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No. 276988
Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.
This thread's cover star is cartoon voiced Twitter outlaw Jordan B Peterson.
Previous thread
>>260491 No. 277011
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>>276988Of all the people you choose to open the thread with, that's who you choose?
No. 277023
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Recently discovered Joe Rogan didn’t always look like an old tomato infused with steroids.
No. 277034
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Getting this out of the way since he makes an appearance every thread kek
No. 277047
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young clifford lane and anthony fauci. i'm not american, btw. i just hear their names online sometimes
No. 277087
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balletfagging. young baryshnikov was peak man for me
No. 277090
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my very special somepony
No. 277109
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The movie was meh, but he was kind of hot as an autist. Also, the glasses.
No. 277116
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No. 277120
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>>277116No I am not getting horny over a corny low-budget “comedy” movie. I’m simply appreciating the zombies professionally. Look at the ass of that one on top of the car. Do you see it? Why is it so fat?
No. 277134
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No. 277144
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the reign of the chessanons is about to begin…
nakamura is pretty cute, in my opinion. i like his beard, hair, face structure, eyes… i got bullied because i said he was pretty atractive
No. 277149
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>>277148me too, nonna. physically, bobby fischer would be the ideal man for me (1,85..) but i really love how cocky karpov looks in every photo there is of him when he was younger…
fun fact! i only got into chess so that my obsession with chess players would be justifiable
No. 277151
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i could've saved him…
No. 277152
>>277144>i got bullied because i said he was pretty atractivewtf! he's not my type but he's clearly pretty decently good looking
>>277149nta but i agree so hard on this. bobby fischer is SO HOT. like. i for real rarely find celebrities/people i dont personally know to be attractive. but hes legit so sexy to me, the arrogance just makes him even hotter. i love his face. im the anon who posted
>>277134 so i definitely just have a weird thing for this phenotype.
No. 277158
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>>277152i love you nonna, you are literally so based. i said once to my friend that nakamura is hot and she said "ew, no. you know who's hot? magnus carlsen" THE ONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A GODDAMN CAVEMAN.
also, yesssss bobby fischer was tall, arrogant and obsessive. he was so schizo, i want him so baddd. it's a shame he died in such a horrible state. would still fuck, tho
(btw, i am the nonna who posted
>>277153 eh, he just is better looking that i expected. i just love smug men, sorry
No. 277172
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No. 277179
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m-mr gagarin…
No. 277183
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No. 277186
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>>277183in this thread we post slavs and SLAVS ONLY
No. 277199
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Jeremy Allen White in The Bear, god I just want to ride him.
No. 277211
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God he was so cute when he was younger. He’s aged like milk in a hot Floridian car. When I hear his voice I picture someone else kek.
i watched you chaaaaaange into a fat assssss
No. 277214
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>>277211is this chino moreno. if so, yeah, its a tragedy. i've noticed that latinos tend to get smaller and fatter once they hit around 40. a tragedy, y'know, the achatadito-fication of many hot latinos
No. 277218
>>276988OP why did you need to do this to us lol.
>>277023Had a huge crush on him when he hosted fear factor, reminded me of Chino Moreno.
>>277034Sadly thats the greatest danger of conspiracy theories, they ruin you. Hes a 10/10 here.
>>277211>>277214My fellow anons, did not expect to see this on here, great taste!
No. 277220
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>>277023Everyone loves to hang onto this singular moment because he actually looked like this most of his young adulthood. Attractive Rogan lasted a year max.
No. 277221
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>>277034This fool too. He only looked like that for a very short period of time. Always been a nutjob though.
No. 277222
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>>277179also, i do not discriminate. i love both sides of the cold war.
No. 277224
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>>277214AYRT-It is Chino. I’ve been in love with his voice since I was a kid. Deftones was my first concert I went to at 13 kek. Looking at photos of him from the 90s brings back first-crush feelings.
No. 277234
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>>277179>>277222im the same anon that this two. i am also spainanon, the one that lurks many threads.
anyways just wanted to hop in with my astronaut kink and hsare that spain's previous science minister is pedro duque, a retired astrounat that NASA fooled into believing that he went to space.
he's also pretty cute! to my standards
No. 277237
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>>277109>>277185Did some investigating and tbh it seems like it. His nose was thicker when he was younger, unless I'm wrong. I still think he looks cute even with that honker. Tbh he kind of looks like my uncle that died from prostate cancer before he got fat. Very confusing for me.
No. 277240
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>>277235basically, he kept sending emails that said "please send me, i'm ready" everyday to the high charges of NASA and the main decision taking man Charles Bolden thoughit was pretty cute, and partly wanted him to shut the fuck up, because it was kinda annoying
so they made a false operation called STS-95 in the Discovery, because they "thought it was cute that he would live his dream, even if it was fake"
so they dressed him up and gave him a walkie talkie and kept saying weird numbers and words to make it more real (the suit was from Toys R' Us and the walkie-talkie was from Fisher Price, btw)
they said that pedro was "very nervous, but very happy and excited" he even said "wait until my cousins see me!"
funny stuff, uh?
No. 277241
>>277232Kek this is why I mentioned YOUNG chino
>>277230>visceralI only called him fat nona. Are you related to him
No. 277242
>>277240link to the source is here
its in spanish, but you can always use google translate
No. 277248
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>>277200yuri kasparyan of kino. there was a tsoianon last thread, i wonder where she went
>>277158you chessfags are onto something…
No. 277251
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>>277248thanks, nonna! we know us chessanons are based
No. 277252
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>>277240omg i remember it… the fact that he left the publuc for two months after NASA said it… kek
but he was cute in the 90s
No. 277258
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>>277252didn't it influence him having to leave as minister? like that shit was wild. i still can't believe it
and amerifags think their politics are crazy…
No. 277260
>>277259soy jack looking mf
>>277258 >>277252
>>277240 and
>>277234 talk
No. 277268
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Nonnies in /ot/ are right… he looks like a sped right now but it's kind of cute
No. 277269
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They took the wrong Biden boy. Beau had potential. Hunter looks like the literal coomer meme; balding and all.
No. 277271
>>277266Glad to know that there are some nonas with good taste. His voice is like ecstasy. Deftones is made for people who are horny 24/7.
>>277270Yes! I enjoyed Gojira but I was only really there for Deftones. They put on a great show, sucks that Stef is a bit of a nutjob and has smoked himself to retardation kek
No. 277277
>>277226>>277228>>277230Thank you for the laughs nonna's!
>>277263>>277266>>277271Mad respect to my chad nonna's with great audio taste!
No. 277288
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>>277104He's attractive because he isn't afraid to voice his opinion on controversial topics among other things. Think about how cult-like the reaction to Ellen's trooning has been and how JBP still stood by what he said. He's not right about everything by any means but I have to respect him for that.
No. 277293
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Billie joe armstrong. Too bad he looks like shit now
No. 277301
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i've seen him posted a million times already but my lust is new and strong.
No. 277307
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hamilton morris pre-glasses is so hot to me
No. 277321
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>>277220Just let us enjoy youthful non-bloated Rogan in peace
No. 277322
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>>277288Tell me you are a dateless virgin without telling me you are a dateless virgin. Get help, you are either a troll either a prey for manipulative men.
No. 277333
>>277313Shapiro's personality screams annoying little brother or middle child desperately acting but I'd take him over Jordan P. Looking at
>>277301 and
>>277326 , Ben can clean up and take care of himself and his clearly undiagnosed autism can be cute in small doses. Jordan P just seems like any random old scrote .
No. 277337
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>>277313Almost as bad as the Kanye or Pete choice. Why live when you can die instead
No. 277343
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>>277172He’s still hot as an old man imo
No. 277346
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>>277343I love him even tho he is old. Loved him as Hal out of all his roles.
No. 277348
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i’m going to hell <3
No. 277349
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He’s so sleazy I love it
No. 277361
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>>277343his skin aged poorly but his good features and bone structure are apparent even then
wish I could watch more of him in his prime, he was hella handsome
No. 277369
>>27736428, already looked a bit older than that IMO
he really is handsome in a preppy sort of way
No. 277374
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>>277349He would look so much better right now if he kept his real teeth. Those blinding white toilet chompers look awful, especially since he’s letting everything else go.
No. 277375
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i am always sad at how he ended up… rip daddy fischer
No. 277377
>>277307 >>277324
finally someone else that likes hamilton morris
No. 277392
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mommey won't give him thee thrown. pour charles
No. 277407
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ummm I uh uhm
No. 277431
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Stephen Malkmus was a cute dork back in the 90s.
No. 277447
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Both of the Sparks brothers at once but I'd only make eye contact with the moustache'd one.
No. 277449
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>>277448Yep, not sure why he does it for me so much. Part of it is his role as the straight man stoic I'm sure.
No. 277457
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No. 277460
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No. 277468
>>277457His worst mistake was growing out his hair. I don't know maybe it would look better on him if he wasn't a midget.
>>277460This length wasn't too bad, I guess.
No. 277474
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guy cihi. the actor that james from silent hill 2 is modeled after
No. 277475
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young joe biden
No. 277480
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>>277421Ever since the ripe age of 20
Still love em
The fivehead just means more area to cover with kisses
No. 277488
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oooh shit you're right-
No. 277489
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the chess fandom is dying!!1! quick dubov pic to save it!!!
No. 277491
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he’s so cute but he dresses like a complete retard. Le sigh
No. 277493
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>>277490i like that hair better than what this abomination was
No. 277494
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>>277307Oh my god me too. It makes me irrationally annoyed that Karley Sciortino from Slutever ended up dating him, and is NOW dating my longtime crush, Zach Woods.
Bitch. [salutes and cries a single tear]
No. 277501
>>277494>Karley Sciortino from Slutever ended up dating himtheres a sex tape of them out there, its only like a minute long and super weird. she doms him and its so awkward lmao. they didnt seem like a good match at all. i remember in some podcast ep i listened to with him he said his ideal relationship is being allowed to fuck off and disappear for months in a lab somewhere while his gf doesnt care.
zach woods is cute too, i had no idea karley was dating him LMAO. god dammit why is my type the same as hers.
No. 277504
>>277494the ad she posted for her perfect man was pretty funny too and i think it perfectly describes our type
“Busty, blonde 23 y/o girl seeks hot, weird-looking guys / general freaks. Into tall and very thin. Large nose a plus. Between 18 and 30. Preferably deaf. I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby.”
No. 277507
>>277504some of my favourite quotes from the same article she wrote about her relationships
"The first video of Hamilton’s I came across was of him in the Amazon rainforest being ritualistically burned and dosed with the hallucinogenic venom of a tree frog. His shirtless body, which was covered in bug bites and dirt, looked worryingly under-inflated. I want him inside me, I thought."
"Hamilton was possibly the most beautiful person my eyes had ever seen: deep-set eyes, body like a line drawing, deathly pallor, long locks of chestnut-brown hair — and, of course, a big fuck-off nose. His voice alone made you want to fuck him: warped and uncomfortably deep, like a cassette tape that had been left out in the sun too long"
No. 277508
>>277507" I hugged him and his body felt like a bag of nails covered in wax."
No. 277509
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As long as he keeps the Majima voice and I don't have to see his face I would
No. 277511
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>>277510Can you believe he voices this?
No. 277515
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No. 277516
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>>277515jerma is conventionally attractive i think, total himbo, but… i agree.
No. 277518
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>>277516he's so dumb… such a caveman… i want him so badd-
No. 277522
>>277521i just read it now, kek
nonny thank you
No. 277528
>>277519That's the most unflattering pic I've seen of this guy.
>>277515 looks much better
No. 277540
nonny. they dress like drag queens before a reveal.
No. 277549
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Keeping the streamer train going.
No. 277551
>>277504>23 y/o girl seeks hot, weird-looking guys / general freaks. Into tall and very thin. Large nose a plus. Between 18 and 30. I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh babyI feel called out
why deaf tho
No. 277559
>>277556I'm more ashamed to admit/careful about admitting I like "ugly" men here on lolcow than anywhere else.
In real life, it depends on the man's reputation. Like for example if I found a nazi attractive (though I don't), I wouldn't admit it.
No. 277564
>>277023For some reason, I read this as “Joe Francis” at first and I was like “ew why.” But then I saw “Rogan” and I was relieved. And yeah, I do see it,
nonnie. At least when he was younger.
No. 277580
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he was kinda hot back when he was fucked up…
No. 277584
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the jerma anons ranting about his hair reminded me of this pic… it's an edit, but still…
No. 277586
>>277584I'm the from earlier who mentioned only being attracted to Jerma with the longer hair. I cant even begin to tell you how retarded of an effect this edit had on me.
What the fuck, why am I like this? Why am I a hair sperg? I'm not even that attracted to Jerma in the first place, but that pic made me feel like an animal for a minute. I hate long grown out metalhead hair but the hair in that edit is my idea of perfection.
No. 277590
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I hate myself for this one
No. 277615
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>>277549Forsen can easily shift to the conventionally attractive thread if he tried.
No. 277620
nonnie I had already forgotten how weak I am for this idiot. He is exactly my type, especially with his obnoxious facial expressions and his voice. I think he is quite conventional, it's the personality that makes him "unconventional" in LC standards.
No. 277718
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i would raise a child with him in an extremely accurate and intricately planned simulation of parenthood
No. 277730
>>277716I’ve literally felt the same way and I’ve also had the same thought as
>>277720. He really looks like Paul Dano. I found current pics of Liquid Chris and he’s just okay now from what I remember. He became a doctor lol.
No. 277744
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ever since watching bcs
No. 277745
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>>277326>>277301>>277313>>277443God I love Ben so much. He and his wife make a good-looking couple.
No. 277749
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Bud Cort, specifically in the early 70s around the MASH/Brewster McCloud/Harold and Maude era. I think he's so adorable. When he cries it's so cute, and his voice is so soothing. He would treat me right.
No. 277770
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>>277749God tier taste,
nonnie No. 277772
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>>277744I've seen his pics as a young man and idk why maybe it's his large intense pretty eyes and his nice lip shape but I wouldn't use the word handsome or cute for him, I'd say he is actually beautiful
picrel is de-aged gus
No. 277778
>>277556Nah I tell people all the time. People already see me as a freak centrist because I hold rad fem opinions mixed in with cherry picked right wing opinions. I just don't care anymore. Being honest is way better than trying to fit into a box.
Also, you could just find someone attractive without agreeing with them.
No. 277779
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I have an unexplainable crush on this man
No. 277833
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I hate him.
No. 277842
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No. 277858
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>>277803I feel like he simultaneously has a baby baby and old face. I love it so much, though.
No. 277862
>>277374Jesus look at his eyes
he's like, mess-era Lohan high
No. 277863
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Weird tooth but cute face, I guess.
No. 277872
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>>277867Are you retarded? He looks post-wall.
No. 277873
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>>277797Well this was nightmarish
No. 277886
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Richard Ashcroft from The Verve is so munted but hot to me
No. 277907
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No. 277916
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>>277772its crazy knowing he was this guy in do the right thing
No. 277943
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I think Mike Patton is attractive in general,but there’s something about old Mike (especially when he has double-braids) that’s really hot to me.
No. 277944
File: 1658813393857.jpg (53.96 KB, 371x506, Giancarlo_Esposito_1998.jpg)

