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No. 82472
>>82463Clever image.
On topic, though, none of my conversations seem to go anywhere in online dating. Just hellos and we don't share interests and silence.
No. 82478
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I don't know if this makes me sound dated, but when I was single, one of my OkCupid conversations got legit meme'd. It humored me that some guy thought my banter was so funny he had to share it on plebbit and 4chan.
That was one of my only good memories with the dating app.
As for the bad memories…
I dated and had a few short term boyfriends from OkC, but nobody ever stuck. More often than not, I attracted crazy men. Worst of all, they'd sound completely normal–and looked it too–until I'd meet them in person.
I have stories for you:
1. One guy was a super narcissist and led me on with hot-and-cold tactics that were abusive until I finally told him to fuck off for not taking me seriously. He berated me mercilessly on all my social media for rejecting him and not tolerating his shit anymore.
2. Another guy looked way different than in his photos. He showed up to my place with a pack of beer and intended to get drunk and fuck me. He tried getting me to drink asking 'truth or dare' types of questions, and when I refused further he eventually just started forcing himself on me until I fucked him just so I could get him to go away. The sex was awful and he was gross. At the time I thought I deserved it for not meeting in a public place. I secretly consider that rape but never told a soul and ghosted that guy completely.
3. A guy from my college campus got in touch with me and said he wanted to meet. He was well-liked on campus and was doing student teaching. We hooked up twice and chatted on and off amicably. He invited me over for another visit, but during that time he seemed emotionally unhinged and told me he did something "stupid with a girl." Like he was trying to rally my support and sympathy, but wouldn't elaborate on what it is he had done. Later, I found out he had been sexually engaging with students from the high schools he was placed at and was incarcerated. He's currently serving jail and listed as a sex offender. This implies he sought me out because I wore lolita at the time. Let that skeeve you out.
I'd also have guys lose their collective shit at me because I didn't respond to every "Hey" message in my inbox, or couldn't respond to their messages within 5 minutes. I got pelted with verbal abuses about my appearance and personality even though moments before they gave me compliments. They DEMANDED my attention and reprimanded me if I didn't give it. Like the world's most thinly veiled sour grapes!
Lots of men on there seemed eager to fuck me but very few were interested in legit conversation. I was constantly paranoid of being used for sex, and in some cases, I was 100% correct.
That said, every guy I've dated through 'normie' means (meeting via work, school, public) have been way better than those who I met through an app. Even my current bf who I've been dating for four years I met at a party.
No. 82481
>>82479>>82480Thanks for the validation.
That went down a few years before consent discussions really took off in mainstream media.
Had I been honest about it at the time I'm positive locals would have faulted me for inviting the dude over and not explicitly saying no, and after all I didn't say no so it wouldn't have been rape.
I'd have just had buyer's remorse.
And just to give you an idea of how backwards my hometown was: That aforementioned narc? I fell asleep for a nap one day and didn't respond to his text message immediately. He got agitated and called my parent's house phone and threatened our lives in a voicemail. My parents called the cops but the cops refused to investigate because they determined it to be a "lover's quarrel," and my parents went with that because they blamed me for it happening. That shit wouldn't fly today.
So glad I don't live in that area anymore.
No. 82483
Have only been on two tinder dates since I got the app a year ago.
First guy was nice, though a little clingy. He waited until our second date to tell me he has a kid. I cut contact after that.
Second guy is everything I have ever wanted in a guy. Interesting, smart but not smug about it, kind, funny, outgoing, quirky in a cute way, and we share hobbies/interests. Only problem is he never really texts me since we went out on our first date. I get one or two messages a day, and he leaves me on read constantly. Every weekend he has asked me out, and so far (we've had three dates now) he seems super interested when we meet in person. He has never tried anything sexual, and we haven't even kissed; but he tries to get to know me and shows genuine interest in what I say.
Last time we went out was last Thursday and he hasn't texted me again since then. So I impulsively deleted his number, because this shit is driving insecure-me crazy ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
No. 82484
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I made a tinder recently actually. All my friends have it and insisted I try it at least once. I have only one dude I swiped right on lol. We have nearly everything in common and have been having talking for like two months now. We talk about meeting and how we want to hang out once we can but I'm keeping an arms length emotionally. He's definitely someone I could be with, but I know how it is, so I don't really expect anything and don't really want to start. I don't think it's worth putting in the effort if it's for a real relationship, especially with ghosting being normal nowadays. My friends think it's insane I've kept up talking to the same dude for "so long" without meeting or him dropping off since they go on dates up to three times a week just to get let down. Idk how they do the whole cycle on a regular basis. I personally couldn't handle it and wouldn't want to waste my time so much.
No. 82487
>>82482Yes. But for me it's more like, I see those - mostly - ugly incel-tier mugs and I feel so sad for myself and for them as well. Like I look down on them but it makes me feel bad, because I know it's not fair, they're often writing very genuine bios etc but all I can see is they're
so ugly I can't even consider them.
Dissonance was such a pain I stopped using okc. Also I was bored and tired of it, I chatted with people from other countries mostly, and our only perspective was talking for few days until one stops responding.
I'm left with many screens of funny/cringey convos though so that's nice lol
Never tried tinder, it scared me they want my facebook, phone number and everything and I uninstalled. Idk people say it's mostly for hookup where I live, which I'm not down for. However pretentious OKC could be, fuckboys were more stealthy there I guess, people seemed serious about dating.
No. 82492
>>82487>fuckboys were more stealthy there I guessIt was simple as fuck to weed them out though.
>create fake profile for a girl in your area>make it raunchy fuckbait, upload body photos found on internet >nothing of substance filled out in profile so as to entice vapid males>see which males respond to the bait profile>see if they're the same ones who reply to your real profileThere's even bonus entertainment to see if they're the types who simply copy & paste their messages they've sent to other women. Or try to seem really invested in you while knowing they're messaging the same thing to the fake profile.
Interesting shit, I tell ya. I didn't expect some guys to be that way but I'm glad I did it at the time for the fact.
No. 82505
>>82481Have you posted this story before? I can swear I remember it.
That said, sorry it turned out that way, anon.
No. 82513
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I've tried Tinder once, uninstalled it right away.
It's not only full of fuckboys, but all those fuckboys are extremely boring. I don't even know who bothers with Tinder anymore, it's basically a quick hookup app at this point. It feels like an uninspired meat desk full of guys who are "fitness instructors" and "entrepreneurs" who "love hiking and the outdoors" and apparently have a friend with a dog they can all take a picture with. Most of them try too hard to be funny and stick to the same old formula they got off of some male echochamber like r/Tinder or /fit/. Try talking to one of these men and they'll all be vapid, boring sacks of shit who are very obviously just looking to pump and dump you.
I've had better luck sitting on the internet and playing video games. I'm totally serious, at least the few greasy NEETs had something interesting to say every once in a while.
No. 82517
I tried Tinder back in 2014.
I met up with one guy after speaking to a few of them. We met in a bar but he lived down the street from it and it was hard to talk to each other and I think he could pick up on my nervousness and invited me back to his. We had already been talking for 2 weeks so this didn't seem strange I also knew I wasn't going to sleep with him on the first date so if it got sketch I could leave (I drove up and parked my car on the same street, I wasn't going to drink which he knew. I also told my Mum. I was 24 lol). I had weed on me and we had a few smokes and watched a film. We made out but I headed home when his roommates came back from the bar.
We met up one more time and I took him to a favourite spot of mine. I had recently gotten out of a very long term relationship and hadn't had proper sex in years (me and my ex were essentially turned asexual towards each other lol). We were getting pretty hot and heavy and he licked me out. He then tried to stick his dick in me and I asked if he had a condom because I didn't. He said he didn't. I told him to get off then, he was nice enough about it. On the drive back to his he started asking me details about my family. My Dad owns a successful business and he put 2 and 2 together and figured it out. He then started telling me about his large family and how they all have money problems and he wishes he could help them (he worked part time in a hotel bar). He asked me what it was like growing up rich and I had to break the news that my father walked out on me when I was 10.This was when he started making his millions, shockingly he left my mother for a younger woman, who would have thought!? we have a relationship now but he's not going to be buying me a pony anytime soon to right his wrongs. Anyway, on the way back I went through a drive thru because I was high af and hungry, so was he. He didn't have any money on him, but I didn't realise at the time. We both ordered at the window and his order was ridiculous. At the register he told me I could fit the bill, I mean I had just drove him about all night why not spend more money on fuel for him? He just turned me the complete wrong way. It was years ago so I can't remember everything clearly, but it was really gross and off putting how he changed when he found out I may come from money. And then to tell me about his families private money problems as if I was going to get my dad to fix it.
I dropped him home and deleted the app after that, he sent a few texts but I ignored them. He sent one final one saying "I get it." Oh yea and just remembered he gushed on and on about his ex (who was in one of his tinder profile pics) and it was just like… ok? He was no where near hot enough to think a rich woman was going to take care of him and his mess of a family.
No. 82536
>>82533You can maybe join a club of some sort and meet people there ? At least they will share an interest with you right from the start.
There's always alternatives to technologies we didn't have before, good luck anon !
No. 82563
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I tried using tinder for about 8 months last year and finally gave it up, thank god.
>>82478 I seemed to attract a lot of crazy dudes, even though I tried to be pretty picky with swiping. I've been in two relationships with guys I met on tinder and both of them turned out to be really fucking scary. I also went on a couple dates with this completely normal guy in between aforementioned awful relationships and I had a good time with him, but I was so fucked up from what had happened from the first one I think I scared him, though that was not the explanation he gave. He was super sweet about the rejection, though, and we're friends on social media and interact occasionally.
I'm not sure if I was just unwittingly tolerating crazy behavior because I didn't have a good frame of reference for what relationships are supposed to be like, or if it was because I had a hard time saying no so guys who pushed my boundaries by asking for my number or snapchat or asking to meet up, so pushy guys got through to me the easiest.
Honestly, I'm never going to use another dating app ever again in my life. I know this was a boring post because I didn't really go into detail but it fucked me up and it's harder to talk about than I realized.
I believe I was coerced into sex with the first dude, and I finally got out of the second relationship after I stopped believing that he was going to kill himself if I left him.
Pic is something the second boyfriend sent me kek he hated women so much and loved browsing pol. I immediately called him out because the outsiders was written by SE Hinton when she was A TEENAGER! a teenage girl! My life became all about little victories like that and I fucking hated it.
No. 82574
>>82563i'm raging a few of these are my honest to god favorite movies.
i'm just a sucker for movies where the main character starts out miserable due to being an insignificant cog in a corrupt machine and then snaps and starts living for themselves and determining the course of their own lives and is willing to risk it all for that independence. it's not my fault that main character is usually male. does anyone know any movies like that with female leads? there's so many movies with that basic character arc and i love to identify with it and live vicariously through it lol
No. 82584
>>82542Holy Crap I didn't realize it until you said it but all the "I love the outdoors/mountains/keep up on hikes" crap is 100% code for
no fatties. I always got annoyed reading that (despite my 19 BMI) because I don't like physical exercise and outdoor shit. Wonder if they realize you can have lazy (or ill, I am both) skinny girls too
No. 82587
My bad dating experiences are equally shared across real-life meetings (work, bar) and online sites, meaning forums and dating sites. All different types of guys too. I'm aware it takes two to tango, the first meetings were often enjoyable but bearing in mind effort expended = result + weird bad things that happened afterwards = bad
After each date and each (short) relationship, I got more and more put off, (see: all you guys' experiences for reference) but instead of repeating that, I will list annoying and interesting things about the behavior of guys on the platform(s) itself.
Specific memorable things:
>Guy who looked like Jeremy Irons. Sent a copypasta message. Viewed profile. As soon as he saw I viewed the profile I got a message with his (large) dicc measurement. I ignored.
>VERY attractive guy who just had a hookup profile feat: his face and his dicc. Kept getting the profile deleted, remaking it, and viewing and messaging me every time. Also apparently also had a huge dicc. Ignored
>The guy who negged me when I updated my profile with a shorter haircut (other pic had extensions). Blocked.
>The trans boy who (this was many years ago and I was naïve to these issues) who I thought would appreciate a message from me saying I guessed they were a girl. (I thought this was a great compliment). Catfight ensued, had to block.
>My friend and housemate separately dating and being really keen on guys who'd messaged me and I'd totally ignored (both guys were big letdowns for my friends in different ways)
>The guy who said I can pay for his drinks because "he's a feminist". I am not a feminist myself so he was just being a jerk.
>Saw one person (a trans woman) I recognised ON LOLCOW many years after the fact. I guess they kept cycling through the same photos. (it was bumped a few months ago)
>The guy who called me while drunk a whole year after attaining my number on chat but never meeting. Called me by my fake psuedonym name which is how I knew where he got the number
General annoying things:
>Guys messaging you with specific dates and times to meet (usually within the next 12 hours) without discussing with you first. Sometimes after days or weeks of silence. Ignored
>Guys getting upset when you don't reply within the hour
>See also: trying/hassling for phone number or chat apps "I don't know how to use this, let's move to _____"
>Nice looking guys who are extremely extremely dull. I think it is because they've had nice lives without challenge. Usually blonde guys were like this.
>Decent young guys who are too immature to meet but seem alright otherwise
>Guys randomly telling you they just came back from holiday
>People asking for your location and job within the first few messages when you didn't ask him.
>"Any plans for the weekend?"
>Fuccbois pretending they want relationships
>Guys who go WAY TOO FAR for the lay. You wouldn't believe the lengths some of these guys would go. It's honestly baffling
>Shitty generic profiles
>Profiles that only mention what THEY want which is always hella specific
>No alt guys
>Any slightly alt guys were ex escorts, in poly relationships or into Weird Shit which they went into great detail about on their profiles
Nice things: 1000s of "likes" from unknown sources bc I'm not paying for a subscription
-All the guys who had nice intelligent conversations with me including about sci-fi and AI/robots
Topless shirt guys who actually have personalities. I chatted to a few of these but you can't trust a topless pic guy
-If you go on there during "celebration days" e.g christmas, new year, etc you get tons of messages wishing you happy Christmas etc. Men are also most active on these times (presumably because they have some time off work and remember they're single/relatives remind them)
I spent a long time on these sites but hardly ever agreed to meet, and the few I DID meet were, well, see intro. It just got worse and worse
No. 82588
>>82584Kek yeah it bothers me too, I do indoor sports so the way people glorify the outdoors as a paragon of physical activity and health is annoying. I sure as fuck don't consider excessive sun exposure beneficial to my looks or health.
Plus my body is mediocre and I know that my frequent exercise means jack shit if my body doesn't reflect the fit and toned body they're angling for in reality.
No. 83621
My one real date was some guy I met on tinder who was a grad student and seemed fairly compatible with me. He paid for my dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant and then tried hooking up with me. I left and he ghosted. Oh well. Otherwise I used it mostly to get free food from dates. There was one guy who I actually saw multiple times. Wonder what happened to him.
>>82472You need to make plans and see each other in person. I don't get people who want to talk for ages and then are surprised nothing happens.
No. 83637
>>83633I get why they do it, but I personally cannot stand bad dates and no dinner is worth the displeasure of someone's company when I find them annoying/awkward.
Then again I have money so I don't need anyone paying for my food to begin with.
No. 83638
>>83637Yes exactly, I think the awkwardness that radiates off the average man on a date is not worth it for the chance of freebies
Also I feel really guilty if guys buy me stuff. Mostly guys have bought me drinks and when I'm busy/happy I don't think about money so I forget to pay them back. I will usually pay for most of my stuff and then forget the last drink I had or whatever
The money thing I hate so much, I wish just hanging out in parks or libraries or something were considered to be acceptable dates. Just want to get to know someone without racking up a tab in the background
No. 83651
>>83635Sometimes guys do. I read about a guy who took his date to Nobu. She ordered a super expensive bottle of champagne while he was in the bathroom, like $100. He still wanted to ask her out on another date.
I never ordered anything extravagant, and I always provided guys with my attention for the entire time. I feel like that's what guys pay for female attention.
>>83637I didn't mind it. I like talking to people in general, and I've had some fun stories. I had a decent amount of money then, but I wanted to eat out more without paying that much.
No. 83655
I had Tinder for like a week then deleted it, earlier this year. I put on my bio that it takes me a while to trust people and open up to them. To also keep things respectful, this weeded out a lot of crappy guys :) even the guys that wanted a hook up were respectful about it apart from one.
I usually didn't swipe on guys that had shirtless pics, a drink in their hand, unflattering angles, their height in their bio or anything relating to sex maybe that helped too.
I only met up with one guy and went out with him for a couple of months! It was an overall good experience even though it didn't end well (he started to ignore me, until he told me the truth eventually). I didn't expect much really, but he was like my ideal guy patient, funny, caring (when we were dating at least), not pushy/perverted or controlling and didn't mind me being shy/awkward. I made like two platonic friends from Tinder as well though we don't talk anymore.
Yeah a lot of the guys are on there for sex, but you'll never know what's out there. I felt bad for rejecting guys especially ones that super liked me.
No. 83878
>>83499>>83508Came into this thread to ask about this same thing…
What if you don't have Facebook? I thought you needed an account to use the HER app, but I don't want to give in to the zucc.
I found OKC very frustrating because it's full of Justin Bieber baby dykes, SJWs, and the worst part, couples looking for a third. They always make the profile under the girl so they can get the drop on you when you ask not to be seen by heterosexuals.
No. 84126
>>84119Park date sounds weird, make sure you research cafes and bars in the area to go to as well (or if there are places to get food/drink I'm the park)
I find I get bored unless there's something to do or see. Or you can bring something for you both to eat+drink with you/go to the shop with them before the park.
I really like sitting in the park drinking something, but without the distraction of food+drink I go on people-watch mode and can't relax as much.
Also doesn't really matter if they are cute or not, personality is everything so focus on that
No. 84371
>>84119My first date with my bf was ice cream and the park, we got the ice cream first and then went to the park, walked around it and sat on the swings for hours telling stories. I agree with the other anon to get some sort of food or drink so you have a bit of an ice breaker, and if conversation goes well then initiate a walk around the park. If there is a river or anything you can go down by it and skip rocks or something…
I’ve always found parks a nice first date spot because there are things to explore together!
Getting food or a drink is kind of the warm up, if the date goes bad you can leave when ur all done eating!
Don’t over think it anon, just be yourself and relax and have fun!
No. 84514
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>>82563>Johnny got his gunLiteral communist propaganda
What an atrocious list, a breakup was too good for him
Should have hanged him instead.
No. 84524
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Met my ex on OkCupid. We were together 5 years. Relationship was 2/10 overall.
>lies to me for months about his interests, goals for the future, and essentially who he is as a person
>drops the act almost immediately after we declare ourselves official
>we still have enough in common that I stick it out and try to make things work
>he's completely unsupportive of me, never wants to spend time together, refuses to communicate and blames all of the relationship issues on me
>we have a dead bedroom, which apparently is entirely my fault too, even though I'm the only one trying to come up with ways to spice things up
>he'd "redpilled," so I'm expected to do all the cooking and cleaning, conform to gender roles 24/7, and am sure to be reminded that "women have always had it way easier than men" if I ever complain
>eventually convince him to start going to therapy with me
>we're barely three months in before he flips shit and dumps me out of nowhere
>starts bringing around some slut he met on /pol/ before I'm even moved out of the apartment
>it's been two days since we broke up
>claims it's not a rebound, but also totally wasn't cheating on me and/or planning to get with her after breaking up with me
>lmao okay pal
>find out later they only lasted a month and don't even talk now
>dude's almost 30 and still spending all his free time in 4chan discords complaining about how women and society are against white men
>i'm in the best relationship of my life and we fuck every day
Before meeting my current bf, I gave tinder a shot for a couple of months. Ended up going out with a dude who attempted BDSM-play with me literally 20 minutes into the date. Another dude was nice, but clearly unstable and not actually interested in anything long-term.
Long story short, I don't think normal people use dating apps. At best, you can expect meaningless, consensual sex out of them.
No. 84973
>>84966Usually they only slightly resemble their photos, not necessarily worse, just different. Most use set photo ideas: Someone else's dog/pet/child to look "kind", sporty pic, pic in a suit, holiday pic. They are maybe all from different times as he tries to fill the quota. Older men tend to use 5 year old pics as if nothing has changed.
I wouldn't take the photos too seriously and just focus on the dialogue between you both.
No. 85030
>>84966lol it makes them seem clueless about what's attractive in a man, big turnoff for me. I like guys who know how to take a good photo of themselves because it means they have some idea of how to be hot and might not mind being a little objectified. As long as it's not some male instathot level shit.
I'd rather a guy be a little on the arrogant/vain side than the type to stumble around all 'is this ok? what about this?'
No. 85100
>>85079From what I hear, girls profiles are just as formulaic ( Men seem to adapt to what girls like to the point it turns into a cliche ("I only swiped right for your dog" -> overemphasis on their dog, something about wanting a guy over 6ft -> "6'2 because apparently that matters").
I think most people are just basic as fuck and it's extremely evident when you're swiping through loads of them at a time. Too bad I hate all the extreme, outdoorsy sports every man claims to like and don't give a shit about anyone's pets but mine.
No. 85264
>>85100>Too bad I hate all the extreme, outdoorsy sports every man claims to like and don't give a shit about anyone's pets but mine.Ugh, same! I'm not into that and I feel like most of the guys who post that aren't into it either. Just be a normal fucking person with an actual personality, I'm not gonna swipe right on someone if I think their lifestyle is much more active than my own anyway.
>>85164Lmao! What do people think is gonna happen when they do this? I once heard that you should use pics that are actually slightly less attractive than you are in real life, but I guess that doesn't work as well for men since there's so much competition.
No. 85684
>>82463I met a dude on tinder a few weeks ago. He was average but cute. We had very similar interests and hit it off I think! So we added another on different social media. We talked for like a week straight. I was really OTD happy about it and honestly I probably fucked it up because I got too clingy to the point that I am embarrassed even thinking about it. I kind of rushed into trying to learn more about him, asking a lot of questions. And I was way too forward with talking him how much I liked him. I wasn't trying to dive into a relationship, but I really complimented him way too much and came off as way to happy. I have really bad abandonment issues so I didn't want him to ghost me. But I messed it up by being too desperate. :/
We met IRL once but I felt like it was very awkward and I felt like he hated me. But directly afterward he texts me that it was fun?
Fuck…..anyway he randomly stopped reading and responding after a week so guess that's that. He's not offline either. I think he just ghosted me? I don't get why he still follows me though. Feels bad. I feel really embarrassed. I have really really bad attachment issues and I hate how clingy I am when I meet someone I think likes me.
No. 85697
>>85684Men you have to play mind games with aren't worth it, anon. I get that there's a line (mentioning marriage in the first few dates), but being curious about a guy and saying you like him shouldn't be a huge turn off. It's a compliment!
Men that "love the chase" are to be left for women who also enjoy those games, since chances are you'll never be compatible. It's nothing wrong with you, you're just forward and blunt. There are definitely men out there who would appreciate that.
No. 86255
at the beginning don't be too clingy.
No. 86838
>>86837thank you
we wrote everyday a few times but I deleted him
No. 86852
>>82513>I don't even know who bothers with Tinder anymore, it's basically a quick hookup app at this point.Tinder has and always will be a "quick hookup app." What ever gave you girls the impression otherwise?
t. male interloper
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im new to posting so please don’t yell at me too much lol
I’m 24 years old and I’ve never been in a relationship. I’ve been with guys but I’ve never been given the title of girlfriend and I’m super scared I never will. I held out on trying to find a relationship after being strung along for a 3rd time. I held out for almost 2 years when my friend out of the blue convinced me to redownload dating apps with her and scout for cute boys. I was reluctant yet bored so I downloaded tinder and bumble. I didn’t really use tinder a lot because I just get automatic bad vibes from that app so I focused all o my attention on bumble. Since I wasn’t taking it seriously I started asking stupid questions to whatever cute guys I matched with to see if they’d respond to the stupidity and I was shocked to find that most did. Including the guy that I’m talking too atm. Since I wasn’t taking him seriously I wasn’t nervous texting him or afraid of what to type next so the convo flowed smoothly. He asked me if I had. a snap but I didn’t give it to him because fuck these niggas and their clout lol. (I gave it to him later lol) while I was in the br my friend took it upon herself to post a random photo of pornstars fucking and because I was so embarrassed I deleted our whole text convo including his number but I forgot to block him. So he ends up responding with a funny joke and I apologize profusely. Much to my surprise he kept taldking to me which I found kinda cute. He keeps insisting that we meet up soon and I suggest we go bowling since he’s only gone once as a child. Again I wasn’t taking him serious I was just passing time. So the day comes for us to hang out and I completely flake on him because I was getting my hair done and I found out he lives in a completely different county. When I told him I couldn’t make it he seemed genuinely sad and I felt really bad so I rescheduled for 2 days later which we did end up meeting. He was so sweet even though I was like 3 hrs late (longer story) and when we went bowling he asked me questions about myself and my life and he genuinely seemed interested in getting to know me which is something I never experienced (sad I know lol). He was also super fine and fit and had a beautiful smile after the date we go back to his place to watch a movie but of course we end up making out instead. He was such a good. kisser. Luckily I had my period so we only made out but I ended up sleeping over because he lives so far away. He kissed me goodbye and he ended up driving out of his way to see me like 2 days later. Fast forward to now and he still is the sweetest guy I’ve ever talked to but we never see each other and he has moved back home with his parents because they are divorcing and I know he’s busy with work but he legit never makes time for me. And if he does it’s weeks down the line because he has a huge group of friends who he hangs out with every weekend and he works all week. Which is totally understandable but it sucks. And on top of that I told him what my feelings for him are and while he agreed to feeling the same why he said that he is super indecisive and it took him a whole year to ask out his first girlfriend because he’s just bad at making decisions or whatever. Which is cute but I don’t have a year to wait I’m only getting older. The next time we hang out I plan on telling him that I don’t want to be strung along anymore. But I’m scared of what he might say. Should I just be patient and be myself or should I rip the bandaid off and give him an ultimatum? Sorry this is so long btw
No. 86876
>>86871I know this is a fast reply but I clicked your sailor moon on image on the main page haha.
I'm in exactly the same situation! I'm 25 now and have never had one either. I was strung along for three years by someone who I stupidly was in love with and who treated me so badly. Other than him the only guys I ever like just want to hook up or are legit horrible to me or don't care about me.
I met someone recently too but I'm too scared to hook up with him because I'm afraid it will be the same way. It seems no matter what they say or do in the beginning it's
impossible to predict. And this guy has talked to me in the sweetest way unlike anyone has ever before but I still expect it to end horribly. I actually felt so weird about it and how things were happening because its never worked like this for me before and so suddenly and it makes me nervous.
I should follow my own advice but if I were you I'd keep him on the back burner and still keep in contact while trying to talk to other people too, just in case. I guess that's what I'm trying to do in a way anyway.
No. 86881
>>86871>>86876You both just need to be more up front with what you want. If you want a relationship with the guy, say so. If you're scared of being lead on, then hold out on sex. If he doesn't make it official or at least hint at it before he starts pushing to fuck, he's a flake.
Guys are easy to read when you stop focusing on yourself and your insecurities, it sounds simole because it is. You know that corny saying that if you thing negative thoughts, negative shit will happen? It's got some truth to it. If you approach the guy you're interested in like you're his dream girl, he
will respond to it. This guy obviously wants something from you, if he was willing to put up with a 3 hoir delay and travel to another county to see you, and asking you questions about yourself is a good sign too. Ask him what he's looking for and if he wants a GF, and if he says anything along the lines of "try it out/see what happens", drop him. Guys will say this shit when they want to lead you into bed hoping you'll think it will lead to a relationship, but if a guy wants to fuck you before getting involved with you then thats all he wants anyway.
No. 86900
Used a dating website that only exists in my country a few years ago. I got two dates out of it.
First guy seemed alright but I could sense something underneath, some kind of eagerness/pride that was not entirely healthy. When I told him I didn't want to meet him again after two dates he exploded and ranted that the interesting girls never gave him a chance, that two dates were not enough to know him and that I owed him another one. He had told me that he had ditched many girls after first date because they were not cute/interesting enough and that I was special (another red flag), so I countered with 'how about all those girls you didn't give a chance to?' That effectively shut it up. TL;DR the guy was borderline redpill/PUA fan and riddled with insecurities. I fancy I could sense it even before he got mad at being rejected.
Second guy had a lot in common with me and used dating sites because shy geek. He was educated, presented well and we got on nicely. We dated for 10 months but actually should have stayed friends, because that's mostly what we were. He was way too immature to handle a relationship, never took the lead, sulked like a kid and had massive psychological/family issues he refused to solve. He was also terribly awkward and forced himself to be humorous and sociable, which was at best painful to witness. It was so bad I started resenting him for it. I broke up with him and got cursed at by his friends (whom I had met many times) which, you know, is always nice.
After that I left the website and never returned. A year or so later Tinder became big and I tried it out of curiosity.
I got a date with a guy who would 'pay for one drink but not more'. The friend that was with him at the bar (it was a last minute meet) was nicer than him lmao. The guy I was meeting was trying to project this wealthy and manly persona but the little middle-class boy hiding behind the facade was obvious. I finished my drink asap and as I set to leave and he asked to sleep at my place because his was too far. I laughed at his face and bid goodbye to his friend.
Then I moved to another country and after swiping left on a mountain of fuckboys, incels and overall pitiful men, I found the profile of someone who had the same interests as me again. He was not the type of person I usually date (ok, he was Asian and had never dated outside of my race) but my only standard is having a unique, kind-looking face and he did so I swiped right. Well, it was a great match. We turned out to be so identical in some aspects of our personalities that we can guess why the other reacts so and solve problems before they even arise. We are on opposite sides for other things but match for the important stuff like values and long-term goals so it's all good.
We've been together for more than a year and it's awesome, all of my past relationships, stemmed from online means or otherwise, look ridiculously shit in comparison. You CAN find adjusted, interesting people on Tinder. You just have to accept to wade through the shit first and take a gamble here and there.
(This got so fucking long I'm so sorry.)
No. 86952
>>86881I'm second anon. I wish I
could just have sex with him cause obviously everyone wants to have sex and its nice. It sucks to have to hold out just because men are dumb and won't communicate unless you communicate first. I've definitely learned my lesson though.
I always hear girls getting into relationships after being friends with benefits though, it just never happens with me. Risking it doesn't sit right with me anymore, though. And I don't know how often that actually happens.
>>86885My motto now is just not to trust anybody no matter what they do or say! You have to know someone for a while before actually getting to know them. Also "everyone is nice until they're not". Can't even follow other people's opinions about a guy you know and ask about them because I've discovered the way they treat girls is soooooo 100% different from who they are to everyone else. Every time! Just cause they're a "nice guy" doesn't mean they won't treat you like shit! Be cautious!
>>86900Like this anon and there is someone I know who has been in a long term relationship with someone she met on the app called "hot or not" which seems even trashier than tinder.
You have to make such a huge effort to protect yourself, set boundaries, drop someone as soon as there is any major red flags, etc. I get really jealous about people who get into healthy relationships so nicely and effortlessly and when guys genuinely care about them and they can be all happy and in love and have no insecurities about anything.
No. 91588
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>logs into Tinder as a lesbian
>98% of profiles are cuck couples looking for a "unicorn"
The absolute state of them
No. 91658
>>91588Threaten to cuck them if they approach you. If anyone ever wanted me as their unicorn, I'd take the girl for casual sex. Alone. No male partner in any form. Did they think lesbian meant something else?
>>91655The girl is definitely always cute. I've thought of trying to encroach their relationships since they seem to think my sexuality is flexible. They almost always end up freaking out.
No. 91708
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>>91655YES, all the fucking time. Also it's annoying how they purposefully try to deceive women, because they fill the profile with pictures of the girl and only in the end you see a picture of the guy or them both as a couple.
Sometimes they don't even imply it's a couple and not just a girl. One time I was chatting with a qt and we were about to set a day to meet up and then she says "Oh, and my boyfriend will come as well…" and she shows me a picture. No, I don't want to touch your ugly manlet of a boyfriend, Karen. Nobody does.
>>91658Usually the girl isn't even interested, she's just a cool girl™ meekly accepting to be cucked.
>guys setting their profile as "Women" in order to appear in lesbian searchesAre they… actually retarded?
No. 100005
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No. 100060
>>100028jesus anon
