925

is there any apps/sites that are best for meeting rich men?
idk if i want a full on sugar baby situation cause those kind of sites always just seem sketchy to me? and i'm not looking for the kind of thing where i go on a first date with a guy and he expects me to fuck him for a bag or something, but i'd like options for dating well off dudes

No. 321945

ive never seen a man say he has a madonna whore complex in so few words
these apps seem so bleak from this thread, i was on them a couple years ago but it was a waste of time

No. 321947

why do you want to date rich men?
honestly nona you seem naive and out of touch, dating a guy for his money isnt a good idea. youre probably the perfect target for men with money who want to fuck you for what to them is pennies. you'd basically be a cheap naive prostitute to them.
those sugar baby sites set off your internal alarm bells for a reason.
you're better off making your own money. if you build a career you can meet "well off" men through social circles relating to your job.

No. 321959

>implying dating a hobo because of love is the opposite of naïve
Trying to date men for money is silly and probably won't work out (there's just too make risks that make it difficult) but I find it funny that you think it's the pinnacle of naivety here.

No. 321965

i didnt say to date a hobo because of love lol
youre silly

No. 321974

kek, sorry, you're right. I have a narrow definition of naïve.

No. 321980

Should I join a dating app/site if I have anxiety about posting my pictures online? I don't want my face fed to an AI and I don't want men to screenshot my profile and share it on meme sites but I know making a profile without adding a pic of yourself is pointless

No. 322007

my family has money and i like the money. i work for my family business in the middle of nowhere tho, so no i cant meet someone organically. youre pretty naive to think everyone looking for someone with money is a poorfag with an ultra normie job

No. 322083

Why not simply try? You don't have anything to lose, and that's what everyone on dating websites did twenty years ago, anyways.

No. 322085

I refuse to have my recognizable pics up and I still get matches. We're lucky men grasp at straws on these apps. Use that to your advantage.

No. 322105

then why did you go on sugar baby sites hahaha

No. 322114

Most rich men want to either have a young disposable woman or a woman that has a similar background. So you either meet them through your career if you have a good career or you chase the same rich men other girls chase in hopes that he'll be with you for a while. Though I wouldn't recommend that because those types of men think they can purchase you and that's weird.

No. 322115

what sort of men do you get matched with? Are they decent? I'm tempted to make a profile without my picture but im on the edge

No. 322195

she didn't even imply that you're a "poorfag with an ultra normie job", just that it can be risky to date purely for money. if you just want a wealthy man, you can try to swipe/date only with those who have a good job listed on their profiles or agree to talk about it. usually men that are actually rich won't get all whiny and insecure if you mention their job or the fact that you want someone with your living standard

No. 322209

i never said i did, can you read?

No. 322255

Nta but if you don't put up a picture you'll probably get very desperate dudes or guys who swipe right on everyone. Men have a small amount of swipes and they usually don't get matches so unless they're very desperate, they don't swipe right on faceless profiles.
Source, I have male friends who use dating apps.

No. 322717

Has someone reach to the conclusion that you are fully happy alone? Getting to know new people has become exhausting to me because I can't find anyone interesting. I have a nice job, good friends and hobbies. I just can't find the will to search for a partner.

No. 328536

Making a faceless profile means the only men you match are gonna be ones who will message every woman(aka everyone they can fuck). You'll only get very desperate men who aren't going to be attracted to you specifically but willing to be with any woman. Also you'll need to put your name and more personal info, I don't see why a picture bothers you more than filling out a whole website about your personal info.
Even if you match with a guy, what's gonna happen when he unmatches you after you send a selfie? Won't that be worse for your self esteem? Because it's very likely to happen

No. 328541

Yes. I've come to the conclusion that coexisting with a male = becoming his servant. Not too keen on being the bottom either. As for other types of relationships, they involve too much compromise still. For me happiness is freedom and freedom is happiness.

No. 328565

I'm starting to feel similarly. I've started to accept the fact that I hate most men. I feel like the Disney tale fantasies and shit really fucked me up because irl men can't measure up to the fictional heart throbs. I'm sure they'd try and say something similar about women, but idc. Most irl men are ugly inside and out. They want you to settle one way or the other and I'm just not willing. I'd rather play the Sims and fantasize about the type of romance I want, instead of trying again with yet another moid and it ends the same. They just don't seem worth all the effort they require. I've been single for a year and overall my quality of life improved exponentially once I stopped worrying or caring about having a boyfriend or whatever. Sometimes it is a little lonely, but then I remember my past relationships, or I come here and lurk the relationship advice threads, or I see yet another shitty boyfriend horror story on the normie net and I decide I made the best decision possible.

All moids swear they're soo different, and that "oh your last boyfriend was a dickhead/he didn't like you for you/you should have chose better", which sure… That's true. But now I am chosing better by chosing NONE of you. They're not all exactly the same, but all men have enough similarities to each other that I absolutely loathe. I've purposely upped the man hate by saying shit I don't mean so any moid who was thinking of annoying me with his emotions knows to look elsewhere and it works well. Except for the "I can fix her" brand of moid, which is even more offensive and annoying. Yeah, I have trauma but it's caused by men. A man's not going to be able to fix it, they just usually only make it worse.

No. 328573

100% this. I have lots of hobbies that I do after work every single day and I really just don't have time. I get all my social needs met with friends and other social groups I hang with frequently, I make good money, and I got my own place + car. Literally 0 reason to depend on a moid who can hold 'but I make the money' excuse over the head and exploit you to become their bangmaid baby oven while he could easily cheat on you because hurr durr man's natural instinct + watch porn and coom + look at other women like pieces of meat. Not to mention that most men don't even make more money than I do.

Moids in general are very out of shape and boring as fuck (no hobbies other than muh netflix watching the most normie shit like the office and video games all day and jerking off to porn) + have a terrible sense of personal hygiene or self care. Most men my age (late 20s) are hitting the wall hard, and they're all fat, ugly, wrinkly and balding. I work out 5 times a week, eat healthy, and stay fit so why the fuck should I even look at these men kek. Most moids at my gym are either manlet roidbros who's compensating for their height (they're all 5'5" or shorter kek) with insane inferiority complex and body dysmorphia, or dads and old men doing light cardio for 10 minutes and creeping on women.

I like the concept of having a boyfriend to cuddle with at night and go on cute dates with, but reality is moids rarely plan good dates / can barely hold a small talk level conversation and all they want to do is get in your pants at the end of the day. Moids easily chimp out and get violent if you refuse to have sex with them + an average male is stronger than a woman. Considering these factors, I don't even want to be alone with a moid. A shame really. inb4 'holy shit you sound sad' but I just use one of those heartbeat sounds to fall asleep while cuddling a pillow, I get good sleep like this and I can easily imagine a husbando cuddling me. I have a high libido but I just take care of it myself. I will never have sex with a moid who's unworthy to possibly pass their genes into the next generation. Too bad I'm straight, it really is a fucking curse.

I really don't think I'm asking for much, I just want a not bald, fairly tall (5'10"+), non-toxic gym bro who can hold a conversation and eats fairly healthy. Don't care about income because I don't plan to depend on him for that, as long as he can pay his bills and he's living independently (not roommates or their mom's basement). But apparently in this market, that's asking for too much and I'm 'shallow'.

autosage for autism + sperging

No. 328585

You dont have to use dating apps, you can give it a try for a day and delete your profile afterwards if you're scared so much. Also if you don't put embarrassing stuff in your profile, you won't get made fun of, saying your fetishes or writing extremist political views are the kind of stuff you need to do to get made fun of, otherwise no one gives a fuck.
This is the dating apps thread, your post has nothing to do with it and no one will read your romanianon-tier 10 paragraph sperging

No. 328588

Why don’t you actually mean it tho?

No. 328590

Mean what?

No. 328596

ayrt (romanianon tier spergfag) and I was replying to this anon >>322717 and not this thread in particular kek, and I autosaged because I know I'm a blackpilled sperg

Getting back to dating apps I've tried all 'major' ones like hinge, coffee meets bagel, okcupid and they all have the same batch of men I sperged about. TLDR is they all suck in their own way. Okc has the ugliest and fattest ones, coffee meets bagel moids are somewhat decent but can't keep a convo + megaboring, and hinge is basically same thing as moids looking for hookups aka tinder.

No. 328597

Tbh even though basically everyone uses dating apps they're all pretty trash. Especially if you're only looking for a male partner. It's like they get on these apps and manage to be even worse versions of themselves because they aren't interacting with you IRL.

No. 328598

I know anons will accuse me of victim blaming but personally I don't think posting your face online is the smartest idea in 2023. There's scary tech and ill intentions out there, better not.

No. 337598

So there's now a thing on Tinder that you can only see a couple of pictures if your own profile only has a couple of pictures? I guess they want to force people to make better profiles, fair enough, admittedly my own is very bad, but it's a fake I only use for lurking. Knowing how shit most profiles are even when you can see everything, I don't think I'll bother adding any pics. It's nice to see the devs are trying, but I'm cynical it'll make much of a practical difference.

No. 337647

lurking on tinder has to be the worst waste of time ive ever heard of

No. 337691

Im using a dating app, specifically hinge,for the first time. I met this really genuine guy whose into nieche and allternative shit like me. We ended up calling each other on discord and getting to know each other better. I’m not currently in the state he’s in, but we’ve come to the conclusion we wanna meet up in the future. Anyways, the only thing I’m concerned about is that he’s very flirty and he admitted he has a high sex drive. I’m virginal as hell. Don’t know how to flirt, or receive flirting in a non awkward way to save my life. I told him this, and he basically said just tell me when your uncomfortable about anything. I want this to develop into something more, but I want to take things extremely slow. I need to secure a more emotional bond before going forward with anything really intimate. But knowing myself, Im thinking in the back of my head that I might be setting this whole situation up for failure.

No. 337706

Anon he just wants your nudes and sex. I doubt he's coming to your state but he doesn't want to be your bf. He is just looking for a easy hole. I'm sorry.

No. 337708

Idk I mean you can get some pretty entertaining profiles.
>I'm as deep as you can peel me off. I love women so much and thus tend not to get along with feminists
>I'm looking for something serious, no playing games or waist time
>Swipe right if you don't take your health and hygiene seriously
>Recently discovered I love being pegged and here to explore it more

No. 337749

Depending on online dating services is too unromantic, but going outside and talking to people is too scary. There is no hope.

No. 338117

meeting and talking to people in person better because a woman's intuition is better at detecting creeps and losers. It's harder to pick up on that stuff through online chatting. Look into stuff like yoga, yoga teacher training, cocktail making classes, wine groups, barista classes, mixers, etc etc just get your foot out the door.

No. 338781

Me to some dude I been fuckin:hey you’re nice and all but we have to stop talking and linking I wish you well
Him: ok
Kek I should’ve just blocked him without saying anything

No. 338792

I don't get it, what was the problem?

No. 338796

I don’t know what I expected “I wish you well too!” I don’t feel sad or anything

No. 338948

sage for blogging

a long time ago, i tried dating apps for the first time after a 6 year relationship and matched with the cutest girl i have ever seen. we agreed to go out one night but both got shy and backed down. i deleted the app afterwards because i was scared.
we saw each other later at a downtown area and spilled our spaghetti for each other but never reconnected because we were both with a busy group.
i will never forget her.
nonas, never let your own shyness and spaghetti hold you back from going on that date. meet that person, face your shyness, and make connections. i will always remember her and wonder what could have been.

No. 343975

Are you me? These apps have left me jaded. Literally all men want is to get pussy with no effort and it's so obvious. No one even has the balls to put that they're looking for a life partner. Long term + open to short sends out red flags for me immediately and makes me wonder how many stds they have. Long term by itself means they still have commitment issues. They are all painfully desperate and it's pathetic. Women with issues really need to stop damaging themselves and giving these moids sex for nothing. All men want is attention, an ego boost, and to waste womens' time without respecting us or caring about our feelings. You're right that men don't have any hobbies except video games and some type of drug problem. It's like they're all npcs. And if they're not the video game loser reject, they're some football bro who drinks beer. Same person, different body. Boring.

I'm talking to the one of the only hot guys I've ever seen in my state and he's autistically going on a tangent about how he discovered buddhism…a month ago! and now he's trying to convert. Dude is a fucking white European. Brain rot. He's pretty but has no hobbies despite being 32 years old and awkwardly sounds like he's still discovering himself. His hobbies included video games (shocker!), buddhism and doing stand up which he also just started a month ago along with the buddhism. Fucking weird losers all of them. Meanwhile, I have tons of hobbies I love to keep me occupied and am 7 years younger. What the fuck is wrong with moids? Even with a pretty face, I just cannot take them seriously or give them sex when they are out of this world retarded.

Also beware of flakes and attention seekers. I had some faggot ask to go on a date then cancel a few days later out of the blue after flirting with me. Fuck. That. There's a reason these men have to resort to these apps.

He used you. What were you expecting.

Ugly men on dating apps will fuck and leave too. I hope none of you think they will treat you any better or be "grateful".

No. 343989

Standup is full of misogynistic uggos with strong opinions and inability to shut up, a man liking standup is a redder flag than the Soviet Union and clear indicator that he's a gross cringellennial who will treat you like shit. The legends foretold it, it is known.

No. 346860

File: 1693376250004.jpeg (82.23 KB, 1020x584, IMG_1417.jpeg)

Just got a like from a guy on hinge and went through his profile and the caption on one of his photos is a link to his dads obituary

No. 346883

im talking with this guy on hinge and his banter is good and interesting. but he works in private equity… so financebro. clearly dude comes from wealth, just based on his profile/alma mater, i'm 100% from an entirely diff tax bracket

ive pushed away meeting people for so long (am 25 now), i feel like i have no way to gauge the right person for me and no where to turn to now except dating apps

No. 347168

these dating app moids aren't going to provide you with anything substantial. if you're going to waste your time on these apps, at least take the rich moids' money.

No. 350208

File: 1695827551690.png (833.52 KB, 1080x1979, Screenshot_20230926-183806.png)

Ladies, please understand these are the types of men that use dating apps. I've attempted to go on OKC to try to find something serious and it's just filled with men going "Wahh why no good women out there? Why won't one want to have a good time?" And they're the types looking for hookups and short-term relationships. They don't even have the decency. Too many of them are just there "to see what's up" and then some of the questions they answer, saying how they'll consider have an open relationship, but their profile says monogamous. I'm convinced there's only 5% good men out there who actually want something meaningful, and finding them online is going to be like finding a four leaf clover.

No. 350210

LMAO EW if it helps you feel a little more hopeful, my friend met her Nigel of 5 years on Bumble and he is genuinely one of the kindest, least scrotey men I’ve ever encountered, possibly bc he comes from a family of lots of strong good women. He is super supportive of her and they make a genuinely wonderful couple. I hope you find someone wonderful too, whether it’s on a dating crapp or IRL, nonna.

No. 350214

Lmao wait no who would wanna meet someone on 4chan

No. 350216

/soc/ goes into the other opposite extreme where there's too many freaks. basically everything these anons said:

No. 350221

That's probably a 4chan moid kek

No. 350222

We need a thread to make fun of moids' dating profiles

No. 350225

Who could never hope to attract any normie or normie adjacent woman on a phone app double kek

No. 350230

Most men on soc have sucked more dick that an average pornstar, the only thing you'd get out of dating a /soc/iopath is probably aids

No. 350231

Dating apps provide you the ones who swiped right on your profile and your looksmatch. If you get fat ugly white men, chances are you're a fat ugly white woman.
Dating apps aren't magic websites to help ugly people get attractive boyfriend or girlfriends, complaining about only getting ugly people only exposes the fact that you're ugly yourself. You aren't entitled to any attractive persons companionship.

No. 350232

Yeah scrolling through soc is like walking into a some kind of gay hook up group

No. 350233

I don't see what apps would gain from doing that instead of just showing everyone in your area to keep you wasting time on the app

No. 350235

That makes no sense because I get hot AND ugly men who just happen to be close by.

No. 350237

I'm not white or fat so this isn't true. I live in a town surrounded by Indian men and I definitely get them, but also how TF would I keep having men constantly swiping right when the first line of my profile says I'm not looking for hookups

No. 350244

Lmao that’s not accurate at all but ok

No. 350260

It means both hot and ugly guys swipe right, which is what usually happens. If it's only the uggos, that's the worrying situation.
No one even looks at the bio when swiping, even then, attractive people would neither sleep nor date unattractive people so it wouldn't change their swipe patterns as and would be attractive people looking for similar sort of dynamics - just not with you.

No. 350281

I've talked about this in the vent thread but I went on my first first date ever (using Bumble) and the guy turned out to be a proto-conservative sleazy psychopath in finance who can't keep a relationship and joked way too much and too vividly about people dying. The original post is here for anons who want it
I swear to god he made himself seem like a normal nerdy dude on the app with no partying pics, no fraternity clothes/vibes, said he was looking for a relationship, but then showed up looking like a creepy frat boy. He gave the same vibe that a serial rapist that I knew irl gave before he got caught.
After I got trapped at a two hour dinner with this guy, the whole experience makes me want to do coffee dates just so I can leave if the vibes aren't right. Can any nonas weigh in on whether coffee dates just for the first date might be a better idea? I knew immediately when I saw him in person that he was going to be a piece of shit but I chalked it up to me just being nervous since it was my first date.

Also I don't know if this will help anyone but I later wrote down some of the psychopath red flags >>>/ot/1708565 that I got on the date from this guy in case anyone ever happens to end up with a low-functioning psychopath on these apps. It was fucking depressing because I had been on the apps talking to guys for a bit and this was the ONLY guy who I had interesting conversation with, the other conversations I had were bland af.

No. 350285

Also same anon as >>350281 but has anyone had a guy have thoughtful, grammatically correct messages in the app and then once you give them your number they slack off like a total dumbass with spelling errors? Why would they do this? Should I wait to give my number?

No. 351047

How the fuck do I find something serious? What's a good app for that?
I also want to abstain from sex until at least engagement, if not marriage. I don't think I'm religious. Where the hell am I going to find this kind of guy? Should I go for a Christian/Catholic kind of man? ChristianMingle chads?

No. 351053

I used a similar themed site, but specifically for Catholics in my country. I was religious at the time (mostly from being brought up that way) but I swear my date made me realize even the most "pious" men are somewhat sex-obsessed, but they never let on to it. Trust me, you can read the repressed thoughts behind those squint eyes. Particularly, I went on one date with this guy who seemed normal enough, though he was very cold to speak to, but I expected that from the chats. The conversation was extremely awkward and I never saw him for another, I remember praying that he was not a serial killer. Maybe I am being overly freaked out, but he had the face for it. He seemed like he had never spoken to a woman before and he was staring at my chest for the entirety of the date. We did not kiss at the end of the night, to my surprise. His stares were enough to tell what was on is mind. He was not bad looking, but I was not going to go crazy over him solely for his height. I made sure to cut it off before he stopped putting up the dork act. I could tell if we went out any longer, he would start acting depraved. If you're into dorky mega-virgins (not in an endearing way), go at it. I thought this is what I wanted, at least what I thought was the more approachable type of man. They are not ideal, but then again I think he was borderline-retarded. Most men in my country are religious, so it could depend on where you sigh up from. The site I used looked amateur and was not one of the major sites you think of when you think of typical Christian dating apps.

No. 351054

>Should I go for a Christian/Catholic kind of man? ChristianMingle chads?
no. many of them are closet degenerates, nearly all of them are massive hypocrites

No. 351055

these guys flip flop all the time. it's okay for them to have sexual urges, ofc thats what a man can do, its in his nature. but when their woman expresses this, she has to do it in a 'god-honoring way'. dont get me started on the language they use like "make love". stfu moid, you get an ego boost from thinking you are pleasuring a woman with a measly worm.

No. 351065

You'll never find anything serious on an app. Please meet someone in real life and don't let online moids manipulate you.

No. 351092

>christian mingle Chads
How could that be a thing? What kind of specific situation he'd be in that he'd simultaneous care that much about religion but not find someone within his church? with all the church aunties playing matchmaker too. I swear back when I was a teen a bunch of people around me frequented church purely for the social aspect of it.

No. 351106

no nonnie. a serious christian man wont want a non-christian girl. he will at best try to convert you, and at worst, hed be a "trad" twittertard larping as christian, ready to use you as a tradthot mommy bangmaid tool without seeing you as a person.
very true. mine ended up liking it up the ass. how catholic of him.

No. 351204

Anon's right >>351106 take it from someone who was raised in a Christian community. As a generalisation, genuine Christian man will try to convert you (if he wants to date you at all, it's generally discouraged to date someone who you believe is going to suffer in hell and has "earthly" norms and values). Those who won't are generally the -Christian in name and out of habit only- who will want to have sex before marriage and will drink on saturday evenings and sit in the church the next sunday morning lmao. Also >>351065

No. 351212

File: 1696417604192.png (516.69 KB, 1440x2498, OKCgrossintro.png)

Just got reminded about my dating app thanks to this thread so I went to check them out again after 6 months. Decided to check out OKC and look through the intros people sent to me and ended up finding this comment. Some guys are so gross and sexualizing.

By the way I'm only 5'11" and in my late 20s.

No. 351213

But of course. One rule for women, one rule for him.

No. 351218

EW FELLOW 5’11 NONNA VOMMING IN SYMPATHY FOR U. That is seriously gross I H A T E the freedom men on dating apps feel to be degrading to literal strangers who don’t give any signs in their profile whatsoever that they’re down to immediately get sexual chatting. Reminds me of a fat scrote cop who messaged me talking about how he’s a dom and would “break me” bc I said I have a dominant personality. Barfffffffff.

No. 351223

Would you rather have a 5'6 manlet message you with a less sexualizing and respectful message? All moids above 5'11 think they're hot shit.

No. 351224

Yeah it's sick behaviour.
While the best thing to do is to just block those low-lifes, I would be really tempted to write degrading messages back to them. Like how fat and pathetic that moid was.

No. 351228

Manlets are worse ime because they desperately try to compensate for their height.

No. 351844

Hinge and tinder are making me want to kill myself. I

No. 351925

It could never happen, but in my dreams there’s a dating app just for users of this website.

No. 352009

out of all the dating sites it seems tinder, of all places, and facebook dating actually have some sort of good way of highlighting people who meet your criteria. for OKC i've had to download a highlighter app so i could pass on dudes without much thought. i truly dislike any of that.
honestly though, how do you find guys IRL if you want to avoid bars?

No. 352628

Where can I find military guys to date? I have a fetish.

No. 352637

4chan. Just don't forget to alert us before they murder you

No. 352640

There’s guys in the military on 4chan? What do I do just go there and thirst trap?

No. 352645

Men on dating apps be like
>I’m a 38 year old amateur musician, not sure if I want kids yet and I’m still figuring out my dating goals
If you don’t get the fuck out of your mothers basement…

No. 352653

Military men are cute when they are broken but not too broken, but it is unrealistic to try find that balance. The more I think about the ideal military man, it becomes a straight-up COD character so this may be impossible.

No. 352694

Just use tinder, but from the closest coffee shop to your local military base.