>>277916You got me looking up older pics of him now and damn, would
No. 277948
File: 1658815583546.jpeg (148.84 KB, 750x937, DDE4DB0A-9D70-4FDD-B236-61D362…)

I don’t know if he’s been posted yet but David Harbour is one handsome step-dad
No. 277955
File: 1658818527217.jpeg (140.21 KB, 1200x1200, 5F0F35D5-2365-4C1F-99A7-82795C…)

>>277941Kevin can do no wrong, I meant unconventional as in he's not considered a heartthrob
No. 277990
File: 1658833925561.jpg (221.26 KB, 1600x1200, better-call-saul.jpg)

>>277789dont forget the wardrobe god i love suits so much
>>277774fuck i love lalo too
No. 278074
File: 1658869871161.gif (6.8 MB, 633x633, d1a778c133cda8f27b03bb3eb0450e…)

>>277948I'm a sucker for Hopper, particularly his heavier look as well as in uniform.
No. 278124
File: 1658890629347.jpg (99.94 KB, 586x1334, justajealousguy.jpg)

>young elvis presley
>young john lennon
>young morrissey
No. 278130
>>278124Hatefuck John Lennon
Marry (and divorce) Moz
Kill Elvis (ugley pedo)
No. 278135
File: 1658899506760.jpg (104.9 KB, 1008x1052, Nick-Offerman-Ron-Swanson.jpg)

I'm so sorry.
No. 278151
File: 1658910269832.jpeg (437.23 KB, 1500x1000, image (1).jpeg)

From a purely current looks point, he's kind of cute
No. 278154
>>277990Lalo is soooooooooo hot.
Everything about him oozes sex appeal
No. 278220
File: 1658933031535.jpg (53.8 KB, 500x617, e3e9f9b9fcb61efe3d26ef129277c0…)

i want to go back in time to tie him up and beat the shit out of him and make him cry. and maybe afterwards there'd be a whole radiohead album about it. he's palpably obnoxious just by looking at pictures of him and it arouses both anger and horniness in me. even as a dried up piece of jerky old gollum man. voice of an angel though. i love annoying looking bird boned shorties. i'm getting really into radiohead can you tell.
No. 278228
>>278124marry lennon (he's the best looking of the three when he was skinny)
fuck elvis (for the clout and also his voice is sexy)
kill morrissey (for obvious reasons)
No. 278233
>>278124Marry Lennon (as he'll be assassinated and then I can be a wealthy widow)
Fuck Elvis (because he's hot but I also don't want to stick around to see him get fat)
Kill Morrissey (because his music is the worst of the three)
No. 278250
>>278124marry lennon
fuck morisssy
kill elvis
i don't care much about any of them i just wanted to play the game
No. 278307
>>278257And started dating a young model
All men is the same
No. 278331
>>278327John Lennon had crazy yellow fever and was a piece of shit to his eldest son, that's most of what I know about him from my limited knowledge kek. I'd still pick him over Elvis though, pretty sure I'd fuck John (even if it was only to get to Paul), marry
problematic bi Morrissey (I could have saved him) and kill Elvis.
No. 278334
File: 1658976778389.jpg (110.59 KB, 495x660, Franz_Kafka_thumb-c.jpg)

Any fellow Kafka nonnies out here?
No. 278343
File: 1658982025307.jpeg (56.37 KB, 780x499, E9DD66B5-F4B7-4BEF-848B-A685E1…)

>>278331>moz>bi he’s as “bisexual” as freddie mercury or george micheal was, he’s obviously gay and had a long term relationship with a rough blue collar guy. and a thing for johnny marr ofc. still the most tolerable of the three because at his heart he’s just a bitchy gay guy. lennon and elvis just had oedipus complexes that manifested in different ways (john wanted a mommy, elvis just wanted pure virgin teen girls he never actually fucked just hung around with)
>>278327more women need to get on the yoko/courtney/wallis simpson grind. this is why women hate meghan markle because she managed to turn a literal prince into her submissive husband
some men are beyond saving tho, like richard ramirez, but i think i could’ve fixed pic related if i fed really hard into his abandonment issues
No. 278346
>>278345“gal pals”
girl, those are faghags.
and it depends what you like in a man. i mean, if i was a position of power i would def have lennon as my male mistress. just as a symbol of power, but i could never live with mr heroin mommy issues
No. 278364
File: 1658997286258.jpg (704.32 KB, 1362x1848, Franz_Kafka_1917.jpg)

>>278334hands off my husband
No. 278464
File: 1659044112495.jpg (75.5 KB, 980x653, britishbfs.jpg)

>>278346>>278405would you really choose john over paul?
No. 278471
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>>278464George Harrison in A Hard's Day Night
No. 278482
File: 1659049234069.jpeg (493.78 KB, 3000x2004, 106798364-1605643956212-gettyi…)

Put me in his shark tank
No. 278498
File: 1659053143119.jpg (291.11 KB, 1080x1440, p8949978_b1t_v9_aa.jpg)

No. 278500
File: 1659054905593.jpg (74.8 KB, 471x750, ef76331f22db2323fdb083407509ad…)

I am so attracted to men from the lost generation that it's actually driving me insane
No. 278509
File: 1659059763475.gif (3.15 MB, 498x350, Kieran Culkin.gif)

i feel so gross about this one but he's so hot
No. 278512
File: 1659060652176.jpg (132 KB, 570x729, o-VINCENT-KARTHEISER-YOUNG-570…)

>>278509I thought this was Vincent Kartheiser at first
No. 278515
>>278512i just looked him up, he aged poorly but he looks so cute in your picrel
they have the same sad puppy eyes and air of patheticness about them. weirdly hot
No. 278524
>>278507He's the
Qtest for sure
No. 278546
File: 1659092524933.jpeg (34.9 KB, 735x414, 230DEEE1-FC6C-426F-A5DA-4D54F3…)

>>277457he looks extremely washed out and old now, I would argue he only looked super cute in this pic
No. 278547
File: 1659095103917.jpeg (210.89 KB, 709x632, 89EB1F07-5E82-45B1-9547-00799B…)

his hair is perfect
No. 278548
>>278547Not my type but i agree he used to be really cute and the hair was gorgeous. Too bad he literally turned into a monster, i don't know how Hila is so accepting of it, she's making him too comfortable with his situation.
He also got dumber and dumber as years passed, he's now a caricature of a woke stupid liberal. I hate him (although i feel for him for the Trisha situation, this cow is worse than him).
No. 278594
File: 1659110626724.jpg (1.72 MB, 3264x2209, judas.jpg)

I started TWD weeks ago since the last season got announced and I wanted to catch up to it. This unwashed man makes me go FERAL. Everything about his character is so fucking attractive to me, it's not fair
No. 278597
File: 1659111986498.png (732.62 KB, 649x751, ZliYVRN.png)

>>278594You should play Death Stranding just for the webcam hijinks alone.
No. 278601
File: 1659112861753.jpeg (291.29 KB, 1020x574, goingtohellforthis.jpeg)

>shameful for their reputation
Viktor Bout, the Russian arms dealer Putin wants to exchange for Brittney Griner (the WNBA player). He's nicknamed "The Merchant of Death" and he inspired Nic Cage's character in Lord of War but he's totally my type
No. 278615
File: 1659117438522.gif (Spoiler Image,7.08 MB, 540x450, steve harington.gif)

i used to think he looks like a retard. idk what happened but the latest season had me panting whenever he was on screen.
No. 278670
File: 1659130793954.jpg (44.69 KB, 440x603, COLLECTIE_TROPENMUSEUM_Een_rok…)

I sometimes go to human tooth sharpening page on Wikipedia just to look at this picture
No. 278674
File: 1659131402448.jpeg (88.98 KB, 1100x825, victor-07cf8c5de9f0d473a552c85…)

>>278601I'm on several watchlists now thanks
nonnie he's hot
No. 278678
File: 1659132891590.jpg (410.73 KB, 2048x2048, c3cdf96eb20eea07e84f5a74769d85…)

breathes heavily
I would do unspeakable things just to resurrect this man and have him whisper disgusting, naughty things in my ear.
No. 278711
>>278547Yeah, he was pretty hot. Poor Hila.
>>278615He's only attractive when he's like this.
>>278623Nta but it's from the show it's just a super nice quality gif.
No. 278717
File: 1659146859207.jpg (189.31 KB, 2000x1000, tom.jpg)