definitely solidifies my belief that i will never want to use dating apps or sites at all
No. 100083
>woman who uses the rating system unironically and considers 7/10 some kind of detriment>gold-star but suddenly questioning and willing to fuck guys now>confident enough to yell at the guy and move him and look at him angrily but not confident to stop the whole thing because she's clearly not into itsounds legit guys. clearly not dreamed up by an incel who believes that women simultaneously get no pleasure out of sex but also have too high standards and will harshly reject a man for any little thing. oh wait he vaguely mentioned "decent foreplay"! so convincing
No. 100093
>>100083I thought
>questioning sexualityQuickly followed by a very weird gross hookup story made it very clear a guy wrote it.
No. 100096
I use bumble and tinder, mostly just to fuck around and not seriously. I'm a senior in college and planning to move a ways away after I graduate, so I'm not looking for a serious relationship. I have met up with one guy from bumble and two guys from tinder over a ~1 year period.
Bumble guy:
>showed up to our first date wearing a MAGA hat
>should've left then, but free drinks so whatever
>spends the whole time talking about himself, and about politics and about how much he hates obama
>goes on a tangent about how obamacare made the price of his medication for his skin disease skyrocket, asks if I want to see his rash
>half way in says "you're not a libtard right?"
>say no, just to see how much more ridiculous shit he will say
>told him I think obama is hot and I would fuck him just to see his reaction (keep in mind I am pretty damn drunk at this point)
>he says waiiiit…. you've never fucked a black dude right?
>no (not bc i'm a racist fuck, just never have lmao)
>he says good, race mixing is disgusting and I fucking hate n*ers
>too far, I say i'm going to the bathroom and leave
>he texts me 30 mins later calling me a cunt, cocktease, fat, ugly, etc. and I never reply
>I internet stalked him and found his alt right twitter account
>6 months later he texts me at 2 am asking to hook up
tinder guys were both chill, one of them I still hook up with occasionally lol. overall I like tinder better because you don't have to send the first message, but the guys are grosser
No. 100201
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i wanna do online dating, but i'm a lecturer at a university. i'm only a couple of years older than the students.
i dread the idea of one of them finding me on OKC or similar and showing the profile to others in the department.
on the other hand, i'd really like to meet someone. it'd be great to meet someone the old-fashioned way through work or friends, but everyone i interact with at work is older and married and my friends are all in relationships and generally only mingle with other couples. any other anons in this situation? how do you work with it?
No. 109067
I uhhh met my boyfriend on okc. I feel like it was a freak accident we met, and actually clicked enough to get this far.
The majority of guys on there are a fucking joke and every time my irl female friends talk about maybe checking out the online dating scene I go to make a horrible joke about how they're all kissless virgins and misogynists or trans """""lesbians""""", but someone beats me to the punch by saying "they're all software engineers", and they immediately understand and we all laugh. My bf is great but I hate where we live tbqh.
>>109063At least it wasn't something like: made it out to be a surprise date, but he took her to his gran's funeral…)
No. 109141
>bored on tinder, swipe right on a preppy looking guy
>first contact is ok, we talk a little about our interests, turns out he's a closet weeb
>joke around that's the reason he swiped right on me (I had purple hair and dressed in alternative fashion)
>he lived in a rich area, but I didn't give any thought
>also a neet, that should've been the first red flag
>few days later, I get sick as fuck
>he texts me and offers to drive me to the doctor since I lived on my own
>was too feverish to think straight, give him my address
>turns out cuter in person, he drives me to the doctor, makes sure I get home ok
>we talk a bit more, says he really wanted to hug me but he was too shy
>when I get better we go on a date, always super nice with me
>we kiss on the way back and I invite him over
>I was slightly drunk so fuck it, let's have sex
>he doesn't want to
>proceeds to tell me his ex still lives with him and she'd be mad
>weird but ok
>next day he texts me asking if I work on "name" street
>what the hell, it's a few streets away where I actually work
>get mad at him and tell him he could just ask
>turns out he somehow figured my schedule and followed me the day before
>I'm still dumb and go on a second date
>he brings out he can be a NEET because his parents are damn rich
>he's also catholic as fuck
>confesses me he wanted to turn me into a good girl and he picked the most "satanic" girl on tinder for it
>fuck you I wasn't even a goth
>nope the fuck out of it and threaten to call the police if I ever see him following me
>never hear from him again
It's a shame because he was really cute but he wasn't worth it. Funny thing, I met my boyfriend on tinder too, and while he's not that good looking, he's sane and sweet.
No. 112198
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Guys on dating apps are so fucking boring and are more normie than I even thought was possible. Like, I'm not that weird but they're like the personification of a saltine.
Guy's profile said if he could have one superpower it would be time travel so I asked to the past or future.
>Accident Greece
No sense of humor… dear god
No. 112204
>>112198Half of them are completely retarded and incapable of any sort of an intriguing conversation. I never met up with anyone but I remember talking to some guys who would respond with "nothin, just chilling alone on a friday night" or simply "ya lol."
Like great, keep giving me reasons to dread talking to you since you're so fucking boring. I swear that the claim about women being better at reading people is 100% spot on.
No. 112208
>>112198>Accident GreeceFuck, I’m dying.
Dating apps are seriously a fucking chore for me because of this. Sure, it sucks for guys to barely get matches but having to sift through hundreds of cookie-cutter profiles of men who share nothing in common with you or lack any substance isn’t fun and it’s dispiriting in its own way. The majority of these men end up not actually being that interested in you to continue a conversation or to exchange numbers because they mass swipe. This whole swiping shit is just cancer really.
No. 112210
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>>112198I COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE. I have dated a few normies resulting in me feeling no attraction with them.
I made it a rule for myself to be the first one to message as most of these Normans can't think of any fun questions aside from something similar to "Heyyy what are you doing?".
Guess it doesn't help that I love weeb shit and vidya lol.
My only regret was never getting with this Chad who actually sent me pic related as an actual message lol!!
No. 112243
I've been on a few Tinder dates and even managed to meet some interesting people, except meeting one fuckboy who ended up breaking my heart (but that's a lame story).
Last year, I met my current bf on Tinder. Both mid to end 20s, he's a few years older. I only logged onto Tinder for lols when hungover at this point and hadn't been swiping right on anyone for about three months since meeting my last fuckbuddy, until I saw my bfs profile. He was cute looking, my type (and I didn't even think I had one) and his profile was short though surprisingly intriguing. I waited for two weeks to swipe right on him, since I expected we'd match and I was about to move to a city nearby.
We matched, I initiated contact by asking about if the crazy cool maine coon in one of his pictures was his. We instantly clicked, we were both surprised.
The first date was a bit awkward, we went back to my place and had sex though. I initiated it, which caught him off guard, no problem though, the sex was 10/10.
The second date was awesome, we stayed up all night drinking beer and talking about music, politics and life in general.
It's been two years since my last, abusive relationship. It's been one and a half year since his last, also abusive relationship. I'm glad to say there's been no red flags, we share the same values and goals in life. When there's conflict, we always manage to communicate and work it out at the end of the day. We never go to bed angry and at least for me, this has not really been the case in past relationships. I've never met a guy this loving and understanding.
I didn't expect to find a man like this on Tinder. I do see a future with him. We've been together officially for 4 months and plan on moving to the capitol of my country together within this year (with our four cats; he has two male and I have two female cats), to start a life together.
Tinder dating has been a wild ride and I did not expect anything like this to come of it but I'm looking forward to the future even more now.
No. 112511
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More bumble normie cringe
No. 112521
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Can be applied to any other dating app.
A quote from or any mention The Office can be interchangeable with the Anchorman quote.
Same goes for "your mom will love me" with any mention of their mother in their profile; and "will only be in PLACE for X AMOUNT OF TIME" for "NY>LA>>>>".
No. 112522
>>112521Don't forget hiking, favoured by those with no real hobbies but can pretend their yearly bushwalk counts.
Or just a plain blank bio, or a bunch of emojis
No. 112608
>>112580Do not put him on a pedestal!! He’s far from fucking perfect anon. Don’t let him take advantage of you. If you’re not in the right head space it would be best you don’t pursue any romantic/sexual relationship since you are emotionally vulnerable.
>>112582Sure it is hard, but there are qts who are into other things besides The Office (I have met and gone out with 1 and chatting up 2 atm). I understand how you feel about the 99% of dull boring guys and why you gave up.
No. 112620
>>112521I'm from Eastern Europe and so many check out, men are really the same everywhere. It lacks
>states height because THAT'S apparently important… >poker face selfie from the low angle>420 All those men with picks of them drinking or trying to be funny and quirky about being useless slobs - the audacity to expect to be swept right lol enjoy your 0 matches mister
With me the case is really lame… I'm too shy to even swipe right on a guy. There's no hope for me lol
No. 112670
>>112629I live nearby a city (at the moment for school) and plan on moving there for grad school. I’ve have bought the 6 month gold plan and have was able to go on a few dates since I know what I like and they like me back so it makes it easier than swiping on randos.
I’m planning on getting the yearly plan in a few months so if you have the cash and think you’ll be on it for a while might as well.
If it helps I get about 250-500 likes a week and about 700 from using a boost (which lasts 30 mins). However you will have to wade through whoever likes you.
No. 112682
>>112680scrolling through this wall of text…
>mein kampf no, do not hang out with this dude again wtf
No. 112683
>>112681Just remember just because you’re talking to someone who likes you does not guarantee yourself a date. Sometimes you may have to steer the conversation to the date if the guy doesn’t do it first. So I was the one mostly asking guys out.
Also I’m not sure if you know this but never give a guy your number until you actually go out on the date. That way he actually messages you on the app to check up if the date is still on.
No. 112686
>>112683Yeah, I admit the insecurity I have in regards to messaging guys is one reason why I’m holding off right now. Currently, I have ~20 guys in my matches but only two have messaged me and one pretty much stopped messaging me after I replied probably because he was just mass messaging everybody. I keep having this mindset that if a guy doesn’t message me first, he’s not that interested in the first place which I get isn’t always the case and that messaging is a two-way street. Anyways, I don’t expect instant dates if I get Gold and I realize the possibility of nothing happening because of how particular I am and because people are generally flaky. I guess I need to work on my confidence before making any real investment on this.
I’ll definitely have to keep the number thing in mind too. I’ve naively given out my number a few times and while nothing bad has come out of it yet, I can get how it’s better to stick with messaging in-app first.
No. 112693
>>112686Then please don't get Gold until you work on your confidence.
It mostly because when I don't confirm a date through the app, guys would give me booty calls even if I say that I'm not interested in hooking up before I can definitely set up a date.
No. 112747
>>112686Are you talking about getting bumble gold or tinder?
If it were me I would get bumble gold (or plus or whatever it is called). If you want to go out on a lot of dates, honestly the best way to go about it is to cut right to the chase and have your first message be "want to grab a drink friday?" or something like that. guys are into it and you won't have run out of things to talk about on your first date. you also won't talk for like a week until it fizzles out. and if it's on bumble, if they don't reply then the message disappears and you don't have to think about it lol
No. 113266
>>112511tbh this is kinda charming. there's a sort of innocence that normies have that i never will so maybe i'm just envious
i mean i'd never date one but still
No. 114894
>>114755It would have been way easier like years ago when you can actually send messages to people who like you. Proceed with caution since he may read that you are interest in women. If you do go for it then start out that you are only interested in being friends (works more if you have "seeking friends" in your profile, despite it being a big meme because people are scared). I personally wouldn't do it since there could always be the chance that I can run into them irl and start a convo from there.
I really don't know what to tell you… It doesn't matter if you are a lesbo or not since men will try to get in anyways. It's been happening a lot on tinder with women getting matched with troons/men on either side. I guess your best bet would be to manually hide them.
No. 121625
>>121624Shit I accidentally clicked post before I could finish typing.
Anyway, I don't know how exactly you're supposed to go about messaging people on dating apps. I know that the obvious end goal is that we can eventually meet in person, but as of now I still want to get to know him a little better before I feel confident asking him to meet up. Essentially I've just been asking him questions about himself, but as I mentioned above I don't have a lot of time to reply so conversation has been moving really slow. He hasn't been asking me that many questions in return so I don't really have much to work with either. If he's not really asking me that much in conversation does that mean that he isn't really interested in me (even though he's still replying?) or am I giving off the impression that I'm not interested because I only respond once or twice per day and haven't suggested we meet up yet? Or am I just being really boring?
Also as a follow-up question how long do you usually wait from after you message someone to ask them to meet in person? Sorry again for all the questions and autism.
No. 121675
>>121625If I'm interested I reply immediately because I hate the pretend wait game people play. And by immediately I mean, as soon as I want. So of course if I'm doing something more important I won't, but if he happens to catch me just chilling and I really like him, I shoot it right back.
Add him on Facebook on talk on messenger it's much easier. If you like him be honest. It's really simple. You probably have more matches than he does, so he will be thinking the same thoughts you are. I would even go so far as to tell him you're interested if you are, the truth is surprisingly effective.
No. 121701
>>121625Any time that I found a guy was answering questions but not really asking about me it turned out that the guy was hoping for sex but playing the game of letting me lead the convo in the hopes it'd go there. (that was basically my whole experience on bumble)
It's the time when you should be wanting to know all about each other. I'd keep an eye on whether he starts asking more about you
No. 121977
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god i love/hate tinder
> 2017
> recovering from breakup
> Tinder matched with an older guy who has one picture with long hair, looks kind of unkempt, like an emo boy turned scruffy and old
> his first message to me is "damn girl you like an exotic caribou filled loaf"
> hmm.jpg
> but i'm lonely and bored and looking for chaos i guess
> we chat on and off, but i eventually stop using Tinder, and i move to another city
> i reinstall and open Tinder every once in a while for fun, but i don't reply to anyone because i'm awful
> he sends a message saying he lives in the same city as me now
> hmm.jpg
> at this point (almost 2 years after we matched) i have a boyfriend now, my appearance has changed quite a bit, the city is big enough where i'm not worried
> fast forward to the present
> at the subway with my boyfriend waiting for a train
> walk past a man that i got bad vibes from. i just ignore him and put my earphones in, turn towards my boyfriend
> boyfriend also immediately notices bad vibes, puts his arm around me out of instinct
> we wait 5 minutes for the train, can tell this man is staring at me from like 3 feet away
> right when the train arrives and i step up to the platform, the man suddenly approaches me and grabs my arm
> "hey, d-does this go to the city?"
> i mutter an answer, then i get the fuck away from him
> i have a bad feeling, so when i get home i check Tinder again and find his profile with new pictures
> it's the same guy.
> looks fucking awful. has blackened fucked up teeth, looks like a psycho, completely different from the shitty webcam picture he had years ago
> 4 miles away
> tfw a guy i ghosted 2 years ago recognized me in public and felt emboldened enough to grab my arm when i was clearly with my boyfriend
anyway i've unmatched with him, have no intention of using tinder ever again, and i'm moving again, so… boy bye
No. 122024
>>121977>grabbing your armThink that was a stalk+kidnap attempt. What are the chances he'd recognize you if he wasn't looking for you?
Stay safe anon
No. 122145
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So I agreed to meet someone off a dating app for a date really soon and I'm sort of freaking out. I've never met someone in person from an app before and I'm thinking of all the ways this could go wrong, like he won't look like his picture or that we won't have anything to talk about or that it'll be unbearably awkward. The last date I went on (not from a dating app) was really awkward and horrible so I don't exactly have high hopes or any good experiences to look back on. Any advice or words of encouragement (if there even are any)?
No. 122409
>>122145>>122146All what the anon said. Plus prepare mentally that they might ghost you suddenly or slowly even if you think that all went well and you really hit it off. Some guys don't mind just talking (and being friends if you don't feel the attraction), but some will have long and emotional conversations with you just to smash and run.
If you get dropped suddenly, sulk for one day if you must and then continue swiping/messaging/whatever it is that you do. Obviously don't go with them home if you don't want a ONS.
Sorry if it's obvious, but I felt like letting OP know.
No. 122413
>>122409I can't imagine sulking for only one day. Before ghosting had a name, this stuff happened to me and I sulked for a year at least.
I think go into all dating with the thought that most guys on these sites/apps think it is "press here for free sex," paying an escort for what they want might cost hundreds, but if you split the bill, it will cost him nothing.
Some anons on lolcow say they will date for three months before having sex. Maybe a good strategy, then at least it was a 3 month relationship if he ghosts after sex.
No. 122414
>>122413Also I will add: do not believe A WORD that a guy says to you. They will say and do
anything for the aforementioned free sex. If your escort rate would be 500+ based on your age and appearance, they will take their scams very far.
Of course I realized this after this had happened to me. Be ready for it, don't be like me anons.
No. 122931
>>122909nah anon, I've done the same
you gotta becareful with rape by deception laws though
No. 123171
>>122930Except there are people stealing other people’s pictures to use them on dating apps for catfish purposes all the time?
Although I agree it does look kinda sketchy if you don’t use other social media platforms and those pictures aren’t easily found online.
No. 123683
>>123678Anon's point is that men cast a wide net and pursue multiple women, making her not feel like she's being messaged due to anything special about herself.
Frankly I think if men put in more effort to send sincere and tailored messages they might fare better than two replies a month that say "hey" back.
No. 123844
>>123683I think there's no good one answer that fits everybody equally
people do cast wider nets because tailoring individual messages to every single person they reach out to doesn't have the same rate of yield
just because you do spend time on someone isn't a guarantee that they will necessarily respond in the way you want
doing a mix of both isn't necessarily the answer either
And what does effort really mean? Does it mean responding right away (or within like 10-20 minutes)? Does it mean coming up with interesting things to talk about? Does it mean saying the right thing at the right time? All of them at once? Or just being yourself, which could mean literally anything?
Different women like different things, so to say "effort" is needed isn't specific enough to tailor to those specific women–after all, how are you going to know what someone likes before you get to know them?
Dating is hard, and the more people you meet, the harder it is IMO
A part of me wants to say it's easier to be sad about 1 person than 10, but it also depends on who that 1 person is vs that 10.
Did you tailor your messages to that one perfect, handsome stranger and fail? Or did you send a bunch of half assed messages to a bunch of people you just wouldn't mind getting to know?
No. 123871
>>123866Not weird at all. I never used to disclose my name or photos until I felt comfortable. Quite a lot of people observe this, ie professionals who may have their rep tarnished by online dating (teachers, medical staff, etc). You're in charge of your privacy and if someone doesn't respect that, then you don't have to waste each other's time.
People might accuse you of being fake or secretly a man or something but at the end of the day, you don't owe strangers on dating apps shit. Block and move on.
No. 123873
>>123647If he's still having engaging and reciprocal conversations that go beyond 'hey how r u', then he's probably interested!
Make it clear you'd be interested in getting to know him more, with scope to meet.
No. 124634
>>82463Dating apps can be the worst thing or best thing ever. I like getting to know a person beforehand…
I met my current boyfriend of 2 years off of tinder. I was lucky. Before him, i talked to different guys and even met up with one(before meeting my boyfriend), that was weird lol. Its really a trial and error kind of thing. Most guys just want a booty call/fwb situation but there are guys out there that genuinely want a relationship. You gotta go through some trash before you find a treasure lmao
No. 124982
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It's not much of a report, but I wanna take a moment to pat myself on the back for having a bit of self respect. I feel like if the same scenario would have happened not even that long ago, my desperate ass would have let this happen. I've really gotten used to saying no, and I like saying it:
>reactivate tinder and enable discovery
>swipe on a guy who's smartly dressed and seems to be in my league
>messages me right away
>conversation ensues
>compliments me that I'm the first to have ever had a full conversation
>he's not from my city and is only here on business
>tells me he's flying out tomorrow
>desperately wants to see me either tonight or tomorrow
>tell him tomorrow is out cause I got work and interview responsibilities
>even tonight is pushing it cause I had to be up early
>begs me to see him tonight
>begs to meet up someplace
>compliments me some more
>offers to jump in his car and come all the way out to my burb to come get me
>I mean I'd like to not have to do any work, but tell him no anyway
>"I'd delete this thing tonight if I could be with you."
>apologize and say I'm weally sowwy for letting him down :sadface:
>tell him when he's back in the city for business we can plan something, how I'd love to chat more, and goodnight
>agrees and says goodnight
Haha, well, we will see about that.
The old "I'm leaving town and this is my only chance!" scamola.
No. 124988
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>im 26
>set age limit to 35
>someone super liked me
>35 year old, in shape CEO of some medical company
>hes very courteous, we facetime
>tells me hes actually 44 and changed his age on purpose because he wants kids and all the women in his age group "weren't up to standard and had baggage"
>we've been faceiming for a couple hours each night
>is offering to take me to the canary islands in a couple months and is actually pretty cute past the greying hair
what would you ladies do? When he told me he lied i felt a pang of anger and considered blocking him. is he too old to even consider? 18 year age gap…
No. 124989
>>124988while the idea of dating an older man seems hot, it's fucking creepy to me irl. this is a man blatantly telling you he's only into you because you're young and it's a mix of him being immature enough to not want to relate to women his own age and find them sexy, as well as him probably thinking he can control you via money and being older.
he probably also isn't looking for anything long-term and just wants a fuck buddy/sugar baby situation.
No. 125018
>>124997Good call anonette, he practically told you that he can't be bothered with anyone's emotions except his own and if you had a long term relationship with him he would dump you when you get old.
If you wanted to keep him around as a casual fuck then that would be one thing but you would mean accepting taking part in his power play, he probably dangles promises of expensive holidays in front of all the naive young girls. I also absolutely wouldn't go somewhere unfamiliar with someone that I couldn't trust.
>>125009Don't be so hard on yourself anon, Bumble is a good app concept but the number of guys that use it isn't so big and often the kind of guys that would use it just stick to offline ways of finding a date instead, so it's not the end of the world if you couldn't find a date on it.
Tindr is so big that any girl can get lots of dates using it but it's usually only hook-ups with cheap guys looking for a fwb, not actual dates. There are even senior citizens getting laid on tindr, but even the hottest young people can struggle to find actual caring partners through it, it's not just you.
Could you ask your friends about their online dating experiences and advice, maybe they can even have a look at your profile for you? If you're in your late twenties or older you could also try okcupid, although it's very sjw.
No. 125037
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My Bumble BFF experience
>just moved to a new town, no friends here except boyfriend who moved with me
>try bumble BFF for making new friends
>get ghosted by a bunch of girls, that’s fine, expected that
>find one awesome friend with similar interests
>feeling hopeful, swipe right on a few more girls
>girl’s profile says she’s looking for a third person for her and her boyfriend but she has some common interests as me, let’s call her girl #1
>in hindsight she should have been using the bumble dating app
>swipe right, explain I’m looking for friendship and she seemed cool
>we meet, hit it off, she really likes me which I am excited about
>her bf starts texting me too, that’s cool, I could always use more friends I guess
>her bf starts telling me private stuff (e.g., describing their sex life) and telling me I’m cute and offering to take sexy cosplay pics of me
>explained to him that I was using the app to find more friends in the area
>feeling uncomfortable with him, slowly start to distance and avoid being with him alone
>but I still like her as a friend and spend more time with her
>not hard because they have completely different work schedules so I just hang with her when she’s free and he’s working
>turns out he was butthurt that I wasn’t spending as much time with him
>he finds girl #2 through a dating app to start their poly relationship
>girl #1 “dumps” me through text, explains she still wants to be friends
>thought we WERE just friends
>sure, she always complimented me and made allusions to having “fun time” but I tried to emphasize that while I like girls, I like being in a monogamous relationship with my bf
>ok I drunkenly kissed her once because I thought it would make her happy but it probably confused her
>just lost someone who I thought would be a fun platonic girl friend to cuddle and kiss when I’m drunk
>oh yeah she claimed that it was actually her writing those creepy texts her bf sent
>feeling fragile, get irrationally angry/depressed whenever she posts pics of their relationship
Tldr; had some good experiences through Bumble BFF but also had a bad one where I naively thought I could befriend someone who was just looking for a three way
No. 125132
>>125009My experience with Bumble was that I not only started the convos but was expected to carry them completely while never being asked any questions back
I think guys with no social skills join it thinking that women will do all the work
No. 125368
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So recently I noticed that I've been spending more time swiping on tinder while watching Netflix then going on actual dates. Its kind of aggravating since I have so many matches but no dates ever seem to happen. Its just texting tag and
So I had an idea. I decided to clean out all my matches and start over but with new rules and a more open mindset.
1. So I changed my swiping habits and I would swipe on good looking men and men who didn't look the best but I kept my mindset open that maybe most men are bad at taking good photos of themselves
2. I will always swipe right on anyone that super likes me
3. After I have 7 matches I must stop swiping and focus on the men who I matched with. (Use the honesty policy and put in your bio that you want to go on fun dates that you hope will lead to a relationship)
4. After I have my 7 matches I wait 3 days for them to message (If they don't message me after 3 days then message them with a simple "so what kind of date are you going to take me on?") If they don't respond with a date idea or anything after a bit of texting back and forth then focus more on the ones that actually seem more excited to the idea
5. Get their snapchat just to help confirm you are both real to each other
6. Set up a date time and make sure that its not exactly the same day you matched and have them see if they can plan dates in advance for something in a few days and not flake out last minute (if they flake out last minute then I refocus effort into someone else) Don't ever be a flake yourself otherwise your just going to attract other flakes and maybe miss an amazing opportunity or connection.
7. Go on the date and see if there is any type of chemistry there. If there isn't then be honest and straightforward to them at the end of the date about how you feel and if you would like to see them again or not. (One of my dates I became friends with and he's dating another one of my friends because he invited me to a summer barbecue and I brought her along and she and him got along very well)
8. After you have gone through those seven men and nothing seems to have developed in a meaningful way then repeat the process
I was going on 2-3 dates a week in the summer time but now that school has started I haven't had time to go on as many.
The best advice I can give for tinder is have no expectations and be open to meeting people new people. Sometimes mingling with people from tinder can make new connections that can lead you to find someone in a more natural way for a relationship if they like to do social gatherings. Thats my advice if you want more dates out of the tinder experience.
No. 125483
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I live in a country that's known for beautiful women and not-so-beautiful men (basically, my phenotype makes women a bit more conventionally attractive, while making males quite unfortunate looking), but I thought that's just bullshit. I've played with tinder for a bit but most men were meh looking, bald, fat, fuckboys, etc. and I assumed that's the case everywhere. But few months ago I went on a short vacation to a different country and I've decided to do some swiping just for shits and giggles. And holy fuck. The men were SO MUCH better looking. Ugly guys were a rarity, and men were much more eager to meet up, or they at least attempted to have a conversation with me instead of expecting me to ask all the questions and be enthusiastic about their favourite football teams. I've even started to date one of the guys I met on there and we are meeting quite regularly. He thinks of himself as "average-looking", and he told me he would barely get any matches, so I've decided to do a little "experiment" and I made a fake profil with his pics in my country. As you could guess, he got so many matches with girls better looking than me. It made me feel a little insecure lol, so I didn't tell him about it.
Did anyone have similar experience?
No. 125499
>>125497that's true, the mysogynistic socialisation is pretty bad. maybe og anon finds swedish guys more attractive in part due to them actually treating her like a human. ok,
>>125498 , balding is a big concern, fair.
tbh also the language barrier sometimes makes people seem more decent/hotter? like the guys back home are vile in my eyes but realistically they shouldn't be too different from polish ones kek.
No. 125504
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>>125483I think it's common all over Eastern and Central Europe, I'm from a Slavic Balkan country and men here are… I wouldn't say sexist necessarily but lazy, stupid, rude and really entitled. They're also not the best looking but they'd be marginally passable if they just grew some fucking hair instead of getting buzz cuts, and dressed nicer. The girls here try so hard to look good only to be ridiculed and nitpicked by lazy, sloppy mama's boys.
Luckily guys in a neighbouring country down south are much nicer and love girls from my country so I bagged one and I'm happy.
No. 125516
>>125484Tinder isn't a bad idea in the sense that it's a way to meet people, but if you don't know how dating works then it's going to be rough regardless of the method
You'll get to know a lot more people, but it's always harder to notice red flags unless you're talking to someone in person
My advice, go slow regardless of how you feel
No. 125527
>>125504It’s the same in latinoamerica anon.
Shithole countries put the most shit on women to look “good enough”
No. 125528
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>>125517Well that anon probable doesn’t live in India calm the fuck down
We all know that beauty is the closest to what we see in media and slav women are seen as perfect because of their features
No. 125637
i think in nearly all populations men are much worse-looking than women, except france.
>>125566are slav men really uglier than south asian men?
it's weird because while i don't think slavic women are ugly i've always thought they look bloated and generally have heavy brows/odd profiles. they also age badly, fast. i really don't understand where the idea that slav grills are super hot has come from, if not from porn and prostitution.
No. 125879
>>125865>almost every white male actor has some kind of slavic rootsThat's just not true.
>the average slav looks better than the average central europeanLeo DiCaprio (and countless others) beg to differ…
People only think of guys like that one famous russian ballerino or some young model when talking about slavs but in reality most of them have massive browbones, beady eyes, meaty nose and lips and look like they want to beat up everybody and everything. Far more slavs actually match that stereotypical trope instead of looking as cute or dreamy as american girls think they do.
No. 126517
>>125806>>125865Slavic men have a more infantile look in general IMO.
western men have a longer head/fuller beard/narrower face.
Indian men can all look very different, but some women are definitely into the "swarthy semitic" look which a lot of Indian guys have (aka Dev Patel)
No. 126518
>>125839 is what comes to my mind when I think "Slav". Of course not all of them look like that, but they do tend to have more of those features compared to western men (wider face, less hair, potato nose, etc.)
No. 126548
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>>126518Dude looks like a typical potato = German = central European.
This is what I think of when I think of Slav men. Big bones, big head, heavy lidded eyes.
Do we need a thread for this and would such a thread even be allowed b/c race baiting? I don't want to shit up this thread.
No. 126580
>>126530 mentioned, it's really easy to match but those types of guys do tend to ghost more often before you get to meet since they probably have a lot of girls after them.
I will say, though, that the guys I've met off apps (mainly Tinder) have been way more out of my league than guys I've met "organically." They're mainly looking for hookups, but even then, they've all been really conventionally attractive and successful, and I don't even consider myself particularly pretty either.
No. 126588
>>126548Just look at pictures of the german soccer team vs the polish or russian soccer team and you'll see who on average has doughier features and who has sharper features.
Sorry, but it just annoys me a little that everybody always seems to put slavs on a pedestral ( even have their own thread dedicated to them?) while shitting on my country lol
Slavic men are usually also still a lot more misogynistic than the rest of Europe, so don't dream too much of getting a cute slav bf or you might be disappointed - plus they prefer their own women anyway.
No. 126687
>>126551claiming there's a significant difference between Germans and Poles shows how ridiculous the basic premise of this conversation is.
>>126588>>my countrylmao, reg dich ab. nobody said anything about ideology and character.
>>126681what dating app? lower your expectations (having an interesting conversation instead of meeting your future husband), and it'll be fine. ask yourself if you like them instead of wondering whether they like you.
No. 134975
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>>125566>>125879>>125637>>125885Wut, I've always liked slav men a lot. They do have a cuter look to them, but they're also tall, "manlier" in their mannerisms and despite the stereotype, treat girls well.
You can always tell if a guy is slav though lol.
No. 134983
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Tinder is unironically the Discord of dating, Discord is the Facebook of AIM, AIM is the instant messaging of the pre-corporate internet, and the pre-corporate internet is what we need to go back to if we want true speech freedom on the web anymore.
/tangent of screw the web 3.0, but also my long way to say that Tinder and ILK is trash.
Tinder is almost like a leper colony for easy men (and others). Barely worth the effort
>>82463 No. 135021
>>134997Idk what dating app you're using but maybe you're just matching with decent men.
Once I matched this cute guy on Tinder ad the first thing he asked me was if I'd have sex with him.
No. 135034
>>135005Nah not true
I've found they're just nicer to you, with the added bonus that they're not pussies needing to ask for permission for everything (though maybe that's every country other than in the west). English guys for example are so scared of doing anything, such fucking pushovers.
No. 135045
>>135043Sounds better than it is lmao. I dated a 10/10 english guy a few months ago. Hottest person I've ever seen in my life. Super kind too. But damn it it would have been nice if he were a bit more assertive.
>can I do this? I mean, only if you're 100% fine with it. SHUT UP AND TOUCH ME
No. 135046
>>135042Nta, but the ideal, really nice and honest guy is hard to find, so I think some women just prefer men who are more upfront, e.g. they say something shitty and you can directly confront them about it, than guys who know that they can't say/do certain things but have an underlying misogyny and passive aggressiveness.
