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No. 259692
previous thread:
>>156715talk about current or old fashion trends that
trigger your gag reflex
No. 259694
File: 1651189240099.jpg (200.54 KB, 1500x1500, halsey-buzz-cut-tiktok-video.j…)

I completely and utterly hate the zoomer/tiktok buzzcut trend. especially when they overcompensate with over the top earrings and eyeliner. Very very few women can pull it off without looking like a tennis ball.
No. 259697
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>>259692I hate this stupid ugly ass fashion, kill it with fire.
No. 259698
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This is also a really ugly shirt
No. 259700
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you'll all come for me but i am ready.
No. 259710
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>>259694I love this style but I also love women with shaved heads so
I hate how this style of too small ill fitted clothes was popular in the 90s/2000s. It looks like the clothes came from the kids section
No. 259715
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If I ever have to see a keep calm shirt again
No. 259756
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There was a time it was popular to wear one massive earring with a fake flower, but nothing in the other. It looked so retarded and it all started because of a TV show iirc.
>>259694>I completely and utterly hate the zoomer/tiktok buzzcut trend.Disagreed. It actually feels like progress, because we're made to feel like women's souls are in our hair and that we lose our womanhood when we lose the hair, voluntarily or not.
>especially when they overcompensate with over the top earrings and eyeliner.I do agree with this, it comes across as insecure and like they perform femininity even harder to make up for the buzzcut. Not that I have a problem with a buzzcut and make-up, but it looked a lot less forced on someone like Annie Lennox.
No. 259823
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>>259700I only like classic lolita and when the dresses are shaped like picrel (not cupcake shaped). I think usual lolita fits look really tacky, espcially sweet dresses. It's literally a style based upon historical clothing bastardization and asian cluelessness about rococo fashion, so it was meant to look like shit from the start
No. 259842
>>259837Nta but funny enough I've met a lot of lolita fashion people who have had to distance themselves from the hobby because of pedo baiters and genuine pedophiles lurking around. I feel really bad for these people because they just want to dress like
>>259823 and it's being ruined by kink people and troons
No. 259865
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>>259859It's based on Rococo fashion which adult women dressed in.
No. 259867
>It's called lolita. If you're referring to the pedo novel, Lolita the fashion came first. I don't even like lolita, it's tacky and ugly but your reasoning for calling it pedo has no basis. Women can't even wear a fashion that's the opposite of male-gaze and still be accused of pedo-pandering. Truly a shit world for women to live in.
No. 259869
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>>259859if you knew anything about the history of lolita you would know its the exact opposite. it started as a street fashion in japan and is a VERY modest fashion. it was a counter-culture created to oppose hypersexualized looks in fashion at the time. young women were mocked in the streets for wearing this fashion. it's quite literally the opposite of everything you speak of. i recommend the book "so pretty/very rotten" to you, or just watch/read "kamikaze girls". it was very common in the tumblr days to put no nsfw/ddlg/sissies in your bio. essentially, lolita fashion is based as fuck.
No. 259870
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>>259865No, it's clearly based on Victorian children's clothing and doll outfits.
No. 259893
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Menhera fashion. There was a point where I liked it when I was a teenager, and the original message was okay, but it just grew to look so tacky. There’s a reason it died. Also, all of the ‘discord’ on tumblr about it was annoying. Whether or not blood was okay to use was one argument. I think some people did go too far sometimes, I saw one photo of a fakeboy posing with a cpap for a photoshoot. It was just such a weird trend, and the way it devolved into ugly prints and combining fetish wear is what killed it, and killed whatever message it was trying to make too.
No. 259904
Sage 4 megasperg
>>259697Those godforsaken flower dresses/skirts, especially when they're wrap dresses and are made of that super thin material.. I have nightmares about those things.
>>259700Disagree, when they use a limited color palette, no or minimal prints and it's not too OTT accessories wise I think it can look nice. You do need to have a very very feminine face to pull it off though, a lot of the time it can make regular women look like troons solely because it's so over the top girly and the constrast is so stark.
>>259756I actually liked this trend lol, I was pretty young when it was popular and I always begged my mom if I could buy a pair but she said it was tacky haha.
would still wear it, no shame.>>259893I agree, I actually find it quite sad that the original message got so lost since it's an important subject.
No. 259917
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Pastel goth, pastel grunge, and other variants. I just think pastels and black look ugly together and a lot of the prints look tacky, and pastel grunge barely looks grunge at all, it's not grimey enough tbh.
No. 259922
File: 1651271233924.png (65 KB, 440x527, Business_casual_male_&_female.…)