>>278509But is it Kieran you like, or Roman? Picrel really belongs in the "attractive men you want to fuck" thread but as long as we're talking Succession I want Tom and Roman to fight to the death to be my bf.
No. 278761
File: 1659171821302.jpg (5.25 MB, 2400x3000, MV5BOTAwNzE4NzAyMV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

No. 278778
File: 1659181585548.jpeg (32.79 KB, 550x732, 23974805-CC6C-4259-9337-D3AA74…)

I thought the thread pic was young Christopher Lee. Speaking if Christopher Lee, he was always old looking but that rat phenotype always got the fattest most heaving dicks in the world
No. 278779
File: 1659181706078.jpeg (363.34 KB, 1083x1373, F22CAC79-FAE7-48E5-B4FA-B5496B…)

>>278778Him young. He looks like such a baby here
No. 278780
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No. 278822
File: 1659204175371.gif (5.3 MB, 640x470, lf;baeqjh.gif)

>>278535Same^2. Adding onto Joseph Quinn… why is he SO cute as Eddie and borderline goblin IRL? His styling on the show makes me doki-doki so hard, why is it difficult to be cute out of character???
Forgive my horny sperg, nonnas
No. 278834
File: 1659209333495.png (174.15 KB, 1200x799, EyQEeoeUcAUubWT.png)

i'd absolutely destroy these fucking losers in a van dp.
No. 278847
File: 1659215645148.jpg (16.66 KB, 220x548, hal.JPG)

>>277346loved Hal too
he is cute
No. 278854
File: 1659217496059.jpeg (112.42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpeg)

>>277034RIP - He ain't dead yet but his looks long are
No. 278858
File: 1659219113801.jpeg (1.2 MB, 2280x2303, gat0-006-gates-corbis-42-17934…)

>wanna see my floppy disk, nonnie?
No. 278862
>>278778extremely based
>>278858young steve mogs him!!!
No. 278864
>>277745Ben was really wasted by becoming who he is. Imagine nonnas, he could have been a relatively laid back dorky boyfriend but NO. He had to be Ben lib-slayer Shapiro for some reason
>>278443He looks like his skin is stretched over his face as part of an alien disguise to look human. Have they rescued those minors he ran away with yet or has he eaten them?
>>278500Based. I'm obsessed with vintage jock types, I can't explain it.
No. 278886
File: 1659228959605.jpg (316.65 KB, 1060x1600, 268dc610a955000956f95adec3329f…)

>>278864Appreciating vintage jocks is a sign of patrician taste and requires no explanation.
No. 278887
>>278858>>278876What a fucking nerd. Look how his voice cracks when he gets angry, oooo so scary. I want to beat him up.
>>278847>>277172Not only does he have a handsome face nice hair but he also has a nice ass
No. 278895
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>>278882>>278887good. they should’ve had hardcore gay sex together (only when pre wall)
No. 278896
File: 1659235309177.jpeg (27.92 KB, 417x333, 01E7D4EE-25A7-4DB1-AF3A-CDD0EC…)

>>278778Ah, yes. I watched Horror of Dracula for the plot
No. 278900
File: 1659237256256.png (297.29 KB, 680x478, he spots you from across the b…)

>>278847>>277343>>277346I can't be the only one here who would pick Walter over Hal
No. 278927
File: 1659258337538.jpeg (67.47 KB, 1200x841, 5589c09f2acae7b7188b46fc.jpeg)

>>277346I liked him in Seinfeld
No. 278973
File: 1659290621917.jpeg (227.71 KB, 375x683, D308002E-1910-4265-948F-CAC7B4…)

Nonnies i cant.. i want to suckle his fat inbred man titties kiss his gout bloated stomach and bully him pls!!
No. 278997
File: 1659307131393.jpeg (84.04 KB, 661x900, DjTAzOoXgAE25Jx.jpeg)

My kryptonite will always be dorky ass .com bubble billionaires
No. 279008
File: 1659310395092.jpeg (167.62 KB, 1508x1122, DjSro83UYAE-S6d.jpeg)

>>279007Here he is with his friends
No. 279020
>>278900He was really hot with the beard and square glasses. Too bad he only had that for one episode.
Also >filename
No. 279044
File: 1659328216029.jpeg (133.86 KB, 900x900, FFGNb25XsAEF0uI.jpeg)

>>278717it's roman specifically i think, which i'm ashamed of because he's
such a scumbag i feel guilty that i want him KEK.i want to eat him though. this fanart is so good
No. 279046
File: 1659330861380.jpeg (44.64 KB, 434x565, 0806FB52-5770-4554-BED8-82BE15…)

which one of you is urinal pilled his artwork is absolute shit but he looked so hot when he was young
No. 279066
File: 1659346802847.jpeg (182.39 KB, 1400x1400, 2A51DC1B-C6FF-4C05-9247-804208…)

Not a Disney adult but I’d ride him
No. 279070
File: 1659357225206.jpg (95.21 KB, 736x961, mike-stipe-rem.jpg)

If only I had a time machine
No. 279157
File: 1659401168334.gif (8.23 MB, 540x400, IMG_3648.gif)

>>278822Glad to see other anons who feel similarly.
I agree his actor looks like a goblin and something about him screams MOID to me, but when he plays Eddie I am absolutely dead.
My vibe is literally dying and I'm only half way through this season. Fuck.
No. 279163
File: 1659405061335.png (128.02 KB, 640x360, whore.png)

>>279151honestly idk…
i really hope he is able to have sex without being a degenerate necro freak in s4. but no ones ever a winner in succession, so i am doubtfulbtw nona, how do you feel about nick braun as greg? he's hot in a weird way
No. 279164
File: 1659405352879.jpeg (293.79 KB, 578x938, EA74A1A3-997C-40E4-9933-7589E8…)

Not the actor, just the character
No. 279189
File: 1659418938326.jpeg (71.58 KB, 1027x610, 4876865F-BD29-4F05-8CA1-C5267B…)

I’ve always joked about Theo Von and his mullet and said he looks like a Squidbilly or a possum. But today I saw videos of him when he was apparently on Road Rules back in 2002 and it did something for me
No. 279214
File: 1659437638238.jpg (5.77 KB, 266x189, gd.jpg)

Why do men age like milk
No. 279215
File: 1659437730334.jpg (111.44 KB, 800x1168, Gerard-Depardieu-et-Catherine-…)

No. 279216
File: 1659437789145.jpg (13.34 KB, 235x296, 2cd7d18a2e4fe5382dd06e5c57ad10…)

No. 279234
File: 1659454566280.jpg (49.54 KB, 475x480, 39f687f5f1072524b5d2536405c63a…)

Young Mike Stoklasa
No. 279260
File: 1659468611541.jpeg (51.36 KB, 500x499, 50965C02-B351-44EB-AA45-3C51E1…)

>>279234Well, I found your post intriguing so I googled “young Mike Stoklasa” and um EXCUSE ME
No. 279266
File: 1659469829248.jpg (75.9 KB, 540x540, tumblr_e05f47b3ac6440666d8e447…)

There is no other explanation for my weird fixation on this ugly midget aside from ovulation but holy shit is the ovulation horniness getting to me. I'd let him hit it and I'd let him hit it badly. He could have a micropenis for all I care. He could nut in .05 seconds. I'd still fuck him and you know what, fuck it, I'd thank him for it too. please just kill me just end my suffering
No. 279285
File: 1659473386893.gif (Spoiler Image,446.9 KB, 332x274, BTtWHXB.gif)

>>279276Thank you anon. I welcome the bullet wholeheartedly.
as an aside, I can't stop staring at this blurry-ass gif of this manlet removing his suit jacket. I'm telling you there are worms eating large holes in my brain right now. Why is this shitty gif doing me in. No. 279293
File: 1659474971230.jpg (116.18 KB, 750x1024, 9b45fd1c727780d42f19db5a918623…)

>>279290I know he abandoned his wife when she had cancer and that he's old and gross and washed up and that he has a childbride and that he's the proto-incel, I get it. I still want to fuck him though. The fact that he's a piece of shit also kind of adds to it. Kms.
No. 279302
File: 1659478826618.jpeg (20.79 KB, 236x365, 18401AEE-FD1A-4216-924A-57478F…)

I wanted to fuck him so badly back in the day
No. 279326
File: 1659487547452.gif (1.96 MB, 330x321, 930DF03D-BFCB-4EB0-9CE9-3E94DE…)

I’m in love with him so I’d fuck him
No. 279334
File: 1659491998818.jpg (166.66 KB, 1200x900, JS29622046.jpg)

No. 279335
File: 1659492185095.png (306.67 KB, 720x404, roman is pretty tom agrees.png)

>>279163I'm not attracted to Greg or Nick Braun especially after his character hooked up with Dasha's kek but I know a lot of Tom/Greg shippers think he's hot. He started out a lot more likeable to me but in more of a potential friend way than a hot way. If Roman fucks anyone I want it to be
Gerri but I dunno if I can realistically see it
No. 279340
File: 1659494238133.gif (6.94 MB, 472x352, 742cc123e52b5d8e674f71a614560f…)

>>279261What I'd kill for Mike to take care of himself the way Jay did.
No. 279359
File: 1659515786903.gif (30.77 KB, 296x216, tumblr_5f4211de2cec569ef97a1a7…)

>>279340Same anon. Mike is very handsome. Got a wicked wit. He just needs to loose a bit of weight and he'd be perfect Daddy material.
No. 279362
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No. 279378
File: 1659523256505.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.28 KB, 640x349, gallery-1477063056-louistherou…)

>>279362Damn, he's actually kinda got a nice body
No. 279380
File: 1659524830115.jpeg (75.99 KB, 982x726, 205DD48B-80B9-456F-A244-56911E…)

John hurt my beloved
No. 279509
File: 1659574223644.jpeg (314.91 KB, 1200x1199, EHmTDtJXUAAA63P.jpeg)

No. 279516
>>279266I had no idea he was short nona lmao
I'm still shamelessly into him, evem in his current pruned form.
No. 279525
File: 1659594456551.gif (2.72 MB, 540x262, FCA91A24-ECAD-44D4-86BC-48E26B…)

noel fielding from the mighty boost (right)
No. 279547
File: 1659613916462.jpeg (Spoiler Image,176.34 KB, 684x1132, 22012DC4-5546-4874-B23B-110E00…)

he is not hiding, he is with me
No. 279560
File: 1659618638397.jpeg (Spoiler Image,56.71 KB, 464x473, 3EA10364-F5DD-412F-BF05-3DE459…)

>>279558i can’t i am just destined to suffer
No. 279563
File: 1659619487933.jpg (29.65 KB, 612x395,…)

>>279380When I found out he played Joseph Merrick in The Elephant Man, ah, what a film.
No. 279576
File: 1659629801883.png (1.16 MB, 807x880, EaFSvAaWsAMcByo.png)

forsenfagging again
No. 279577
File: 1659629921070.gif (2.28 MB, 498x280, qtplwzvhsld81.gif)

i seem to have a thing for a lot of streamers. maybe its just too easy to get parasocial and attached
No. 279653
File: 1659648652316.jpg (78.86 KB, 640x438, joe-keery-gq-september-2021-05…)

F u c k I want him
No. 279661
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>>279660Ah fug forgot picture
No. 279662
File: 1659651227211.png (1.41 MB, 949x1037, Accursed_Farms.png)

Another one is Ross. He looks like he's part of a death metal band that takes meth and eats babies but instead he's another cute dork that makes youtube videos where he roleplays as Freeman from Half Life and talks about weird games.
No. 279686
File: 1659662603486.gif (618.14 KB, 444x236, 1659282831247292.gif)

