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No. 249632
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Starting off with one of my honorary husbandos. I believe he is a Flaboyant Natural with his dramatic height yet broad presence. He might be Soft Dramatic, I saw him types as that on Pinterest. But I see Flamboyant natural.
Also I myself am a flamboyant natural , I’m mostly attracted to men with this body type, they make me feel a little less broad and manly
No. 249633
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Another Flamboyant Natural man #sexy
No. 249758
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>>249630Any thoughts on the recent reveals? I kekked when Selena Gomez was revealed to be a TR. it’s caused so much coping on the Kibbe subreddit. People were typing her as dramatic, which really calls into question the general understanding of the system over there
No. 249785
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damn the "phrenology but for the rest of your skeleton" girls made it to a whole new thread. live your truth queens.
No. 250564
>>249758>People were typing her as a DramaticMakes sense, Romantics and Dramatics are very similar according to Kibbe
>>250548Yes, just adjust proportions and think about your visual weight and personal vibes
>>250554>rock your amazonian woman vibe as a FNMost FNs aren't even tall nor muscular, stop saying this
No. 250586
>>250575soft dramatics are like giant theatrical romantics i guess
it kinda feels like kibbe uses TR as his favorites dumping ground based more on mood sometimes because he is a TR himself and his wife too, though i get where he is coming from when it comes to selena gomez. the TR has become kinda confusing, but then again there really isn't any other body type i could be since the only other option would be romantic but i don't have the face for that
No. 250587
>>250554This is such a lazy and false idea. Lisa from Blackpink is very much cute. Anne Hathway legit is typed as FN who got into a shit load of princess movies.
>>250548 There are many different FNs I would suggest looking at all the celebrities said to be FN. FN can wear pretty cute clothes that really make them in the girly cute range.
No. 250684
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Even though I read quite a bit about kibbe, I still can’t apply the knowladge on myself. Can you type me and explain why you think certain kibbe family works for me? I’m 5’4 (163 cm)
No. 250955
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What do you guys think Tillian Pearson is? I see Flamboyant Gamine. He is 6’3” but he looks really boyish and cutesy
No. 251042
>>250965>>250816Thank you. I have been told I don't have kibbe's true hourglass of waspish waist R and TR are supposed to have, the "8" of double curve. Height thing is also confusing, even thought Kibbe tells us how certain types have height limits, he typed Beyonce as R even thought she is 5'6 and Rihanna (5'8) as TR, even synonyms of gamines Audrey (5'7) is above the height "standards".
>>250851Thank you nonna, yes I do feel ok about it, just wish I were a little bit taller.
No. 251081
>>251073>>251056I think it's mistyping in general. Someone has square shoulders they don't get types the other ones that have similar shoulders it's automatically FN. I see short people being typed as FN and other types that are straight-up only really a tall type. All of a sudden people are claiming height doesn't matter when it does. If you are fucking short you are probably not FN, you are probably FG or SN.
Height is highly important given how you appear vs how tall you are coming with typing and the long limbs are really not a common thing within short. I am not saying there are no short FNs or taller FG. It's just that people don't know what they are doing. Some reason people see a tall petite female she is either D or FN, when other types exist. If someone is small and round automatic R. People are changing the kibbe rules to basically gamines are practically not even being typed as gamines.
No. 251092
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>>251056FN is a catchall category because you can technically have curve and width at the same time and true pure Ds are fairly rare since minor to moderate width “balances” height. As an FN myself I feel like I don’t benefit from the system much, at least the ways it’s popularly applied online. I feel like I can pull off a lot of stuff, but most Kibbe people seem to want to shove us in gigantic long billowing sacks and call us better off for it.
Picrel: the amazing, flattering, stylish (online) FN recs at work
No. 251102
>>251081>I see short people being typed as FN and other types that are straight-up only really a tall typeOnly R and G have height restrictions, FN and D do not anymore and they admit short people too, Kibbe changed that recently
>If you are fucking short you are probably not FNMost women are SN and FN so actually they tend to be on average height, most women in the FN group were average, we also had the tallest women from the whole group but they weren't a lot
>You are probably FG or SN>FGThis is one of the weirdest types, almost as uncommon as D if not weirder
>Some reason people see a tall petite female she is either D or FN, when other types existAnon, if you're too tall those are the only types you get, that's just how things work for Kibbe, there are no tall SN, R, G or C
>>251096Nta i think anon just posted an example of the "recs" FNs get
No. 251104
>>251102You are making the point I am making where FG people and other types like SN are being mistyped because of the change of rule. I don't agree with the change as it seems like he doesn't want to double down on his mistake of mistyping a shit load of people.
Typing should be changed to the average height of that type as characteristic, rather than just giving anyone who has square shoulders FN or D. I find that if a woman is super short, she will not look good in something that is catered towards 5'8+ women. Making anyone who has square shoulders as FN when they probably won't look good in the majority of fashion renders kibbe's whole shit useless.
No. 251113
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>>251081Kibbe verified Romantic - Christina Ricci, Dramatic - Keira Knightley (D)
No. 251123
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>>251096AYRT, the woman in the pic isn’t an FN. I used it as an example of ugly ass clothing that gets pushed onto FN. like, “that top is tight, it looks rEStRiCtInG!” And “Your skirt is too short, you need to be wearing something LONG and FLOWING” are typical FN ootd critiques, despite neither being against recommendations and FNs being encouraged to wear stretchy tight tops and mini skirts by Kibbe
Picrel: Candice swanepoel (suspected FN) breaking about 1000 online Kibbe rules and maybe 2 actual Kibbe rules, looking good doing it
No. 251124
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>>251122like i said before it feels like he goes by vibes alone sometimes like i guess why in pic related christina would give romantic vibes maybe
No. 251130
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>>251123Picrel is verified romantic Emma Samms, Candince got no shoulders compared to her kek.
Yes, Enna is quite short but how isn't she frame dominant and at least some sort of Gamine or Natural? What does being a romantic even means?
No. 251133
>>251104>I find that if a woman is super short, she will not look good in something that is catered towards 5'8+ women. Making anyone who has square shoulders as FN when they probably won't look good in the majority of fashion renders kibbe's whole shit useless.That's where you are wrong: he doesn't dress every FN the same way, every one of them gets
exclusive recs cause every woman is their own version of their ID, some FNa wore dresses with no shoulders, some wore heavy tuxedos, is not the same
>>251109Most people with wide shoulders are Natural, some are not but that's a weird case
>>251115Both Twiggy (5'6) and Audrey (5'7) were literally average, that's not tall, we are talking 5'9 and up
No. 251134
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>>251109People are getting typed mostly as FN and SN by default. If they got hourglass, they can only be Dramatic or Romantic.
Jacqueline de Ribes and Audrey Hepburn wear the same clothes and are even seen together but somehow they are not the same type despite their massive similarities.
>>251113They look the same
>>251117That is above average height so yes 164cm is average anything above 5'5 is taller than average
>>251133Audrey is legit almost 3 inches taller than average woman, lmao
No. 251137
>>251136AVERAGE woman height worldwide, She is taller than the majority of women in the world which makes her tall.
Only ten countries have an average female height above 166cm average. Either you are from Bosnia, Norway, or the Netherlands.
She is tall
No. 251138
>>251137not from any of those countries, more countries have higher female average than that
she is not tall. 180 is actullally tall for a woman
No. 251139
>>251134Kibbe talked about Audrey on his group cause a lot of people were asking about her, he said she was at the
limit of Gamine, a very weird case, so yeah he acknowledged it, she's slightly taller than average but not too much, not 5'9 tier
>People are getting typed mostly as FN and SN by default. Because most people are, is just the most common assumption, is like having a common flu but jumping straight to the assumption of being sick with pneumonia, statistically
most people will be Natural
>If they got hourglass, they can only be Dramatic or RomanticWhere are you finding these typings? Cause damn, that's not ok at all, r/kibbe?
No. 251141
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>>251138Kibbe is not based on your fucking country ffs. Or any country, it is about average body type WORLD WIDE
>>251139My criticism is not on her height but the fact her real life friend I mentioned her name, is built the same yet is not a gamine but a soft dramatic. They wear identical outfits their entire lives. Both look good and are around the same height. Their faces are very similar too. That's my point
No. 251145
>>251140>Kibbe should just specify a height and upHe did for all types, people just ignored it
>>251141>Kibbe is not based on your fucking country ffs. Or any country, it is about average body type WORLD WIDENTA but please calm down
>She's built the same yet is not a gamine but a soft dramatic. They wear identical outfits their entire lives. Both look good and are around the same height. Their faces are very similar too. D and G have
some similarities as FG is a mix of lines, D and G have narrowness as their main similarity
No. 251146
>>251145They legit have the same body type, look at pictures of them and their fashion.
Kibbe is known to be wrong and taking back his typing for live celebrities. Well Audrey is dead
No. 251149
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>>251146>They look the same!Anon, I'm
really not seeing it
No. 251154
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>>251150This is older Audrey Hepburn, she looks slightly different but she still looks softer and not as refined
No. 251158
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>>251151Yes the whole point of types is people in that type are similar enough to each other though. Like Anne Hathway's body does not look like Jennifer Lawerence 100%, they have similarities despite being the same type.
You can't really narrow down it by saying shit about noses and smaller differences when you can see that types are supposed to be similar but not identical. Not all FN are the same 100% they are just similar to others.
No. 251161
>>251158Kibbe doesn't really consider the face while typing anymore, I was just saying her face
imo looks similar to other Ds, but it doesn't really matter so eh. To be honest, typings can get very tricky and Kibbe sometimes sees things most people (or anyone) won't notice on very similar people, he's just a human so maybe he did make a mistake, I think is agree to disagree.
No. 251162
>>251161Kibbe is frustrating because I don't think we can really type people who are dead or he didn't see in person. Kibbe says celebrities lie about heights either being taller or much smaller than given heights.
Kibbe is known for changing rules and taking back typings
No. 251163
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>>251161Dropped pic, she looks marvelous
No. 251165
>>251123I'm so proud to be a FN. Everything except for frilly stuff pretty much looks good on us. Well, as long as we're skinny kek.
I feel as long as the 2/3s rule is followed the outfit works.
>>251130Her shoulders are extremely broad, but the broadness doesn't extend to her torso or hips.
>>251134Dramatics will NOT have an hourglass figure - what are you smoking lol?
No. 251168
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>>251165Yes they can, legit every type has some parts where a woman has a small waist and shoulders and hips ration is very much making an hourglass.
No. 251184
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>>251170yes? how is being 3 cm taller than that average especially tall, in my context. like someone is not obese just because they're 5 kilos overweight, sure they're overweight but not a hamplanet. like pic related, this woman is overweight but i wouldn't call her fat you get me
170 cm is taller than average but not like dramatic tall like a woman who is 180/5'9
No. 251208
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>>251205Samefag Ive heard Mila Kunis is also a romantic and they both come off as so cutesy and gamine.
No. 251266
Idk if I already posted this, but these are some highlights from the Kibbe group, you require a invitation or something to get in and sometimes it takes forever so might as well post this