i hate this and idk if i can explain why. maybe it's the khaki. khaki makes me furious.
No. 259923
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>>259917I hate the killstar, shitty wigs, print heavy pastel goth but pic rel is still iconic.
No. 259927
>>259922This was basically my school uniforms and it
triggers my fight response. Disgusting khakis and polo shirts
No. 259931
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the combination of heavy tattoos/ piercings, minnie mouse polka dot dresses and big red plastic glasses were just jarring for me
No. 259936
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>>259931Agreed. And I don’t know what it is about rockabilly and pin-up that attracts fatties. But the outfits still look hideous even on skinny people. I think it’s the frumpy outfits, clashing prints, and bad hairstyles.
No. 259949
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This thing Brazilian influencers are trying (succeeding) to make happen.
No. 259959
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>>259937>MarilynKek that bs never fails to amuse me
No. 260015
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I hate white pants, specially combined with autumn/winter colours.
No. 260017
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This entire outfit as well.
No. 260069
>>259756gooood my mom ended up crafting a shitload of those single earrings with the intention of selling them
but instead of flowers, it's a tiny embroidered pillow with a hole in the middle or the corner.
surprise surprise, she never sold one.
No. 260146
>>259894thats not a cpap thats just a generic nebulizer mask you can get from amazon for 5 bucks lol, not very edgy
seeing this fashion style did give me a weird flashback to some webcomic that i came across in middle school or high school about a hospital staff or something but it was in this kawaii cutesy guro artstyle, wish i could find it again
No. 265278
>>259870>>259856There was no such thing as children’s fashion back then as there is now. Girls would wear the same type of clothing as women. The reason why Victorian dolls wore those types of clothing was to replicate what was typical in fashion as the time.
Most hemlines in Lolita range from slightly above the knee to floor-length to fit into to modern tastes.
No. 265527
File: 1653196257877.png (180.16 KB, 276x373, toddlerfashion.PNG)

>>259859ive never seen actual children dressed like
>>259823 in my entire life
picrel is much more like what children actually wear. i hate it more than anything.
No. 273853
File: 1657139882384.png (1 MB, 800x947, why.png)

Why is BDSM gear a fashion statement now? The pastel themes really gives off retarded child at amusements park that needs a leash vibes too kek
No. 273876
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>>273859Children in the Victorian era would wear the same sort of clothes as adults
No. 273890
>>273859Nobody is entirely sure where the name came from given that the sources are 30-40 year old out-of-print magazines written in Japanese, but there is evidence that the style was evolving for some time before it was given the name "lolita". A few theories I've seen about the name involve the meaning being lost in translation (and some cultural attitudes being different), disapproving outsiders giving the fashion a derogatory name, the word simply sounding "cute", ironic use, or some combination thereof, or it could be none of the above. One thing is for certain, the vast majority of modern
female wearers are NOT fetishists or find the style in any way sexual. For me and most other lolitas I know, we just like the aesthetic of silly frilly dresses and it's nothing deeper than that.
By no means do you have to like the fashion, but I would like to dissuade you from perpetuating the myth of sexual degeneracy
No. 273893
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>>273853To my knowledge, the bdsm gear as a fashion statement started with punks in the 70s and since then it’s kind of been a part of a lot of alternative fashion subcultures. The pastel harnesses are just riding off of that.
No. 273991
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>>273897you've really never seen a child wear a dress like this?
No. 274050
File: 1657241417941.png (1.46 MB, 1000x1250, 8_1200x.png)