>>279576>>279577Sad that he used to be more proactive back in the day. Nowadays, he's resigned to babysitting his spastic autist haven of a chat.
No. 279690
File: 1659667170541.png (1.28 MB, 1200x707, finger.png)

He probably smells old but that's fine
No. 279693

>>279660>>279661>I love him so much he aged like fine wine to meLast time I saw him, he looked like shit though due to the receding hairline, "where did the hair go?" indeed. It's a shame but with appropriate styling he can look decent. But despite that, I still like his eyes and his smile is still adorable. He also loves his cat and seems to be a good husband and father which gives him bonus points. I don't like lusting after his current self out of respect for his wife, who is very lucky, wasn't she a fan of his and that's how they met?
James was so fucking hot back in the day though.
>Miss when nerdy guys were just socially awkward guys into niche hobbies instead of troons and porn addicts. Born too late to steal the virginity of peak ugly-cute nerds, why live.I feel this.
Watching the Atari Porn episode, when he said>imagine if you're just sitting around, minding your own business, then all of a sudden, some naked chick breaks and starts humping the crap outta yaHow I wished to make the AVGN's dream come true, I was very horny for him then No. 279697
File: 1659670069266.jpg (88.25 KB, 850x510, lawdaddy.jpg)

I am so incredibly horny for saul goodamn
No. 279698
File: 1659670368470.jpeg (242.6 KB, 1330x1331, image.jpeg)

Hopper anon here again, can't stop won't stop
No. 279702
File: 1659677857841.jpg (86.16 KB, 702x1080, jeffkun.jpg)

I would've murdered someone for the chance to marry this shy man.
No. 279710
File: 1659680113972.gif (955.36 KB, 300x223, 21769491.gif)

>>279380Go watch him in "I, Claudius". (He plays Caligula, not a troon, lol.)
No. 279713
nonnie I don't think you know anything about the AVGN
No. 279728
File: 1659695968829.jpg (117.65 KB, 1321x1321, selfie-Edited-1.jpg)

To finalize the hornyposting for videogame nerds LGR made me understand why chubby chasers exist.
>>279701It's a character, when he's doing gameplays with his friend he's super chill, he has such a relaxing voice. Scott the woz unironically rages at videogames, he's a cute autist too. Man, why are nerdy boys so cute and how do i meet one that's not pornsick and on the verge of trooning.
No. 279737
File: 1659703370385.jpeg (249.13 KB, 750x657, 6389A507-5509-426A-A3FC-D46312…)

mm his flappy old man body so hawt,,,,,, hehe bitebitekissmwah
No. 279756
File: 1659719263189.png (686.38 KB, 1200x628, breaking-bad-walt-jesse-saul-g…)

i dreamt about sucking bob odenkirks dick last night what is wrong with me guys
No. 279762
File: 1659722118856.jpeg (54.19 KB, 720x887, AD0C82E0-7D52-40FD-8F59-1D9BB5…)

>>279756Nothing. He was a cutie when he was younger and he’s still low-key cute now.
No. 279766
File: 1659722689772.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.14 KB, 1154x1200, 1996rankin10.jpg)

I want to roll him between my palms to shape him into a ball like playdough and slip him into my pocket for safekeeping. I've gone full blorbo mode.
No. 279785
File: 1659733762865.jpeg (116.06 KB, 1400x788, Fielder.jpeg)

i know for a fact that I'm not the only one who wants to fuck him
No. 279797
File: 1659736333403.jpg (51.06 KB, 335x525, tumblr_ad0e8686dd6fb8444088d5d…)

Idk what's wrong with me, I'm not usually attracted to super old scrotes but I watched kingdom of heaven recently and saladin was kind of hot to me
No. 279806
File: 1659738428377.png (162.08 KB, 828x1692, FZaJyl6WQAEzBII.png)

>>279791im the dream nonna and my ex had a foot fetish and it was so hot so this has only made me hornier fuck
No. 279815
File: 1659749523571.png (564.25 KB, 433x663, Screenshot 2022-08-05 213029.p…)

>>279797I know this feeling anon. I usually prefer an elf king type but after seeing Kayvan Novak in What We Do In The Shadows I have decided that 'ancient middle eastern warlord' is my absolute type
No. 279828
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>>279774AYRT, I completely believe you would too, anon.
No. 279837
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hear me out
No. 279838
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This guy
No. 279839
File: 1659758788971.jpeg (37.9 KB, 306x508, 041F47B3-D22E-4B46-B3B8-E86430…)

>>279838his brother is even hotter desu
No. 279841
File: 1659759945372.jpeg (78.71 KB, 427x640, 00E3FF4F-3C4C-46AB-B7F6-AB0872…)

>>279838girl he looks like this orangutan
No. 279843
File: 1659762204894.jpeg (86.5 KB, 755x675, 44AA8DF2-18D1-4374-9283-351001…)

>>279841he would enslave every other numale goober ITT and that’s all that matters
No. 279864
File: 1659773178663.jpeg (236.1 KB, 1438x1678, 750FC323-910B-482B-B405-54C868…)

he is not “unconventional” per se, but i am reluctant to post in the other thread because i do not want to * him as he is a pretty wholesome family man and has a respectable wife.
No. 279905
File: 1659802343990.png (3.08 MB, 1600x897, sandwich.PNG)

I want to be in the middle of Cleese/Palin sandwiche where Cleese is topping both of us
No. 279916
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I am just glad he is too irrelevant to work with now…
>>279900What does being Russian has to do with this?
No. 279924
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I know he's the favorite philosopher of reddit men but I'd smash regardless.
No. 279977
File: 1659840895040.png (434.99 KB, 589x474, mama mia.png)

>>279828NTAYRT but I had such a huge crush on young adult Dexter when I was a child especially in the ego trip movie. I feel like I can admit that here. I liked him almost as much as I liked Double D from Ed Edd n Eddy (the original 2D husbando)
No. 279987
File: 1659846215117.jpg (Spoiler Image,749.4 KB, 1079x1242, Screenshot_20220807-142208_Red…)

Nonnies…… I've hated this man, hated him for the longest time. Everything about him grates at me. His voice, his demeanour, his smugness. I hate him significantly more than any other man on the internet. But I had a sex dream about him last night and its sticking with me. He was a tender lover, we had sex in a pool. I'm so filled with shame over how much I enjoyed it. What have I become.
No. 279990
File: 1659847789377.jpg (42.59 KB, 405x600, d350365505408b7f0bbe8a93b77cbc…)

>>279924we must imagine
nonny happy
No. 280008
File: 1659856671347.gif (8.11 MB, 528x698, BFF7F25B-58E0-40ED-9294-888FD5…)

if i could impregnate men he would be my first choice
>>277348and my second choice
No. 280056
File: 1659885211833.jpg (51.92 KB, 608x608, 220729_vod_steve_zissou_viktor…)

want him
No. 280057
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No. 280058
File: 1659886070006.jpeg (130.49 KB, 634x1024, A25DA507-EBC0-430B-9225-CBD4C9…)

Kieran Culkin is so sexy. He’s like if David tennant and and Eddie furlong before he destroyed himself were mushed together
No. 280070
File: 1659889071970.jpg (32.9 KB, 640x448, fbi-ulbricht.jpg)

No. 280088
File: 1659897935243.jpg (112.96 KB, 830x830, meeks.jpg)

>>279977young adult dexter reminds me of meeks from dead poets society kek (who i also find cute)
>>279987 who?
No. 280091
File: 1659898216901.jpg (27.22 KB, 564x566, 6cf08fa7a958fd6f91ae95c8c7d26e…)

i love his talking voice and the way he sings too tbh
i needed to post this and leave it be because i keep looking at concerts help>>280088 qt
No. 280092
File: 1659898256035.jpg (15.33 KB, 220x330, gayman.jpg)

neil gaiman. ah- wish this gayman would get in my falafel…
No. 280094
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>>280091i'm meeks anon. i really like your redead,
nonny! who is he?
No. 280097
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>>280094it's danny elfman from oingo boingo!
No. 280101
File: 1659900000233.jpg (96.96 KB, 900x900, brad.jpg)

brad taste in music looks like a reanimated corpse and i love him
No. 280116
File: 1659905053789.jpg (88.17 KB, 853x459, macauli macauli macauli culkin…)

>>280104wait he was the gay in scott pilgrim?
i'm sorry, i thought there where only 2 culkins, rory and macauly. i'm shocked there's a third, he looks exactly like macauly (but cuter)
No. 280136
File: 1659915673642.jpg (723.36 KB, 1200x799, carl-sagan.jpg)

spaceboy, show me the stars…
No. 280140
File: 1659915820593.png (362.47 KB, 640x480, nice.png)

>>280135They're smart, they're sensitive, they scratch some kind of itch for anons like me who enjoy moid humiliation. What's not to love?
No. 280142
File: 1659916119462.jpg (43.87 KB, 888x1053, nakamura.jpg)

i am legend… i am chessanon
i wanna keep posting fischer and karpov but i don't want to annoy everyon. anyways, here's hikaru
No. 280151
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No. 280152
File: 1659918093521.png (38.9 KB, 228x300, karr.png)

ooh i will!
No. 280155
File: 1659918863932.jpg (14.79 KB, 236x348, bobbaa.jpg)

i wish i could travel back in time and save him… from himself…
he was just so cocky and mean and had snark and a lot of ego. i hate him, but i love him, and i would marry him
he was also 1'85, so damn…
No. 280157
>>279014AYRT, thanks for reminding me that I want to fuck Dwight Schrute
>>280135I have never been able to find a clear answer myself, but I have a preference for smart men, and I love that nerds are pathetic and meek and I want to use them as sex toys. They appeal to my sadistic side.
>>280088Thanks for sharing him,
nonny! This is one of the cutest nerds I've ever seen.
No. 280162
>>280157haha yeah nonna, i think nerds are adorable, too. i really dig when they have short dark hair, buck teeth and glasses. i also like dwight, but only the british version.
>>280155 feeling blessed bc there's a new cashier in the store i frequent who looks just like him but with darker hair and braces
No. 280199
>>280162In my very personal opinion, a nerd is not complete without his glasses. Nerds without glasses are cute too but usually I'm not very attracted to them. I also have a preference for certain kinds of glasses, it's an obsession that reaches autistic levels.
I hate The Office US, but I haven't watched the original either. I just know that Dwight activates something in my brain that makes me wanna tie him up. (Don't watch the video if you don't feel like seeing Dwight belly)
No. 280239
File: 1659924017284.gif (7.53 MB, 540x450, 620EB797-51AF-48A6-B879-651BBF…)

what happened to the lennonfags here <\3
>>280136he was really ethnic looking for a homebred eastern european jew, hot though
No. 280509
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I would
No. 280552
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No. 280561
File: 1659974966150.jpg (347.34 KB, 1200x1500, 1996rankin49.jpg)

Yorkeposting again and I don't think I'm sorry this time. Ugly little runt. I love him.
No. 280569
File: 1659975454304.jpg (10.85 KB, 235x232, agugabuga.jpg)

>>280566carefull with the emoji there, nonna!
thanks. posting more of fischer because i am literally obsessed
No. 280571
File: 1659975853941.png (972.76 KB, 693x907, f77537ee1ad7fc2313e1a00c47c51e…)

>>279797I relate so much Anon, my revelation was Tywin in GOT. So old oh my god.
But… He's extremely tall, has piercing blue eyes, a gorgeous strong voice, an insane charismatic presence, is intelligent with a sharpened political sense of strategy. You could see he had ego but not in the "megalomaniac with illusions of grandeur" kind of way, he was still grounded in reality and mostly wise. You could also feel his soft side sometimes, mainly with Arya, he didn't show it explicitly but the fact that he knew she wasn't a peasant and did nothing about it, not causing harm unnecessarily to a child, made him even hotter to me.
Basically everything about him screams intimidating powerful man, and i'm attracted to that.
No. 280627
>>280571I really loved his character on the show too but when I looked up the actor and seen he's dating a woman 22 years younger than him I got turned off so quickly
His previous gf was 34 years younger too.
No. 280639
File: 1659987275081.jpeg (118.43 KB, 1200x1200, 5F3443CC-A9B7-4CD1-AAA9-4D0800…)