>Kibbe doesn't like to type young women (below 40+), he says you should have fun wearing whatever you want, sometimes when I asked something they ignored me because I wasn't really supposed to be there (I was 19 back then)
>There are no subtypes anymore, or at least they're not used as much as they were, just kind of a "spectrum" between drama and softness into the types, when typing me, people told me I was a "natural with notable elongation and a cup-like bust, very dramatic" basically telling me I'm a flamboyant natural
>Kibbe is very annoyed at people/YouTubers confusing people and mudding the waters
>There is a separate men group, but women can't see what is inside as men can't join theirs, for privacy reasons, we got to see a Gamine man tho, he kinda looked like Martin Short
>A lot of women were thirsting after FN men and wondered how they looked, someone even posted that George of the jungle guy kek
>He has to constantly re-explain FN and R to newbies because they keep talking about alyart and merriamstyle
>This being said, he also can stop stressing how "frail" dramatics are, cause apparently newbies thought they were literally just FN 1.0 but nope
>Most women there are older ladies, mostly gen X and boomers, some are millennials and genz tho
>Some years ago a group of newbies registered themselves into the Romantic and Gamine groups, he stepped in and after further examination he sent the 90% of them to the SN group, and the rest to the Classic/FN groups kek
>Your personality, energy, vibes and skintone are going to determinate your aesthetic way more than your ID, there were flowery, girly dramatics, youthful and colorful FNs and monochromatic, modest gamines
>He hasn't typed a single SG irl
>He goes on some hippie, ascended, hypersymbolic shit while talking about IDs, most women there understand what he is saying cause they have been studying kibbe further, but if you're a new you're not going to understand a thing
>Romantics are way less curvy than people think, and FNs can be way, way more curvier than people think
>SDs are almost indistinguishable from regular Ds, same thing with R and TR, he says this is normal cause they're not supposed to vary that much
>small Ds, Rs and Gs are pretty similar
>Kibbe's system is more of a subjective method, is about identity, personal discoveries, "trial and error" and such
>Tho he typed someone in 5 seconds so maybe there's an objective system to an extent
>There are lots, and I mean LOTS of SNs, to the point most members are pretty well versed on how to type them
>As there are lots of SNs cause they're the common type, they're kinda "privileged" by Kibbe, he always hangouts in their group
I'm esl so sorry for any typos i was going to say something about trannies, but those assholes lurk here so I better stfu
No. 251278
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am a soft classic and i want to get this haircut. will it look ok? should i modify it somehow? i know SCs should try to look very 'neat'.
No. 251295
>>251266Thirsting after the George of the jungle guy as a FN
>>249632 is he not? He’s really broad and flamboyant and tall.
No. 251327
>>251295Yeah he is, they sometimes post classic FN actors and models too
sometimes types women as young as 25-30 (max), but he still encourages them to not feel trapped by their ID and have fun and experiment, in the opposite, older women seek for a more specific, modest style and less experiments
No. 251348
>>251278It'll look cool as long as it fits in with your overall look. IIRC Kibbe said to worry about your hair last if you're starting to get into your type and only change it once you have the rest of your image in place.
If you're planning on dressing like Grace Kelly every day though, don't get it.
>>251302He does allow people in their 20s in the group. He only refuses outright to type women under 25-ish.
No. 251416
>>251074From what I see, romantics are supposed to have )( this sort of waistline and I have >< which means I have yang bones? Does this make me some sort of a Natural?
>>251166If you have a longer vertical, maybe SC? I know Classics are supposed to be moderate, but every modern example in on the taller side.
>>251280Thank you nonna, what do you think my kibbe ID may be?
No. 251440
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Any chance you can still be Gamine with big boobs? Literally everything about my appearance fits the type except that im a C cup, ffs i even get compared to audrey tautou face wise semi-constantly.
It seems like such an obvious typing then but then the boobs get in the way.
No. 251441
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>>251440Jennifer love hewitt has nice boobs and ass, she is officially typed as Flamboyant Gamine, so my guess is yes you can be.
No. 251477
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>>251467by frilly i don't mean like full blown strawberry dress shit but like pic related, first dress being more romantic and second more theatrical romantic
No. 252058
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What is Atsushi’s type
No. 252166
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Flamboyant Natural or dramatic? I do see broadness but my limbs are really long compared to my head. I also find it hard to dress because I only look good in my pajamas.
No. 252177
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what am I?
No. 252188
>>252166I think FN. Your body type reminds me of a friend that I'm 100% sure is a FN.
No. 252194
>>252166Flamboyant Natural for sure
>>252177Dramatic, you look elongated, i drew your figure and it looked kinda like a long vessel
No. 252196
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>>252194dropped pic, these are just personal observations tho
No. 252240
>>252232The later, Kibbe can detect IDs even after surgeries, weight
and muscle gain
No. 252320
>>252314you're right in that we should expect it but influencers and literal whos on an imageboard are different. Like if we started cataloguing pics of half naked redditors from fitness subreddits, for the sole sake of archiving them, that would be weird.
Idk if men and women are inherently different in this or what but it's kind of like how we don't post randos in the attractive people threads, even though there's no rule against it, because it's understood to be creepy and uncomfortable, while it's normal on 4chan
No. 252322
>>252224sorry doublepost but
>ask him to remove your picturedo not do this, because it won't work, but especially do not message him from your kf account because then he will definitely publicly associate your picture with your profile. Pretty sus of you to even suggest this tbh
No. 252393
>>252322I'm not a kiwifag and never used the website so I apologize. I thought he'd remove if asked because doesn't it have legal consequences?
>>252314Posting pictures on a website doesn't mean it's ok for retarded incels to compile, post and comment on them, retard. Also the pictures were all good so it made them seethe and they tried so hard to figure out how users here were feminists or femcels when they looked this good, which further proves how retarded men are.
No. 252396
>>252393I'm sorry but you sound like the retard. KF and null are untouchable. After the Christchurch shooting some New Zealand government officials asked null to take the video down and he told them to get fucked.
And no it doesn't make it ok but the entire point is that what you post on the internet is fair game. LC is no different, even if we aren't as bad as KF
No. 252453
>>252425>>252404nta but no, it's not illegal. Even if they were actual nudes, which they weren't, anons posted them willingly on a public website, so there's no law against sharing them. That doesn't make it any less gross obviously
>the political video isn't illegalit actually was illegal in New Zealand, i think for promoting hate/violence/terrorism or something like that. kf is hosted in the us so they couldn't do anything about it
No. 252464
>>252393Do you leave your home or car unlocked because theft is not okay? I'm sure you don't.
>>252314 is right, LC users should know better than to post their selfies on here considering what goes on on our own /snow/ boards.
>doesn't it have legal consequences?>Posting pictures on a website doesn't mean it's ok for retarded incels to compile, post and comment on them, retard.You reek like a newfag
No. 252502
>>252492>>252464I'm not a newfag for telling you those moids could've been distributing cp or porn of unwilling women. A woman can tape herself and give to her bf but when he distributes it without het consent, its illegal. It's also super weird. You saying it's not weird for kiwis to search the whole website and save tens and tens of pictures of women so they can post them to talk about how shocked they're that these women are incels… Are you a kiwifag who got
triggered women here find you weird for collecting nonsexual nude pictures to autistically analize on your little website?
No. 252506
>>252502Anon are you really this dense? It doesn't matter if it's technically illegal or not, it doesn't matter if it's weird or not, anyone posting their bodies here should've known better because the risk that moids from KF or 4chan would take the pics and laugh at them is very obvious! They don't care if it's legal or not, have you never seen moids spam CP here? You know the actual tragic CP featuring little girls forced to perform sexual acts, not the "well the young woman who voluntarily posted her clothed body here could be 17 therefore it could technically be CP!!". THEY. DON'T. CARE.
>You saying it's not weirdNever said that.
>Are you a kiwifag who got triggered women here find you weird for collecting nonsexual nude pictures to autistically analize on your little website?You must be retarded if you think the kiwifags are
triggered by women they used as laughing stock calling them weird. They're probably laughing even harder now considering someone as dense as you is going well akshually it's weird and illegal!!
No. 252550
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Is Edward furlong a gamine?
No. 252593
>>252578Eh they're jealous. The scrotes who post on kiwi are unattractive, fat and autistic so when they see attractive thin women who probably have easier time dating, finding friends, etc. They get jealous like any incel gets jealous of a woman or thinks women live life on easy mode. Their femcel theory of this website being filled with unloveable women and the reason they're feminists being their ugliness also got proven wrong so they're doubly confused and upset.
>>252492 asks why it's weird.
No. 252816
>>252811I have no idea how that place works or where to find last posts. From what you say sounds my hatred for men is
No. 252860
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>>252805I just googled “kiwi farms “ I’ve used the site before but it is hard to navigate. This is pretty much all they said.
No. 252864
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>>252861This is
>>252224 who posted 14 pictures from the previous body type thread. Besides who cares if some kiwi farms people call us average or say we’re humblebragging. All of this pales in comparison to the anon in the last thread who was accused of being a troon
No. 252903
>>252860Isn't this user a mentally ill faggot?
>>252864Women here are above average while incels are below average mentally and physically. That anon was thought to be a tranny because her room was very messy and her outfit didn't fit kibbe ruling rules while also being a bit inappropriate/alt(?). Her body wasn't masculine and no one thought she was a male because of her body, a tranny would wish to look like her.
No. 252926
>>252922Masculine features =\= male
but I do agree anons said she could be male based on her bone structure.
No. 252928
>>252861I'd still argue the fattest and anachanest farmers are still leaps and bounds more sane than the average Kiwi.
They are unattractive too and I would not have sex with them.
No. 252958
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>>252903>Her body wasn't masculine and no one thought she was a male That's not true nonna.
No. 252991
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I can never figure out what my Kibbe type is, so I traced an image of myself and am posting it here. I'm 170 cm tall/weigh 58.9 kg, and have a pretty rectangular body (I've tried losing and gaining weight, this is always my shape). Measurements are around 34/27/37. I'm thinking that I might look better if I lose a little weight, maybe I could have a more elegant look. What do you all think as far as my Kibbe type?
No. 253051
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>>252903>no one thought she was a male because of her bodyIt's crazy to me that this has been lied about like twice, as if we can't all look at the thread. Even as it was happening in that same thread, some anons tried to deny it. Why?
>>>/g/242789>>>/g/241533>>>/g/241533Some posters here just call women trannies for no good reason. One accused her of wearing a corset, so I know a good chunk of it is literal delusion and/or jealousy
No. 253093
>>253036Sorry i quoted you by mistake
>>253085Then why are you angry if you did nothing wrong? also there were like 2 people trying to defend anon, most were shitting on her you can scroll up and see by yourself
No. 253096
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>>249630What would my kibbe type be? Sorry for the bad quality, hopefully you can still judge without my calves and feet. I live alone so I had to take a mirror selfie except I don't have a floor-length mirror so I had to use my window. I'm 174 cm (5'8) for reference. Does my height make me automatically a dramatic? When I gain a little weight it gives me a soft pear shape so I think I have more yin than yang - or does being think and tall automatically make me yang?