No. 352706

File: 1697166003568.gif (35.53 KB, 772x800, tumblr_edb81b881d86452d7f44043…)

what's even the point of dating men?

No. 352735

Benis XD(XD)

No. 352737

Are apps the best way to meet women? I'm reaching breaking point and I want to hook up with a woman at least once, but I'm afraid I'm too old (30) for this kind of things since people tend to settle down at my age (which I have zero intention of doing)

No. 352740

but dick is abundant and low value

No. 352751

GOOD dick is rarer than a golden goose egg.

No. 352782

just save up to buy a quality dildo (good dick)

No. 352798

yeah so back to my original question, i'm finding it difficult to care about dating men when i have dildos. is it even possible to form deep emotional bonds with men?

No. 352803

Apps are alright imho because they're convenient. On apps you don't usually have to go through gazillion stages of grief trying to figure out whether a woman you find interesting is even into women in the first place (which is sometimes the case irl). Your age is a non-issue too, I only first started dating and having sex with women in my late twenties-early 30s and I've found quite enough women to go on dates with. IME it's not really that uncommon for women to have very little or zero experience with other women at 30. I've found none of the women I've been with really cared when I was still kinda inexperienced at 30. Conversely idc if a woman I'm interested in is inexperienced at that age either, as long as she doesn't make a huge deal about it and act all weird and self-deprecating and constantly draw attention to her lack of experience (if that makes sense). Just roll with it, everyone has to start somewhere.

That being said, if you want to try apps, be prepared to wade through a lot of straight couples looking for threesomes, poly retards, bihets who just want to text forever and maybe hold hands at most but won't imagine having icky sex with women, ugly ass moids, women in het relationships looking for sidepiece bangmaids to make up for their unhappiness with their scrotes, and insufferable queers kek. Although I'd like to have a proper relationship myself so that's why I'm hyper critical, maybe it's possible to give some annoying aspects about a date a pass if it's only a hook up you're looking for.

I'm also going to use this opportunity to complain about how much I fucking hate dating kek. I'm sick of combing through the trash mentioned above to find women who seem relatively normal and interesting and are monogamous. I fucking hate the poly/open relationship trend that's prevalent atm and honestly I feel like 99% of people who meme themselves into that shit are just in unhappy relationships (but can't admit it), losers who can't find one partner they're actually happy with (a "three partners who are 3/10 each equal one partner that's a 10/10" type of situation if you will), or self-centered, immature hedonists who think they should have the benefits of a steady relationship while also being allowed to fuck around as they like. I hate it all. Basically I'd love to meet a woman who makes me go "wow, maybe there are still people I'd actually want a relationship, glad I stuck with these apps until I found her", but I'm honestly not very optimistic and I feel like I'm just gonna die alone at this point. But I also don't want to settle, because being by myself is still better than trying to date someone I don't really like, so here we are kek

I'm bisexual and I haven't dated a moid in almost a decade (I've only been with women for years), but I entertain the thought of giving moids a try on an occasion when lesbian online dating pisses me off (see my sperg out above). Realistically those fleeting ideas are something I probably will not start practicing though, because I honestly can't see what a scrote could possibly offer me if I'm being serious. Dick? I have dildos and sex toys and those can give me a certain orgasm and don't come with a stupid mouthbreathing moid attached to them. Emotional bond? Yeah, doubt it. Sorry. Maybe it's also my own attitude problem I have with scrotes, but I just feel like I can't form deep enough emotional bonds with them to consider them as potential romantic partners anymore. I feel like the risk of ending up doing heaps of emotional labor and the majority of chores and standing their scrotery is just too much for me. So it's either a girlfriend if I'm ever lucky enough to find a gem among the sea or queerio poly weirdos again, or the life of a spinster. I can't imagine how a moid could improve my quality of life, sorry kek

No. 352817

It really isn’t anywhere near the same. Fucking a real human being is a 1000 times better than a stupid sex toy and im tired of you femcels pretending it is.

No. 352833

the issue is that the "human being" (moid) can hurt you in a thousand different ways if not give you an std or kill you and for all that he won't even try to give you an orgasm

No. 352834

a sex toy won't randomly decide to rape you anally, for example

No. 352836

I’ve heard all this shit before and even said it myself but at the end of the day I don’t care. My carnal desires are my carnal desires and I do not carnally desire a factory manufactured human made object.

No. 352848

I would've almost understood your point if men actually knew how to fuck/how to give women orgasms

No. 352850

go back

No. 352852

It's more about safety than anything. Sleeping with a stranger man is dangerous, even if he doesn't have outright bad intentions, if he's pornsick he can hurt you by trying to replicate things he has seen in porn.

No. 352859

This. I've been celibate for years so the desire and fantasies are strong. Really strong (I've been thinking about joining the apps for that reason) But recalling my 3 previous sexual encounters - they range from horrific to just poor. The best orgasms by far were ones I've given myself.

No. 352862

Kek, this. What a stupid thing to take so personally anyway

No. 352871

a "femcel" cannot exist. women never have issues getting sex. if a "femcel" is real, she is only in search of a deep emotional bond with a man that she cannot find, and that is not her fault.

No. 352875

Been talking to this guy on Hinge and now I suggested we go on a date because I only send a message a day. He is asking me where I'd like to go. Honestly, I'd like him to choose. My first instinct is to go to somewhere loud, but I think I want something quiet so we can actually talk to each other. The loud place just gives me and him the opportunity to move around if things get a bit awkward instead of basking in it. I would love to go to on a trail tbh, but it's not as crowded as I would like for a first date. Difficult choices. I also can't eat a bunch of carbs so restaurants are limited.
I want it to be worthwhile though, he's someone who wants a life partner and to have children so I think I should find somewhere a little pricey, but I just love nature and I'm not one to even want to go to places just because it's "higher value" or whatever.

No. 352878

I'm sure you can think of someplace where the volume isn't too loud, even if that means you have to eat something.
For the love of everything anon do not meet him at a trail

No. 353035

I hate going to restaurants in general, especially posh fancy ones. I don’t care if it makes me low value or a “pick me” my stomach goes into knots on first dates and I don’t want to eat very much.

No. 353137

Anyone have experience with Muslim men on Hinge?

I'm a practising Muslim and want a practising man. I rarely ever meet single Muslim men irl so I was thinking of joining Hinge as I understand you can filter by religion. I've just heard that there are a lot of Muslim men who sleep with kuffar women through Tinder/apps. I'm also generally sceptical about apps because I'm not good looking and apps put a lot of emphasis on pictures.

No. 353139

Men who use apps are the worst. Apps are their last resort. They are unwanted by the women in their social circles for good reasons.

No. 353141

You can date a nonmuslim man who can convert for you. Muslim men who use those apps are either gay or whores, you'd be better off dating a normal guy you'd meet irl and discussing religion.

No. 353143

Practicing muslims on LC truly boggle my mind.

No. 353155

Why? There are Muslim men who take dick up their arse and still say they're religious - same thing for Christian men who sleep around. Plenty of religious women also have views that goes against religion m

No. 353158

You're just making that anon sound like an hypocrite, kek

No. 353161

Well, I can confirm I'm not a philanderer or gay. The only Islamic rule I'm breaking here is gossiping.

Ah, okay. I knew that was the case for most but I assumed since it's harder for religious minorities to find one another, there may still be some good catches about.
Risky strategy. Learning Arabic and regularly practising would be a lot to ask someone to do. And applying conditions only after they've gotten to know me sounds a little misleading.

No. 353162

There is no perfect believer. It's what I'm saying.

No. 353163

Dating is against Islam unless you always have your father or something by your side.

No. 353167

I was planning on having my chaperone with me sitting at another table at the coffee shop/wherever on every date.

No. 353170

I was more so, aside from gossiping, thinking about how it seems funny/strange to me for a woman who has to tolerate misogyny from the religion she's (presumably) voluntarily practicing, and (presumably) agrees with misogynistic Islamic believes/views, to also browse LC where the userbase leans misandrist/is vocal about said misogyny.

I'm not trying to start an infight about misogyny in religion but it seems just about as weird to me as an atheist asking for dating advice on a Christian lifestyle forum. Just a weird clashing of general believes/values. (Yes I know LC users are not a monolith)

No. 353340

I’m straight up suicidal every time someone I like ghosts me wtf do I do. Does anyone else struggle with this?

No. 353342

You should seek theraphy. No one is worth feeling suicidal over, you deserve better than people that ghost you.

No. 353390

don't you know about muslim dating apps like minder or muzmatch? a family friend found a guy of the same ethnicity on one, he seems okay but his family sucks. i don't know how the not-hot muslims get hitched nowadays because most everyone young getting married in our ethnic communities are the well-adjusted and good looking ones. my fuggo male cousin (mid 30s) got an arranged marriage and got a way cooler and more social woman than him but guess he seemed stable enough to her. a lot of these young muslims seem to meet in college like islamic groups, which is what my sister did. my school barely had any muslims and i'm an exmuslim kek so that wasn't for me.

No. 353750

Update, went on the first date. It was at an arcade. Not really much to talk about, but it was awkward for me. I was pretty much the one leading him around the place. One thing that tipped me off was he thought this game using bb bullets was "lame" and the way he was holding the bb gun was incorrect. As someone who's armed, it didn't make me feel like he'd be someone to make me feel protected. After the date was over, I updated my Hinge profile saying I need someone to be comfortable with firearms.
I got a message from him last night saying he'd like to go to a cafe and he was comfortable with me, but at this point I feel like I'd be going on a pity date. My gut is telling me he's just a basic Nintendo autismo with not much experience with love.
Nonnas, it's so over.

No. 353753

a man with guns in the house is more likely to use them to hurt you or kill himself. the fantasy of men protecting women can be dangerous. you might attract retarded gun nut types.

No. 353769

I live in a place where it's more common to have a gun than not, and the ones that don't are really against it, and with me having 2 guns in my house, working with a gun attached to my hip, and target sheets displayed on my walls, they'd absolutely flip.
I work with a handful of gun nuts, so I have a basic idea of what to look out for in things they say and do, so that's pretty much covered.
My life goal is to have a homestead so finding someone who's into hunting would be a benefit for my wishes. I know the risks this is going to endure, but I absolutely cannot date someone who will have a panic attack when I'm in my work uniform.

No. 355169

When he’s under 5 ft 8 and says he’s looking for short term fun

No. 355184

Your obsession with guns and your job is autistic. I'm a doctor but I wouldn't refuse to date a man if he's scared of surgeries or blood, lol. Not like he's gonna be working by my side.

No. 355187

> I need someone to be comfortable with firearms.
One of the most burger thing I have read here. The dumbest too

No. 355189

>he'd be someone to make me feel protected.
why would you even want that? like the nona above said, it's stupid because these types are also very likely to hurt the woman they're supposed to "protect", and what's up with protecting a cute harmless boy yourself?

No. 355206

>what's up with protecting a cute harmless boy yourself?
I get it, but in reality, a moid who would stand there cowering while you risk your life for him is trash.

No. 355231

Isn't the whole point of carrying a firearm as a woman that you can protect yourself? I'd sort of get it if you asked for a guy with big muscle since you can't really beat another man when it comes to raw strength, but firearms? When they already even the playng field?

No. 356295

Remade my OKC, since I was reusing the profile that I had when I met my ex 2 years ago, and landed a date with a guy in less than 24 hours. He seems very mature and well rounded when it comes to goals and how to manage life, we share similarities with what we want in the long term so that's a huge plus. He's not a gamer, thank the Lord. I kept getting intros from absolute units and retards with my old profile, so I knew something had to change. This guy planned everything out, he offered to pick me up, I declined, but he's even taking me to go eat lunch. Never had a date like this where the guy initiated. I'm finally scoring some confident men.

No. 357007

File: 1699147482085.png (274.65 KB, 600x572, F848E08F-6D49-4408-8AA3-80A6C7…)

I’m talking with a guy on Bumble but he’s clearly too handsome for me, he look really interested in me but I don’t now, I can’t but talk back to him in an extremely defensive weird and awkward sarcastic way. I must look insecure af and I don’t want to seems fragile and being taken advantage at because of… I’m a big mean and feral sexy tiger fuck FUCK

No. 357545

I've been on a few dates with this guy already and he truly is a gentleman. He's paid for all our nights out. He opens the passenger door for me. He makes a very decent amount of money. He appreciates the simple life. He wants to have a traditional based relationship minus the need for religion to be in the equation. We discuss the lasting needs we'd want in a long term relationship rather than focus on mundane activities to try to bond over. He asks me if I'm feeling okay and what's on my mind when we get closer to each other. By the end of our last date, we were in each other's arms, giving little kisses and cheek to cheek, discussing what we were going to pack for our picnic date and already planning the next date after. He's such a simple man. It's so fucking refreshing to actually find a guy who doesn't want to turn the conversation into his gaming/social media addiction cope, he's so against doing things to an extent that don't benefit your overall health. He's emotionally available for a relationship. He wants to make our relationship official, but we have decided it's more rational to wait a bit to ultimately decide. But so far, no red flags on this guy for me.
I'd guess the only yellow flag is his excitement taking over and before we even met in person, he was calling me terms of endearment, but I was able to critique that and he apologized. He's overall a very mature guy and it is obvious he's ready to settle down, both of us are in our early 30s, so it makes sense because I genuinely want that for myself too. I want to give myself some discipline and not have sex with him until I get to meet friends of his and he meets mine, social vet a bit, and when we're able to say I love you to each other for a few days. I feel like the I love yous should come first before that level of intimacy is established, whereas I've had sex with previous partners before I even knew they had no actual friends and didn't get to fully realize how much of a slob they were at home. Trying to really take this slow, but I'm very comfortable with this guy already.

No. 360517

Okay anons, how long should you be talking to a guy on an app before making your intentions clear? I just want some no strings attached fun with a guy or two but I don't know how to tell them what I expect.
Also I found that the guys that act nice are usually way out of my league but they also don't bring up risqué stuff and seem more serious, do I still have changes of hooking up with them?

No. 360521

Are you kidding? You can say it immediately. No strings attached is the default state of all the exchanges on apps, don't assume that if they wanna take you places or don't get risqué immediately that they're too serious and not sex minded. The whole app is your oyster, much harder to be seeking love than casual sex on there.

No. 360523

I've had guys stalk me after I tried cutting contact with them so I want to make it clear that I'm not looking for anything long term from the start. I think most men aren't looking for love but they're looking for long term relationships and a partner they can regularly be intimate with.

No. 360524

Then you were interacting with low tier bpd males. Aim higher in looks department, fit playboy types can't hurt you if you're just looking for something casual and they dont get attached.

No. 360525

Are you retarded? I didn't go for ugly men, one of the stalker guys were so hot my friends were shocked he was into me because they thought i was too ugly for him lmao.
Both ugly and handsome men can take rejection badly and react violently. Stop victim blaming me when you're retarded enough to search for something serious on a dating app. You can't lecture me on men and then try to meet your future husband/long term partner on a dating app people only use for casual relationships.

No. 360531

Nta but the best thing to do is to not give them your real name, preferably not any real info, use a Google number. So you can cut them out at a moments notice and they don't have anything to go off of. It's harder if you park your car there but you can arrange for an Uber maybe? Sorry anon

No. 360532

Thank you anon. I'm sure most women have been stalked to a degree whether that be online or an obsessed ex so I think we all worry about this.
And yes I give a second name I don't use and won't give my number. I'm being slow and trying to find someone I can trust before I actually meet up with them, anyone to obsessive, clingy or dysfunctional in another way is out of question for me.

No. 361408

anytime a hot guy likes me on hinge, i just get massive imposter syndrome. why are you liking my profile??? im so boring and average. theres no way someone that good looking would ever want to get to know me. and then i hit the X button

No. 364582

File: 1702276557287.jpg (143.43 KB, 1916x1142, this is what modern men look l…)

Why are all the men on dating apps so fucking ugly?
So. Fucking. Ugly.
Everytime I open a dating app it feels like I'm doomscrolling through hairy ugly down syndrome motherfuckers that have the nerve to make pictures with the most retarded lip sucking eye squinting poses then send me a message saying "Hey gorgeous". As if I want to even be within an inch of you you disgusting ugly scrote. Everytime I download a dating app I inevitably delete it just 30 minutes later because i get fugly-overload. It's enough to give me stomach poisoning and not leave my bed for a week. Just please for the love of God just once let me see a man who isn't a complete eyesore to look at.

No. 364607

whenever i download it the first time I get chads and I match with most of the weirdly hot dudes while the average ugly dudes swipe left on me(?). Try to swipe right on everyone, maybe you swipe right on "men in your league " so the app shows you men who look similar? Idk.

No. 364608

They swipe right on everyone, so should you. I judge someones interest based on messages rather than them having swiped right because of that.

No. 364611

Desirable people don't need to use dating apps

No. 364615

nta but not true unless youre in the millenial/boomer agerange where only men your age on the dating apps are probably looking to cheat or groom young women. A lot of the attractive young people there are only looking for hookups though.

No. 364631

Most of the guys that message me don't even read my profile so I we're not compatible. I don't want children so it makes it even harder to find people. It's easier to have them come to me but most people DON'T READ. Also echoing what other people said, so many ugly/average looking moids. All the good looking ones are probably taken or not on dating apps at all.

No. 364637

dont put that youre looking for serious stuff on your profile, theyll see that and lie about wanting a future OR you will pull alt-right losers who want a gullible woman to help them pass their shit genes.

No. 364639

Did you mean gen x/boomer?

No. 364665

no i mean that about both millenials and boomers. Usually older men on dating apps already have a wife/girlfriend. If i remember the stats right it said somewhere around %30 of men already had a partner.

No. 364671

It’s bleak, isn’t it? I thought maybe I was being too harsh, but the men in my age range (mid-twenties) are ugly as hell. On dating apps and IRL. So many guys are pudgy and have bad hair with moon faces. Are awful genetics just more prominent now? And as other anons said, anyone actually good-looking that I find on these apps just wants to hook up, because they can and know there’s slim pickings.
Those that say that attractive people don’t use apps, where do they hang out then kek?

No. 364680

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swiped right on my work crush last night, not feeling great about it lol

No. 364689

Why wouldn’t it apply to gen x too though?

No. 364752

>where do they hang out then
They meet at work, school or with friends in common.

No. 364810

Already graduated
My work is full of boomers.
>With friends in common
It’s over kek

No. 365082

Tried several dating apps,honestly have no interest in dating anymore and no longer have a shy twink nerd fetish because gosh,they have no personalities other than wanting to jerk off to porn or ask me inappropriate questions about my body or just playing video games all fuckin day.they turn into shit anyway becoming fat, growing a beard,pornsickness, becoming an incel etc.im so over this already

No. 365517

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Bi/les anons, how would you rank these apps from best to worst for meeting women?



No. 365708

isnt there a limit of likes on hinge though? i thought guys had to be more selective there

No. 372279

Still bad at these… what are some good conversation topics? Also when should I expect to exchange numbers/meet up irl with someone??

No. 372290

when I was on the apps (off them now and successfully dating someone I met via tinder thank god), I would just try to get basic information about the person, like what neighborhood they live in, what they do for work, what they studied in college, basic hobbies, etc before meeting irl asap for a real date. then exchange numbers after the first date, assuming it went well, to schedule second date

No. 373999

What would you guys do if you were on disability, with no friends and a regular support worker that came around to help you with your autism?

Think theres any hope for those people to find anyone?

No. 374000

I mean, probably not. Since this person needs a care worker, the partner is either going to have to tolerate the care worker in their living space, or become the care worker, and no one wants to do that. Maybe if the person found an equally disabled partner.

No. 374006

why would a shy twink-like nerd be on a dating app? You should be staking out the Lego or Warhammer store.

No. 374491

How do all these women have beautiful, model tier pictures on their profiles? I'm not torn up about having no chance with any of them because they all looked as bihet as it gets, but it did make me feel super self conscious about my profile. My pics are all random selfies of my face taken in my living room because I hate being photographed and taking selfies in public makes me feel like a dipshit. Whenever I did interesting things in the past I just took pictures of whatever it was and never asked anyone to take a picture of me doing it.
I know scrotes are desperate enough to match with anything vaguely human but I'm looking for a girlfriend. Is this app just showing me the cream of the crop because I'm new or are those super interesting profiles normal? Do I need to book a flight to the Caribbean for a photoshoot?

No. 374509

they're probably bots using model's pics. dating apps are full of fake accounts using stolen images

No. 374515

what is the purpose of doing this?

No. 374521

No, most of them seem to be actual women. They apparently just lead extremely interesting lives and take lots of pictures of themselves.

No. 374555

Some of it is photoshop. I’ve seen on Reddit lots of men and women asking for their face to be photoshopped onto a dressier body or a more interesting background.
That and well there’s also just way more attractive women than there are men. The men either look suspiciously shooped or they’re complete slobs.

No. 374845

to keep men using dating apps. there are far more men on dating apps than women, so the people running the apps create fake female profiles to keep men's interest. my friend got interviewed a job doing marketing for a dating app a while ago and when she had the interview, the recruiter pretty much told her her role would be to run multiple accounts posing as different women and text all day to keep the men's interest in the site.

No. 375595

I've only tried Hinge and Tinder, and Hinge is much better by far.
I personally only found couples looking for a third on Tinder, but it could just be my area

No. 380992

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No. 380995

Dating app nonnies please post more dumb scrote profiles they make me laugh

No. 380998

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No. 380999

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No. 381000

Everything he says is a giant red flag

No. 381017

I can't imagine he gets any matches that are not trolling him. He's a bum.

No. 381032

My 60 year old dad looks younger than this dude, this is the roughest 39 I've ever seen good god.

No. 381036

Kek please nona, he’s obviously not 39.

No. 381066

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Got complimented by a footfag once KEK

No. 381071

Please don't use dating apps for your own good, you're too naive.

No. 381079

I've seen super rough people, especially troons, you never know.
I don't, I was just passing by, but you're right, I have autistic tendencies and I tend to take things at face value kek.

No. 381085

>paying him to worship your feet
KEK fetishfags are delusional as all hell. He should be paying women to even be able to touch their pinky toe.

No. 381090

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No. 381091

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kek no comment

No. 381096

girl just don't mention those things and hope he doesn't notice kek

No. 381104

Yes I do. Probably much harder than normal to meet someone and you’d have to screen for creeps even harder.

No. 381106

This is horrid

No. 381266

If a moid has their career listed as teacher on a dating app, is that a red flag?

No. 381300

Why would it be?

No. 381319

Yes, especially if he teaches middle school, high school or is a college professor

No. 381324

Pedophiles will become teachers only because they want access to kids. Not every male teacher is a pedo of course, but it’s really common. My family moved a few times so I went to multiple middle schools and high schools, and every single school had teachers who all the students knew as the creepy ones, they were known for either staring at or flirting with girls, being handsy with girls, or even full on ‘dating’ or sleeping with them. There were always multiple at every school. And male college professors ALWAYS sleep with their students and view them as their dating pool.

No. 381331

This. I’ve rarely encountered male elementary school teachers that were pedophiles (most I met were really enthusiastic about teaching), but males that teach middle school, high school, or college are almost always pedophiles. They’re too close to female students and get flirty, and some will touch inappropriately. Talking from personal experience unfortunately.

