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No. 285482
>>285475The idea of this thread is that it is a recovery-specific thread for EDs. If you're in recovery it is almost impossible to find recovery only support and it's tiring
and triggering having to share a space with active sufferers. If mods don't think there's a difference feel free to nuke this one.
No. 285860
>>285608I sympathize with you. I'm glad you realizad that you have a problem and have decided that you don't want this life anymore. It's silly but that's really the first step to recovery, just realizing that this is a problem.
I understand not wanting your body to change in recovery too - when I began I had managed to become very thin but I looked bloated, haggard and people constantly asked me if I was sick. Despite the low weight I was still not happy with my body and I was still
purging multiple times a day and exercising obsessively. Recovering was so scary, I was so afraid of letting go of my body at the time even if it didn't make me happy.
I promise once you rid yourself of the parasite in your brain that is the source of your ED your mind will feel so much clearer and you won't really care about your body anymore, even if you gain weight. Maybe you will even like yourself.
Good luck on your recovery journey nonna.
No. 286157
Used to be an on and off Ana-chan through middle and high school. Hospitalized several times for this. Only got my life together after graduating and trying to have a baby (which I finally did! 4 months along now!!!)
I’m doing better, but I’ve gained a bit of weight (20 LBs since recovery, 5 pounds since pregnancy). This is good, because I was seriously underweight, so now I’m on the heavier side of average. This is normal though, I’m pregnant so of course there’s gonna be a belly, and of course I’m gonna gain a bit of weight.
Sometimes, my brain slips back into Ana thoughts, but I just remind myself of what I have to lose if I slip back. I paid so much for IVF, and I don’t want to lose my baby. Every time I look at my belly, which is starting to hang over, I remind myself that I’m growing another human in there. If I allow the mental illness to live, I could lose the child that my wife and I have spent years planning.
I won’t allow myself to starve, or the baby that’s relying on me to survive. I won’t allow my wife to suffer the grief of a miscarriage. I’m reminding myself that this weight isn’t disgusting baggage. It’s proof that I’m strong, and proof that I’m a mother.
No. 286295
I was very online as a teenager, especially on tumblr around peak Felice Fawn times. I thought I was bigger than pastel grunge indie anas, but in fact I was still absorbing the content, body-checking, and became convinced I was trans. Then I decided to drastically lose weight to become boyish. It didn't 'work' for a long time, but dieting became a core habit, and I was b/ping before long. In Covid I so hated myself and my environment I finally made it 'work' and got very thin.
I started to want to recover when I left that environment, but it took a long time to feel safe to stop weighing everything, and to finally let myself gain.
Recovery is something I've been striving for for about a year. In the Winter I started binge eating, and, as people were pleased I was eating, I carried on until I became a full-time bulimic again after I'd stopped for years. I'm about a month clear of puking now.
I was never inpatient. Doctors have taken my weight (when it was under) and bloods just to tell me some people are just small and prescribe vitamin D. I didn't admit my problem until a few months ago, and when I did, and was referred to the local ED service, I was offered essentially nothing.
I view my ED both as cope and self harm after traumatic childhood losses and alienation. My coping mechanisms now aren't much better, I abuse substances like I was all along, but I'm far more aware and I know how to ask for help.
I have gained and it has not been easy. After a vacation in January I gained a lot and felt sick no longer being underwight. Right now I am struggling as I have a full time fairly physical job. That's what I was doing when I really started losing, and I know how easy it would be to do again. But I am older, and I'm worried about my body, and I'd rather be strong.
I think my attitude toward weight has changed because when I was losing I was fairly toxic. I told anyone who brought up weight loss 'how to diet', because I wanted to show off. I no longer see big as bad, (but I still see thin as good).
