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No. 264337
Continuation of old previousthread regarding nonna's progress and discussions of glowing up, makeovers and general beauty while looking after selves, goals and other discussions.
Last thread died but was really good for nonnies to discuss tips and progress with general improvements and glowing up, wanted to revive it for anyone interested!
What are your current goals? Are you working on glowing up in any way, mentally or physically?
Previous thread:
>>57461 No. 264340
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I'll start seeing as I was the OP for the original thread and a lot has changed since my first post (and I've loved seeing everyone's discussions within it)
I gave myself time to process the events in my life that were making me fall back into binge eating and not resting enough like the loss of my dad, came out of a bad breakup and I've been in a happy and healthy relationship for nearly two years now,
I stopped bleaching over my hair as it was red and short last thread, it is now long and healthy and I go to a salon and my hairdresser keeps my natural silvers in but I've got my long black hair again and feel powerful,
I've been going to the gym and I am getting muscular and feel mentally better for it too.
My current goals are to drink more water, sleep at healthier hours, do more cardio to lose fat because I'm getting muscular and toned but I still have parts that fat loss could do me good with, and for the love of god I want to stop biting my nails, why is it so hard nonnitas?
No. 264352
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I want to start being more organized and productive with my life, learn new skills, wake up decently and not spend so much time at home unless I'm working on projects. I've also joined the gym so I can be more active and get over some anxiety.
Diet: I want to cut out sugar, but its really hard since most processed things sneak a lot of sugar into them. Maybe just cut out processed foods tbh
For my personal style, I want to start dressing more eccentric and costume-y. I always said I would do this when I'm older but why nit start living my life like this now?
>>264340I used to be a serial nail biter for YEARS and thought my nails were permanently fucked but now I can boast I have strong long healthier nails. What helped me was using clear coats on my nails when they were too short to paint to look nice and a metal nail file to file the edges smooth. I feel like everytime I had a rough or jagged edge I would bite it off so keeping them smoother prevented me from doing that. Also having the metal scrapper part underneath helps me because I can scrape under my nails & I actually like that sensation more than chewing them. Good luck
No. 264364
>>264352Life is too short, I'd say go for it now
nonnie, you deserve to live a life dressed however you feel best! I might have to try the metal scrapper thing, I bite through bitter polish and all, it's terrible, I'd have nice hands if it wasn't for this habit…
No. 290518
Good luck to all the glowup nonnies ITT, we can do this together!
I want to start taking more regular walks! Having online classes in my university alongside being on a birth control that really messed with my head has made me have a massive relapse when it comes to agoraphobia/hermit behaviours, and now I leave the house embarrassingly few times per month, it was easy when I worked and could walk there but now courses have started again and I am back to my rotten hermit ways. If walks also results in me toning up a bit then that's a plus, but I want to first just get into a routine of taking a walk at least 3x per week before winter hits.
Also quitting alcohol and trying to have a better understanding of what my body needs in terms of vitamins, mostly through diet but also started taking a few that seem to have helped with my focus.
I am learning to take care of my hair, currently been working on phasing out harsher products and parabens, seeing really nice results, and rapid growth for the first time in years. Might learn to DIY a balayage soon.
After that I will try researching skincare more and do the same, try to build a gentle routine because routines are cosy.
Aside from that I also have a kind of extensive beauty reigimine that I'm learning to DIY, before I would spend maybe 200 or 300 every few months on a lash lift and tint and 100s here and there on hair and nails, now I do most of it at home! Right now they look a bit fucked up still, but over time I hope they'll look more natural. Aside from that I would also pay for sculpting tans and am now doing them at home instead. (A fun tip: face contouring with tan works great!)
No. 290545
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I want to become more mentally healthy/sane, I suspect I have a few things that I need to be diagnosed with, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I can't really pay for private healthcare & I know NHS wait times are ridiculous in some places (I live in a dense city so probably bad here). I want to minimise my bouts of depression & burn out from the things I love, not be so anxiety riddled, to be productive.