No. 381345

Male elementary school teachers are also pretty rare, and weirdly enough they're the ones normalfags think are nonces.
It also doesn't help that those men who do are the ones who get fast tracked for admin positions. Rooster in the hen house kinda vibes.

No. 381828

Fucking hell I was going on a walk after work to stretch my legs and I passed someone who looked vaguely like a guy I met up with on Hinge two summers ago. Sure enough, it was him because he texted me right after to ask if it was me. He wasn't a terrible person, but I stopped responding to him after a few times of hanging out because I wasn't feeling it. Is it rude if I completely ignore his text? I don't have an interest in meeting with him again so I don't want to give off the wrong idea, but I also don't want to be unnecessarily rude. inb4 moid feelings don't matter. if he was a girl, would it be shitty of me to not respond to that text?

No. 381839

not responding isn't rude, you don't owe him anything and if he was a woman it wouldn't change anything either

No. 381888

>if he was a girl, would it be shitty of me to not respond to that text?
That's not a fair comparison considering you've only met him in a dating context previously and that wouldn't be the case with a girl (presuming you're straight) and a man is more likely to interpret a reply as you being interested as opposed to just being nice.

No. 381953

You nonas are right. I deleted his number off of my phone, so it’s done. I think replying to him would have just delayed the inevitable so it’s better to not even start, even if it’s just to be nice.

No. 382255

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No. 382257

So. Is there more

No. 382296

Does anyone have the experience of redownloading the apps years later and seeing the same guys from years earlier? Why the hell are these mfs always the first ones I see and why are they still on the apps so many years later? Are they even real?

No. 382304

Soooo, any update?

No. 382608

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I always love going on passport mode when I’m bored

No. 382753

Lmfaooooooo i’m cryinh

No. 382909

>I don't pay you
Fucking hilarious NO woman is into this shit and the only ones who pretend to do it solely for money only. Men are genuinely terrorists

No. 384006

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I've talked to a Japanese guy once who wanted a Western woman to give him enema. Like fucking why

Also the "hair not found" memes of using Tinder as a woman over 25 is no joke. I have no idea how women are targeted by beauty services when the true tragic tale of human beauty is male pattern baldness. No wonder they're obsessed with "the wall", it's very real for them.

No. 384057

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No. 384058

Men have the worst reading comprehension skills kek I’ve seen so many screenshots of them misunderstanding that prompt

No. 384150

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ohhhhhh nasty

No. 384155

trailer park Adam driver

No. 384162

I think he's a king.

No. 384166

wtf is he saying

No. 384202

shrimp i love shrimp

No. 384218

He's like a cross between Adam Driver and Kurtis Conner in a bad way

No. 384479

This made me snort

No. 384549

Actually yes lmao. I'm going to therapy to work on my behavior. 4 months since knowing him and I got way into survival mode and started worrying way too much about losing him and worried about not meeting these life goals I've set for myself for TWO years. Realized I have anxious attachment tendencies from unprocessed trauma. He's been very supportive throughout all this, he's asked me what he can do to help, he's opened this bridge of friends he knows who'd love to hang out with me when I feel lonely if he's busy, and he's encouraging me to do things I want to do. I've said I'd understand if he wouldn't want to be with me anymore, but he says he understands why I would feel a certain way, but to also take things a day at a time and has put me back into being grounded with the reality. He's challenged my deranged thinking of wanting to leave, he's said he doesn't want to throw everything away because he sees potential. He's actually wanting to work on things and willing to be there for me and encouraging me to get the help I know I need and want. It was a rough couple of weeks, but it is taking a positive turn, he is still planning dinner to take me out to for our monthly anniversary, he's still asking me if I want to go places even for the upcoming year. He's been great at informing me of his schedule, which has been busy lately and a factor in triggering me, but despite all that, he's so great to me. He doesn't watch porn, he believes in monogamy (he used to be ultra Christian), he works very hard in his career to do things right and eventually wants to get to a point where he's not working to build anyone's business and doing what he's passionate about. He's very dedicated and it's shown in his actions. He reminds me life is short, but ultimately to do things that will bring true joy at the end of the day.

No. 384613

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broke men gotta stop liking my profile

No. 384628

does anyone else get the urge to message extremely handsome men on hinge “you’re ugly”
they piss me off idk why

No. 384678

I'm so wary of very conventionally attractive men, they tend to be douchebags irl (no I'm not shilling ugly moids ofc).

No. 384683

It usually means he's more likely to have temptation to be disloyal given other people might attempt to flirt with him. Is he naturally conventionally attractive or does it seem like he puts a huge deal into making himself seem more conventionally attractive, such as making sure he's a specific weight, muscle definition, has a popular haircut, etc?

No. 384802

Has anyone here heard of the "burned haystack" dating method? Thoughts? It sounds interesting but I don't know if it's too extreme or not.

No. 384860

Im not dating right now, but when I was, I loosely followed these “rules” without consciously knowing there was a method behind it and I think I had a better time than other women who didn’t. I don’t see how any of the advice gleaned from a quick Google search about the method could go wrong and I’m happy it’s catching on.

No. 384875

Not extreme, it is good to weed out the bad. If you're on OKC, it's best to only answer questions that truly matter to match with better people, such as things related to your core values like "How long do you want your next relationship to be?" Or "Are you ready to settle down and get married right now?" Do not answer mundane questions like "Pineapple on pizza?" or "Do you sleep with lights on or off?" Unless there's a question that you believe is DIRE to answer, skip it. You'll end up high percentage matches saturated with people who have nothing better to do, can barely function social wise, and usually have some kind of Internet addiction.
I also like the pointing out of compliments messages not really being custom. Men have more work to do, which is good in the long run.

No. 384882

The people in the FB group seem to do the opposite of what the method is all about. It's full of posts analyzing longass texts from awful men. Plus it's mostly older women which is kind of depressing. I don't want to be in my 70s and worrying if a fuckboy is gonna text me back.

No. 384935

The difference between pretty and ugly moids is that at least the former have a nice wrapping around the shit core, which some might enjoy for a bit. I'm still wary of them because men can cause a lot of damage even if you plan to keep them around for short-term, especially since good looking guys feel like they're untouchable.

No. 384962

How do you turn down a guy who wants to meet but you've decided you don't wanna meet? I always ghost men after a while if I feel I don't like him but I want to get out of that habit as I know it can be mean especially if you've spent time conversing

No. 384971

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last time i used tinder
>texted guy for like a week before we met, seemed pretty sweet, cute, nice
>met him, he was nice, sweet, a few red flags such as whenever he saw anyone he was like ‘oh that person hates me’ and him telling me everyone hated him in his uni, also annoying interests such as lego. also find out he is bisexual
>meet him another time, this time go to his uni accommodation
>tells me that everyone hates him because they thought he raped a girl (definitely did)
>telling me how much he hates religion but is a satanist
>annoyingly socialist
>made me watch this 15 minute extremely unfunny film thing because he was one of those filmbro guys and i couldn’t even fake a laugh
>swipes through tinder profiles whilst his arm is around me on his bed
>starts playing fifa or some shit whilst i’m there, extremely bored
>tells me how he has fucked all his friends including his male friends and is addicted to sex
>cherry on top is before i leave he just starts kissing me. never kissed anyone before that so i was like wtf and i wanted the ground to eat me alive whilst it was happening i kept biting his lip kek
after this date i tried to ghost him, he told me more shit though about how he was too good to get a job at tesco because he did some work experience for the birmingham commonwealth games topkek. i knew i had to ghost him at that point

No. 384994

If it’s before the first date, I think ghosting is perfectly fine. After the first date, I’d send a text saying I wasn’t feeling a romantic connection or some shit kek

No. 384995

That's insane

No. 386691

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No. 386692

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wtf kind of first line is this?

No. 386694

Very bizarre picture. The room looks like the set of a gay snuff film that involves a chainsaw scene, the PPE footwear, the entire box of it in the background, the discarded heels and he’s wearing a stab proof vest.

No. 386709

Idk the nicest male friends i had were always conventionally attractive. I think thinking hot man = bad means you just spend too much time in Incel online spaces, someone's attractiveness cant make them evil.

No. 386736

Ntayrt but I can testify. The only males who were genuinely kind to me were hot or used to be hot in their youths. They don't feel the need to be perverted or cruel towards a normal girl when they have been getting attention from super cuties their whole lives. They don't sexualise everyday interactions with women and tend to be mentally healthier. I genuinely believe jealous males and pickmes have an anti-"chad" agenda and push it in media. See how aggressively grown ass men reacted when teenage girls got a crush on a cute boy their own age (justin bieber.) We never saw this much hatred against OJ fucking Simpson!

No. 386760

I think moids were genuinely mystified by the attraction girls had for Beiber

No. 386808

im really wondering what went through his mind when he decide to make this the pic for his hinge profile

No. 386839

Only ever used Bumble, only had nice conversations that die out and get ghosted after only 5 or so exchanges that I think were going well but idk. Another guy wanted me to take his virginity and be some kinda mommy kink fulfillment just not good, honestly I think I'm quitting for good on dating apps

Where do you nonas go to meet guys? I just want something real, I've tried bars with friends but I'm never really singled out and you can't really meet a dude into anime there, or even the library, just seems awkward to engage with anyone.

Anyone know good places to find weeb guys that aren't porn addicted losers? I've been thinking of going to conventions but they're just too rare

No. 386846

I've had two successes on the apps you just have to wade through all the men and be tactful in communication to find out if there even worth a real date. Just got to keep the faith that if you've resolved yourself to online dating someone quite like yourself has probably also had the same notion to try. There are a lot of dickheads though.

No. 386855

Stop going for weeb guys. I'll never understand autists that obsess over trying to get a partner that's into one specific thing while ignoring all other aspects

No. 386880

I'm a weeb myself and I never want a weeb guy. Weeb guys are all crazy. Just don't do it, I'm warning you. Some bookworm guy who hates the internet would be a better choice

No. 386931

That's great to hear Nonnie, I hope you'll be better and you can be happily together.

No. 386951

It's not like he has to be a weeb
I guess I just don't want specifically a normie guy idk
I fear not actually being allowed to be myself because dark humor is really not everyone's cup of tea, or I guess degen 4chan humor maybe not just dark humor. I just wanna make fun of troons and minorities and cuddle while watching anime with a dude who isn't completely garbage. Are my standards really too high?(racebaiting)

No. 386952

I have been there and trust me you don’t want this. They’re all insane.

No. 386953

Normies men can handle you being a weeb, they also don't like troons. You might have to be complacent with the fact your future Nigel won't be so online like you, but it's at the cost of him likely not being exposed to degenerate porn and having a higher level of etiquette.

No. 386955

Maybe I've gotten lucky, but I've been with my "weeb" moid for 6 years and it has been great. Unironically the most sane person I've met, unless you count insecurities as being insane.
I met mine on 4chan, but truthfully, you have to sieve through hundreds of vile porn addicts. You can check their archives for discord tags which speeds things up a bit.

No. 386967

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>and minorities
why are we always getting dragged into this shit with trannies

No. 386976

That's what you took away from racist anon's post. That it's annoying to be lumped in with the trannies, not that anon's whole self is rotted.

No. 386977

For what it's worth, it's just a humor thing, I'm not actually racist, I do actually hate troons though

No. 388318

So I finally downloaded Hinge and I'm surprised at how many women in my area mention in their profiles that they love Harry Potter. I wish that was being used as a GC dogwhistle but I'm sure it's just because they are potterhead normies kek. Also, my profile clearly states I am bisexual, I even specified that I'm looking for women at the end yet a straight woman (a catholic woman looking for a lifetime partner who also wants kids) just liked my profile picture. I'm confused, does she want to make friends or something? Is it because we both have dogs? Or perhaps she is closeted and has chosen the most conservative options just in case an acquaintance finds her profile? I don't know but she is very cute, my exact type and age. I will talk to her tomorrow and find out.

No. 388839

What the hell. The audacity. I still look at my online dating profile occasionally for some laughs, and I saw someone "superliked" me.
>24 years old
>Already bald
>Has a kid (and wants more)
Why do these losers think we want to raise their kid for them? And how does a man already go bald in his 20s? The physical state of men these days..

No. 389058

It's over nonnies. He was name calling me behind my back and victimizing himself to his BFF whenever I tried to bring up the topic of my feelings of uncertainty. He blamed me for him not giving me hugs and kisses or initiating holding hands because I would breakdown. He did his greatest job seeming like he had himself all put together, literally all talk, and he used his lack of emotions against me to seem like he was the bigger person once the foundation of this relationship started cracking. He's disrespectful. He had a script ready for everything and when things got uncomfortable, he would just repeat himself.

No. 389157

That sounds awful, anon. How long have you know him for now, 5 months? I think it's good you've seen his true face this early, you'll forget about him in no time.
Samefag but catholic girl wants to be friends, it took 3 days for her to reply to my message but at least she was the one to suggest we meet. I feel like such an extrovert for talking to two women on this app kek

No. 389196

Yeah just about 5 months, I'm really glad it's over. Record breaking shortest relationship I've had. I guess it's a good indicator of me having better self awareness of what kind of person I need to be with to make a relationship work compared to before.
I'm actually going on a date with a guy tomorrow, he seems to have some self awareness, but only talking to him more would tell. I'll probably have to start asking men how they handle stress, because that's the basis of all issues. Conflict. Too many men out there in the dating world are dismissive avoidant.

No. 389258

I downloaded a dating app for the first time and got 15 matches. 5 of the guys didn't even respond in 6 hours (the woman has to message first) and some of them were very overtly sexual weirdos. I have one guy that is really nice and funny and we have some common interests which is great, the conversation flows easily so I hope we can maybe call each other on the phone if he keeps it up. Another guy only replies to me maybe twice per day and makes me feel as if I have to "prove myself" to him. Kind of seems a little stuck up (has a very high level of education and is super into sports) He asks me questions that I have to think about a lot before I reply which is a bit annoying and when I reply he takes super long to message back. It kind of feels as if I'm at a drawn out job interview or something and have to prove that I'm intelligent and fit enough. For example: He told me that he is an avid soccer player and asked me if I'm into sports. I replied that I go to the gym about three times per week and visit a pilates class on saturdays with one of my friends. Then he replied 10 hours later to ask me about my fitness routine. I already kind of dread answering and somehow this makes me angry?

No. 389259

I don’t understand why you need to continue to talk to someone that makes you uncomfortable? He’s being a pain now, will only get worse. Someone like him should get instantly ditched, Nonna. Love yourself more, dating apps are also for you to “test” them.

No. 389673

anons, what is the appropriate reaction to a guy who hasn't replied to your texts in a whole day? i don't want to be the cool girl who just let's everything slide but i also don't want to play the annoying "you didn't respond for x amount i won't respond the double amount of time". i don't trust myself anymore because i have a crush on him and when he texts me i feel like texting back immediately. idk what to do anymore it seems pathetic but it also kind of hurts because i want to feel connected with my crush

No. 389678

When this happens to me, my attraction naturally dies down and I lose interest. He's probably not that great anyway, let it fizzle out and occupy yourself with hobbies or something.

No. 389725

This is very important advice because so many people don't understand this: if you feel like texting back immediately, do so. I give this same advice to men and women, gay and straight. If you want to text/call whatever and don't do so, you are playing games and that shit will never work out. Being genuine is so important

Now don't blow him up with texts either, but if he texts you and you want to respond, do it. Even if it turns out that this guy is just being an inconsiderate douche, you have to let it play out.

No. 389800

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yall what the fuck
i’m deleting this app

No. 389806

i laughed so hard at the threadpic

No. 389816

you can be the coolest person on the app by not replying ever

No. 389850


No. 389854

>soon to be homeless but still taking the time to fuck around on dating apps
what a fucking bum kek

No. 389873

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Why do all britbongs look the fucking same regardless of their race/ethnical background. I've been scrolling through and feeling like they all are love island rejects. Literally every one of them dresses in the same (bad) way, has pics of them in a horrible looking suit, pics of being a menace abroad in spain/netherlands/france, and all have objectively unflattering haircuts. Don't get me started on the state of hairlines once they're over mid twenties. I can feel the inteste vibes of "mediocre sex" whenever I glance at them.
The only thing that makes it more bearable is the occasional foreigner that pops up. I don't know how other girls manage, I'm just looking for a boytoy but I kinda lost hopes, can't imagine what if feels like if you're looking for something serious.

No. 389874

lmfao I can't believe this is real. I would never delete the app if I was you, that's hilarious

No. 390362

Dating apps have made it so awkward to meet someone, like we have to decide if we have a crush on someone based on a profile they made. Like I get the going on the first few dates to see if you can feel a "spark". I went on a first date last week with a guy and now I am unsure how to act on this second date we're planning to have in a few days, like I'd like to pursue this exclusively, do I start telling him I like him? I mean, I guess we already did that via Hinge by responding to his message and the fact we're continuing to message each other. Is date 2 when you expect physical touch like hand holding or a goodbye kiss? I don't know, it makes me feel giddy, but I also don't want to move too fast, you know?

No. 390371

what the fuck are those haircuts? if it weren't for the shitty festival gear this would look like a colorized photo of some kind of 19th century village idiot convention

No. 390400

kek ain't that the truth

No. 390515

It's a 21st century village idiot convention so you're not far off. The nonna who posted picrel is right about british moids all looking off, but these sorts, who go and get shitfaced in Ibiza on the weekends and pass out in their own vomit on the streets, are the ugliest by far. I've never seen one who doesn't look like an inbred foot.

No. 390540

Trying not to take it personally but this guy I've been talking to unmatched me on OkCupid sometime yesterday. He super liked me and left this huge paragraph that I thought was cute about 2 months ago, but I didn't reply because I responded to him on Hinge instead. He didn't delete his profile, it's still up there, I made a sock account just to check if he deactivated, so this was a conscious choice for him to unmatch me. We're still matched on Hinge, even though we moved our conversation to WhatsApp. We've planned a date for tomorrow. I dunno. I liked looking at his OKC account to see his answers and things he liked. Is it something deeper or just mental cleansing? He doesn't actively use social media, just browses Instagram from time to time and messages his friends on Snapchat, but that's it. Maybe I'll ask him on our date tomorrow. Like, he wants to date for marriage. Has he just decided I'm probably not the right fit for him? I don't like feeling this uncertainty already… Maybe I'm overthinking it.

No. 390550

Are you sure you still have a date tomorrow anon? Unmatching you feels like he's preparing to ghost you. Is he still talking on WhatsApp?

No. 390556

Ohh nonas im at my wits end ive been on bumble for 2 days and the men are too retarded to respond to a simple hello im trying to make a conversation. Im trying out Boo right now and theres so much indian guys kek. Is okcupid good? Do zoomers still use that or what

No. 390557

We're still talking on WhatsApp, he's been letting me know where he's at. Like even before I went to sleep last night, he was messaging me paragraphs at a time and we've been imagining silly scenarios of us doing things together like reenacting scenes from movies. I haven't asked him if he's been on any recent dates, but he did say to me in the beginning barely anyone else DMs him or just wants to do expensive things. OKC he's been skeptical about due to scammers, so maybe just a purge and deleting the app? I don't know. Today is a free day so he's more available to talk, our work schedules are opposite, so I will ask to confirm the date and where we'll be meeting.

No. 390636

I finally managed to unmatch this guy. It was extremely freeing. He ignored me for two whole days. I don't think this was a crush he probably triggered my anxiety which is probably why I reacted like this because he isn't that great of a guy. The next time someone treats me like this I will instantly unmatch because it just really gets to me and I don't want to feel on edge all the time.

No. 390698

It's been 6 hours since I asked about our date. I think it's safe to say I've been ghosted lmfao

No. 390760

How'd it go? Did you not have a set date planned?

No. 390807

So he messaged me an hour after I made the update. He sent me a message saying he's been anxious all week. He enjoyed our first date a lot, but our work schedules are just incompatible. The days he works are inconsistent and because of that, seeing each other would be too much of a rush with the limited amount of time to figure out if we would work. Even texting each other, I'd have to go to sleep for work once he had complete free time to have a deeper conversation.
I told him thanks for being honest, because I did also think about how his work schedule was completely different from mine, combine that with the fact we live 30ish minutes away from each other, it's too much of an inconvenience. For him, at least, it's his loss. I was willing to see if we could figure out a compromise and discuss this on our second date, like I'd be able to relax with him once he's out of work or hang out with him weekday mornings before he goes into work, and decide if we want to commit to changing up our lives to be life partners, but it takes two to make it work as such.
So, no date. I just have to move on and find someone who I can connect to and has a similar mindset and availability.
Considering I'm in my early 30s, I wonder if it'd benefit me to considering trying to date single fathers, but that really makes me sad to think about, so I'm sticking to what I have. Maybe I should try to find a guy who's in his 20s? What difference would it make though?

No. 390817

This was just an excuse for something else, people change jobs for their partners all the time so they get the most time together. I don't think 30s requires single fathers, it's not that old. I have coworkers that have stupidly complex dynamics with their relationships because it's like 4 different peoples kids being thrown around and all these exes get involved and upset

No. 390843

>I wonder if it'd benefit me to considering trying to date single fathers
Men with kids from previous relationships are expired goods, they're not worth the trouble.

Sorry this guy didn't work out, it kind of sounds like an excuse tbh. Going by his own logic he can't date at all because his inconsistent work hours aren't going to match with anyone else's yet he's still on dating apps.

No. 390845

AYRT yeah and thinking of it more, it's his own fault. He'll find a good love if he didn't stay at a 2nd shift retail job for 5+ years that from what it sounds like he isn't even making $20 an hour. So I missed that bullet. He said he was dating for marriage and on the date he was such a giving person, but if he wants a well enough rounded woman who values closeness, he'd have to make a huge change in his life. He told me his plan B is to go across the border with his family and make a life out there, I think that's been tempting him more and more as the days pass than making a huge sacrifice for someone he barely knows. There's always some fantasy or idea keeping a man from committing to reality.
Also yeah, the more I think of it I'm not going to date a single father. I see many single fathers at my job with their cute little children and I do get those what if thoughts when some of the dads are overly nice to me. I have to take a step back and just understand, their child is what brings me the most joy, not this man with child support issues.

No. 391006

I feel like maybe I'm being too strict, but I want to find a sober guy. It's so difficult passing on people because they drink alcohol. Should I maybe open up to it, or keep this boundary of mine? My intention to date is finding someone to marry. I feel like I'd lose a part of myself settling for a drinker.

No. 391022

A lot of single dads are single for a reason, and plenty of them only look for a second partner so they'd have someone to cook, clean and babysit for them. Lots of them also let their children disrespect you and stick up for them even if their gross coombrain moidlets are saying disgusting misogynistic things, because his kids will always come first. Which is fair, parents should prioritize their kids, but you don't need that in your life.

No. 391025

Men who don't drink aren't uncommon enough (ime anyway) to consider giving up that boundary imo.

No. 391062

how do all of you cope with dating moids but also hating them at the same time? ive been single for over 5 years and cant see myself dating any man, even a "good one". i see nonnas on here say their nigel is a good one but in the end i feel like it's either cope or they found a statisical anomaly.