No. 288423
Well nonitas, today is a very sad day and it has been very hard to continue going, but on this day I had to retire from being Anorexic after 4 years of incredibly hard work and amazing progress that I made. I went from being about 200 lbs and BMI 31 to being 88 lbs and BMI 14. I made all of my own dreams come true, I lived inside of a paradisical existence, and every moment that I’ve got to enjoy without sperging out or feeling numb all over my face has been so indescribably amazing. But alas, life is a bitch. You either learn how to fuck it or it takes control of you, and in my case, it’s taken control of my bodies response to me refusing to eat anything that isn’t pineapple or benzos. I started having seizures in 2019, I had my first on my birthday when I was still very heavy, but malnourished. Fast forward about 3 1/2 years, several medication up-dosages, and an attack on the hospital staff later…I may be skinnier but I still suffer from seizures. Even though I’ve never had any kind of grey matter damage, even though all of my blood tests and mineral checks come back looking like an average persons, I still sperg out and hit the floor like a rat that’s been poisoned after only about 23 hours of fasting. It’s really embarrassing. I can fast, I’m very good at it, but my body literally punishes me for my virtues. It hurts me in a way I cannot describe. I miss being at my old apartment, at home in my bed, looking out my window at the snow while 4 days deep into a fast rolling off of nothing but shrooms, antiepileptics, kpins, and weed. I felt true, invincible freedom during that time. Even if it was only fleeting. I was successful in bringing my fantasy into reality and then maintaining it, until God came down from the sky to say “enough is enough” and then punch me in my face to knock me out for 3 days so the EMT’s could have a reason to haul me off and pump me full of Fentanyl. It hurts me it hurts too much to handle. It makes me feel like I’ve lost the only part of myself that I’ve been living for. Of course I love my husband more than anything in this world, and I want to live for him, but if I’m going to live I have to be beautiful or at the very least up-to-par…and God doesn’t even want that for me. I’m horrified to live the rest of my life knowing that I’ll never be beautiful again. I have to live until I’m like in my 90’s suffering with a bulky disgusting fire fighter body…I lost. I lost the game of life. I ruined every chance I had at succeeding all because my brain didn’t like that I had become beautiful. Suicide is my only answer but I can’t even successfully starve myself to death. The fucking stupid nurses absolutely love nothing more than to resuscitate you so they can have a reason to keep you locked up in the hospital for longer and continue racking up the charges for your bill. Whatever. At least I’ll never have to pretend to be listening to what my parents are grilling me over in a hospital bed ever again.
No. 290616
>ED origins
Lots of women in my family have ana and GED. One close relative was hospitalized for it. It’s in my blood, and being a lesbian in denial trying to date a moid while moving away from home for the first time ended up sending me on a downward spiral. mostly just wanted to feel in control about something in my life.
>Why recover?
Being an anachan felt like shit lol. Tired all the time, losing my hair, heart palpitations, nails breaking, always bruised, no emotions, can’t take a shit, panic attacks when trying to make myself eat, losing my entire personality, self harming when I would go over my “limits”. It’s nice being a human being. I want that back. also I couldn’t drink or party while I was in ana hell which was lame
>Recovery length
About 6mo. Relapsed many times since I’ve started, currently trying to nip a binge eating cope in the bud. Totally worth it though, mental breakdowns and all. Fuck that quote about how good being skinny feels, I’d rather be able to have emotions and not be balding.
No, but I came close. If I’d gone on any longer I think i would’ve been forcibly hospitalized by my family. I want therapy but my insurance is shit and I can’t afford it. Some day…
>ED copes
Yeppp. Hardcore coping with being a closeted lesbian in denial. Moving away from home for the first time, social recluse, dating a moid who sexually harassed me. Needed something to control in my life. Now I mostly use journaling and yoga to cope. And venting on here (lol)
>weight gain
Yep. This was my biggest fear for recovery, and still is, but I’m making progress. I’m currently about thirty pounds heavier than my LW. For anyone afraid of this: most people can’t really tell that I’m that much heavier than I was. I’m only a little bit bigger, and the only real change was looking healthier instead of totally emaciated. After you get up to normal BMI it’s pretty hard to tell the difference +/- 10lbs unless you’re nitpicking.
>weight attitude
Also changed a lot. Used to have panic attacks if I wasn’t under a certain weight, now I’m trying to maintain my “recovery” weight. Re-learning eating habits it a total bitch though. My instincts about eating are all fucked up so I have to stay “in-control” so I don’t restrict hardcore or binge. It’s tiring, but worth it so that I can stay healthy both physically and mentally.
All in all, recovery hasn’t been smooth but I’m making progress. Weight gain and body changes are scary, but it’s totally worth it. You can do it! I wish I’d had someone to tell me the same thing. Recovery will never be perfect but you’ll re-learn how to be a human being, and all of the struggle is absolutely worth it.
No. 292182
>>291092ED vent thread is in the first post for other lost nonnies who only find this one in the catalog.
>>288538Am OP and no, that's not me. Sorry.