I hate all the Try Guys, but I hate Zach the most because he also turns me on. Usually I feel no shame or negative feelings towards my unconventional attractions, but god I hate him so much. Looking at him makes my blood boil, but I also want to fuck him so badly, I hate it. I can feel my face getting red. I want to tie him up and torture him and inflict so much pain upon him. I want to make him cry. Literal weak beta soyboy stereotype, he’s so stupid. Fuck him.
No. 280641
>>280627>>280640If it makes you guys feel better, Tywin in the books really loved and was devoted to his age-appropriate wife. I think she might have even been a bit older than him. The quotes about their relationship are sweet and sad.
>Lord Tywin seldom spoke of his wife, but Tyrion had heard his uncles talk of the love between them. In those days, his father had been Aerys's Hand, and many people said that Lord Tywin Lannister ruled the Seven Kingdoms, but Lady Joanna ruled Lord Tywin.>Only Lady Joanna truly knows the man beneath the armor, and all his smiles belong to her and her alone. I do avow that I have even observed her make him laugh, not once, but on three separate occasions!>With her death, Grand Maester Pycelle observes, the joy went out of Tywin Lannister, yet still he persisted in his duty.>He was not the same man after she died, Imp. The best part of him died with her. No. 280667
>>280091thanks for reminding me
(2:09:57) No. 280694
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No. 280695
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No. 280703
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>>280701Kek he was just trying to get you to focus on what was
really important: circulating the mf tapes!
No. 280708
File: 1660015415866.jpg (60.3 KB, 702x459, how you doin nona.jpg)

Between Jordan and Ben who do you think is the wildest in bed?
No. 280709
>>280708Jordan is old and a druggie. He'd find an evolutionary psychological reason not to go down on you.
Ben has a fast little mouth and adores his wife. You can tell he def eats coochie.
No. 280714
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>>280709did you forget this? kek.
No. 280717
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>>280703Back with the forbidden long-haired Joel.
No. 280750
File: 1660032548765.jpg (144.21 KB, 1280x937, by Douglas Kirkland (1978).jpg)

Umm young John Travolta…
No. 280791
>>280784TRA shit: how he's so ardent to defend free speech when it comes to kiddy porn but has shown no support for
TERF's freedom of speech.
He admonishes lolicon haters that "if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost", but he won't stand up for speech he doesn't like (such as Rowling's) himself.
No. 280794
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>>279509>>280091Two of my favorite goofy nerds in one thread? Dreams coming true
No. 280804
File: 1660068636729.jpg (41.25 KB, 500x500, artworks-000491601159-0omyud-t…)

This pretty boy. The eyes, the cheekbones… those kissable lips. How magnificent does he look in his horrible retribution video with the evening sun on his beautiful face.
And no, I'm not a hybristophiliac. What he did was unspeakable, but I can still appreciate his beauty.
What a cruel, twisted world this is.
No. 280842
File: 1660078318099.png (179.36 KB, 308x469, elliot only kv .png)

>>280804kek anon i posted him here around the same time last year. i still maintain that he was retarded ( i think his dad said that he may have had aspergers and i dont doubt that considering well, his interests ) but i still feel something towards him probably because i am also wasian and of a similar mix. but yeah he's a fag and has a hideous side profile i recommend you look it up
No. 280882
File: 1660107547057.jpeg (57.88 KB, 1000x1365, 5A53F3DB-7EA4-436D-9B5B-DDC75C…)

>>276988picrel is lq sorry!!! i cant find this specific one in better quality, but it makes me feel like a rabid dog. i think he’s autistic because he’s so weird in interviews but either way i want to fuck him
i love u jeremy strong
No. 280890
>>280695>>280717Love Joel! I really thought the show got funnier with Mike as the host, but Joel always seemed so wholesome and fun. Nice taste
No. 280902
>>280842I know how his profile looks like, still not bad enough to deterr me.
I believe that's actually one of Stallone's daughters hugging him there, but not blonde, so not good enough for him.
>>280834Is there a source for this?
No. 280929
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No. 280946
>>280909only men can have dick sucking lips, women just have big lips
>>280142he looks a little FAS i find it cute
No. 280997
File: 1660173111170.jpeg (118.33 KB, 640x512, A6F2743F-FF6C-497A-B740-48EF65…)

Anyone else? I watched the original Ghost Hunters every day in middle school and had a big crush on these two, especially Steve. They were always getting up to some wacky hijinks compared to the more serious Jay and Grant.
No. 281015
File: 1660180100575.jpeg (2.02 MB, 2140x1296, B9FC761C-328E-4E12-AD2E-AF9725…)

Otto Dix, but only because of his catfish self portraits. He knew how to exaggerate his sexy features and downplay his incel jaw. It adds a dashing nasty-gentleman persona to his mediocrely attractive but characteristic, memorable features. Like a stuck-up slut. Reminds me of very professional gay men working white-collar jobs that are the cock hungriest whores in their private lives but in a violently heterosexual manner. I want to replace the stick up his ass with my fingers, and I’ve always been fascinated by white boys who have inexplicably fat lips.
No. 281028
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>>277023he was even kind of cute in newsradio (1998ish) fuck he aged horribly
No. 281031
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i was like damn - his body type, trashy hair and little mustache do something to me he looks like he would pull you away from an event and fuck you in a public bathroom or parked car
No. 281154
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I want him to scream into my pussy
No. 281158
File: 1660254991557.jpg (54.47 KB, 564x1026, alekhine.jpg)

all the chessanons forget the blueprint for hot GM's: Alekhine
No. 281168
File: 1660262408881.gif (4.35 MB, 317x295, eric_idle.gif)

>>279905>>281162For me, it's Eric
No. 281169
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No. 281174
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>>281172>the 70s were a peak in atractive english menIt was in part due to long hair being fashionable
No. 281247
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idk, he is made to be dommed, I want to break him
No. 281248
File: 1660273502914.png (899.54 KB, 756x742, 33224454335454.PNG)

he has the cutest, softest looking belly, Im such a creep for him
No. 281280
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>>281266i am not a very big fan of alekhine, but goddamn the man was hot
No. 281281
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>>280569>>281280>>280152all GM nonnies, i raise you: young alexander grischuk
No. 281341
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Dennis Cleveland Stewart (Craterface from Grease) kind of looks cute in pic rel. maybe he would’ve been better if he had a more pathetic personality
No. 281366
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was he posted already?
i think he's cute and handsome in a nerdy way
No. 281472
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I've decided Jeffrey Combs is the sexiest man alive
No. 281534
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NEED black books dylan moran
No. 281574
File: 1660376601789.gif (632.22 KB, 300x225, d2ewav0-e92658f7-3c39-4275-aab…)

Though if you really want to enjoy him at his best, watch Star Trek Deep Space 9. He's a complete delight in it
No. 281576
File: 1660376772616.jpeg (83.63 KB, 720x983,…)

Mike, I could make you a very happy man I promise
No. 281607
File: 1660390802579.png (247.25 KB, 644x444, JKqiKoV5fWCvUFlV_vpeM_zlZBRJC6…)

>>281576That was never an option, he was always destined to be a depressed schlub. Look at pics of him young, its like Jack Nicholson in the Shining pretending to be a normal man.
No. 281616
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>>280794I mean yeah, Raimi is cute
No. 281624
File: 1660398825526.jpg (146.89 KB, 637x800, 1996rankin07.jpg)

One piddly little yorkepost before I start my shift. I WILL be thinking about him. also great photoshoot I've been feasting on it for a few weeks now.
No. 281632
File: 1660403153320.jpg (37.08 KB, 471x450, arin.jpg)

I always thought arin hanson was kinda cute when I was younger…
No. 281680
File: 1660421130670.png (983.8 KB, 574x837, jaw.png)

He's so hot
No. 281730
File: 1660444147354.jpeg (59.26 KB, 748x448, 1133F0A6-CD34-4F48-9BF2-D9ABD0…)

This used to be my all time favorite show as a little kid. I felt no attraction to Steve until rewatching recently realizing that he is just my type. Steve will always be my fav host. I think he still looks cute…
No. 281765
>>281730Thank you
nonnie I posted Steve at the end of the last thread and I was waiting for someone to chime in, kek. Still love him
No. 281959
File: 1660575265520.jpg (129.88 KB, 1280x725, tumblr_og7akt9ZfV1vfz7jgo2_128…)

Thanks to the nona that mentioned the show Flowers, I know have a crush on this old dude. I think it's the eyebrows. They're so sharp.
No. 281967
>>281574AYRT, sorry
nonny I didn't see your reply until today. I ought to watch Star Trek one of these days, after all there must be several good reasons why it has always had such a large female fanbase
No. 282058
File: 1660604393783.jpeg (68.19 KB, 1050x591, E1FE33E1-4344-4A60-854F-A64E3F…)

i feel like he’s submissive
No. 282071
File: 1660607848353.jpeg (95.87 KB, 749x499, D41A0658-06EB-44CB-A625-6C2043…)

>>282060in the most recent episode of the rehearsal he mentions that he has a tendency to let his partner make the decisions to avoid conflict and i want to believe nathan is submissive but he is such a mystery that either could be true
No. 282082
File: 1660611268650.jpg (32.98 KB, 640x453, image.jpg)

Okay grandpa Limmy let's go!! To all Limmy lovers up in here, do you prefer him during the Limmy's show years or during his octogenerian twitch streaming dad years? Or both? Tbh I can't make up my mind, Limmy's good either way.
No. 282099
File: 1660619566169.jpg (46.17 KB, 704x396, lede_1600x900.jpg)

I've been watching a lot of Vice YouTube videos pretty much exclusively for Taji. He's awkward in a way that reminds me of Nathan Fielder and I wont him.
No. 282128
File: 1660644157291.jpg (133.46 KB, 1074x1074, Jim Henson (1961).jpg)

He was pretty cute.
No. 282155
File: 1660659453411.png (594.5 KB, 800x977, jim henson.png)

>>282128based taste
>>282133>into a lot of strange, esoteric spiritual shitelaborate?
No. 282157
File: 1660659702544.jpeg (117.03 KB, 591x857, 7F5679F9-ED8F-4E28-96F8-A45B26…)

posted the one on the left before in an older thread but i cannot stress this enough. i don’t get enough out of sex with men to give it to them but these two were SO sexy in the 90s…they could do whatever to me idc.
No. 282360
File: 1660758347347.jpeg (49.4 KB, 720x469, 4FBAEF47-B696-4B73-9C09-341175…)

>>282324that is so disrespectful. ween makes really good music and they used to be sexy, some might say they still are, although most wouldn’t. maybe carrot top is sexy too, i don’t know a lot about the guy.
No. 282531
File: 1660858932387.jpeg (83.07 KB, 682x1024, F045FFDF-0A2F-48F0-A895-C0DBE4…)

He gives off asexual vibes now but I can fix him
No. 282555
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Please god.
No. 282695
File: 1660961221132.jpeg (105.79 KB, 1000x664, CZh3AGeWIAA-KFO.jpg-large.jpeg)

Young Kristian Anttila could've done anything he wanted to me
No. 282787
File: 1661006335890.jpeg (12.19 KB, 201x251, 1.jpeg)

>>282697LMFAO I considered adding an "inb4 he looks like Adam Driver"
No. 282809
File: 1661018757241.gif (353.94 KB, 112x112, 6535-pepelick.gif)