No. 391130

if that is really the way you feel about moids, you are doing yourself a disservice by dating them. Either learn to stop hating them or eliminate them from your life as much as you can

No. 391627

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i went on a date with a dude 5 years younger than me on a whim and it turns out that cougars might have had a point because i’ve never had a man try so hard to impress me

his head was so empty he could only name 3 movies he had watched all the way through (forrest gump, spiderman (2001), and ratatouille) and yet he still made me cum! he was in fact so hype to have made me cum that he spontaneously nutted on my back without touching his dick at all and then got a boner again no more than 20 minutes later when my leg brushed up against his dick while we were cuddling. this dude was moaning THEATRICALLY while we were fully clothed making out. never in my life have i experienced this degree of enthusiasm to touch my honesty pretty mid body and he was not ugly. so idk if you are over the age of 28 and have the patience to listen to a himbo for a few hours consider fucking a zoomer tbh except be prepared to have a visceral reaction when they talk about how fat your ass is bc as a millennial it really took me a minute to process that this was a compliment and not a bizarrely timed insult about my body kek

dudes who are even slightly older than me have consistently acted like i have no standards and should/will settle for their bare minimum but every time i’ve hooked up with a guy younger than me it’s like they’re trying to prove that they are nice and good at sex and ~not like other boys~ which is laughable but like i’m not above taking advantage of this either so… maybe think about it as long as you don’t try to actually date them

No. 391657

Thanks for the advice nonnie, I will definitely give it a shot.

No. 391671

>this dude was moaning THEATRICALLY while we were fully clothed making out.
Damn nonna, that sounds hot as fuck. It checks out though, in my experience, younger men are way more enthusiastic not just in bed but in general as well. They know they have to impress you to keep you around and are happy to have just gotten the opportunity to be with you. Meanwhile older guys have a checklist of petty standards they want you to meet, all while being ugly, balding, wrinkly, and unkempt themselves. The only thing they have over young men is career stability and money, I guess, but I don't give a shit about the latter.

No. 391813

>Fat ass is a compliment
LORD I have heard from many moids that being obsessed with boobs is coomer behavior because they are still in toddler brain mode wanting to suck on their mommy's teet, while those admiring butts are thinking about child bearing. I learn a thing or two that benefits if one is immature or not.
My best friends husband is 10 years her minor and I've considered it. It's just that mindset of finding a young guy that'll work. So many of them have that broccoli hair, it just pulls me away.

No. 392103

I started talking to this guy from OkCupid, we have a 99% match. His words are really nice, he's very romantic with his descriptions over text, we haven't met in person yet. One thing that's a little off-putting, he hasn't listed his height in his bio and I have a feeling I'm going to tower over him once we meet. One inch less, I wouldn't mind, but I don't want this to be a dealbreaker if everything else is good about him…

No. 392104

Watch out Zoomers might call you a groomer

No. 392106

Eh younger guys sometimes have weird issues with getting hard because of porn addiction and are immature but I guess I could use them for sex if they were able to get/stay hard. I would never go in a private area with someone I met off a dating app. Did you run a background check on him beforehand?

No. 392124

Theres so many zoomer men dating millennial women, just go to an alt club or indie metal concert and you'll see the boys with Xs on their hands and their girlfriends with the 21+ wristbands lmao

No. 392129

anons seem to have such good experience with zoomer men. I’m in this age range (18-21) but our whole problem is the guys are age are so pornsick. Literally all the guys I know watch porn and are pornbrained and weird. I couldn’t deal with that. Guys my age are mentally retarded, and guys that are older are ugly, since it’s just the lesser of two evils I only bother with women. Maybe they’re only eager to please when it comes to women older than them or something

No. 392142

>those admiring butts are thinking about child bearing
Kek I'm staunchly childfree and my ass is flat, should I avoid dating completely?

No. 392163

That’s so interesting. Why is this? Is it because men are getting ED sooner in life so the women go for younger? I’m not used to seeing women with younger men.

No. 392170

Yeah it takes a lot for a woman to leave the father these days. Living single with kids is not very affordable these days even if you make good money. Daycare takes everything. for a woman to leave in financially volatile times would take extremely shitty behavior from the father probably bordering on abusive behavior if not outright abuse. It’s too risky to take such a chance unless you are willing to spend a lot of time researching why the woman left or why he left her. It’s very rare for a man to initiate leaving unless he’s a deadbeat cheater so chances are the mother left for reasons that the man will never change within himself.

No. 392174

Millennial men are also pornbrained, but they do tend to hide it more. Zoomer men are more engulfed in Internet porn early on so it is definitely something to be weary of.
On the topic of older men, so many millennial men have that dumbass beard that looks like a cap and I hate it so much.

No. 392211

All men are the same nonnie. Millennial men my age are also porn sick. Men from my dad's generation were also porn sick. There's no escape.

No. 392212

Ayrt, I feel like it’s disingenuous to pretend it’s the same TBH. Millennial men jerk off to teen girls, but zoomer men got everything they know from porn. Multiple of my friends said they were choked or spanked without their consent during sex, and most excuse the most abominable behaviour. It’s obviously gotten worse.

No. 392213

samefagging, pornbrained are just a part of everyday life for them. it’s why the scrotes on social media see a non-black woman with a black man and immediately think of blacked porn. and comment it. or even repeat these same things irl. Overhearing conversations scrotes my age have with each other is sickening, they’re objectifying on another level, are abnormal, and all have mommy fetishes

No. 392229

I'm trying not to racebait, and maybe this only applies to burgerfags. But do nonnies notice a difference in behavior and how men of different races approach relationships and showing how they love someone?
From my experience;
white men are easy to flirt and instantly will try to woo you before a first date and comment on your appearance often. Many corny jokes and pickup lines.
Black men will comment on your looks even more. Joke often, very serious in everything except love.
Hispanic men rarely comment on my looks over text, most of the time the affection is showed through touch. Clingy types.
Asian men are more brave via text, it's hard to get an "I love you" out of them in person. Huge reliance on emojis.
I haven't dated other races of men, but if my next date with a white guy doesn't work out, I'm sticking with a Hispanic man. It feels shallow to think like so. Do any others see behaviors similar or maybe it's just me?

No. 392247

I have to agree as a zoomer. This is one of the reasons I've never been with a man despite being bisexual. They've grown up watching hardcore porn from an early age and I'm terrified of having sex with a man just to get strangled because he decided to enact Gonzo porn on me.
Whereas with Millennials, mainstream porn was more tame during their formative years. And for Gen X and Boomer men they had to have money to buy porn mags/DVDs or watch it in a theatre and the selection of what they could watch would have been more limited.

No. 392297

Idk nonnie the millenial men from my country were also raised on porn. I know one that is so pornsick he masturbated in his uni bathrooms. He would choke his exgf too and would have done much more depraved things to her if she had let him. My ex and his friends had an instagram group chat where they would send awful porn and near naked insta women to each other. One of those friends would purposely seek out ugly women because they were easier, would cheat on his gf too. They called one of their friends something like "little sicko" because of the depraved porn he would watch.
Porn is supper normalized in my country and men would openly discuss porn and share it between them like trading cards. This was particularly relevant among older men. My ex was a gymbro and would constantly get approached by older men at the gym who wanted to talk fitness initially and then would start showing him porn.

>Whereas with Millennials, mainstream porn was more tame during their formative years
Sorry but I don't agree at all. We had the same porn websites we have today. I used to watch some porn as a kid after being introduced by a friend, and the stuff I would unwillingly run into was horrible. All the same fetishes you have today existed before. Maybe it was less of a meme, but they existed and men watched it.
Also my dad's generation might have had to buy it initially, but by the time I was a teenager they were already watching porn on their computers. I once walked into my dad streaming porn. I remember when photoshop started becoming well known, my mom would joke about how all my dad's friends were probably being tricked by photoshop into jerking off to fat women. They really are not any better.

No. 392321

all i’m saying is that the turning point was shit like belle delphine and that didn’t happen until recently. when i was 13 my peers were following her on instagram.

No. 392590

I hope I'm wrong and it's just a coincidence, but why do keep getting ghosted the day before a date? I've been talking a lot with this guy from OKC. 99% match he hasn't seen before, we haven't even met yet, and he's been pretty forward this week. Wants to get married, have kids, etc. I'm glad for this because me too. We quickly move to texting from the app.
Friday night his night unexpectedly became free and he said "if we'd already met, I'd ask if you'd like to see each other, but we already have plans for Sunday." I responded, "yeah let's let our first date have plenty of time to get to know each other" and he told me I'm worth the wait. I haven't really asked about details of the date, but I trust enough he'd tell me. Yesterday morning, he told me he plans for our date to go well so I am expected to enjoy his cooking. Last night he had this big event to go to, he sends me a mirror selfie, so I decided to send him one of myself back. I also had a busy night so I said I'm hitting the hay early. Before I head to my bed, I decided to check OKC and he's not in my messages anymore. I was able to grab history of his OKC profile and it's still there. I'm just confused. Did he mistake my not complimenting him back as not being as interested? I've been still talking to him. I'm just not comfortable doing that until we see each other in person, after that then I'll go hard on the compliments. I can only guess if I am being ghosted is that some guys can't actually handle a woman with self respect. I want this to be a secure relationship. I'm not going to throw myself at just anyone over a couple texts.
I'll update in a few hours if it goes better than expected.

No. 392671

Did you look different in your mirror selfie compared to the other photos on your profile? This reads more like he removed you after seeing your photo rather than being annoyed about not receiving a compliment.

No. 392740

Not at all. I have other mirror selfies.
He got back to me, he said it's best we disconnect because we're not the same religion and I'm not as religious as he is and he sees it'll create too much stress when raising children. I'm mostly frustrated because my first message to him was telling him "I notice I'm not as religious as you are, if that's an issue, we don't have to continue." And he brushed it aside. A wonderful day to think of religion, Saturday night.
Not sure if that's the real reason, but I guess I'll accept it to move forward.

No. 392945

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I think I'm doing mentally good if I rarely see schizos on OKC. Came across this.

No. 393286

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Poly women are so obnoxious

No. 393288

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Same profile these people are insufferable so you want someone to put the same effort as a relationship but also want it to have no ties/labels.
Meanwhile they have a boyfriend, just ask him to do all that with you

No. 393303

Does anyone have advice for LDR dating? What would you pack or have ready if you were going to see him next month? I have some lingerie and a gift I’m gonna give him, will be getting a blow out the day before (I’ll be traveling via plane), and let my friends in the area know I’ll be there should things go awry. We only live a few states away and have been talking for 6 months. We couldn’t see each other sooner due to school/work/family related things.

No. 393310

Now I feel more confident about my own profile, thanks for posting this

No. 393313

>bought him a gift
JFL nona. I hope you didn’t pay for your own ticket too (you did, didn’t you?)

My advice is don’t even bother trying to impress moids like this. They won’t notice your hair and they don’t give a shit about expensive lingerie.

99% of men will happily simp for and fuck their long distance gf even if she turns up in a burlap sack and hasnt bathed in a week.

No. 393386

when should you give someone your phone number? one of the women that im talking to asked for mine early on but i refused to give it out because it felt private to me. i was worried that shed think i was fake but she understood and was very respectful about it. now that weve spoken more id be okay with texting her, but i dont know when or how to bring it up again. any advice?

No. 393394

?? I mean, I feel like you’re saying I’m spending too much money or effort on this, but he bought the ticket, will be paying for me when we go out to eat/do activities, has bought me several thoughtful and relatively expensive (although that isn’t the point) gifts, and has always been good to me. I was jw if anyone had advice on how to prepare for this, my goodness

No. 393407

Bullet dodged.

No. 393409

As a millennial, all of the former good-looking guys from my high school have fat beer bellies and balding heads now while the women really haven't changed much and are still hot. I've never been attracted to younger men before, but for the first time in my life I'm starting to notice younger men are more attractive than guys my own age

No. 393420

The online dating space feels so limited, especially when trying to find men who actually would want to also find a life partner. I know plenty of men are apathetic about what they're looking for. Too many looking for "long term but open to short" and their reasoning is like "I don't want to rush I want to make sure it's right." Isn't that just common sense?!? Not so much boldness in local men. I think I'm just more upset I did find a guy who I could've had a good relationship with, but his heart was at a point he was so ready to leave the country, it wasn't worth it to make this sacrifice.

Just let her know you're more comfortable giving you her number. I am okay with giving out my number pretty early on only because I know if anything were to go south I could just block.

No. 393430

Same and I’m only 24… Men need to worry about wearing sunscreen, their sperm count and testosterone before they ever say shit about women again..

No. 393469

Legit can't tell if the moids I'm talking to aren't engaging with me much (not asking questions/actively trying to get to know me more, only replying to a select few lines from my long messages, etc) because they're disinterested or because they're socially autistic. I highly suspect it's the former, so I'd like to distance myself, but the off-chance it's the latter makes me torn between sticking it through or not.

No. 394340

Scored a date with a guy on Facebook Dating. I've been talking to him for the past 3 days and he's pretty much checking off all these preferences I'd like in a partner. We're likely going to meet for the first time within the next 3 days, so I'm excited to meet him in person. I'm going to sleep with a huge grin and butterflies in my stomach already so I can guess that's a positive thing.

No. 394928

I met with a guy from Hinge and was scared that he was going to be disappointed since I used a filter on my selfie that puts blush and glitter on your face. But turns out that I was the cute one. He didn't look like his pictures AT ALL. His pictures were at least 3 years old. Face time him before you meet up or you'll be disappointed.

No. 394939

Date went way better than expected. We're meeting again today. We got as far as making out within 3 hours of our date. It's a very comfortable time. Things are new, I feel like I can be taken care of this time around.

No. 395222

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More of a long-ass vent than anything, is not having an active Instagram plastered with pictures of yourself and everything you do actually some sort of unspoken red flag? Am I the retard or just unlucky? I'm bi but mention that I am not interested in men. I'm using Hinge and Tinder. I have a few unobstructed, decent or cute pictures of myself on my profiles and lightly mention my hobbies (nerdshit but I don't get into specifics, as well as relatively normal stuff) and like two vague, 'quirky' one liners, but I've been ghosted twice by women in the past few days despite a somewhat promising start shortly after they ask me if I have Instagram and I preface it with something like
>yeah I do! but I don't really post on it fyi
The first time I didn't even get to the exchanging usernames part and the second time I just thought, "fuck it" and sent a link. It's pretty bare in terms of posts and has 100+ followers, but it has my name on it, obviously not some shady throwaway, and I've had it for years. I just use it to post random digital drawings on occasion, follow artists/musicians/college shit, look at goofy animal pictures, and keep up with old friends. I don't put pictures of my face or document everywhere I go on it because I don't feel the need to. Is this some kind of litmus test to measure how socially retarded you are? I just don't care too much about that kind of thing personally and I feel like the universe is punishing me for it.
I'm a dumbass zoomie and try to come off as fairly normal in writing and presenting myself, even though I'm spergy in person. (ie. not oversharing or self-deprecating, don't mention terminally online shit, and I'm genuinely interested in other women's lives, etc.) Further context, I think I range from decent/average to above average/pretty in terms of appearance (depending on personal taste and how much effort I put in), and I'm not a /beg/ tier chicken scratch pencil artist either. It's just fun sketches of shit I like. (Not overly animu moeslop, mostly normal TV shows because I know better than to reveal my cringe level. It's also a public account just because I like it when people find my fanart through tags.)
I'm just bummed because they both seemed fairly interesting and down-to-earth with no pronouns in bio and were my type. I feel like a mega tard. It's so over… maybe it's for the best rn, but it just hammers in the idea that I'm unlikeable or too off-putting.
Then what? All of the fun mildly nerdy women are TIFing out en masse anyways and I'm not attracted to anyone super extroverted, acrylic nails and lash extensions male-lean "looking for friends to smoke and make out with" women, or the "she/he/they queer pansexual I love DnD pls be patient I have autism" types. Maybe women who would be my type aren't on apps to begin with and I shouldn't force it. I wish I had zero desire for romance. I don't want to lose sleep over this. I am so done with this shit but I still cling onto the tiny chance of finding someone.

No. 395239

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I doubt it's because of your Instagram. Don't overthink it too much or take it personally, getting ghosted is par for the course with online dating. If they truly did not want to talk to you because you don't have countless selfies or food pics or whatever on your social media then they are retarded and it wouldn't have worked out between you anyway. I'd personally see it as a positive characteristic if my potential gf wasn't obsessed with taking pics of herself or documenting her every move to later post on the interwebs.

Tbh don't bother trying to seem normie. If you're looking for a long term relationship it's important that whoever you match with has an accurate perception of you instead of your Normal Spongebob version. Either they like your spergy personality or they don't, this won't change. Larping as normal will just force you to keep "catfishing" them or potentially make things awkward once you meet them irl because they imagined you differently. It's infinitely more charming to chat with a person who's confident about their quirkiness than someone who comes across as boring because they worry about being cringe. I've had the absolute best success with dating when I was basically just shitposting and being my true self instead of trying to make a good impression.
Also, don't put one liners on your profile. I used to have those too, and was then mortified to learn how bland and unoriginal they actually were the more profiles I looked at. A good format on Hinge is for your prompts to be 1. about yourself, 2. about them, 3. about you two together. This makes it easier to understand what you're like/want in a partner and strike up a conversation with you. It doesn't have to be anything super meaningful or interesting. For example, one of my answers to a prompt is that I want to work out again after having to take a break because I broke my finger in an unspecified stupid way. It's dumb and mundane but it shows one of my hobbies and is a conversation starter.
Lastly, just delete Tinder, that app is only good for hooking up and riddled with couples trying to find a unicorn. Try Bumble instead if you haven't. I'd say Hinge is the best for finding a partner since profiles HAVE to be filled out, but Bumble is nice because it gives you some options to filter what profiles you want to see for free (things such as height, age, smoker or non smoker, activity level, bla bla). It also gives you hobby and interest options, so if you put vidya or something as one of your hobbies it'll highlight it on profiles that also have it listed.

You didn't really ask for advice but I gave it to you anyway kek. Hope that's OK or useful to any other anons.
Anyway, good luck nonnie. I hope you find a girlfriend soon! It's torture trying to find a normal female attracted woman who isn't a gendie, secretly bihet or otherwise retarded, but you sound really sweet so it's only a matter of time ♥

No. 395240

>is not having an active Instagram plastered with pictures of yourself and everything you do actually some sort of unspoken red flag?
Kind of, I don't have much of a dating history but in my experiences normies think it's weird if you don't use social media. Especially the types who are on dating apps. I had an ex-coworker give me some rude "wow aren't you deep" type comment when I told her I didn't use social media at all really. I have twitter but it's private and I only use it for fandom stuff with a small circle of mutuals I've had for years so I'm not giving that out kek. It's weird that people will constantly complain about social media and go on "cleanses" and "breaks" but then think you're the strange one for not really using it. You sound cool nona! I'd love to run into someone like you on a dating app, all I see in my area are unicorn hunters and women looking to "experiment"

No. 395242

Went on a second date. He's sooo insanely sweet. We had sex. He wanted to make sure I had an orgasm, he even asked me before we went to bed if I had come, I said "No, but I'm very sore. Everything felt good. I'd try to masturbate myself, but it'd take a while." He said he didnt mind and held me while I touched myself for a couple more minutes, and when I came he wrapped himself even harder around my body.
He doesn't watch porn, he masturbates maybe once a month, he's not into anal, he doesn't like any kinky stuff.
Besides the sex aspect of him, he works out often, likes to be out in the sun. When I arrived, he opened my car door for me. He didn't want me to pay for anything. And when we talk, he just rubs his hands over my body to basically soothe himself.
He's told me he's never really pursued online relatioships so this is a first for him. It sounds like I'm in the clear for him.

No. 395253

He couldn't tell if you came but sex was vigorous enough to make you sore and he finished before you and he's very handsy? concern.jpg
I'm happy you seem happy but you should nip some of that in the bud. If you like being touched while you're talking that's fine. He shouldn't come before you. You should communicate next time with him on how to make you cum and make sure it happens before he comes or at the same time. Not to rain on your parade but don't let yourself get used. If every time you have sex you have to masturbate after he's finished to get yourself off, you are going to get very sad about that later on.

No. 395259

>He doesn't watch porn he masturbates maybe once a month, he's not into anal, he doesn't like any kinky stuff
Kekkkkkk see you in 6 months when you find out this is all bullshit. Literally every man says this after getting the feeling that the woman he's with would be against it.

No. 395281

After he came, he was still making sure to touch me. He continued to have sex like 3 other times. He was trying and I was telling him how to do so. I was still sore from masturbating the night before so it's partially my own fault.
Fingers crossed. I was asking him what turns him on or something I could do that could turn him on and he basically just said if I'm touching him a certain way, he'd "feel" it. IDK an answer like that seems pretty innocent to me. I've had an ex who said he didn't watch porn and he told me he fantasized about throatfucking me.

No. 395289

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Thank you anons dearly for your insights! I truly appreciate it, seriously…
At the end of the day, I don't want to be straining myself mentally just to get a date anyways. I think I am going to take a break from looking at these apps for a while so I don't yank all of my hair out but I am definitely going to keep your words in mind going forward. May we all have wonderful dating lives in our futures ♥

No. 395714

I don’t wanna use apps but I feel a need to try them because I have no idea how to meet someone. All the guys at my work who are around my age are engaged or married. I’m 26 and I feel terrified because it seems like all the respectable guys are taken already and the only ones available are the ones that no one wanted. It scares me to think that this problem only gets worse as I get older. Nonas what should I do? Should I cave and use the apps? It seems like no guy is serious on there and I’ll have to go on like 100 dates before I even find someone I want to go on a second date with. Plus I feel like men on those apps are more likely to try and cheat because they’re used to swiping through beautiful women all day. What do nonas think?

No. 395729

i have no advice, but i was just about to write the same thing. i'm 28 so a little more dire than you. dating apps seem so scary to me, and i don't know if people around me use them or which ones.
i also have 0 relationship experience and it kinda worries me that i'll get creeps.

No. 395738

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Don't forget to report men you had bad experiences with. Do it for other women. Tinder, Bumble and Hinge (so far) did it no questions asked after I sent in a report with the summary of events. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was because I had to report a moid who had already blocked me after our last date went sour and I just sent in a description of his profile and what happened and they asked me some further personal info of his to find him and then banned him.