kind of related to this >>265273 but yea
i hate the trend of wearing cute puff sleeve tops or corset tops with just jeans and sneakers. I understand the idea of pairing something that feels more feminine/dressy? with something casual to make it more "wearable" but just slapping it on with jeans and sneakers looks like a mismatch and is unflattering.
also there's a trend of doing the opposite now, "dressing up" athletic wear with blazers and shit. it looks fucking stupid.
No. 274052
File: 1657243012116.jpeg (130.02 KB, 827x1014, 507DA2C1-F198-4CF3-B6A1-6665C0…)

I hate this whole "aesthetic" that is popular among zoomers.
No. 274061
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I hate how fucking low-effort graphic designers and textile designers have gotten these days. Compare the bland, cheap, unexciting patterns to those of the old days.
No. 274277
>>274061That's why so many people are into vintage clothing me included.
Clothes made in china are worthless and even dangerous with all the toxics in chemical and dye.
No. 274941
File: 1657674680382.jpeg (16.39 KB, 225x225, 24128B8C-A513-4C99-8E43-B8D2F7…)

I hate when people try to make weird designs with their eyeliner on just regular occasions. Especially when they can’t do it or pull it off. What I hate the most is goth eyeliner with a normal ass outfit. Just looks like a half assed Halloween costume, especially if you can’t do it well, and I’m pretty sure most people can’t. I saw a girl today with it eyeliner on that looked like the picture, it was all scribbly and shit, and she looked so BAD.
No. 274970
File: 1657682596119.png (Spoiler Image,97.25 KB, 800x634, Pioneer_plaque.svg.png)