No. 292581
>>290343I love this,
nonnie. I also grew up in ballet and my eating disorder was definitely linked to it. A big part of my reason to recover was realizing that I didn't want to abuse my body anymore like it had been abused by others throughout my life. She doesn't deserve this and she only wants to protect you and keep you safe and healthy. Thank you for writing this, it's very inspiring.
No. 297784
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how to find things to obsess over that arent calories/food/weight?
ive been recovering since the summer but recently have been having trouble because of stress from school and found myself missing some meals and snacks. i also just desparately want a hobby that isnt my eating disorder. i thought i was fully on the path to recovery but now this happens and im just back in this liminal space. i havent actually lost any weight and im still weight restored, but the thoughts and the ed bargaining with me not to eat are still there. i want to banish it.
ive taken some steps recently by cutting up my measuring tape, and blocking ed content that is recommended to me but im afraid its not enough. i always worry and wonder and feel like i need someone to tell me what to do.
my problem is that my ed was basically my hobby, and it also made me a lot stupider and unable to enjoy my normal hobbies. i literally couldnt get into the deep focus i used to be able to and that hasnt fully come back yet.
i also like, need something to obsess over and my ed gave me that but its so dull and empty. i wish i could obsess over something that actually brought me fulfillment. even if it was something like anime. my mind just wants to go over things over and over for hours or days and wont give me a break. oftentimes its negative things like my ed or feeling ugly, but i want it to be positive things.
i just want it to go away.
No. 297975
>>297784obligatory "I don't have an ed I'm just mentally ill" disclaimer but
nonnie, have you tried drawing and if not, may I suggest it ?
I think it's good for canalizing an obsessive nature for various reasons. You can do it pretty much anywhere with pretty much anything. There are infinite things to learn, infinite subjects to pick from, you never run out of things to do because you never get enough practice. You can literally obsess over it 24 hours a day, even when you're not actually drawing, because you'll always be making pictures in your mind (not sure if it makes sense, idk how to say it, but after a little while you get an "automatic artist eye" that views things along with how they could be drawn)
You can avoid drawing people if it makes you uncomfortable.
No. 298123
>>297787i have a gf and i dont want to cheat on her w a husbando. plus if i was to get one id go all the way and summon an incubus probably.
>>297975i actually love to draw and do it a fair amount. drawing often is obsessive like that when i really get into the zone and pick things apart. but honestly its something im so used to and its not fun and interesting. i feel like i need something more mental.
>>297934i used to be vegan before my restrictive ed kicked in, it was pretty unhealthy for me and im not vegan/vegetarian anymore. just a little random tidbit.
No. 466550
I don't think I've ever had an eating disorder, but I had some disordered eating incidents here and there. However, I always had a negative relationship with my weight and body/body shape, since I'm short I'm a bit stocky and look fat no matter how skinny I get. I got IBS and parasites for years now so I'm stuck at 42 kg at 150 cm. There was a time where I was 36 kgs without knowing or feeling it at all, because I still looked the same or I just never noticed or bothered. I only eag 2 meals a day mostly but if I have an extra long busy day I end up having 3 meals, with occasional snacking in between meals from time to time. I try to eat healthy balanced food, but my circumstances had to be against me and I ended up having tons of take out the past few months because I don't have time to cook for myself anymore and I have a family (siblings and father) to feed who has a vastly different diet, I get too exhausted cooking throughout the day and cleaning in the kitchen, so I cook 2 meals and one has to be takeout, and I survive on leftovers from these takeouts or leftovers from the food I cook for my family if they don't finish it. I ended up retaining fat on my body, especially belly, love handles and the such, and I don't get to work out and walk everyday like I used to, so I ended up sitting all day or standing in the kitchen, and I became to exhausted to walk or run or go up and down the stairs. I feel so out of shape and ugly in the mirror. So now I'm punishing myself by starving on purpose in hopes it would reduce the fat in my body, especially that it's winter and the cold burns calories or something like that. Doesn't help that I have an upcoming event by the end of January that I need to look good for. My face is also so bloated and fat it's frustrating. Wish I was normal and beautiful but guess that will never happen until I kill myself or something.
No. 466902
>>466882People who stay healthy don't think about BMIs or calories. You would need to stop treating your eating disorder as a hobby to recover from it, so replacing it with something else and avoiding food or places that
trigger you until you've reshaped your brain. Try "safe fats" like avocadoes or seeds for now and add more
triggering foods later. The sooner you can replenish your brain, the sooner you'll be making rational decisions