No. 395762

i’m 29 and recently got back on the apps after not having used them since 2016 and, to be honest, it’s grim. i don’t think any of the actually attractive men are looking for a relationship on the apps, and, maybe because i’m in the midwest, everyone else is bridge troll ugly. again, i’m in a suburb near a relatively major midwestern city, so ymmv, but in my experience the only guys in our age range on the apps are worthless. no degrees, no prospects, shit jobs, boring hobbies, fat, ugly, bland, boring, and above all else, straight up braindead. if you’re looking for a hookup you might stand a chance, but other than that i don’t really think it’s worth it. i’ve met one great guy on tinder but he was looking for a normie and that seems to be the case with any of the reasonable men available, they want a very normal girl to give them babies and if you deviate from that they’ll just make you a placeholder girl until they find someone they actually want to commit to. if you have the patience to deal with a younger guy i have found that men below the age of 25 feel really compelled to impress “older” women (kek) which can be charming compared to the way men in their late 20s/early 30s tend to treat women their own age. but zoomers have the emptiest little heads so there’s no real chance of emotional fulfillment there.

tl;dr i don’t think the apps are a real option for adult women who are looking for an actual relationship with a man that isn’t bottom of the barrel garbage. being on tinder has only inspired more rage towards men for me lol

No. 395790

I just turned 35 and it's definitely getting harder finding guys around my age. I get a lot of interest from younger guys who are initially clingy but can't deal with anything and simply shut down when things aren't working smoothly. They then ghost and reappear at random intervals but never get their shit together. That's why they're looking for older women I guess, they want someone to run the relationship for them, but then they don't like that either. The guys who seem good and worthwhile all want children.

No. 395798

so where would i go to meet people?
all my hobbies are girly, all my friends and their friends and married or in long term relationships

No. 395805

Thanks for sharing. I’m the original ayrt and I’m wondering if there’s a difference between the apps. I’ve only found one guy that I ever liked talking to on Tinder. I’ve been on one dating app date with a guy from Bumble that was so comedically terrible I swore off the apps altogether. I also have girly hobbies like >>395798 aside from taking my dog to the dog park where I see men oftentimes. Most of my immediate family met their partners through work but it seems like you can’t meet people at work unless you’re in sales or facing external clients often because making a move on someone in the same company/department carries too much risk. And like I said it seems like every decent guy is now engaged or married younger. Every insanely hot guy I have met lately is married by their mid 20s. I don't want to have a scarcity mindset because that will lead you to settle for anything but it’s hard not to look around at what’s available and feel like we’re fucked. I guess being forever alone is better than having some leeching pornsick loser legally tied to you for life.

No. 396350

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No. 396388

Moids are so pathetic kek, he knows he doesn’t meet your criteria and yet still tries to weasel his way in there and make himself known. I used to have guys do this too and they were always way too ugly to even consider having a chance with me. I don’t know where hideous loser men get the confidence compared to average/good looking men who hardly approach even when they have a crush on you.

No. 397899

File: 1715697621734.png (313.15 KB, 625x532, GDQNN5AWQAA_UT-.png)

>match with first really cute guy after suffering through 500 ugly scrote profiles
>his views align with with some of my most important core values
>he's a redditor and programmer
Should I even bother? One of my exes already turned into a bisexual tranny, I'd kms if I go through that again

No. 397904

These don’t seem like huge cons to me tbh? Unless he’s a redditor unironically and browses shitty subs.

No. 397910

He said he spends "too much" time on Reddit. I'm also generally attracted to introverted, more sweet men, so that + plebbitor + programmer makes me worry. I can't tell if it's just my troon trauma acting up real bad or whether these are actual concerns kek

No. 397911

subtly find out his opinions on troons. maybe send him something with a troon in it and see how he reacts.

No. 397912

I will never date a man who browses reddit and I stand by that firmly

No. 397917

try and find his reddit profile, the post and comment history will tell you everything you need to know kek

No. 397940

NTA but would you rather date a guy that spends "too mich" time on Lolcow?
Beggars can't be choosers.

No. 397979

Will do. One suspicious LGBT ally type of comment and I'm gtfo at the speed of light, his full head of hair and the niche shit we have in common be damned

Kek touché, it could always be worse I guess

No. 398019

'Too much time on Reddit' is a red flag definitely. Like the other anon said, check his profile, comment history and the subs he’s active in.

No. 398318

File: 1715817256395.webp (64 KB, 1024x576, i-1-91124840-bumble-fumble.web…)

why is nobody talking about the bumble fumble billboard campaign drama?

I never really used apps until the last 2 years. needless to say - the worst experience ever. I took a break at the start of this year and then thought I might find someone to chat and meet up now for the summer. went on hinge and realised it feels so degrading to be there, the audacity of men on these apps… that I deleted it and the next day I saw this (pickrel) and everyone blocking the apps.

No. 398324

I've seen it discussed in another topic and across other websites. Nothing to see here, shitty dating app trying to get more women to join since women seem to slowly be waking up to the fact that these apps are shit and even worse now since moids in general are getting fattier, uglier, and more aggressively mysogynistic.

No. 398328

I mean, you're right haha

No. 398329

I think it is the answer. Men need to do better.

I went on a few dates a couple years ago, and the sex was awful every single time. Men are degenerates and half of them can’t even keep themselves hard. I was over it. Been celibate for 2 years and it’s been great. You don’t need to fuck scrotes to be happy.

No. 398330

Any guy who uses reddit is a coomer, half the subs on there are for porn. And if anything the porn on there is even worse than regular porn because all the womens bodies are extremely heavily edited, and it’s also full of disgusting cuck and bestiality fetish porn.

No. 398387

Good lord the bad vibes I get from this.. it's almost.. threatening? I can't quite put my finger on it but it borderlines on disturbing.

No. 398559

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A guy asked me out on a date for Sunday today after we had been talking since earlier this week. Now, he went from asking questions and replying to my long messages with equally long messages pretty much instantly even though I usually took hours to respond (not because of mind game reasons or anything), to giving a really short reply and then leaving me on read after I shared something funny that happened during my day. I'm super embarrassed because my last message was a joke kek the worst type of message to be left on read on.
Is this some shit scrotes think they need to do, ignoring the woman the days before the date? Or is it a generally advised thing? The last time I online dated was like eight years ago, so I don't know the etiquette nowadays. Obviously I don't want to continue with the paragraphs of "getting to know you" messages, because then we'd have nothing to talk about irl anymore. I just thought little one sentence chats with maybe a pic or a meme or some shit would be a fun way to keep the contact going until we meet.

No. 398561

He's talking to someone else now.

No. 398562

Eh, I doubt it, we are both vegan so our dating pool is incredibly small.

No. 398584

Nta but veganism isn't THAT rare, especially with the convenience of dating apps. I'm not saying he's definitely talking to someone else but it's a plausible possibility.

No. 398588

Those long "getting to know you" sessions are usually bullshit we do when we don't vibe with someone. When you hit it off with someone, you don't have to sit down and tell your life story, that part usually just comes out bit by bit as your relationship progresses. Any time I went on a date with somebody and we didn't connect it just turns into the same boring information sharing session and eventually you ghost them because it's awkward and you didn't catch feelings.

Also, moids are usually very obvious when they are into you, especially when you haven't let them hit yet. If he's not instantly responding to you this early on I say drop him and move on

No. 398755

There's no way to filter for veganism which is what makes it difficult.

Yeah, I'm not really feeling it. I think I'll go on that date and hard focus on other guys the days leading up to it. I feel like every conversation on dating apps always starts as those infodumps and I honestly just want to actually CHAT with someone instead of writing them cringy novels. Men seem to think they need to reference every damn thing you mention on your profile for their first message to stand out as unique. Like my god, I don't want to have to respond to an essay every time I swipe on a dude because I'd be dtf him. Other than putting some negative nancy line on my profile about it, is there any way to make this clear?

No. 398806

No you can't filter that's why it's a matter of swiping. If he looked at 50 profiles every day for the whole week you've been talking together, that's hundreds of profiles and there's going to be vegans among that amount.

Again not saying he's talking to someone else but it's plausible. You're being obtuse.

No. 398869

Wtf is the point of tinder if all the men there are ugly?

No. 398894

This company is full of shit honestly. Ik someone who was a part of their marketing team and they tried telling me how Bumble is different from the others because it’s supposedly a “feminist” app (because making women send the first message is somehow freeing us from the shackles of the patriarchy, suuuure). They know that if more and more women wake up to the actual state of moids and opt out of dating entirely then their apps (which frankly have always been a sausagefest) will stall.

No. 398922

Any time I come across an actually good-looking guy, they are only looking for "casual relationships" or hook-ups. It's annoying me. Personally, I don't want a one-night stand even if the guy is a little attractive. Is that weird?
Also, a guy being a hoe around town and pumping and dumping until he has hit the wall kind of ruins him for me.
I think the ratio is 1 out of 800 men are attractive on dating apps. And that's probably underestimating.

No. 398960

making the first move is indeed feminist. Nobody is saying that it is going to bring the patriarchy down, but it does undermine patriarchal expectations

No. 399559

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Samefag update nobody asked for, but the date yesterday actually went amazing. We met up for a coffee and ended up talking for 4 hours. I think he was just nervous about this entire thing and that's why communication was kinda meh. Now that we met and I told him I had fun we started chatting like normal people. Also, when I asked whether he is experienced with dating apps, he said not at all. I fully believe him and doubt he's talking to anyone else, because he blushed and got awkward when I did that flirty "staaahp hehe" arm shove thing kek. I can't imagine this guy juggling conversations and dates with multiple women. Wish me luck nonas, I hope this develops into something good

ONS moids are disgusting. Women can do whatever they want (though casual sex is usually self harming behavior for them), but when a man is a slut I can't see him in a positive light anymore. It would be too hard for me to believe he will ever be capable of being faithful, and I'd rather die than be one of the women he fucks on the regular without committing to anyone. Also he would probably have every STD under the sun, no thanks.

No. 399768

I deleted my Tinder profile a week ago, I remade a few minutes ago (same phone number) and I already get matches when I swipe on people. How is that possible unless they swiped on me as soon as I made the profile? Did Tinder reassign their likes to my new profile?

No. 399864

nta but um ok. if a man cba to send the first message, he's lazy and not willing to put in the effort or a huge ninny. no thanks

No. 399865

kek ikr. all the young anons in here cooing about how their date was "sooo sweet" are sending me. they're all sweet at first. they're not going to be their true self right away. that's how everyone acts during first impressions especially men when they just want to doink you. these anons will learn. it's been said before but the men on these dating apps really are all leftovers with major problems that no woman wanted and manipulators.

No. 400294

> Also, when I asked whether he is experienced with dating apps, he said not at all. I fully believe him and doubt he's talking to anyone else, because he blushed and got awkward when I did that flirty "staaahp hehe" arm shove thing kek. I can't imagine this guy juggling conversations and dates with multiple women.
Ntayrt and I’m sorry but lol you’re so so wrong. My nerdy, artsy, shy Michael Cera type of ex was a serial cheater, drowning in women because women flock to these types all the time. So many women gush over the softboi act and lose themselves thinking they found the “one” (myself included at one point). You learn eventually that these men are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Him not knowing how the app works is a lie because men are constantly on those apps, they are not like us where they choose to take breaks and work on themselves. They are always throwing themselves out there with no concerns for their emotional baggage or trauma. They are obsessed with women and sexual conquests especially if they aren’t getting any. You sound already swooned by him and I’m scared for you tbh. Please don’t lower your boundaries thinking he’s safer than other moids, he’s not and these types are more nefarious because they’re so much better at lying and playing the role than other moids.

No. 401564

>comment on cute guys prompt
>he matches
>doesn’t say anything back
>2 days later, still nothing
What is the point?

No. 402662

I’ve never dated online or used a dating app before, is it even worth it now?

No. 402754

Ngl I want to try a dating app too but only to get attention, I've been invisible for my entire life and on the odd chance somebody's attracted to me (which is once every two years or so) they are an ugly nerd, I just want to see if I'm this repulsive or if there's any kind of hope for me.

No. 402795

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Was told to post a collage of ugly scrotes that have hit me up on dating apps here. Mind you this is only 4/10s and below, and I didn’t wanna sift through hundreds to thousands of profiles

No. 402801

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You don’t want to be Mrs. Kiwifarms anon?

No. 402814

No. 402816

Holy hell

No. 402834

Kek exactly what I was thinking.

No. 402938

Jfc nona. This is why I don’t use dating apps. Its horribly depressing.
I don’t even have particularly high standards but all these moids are fugly or look incredibly autistic and obnoxious.

I’d go on a date with the balding one with sunglasses in a white t shirt, the skinny mustachio one in the stripey shirt, and maybe the navy t shirt chud with glasses at a stretch. The rest are unsalvageable.

No. 402945

kek any other brave nonnies want to come forward with their ripe summer's harvest?

No. 402946

Why is the dude in the bottom left pretending to be a Jersey Shore girl

No. 402954

At least they mostly look biologically male. I keep getting tifs/aidens with danger hair.

No. 403090

KEK this was basically my experience on dating apps too, there are so many ugly ass scrotes using them. Out of the hundreds of profiles I swiped through, there was ONE actually attractive guy that I still think about from time to time. It's so bleak, I'd rather be single for life than suffer the trauma of seeing some hideous moid hovering over me.

No. 403091

Truly one of the posts of all time

No. 403139

If they message you do you ignore them or block?

No. 403426

I installed tinder once at the recommendation of a friend I went drinking with and never made a profile cuz I forgot I even had it installed. Couple days later got a notif saying "5 people liked your profile!" I wondered if my friend had made a profile while I was asleep but no, nothing. I realised they were just fake notifications to get your interest. Kinda slimy lol.

No. 404332

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Does anyone else just get enraged when seeing guys like this who purposefully make themselves as unattractive and goofy as possible? The posing, the mustache, the weird style…ugh. I hate men with this vibe so much it’s UNREAL. And it’s always the left leaning white guys with somewhat decent faces and socioeconomic backgrounds who insist upon acting like goofy liberal male softbois. Unless you’re a pickme hipster libfem, it really feels like humiliation for any woman to be seen with a man like this, yuck. All that white moid privilege and this is what you make of yourself, ew.

No. 404344

Honestly I actually thought he was one of the cuter ones. Purely because he doesn’t look as boring, fat, stinky and depressed as the others.

>tfw no quirky chungus liberal softboi bf

No. 404359

God yes. They look like fucking sewer rats, it hurts to just stare at them.

No. 404682

Oh sweet nona, none of them. There are no survivors.

No. 404692

what. he looks like a serial killer

No. 404695

He looks like a magician, the creepy kind. He’s wearing eyeliner.

No. 404892

I hate that apps make you have a minimum age range, I’m 18 and want other 18 or 19 year olds but it forces me to have post wall scrotes as old as 23 on mine

No. 404995

Sometimes I almost feel bad for guys because they are so unpleasant looking and they're never going to get their ultimate fantasy of being with an attractive woman unless they pay for it, but then I remember these guys are swiping right on me when I'm objectively way out of their league, and probably meanwhile ignoring girls in their league who might actually give them a chance, because they're so delulu abt their own looks or think "women don't care about men's looks, we get better with age" and I don't feel bad anymore. Enjoy being a permavirgin

No. 405006

It wasn't fake notifs, I mean when I liked someone we instantly matched meaning they had already liked me before.

No. 405018

dont feel bad for them a major reason they look like shit is they're male (born to be an athlete) and eat like shit and dont move. even if their dream girl was in front of them they wouldnt give up porn or ice cream for her. They're looking for a insecure nerdy girl to ignore while they shitpost and play video games

No. 405036

Don’t feel for bad for men, I promise they don’t deserve empathy.

All these scrotes jerk off to women being raped on camera, barely legals and god knows what else and would post your picture on imageboards and laugh at you too if you’re an ugly or fat girl. The reason they’re single is because they’re all 3-4s looking for a 10/10 virgin 18 year old Stacy.

No. 405037

We need to accelerate the male loneliness epidemic until they all rope.

No. 405038

I almost felt bad for these guys but then I remember moids on 4chan post pictures of ugly and overweight women from tinder and bumble all the time and encourage hundreds of other moids to harass and roast and doxx them so idc

No. 405052

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Bumble just decided to get rid of the shtick of lying to women saying they'll find a good relationship. Pandering to moids instead, who are retards on the edge of their seat to stick their dick into something. Women should delete all of their dating apps. Id love to see it reach ~90% male.

No. 405168

>noooo women you MUST have sex
I hate dating apps they’re so rapey

No. 405171

The more afraid moids become of women choosing celibacy, the more I enjoy being celibate. I feel like it's the only real power we have over them.

No. 405176

Honestly same: if all women withdrew sex from moids until they behave right the world would be a far better place

No. 405186

Correction: if all women withdrew from sex and had access to a gun to protect themselves from moids, the world would be a better place.

No. 405201

God these are still super weird

No. 405253

True anon, I had a scrote I was dating post my nudes on 4chan one time, friends found out and showed me
He was very unattractive btw
And was bragging about how he wanted to cheat on me, even disgusting 4chan moids called him ugly and said the only reason a girl like me was with him is I must have serious mental issues (I did)

No. 405254

Samefag just one small reason why I don't buy into the psyop that ugly men are more loyal

No. 405313

File: 1718120299726.jpg (1.15 MB, 1200x1800, Collage_2024-06-11_09_08_39.jp…)

If you're wondering if it's better for lesbians: no.
>try tinder
>"looking for someone to have fun with me and my boyfriend (wink tongue out emoji)"
>tranny jumpscare
>obvious bot
>"BLM/Free Palestine/Ukraine flag/Communist"
>profile only mentions weed
>has kids, bonus if she calls them "crotch fruit"
>"only looking for friends"
>"poly and partnered"
>disgusting unwashed Shein goth aesthetic
>"You ran out of people. Expand your distance settings."
And the punchline:
>the only normal woman you match with doesn't reply to your opening

No. 405315

All of them are so ugly holy shit

No. 405318

wow kek literally wolves in sheep's clothing. it's creepy, like watching at an animal mimic their prey.

No. 405322

I’d like to hear and see more about this side of dating apps. Seems like an interesting parallel nightmare to straight men nightmare

No. 405336

I hate dating apps. I set my preferences to only women and I still ended up getting over twice as many likes from moids. The only actual women who swiped right on me were morbidly obese. Funnily enough, basically every single woman who shared any interests with me was one of three things: obese, non-binary, or a creepy straight woman looking for human fodder to appease her pornsick boyfriend's lesbian fetish. Maybe that says something unsavory about me as a person if these are the people I share most of my hobbies with. Still decided to gtfo and give up on any prospect of online dating. Not worth it.

No. 405348

The obesity is what really gets me tbh. Why are 85% of SSA women on apps obese? I mean, I’m not a looker myself, but at least I take care of my health. I feel like other than the obvious reason why being fat is unattractive, the other reason is that it reveals someone who has terrible self-moderation abilities. Like the mental maturity is not there.

No. 405352

Not to be too grim, but I remember reading a research article before that suggested lesbian women are at a greater risk of obesity than heterosexual women and that sexual assault/CSA can play a role in the development of obesity. Unfortunately, that can be one reason.

No. 405358

Why did you send him your nudes in the first place???

No. 405363

I think there are more unattractive women online dating in general (no offence, perhaps it’s because attractive women seem to have less trouble IRL) but when it comes to lesbian or bi women my anecdote is that in general, compared to straight women, we seem to be disproportionately either obese or anorexic. Every lesbian I know personally is either super fat or super skinny.
Which is… what?

No. 405554

I've got more.
>"you have to message first, I'm shy"
>"buy me flowers/buy me dinner/buy me gifts"
>somehow a normie man gets included for some reason
>more obvious bots with "add me on sc" in bio
>retarded memes as one or multiple of her pictures
>"bisexual" but only mentions what she's looking for in men in her bio

No. 405584

Ugly men are more disloyal because
A) they missed out and always wonder if the grass is greener and B) they’re deeply insecure and feel the need to overcompensate by trying to get the most attractive woman they possibly can.

>dating men from 4chan
Please for the love of god never do this

No. 405604

The “normie man” is actually just a scumbag who makes a second profile with his gender set to ’woman’ in order to get more matches. I assume it might work on bi women looking for women and men who don’t notice it but I had mine set to women only and always reported them kek.

No. 405616

Oh, it's deliberate? Reminds me of girls on Grindr who are there for the bi guys. What a bunch of chodes.

No. 405651

100% agree. Also, I didn't know he was a 4chan user, it's not like most men are going to willingly tell you that, they know how much of a red flag it is
In the same thread I saw a bunch of men start posting pictures of their gfs or exes, pics they'd taken of them, bikini photos and nudes, and asking to rate them or berating them for being a whore who broke up with them and is now dating a black guy or something
You never know what men are doing behind your back

No. 409823

After three months on hinge I've decided to deactivate my profile for a while. Most of the women in my area are: dating a moid and looking for a threesome, closeted women in their 50s, troons and foreign students that don't speak my language. And then there's that one girl I went to high school with but I don't think we're each others type. I want to take better pictures of myself and reactivate my profile in two weeks but I'm still very hopeless about having any success on apps. Is giving a chance to women you wouldn't date a good idea? Only to have a casual meeting to warm up my social skills before finding someone I actually like. Or is it a terrible idea?

No. 409949

File: 1719544796447.jpg (122 KB, 1080x1731, average moid profile.jpg)

>Decide to try Feeld app, supposedly good for bisexual people
>Get shown unremarkable moid after unremarkable moid, feels endless
>"Hmm well I'm really here to meet women, guess I'll just turn off the option to see men"
>Only start seeing more women this way, still often partnered with men, TIMs or the odd regular bearded moid who's changed his gender to "genderqueer" to probably try to avoid women filtering him out

Is this why it's so hard for bi women to find each other on dating apps? I don't mind turning off the option to see men because I prefer women anyway, but for most bi women I don't think this is the case, in which case 90% of the profiles they'll be seeing will be men. It just feels hopeless sometimes.

No. 409950

>even if their dream girl was in front of them they wouldn’t give up porn or ice cream for her
Kek. So true. I remember my fat porn addicted ex literally telling me I was the woman of his dreams, but admitting that he couldn’t stop watching porn or stuffing his face 24/7 to try + lose a couple lbs and look better for me. These moids are really beyond hope.

No. 409971

I wouldn’t even bother installing a dating app even if I was desperate. It’s just so depressing being virtually pawed at and slobbered on by 99% attention deprived lonely losers and 1% narcissistic psychopaths. It’s disturbing to my peace and I don’t have time for that shit. I would rather not deal with it at all and stay single.

No. 412625

I swear some of the shit I see is because most people don't think they have an Internet footprint. I've been talking to this dude for a few days and he sent me his Facebook to add him so I can see pics of him on a run, I immediately rush to his following list and it's filled with coomer material. Midgets, big tits, big ass, only fans links, hypnosis videos, erotic RP. How can I ever recover from this.

No. 412628

At least it makes them easy to filter out, no time wasted there. Or maybe dating men is a waste of time full stop, idk anymore sometimes.

No. 412649

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That was my ex-fiance. He looked unreal (worked out, swam, tan and well dressed) when he was in his "I'm so lonely" phase on dating apps. I met him on bumble and over a year later with me, he let himself go but said I was absolutley his dream girl and actually did spend a lot of money on me but couldn't for the life of him just not get fat. It's all I wanted since I can't get horny to fat guys and it was to the point people were DMing me if he is seriously my bf and I was crying comparing his old pics to his 280lb neckbeard self. The kicker was he sent me pic related before.

As soon as we broke up he went back to the gym.