No. 253269
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I am a flamboyant Natural and I would like style recommendations that don’t look like they belong to a 50 year old mom.
No. 255454
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What is Lean Beef Patty? Classic?
No. 255842
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Can any scholar of kibbe tell me why Allison suits the style on the left so much more than on the right?
No. 255928
>>255861>is Aly Art's advice legit?No, at all
>>255922Her proportions are the longest I've seen itt, also lots of types are short too not just gamine and romantic
No. 255976
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>>255922I’m just stocky, I’ve been told I look short from far away, oddly. I think I have sort of the same build as Alexandria Dadario, (goals)she is FN.
No. 256981
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What type do you think I am anons? I feel like it's really hard to find things that look good on me, I feel like nothing fits me. I'm 164 cm and 53 kg (it was 50 kg not so long ago but it was still hard to find clothes that look good on me). Also my face is very neotenous.
btw please recommend exercises to make my ass and thighs smaller kek, or just more in shape, I don't even have to lose weight, just be more toned
No. 257279
I wonder if it's possible to figure out kibbe type through the process of elimination. This is what I know:
>cannot pull off extra straight, smooth, or slicked backed hair styles at all, results in a potato head look
>can't pull of straight cut clothing either, also too uncomfortable in stiff fabrics but also look ridiculous in flowy fabrics, sensual looks, etc.
>in terms of 'vibes', usually perceived as "innocent/sensitive/looking shy/scared/sad all the time" (even though I'm not always like that), described as 'cute' when it comes to compliments
i guess that would fall into the ingenue essence type but none of the recommended clothing appeals to me in the slightest
>all gamine clothing looks too clownish and tight, natural styled clothes are too large and I hate the patterns, vibes associated with those are also complete opposite from mine (same goes for the other types too really but mostly these)
Honestly literal pjs and hoodies feel like the only things that work lol, and I can't tell how long/short/wide my own body parts are below the neck, even looking at pics of other women's bodies I can barely notice any differences between them.
No. 259085
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Brendan Fraser (FN) looks kinda off with short hair that is swept back. Still one of the most beautiful men ever, just not his look because as
>>255854 says naturals look better in looser looks, he is an ideal wild sexy man
No. 259086
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>>259085Vs him with long wavy hair
No. 259101
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>>259085>>259086what would you call this haircut though?
No. 259113
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>>259107Are you the lesbian from the Brendan Fraser thread? 90s curtain haircut
No. 259755
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which kibbe type can pull off an outfit like this?
No. 260646
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I know Gamines are the ones who get told they look best with short hair but I think romantics are also hot with short hair. Picrel is Fairuza Balk
No. 260648
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>>260646Helena Bonham Carter, another romantic
No. 260649
Maybe it’s because romantics are small too? I remember when I cut my hair I was hoping it would look like
>>260648 I’m FN and I looked like a man
No. 260735
>>259755Any yin type could look really good in this (SC, SN, SG, R, TR) maybe DC or FG as well.
>>260646I’m R and I really liked short hair on me. I think the reason it’s given as advice for gamines is because of how much it pulls their whole look together. Like twiggy or Liza Minnelli or Audrey Hepburn would lose their star power if they’d grown their hair out, but Elizabeth Taylor (for example) didn’t need her short hair for her image to work.
>>260626Sounds like D or maaaaaybe FN to me. Maybe watch films with differently typed celebrities and see who you resonate with
No. 260791
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Sorry nonnies, I know it's hard without any photos of me, but what haircut would you recommend for a TR with a soft square face?
I wouldn't say I'm baby faced but I get told I look youthful sometimes and some people typed me as soft gamine when they only saw my face. I also hear that I look sad and/or serious when my face is relaxed
>naturally straight/wavy hair depending on the day
>look older (matronly?) and plain with straight bangs
>look younger without bangs but imo it doesn't look good and makes my face wider
>looked best (imo) with side bangs with half of my forehead showing but they're impossible to keep up with and turn into straight bangs eventually
>shorter hair (like shoulder lenght) looks more flattering on me (I've been growing out my hair but I decided to cut it soon because I kind of drown in it)
I struggled with hair all my life because I'm awful at styling it and don't want to spend hours every morning to get ready
I've got a similar face shape to Twiggy but a bit wider, hope this doesn't come across as pretentious but my face has the same outline and I couldn't find other similar pictures
No. 260832
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>>260735Confused anon here, turns out I really was a D this whole time and I've been having the worst style moment of my life trying to force myself into baggy shit and soft glam/'''natural''' makeup just because that's what's currently in fashion. So much of what works for me, like tight pants, darker makeup, sharply arched eyebrows, pointed toes on shoes, tailored fits, etc. just isn't in right now, and in trying to avoid looking dated I went the completely wrong direction for my body type and general vibe. What really confirmed it for me is that Classic-styled outfits like the one on the left (which I unfortunately have several variations of in my closet) just make me look tired and frumpy, but adding sharper, structured elements like in the Dramatic version on the right suddenly makes the same outfit look much more stylish and put-together on me.
No. 262396
>>262387Keep yourself well groomed and clean, as this anon said
>>262388 ether make accent on your breasts or legs, it will distract people.
No. 262490
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Charlie Manson is a gamine.
No. 262575
>>260791Curtain bangs are still popular right now and might work well for you. Keep the length above your collarbone and try for layers so you can get movement and volume. Avoid a full on shag though, it’ll probably clash with the rest of your look.
>>261856Goldie Hawn is flat chested. Iirc the SN clients kibbe has had recently weren’t notably busty either. He allegedly doesn’t consider bust size when it comes to type, only the overall silhouette.
>>262512SN are more curvy, FN are elongated. SN can’t be over about 5’6”, FN can be any height. The main difference in clothing for them is that SN outfits need to show off your waist and generally follow the contours of your body more closely. FNs are usually told to look for things that form a T shaped silhouette I think.
He doesn’t give any suggestions for butch women, but he actually wrote a style guide for men using the types. I’m sure you could find it by searching Reddit or something.
No. 262605
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>>262575>>262561Thank you for answering! I think I'm FN rather than SN then. Some people elsewhere guessed I might be SN, but I'm a bit too tall and I'm not curvy (in the sense of flesh) at all. The only yin I have is in my lips and hands (both E), the rest are all B and A answers. While I'm stocky and perceive myself as very broad, the first thing other people notice is how I look way taller irl than I actually am due to tiny head and long limbs. I think it's possibly why I gravitated towards dressing gnc in the first place, besides being a sperg. I'll try to make do with what styleguides I can find for men I guess.
No. 263094
>>255449Update : I am losing weight+body recomp and building muscles, I feel like I can pull off way more things now.
Also what type do you guys think is best for pulling off an emo look? Gamines?
No. 263198
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>>263092It’s fine if you don’t like oversized things. They’re not required or anything. The real keys for FNs from what I understand are avoiding things that are super structured OR small scale and delicate. You also want to emphasize your height/elongation and shoulders. Also, remember that FNs are not inherently wide or masculine or anything. There are a ton of gorgeous FNs out there and they can pull off lots of different styles. Pic related is a girl from Reddit whose outfits I thought were really cute and flattering.
>>263173Anyone who’s skinny tbh
No. 263255
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>>263198Yeah it seems a difficult balance to keep for FN's, but I've gotten some monochromatic stuff with varying textures (but not shiny), because that supposedly works well. No busy patterns, casual, just keep it simple stupid. Picrel, the recommendations Kibbe has for Natural scrotes.
>Also, remember that FNs are not inherently wide or masculine or anything. There are a ton of gorgeous FNs out there and they can pull off lots of different styles.Yeah I know there are lots of beautiful feminine FN's, but I'm NOT one of them kek. The moment I wear anything feminine, I look like an AGP. I have to keep my hair short, can't wear make-up, everything has to be a masculine cut, one wrong move and I look like Honter. My facial features are already very strong and overwhelming, anything added looks trashy/tranny-ish. So feminine styles or anything are really really out of the question for me personally. I used to think I'm maybe intersex with how fucking bad it is, the only feminine things about me are hands, feet and lips, the rest is really cursed. I've got linebacker shoulders and a barrel ribcage, I measured it actually and it's in between what is normal for women and scrotes, I just don't fit anywhere. I managed to make it look a little bit less drastic by gaining muscle, which helped fill in my bonestructure a bit more, but I've got serious upperback width. People would unironically ask me whether I'm a TiM or have some sort of illness when I would wear women's clothes only and had longer hair. I have to wear very masculine things so it emphasizes my feminine features by contrast. Despite the wideness, me looking taller than I am is still the first thing people mention, due to the tiny head and long limbs. I'm great for sports and physical activity, but I'm not pretty to look at or gracious in any way shape or form. At least with short hair and masculine clothes, the comments range from "teenage boy" to "looking like a model", instead of being compared to TiM's. I really never fucking want that again and I can never unsee it.
No. 263305
>>263277It's not about the type, for as long as I can remember, any women's clothing makes me look like a troon. Make-up makes me look like a troon. Women's clothing is shaped trapezoid, so everything is too tight in the upperback/arms and extremely loose in the waist. It looks comical, which is partially why I started wearing men's clothes. I'm 5"6 but people guess I'm 5"9 due to long limbs and tiny head and I'm described as being built like a shit brick house, no matter whether I'm overweight, underweight or normal weight. The inverted triangle is caused by my bonestructure. I'm not a "fresh and sensual" SN with curves and soft flesh everyone tries to type everyone as. I'm an inverted triangle with a flat broad chest (stays fairly flat no matter my weight), long dangly limbs which fairly easily gain muscle. Don't gain fat on hips, just thighs. Some tiny hands and feet don't change all that and doesn't suddenly mean I have a fuck ton of "yin" to the point it's SN. Since face doesn't count, my lips shouldn't even matter, but they're definitely countered by my big sharp schnoz, masculine eyes and big ass square jaw. Trying to look feminine in any way shape or form just puts all the attention on how mannish everything is.
No. 263695
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>>263305Im also closest to FN and like masculine clothing. Some stuff I found suits me:
>thick, stiff fabrics>a bit oversized dress shirt with slim/straight pants, shirt tucked in, (makes my big upper body look nice)>blazers unbuttoned, highest buttons in shirts open>big patterns, as long as color is not too bright>leather that is not shiny, one of my favorite clothes is big brown leather jacket>having messy/fluffy hair softens caveman features a bit No. 263785
>>263311I'll check it out. I kinda automatically feel resistance because I don't feel classic in any way, but the weightgain patterns match, I feel safest in my suits at work and face could fit. It might seem like I hate my squarish face or sharp and big features, but I also wouldn't want to get and never considered surgery, because they are balanced in its own way, any change would make everything off-balance.