To take care of my skin, hair & get into makeup! I'm scared to since I feel like I'd look stupid, I used to get made fun of a lot for that sort of stuff but I want to feel confident in my looks. I suffer from an ED (ARFID), I'm very skinny and weak, so I want to build my strength and stamina up, nothing crazy just don't want to feel like an anachan every time I walk out the house
I want to get a decent job so I can afford to spend on stuff for me, start posting my art online again & just productivity creatively in general, I feel like I suffer from terminal art block kek. Probably other stuff but I can't think anything else off the top of my head
No. 293182
>>293089Just ignore them nonna. You have to be really obsessed with troons (and god only knows how much i hate them myself) to automatically associate anime to them. It's like /pol/tards associating cinema with the jews or i don't know what other schizo bullshit terminally online people come up with. You can enjoy your anime, just because troons are LARPing as anime girls doesn't mean anime have to be ruined.
Anime existed before the troon propaganda, it's just a form of media. As long as you're not posting lolis or any other fucked up thing you're fine.
No. 293189
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I randomly decided I was tired of feeling miserable and asking the sonic totem thread if something “good” would happen like I have no control over my life. So here’s what I’ve done so far:
>cut back on drinking
>worked out yesterday
>cleaned up my bedroom
>contacted a substance use counselor (she takes my insurance and is very close by, also is actually accepting new clients)
>decided for myself I actually want to be better
My goals:
>eat better (more variety and less impulse decisions)
>exercise daily
>actively look for better job
>study more
>be less repetitive about my choices
No. 296922
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I need to straighten up a lot of things in my life. I fe completely unlovable and just stuck in general. I want love, a better job, and new home.
Sure it's shitty to want yo change myself because of rejection but I know there's things that need to be changed. My weight has absolutely went out of control after I was cheated on. I went from 140lb to a 170lb and I feel like a bag if wet sand.
I want to make thing about me spoiling myself and giving myself every thing I need to look and feel good. I want to eat clean high quality food, dress in a luxurious manner, and take good care of my skin and hair.
No. 320248
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What should I do with my eyebrows? I think they are fine as they are but I want to look better, and I am not into having to draw them on everyday, I want to shape them. I don't really understand eyebrows and how to look beautiful but natural. I want to change my appearance. I feel like they are uneven, messy, and awkward.
No. 320251
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>>320248NTA but I love your brows so much. They’re not awkward at all, they’re really nice. I’m adding on to what
>>320249 said. I would get a mirror with great lighting and magnification, pluck only ONE LINE of hair at the front and clean up any strays near the tails (the areas I highlighted in yellow.) If you have any stays above the tail area I’d pluck there too. If you have any eyebrow scissors I would brush all of the hair straight up in the area within the black rectangle and trim the top of the hairs so they’re all even length. Less is more! if you’re not sure if you should pluck an area I wouldn’t.
No. 320415
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Eyebrow update. I did my best, can't do much for the fact one is higher than the other without a facelift but pretend you didn't notice that.
No. 320578
>>320519Really? I always thought mine are thin
>>320529I'll get into a routine of doing them, I often forget but it's the smallest change that makes such a big difference.
No. 321381
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I grew up as an only child with no older siblings and quite an emotionally absent mother, not to mention I apparently have autism so I've just routinely stuck with the same hairstyle for years (which is cute and gets lots of compliments like Picrel) but my question is how does someone cack-handed learn to do cute hairstyles/know what to do with hair in general? I will keep my bangs until the day I die and take good care of them, but my hair is thick, italian and I never know how to style it and do cute hairstyles I see around on the internet.
Are there channels and tutorials that are easy to follow? Thank you nonnies love from a hot bitch who has learned to do everything else now but the hair is just where I just follow habit and forget I could actually try and style it!!