No. 412661

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Nonnas, do you think it's a good idea to try to hook up with women on Tinder when you have almost 0 sexual experience? I don't mean strictly for sex but more like a casual relationship if that makes sense. I'm in my mid 20s and I used to date as a teenager but my only sexual experience was bad oral (we both sucked lol)
It just feels embarrassing to me when I think about disclosing something like that and I know I don't have to but it'd probably be very obvious kek. I haven't kissed anyone in years so I'm worried I'd suck even at that.

No. 412670

There is no better time than now to do this. You won't stop being self conscious or horny, so if you're self conscious about being inexperienced at your current age, then you'll definitely be more self conscious later on and you'll still be horny, so fix the inexperience now. Meet women who are nice and fun to be around so you will enjoy being in their presence more than you're worried about their judgment.

No. 412681

Yeah, you're right. I need to stop being a pussy, maybe there's a woman out there who would find my turbo virginity endearing or something kek
I'd probably feel more comfortable around someone older than me, it'd feel way too embarrassing for me to explain myself to a woman who's younger than me.

No. 412703

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nonnas i’m in disbelief over this retarded straight woman using a specifically lesbian dating app to look for lash clients. i knew the state of lesbian dating apps was bad but what the fuck

No. 413015

Im back on dating apps and I just find myself left swiping everyone. Im not sure if Boo is a good app and everyone feels like a bot there

No. 413028

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Jesus fuck don’t go on taimi unless you want to get your day ruined. Idk what I was expecting from a ~kweer~ app but I wanted a hot mentally ill androgynous cutie I could bone but it could not be worse. I had 250 guys that they gave me and all of them were fucking hideous. Even worse were men telling me their disgusting fantasies of breeding or making me their sex slave unprompted, was fun shutting them down though. This actually ruined my day, I’m gonna touch myself to nu carnival to feel better

No. 413227

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So after more than a 1 year being single and not ready to mingle, I’m finally ready to try mingling.

I spent the last two weeks swiping left on hundreds of guys and swiping right every now and then, and now I’m overwhelmed by how to handle talking to more than like one guy at once lol

I never dated around much (I either had a long-term bf or was just happy and single) and I don’t know how this is supposed to be done.

I live in the US now (originally from Europe) and my impression is Americans love their dates with multiple people and the consequential situationships(?)

What’s the most respectful way of going on tinder/bumble/hinge dates?

I don’t care about free drinks or dinner. I do want to take things slowly/casually but if I do get a crush on someone… well, then I have a crush on someone and wouldn’t wanna go on dates with other guys.

How many dates do other American/international nonnies go on within a period of like 7-14 days? What do you after the first date? How do you decide if it’s worth going on a second date and how do you tell the guy if you do want/do not want a second date?

I have two first dates set for this week already and I have a few other ongoing conversations with other guys too (just regular bantering but I don’t want to ignore the convos, I guess, since that’s rude) and I need advice..!?

No. 413393

Talk to and meet as many guys as you would like at once. You don't owe any of your matches anything, they're most likely seeing/talking to other women as well. If you vibe with someone, ask for another date and if you don't just tell them to fuck off/ghost them. It's honestly not rocket science. It's cute how you don't sound completely jaded and worn out yet but do expect online dating to kill all your desire to ever deal with moids ever again. Yes, it's that bad.

No. 414476

So far I dated two guys from bumble. One dude was an asshole who tried to neg me and put me down every chance he got. Also made vague violent threats. He was also one of those roman emperor dudes and he himself said that he has "no empathy". Was also addicted to weed. Only good thing was that he paid for the dinner. The other dude made it to two dates because the one before was so shitty but he never lets me talk. When he starts to talk about a subject he rambles on about it for the next 15 minutes without letting you say one word. He talks so much that I sometimes forget stuff that he told me before because my brain just shuts off. He is also very stingy like "oh you paid last time so I guess it is my turn now".

No. 414805

Is this your impersonation of a male troll? Men dont usually call each other moids btw, hope that helps with your future larps.

No. 415867

I went out on a date with a guy who asked me out and we had dinner. When the waiter came over to the table with our bill he looked at me and said "so how are we going to do this". It made me feel so embarrassed that I just wordlessly got my card out an paid. The whole time the waiter just looked expectantly at us. I just killed a lot of attraction I had for this guy. On the way out he just said "ok let's just keep doing it like this, I pay the next time and after that you pay again." When I insinuated that I do like it when guys pay for the first date he said "but aren't you a emancipated woman?". Idk but it does bother me a lot and I kind of regret getting my card out and paying. What would you guys do in my situation?

No. 415884

I can't believe you guys really put up with this shit lmao. I have never paid for a date and never will. I would literally just stand up and walk out if a guy was prompting me to pay, that's completely unacceptable and for every 1 stupid broke loser like this there are plenty more men who would gladly be willing to pay. And imagine if you paid for the first date and then these dudes didn't even ever go another date with you so maybe you just wasted your money too?? Like please stop.

No. 415901

paying for the whole date is weird but splitting the bill is good and feminist. This Tiktok obsession with the guy paying for dates is retarded

No. 415902

If a guy was really into you, if you were his dream girl, if he wanted to ensure you fell for him, he wouldn't let you pay and it's as simple as that. The money is irrelevant, idgaf about paying for food under any other circumstance, but if a man didn't at least OFFER to pay, I can safely and accurately assume he's not that into me. Or he's trying to prove a point, meaning he's likely anti-woman and playing games because moids on the internet told him to.

No. 415909

Libfem bs. It's not a "Tiktok obsession" it's classic FDS principles and it works to get high quality men. Otherwise don't be surprised if you keep netting loser leeches.

No. 415931

Don't pay for anything next time. If he liked you he would be tripping over himself to prove himself worthy of you like >>415902 mentioned. Most women get the ick when being expected to pay because it's literally one of the bare-minimum things ever, and if a man can't even do that then he will be extremely stingy in other ways as well. Also "but aren't you a emancipated woman?" is so manipulative and disgusting. Men don't give a shit about feminism, they don't even see women as people, but they love twisting it in such a way to make women do whatever they want. Don't fall for that again.

No. 415941

Splitting seems feminist, but think of how much women are expected to do. It's like how people think it's feminist to have both people working, but only the woman is doing most of the housework and child raising while also working, so the woman is doing 3x the work of the man, but it's "feminist". No it's not. Men have to prove their value, worth, and dedication. If you let a man be stingy he will use it against you for the rest of the relationship.

No. 415956

>but aren't you a emancipated woman?
Please drop this loser. He's trying to do a "gotcha" with feminism. I don't think it's bad to split, but he's being passive-aggressive and trying to imply you shouldn't expect a man to pay because you are now a strong independent woman thanks to feminism. Imagine dating a moid who is seething so hard over feminism that he couldn't wait to throw this at your face on the 1st date.

No. 415965

or it means he doesn't buy into gendered stereotypes and will have a more egalitarian view of relationships
In Nordic countries, it is unheard of for the man to pay. Splitting the bill is the norm. Is it a coincidence that Nordic countries have the most successful and feminist relationships?

No. 415966

women do more work around the house and with the children because women care. Moids are totally okay with living in filth and neglecting their children. It's not like men are forcing women to cook, clean and look after the kids

No. 415973

Do you have any proof? I've never heard anything about Nordic countries having more successful/more satisfying relationships.

No. 415986

I looked it up and it appears their divorce rates are similar to everyone else's, however there are numerous studies that show that the Nords have the highest life satisfaction of all countries

No. 416060

They have higher life satisfaction because of the work-life-balance. He invited me out on a date so he should have at least made an offer to pay and I would have appreciated the gesture. He should have put in some effort like >>415931 said.
I called him out on it and now he is scrambling and backpedaling and saying that other women always suggested splitting the bill in the past but I'm not responding anymore.

No. 416071

no one gives a shit that nordic women cuck themselves out of having sven do basic manly provision, he asked her out, he wanted her time, he pays. watch some Chloe_ videos on youtube, youre not the target audience but it will help you realize why your man is so unattractive and how a lot of women cope their way through life trying to pretend he's a good and useful man

No. 416072

also here, I made it easy for you

No. 416088

Because they have high standards across pretty much everything you can measure quality of life by lol

No. 416188

what about those of us who want a feminine man?

No. 416192

Nonas, is it weird to be on two different dating apps? I recently tried one and after getting completely disgusted with what I saw I deluded myself into thinking things could be better on a different app, but I'd feel weird if people stumbled across my profile on two separate places.

No. 416198

This video is shit. I hate how feminine is used as an insult. Just say he's passive, lazy, weak, selfish.

No. 416205

Most people are on more than one, hell a lot of people are on all of them. So no it's not weird. But I will warn you that they are all the same because they pretty much have all the same guys on them. Hinge and CMB used to be better when they were advertised as being for serious relationships only and you could report men for sexually suggestive messages, but that changed and these days they're full of same Tinder/Bumble fuckboys and poly weirdos.

No. 416247

Are there any good apps or are they all swipe trash now

No. 416251

>This Tiktok obsession with the guy paying for dates is retarded
Kek this has literally been the standard norm for generations. I even went out with some mid moid just to get a nice meal. They want to get laid so they know they have to pull out their wallet. You’re already setting the standard on low for them by paying first.

No. 416252

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nordic countries have uniquely bad domestic violence issues despite seeming so progressive called "the nordic paradox". it may be due to higher reporting rates but nonetheless it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

No. 416266

Nordic anon here, it's not unheard of at all. Every guy I've dated has covered the bill. We're not some monolith where everything is 50/50 in every relationship, in fact it's a huge problem here that men don't do enough chores at home since you're expected to work as a woman as well. At least in Germany for ex. you get tax benefits for being a housewife.

No. 416781

They're all trash now because it's same population of men across all the apps. Hinge and CMB aren't swipe-based but it doesn't matter because it's disgusting fuckboys acting the same way regardless. Just got a like on Hinge earlier where literally all the prompt answers were sexual. Can't believe how far this app fell from its original goals.

No. 416846

Seconding this, and would also like to add that alcohol is a huge problem here. Women drink too but men especially can’t control themselves around it. Some of them turn violent, others just reek of booze and piss and expect everyone to baby them while they laze around when they get their 2 day hangover because they’re not 18 anymore and can’t handle the binge drinking.

No. 417069

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I broke up with my good for nothing ex who I was with for nearly 5 years at the beginning of the year. I’ve been on Hinge for four months, essentially re-learning how dating works, and I already feel so worn down and exhausted. I suddenly feel so acutely aware that the ratio of attractive men to attractive women in the world is absurdly imbalanced, especially at my age (30). It’s like single men stop trying to look good after the age of 26. Ive had several little flings with attractive men but I’ve realized that I can’t enjoy sex without getting emotionally attached, even if the guy is a total dipshit, so the flings have only served to hurt me. I always thought I was a reasonably attractive woman— not insanely hot, but slightly above average and well groomed— but this shit has really taken a toll on my self esteem. It has me thinking about plastic surgery, something I never thought I’d stoop to. I just want to find my person, but I feel so old and used and pathetic competing for the attention of the extreme minority of attractive, decent men. Picrel is the type of trash who makes up most of the discovery feed. I wish I were a lesbian or something, I’m so depressed right now.

No. 417071

In Italian, Spanish and Greek culture, getting slapped by your husband is very normalised tbh so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't bother reporting it. In Nordic countries they have a very low threshold for what is considered domestic violence, so women are much more likely to record it to police.

No. 417153

I'm in the same position as you nonnie, also 30. I also consider myself slightly above average. I haven't gone back to dating yet, but I wouldn't stress over looks. No moid is worth plastic surgery, and no moid worth anything would want you to get surgery. I think any decent moid our age is aware of their position and isn't just going to go for 10/10 stacies or waste their time. But tbh I've accepted that I might not find a new moid anytime soon or at all.

No. 419032

File: 1722029876069.jpg (253.76 KB, 1125x1514, hinge cringe.jpg)

>being virtually pawed at and slobbered on by 99% attention deprived lonely losers and 1% narcissistic psychopaths
This is what I find most bothersome about these apps

No. 419045

don't go on dating apps if you want to meet someone even remotely normal. These apps mostly have socially inept people who don't know how to talk to women in normal situations or guys looking for quick hook-ups. Normal men know how to meet women irl and prefer that because they can see what they look like in person

No. 419068

>Nordic anon here, it's not unheard of at all.
Yes it is. In America, we even have the phrase "going Dutch" to indicate splitting the bill
>We're not some monolith where everything is 50/50 in every relationship
Yes you are. Nordic men and women are both highly feminist. Nordic people even all look the same (tall, blonde, fit, etc.)
>in fact it's a huge problem here that men don't do enough chores at home since you're expected to work as a woman as well
That's every country. Men don't mind living in total filth. If you don't want to have to pick up after a man then you should just stick to dating women. There is no such thing as a man who will do his full share of the housework

No. 419093

I’m also a burger, but the dutch aren’t nordic kek

No. 419146

Nta but she probably means Scandinavian. You know damn well our public schools don't teach us anything about other countries so we're always a little retarded in that regard kek

No. 419159

NTA but Netherlands isn't part of Scandinavia either. Netherlands is in Central Europe kek.

No. 419163

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No. 419238

I consider the Netherlands part of of Scandinavia. I don't care what the "official" geography is

No. 420209

>get on dating app
>chat with a few guys and weed out the weirdos and sex pests
>two guys remain, both late twenties
>meet up with guy 1
>not really that attracted to him, he is losing his hair
>he seems nice though and has a cool job
>he talks a lot and I don't really talk that much
>doesn't pay for dinner though
>meet up a few times
>meet up with guy 2
>eat ice cream
>we have a lot in common, like the same things and we talk equally as much
>he also doesn't pay for my food though
>not physically attracted to him either
>meet up with guy 1 again
>kiss because I feel lonely
>he gets really possessive
>"since we kissed I can assume that we are now in a relationship. I already deleted the dating app after our second date."
>excuse myself to the bathroom
>this lunatic looks through my phone while I'm gone, deletes my dating app and writes a message to guy 2 that he should fuck off
>accuses me of cheating on him
>tell him that we are done
>I have gained nothing from this experience

No. 420234

what kind of ice cream was it?

No. 420246

Yikes but honestly, why would you even go on a 2nd date with a broke loser who didn't pay the first time? That's a red flag no matter what. You can do better

No. 420340

you wouldnt kiss those chapped ass lips nonny??

No. 420406

Didn't even notice the lips, was too distracted by the psychotic eyes

No. 420861

At this point, I have deleted all of my dating apps and will firmly say to hell with it.
Getting on the dating apps was just serving as a daily reminder for me on how much people suck.
Every time I found a guy who started to pique my interest and I developed attraction for, something bad always ended up happening. Either he would cut things off or ghost. Or everything would seem totally perfect but then a total red flag or a non negotiable thing I found unattractive would appear in him and I'd have to end things. I just find that dating apps simply aren't for me.

No. 420862

Oh God Boo is terrible nona don't do it. Take it from me.
Just from the marketing alone they advertise it as the dating app where "looks don't matter" so that's already set up for disaster. You'll run into nothing but incel after incel. Especially on the "explore" tabs page where people make posts. Nothing but incels and red pillers talking about how women need to "submit" to find a good man

No. 420879

Dude just matched with me, asked to meet up at 10 pm for "a drink" I said sorry I don't drink and I don't meet up first time late at night! He said "You sound like lots of fun lol bye" and immediately blocked me. OK. Trash took itself out but I just thought that was so funny especially since his profile said he's religious and looking for LTR.

No. 420917

File: 1722606707467.png (726.31 KB, 1344x1452, kill me.png)

I wish I was kidding.
At first I thought it was some retard saying shit to bait women into reacting and thats why I didnt give him any sort of reaction. This was from ages ago, I'm cleaning out my screenshot folder and found it lmao

No. 420918

that quote is fucking hilarious

No. 420998

Next time a nonna is wondering why scrotes act like they have brain worms, you can show her this and answer her question!
And you deserve a medal for interacting with these creatures. Good fucking god.

No. 421011

Imagine thinking you've found the love of your life and it turns out he does this shit (pun intended).

No. 421174

On the one hand ewww, on the other hand at least he offered a large sum of money instead of thinking he deserves free sex like most moids kek. What app is this? I don't recognize it.

No. 421217

I can't remember, it was from years ago. Maybe ok cupid?

No. 421621

Nonas how the fuck do you do this
All guys are so agressively ugly how am i expected to swipe right. It doesnt really help taht my type is extinct
Ive matched with 3 guys but they havent sent me a message.

No. 421628

By meeting a guy irl and never looking at apps again.

No. 421629

Where do you look irl?

No. 421653

no kidding I knew an irl moid just like this. some of the things he’s said to me are in these messages verbatim. what happens in the brain to make them this way

No. 421737

Why aren't you sending them a message? I always send the first message and the guys fall in love with me based on just that cause it's so rare for the woman to start the conversation.

No. 421914

Because it's scary and I figured if they were really interested they would send one

No. 421947

NTA but literally every time I have to message first, the guy ends up ghosting. If he was really excited to match with you and very interested, he'd message you as soon as the match pops on to his screen.

No. 423374

that either has to be a ftm, or otherwise he's based as fuck

No. 424189

i remade tinder and i actually did pics of myself showing how i actually look but scrotes are godafwul. i'm desperate to find a male of my dreams but i know this type of men doesn't exist anymore and if did, i'd be way out of these men's league (as they'd prefer to settle on most normie and conventionally pretty women)
>ton of sex tourists
>scrotes hitting the wall at 19
>same boring zoomer moid into hiphop
>ton of them is roiding
>shallow and boring men in general
>lost 2 matches so far
i swear it happens every single time. they except you to start first and i hate it. i'll probably end up becoming devoted to my imaginary husbando i made up myself. i'm giving up.

No. 424337

>this type of men doesn't exist anymore
What type of guy? What are your standards?

No. 424595

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febfems and lesbians: how do you do it? i started using dating apps again at 30 after being too mentally/physically unwell for a few years to properly bother (anorexia and bpd diagnoses). i was never doing amazing with women on apps but met a good number of them in my early 20s and hooked up with a few. currently bombing harder with them than ever before. when i used hinge recently i got a steady stream of moid matches but not any women which was honestly disheartening and made me sad as i strongly prefer them to men. currently using feeld and not having much luck there either. is there a chance they can tell i'm not 100% healthy from my pics and that puts them off, or would it be something else? matching with men has not been a problem

No. 424597

Resident bisexual here, are you more “femme” presenting? I used to get frustrated and a little jealous when it seemed like cute lesbian/bi girls weren’t interested in me, and one of my lesbian friends mentioned that it’s because at first glance I appeal to the “male gaze” and “look straight”. Which is true.

No. 424604

Can you completely turn off matches with men? If you really want to focus on matching with women, it might be better if you can simply ignore the app outright until you know you got a message from a woman and not another moid.

No. 424607

Dating apps in general have far more men than women. Tinder for example is 80:20 men:women for example. So of course you will get way more men no matter what. There's apps specifically for lesbians/bisexual women like Her where you'd maybe do better but be aware it has a bunch of trannies mixed in.

No. 424609

I can't get my type irl. All men who approach me irl are unattractive to me. Online I actually get my type.

I do better in places with a higher male ratio because all you need is not to be overweight and you get a bunch of hot men thirsting over you. vs In cities with higher female ratios you have ugly broke men having harems of pretty women, so you have to be perfect.

No. 424611

I had the same problem when I was single. All the dudes who approached me irl were either ugly or fat. Except one good looking guy, but he was Muslim, so not a chance in hell would I give him my number. After sifting through innumerable retards and losers online, I finally met my bf. He's attractive, fit, smart, kind, on a good career path, comes from a good family, wants kids. I'm so glad I didn't settle.

No. 424621

I'm sort of in the middle/androgynous. I have shortish hair (not a pixie cut type thing but bobbed length) and don't wear makeup unless it's casual eyeshadow or eyeliner. But the women I'm most attracted to are feminine or similar to me in that they're not extremely butch. I do kinda wonder if it's just that I'm really ugly, but then I don't understand why I'd be matching with some decent looking men. I'm not febfem so don't want to turn the option to see men off but as far as relationship goals go I feel like I'd be settling if I got too serious with a man

No. 424885

I live in an area that heavily skews male, I'm not fat and I still only get ugly guys, both online and irl. I guess my face must be hideous or something.

No. 424889

Same, anon. I don't know if my type is just very narrow or my standards too high (I have a heavy preference for long haired men for instance), but I'm attracted to very few people I see around. I find it helps to go to events that relate to my hobbies (renn faires, metal shows, other nerdy stuff) because the proportion of men my type is higher.

I got dumped recently which was honestly a relief because it was a dead end/empty relationship that I was too complacent to leave myself. It feels freeing. Now I'm trying Bumble and I swipe right on maaaaybe 1% of people. I managed to get a few matches in a couple days which seems shockingly fast. One seems more interesting and compatible (and more cute) than the rest so hopefully we can chat more and see how things go.

My last relationship has given me a complex around feeling like no one would ever want me, but screw it. I'll shoot my shot.

No. 424897

have you tried actually approaching the hot ones yourselves irl?

No. 424901

No, why would I do that?

No. 424902

oh idk maybe to manifest your will in the world and get what you want (talking specifically to the anons that were upset a dumb himbo couldn't read their minds to know they were interested). Obviously the thirstiest least self-aware scrotes will always be the ones that actually approach you. I haven't been outside in years though so what do I know

No. 424904

No. When I send them likes on apps they never like me back. Why would I embarrass myself further by offering myself up for irl rejection too?

No. 424909

I'm not going to debase myself with hockey analogies but iykyk, point is:
1. people tend to be way nicer irl than online,
2. There are a million reasons somebody might not be interested, most of which will actually have nothing to do with you so you might as well cultivate a little detachment from the fear of rejection, and
3. Like applying for a job, you can either limit yourself to being another resume in the pile, flattened into one of a hundred two-dimensional summaries, or you can make a little extra effort and create an actual three-dimensional human interaction that somebody will remember, especially because that's a step that MAYBE 1% of people will ever bother to take so you're just statistically that much more significant.

But again, I don't even like men so feel free to disregard

No. 424912

This advice doesn't really work. If men don't find you attractive, they might be flattered by your giving interest to them, but even if you succeed in getting a relationship with him, he'll resent you for being ugly and treat you like shit. Relationships only work if the guy thinks you're beautiful. Being settled for is never worth it and usually comes with a ton of drawbacks.

No. 424913

If you believe that then the problem isn't how you go about meeting somebody — online, in person, with them making the first move, or you — it's that any relationship is doomed to be shallow and fleeting no matter what. The idea of hitting the wall at 30 may be bullshit, but guess what we all still age and all relationships grow out of the lust phase sooner or later. If you listen to any couple that are still happily together after decades they practically all say the same thing, and point to the need to progress beyond relying on physical attraction, and to develop a deeper bond with somebody.

If you choose to take the more pessimistic view and say moids are biologically incapable of doing that, more power to you, but don't pretend my earlier advice isn't still going to be better for anybody who wants to be more optimistic.

If he needs to find you hot in order to not resent you, what's going to give a more honest impression, your online dating profile, or the actual physical you? You'd still be more likely to end up with somebody who "resents you for being ugly and treats you like shit" by him liking you back and eventually meeting face to face based on a dating profile.