>>263494See how you feel after everyone tinfoiling since puberty that you're an AGP troon or have an endocrine disorder, which might be possible because I managed to grow 4cm as an adult. I'm also really annoyed that masculine is seen as an insult and whenever I try to talk about these things, people think they're being assuring by going "but you can still be feminine!" no it's just annoying. It reminds me of hairdresses who will cry and take it personally when I want to keep my hair short. I'm trying to embrace myself with the masculine broad frame and lack of tits I got, I don't need to be memed into thinking it's still uwu feminine. There's nothing wrong with natural female masculinity. It's also not just about a masculine aesthetic, I need men's clothes, because my shape isn't found in the women's section. The women's section has clothes shaped like a trapezoid, a triangle, with lots of room for boobage, but no room for shoulders, meanwhile I'm a flat inverted triangle. I don't like oversized shit from the women's section either, because it still follows the trapezoid rule. The sleeves will hang over my hands (I don't need an arigato grande moment), meanwhile my shoulders will still be bursting at the seams. When you try a size up, it's like only the waist gets bigger and everything else stays the same size. I can't even find anything at the women's section which will at least fit the shoulders and then could take it to the tailor to get the length right, because it just doesn't exist (anymore?). Vintage/secondhand clothing doesn't seem to have this problems as much, women used to be allowed to have shoulders apparently. I'm also not a purse person, never have been, so I actually need proper pockets.
>>263695Thanks for the tips!
>a bit oversized dress shirt with slim/straight pants, shirt tucked in, (makes my big upper body look nice)I like the look too sometimes, but do you never feel like it makes arms look scrawny when they're short sleeved? I don't think I can get my bis and tris big enough to fill it in.
No. 264106
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>>263305>>263695If you are below 5'7 (168~cm) then you might be a gamine too. Audrey Hepburn is one despite being taller than average. People often give FN to everyone but it is overtyped.
There is a shitload of gamines that look taller than they are. I get gamine's heights wrong all the time.
Anytime someone mentions they don't look good in FN clothing I think of FG who look great in oversized clothing and don't look amazing in typical FN dresses. Liza Minnelli looks at her in a dress vs a suit.
You compare Liza to an FN and you can see a very clear difference.
No. 264107
>>263785>do you never feel like it makes arms look scrawny when they're short sleeved?Yeah I actually prefer ones with long sleeves, or wear a jacket or cardigan on top of short sleeved ones. I live in a cold country so I almost never have to expose my noodle arms.
Also true, people should stop forcing femininity on those that do not feel comfortable with it. This is one reason we see so much young women trooning these days.
No. 264125
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what kibbe type would you say i am? my guess is some kind of classic, though i’m still holding on to a sliver of hope that i‘m a natural. i’m 5’4 or 162 cm (around average height here)
No. 264133
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>>264125You look a little bit smaller than your height, I’d say soft gamine
No. 264481
Sorry if this is stupid (came from the stupid questions thread kek) but is it possible to figure out your base type by measurements (height, bust, waist, hips), how fleshy you are and proportions? I mean without any pictures (I'm slightly paranoid someone might recognize my clothes or be turned to scrote jerking material, that's why). I'm 163 cm and my measurements are 34-27-40, I am quite soft especially in the face (big round eyes, chubby cheeks, wide nose, thick lips and quite youthful, though I'm only 19 so that's not very odd lol. From the side I have a quite prominent nose though, think Turkish nose). I do have quite boney/angular shoulders, and pretty thin arms (especially my lower arms) compared to the rest of my body. The clothes that suit me best are either formfitting or very loose (I usually go for a tight tank top+baggy pants or a figure-hugging dress). My hair suits my face best when it has a bit of wave to it, I always curl my bangs under and sleep with a twisted bun. Super tight (slicked back or parted) styles look weird on me, but I don't know if that's because it doesn't suit my personal style much or because its too tight/geometric for my face. Again, sorry if this is dumb but I can't figure it out for the life of me, I think I'm a romantic but I have some gamine characteristics as well (I look shorter than I am, thin arms, short-ish).
No. 264886
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What is he nonas?
His head seems big and his shoulders are a little bit sloped so FG?
No. 272634
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>>272575I don't look good with like super sleek hair but some strands like picrel looks amazing on me and I've had people tell me that my hair looks better pulled back. Is that normal for a Gamine? I look a lot younger/cuter with short hair.
No. 273148
>>272682ntayrt but have you looked into essence? you sound very similar to me and i have primarily dramatic and classic essence to my face (which is kinda sharp and pointy looking) so patterns don't look great on me either.
what looks good on me, maybe it'll help you:
- short hair, you can try a long bob. short hair makes me look younger/youthful personally
- gamine cuts like mini skirts, slightly cropped pants, constructed types of tops
- basic french girl style
- everything of the above in simple colors, you can colorblock but extreme patterns like marimekko will overwhelm the face
- simple makeup, if i wear prominent eyeliner i look best with noticeable lipstickto balance the look (not a gamine thing, but more 'classic' essence)
No. 274759
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Does anyone else feel like the Kibbe Reddit is low key stupid like they call anyone with shoulders a soft natural. They don’t even consider length or anything. I think the girl who plays Starlight is an obvious gamine, but people on Reddit were saying she’s too tall (5’6”) but how come Emma Watson is a gamine at 5’6” and what about Audrey Hepburn? Her shoulders aren’t even wide, people on Reddit think any width up there is maculine yang swimmer body
No. 283499
>>283477>>283479>>283472> it seems like no one else knows what’s going on either.Sage for rant & tinfoil but I'm honestly convinced a big part of this "system" is some sort of scam, at least nowadays. All approved "resources" are either nebulous and useless or straight-up contradictory. Selena Gomez being typed as TR by Kibbe himself was the nail in the coffin to me. It really felt like he was insulting our intelligence with that kek.
No one can accurately type you except for Kibbe himself (and only in person for multiple thousands of dollars). There are no proper guidelines on how to type yourself, all the ones on Youtube are apparently wrong and misrepresentative. There are no approved guidelines on how to dress. Literally none. They just tell you to wear whatever the fuck you want. You tell them you're a SN and ask what might look good on this body type, and they literally reply with "idk figure it out". "Lines" as they are often called are not a thing. So what is the purpose of al this? To feed his pockets?
Not to mention how cult-like those Facebook groups are. Like you're not allowed to question
anything or they'll kick you out lmao
No. 284254
>>283499I especially love when someone asks what sort of clothes fit certain type and the answer always is
>clothes don't have a type! wear anything just accomodate your lines! and right after you leave your suggestion
>oh no no no no no, this will look awful on your broad shoulders and will restrict your fridge body! No. 296074
I'm new to the Kibbe archetypes and did the quiz yesterday. My results were all over the place with my bone structure being 1B, 2A, 3C and 4D which messed up a lot for me. For body flesh I was overwhelmingly D answers and facial features mostly B. I had a few A's and C's in facial features as well, some C's and one E (bust) for body flesh, and ended up with the conclusion that I should be Gamine due to the very even mix of D and B. Except I am 5'8" and an hourglass with a tiny waist… which might point to Theatrical Dramatic, except I'm not petite. I have big facial features (jaw, nose, eyes, brows) accompanying my small slender hands and feet, I have sharp narrow shoulders that stay that way whether I gain weight or not. I always have big boobs and a waspish waist. My hips are sharp and if I lose weight the bones jut out and I frequently get stuck on door handles and similar because they poke out of my body. (Same with elbows when skinny.) If I understand it correctly I have a lot of Lush Yin to me with a few Petite Yin details offset by a lot of Soft Yang and a bit of Sharp Yang. Could I still be a TD or a Gamine, or can anyone help me figure out which direction I should head in?
No. 296091
>>296074Based on your height, if you stick 100% to Kibbe's theory (not everyone does), you can only possible be natural, flamboyant natural, dramatic or soft dramatic.
Theatrical dramatic isn't a type, did you mean Theatrical romantic? Have you looked at soft dramatic? It fits your height and it was the romantic/yin undercurrent you speak of.
Personally I think the theory isn't perfect and some people just don't fit any of the categories well (which makes sense, doesn't it, there's billions of people and 13 categories, with that many people there's bound to be outliers) or you're mistyping yourself. It's not easy to look at yourself objectively and you're not seeing the same thing in the mirror as people around you do.
No. 296095
>>296091Thank you so much!
Yes, I meant Theatrical Romantic, I'm sorry.
I looked a bit closer at the types and like you said Soft Dramatic might be more me. While I am a curvy hourglass I come off as "pointy" in my limbs, and my joints are very skinny and angular. My ex once said "your body is so soft… but you're so SHARP" after leaning into my chest and getting poked by one of my shoulderblades, and I think that's a rather good description. Soft but sharp.
I have very small hands, and I'm very hourglass-shaped as previously mentioned, but other than that Soft Dramatic seems to fit me well and some deviation seems to be allowed.
Thanks again!
No. 303589
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Why is all the Dramatic outfit inspiration/advice so…expensive? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to cut about in heavyweight wools and couture dresses but I'm a uni student on a budget. Picrel is a particularly egregious example. It feels like the other types get much more wearable suggestions, but Ds get runway looks and that's it.
No. 303618
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I have no idea what Kibbe I am (tried to do the test but it was too long and I got bored)
All I know is I have a typical ‘hourglass’ body with wide hips and big boobs but people tell me I suit baggy, edgy and tomboyish clothing like pic rel the most, and I also agree, which is confusing. This makes me think I must have some ‘yang’ or butch energy about me but I don’t really feel like I do.
No. 303636
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>>303618Body measurements don't matter that much with Kibbe's system, and he himself said the test isn't that useful if it's your first introduction to his system. The terms 'flesh' and 'frame' are confusing: flesh determines how much your fat/muscle influences your shape and frame how much your bone structure does. However, the way your body looks on its own is less important than how it makes clothes look. You can be a conventional hourglass by measurements but still be a Dramatic or a Flamboyant Natural, even though those are the 'yang' types. In picrel, both right and left are hourglass-shaped but Shirley Maclaine (Flamboyant Natural) on the right has much more prominent hipbones than Elizabeth Taylor (Romantic) on the left. Kibbe uses some loaded terms for certain body types but the point of his system is to find what clothes make you look and feel your best, not to shove your body into a category. If you suit boxy, boyish looks with lots of fabric, you may be a Flamboyant Natural. Florence Welch, Nicole Kidman, Princess Diana, and Sarah Jessica Parker are all FN, so there's a lot of variation and femininity in that type even if it's maligned in Kibbe communities.
No. 303663
>>303618probably like billie eilish
she's so curvy but suits the bratty butch look much better than the marilyn monroe styling
No. 304661
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>>304490Nonna I have no fucking clue about Kibbe myself and I wouldn't consider this all really masc, but this is what others have said is some masc stuff for romantics. In general the recommendations kibbe gives for women don't go well with gnc stuff. I ended up reading the recommendations for men with the same type I have and trying to adapt them to me.
No. 315143
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okay, so I got into kibbe, specifically reading r/kibbe. I admit I don't really understand what accommodating for 'petite' and 'curve' means exactly, but reading over it and the recommended solutions for them, I think I'm a SG. I find Kibbe more useful if you read about how to accommodate to balance,vertical,width etc and deciding if you need to accommodate them, rather than individually looking at each type's description and sussing out whether or not you fit it
No. 315289
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If anyone has a moment and would like to help, can you confirm my Kibbe type?
My answers:
A 1
B 0
C 5
D 6
E 1
If I'm understanding picrel, I am SG. I am 5'0" (is my weight needed? A lot of the Kibbe page says to disregard weight but if it's relevant I will reveal).
I wish I could post a photo my body here, but hell no kek. Thanks for reading!
No. 315293
File: 1677966735165.jpg (Spoiler Image,981.82 KB, 2134x1520, Ariat.jpg)