>>282787Mmmmmmmmm nice and sexy, still prefer driver though
No. 282896
File: 1661067118364.jpg (108.43 KB, 634x728, roald.jpg)

young roald dahl
No. 282936
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I know he's posted every other day but damn his weight loss did him wonders
No. 283058
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He isn’t unconventional but I know how you guys are. Anyway I want Kyle Jenners bodyguard he’s fine
No. 283097
File: 1661176381756.jpeg (37.09 KB, 493x770, 318E688F-40CE-4E6B-A96B-CD32E3…)

>>281472Ooh I like him he’s got such a sexy nerd vibe
No. 283103
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>>282896nonna, if you like famous authors when they were young, just look up young hemingway lol
No. 283200
File: 1661244378621.jpg (167.04 KB, 1024x729, 30442804333_c89293dec6_b.jpg)

Tito was cute, even though he was a shameless whore
At least he promoted equality and women getting higher work positions
No. 283233
File: 1661269869877.jpg (51.18 KB, 841x683, 841full-bob-odenkirk.jpg)

Last night I had a dream I had sex with Bob Odenkirk. He was doing a meet and greet in a mall and he let me come back to his place, which was the basement of the mall. I'm not even a huge fan of BCS or have ever been into him but now that's changed
No. 283236
>>283233Nonita I had a recent dream about me and him working in a big office together, shagging him and then the whole office avoiding me for my terrible taste in men
Even my dreams are self aware
No. 283404
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>>281632nonnie….I wish he wasn’t so disgusting, he was a qt, rip
No. 283432
File: 1661378670583.jpeg (68.42 KB, 765x900, 47E8D923-F70B-4EC9-A505-961F97…)

I've never been as attracted to somebody as I am to Matt Berry as a vampire
No. 283467
File: 1661400170299.jpg (57.33 KB, 980x653, 1520009816-screen-shot-2018-03…)

I find him so hot in The Crown, I feel bad for the traumatized GOT nonnies even though I don't watch the show though kek
No. 283471
File: 1661401290408.jpeg (193.19 KB, 573x501, F2D3D0BD-ABB0-4830-BC28-2B4EC1…)

>>283233Yes Nonna he's so damn fine I once had a dream of getting him all flustered in a hot tub
No. 283481
File: 1661410292014.gif (990.29 KB, 500x264, UlD5.gif)

>>283467Kek i used to have a mini-crush on his 11th Doctor. I am glad I saw the series with him ongoing, it was an amazing experience.
Tbh i don't think he looks bad in the new GoT show, i love the armor.
No. 283497
File: 1661425987468.gif (316.81 KB, 320x237, Tumblr_l_205560919337548.gif)

>>280667Nonna…thanks for a time stamp. Now that moment, that will go down into a big Elfman moan compilation
No. 283560
File: 1661461530294.jpg (316.2 KB, 591x886, 1996rankin06.jpg)

I'm still on my Radiohead listening journey. I can't get over how badly Radiohead jumped the shark. Like they just woke up in the early 2000's and they just magically lost the ability to make good music. The thing that drives me crazy is the more I hear about how much of a dick Thom Yorke is, I want to fuck him that much more. Except all the infidelity and leaving his cancer-stricken wife. He will be bubbling and burning in hell for that. He looks like a tard in this picture, I love it so much.
No. 283563
>>283467He’s actually a fun character and the wig in got 2: electro boogaloo is cool af in my opinion. Reminds me of the elves from lord of the rings. Like
>>283481 said the armor is cool af.
No. 283569
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>>283467i still think real life philip was more handsome… i get how elizabeth fell for his germanic charms
No. 283570
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>>283560he's ugly and looks like a rat in every pic you post of him, but i can understand the appeal of completely deranged and honestly evil men, since i got a dumb ass crush on bobby fischer
anyways, kirchner was hot and if i could get back in time, i'd fix him and fuck him (not necessarily in that order)
No. 283577
File: 1661468886481.jpg (37.93 KB, 800x500, 947fa4aaa2031aae3e91fe36270b91…)

Edward norton. Especially in fightclub. Something about his tired sunken eyes, how he looks like a "beta" male cuck next to brad pitt. The pathetic, dazed gaze he gives the camera. He seems like a kicked dog and i always get turned on by an underdog, i dont know if thats cliche or unique but also i dont care. As a side not i dont find brad pitt sexy at all. I get nervous saying that. I feel like im coming off as an edgelord to other women who find him attractive. I have never simped for any man especially not celebrity men but i would let ed norton use me like a wet napkin. If anyone knows any dirt on him id love the receipts because honestly id like to kill this fire for him. Kek im so sorry for the blog post… im stressed and just trying to occupy my brain.
No. 283581
File: 1661469437115.jpeg (102.5 KB, 900x675, 0294E55F-A0EE-4B00-9A7C-D10A4B…)

Happy birthday to one half of my tag team fantasy
No. 283587
File: 1661471202369.jpg (16.25 KB, 236x351, 1928cf55d2b4732c94f871e3550059…)

Don't know if he's suited to be here considering his co-stars looks, but Brian Quinn has been a long time favourite of mine. In more recent seasons they've done him really dirty with the short hair, but he's gonna be 50 in a few years so I get it. He's such a typical retarded moid as well always talking in Podcasts about women/ex gfs (WSY contex, I'm not sitting through TESD kek) but it arguably adds more to his gross appeal. He's just some fat retard nerd who loves cats and pussy
No. 283588
File: 1661471688330.jpeg (34.22 KB, 500x375, 550EE498-9614-42D9-9582-CBBED6…)

Jeremy Renner in Dahmer though. Is there a name for fluffy haired, glasses wearing, unhindged or weird men? The Riddler did it for me too and by god I need more.
No. 283594
>>283489Holy crap this video is so cool thank you for sharing
nonny. If you like tall, skinny, kind of weird men maybe check out The Garden? Idk if you're into their style of music, but they're also tall and gangly and sometimes wear face paint too.
No. 283598
File: 1661474937252.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1146, C8385FBF-8F88-45E6-A37A-EE893A…)

>>283595Oh this fucker is hung no doubt kek
No. 283605
>>283587Jesus he was so hot when he looked like this. When he was clean shaven and younger he was also very cute.
>Don't know if he's suited to be here considering his co-stars lookHe and the others have been posted in this thread and in the previous one. Anyway, I've never listened to those podcasts so i don't know what he's like when he talks about his exes, I just know that he's depressed, geeky and loves cats which automatically makes him cuter. I agree, it's a shame what happened to his hair.
No. 283609
File: 1661483348716.jpg (23.9 KB, 564x423, b354ab6016b4056d35d0073550dd2f…)

i just love watching the vids where he showed his face
idek why i find him so cute
No. 283613
>>283577i agree he's attractive, however
>If anyone knows any dirt on him id love the receiptsi heard he dated a teenage actress once but i forgot the exact details about it, it was mentioned in an old celebricows thread. i think he played her love interest too in some movie.
No. 283615
File: 1661486244308.png (692.76 KB, 540x960, tumblr_b8c2672634d0755dac66713…)

>>283598Hung he is or not he looks like a fucking expert (literally). Besides the man himself said his favorite food is his gf's pussy. A real gentleman like that is rare.
And the one whose body looks like that at 69 is even rarer.
No. 283636
>>283594You're welcome! I've checked those guys and they are not really my type (too young looking) but they do have the vibe lol.
For another example, 1970s Klaus Blasquiz (the Rasputin looking singer) in vidrel is perfect.
No. 283654
>>283577Ugh same. Though I might be worse than you because I'm strictly attracted to the character and not necessary the actor, I was attracted to him in the book too. His pathetic behavior won me over, and I didn't know if I wanted to help him or make his life worse, kek.
I never liked Brad Pitt either, but the homoerotic tension was really good.
I read so much fight club narrator x Tyler fanfic as a teenager, where Edward Norton's character gets abused in horrible ways, good times. No. 283657
File: 1661522583226.jpg (409.88 KB, 1200x747, badia.jpg)

juan antonio badía from the leyendas legendarias podcast is the only mexican man i love/respect.
No. 283666
File: 1661526233541.jpg (47.47 KB, 440x296, philii.jpg)

this is getting ridiculous…
No. 283672
File: 1661528119777.gif (1.31 MB, 319x219, download.gif)

Recent events have inspired this post once again.
No. 283681
>>283674I'll be watching with you,
No. 283701
File: 1661537112723.jpg (62.05 KB, 540x658, tumblr_d3080b18b54063a73d10a58…)

>>278834>>278835i was already attracted to ryan but the boxing match totally awakened something in me
No. 283704
File: 1661537358475.jpg (173.16 KB, 625x960, 3182354-4232773939-nintc.jpg)

how has noone posted sly yet??
No. 283784
File: 1661560269408.jpg (24.17 KB, 450x450, jo558_3m.jpg)

ossan from ossans love hong kong manly looking middle aged asian men with nicely styled hair, suits, and facial hair in general i wish it wasnt like this i need to find more men of this type to look at
No. 283837
File: 1661601271758.jpeg (22.06 KB, 528x400, mitsuru-fukikoshi-d242371d-0b5…)

If you know you know.
No. 283869
File: 1661617771227.jpeg (111.86 KB, 733x882, 1CD7E447-CAEE-46FB-BC21-7438B6…)

never thought i would develop an attraction to this man. why is he hot?
No. 283932
File: 1661633972907.gif (2.48 MB, 420x393, Tumblr_l_214844872355778.gif)

>>283615>>283618Gotta love all the Elfgirls out there for knowing the lore
You're the best
No. 283945
File: 1661638933912.png (652.54 KB, 779x450, commentary booboo child.png)

I hate how adorable I find this twink twat, AugieRFC. Certain angles make him look like the nightstalker's son ffs.
Purely physical attraction. He's a commentary leech edgelord who's ego needs a strong backhand.
No. 283952
File: 1661644673561.jpg (18.85 KB, 250x353, paco-de-lucia.jpg)

he had a dumb ass haircut but oh god, those fast fingers and weird outfits and the whole aura he gave off…
No. 283994
File: 1661665436102.gif (1.73 MB, 500x331, CFABBC7F-5BC5-4F3A-8D67-62D72F…)

>>283704Rambo era Stallone is when he physically/visually peaked imo. One of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen. Fell in love with Rambo as a character. I want to fix him.
No. 284026
File: 1661685262174.gif (2.99 MB, 540x310, tumblr_pul4kiKWGS1rqsnxoo8_540…)

Anton Chigurh
Anyone? Please? Am I completely
fucked in the head?
No. 284066
File: 1661703660519.jpg (53.43 KB, 594x427, Esdai8qXAAA3ccl.jpg)

>>277251>>277158Fisher had no swag compared to Kasparov.
No. 284071
File: 1661704077740.jpg (29.82 KB, 415x600, Javier-Bardem-4.jpg)

>>284026He was extremely hot.
No. 284078
>>277149>>277148>i only got into chess so that my obsession with chess players would be justifiableI hate women like you. A mans profession has nothing to do with his personality/worth. You probably have no skills so you think being good at something makes people superior…
Chess players are literal manchildren and most of them think women are retarded.
Grow up nonna.
>Nakamura is the most normal one of themDing Liren is the only normal chess player.
No. 284094
File: 1661707419300.jpeg (60.85 KB, 577x519, 07EDC691-806F-407C-95AC-516901…)

>>284072okay i purposely used a photo where he doesn’t look his best but he was hot when he was young. i still find him attractive, ig i just like funny guys.
No. 284098
File: 1661707795981.png (31.75 KB, 592x414, ad pro chomo.png)