I guess it's the same with women who prefer ugly, skinny-fat/fat and/or short guys because they say those couldn't hurt you like fit guys can - but if a man really wants to hurt you, verbally or physically, he'll always find a way. If it's in your face you can defend yourself and correct him, but if he's stabbing you in the back, like shittalking you with his friends or secretly watching porn while pretending to be a sjw, you're living a life of uncertainty.
I personally believe that dating an arab/muslim guy or anybody from a backwards culture and hoping he's magically alright would be absolutely idiotic, but sometimes you might be luckier with like in this case slav guys than you are with fake-woke western europe/american guys.
No. 135047
>>135046this is exactly what I meant, thanks for putting it in words better than I could.
actually the best combo I've been able to find is an eastern euro guy who has lived in the west for a while. they have that traditional assertiveness but are more open-minded than those who never left their country
No. 135055
>>135047I understood what you were trying to say, no problem
What I wanted to add, I also noticed this a lot lately, that even a lot of normie men irl (so not just assholes on the internet) seem to have a hidden deep hatred for women and start openly mocking feminists a la 4chan. "B-but what about us? What about men's righs? Females nowadays have it easier than us". Just because feminism exists since ages already, doesn't mean you listened to us and tried to better yourself and acting like rape is not a real fear of and threat for girls and women is disgusting.
Feminisim hasn't been a thing in eastern europe for as long as it has been in the western europe or the US, but the men there at least have enough pride to not paint themselves as
victims - which is one of the things that I personally hate the most.
>>135048Of course not, but in my experience it's much more prevalent in men who try to hide it than in men who do things like make a stupid distasteful joke. The former might snap one day and go full out while the latter didn't do it in malice.
No. 135238
>>135045You'll enjoy him being assertive until he does something you don't like. Then suddenly the relationship with the 'perfect' guy will be over because he violated some boundary he didn't even know you had and you'll never be able to trust him again.
Don't trivilaize consent. That guy sounds like he's taking it seriously. We don't want men thinking they can just touch us whenever and wherever they feel like it. So don't act like they should do exactly that. Because that's exaclty what's going to happen.
No. 135314
>>135265I think attractive men just have a lot of options for girls they'd date in real life, and use Tinder purely for hookups.
A man will pretend to care about you just so you sleep with him. I wish they'd just be upfront about it. I'd rather have a FWB with someone than be lied to and invest emotion into something worthless
No. 135399
>>135396iktf anonette. I have a big issue with this, developing crushes quickly because I'm so lonely. I just want someone to care about me, not just in a platonic way. Friends aren't the same, nor is family.
honestly considering just meeting guys off Tinder or whatever to temporarily fill the empty void until I do meet someone.
No. 135402
>>135399True about the part where friends or family cant recreate that feeling and dating apps can get sad for a couple of hours/days
Validation and attention from a potential partner feels nice
No. 135462
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>>135391update on this is that he has fully ghosted me i believe and isn't interested. which is fine i guess. hearing the discord notif makes me jump and expect that its him. never trying dating apps ever again
No. 136147
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>>136143I’m starting to think almost all men on dating apps are looking for validation/ the order-a-bitch menu. Decent guys are snapped up quickly and have no need to use apps.
No. 136164
>>136156At least you didn't personally met him
I have Tinder installed in my phone and don't feel like using it at all
More than wanting to date someone I felt it was a social obligation and now thanks to corona I'm just chilling
No. 136197
>>136147>Decent guys are snapped up quickly and have no need to use apps.:( Yeah
I want to find a decent, attractive guy but they're all looking for hookups online, and I don't spend enough time socialising offline to meet one that way. Especially with this fucking virus I have to be alone for even longer.
No. 136224
nonny, pep-talk time.
Trust me when I tell you that this guy is not worth getting upset over. I know it’s hard to overcome that feeling of loneliness but do you genuinely feel as if you’d have enjoyed being in a relationship with this guy or you had some irreplaceable connection?
I was in a similar situation (I literally had to delete discord so I would stop waiting for a notification) but looking back, it was so not worth getting sad over it. You tried and it didn’t go anywhere, but who knows if it would have worked out anyway?
And if you think about it, when you finally meet the right guy that’s out there waiting for you, this dude will seem so insignificant you’ll probably completely forget about him. He’ll literally just be some asshat who threw away his chance with you. Do you really wanna say you gave up because of this one guy who wasn’t even that fun to talk to?
It always sucks being ghosted but realise that it’s not something you should be torn up about and it happens to literally everyone. The positive thing is that you made an effort.
No. 136232
>>136225I'm gonna date as soon as shit reopens, but not before that (some men off dating apps asked me to drive to them despite the lockdowns, the fucking desperation). I'm lonely and I don't think I want to wait until next year, but if you have some health issues or poor immune system then I see why you'd want to.
But, you might also want to consider that the virus is expected to come back in the winter
No. 136331
>>136314>>136315>>136330>>136311The way I see it is the usually social people are now lonely and trying Tinder out, whether it's for nudes or building up a harem of women they can text "heyyyy, wanna meet up?" once the lockdown is over.
Many don't know what they're using it for, they're just trying it out. I saw more activity once lockdown started, but it's dropped significantly over the weeks as everyone found out it was useless.
No. 136358
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>>136224Its 5 am where I live and I fucking cried. Thank u anon My friends are telling me its just a quarantine phase and I shouldn’t have had gotten my hopes up in the first place. I needed this a lot
No. 136367
>>136358Different anon here, but I think you need to learn how to cope with ghosting a bit better or stay away from dating apps if it hurts your self esteem. I used to be the same and felt super hurt every time I got ghosted, but you need to realize that it happens to LITERALLY everyone. Guys from dating apps are usually fuckboys with no attention span, that's just sadly how it is.
Also, a lot of guys can be fun to talk to and then be completely unattractive once you actually meet up, whether it's their mannerisms or other things – so there's a big chance you would've been less impressed meeting him irl anyway. I've had guys who seemed amazing and then did something that was a huge turn off once we met up, or it was just painfully awkward. I've gone on 10+ Tinder dates and only half of them or less actually retained my interest after meeting them, so you're probably not missing out on much.
No. 136423
>>136386Where are you getting the assumptions that I'm an "easy lay" and that he doesn't spend money on me??
No. 136428
>>136358I’m glad I could help and I hope you feel better. Please don’t stress about it, okay?
>>136371Good luck, anon, I’ll be rooting for you.
No. 136450
>>136156I tried to find the Tweet and nothing, I guess he deleted it.
Dropping the wine off in the lobby and then going home to facetime with you is the weirdest bit.
No. 136572
I'm sorry you've never gone on dates with men who pay for you, anon
No. 137850
>>137843>the rest of male peacucks that didn't meet this criteria died as lonely horny virgins>peacucksLMAO
Wish we could weed out the low quality men like that, but unfortunately there will always be desperate girls that take them and carry on their useless genes.
No. 138623
>>137884There's no way this is true
I always got the most basic matches ever for top picks when NONE of them were my type and they all looked basically the same
It has to be that if you're popular you'll get suggested to more people, rather than matching based on compatibility–because there's no way I'd date any of my top matches
No. 149545
>>149492Nah, never. I think guys are used to initiating conversation.
I was about to come into this thread actually to gripe about something related— I matched with a guy I vaguely knew (had met once before, but would see each other oftenish and wave or say hi). He always texts first but I just cannot get a good conversation out of him, like I feel like I’m writing long ass witty texts just for him to say “haha yeah true true haha hope that works out for you”. He always texts first and then it seems like he never has anything to say! I just wish he’d go ahead and ask me to hang out, but it’s been a week of talking off and on and he hasn’t said anything. I honestly prefer it when guys from tinder initiate everything and then ask to hang out within the first 3 days, initiating or carrying the conversation for a week+ is such a chore.
No. 149566
>>149545>>149497>>149492Yeah I agree. I'm quite forward but guys need to make the first move. Otherwise the whole dynamic is thrown off.
Also I fucking hate men who just type three words or convos with no effort and plug their stupid instagram.
Or literal 2/10s with bios like "message me on insta I'm not active on Tinder" as if they're attractive enough to do that.
No. 149613
>>149492If I feel like it then yes. These "oh the guy has to message first";"oh i have to wait 3 days before messaging her after a date"tactics are so damn stupid and kitch.
My best conversations on dating apps were mostly initiated by me. Initiating a conversation doesn't mean carrying the whole convo though. If someone does 0 effort then next.
No. 149626
>>149567i find its better to sacrifice a bit on looks and be very picky about personality. hot hot guys on apps are either bots or end up being fuckin rapey as hell and entitled. i've found some good ones (most guys just photograph TERRIBLE) but if you pick someone who is your type and just hope they look better in person, sometimes it works out
>>149624theres no attractiveness rating lol. you just get the people closest to you with similar interests or whatever
No. 149705
>>149545bouncing off this post to say that my ex, who i met on tinder, was an odd texter (halfway between stale "haha true" replies and often initiating with interesting questions…) until we actually met irl after a week. could've been sooner but he was out of town.
i wasn't getting much luck on tinder until i started saying hi first. can't complain about silent matches if i'm also a silent match…
No. 150718
I used dating apps on and off for years now and I can’t tell if it’s because I moved countries (Europe to Aus) or because there are more people on apps nowadays, but men seem so uninterested now.
Years ago, it was so easy to find someone decent and guys would invite you out on proper dates (Aka restaurants, movies, something nice). Some of my friends met on tinder like 10 years ago? And didn’t sleep together until they had about a dozen dates.
Now I’m using bumble and even though I only swipe on people with a bio, so I can open with something other than “Hey”, after about 3 sentences back and forth, they don’t bother replying anymore. I know I’m not extremely funny through text because I can’t tell if other people are going to understand my deadpan humour, but neither are they.
Kinda like what anon there
>>149545 mentioned, it’s all about “yeah cool, hows your weekend”.
When I get to meet guys, they jump straight into kissing me on the first date and the second one, are already trying to fondle me.
And I’ve never been ghosted this many times in my life. Like don’t tell me you enjoy spending time with me and want me to hang with your friends then disappear the next day!
Tinfoil theory but I feel like the tinder card model is what made dating apps progressively worse over time. I remember back in the days I’d fiddle with the filters in terms of interests, hobbies, passions etc. Now I’m lucky if Chad bothered to answer something to “Dream dinner guest” other than “You”.
No. 150841
>>150718As someone who's dabbled in basically every dating app, Bumble's selection of men is pretty trash. Only slightly above Tinder. A good one to find classy guys who can carry a convo would be Coffee Meets Bagel.
But as far as things like men expecting to take it fast on dates and ghosting, that is unfortunately just American dating culture these days. It's pretty fucking sad. If the guys are asking consent instead of just straight up groping/sexually assaulting you, consider yourself lucky tbh.
No. 150843
>>150718Because men see dating apps as a numbers game and therefore don't want to expend energy on women who they view as not worth it.
Either you're their top pick and you put out or draw them in the way they expect of you, or you're nothing more than a part of their low-effort rotation when no one better is available at best.
This is why I don't feel sorry about women ghosting men anymore the second they trespass a boundary or set off the creep alarm. If men are out there trying to score the best, then it follows that women should be doing the same thing.
No. 151047
>>151012Fucking same, sis. I'm horny and lonely as shit. Every guy on dating apps is incredibly boring, personality of a banana peel. Their profile is either:
a) acting like liking dogs is a substitute for a personality
b) pIneAPPle oN PizZa bAd
c) if cOroNA DoeSN't tAKe yOu OUt cAN i
d) looks great but messages rapidly turn into desperate sexual degenerate mode
I might risk it all and call my ex just so I can get laid.
No. 151269
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a few months ago I met a guy on Okcupid who seemed quite interesting. I started DMing him and he told me about how he is a school teacher. He sent me a pic of him with his shirt and bow tie. I can't fully remember what happened after that but he ended up sending me a pic of his dick with his bow tie on.
I eventually dropped talking to him because all he wanted to do was talk sexual and I wanted to get to know him as a friend first.
No. 151798
i hate how it's appealing and yet i know the exact type of person who would sign up on it. i want someone who loves video games but also doesn't classify themselves as a "gamer" and has some fucking self-awareness, but on normal dating apps a lot of people will hide that they like games since they're so desperate to come off as a normie
No. 151911
>>151856no. i recently signed up for it again and the site is fucked now. you can't search people, it just shows random people and you have to "yes" or "no" them like every other thing now.
i always considered okc a more serious site since you could find similar people easier, but now it's ruined
No. 151947
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Why do men ask to meet up after exchanging literally 1 message? This has happened to me a few times now, and I actively avoid guys with casual/just for fun in their bios.
The main appeal of online dating for me is that I don't have to meet them right away, I prefer to get to know someone before I waste my time getting dressed up for a shitty date
No. 151955
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>>151951Maybe it's just me that attracts socially inept guys.
>>151947I get wanting to get off the app, Tinder messenger is pretty bad. But, meeting up? After 1 message? During a pandemic? Men are truly something else
No. 152083
>>151950I see this advice online all the time - "get her number within 3 messages". It never works with me, feels like some cheap exchange and if you have my number you have access to my Whatsapp profile, will probably get me suggested on FB and so on. Shit I don't want when I don't know you.
On a similar note, how long do you girls typically talk with. someone on the apps before you exchange numbers and go out? Been texting this guy on Hinge for a week and he hasn't asked yet though we talk all day long and get along extremely well.
No. 152105
>>151955Is he Japanese or are you? Otherwise wtf does this mean lol
>>152083A week or two is the longest I'll wait before making plans to meet up. Reluctance to that means he's catfishing in my experience.
No. 152133
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>>152105>>152110most likely it was about shibari since it's probably the only "essentially japanese" sex related practice, or at least the best known one… althought super weird to propose on the first date
No. 153265
>>153258Pretty par for the course but I'm only speaking from my experience.
Men on swipe dating apps have a script to try to convince you that they're not there for hookups or to field their options. A bit of caution and skepticism until proven otherwise isn't a bad idea.
No. 153269
>>153261this is pretty much what my behavior dictated, and he's absolutely dense if he didn't pick up on it.
i was more worried about him being a crazy and following me home if i'd made him angry.
>>153265thanks anon, this makes me feel slightly more optimistic (albeit cautiously)
No. 153300
>>153273yeah, went to a public place in an area that i don’t live in but am familiar with, if that makes sense.
can’t get tasers in my city but i do have one of these a friend from not-here got me: No. 153418
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Wow.. who WOULDN'T swipe right!
No. 153684
>>153672Yes, barring a good excuse like medical emergency or family issue if you ever hear from him again.
If he wanted to talk to you, he would.
No. 153685
I don't get why it happened. I understand if we hadn't talked a lot but it was weeks of non stop texting.
No. 153775
>>153714I’ve only dated a handful of women in my life but the ones I have, have never pursued me. I’ve always had to be the one to ask about or suggest romantic intentions. That being said I don’t know how dynamics go in your country, in burgerland usually women on dating apps want very different things (IE some want hookups, some want longterm, some are really just on there to make new friends in their area). Asking to meet for coffee is a really good step imo, but asking too much about intentions or what she’s looking for long term or short term would be better saved for said coffee date, that way if you decide you’re ok with being friends or your intentions change you’ll know for sure by meeting her. Until then, I encourage you to find mutual interests, ask her about her music taste or aesthetic/stylistic taste, maybe see if she even likes coffee and if she doesn’t maybe find a coffee shop that has baked goods and tea in addition to just coffee (those are surprisingly common over here but again not sure about where you’re at how much that store concept took off).
Weird marine life (look up the blanket octopus or the new images of the length of marianas trench) and other kinda light but stimulating topical topics could be good starting points for small talk too. I hope she responds positively and that you and her hit it off on your date! Lots of luck anon, godspeed.
No. 155454
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>>155160Just got a message back from him, thank u anon for encouraging me to send it!
No. 159745
Would it be really shitty to make a profile if I'm not even sure I want to try dating? As in, is it just expected that if you're there then you know what you want? I've always avoided social media, so without anything to link to, certain apps are off limits and I already look like a catfish. On top of that, I'd be really hesitant to be seen on the app, and for some reason am paranoid about being recognized or linked to my job as I'm trying to start a business where I'm publicly visible, so even uploading photos feels like a hurdle. If I did match with somebody, I'm actually fairly busy and might not reply for days at a time, and only meet up every other week or so. I've made blank profiles in previous years to just browse, and found one or two in a hundred I might have actually messaged. Would all these things together be seen as such red flags that I wouldn't get anywhere? I feel like dating the old fashioned way is realistically my only option, but I don't go out much/ever or have many friends, and I don't even know if that would work for me. I was fine with it for a while but I'm almost 27 now and could easily see the next decade being the same.
Sorry to ramble, I just feel sort of torn between how distasteful I find dating apps, and how necessary they may be as I don't think I have many options
No. 160199
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does anyone use any kink-based apps? kind of over dating and i'm thinking of trying out something new
No. 160206
>>160199I started out my dating life after joining fetlife years ago. The first guy I ever met off of it..we had sex once but we weren't compatible enough to bother with an ongoing thing because I was looking to explore being domme and he had lied to me about his own role. He wanted to dom me so we ended up just being friendly and going to local kink events like fetish club nights together as friends. He at least introduced me to people and seeing as I was young, slim and female I was kinda hot shit at these events. But I attracted alot of men looking to ignore my own chosen role. No part of me wants to sub, I've never been so pestered by desperate men. There wasn't exactly a shortage of full-on sub women but yeah please come over to me and enjoy getting rejected for the tenth time.
Fast forward a while in, I'm getting tired of seeing my poly friends in that scene all explode into drama over constant cheating (??) the attractive looking men are few and far between, the women are bitchy and jealous and suspicious that you want to steal their uggo bf and the last straw was finding out that guy I met at the beginning was on the sex offenders register for child pornography. He was on the offenders list and still going to these events. His secret got out and some people stuck by him. Some still invited him t ohouse parties and I fought with people that accepted that as ok. I hate to say it, but it does attract the absolute trashiest people.
The online interactions were even worse. The shit that men will skip straight to saying to you in messages. Or they message you an elaborate fantasy about their sissy dressing up habit or how they want to shit in a diaper and then sit in it "Mistress what you say to me if you found me in that state"
No. 160208
guess i'll stick to porn and written erotica
No. 160928
>>160852I dont know if this is still true; but previously with tinder if their facebook was created before they were 18 and or they lied when originally making their facebook the age transfers over incorrecetly. I made my facebook in 2009 when i was under 18 but of course i lied and said i was older at the time. So for a while or it possibly still says
im 2-3 years older than i am on facebook
No. 160981
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>>160970If a man doesn’t have a nice ass and cock, they should be chopped up and fed to the rest, until we have perfect sex slaves. I’m tired of meeting 7/10 boys who expect 10/10 untouched pussy.
No. 161430
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>>160990There are several, but Moomin Dani no Okurimono is the one used in the meme. It’s on amazon if you want it. No. 162828
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I fucking hate Bumble. Conversations go nowhere. The gender dynamic is flipped because of the women making the first move thing. all the reddit ass advice out there is "guys wanna be asked out too!!" Bullshit.
No. 162831
>>161450I agree with you as a meh-looking person.
Too many ugly ass men out there with garbage genetics calling me ugly and nitpicking the looks of beautiful women to "bring them down to their level". Stay in your lane uggo, you ought to be happy with whatever crumb of pussy comes your way.
No. 162902
>>160921yes, men are really that stupid
also i just deleted my dating apps again because i'm sick of these pointless dead-convo or disappointing-meetup games. i need to find someone irl somehow.
No. 162936
>>162828Fucking this. Guys complain about girls who only passively reply but they clearly never tried talking to other dudes either.
It’s all “oh yeah ahah so hows your weekend?” Then the convo fizzles out in less than 3 texts.
On top of that how am I supposed to say anything when they barely put anything in their bio? Oh you put a runner, a surfer and cycling emoji, that’s original.
No. 163025
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DAE feel really guilty when they don't match with people who super-like them? Like I get a lot of likes from guys who are not really my type but I don't want someone to feel bad knowing they were rejected. I especially feel bad when they clearly put a lot of effort into their profile.
No. 166792
>>163025knowing how men use tinder i'd never feel bad for rejecting them
(swiping right on every profile without even looking etc)
No. 166847
>>166804Who the fuck cares? I feel no pity for men like that when it also communicates how desperate, indiscriminating and thirsty they are. They don't care about individual people, we are all just interchangeable "woman" to them when they're looking for a live masturbatory aid. In other words
>>163025Don't feel bad, you owe these strangers nothing simply because they decided to give you a gold star like some sort of creepy kindergarten teacher. The apps are literally
trying to guilt/incentivize you to respond to these men because if you do then they'll continue paying for their services because it's getting them what they want (you). Don't allow a money-hungry corporation to manipulate you into becoming a literal commodity for them.
No. 166859
>>166855Same girl, I can't even use this shit to satisfy my horniness because reality cock blocks me. I just want to fuck a safe, relatively sane himbo who sees me as a human but 99% of the men on there are ugly, balding, extremely fat or skinny freaks wearing dresses or taking gross half-naked mirror selfies as they bitch about their ex or say "idk why I'm really on here lol" in their profiles. For fuck's sake, at least try to groom yourselves and not be miserable pieces of shit? I actually switched to looking for women just to see what they get in comparison and goddamn, so many of us are cute, intelligent, have our shit together financially, possess real hobbies. I wish I was a lesbian (even though they have a lot of their own troubles, though more from society than other women) or just asexual every time I step foot in these cesspools.
No. 166950
>>166946I don't swipe right on ugly men, but I still have to swipe through a hundred ugly guys to see a normal face. And then I might accidentally swipe them to the left too because of the muscle memory kek. The normal looking ones I swipe right on turn out to be depressed overachiever guys that lovebomb or manchildren anyway. I'm also wary of guys that look
too handsome.
I tried the male technique of "swipe right on everyone" without looking once, because I didn't want the ugly to burn into my retinas. It wasn't a good idea.
No. 166956
>>166946Yeah exactly as
>>166950 said, I never swiped right or spoke to these retards. I clearly referred to the dumb shit I saw glancing at their profiles. I only like guys I find attractive but it literally takes hundreds of swipes to find men I approve of, and that’s if I don’t accidentally move past them. I just find the process mentally exhausting and a time waster. I don’t want to have to sort through countless hideous morons to find a handful of hot guys, of which an even tinier minority might not be total fuckboys. Easier to just remain celibate at this point although I’m still a human with a high sex drive so unfortunately that’s something I have to live with.
No. 167672
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Reading about online dating on /ot/ suddenly made me remember this weird interaction, where a dude was looking for a woman to make his roommate-crush jealous.
Sorry for the shitty TL.
No. 167675
>>167672>aztapasztaI love that this is "wowzers"
And I'd totally try that.
No. 170807
>>170787I used Tinder and biggest local LGBT website; I'd say the results were somewhat better on the latter. As for how to identify real lesbians on an app
>>170790, I'd usually just ask, but it still doesn't filter out straight women that want to experiment unfortunately.
No. 171030
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>be me, 25 yo uni student
>never tried a dating app because my first name is very unique/rare so it's really easy to find my full name and address
>fat crush on a guy from uni
>won't be able to see him due to covid lockdown
>am considering using my 14 yo little brother's phone number to register on tinder so i can look for uni crush
>am also rly into football and would be able to find some scrote on tinder who shares my football interest (i have tried female bff apps but none of the girls on there are into watching football rip)
>am kinda paranoid about guys (especially those from uni) hitting on me on the street after recognising me from tinder lol i've seen this happen to other women
>know i'll get a lot of matches if i put something like "just want someone to watch football with [bambi eyes emoji]" kek
>inb4 pickme listen i'm not looking for love or hookups (unless it's uni crush) i just want to talk about my hobby with someone reeee
you know what anons, i think i'm just gonna download it tomorrow. i want to try it out at least. how many pics of myself should i upload?
No. 171061
>>171030Do you have a name that could be shortened to a nickname to use on the app?
Otherwise, I think you'll be fine. I've gotten approached by one guy in school who recognized me from Tinder, but I just said that I'm taking a break from dating and it didn't turn into anything crazy. I personally think 6 photos is a good number for girls.
No. 171071
>>171043>>171061thank you for your advice anons!
unfortunately my name is already very short and most ppl assume it's already a nickname lol. while i'm kinda paranoid about it, you can't really find much about me online so i guess it should be fine. i guess this is the price i have to pay for tru luv.
No. 174682
>>174618Thank u, i briefly tried both of those but promptly deleted them. I will try again.
>>174619>>174642Lol i knew i would get roasted for posting this, thanks anyway ladies
No. 176069
>>176054some one asked this a while ago and
>>149561 answered, hope this helps
No. 177869
Got my bi-monthly breakdown of trying to check if I'm still even attracted to the people of my country, so I installed Tinder. I have to say, the quality of men really went down as tourism stopped, kek. Browsing through profiles, I found a pictureless one, read the profile text, and almost died laughing. Not a screenshot since I'm not in an english speaking country, but it went like:
>Are you looking for fun? I'm a taken man, but I can be very discreet. Let me taste you, let me whisper in your ear how sexy you are. I'll make you reach your climax squirting like crazy!
>PS. If you like big guys, you're in luck
>172 cm [5'8ft]
Imagine being a fat, below average height married scrote that thinks this sounds like a good time for anyone. 100% He's lying about his age being 30 too, he's just trying to match with women in their twenties.
No. 177909
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No. 177919
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>"give him a chance"
wtf she is a fucking 10, men really don't understand what standarts are
No. 177942
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I really want to try dating apps because it's in my comfort zone to text someone and get to know them better, as opposed to building a relationship strictly irl. This may be because I'm used to online/LDR. But I'm scared the guys on tinder will cheat on me. I know the average guy messages multiple women and most of them are only looking for hook-ups/casual sex. I don't know if it's possible to find a serious wholesome relationship on tinder, although one of my friends met her fiancé on tinder which gave me a lot of hope. I know being cheated on is a very common fear many women share, and of course the right guy would drop all other potential dates he's talking to if he wants a serious relationship with you, but I feel like I'm walking into this with a very naive mindset. I'm just too socially awkward to meet guys in real life. Another shitty thing is, one time I made a fake profile to just have a look around and see what kind of people use tinder (without interacting to anyone) and 90% of guys there were just lads posing shirtless. They're not ugly guys per se but they definitely give off that "frat guy" vibes. I'm losing hope anons, I don't want to lower my standards (which aren't that high to begin with) just to not die alone.
No. 177943
>>177935I can justify every single one of my high standards with experience. It's not my fault men see how incredibly low the bar is and don't feel like excelling. Also, the higher I set my standards, the more it attracts actually worthwhile men.
'Problem with the modern woman' my ass lmao if you're not actually a scrote you seriously need a self esteem boost.
No. 177963
>>177935The problem with the modern women is that they have such low standards that it lowers the quality of men for other women. How is it that so many women meet my baseline of absolute minimum standards and yet the same cannot be said for men?
Basic hygiene
Clean apartment/room
Has a job/actively working on getting a job or a student
Isn't a misogynist/capes for other misogynists
Kind to everyone
Puts effort into the relationship
This is the bare minimum and men still can't.
No. 177987
>>177982felt that way about tinder aside from dudes from want to sext or whatever all day.
i had one sperg out on me when we had a casual sexual relationship (read: phonesex, because covid) and i told him i was planning on moving out of the area with a month+ notice.
"i almost asked you out to dinner!111"
uhhuh, champ. okay.
bullet dodged.
the only sane men i've had substantial relationships with i've met on hinge - seems a lot more professionally geared (if that's your kind of thing) and the baseline questions make it a little easier to weed out psychos.
No. 177988
>>177942Maybe try Hinge, Bumble or Okcupid if Tinder is garbage? Depending on your location any one of those may have better selections. But yeah, the majority of men in general are trash and you'll need to eventually meet someone in person if you want a partner. Imo that's a good thing too. Talking to someone online, they can project whatever sort of false image they want. In person they can still lie, but it's much harder to maintain a perfect illusion. You can catch them shit talking the wait staff, eying up a passing woman, whether they ask questions and pay attention to you instead of scrolling through their phone, whether their tone gets anxious when you ask them serious questions, if they freely offer to foot the bill.
Also, a partner isn't the only person that can prevent you from "dying alone." Don't neglect platonic friendships.
No. 178001
>>177987>almost asked you out for dinnerHate that dudes will sperg out whatever you do…. damned if you, damned if you don't.
I found Hinge to be pretty garbage too, selectionwise, especially during quarantine. Everyone was very boring "normie"-tier and very average looking or a weird poly dude. Such is life as a straight woman in a big city…
No. 178005
>>178001I feel you, anon. It's gotten a little better as things have started to open back up and people have started to get vaccinated, I've found.
I was in NYC but have since moved to the Southwest and have found it to be a little more palatable - I'm meeting up with a guy this week who was keen to do a phone call and videocall before meeting up. Seems promising but I don't want to get my hopes up.
No. 178010
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>>177909The absolute state of men holy shit
No. 178431
>>178033he was not cool lel
absolute "respekt wimmen" performative feminist who kept calling me "strong" and "innovative" because of my career. hard pass.
No. 178682
>>178015Can you elaborate on that? I have heard lesbians say how women on dating apps can have absurdly high standards, but the only concrete examples I have seen are the tumblr astrology girls that refuse to date women with non-matching horoscope
I'm a curious lesbianon, that wants to hear some actual juicy stories lol
No. 178683
>>178672If you don't want to asnwer, don't. It's usually accepted and not considered bad manners to ignore starting messages, especially if they're low effort ("hi, how are you, you're pretty"). If he wrote a whole ass letter that isn't copypaste then it's usually polite to write back something like "you're sweet, no, thanks".
If it some especially bitter guy they'll bitch regardless if you ignore or turn them down (or try to rope you into a conversation asking WHAT it is you don't like about them), so you can't win in that case, just block.
No. 180428
>>180328Yep, told him I'm not really interested in meeting again and put him in ignore.
It's not like I don't have other options and I imagine he wouldn't just doze off and not bother setting an alarm when he needs to go to work, no excuse for this shit.
Thanks, nona.
No. 180579
>>180428Sure thing
nonny, glad to hear you’re upholding good standards for yourself. You deserve much more.
No. 180885
>>180838this has been my exact experience. I had no idea how men my age really look. I'm about to turn 31 and the guys I'm matching with, I cannot believe they're my age. I don't think I look super young for my age or anything but these guys are out here in their early 30s and they're looking at least 40.
>Also, have had a ton of boring conversations that all end with the guys saying “Nice.”ah that sucks anon. I hate when they give so little
No. 180894
>>180838I'm 26, see guys from 22 to 29 and most of them look over 30… Men age so bad. They can't even save it with their weird face smoothing filters they seem to put on a lot in their selfies?
Most of the better looking ones have no bio so one can assume they're just on there to fuck. Covid dating sucks.
I also have women showed and I can't begin to compare how much better they look.
No. 181001
>>180838That's because most of them lie about their age. They do that so they don't get filtered by your age preference ignoring the fact that most women don't want to date grandpas.
The "men age like wine" is a myth.
No. 181215
>>181043I'd jump through those hoops for you
But maybe wait till you move out.
No. 181500
>>181001Most men who truly are in their 30s
do look ancient though. I've confirmed based on their IDs (seeing them at bars/restaurants/concerts/pharmacies). I'm in that age range myself and get mistaken for being mid-low 20s all the time (have had men talking down to me until they backpedal when they find out we're the same age), and many other women in their 30s look great, but the men are just disgusting. At first I was shocked, now I know it's just par for the course. Balding, wrinkled, beer guts, saggy skin, thousand coom stare, sloppy wardrobe which just makes it all worse. Can't wait to move overseas where older men tend to look better, even if it's only due to the luck of genetics.
No. 183006
>>182801Good to know. Maybe I’ll bring it back up.
>>182815I live in a pretty large county and live an hour away from a couple of major cities. So my fishing pond is large. I’ve never heard of these apps, I’ll try them. Thanks!
>>182846Agreed. I’m sad to hear older men are awful though. I think men in general are awful but i’m lonely and want someone to buy me dinner and see me naked.
No. 184573
>>184570if it's any consolation, literally every time I super liked someone it was on accident, and when I talked to someone else who used tinder she said the same thing.
plus that a lot of guys have "if I super liked you it was on accident" in their bios. so it happens a lot. I personally think they should do away with super liking altogether or at best make an extra step to super like someone so it doesn't happen on accident so much.
No. 186659
>>186643Keep yourself safe and don't idealize him, make sure he's not a ho or a covert sexist. That being said I'm rooting for you
nonny, hope you get the sweet and loyal himbo we all desire
No. 186768
>>186650I will!
>>186659Thank you for your concern anon! That's very sweet of you but no need to worry. I'm starting to get the impression that he is just looking for sex but the conversation is still going because we seem to have a lot in common. Idk what will come of this but he is being very respectful so far
>>186764No idea but I'm pretty sure I tick some kind of box being fiddyfiddy latina/scandi
No. 186809
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>>186808Message him and report back
No. 187063
File: 1621677182445.jpg (205.65 KB, 768x1024, Froylan Gutierrez on Twitter.j…)