>>315289Double post but I look good with short hair. I can't really describe my style- I wear a lot of oversized t-shirts and boots with leggings or skinny jeans. I
think I have a playful and youthful style- for example these are my most recent purchase, which imo are playful as hell (I don't live in a southern state, I feel that is relevant because cowboy boots are not the norm here) because of the wideness of the shaft- reminds me of rainboots which are whimsical and fun imo. Plssss pls plssss no boolie I can't take it I will cry real tears
No. 331593
File: 1685315714609.png (689.89 KB, 1080x1620, veronica-lake-49-sc-v0-lv4o10k…)

i just realized veronica lake is 4'9 but still typed as a SC…yet people claim SCs (and classics in general) can't be short. i guess they give veronica a pass since she looks taller at a first glance and wears heels? i thought she was a TR, her bone structure seems delicate and her vibe suits it.
No. 334014
>>331593There's no lower height limit on any of the types, though? I do agree, she's surprisingly short. I think some of the old celebs were typed more for their image than their bodies.
>>334009>the ying types all fit under 5'4 now which is ridiculous because it just seems like he's trying to be inclusive of non-white and black people who tend to be taller but not necessarily have "length"What is this supposed to even mean ESL-chan
No. 334057
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>>333982I read this reply on a post by a girl that was obviously DC lol. She did not look FN at all. Kibbe people love to gatekeep and they just place anyone and everyone as FN it seems.
No. 334431
Can anyone help me with my type? I'm 5'6, just shy of 5'7, and I'm almost 100% certain I'm a flamboyant gamine.
David Kibbe himself set the height limit for flamboyant gamine as high as 170 cm (5’7”)
Problem is, if I were to ask the Kibbe subreddit, I think they would all go on a witch hunt after me and tell me it's impossible due to my height lol. I don't know why they have this misconception that flamboyant gamines have to be shorter than that.
- I appear taller than I am
- My facial features are young (don't wanna say "childlike" because its weird lol) but adult at the same time
- My body is a rectangle or inverted triangle, not sure but I think it's leaning toward rectangle because my hips are only very slightly smaller than my shoulders and both aren't super wide
- My shoulders are framing but they aren't very wide, they're very straight and sort of slope up at the ends
- I have somewhat large breasts for my frame
- My waist is pretty wide, it is literally on the edge of what could be considered a womanly hourglass (pretty rectangle shaped as I said before)
- Somewhat feet for my height
- Arms are very long and legs are very long in relation to my torso
- Extremely skinny wrists and forearms
- My face is circular, big eyes, full lips, average to small nose, cheekbones are wide and sharp but also look like they're circular because my cheeks are puffy and taut at the same time
What do you think nonnies?
No. 334437
File: 1686357167986.jpg (144.29 KB, 1024x819, cover-flamboyant-gamine.jpg)