>>284016Oh dang, direct quote lol the deleted tweet for context might make him look a little better. Online communities do treat pedos better than women.
Scrolling his Twitter makes me >>283951 i want to bond with him over certain controversial topic but have his sharp tongue inside me when I'm not in the mood to listen No. 284108
File: 1661711408035.jpg (29 KB, 680x432, 20220828_202849.jpg)

Gonna watch this show because I am curious about how this actor is doing. Cute!
No. 284116
File: 1661713461414.jpg (77.11 KB, 564x845, ug.jpg)

>>284078>You probably have no skills so you think being good at something makes people superior…stop psychoanalyzing me just because i said i wanted to fuck fischer, jesus christ nonna.
No. 284117
File: 1661713639488.jpg (8.52 KB, 236x187, kandk.jpg)

>>284069>>284066eh, i personally belive that in the hot GM scale there's Fischer>Karpov>Nakamura>Kasparov>Dubov>Grischuk>Everyone else
No. 284120
>>284078your post went from incel seethe to based. you are based.
>>284094that's a very nice photo
No. 284122
File: 1661714351013.jpeg (138.43 KB, 1280x876, 916A096C-6663-4AD8-937D-80527B…)

>>284071Welp. Guess I Im going to watch Jamón Jamón now.
No. 284139
File: 1661723050279.jpg (232.29 KB, 1261x1080, Screenshot_20220828-164021_Gal…)

he is sooo cute. It's a shame I kinda get lowkey misogynist vibes from him, especially in newer videos. He's mentally retarded tho so I give him a pass in my mind.
>>278834they are both so fucking hot its unbearable. ryan has been my biggest celeb crush for years
No. 284145
File: 1661728108438.jpeg (94.71 KB, 1024x768, 9DF0A44B-74B7-4E61-97E2-D8FAE5…)

>>280667>>283598Nonnies I get to see him two months from today I can’t handle it
No. 284147
>>284144they used to be wayyy edgier before around 2018, but it was obviously a product of the Newgrounds culture. It was always fucked up, but it didn't feel like they meant it. Nowadays they've toned it back, so when they say shit it feels more genuine and less well intentioned.
Plus Zach is genuinely a republican I think or at least used to be. I think he was one of the ppl who was Republican-lite but became more centrist during Trump. (i have no sources for this just speculation based on his twitter and sleepycabin shit).
Chris I honestly would say seemed more liberal during his days with the Game Grumps despite being edgier, but it seems hes become more bitter and redpilled over time. He's a cutie and I would defend him to my grave, but sometimes the way he talks about women bothers me.
No. 284149
>>284146you posted this while i was typing my other reply and yeah I was gonna say this too. His genuine bitter attitude might just be cuz he and his gf broke up like less than a year ago.
Whatever she's a fucking groomer anyways she was like mid-late 20s when she started talking to an underaged LSMark and they started dating immediately after he turned 18. I'm not trying to hate on other women cuz I genuinely loved her and her art before but that shit makes me so uncomfortable.
No. 284155
File: 1661735931734.jpg (30.33 KB, 345x500, Rushhour3prem14.jpg)

I present: Hiroyuki Sanada
No. 284167
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>>284155ayrt and lord
nonny you get it. i went to look him up and wow (although i like his hair a bit shorter)
i feel like a scrote with yellow fever lmao i'm sorry i love this type of man send more if you have them
No. 284173
File: 1661742513098.png (469.91 KB, 480x480, andrew koji.png)

>>284155loooved him and pic in bullet train
No. 284184
File: 1661746445892.jpg (123.93 KB, 960x730, Jerry_Jerry_serious.jpg)

>>282128For me it was Jerry.
No. 284186
File: 1661747176605.jpg (29.04 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mavvqlUt2U1r9p706o1_500…)

>>283784Dude you NEED to watch some Kurosawa movies with Toshiro Mifune in 'em. Especially "The Bad Sleep Well" and "Stray Dog". Stray Dog is great 'cause there's a scene where Mifune is wearing a suit and gets rained on so it clings to his body.
No. 284215
File: 1661760200686.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1628x2043, A96BF409-9F6B-4FAD-85A8-EBFD77…)

I agree with Jim Lacey, that chest and those arms are so sexy
No. 284216
>>284197Well people have been speculating about a secret
TERF gf being behind a lot of these statements, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the simp nonnas from shot her shot at some point. I think it could be genuine if he was peaked by a woman.
No. 284221
File: 1661761554804.gif (7.77 MB, 540x340, tumblr_492055c4969278d7c3f7913…)

>>284058Both. There's this appeal of withdrawn psychopathic killer
who would treat you good cos you're the only person he cares about and finds comfort in, yk, and the god-awful haircut only adds to it. I'm ashamed cos I really find it cute and sort of innocent (?). It legitimately looks like how a poor mother would do her child's hair at home. And it looks so soft to me. Thus the contrast with merciless homicides and grand delusions of being the agent of fate or whatever.
>>284071>>284122Thank you, nonnies. His prime shape
No. 284234
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>>283432>>283459Laszlo and Nandor need to run a train on me
No. 284238
File: 1661773277776.jpeg (703.08 KB, 800x1000, 07C090B6-6E5E-43AF-BE01-66D6B8…)

I just want to smell it
No. 284239
File: 1661773720847.gif (1.61 MB, 500x267, 64BBC8A8-A435-4330-9737-17E258…)

>>284221Nah he was peak masculinity. Someone find me the gif where it pans to his bulge.
No. 284245
>>284238anon you
nasty nasty
No. 284294
File: 1661789335359.jpg (60.47 KB, 569x800, EpYa1tXW8AAQLD6.jpg)

God I want to fuck Limmy so bad. Has anyone read any of his books? If so, how were they and would you recommend, y/n?
No. 284386
>>284239Whoa total
brendan vibes
No. 284395
File: 1661822438211.jpg (33.9 KB, 335x376, LdPbQyneWAq473sxJKjwmvnhq7Q8Ce…)

>>284215same, anon. he was so sexy in earlier trailer park boys i love men that are built like this
No. 284453
File: 1661866602439.png (389.62 KB, 409x682, hasan pikeeeeeeer.png)

i can't be the only one, can i?
please tell me i'm not the only one
he's scum but he's a ballsy beast. and i found his dramatized irish accent alluring
>>284395there was an episode early in the series where julian was seeing a woman who turned out to be a grifter (cinnamon roll head iirc) and i was so fucking jealous
No. 284458
File: 1661869096406.jpg (123.01 KB, 437x604, 1661869103.jpg)

I liked him in Doctor Who.
No. 284510
File: 1661894556520.png (405.59 KB, 566x761, sam youngling.png)

>>284461holy shit the difference
and i only knew about his domestic terrorist shtick. after browsing his threads i now know about his grooming 15-16 year olds, cuckold fetish, abuse of every kind, proud cheating, dildo collection, tranny fucking and a visit from the FBI. i hope this shit comes back to light No. 284519
File: 1661897245536.jpg (95.88 KB, 474x902, kerry_von_erish.jpg)

I'm extremely ashamed because of how sad his life was but I find him strangely attractive. The long face and large chest is exceptional
No. 284521
File: 1661897377851.jpg (60.08 KB, 474x356, th (1).jpg)

>>284519the strabism too, I don't even like moid irl but he was cute and looked kind
No. 284522
File: 1661897975927.jpeg (539.71 KB, 1418x2048, tumblr_78f9703085d31d7b6bab4ed…)

I can't get over him
No. 284585
File: 1661926061700.png (1.43 MB, 1600x900, thosedamnglasses.png)

I swear to god, every time he puts on those damn glasses…
No. 284592
File: 1661930005914.jpg (85.87 KB, 402x402, Mark-Zuckerberg-507402-1-402.j…)

For me it's young Mark. All curly-haired Jewish boys look so good when they're young but they age terribly
No. 284612
File: 1661951169025.png (358.81 KB, 601x486, perfection.png)

coworker of mine.
insanely nice and good person - changed how i view arabs after being /pol/brained for so long
idk why but he makes me horny asf. and im not the one to get rattled that easily.. ugh
whats wrong with me nonnas?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 284614
File: 1661951469006.jpg (979.44 KB, 4096x2731, 20220825_194552.jpg)

>>284522Danny Elfman's performance at Coachella 2022 ruined a whole generation of women (for good)
No. 284630
No. 284631
File: 1661955951270.jpg (61.18 KB, 800x450, timburton.jpg)

someone casually posted a pic of him with elfman, but it's not enough… i want to bully young tim burton, he just looks so pathetic and weird and nerdy….
No. 284635
File: 1661956662277.jpg (434.98 KB, 2000x1333, andrewtate.jpg)

I don't care what you think, he's my type.
No. 284640
File: 1661960138216.jpg (106.75 KB, 1280x720, pitty.jpg)

>>284639i agree. mr worlwide would never belittle us
No. 284644
>>284640I stan pitbull too, in fact i was about to add him to the thread.
I love his voice so much. I bald spicy men in suits is my fixation.
I'd add young Justin Timberlake too, but he's conventional.
No. 284649
File: 1661963701627.gif (4.59 MB, 498x247, staring-matt-smith.gif)

No. 284654
>>284635Even ignoring the abhorrent personality, he's bald, a chinlet and has no defining features that make his face stand out. You really need to get your shit together
No. 284665
File: 1661972601548.jpg (211.78 KB, 1600x1200, xJgQESb.jpg)

Kitboga. Even without the glasses I think he's sorta cute in a weird way, I don't know why. He's funny and good at what he does, I guess that helps.
No. 284673
File: 1661976560896.jpeg (221.78 KB, 1249x1125, F377E3EB-C419-4EA2-B0F0-5ABBFF…)

British nonas will know
No. 284678
File: 1661977995332.jpg (54.23 KB, 1000x563, intro-1595874652.jpg)

>>284665I thought that's Andy Samberg for a second
No. 284680
>>284673i'm not british so i'm just guessing…
alcoholic mr bean?
No. 284700
File: 1661990681413.jpeg (133.46 KB, 900x900, E110C25E-C6B0-4B78-869E-27002B…)

is it just me or are these immature manlet/skinny streamers who only screech into the camera doing something for me like xqc and this guy??
No. 284706
File: 1661995253399.jpg (25.71 KB, 360x450, Psychicpebbles-Face.jpg)

>>284665Thought that was Psychicpebbles for a while.
No. 284730
File: 1662014041972.gif (1.41 MB, 640x332,…)

>>284713Hope you are enjoying it
No. 284745
File: 1662027210235.png (336.45 KB, 742x681, oh nona.png)

Maybe Clueless Morgan could do it for you?
No. 284766
File: 1662048510561.jpg (15.69 KB, 474x474, 07c229212adc377916bb7c4a241cac…)

Kek was about to post this and saw the file already exists
No. 284815
File: 1662064171707.jpg (21.85 KB, 286x358, happy-anniversary.jpg)

it has been 50 years… bobby fischer owns my heart…
No. 284831
>>284700This dudes actually cute. Who is that?
No. 284834
File: 1662073990188.jpeg (180.62 KB, 842x1280, CE86517F-81C4-4D2B-88AB-A22450…)

>>284815Look at the way this fat-lipped white boy is looking, he’s so good-looking in a corny way but I like it!
No. 284839
File: 1662075012594.jpeg (21.83 KB, 220x311, 1A6510DF-70AA-469B-8C39-5597F8…)

Richard Feynman. I’d even allow him to talk about quantum electrodynamics while I’m sucking his dick.
No. 284911
File: 1662123366800.jpg (503.42 KB, 1200x1823, jan.jpg)

it pains me to see the chessanons forget jan timman… i want a pretty 70s chess bf
No. 284924
File: 1662130805659.jpg (1.75 MB, 2000x1333, image.jpg)