No. 424914

I have a boyfriend already. And yeah, people age, but looks are important in a relationship. Men aren't going to love you or develop a bond with you if they aren't attracted to you first. I bet none of those happy old couples will tell you they weren't attracted to their spouse when they met them. My point was that approaching someone as a woman doesn't work out well unless you're already conventionally attractive because then even men who aren't attracted to you will drag you along and treat you poorly, and anon mentioned that she wasn't. If a man isn't chasing you, he isn't going to be a good partner.

No. 425103

Let's be real about what would actually happen. They wouldn't straight out reject you. They'll use you for sex and then never talk to you again, then you'll be traumatized. Being used is so much worse than being rejected, and so malicious. Men are fucking evil.

No. 425130

The anon saying to approach guys irl has to be moid lolll. No man is going to respect you when you ask him out. how naive can you be

No. 425131

I think it depends, but like the other nona said it depends on whether they already think you're attractive or not.

No. 425133

Even if youre attractive the moids gonna find you desperate af and going to have the biggest ego

No. 425144

DA if they wouldn't respect me for being honest then they're not worth my time.

No. 425145

lol, have you ever approached a guy who doesn't have like top-level social skills? They like someone else doing the work. If the advance isn't unwelcome.

No. 425186

I don't think that's true. Plenty of men nowadays think that it's "sexist" that they have to do "all the work". But I think you're actively putting yourself at risk for getting used by being the one who approaches because men commonly have no ethical reservations about using a woman as a placeholder gf until the girl they actually want comes along.

No. 425821

>half of all the women on Tinder are unicorn hunters

No. 428060

They tend to get an ego and feel sweet. No man deserves that.

No. 428061

Why can’t I find women who are serious about dating other women on dating apps? I hate it so much. I don’t even want a relationship asap, just want to go on dates and get to know the other. I thought bumble would be the best, but nada.
It’s always
>a woman looking for friendship
>poly they/them and ugly
>they ghost you immediately after matching

No. 428063

Yeah, that is the problem with dating apps. They're full of non-serious people. It's particularly frustrating with women because it's harder to meet someone same-sex attracted irl.

No. 428065

I don’t have any LGB circles and the clubs that I know are full of ugly weirdos, the type that have pins, autistic , koreaboos or anime watchers (I do watch them too, but I’m not crazy about them) and who is into the genderwoo craze.
Dating apps are the next best thing I can do, but I can’t get anything. It’s so frustrating.

No. 428103

Are there any good websites or apps that have russians in them?
I know tinder doesn't work there anymore, same goes for hinge, bumble etc. Please give me any alternatives.

No. 428133

Oh god nonny, you dont want Russian moids. I know some of them can be cute twinks, but they're all pedophiles, furries, schizos and rapists too.

No. 428140

you forgot misogynists too

No. 428144

I would stay far from Russians, Koreans and Indians in reference to ethnicities, the chances of them being shitty are somehow higher. I always skip policemen, military men, nerds who are into anime, gym bros too.

No. 428159

Is hinge worth using? Does anyone actually have good experiences with the app? I’ve only used tinder briefly and hated it

No. 428175

I am pretty much aware of the risks, but please nonnies give me any alternatives that are out there.
I'm also curious if there's any websites or apps besides the large three (tinder,bumble,hinge)

No. 428177

I've meant apps or websites that are focused on long-distance.

No. 428179

This isn’t from personal experience (I don’t have a ton of experience in general), but from the friends I have who have met their boyfriends off of an app- they’ve met them from Hinge. I’m actually using it again right now after pausing my profile for like two years. I like it more than Tinder because you actually have to fill out prompts for your profile so it’s a little easier to sus out the assholes (obviously they’ll still be there but at least you can filter out some)

No. 428294

Pretty much all dating apps are huge majority male, like 60-80% male depending on which one. So there's a rather tiny pool of women, whether straight or lesbian. You would be better off trying to find someone irl. Maybe lookup lesbian meetups or speed dating on the Meetup site.

I think it's the best one and has the largest amount of serious men, but it seems to have WAY less users than any other app as well. You run out of people really quickly. Tinder is fully hookup oriented and not somewhere you look for a real relationship, Bumble pretty much just has the same men as Tinder, and CMB is dead these days (used to be the best quality one)

No. 428352

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the people who you match with on tinder are way harder to match with on hinge. hinge gatekeeps attractive men. I know this cause I've matched with men on tinder who were "standouts" on hinge kek. More of my hinge matches have led to dates but nothing ever happened with them because people on dating apps just want an ego boost.

No. 428620

I've started using two different dating apps recently to compare (spoiler, both are kinda eh and make you pay out the ass to actually use most of the features). I matched with someone on bumble and sent a message. While scrolling OkCupid I saw the same guy and was like "why not like again". We were immediately matched. The 24 hour window for his reply on bumble expired so I sent a quick casual message on OC. Neither have met with any reply. I'm a bit disappointed since he clearly was interested enough to like me on both, but maybe he changed his mind or a million other reasons to not want to chat.

That's probably normal, and I can accept that. It just stings.

No. 429076

I felt like putting myself on bumble once again, but I deleted it after 5 days. I got many matches , but everything seems so boring? I find most of the men ugly and not interesting. The ones that I find attractive and with whom I match are fucking boring too.

I’m not expecting a relationship, I do want sex, but when the opener is “come back to my place” “what’s your favorite position?” Etc…I just dry up like the Sahara desert. I just want a normal dude to have a nice time with.

No. 429324

Bumble offered a day to see who like you for $3. I was a chump and bought it, and it confirmed my very obvious thoughts. Pretty much all of them were boring and not my type at all. At that point I'd rather have the "organic" way of liking someone, then if they eventually like me we match. I like so few people, but that's how it's gonna be.

I also put a line about wanting friends/connections first, then I'll go from there. Not everyone will read it or care, but I try to make it evident.

No. 429345

I'm not sharing an experience I just have a question for those with experience.I recently downloaded a couple dating apps as I am trying to put myself out there and get over a 2.5 year long relationship with loser extremist moid.

1) Please just give me general advice. I am 20 and slightly inexperienced, didn't date much in high school other than my ex. I just moved to a new town and state, I literally know nobody in the area,I live with my dad. Should I try to make friends first? I can make effort towards being social but i'm an introvert to the core and like everyone I'm painfully PAINFULLY insecure and scared of rejection. Is meeting people off of apps really as awkward as the concept seems? I'm pretty reserved.

2) on a less serious note, how true is it that guys lie about their height on these apps? I am a true 5'8 and as I swipe I see numerous tall heights, 6'3 and up, and I matched with a guy who is listed as 6'7 which just seems outrageous. Should I be concerned about these men bullshitting or has your experience been that men are generally honest about it.

3) How can I stay safe? I'm terrified of men, them hurting me physically or mentally. What are some excuses to bail out or let a guy down softly? I'm kind of paranoid. Is this a sign that I'm not ready to put myself out there?

No. 429445

If you want friends I think that apps are decent enough if the other person is interested, but you have much more luck in finding same minded people by visiting places you usually spend time in, for examples your uni or workplace or even a bar you visit often.
I met one of my friends on bumble though so I think you should try it! She’s a sweetheart, she had moved here and she didn’t know anyone, just like you. We chatted for two days and then met up! We go to the same faculty so we have many things in common.

No. 429446

I’m not in America so I don’t know how things are there. But people here in my country list their height correctly when they do, even when they’re on the shorter side, I’ve never had a problem.
About the safety part:
>always meet up in a public place as a first date
>don’t drink too much and remain vigilant, >reach the location on your own, don’t let them pick you up.
>don’t share your address
>share your location with someone if possible. >If you happen to want to have sex have your own condoms just in case too, you do you, but I prefer having sex later , when I’ve already gone out with them a couple of times already.
>this is something I do out of my own discretion but I always say what I don’t want to be done immediately, no chocking, no slapping etc.

No. 429447

If you don’t like the person you’re out with at the end of the date you can just excuse yourself by texting them “I had a great time, but I don’t think we’re compatible, good luck” something like this. Or you can ghost, although I find it quite rude.

No. 429777

1) Yes, it's very awkward. If you tell men on apps that you're looking for "friends", they'll think you mean fwb so definitely don't say that.

2) Tons of them do lie about it, unfortunately. They're straight up advised by other men to do so and told that women won't be able to tell the difference.

3) Stay in public. Do not go into any private space with a man you don't know well yet, including cars. Keep the initial dates to daytime only. Frankly, I would advise not sleeping with a man early on at all, until he has demonstrated commitment. Lots of men lie about wanting a serious relationship to lure women into having sex asap, then ghost them right after ("pump and dump"). The only way to avoid this is to just refuse it until later. Fuckboys won't stick around for long if you make it clear.

No. 429795

The guy I went on a date with and I played a card game were we had to ask each other the questions that were displayed on the cards. One question was if I considered cheating to be a dealbreaker and I said "yeah of course. I would break up with that person." He then said "so you wouldn't even want to know the reason why it happened?" As if there would ever be a good reason to cheat? Like wtf man

No. 431118

I went on a date with a guy two weeks ago. He was a lot older than me, but man he was so attractive. Probably the most attractive guy I’ve been on a date with. I hate myself for liking him because he said a lot of concerning shit. Regardless, he stopped texting me so I guess he isn’t interested (I know it was definitely for the better, but I’m still sad about it for whatever reason). I’ve been listening to the album he played me and I hate that I like it. I have another date with another guy tomorrow. Hopefully that will help me forget about the other guy.

No. 431124

how much older was he and what did he say that you didn't like?

No. 431138

Well, he was eleven years older than me. I could probably write a book on all of the weird shit he said. He told me that when he was my age (kek), he found out that he was the product of an affair and it fucked him up for a long time (I can’t remember the context of why he even brought this up). He also told me that he only listens to instrumental music or music with female singers. And that he used to lie about his age on the apps and what his age cut off for dating was. And much more. I can’t emphasize how attractive he was though. And I think I’m an idiot who is attracted to people who are erratic like that because I find it interesting and entertaining. So it’s definitely for the best that he stopped talking to me. We didn’t fuck or anything even though he wanted to. Maybe that was my moral compass kicking in and i have very little sexual experience

No. 431141

I do kinda admire this guy's honesty. Do you think he may have had some mental issues?
He prob is only interested in quick casual stuff and once he realized that you weren't down for that, he moved on

No. 431188

His bluntness was really jarring, but it did make the nice things he said feel more genuine. I don’t doubt he has something diagnosable because the way he interacted with me was really strange. I seriously wondered if he was autistic based off of some of the stuff he shared. It’s not the content that was surprising moreso the fact he was so open to sharing this with someone he barely knew. My friend said it sounded like he had a personality disorder kek. I would have been down for something casual, but not on the first date. My issue is that I don’t really want to be in a relationship, but I do want to have more experience. But I still haven’t had sex yet so it feels like a huge obstacle to cross. I don’t know what I’m going to do about this

No. 431600

Moids think it's fine to cheat if there's a "dead bedroom" situation where they feel the woman isn't having enough sex with them (usually some unreasonable amount that they want). There's a whole giant subreddit dedicated to men defending that shit.

Go to therapy for your daddy issues before dating more people imo. That's gross af.

No. 431736

I went on the other date yesterday. It was fun, but I wasn't super attracted to him. He tried to fight some guy at the movie theater and then the other guy looked at me directly and said "you deserve better" which was funny. And then this morning the he texts me and says that he had fun but that I was "loud and obnoxious in public," which sounds like a massive cope. [/spoiler]At least he was my age this time around.[spoiler]

Don't have enough time or money for therapy sadly. But I don't usually date people that much older than me. He was just very attractive in his pictures.

No. 431816

what was the fight about? Who do you think would have won?
>then this morning the he texts me and says that he had fun but that I was "loud and obnoxious in public,"
so do you only date mentally ill people?
>the other guy looked at me directly and said "you deserve better"
This line has always bothered me: how tf does he know that you deserve better? Maybe you are actually a terrible person yourself. What does "deserve" even mean in this context?

No. 433078

What is the real meaning of "family oriented" when scrotes have it on their profiles? I'm guessing either "I still live with my parents" or "I have an Oedipus complex"

No. 433133

When using dating apps, how many men are you talking to at the same time? I have a nice dynamic going with two guys (one more sexual and one i might consider dating longterm) but I'm talking to two other guys besides them and plan to meet them qs well.

No. 433135

Trad leaning son of a boymom who wants his own family to perpetuate muh legacy.

No. 433186

I've always read it as has traditional family values (woman stays home if possible, guy doesn't do much around the household/child caring even if you both work) by default, but I've also always avoided those types so can't say for sure. Now I wonder if you're right and it's code for I live at home.

No. 433197

It means he wants a family, how can you be this terminally online

No. 433257

What's the best dating website for lesbians?

No. 433281

As of now? None, they’re full of troons, fakebians, they/them retards and bi women trying to either have you as a third or who will surprise you with their bf when meeting.

No. 433311

when the fuck did moids on dating apps get so boring? im on hinge/bumble for the first time in 8 months or so and i've barely swiped right

No. 433323

Whatever’s most popular in your area for straight people will have more people on it period.

No. 433326

If your city has a lesbian Facebook group or some other sort of lesbian meetup/group that’s the way I’ve made lesbian friends I’m a lescel but maybe you’ll have better luck

No. 433441

would you date a guy who was really attractive and interesting but also was a criminal/terrible person?

No. 433592

That's not what it means. It means they spent a weirdly huge amount of time with their family (way more than normal people) and most likely still live with them/refuse to move out. Like they're totally obsessed with their family and feel a compulsion to see them constantly. This has been the case for literally every man I've met who uses that term. Pure manchildren.

No. 433864

nah, i mostly meant men who actually have interesting hobbies/interests. i'm getting the most basic men ever. stuff like pics from the gym, fishing, or from parties.

No. 441203

I went on another date with a new guy and he was cute and not horribly mentally ill. I could tell he was kind of nervous because his hands were shaking when he was showing me something on his phone FUCK and he smelled good. He walked me twenty minutes back to my apartment because he wanted to keep talking to me. Please just have something work out for me just this once.

No. 442158

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Back in the Bumble trenches

No. 442162

Is this a gay dude or a transbian or a male feminist?

No. 442168

No. 442175

Going on a second date tomorrow. He has been texting me every day and asking me questions about my life and my interests and how my day is. I'm going insane with the knowledge that something could/will go wrong and all of this will be ruined. It's like too good to be true. I can't ever remember a time a guy seemed to display this much interest in me, while also being a guy who I thought was cute and easy to talk to.

But I'll try to have fun tomorrow and not psych myself out too much. Even if it goes poorly and I don't want to talk to him again, I will at least have had fun up until that point.

No. 442197

Not sure… he’s a disabled veteran apparently

No. 442233

I'm sorry but that made me laugh so hard

No. 442277

Good luck for you, nonna! Please, keep the updates

No. 442278

probably a faggy bisexual woke bro who identifies as a smol girl

No. 442644

The update is that the date went okay, but I don't like him as strongly now (which is normal I assume once you get to know someone). I think things were not super well-planned and then on top of that, it felt like it was harder to make conversation and he made some jokes that I thought were kind of cringe. And all in all, I was feeling sort of bored.

That being said, I could tell that he liked me. He asked for a hug at the end, which felt really nice. I'm still willing to give it another shot to see if it was just a bad day, but this time I'm going to plan the date so that way even if I'm bored I'll still have something to enjoy,

No. 442659

I feel like I'm going to have to use dating apps if I want to meet someone at this point (especially a woman), I don't have a lot of free time in the first place and when I go in social settings I'm either invisible or I only attract ugly male nerds (the fact that I like nerdy shit doesn't help either). My aversion to dating apps comes from being a bit old fashioned and preferring to meet someone organically, and being scared that my pics would be used for nefarious purposes. Should I give it a try?

No. 443640

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How are you supposed to find a Christian guy without them being retarded tier conservative, old enough to be your dad, or larpers who want a virgin wife?

No. 443641

at a church?

No. 443642

Are you participating in a Christian community yet? Churches host events and groups/clubs centered around some activity. Not all of them center around bible study, there's plenty where you could meet guys in a more casual setting and get to know them.

I grew up Christian myself (though no longer in it so maybe it's changed a bit with dating apps) and from what I've seen that's how the majority of Christian guys got their partners.

No. 443647

>who want a virgin wife
Doesn't the Bible say virginity is good though?

No. 443653

I think anon means larpers who are in it for the virgin wife not for the religion.

Ime the younger generations of Christians who aren't ultra religious but are religious enough to go to church regularly, aren't as uptight about sex and living together as the older generations. It isn't that uncommon to have sex before marriage in serious relationships. But again that's my experience, I guess it probably varies per church/region.

No. 443663

This is my experience too and I'm in my 30s. In my part of the south in the 2000s, only the absolute bottom barrel loser nerds were looking for a virgin, and it was obviously out of anxiety about underperforming sexually and not because god said to save it for marriage. Average men who believed in god but weren't crazy wanted a normal relationship with sex and cohabitation.

No. 443682

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OP, my bad forgot to include that I'm fairly serious about my faith (waiting for marriage, regular going to church praying and fasting).

No. 443683

ngl, waiting for marriage is an objectively bad thing from a safety point of view because you are completely forgoing any preview of whether or not the person you end up marrying is trustworthy until it's too late to easily back out. that said, the answer is 100% through your church like >>443642 said. the key to doing it safely is to have female friends in your church-related social circle who will watch out for you and who can spot red flags you might miss, will side with you if anything happens as opposed to pressuring you to stay together for god, etc.

No. 443693

>you are completely forgoing any preview of whether or not the person you end up marrying is trustworthy until it's too late to easily back out
Because having sex and leaving yourself open to the possibility of getting pumped and dumped is the only way to know that someone is trustworthy?

No. 443694

What if you get married and he turns out to be violent/aggressive during sex? Or what if you learn he never washes his ass and cock?

No. 443695

Have you heard of this thing called communication?

No. 443699

NTA but moids are really good at pretending to be nice and pleasant and when they get comfortable the veneer drops. They are sly creatures.

No. 443700

Where there's fire, there's smoke. If a moid is pretending to be nice and pleasant, he won't be able to hide it simply because you don't have sex with him. His viciousness will be manifest in other acts also.

No. 443701

They tend to hide that they don't wipe their ass. You could ask over and over and they'll tell you they wipe and wash. Don't trust men to communicate the way you do.

No. 443702

If that's true, then no moid is worth marrying.

No. 443703

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Idk how people try to convince women that sex is the only way to figure out if a dude is ok. Literally observe him when he's with others, what he says/does, don't rely on him financially, and maybe hack his computer/phone. Usually they can't keep the nice act up after a few months on consistent interaction.
What autistic literally asks someone if they wipe and wash.

No. 443704

Anyone who has been with a man who didn't wash will ask in the future. Obviously. Once is enough.

No. 443705

>Idk how people try to convince women that sex is the only way to figure out if a dude is ok.
Moids spread this idea so they can pump and dump women, women spread it to cope with the fact that they got pumped and dumped.

No. 443706

No, I understand some dudes don't wash and wipe. But how autistic do you have to be to think they'll answer truthfully when asked. Just do a sniff test.

No. 443710

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>Mfw when my nigel catches me sniffing the seat after he gets up

No. 443720

I hope you guys posting "pump and dump" over and over are just too young to know how typical (healthy) relationships work and virginally scared of sex and betrayal, which is understandable, but that term doesn't refer to a woman dating a man for some number of weeks/months/years, having sex with him while in a monogamous relationship, and then voluntarily leaving him if he is a bad partner. as long as you're withholding a final step of the relationship that he wants to get to in order to incentivize him treating you nicely, then you are removing that incentive once you're no longer withholding, which is a bad foundation for a lifelong relationship. what's more, you can absolutely find very religious, normie, even conservative men who will be normal and respectful toward you as a woman while still having more modern views toward living together and sleeping together, but the "no sex until marriage" thing is a magnet for poorly adjusted people. date for a very long time before you have sex, only date men who seem genuine and trustworthy, only have sex when you feel like you really know a man inside and out: these are very good ways to avoid creeps while minimizing the risk of being used. even holding out to lose your virginity to a virgin or only dating virgin men is fine. however, waiting until you are legally entangled with a man to sleep with him is not an efficient strategy for maintaining your safety. I can tell from the tone of some of these posts that you don't think this is sincere advice (or at least that you're very unhappy to hear it), so I think I would direct you to have as many conversations as you can with trusted older female relatives in your life to hear more about love, sex, and dating as you start seriously thinking about finding a man to marry, just to increase the chance that you'll hear more about the reality of how things work and go into looking for marriage with more information than you have now.

No. 443726

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What if I have no interest in sex? Why care if they're small penised/quick shooting/just bad at it, because I'm never going to enjoy it anyways. It'll always just be an annoying thing I need to do in order to be married & have children.

No. 443734

I think that if you plan to have a sexually active relationship, it's still best that you do not wait until marriage. I'm not saying to avoid those men just so you can dump a guy if he is bad in bed. I'm saying it because your relationship dynamic will change immediately upon being legally bound to someone who may become a total stranger to you, and also because if you've only fucked one guy in your life and it's your husband and you have religious reasons to make it work and you believe that you're dirty once you lose your virginity, then you are heavily incentivized to put up with whatever happens and it is likely that it would be extremely difficult for you to leave if the situation is bad. thus, it's just way better to reach a point of stable connection, interdependence, and commitment in a relationship before marriage and not after. additionally, the sort of men who only want to marry a virgin are likely to have a sexist attitude toward women that you will not escape suffering from, not even if you measure up to all of his standards of what a good woman should be as a faithful religious virgin. they're just not quality men.
that said, I don't really know what the best thing for someone disinterested in sex altogether. I guess I really hope that you end up with a guy who is also not interested, or that you have a little fun when it happens even if you're not particularly interested in it now.

No. 443736

>as long as you're withholding a final step of the relationship that he wants to get to in order to incentivize him treating you nicely, then you are removing that incentive once you're no longer withholding, which is a bad foundation for a lifelong relationship
But that's the exact opposite of what's really happening. Most moids are only in the relationship for the sex. If you wait until marriage, you filter out the moids who only wanted to use you for sex, and men who genuinely love you will wait. The point isn't to make a bad moid better, it's to dissuade a bad moid from being with you to begin with.
>they're just not quality men.
Chaste men who save themselves for marriage are almost certainly better than sluts who have pumped and dumped dozens of women

No. 443739

>If you wait until marriage, you filter out the moids who only wanted to use you for sex, and men who genuinely love you will wait. The point isn't to make a bad moid better, it's to dissuade a bad moid from being with you to begin with.
I understand that this is the logic behind your theory but I am telling you that in real life, it doesn't work out this way. I don't mean that no-sex-til-marriage guys are creepy and dangerous in theory, I mean that they are creepy and dangerous in practice.
>Chaste men who save themselves for marriage are almost certainly better than sluts who have pumped and dumped dozens of women
the vast majority of men fall between these two categories of people, though, and that includes men who are virgins who are waiting to have sex for the first time in a meaningful, loving relationship, as well as men who have had one or two serious relationships that didn't work out and have only ever had sex with women they loved and respected and had very serious intentions toward.