ladies I have mastered the dating game and I'll tell you my secret
I'm not that into men.
I'm bi heavily leaning towards women and turns out that's working.
Earlier this week I was horny af and that made me so desperate that I searched tinder for guys.
I'm average pretty, definitely not instamodel type, kind of nerdish artsy girl type.
With women I'm. nervous and try too much to get her to like me. with men, I just don't care what they think about me.
I matched with two guys. One was super my type but didn't end up meeting him but I'm meeting the other guy (hotter than #1 but less my type) at the next week!
So I bragged to my female friend. She's super sweet, petite and has traditionally feminine looks. But she's always nervous what guys think abt her.
Turns out she tried to hook up with the same guy ( #2 ) BIG TIME and he wasn't interested.
So this proves my propotion that men are like dogs and smell the fear. You treat them like dogs, they will obey.
I'm 100% sure this is one of those posts that will get dozen reeeee your cringe replies but I just had to reveal this secret to you my fellow man-haters. Without ur saltiness, I wouldn't be at this point.
I'm not saying that the man approval values my worth as a human BUT it's useful in my situation bc I'm still horny and don't want to play with girl's feelings.
(the pic looks a bit like the guy and demonstrated the level of attractiveness)
No. 187880
>>187063Sorry to rain on your parade
nonnie but tinder guys will meet up with almost everyone. I feel like you are new to dating apps.
You didn't even end up dating, they meet up because think they're gonna get easy sex out of you.
It's only a mere one guy and you didn't even meet him yet lol. How's that a win worth telling and explaining.
No. 188019
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>match with cutie
>find out he’s a vegan
>you know what happens next
>unmatch him in the middle of a rant
>outdated pep
No. 188233
File: 1622151417895.jpg (69.46 KB, 1001x687, Screenshot_20210527-163525__01…)