No. 321656
I pledged to myself I'd get out of caring about looks years ago after growing up severely bullied (I have a slight deformity that makes me look kind of weird). Like, there just isn't much progress I can make after all. But, I'm now getting up in the years and I look rough and sickly–yes, even compared to other barefaced people and I really want to at least look more normal.
Can I get some inspo of women improving their looks without make-up? Especially skin quality and just looking more alive overall.
Also, when you have barely any baby fat and a long, severe face, is it worth being very low BMI or no? I'm afraid of looking haggard. I've been weight lifting and 22 bmi for a while and I wonder if it's even worth losing weight. Also, is there a nice maintenance style for very thin, flat, straight hair that looks really bad on top? I assume messy bun, but I'm open to other ideas.
No. 321663
>>321656No low bmi means your face will look even more sunken in. I'm 19 or so bmi now but I used to be much lower and I got so many compliments on my face after I gained weight. Low BMI makes your body look ok but it ruins your face unless you have a good bone structure.
You can't improve much without makeup but a small amount of makeup can make a big change, just mascara blush, gloss and maybe concealer can make you feel and get treated better. Maybe getting your brows shaped and getting a new haircut or color will help but it'd hard to change anything about your face. What deformity do you have? Cleft lip?
No. 324251
>>321656I guess it depends on one's bone structure, but as
>>321663 said, for me my face I believe it looked the best when I was working out, taking care of myself and getting proper nutrition so BMI AT LEAST 19. Lower than that I looked tired, wrinkled & older even. I didn't really notice it at the time but I saw an older picture of myself the other day and I looked sad lol
No. 324408
>>324400Ayrt, the term is disgusting, it's exactly like talking about a woman who doesn't wear a burqua.
Makeup IS the new burqua, there are tons of young women who are too ashamed to go out without it and this kind of language only reinforces it.
It's a testament to how successful the cosmetic industry has been in manipulating people.
There is no such thing as "bare-faced people". It's a term coined by consoomers for normal people.
No. 327441
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>Make a habit of wearing sunscreen b4 going outside for extended time
>Sleep on a new tshirt over my pillow every night (I have acne)
>shower with cold water
>drink more water
>Use a different towel after showering
Diet and exercise
>Walk my dog everyday
>eat more fruits and veggies
>Continue to take meticulous care of my sleeping schedule
>Completely stop caring about male validation kek
>Continue to have high self-esteem/confidence
>Keep up good oral hygiene (dentists are expensive af)
>Wear contacts over glasses (too poor to afford lasik)
>Graduate, become financially independent
No. 328358
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nonnies i need help or advice. if it's wrong here direct to correct thread. how do you maintain your grooming? with depression and ocd i find everything so incredibly tiring and overwhelming. even basic regular showers, preparing for the shower, the aftermath of the shower, the basic skin and hair care, hair removal, all the aspects of it are so overwhelming and tiring and it piles up. i cut my hair shorter to help, but it's still been a struggle. how do you organize and motivate yourselves? one of my biggest banes is the hair removal. i really hope i can just do laser hair removal and be done with that. is there any device i can use at home to help with that? i have hair removal creams, an epilator and razer but what about a ipl device for home usage? if anyone knows anything good please help and recommend me something.
i can't keep up with it at all anymore and then i feel and look bad and it's a cycle. pls help i need to looksmaxx again. i don't go outside because of it too. if i can just keep a regular and basic grooming schedule then it will immensely help my state of mind to improve and be able to do more
No. 328359
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>>328358samefag but also i want to get something like this. i think it will be an immense help in drying and styling my hair and making it less of a burden. i regret getting the revlon one step and don't recommend it. i don't like not being able to take off the "head" and wash it and that it doesn't come with a drying nozzle attachment to help dry beforehand.