>>259922this is sending me
why that template?
No. 274980
>>274052Kek. This is the depop aesthetic. I think it's meant to look original and unique but it all looks the same with the same 5 brands being in rotation. It's like committing to being an edgy emo teen but only a fifth of the way with random vintage japanese pieces. It doesn't make any fucking sense and will be another "wtf were we thinking" moment as bad as early 2000s fashion.
Funny enough, I make a profit off the dumbfuck teens who buy this garbage on Depop so the longer this trend lives, the better for me. I think it's been dying down though. Seems like a spoiled LA kid who's terminally online type of thing and desperate upper class east coast children who are trying to emulate them.
No. 274986
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>>259700You're wrong anon
No. 275005
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>>274953It legit looked like the eye makeup in picrel, slightly edited for accuracy
No. 275165
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the boots are one thing but everything that's just a regular shoe with a split toe looks dumb as fuck
No. 275245
>>275192>requireI'm sorry, where do you live so that I can avoid it?
Maybe I'm just a privileged North American but nothing from customer service to an office gig REQUIRED makeup. In fact no one has ever mentioned my bare face to me.
Being hot does help with job searching, but I'm a solid 5 with clear physical "flaws" and acne and it has not impeded my working life. I was even fat, ugly, and masc when I got my very first job. Customers would literally call me sir kek.
No. 275261
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Everything is square toed now and it straight looks like duck feet I hate it
No. 275267
>>259700You're 100% right it looks stupid, as much as they want to force it as regular day wear it's just an ugly jfashion costume. Frumpy, all the prints look retarded. If you wear this shit in public you're either a hambeast or a pick me with insecurity issues.
Having said that almost all of jfashion is ugly as hell. Nobody can pull it off including the Japanese.
No. 275277
>>275272This. The entire point of lolita is to wear fashion that empowers you by covering up and not appealing to the male gaze. It is all about self femininity for nobody but yourself.
Pickme should be redtexted at this point. I feel like newfags use it to integrate but just fail miserably
No. 275311
>>275273I've also been feminine since around 2018 and still have had no issues with employment, having worked two different jobs since then. The only comment I got was "You're wearing makeup, huh" when I wore it badly once to cover up rough acne kek. I stopped shortly afterwards.
Maybe I've just lucked out. Women look great without makeup and I know it's annoying to reapply, so it sucks you guys feel forced into it.
I'll continue as I am in hopes to contribute to further normalization of the female face. Maybe future women won't have this experience.
No. 275419
>>275382never heard of this. like ever. being attractive almost always results in ppl never giving you advice on your looks unless you ask for it. not trying to humble brag, but i did work in the fashion world and walked for valentino (many years ago) and i’ve never received advice unless it was from my supervisor, (and that’s his job)
when i got chubby for a year or two after having twins, i got advice left and right. the advice immediately stopped after i lost the weight. I have to agree with
>>275383 No. 275448
>>275350Average privilege is never being sexually harassed or stalked and also never being bullied, it seems.
>>275383>>275419By this logic I (the no makeup anon) am attractive, which just isn't true. I don't get advice nor do I get fully ignored, just the right amount of positive attention but not overwhelmingly so.
It really must be cultural if anons have such wildly different experiences. Or maybe it's precedent?
When model anon gained weight, people compared her to her pre-baby self. When makeup anon went bare face people compared her to her made up self. If you're always bare or bmi 22 or something, there is no previous standard for comparison.
No. 275511
>>275479They go after shy/timid, glasses-wearing, dorky looking women because they think they are easier targets. It's expectedly predatory behaviour from males.
>>275448Anon I've never worn makeup before either, and my manager/friends/family/aqaintences - literally no one - has ever mentioned my lack of it before either. I think comparison has to explain it; with nothing to compare it to, most people don't recognise if a woman is wearing make up or not.
No. 279800
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ripped up jeans. I get the appeal of jeans looking somewhat distressed or heaving a hole here and there but I've seen jeans with so many holes that there's more holes than fabric and just like.. what's even the point, it looks so stupid
No. 279802
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slightly unrelated but here's some other ones I found.. do people actually wear this shit
No. 311218
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Absolutely hate the whole Matilda djerf Bella hadid street style thing infecting influencers today. I’m sick and tired of these weird ass outfits that everyone is trying to convince me is good street style. Everyone looks like a cracked out hobo or a romulan with these oversized jackets. It’s getting ridiculous
No. 311291
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>>311290>Matilda DjerfHer style is basic but I appreciate some of the more masculine, oversized fits that have no regard for the traditional hourglass silhouette. Millennials were hell bent on always having a portion of your outfit be super tight, meanwhile these new trends allow women to dress in looser, comfortable clothes and still be stylish.
No. 311301
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>>275165This design 100% only works on boots, i feel like the other designs are just trying to milk the popularity of the tabi design.
>>311218I've been seeing random articles where they are trying to make these panties a thing. I remember in the 2010s era where they tried and failed. A lot of these publications forget that most women aren't skinny like Hadid so we would be walking around with our asschecks out look ratchet as fuck.
No. 326190
File: 1683460353478.jpg (72.21 KB, 600x600, 7b130e396fad5e89da764b92acf68e…)

I hate tiny backpacks, it's the tiny straps. I think I had one once and when I walked it kept bouncing against my back, the straps were very uncomfortable whenever I put something slightly heavy inside of it. And the worst is how they ususally come in hideous colors and patterns.
No. 326426
File: 1683512925273.jpg (93.16 KB, 580x580, m_6424cc989464f316349b229d.jpg)

i hate the demonia fur platform boots, especially the colorful ones. i don't know if it's just because they're hideous or because i see every single "alt" or "baddie" zoomer with them on. this is why i prefer vintage demonias, they were still shit quality but they at least had better designs. now they're more focused on making rave designs like these and their ugly knee-high holographic buckle platforms that went viral a few years ago. zoomers can't style them either, I've seen one wearing them with a sweater and blue skinny jeans.
No. 326427
File: 1683513198382.jpg (10.26 KB, 300x300, s_605858a88be9132a03af87be.jpg)