He's getting a little crusty, but Matt Berninger anyone? Such tall husky dad vibes. Love the potato nose. He strikes me as a bit covertly cocky/pretentious but that makes me love him even more.
No. 284931
File: 1662135462450.jpg (68.33 KB, 546x756, 494ef6a182763631a7f8ec6b9b608d…)

more fischerposting
No. 285004
File: 1662159790065.gif (812.22 KB, 240x167, tonyleung.gif)

No. 285013
File: 1662163341018.jpeg (81.08 KB, 600x450, 0191C0AA-77E1-4447-95D1-60019C…)

>>284974*all men
more fischer posts for the fischer fuckers. he kind of reminds me of jerma
No. 285029
File: 1662170954985.jpeg (64.02 KB, 434x650, E50A286D-3303-480D-8DC6-8CE4E8…)

No. 285034
>>285005He does it for me in Happy Together when he puts up with that trainwreck
toxic relationship
No. 285182
File: 1662238461720.webm (464.06 KB, 576x888, SnapTik_7098187432666909994.we…)
im sorry
i dont watch supermega anymore and i thought i had gotten over my little crush on him until this boxing event thing. idk who orchestrated it but god bless them because seeing his back is literally making me ache. as im typing this im breathing so heavily i want him to squeeze me and kill me
No. 285185
>>285182Don't be sorry Ryan gets posted a lot kek, I feel you
nonnie, fanfic anons please get to writing ao3 has dust on this hunk
No. 285186
File: 1662239187712.webm (2.78 MB, 576x576, SnapTik_7098357955527068974.we…)
>>285185i was kind of nervous i would get made fun of for that one (idk why its not even bad) but im so relieved that u get me
im having a heart attack i think
No. 285331
File: 1662301797289.jpg (20.78 KB, 414x301, mut.jpg)

i just found out the creator of 4chan is hot… what is life
No. 285333
File: 1662303689109.jpg (58.31 KB, 487x709, bob.jpg)

>>285029>>285013it's nice to know there's someone with the same horrible taste in men as me. i love you nonnas
No. 285336
File: 1662305141606.jpg (122.6 KB, 770x1112, 865d84d577.jpg)

Britt Walford from Slint was always kinda cute.
No. 285343
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>>284592Have you seen what he looks like recently? He's actually in shape now… Better looking than the past 10 years at least
No. 285354
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since some nonnas were posting Kafka, i'd like to add my own tortured writer: Osamu Dazai
No. 285500
>>285497you are winning in life, nonna.
also, he had such a dumb laugh and an annoying voice. it just makes him more atractive, in my opinion
No. 285547
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I'd still fuck him even after learning about his fucked up cock and balls and the fact that he used to think he was gay.
No. 285566
>>285547>his fucked up cock and balls What
No. 285569
>>285566He was born with too tight foreskin so he had to be circumcised, his balls are weird and small and don't hang very low so his sperm's all fucked. Weird shit. Also, his dick's five inches long but pretty girthy I guess. I think I'd be
more surprised if he didn't have weird shit going on with his dick and balls to be honest.
No. 285592
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chessanons/fischer-fuckers, how do we feel about old bobby? i personally would still hit it, even tho he seemed even more crazy and got a bit fat.
pic is him with Judit Polgar, and i used her picture as comparision for height (Polgar is 5'5) to show just how massive he was
No. 285594
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rory culkin in Lords Of Chaos
No. 285597
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sorry not sorry
No. 285612
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>>285592he aged pretty badly; in a lot of the interviews from when he went to iceland, he looks like noam chomsky if he did meth.
unrelated but love judit polgar and im so glad she beat kasparov No. 285639
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I wanna get tag teamed by them
No. 285677
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>>285612agreed on everything you said, that's why i only like to watch the older interviews, from the 60s and 70s. peak bobby
No. 285678
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>>285617Nta, but from a movie called "Hush". Most of his screen time is unmasked, sadly…
No. 285696
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i've watched some niemann interviews and cannot help but find him kinda cute. most of his wons seem to come from pure luck, and i suspect he may have cheated and that's why magnus resigned, but i think he's kinda cute, he's got a crazy man appeal to me
No. 285778
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>>285762i kinda dig the hobo look, tho. it's a surprise he's 19…
just to make you happy, nonna, i'll add a pic of him when he was younger
No. 285794
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>>285336He's clearly autistic or something but still cute.
No. 285846
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>>276988I'm discovering I've got a type
No. 285871
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>>283869tim is cute but consider eric. dios mio this man just does something to me
No. 285876
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No. 285881
>>285880Hmmmm… the second option
would drive home the "unconventional" part of the thread title so… I mean…
No. 285883
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No. 285884
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From da back
No. 285892
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>>285879As long as we're voting I vote for Jordan again or Ben to continue the theme. I know I'm not the only anon ITT who likes Ben.
No. 285921
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>>285909Very well. Choose wisely, anons.
No. 285997
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>>285990supporting this motion and proposing bobby fischer as threadpic
>>285886 i know, nonna. he seems so arrogant and i love it. he's like a breath of fresh air in chess.
No. 286005
File: 1662554012949.jpg (1.28 MB, 1186x1920, Tumblr_l_46549431469846.jpg)

I like it when we start talking to each other kek. I prefer Elfman next threadpic but the love for Bobby is sweet too. It wouldn't be fair to have Jordan Peterson as the threadpic again. Ben Shapiro isn't really posted enough to be a threadpic imo.
No. 286007
File: 1662554326067.jpg (44.19 KB, 480x387, 196something-fischer.jpg)

>>286005i'm one of the first nonnas who posted fischer, and as much as i love bobby i wouldn't mind if elfman was threadpic. also, nice thom yorke, he tends to look like a drug addict in other pics they post
No. 286041
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>>285997>>285990I agree sweet nonnies. Convinced jp and shapiro shiller is a troll.
No. 286043
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>>286041thanks nonnette. i don't really like matt smith, but he was pretty cute in doctor who, back when he had some eyebrows
No. 286100
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>>286043Frankly, I don't find him too attractive but I appreciate his acting skills every time I happen to watch some TV show that has him (and of course, especially if it's doctor who. i preferred 11th doctor writing over the other ones) I think it's interesting how he tends to look good depending on the style he chooses. But maybe I am just a fan of coats and bowties, who knows!
No. 286122
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>>286100i began watching the crown and found him kinda hot, but not really atractive. maybe it's cause i've had a crush on king philip for a long time, so he just can't compare.
i think he could be hotter with eyebrows, tho. he scares me a bit, looking how he looks now…
No. 286165
File: 1662571694640.jpeg (123.3 KB, 533x800, 367D5428-C428-4754-A232-E489C5…)

ive always found robert crumb so attractive ever since i saw the documentary about him
No. 286188
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Can't tell whether Eddie Redmayne is attractive or not. He just seems so endearing and cute to me.
No. 286213
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fischer-fuckers, remember what you are fighting for…
No. 286248
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>>286242>>286213we are together in this fight, fischer-fucker/lovers.
it's kinda funny how many chess forums are dedicated to bobby and his love life/sex life.
anyways, bobby seemed pretty asexual during his 20s, but when he won the game of the century, he started getting lots of fanmail of women telling him how attractive he was and how they wanted to have a child with him. emotionally, those women are my sisters lol No. 286265
File: 1662586827003.jpg (99.6 KB, 1024x768, DcepcRDVwAEt186.jpg)

nomination for threadpic chessanons can get the next one
No. 286267
File: 1662587146209.jpg (82.72 KB, 564x812, boby.jpg)

>>286265you've already had your sad pathetic man as threadpic,
you greedy little fuck No. 286288
File: 1662595422622.jpg (94.46 KB, 1096x1080, Daniel Kaluuya.jpg)

I don't know if he belongs here because I don't use these threads, but I know some people seem to find him unattractive. I watched NOPE recently and it ignited something in my loins for Daniel Kaluuya. Something about him is so charming to me.
No. 286290
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>>286288NONNIE. ME TOO. This is kind of weird but I think his profile is so picturesque and cute, which is weird to say about a grown man but fuck look at it. It's fucking cute. Literally fell in love with him during a moment in that Black Mirror episode he was in when he turns his head, something like that. Kek.
No. 286301
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>>286213reigen is based off of bobby fischer. kek jk
No. 286331
File: 1662610279561.jpg (129.56 KB, 960x640, https___hypebeast.com_image_20…)

>>286320Ride is pretty sexy. #GrippersUnite. Can't wait for the Death Grips album drop on December 5th
File: 1662631039634.jpg (368.92 KB, 925x1104, CHADNULL.jpg)

>>286292I nominate this edit of Chad Null someone made to
trigger the schizo troon in the Kiwithread for this
No. 286426
>>286100uuuu he looks so cuddly in a coat!
He's going to be a very interresting looking old man in the future, that'll be good for roles. I had a great grandfather who had a head and face just like Matt Smith and it's a very strong look. Very old farmer who's been through a war look.
No. 286438
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>>286426I actually like the way he looks as Daemon, there is something interesting about him having white hair. My only issue is that in some episodes you can tell the makeup artists gave him eyebrows, but then they magically disappear again (but he looks better with drawn eyebrows obv).
No. 286449
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>>286438I really hate this motherfuckers stupid ugly punchable face. He looks like an inbred molerat. I swear everyone on the british isles just looks like they fucked their cousins for too many generations but this dude looks like a straight up Habsburg. He always looks smug as fuck too like he thinks he is hot shit. Can't even make it to the conventional male attraction thread you ugly mong.
No. 286506
File: 1662656019145.jpg (7.51 KB, 189x250, mister-karpov.jpg)

nonnas may be a bit tired of fischer, so i want to share another one of my chess husbands. i've posted him before, but i wanted to spice up the thread a bit (i am a bit tired of endogamous looking british men)
No. 286511
File: 1662656242226.jpg (1.27 MB, 2000x1270, Intergalactic_Thomas_Turgoose.…)

>>286449i don't see it. There are a lot of inbred men in britain that's true, but this just isn't an inbred face. Picrel is an inbred lookin brit to me.
No. 286528
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>>276988Suggesting one of the british moids to be as the next thread OP now that the queen passed away.
Theres Matt Smith, Eddie Redmayne, Morrissey (he also did queen is dead song), who else?
No. 286530
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>>286528a monarch dying is momentary. hot chess GMs are forever.
No. 286546
File: 1662668619075.jpg (89.44 KB, 600x513, Eazy-E-600x513-1906482209.jpg)

Annoying misogynistic lyrics but he just looks so cute, the fact that he has this gangster image but looks like a teddy bear is just perfection to me. He's barely unconventional imo, the nonna's in the conventional attractions threads are so harsh though I don't want to post there kek
No. 286547
File: 1662668835737.png (823.52 KB, 1242x2208, eazy e.png)

>>286546Ah, I think he's cute too. Height and all.
No. 286550
>>286530this fat asian doesn't look any special
nonny, why is he in this thread? it's an avg man
No. 286555
File: 1662670195348.jpg (51.88 KB, 828x526, ew.jpg)

>>286553agreed. i only support niemann because of how much i loathe magnus and hikaru
No. 286561
>>286548I never noticed that lol, can't unsee it now
>>286547Yay fellow Eazy fans!
No. 286563
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return to chessfag tradition (post fischer)
No. 286565
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i would fuck the living daylights out of young frederick douglass. i’m sorry, but i had to say it
No. 286831
File: 1662758979258.jpg (322.71 KB, 2500x2151, miss-him.jpg)

>>286563make a new thread nonnaswill we ever get a chess legend as atractive and autistic as him? i hope so.
come back, bobby-san…
No. 288623
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Sorry nons, but I think he’s cute. His videos are pretty basic, but they’re comforting to watch. I’m weak for that haircut
No. 289357
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juicer nonnas… I know you're here
No. 292200
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His being very knowledgeable in an unassuming way and geekily charming is very attractive to me.