No. 330446
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>Get more confident and stop comparing myself to other people, everytime I meet someone else I'm always comparing my appearance to them and it caused me to have so many problems making friends
>Try not to be always at home, specially on the summer because I really like feeling the sunlight kek
>Read a lot but use the local library instead of buying new books
>Be more social and practice small talk so I dont end up having awkward conversations
>Get a good moisturizer and actually use it instead of ignoring it
>Cut the bleached part of my hair and grow it longer (maybe also get rid of my bangs)
>Fix my posture
>Cleanout my closet and donate/alter the things i dont wear (making pants i dont like into skirts)
>Also only buying clothes when needed and building a cohesive wardrove
No. 330561
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Can I also ask for help with my eyebrows? I feel like they always make me look either angry or “evil” when I smile. My mom has really small and thin eyebrows so the stuff she taught me is just how to make them look even bigger, which seems like the opposite of my problem.
No. 330578
>>330565I am a little scared of taking too much away and looking really weird and misshapen, so I’ve never done it.
>>330566>>330568Thanks for the nice comments, maybe it’s just because other people in my family have such different eyebrows than me that I’m biased against my own eyebrows… But everyone in my family says I have a resting angry face because of them. Maybe it’s because I’m shorter than everyone and perspective makes the angle look more dramatic? I might try to get a different clear brow gel because the one I’ve used in the past wasn’t strong enough and it didn’t seem to do anything.
>>330569I’ll try to just pluck the random sparse hairs then… I’m afraid that if I mess up they will never grow back, but that’s a myth, right? The little sparse spot on my eyebrow is from a childhood injury but I’m still scared that I’ll put a bald spot on my eyebrow by accident somehow and then look both vaguely disgruntled and eyebrow-balding.
No. 342656
>>330578> I’m afraid that if I mess up they will never grow back, but that’s a myth, right? I know this post is a month old but just in case anyone is reading this thinking the same thing, I just want put a little PSA here:
that is not a myth. Overplucking and permanent eyebrow hair loss is a real and common phenomenon. Sometimes you never get the hair back. The more you do it the more likely it is to not grow back the same.
No. 349896

>>349894What "minimal makeup" means for you depends on a lot of things, like your personal style, your skin type and concerns (oily, dry, acne, wrinkles, etc), your daily life (school/work), and how much time you have to get ready in the morning. Something like vidrel would be appropriate for classes, running errands, and most offices IMHO.
The absolute minimum starter kit for simple, "my face but better" makeup for most women is like
>brown, non-volumizing mascara if your hair colour is not black (I like Glossier's, but you'll need a good makeup remover as it is waterproof)>Tinted moisturizer or liquid foundation in a shade that works for you. OK if this is pricey bc you never use a lot at once>Concealer, for under-eye circles or blemishes if you have them>Blush colour that's as close to your natural "flushed" shade as possible>Lip balm, tinted or not>Lip crayon/liner in your natural shade, cream or pencil formula. Revlon sells a good double-duty product>Nude eyeshadow palette that works with your skin undertone>Eyebrow spoolie>Eyebrow pencil/crayon that matches your brows>Makeup remover. Cleansing balm, micellar water, cleansing oil, whateverA lot of these products have multiple uses and can also be applied with your fingers if they're creams/liquids. Neutral eyeshadow is good for all sorts of subtle eye contour trickery, and can be used to fill in your brows if you have a small, angled brush. Eyebrow pencils are a bit more user-friendly though.
As for setting powder, I know you're trying to save money and not buy two brushes but blush and setting brushes are made for different things. You want a big, loose/fluffy brush for setting powder to cover more surface area and not deposit too much product in one place, while blush brushes are smaller and densely packed to control product application and keep it somewhat concentrated in the application area before it's blended out. If you can only buy one, go with the powder brush, as cream blushes can be applied with your fingers if you're careful but setting powders cannot.