>>326426samefag, i love fur boots but there's something so hideous about that specific demonia design. i own similar boots to picrel and they're far more practical and less obnoxious looking, at least in my opinion
No. 326886
>>326427Woah woah woah. Wait.
These are amazing. How would these be styled? I'm assuming with a skirt or dress? How would one wear these with pants? omg
No. 329322
File: 1684443595029.png (793.54 KB, 683x1024, 773C0DB7-5EFA-4D20-9A49-5C57CC…)

Patterned overalls. It’s always the gendies who wear these for some reason.
No. 329327
File: 1684445453266.jpg (76.9 KB, 736x1104, 5b81e8d5a7769674d90847389fdcd9…)

Clean girl aesthetic both because it seems boring like a modern version of clothing but also still seems to lean towards expensive bland pieces. There isn't any individuality to it since it's mostly white, tan, black, gray color schemes. I think I also hate it due to it being a clothing version of minimalism yet still showing off rich girl things, consumerism, excessive "self care" that leans into "that girl" which is an unattainable for most women due to time/money.
No. 329347
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>>329327I hate this trend. I cannot imagine specifically picking out a beige item of clothing let alone having a wardrobe full of complementary beiges, tans and ivories. I get the appeal of having a cohesive minimalist wardrobe but I think I would feel like a dystopian YA novel character. I also have an irrational hatred for slicked back ponytails, bodysuits and strappy square toe heels kek
No. 329361
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I hate this brimless fuckboy hat
No. 329857
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"kidcore" is an absolute monstrosity. red flag if you're an adult and you're running around in this shit. absolute genderspecial kweer pedo behaviour.
No. 329863
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>>329857The first 2 are okay. Third one is yikes.
What really makes me want to vomit is shit like this.
No. 330174
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>>330166Tell me you're from the midwest without telling me you're from the midwest
lol it takes one to clock one, love you nonna No. 331745
File: 1685370241768.png (755.97 KB, 1400x1400, hms.png)

joined a fashion discord a while ago and got a taste of the average aspiring scrote streetwear designer, whose concepts will either turn out to be a t-shirt with a random graphic on it or a black hoodie with planet kosmos, random arabic and a half naked anime girl. or worse, a novelty tee which will see three wears before being thrown out. picrel was apparently the cutting edge in street fashion a couple months ago, truly astounding art.
No. 332578
File: 1685683557632.jpg (304.93 KB, 2294x2400, 20230601_222331-COLLAGE.jpg)

Very exaggerated Babydoll dress with puffer sleeves and no waist definition just look terrible in my eyes. I don't think this style looks good on any body type.
No. 332600
File: 1685697588244.jpeg (234.22 KB, 1079x1413, IMG_1325.jpeg)

>>329857First one is just a girl in a blue graphic tee, there are so many better examples and that one only looks bad bc you put it next to the others. Here’s a better one for ye
No. 333353
File: 1685956220824.jpeg (9.73 KB, 177x285, download (1).jpeg)

I once saw a lady wearing shorts that showed her bum. It was at the grocery store. You can have the nicest bum in the world but you will always look like trailer trash and an attention seeking whore in these. It's so tacky and ugly. Just be normal and cover your ass please.
No. 337538
File: 1687673597059.jpg (497.27 KB, 2880x2880, 20230624_231045-COLLAGE.jpg)

Not sure if I should spoiler this annoyingly intricate "monokini" with the realistic customer photo.
Amazon has so many poor fashion choices available.
No. 337539
File: 1687673686974.jpg (72.42 KB, 1200x1200, SKIMS-SWIM-SW-MKN-0012-TB-GUN_…)