mY LoVE LaNgUaGe iS PhYsIcAL ToUcH
I'm tired
No. 188319
File: 1622208776791.png (49.89 KB, 450x693, profiletinder.png)

Found a screenshot I took before I deactivated. Most men are talking about how life is adventure and they need a partner (a cliché in itself), first time I've met a dude, who was basically "I'm ready to settle down, I had enough of going out and traveling". Nothing more charming than being told you're getting a 30+ guy who you're getting after he partied and burnt himself out for life and doesn't want to make memories with you.
Translation of screencap:
I'm an adventurer who's already been to many places, and now looks for peace and quiet! I already maxed out on the YOLO stuff… Starting the day with a relaxing chat or Disney in bed, then an afternoon walk on the riverside, a nice bottle of wine, a relaxing dinner at home and then we spice things up in the bed! That's my ideal day with my future lover!
What I'm looking for:
You should always have a tissue with you! xd
Don't have a foul mouth! (/don't speak like a taxi driver)
[Don't be much different at night than you're in the morning] (???unsure what this means, looks or attitude problems?)
No. 188482
File: 1622277622657.jpeg (140.98 KB, 1222x970, 33062F15-7456-4F2C-9720-A082E0…)

I get that he’s “joking” but check out this psycho
No. 188491
>>188490Even a joke like this is a huge red flag so like
>>188489 said, good for everyone he's showing it so openly and so early.
No. 188497
>>188495NTA but "black humour" from men often indicates some sort of agreement or at least a tendency to handwave those actual problems away, and even as a manipulative mechanism so that you yourself let your guard down. But even if you think that's going too far, they'll probably be the kind of guy who will tolerate his friends mistreating others even if they themselves aren't huge jerks.
Example for manipulation: guy jokes about oversensitive women and things women are stereotypically freaking out about to gage how much of a "cool girl" you are, and after that you won't be one of those "uncool" girls that do act that way.
No. 188499
>>188495Exactly what
>>188497 said; dark humor could be best case scenario tolerated among VERY close friends where you'd know for a fact it's just a joke and that person is not like this. From my experience people who would just freely always joke like that or be proud of their oh so dark sense of humor always end up actually agreeing with what the joke was about. Sometimes it's more internalized and sometimes less but it's there.
No. 188863
>>188509Bad humor is not a red flag, joking about being an
abusive, controlling partner specifically is a red flag I think.
No. 188910
File: 1622482851076.jpeg (74.07 KB, 1500x844, hinge-features-roses-standouts…)

Anyone else use hinge and feel like it's become a huge fucking scam? I used to get 25+ likes a day and now I get like 5, all of which are from hideous guys that I would never be interested. All of the guy I'm interested in are locked behind the "standouts" paywall in which you have to send roses, which you get one a day and I find is cringe to send. I feel like it's better than Bumble and definitely Tinder in terms of the quality of men, but this paywall shit is annoying me.
No. 189611
>>187880you are right that I'm new to dating apps.
We ended up seeing two times and between that we texted. At the first time it was nice and we talked for hours.
When we met at second date I realized that he's kinda annoying and immature BUT I wanted easy sex so it wasn't an issue.
BUT then we were in a cafe and he stood up to fill his water glass and I asked "could you please bring me some, too?" and he said no and something stupid.
Didn't really listened because at that moment I lost ALL my interest to him.
I made an excuse and left.
I can tolerate a dumb person but not having basic human decency/manners is instant turn off. If he does not bother to bring me a glass of water then he's not going to bother to do… well, anything, for me. I'm not wasting my time on person who does not bother to bring me a glass of water when I'm thirsty.
Next time I'll make the water glass test on the first date if I'm desperate enough to date a guy.
Too bad, bc he's cute and I was kinda craving for easy dick but I rather spend my nights with Hitachi than jerk with no manners.
Luckily I'm bisexual so I don't have to date guys from tinder. I'm meeting with a super cute girl later today, wish me luck, anons!
No. 189622
>>189617nice try, pickme.
keep chasing losers who don't respect you and treat you like shit.
No. 189644
>>189622>>189625>>189629No reason to get so
triggered nonners. It’s good that she ditched him but that doesn’t make op sound any less insufferable. Even gloating about how her friend was interested in the same guy.
No. 190509
>>189728Please don't fuel them. I get the initial satisfaction, but it gives them more
victim points in the long run.
They'll use what you did to deflect all their own crappy behaviour and people will gobble it down. That's not your fault, but it's often what happens.
No. 191291
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I am going on a date soon. Should I wear makeup? He wants to kiss me. I've never been kissed before and I'm worried making out might slather makeup all over his face and he'll get disgusted by it. I also feel gross wearing makeup. Like I'm wearing a second sticky skin that isn't mine. I don't mind eyeliner and mascara, so I might just wear that instead of a full coverage, full makeup face. Where I am right now, there is a heat wave too, which will make the makeup melt and feel even more gross on my skin.
I know I should've posted this in the makeup advice thread but I'm more worried about his opinion. He's seen photos of me without makeup (but in good lighting). I'm just worried he'll think I'll look tired without concealer (I developed eye bags due to losing skin elasticity from aging) or have a blotchy face and uneven skin tone without foundation (I have so many acne scars from my teenage years).
I wish I was blessed with perfect skin. I think wearing makeup daily has made it worse lol.
No. 191296
>>191291>I'm more worried about his opinionThat's where you're wrong, kiddo. I know it's natural to worry about someone else's opinion, but ultimately he feels the same anxietyy as you do, and as a woman you have the upper hand in the dating game all the time. He's there to impress you, not the other way around. Plus, makeup kind of seeps into your skin as time goes on, so don't worry about it smearing when you kiss.
Don't wear makeup if you feel like he'll think you're ugly or whatever, it's not that serious. If you want to wear makeup because it's fun, do it, but consider your comfort over your looks ofc. I'm sure he'll think you're pretty, maybe he'll even feel grateful that you're more honest/frank about your apperance.
No. 191301
>>191291I'm gonna agree with the other anons who replied to you, but I'll also play devil's advocate and give you some makeup tips for keeping your shit from melting off your face in disgustingly hot/humid climates if wearing makeup will help your confidence.
Make sure you have a good primer. If you're dry like me, go with hydrating, but if you're oily then choose one that's mattifying. If you want lighter coverage, I get much better results from blending the everloving fuck out of my concealer on the "problem areas" with a damp makeup sponge and leaving the rest of my face alone than when I apply foundation everywhere. Either way, apply a small amount first and build it up to avoid tons of product that's just gonna melt off your face. Finally, make sure you have a setting powder, especially if you're oily. This more than anything else will keep your makeup from smearing onto your date's face, but it's still not magic so if he's a really messy or grabby kisser (PT forbid), then he should expect a bit of transfer. Maybe he'll even learn something about shitty beauty standards. That being said, unless you plan on wearing non-matte cream lipstick or something you really don't have to worry about getting shit on his face when kissing.
sorry if you already know all this, and I hope he treats you well
No. 191349
>>191291At most your lipstick might smear. But I don't think you're gonna actively slobbery make out on your first date, it's most likely gonna be a peck on lips or something. And honestly I've never smeared makeup on anyone even during more intense kissing so don't worry.
Makeup doesn't smear like that if you wear it normal and natutal and not caked on full face.
No. 191473
>>191345 Thanks
nonny I appreciate that. I’m pleased to report that I’m over myself now and ready to move on to the next one, I think it was a combo of so long out of the game, plus I don’t think I’ve ever been on a first date where it wasn’t me to say “no thanks” to meeting again? So, it temporarily activated a fear that I’ve suddenly become truly hideous and boring in the time that I’ve been off dating but then I had a nice little sleep and remembered that I’m great. Have a great day anon!
No. 194430
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I know a handful of people irl who are in longterm relationships or engaged after meeting someone through Hinge or Bumble. I feel like everytime I take a shot at these apps I just feel like I’m drowning in a sea of either painfully average or painfully weird men.
No. 194564
>>194430This makes me want to yell shit at him, like, "NEED COVERING FIRE, LZ IS HOT" until he gets
No. 195494
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He's a fat nerd and his wife is already wayyy of his league. Probably why most his pics are of her lol. Anyway I pity any woman who lets herself get clowned like this. "She's bi and poly" is always the excuse but the women aren't the ones ever controlling the account.
No. 197431
>>195494What a fucking nightmare of a man.
Relevant video
No. 198102
>>198094I used to 'casually date' through apps, as in similarly I just wanted regular decent sex without being treated like crap. The issue I always ran into was.. how flakey they'd get after meeting a couple times.
At first you're the coolest thing to happen to them.. and then they just start messing you around when it comes to setting a time in advance. They want to hit you up at 11pm on a wednesday night and expect that you'll be free to meet up with ten mins notice. I don't know if they have secret gfs or even live in long term partners tbh. I always ended up suspecting that was the cause of their flakeyness with setting plans. They're trying to drop by your place on their way home from somewhere else. That way the gf won't pick up on it. That's something to watch out for. The first fuck is pre planned and they stay for 2 hours and please you..the rest turn into quickies on their way home from work.
No. 198153
>>198125I get you. I haven't had sex in about 3 years and sometimes it bothers me that the last person I had sex with was an ex who turned out to be pretty shitty. He's my last 'sex memory' and that sucks. I've gone back and forth on whether or not I even want sex or whether that's a bad reason to go out and look for it.
Am I better off just letting my ex be my last fuck for a long time or meeting some rando guy and that possibly making me feel like shit too. I gave up on the idea personally but I understand where your head is at, essentially you want to replace those memories to get over it.
No. 198162
Anonitas, there was this guy I met back in winter last year on a dating app and we got along really well, our conversations were a lot of fun. I wanted to keep us as friends but one night when I was over at his place and we had some drink and we ended up fucking. After that things weren't the same and I sensed he no longer valued me even as a friend. He started to become distant, so I distanced myself from him too until one night I expressed myself in one final message, then cut him off and blocked and deleted him. I didn't make contact for 7 months, neither did he. But sometimes I thought about him, being in each other's company and the chemistry we had.
I finally mentioned this to my friend and told her I really did enjoy my time with him and miss him. So she said I should message him. I told her that's not my style and I never do that, like once it's done it's done. I hadn't sent him anything since I cut contact and had accepted that was the end. But she convinced me I should so I did.
Basically I sent him a message expressing I miss our time together, the conversations we had and our chemistry. I also explained I had to cut contact because of feelings and it was getting too much for me.
Well he sent me a message back:
"Hey thanks for the message, it's nice to hear from you. Lol at that description of yourself: 'that strange girl dressed in black' 😂 I hope you're keeping well and still making your art!
I'm actually in a relationship now so not sure it would be the best idea for you and me to hang out but it was a sweet message to wake up to, so thank you for that!
I had fun with you and really appreciated the chocolates you got me on my birthday! Thank you!!
Take care and I hope you're good and all the best with everything in the future 🙏🏻✨"
I haven't replied and I may just delete the message and not reply. But I was also thinking of sending a reply and then blocking him again. In his message I don't think he's sincere but rather fake nice and condescending. I also don't think he's in a relationship but he's just saying that as an excuse to get rid of me. He doesn't know my worth and doesn't want me around. He can't even be real with me, like honey, save me the fake well wishes, I don't need or want your feigned charity talk. I didn't even mention anything about a relationship in my message and then he mentions he doesn't think it's a good idea if we hang out because he's in a relationship? Seriously if you can't control yourself hanging around other women while in a relationship, that's on you, that's not on me. Maybe you shouldn't have any female friends if that's how it is. It's not like i'm looking for dating or a relationship with him either, i'm happy alone doing my own thing but as friends it was great. We're not each other's type as romantic interests and he's not relationship material but as friends it was good. Basically he just closed things with that last paragraph.
I don't know what to do. Either:
A.) Delete and leave it.
B.) Respond and express myself however which way I want and block.
Or C.) Try to open a conversation with him and talk and build on that as friends.
What do you think anons?
No. 198172
>>198098He has tried to fucking phonesex me ONCE and tried to act like a "dom" but luckily I started laughing.
So had it continued I feel like it would've happened
No. 199322
>try Tinder again
>find a profile with a cryptic image
>swipe right, maybe it'll be some funny novelty account
>no, it's just a normal guy looking for a serious relationship
>says how it obviously works since a "girlie" like me bit on the bait
>ask him why is he so secretive, does he have a wife or something
>no, he just "does not care"
>tells me to worry, he's not an uggo
>his style of writing is obnoxious
>it literally takes no effort to upload an image in the era of smartphones so I call him out on it
>"OK, chill, just give me an e-mail address and I'll send you a picture"
>send him a throwaway address
>he actually doesn't send dick picks
>below average looking receeding hairline guy
>lose all interest, as the only way I'd maybe have given him the chance to impress after his online attitude is if he's 10/10 my type
>now see he has written me insults on the throwaway mail I use for spam and shit
Good job, mate, you've made getting rejected on your looks way more complicated for yourself. I don't really know how this 5000IQ mindgame is supposed to work.
No. 199371
File: 1627237847309.jpg (486.39 KB, 2048x1434, 20210714_075930.jpg)