While you really don't have to wear makeup every day, try it for a while so you get some practice and a feel for what makes you look/feel good and what doesn't. Most everyday makeup should not place a lot of emphasis (i.e. colour, saturation, shininess) on your eyes and lips at the same time, by the way. It can look a bit too glam for everyday occasions. Instead, try out combinations like eyebrows and lips, eyes and blush, eyes and eyebrows, etc to see what suits you. Most importantly, have fun! It's easy to get sucked into the beauty obligation trap, but you really don't owe anyone clear skin or perfect makeup all the time.
No. 349915
>>349896AYRT, thank you for this it's really informative and a good place for me to start. I have some things you listed for the minimum starter kit, like an eyebrow spoolie/brush since I do fill in my eyebrows, BUT THAT VIDEO is so helpful, since I went to watch another few of that girl's videos and in one she says mixing silicone and water when it comes to primers and foundation/concealer = product separation and pilling on your face?! Which is exactly what happens to me in the past because my POS concealer is apparently silicone-based and my primer has all-along been a water-based one augh god fuck
I've used this concealer all over the face before (on many horrible occasions) if any nona has done the same the video is titled "MAKEUP MAKES ME LOOK WORSE?" Everyday Makeup for Beginners (step by step, mistakes to avoid)
No. 354487
>>349894Tinted sunscreen; get one that matches your skin in both color and moisture. You can get both skin-colored, or a color correcting one – I'm very pale with bad red flushing, so I use a green tinted one for example. It evens things out and makes my face match my neck more.
Eyelash serum (I also use it to fix my brows).
Concealer for any breakouts and under eye circles.
Tinted lip gloss for a little color and more even lip tone.
Also, if you're worried about eyeshadow being bold, just get a nude palette. The other anon gave a much better "beginner makeup" overview but this is what I wear for a more "no makeup" approach that still looks neat and clean.
No. 502376
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I need a mental glow up. I suffer from a ton of anxiety and poor self-esteem. I've accomplished a lot of things I'm proud about but my self-esteem still needs work. I've been telling myself affirmations, trying to remind myself I have worth in this world. It's hard man
No. 502540
My genuine guide for glowing up.
>Cutting sugar.
This will be easier for some than most. Many of us have mental blockage with food and eating habits. But once you quit sugar, you realize all the ways it poisons you. This is my number one advice.
>Drink more water.
I had dry, scabbed lips my entire life. I tried literally every lip balm. The only thing that works is drinking more water. 2 liters a day. It's not as hard as it seems.
>Face massage
After you shower take some lotion or cleanser or serum and take 2-5 minutes massaging your neck, face, and shoulders. This genuining does debloat and reduces my nasolabial folds. It also just makes you feel nice and pampered and awake.
>Unclutter your space.
Make your bed in the morning. Do the dishes. Fold the laundry. Once you get offline you realize how much time you have to do these things. You cannot thrive if your space is messy.
>Get a signature scent.
This is optional, you don't need to buy a bunch of stuff to glow up. But when I started using perfume, it became a nice routine. It was a way of saying "I'm ready for the day!" One spray of the wrist, one spray on the neck.
>Moodboards and visualization
This is what you're going to do. You are going to think of your ABSOLUTELY DREAM LIFE. Your beautiful home, your amazing partner, your wardrobe, your career. Make a moodboard. You have the potential to achieve these things. An affirmation I tell myself: your future self is waiting for you, arms wide open. Go to her. Affirmations and manifesting works, even if you have to be a little delusional. I've never been religious or believe in luck but once I started picking up on these things it is absolutely real.
There are many youtubers who dive into glow ups and self help. It's kinda like free therapy. Just skip any sponsorship talk and listen closely to things you agree/disagree with. Don't just play them in the background.
Do not beat yourself up when you have struggles. Progress is not linear. You will have off days. This does not mean you have failed. Find a healthy way to relax and you'll come back.
>t. I'm on lolcow, you think I haven't been a depressed dork? Now I'm a librarian, they even want to promote me to director.
So go, glow up nonna!! I believe in you.