>>334433Let me me tell you girl I am glad I'm not suffering alone lmao. I think we're just on the taller end of flamboyant gamines tbh, it seems perfectly logical, especially if like me you also find yourself trying to make your legs the focal point of your frame.
No. 334442
File: 1686360018772.jpg (48.01 KB, 640x997, 1mtxzrotrwt71.jpg)

>>334431Sounds like FG to me nonna!
No. 334458
File: 1686365852624.jpg (46.96 KB, 700x500, kibbe-dramatic-style-lines.jpg)

>>334431Based on your description, of looking taller than you really are, I would consider pure dramatic.
Honestly, the best way is to test clothing. See: picrel, a flamboyant gamine would look lost in those clothes and benefits from smaller details.
I've been playing with the system for 3 years, if anyone has any technical questions I'd be willing to chime in. also the online quiz sucks, you're better off describing your body.
No. 334527
File: 1686405938423.jpg (139.42 KB, 1080x2383, Picsart_23-06-10_16-06-21-347.…)

>>334057Here's another kek. This one is even worse. I think these body typing subreddits are full of the worst kind of insecure and bitter women.
>>334518Because the whole community is specifically ran by people that don't know how to style themselves, usually older age women.
No. 334540
>>334057I’m FN and I was in denial for a while I thought I was soft natural cause I didn’t wanna be the ~manly~ body type with
width but I am alas, I’m not saying you are but it sucks how they call everyone natural when they have “wide” shoulders
No. 334562
File: 1686423103681.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.45 KB, 2699x2699, Picsart_23-06-10_20-48-39-954.…)

>>334431Ok girlies I did a line drawing to help illustrate my description. This should hopefully be the final nail in the coffin to determine whether its flamboyant gamine or whatever else, let me know what you think it could be.
Spoiler for jump scare rofl
No. 334569
>>334562Needs a banana for scale
>>334558When I looked into it, a bunch of women think they are SG because it's apparently uwu I'm so smol and dainty territory. And that pisses a lot of other people off. But I literally am small so, like, what the fuck. Akin to people reeing if you mention that you shop in the kid's section sometimes. Although there genuinely are pickmes and anachans and other people who really are obnoxious and/or delusional about their size in relation to feminine beauty standards so idk. I just gave up trying to figure it out because the more sure I became that I'm SG, the more I felt like an asshole lmao
No. 334577
>>334569>>334554you're making me a bit nervous guys. one
nonny itt typed me as SG and i was like 'yeah ok that sounds right' and rolled with it.
>>264125 >>264125
i look awful in that photo but idc, can someone please give me a second opinion? i'm curious!
i genuinely think natural types sound cool as shit btw, not sure where the perceived negative connotations are coming from.
No. 334580
File: 1686426906300.jpg (13.39 KB, 199x344, 1685113907694.jpeg.jpg)

>>334579wrong anon. and you're a massive loser that can't troll.
No. 334586
>>334582Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it. No V from shoulders to to waist though so I lack that "Kibbe width" as they call it so I think FN is unlikely, everything is pretty rectangle shaped and compact on my torso.
>>334583I'll keep that in mind next time I look at my ribs poking through in the mirror and remember that my BMI is 18 kek. Are you okay anon? Are you having a bad day?
No. 334592
File: 1686428487270.jpg (14.38 KB, 206x465, oie_Tt4UsHSqbIyJ.jpg)

>>334586I saw your outline and immediately thought of that cameron diaz bikini picture that is the most popular example of Flamboyant Natural. I overlayed them and you're like a near exact match.
No. 334628
>>334593Aw emoji red texted. Well, if you’re lurking, I don’t know if you are be a soft natural but it sounds possible. I literally just went off the silhouette you gave. If you’re softer and bustier then flamboyant might not be you. None of this is very exact.
No. 334661
File: 1686460860666.jpg (75.41 KB, 500x717, 0ea1d6bfef1a0b825172044181f387…)

Have height brackets always been a thing with kibbe? It just seems really odd because obviously people can have widely different body types even if they have the same height. Not to mention it defeats the point of "looking vertical" or not. I look nothing like petite body types even tho I'm short.
No. 334685
File: 1686469514556.jpg (222.01 KB, 1280x1926, gigi-hadid-2019-cfda-fashion-a…)

>>334673If it makes you feel better anon, most runway models are FN too and they're not ugly in the slightest.
No. 334720
>>334673My theory is it’s men coming into the spaces and seeing a lineup of women and feeling the need to share what his type is even though nobody fucking asked, or mistyping people lazily (“everyone hot must be the type I like” lazy logic) while pretending to be a woman… you know they’re on that reddit.
Personally I like being a romantic type but I’m jealous of the clothes FN gets recommended. “Wear a plush decadent sweater and silk pants” or whatever lol —sounds comfortable as hell.
No. 334726
whole thing is made up by him? really?
No. 334727
File: 1686485390160.jpg (132.22 KB, 1080x1440, il_1080xN.3890772571_ap81.jpg)

>>334726yes of course.. it's literally calles the kibbe body type system and his name is david kibbe lol. the whole thing is made up by him in the 80s when he released his book on the subject
No. 337320
File: 1687552278189.png (330.58 KB, 777x800, 1.png)

what body type would rachel sennott classify as? it seems like me and her have the same proportions and the same height. i couldn't find a better pic sadly
most importantly how does one go about dressing for this kind of body?
No. 337398
>>337320apple-shaped fat distribution (carries more weight in chest midsection and upper thighs compared to rest of her body), somewhat wide waist and frame, leans short torso/long legs, short neck, low muscle tone, big head lol
with all that being said, I think she's an SN and would address the above points when styling
No. 338494
File: 1688239748308.png (2.87 MB, 1967x1196, ellie.png)

>>303942There's much more yang in her bones, she's wider and bigger in overall. She's SN I guess. I personally don't like very oversized clothes on her but relaxed silhouettes are definitely better than those tight corsets making her look like sexy Trunchbull. Same goes for hair, the style she chose for those MMesque looks was too deliberate for a Natural.
Yang doesn't equal masc btw, I feel like it's one of those misconceptions that confuses and repels women from the typology since they don't want to end up in the "masculine" category. You can still look feminine as a Dramatic, Natural, Flamboyant Natural or Dramatic Classic, although wearing lines of the "opposite" types will most likely make you look kinda rough. Picrel as an example. Ellie Roswell is either N or FN, and these two looks (first for the Romantics, second for SG) make her look rough, awkward, and bony. The first dress looks ill-fitting even, but it's just simply not meant for the shape of her torso and breasts. She looks way better with a more natural hairstyle and in straight and elongated silhouettes that are just a bit loose on her hips/lie flat on her hips (idk how to describe it in a right way). The third dress would probably suit her better if it were matte and longer. It's still way better than the previous two due to more flattering lines though.
No. 343253
File: 1691199434785.jpg (89.25 KB, 972x476, Summer (2).jpg)

Does this thread include color seasons as well? I know there's a crossover between color seasons and Kibbe so I'll just ask.
I'm wondering if it's possible for your natural hair color to not suit your color season and if any nonas who have dyed their hair according to their color season have had good results?
I used the AI color season finder and I agree with mine (Soft Summer) bc I usually look better in muted colors and I'm cool toned. The AI sometimes says I'm a winter or a summer I assume because of the contrast between my hair and skin. I have tried the winter colors out and they wash me out.
But then I'm kinda confused because if I'm a Summer then why does my hair have so much contrast with my skin? I mean I still look so much better in muted colors but I'm wondering–should I dye it lighter?
This is the website I'm referring to btw:
No. 343362
File: 1691278484664.jpeg (648.24 KB, 1170x1139, IMG_9360.jpeg)