Wishing all nonnies on this thread good luck with dating apps!! It's so difficult if you want to actually date and get to know people. About one year ago I had a coffee date through Tinder with a guy who was really geeky but so skinny in RL that it kinda grossed me out (I love cooking). After I rejected him he reacted so badly it put me off dating again. Few months later I had a really bad time at work and I began using Tinder again with the sole purpose of hooking up. I was very adamant in telling every guy I slept with that I had no intention of dating them. Also I slept with multiple men simultaneously because I didn't want to be dependent on just one flaky dick. Fuck that shit. Eventually I did end up seeing one of them for more than just sex and we've been dating for about 6 months now. I really lucked out with him. He's helpful, adores my cat, likes cooking for me as much as he loves eating my grub and also…he really has the best dick too!! Damn. Seriously I had all kinds of dick and some are just totally useless, shape-wise lol. But obviously I don't recommend this strategy to actually get a bf.
No. 199377
File: 1627240111841.jpeg (37.94 KB, 530x530, E64AD8DF-1036-41B6-9E87-AAB4D1…)

Two days on tinder and I’m already ready to give up. Not sure if everyone is ugly or I’m just old / ugly and that’s why I’m seeing such ugly people. I just want a dorky smart dude who isn’t fat or bald. If I see one more ugly goatee or snapback I’ll barf.
No. 199486
File: 1627309353855.png (241.58 KB, 1308x2208, wat.png)

in b4 "charge your phone, nonny"
No. 199533
File: 1627333237102.jpeg (126.82 KB, 640x1136, 80ED01AB-E79B-40DA-8A99-ED64EB…)

anyone else seen some truly terrible bios on these dating apps? it’s like men don’t even make the slightest bit of effort. on the other side you have those guys who think they’re God’s gift to women and just post a bunch of shirtless gym pictures without any bio, expecting you to reach out and fawn over them. fuck men honestly
No. 199538
>>199533yes - 9.999/10 times they're people who are either:
a) fresh out of a ltr and have no idea what they're doing or
b) incels
No. 199559
>>199533No bio is an automatic no from me. Either they're so hot they don't need to try (ie fuckboy), or they're delusional uggos who incorrectly think they don't need to try.
Has anyone noticed that guys on tinder tend to copy paste the same shitty jokes on their bios? It's really weird because a lot of the time they're uncommon jokes I've never seen or heard outside of tinder, but how can they copy each other when presumably they're only seeing women's profiles? One example I see constantly is that 'not on my watch' joke where someone stands on a watch. It's not funny and I've never heard it outside of tinder but so many of these boring ass clones think it's a worthy bio.
No. 199947
File: 1627568505112.png (176.76 KB, 540x304, <3.png)

I had always been in this cringe phase of needing male validation heavily. I was addicted to dating apps. Retarded. Trust me, I know. Anyways, I download apps on and off. I am moving to United States in a month, so essentially I had been putting US as my location since what was the point of talking to someone from here I'm from as I'm leaving anyways. Downloaded shitty app Yubo, tons of likes but everyone was the same to the core. Like 22 year old grown ass men asking for your snapchat and if you were thick. I got compliments which boosted my confidence so I stayed on. Surprisingly, meet a guy with the same values, morals, interests and he is fkn good looking too. He's the first person that validates my personality than looks. 100% my type. He's from the US but a bit far from where I'm gonna move. Starts off as a love-hate relationship, he says he doesn't want to edate because it is cringey (understandable) but after we talk and facetime, he finally falls in love with me too. This is the first time, I get rid of all dating apps and stop seeking compliments from men. I actually feel powerful inside as I grow self-confidence rather than relying on strangers for it. Completed 6 months today and next month he will come to my university and see me in person. So while dating apps give you tons of shitty experiences, there may be someone genuinely great out there.
No. 200055
>>199973>>199559I quite hate the
>'for the girls above 25, I'm an ophthalmologist looking to settle down'>'for the girls under 25, I'm a Calvin Klein model who travels with his cute dog'Kind of shit. It's like they're negging you about your age (both if you're younger or older) before even interacting with you. I'm seeing this a lot.
Also the
>I'm not looking for anything serious, only my wifeIs cliche as fuck too
No. 201098
File: 1628346400361.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x1851, 4EA00C39-E017-459B-A0AF-90ADCE…)

I don't have friends and don't meet people IRL, but you know what? I refuse to use dating apps. My mom met her husband online and tries to encourage me to use online dating but I feel like it's pretty different for millennialsn and zoomers… Also, he's so much uglier than her and kind of a loser. Sorry. But if I'm already ugly and a sperg, the only guy who would consider me is so far below me that he's a homeless serial killer or Chris-Chan. I'll die alone I guess.
No. 201120
>>201114There's no set rule but I think lots of people stuggle to spend time alone in the first few weeks and getting through that stage without rebounding is an important part of processing any lessons learnt from the last relationship.
I feel like I've witnessed too many people around me who've left a very short gap in between relationships and they strangely repeat the exact same mistakes in all of those relationships. Just from what I've seen, I think people who take longer 'recovery gaps' end up better off for it.
No. 203079
File: 1629859675063.jpg (69.2 KB, 597x1124, Screenshot_20210824-213746__01…)

Kek the entire profile is like this
No. 203103
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>>203079Does Hinge churn out the most unhinged males or something? Picrel
No. 203104
File: 1629876273025.jpg (484.03 KB, 1079x1247, owwwthedge.jpg)

>>203103Manlet talking shit
No. 204623
File: 1631052370479.jpg (263.15 KB, 1080x971, Screenshot_20210907-170530.jpg)

The fatter they are, the more likely they're pulling this face in all their pictures.
No. 205351
>>205239Trying to date women on apps is like either trannies, flakes, bots, or women who put a pic with their bf as the very last picture.
My experience with guys has been either a bunch of emojis (no jokes you like biking, running, surfing, so original in australia), the same old re-used joke about the giraffe neck slapping thing or tradies not even giving a fuck.
For some cursed reason, guys here think you’re supposed to chase them instead.
No. 205879
File: 1631835229031.jpg (310.24 KB, 1440x2734, Sadtinderguy.jpg)

Why would you make a profile just to match with your gf, I doubt she would ever get back wtih you on Tinder
No. 206079
>>206074A second date to see if you like him or see if he has any off-putting traits isn't unreasonable, but obviously just telling him that it isn't happening is your choice.
A guy that starts putting sexual jokes aimed directly at you before you even met is fucking sleazy. Do you really want to date someone who's already making a bad impression?
No. 206091
>>206074I ended up falling in love with a guy who I was completely unsure about for a month.
Granted he did ghost me eventually…
No. 206092
>>206079>>206076I cancelled the date for tomorrow and unmatched with him which I felt so relieved about since after posting this, I had a gut feeling about not going. You anons are right that I do not owe this guy anything.
As for the guy I went on a date with last week, I think I will go on a second date to feel things out. If I feel nothing still then I will be honest and let him know.
>>206091Sounds interesting and terrible. Hopefully, you found someone who will know your value as a person! If not then I wish you lots of luck in the dating world.
No. 206257
File: 1632097747703.jpg (32.94 KB, 355x399, 4567890.jpg)