Woop, found another monokini from Skims which is a company Kim K owns.
No. 337548
File: 1687683626104.jpg (122.98 KB, 768x1024, 1433167799368.jpg)

>>259700Pastel sweet is harder to pull off casually, but classic and gothic looks can work for decent outfits that don't look too costumey. Sucks that this fashion attracts mentally ill enbies, fatty-chans, and troons like flies. And a lot of them over do it with the make up and wigs which doesn't help.
>>265306Brands did sell quality purses at some point but recently they've been shit. They are simply not worth purchasing anymore.
No. 337557
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>>337548It’s pretty
>>337552Sorry about your autism nona
>>337551>I want her carnally No. 337657
File: 1687743974803.jpeg (110.1 KB, 675x1200, CA8EDC25-BFC9-4C1E-807C-E8D56C…)

Ugly zoomer fashion that looks like this
No. 337685
File: 1687763525170.jpg (93.98 KB, 970x546, KITTEN-HEELS-nm.jpg)

Kitten heels make your feet look comically big and are neither here nor there. You either wear a heel, or you wear a flat, this just mixes the discomfort of the former with the blandless of the latter.
No. 337713
File: 1687782051081.jpeg (35.44 KB, 554x554, 7393948382.jpeg)

>>337685These are especially heinous, but it's the only thing I can wear if heels are mandatory because I'm too tall.
No. 337730
File: 1687792702830.gif (55.52 KB, 550x682, clipcruella21.gif)

>>337685i honestly like the comically big feet look it makes me think of cruella devil
No. 337744
>>337685I can't walk in heels so I like kitten heels, plus I've been a huge Audrey Hepburn fan for years and she wore kitten heels a lot so I have a soft spot for them.
These just have an uncomfortably long toe. If they were much shorter I would personally find them very cute.
No. 337778
File: 1687813152646.jpg (97.23 KB, 736x1104, 5f524af69f194805fccc03f741fe0e…)