>>343253I'm a neutral ivory toned soft autumn (apparently) though some people type me as a winter. I can't stand how bland I look with my natural hair color and brown eyes (I don't care if it has nice streaks) so I like dyeing it black to create contrast. It makes my poo poo looking eyes a little less poo poo. I also did red but I thought that clashes too much with my eyes and only blends further into my skin. I refuse to go blonde, I think any shade of blonde will look hideous and wash me out, fuck the stereotype of "men prefer blondes", and most importantly, fuck the upkeep of blonde.
I refuse also to adhere to the idea of wearing all these neutral colors. I wear brighter colors more suited for winters and they look fine.
Most people are between shades and don't really sit in one camp. So being somewhere between autumn and winter, I can pass off both. And I wear black all the time. Black suits everyone, fuck what the analysts say
No. 343658
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>>343637I used to hate being FN because of the outfits they’d recommend , i obviously don’t wanna dress in the recommendations I’m not wearing a trash bag garb I personally don’t think anyone would look good, even the runway models, in the shit “experts” recommend. I always wanted to be classic to dress in classic recommendations but I think personally as a FN I look best in shorts and short dresses , I have killer long legs and I’d be damned if I were a celebrity with a kibbe stylist suggests I throw on a SACK, I also don’t think broad shoulders look bad in tank tops or the manly Yang will throw off my outfit. I’m not gonna dress ugly cause I have a ~manly~ body type, it’s honestly annoying I know flowy free chic is the essence or whatever but its dated and I’ll attach a pic where I think an FN looks better than what is usually recommended
Picrel is Aly Art praising Charlize Theron, FN for looking her best in an ugly tarp
No. 343659
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No. 343661
>>343658I'm technically a FG but if I was a FN I would just look to Blackpink Lisa for style recs. She always looks so effortlessly hip and cool.
Also I don't even use my Kibbe type kek I prefer Truth is Beauty or dressing for your face like
>>334759. I may be an FG but I always looked better in classic style and I never knew why until I looked into face-typing/essence. It suits me so much more than those weird crazy patterns, mismatching, and chunky accessories or whatever they tell FGs.
No. 365781
File: 1702708302310.png (8.7 MB, 3168x3300, body1.png)

would any kind and generous nonnas help me figure out my kibbe type? i've been living in the same clothing since high school, i wanna wear stuff that flatters me!
No. 365793
>>365790thank you for the compliments nonna! the clothes i typically wear don't really flatter my body type ngl (at least idk i don't feel like they do) so i wanted to learn about kibbe for that reason! it is relieving to hear that other people deal with an uneven waist though, i feel a bit deformed ngl, like it makes my tummy look so odd to me lol but it appears you are truly your own worst critic, thank you nonna!
>>365791amazing resource thank you nonna! i am a bit confused though after reading about curve on the wiki- you said it's hard to tell if i have a bottom curve, is that because i'm wearing pants?
No. 369588
File: 1703802692232.jpeg (176.23 KB, 1620x1744, 8F1B25E3-CB0C-40A2-B700-E02D19…)

Okay so wtf am I supposed to do with this?
No. 369669
File: 1703817341428.jpg (29.16 KB, 772x410, double curve.jpg)

>>365796the kibby hourglass/double curve honestly isn't that difficult concept. basically it's about bone structure and not the amount of boobs or ass you have. double curve means when your hips and ribs make, well, a double curve, it doesn't need to be big to be there
No. 369670
File: 1703817457237.jpg (32.1 KB, 361x640, 8f61525cfe92250247b7e777077526…)

>>369669for example here you can see the double curve, it's slight but still it's there
No. 369674
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>>369673really? My body lines look like the photo. I assumed I was FG.
No. 369734
File: 1703842709828.gif (2.95 MB, 199x435, Mila-Kunis-bikini-at-beach.gif)

>>369729nayrt but I feel like it's easier to see in movement: Mila Kunis has a rounded ribcage, rounded hips. If she were to were a | | garnment like a stiff blazer it wouldn't look its "best"
No. 369737
File: 1703843082856.gif (1.69 MB, 600x334, source-5.gif)

>>369734Whereas Gigi Hadid, she has curvy hips but straighter shaped ribcage. Kibbe shit is actually not that hard if you base it on the accomodations (curve, vertical, balance, width and petite), realize that thin beautiful women will always look thin and beautiful, and don't take it too seriously
No. 369740
>>369737I’m this anon
>>369674 my rib cage isn’t straight but tapered, \ / <-like that shape? Is that curve? Sorry if I sound dumb as fuck just trying to be sure cuz I’m not confident on this terminology/theory at all
No. 369746
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>>369740idk really from your sketch (and I am not an expert,
>>369743 is kinda right, kibbe is almost bullshit). But imagine your body as a dressmaking dummy, what would this dummy's ribcage look like, tapered or curved.
No. 373823
File: 1705403390499.jpg (Spoiler Image,579.8 KB, 1316x2472, 1691261921655805.jpg)

I'll never understand girls uploading near nude pics of themselves to the internet for measurements and then shocked how some guys find them.(spoiler)
No. 399098
File: 1716090560990.jpg (Spoiler Image,347.75 KB, 1439x754, malm.jpg)

>>373823There was already the story of a girl trying to track her weight loss online then she had so many guys chasing her she just made money off Onlyfans and gave up trying to lose weight and had kids.
No. 437101
File: 1728836653984.jpg (44.02 KB, 408x612, sabrina.jpg)

what would you guys say sabrina carpenter's body type is? I have a nearly identical body type with the short torso, general shortness, and square waist. My torso might be thicker than hers.
No. 442507
File: 1730575846895.webp (1.1 MB, 2801x3735, 62-flamboyant-natural-office-f…)

So I was trying on some old dresses and skirts I hadn't worn in years and I realized it's because I look mannish and mismatched in cute stuff (and by cute stuff I don't mean weird j-fashion stuff, just mainstream feminine pieces). Or at least it just looks like I'm too tall/broad/roughly built to look good in a cute skirt or dress. Anyway I guess that reminded me of Kibbe, which I had read about before but I didn't really like the style recommendations for FN. So I did some googling and I found this reddit thread where this girl who claims she's FN posted a bunch of her outfits, and they're all super cute and look great on her? Not necessarily my personal taste and there's a few I don't like as much, but most of these are very stylish and flattering on her imo. But it's SO different from all the tent dresses and ugly oversized blouses and sweaters you see on moodboards for FN. What is she doing that makes it work for her without dressing in sacks? These are what I'd call feminine pieces and they don't look mismatched on her at all even though she claims to be very tall. I don't get it. No. 442524
File: 1730585723458.jpg (462.37 KB, 1080x964, Screenshot_20241102-220637.jpg)

>>442507The potato sack dresses aren't actually recommended for FNs. When Kibbe described loose, unrestricted garments, in the 80s that was understood to mean something like picrel. The giant tent dresses recommended to FNs on social media come from Pinterest bloggers that didn't understand unrestricted and loose referred to a completely different style of clothing when Metamorphosis was published than what it means today (shapeless potato sack dresses). Tailoring has changed since the 80s and clothes today are made with elastane, which makes their silhouette a lot different from how clothes were 40 years ago.
A lot of Hollywood actresses are verified FN as are most models and they wouldn't be caught dead in what the online Kibbe community thinks FNs should wear.
Tbh online recs are generally a crapshoot. A lot of the ones that are still popular today are 10+ years outdated and made by people who didn't take into account that 80s fabrics were different. In the 80s FNs needed clothes a little loose and oversized because they and they had to account for their length and angularity in a time before stretch clothes were common. The ginormous tents people recommend for FNs today have nothing to do with what Kibbe wrote about. You could look up Princess Diana's casual outfits in the 80s maybe. She was verified FN and wore slightly roomy clothes casually but they weren't figure obscuring at all.
I also found this self-typed FN on Reddit who posted a bunch of her outfits and they all work well despite not being bohemian or oversized whatsoever. No. 442679
>>442524Good to know, I would've never thought of that. Thank you!
>>442632You're right, I see it now too.
>>442670Ew gross, my bad. That explains the height I guess.
No. 477121
File: 1738006709386.png (Spoiler Image,27.73 KB, 530x766, bodytype.PNG)

Anons who are more knowledgeable, please help me out. 165cm (5′5″), 50kg (110.2 lb), I think I am some flavor of gamine but it's really difficult to distinguish the types when it looks like I have a mix of a lot of them.
No. 477163
I'm just going to vent about random things in these communities that annoy me. why do people in the kibbe subreddit get so ass blasted by the term "girl next door" when describing naturals? It's not a negative term? it just means someone who's attractive in a non intimidating, down to earth friendly way (which is a positive thing, most people don't want to seem unapproachable) but everyone there thinks it means plain or ugly kek. when i think of that archetype I picture the cute love interests in 2000s films or something.
i hate how they insist it's not a body typing system yet simultaneously say "this person can't be x kibbe type because their body looks like y, they don't have this or that features, they're at this height instead of that, etc"
>hey guys don't focus on one specific body part!
>but also this verified celebrity can't be what kibbe said because their collarbones are pointy and ankles are too long
plus with the height limits (which kibbe made even stricter in recent years) like obviously the body is taken in consideration because otherwise why is that aspect so strict kek. just own up to it.
also the users over there clearly have a bias of mistyping every chubby woman as romantic by default and every thin woman as FG regardless of what looks good on them, even though plenty of the verified examples aren't like that at all. they take some parts of the descriptions too literally regarding the fleshiness aspect, (pushing memes like "romantics look like they have no bones they're like jellyfish teehee they're like pillows they're like clouds they're") they would have definitely placed HBC, Christina Ricci, Emma Samms, Mila Kunis, Jada Pinkett Smith and others in entirely different categories if kibbe himself didn't say anything. they still can't comprehend Jennifer Love Hewitt being FG even though it's been explained like a million times because "she's too curvy". Admittedly I am confused about Jessica Lange's placement though
No. 477293
File: 1738038188536.png (Spoiler Image,97.92 KB, 582x1296, image.png)