If I had a penny for every time a male obviously over 35 lies about his age to get women in their early to mid 20's to match with him I would be rich. When will they learn? Possibly never.
No. 206264
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>>206257I had one recently. Was 42 but said he was 34. Claimed he messed up the age when setting up the profile and tried to change it back but it wouldn't let him.
I just replied "I figured. Your picture looks like it was taken when people took digital cameras to the club"
No. 207033
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All his prompts were like this
>just to be clear, I won't chase you.
>are you brave enough to ask ME out? ;)))
No. 207091
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>>207069Im the one who saw his profile, I allowed a match just to see what he was like and he pretty much started negging me immediately and when he wasn't he bragged about meeting Miranda Cosgrove once. I was embarrassed to even let it get that far but I just had to see if it was an elaborate joke or not. Nope he's dead serious and wants to be treated like a queen.
Pic related is another guy, some doomer stoner in a Naruto hoodie is honestly more appealing than dealing with a guy who's jealous of the typical feminine role in a Hallmark movie. Boutta delete my account again and go back to marrying off my Sims
No. 207468
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This piece of shit. He’s 40, fat, ugly face and has a graying goatee.
He wants to cheat on his wife yet thinks a woman willing to fuck him isn’t going to be a gold digger/sugar baby?
No. 207811
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Which one of you is this
No. 207909
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>>207888Based. Thank you for your service anon.
No. 207995
I'm really sick of dating apps and going on dates. I don't post sexual pictures or pictures showing off my body on my profile, just boring selfies and I try to be "relatable" instead, show my personality more becasue that's what I value in a partner, I really don't care if he's a 10/10 if he has a shitty personality. The men I message with are disgusting and cold, then when they meet me they're like wow I dint know you were this good-looking, then they start ranting about women looking fatter or uglies than they actually are irl and about photoshop and too much makeup. It's funny how their whole demeanour changes. It's funny how they start clinging on to you when they know what you really look like. It's a huge turn off and it legit makes me depressed that men only go after looks. Men are ugly, the ones I meet look fat and shorter than their pictures and what they claim, they don't make as much money as their job titles suggests, I fucking hate them because they still have an entitlement issue. You lesbians don't know how lucky you are to be attracted to women. Imagine going out with a beautiful and funny woman, having an amazing time, you're attracted to her and it's all good. No fear of anything. All my friends are women, straight women don't have that bond in romantic relationships unless the guy wants to fuck. Sorry for the rant but dating apps are horrible, it's hell on earth. Just sifting though the likes and seeing all the hideous moids and their cringe and shitty, misogynistic profiles should come with a warning.
No. 208061
>>207995Yeah, they really don’t care about our personality. I haven’t been on a single date yet because most refuse to have an actual conversation and try to get my number and meet up immediately.
I’ll get messages that are like “Hey, i looked through your profile and you seem fun and interesting.” Then I read their profile and see we completely disagree on everything so it’s obvious they send that message to anyone they find physically attractive to pretend they care about more than looks.
No. 210997
>>210770well I'm not really wasting my time, I troll plenty of men on dating apps, and they're the type of men I know are shitty people. For instance, I matched with one guy who got all sexual in the chat, and continued after I told him to stop. I asked to meet up and I never showed up. He sent me money too lmao. Some of these men are disgusting degenerates and they need to learn how to treat women. Also, a slight update of the TRA moid, we've been talking and I kind of slipped up when I asked him about the pronouns. The way he changed his texting mood was hilarious. They are really in a cult. Then he had the nerve to ask me about mine and I was like "woman". kek. I can sense he knows I'm a
TERF so I'll find a way to do something troll like before I go full GC. He's a bit older so he probably thinks i'm a cis normie or something. Next up: sexuality. I just know this moid is not 100% straight.
No. 211506
>>211504>I'm just looking for a decent guy to hook up with regularly.Don't count on that. People are flakey especially men who are hooking up and sleeping around. Men who hook up usually are sleeping with more than one girl.
I would wait until you find someone you trust more than some stranger who's gonna pump n dump you. I get what you're feeling anon but literally there's no rush especially if it's just gonna be with some shitbag who doesn't care about you a bit. At least try to form SOME connection with a guy before you just go at it your first time. You'll be disappointed and you never really know if someone will fuck you over with STDs. Decent guys aren't hooking up.
No. 211684
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They're extra jaded around this time of year.
No. 211821
>>211792love yourself,
just go get a vibrator until you can get some self-esteem. you're doing yourself a favor in the long term.
No. 211849
I seriously can't find any guy in my area who's interesting. They're like clones with the same dumbass phrases on their profile. I'm genuinely shocked. I thought I'd find at least a couple dudes who were cool but there's actually zero and there's also zero that share my interests. The fuck?
>>211764Ugh I just experienced this. Was talking to a dude who claimed to be looking for serious relationships and didnt do hook ups. I was trolling him the entire time on some stupid account and joked about proposing a hookup and ofc he bit the bait and took it seriously. Men are retarded and will contradict themselves for any crumb of poon. The worst part about this is hes not even good looking and dresses like the anon in the fetish thread who has a thing for school shooter leather jacket wearing losers. Yeesh.
>>211792You're better than all of the loser men on these apps, anon. Don't let them fuck you and then run.
No. 212399
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My age range is 25-35 so I thought I'd avoid zoomer nonsense, but every woman I match with is all
>enby polyam demisexual queer twans rights foreverrr
Do you think online dating is becoming the dregs of society again? I feel like Tinder and such had mainstream popularity 5-10 years ago and had normies on it. Being back online after a long term relationship, everyone I come across is extremely online and uses Twitter speak.
I just want to meet a healthy sexy fun-loving based and pinkpilled cutie like me, is that so much to ask?
No. 212440
>>211504This is how I lost my virginity and met my first boyfriend. It was both our first time. I had never even kissed anyone before. We chatted for around a week before meeting. It was very enjoyable for both of us, we spent the night playing Diddy Kong Racing, drinking and having sex. We dated for two years after.
It was 15 years ago though, things have changed. I would not do it today. Back then, dating apps were mostly used by people that were serious about it. It was seen as shameful to be on them. I had a lot of great dates and people were upfront about what they actually wanted. Now it's a mess and I hate it.
No. 212451
>>212399i live in a
conservative state and most of the milennials in my area were they/them queer demisexual poly types too, it's crazy. the ones who weren't either didn't match with me or didn't respond to my messages, lmao.
No. 212452
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What do the other anons ITT think are the main differences between dating as a straight woman, a bi woman and a lesbian? And are there certain apps which better suit people depending on their orientation? As a bi woman I like the amount of other LGBT people on OkCupid but find most of them too woke and tryhard.
No. 212509
>>212452I'm bi but I have my preferences set to women only lol. I've never seriously dated anyone I've met through dating apps, but I did meet this one girl who we liked each another enough but she always felt like more of a friend than a girlfriend. Things have faded now but we saw each other for a couple of years.
In saying that, I always set my preferences to either men OR women, never both. When I'm exclusively dating men, I found that sex was easy and that's all I really wanted. The dates are rarely fun but they're nice enough.
When it's set to women only I rarely get matches (lol). I'm fairly attractive but I think I'm too femme and a lot of women will assume I'm straight with the photos I currently have up, even though I prefer women more. I'm looking a bit more futchy these days so I want to update my photos to reflect that as I've now noticed that more women are looking at me on the street than men. I do hope it'll get me more matches from my type though
tall lanky goth gf where are youOn that note, dating as a woman sort of sucks in that sense as I feel that femme women only date butch women and vice versa. Why aren't femmes as into femmes? Where I live it's very much that, and I see it as "the wlw norm" on social media.
No. 212519
>>212509Really the opposite of my experience. Everyone is femme4femme around here, butches are rare and most of them are into femmes too. I'm not from the US, but studies done in the US also show that the majority is some form of femme4femme since the 90's.
The butchier I look, the fewer matches I get. Swiping right on other butches doesn't get me a positive reaction either. The times I've been with femmes, they eventually try to pressure me into trying to perform femininity. Or they treat me like a pseudo-male and won't touch me and want me to keep my top on, expect me to act like a scrote etc. I've also not been approached irl since I became an adult, so there's no visibility privilege either or whatever (or maybe I'm just fugly, ha).
I could start performing femininity and lose muscle if I really cared so much about being unfuckable atm, but I wouldn't feel like myself then.
I've tried Tinder, Bumble, HER and Hinge with little luck. I get matches, but everyone sounds uninterested. I got one date with a tourist butch, but I think she just wanted to try to get free weed from me or something, was weird and nothing happened. I think she also tried to rope me into a mlm scheme. At this point my self esteem is in the gutter.
No. 212521
>>212519AYRT, that's really interesting. I'm not in the US either.
That's actually what I fear if I do start dressing more butch. I've always been more comfortable in pants and loose shirts but I went through a REALLY femme phase and got the most attention from women then, but they were mostly straight and looking to experiment.
I think I'll keep on this line of femme/butch tbh, see how it works for me because it's new. I have a really feminine face and I'm quite petite, so I feel like that allows me to dress more butch and still look feminine.
Not that there's anything wrong with dressing ultra butch, btw. I just mean this for myself.
No. 212585
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>>212452I think we can all agree that women cannot win in dating apps. Straight women get screwed over with unhinged, entitled, and boring men. Lesbian women get screwed over with never finding an actual single woman. Bi women get screwed over with both ways.
No. 212861
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Can someone tell me like is there a layer of irony to (((send memes))) that I'm not familiar with?
Ultra woke expats tend to be crazy antisemitic so idk
No. 212885
>>212861I miss when inserting ((( ))) meant you were talking about drone music.
I had a date with a cute guy last night. He's the second one I meet since I reinstalled Tinder a month ago. We had great conversations and have similar interests. He wanted me to go back to his place but my bike has a flat so he went back alone. He couldn't come to mine cause he's allergic to cats. I texted him asking if he wants to hang out again, still no answer. It's always the men that I'm not interested in that are into it.
No. 213848
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nonnas, does any of this get better? i'm a khv in my 20s and decided to try my luck with online dating, but i don't find anyone attractive or interesting. i recently matched with one guy who seems to have a bit in common with me, we've been talking for a while, but i find it so anxiety inducing like i'm applying for a job and not looking for a bf. replying to messages and checking matches is like a chore. and now i'm even debating whether i should unmatch this guy because he doesn't even look that attractive to me anymore. maybe it's just my area, but everyone who is attractive on dating apps usually is explicitly looking for hookups or a third wheel for him and his gf, or otherwise has nothing in common with me. my therapist advised me to go on dates anyway and just enjoy a new experience, but idek how i can enjoy something that makes me dread it, especially because i'm uber-introverted and have asd. i've been in love and almost dated someone irl before, but the idea of trying a relationship with a person i like never seemed so daunting until now. do i just have to tough it out or should i swipe left until i match with someone i like physically and personality-wise?
it's just so depressing hearing even from my most prudish and anti-social friends or colleagues how they casually date random people or get married or whatever, and it seems like everyone BUT ME has had this experience and it comes so naturally to everyone except me. sorry for the blanket nonnas, im literally shaking rn.
No. 213859
>>213848I think your therapist is right
nonnie, going on casual dates and meeting new people is very beneficial. Relationships have a lot of intricacies and it’s super helpful to have a better understanding of what you want and what you shouldn’t put up with. I was a dumbass in my first relationship, the guy was super charming at first and I overlooked so many red flags because I had no experience. The more experience I got, the easier it was to weed out the assholes. It’s not always black and white.
Don’t feel pressured to fuck anyone or do anything you don’t want though. You don’t have to disclose your lack of experience since a lot of guys will jump at the opportunity to “deflower” you.
No. 214404
>>214342Nah. I went on some dates that led nowhere after telling myself I dont give a shit about it but then I wanted to get some experience in life and it taught me a bit about what I want and don't want. It also showed me that men really don't hide their red flags and confirmed that people in my state are
toxic as fuck.
No. 214552
>>214536Nonna I’m in australia too. Men are so fucking ugly here. Women are 8/10 most of the time, men are at best 6. It’s like they don’t care cause there’s just too many beautiful women around, what are you gonna do?
God I hate this trend of them with a fucking dad stache. Also they need to seriously invest in sunscreen cause the amount of 25yo who look 40 is concerning.
Once in a while you find a jacked hottie but they have no bio and you know they’ll give you a lame fuck and forget about you the moment they cum.
No. 214556
>>214552Yes absolutely the same experience. Why are they all so hideous?? If they're not morbidly obese they have a weak chin or something. The women here are gorgeous, although I always find it hard getting into the talking stage.
All the jacked guys usually look like a shit lay though.
No. 214603
>>214564Don't forget the fucking clones that say the same shit on every app. Queue The Office or some dumb shit like "brown eyezz cuz im full of shit xD"
But yeah, majority of these losers want some mommy while they sit on their ass playing video games and smoking weed. Even worse when they're into anime. This is a problem world wide apparently.
No. 214621
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deleted hinge for the last time. i am so fucking bored of fucking god damn dating apps but idk how to meet people. my hobbies do not involve meeting random strangers. i am not particularly interested in developing hobbies where i meet tons of random strangers in hopes that i find someone 1. i find hot, 2. is single, 3. doesn't have any of my dealbreakers. apps are convenient to try and filter this but conversations are horrid. idk anons.
No. 215160
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Why are these men so moody lmao. I mean, the goal is to come across as desirable and friendly why do these men think women would like this? Also notice the difference in looks between the second and third picture. Hes probably in his 20's in the second pic. The third one makes me gag because of the pot belly and gross beard (i hate beards). The guy who was standing next to him was pretty hot, sigh. 5'9 means 5'4 irl.
No. 215165
>>214621Hinge is shit and since it doesn't let people type up a proper bio about themselves, it reveals next to nothing about the person. It's very picture focused more than anything which sucks. OKCupid seems to be the best app since you can see what they have to say for themselves and if they can actually fucking write up a proper sentence.
>>215160He probably thought he was being funny. The amount of negative shit I've seen on mens' profiles is astounding. Like what, are we gonna bond over shit you hate dude? So lame.
Also these band guys take themselves way too fucking seriously and think they are more interesting than they actually are. I just got done talking to a guy in a band and he was such a narc and more boring than anything.
No. 215179
>>215160He looks like a different person in every photo.
Also I'm pretty sure you don't have to answer those questions, he could've just do that.
>>215165Honestly after all the 'I'm very positive person! I love to see good side of everything #positivementalattitude #travel' boring marketing guys in business casual attire, I might even prefer a depressing bio.
No. 215209
>>215204anon I have written this exact same post so many times. are you American? i think it's something in our food that's causing these guys to go bald so young. my dad is bald but he started balding at like 30. my bff dated a guy whose hairline was receding by his freshman year of COLLEGE.
clearly society does not shame bald men enough because if this was a fair and just world then men would put in an investment and get some hair transplants, rogaine, or prescription grade remedies instead of being an old baldy with a sad combover by 23.
No. 215212
>>215209same anon but also don't even get me started on the amount of guys who don't work out. it wasn't that long ago that i was in high school and guys were relatively slim to fit because of sports they played.
idk if it's dumb for me to do this as a woman who likes a guy that worked out but i always swipe left on shirtless photos because it just seems like a fuckboy/moid narcissist red flag. shirtless photos seem like a sign of the guy being overtly sexual off the bat. right?
HOWEVER then again i hate guys who don't work out bc my dad always warned me that if a guy is lazy now he'll never be fit. i'm 23 and in the best shape of my life so imagine my disappointment seeing this shit and knowing that moids only get fatter from now.
in general, i think the statement about extremes is so correct. when it comes to working out, it's either a douchebag narc who is obsessed with himself OR some guy who never mentions the gym or any outdoor activities but mention anime and video games (aka lazy sacks of shit). there's also "sometimes" which REALLY means "i don't go but i'm gonna go with you to the gym to appease you; i'll act like a helpless puppy and cling to you and your female curve-building glute workouts".
No. 215217
>>215209No, I'm from Eastern Europe. And like 70% of young men on dating apps me and my friends see are balding/bald.
>>215212Same here, SO many overweight men. It's insane. I've seen research that the % of overweight men is rapidly increasing every year here (meanwhile the % of overweight women is relatively low, not increasing). I want more girls here to be picky, I want men to feel ashamed of being fat and bald.
No. 215244
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I redownloaded tinder last night after six months being single just to remind myself I had options. Every 4th man I saw had no face pic and was advertising himself as a “dark and mysterious dom”. The most they posted were forearm/shirtless pics and there wasn’t a single defined muscle on any of them.
I almost want to catfish them as an inexperienced young sub just so I can show up and rob their dumb asses. What the fuck are they gonna tell the cops? “No officer, she was meant to come over and let me sexually assault her, but instead she stole my phone and my wallet!” kek.
Fuck kinksters for shitting up the dating apps with their edgelord bios and malnourished torsos. Go back to Fetlife you faggots.
No. 215317
>>215179Met my boyfriend of like eight weeks on Hinge and his stuff was very matter of fact/forward.
I sent a dad joke about one of his travel stories and we had a pretty good time on our first date but he was also really able to have a conversation was fine with me putting my career first for three weeks before we met up.
He's great. I just think a lot of people can (and do) choke on the prompts.
Only other guy I dated on Hinge was similar where he was very matter of fact on the prompts but was able to hold a good conversation when asked to elaborate.
No. 215745
>>215490The best dates I have been on so far were from okc. I shell out for the premium plan so I can choose who likes me based on what I see on their profile, plus it shows you their answers to the questions which is a good perk. Another plus is that you can tell who is putting in the effort based on how much they wrote in their profile, but still be aware because they are still men… Although you will have to filter through the many profiles of subpar men who will say the same thing to try to get your attention.
No matter what, you will get guys who are into video games and anime liking your profile. I used to never state any mention of vidya in my profile, and I would still get guys who are into anime and games liking me. So be prepared for that.
No. 215814
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>>215798Absolutely based. I once got an ugly mf who insisted I "used a green screen and Photoshop" of a really nice selfie near the Pyramids, amongst other negs. He was determined to talk shit. Instant X on that, fuck it.
That's how these guys try to get in with you, they want to pull you into an argument and test the waters to see if you will take their shit and be nice about it. Aka desperate. Acting like they're not the ones who are attracted to YOU, kek.
Manosphere scroties talk about shit testing, when what men do is literally shit dumping. From the insults to the instant expectation of both emotional and sexual labor with no romantic escalation or real reciprocation. It is raining shit out there and I've got my block umbrella out. Lord help any young ladies who are inexperienced and earnestly looking for love.
I got to the point where I only really attempted a first date if they were able to give proper courteous introductions, admitting they find me attractive and would love to talk more about my interests and take me on a date (NOT "hanging out"… especially at his place). He should be orienting towards YOU. Yes, it may be just flattery to some, however, with the "simp" hysteria and manosphere PUA influence everywhere, it is now very painful for a man's ego to admit they're pursuing YOU. It literally hurts them to say you're hot and they wanna do their best. They want to be the prize, that's actually the tagline of the most popular TikTok PUA. Filter out the guys who personally refuse to give you compliments or boost you up whatsoever. The signs are not only in red flags, but the green flags they refuse to tow.
I've followed these guidelines and although I now I very rarely meet guys, the one that passed my scrutiny recently is very much a gentleman and good to me.
No. 215899
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>>215894I personally prefer profiles that don't have group photos.
Especially since most people seem to have a friend who's way cuter and I secretly wanna ask her to drop her friend's number insteadI'm really annoyed by the amount of people who insist on sending me likes when they live like 60km away or are way below the age limit I wrote in my bio. There are some great catches but most people seem to be poly, gendered, too young/old, illiterate. And then there are the barren profiles with nothing but a few photos. Nobody is that hot, I'm not swiping right on someone who couldn't spend 2 minutes writing a fucking bio. It's a pain to open the app most days.
No. 216009
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Stolen from /r/tinder. Is this what dating apps have come to now? lol
No. 216017
>>216004Okc anon. I am 25. I find it better for mid or older 20's people. However, guys in their early 20's will hover to tinder because they just want to have sex.
When using okc in my early 20's there is alot of mid 20's or completely older men. Guys in their early 20's are rare and a majority of them on the site are more… Full of brainrot or ugly.
Unfortunately anon, you might be out of luck if the oldest you want to date is 26. Completely understandable too as I have my limits in 30. But it does not stop older men from messaging you, but if they do… Have some fun with it and call them old, block and move on with your day.
No. 216248
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>something like 70% of the men on okc in my area have the "open to either monogamy or non-monogamy" option in their profile
i thought you just had to filter out the greasy IT aspies and troons to avoid this shit
No. 216350
>>215209there is no guaranteed cure for male pattern baldness, only things that are likely to delay it while also fucking with their hormones. Hair regrowth on par with youth is extremely unlikely unless they are part of the lucky few who respond really well (sub 50%)
hair transplant can cost in the double digit thousands with more likely but not guaranteed results which often need touch ups of similar cost, but an ethical surgeon will advise them to wait until their 30s to get a hair transplant to increase the likelihood that they have already lost most of their hair or a hair transplant can make them look ironically worse
baldness is almost always entirely genetic, and if your father is bald your son will have a higher chance of it as the gene primarily (although not entirely) comes from the X chromosome from our current understanding
No. 217486
>>216017I agree with anon, it's difficult to find early 20's guys on some of these dating apps. The only ones I went on a date with were in their late 20's while I'm 24.
I do hate how most guys I'm interested in are only looking for "something casual". It honestly makes me scared to ask the guys who don't straight up say this on their profile but I know it's something that must be asked.
No. 218509
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Scrotes are just straight up baiting now. Things are bleak. Also saw 2 couples, of course the man controlled the profile and she was fit and pretty while the husbands were balding. Fuck this shit
No. 218622
>>82563It's funny because point break was directed by Kathryn Bigelow
Another funny fact is that two of these movies are despite all appearances based on a Stephen King story
No. 218648
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Do ppl think this is cute or appealing or ??? Dude is 32
No. 218652
>>218648Could this be like if you actually dated him and it turns
toxic/he disappoints you he can be like "I always said I was emotionally unavailable" or whatever the fuck, basically wash his hands of responsibility? Even blame you for ever wanting to be with him orrr… He thinks every girl want a dude to fix or some stupid shit like that
No. 219384
>>218648Kek I love this cope because if he's 32 you just KNOW he's desperate to settle down and have kids. Nearly all men want kids, even some 35 year old scrote I know irl still wants kids even though his sperm quality is guaranteed autism.
Any other women find it hilarious seeing men 30+ who were previously ran thru and commitment-phobic change their tune, scrambling they can reproduce? I'm 23 and the only man who has ever been super serious towards me with intent of a serious relationship is the scrote who needs to reproduce bc he's 35. It's as if men in their 30s are totally non-committal and will dip their dick in anything until they finally realize less and less women are interested in them bc they're bald and fat now and their sperm quality is trash.
No. 219527
>>218652Just read Attached and this is exactly the reason guys say this.
>>219261Met my physically ideal man on Hinge a year ago. Not sure about his personality yet cos he's kinda boring, but if I could create my ideal man I'd create him. Hinge is (or was cos I haven't used it for a long time) great at finding you hot men.
No. 219545
>>219536Same kek
You just know they just want to laze around while we do all the work as always, and occasionally play peekaboo or kick around a ball with the baby.
It’s always for some reason like “I want a mini me”. aka he wants a kid with his name he can watch running around and impose his shitty parenting on while I take all the responsibility for it.
No. 219580
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nonas, do you ever feel so self-conscious that you cancel first meet ups you schedule? if so, how do you deal with it?
i've fallen into a terrible loop of self-sabotaging. i'll hype myself up all week for meeting someone i've been talking to through tinder or okc and then cancel the day of because i feel like i look disgusting and i'll waste their time or i'm not worthy of a date or my pictures don't tell the truth or whatever else my anxiety tells me. i've done this at least 6 different times and it's starting to get so annoying.
i've been texting with a pretty cute moid for about 2 weeks now and we have a lot in common and are both looking for something serious. he wants to take me out for a walk and drinks on wednesday. i can already feel the doubt welling up in the pit of my stomach, but i don't want to cancel. but at the same time, this guy is easily a 9 or maybe even a 10. i am objectively a 3-4 or maybe a 5. i don't understand how he could ever like me and i'm terrified of disappointing him.
i hate online dating so much, these first meet ups are too fucking nerve wracking
No. 219583
>>219580I was like that before I met someone for the first time online (idk if you've met up with anyone before from datings apps).
The scariest part is walking up to them, once you've said hi the nerves begin to disappear. A walk is great because you're walking off your nerves, you're standing side by side so you're not constantly being looked at, etc.
If he's a 9 or 10 you're probably his match, don't put yourself down.
Go on the date and let us know how it went!
No. 219587
>>219545"I want a mini me"
triggers me so hard, this was the exact,
exact phrase my best friends ex boyfriend always used on her to pressure her into having a child (they never had one, fortunately). Of course his ideal was for him to work and for her to do all the parent-y stuff, while she didn't even want children in the first place.
No. 219639
File: 1640627083838.jpg (18.54 KB, 573x319, Screenshot_20211227-114037.jpg)

I'm seeing a lot of straight up "pls mommy me" type shit.
The next photo was him, bare-assed naked, looking at a sunset on top of a mountain. There is no shame kek
No. 219929
>>217486Really? I see a lot of early 20s men but they're mostly looking for casual stuff, just coombrain NPCs
I'm also 24 and glad to finally leave the early 20s age range because this is when men start to get a bit more serious. Just a bit though lol
No. 220354
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Here’s a kicker. Went on a queer women dating app hoping to find some cute girls who might be interested in me. Because fuck me I need validation AND THEN I GET LIKED BY THIS.
kiss my grits. You’re a man trying to get lesbians??? What the fuck??
No. 220355
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>>220354This fucking mad man
No. 220357
>>220326This. The guys that are fun to talk too end up sending dick pics and then the magic is gone and the cold light of day dawns and you realise it's all come down to this.
I hate the job interview feel of the guys that play it so cool. I went on 2 dates with this guy who we had a great connection talking and similar interests but by the end of the 2nd date he still had not paid me one compliment. I even scrolled our convos and not once did he comment on my physical appearance. It was weird. But he asked to kiss me and I just said no, it felt completely out of no where. Dude had friend zoned me!
No. 220368
>>220357I met my bf on Hinge and wondered if he was gay because I got no compliments or flirting for weeks and maybe months (we couldn't meet due to cockvid).
Dude is either autistic or didn't want to accidentally ruin it.
No. 220450
>>220446Sorry anon but
No. 220478
File: 1640934060631.jpg (154.14 KB, 720x1086, Screenshot_20211231Hinge.jpg)

28 yr old trucker. The thing on his pic says 'not one more woman - end mens violonce against women'. This was his first pic. Classic abuser face and passive agressive virtue signalling. I usually just x these ugly moids but I genuinely hope no woman falls for this shit.
No. 220480
File: 1640934479461.jpg (112.42 KB, 699x870, Screenshot_2021123Hinge.jpg)

29 yr old "student". Imagine being ugly and unemployed but you sign up for a dating app anyway.
No. 220481
>>220478>>220480Jesus. Get therapy.
Also nothing wrong with being a 29 year old student.
No. 220507
>>220498Honestly guys won’t read anything lol. I
Have “4 women only” on my bio yet oh look, 30 guys you swiped me because all they saw was a picture and went “unga bunga woman”
No. 220644
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My profile says “men need not apply” get a man this morning with “you’re gorgeous. Please end my loneliness” wow. You’re on a dating site and you drop that on a lesbian. How dumb do you fucking feel right now. Probably as much as you look. Lol. Pathetic.
No. 220662
>>220644 >Please end my lonelinessNgl I had this thought ringing in my head with the new year coming in lol, just like a drunk thought. But to actually land that on some stranger, dude stop. No wonder he doesn't have any exes still chasing him around. Imagine the emotional chore of dating him when that's the opening line.
Even if you were straight.. that'd send anyone running.
No. 220874
File: 1641152693068.jpeg (562.51 KB, 1233x1799, 9A9F5BC0-A68A-44CC-A7E9-C09177…)

Anyone else notice that OLD is worse than ever? I don’t think it’s because all types of men have flooded the app but more like the algorithms are now intentionally worse than ever. I used to see a lot of normal guys who were reasonable but it’s like their algorithm picks up on delusion and then AMPLIFIES it. I also have a lot of filters as I’m currently in grad school and an convinced that the algorithm is purposefully terrible to make you pay to not spend hours swiping through the literal worst matches. I literally just wanted a not butt ass ugly normal guy who is educated, not some openly pornsick freak who is an obvious misogynist or trying to look fucking hideous because he thinks it’s hilarious.
Don’t even get me started on the HUGE number of future troons with colored long hair and love anime. I’ll try to make another collage if I have enough screenshots (I deleted the apps and have given up). I swear OLD is trying to create a new generation of trans widows.
No. 220912
>>220887AYRT and I have no idea, but it just sounded like the stereotypical tropes that men sort women into because we're not human to them and we're incapable of having complex personalities/identities. You can tell this dude is probably porn addicted if instead of saying "I like women who have similar interests like gardening and playing video games" like a SANE person, he assigns us to the six porn tropes he knows because he sees women as caricatures rather than people.
At this point I won't even blame myself for dating a decently older man (who I met irl) because men my age in my area are legit retarded. Anyone else in their mid 20s feel this way? I feel like men my age are all emotionally and critically retarded, ik older men are retarded too but the only man who matches my values is 30+ and at this point I am desperate to engage with someone who can think as opposed to cooming and frothing at any woman in his vicinity like a low IQ phalloid.
No. 220924
>>220912I'm in my early 20s, but I feel the same way. It's like moids in their 20s are all pornsick, coom-crazed, retarded, reliant on their mothers, and misogynistic. It's also the area I'm around too, because there's machismo culture that's bled over. OLD made these moids worse and more degenerate.
I don't really want to date someone older, because there's risks there too, but damn I want to date someone who's emotionally mature. Someone who actually lives in the real world and is not ruined by the internet or terminally online.
No. 220938
>>220924>>220912Kinda same. I find younger men most attractive but they're just so stupid. Currently dating a man who's actually a good guy but he still lives in a super messy room, makes mommy milker jokes and lives on the internet doom scrolling all day. And he's ahead of anyone I've ever met at his age.
No. 220957
>>220955yeah he make a joke after sucking my tits once.
he's not being serious but it's still immature and dumb as shit. i can't think of one mature thing he's done lmao
No. 220963
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At least they out themselves
But do imagine a 30 year old woman doing this, calling themselves a woman child.
No. 220992
>>220478>>220480Both genuinely unfortunate looking. Both 2/10.
No. 221006
>>220945It doesn't, but I agree with
>>220924 >>220938 as someone who's also in their 20s and I think it comes down to the internet tbh. Men in their 30s generally don't use it much for social media and seem pretty well adjusted because of it. So it's not so much that they're mature, there's just less of a chance of them being cringy meme lords or self obsessed clout chasers.
Semi-related but I think on a scale of completely internet devoid to cheeto-dusted basement dweller, my ideal partner would be spicy normie. While I'm not terminally online I am very deep in "internet culture" so having someone who just doesn't care about that stuff but finds it funny/interesting when I talk about it would be a perfect balance. What about you nonnies?
No. 221145
>>219580Wut. Nervous and insecure about what? Most of the men on these dating apps are the lulziest, bottom of the barrel junk of humanity that you'll ever encounter. Don't tell me you actually view yourself as less than these literal losers and dorks.
>>21764523 is quite old for someone to "change". Nobody will suddenly change after that. He's 23, not 15.
>>220874Honestly, gotta say it does have more to do with the direction society is headed and how men are basement dwelling coomers now, more so than any algorithm. I see more tranny and weebs now than ever. I absolutely will not date any man who watches anime and my options are almost non fucking existent than they were if this was 10 years ago. The dating scene is really rough right now for women looking for any man who doesn't have ulterior motives of being his gf's child while he farts and plays video games all day. Or gets manipulated.
No. 221168
>>215814How do you figure out if something is just playful back and forth vs negging?
I realised I actually
like this, but maybe I just like the excitement (kind of like how unhealthy relationships can seem exciting but actually aren't).
I met a guy who doesn't do any negging or anything, and I feel bored. But he's a sweetheart and actually respectful.
No. 221169
>>221145>I absolutely will not date any man who watches animethis, god this
i can't take it seriously when a man recommends me a show and it's some anime that basically looks like a show suited to a 5 year old.
how do you even get started liking anime? it's just awful.
No. 221183
>>220945OP/AYRT and yes I agree with that. However, I think that there is a world of a difference between men in their 20s and men in their 30s. The guy who is 30+ has no idea wtf I'm referring to when I make meme references whereas men in their 20s will overstep with porn memes casually like step sister and "stuck in a washing machine" jokes. Wtf is going on with moids to think that disgusting porn jokes are something that women they want to impress are keen to hear? At this point I'm thinking of raising my age limit and even going a little higher.
So predictable for men to be tards until their sperm is shit quality and they have no woman to carry their children, therefore they have to pretend to be somewhat likeable or else they might not get to reproduce omo!!!!!
No. 221185
>>221145What is with the number of men who are JUST now getting into anime? I went through that phase in high school where I watched everything worth my time, so I'm not interested in men who are in their fucking 20s and older that are watching typically low IQ cartoons.
Ik there's a handful of legitimately good animes like Monster for example but the rest are scrote-pandering pedophilic harem garbage (which is what these moids watch). On the plus side, however, I see all of them mentioning that they love it which makes these future troons easier to weed out. Gotta avoid the troon widow life as much as we can girls!
No. 221287
>>221169>>221185Exactly how I feel. It's very porn oriented now and trendy. I think they think it's cool and exotic which is funny because it's as common as seeing a mcdonalds in the usa now. Walk into any store and boop, something has an anime girl blow up doll child cartoon face plastered on it.
And yeah, red flag that he's attracted to something as an adult that is definitely made for children. Like go read a book or something. Spend ur time on a real hobby dude.
No. 221329
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No. 221457
File: 1641378168679.jpeg (Spoiler Image,745.74 KB, 1170x1278, F259485C-24F3-4E24-9E11-7832C8…)