>>337548All the hate lolita gets reminds me that i hate business casual attire and the people behind the look. Business casual is constantly shilled as the ONLY way women are allowed to dress. It's a look that reminds of grown women who take themselves so fucking seriously, who are on a mission to prove to the world how mature and grown they are. They have no hobbies, no interests and are completely dead inside. To them it's a sin to enjoy anything that isn't strictly adult and serious, you can't even enjoy one disney film, you have to scramble to say that you only watched the little mermaid because you are supervising your niece or something. They hate on you if you don't drink alcohol and call you boring, side eye you if you say you only work for money and don't aspire to torture yourself getting promotions that will never be granted. You can't do a single thing out of line in front of these people, even just wearing something in a flashy color regardless of how normie it is can be seen as scandalous. Of course these people in general rely on drugs and other substances because they have completely deprived themselves of joy in order to be the perfect adult they think society wants them to be. Literally the ultimate sheeple costume, i don't care if it's cringe to say that.
No. 337813
>>337783NTA but
>calling other people unhinged social outcasts on LClol
No. 337815
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I hate how most long skirts have a massive thigh-high slit in them. I find it uncomfortable to wear and walk around in because I'm scared of accidentally showing my underwear, and why wouldn't I just wear a short skirt at that point? I'm also kind of sick of the trendy slim pencil skirts tbh
>>337783The unhinged ones writing manifestos about evil normies are the loudest and most visible. There's definitely sane lolitas but they're just normal people who wear weird clothes so you don't really notice them online.
No. 337850
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this atrocity
No. 337969
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Fishnet crew socks are/were one of the dumbest recent trends
No. 338005
>>337850I hate the combo of heavy fabrics in the socks and shirt and the shiny light fabric in the skirt. It looks bad.
And why doesn't she have a slip to wear under that skirt?
No. 338503
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No. 338504
>>337969they looked nice when the trousers and shoes were also black… preferably platform oxfords
t. black trousers and black platform oxfords wearer
No. 338562
>>338503those 90s club kid ugly ass leg warmers ruin the outfit
it would look cute with a low waist belt and taller combat boots
No. 338572
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i buy a lot of stuff off dollskill so i'm using them to vent
1. crop tops. istg this is just a ploy to sell us less fabric for the same price. and anyway they only look good on people with short torsos, otherwise your shape gets thrown off. this isn't just a dk thing, everything is croptops now. they look extra stupid if they're a jacket and barely go down past your tits
2. anything with a ton of cutouts. so unflattering on literally everyone.
3. square-shaped heels. like specifically the type in picrel where it's skinny and goes down into a big block shape. ugly
4. fucking mesh tops or skirts, another tinfoil where i feel like they're trying to sell less material at the same price. a lot of them have beautiful designs but they're just see-through.
No. 338580
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This one. I've seen so many girls wear it, with a chain handle bag and a sweater around the shoulders. There were so many horrible fashion trends in the past but that looks even worse than the denim-on-denim trend.
No. 338607
>>338572I hate that everything is cropped now too. Fuck off with that shit, I don't want to show my waist area to anyone to be stared at by creeps and perverts. Really male gaze-y fashion choice, as with the cutout stuff in your post. Anything bodycon is pandering to perverts too.
Same with mesh anything, the only thing they're good for is hiding your self-harm scars if you're that self-conscious about them.
No. 338899
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>>338658>>338607I hate that everything is crop tops too, and it has been that way 5 years. Forever21/H&M/Hot Topic (and mall stores in general) are all focusing on younger and younger demographics - 10-13 year old girls that don't have developed bodies yet, I've even seen 7/8 year olds in crop tops. It's less fabric for the same price, and it feels edgy compared to a tee, but it looks so wrong on these young kids (don't know the age of the models in the photo, they were posted on Etsy).
No. 339013
>>338971Where do you work that she could wear lolita? Does she wear the pink frilly kind
>>259700 or darker colors like
No. 339030
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>>339020>It's inspired by what adult women dressed in in the victorian era andbe real now. victorian women weren't styled like that, the kids were. and the whole kawaii/cuteness culture where lolita fashion originated basically comes from school girls writing in childish and cutesy way at school with other big influence being alice in wonderland, a story about a girl child. it is a style inspired by childishness and childhood, deal with it.
No. 339031
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>>339030stuffed animals, unicorns, cartoon ponies, childish imagery and props and colors is everywhere in the fashion.
No. 339033
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>>339030>>339031and honestly, there isn't anything inherently bad about the fashion being inspired by childhood and childishness, really, it doesn't have to have any sinister meaning behind it, but i am just saying acting as if it's the adult women's clothes that inspired the style and not the little girls who wear outfits that could pass as modern lolita fits with their dress lenght, styling etc is ridiculous and sounds like a cope. like why take inspiration from the adult women and end up with a style that looks exactly what the kids from that era wear, kek.
No. 339041
>>339035colors? no. rest? yes. But I still don't think they're trying to emulate kids because kids do. not. dress. like that. People can like things that are cute and traditionall associated with kids (or thematically I'd say most of those things are for toddlers) It's like saying an adult who watches kids cartoons (plenty of those out there) is trying to emulate a kid. If someone genuinely tried to emulate being a kid they wouldn't do it through lolita. Some women just like childish cute stuff, it's not that deep.
I don't even know why I'm defending tacky ugly lolita outfits kek this'll be the last of me regarding this discussion.
No. 339109
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>>339049yeah like obviously everyone understands that no kids dress like that but you gotta be autistic to claim that especially those pastel lolita fits do not emulate kids or childhood in any way because no actual kids dresses like that. emulating something or dressing up as something doesn't mean you have to literally look like it, like this lady obviously is dressed as a snake even if real snakes don't have limbs, wear shoes or skirts kek.