No. 443748

>they are creepy and dangerous in practice
How many irl men have you met who wanted to wait until marriage?
And I'm not saying all men who want to wait until marriage are worthy, I'm saying only men who want to wait until marriage are worthy. It's a necessary but not a sufficient condition.
While I agree that most waiting until marriage moids are awful, I believe an even higher percentage of premarital sex moids are that.

No. 443751

and I'm saying that the vast majority of them are creepy little freaks (but not always, best case scenario is that they just have microdicks and are terrified to end up with someone who's experienced bigger) because the difference between waiting for love and waiting for marriage is the difference between being a romantic and being a walking red flag. you go ahead and marry one though, I'll hope it works out for you but idgaf what you do ultimately, it's very typical for women who have bought into a romanticized notion of how relationships work to be immune to advice about how trad life decisions are actually harmful so that's not who I'm typing this up for.

No. 443756

>the vast majority of them are creepy little freaks
As oppose to normalfag moids, who are generally saints and angels.
I think you're just jealous of me because you'll never have a pure one-man-one-woman romance and love. Like Aesop's tailless fox tempting others into amputation, you're trying to make me repeat your faults.(bait)

No. 446224

File: 1732382304744.png (324.99 KB, 1022x1268, fatass.png)

I look at OKCupid once in a while and this nasty scrote liked me.
>no women like me
>women are shallow
>a woman should motivate ME to work out and not be fat
the damn entitlement of moids. "wahhh wahhh no women like me because I'm out of shape, unhealthy, and ugly". how about instead of waiting for a woman that likes "you for you and is going to help you diet (unrealistic, no one wants a fat fuck), get off your fat ass and work out. although he's into video games and dbz so losing weight will only do so much.
I always seem to get the attention of losers and goons just for looking vaguely asian.

No. 446234

>only listens to music with womens vocals
Surprised nobody called this out yet but these men are always red flag coomers. Stay safe nona.

No. 446385

Additional update- we're dating now! I know there's time to be disappointed, but so far everything has been going so well it feels way too good to be true. He has made it really clear that he likes me and enjoys spending time with me. I was sperging out about some random topic last week and recommended some documentaries and podcasts on the subject without even thinking and then this weekend he told me that he watched/listened to them, which completely surprised me because I wasn't expecting that from him at all. He comes with me to watch movies and do things that my friends aren't interested in doing with me. And when he took off his shirt, I was shocked because his body is actually pretty nice.

I'm so happy with things right now that I'm also constantly afraid for when things inevitably goes south. I don't know what to expect because this is my first relationship. I'm also surprised I was able to meet someone who I get along with really well on one of these horrid dating apps, but I never talk to men so I don't think I would have met him otherwise.

No. 446388

somewhat related but I instantly skip past any man on a dating app who says he's a swiftie, it's so obviously baiting women

No. 446405

What app nona? Any tips for finding cute guys like yours? Do you think his profile gave off a certain vibe that matched the sincerity he has with you so far?

No. 446537

I met him on Hinge. Honestly, I think what I learned through my experiences so far is that men are pretty terrible at making profiles and also the way they text/message you on the app is not usually an indicator of what kind of person they'll be irl. Obviously if someone is being a complete asshole, you should ghost them, but I think every time I met up with a guy from the app I was always surprised because he was different than what I'd expected based off of our messages. So personally, I just liked guys who I thought were cute and for everything else I just waited until we met in person. Also I think pacing yourself is important because it's easy to get burnt out talking to people/going on dates/etc. As for the guy I'm dating now, what I said above applies. I don't think I would have been able to tell from his profile what kind of person he was. I was honestly expecting him to be kind of annoying because he texted me a lot and was always joking around and then when I met him irl he was pretty reserved and shy.

No. 446549

I used to overthink messages on dating apps. In particular, when I used Bumble and had to message first. I would ask about several things on my match's profile, but when replying to messages I realized I was being very wordy. I'm quiet and socially awkward IRL, but overcompensate when texting. I got to an extreme when I was texting a guy and we BOTH sent wordy messages. I wasn't completely interested in him anyway, and I got burnt out literally writing several paragraphs every time trying to answer the progressively more lengthy messages.

Still, something men seem to not be capable of is a good starting message (if they go first). Maybe it's a symptom of men throwing a huge net to catch anything, but for goodness' sake, ask a question about something in their pics or profile. Show that you actually read it. If there's clearly no interest, there's no effort.

No. 447122

Same here. Matched a cute guy and we are both sending each other walls of text. But I'm glad that I'm not completely interested in him. At least, I won't get disappointed if we are not compatible.

No. 447919

It’s the most convenient way

No. 448019

It's insane how men, despite vastly outnumbering women on dating apps and crying about it, still won't put in any effort. Like you'd think they'd actively be competing with each other but no.

No. 448644

What are some of you guys' personal green flags when meeting someone for a date?

I just met this guy off tinder for a first date and it went really well actually. He paid for everything, held open the doors, was super polite, flirty but not over the top, very respectful too.

Walked me to my car, we kissed and he told me to text him when I got home safely. We've got a second date planned in two days. I want to be excited but a part of me is genuinely really scared to get hurt. I've never had to do this dating this before as i've had two LTR in the past and never had to subject myself to the apps.

No. 449069

Like the guys without social skills are the attractive type. Not into men who want princess treatment either.

No. 450217

I'm in the same boat nona. I've been single for the last nine months after a break up and I feel like I want to start dating again, but I've only ever met long term bfs in an organic way. at this point I feel like I have to accept dating apps are the simplest way, but every time I go on there I feel sick. I feel like everyone on there just seems desperate and lonely. I need to just get over myself but god I really am miserable about the death of meeting people the normal way kek.

No. 450230

You can always delete your account if it doesn't work out. It's something I'm torn about because I used apps for years and never got a date or found someone functional on them, but meeting someone organically just isn't going to happen when I have little free time besides work and most women I meet organically as friends are simply straight.

No. 457614

Ughh i signed up for OkCupid theres a bunch of likes tho not much matches. Hmm weird

No. 458450

>Set up a date with this guy
>Everything goes well for the first few minutes, we meet and go to this coffee place
>We start talking about this and that
>He immediately starts sperging about his top management job at some top tier company
>I'm like, oh wow, you are so ambitious, you worked so hard and other empty platitudes
>He shows me his hands
>"I have such pale hands, Anon, it must look outright aristocratic"
>Starts sperging about how he probably comes from nobility because he has a rare surname (it's not)
>Keeps talking about how he is a manager with the highest performance in his company, in fact he can't shut up about the job
>"BTW, what do you like to drink, Anon?"
>"Oh, Date-kun, I like bourbon"
>"You must be so rich, anon"
>"You know, Date-kun, why don't we go for a walk?"
>Stroll through the streets and see a bookshop on our way, decide to go inside and check some books
>He immediately goes to the self-imprvement section and starts sperging about Jeff Bezos, Elon Mask and other business icons
>Starts sperging about how productive he is and how much money he makes
>Asks me where I live
>"I live in neighborhood_name, Date-kun"
>"Wow, Anon, you must be so rich" (I'm not)
>Go around a bit more, then we say goodbye
>Never contact him again
You meet the weirdest peeps on dating apps, huh?

No. 458614

He sounds like the type of man who would be perfect to bully

No. 458617

>"I have such pale hands, Anon, it must look outright aristocratic"
KEK he sounds like a fascinating specimen

No. 458838

Which dating app is specifically for himejos, weebs, and nerds? I would specifically like to target those sites and interject myself as the dominant autist.

No. 458849

I've getting adverts for the Boo app to be exactly that, by the ads have been AI shit, so idk.

No. 459175

This inspired me to tell my own horror date story, I'm totally exposing myself though so hello friends, I know you know I'm a farmer don't pretend you're surprised.
>match with a guy with a chris-chan reference in his profile
>make a joke about it, instantly hit it off, same sense of fucked up internet humor
>decide to meet
>he's not my type but I figure it's ok since he's funny
>except that he's not
>we go have dinner, he spends the entire time asking me questions about hot topics such as sex work and incest
>I share my (negative, radfem) views and he keeps going "what if" to the extent to where he argued "what if a girl exists in a vacuum where there are no other people around, no surrounding culture, and she still wants to do onlyfans, is it still unacceptable in your eyes?"
>fuck me this is stupid, I start laughing uncontrollably cause it's so retarded and absurd that we're on a first date and arguing about the ethics of incest in a hypothetical alternative reality
>he doesn't understand why I'm laughing
>he pays for our dinner, I see him off at the train station, he goes for a hug but I leave him hanging
>later he asks if we can meet again
>lmao no, bye
Probably still not the worst date I've been on, I swear men on dating apps are the worst.

No. 459197

>"what if a girl exists in a vacuum where there are no other people around, no surrounding culture, and she still wants to do onlyfans, is it still unacceptable in your eyes?
This is a reasonable question

No. 459291

This is a stupid question created only to force her to say yes so he can feel like he bested her.

No. 459316

>is doing onlyfans when you have no audience to give you money and no things to spend money on anyway cause it's just you existing alone in a vacuum ethical?
Yeah totally a reasonable question. He was just trying to push me until I waver in my opinions but I never did, I just called him out on focusing on completely made-up, impossible hypothetical situations when talking about actual, real life issues. Onlyfans would not even exist in a vacuum, it's so retarded.

No. 459443

that question basically makes "onlyfans" another way of saying "get naked and pose in the mirror alone" which is completely different from the real life situation

No. 460084

>"Oh, Date-kun, I like bourbon"
>"You must be so rich, anon"
KEK what world is this guy living in?

>match with a guy with a chris-chan reference in his profile
This was your first mistake though. You did this to yourself. Stop dating men who are terminally online, it's not the same as any of the nonnies here being terminally online. Scrotes are too retarded to handle the internet

No. 464963

>Scrotes are too retarded to handle the internet
This, the only scrote who knew how to deal with Chris was Liquid. All the others go at least slightly mad.

No. 464972

I would like to know what your worst date was if that one's not it then

No. 464973


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No. 465109

Ngl if I saw Liquid Chris on an app, I would message him.

No. 476611

Nonas what does it mean if I get matches and I say hi and the men doesnt talk back

No. 476626

it means those guys are already getting a lot of messages so with them you need to be more persistent. It's like sales

No. 476627

Nothing, really. If they don't want your time, they don't deserve it.

No. 476628

i can tell you have never worked in sales. Horrible advice. She just needs to be more persistent. Sometimes I have to call a prospect 8 times before I get them to buy

No. 476634

This assumes that those men are worth talking to. There's millions of moids out there.

No. 476637

literally the only reason a moid won't respond to you on a dating app is because he has tons of other women in his DM's. You are basically just telling nonna to only pursue the men that nobody wants.

No. 476641

I'm just saying not to get discouraged by moids not responding. Who gives a fuck?

No. 476666

All men on dating apps are leftovers that nobody wanted.

No. 477958

Sounds like an insecure narcissist tbh

No. 478111

I'm a total newbie when it comes to dating apps, should I use my real name? Also I'm insanely unphotogenic so I'll have to comb through my pictures to find the ones where I look OK, what type of pictures is recommended?

No. 478143

You could use a nickname instead of your real name.

No. 478178

If you have a common name I wouldn't really think twice about it but I think it also depends on your location and its population size. I have an uncommon name so I use a nickname for myself and it just helps me feel better so moids couldn't try to find me on socials if they even tried. It is a little awkward if I get to know someone well enough and I ask them to call me something else but well worth the ease of mind imo.

No. 478188

I have an uncommon name but I'm in the capital city so I don't think I'd stand out. It's really the pic issue that stresses me out, especially with all the deepfake shit.

No. 478195

I was the same way so I think I only had 1 photo of myself where my facial features were visible yet still hid my face shape, the rest I wore masks (photos from pandemic) or were situational/humorous pictures where my face wasn't pictured/was covered and showcased something else relevant to me (such as my style, hobbies, or personality). It worked out for me because no one asked me for additional photos and when my nigel and I met for the first time he found me more attractive than my photos, but I don't have much more experience other than that. I think there are ways to showcase parts of yourself without having your full face in pictures, imo you just need enough to give someone a "good idea" of your looks and that works well enough. If it doesn't then I don't want to talk to them kek

No. 478709

What's your ratio of good/bad dates? I've been on five dates, only one was successful (my ex). Another one was fine, but didn't led to a second date. Other three were godawful/worthy of a grentext. Am I doing something wrong or is this a normal dating experience?
Also, what's your ratio of matches and good chats?

No. 479778

>have been on Hinge for almost a year now
>approx 15 first dates, only physically touched one of them, the rest turned me off for one reason or another
>decide to match with an American who was leaving my country the next day because I knew in his pursuit of sex before he left, he'd would likely make the date as good as possible and I just want to feel something
>I was 100% correct. it ends up being the most fun, engaging and exciting date i'd ever been on from an app. for the first time ever I felt I could genuinely feel attraction for someone from an app after only one date
>I decide not to sleep with him (Just incase I need a tour guide in America, he'd more likely pull through if he thinks he'd have a shot to hit kek)
>he leaves the country the next day and I feel like shit.
>Back to the ugly man trenches of Hinge I go.. put me on 90 day fiance, I miss my American.

at least now I know it's possible to feel something after only one date, all this time I felt it wasn't possible for me

out of around 15 first dates, it may be a regional thing but 100% have been kind and respectful, most have been uninspiring/boring like Im getting a drink with a new coworker. it feels like 10-20% of app matches end up asking me on a date, the "hotter" the guy is in his photos the less likely a date is proposed/his messages are dry and the conversation ends.
out of 15 dates, only 4 could hold an engaging conversation without me driving it, the rest dominated it by talking endlessly without giving me an in or asking questions or simply agreed with everything I said or lacked depth

No. 479786

How did you only get 15 dates in a year? Do you have a very busy schedule or did you date one of em for a long time? I went on 5 or so dates in two weeks, then dated one of the guys for 4 mths before i broke up w him. I wonder if I'm the one who's too fast lmao

No. 479787

Bi/les nonnas: what do you look for in women on dating apps? Particularly in terms of lifestyle, personality etc. I get a good amount of right swipes from men including men I feel are visibly better looking than me but next to no right swipes from women. I was on Hinge for a month and didn't get a single like from a women, only men who imo were decent looking but not what I was really after.

No. 479794

>5 or so dates in two weeks
Nta but I don't even see 5 attractive men in one month to want to go on a date with lmao.

No. 479867

Nonnies, list your red flags, im curious.
Which ones will make you run ASAP?

No. 480010

I could only handle 3 at a time maximum, messaging, meeting for dinner or drinks once a week before ending things fills your schedule fast outside of friends and hobbies.
This too. Out of the 15, I only touched 2 of them physically (beyond a hug hello, i couldnt even hold hands with 13 of them) attractive men are rare.

No. 480070

being lesbian tbh. I'm not attacking you, I don't participate in the weird bi/les infighting here, but I don't want to date bisexual women because I don't believe they consider relationships with women to be as serious as those with men. In terms of lifestyle and personality? basically anything that isn't too boring. If she only says she likes taylor swift and the office I'm going to assume she doesn't have much personality to speak of.

No. 480161

Wtf is with moids and using old pictures from a few years ago? There you think that you are going on a date with a cute guy with a full head of hair and he shows up looking like a hairless cat. Dating in your late twenties is bleak af most guys already have this ugly ass bald spot on the back of their head by the time they turn 27

No. 480164

Divorced/religious/in the military (or any other jobs with this kind of hierarchy)

No. 480175

I've never used dating apps before, what do I do after they message me saying "hey"? Literally just say hey back? Or am I supposed to comment on something from their profile?
Yes I am socially retarded.

No. 480229

>Literally just say hey back?
Well, technically yes, but men who open with just that usually aren't worth the time. He is showing that he's not willing to put more time or effort into it.

No. 483180

Why are men so fucking ugly, why are there so many creeps who think younger women are into men, and where do they get all the audacity from? Not to mention almost every single one of them is into hookups, non monogamy or both. I swear, very few men are relationship worthy

No. 483186

Because the retarded nation of frontpole subhuman fools are all erroneously egotistical. They keep up the muh logical parade and jack each other off, whilst remaining so god damned weak minded they cannot even remain in a relationship without leering at another sexual object like the fat-headed weakwilled chimpwhores they are

No. 483771

alright idk i feel weirdly inspired to install hinge again. wish me luck

No. 483777

I dom't understand how any of you use dating apps while being aware of scrotes nature and what they can potentially do with your images. Regardless of that though, why even use them in the first place? They're terrible and full of the worst kinds of moids.

No. 483779

No real opportunities to find anybody elsewhere unfortunately.

No. 483958

i don't think there's any place to find "good moids". you can join a hobby group and still have no idea if the guy you end up liking from it is a porn addict serial killer or something. apps at least let you quickly filter people.

No. 483962

This is why I don't want to date in person first. There's no way to filter out weird porn addict moids. So many men seem normal in person but act like a weirdo online.

No. 483966

Assuming you're fairly normie, you could look through local moids your friends follow on social media, until you find someone that catches your eye and passes your checks. Even if looking for moids in person though, wouldn't you exchange contact info before the actual date? Surely you can spend time tracking down his online presence before it happens. Imo, the best men are usually found through mutual friends rather than complete strangers.

No. 483979

Nta but the best moids are usually already taken, and even if they are single they are not interested in me, at least on apps I can see who is available.

No. 484038

And when someone is interested in you, you aren't interested in them…

No. 484044

Exactly lol, I have no idea how people get together organically, the odds of being attracted to each other sound infinitesimal despite being how most people do it.

No. 484416

I met my ex on OkC and he was one of the good ones, I'm using the app again now and realise I got lucky back then

No. 484417

Exactly, moids who are into hookups are a deal breaker to me and irl it wouldn't be as easy to filter them out

No. 485587

>reinstall hinge
>still get men attempting to neg
does this ever work. do they think women are going to do anything but pass on their profile

No. 486016

AYRT I get it tbh, I prefer to date bi women but the majority of them do lean het. I like slightly alt left wing artsy women so when I make profiles I try to make mine quite similar to theirs to appeal to them but it seems to really not work. Would they not be looking for women similar to them? Idk if that's a dumb question nonnies but I always assumed their ideal woman would look similar to them aesthetically

No. 486088

status update, 2 negs in 2 days of being on the app, i thought this shit died out. maybe because they're mad i seem like a confident and good-looking woman

No. 486090

What kind of negs do you mean, anon? I had a guy try to neg me a while ago by telling me my body count of 6 was "incredibly low", does this stuff seriously get them pussy? Or was he just projecting his preference for younger "innocent" women onto me despite me being over 25?

No. 486098

the first one asked if i like spiders because they're emotionless (i said i refuse to kill spiders in the house and just put them outside) and the second one said "are you going to attach your head when we go out on a date" (it was literally just a pic of me from behind at night and i have black hair. you can see my black hair in the photo. it is not hard to see.)

No. 486102

>I had a guy try to neg me a while ago by telling me my body count of 6 was "incredibly low"
That's pretty bad. Did he ask about it or did you bring it up? If you were the one who brought it up then I think it's okay
>the first one asked if i like spiders because they're emotionless (i said i refuse to kill spiders in the house and just put them outside) and the second one said "are you going to attach your head when we go out on a date"
The first one I guess is kinda neggish but the second one sounds like innocent kidding

No. 486108

second ayrt, i guess but it was a pretty lame joke and tbh at this point i see negging as anything that tries to make a woman second-guess herself or otherwise feel weird even if it's not a backhanded compliment. the "low body count" thing is crazy though. 6 is not "low" it's pretty average and normal. most men are fucking weird if you've had more than 1 relationship anyway. maybe he got mad that anon is clearly more experienced than him and tried to make it seem bad

No. 486113

File: 1739706122233.png (350.44 KB, 1566x1228, chyrpe.png)

Instagram showed me a reel of some dating app that's supposed to be geared towards femdom. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Also I'm wondering if the male userbase there is the "wanting to be mommied" type of entitled msub that the women in our femdom thread talk about.

No. 486119

File: 1739710016268.jpg (64.49 KB, 700x876, wife-makes-nachos-picky-eater-…)

i expect all the male users to be this

No. 486170

kekkk you're probably right!
The subreddit for this app is talking about how it's still quite buggy (I think it's in early access or something) and moids complaining about there being too many findom women looking for betabux

No. 492468

Can any nonnies make more collages of hideous men they find so we can continue to laugh at them together? Kek

No. 492470

>Hey, babygirl…

No. 493756

File: 1740796367834.png (205.22 KB, 354x405, bumble.png)

All I have is this bumble troon who wrote he "didn't like people paying attention to him". Maybe don't walk around in this makeup then.

No. 497811

Been on hinge for a month and matched with maybe 20 guys I was actually attracted to and none of them asked me for a date despite initiating convo with me first, fuck this passive shit I’m done. I refuse to use apps again and will only meet someone irl via vibes.

No. 497840

Coming back here to share my success story. I was using all the apps to hunt for a partner and went on an embarrassing amount of first dates trying to give people a chance and was just about to give up when I matched with a guy who was absolutely everything I wanted to the point where I thought he might be fake or at the very least a fuckboy. Within a month I met all his friends (who have become my friends too by now) and he introduced me to family, I was afraid I was being lovebombed but we've been together for a year now and have traveled together and are planning for the long term. He's beautiful, kind, a devoted friend and lover, hard worker, he was on apps because he works from home and only goes out with his friend group so doesn't meet many new people. As far as moids go, he's pretty great. Only downsides are that sometimes he's too stressed from his job to have sex and he's sort of an overachiever and I have to stop being an unambitious semi-NEET if I want to live a good life with him. (him providing for me is not an option for me, I need independence) Dating apps aren't a total waste of time.

No. 497879

Looks like a child did his makeup ffs

No. 497924

you need to show more initiative. You can't just wait for guys to make the first move. Take control

No. 498236

Men having no initiative is a massive turn off. Have you ever had an attractive guy approach you and just straight up ask for your number? It’s great. Women should never have to chase a man.

No. 498277

well the thing with attractive guys on dating apps is that they get a lot of matches, so you have to do something to stand out

No. 498302

exactly. How many women are missing out on potentially good relationships because they have been brainswashed to think that they can't make the first move?

No. 498549

He loses attractiveness if he’s passive. I firmly believe women shouldn’t chase unless they’re okay with settling in with a windblown lily of a guy who probably needs to be told to help with chores. Men are naturally inclined to pursue women. It’s a huge turnoff to feel like the pursuer as a woman. Tell yourself it’s femdom of you to do that, idc, I hate it.

No. 498551

>who probably needs to be told to help with chores
unless you are in Germany or the Nordic countries, this is all men. Men don't mind living in utter filth

No. 498553

MANY are, which is why I will only date a man who can at least fucking initiate and show interest in asking me out on a first date. Men gain so much more from a relationship than a woman. The bare minimum is that a man can be sexy and confident and ask you out. Men who wait for women to do this are gross.

No. 498651

>Have you ever had an attractive guy approach you and just straight up ask for your number?
No never, this is why I have to take matters into my own hands.

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