>>221169>>221145>>221287Think on the bright side at least most of them make it easy to swipe left with their coomer displays like wearing ahegao apparel or bragging about being “hentai in the sheets.”Albeit the catch is that we have to be the ones to see such displays of coomery…
No. 221590
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I'm very noticably not Asian and idk what this google translate Chinese guy is trying to say
>>221457They're always pasty and flabby, I wonder what kind of women would ever swipe on this, maybe someone as pathetic as Shoe
No. 222558
File: 1641770330918.jpg (2.54 MB, 4096x7278, Polish_20220110_001611733.jpg)

I'm so fucking tired of swiping for hours through this shit. Rectangle with a head, mommy issues, fucking dog filter…
Tinder is dead. God is dead.
No. 222564
>>222558Why can't they at least get a decent haircut? Jesus fucking Christ.
The dog filter one looks funny but unfortunately he's 0% my type. I would like the top right one without the neckbeard and with a neck lol.
If they're going to pretend to be into femdom they should at least make themselves presentable, avoiding tattoos (too late for that though lol), disgusting hairstyles and dumb hipster facial hair, and wearing something nice like a suit or something (not that that would make them any less disgusting as a person). What fucking woman would swipe right on these motherfuckers?
No. 222606
>>221457Yeah why the fuck do they think its cute to wear eyesore shit like that, period? Why do they think this would attract women? It's not quirky and it sure as hell ain't attractive. Fucking brain dead coomer morons. I love how they out their retardation immediately so I can just spare myself the time. Those faces literally look like retarded vegetables. So ugly. Scary how common this shit is as I've swiped left on this shit myself.
>>221329This guy cheats and flashes his gooch any chance he can get. Hard swipe left.
>>222558The ropes….I can't. Why display that shit even if it's a joke, it's in poor taste.
No. 222613
>>222606i'm sure it's not a joke and he's just an actual coomer
>>222607he's gross looking though. body looks skinny and fat at the same time, the hair/facial hair you already covered but there's not much to save, he probably looks bad in a different way shaved, painted nails, nose ring, smug expression, ugly tattoos, overall just looks like he smells horrendous.
as someone into that on the other end, most male subs are like this and it's fucking cancer
No. 222660
>>222558God they're all hopeless, lately more often than not I've been hearing that being on tinder is like scrapping the bottom of the barrel, but at the same time I have a few acquaintances that met their husbands/wife there. Has it been better before and only gotten worse recently?
As much as I feel bad for the misery of you having to swipe through this cringe anon I'd love you to share more specimens if you come across something particularly hopeless again lol
No. 222726
>>222705Kek can confirm that shy or committal guys also get mad at boundaries. I had a man in his mid 30s who wants kids, is single, trying to push my boundaries, like bro aren't you going to try to say all the right shit so I'll carry your autistic spawn asap? They seriously don't even try and then they run to the incel boards to complain.
I didn't meet this guy off of a dating app but just wanted to share this bc he also hated hookups and had spiritual views about sex yet was mad at me for not letting him touch me.
No. 222898
>>222881Men are terrified of women getting attached, absurdly so, because they know that makes them the asshole when they play games and drop off. The responsibility of any genuine human relationship is too much for them.
In my observation, men's ideal dating life would consist of a rotation of escorts that don't charge or have emotions yet stay exclusive to him, who laugh at his shitty memes and jokes, and don't care if they don't get to cum.
No. 222903
>>222898Weirdly enough men are the ones who get attached to women who want to do nothing with them and then get angry at that woman for "playing with his poor feewings".
Kek. It's fine for men to call women entitled or whores for refusing their advances but god forbid a woman wants to cuddle after sex.
No. 223164
>>222558Anon you should have right swiped the soy dude and then started a conversation with
>"so I heard you like cuck porn"These apps are meant to be at least somewhat entertaining
No. 223405
>>223398I think it's best to be up front about your intentions. If you're just wanting something casual I'd stick to more mainstream dating apps like tinder or hinge as women on lesbian/bi dating apps would mostly be looking for something more serious.
Personally I wouldn't be offended, but maybe it's best to state in your profile you're looking for something "casual" so it weeds out people who aren't looking for the same thing immediately.
No. 223518
File: 1642153298032.jpg (1.16 MB, 4096x1744, Polish_20220113_233453604.jpg)

>>222558Found rectangle's buff long lost brother
No. 223570
>>223528This is a weird topic. The older I got the less being bald was a turnoff. And I remember thinking bald guys were disgusting back in my teens.
Definitely one of the weirder measurable ways of feeling old.
No. 223868
>>223787I guess it's been like a month. I'd never tried OLD before this. With how you can filter to just one age group of men & compare them all side by side, it's been a real blackpill into how the most desirable age to pick a guy (20-25) is nowhere near the age everyone tells you is 'desirable' (30s).
Anyway, you make it sound obvious, but most of the posts here are arbitrarily setting their filters to include olds. They are bitter, and they are just going to infect you with their bitterness & bring you down.
>>223793Oh, there's absolutely still duds. But there are actual attractive men thrown in there too among them. Ones who check all the boxes & give me hope that OLD isn't just a waste of time. The young guys are like 70% outright no's, while the old guys are 99% hell fucking no.
No. 223892
>>223884If your goal is to start a family then I recommend that you start taking the husbando search v seriously at 30. The men who are left over at 30+ are incredibly slim pickings, and usually come with kids already. Consider as well that you're not gonna jump right into marriage. It'll probably be a few years after meeting the right guy, because you have to get to know each other well & make sure there's no hidden crazy. If you start looking seriously for your life partner at 35 for example - well, you're either going to have to rush into kids right away, or spend a couple years dating before trying only to find that it's difficult to conceive.
The men who have always been family-oriented & would make good fathers are the ones who start looking in their 20s to accomplish that.
The ones who have waited until their 30s are typically just manosphere trash who have heard that they can afford to fuck around for a while, and are only trying to 'settle down' because Joe Peterson Musk told them to pass on their seed.
No. 223895
>>223868>>223892Imo there's a lot of guys in late twenties that aren't just leftovers. People break up, get cheated on.
Younger guys (20-24) are much prettier but they're retarded. I've dated three 20 year olds recently (I'm in my mid/late twenties) and they're just really childish and it's hard to communicate with them. And the chances your relationship is gonna last are almost nonexistent - they're gonna want to try dating more before settling down, they're gonna meet hot young classmates, want to party at uni events and so on. I'd say aim for 24-30, 23 is acceptable but risky.
No. 223900
>>223898My bad, my advice is probably only somewhat relevant then.
I am not sure where the unpicked childfree himbo stragglers congregate after 30. It might be easier to try to make connections irl in activity groups for whatever your interests are.
And like
>>223895 said, try setting your search to 24-30. Younger guys are more than willing to date an older lady if you're decent looking. And a lot of the time, they think that it's hot that you have your shit together lol
No. 223913
>>223909I think 'pairing up age' is more 20s to early 30s. People who get married <20 are usually bound for quick divorce. But around 22-35 I'd say is the range when most people start leaving the dating market for good.
Dating at 35+ is a whole different world. One where there are so few acceptable quality men, let alone high value men.
No. 223920
File: 1642296321389.png (5.65 MB, 2880x1800, datingover35.png)

>>223913>Dating at 35+ is a whole different worldI set my age filter at 35-41 and holy shit this is so depressing. In the 5 minutes it took me to screenshot these, there were only 2 decent looking guys without red flag bios (and both were 35 exactly). I also got a swipe note from some 40 year old woke fat dude asking me to join his poly relationship eughhh.
If I'm still single at 35, I'm just getting cats.
No. 223931
File: 1642300156819.png (5.51 MB, 2880x1800, over35asalezzy.png)

>>223925Actually, it seems like my area is pretty decent for lesbians. I just changed over to 'seeking women' and there's some real qt's on here with interesting jobs & no kids, even at 35-41. There seems to be a different problem though. A good 90% of the profiles are couples looking for a third (barf), trannies/tranny-adjacent, or women who are obviously straight looking to experiment. It's a real slog to dig through & find the few actual lesbians/bisexuals.
Rachel, Mandi & Jenni can get it any day though.
No. 223960
>>223920I don't know what's worse, the idea that these men are actually the age they say they are and are just aging terribly, or they're even older and lying about their age to get young women (Jay has to be, right???). Either way it's fucking bleak.
Anyway I want to be a cougar when I grow up and will stick to younger guys with hair who haven't yet suffered the consequences of not using sunscreen or moisturizer once in their entire life.
No. 223988
File: 1642325407463.png (694.18 KB, 1285x535, uggo.png)

>>223886I did recently. I liked the feature where you could swipe back and forth but what didn't sit well with me was the wall of kinks people openly listed. Figures since it's a sex-friendly app but for some reason it put me off. I'm not exactly vanilla myself, even with casual fwbs I prefer things to move naturally, mutually figuring out what we want to try next instead of forcing it. I don't want to swing on a chain on a first date you know. But that's just me, I'm sure there are people who prefer knowing other people's preferences beforehand. To me it read like a chronic coomers' secret bucket list.
Pic unrelated, just some ugly rando from tinder with three pics with the same hideous expression I screencapped back in the day to show people when they ask why I don't pursue guys "my own age" on tinder but go for people in their 20's instead.
No. 224028
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>>223988As if guys in their 20s have less hideous expressions…
No. 224172
>>224169Again, don't be such a doomer.
Yeah I agree with your assessment of
nonny being mentally ill is a baggage but the other stuff…
There's a lot of people single in their late twenties who broke up because they fell out of love, fought, got cheated on, wanted to date more.
Not sure if you're from a culture in which people marry fast but I'm 27 and I only know like 3 married couples my age. People are ending their second LTRs at this age and there's quite a lot of normie singles.
No. 224175
>>224172I wouldn't say I'm being a doomer as much as I'm comparing dating now after the end of a LTR to dating in my early 20s and I definitely feel there is a stark difference. I wouldn't even say I'm from a culture where people rush into marriage - in fact, I'd say cohabitation/partnership is way common and maybe even as common among young people as marriage so definitely not conservative. But I think being aware of the difference is a good thing actually because, combined with having more experience, you can be on the lookout for the ones waving red flags like that one anon and filter them out. Your mileage may vary but in my experience being prepared for extra challenges has done me a lot of good.
For a more positive take, I think farmers shouldn't let the selection of men they see on dating apps get them down too much. I think meeting people in real life through activities/friends is generally better but it's WAY better once you're in the late 20s-30s stage. Lots of worthwhile people that age don't bother with apps anymore. Restrictions have definitely made it more difficult not to use them but once that's finally done I definitely recommend redirecting your focus to IRL.
No. 224180
>>224169Nta but there was a scrote that called me a femcel for saying not all men deserve getting married. You're that scrote aren't you?
Either that or you're a pick me whose only accomplishment is being with a man. Males fuck and date anything, get over yourself.
>>224010I have mental issues and am barely average but got asked out by multiple male friends just the last year. Nearly all men I know give chances to any girl that's nice to them because that's just how dating works, men try and women choose. Don't let this incel stuff get to you.
No. 224185
>>224180>Males fuck and date anythingAnd women seek out the best males. Hence, if you wait too long, the good ones have all been taken. It doesn't matter how hot & dateable you are at 35+ if all that's left is
>>223920>>224184You just sound bitter about common sense advice. Good luck scraping the bottom of the barrel.
No. 224187
>>224184Yes he is. He called me a femcel for saying some men shouldn't get married and breed in the other thread. Kek!
Imagine going to a radfem board just to try and tell women they'll be single and sad if they dont get married at 25.
>>224185Mr reddit spacing incel boy, you do realize a woman can date younger men right? Even if all good men her age is taken, which is not likely since most people marry older these days, she still has chances.
No. 224188
>>224175>I wouldn't even say I'm from a culture where people rush into marriageIf you're from an Anglo country then yes you are, Americans especially get married crazy young compared to some countries in Europe.
Where I live nobody starts getting married until maybe mid-30s if they decide to have kids. I'm 30 and there's lots of nice single guys my age, I have zero issues finding someone. Dating apps are just garbage at this point whether you're 23 or 33. I've changed my age there many times and it's all fuckboys, sexpats and exchange students across the board.
No. 224189
>>224185Bitter? How?
I'm saying that it's pretty easy to just date younger men if you're that concerned about older guys being low quality. You're probably a scrote if you think age matters this much in women. As long as you don't have children and look okay you're golden to date 23-35 year olds in your late 20s/early 30s.
>And women seek out the best males. You're making it quite obvious you're a scrote with your wording and condescension.
No. 224191
>>224187>>224189Lmao, I am literally
>>223717 and a different anon than
>>224169 I have been advocating for women to try dating younger this whole thread. And where tf did I say that you can't date 23-35 year olds when you're that age yourself? Literally no one is arguing that. That's just dating within your own age group, and within the age that most people pair off at anyway. Jesus you people are so dim.
I'm assuming that you're both live, laugh, love cat ladies and/or terminal weeb status NEETs trying to retcon your own failure-to-launch as ~mental health issues~ uwu
No. 224194
>>224189And I called you bitter because you
are bitter. Parroting 'scrote scrote scrote' when an obvious femanon disagrees with you is just sad cope for your lonliness. Literally all I said was that males over 35 are leftovers & you somehow took that as "reee women in their late 20s shouldn't date men 23-35". Like where tf did you pull that out
No. 224196
>>224184>If you're from an Anglo country then yes you are, Americans especially get married crazy young compared to some countries in Europe.I am from one of "some countries in Europe". And again, I'm not talking about marriage - people don't get married early here but that doesn't mean they don't tend to be in otherwise committed long term partnerships past a certain age. I have no issue finding someone if I'm looking for a quick fuck or something similarly casual, finding worthwhile people for something more substantial is definitely harder since those kind of people don't linger on the market too long. Don't know why stating this seems to be controversial and
triggers so many farmers, everywhere else it's pretty widely accepted and common sense that dating after, like, late 20s is far from impossible but presents unique challenges.
>>224180>Nta but there was a scrote that called me a femcel for saying not all men deserve getting married. You're that scrote aren't you? Is one of your mental issues schizophrenia? You're an anonymous poster on an imageboard, no one is tracing your posts to follow you around.
>Males fuck and date anything, get over yourself. You yourself have lamented the lack of "worthwhile" scrotes which means you realize that what matters is not just getting any warm body to date you. All I was saying is that there are very good reasons why the worthwhile ones are either taken or avoid you and it's funny to act like you're so above or diferent from what's left.
…And right after acknowledging that scrote attention is nothing to brag about, you brag about being asked out by male friends. You really do sound pretty schizo.
No. 224203
>>224189>>224200U ok,
No. 224209
>>224180I wasn't and can't be bragging about men being interested in me because I'm a lesbian. I simply said that because it proves how easy it is to get romantic attention from men.
I'm sorry if it upset you but my intention was to cheer up the nona that got told she was a leftover just because she was single and had mental problems.
Also for someone who is making fun of mental illnesses, you don't sound that healthy either. Calling women insults and raging because someone said they got asked out isn't healthy.
No. 224241
>>224228Someone literally says if you're 35+ you only have these guys because women picked the best males, they even used the same weird wording.
>>224185Also why are you literally replying to everything in matter of minutes? You're the one obsessively checking and making multiple posts while calling me schizo, kek.
>>224233 nona says all of the "good males" are taken so we will never get to see them. They must've gone extinct!
No. 224284
>>224241I literally said that you can still date younger many, many, MANY times. If you're really trying to argue that you have exactly as many dating prospects at 35+ then you're just straight up retarded. You said that you're lesbian anyway, so why are you speaking on things you have no idea about?
And you're really gonna sit there & call out anyone else out for replying too quickly when you literally reponded to
>>224184 three seconds after I posted it, making the link greentext immediately when I fixed my spelling. At a time when it was 1-4 am in the lower 48. And then you proceeded to respond to EVERY single post disagreeing with you, all within an hour. Reddit spacing, sitting on the thread, raging for no reason… seems like you're just projecting about all the things
you're doing.
No. 224314
>>224184How does me being lesbian have to do with dating over 35+ as a woman being impossible? I can disagree with incel rhetorics even if I'm not gonna fuck men.
>>224284 is literally not me. The people disagreeing with you aren't just one person. Ironic but looks like you're the one that needs therapy. Guess calling people schizo tens of times turns you into a schizoid.
I have no idea why you're so obsessed with older women and their dating choices on dating apps, most of those women wouldn't use those apps to find long term relationships anyways.
No. 224349
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>>224229You know what they say can’t have shit in Detroit
No. 225325
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Another "poly" scrote with a wife who's way out of his league, he literally looks like Boris Johnson, I wish I could help these low self esteem women gain wisdom and end this foolishness. And he considers himself a feminist too.
No. 225369
>>225015I agree missing dates and being unavailable is stringing along but sending long paragraphs once or twice a day is quite a
valid way of communicating if you don't wanna be glued to your phone all the time… I sometimes am just too tired and know I would fuck responding up so I take longer time and write longer messages. It doesn't have to mean he's stringing you along. Your gut will help you recognising what is what.
No. 225634
File: 1642919820616.png (Spoiler Image,6.99 MB, 1170x2532, CF67CBC8-83CC-42A7-91A3-0E64B8…)

Went on a date tonight… Went from weird to red flags.
>guy wore sweatpants
>gave me a book his dad wrote just to show off a drawing he made
>talked about his ex having a 9 year age gap
>got back into dating because he felt like his missed out on dating due to having about a decade on relationship with one of his exs
Promptly unmatched after the date. And this is a guy freshly 30 (I am 25). Going on another date tomorrow and next Sunday.
Pic not related to date, but is a different guy I want to mess with (obviously with no plans for a date) Profile related had 2 other pics of Sasuke too, and this was his first pic. This guy made the conscious decision of having that as his leading pic on tinder. Coomers really love to show off their degeneracy.
No. 225639
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We're in the hinge swamp tonight
No. 226380
>>224169>>224196Late reply since I don't really visit /g/.
Reading my words, I've been hyperbolic since I've been working on myself and I'm no longer the person that I used to be. Though I will never get those times back and never will be entirely 'normal', so you have a bit of a point. I don't think it's unrealistic to want a scrote who isn't filthy, a cheater, ugly, unable to manage his mental illness etc. since I'm none of those things. FYI I don't mind another mental person, as long as it's not an excuse to be a shit partner.
IDK maybe I'm delusional, but in my opinion 'undesirable' women aren't in the same category as undesirable scrotes.
I feel like you were projecting and a bit of a cunt to me because of your past experiences with mentally ill people.
>>224180Thank you
nonnie, that's very kind of you and makes me feel hopeful! Meanwhile, I will still be working on myself, since I don't want to be taken advantage of by some
abusive scrote and I want to be the best person I can be.
No. 227163
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I work out and take good care of myself so the local schlubs like pic related can hit on me? I don't even drink and these Heineken gut soulless consoomer microwave dinner & football males keep messaging if I want a drink at their place.
No. 227164
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Ever since hinge added the pronunciation prompt, every moid thinks they're a comedy genius for guiding us into pronouncing their basic bitch ass one syllable name. Except at this point so many of them do it, I don't even know if they're joking or just genuinely retarded. Either way, it's a hivemind and yet another way for them not to take their profile seriously whatsoever, wouldn't wanna be candid and put yourself out there like a big boy! "My love language is personal touch" asses.
Pic related, literally 2 different profiles that appeared back to back.