I don't have any really presentable photos of my full body that aren't a little angled or distorted, but I've always struggled to figure out my type and I find it hard because my initial result said gamine but I'm 5'7"
I'm about 130 lbs, measurements are around 33B/C (may have gone up a cup size) 27-28 waist 34 hip, my legs are average to short, long torso, I'm quite fleshy in general but I have bony sloped shoulders
I don't feel like I have enough curvature to be some types but others I feel like I'm not curvy enough for others and the "there only being 3 types for the 5'7" and above crowd" only confuses me more
No. 477604
>>477163People on the Kibbe subreddit have a weird bias against Ns and the words used to describe their appeal. It goes in both directions too. There are people that shit on Ns to make themselves feel hotter in comparison to these "wide" women (never mind that width in the Kibbe-verse just means you need extra shoulder space in your clothing, not that you're literally wide). And then there are those who try way too hard to compensate for the anti-N bias by going on about how Ns are actually the hottest, sexiest, most vava boom hourglass types, and think it's insulting to use language like "girl next door" about them.
They have a similar weird bias against GS too although to a lesser extent. There are some who act like Gs are the cutest prettiest little pixies, and others who act like Gs are basically Frankensteined together from mismatched parts because they don't fully understand juxtaposition in a Kibbe context. I've also seen lots of people complaining about how people treat Gs like they look like little girls, but I haven't personally witnessed it.
No. 477606
>>477604I also remember people on the subreddit trying
very hard to gatekeep the romantic label kek
No. 477647
>>477606They still do. There are always people posting in there insisting they're R/TR despite being well over the height limit or being q textbook example of a different type because they think Rs are the only ones who can be hourglasses.
And they have a weird hatred for women who are actually verified R fam. A couple of months ago some woman went to Kibbe himself and was verified as a R, then got bullied so badly in the comments she ended up deleting her account. There was nothing bad or rude in her post at all, but the "it should be me!!1!" brigade came out in full force and shat up the comments until she got driven off.
There was also a former self-identified R mod who got exposed for deliberately telling people they don't look R (even if they did) in an attempt to gatekeep it and feel more special. Which is really fucking stupid because there are literally millions of people who are R.
I'm convinced it's just because the original book had more flowery descriptions for R fam because when it was written nobody wanted to be a yin dominant type because of the trends back then, so Kibbe tried to make them sound more appealing with poetic language.
No. 479563
File: 1738516336507.mp4 (4.61 MB, 1280x720, m2-res_720p.mp4)

I hate her so much
>inb4 noooo she's just esl she can't help it!!
and yet every other esl kibbefag manages to have less retarded interpretations
No. 482235
File: 1739040321221.jpg (4.1 MB, 3464x3464, BIG MANLY MANLADY ANNE HATHAWA…)

>>480430…damn people say this and then wonder why nobody wants to be N (or end up quitting the system entirely)
No. 482246
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nonnie, you picked the worst example. If Kim looks atrocious is mostly because of her shitty BBL. I'll never understand why people dislike N so much though. I love dramatic and naturals so much.
No. 484793
File: 1739493075164.jpg (Spoiler Image,371.96 KB, 913x1637, _ibisPaint X.jpg)

I'm 162 cm. I have no idea
No. 487022
File: 1739867907150.png (63.81 KB, 594x695, eeee.PNG)

Does anyone have like actual guide on how to read your sketckline results. I'm 5'4, is there any actual resource to help with typing? That is not reddit….
No. 488456
File: 1740119845484.jpeg (198.79 KB, 1170x1952, IMG_8368.jpeg)

On quizzes I’ve gotten soft dramatic, romantic, and theatrical romantic. I’ve lost a bunch of weight so I’m not sure what i look like anymore
No. 488469
>>488456Congrats on losing weight nona, don't listen to the baiter.
>>488460I think it can be helpful for general advice of what suits you if you don't know (like stiff vs flowing fabric and silhouttes) but most suggestions are frumpy as fuck. Remember that it was all invented by one man in the 80's.
No. 488499
>>488486I see. I’m stuck between typing myself between the two, so if anyone could help with the most distinguishable differences I’d really appreciate it.
Also, I’m curious about the height limits. Surely there could be someone with exact gamine proportions just a little taller than the limit?
No. 488529
Can you still be an FG without yang flesh? I am severely underweight but I am always very soft. I was torn between this and SG because I completely lack curve - my bust or ribcage don’t interrupt my silhouette, nor do my narrow hipbones, but my waist is very defined in my silhouette regardless of weight as I don’t store flesh here, so my torso isn’t a straight line at all. However when people describe the differences I sound more SG, especially when they mention how FGs tend to have slightly more width in the shoulder/back area and are a little more frame dominant. My most noticeable features, to the point of requiring tailoring my whole life, is needing to accommodate petite to hell in back in my upper body, needing to accommodate vertical to hell in back in my lower body, being narrow, and being incredibly soft-fleshed despite my thinness. I have the torso of a short person and the legs of a tall person, with only kids tops being short enough and men’s trousers being long enough. Adult shirts also slip off and turn everything into an off-shoulder top.
Also, how much do faces matter?
No. 488541
>>488535As I said, despite being severely underweight I am still fleshy… The problem is not knowing if someone only looks like they lack fat because they’re thin - but I literally said I was the opposite. I don’t lack fat. On the other end, there’s the opposite problem of not knowing if someone only looks fleshy because they’re overweight, or typing all overweight people as R.
Regardless, when I was a “normal” weight (unhealthy for me, but I don’t care to have this argument) in my early teens I looked even fleshier. Zero muscle, just pure flesh. I still was Gamine-y and my frame was the same, long legs, short torso, narrow frame, defined waist. I simply do not gain “yin” flesh.
No. 488550
>>488543I don’t have an eating disorder, I eat a large amount and my family tends towards naturally underweight with a fast metabolism as adults, especially since we’re all small framed thus wear it different anyway. Pretty much anyone that was chubby as a kid/teen had diabetes, myself included, and my doctor doesn’t seem to have a problem. But thanks for the unsolicited health advice.
My question would still stand if I were a “normal” weight, anyway - I added my weight for description because on Reddit people still type people regardless of it’s they’re “underweight” or “overweight” by outdated metrics - and I’m sure you would type me were I overweight, like
>>488456. Imagine the outrage. Aubrey Hepburn was also underweight, no? And FG. Regardless, if someone is long limbed (accommodates vertical), accommodates petite, with yin flesh, what type would they be? Someone in the future might have my same problem.
No. 488551
>>488550Just to add, my body was the same as a teenager - I still had the same frame proportions, and still had yin flesh. So your point doesn’t make sense. Regardless, it’s a
valid question even for people who aren’t me or my weight.
No. 488554
>>488550It's obvious to everyone when someone is mentally ill
The mentally ill person always denies it but doesn't understand how obvious it is to outsiders
No. 488558
>>488556Nta, it's not about 'deserving'. Typing is difficult because "flesh" is one of the three main components and that's difficult to judge on someone who's underweight.. (Personally I think the same is even more true for someone who's too heavy but idk the general concensus on that).
Anyway it's just a styling system, it's far from exact science. If you feel like you must stick to Kibbe, maybe play around with the recommendations for a few types you think you'd be. You at least have your bone structure and facial features to narrow it down.
No. 489127
>>488460Agreed, a lot of the before and afters/makeovers look awful
>>488504Kek and this too, which would explain why he's so overly strict with it compared to other parts of the system. Like changing it so that even 5'6 women, which isn't even that tall, can only choose 3 types is bizarre. I would understand the limit for extreme heights but that? And his claims that all celebs lie about their height whenever anyone points out the tall women he placed into shorter IDs, even when there's tons of evidence of the stated height being true (i'm not saying celebs never lie, just that the taller ones he typed have actual proven tall heights)
No. 498530
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Just learned that Ariana recently got verified as TR by kibbe on a podcast. It actually makes sense now that I think about it even though everyone thought she was a gamine, that explains why she looks so awful in her wannabe Audrey Hepburn larp (besides all the other reasons like surgery etc). Some of her worst outfits in general were kind of gamine-like, while her best ones look more TR. I think her low weight was making things confusing (this is like what was mentioned earlier regarding people mistyping celebrities due to their weight). In her old pics at a normal weight I can't really see her as gamine or pulling off pixie cuts.